SS7H2c Describe how land and religion are reasons for continuing conflicts in the Middle East. Concept: Conflict Creates Change

SS7H2c Describe how land and religion are reasons for continuing conflicts in the Middle East. Concept: Conflict Creates Change

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Describe how land and religion are reasons for continuing conflicts in

the Middle East.

Concept:Conflict Creates Change

Vocabulary Words To Know

Arab-Israeli Wars

Camp David Accords


Palestinians P.L.O. Refugee


•series of wars between 1948 and 1973 that were fought between Israel and the Arab countries of Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Jordan, and Lebanon (fought over control of territory in Palestine)


•1979 peace agreement between Egypt and Israel hosted at Camp David, Maryland by President Jimmy Carter


•revolt by Palestinian Arabs to protest Israeli occupation of Palestinian-claimed land


•Arabs who live in the region occupied by Israel. They are fighting for independence.

P. L. O.

•Palestinian Liberation Organization formed in 1964; organization formed to protect the rights of Palestinians


•a person forced to seek refuge or safety in another country because of war or other political or natural disruption in their home country

Conflicts in the Middle East

OVER LAND• Israeli – Arab Wars

• Kurds wanting independence from Turkey, Iran, Syria, and Iraq

• Iraq invading Iran and later Kuwait for oil

OVER RELIGION• Israeli (Jews) – Arab

(Muslims) Wars

• Sunni Muslims vs Shi’ites Muslims in Iraq

So, is it Palestine or Israel?Depends on WHEN you ask...


AFTER 1948

Can BOTH flags fly in the same region?

Israeli – Jewish FlagPalestinian – Arab Flag

The United Nations in 1947 created a plan to create a Palestinian State and a Jewish State.

So, what has happened between THEN (1947) and NOW (2008)?

Let’s look at this map again


Will the fighting between Arabs and Jews over the same holy land

ever end? Concept:

Conflict Creates Change

The name for the armed conflicts between Jews

and Arabs in 1948, 1967, and 1973 is known as


Conflict Creates Change &

Conflict Resolution

PEACE1964 – Creation of the PLO1978 – Camp David Accords1979 – Israel & Egypt peace

treaty1993 – Oslo Accords1994 – Israel & Jordan peace


WAR1948 - Independence War 1956 - Suez Canal Crisis1967 - Six Days War1972 - Munich Massacre1973 - Yom Kippur War1987 - 1st Intifada2000 - 2nd Intifada

Countess massacres and suicide bombings

The P.L.O. (Palestine Liberation Organization)

was formed to

• Protect the rights of Palestinian refugees

• Provide political leadership

• Get rid of Israel by force

• Create a country for the Palestinian Arabs

Yassir Arafat

Why would Israel NOT accept the formula for peace according to the map on the right?

Important People

• Bill Clinton- US President helped negotiate peace between Israel and PLO in 1993.

• Jimmy Cater- US President helped negotiate Camp David Accords between Israel and Egypt in 1979.

• Yitzhak Rabin- Israel prime minister part of peace agreement with PLO. Later assassinated by Israeli extremist.

• Anwar Sadat-Egyptian president part of Camp David Accords. 1st time Arabs recognized Israel politically. Later assassinated by Muslim extremist against peace.

• Gamal Abdel Nasser- Egyptian president 1954-1970 nationalized Suez Canal for Egypt to help pay for Aswan High Dam. This led to Suez Crisis in 1956.

• Saddam Hussein- Former dictator of Iraq. Invasion of Kuwait led to Persian Gulf War. My government was overthrown during Operation Iraqi Freedom. I was hung for my crimes against humanity.

• George Bush- US President formed coalition of counteies to get Iraq out of Kuwait. Commander and chief during Persian Gulf War.

• Menachem Begin-Israel prime minister part of Camp David Accords. I agreed to give Sinai Peninsula back to Egypt in exchange 4 peace.

• James Authur Balfour- Represented British Government stating support for Zionism and home state for Jews. Jews back to holy land

• Yasser Arafat- Leader of PLO until death 2004 {Responsible for Terrorist attacks} Helped negotiate peace agreement with Israel won Nobel Peace Prize 1994.