Spring 2018 Messenger Presbyterian Church “He has risen!... go, tell…” Mark 16: 6, 7 Dear ODPC Family, The resurrection changes everything! We are in another wonderful Lenten/ Easter season. Here are a few questions for us to consider and reflect on especially during this time: Do we understand why Easter is so important to the Christian Church? March 25, 2018 9:30 & 11:00am Easter Sunday Flowers You can donate to the “Remembrance Fund” using the envelopes provided in the pews. continued on page 2 COMMUNION MAUNDY THURSDAY SPECIAL TENEBRAE SERVICE MARCH 29, 7:00PM OCEAN DRIVE April 1, 2018 EASTER SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES *9:00 am Contemporary - Sanctuary *9:00 am Country Gospel - LFLC 11:00 am Traditional - Sanctuary 11:00 am Contemporary - LFLC *please note our first services start at 9:00 am

Spring 2018 copy - oceandrivechurch.org · wept with glee. Some stood on tables and shouted, as others ... Playwright Joseph Robinette faithfully reproduces the wonderful world of

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Spring 2018 Messenger Presbyterian Church

“He has risen!... go, tell…” Mark 16: 6, 7

Dear ODPC Family,

The resurrection changes everything! We are in another wonderful Lenten/ Easter season. Here are a few questions for us to consider and reflect on especially during this time: Do we understand why Easter is so important to the Christian Church?

March 25, 2018 9:30 & 11:00am

Easter Sunday


You can donate to the “Remembrance Fund” using

the envelopes provided in the pews.

continued on page 2




April 1, 2018

EASTERSUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES*9:00 am Contemporary - Sanctuary

*9:00 am Country Gospel - LFLC11:00 am Traditional - Sanctuary11:00 am Contemporary - LFLC

*please note our first services start at 9:00 am

message continued from page 1

Do we understand the importance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ? If a friend who is not Christian asked the previous questions, could we answer them? Do we respond to the good news of the Easter message with joy? Do we share the good news with others? If not, what is keeping us from understanding, experiencing or sharing? Christ died for us and our salvation to reconcile us with God. As such, God calls us to live in a way that proclaims the Kingdom of God with power until that time we are called to our eternal home, or Jesus Christ comes again at the end times as he said he would. I’ve shared this story with you before, but it’s worth sharing again. Nelson L. Price tells about Dr. Murdo Ewin McDonald, a Scottish soldier who became a prisoner of war during World War II. One morning, Dr. McDonald was awakened by a friend who had been listening secretly to the BBC and heard the news of the allied invasion of Normandy. The bearer of the good news whispered only three words to McDonald in Gaelic: “They have come!” McDonald immediately threw all reserve and restraintaside, ran back to the barracks and began shouting, “They have come! They have come!” The response to his proclamation was instant and incredible. Weak men shouted as they jumped for joy, ragged men hugged each other and wept with glee. Some stood on tables and shouted, as others rolled on the floor in fits of elation. Their German captors, not knowing of the D-Day Invasion, thought them crazy. Even though the jubilant allies were still prisoners within the formerly intimidating walls, and nothing had apparently changed, inwardly, they knew that actually everything had changed. Freedom was yet to be had but they lived happily in the knowledge that a rescue was on the way. Do you understand the decisive battle over sin and death has been won for us in Jesus Christ? The Bible says we have been set free from that bondage. That’s something to get excited about and it’s something to share with joy. Yes, the resurrection changes everything. May it be so for all of us at Ocean Drive Presbyterian Church!

Grace and Peace to you in Christ Jesus,Warmly,

Daryle P. BushPastor

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. 1 Peter 3:15

All children and their families are invited to our Easter Family Celebration! We will serve lunch and have a special time to dye eggs and put together an Easter week family devotion kit. Each family

will also receive a special gift. Come have lunch, fun, and enjoy time with your family as we celebrate Easter and Jesus’ gift of redemption!

Saturday, March 24, 2018 12:00 - 2:00pm

Maundy Thursday

Communion/Tenebrae Service

Thursday, March 29, 7:00pm

Please join us as we remember the key events in the last week of Jesus’ life, through scripture readings, music,

drama, and communion.

ODPC Easter CantataSunday, March 189:00 & 11:00am

Come, Touch the Robe

Encounters with the Healer, the Servant, the Lord of Easter

Prayer Shawl Ministry 2017 Report 823 items turned in 871 items given out

(some were already on hand)

We had a record year! We were able to spread the comfort of prayed-over items to more

people dealing with difficult times. Each of us feels blessed to be part of this ministry.

Joe’s Bar and Grill

Chestnut Hill

Productivity & fun go well together!

Tuesday, March 27 @ 6pm Shag Lessons

Fat Harold’s on Main Street Join us for dancing, or just for fun & fellowship.

Sign up in the Welcome Center or front office.

ODPC Connections has a number of fellowship groups for members and

friends of ODPC to enjoy…

Monday, April 9 @ 5:30pm Antonio’s Restaurant

806 Sea Mountain Hwy., North Myrtle Beach Please sign up in the Welcome

Join the ODPC Travel Group! Contact Bev Clayton

919-698-5573 or [email protected]

Women of Hope Fellowship Tuesdays, March 13 and April 10

Miriam: 10:00am at ODPC in Bellroom Ruth: 10:00am at ODPC in room F220 Grace: 10:30am at ODPC in room A145 Rahab: 6:30pm in the home of Heather Hill, please call 843-272-0427 for directions

Tuesday, May 8, 12-2pm, LFLC

Women of Hope Celebration All Women Are Welcome!

Questions, call Jan Giessing at 910-269-9617.

Youth Wednesdays

5:30 - 7:15pm

Wednesday, March 28 – ACCESS Youth will walk through a traditional Jewish Seder Meal to see how Christ is foreshadowed in the Passover. April 6 -7- ACCESS Spring Camping Retreat! We will travel to Columbia, SC to work with the non-profit Homeworks of America building homes in low-income areas. Sunday, April 22 @ 5:30pm– ACCESS Variety Show Fundraiser. Join us for dinner and entertainment. Cost $20 per person. All proceeds will go to support our mission camp trip this summer!

May 20 – ACCESS Graduation Sunday. Lunch for seniors and family following service. June 25-30 – ACCESS MFUGE Mission-based camp! A few spots still available. Contact Charles Horton at 843-446-8616 or [email protected] for more information about any ACCESS events!

MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Shipwrecked Vacation Bible School Sunday, June 10 - Wednesday, June 13 All kids will come and venture onto an uncharted island with us where they will learn how to survive and thrive. Kids will be anchored in the truth that Jesus will always carry them through all of life’s storms.

nic@nite - Wednesday, March 7, 14, 21, & 28!

Brightwater Service Project -March 10 All children who want to join us on this day are welcome! We will meet at the

church at 1:00pm and go to Brightwater to deliver the pillows that the kids have

made during nic@nite. A parent or guardian must attend.


On Ash Wednesday, ACCESS Youth walked through prayer stations as

they reflected on their spiritual journey with Christ.

ACCESS Seniors’ Ski Trip to Banner Elk, NC

ACCESS Youth helped with ODPC’s

Hope’s Kitchen.

ACCESS Youth listened to Irving Roth, Holocaust survivor, tell his story.

March - April

Mar 18 Easter Cantata 9 & 11

Mar 20 Session

Mar 22/23 Children’s Auditions

Mar 24 Easter Family Celebration

Mar 25 Palm Sunday

Mar 27 BOD Meeting

Mar 27 Singles’ Gathering

Mar 29 Maundy Thursday/Communion

Mar 30 Good Friday/Church Office Closed

Apr 1 Easter Sunday-4 services

Apr 2 Church Office Closed

Apr 6/7 ACCESS Mission Trip

Apr 9 Forks & Fellowship

Apr 10 Women of Hope

Apr 12 Prime Time

Apr 12 GriefShare Leader Recognition

Apr 17 Session

Apr 19 Alz Caregivers’ Support

Apr 22 ACCESS Fundraiser

Apr 22 5th Grade Fun Day

Apr 24 BOD Meeting

Apr 26 GriefShare Begins

Apr 29 New Members’ Event

Please bring in your Hot Stacks

receipts. We receive 10% cash

back for each one!

Also, please remember to give the

church phone number,

843-249-2312, at checkout

when shopping at Office Depot to

help with our office supplies.

Thank you!

Praises to our Lord!

We received and distributed

$9,668.26 for Hurricane Relief in 2017.

Thank you for your generosity!

SISters Movie Night!Friday, Feb 23

120 sisters gathered to fellowship and watch Liz

Curtis Higgs DVD Embrace Grace. It was a great night of fellowship, fun, popcorn, and the Word. Praise God! Much

was donated to help our community mission Hope’s

Kitchen. We Are Family!

Robyn, Michelle and Kelly

Thank you Duster Stanton for a wonderful acoustic concert and testimony! It was a treasure to hear your journey and experience the way the Lord is using you for His Kingdom purposes. $2,429.78 was received for the Easter Haiti mission team. What a huge blessing you are to our church family! Kelly and the Praise Team

Sunday, Feb 25


We Mourn With You

ODPC Members Lost Virginia Hickman Sonnia Tidwell

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the father of

compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our

troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort

we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of

Christ flows over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort

overflows. 2 Corinthians 1:3-5

We Pray With You

NMB Children’s Theater Proudly Presents The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Playwright Joseph Robinette faithfully reproduces the wonderful world of C.S. Lewis’ Narnia. Join us in this heroic tale of faith,

courage, sacrifice, and redemption. Come along with us as Aslan and the children battle the forces of evil for control of Narnia.

Auditions! ages 6 - 16

Thursday, March 22 and Friday, March 23 5:00 - 8:00pm

*please go to North Myrtle Beach Children’s Theater page on Facebook to register to audition

Showtimes: Thursday, May 10 & Friday, May 11

@ 6:00pm Saturday, May 12 @ 1:00 & 6:00pm

Tickets are $5.00

Well Spring Ministry Our Mission: as the Body of Christ to nurture and care for our members in body and spirit through

wholistic care during illness and health.

A Volunteer is ready to help you with: Driving you to your doctor, physical therapy, or other medical/surgical procedures A ride to Sunday church services If you live alone, or are just home from the hospital, someone will visit or call you/bring a meal sit with your loved one who is homebound so you can run errands, keep a doctor’s appointment, or have lunch with friends and recharge your spirit

Contact Melody Mullin, Well Spring Care Coordinator, 843-655-4909


GriefShare is designed to provide a grief recovery support group for those who have experienced the death of a loved one. It is recognized as a ministry to which individuals can be referred for year-round grief support. Each series lasts 13 weeks. You can register in the Welcome Center on Sundays, April 15 and 22nd, or call the church office at 843-249-2312.

Behind the Scenes - Technology at ODPC

By Ethan Harris, Media Director

Technology is everywhere in today’s society. Technology that is commonplace today even a few years ago was unimaginable. Cell phones, smart TVs, chips inside credit cards, GPS, email, and many other innovations are accepted as routine; a part of everyday life. Not surprisingly, there is a lot of technology in use behind the scenes at Ocean Drive Presbyterian Church.

At ODPC, technology is used for the purpose of glorifying God and sharing the good news of the Gospel. From the church web site, to worship services, to office tasks, technology is everywhere at Ocean Drive, just as it is in everyday life.

Behind the scenes, cables are hidden in the church ceilings and walls. These cables carry computer data, telephone calls, video signals and other information across the campus. Computers and networks control the electronic sign on 6th Ave. S., operate security door locks, turn projectors on and off, send video to the Welcome Center, carry voice traffic, and so on.

Outside the church facilities, the church web site uses “https:” ensuring that the connection from your phone, tablet or computer to the web site is encrypted and secure. In worship, the use of video and projection equipment helps the congregation see and understand the gospel message. The audio system in the Sanctuary is digital too, so that everyone can hear the sermons and worship God through music.

It requires volunteers to operate some of the equipment, particularly during Sunday worship services. These volunteers are ordinary, everyday people with no special skill or experience. The tech team operates video cameras, several computers and other equipment. People sometimes compliment the tech team after a worship service, saying that they appreciate being able to see and hear the choir, the praise team, the organ and orchestra. And of course what would it be like if it was hard to see or hear the Pastor as he shares the eternal truths of God’s word?

If you sit behind the tech team on the balcony on Sunday, things look complicated – but nothing is further from the truth! What the tech team does each week is easy to learn. The equipment and software has been selected for it’s simplicity, volunteer friendliness, and ease of use. It only takes a few hours to learn the details and be a proficient member of the team.

Because ODPC is growing, our need for people who can help behind the scenes is also growing. Our goal is to have 3 tech teams per service. That way people do not have to serve every Sunday. So if you attend services fairly regularly, please consider serving on the tech team. Ephesians 6:7 says “Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people…”

Helping on the the tech team is a wonderful and fun way to participate in the life of the church, and most importantly to bring honor and glory to God.

Let’s get down to the brass tacks . . . the dollars, some chatter, & your health & welfare


Mortgage 3,660

Fellowship/Connecting (200)

Diaconate 294

Administration 8,171

Discipleship 1,150 Evangelism & Outreach 1,144

Finance 1,291

Property 7,857

Insurance Staff 82,148

Worship 972

Total Expenses 106,487

Total Income 123,368 Over/(Short) 16,881

P r i m e T i m e 5 5 + Ministry will meet again here at ODPC on Thursday, April 12, 2018, 2 - 4pm in Room F224. Join us for cards! Kings Row and Five Crowns will be available, or come and teach us a new game! Please call the church office to sign up at 843-249-2312.

Support Group at ODPC! The South Carolina Alzheimer’s Association and the Chapter office in Myrtle Beach supports an Alzheimer’s Caregivers’ Support Group at ODPC. The monthly meetings are on the 3rd Thursday of each month from 2 - 3:30pm in room F224. Information is available at the Welcome Center desk or call Facilitator, Kathy Bazzarre, R.N., FCN,PCA, 843-450-3410.

Well Spring Ministry is always in need of volunteers! If you are an ODPC member and are interested in volunteering, please complete the application online or pick one up in the Welcome Center. You will need to attend a training session that will equip you with details on the volunteer duties; a Handbook and handouts will be given on various topics. Call, email, or text Kathy Bazzarre, R.N., FCN, PCN, with any questions, 843-450-3410;

[email protected].

We can’t wait to meet you and have you join the Ministry as we s e r v e G o d a n d members through Well Spring!

2018 Annual Budget: $1,388,401

2018 YTD Budget: $106,800

2018 Actual Revenues: $123,368

2018 YTD/Actual: $16,568


Mortgage Balance as of January 31:


Westminster Preschool

The Sixth Annual PRAYER POWER PARTNERS’ sign

up will be Sunday, May 13 & 20 in the Welcome

Center.Have you had a Prayer Power

Partner? Even if you had one last

year, you are in luck and can have

another! This is an

intergenerational ministry that

will connect you with a child or

youth name. You can choose a

name or two from the lists of

nic@nite children or ACCESS

youth and pray for them all

throughout this year. You will soon

find you have a very special

spiritual bond with your Prayer

Power Partner and the bonus…

they will be praying for you!

Please stop by the Welcome

Center table on one of these

Sundays and select your very own

Prayer Power Partner or

partners! What a great way to

grow your adult faith! Abundant

Blessings will spring forth!Kathy Bazzarre, RN, FCN, PCA

Faith community Nurse

Pastoral Care Associate


The Reverend Daryle P. Bush, Senior Pastor

• • •We encourage you to ask questions about our church. For more information, please contact us through our website, or give our office a call and we will be glad to give you all the Good News!



Our Mission: “To Glorify God and make Him known!” Our Passion: “To Glorify God by - Bringing people to saving faith in Jesus Christ and membership in His family; Building them up to become like Christ; Training them to serve Christ; and Sending them out to share the Good News of Christ’s love.” Our Beliefs: That Jesus Christ is Lord of all and the only way of salvation. That Holy Scripture is God’s revealed Word, the Church’s only infallible rule of faith and life. That God’s people are called to holiness in all aspects of life.

Who we are here at ODPC . . .


The Reverend Daryle P. Bush - Senior Pastor [email protected]

Nikki S - Executive Assistant to Pastor [email protected]

K a t h y B - P a r i s h N u r s e [email protected]

Kelly G - Director of Contemporary Worship [email protected]

Karen A - Director of Traditional Worship [email protected]

E t h a n H - M e d i a E n g i n e e r [email protected]

Michelle E - Children’s Ministry Director [email protected]

C h a r l e s H - Y o u t h D i r e c t o r [email protected]

Cindy T - Financial Administrator [email protected]

Mary Gail S - Membership/Administrative Assistant [email protected]

Patsy O- Reception [email protected]

DJ L - Sexton [email protected]

The Reverend Daryle P. Bush, Senior PastorWeb Site: oceandrivechurch.orgPhone: 843-249-2312Email: [email protected]

Sunday Worship Schedule9:30am Contemporary Worship11:00am Traditional Worship9:30am Adult Sunday School10:45am Adult & Youth Sunday School

Ocean Drive Presbyterian Church410 Sixth Avenue SouthPO Box 277North Myrtle Beach, SC 29597