Mollington Matters Spring 2015 Election of Parish Councillors 7th May 2015 Some members of the present Parish Council will not be standing for re- election and our Clerk will not be continuing beyond this council. It is important we have enough applicants to form a Parish Council. Should we be unable to form a council, CDC will take over village affairs and charge us accordingly, which could result in a significant increase in the precept. If you would like to be involved as Clerk or as a Councillor and have a say in shaping your community, now is your chance. We want Mollington residents to continue to be represented by an active Parish Council so please give this some thought and contact one of our councillors or the clerk if you would like to talk through what’s involved. Mollington Parish Council presently has 5 elected councillors (a chairman who is elected each year by the Council) and a paid Parish Clerk. He is also the Financial Officer for the Council. Responsibilities of the Parish Council include among others : Maintaining grass verges and playing fields including trees and hedges. Ensuring the two recreation areas are properly maintained and safe. Making recommendations and expressing residents’ concerns on planning applications. Liaising with OCC over their obligations such as roads, drainage and footpaths. Managing the parish accounts and setting the precept. Most important of all it is to represent the views of residents to Cherwell District Council and other government agencies. You will need to be: At least 21 years old A British Citizen, or a citizen of the Irish Republic, the Commonwealth or another member state of the European Union A registered elector in Mollington Working or have occupied, as owner or tenant, any land or premises in Mollington during the whole of the last 12 months. See page 2 of this newsletter for a brief job description of the role of the clerk to the Parish Council Turbine Update Murex Energy have appealed the decision to refuse planning per- mission to erect a wind turbine at the bottom of March Lane. To date, a planning inspector has not been appointed to consider this appeal and there is no indication when a decision is likely to be made.

Spring 2015 Mollington Matters · Mollington Matters Spring 2015 ... See page 2 of this newsletter for a brief job description of the role of the clerk to the Parish Council ... by

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Page 1: Spring 2015 Mollington Matters · Mollington Matters Spring 2015 ... See page 2 of this newsletter for a brief job description of the role of the clerk to the Parish Council ... by

Mollington Parish Council - email: [email protected]

Mollington Matters

Spring 2015

Election of Parish Councillors 7th May 2015

Some members of the present Parish Council will not be standing for re-

election and our Clerk will not be continuing beyond this council. It is

important we have enough applicants to form a Parish Council.

Should we be unable to form a council, CDC will take over

village affairs and charge us accordingly, which could result in a

significant increase in the precept.

If you would like to be involved as Clerk or as a Councillor and have a say

in shaping your community, now is your chance. We want Mollington

residents to continue to be represented by an active Parish Council so please give this some thought and

contact one of our councillors or the clerk if you would like to talk through what’s involved. Mollington

Parish Council presently has 5 elected councillors (a chairman who is elected each year by the Council) and

a paid Parish Clerk. He is also the Financial Officer for the Council.

Responsibilities of the Parish Council include among others :

Maintaining grass verges and playing fields including trees and hedges.

Ensuring the two recreation areas are properly maintained and safe.

Making recommendations and expressing residents’ concerns on planning applications.

Liaising with OCC over their obligations such as roads, drainage and footpaths.

Managing the parish accounts and setting the precept.

Most important of all it is to represent the views of residents to Cherwell District Council and other

government agencies.

You will need to be:

At least 21 years old

A British Citizen, or a citizen of the Irish Republic, the Commonwealth or another member state

of the European Union

A registered elector in Mollington

Working or have occupied, as owner or tenant, any land or premises in Mollington during the

whole of the last 12 months.

See page 2 of this newsletter for a brief job description of the role of the clerk to the Parish Council

Turbine Update

Murex Energy have appealed the decision to refuse planning per-

mission to erect a wind turbine at the bottom of March Lane. To

date, a planning inspector has not been appointed to consider this appeal and there is no indication when a decision is likely to be


Page 2: Spring 2015 Mollington Matters · Mollington Matters Spring 2015 ... See page 2 of this newsletter for a brief job description of the role of the clerk to the Parish Council ... by

Mollington Parish Council - email: [email protected]

Clerk to the Parish Council - Brief Job Description

The Clerk is totally responsible for ensuring that the instructions of the Council in connection with its function as a

Local Authority are carried out. The main responsibilities are:

To ensure that statutory and other provisions governing or affecting the running of the Council are


To monitor and balance the Council's accounts and prepare records for audit purposes, PAYE and VAT.

To ensure that the Council's obligations for Risk Assessment are properly met.

To prepare, in conjunction with appropriate members, agendas, attend such parish meetings and prepare

minutes for approval.

To deal with the correspondence and documents for attention of the Council and to issue correspondence

as a result of instructions of, or the known policy of the Council.

To receive and report on invoices for goods and services to be paid for by the Council and to ensure such

accounts are met.

To act as the representative of the Council as required.

The position of clerk to Mollington Parish Council carries an annual salary of £2,400

Christmas Fayre

Mollington Christmas Fayre, held on Saturday 28th No-

vember, was a tremendous success with £1,500 being

raised for All Saints Church!

A huge Thank You to everybody who helped with dona-

tions, with assistance towards the smooth running of the

afternoon or who just supported us by attending.

Congratulations to the winners of the children’s Christ-

mas card competition; Isaac Orchard (aged 4) and Pippa

Charles (aged 8) whose winning entries are shown below.

The 2015 Christmas Fayre will be held on Saturday 5th


A Defibrillator for Mollington Mollington Parish Council are looking into the provision

of a heart defibrillator for use by residents and visitors

to the village. This equipment is quite expensive and we

are delighted that a grant has now been obtained from

the National Lottery to pay for it. The equipment is easy

to use and we intend to run a training course on its use

along with CPR.

Most models come in a cabi-

net as shown in the photo-

graph, which requires an

electricity supply and this

will restrict the choice of

locations. Cropredy already

have a defibrillator on the

exterior of the Doctors Sur-

gery. There is also one on

the outside of Shotteswell

Village Hall. A suitable location will be sought once the

model of defibrillator has been selected.

Cluster Care - 20th Birthday

In March Cluster Care celebrates its twentieth birthday. On 31st March we will be having a party to celebrate.

Cluster provides a meeting point for local elderly people. Every Tuesday in Cropredy

Cricket Pavilion there is a day of activity, fun, food and lots of chit chat! Members come

from many of the villages in the surrounding area and even Banbury to enjoy spending a hap-

py day in the company of others.

If you know an elderly person who would benefit from getting out of the house and meeting

up with us please contact Moya Reed. If you can spare some time once a month and would

like to volunteer to be a helper or a driver please contact Moya Reed or John Langridge.

Moya Reed tel 01295 758531 John Langridge 01295 750227

Page 3: Spring 2015 Mollington Matters · Mollington Matters Spring 2015 ... See page 2 of this newsletter for a brief job description of the role of the clerk to the Parish Council ... by

Mollington Parish Council - email: [email protected]

Better Broadband in Oxfordshire From our present slow 2-3 MPS download speed, we

should soon be able to enjoy significantly higher

speeds via fibre optic cables that have been laid from

the Cropredy exchange. A new cabinet has been

installed at the top of Chestnut Road at the junction

with Main Street.

At the moment we are

promised improved speeds

by the end of June.

Mollington WI

Mollington WI is a friendly, varied group and meets at 8.00 pm on the third

Tuesday of each month in the Village Hall. There are speakers covering many

interesting and diverse subjects from "Secrets and Scandals at Canons Ashby" and

a textiles workshop, to a talk by internationally renowned sculptor James Butler,

who has extended an invitation to visit his studio this year. This is followed by a

finger buffet, when members have the chance to socialise and get to know each


Visitors are always warmly welcomed - and your £4.00 fee is refundable if you decide to join as a member.

The contacts for further information are:- Lesley Nell 01295 730995; Marie Boswell 01295 750635

Village Hall News

Deborah Cotterill is standing down as Treasurer of the

Village Hall Committee. If anyone would like to join

the Village Hall Management

Committee as Treasurer they

would be most welcome.

P l e a s e c o n t a c t B o b

Wadsworth on 01295


100 Club

Results for January

£50 A Cubitt

£25 B Smith

£15 P Blodgett

£15 S O’Kearney

Electricity - Priority Service Register

We all rely on electricity day to day for various things but, for

some, a power cut can be particularly distressing and difficult.

Southern Electric Power Distribution (SEPD) offer extra help

and support during a power cut to people on their Priority

Service Register. You can join the Priority Services Register if


Are dependent on electricity for home medical care,

e.g. a kidney dialysis machine or ventilator.

Have a chronic illness or short term medical condition;

e.g. you are recovering from a major operation.

Are disabled.

Have special communication needs; e.g. because you are

blind, partially sighted, deaf or hard of hearing.

Have a young baby.

To register, telephone 0800 294 3259 or on-line at


Tea and Cakes - Saturday 21st


An open invitation to all villagers, friends and

families, including kiddies, to enjoy a couple of

hours on what could be a very dull and wet

February afternoon.

Come along to the Village Hall and enjoy a cup of

tea and home made cakes, enjoy the company of

other villagers and neighbours and just have a chat!

What could be nicer!

3pm - 5pm

Mollington Spring Fete

Mollington Spring Fete, raising

money for All Saints Church, will

be held on Saturday 16th May


We are hoping to include all our

popular stalls and attractions as well as serving de-

licious teas, hot dogs, burgers and beer! If you are

able to offer any help or ideas, please contact

Ginetta 01295 750761.

Mollington Village Hall - Quiz Night

Saturday 14th March 2015 in the hall

Starting at 7.30 pm

Tickets @ £10.00 per person to include supper

Licensed bar available

Teams of 6

Tickets available from Bob Wadsworth on 01295 750230 or

Peter Jones on 01295 750671

Page 4: Spring 2015 Mollington Matters · Mollington Matters Spring 2015 ... See page 2 of this newsletter for a brief job description of the role of the clerk to the Parish Council ... by

Mollington Parish Council - email: [email protected]


1. Contact the Police 0845 8 505 505 2. Advise your Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator

who may be able to offer further information.

3. Emergency? Telephone 999 or 112

Ginetta Best



Bob Thacker Lower Farm Lane South Green


Sandra Lan-don

The Paddocks March Lane


Vacant Whiteway

Keith Collett Round Hill Road Church Lane


Daryl Jeffries Farm Watch Caravan Park


Peter Jones Main Street 750952

Paul Garner Orchard Piece 750770

Terry Warner Lower Chestnut Road 750737

Ken Andrews East Main Street 750692

Roy Askew The Holt Upper Chestnut Road


Ally Alfandary The Mead 750709



‘Banbury Guardian Village News Column’ Sandra Landon 750201


Member of Parliament Tony Baldry Office – 16A North Bar, Banbury. 262341

County Councillor George Reynolds 780479

District Councillor Ken Atack 758861


Peter Jones 750952 Chairman Shaun Greenslade-Hibbert 750864 Bookings Denise Hall 690260 Secretary Peter Whittaker 750811 100 Club

Gill Zammett 750483 Treasurer Denise Hall 690260 Parish Council Pippa Bramham 758589 Philip Tree 253194 Scouts

Parish Council Information Bulletin ~ Spring 2013


Ginetta Best 750761 Neighbourhood Watch, Footpaths, Dogs

Mike Duffin 758238 Traffic, Police & Transport

Denise Hall 690260 Mollington Village Hall

Paul Stephenson 758340 Chairman, Planning, Environment

John Summers 758745 Village & Playing Field Maintenance

Les Borland 758293 Clerk to the Council



Cropredy School 750210 Dassett School 770267 St. John’s Roman Catholic School 263740


North Oxfordshire Academy 253181 Banbury School 251451 Kineton High School 01926 640465 Blessed George Napier R C School 264216

Further Education

Oxford & Cherwell Valley College, 01865 550660



Rev. Hilary Campbell


Mrs Dorothy Tweedy 750563

Mr Bob Reeves 750778


1. Contact the Police 101 2. Advise your Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator

who may be able to offer further information.

Ginetta Best



Bob Thacker Lower Farm Lane South Green


Sandra Lan-don

The Paddocks March Lane


Hazel Pape Whiteway 750574

Keith Collett Round Hill Road Church Lane


Darel Jeffries Farm Watch Caravan Park


Peter Jones Main Street 750952

Paul Garner Orchard Piece 750770

Terry Warner Lower Chestnut Road 750737

Ken Andrews East Main Street 750692

Roy Askew The Holt Upper Chestnut Road


Ally Alfandary The Mead 750709




Member of Parliament Tony Baldry Office – 16A North Bar, Banbury. 262341

County Councillor George Reynolds 780479

District Councillor Ken Atack 758861


Bob Wadsworth 750230 Chairman Debbie Cotterill 750586 Treasurer Peter Whittaker 750811 Denise Hall 690260 Parish Council Pippa Bramham 758589 Philip Tree 253194 Scouts Val Davison 758745

Parish Council Information Bulletin ~ Spring 2015


Ginetta Best 750761 Neighbourhood Watch, Footpaths, Dogs

Mike Duffin 758238 Traffic, Police & Transport

Denise Hall 690260 Mollington Village Hall

Paul Stephenson 758340 Chairman, Planning, Environment

John Summers 758745 Village & Playing Field Maintenance

Les Borland 758293 Clerk to the Council


Bob Reeves 750778


Sylvia Thacker 750661

DOG WARDEN Cherwell District Council

Neil Greenway 221621


Alkerton - off A422 670648