Adult ^_______^^ Sabbath School x Lessons 4 -- 4' '. - * '* Call t o t h e Kingdom January, February, March 1990

SS19900101-01 Gospel of Matthew

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Adult _______

Sabbath Scx Lesson«•«.; -If:4 -- 4'

Cal l to the Kin

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W hy D idW e

G o?Because of our h o m e environmen t and early years on a mission station, then attendance at an

Adventis t college where th e concept of service w as paramount.Our comm itm ent to missions

required sacrifices (one daughteris buried in th e Ituri Forest in

Zaire and another at Solusi, Zim

babwe ) , but our nearly forty yearsof service in Africa h as been anexpression o f our gratitude fo rwh at Jesus m e a n s to us. ____

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Conten t s

Call to the Kingdom1 . "Unto Us a Son Is G i v e n " 8. A Kingdo2. T he M essiah Com es 9 . Service fo3. Citizens of th e Kingdom 1 0 . The Rejec4. Q ur Father in H e a v e n 11 . Signs of5. T he Power of the K ingdom 12 . T h e King6. Opposition to the K ingdom 1 3 . Victory i7. A King W h o Provides, Protects

and Saves

T h e Adult Sabbath School Lessons ar e prepared by th e Department ofConference of Seventh-day Adventists . Th e preparation of th e lessonsworldwide Sabbath School Lesson Committee, th e members of which

published lesson quarterly reflects th e input of th e committee and thus dsent th e intent of th e authors.

• Editorial Offices: 6840 Eastern Avenue, NW

Washington, D.C. 20012

Principal Contributor: Leo R . Van D olson

Editor: Erwin R. G a n eAssistant Editor: Charlotte IshkanianPacific Press Editor: Lincoln E. SteedMarketing: B ob GortonSales Office: Shirley SayersA rt and Design: Pacific Press . ' .

Scripture references other than from the King James Ve rsion quotedas follows:

NIV. From The New International Version, copyright (c ) 1978 by N eUsed by permission.

NKJV. From The Holy Bible. New King James Version, copyrigh

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Mow the SabbathLessons Are Pro

Because w e often are asked to explain the proced

bath School Lessons are prepared, we are including hprocess.Authors are selected from around the world field

in regard to such matters as content, format, lengthmanuscript is submitted to the Sabbath School lessonit is presented without alteration to a local General Ctee. This committee consists of competent Bible sc

and administrators. Commit tee members read th e maand suggestions, and attend a special meet ing at whcussed in detail. At th e meeting a vote is taken ashould be accep ted for publication.

O n the basis of th e suggestions of th e local Readmanuscript is edi ted and sent out to th e World

division of the world field has representatives on tpeople read the manuscript and mail their suggesteeditor then edits th e manuscript a second t ime, gichanges requested by the members of th e World Read

The result ing publication manuscript is sent toand to every division for translation, printing, and dimits to the editor galley proofs, followed by printed

corrected copy. A t each stage the editors go carefullyrecting errors and ensuring that the content is accepta

No one person writes th e Adul t Sabbath Schoolis th e principal c ontributor, but the thought of many world is incorporated into th e quarterly. The aim is

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Introduct ion to th e Gospe l o

Cal l to th e K ingdLev i -Mat thew w as a despised ta x col lector w

from h is collector 's booth . Mat thew often emphascious forgiveness of Jesus and H is loving accepwil l ing to turn to H i m . A n o t h e r unique characGospel is that h e includes ind ividuals who do n ottant to the o t h e r Gospe l writers . M at t h e w also porfirmly for truth contrary to popular opinion.

T h i s Gospel establ ishes Jesus ' credibility asDavid" and "son of A b r a h a m . " Compared wwri ters , Mat thew quotes the Old T e s t am e n t mostof Christ's ministry. A t a t ime w h e n would-be mesclaiming to fulfill the Old Testament prophecies , show that Jesus alone ade quate ly m et these requireIn doing so, h e h ad to d e a l with a large numbert ions regarding the nature of t he p romised King .

M at t h e w begins Chris t ' s genealogy with Ab raorientat ion toward producing a Gospel intended tChris t as Mess iah and K ing.

H o w e v e r , M a t t h e w ' s Gospel appeals to GentilI ts f ram ew ork is se t in th e euphoric hope of th e nato be restored and th e Mess iah to sit forever ok ingdom Jesus brought was no t th e popular kingand dogmat ic author i ty that the ch osen pe ople exan d is an i nner k ingdom that st i l l counts amongexhibi t a humble , teachable spirit. Christ , th e K i

grace within us, will return soon to reign as K i n gof glory.M at t h e w h as organized h is Gospe l carefully. O

structure of w h a t h e h as writ ten appears below.

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LessonDecember 31— January 6

"Unto Us a Son I

THIS W E E K ' S STUDY: Matthew 1 and 2.

M E M O R Y TEXT: "For unto us a childgiven: and the government shall be upname shal l be called Wonderful , CounThe everlasting Father, The Prince of P

G O D C A M E TO D W E L L A M O N G U S IN THH is purpose was to provide th e heal ing remedy fand death m a k e s our victory possible. For this rth e kingdom of grace on earth.


I. The Genealogy of th e King (Matt. 1:1-II. The Birth of the King (Matt. 1:18-25).

III. The Childhood of th e King (Matt. 2:1-

THE KING H A S C O M E . Dur ing W or ld W ah ad suffered a severe a ir raid, an older womanh e r bomb-shat tered h o m e . W i t h tears s t reaminc la imed , "If only th e king would c o m e , we 'd fe

Although she d id not real ize it , sh e w as voicof innume rable m i ll ions in this sin-shat tered wothat t h e K i n g has c o m e . T h o s e w h o recognize

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on e of us is a unique individual , w e cannot expectexperience or view an e v e n t in exactly th e same w

be und erstood from varying pe rspect ives . Although were dedicated followers of Christ , t hey exper iencLord in differing ways .

W h i l e using the sources of th e communi ty ofsome of the i r own recollect ions or th e remembrathey arranged and ed i ted the i r material accordingcept ions of th e events . A s disciples , Mat thew and

te r than d id the other Gospel writers. It is thougPeter's perspect ive . L u k e apparently n e v e r m e t Jeas a careful historian. O f course, w e recognizeH o l y Spir i t behind w h a t th e writers recorded frospect ives.

Unity in diversity. "There is variety in a tree,

l eaves just alike. Y e t this variety adds to th e perfwhole ."In ou r Bible , w e m i g h t a s k , W h y n e e d M a t t

John in the Gospels , w h y need the A cts of th e Apowriters in th e Epist les, go o v e r th e same thing?

"The Lord gave H is word in just th e w ay H egave it through different w riters, each h aving h is ow

going over th e same his tory. T h e i r t es t imonies areBook, an d are like th e test imonies in a social meetsent things in jus t th e same style. Each has an expthis divers i ty broadens and deepens t he k n o wl e d gm e e t th e necessi t ies of varied minds. T he thoughtsuniformity, as if cast in an iron mold , mak ing thonous. In such uniformity there would be a loss obeauty....

"The Creator o f all ideas may impress differenthought, but each m ay express it in a different waytion."—Selected Messages , book 1, pp. 21, 22.

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Jesus with th e beginning and ending of Lu1:1,16; Luke 3 : 2 3 , 3 8. W hy do they differ

M a tth e w b e g in s with ________ and e n d

Luke begins with __________ and e n d

Matthew wrote with descendants of Abrato include Jew and Gent i le alike in th e plan

aware of th e feeling of orthodox Jews that thethey could trace the i r genealogy to Abraham. Incapt iv i ty , members of th e tribe of L e v i w e r e exif they could not trace the i r l ineage back four gehood. A Je w w h o h ad no Jewish genealogy wfrom salvat ion. Matthew takes pains to ensure

Jesus ' claims as th e Messiah on the groundgenea logy .

2. Note that not everyone in Jesus' genealAbraham. List below the exceptions fgenealogy.

• V erse 3 (Genes is 3 8) __________

O Verse 5 (Josh. 2; 6:25)_

o Verse 5 (Ruth 4 :13 , 17-22) .

• Verse 6 (2 S a m . 12:24) __

During H is ministry Jesus poured H is great loners. T h e y too w e r e "sons and daughters oAbraham belonged .

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deve lop ing a mo r e specific and com plete l is t, wh erein a numerological scheme o f 14-14-14 (14 in

t ions). Mat thew d id n ot n e e d to list everyone forT h e J e w s were famil iar with the list of kings, and MChris t ' s legal descent through the ruling branch oMat thew is concerned to emphas ize Christ 's r ightth e other hand , L u k e s e e m s to trace Christ 's blood

II . TH E BIRTH O F T H E KING (Matt. 1:18-25

3. W h a t is revealed concerning Joseph's charac

4. W h a t is significant to us today about the nam

N o n am e e v e r h as h ad such an impact on t he w opray in H is name. W e s in g about it. W e talk about ii t carelessly or in anger. W h y is th e n a m e so impon a m e b e t we e n 4 B.C. an d A . D . 3 1. Actually, in H

by the same n a m e as t he one who l ed the Is raeli tesT h i s is appropriate. In th e same w ay that Joshua

of Israel 's del iverance from slavery and th e wilderw as to del iver H is people from sin. T h e n a m e Joshmeaning , " Je h o v a h saves."

5. W h a t other n a m e is Jesus given in Matthewnificance of that nam e? See Isa. 7:14; 8:8-10.

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heal ing than teaching, in order to illustrate fuof salvation.

T o be healed from sin involves more thannot co m e merely to pass out legal documentsc a m e to hea l us from sin's damages and to reus.

Christ came to reveal God and to consumte rcept every ray of l ight from the throne of G

shadow across the earth, that m e n m i g h t losecharacter, and that th e k n o w l e d g e of G od m iearth. . . . G od w as represented as severe , exactrary. . . . Jesus c a m e to teach m e n of th e FatH im before th e fallen children of earth. Angels character of God, but Christ , who was a l iv i

could not fail to accomplish th e work. T h e onlyand k e e p m e n r ight w as to m a k e H i m s e l f viseyes . . . .

"Those w h o would behold this glory wouldto love the Fathe r w h om H e r epresen ted ."—ElTimes, Jan. 20, 1890.

"To sin, w h e r e v e r found, 'our G od is a consu

al l w ho submi t to H i s p o w e r the S pir it of God wcling to sin, they become ident if ied with it . T h edest roys sin, m u s t destroy them.... In th e t imew as about to appear as th e revealer of th e charaence would make manifes t to m e n the i r sin. Onbe purged from sin could t hey en te r into fello

pure in hear t could abide in H is pr es ence . "— Th108.

7. C ompare Matthew's account of th e evenof Jesus with Luke's account. What detai

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From the t ime Satan began tell ing lies about Gt ire universe h as b e e n involved in th e great contknew that Jesus would prove h is every lie falseFather and that Jesus h ad come to gain the victodestroy th e infant Jesus t h rough Herod the Greatsupport in God's chosen peop le who , throughTestament prophecies , should have known tha t

born."Now pr ide and envy c losed the door against

brought by th e s h e p h e r d s an d th e wise men wer-place the priests and rabbis in a most unenviable pclaim to be the exponents of th e truth of God.... Tto Beth lehem to see w h e t h e r these th ings were so.

to regard th e interest in Jesus as a fanat ical excitemject ion of Chris t by th e priests and rabbis. From thstubbornness grew into a settled hatred of th e SaAges , pp. 62, 63 .

Ask yourself: Is it enough to be a m e m b e r othe things that are considered to be right? Is the

invest igate claims and teachings? Is it possible thtool in Satan's hand , furthering h is cause by mtruth?

The Jews knew their Scriptures well. T h e y wewardly commandment -keep ing . But they w e r e uncareless indifference to truth an d a refusal to invesm i n d s th e ev idence that Jesus w as the M ess iah. F into Jesus ' gracious ways , they re jected God in the p

Every t ime w e ignore th e truth, in wh at e v e r w asome of our capacity to know G od as H e really is

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Compare : Matt . 1:23 with Isa. 7:10-14.Matt . 2:15 with H o s e a 11:1, 2.

Matt . 2 :17, 18 with Jer . 31:15.Matt . 2:23 with Isa. 11:1.

In t he days of Jesus, this kind of interpretatwas favored by m a n y studious Jews. S o m e prward predict ions that were unde rstood w ithout qth e birthplace of th e Mess iah (Micah 5:2). B ut

prophecies had to be unders tood by analogy. T hn e e d to be unders tood in th e w ay that a typicawould view t h e m .

Prophecy often was given through symbolsthat prophecy is incomplete because now w e s( 1 Cor. 13:9-12). T h e H o l y Spirit was speakin

people of Chris t ' s day understood and acceptedcies."He shall be cal led a N a z a r e n e " (Matt . 2 :23)

11:1 if it is unders tood, in a typological sense ,th e n am e Nazareth co m e from th e same H e b r e w


•W h a t does Mat thew 1 and 2 t each me abois?• f I k n e w t h a t a person l ike Jesus w e r e mne w neighbor, h ow would I respond? H owwould H e w i sh m e to t reat H i m ?• m I will ing for Jesus to be king of m y lif

FURTHER S T U D Y A N D MEDITATION:Time" an d "We H a v e S e e n H is Star" in Th e Dand 6) pp. 31-38 , 59-67 .

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THI S W E E K ' S S T U D Y : M a tthew 3 and 4 .

M E M O R Y T E X T : "I indeed bapt izerepentance: but he that cometh after mwhose shoes I am n ot worthy to bear: hethe Holy Ghost , a nd w i th fire" (Matthew

CHRIST'S MISSION IS O U R S . Jesus began tH is k ingdom on earth after being anointed and began preaching an d preparing others for servicepattern as w e seek to do our part in usher ing in H

O U T L I N EI. T he Preparat ion for the K ing (Matt. 3:1-

II. Th e A noint ing of th e K ing (Matt. 3:13-17III. T h e Test ing of th e King's C haracter (MaIV . T h e Beg i nn i ng of the King's W o r k (Matt

A T TH E F U L N E S S O F TIME JESUS' MINJohn h ad prepared the w a y , Jesus humbly walk

crowds that f locked th e sect ion of th e Jordan w hT h e King submitted graciously to the bapt ism thT h e n , after th e D o v e , cam e t h e devil . After H is bth e wilderness for more than a month to prayFather about H is minis t ry . T e s te d an d t ried there

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1. W h a t does it mean to "repent?" Matt. 3:2

In t he Old Tes tament , th e word for repentancaway from" something or even "to defect fromN e w T e s t a m e n t word m e a n s "to change the mipious, devout J e w s of his day to repen t w as asthat h e w as showing disloyalty to h is countr

wo n d e r e d w h y any religious Jew w h o refused toon the Sabbath, a t tended the synagogue reguw o m a n in th e street (let alone spoke to her) , andcu m i n n e e d e d to repent .

Yet , that is what John to ld them they n e e d e dthis chal lenge in gent le whispers of peace , ei tfoundations of Judaism.

2. H ow specific did John get in denounciPharisees and Sadducees? Compare Chris10; 23:29-33.

T o call people "a brood of vipers" in Johncharge. A snake in ancient t imes symbolized evPharisees and Sadducees "a brood of vipers"t hem "sons of devils."

W h e n y o u stop to think about it , th e people Jils" were th e m o s t pious, law-abiding people amwere do ing every th ing they could in t he i r own T h e y were recognized as pious religious leaders.and w h a t is the problem of so many good peopgood enough, and could n ot b e in thei r ow n str

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October 14. L u k e w o u ld follow th e t ishri (Sept.-Oth e Jews . Therefore Tiber ius ' fifteenth y e ar w as

27-28. According to L u k e ' s historical evidence,w h i c h Jesus w as baptized.

D a n i e l predicted that the M e s s i a h w o ul d ac o m m a n d m e n t to restore an d to build J e r u s a l em "of 45 7 B.C. T h i s point w as well-es tabl ished by S.in thei r book The Chronology of Ezra 7 (Washi

H e r a l d , 1953) . According to Daniel , at th e e n d of(483 years) following th e autumn of 45 7 B.C. thA nd 483 years after the autumn of 45 7 B.C. bring27 . T h u s Luke's history validated the accuracy o

33! 7 . W h y w as Jesus baptized? Matt. 3 : 1 5 .

8. W h y should w e be baptized? R o m . 6:3-5 ; J

Jesus our E x a m p l e . "Jesus did n ot rece ive bguilt o n H i s ow n account. H e identified H i m s e lsteps that w e are to take, and doing th e workDesire ofAges, p. 111.

Baptism beg i ns a life of w i tne ssing. Often ww e dwel l on its symbol ic meaning of confessing

and ris ing to new life in Christ. B ut often w e npoint . Baptism is not merely th e beginning of agiven communi ty ; it is th e beginning of a new likind of kingdom C hr is t came to establish.

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in th e assurance o f God's love. T h e n e xt day h e clo"At th e funeral, Mrs. Peng, a devout Buddhist

baptized before Elder Le e leaves this island. ' T h ewhole family wants to be baptized. '

" M r . Peng 's example le d his family to acceptness for their sins. Now the ent ire Peng family is aLife Giver." — Carolyn Byers , "I W a n t to Be Bavision Outlook, Oct. 1987, p. 14.

III. T H E T E S T IN G O F T H E KING'S C H A R A9. The chart that follows draws parallels betwe

in th e Garden of Eden, Christ's temptattemptations. It also demonstrates how temareas of appeal— physical, mental , and spirin th e chart suggests ways that we can coop

overcoming these specific categories of tempcarefully, consulting a ll references listed in T

Appe a l ofT e m p t e r

Phys ica lAppet i tes ,passions( B OD Y )

D A 122

Menta l—Wi l l m u s t

A D A M AN D E V EGe n. 3 :1-6

Tree was goodfor ood—Indulgenceof appetite

D A 11 7

"Pleasant toeyes"—

C H R I S TMat t . 4

Appetite—'Commandthat thesestones bemade bread' '

D A 116

Love ofdisplay


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"When Jesus was led into the wilderness toby th e Spirit of G o d . H e did not invite temwilderness to be alone, to contemplate H is missand prayer H e w a s t o brace H i m s e l f fo r the. blt ravel. B ut Satan knew that the Saviour had gand h e t hough t this th e best t ime to approachAges, p. 114.

Jesus revealed that faith is based upon our condoes not take presumptuous leaps from temple to

ness and distrust H is provisions is th e essence op r e s ume that G od w ill protect us, n o matter h owessence of the second temptation. T o think that wis be tter than wh at God h as in m i n d fo r us is th etation. All are equally dangerous.

10. W h a t do the three temptat ions reveal agreat controversy?

• . Contemplate these ideas:

Temptat ion 1• Satan accuses G od of being selfish andfrom H is chi ldren.

9 G od w ins th e great controversy b y makingnothing back from us that is for our good, incluSon.

Temptation 2• Satan tries to ge t us to presume on God ' s pO Satan quoted the promise , "He shall giv

thee," but h e neglected to add, "to k e e p thee in

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The w ay prepared and the attentionof

the peoplH is task, fully tested and victorious, Jesus emergedengage in th e work He had come to do.

11. Matthew 4:12-25 describes some of th e storder to spread th e gospel of th e kingdom. below and complete the outline.

• Verses 12-14—He protected H is work fr. enemies by moving th e center o f H is m___________after ___________

• Verse 1 7 — H e began to ____________

• Verses 18-22—He called __________

• Verse 23—He _______________and ______________ hroughout Ga lil

• Verse 24, 25— His reputation spread to _and __________.

• Verse 25—The c rowds from all over __followed Him.

Jesus ' first step in organizing His church w asm en to help Him. The "great l ight" of the world th e truths that Jesus taught.


In the same w ay that there had to be a worChrist's first advent, there must be a work of prplace before His return?• What is th e best preparation fo r m e to m ake


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Lesson 3

January 14-20


T H IS W E E K ' S S T U D Y : Matthew 5.

M E M O R Y T E X T : "B e ye therefore perw hich is in heaven is perfect" (Matthew

H A P P Y A R E T H O S E W H O T R U L Y K N O Wthe Mo u nt , Jesus g ives us a descr ipt ion of thed o m . The se princ ip les no t only descr ibe the kinduniverse is b u t also descr ibe the kind of peoplk in g dom.

O U T L I N EI. Introduction to the Sermon on th e M o u

II. Seven Steps to Becoming Chi ldren ofGIII. Sharing Christ's Righteousness (Matt. 5IV . T w o Righteousnesses Contrasted (Matt.V. True Righteousness Illustrated (Matt. 5

P IT Y T H E P O O R P H A R I SE E S . W e can pity recognized fact that they we re very g o o d peop l

the people w ho sur rounded them; b u t no t go o d eThis fact w as b ro ugh t to their attention one

garbed in th e s imples t of robes . H is words b rouging blocks of the Pharisaical phi losophical cas t

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do on their ow n is not good enough. God has soH is children.

I. I N T R O D U C T I O N T O T H E S E R M O N O N5:1,2)

1. W hat is th e background to the Serm on on the

The mult itude w as expectant. "Alone upon aof Gali lee, Jesus had spent all night in prayer for disciples]. At th e da wn H e had called them to H iprayer and instruction, had laid H is hands upon thesett ing them apart to the gospel work . Then H e reseaside, w here early in the mo rning a great mu ltitu

assemble...."With a feeling that som eth ing m ore than usual

disciples had pressed abou t their Master . From thethey gathered assurance that s o m e announcement wregard to the kingdom which , as they fondly ho pedlish. A feeling o f expectancy pervaded the multi tudgave evidence of th e deep interest ."— Though ts Fring, pp. 4, 5.

2. W h a t did Isaiah predict regarding th e Meslaw ofGod? Isa. 42:21.

II. S E V E N STEPS T O B E C O M I N G C H I L D R5:3-9).

3 . H o w d o th e Beatitudes fit into the developme

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CHRIST'S A N S W E R TO M A N(Based on the B eatitudes in Ma

Our Problem

1 . Pride, insecurity,

poor self-image

2. S in and guilt

3. Rebell iousness ,anger, lack ofconfidence

4. Unhappiness ,fear, frustration,worry

Christ's A ns w e r

(Blessed are . . .)• The Poor in Spirit

Those w ho recognize their need andbegin to do s o m ething about it

o T h e y that mourn

Repentance fo rand turning fromsin

• The m e e kSubmissivenessand dedication to

the will of G od fo rus

• T h e y w h i c h dohunger andthirst after

r ighteousnessFilled with th ew ate r of life— ustification

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4. After studying Matthew 5:3-9 and th e detailsabove, define th e following. (See also ThoughBlessing, pp. 6-28.)

"Poor in spirit"_________________

"They that m o u r n "

'The meek" ___

'They which do hunger and thirst after r igh teo

"The merciful '

"The pure in heart" .

'The peacemaker s"

Happiness restored to human hearts. T he"blessed" in th e King James Version means "fort

"In the opening words o f th e Sermon on the MH i m s e l f to th e supreme desire of every hear t— hapimplanted in m an by th e Creator Himself ."— SDA5, p. 324.


Although traditionally included in the Beatitudedo not deal as directly as th e preceding counsel witchildren of God. They attest to the results that arew e beg in to l ive C hristlike l ives.

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in g foods. To be good salt in th e Christian senlove, power, and righteousness o f Christ in ouseen in Christian witness, then th e gospel notpeal but appears to be "good fo r nothing."

In the Bible, light represents th e Divine preits absence. Christ is the light o f th e world, buin our lives in such a w ay that its reflection(Com pare John 8:12; Matt. 5:14.)

8. W h a t is the reflected light of Christ incomplish in th e w ay of witness? Matt. 5:


9. W h at did Jesus mean when He statedhad not come to destroy the law but to f

In the context of Matthew 5, fulfill means to

cepts of th e law and to put them in their propertion that, by fulfilling the law, Jesus abolished(verses 18, 19). Such a view also contradicts New Testament that the law continues to functstandard o f behavior. (See Rom. 3:31; 7:7, 12,1 John 2:4; Rev. 12:17; 14:12.)

10. W hy was Jesus so concerned about wjots and tittles in th e law? Matt. 5:18.

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As yo u study these comparisons, ask yourselChrist or th e Phar isees? W hich w ay is more difof loyalty and ob edience to the law does Christ

12. W h a t high ideal does G od make possiblsphere? Matt. 5:48.

Total dependence upon Christ. "Perfectionthat which Christ is to us. If w e have constant dour Saviour , and walk in H is footsteps, w e shaldefiled.

"Our Saviour does not require impossibili t inothing of H is disciples that H e is not willinstrength to perform. He would not call upon th

no t at H is c o m m a n d every p erfection o f grace tw h o m H e would confer so high and holy a priv

"Our work is to strive to attain in ou r sphethat Christ in H is l ife on the ea rth attained in evIn all things w e are to strive to honor G od in cwholly dependent on th e p o w e r that He has pro

G . White , Tha t I M a y Know Him, p. 130. (SeMoun t ofBlessing, pp. 76-78.)

"The fullness of Christ." Perfection in thmeasure of the stature of the fulness of Christ"cam e by v i rtue of H is relationship with H is Faby virtue of our relat ionship with Him. (See

human being performs only imperfect works , bufree from s in when Christ dw ells within and l ivindividual. (See Gal. 2:20; Rom. 6 :18. )

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Our Father in H

T H IS W E E K ' S S T U D Y : Matthew 6 an d 7.

M E M O R Y T E X T : "But seek ye first thehis righteousness; an d a il these thing s sha(Matthew 6:33).

K I N G D O M O F G O D I N T R O D U C E D . The Se

Christ 's formal introduction of th e kingdom o f Goth e ideals that would characterize the citizens o f Gters 6 and 7 , w e see how H e applies these ideals inH is listeners to build their lives on the principles

O U T L I N EI. Piety Prompted by Pure Motives (Matt . 6

II. Prayer and Fasting (Matt. 6:9-18).III. Practical Concerns (Matt. 6:19—7:12).IV . Invitation (Matt. 7:13-27) .

V. Response to Christ's Invitation (Matt. 7:2


W h a t G o d wants m o s t from H is creatures is no t opliance to His expressed will , bu t genuine love our heavenly Father 's w ay fo r us as th e happiest

In calling G od "our Father in heaven ," JesusH is later teachings. While this concep t o f G od w

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The reward they desired is th e one they will receBible Commentary, vol. 5, p. 344.

1. in Matthew five, Jesus tells us to let ourWhy, then, does He tell us (in 6:3, 4) tow ithout being conscious of our actions?

"Jesus did not teach that acts of kindness shoPaul the apostle, writing by the Holy Spirit, didself-sacrifice of th e Macedonian Christians, bChrist had wrought in them, and thus others wespirit....

"By their good works, Christ's followers athemselves, but to H im through whose grac

wrought. It is through the Holy Spirit that eveplished, and the Spirit is given to glorify, Giver."— Thoughts From th e Mount ofBlessin

2. W h a t other practice did th e Pharisees usposed piety? Matt. 6:5, 6.

3 . W h a t did Jesus mean by "vain repetitionH e condemn such a practice? Matt. 6:7, 8.

In many ancient and modern religions, pramemorized words. B ut our heavenly Father desicommunication. H e loves to hear us pray—as

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carelessly. In th e Bible, a person's name represwhen w e pray, "Ha l lowed be th y name," w echaracter be exalted through us. Another w ay omight be, " M a y You r character be revealed clear

"T h y kingdom come" __________,_

God ' s kingdom on earth is advanced when H iB ut the purpose o f it all is th e establishment o f th

"Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heave

W h a t is God' s will? If we could travel to heaGod ' s will being carried out in every respect andas a result. "In heaven, service is not renderedWheri Satan rebelled against th e law of Jehovah, ta law came to th e angels almost as an awak eningof. In their ministry the angels are not as servan

perfect unity between them and their Creator. Odrudgery. Love fo r G od makes their service a joMount ofBlessing, p. 109.

"Give us this day our daily bread" ____

The first part o f th e prayer focuses on the Faneeds o f th e petitioner. It is good to follow thiLater in Matthew 6, Jesus stresses that we do not

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will keep us from falling when tried and tested.not into temptation," w e are renouncing o ur tendth e w ay o f temptation and w e are submitting to G

"For thine is the kingdom , and the power,

O ur Father exalted. "The last like th e fir

Prayer, points to our Father as above all powername that is named."— Thoughts From th e Mou

5. W h a t is the thrust of Jesus' concern ab6:16-18?

"The object o f the fast which G od calls uponth e body for the sin of th e soul, bu t to aid us icharacter o f sin, in humbling the heart before Gdoning grace.... Let the burdens be left at the foyour w ay rejoicing in His love who first love d yof the work going on secretly between the soulth e Spirit's wo rk upon the heart will be m anifestth e Mount ofBlessing, pp. 87, 88.


Jesus does not say that material things are

temporal blessings th e Lord has given us todayadvancing the cause of th e kingdom. Food, clotsential. Nevertheless, because they are temporal,portance.

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7. H ow can w e be sure that our treasures aMatt. 6:22-24.

8. W h a t w as Jesus' positive answer to anxithings of life? M att. 6:25-34.

W h e n w e m a k e things o r human be ings firsttheir slaves. Many of us are addicted to th e thingaddictions lead to all kinds o f needless worriesfirst in ou r l ives we wil l not be fretful and anxioonly sons and daughters.

9. W hy are Christ ians comm anded not to jud

This m ay seem one of th e m o s t difficult biblicaunderstand that w e have a generous heavenly Fa

cult. B ut h u m a n beings tend to com pare them selvbuild their sense o f self-worth. It is not difficulothers that wh ich we have grow n to hate in ourse

10. A s Christians how should we relate to thoviously are letting down church standardexample to others?

While w e are to b e concerned for our brothers into sin, and w e should not close ou r eyes to theircern m u s t ever be motivated by love for them.

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IV . INVITATION (Matt. 7:13-27) .

Jesus begins the conclusion o f the Sermo n on t

tion to enter into H is kingdom. But H e does not pest w ay to go. W e do not get into th e kingdomleast resistance. "Yet do not therefore co nclude thhard and th e dow n w ard road th e easy way. All aldeath there are pains and penalties.... T he soul wscends into th e shadows o f unending night. ...

road leading to eternal life are well-springs o f jThose w ho walk in wisdom ' s wa ys are, even in trful; for He w h o m their sou l loveth, walks, invThoughts From the Mo un t ofBlessing, pp. 139, 1

13 . W ho and what will attempt to keep us fpath that leads to life? How wil l we be ab

w a n t to distract us? Matt. 7:15-20.

14. W hy will Jesus sa y to some of those w ho cfrom m e, you evildoers"? Matt. 7:21-27.

Those w ho have done many works in Christknow H im as H e is cannot enjoy an eternal relat iless of their claims. If w e build on th e shiftingances, and decept ions we will fall wh en faced w

devices. B ut if w e build on the solid rock o f ChrisG o d — o u r characters will be founded on th e Rock


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• Do I enjoy ta lking abo ut H im to others?• H ow do I exercise m y privilege o f defendwhenever H e is being m isrepresented?

•Do I look forward to spending eternity with

F U R T H E R S T U D Y A N D M E D IT A T I O N : R e aand "Not Judging B u t Doing" in Thoughts Frompp. 102-152.

S U M M A R Y : When Jesus c a m e to earth H is favG od w as as "our Father" in heaven: He lovedwhose life H e so accurately revealed in His o w n ,followers could speak plainly and simply w ithou tto give more than good th ings—even Himse l fchildren.

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LessonJanuary 28—February 3

THIS W E E K ' S LESSON: Matthew 8 to 10.

M E M O R Y TEXT: "But when Jesus hthem, They that be wh ole need not a physick. B ut go ye and learn w h a t that meaand not sacrifice: for I am not come to caners to repentance" . (Matthew 9:12,13)

P O W E R B L E N D E D W I T H M E R C Y . The poww ay in which Jesus minis tered to the people band healing to sinners and le d to opposit ion amo

selves whole . His followers were to receive p o wistry without fear of failure o r opposit ion.

OUTL INEI. Power Over Disease (Ma tt. 8:1-22).

II. Power Over Fear (Mat t . 8:23-34).

III. Pow er O ver Sin and Sinners (Matt. 9:1-1IV. Power Over Death and Demons (Matt. 9V . Power G iven to th e Disciples (Matt. 9:35

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Call ing disciples

Pow er evidencedin miracles


opposi t ion

Conflict andcompass ion

Transfigurationand tribute

O n the w ay toJerusalem

Tr iumphal entry;controversy in

th e Temple

Meetingopposi t ion

Passion andresurrection











I. P O W E R O V E R D I S E A S E (Matt. 8:1-22).

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of God. H e hears only th e voice that speaks lifeJesus, he casts himself at H is feet with th e crycanst make me clean. ' "—The Desire ofAges, p

2. W h a t w as so marvelous about the centuriJesus to comment on it? Matt 8:10-12.

At the sam e t ime that th e centurion recognizedH e also recognized H im as an approachable Gtouched by th e grace o f Christ. H e saw his ofeared not to ask help. H e trusted not to his owwas his great need. His faith took hold upon ChH e did not believe in H im merely as a worker ofand Saviour ofmankind."—The Desire ofAges,

3 . W h o w a s th e "certain scribe" mentioned i

"[Judas Iscariot] now came forward, solicitcircle of disciples. With great earnestness and clared, 'Master, I will follow Thee whitherso

neither repulsed nor welcomed him, but uttwords: 'The foxes have holes, and th e birds oth e Son of man hath not where to lay his headbelieved Jesus to be th e Messiah; and by joininto secure a high position in the new kingdom.to cut off by th e statement of H is poverty."—293, 294.

II. P O W E R O V E R F E A R (Matt. 8:23-34).

Matthew and Luke group the tw o stories of

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5. What kinds of fear did Jesus come to remfound in the texts below .

• Matt . 10:28-31 _____________

• Rom. 8:15-17 ____________

• Heb . 13:6 __________________

• 1 John 4:18

• Rev. 2:10

"H e shall fight for you." W h e n the si tuatiolated island seem ed desperate fo r its defenders dthe imperial staff of a nation responsible fo r that i

telegram that contained a B ible reference, "Deute22." W h e n th e defenders consulted their Bibles ,in g words , "Ye shall not fear them; for the Lordfo r you." God sends that same message to each battacked by the forces of evil today.

in. P O W E R O V E R S IN A N D SINNERS (MaT he Great Physician not only prescribes rem

concerned, and full of com pass ion . Through H is low as here on earth H e enabled many to trust H im em a d e whole . His love brings physical, emotional,

6. W h a t led Jesus to indicate in Matthew 9:5as easy for Him to say, "Y o u r sins are forg"Arise and walk"?

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7. W h a t is the deep significance of Christ's k

Jesus showed that forgiveness is fa r from beT he Pharisees and rabbis had condemned this m ainformed him that he was suffering th e curse o f Gvided healing for both body and spirit .

The outflow of redeeming love. "Forgivenethan m any suppose . W h e n God gives the promisepardon, ' H e adds , as if th e meaning of that promcould comprehend: 'M y thoughts are not you r twa ys m y w ays, saith the Lord. For as th e heavensso are my wa ys higher than your ways , andthoughts . ' Isaiah 55:7-9. God ' s forgiveness is nowhich H e sets us free from condemnation. It is nobu t reclaiming from sin. It is th e outflow o f redeeth e heart."—Thoughts From th e Mo un t ofBlessi

8. Which was more difficult for Jesus to hedisease? W h y ?


In spite o f th e t remendous progress o f moderto admi t that there is much abou t i llness a nd disea

W h e n Jesus was on earth no diseased person w howent away ill.

9. W h a t do the stories of th e healing of th e w

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• Rely on the Holy Spirit fo r the content of• W h e n they persecute you in one place, f le• Do not be a fraid o f you r persecutors.•Do not be a coward o r compromise .•T a k e up Christ 's cross and follow H i m .

Stand for principle, but do not invite persmodeled Christ ian love for our enemies. H e we pH i m ; called H is betrayer, "Friend;" and praye

murderers . Yet at the same t ime, He avoidposs ible until H is h o u r had c o m e whe n H e w as

A M I B E IN G H E A L E D B Y TH E G R E A T P H• Have I found Him to b e One wh om I can acompletely from sin? If not, how can I find H• Do I trust H im because I know Him th roug•H a v e m y hidden fears of G od been rel ievconfidence by learning to know H im as H e is•Do I admire H is compassionate ways wi themulate H im as I minister to others?


Th e Ministry of Heal ing from th e chapters e'"Days of Minis t ry ," "The Touch of Faith," "H"Saved to Serve," pp. 17-50; 59-107.

S U M M A R Y : God seeks to heal us from sin as aworks to help a seriously il l patient recover fum a k e us whole again. His services are free; Hi

reach out in faith to al low Him to restore us to Hsistants of the Great Physician in a ministry whole .

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THIS W E E K ' S LESSON : Matthew 11 to 13.

M E M O R Y T E X T : "H e that committeth the devil sinneth from th e beginning. For tG od w as manifested, that he might destdevil" (1 John 3:8).

J E S U S F A C E D S A T A N ' S O P P O S I T I O N . Jesuengaged in intense strug gles w ith those w ho claimetruth but actually had joined Satan in misrepresendeed He d id H is bes t to set the record straight.toward His opponents provide a model fo r thosbigotry today.

OUTLINEI. M eeting M isund erstanding (Matt. 11:1-30

II. Meeting Legalism (Matt. 12:1-21).III. A House Divided (Matt. 12:22-50).IV . Parables of the Kingdom (Matt. 13:1-58).

R E J E C T E D B Y TH E M A J O R I T Y . W h e n Jepeople rejected Him , not because H e w as strong ancause H e w as gentle and peaceful. Instead of using


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twelve disciples. It infuriated th e religious leadof working is often misunderstood or escapes ou


As John th e Baptis t sat in prison, he receivedabout th e O ne w h o m he understood to be the Meveryone w ho cam e to H im fo r help. He was cawas raising the dead. Yet H is forerunner, w ho p

do all this, languished in prison, apparently igno

John expected more decisive action by Cdisciples, John the Baptist did not understank ingd om. H e expected Jesus to take th e throne o fand the Saviour m ade no claim to kingly authoriand troubled. H e had declared to th e people thaprepared before the Lord,... the m ou ntains andth e crooked m ade straight, and the rough places phigh places of hum a n pride and p o w e r to be cast dMess iah as th e One whose fan was in H is hand,purge H is floor, w ho w ould gather the wheat intochaff with unquenchable fire. Like th e prophet

p o w e r he had c o m e to Israel, he looked for th e LG od that answereth by fire."—The Desire ofAg

1. Complete the chart that fo l lows as a m e a nw a s so difficult for John a n d w h y he miproach to H is ministry.

Compar i sons


John's Ministry

Relative isolation

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Wh en John's disciples came asking, "Are Younot give them a direct reply. Instead, H e seemedwhile H e healed and comforted the sick, cast outoutcasts. Finally, toward the end of the day, H e turand said, "G o and tell John what you have heard

Wh en th e disciples delivered their witness toW eighing what w as reported to him against th e mement, John recognized that th e works o f Christ "Mess iah" and "showed in what manner H is kin

lished " — T h e Desire ofAges, p. 217.

3 . W h a t did Jesus mean when H e said that hkingdom of heaven is greater than" Joh11:11)?

John did not w itness Ch rist's ministry. "It wblind restored to sight, th e sick healed, and the denot behold the light that shone through every wglory upon the promises of prophecy. The least dmighty works and heard H is words was in this s

leged than John th e Baptist , and therefore is said the."— The Desire ofAges, p. 220.

As w as true of many o f th e prophets beforestrongly about th e kingdom. Forceful w ords and aJohn and Elijah. Both had become the subjects odom of heaven had sometimes seemed to comesuffered from force. B ut now th e true Ruler o f th edid not com e to set up His kingdom with force andsuffered worse violence than the prophets beforebe served but to serve. He did not com e to "lord i

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Jesus did not want anyone to feel shut outAll who are burdened with the load of sin andrest may come to Jesus and exchange their hyoke.

II. MEETING L EGAL ISM (Matt. 12:1-21).

The Jews added multitudinous restrictions inth e fourth commandment, as well as th e other

meticulous exactness, they endeavored to accocovering every circum stance from eating, to wa lbath. For example, a devout Jew could not wa(approximately 3,000 feet) on the Sabbath daypared some food and placed it at that limit. He c2,000 cubits on th e Sabbath because th e place hehis residence.

5. W h a t two events illustrate Jesus' way of tuto true Sabbath keeping? What do they observance?

Matt. 12:1-8_________________

Matt. 12:9-14

W e do not gain the blessing G od puts into thkeeping does not lead to full enjoyment of menwholeness.

D O S ) ( B @ G a J O B g

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8. Read Matthew 12:18-21 carefully. WhaChrist's ministry and about G od from thes

in. A H O U S E DIVIDED (Matt 12:22-50).

As opposi t ion increased, everything Jesus diddemn ed by those seeking to countermand H is infl

9. W h a t contrasting reactions follow ed Jesus'healing a m an w ho w as blind, dumb, and12:22-24.

T he reaction of th e crowd___________

T he reaction of th e Pharisees

In response to the Pharisees, Jesus reduced theiity, pointing out that the devil could not be expecw ork a t cross purposes with himself. If it were tcould cas t out Satan, then his k ingdom is dividewere of Satan's kingdom, then H e wa s no t a real

from God , then by their very opposition to H i m ,selves on Satan's side of th e great controversy.

10. W h a t is the blasphemy against the Ho ly Sp

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H is servants , or by the direct agency of His Spl ight is disregarded, there is a partial benumbint ions, and the second revealing of l ight is lessdarkness increases, until it is night in the soul . TJewish leaders. They were convinced that a divbu t in order to resist th e truth, they attributed thto Satan. In doing this they deliberately chosthemselves to Satan, and henceforth theypower."—The Desire ofAges, pp. 322, 323.

11. H ow does God decide w ho will be saveMatt. 12:33-37.

Why are the words w e speak so vital a p

perience? W o r d s are an indication of character.person's mind . W o r d s also influence the chadividuals can be deceived by their ow n evil wmolded by their own verbal expressions. (SeeJames 3:6; The Desire ofAges , p. 323.)

12. What warn ing did Jesus give to thosegladly but w ho did not surrender themsethe Holy Spirit? Matt. 12:43-45.

IV . P A R A B L E S O F T H E KING DO M (Matt

Christ sought to clarify what H is kingdom ofin parables that impress us to this very day. H isseems, at t imes, vulnerable and weak when it

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ble of th e sower recorded in Matthew 13:3-

15. W h a t do the treasure hidden in the field Matthew 13:44-46 represent?

Note the double application that can be givenchan tman seeking th e pearl of great price. It m aying the King of heaven. It also m ay refer to Ch ristth e lost. (See Christ 's Object Lessons, p. 118.)

W h e n we see G od as Jesus revealed H i m , we w ay that the m an w ho found th e buried treasutreasure— no m at ter w h a t the cos t—or the m erchanpurchase th e pearl of great price, valued that pearing o ur gracious Saviour and sharing ou r treasure swal low up every other interest.

W H I C H SIDE O F TH E G R E A T C O N TC H O S E N ?• Do I prefer st rong words o r gentle oneschildren?• Do I long to control others, o r do I wish for• Does the w ay I keep the Sabbath reveal tha

with m y heavenly Fa ther, o r does it reveal thatwill do to m e if I fail to keep it holy?• Does m y life attract others to the Pearl o f gr


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February 11-17

THIS W E E K ' S LESSON: Matthew 14:1 to 1

M E M O R Y TEXT: "Labour not fo r thbut for that meat which endureth unto eSon of m an shall give unto you: for hsealed" (John 6:27) .

A SPIRITUAL K I N G D O M . As Jesus movedministry, the difference between H is concept o fbecame increasingly clear. H is ministry and teacnature o f H is kingdom. As divine Provider, Psough t to introduce people to the kingdom of grentry into the kingdom o f glory.

O U T L I N EI. A King W ho Destroys (Matt. 14:1-13).

II. The King W ho Serves His People (MattIII. The King Who Rejects Human Tradit ioIV. The King W ho Saves by Love (Matt. 15

A N E W C O N C E P T O F KINGSHIP. In anciew as often misrepresented by the kings w ho ru ledcame to view Hirn^as they did their earthly king

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Rev. 3:19.) Since John's rebukes were accepteHerodias respond negatively?

4. W h a t le d Herod to give in to Herodias?about some earthly rulers? Matt. 14:5-11.

5. W hy is it a privilege to suffer for Christ, aW hy do Bible writers extol suffering as8:17; 1 Peter 5:10; Phil. 1:29.

"And of all the gifts that H eaven can bestow uChrist in H is sufferings is th e most weighty

honor."— The Desire ofAges, p. 225.W hy is this? Have your trials brought you nwhy not?

W h a t be ca m e of Herod Ant ipas? "In A.Dbrother, w as made king over .the northeastern tePhilip . . . had held. Herodias, dissatisfied that h

only of tetrarch, induced him to go with her to Rcrown from Caligula. Agrippa, however, sent lettuncle Antipas of treasonable activities. As a resua king, Herod w as banished in A.D. 39, to eithHerodias followed him into exile. H is territory w acuser, Agrippa."— SDA Bible Dictionary, p. 481.


Wh e n Jesus heard of John's death, in sorrowplace. Jesus wished to minimize publicity and

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The disciples em ployed as distributors (Mat

•The collection o f the leftovers (Matt. 14:20

"The Saviour has not promised H is followers

their fare m ay be plain, and even scanty; theipoverty; but His word is pledged that their needhas prom ised that which is fa r better than worldlyfort of H is ow n presence."— The Desire ofAges,

7. Why did Jesus constrain H is disciples ''togo before him unto the other side, while

a w a y " (Matt. 14:22)? Com pare John 6:14,

Think through the following questions:e W hy were the people who witnessed t

thousand impressed by Jesus ' qualificationsleader?• Why would a popular movement to makethe purpose fo r which Jesus came to earth? Wmore strategic position to save humanity if Htional leader?• What w as so wrong with th e ambitions o

are eager to exalt you, why disappoint themspirituality and national greatness to coexist?

8. W h a t did the events that followed reve

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tradition elders stifled priest-nation's

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th e other nations o f th e world ."—Herschel H. HoFour Gospels (Grand Rapids, Mien.: Baker Book


The message applies to us. List three curreconventions, that run counter to G od's will asW h a t do you think Christians can do to corre


Jesus ' style o f kingship and leadership w as inHerod Antipas and the religious leaders o f thcruelty, selfishness, and customs that were contraThe three stories in this section illustrate graphicand the nature o f the Kingdom to which H e is ca

14. W h a t was the primary purpose of C hrist'w as this purpose fulfilled in the story reco31?

The individual w ho had faith to believe that also had faith to believe that He would be th e Slustrated fo r us that th e w ay to th e human heartto th e illnesses and sufferings of th e flesh.

"He healed them all; and th e people, heathen as

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G od of Israel. Fo r three days they continued to th. . . Moreover , those w h o m H e fe d at Bethsaida

Gentiles and heathen."—The Desire ofAges, pp.

16. Consider the fol lowing quest ions regardingby the Pharisees and Sadducees (Matt. 16:1

•Why d id the religious leaders ask fo r another

W h a t bl inded th e minds of these leadersJesus ' claims?

W h a t did Jesus mean by the sign of Jonah?

W h a t aspects of the teaching of th e rel igiou

to leaven?

W H A T D O E S C H R I S T ' S C A L L T O H IS KM E ?• Do I need to change m y atti tudes toward

asked to do?• H o w c a n I gain stronger faith in Christ asProtector? How can I share this faith?•W h a t traditional attitudes and customs shou

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THIS WEEK'S STUDY: Matt. 16:13 to 18:35

M E M O R Y T E X T : "Then said Jesus um an will come after me, let him deny hcross, and follow m e. For w hosoever willand whosoever will lose his life for m y s

thew 16:24, 25).

A K I N G D O M NO W A N D L A T E R . The kingdized by a series of paradoxes: humili ty and exajesty, freedom from sin and slavery to r ighteouwors t o f sinners and purity fo r delivered saints.now; th e kingdom of glory later. The qualifica

qualifications fo r the other. T he kingdom of glorciples that govern th e kingdom of grace.

O U T L I N EI. The Church a Kingdom ofGrace (Matt

II. Majesty and Meekness (Matt. 17:1-13).

III. Sons of G od A re Free (Matt. 17:14-27).IV . Humble Service for Sinners (Matt. 18:1V. W h a t Is Forgiveness? (Matt. 18:21-35).

the basis of th e resulting attitudes and works (Matt

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this lesson is that surrender to Christ and dependder th e believer a gentle, unobtrusive, forgivi



Jesus thought th e t ime had come for H is disciof their faith in Him. First, H e asked fo r the popul

tity. Mos t people did not regard Him as th e Messiathat H e was one of the prophets raised from th e dcial question fo r th e disciples and fo r us: "Bu t w(Matt. 16:15).

1. What blessing comes upon those who confeMatt . 16:16,17; compare R o m . 10:9,10.

Many o f Jesus ' followers had left H im w hen Hpectations. He had allowed John th e Baptist to diehad refused to take His place on David's throne.

Only the Holy Spirit can reveal the deep thwhich Peter had confessed is th e foundation ofthat which Christ Himsel f has declared to be etersion o f this knowledge was no ground for self-gwisdom or goodness of his ow n had it been revehumanity, o f itself, attain to a knowledge of th e

heaven; what canst thou do? deeper than hell; wh11:8. Only the spirit of adoption can reveal toGod."— The Desire ofAges, p. 412.

The church is maintained by Christ. H e con

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Spiri t to H is believing people, fosters their spirituistry in th e hollow of H is hand. (See R ev . 1:16-

upon th e teachings o f Jesus Christ. Only in a secoth e teachings of the apostles and prophets formchurch (Eph. 2:20). Their teachings are foundatc o m e from Jesus Christ.

The church is a kingdom of grace. Although

also a visible organizat ion , th e true church foundespiritual commun ion o f those who , by faith, can aJesus taught that "the kingdom of G o d is withinchurch is a kingdom o f grace. Imm ediate ly fol lowJesus predic ted th e manner in which th e kingdomlished (Luke 17:24).

3. W h a t power and authority does Jesus giveimparts th e "keys of th e kingdom of heaveis involved in the church's binding and l11:52; Rev. 1:18; 3:7; Matt. 18:18.

Jesus tells a ll th e disciples [the pronoun is plugive you the keys of the kingdom o f heaven" (M

W o rd s ofChrist. '' 'The keys of the kingdomo f Christ. All th e words of Holy Scr ip ture are HThese words have p o w e r to open and to shut heav

ditions upon which m en are received or rejectedw ho preach G o d ' s word is a savor of life unto liTheirs is a miss ion weighted with eternal resultpp. 413 , 414.

I"Jesus had told His disciples that there were

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who should not taste of death till they should sc o m e with power. At the transfiguration this prMoses w as present to represent those who will bth e second appearing of Jesus. And Elijah, w hoseeing death, represented those w ho will be chChrist 's second coming and will be translated tdeath."— Early Writings, p. 164.

6. W h at divine purposes were fulfilled on th etion? Matt. 17:1-8.

Jesus gained strength and encouragement, nolight and H is Father's voice proclaiming H is di

from th e conversation H e enjoyed with tw o m en wto heaven. Despite their failures, Moses and Elijaheaven, were given the privilege of preparing Cahead. The appearance o f Moses and Elijah brouin facing these temp tations. H e w as to be victorioTheir eternal salvation and that of th e entire worl

umph over the forces of evil. (See1

John 2:2.) Cperience on th e mountain did fo r Peter, James, an

7. H ow w as Christ's prediction recorded in Mfilled?

As you investigate this question consider:• Jesus identified John the Baptist as Elijah(verse 12).

9. T o what extent were the disciples successf

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ing and casting out demons? Luke 10:17-2

The Bible does not record that, when Jesus amons out o f an individual, they did an incompleting some demons behind to be cast out later. It windividual l ike Mary Magdalene, w ho was relea

sion by Christ, to give in to sin again and allow deresidence in th e life. (See The Desire ofAges, p. 5presence of Christ, demons are forced to withdgospel and pray fo r those who are harassed, theaway from those who believe, and souls arepower.

10. Why were the disciples not able to cast tflicted boy? Matt. 17:14-21.

As w e study and meditate on th e evidence of Gpray, our faith is s trengthened—not merely beca

evidence but because th e Holy Spirit brings faitgift from Christ. After w e have earnestly soughtand have carefully examined the evidences of Hfaith by consciously trusting Him. As w e talk faiwill grow.

11. W hy did Jesus pay th e temple ta x througthe Son of G o d H e was exempt? W h a t leus? Matt. 17:24-27.

13. B y what drastic action did Jesus urge Hi

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the sin problem from their lives? Matt. 18

Here is an instance in which Jesus uses melustrate a divine requirement. Mutilat ion of th esoul, even though many throughout th e historyunders tood this. If a habit or practice is contrar

only way to enjoy the blessings of salvation andth e kingdom o f grace is to be rid of it completplished by the divine gift o f grace alone. (See1 John 5:4, 5.)

14. List the attitudes and practices w e are to general , and in particular toward those w

us. Matt. 18:10-20; see also Th e Desire ofA

V. W H A T IS F O R G I V E N E S S ? (Matt. 18:21-3

In popular rabbinic theology, three t imes wasfended party w as obliged to forgive another pewhether seven t imes were adequate, he probably

m end h im fo r his generosity.

15. List the principles that Jesus taught regar18:21-35).

•H ow do I treat "reckless teenagers" in th e c

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•Do I love those w ho do not l ive up to myavoid them because I'm afraid they'll ruin m

•W h a t do I do fo r the handicapped or othechurch? Do I give them a cheering word aneeds?

•W h e n engaged in discussion, do I force mdo I allow others to disagree with m e w ithou

F U R T H E R S T U D Y A N D M E D I TA T I O N : ReaTransfigured," "Ministry," and "Who Is th e GrAges , pp. 419-442.

S U M M A R Y : Because th e church is founded ociples of H is kingdom are to be manifes t in the hkingdom o f grace is governed by principles o f lo

G o d is never rude or unkind, b u t treats al l— sgraciously, whether or not they appreciate such tr


$ere a

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I. SERVICE IN TH E H O M E (Matt. 19:1-15).

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In Jesus ' day, a m an could divorce his wife fo

t ion—such as refusing to do something he asked hcould appeal her case , it w as doubtful that she woujustice w ou ld b e given.

The question that th e Pharisees asked J e s u s—one's wife fo r any cause?" (Matt . 19:3, RSV)—wamong the rabbis . B y asking Jesus ' opinion, theinto an expression of heresy that would damage people.

1. W hy is divorce and remarriage for any radultery of a spouse unacceptable to Christpare 1 Cor. 7:10,11.

"The only change m a d e to accommodate th e orfallen world is that violation of the marriage contconsti tute-a lawful basis fo r dissolving the unionm ay not lawfully be broken.... It should be noted' fornication' covers all illicit relationships both beT o th e modern Engl ish reader the word 'unchasti tyth e meaning ofporneia as it is used in th e NT.. .

here it m ay be inferred that the innocent party is fremarriage relationship shall be continued. Reconcilespecial ly if children are involved.

"Here and in Jesus ' paral lel discussion in Matt.

plied, even though not specifically stated, that tdivorce is at liberty to marry again. This has beengreat m ajority of commentators through th e years."tary, vol. 5, p. 454.

apart entirely from this consideration, there still

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it either impossible or inadvisable fo r a man totruth in th e observation of th e disciples."— W

Gospel ofMatthew, p. 718.

3 . H ow does Jesus' attitude to children rregarding the sanctity ofmarriage? Matt.

H ow appropriate that Christ's love for childrsuch close proximity to His instruction regardinmore concern fo r children in Christian homes, tchurch members with broken homes. Surely thhappiness o f our children should lead us to exploness in marriage and home life.


4. D id th e rich young ruler keep th e commanask Him to give his wealth to th e poor andciples? Matt. 19:16-22.

As you seek an answer to th e above question• H ow are we saved? Gal. 2:16; Eph. 2:8-10

• H ow does th e experience of salvation a

being saved? Matt. 19:17; compare Rom. 3:3

A personal question. W h a t is m y primary mow as th e primary motive o f the rich young ruler? Is

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mary motive fo r service is right, even though, as

look forward to the reward? (See Christ's Object L


7. Study the parable of th e laborers in th e vinthen answer the questions that follow:

• W h a t does the parable indicate regarding Goservice?

• H ow does the parable illustrate Jesus ' stat

are first shall be last; and th e last shall be firpare 20:16).

• How wi l l th e parable apply:

at th e latter rain? _______

at the close of probation? __

at the second advent? ____

"The householder 's dealing w ith the wo rkers inGod ' s dealing with th e human family. It is contprevail among men. . . . Those later hired believe'Whatsoever is right, that shall ye receive.' They

The parable of th e laborers in the vineyard illGod respects . T he story of the sons of Zebedee

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lustrates the wrong motive fo r service . W hat kin

der to lost humanity?

9. W h a t w as Jesus' instruction regarding lMatt. 20:20-28.

The favorite pastime o f Jesus ' twelve disciplew ould be first in th e new kingdom. As they witndisplay of H is power, and as the conflict grew tthey concluded that Jesus would soon be c rowthey would all be important. Wh o among themtant? W h o w o u l d sit to H is left and r ight as co

ters?Their argu ing becam e so intense and th e issuthe most favored ones decided they had better cabefore it w as too late.

Jesus' answer:o W h a t d id He mean by the cup o f whichwere to drink? Compare Matt. 26:39; John 1

o W ho will share Christ 's heavenly throne?

e Does Jesus ' instruction against rulershishould not have appointed leaders? Com pare

V. TH E K I N G C O M E S H U M B L Y (Matt. 21

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In the ancient .Near East , it w as cus tomary fo

victory in w ar by riding into the capital city onportation, fol lowed by a large retinue, and thethrone. Jesus followed this practice, knowing tdeath. T he day w as filled with shouting, singthought of doom and no conception of what Jesu

11. H ow did th e prophet Zechariah descri

Zech. 9:9.

T he New Internat ional Version translates thcomes to you, righteous and having salvationdonkey ." Attempts have been made to interprevictorious king— after the pattern o f Near Eariah's day. B ut the real intent o f the prophecyence between G o d ' s w ay o f ruling and th e met

W h e n the ancient Near Eastern king came rnearly always had a certain arrangement o f his rdiers, then dignitaries such as judges and courtie

king, dressed in colorful array. Finally, fol lowintheir heads shaven would be his captives. Theycause they depicted his a w e s o m e power .

W h e n Jesus rode into Jerusalem, there waspower . H e c a m e as th e meek and lowly O ne in hsalvat ion" following joyfully behind, but f reed—them free.

12. H ow do you reconcile Jesus' forceful cleath e description of H im as ' 'humble, an

will inhabit th e temple of G od in heaven (Rev. 7:1Lord to purify your life?

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A M I A CITIZEN O F C H R I S T'S K I N G D O M ?• Do I try to rule over m y family, or is mbased on truth and love?• Do I serve others in love continually, orwhen it is convenient or easy?• Do I admire Christ fo r H is generosity, or reward m e more when I do more work?O Do I enjoy working side by side withprivilege is m y favorite reward fo r service?• In leadership-type assignments, do I enjoyunder m e, or do I go out of m y w ay to keep thm e? Do I treat them as equals, or do I subferiors?

F U R T H E R S T U D Y A N D M E D IT A T I O N : R eaKingdom," "Thy King Cometh," and "The TemThe Desire ofAges, chapters 60, 63, and 65, pp.600.

S U M M ARY : In Jesus, w e have a picture of how

King treats H is subjects fo r eternity. Only those wand lowly in heart will find it a delight to be in H

Shofar. The r ams horn used in the ancient Hebrew Santo call the children of Is rael to repentance. Shofar. To

H is remnant people—Jew and G enti le— to repentjudgement hour. Shofar. A ministry to the world's

community, in Greater New York .

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Spiritual pride destroys th e individual's relhumanity . Christ cannot l ive ou t His meek and h

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is so sure o f his ow n holiness and religious su peri

himself unteachable. Spiritually proud people cthey really are. They are very conscious o f the sptheological ignorance of th e sinners around themtheir own malady .

This w as th e bas ic problem of th e scribes anddirected H is stern rebukes. Jesus spoke to them asuation w as desperate. Jus t as a loving friend wou

w ho is about to fall into a deep pit, so Christ sw ho have long resisted H is voice. He uses languand a tone that arrests their attention.

Tragically, m o s t of th e spiri tually proud to w hHis earnes t appeals. They failed to make approteaching. Only as th e life is filled with love to G

be viewed in true perspective. W h a t is ou r reactiow e willing to allow the Holy Spirit to reveal howWill we a l low H im to change us, or will w e go blassurance?

I. A B A R R E N P E O P LE (Matt. 21:18-46).

Jesus faithfully revealed to Israel 's leaders atheir spiritual destitution. In H is messages to H idialogue with th e priests, elders, scribes, and Pwith unmistakable clarity the heart of th e problem

1. What two lessons did Jesus teach by curs21:18-22.

Jesus did an sw er th e question by implicationquest ion form would compel th e priests to admitto accept. A positive answer w ould have been: "M

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a prophet 's (John th e Baptis t ' s ) recognition o f m eT he response of th e rel igious leaders reveal

reveals l ight to those who are seeking for i t r ighteousness upon those w ho ask fo r it (Matt.asked by th e priests and elders did not result ftruth. They already had ample evidence ofcleansing of the temple and in His wonderful

were looking fo r a s tatement from Jesus whichdemn H i m .

3 . W h a t w a s th e great sin of Israel's religious l

"Self-righteousness is not true righteousness,will be left to take the consequences o f holdingtoday claim to obey the comman dmen t s o f God, bof G od in their hearts to flow forth to others. ChriH im in H is work fo r the saving of the world, buwith saying, 'I go, sir. ' They do not go. They do

w ho are doing God ' s service."—Christ 's Ob ject

4. W ho w as responsible for the judgment tharael? Matt. 21:33-46; compare Isa. 5:1-7.

Notice how the rel igious leaders condemned Jesus promptly quoted Psalm 118:22, 23. Th e idwhich the builders rejected" ( R S V ) with th e son

(See also Christ's Object Lessons , pp. 308, 30

Verses 1-3 ___________________

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Verses 4-7 __________________

Verses 8-10 __________________

6. To whom is th e gospel invitation now extenIsa. 55:1-3; John 3:15.

"And those servants went out into the streetthey found, both bad and good; so th e wedding ha(Matt. 22:10, RSV). The vis ible Christian church

good." Not all church members are born-again Cto th e spiritual commun ion of true believers inmixed company. S o m e of them had no more realfeast than had the ones who rejected th e call."—p. 309.

In th e parable of the wheat and th e tares, Jesgrow together until th e harves t" (Matt. 13:30).

given to individuals . Nevertheless , the church, dihas the responsibil ity of making some decisions(See Matt . 18:18; 1 Cor. 5:1-5, 11-13; 6:1-6.)

7. W h e n does the king come in to look at thCompare Dan. 7:9,10,13,14; Rev. 14:6,7.

8. W h a t is given to those w ho accept Christ's

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Heb. 7:26-28; 8:1-3; 9:11-14.)

13 . W h a t w a s th e purpose of Christ's questio

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David? Matt. 22:41-45; compare John 5:18


The sternest o f all Jesus ' words were not direc

grantly sinful, th e lost sheep o f th e house o f Israeth e flock. Because of their added responsibil i tywere in a worse spiri tual condition than those wMatthew, were regarded as gross sinners.

At th e heart o f "the picture were apparently piofelt no need, whose pride led to the oppression oflical reasoning, and, .ultimately, to th e rejection aSon.

14. Explain how Jesus' counsel to the scribes a23) applies in principle to professed Christi

• Verses 1-4 _________________

• Verses 5-7 _________________

• Verses 8-12 ________________

• Verses 13, 14

• Verse 15

Verses 16-22

Centuries earlier , G od had agonized over tIsrael: "How can I give you up, O Ephra im! HowIsrael!" (Hosea 11:8, .RSV) . Later, through t

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pleaded: " 'A s I live, says th e Lord God, I have nthe w icked, but that the wicked turn from his w ayback from you r evil ways ; fo r w hy will you di(Eze. 33:11, R S V ) .

Jesus ' las t w ords to Israel, H is ow n special pein language they could understand, but the tears irevealed something o f the depth of sorrow that o

separates from those w ho have rejected Hi m.

D O I W E A R G O D ' S C H A R A C T E R ? . .• Do I ever wish to use force to get peopleeven God's way? O r am I willing to allow oselves?• In m y daily interactions with others, do I kw ay Jesus treats everyone?• Do I m a k e it hard fo r others to be ChristiChrist because o f m e?• W h e n 1 have to deal .with open sin in the lin love and compass ion as Christ did?

FURTHER S T U D Y AND M E D I T A T I O NCleansed Again ," "Controversy," " W o e s on th66, and 67 in The Desire ofAges, pp. 589-620.

S U M M A R Y : A spiritually barren people couldrole that G od had in mind fo r them. Because anctuted their own r ighteousness for that o f Christ,

separate from them. They cou ld argue about meternal issues, they were blind guides of th e blin


March 11-17

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T H I S WEEK'S S T U D Y : Matthew 24 and 25.

M E M O R Y T E X T : " A n d this gospel ofpreached in a ll th e world for a witness unshall the en d c o m e " (Matthew 24:14) .


very clear description o f the events that will presame w ay that H e warned th e disciples of what tof Jerusalem, H e has given us a preview o f th em ay expect before He comes again. He offers totrust Him so that, like th e five wise maidens andtheir talents carefully, w e m ay welcome H im eage

O U T L I N EI. The Most Important Signs (Matt. 24:1-28

II. R e a d y for H is C o m i n g (Matt. 24:29-51) .III. T h e Bridegroom C o m e s (Matt. 25:1-13) .IV . Fear Doe s Not Save (Matt. 25:14-30).V . Inheritors of the K ing dom (Matt. 25:31-4

D O Y O U L O O K FO R W A R D TO MEETING Hon his w ay h o m e after a long trip, a sign can be

tion of Jerusalem and the events that would occusecond coming. "Jesus did not answer H is discrately th e destruction of Jerusalem and the grea

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mingled th e description of these tw o events. Haciples future events as H e beheld them, they woendure the sight. In mercy to them He blended tgreat crises, leaving th e disciples to study outselves."— The Desire ofAges, p. 628.

1. Study Matthew 24:4-25, indicating below h

of the coming destruction of Jerusalem as aimmediately prior to His second advent.

2. W h a t event of worldwide significance wcoming? M att. 24:14.

Matthew 24:14 applies to the time of th e endare in th e greatest turm oil, w hen oppression has bgood news o f the kingdom is that G od does not rtyrants run their governments, nor is H e the cruesents H im to be.

The message o f th e atoning sacrifice o f Chrsinners everywhere. The m essage that H e "boretree, that w e might die to sin and live to righR S V ) is to be c arried to every corner of th e globe

An increasing number of false christs a nd falselead astray th e very elect through deception. Seco2 Corinthians 11:14 suggest that Satan will attem

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world. (Compare Revelation 13:3, 13-14.) In deceived one third o f th e angels, Satan will atmankind.

The fact that w e enjoy the blessings of presentnot render us immune from temptation and possture. Only as w e maintain our faith-grace relatdaily, hourly basis can w e be kept from falling. T

are taken out of th e book o f life before Jesus ' rew ho have been genuine believers but w ho havesaving relationship with Him.

There are conditions to salvation. O ne is thatChrist 's invitation (Acts 16:31). Another is thatstantly. (See Matt. 10:22; James 1:12; 5:11; John 11 Peter 1:13; Rev. 3:11.)

5. W h a t did Jesus mean by "the desolating sacprophet Daniel, standing in the holy place"

The "abomination o f desolation" or "desolatiphrase taken from Daniel 8:13; 9:27; 11:31; 12:1applications:

a. Before the destruction of Jerusalem. "W hards of th e Romans should be set up in th e holysome furlongs outside the city walls, then the fol

find safety in flight. When the warning sign showould escape must make no delay. Throughout thas in Jerusalem itself, the signal fo r flight

us. It will then be time to leave the large cities, psmaller ones fo r retired homes in secluded placeAnd now, instead of seeking expensive dwellings

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paring to move to a better country, even a heave5. pp. 464, 465.

6. In view of the triple application of Mattheww h a t interpretations can be given to the fol24:17-22)?

II. REA DY FOR H IS C O M I N G (Matt. 24:29

Most o f the signs spoken of in Matthew 24 hth e t ime of Christ nations have risen against natiarisen, God ' s people have suffered persecution, a

sorbed in temporal pursuits as if these were the oJesus has not come. Wh y ?

7. W h a t does the parable of th e faithful sedelay in Christ's coming? Matt 24:45-51; c

This parable and those that follow may be tparedness." They demonstrate in practical t"watch" and be ready fo r Christ's return.

Christ's people to be settled in the truth. R

that H e is waiting fo r H is people to become sothey cannot be moved.

"Just as soon as th e people of G od are sealed

th e crown of immortality. Only th e meek and lowlG od their efficiency, will receive this gift."— Chri

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III. TH E B R I D E G R O O M C O M E S (Matt 25:1

To those who enjoy a trusting relationship witheir sins are forgiven, and that their lives are "h(Col. 3:3), th e thought of Christ's coming bringsHim and an intense fervor to w in souls. While thosm ay work as hard as those who are not, their toil i

and, in the end, is unproductive of good.

9. According to the parable of the virgins, wmeet Christ? Matt. 25:3,4; compare Zech.

The oil in the lamps is a reminder o f th e oilcandlestick o f th e sanctuary. Zechariah chapter 4from tw o olive trees into the candlesticks. Therepresent God' s people who, because o f their connreflectors of H is character. The oil is the central scause it is the source of the light. Zechariah 4:6 ap

th e oil is a symbol of th e Spirit, who enlightenpeople. As w e allow th e Holy Spirit to fill our livwhich Christ "the light o f th e wor ld" is made kJohn 8:12; Matt. 5:14-16.)

Significantly, the "two olive trees" mentionedrepresent th e Word of God, the Old and New Tein ancient lamps was olive oil. It symbolizes ho

plains the Word to the earnest, prayerful studenthereby built up in th e faith and made ready totw o elements, prayerful Bible study and daily re

these times."—Counsels to Parents, Teachers , a

11. W h a t is symbolized by th e shut door? Mat

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7:3; 8:5; 22:11.

IV. F E A R D O E S N O T S A V E (Matt. 25:14-30)

In the parable o f th e talents, Jesus presented

gave three m en m o n e y according to their abilityT w o of the m en loved and trusted their master andw hat they could fo r Hi m. As a result of their laborinal a m o u n t of money they were given. Unlike thdividual was afraid o f his master, fo r he thought oand dishonest . The same master w as joyfully servvants. T he difference was in the misconceptions omaster .

12. W h a t did th e third m an do as a result othis suggest about the w ay Christians som25:25.

Although they would never admi t it even to tt ians are afraid o f God. They are especially afrait imes it is because they have not l ived good livesoften these fears are th e result of misinterpretatio

S in began in the world when Satan convinced

G od as a hard, difficult taskmaster, creating huselfish p leasure and then demanding worship andunworthy.

13 . W h e n does th e judgment in the parable 15.

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In one sense G od does not decide—nor do saved or who wil l be lost. Individuals decide foaga inst eternal life. (See John 3:36; 1 John 5:11-1still making those decisions. O ur gracious Godlost. He wants all to come to repentance. He po

th e saving-love of Christ and th e truth about thebeen made clear to all. (See 2 Peter 3:9.)

14. W hy is there such an emphasis on behathe parable of th e sheep and th e goats?by their works (Rev. 22:12) when salvatithrough faith (Rom. 3:21, 22)? CompareJ a m e s 2:17,18.

15. W h a t hope will there be in th e final judgmnot had th e Bible and Christian teache

also Th e Desire of Ages , p. 638, and Ch385.)

A M I E A G E R F O R J E S U S T O C O M E ?• If I am afraid o f God, how can I overcome• H ow can I gain a deeper know ledge of G o

Christ?• How can m y works be made acceptable to

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THIS W E E K ' S STUDY: Matthew 26.

M E M O R Y T E X T : "Surely he hath boried our sorrows: yet w e did esteem hGod, and afflicted" (Isa. 53:4).

G O D L O V E S HIS ENEMIES. This fact w as dforgiving man n er in which Jesus treated H is enhours of H is life. H is winsomeness at Simon ' s

garden, H is treatment of H is betrayer, and H is svealed a G od w ho is willing to sacrifice H imselworld.

O U T L I N EI. Kindness W i n s O ne and Loses A nother

II. Sharing the Cup (Matt. 26:17-35).III. The Crisis Hour (Matt. 26:36-46).IV. Victory Without a Sword (Matt. 26:47-5

V. Silence Is Eloquence (Matt. 26:57-75).

P E A C E IN TH E MIDST O F TRIAL . W h a t shw e are treated unjustly fo r believing in Christ? T

and persecution will c o m e to those w ho are endeth e Lord. The apostles taught "that w e must enter into th e kingdom of God" (Acts 14:22)

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and he offered to betray Jesus into their handspp. 559-564.

How do you react when you are reminded of

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Christ has forgiven you? Do you quietly turn toor do yo u hotly defend yourself against the critic

II. S H A R I N G TH E C U P (Matt. 26:17-35) .

3 . W h a t is the significance of the fact that

w ho would betray Him to th e Jewish authcompare John 13:21-30.

The fact that Jesus knew of the betrayal plotrent to Judas, but he was so fa r gone in pride awilling to repent and right his wrong. •

4. In what symbolic w ay did the disciples shMatt 26:26-29.

The bread and grape juice do little fo r us inrepresent the death of Christ and remind us of Hiour guilt. (See Isa. 53:6; 1 Peter 2:24; 2 Cor 5:21plate the significance of the atonement that we giveness, righteousness, and trust. Only then domunion service.

There is sorrow in the Communion servicesuffering. B ut there is joy, too, as w e rejoice atvided and look forward to His return.

In the Garden of Gethsemane, Christ "tasted thevery man"—The Desire ofAges , p. 694.

H u m a n guilt separated Him from His Fathe

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to be shut out from the light of God ' s sustainingnumbered with the transgressors. The guilt o f fabear . Upon Him w ho knew no sin mus t be laid tdreadful does sin appear to H i m , so great is th e wm u s t bear, that H e is tempted to fear it will shut HFather 's love....

"He felt that by sin H e w as being separated frw as so broad, so black, so deep, that H is spirit sagony H e must not exert H is divine p o w e r to esuffer the consequences of man's sin. As m an H e G o d agains t transgression....

"As Christ felt His unity with the Father brokH is h u m a n nature H e w ould be unable to endurethe powers of darkness.... Satan told H im that if Ha sinful world, th e separation wou ld b e eternal.with Satan's kingdom, and would nevermore beDesire ofAges , pp. 685-687 .

Would you have slept while Jesus agonized?

w hen you should be watching unto prayer? How in g prayer be overcome? (See the chapter in StepsPrivilege of Prayer.")


7. W h at did Jesus call Judas in the Garden

does this reveal about God and th e w ay HMatt. 26:50.

tured Jesus as a mess iah w ho would forcefully dthe kingdom.

Peter w as determined to dem onstrate that Jeswas wrong . H e would defend H is Lord to th e dea

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In verbal conflict, th e first to be si lenced is usuatrial before the high priest and the Sanhedrin, JeMere words do not convince people to believe wh

to bel ieve. W hen men are possessed by dem ons, thby defense o r argument . Jesus ' reticence w as thSatanic legions that w ere trying to provoke H im t

If Peter had emulated Jesus ' quiet reliance upnever have al lowed himself to be trapped into de

9. To whom was Jesus first led for questi

nificance of th e events that occurred? Joh

According to ancient Hebrew law, th e prebefore Annas and Caiaphas were illegal. It w a

charge a t night. I t was i l legal fo r th e pr isoner tobusiness o f the witnesses to arrest the accused, bto present the evidence to th e court. An accuseddemned on the basis o f his ow n testimony.

Jesus ' an sw er to Annas that he should questioH is work and teaching w as a plea that He be gJewish citizen. T he officer's act of striking Jesu

that w as not tolerated by Hebrew law. Despite tpermitted and u npunished.

reports were so variant, th e test imony w as rejec

Jesus w as misunderstood. W h a t Jesus ' persecwas that H is statement, which had been distorted

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reference to the temple o f His body, which H estroyed, but w hich w ould be raised on the third d

11. W hy did Jesus finally speak in answer totions? Matt. 26:63, 64.

"In order to emphasize th e om inous gravi ty ofpossibility o f refusing an answ er, the high priest pth e weightiest oath of all, namely, 'b y th e livingdriksen, The Gospe l ofMatthew, p. 931.

Although it was i l legal to cond emn an accuse

basis of his ow n test imony, Caiaphas had no alteness against Jesus had been brough t into disreput

Jesus could not remain silent to this demand with H is Father w as called into question. To remaplied a d oub t as to His deity and messianic miJesus answered, "I am" (Mark 14:62). The answ

(26:64) and Luke (22:70) were simply polite wthing. "T h o u hast said" meant "Yes." Traditwould respond to a serious question in this idiombade a direct "Yes" or "No."

12. W h a t did Jesus' answer imply in regard tof some people immediately before His

26:64; compare Rev. 1:7; Dan. 12:2.

develop a cha racter that will stand the test ofcrushed and defeated?•Am I polite and gracious to those w ho mth e secret o f such graciousness in t imes of str

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• Do I seek th e healing o f others whenevertribute to their healing?• Am I willing to acknowledge m y relationscircumstances?


"Before Annas and the Cour t of Caiaphas ," cDesire ofAges, pp. 685-715.

S U M M A R Y : It is humbling to h uman self-rightiz e how very meek and lowly of heart th e Kingattitudes and reactions during H is arrest and triafo r H is persecutors and fo r humanity in general.

r i c a n e



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The law that humanity had broken is th e exprGod; hence it w as God' s role to demonstrate thafectly. He also chose fo r Himsel f th e role o f beament fo r breaking the law. Jesus Christ tasted

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(Heb. 2:9). "So Christ w as once offered to bear tthem that look for him shall he appear th e secosalvation" (Heb. 9:28).


1. W h at was the purpose of th e early mornhedrin? Matt. 27:1, 2; Luke 22:66-71.

Not all members o f th e Sanhedrin had been pwhich had condemned Jesus on the basis o f H isSon o f God. Luke filled in some o f th e details this morning session Jesus again admitted that Hpeated H is prediction that ultimately they wouldNow th e crafty priests and elders believed theyhave Pilate convict Jesus of sedition.

2. A t this morning session of th e council, whadid Judas manifest? Matt. 27:3-5; compare

Judas admitted that he had sinned and thatconfession exposed the wickedness of th e pries

gally in th e arrest of Jesus. Yet he w as spirituthey were. Genuine confession and repentancsequences. It is sorrow fo r sin fo r th e right

H ow remarkably inconsistent were these so-They considered what might be legal fo r them tobut they had no concern fo r th e illegal mannerJudas , or for the illegality of the arrest and trial o

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were earning fo r themselves an enormous degreefu l to follow a legal nicety in regard to the dispoamount o f money.

Are there inconsistencies in our religious liwhile meticulously obeying certain rules and reg

would Jesus suggest?

II. M E E K N E S S IN M I S T R E A T M E N T (Matt

"As a lamb [that is led] to the slaughter, ..m out h" (Isa. 53:7, NKJV). It is easy fo r many toJesus when H e changed water to wine, healed thw ith a word, and raised the dead. But w hen, beatenth e other cheek, and was stricken again, w e tending Servant" or the "Sacrificial Lamb," forgettmore than ever, He w as "King o f kings and Lord

4. In the light of the evidence presented in t

consider Pilate's character:

Luke 23:13-16 _________________

Matt. 27:18, 19 _________________

Matt. 27:24, 26 _________________

Matt. 27:27-31 _________________

III. IT IS FINISHED! (Matt. 27:32-56).

Since the death of Christ the cross has symboltians. B ut on that tragic Passover Friday in A.D

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th e disciples and other followers of Jesus to beTh eir King and Deliverer o f Israel was dy ing. H efrom th e p o w e r of death would not now deliverbe? Had they been able to see beyond this tinyheard the shouts of victory that came from a untrue significance of the events that were transpiri

5. What do Jesus' statements from the croscharacter and work?

Luke 23:34 __________________

John 19:26, 27

Luke 23:43

Matt. 27:45, 46

John 19:28 __

John 19:30 __

Luke 23:46

The Father's approval withdrawn. "Godbeside th e cross . The Father w as with H is Son.

revealed. Had H is glory flashed forth from theholder would have been destroyed. And in thatnot to be comforted with the Father 's presenc

I ( k @ @ S S O D t®  • _ - _ ^ _ r ^ n _ ————_——___

the throne o f God, as seen in John's symbolic visredeemed human beings in heaven who were raisfruits o f H is sacrifice. They were able to testifbefore th e ascension, and now they are assisting

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7. W h a t do the following passages indicate thby His death?

1 Peter 2:21 __________________

1 Peter 2:24 __________________

1 John 2:1, 2 __________________

Rev. 12:10 __________________

Jesus ' accomplishments on the cross were in bearing the guilt o f humanity. The separation of thead because of human guilt involved infinite never can fully understand.

Christ's suffering explained. "Although full

ing th e sins of th e world, He w as not indiffergrief...."G od suffered His wrath against transgressio

Son . . .."Jesus w as earning the right to become th e

Father 's presence. ..."Upon Christ as our substitute and surety wa

all. He w as counted a transgressor, that H e micondemnation of th e law. The guilt of every dpressing upon His heart. The wrath of G od

IV . R A I S E D T O SE T U S R I G H T (Matt. 27:57

8. What do we' know of the tw o m en w ho toJesus? Matt. 27:57-61; J o h n 19:38, 39.

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9. W h a t is the s ignif icance of the m a n n e r insecured? Matt. 27:62-66.

10. H ow ca n w e be sure that Jesus w as crucithe weekly Sabbath resting in the tomb, morn ing ? Matt. 28:1; Mark 16:2; Luk1 Cor. 15:4.

11. What is the sign ificance for the world of Jth e dead? Matt. 28:2-10; R o m . 4:25; 1 Co

Both Christ's death an d resurrection are essAccording to Romans 5 :9 , w e are put right "by3:28 we are pu t right "by faith." In verse 24, "bto 1 Cor. 6:11, w e are pu t r ight by "the name oThe dying Saviour bore our guilt; the living SavJesus "was raised again fo r our justification" (Ro

tercedes for us in th e heavenly sanctuary, applyinsacrifice, o u r sins can be forgiven, and we can bminion of darkness. (See Heb. 7:25; R o m . 6:9-11

proclaim the resurrection with such confidencness! If they had known the story to be a lie,them have been willing to lay down their lives

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13. Why can we witness for Christ with cowhatever our circumstances? Matt. 28:18,

A M I REJOICING IN CHRIST'S DEATH A N• Wh at has happened in m y life as I havChrist 's death and resurrection?

• Am I eager to share my knowledge of Cpositive experiences have I had as I have sharand resurrection?

FURTHER STUDY A ND MEDITATION: ReaHall ," " 'I t Is Finished, ' " " "The Lord Is RiseNations," chapters 77 ,79 , 81, and 86 in The Des

758-768, 779-787, and 818-828.

SUMMARY: The m istreatment, death, and resurrnothing else can how much G od cares fo r sinnersever act as Jesus did while possessing the powedeath. W hen Jesus died Satan's kingdom w as defesins o f humanity was paid, and our redemption wrecognized King o f th e universe and returned to hblessings of His sacrifice.

Lessons For Second Quart

Sabbath School members w ho have not received afo r the second quarter of 1990 will be helped by the fothe first two lessons. The title o f this quarterly coverin

"Christ the Only W ay . "

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First Lesson: "Jewish and Gentile Chr


THIS W E E K ' S S T U D Y : Passages from Acts cha

M E M O R Y T E X T : Acts 1:8

WH Y THIS LESSON IS IMPORTANT TO YOU:th e wise administration o f its leaders the church can rChrist, maintaining unity among its members despite

religious back grounds.

O U T L I N E :I. Into A ll the World (Acts 1:8)

II. The G ospe l B e y o n d Judea (Acts 8:4-40)III. The G ospe l to the Gentiles (Acts 9 — 1 1 )IV . Paul's First Missionary Journey (Acts 11:1V . The Jerusalem Council (Acts 15)

Second Lesson: "Called By God"

THIS W E E K ' S STUDY: Galatians 1

M E M O R Y T EX T : Galatians 1:3,4

A MESSAGE FROM GOD. Paul's message o f

Study Helps for the BoN ow available from the Bibl ical Re

A • of the G eneral C onfere


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A m u s t fo r every serious s tudent oA ll for only US$17.95. Pos

Order from: The Biblical Research IGeneral Conference of6840 Eastern Avenue,Washington, DC 20012

SEE the diffeT e . '— El len G . W tf himite

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