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The monthly masonic magazine of Lodge Stirling Royal Arch No.76 Scotland

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Page 2, ‘The Mason on the Moon’. This month’s front cover is a picture of Buzz Aldrin on the moon’s surface; this short article looks at the Mason who was the second man on the moon.

Page 3, ‘Loge Liberté Chérie,’

Liberté chérie was a Masonic Lodge founded in a Nazi concentration camp during the Second World War.

Page 6, ‘The Masonic Encyclopaedia.’

This month we look at the letter, ‘Q’, from Q to Quorum.

Page 7, ‘The Old Tiler Talks’,

“Book on the Altar”, the second in the series from Carl Claudy’s ‘Old Tiler Talks.’

Page 10, ‘Please explain this.’

Why do Masons wear black and white clothing?

Page 11, ‘Lodge Coupar o’ Fife No.19.’ A short Historical sketch about the Lodge Coupar o’ Fife No.19.

Page 13, ‘Book Review’, This month we review, “A Winter with

Robert Burns”, by James Marshall. Page 14, ‘A Cartoon Strip’,

The Adventures of Billy!

In the Lectures website The article for this month is ‘Robert Burns – The Freemasons Poet Laureate’ yet another article about Robert Burns and his links with Freemasonry. [link]



Edwin ‘Buzz’ Aldrin born on the 20th of January 1930, Buzz graduated from West Point Miliatry Academy and from ther joined the Air Force where he flew F86 Sabre Jets in 66 combat missions in Korea and was decorated with the Distinguished Flying Cross. Later he gained a Doctorate of Science in Astronautics and wrote his thesis on Manned Orbital Rendezvous.

Buzz was selected by NASA in 1963 into the third group of astronauts. The docking and rendezvous techniques he devised for spacecraft in Earth and lunar orbit became critical to the success of the Gemini and Apollo programs, and are still used today. In 1966 on the Gemini 12 orbital mission, Buzz performed the world's first successful spacewalk, overcoming prior difficulties experienced by Americans and Russians during extra-vehicular activity (EVA), and setting a new EVA record of 5 ½ hours. On July 20, 1969, Buzz and Neil Armstrong made their historic Apollo 11 moonwalk, becoming the first two humans to set foot on another world. They spent 21 hours on the lunar surface and returned with 46 pounds of moon rocks. An estimated 600 million people – the largest television audience in history - witnessed this unprecedented heroic endeavor.

Upon returning from the moon, Buzz was decorated with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest American peacetime award. A 45-day international goodwill tour followed, where he received numerous distinguished awards and medals from 23 other countries.

The Mason on the Moon ….

On July 20th, 1969 Buzz Aldrin followed Armstrong down the ladder to be the second man on the moon, and the first mason to set foot on it. Aldrin was a member of Montclair Lodge No. 144 of New Jersey and a 32° Scottish Rite Mason.

In the 1969 issue of the New Age Digest, (now called the Scottish Rite Journal) it contains a report on the Scottish Rite flag that Buzz took to the moon and brought back. The flag is now on view at the Scottish Rite Library Museum in Washington.

Although Buzz Aldrin was the first Mason on the moon, he was not the only one; in February 1971 Brother Edgar D. Mitchell in Apollo 14 became the second, closely followed by Brother James B. Irwin in July 1971 on the Apollo 15 mission.



The Lodge

On the 15 November, 1943 - seven Belgian Freemasons and resistance fighters - founded the Masonic Lodge "Loge Liberté chérie" (French: "Beloved Liberty") inside Hut 6 of Emslandlager VII (Esterwegen). The name of the lodge was derived from "La Marseillaise".

The original seven Freemasons of "Loge Liberté chérie" were:

Paul Hanson, Luc Somerhausen, Jean De Schrijver, Jean Sugg, Henri Story, Amédée Miclotte, Franz Rochat,

they later Initiated, Passed and Raised Brother Fernand Erauw, another Belgian.

Paul Hanson was elected Master. The Brethren met for Lodge Work in Hut 6

around a table, which was otherwise used for cartridge sorting. A Catholic Priest stood watch, so that the Brethren could hold their meetings; and protected their secrecy.

“Loge Liberté chérie” …

Hut 6 was used for foreign "Nacht und Nebel", (German: "Night and Fog"), prisoners. The Emslandlagercamps were a group of camps whose history is represented by a permanent exhibition in the Documentation and Information Centre in Papenburg. Altogether 15 camps were established on the Netherlands border, with central administration in Papenburg.

Luc Somerhausen described Erauw‘s Intitiation, etc., as just as simple ceremonies. These ceremonies, (to whose secrecy they asked the community of Catholic Priests for assistance, "with their prayers"), "...took place at one of the tables... ...after a very highly simplified ritual - whose individual components were however explained to the initiate; that from now on he could participate in the work of the Lodge".

More than hundred prisoners were in Hut 6, and locked up nearly around the clock - allowed to leave only for a half-hour walk per day, under supervision. During the day half of the Camp had to sort cartridges and radio parts. The prisoners of the other half of the Camp were forced to work under dreadful conditions in the surrounding peat bogs. The nutrition was so miserable that the prisoners lost 4 kg body weight each month, on average.



After the first ritual meeting, with admission of the new brother, further meetings were thematically prepared. One was dedicated to the symbol of the Great Architect of the Universe, another “The future of Belgium”, and a further, “The position of women in Freemasonry”. Only Somerhausen and Erauw survived detention, and the Lodge stopped “working” at the beginning of 1944.

The Lodge members

Lodge Master, Paul Hanson was moved, and died in the rubble of his prison, during an Allied air bombardment on Essen, 26 March, 1944.

Jean Sugg, and Franz Rochat, belonged to the "Philanthropic Friends" Lodge (Les Amis Philanthropes, Lodge No. 5 of the Grand Orient of Belgium).

Dr. Franz Rochat, a University Professor, Pharmacist and director of an important pharmaceutical laboratory, was born on 10 March 1908 in Saint-Gilles. He was a worker in the underground press, and the resistance publication "voice of the Belgians". He was arrested on 28 February 1942, arrived at Untermansfeld April 1944, and died there on 6 April 1945.

Jean Sugg was born at the 8 September 1897 in Ghent and was of Swiss German origin. He co-operated with Franz Rochat in the Underground Press, translated German and Swiss texts, and contributed to clandestine publications, including, "La Libre Belgique", "La Légion Noire", "Le Petit Belge" and

"L'Anti Boche". He died in a concentration camp on 8 February 1945.

Dr. Amédée Miclotte was a High School Teacher. He was born on 20 December 1902 in Lahamaide, and belonged to the Lodge "Union et Progrès". He was last seen in detention, on 8 February 1945.

Jean De Schrijver, was a Colonel in the Belgian Army. He was born on 23 August 1893 in Aalst, and Brother of the lodge "La Liberté" in Ghent. On 2 September 1943 he was arrested on charges of espionage and possession of arms, and died in February 1945.

Henri Story was born on 27 November 1897 in Ghent. He was a member of the Lodge "Le Septentrion" in Ghent. He died on 5 December 1944.

Luc Somerhausen, a journalist, was born on 26 August, 1903, in Hoeilaart. He was arrested on 28 May 1943 in Brussels. He belonged to the lodge "ACSO III" and was Deputy Secretary of the Grand Orient of Belgium (Grand Orient de Belgique).

Fernand Erauw, an Assessor at the Audit Office, and Reserve Officer with the Infantry, was born on 29 January, 1914, in Wemmel. He was arrested on 4 August, 1942, as a member of the “Secret Army”. He escaped and was finally arrested in 1943.

Survivors Erauw and Somerhausen met again 1944 in the Oranienburg Sachsenhausen concentration camp, and remained inseparable from then on. In the spring 1945 they were involved in the “Death Marches”, and although



Erauw was 1.84 m tall, he weighed only 32 kg on 21 May, 1945 — in the Saint Pierre Hospital in Brussels.

In August 1945 Luc Somerhausen sent a detailed report to the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Belgium, in which he delineated the history of the "loge Liberté chérie". Luc Somerhausen died in 1982 at the age of 79. The last witness, Fernand Erauw, died at the age of 83, in 1997.

The Memorial

A memorial, created by Architect Jean de Salle, was raised by Belgian and German Freemasons on Saturday November 13, 2004. It is now part of the memorial site of the Esterwegen Cemetery. Wim Rutten, the Grand Master of the Belgian Federation of the "Le Droit Humain" said during an address:

:"We are gathered here today on this Cemetery in Esterwegen, not to mourn, but to express free thoughts in public." - "In memory of our brothers; human rights should never be forgotten."

This article was sourced from Wikipedia

If you enjoyed the story of "Loge Liberté Chérie", next month in the newsletter we will present the story about the Lodge in Changi POW camp in Singapore.


Are you an active member, The kind that would be missed? Or are you just contented That your name is on the list? Do you attend the meetings And mingle with the flock? Or do you just stay away And criticise and knock? Do you ever go and visit A member who is sick Or leave the work to just a few And talk about the clique? Come to the meeting often And help with hand and heart, Don't just be a member, But take an active part. Think this one over, Brother, Do you know right from wrong? Are you an active member Or do you just belong?

Brethren, I’m always on the look-out for interesting articles such as this for the newsletter. If anyone has a story/article/lectures/photos or even an idea, please get in touch, I will be only too happy to include it



The Masonic Encyclopaedia The Letter ‘Q’ Q The Hebrew letter p, Q or K, pronounced Koph. The seventeenth letter in the English and modern Latin alphabets. In the Phenician or Ancient Hebrew its form was one circle within another. Quadrivium In classical Latin the word quadrivium meant a place where four roads met, and trivium, a place where three roads met. The scholastics of the Middle Ages, looking to the metaphorical meaning of the phrase the Paths of Learning, divided what were called the Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences, but which comprised the whole cycle of instruction in those days, into two classes, calling grammar, rhetoric, and logic the trivium, and arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy the quadnvium. These two roads to the Temple of Wisdom, including seven distinct sciences, were, in the Middle Ages, supposed to include universal knowledge Qualification Qualify comes from the same word as quality. The root of it is the Latin qua, preserved in our “what.” The quality of a thing was its whatness, the stuff of which it was made, its nature. The fy in “qualify” is from facere, to make, so that “qualify” means that a thing is made of the required stuff; and qualification means the act by which a thing is made of the required nature, or is declared to have it. The candidate for the Degrees of Masonry must possess

certain characteristics in his nature; must be a man of lawful age, etc., and these are his qualifications. Quarry The Latin quadratum was a square; originally, quadrate and quarry meant the same. The word became applied’ to the pit from which rock is hewn because the principal task of workmen therein was to cut, or square, the stones; hence, literally a quarry is a place where stone-squaring is done. In Masonry “quarry” sometimes refers to the rock pits from which Solomon’s workmen hewed out the stones for his Temple; at other times it refers to the various arenas of Masonic activities, as when it is said of an active Lodge member that “he is a faithful labourer in the quarry.” Quator Coronati Christian marytrs who became associated with Freemasonry via the operative stonemasons. Also known by the Latin name Quator Coronati, a name associated with a research group in England. Quorum According to the ritualistic rule referred to, seven constitute a quorum, for work or business, in an Entered Apprentice's Lodge, five in a Fellow Craft's, and three in a Master Mason's. Without this requisite number no Lodge can be opened in either of these Degrees. In a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons nine Companions constitute a quorum, and in a Commandery of Knights Templar eleven Knights; but. under certain circumstances, three Knights are competent to transact business. Next Month the Letter ‘R’.



Book on the Altar

"I heard the most curious tale," began the New Brother seating himself beside the Old Tyler during refreshment.

"Shoot!" commanded the Old Tyler.

"Friend of mine belongs to a midwest lodge. Seems they elected a chap to become a member but when he took the degree he stopped the work to ask for the Koran in place of the Bible on the Altar. Said he wanted to the holy book of his faith, and the bible wasn't it!"

"Yes, go on," prompted the Old Tyler. "What did they do?"

"The officers held a pow-wow and the Master finally decided that as the ritual demanded the 'Holy Bible, Square and Compasses' as furniture for the lodge, the applicant was wrong and that he'd

have to use the Bible or not take his degree. And the funny part was that the initiate was satisfied and took his degree with the Bible on the Altar. I'm glad they have him, and not this lodge."


"Why, a chap who backs down that way can't have very much courage; I'd have had more respect for him if he'd insisted and if he couldn't have his way, refused to go on with the degree."

"All wrong, brother, all wrong!" commented the Old Tyler. "The Mohammedan initiate wasn't concerned about himself but about the lodge. He showed a high degree of Masonic principle in asking for his own holy book, and a great consideration for the lodge. This man isn't a Christian. He doesn't believe in Christ. He believes in Allah, and Mohammed his prophet. The Bible, to you a holy book, is to him no more than the Koran is to you. You wouldn't regard an obligation taken on a dictionary or a cook book or a Koran as binding, in the same degree that you would one taken on the Bible."

"That's the way this chap felt. He wanted to take his obligation so that it would bind his conscience. The Master would not let him, because he slavishly followed the words of the ritual instead of the spirit of Masonry.

"Masonry does not limit an applicant to his choice of a name for a Supreme Being. I can believe in Allah, or Buddha, or Confucius, or Mithra, or Christ, or Siva, or Brahma, or Jehovah, and be a good Mason. If I believe in a



Great Architect that is all Masonry demands; my brethren do not care what I name him." "Then you think this chap isn't really obligated? I must write my friend and warn him-"

"Softly, softly! Any man with enough reverence for Masonry, in advance of knowledge of it, to want his own holy book on which to take an obligation would feel himself morally obligated to keep his word, whether there was his, another's or no holy book at all, on the Altar. An oath is not really binding because of the book beneath you hand. It is the spirit with which you assume an obligation which makes it binding. The book is but a symbol that you make your promise in the presence of the God you revere. The cement of brotherly love which we spread is not material- the working tools of a Master Mason are not used upon stone but upon human hearts. Your brother did his best to conform to the spirit of our usages in asking for the book he had been taught to revere. Failing in that through no fault of his own, doubtless he took his obligation with a sincere belief in its sacredness. Legally he would not be considered to commit perjury if he asked for his own book and was forced to use another."

"What's the law got to do with it?"

"Just nothing at all, which is the point I make. In England and America, Canada and South America, Australia, and part of the Continent, the bible is universally used. In Scottish Rite bodies you will find many holy books; but let me ask you this; when our ancient brethren met on hills and in valleys, long before

Christ, did they use the New Testament on their Altars? Of course not; there was none. You can say that they used the Old Testament and I can say they used the Talmud and someone else can say they used none at all, and all of us are right as the other. But they used a reverence for sacred things.

"If you write you friend, you might tell him that the ritual which permits a man to name his God as he pleases, but demands that a book which reveres one particular God be used, is faulty. The ritual of Masonry is faulty; it was made by man. But the spirit of Masonry is divine; it comes from men's hearts. If obligation and books and names of the Deity are matters of the spirit, every condition is satisfied. If I were Master and an applicant demanded any one or any six books on which to lay his hand while he pledges himself to us, I'd get them if they were to be had, and I'd tell my lodge what a reverent Masonic spirit was in the man who asked."

"Seems to me you believe in a lot of funny things; how many gods do you believe in?"

"There is but one," was the Old Tyler’s answer, "Call Him what you will. Let me repeat a little bit of verse for you:

'At the Muezzin's call for prayer The kneeling faithful thronged the square; Amid a monastery's weeds, An old Franciscan told his beads, While on Pushkara's lofty height A dark priest chanted Brahma's might, While to the synagogue there came A Jew, to praise Jehovah's Name.



The One Great God looked down and smiled And counted each His loving child; For Turk and Brahmin, monk and Jew Has reached Him through the gods they knew.'

"If we reach Him in Masonry, it makes little difference by what sacred name we arrive," finished the Old Tyler, reverently.

"You reached me, anyhow," said the New Brother, shaking hands as if he meant it.

This is the second article in this regular feature, ‘The Old Tiler Talks,’ each month we will publish in the newsletter one of these interesting and informative pieces by Carl Claudy

Masonic sayings! “Duly and Truly Prepared”

Being duly and truly prepared refers to the wearing of special garments furnished by the Lodge to emphasize our concern with man’s internal qualifications, rather that his worldly wealth and honors. By wearing these garments, the candidate signifies the sincerity of his intentions. The symbolism of the Rite of Destitution reverts to those ancient times when men believed that the soul descended through the planetary spheres and vested itself with the qualities attributed to each sphere before birth. Each planetary quality corresponds to a specific metal. In ancient initiations, candidates were compelled to leave all metals behind, lest they bring into the assembly disturbing planetary influences. While this symbolism may no longer have an

astrological character, the old point about excluding disturbing influences remains. The candidate is not to bring into the Lodge room his passions or prejudices, lest that harmony, which is one of the chief concerns of Masonry, be destroyed.

Being duly and truly prepared also refers to the state of a man's heart and soul as he seeks admission into our Order. "Seek and ye shall find. Ask and it shall be given unto you. Knock and it shall be opened unto you."

Brethren, if you have any written any articles about freemasonry, that we can use, the webmaster would like to hear from you. “Many become Freemasons in name, nor ever comprehend the emptiness of their title. Freemasonry is of the heart and in the life. A man said; ‘I have been a Freemason for many years, what good has it done me?’ He never was a Freemason. What he put into Freemasonry is exactly what he got out of it.” Masonic Bulletin 1921.



Why do Masons wear Black and white clothing? This has been the custom for over a hundred years. In the 1700's freemasons did not wear black and white. In an old masonic catechism of that time there is a question asking about the Master's clothing - "yallow jacket and blue breeches" forms part of the answer. This was an allusion to the colours of a pair of compasses and a square, perhaps. The painting showing poet Robert Burns in Lodge Canongate Kilwinning, Edinburgh (Scotland) on his appointment as lodge poet laureate - members of the lodge wear variously coloured coats, breeches and stockings, not black and white. Blue and Gold were certainly recognised as the official colours of freemasonry in the 1720's - nowadays these colours are used as the edging on aprons of Grand Lodge Officers and on their collars; private lodge officers use light blue collars and have light blue trimmings on their aprons. (English Constitution) It seems that black formal wear was invented by an English writer. The idea of wearing black for evening wear was, according to the English clothing historian James Laver, first introduced by the nineteenth-century British writer Edward Bulwer-Lytton, who utilized it "as a romantic gesture to show that he was a 'blighted being' and very, very melancholy." And it was Bulwer-Lytton who gave further impetus to this notion of black as the colour for formal wear by writing, in 1828, that "people must be very distinguished to look well in black." Naturally, the moment this

statement was noted by would-be dandies, the style became decidedly de rigueur ... or "cool" in modern parlance.

Please Explain This…….

This was probably a reaction to the sartorial excesses of men during the time of the English Prince Regent (later Brother King George IV) when dandies such as Beau Brummell wore more splendid apparel than females. The original dinner jacket was "invented" by Brother King Edward VII when Prince of Wales. He was also the Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England in the last quarter of the 19th Century. He certainly made the dinner jacket fashionable, and no doubt this is why the vast majority of freemasons in Australia and some other countries wear dinner jackets (some WMs and Grand Lodge folk wear white tie and tails). The tuxedo was "invented" by Pierre Lorillard IV, a wealthy man of Tuxedo Park in New York State, in 1896. His son and friends wore the first tuxedos to a white tie and tails ball. The cummerbund and bow tie (popular with many freemasons) were later additions to the "tux" outfit. In the more tropical parts of the World, masons wear white mess jackets rather than the sombre dinner jacket or tuxedo or tailcoat. Members of daylight lodges here wear day clothes such as a business suit or perhaps a formal sports jacket. Frequent attendees at lodge take their freemasonry fairly seriously, and wearing formal clothes perhaps helps to set the mood. Furthermore, the "uniform" of black-and-white might mean that we pay more attention to the man than his clothes - the reverse might occur if we wore catwalk "gear" to lodge!




Lodge Coupar o' Fife can trace it's roots back more than 300 years. At the formation of The Grand Lodge of Scotland in 1736, the master Dr John Moncrieff, and his two wardens John Ross & John Sheen , made the trek to Edinburgh to represent our Lodge. Nowadays a trip to Edinburgh can be made quite comfortably by car, bus or train in less than an hour, but over 250 years ago, our brethren faced a long journey by stage-coach and ferry to reach the capital. Cupar, being on the main stage routes between Falkland Palace and St Andrews, enjoyed good transport links for the day. Around Fife that some milestones prominently featured the name of Pettycur. This was the main stage, post, and ferry link near Burntisland, which connected to Granton harbour across the River Forth. Pettycur has been in the news relatively recently, with the discovery of a ship belonging to Charles 1st which foundered in a sudden squall, and sunk with the loss of the crew, and most of the crown jewels of the period. Happily, our three brethren had no such problems on their trip.

For some reason our charter from The Grand Lodge of Scotland was not obtained in 1736, but some years later on 6th February 1758 . The charter itself mentions that the Lodge had been known to exist for at least 100 years before then. Lodge meetings were held for some years in the Ladywynd before

the current Lodge building was erected in 1811. The Lodge is a category A listed building. The reason for its architectural importance is that the building has a stepped frontage rather than being flat. Lodge meetings have been held here since then with some brief interludes due to the two world wars. During the Second World War the military took over the use of the premises for billeting Polish troops.

Coupar o’ Fife…….

The enumeration of Lodge numbers is a complicated subject, but it has been researched and we have some good information relating to this Lodge which we now call Coupar o' Fife. In 1737 just after Grand lodge was formed we were No.21. In 1747 the lodge name was Cupar in Fife, with Cupar being spelt the same way as today. The original charter issued by Grand Lodge in 1758 is made out with the name of the Lodge being Coupar of Fife and the number 21. New numbering issued in 1809 left us as No.21, in 1816 No.18, 1822 we were given No.17, and finally in 1826 No.19.

One of the old aprons from the period between 1822 and 1826 when we were No.17 St John, has survived and is thought to be quite valuable to collectors of Masonic memorabilia. Strangely, two lodges at that time - both called St John - were issued with the number 17! St John of Dunkeld were numbered 17/1, and Lodge St John, Cupar, 17/2.

In the last enumeration in 1826 the No.17 was given to Lodge Ancient Brazen, Linlithgow. The lodge name as well as the numbering has changed



over the years and records show that in 1836 we were Cupar in Fife (19) with Cupar as in the current spelling, but there is no date for when we changed to today's name of Lodge Coupar o' Fife with the older style for the spelling of Cupar.

Note the Ram's head, which we have adopted as a symbol of the Lodge. From it, every visitor to the Lodge is offered a pinch of snuff as a token of welcome. The exact details relating to it's history are either lost or have gone unrecorded, because despite a search of many old minute books, we can find no confirmation of it's origin. However it is believed that in the late 1800's, a German called Gustaf Vogel arrived in town, and set up his business in Kirk Wynd as a sausage skin manufacturer.

We do know from the minute books that he took his three degrees during 1902 and 1903, and went on to become an office bearer in the lodge for a brief time soon after. Whilst we believe that he was the supplier of the Ram's head, there is no further trace of this in the minute books. Gustaf also worked in the local slaughterhouse, and he met an

untimely death by contracting anthrax when being cut by a knife.

The other part of the mystery lies in the casket for the snuff which is set into the Ram's head. It bears the inscription - Presented to Lodge Coupar o' Fife - Bro. Wm Davidson September 1891 - Mounted by the Lodge. This of course pre-dates Gustav Vogel's association with the Lodge. Was this Ram's head a replacement for one which was there when Gustav joined the Lodge? The condition of the head today is quite remarkable when you think it has spent it's life on a mantlepiece shelf originally above the fireplace which used to be in the West wall. That mantlepiece contains Masonic symbols, and can still be seen on the landing where you sign the tyle before entering the Lodge. It would also be hard not to notice that the Ram's head has now been incorporated into the new Lodge carpet, as well as being used on the Mark penny.

This Historical Sketch about Lodge Coupar o’ Fife No.19.was reproduced from the excellent website of the Lodge. Click this link to access their site. Brethren, this has become a regular feature in the newsletter for a wee while, featuring some Scottish Lodges. If you have a brief history of your lodge and would like to see it here, drop me a line. Next month, we will publish a short Historical Sketch of Lodge Cadder Argyle No.147



Book Review …….

A Winter with Robert Burns by James Marshall

Boorangof th


‘A Winter with Robert Burns’ by James Marshall is available fromMasonic Publishing at this link. Detailing his Patrons and Associates inEdinburgh during the years 1786-87. Complete with a full colour pull-outillustration of his supposed inauguration as Poet-Laureate of Cannongate,Kilwinning 184pp, Cased Bound, Gold Blocked

This little book is a must for any collector of Burns and Freemasonry, itdetails the people portrayed in the famous painting of Robert Burns, ‘TheInauguration of Robert Burns as Poet Laureate of Canongate KilwinningLodge, 1st March 1787’, which is on display in the Museum of the GrandLodge of Scotland in Edinburgh and to those Brethren who have a copy ofthe print, this book is an ideal accompaniment.

Price £12.50

k Reviews……. Circle publications and Masonic Publishing produce a wide e of Masonic Books, each month we will include a book review page of some e books available from them.


The Adventures of Billy!

The Lodge Goat By SRA76 Web comics

Knock! Knock! Knock! Who’s there?


Candy who?

The Candidate to join the Lodge!


© SRA76 - 2010/1

Until next month,

Keep the faith! The Editor.