SPORTS MANAGEMENT 1. INTRODUCTION TO SPORTS MANAGEMNET INTRODUCTION:- Like to be down in front—courtside, ringside, or on the sidelines at the 50-yard line? If you’re not game to be a player, mascot, or coach, you can still catch all the action up close and personal as manager of the team. Sports management lets you participate in—and cash in on—the exciting world of sports from a business standpoint. Here, you’ll learn about sports themselves plus the psychological principles at work behind them and how sports fit into our society. But you’ll also gain a strong foundation of knowledge in the field of business, examining how the worlds of business and sports interact and how you can make those interactions more profitable and beneficial for every person and interest involved. The way we think of sports has drastically changed over the years; these days few people would say that a sport is “just a game.” Indeed, sports provide serious entertainment and big business in this country, and sports managers are crucial to ensuring that the players, fans, coaches, and financial backers coexist peacefully. (Or, as close to peacefully as possible.) You’ll learn how to market sports Page 1

sports management

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Like to be down in front—courtside, ringside, or on the sidelines at the 50-yard line? If

you’re not game to be a player, mascot, or coach, you can still catch all the action up

close and personal as manager of the team. Sports management lets you participate in—

and cash in on—the exciting world of sports from a business standpoint. Here, you’ll

learn about sports themselves plus the psychological principles at work behind them and

how sports fit into our society. But you’ll also gain a strong foundation of knowledge in

the field of business, examining how the worlds of business and sports interact and how

you can make those interactions more profitable and beneficial for every person and

interest involved.

The way we think of sports has drastically changed over the years; these days few

people would say that a sport is “just a game.” Indeed, sports provide serious

entertainment and big business in this country, and sports managers are crucial to

ensuring that the players, fans, coaches, and financial backers coexist peacefully. (Or, as

close to peacefully as possible.) You’ll learn how to market sports effectively and how to

plan events, diving into the areas of sports publicity, coaching, and administration. An

interdisciplinary field, sports management encompasses elements of economics,

accounting, marketing, psychology, law, and communications.

Sport management is basically about the application of business principles to the

sport industry. Sport management focuses on the business aspects of sport in culture,

sports information, interscholastic intercollegiate and professional sports, facility

management, sport ethics, sport marketing, sport law, and sport finance.

Sports management is a broad field, and the knowledge you acquire about both

business and sports makes for a whole arena of action-packed possibilities.

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Sport employs many millions of people around the globe, is played or watched by the

majority of the world’s population, and at the elite level, has moved from being an

amateur pastime to a significant industry. The growth and professionalization of sport has

driven changes in the consumption, production and management of sporting events and

organizations at all levels.

Managing sport organizations at the start of the 21st century involves the

application of techniques and strategies evident in the majority of modern business,

government and nonprofit organizations. Sport managers engage in strategic planning,

manage large numbers of human resources, deal with broadcasting contracts worth

billions of dollars, manage the welfare of elite athletes who sometimes earn 100 times the

average working wage, and work within highly integrated global networks of

international sports federations, national sport organizations, government agencies, media

corporations, sponsors and community organizations.

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Stewart and Smith provide a list of ten unique features of sport which can assist us to

understand why the management of sport organization requires the application of specific

management techniques. A unique feature of sport is the phenomenon of people

developing irrational passions for sporting teams, competitions, or athletes. Sport has a

symbolic significance in relation to performance outcomes, success and celebrating

achievement that does not occur in other areas of economic and social activity. Sport

managers must learn to harness these passions by appealing to people’s desire to buy

tickets for events, become a member of a club, donate time to help run a voluntary

association, or purchase sporting merchandise. They must also learn to apply clear

business logic and management techniques to the maintenance of traditions and

connections to the nostalgic aspects of sport consumption and engagement.

There are also marked differences between sport organizations and other

businesses in how they evaluate performance. Private or publicly listed companies exist

to make profits and increase wealth of shareholders or owners, whereas in sport, other

imperatives such as winning premierships, providing services to stakeholders and

members, or meeting community service obligations may take precedence over financial

outcomes. Sport managers need to be cognizant of these multiple organizational

outcomes, while at the same time be responsible financial managers.

Competitive balance is also a unique feature of the interdependent nature of

relationships between sporting organizations that compete on the field but cooperate off

the field to ensure the long term viability of both clubs and their league. In most business

environments the aim is to secure the largest market share, defeat all competitors and

secure a monopoly. In sport, clubs and teams need the opposition to remain in business,

so they must cooperate to share revenues and playing talent, and regulate themselves to

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ensure the uncertainty in the outcome of games between them, so that fans’ interest will

be maintained. In some ways such behaviour could be construed as anticompetitive.

The sport product, when it takes the form of a game or contest, is also of variable

quality. While game outcomes are generally uncertain, one team might dominate, which

will diminish the attractiveness of the game. The perception of those watching the game

might be that the quality has also diminished as a result, particularly if it is your team that

loses! The variable quality of sport therefore makes it hard to guarantee quality in the

marketplace relative to providers of other consumer products.

Sport also enjoys a high degree of product or brand loyalty, with fans unlikely to

switch sporting codes because of a poor match result, or the standard of officiating.

Consumers of household products have a huge range to choose from and will readily

switch brands for reasons of price or quality, whereas sporting competitions are hard to

substitute. This advantage is also a negative, as sporting codes that wish to expand market

share find it difficult to attract new fans from other codes due to their familiarity with the

customs and traditions of their existing sport affiliation.

Sport engenders unique behaviours in people, such as emulating their sporting

heroes in play, wearing the uniform of their favourite player, or purchasing the products

that celebrity sports people endorse. This vicarious identification with the skills, abilities,

and lifestyles of sports people can be used by sport managers and allied industries to

influence the purchasing decisions of individuals who follow sport.

Sport fans also exhibit a high degree of optimism, at times insisting that their team,

despite a string of bad losses, is only a week, game or lucky break away from winning the

next championship. It could also be argued that the owners or managers of sport

franchises exhibit a high degree of optimism by toting their star recruits or new coach as

the path to delivering them on-field success.

Sporting organizations, are relatively reluctant to adopt new technologies unless

they are related to sports science, where on-field performance improvements are possible.

In this regard sport organizations can be considered conservative, and tied to traditions

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and behaviours more than other organizations. The final unique aspect of sport is its

limited availability. In other industries, organizations can increase production to meet

demand, but in sport, clubs are limited by season length and the number of scheduled

games. This constrains their ability to maximize revenue through ticket sales and

associated income. The implication for sport managers is that they must understand the

nature of their business, the level of demand for their product and services(whatever form

that may take) and the appropriate time to deliver them.

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Globalization has been a major force in driving change in the ways sport is produced and

consumed. The enhanced integration of the world’s economies have enabled

communication to occur between producers and consumers at greater speed and variety,

and sport has been one sector to reap the benefits. Consumers of elite sport events and

competitions such as the Olympic Games, World Cups for rugby, cricket and football,

English Premier League Football, the National Basketball Association (NBA), and Grand

Slam tournaments for tennis and golf enjoy unprecedented coverage. Aside from actually

attending the events live at a stadium, fans can view these events through free to air and

pay or cable television; listen to them on radio and the internet; read about game

analyses, their favourite players and teams through newspapers and magazines; receive

progress scores, commentary or vision on their mobile phones; and sign up for special

deals and information through online subscriptions using their email address. The global

sport marketplace has become very crowded and sport managers seeking to carve out a

niche need to understand the global environment in which they must operate. Thus, one

of the themes of this book is the impact of globalization on the ways sport is produced,

consumed and managed.

Most governments view sport as a vehicle for nationalism, economic development,

or social development. As such, they see it as within their purview to enact policies and

legislation to support, control or regulate the activities of sport organizations. Most

governments support elite training institutes to assist in developing athletes for national

and international competition, provide funding to national sporting organizations, support

sport organizations to bid for major events, and facilitate the building of major stadiums.

In return for this support, governments can influence sports to recruit more mass

participants, provide services to discrete sectors of the community, or have sports enact

policies on alcohol and drug use, gambling, and general health promotion messages.

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Governments also regulate the activities of sport organizations through legislation or

licensing in areas such as industrial relations, anti-discrimination, taxation and corporate

governance. A further theme in the book is the impact that governments can have on the

way sport is produced, consumed and managed.

The management of sport organizations has undergone a relatively rapid period of

professionalization over the last 30 years. The general expansion of the global sports

industry and commercialization of sport events and competitions, combined with the

introduction of paid staff into voluntary governance structures and the growing number of

people who now earn a living managing sport organizations or playing sport, has forced

sport organizations and their managers to become more professional. This is reflected in

the increased number of university sport management courses, the requirement to have

business skills as well as industry specific knowledge or experience to be successful in

sport management, the growth of professional and academic associations devoted to sport

management, and the variety of professionals and specialists that sport managers must

deal with in the course of their careers. Sport managers will work with accountants,

lawyers, taxation specialists, government policy advisors, project management personnel,

architects, market researchers, and media specialists, not to mention sports agents, sports

scientists, coaches, officials, and volunteers. The ensuing chapters of the book will

highlight the ongoing professionalization of sport management as an academic discipline

and a career.

The notion that changes in sport management frequently result from developments

in technology. Changes in telecommunications have already been highlighted, but further

changes in technology are evident in areas such as performance enhancing drugs,

information technology, coaching and high performance techniques, sports venues, and

sporting equipment. These changes have forced sport managers to develop policies about

their use, to protect intellectual property with a marketable value, and generally adapt

their operations to incorporate their use for achieving organizational objectives. Sport

managers need to understand the potential of technological development but also the

likely impact on future operations.

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In order to make sense of the many organizations that are involved in sport management,

and how these organizations may form partnerships, influence each others’ operations

and conduct business, it is useful to see sport as comprising three distinct sectors. The

first is the State or public sector, which includes national, state/provincial, regional and

local governments, and specialist agencies that develop sport policy, provide funding to

other sectors, and support specialist roles such as elite athlete development or drug

control. The second is the nonprofit or voluntary sector, made up of community based

clubs, governing associations and international sport organizations that provide

competition and participation opportunities, regulate and manage sporting codes, and

organize major championship events. The third sector is professional or commercial sport

organizations, comprising professional leagues and their member teams, as well as allied

organizations such as sporting apparel and equipment manufacturers, media companies,

major stadia operators and event managers.

These three sectors do not operate in isolation, and in many cases there is

significant overlap. For example, the State is intimately involved in providing funding to

nonprofit sport organizations for sport development and elite athlete programmes, and in

return nonprofit sport organizations provide the general community with sporting

opportunities and as well as developing athletes, coaches, officials and administrators to

sustain sporting participation. The State is also involved in commercial sport, supporting

the building of major stadia and other sporting venues to provide spaces for professional

sport to be played, providing a regulatory and legal framework for professional sport to

take place and supporting manufacturing and event organizations to do business. The

nonprofit sport sector supports professional sport by providing playing talent for leagues,

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Figure 1.1 Three sector model of sport

as well as developing the coaches, officials and administrators to facilitate elite

competitions. Indeed, in some cases the sport league itself will consist of member teams

which are technically nonprofit entities, even though they support a pool of professional

managers and players. In return, the professional sport sector markets sport for spectators

and participants and in some cases provides substantial funds from TV broadcast rights

revenue. Figure 1.1 illustrates the three sectors and the intersections where these

relationships take place.

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Sport managers utilize management techniques and theories that are similar to managers

of other organizations, such as hospitals, government departments, banks, mining

companies, car manufacturers, and welfare agencies. However, there are some aspects of

strategic management, organizational structure, human resource management, leadership,

organizational culture, governance and performance management that are unique to the

management of sport organizations.

Strategic management

Strategic management involves the analysis of an organization’s position in the

competitive environment, the determination of its direction and goals, the selection of an

appropriate strategy and the leveraging of its distinctive assets. The success of any sport

organization may largely depend on the quality of their strategic decisions. It could be

argued that nonprofit sport organizations have been slow to embrace the concepts

associated with strategic management because sport is inherently turbulent, with on-field

performance and tactics tending to dominate and distract sport managers from the choices

they need to make in the office and boardroom. In a competitive market, sport managers

must drive their own futures by undertaking meaningful market analyses, establishing a

clear direction and crafting strategy that matches opportunities.

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Organizational structureAn organization’s structure is important because it defines where staff and volunteers ‘fit

in’ with each other in terms of work tasks, decision-making procedures, the need for

collaboration, levels of responsibility and reporting mechanisms. Finding the right

structure for a sport organization involves balancing the need to formalize procedures

while fostering innovation and creativity, and ensuring adequate control of employee and

volunteer activities without unduly affecting people’s motivation and attitudes to work.

The relatively unique mix of paid staff and volunteers in the sport industry adds a layer of

complexity to managing the structure of many sport organizations.

Human resource management

Human resource management, in mainstream business or sport organizations, is

essentially about ensuring an effective and satisfied workforce. However, the sheer size

of some sport organizations, as well as the difficulties in managing a mix of volunteers

and paid staff in the sport industry, make human resource management a complex issue

for sport managers. Successful sport leagues, clubs, associations, retailers and venues rely

on good human resources, both on and off the field. Human resource management cannot

be divorced from other key management tools, such as strategic planning or managing

organizational culture and structure, and is a further element that students of sport

management need to understand to be effective practitioners.

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Managers at the helm of sport organizations need to be able to influence others to follow

their visions, empower individuals to feel part of a team working for a common goal, and

be adept at working with leaders of other sport organizations to forge alliances, deal with

conflicts or coordinate common business or development projects. The sport industry

thrives on organizations having leaders who are able to collaborate effectively with other

organizations to run a professional league, work with governing bodies of sport, and

coordinate the efforts of government agencies, international and national sport

organizations, and other groups to deliver large scale sport events.

Organizational culture

Organizational culture consists of the assumptions, norms and values held by individuals

and groups within an organization, which impact upon the activities and goals in the

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workplace and in many ways influence how employees work. Organizational culture is

related to organizational performance, excellence, employee commitment, cooperation,

efficiency, job performance and decision-making. However, how organizational culture

can be defined, diagnosed, and changed is subject to much debate in the business and

academic world. Due to the strong traditions of sporting endeavour and behaviour,

managers of sport organizations, particularly those such as professional sport franchises

or traditional sports, must be cognizant of the power of organizational culture as both an

inhibitor and driver of performance.

Performance management

Sport organizations over the last 30 years have undergone an evolution to become more

professionally structured and managed. Sport organizations have applied business

principles to marketing their products, planning their operations, managing their human

resource and other aspects of organizational activity. The unique nature of sport

organizations and the variation in missions and purposes has led to the development of a

variety of criteria with which to assess the performance of sport organizations. It makes

us understand the ways in which organizational performance can be conceptualized,

analysed and reported and how these principles can be applied in the sport industry.

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WHAT IS HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT?Human resource management, in business or sport organizations, is essentially about

first, finding the right person for the right job at the right time, and second, ensuring an

appropriately trained and satisfied workforce. The concepts that underpin effective

human resource management are not particularly complex. However, the sheer size of

some organizations, as well as the difficulties in managing unusual organizations in the

sport industry, make human resource management a complex issue to deal with in

practice. At the same time, successful sport leagues, clubs, associations, retailers and

venues all rely on good human resources, both on and off the field to get their jobs done.

Conversely, organizations with staff who lack motivation, are ill-suited to their work,

under-paid or under-valued will struggle to perform. Human resource management is a

central feature of an organization’s planning system. It cannot be divorced from other key

management tools, such as strategic planning, financial planning or managing

organizational culture and structure. Human resource management can both drive

organizational success, and is a consequence of good management and planning. Human

resource management involves a process of continual planning and evaluation and is best

viewed as part of a cycle in which an organization aims to meet its strategic goals.

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Human resource management is therefore an holistic management function in that it can

be ‘both person-centered and goal-directed’.

Human resource management can mean different things to different organizations,

depending on their context and outlook. For professional sport organizations that are

profit driven, such as the American National Basketball Association (NBA), Indian

Premier League (IPL) or National Hockey League (NHL), successful human resource

management is equated with profitability, long-term growth and success (on and off the

court, diamond and rink). This is not to suggest that these things are sought after at the

expense of employees, but rather that the success of the employees is measured by

dispassionate business indicators and human resource management is a tool for driving

the business towards its goals. For example, player welfare and development programmes

within professional sport organizations are designed to produce socially, morally and

ethically responsible citizens. This is viewed as a good human resource strategy, not only

because of the intrinsic value to the athletes, but for the extrinsic value that results from

better public relations and sponsor servicing. In other words, better behaved athletes

mean greater profitability and overall success for professional sport teams and franchises.

For not-for-profit sport organizations, successful human resource management is

usually not always about bottom line financial performance. It can also encompass a

range of strategies and outcomes depending on the organizational context. A local

sporting club that has had a problem with alcohol consumption among its junior players

may develop a range of programmes to educate its players, coaches and administrators

(who may be paid or volunteer staff) in order to encourage a more responsible club

culture. This player welfare programme may actually be part of a human resource

management strategy, as the inappropriate club culture may have been making it difficult

to attract and retain volunteers with expertise and commitment. In the case of the

professional team context the player welfare programme can be used to manage image

and maintain brand credibility. In the case of the local community sport the player

welfare programme can be used to retain volunteers who were being driven away from

the club by poor behavior and a dysfunctional culture. From these two examples it is

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clear that human resource management can be both person-centred and goal-directed at

the same time.


Many of the core concepts that underpin human resource management apply to all

organizations, whether they are situated in the world of business, such as soft drink

manufacturer Coca-Cola or mining company BHP Billiton, or in the world of sport, such

as the South African Rugby Football Union or the Canadian Curling Association. This is

not surprising, given that all these organizations employ staff who are expected to

perform a range of designated tasks at an appropriate level of performance. These staff

will manage finances, undertake strategic planning, and produce products like Fanta,

ironore, coaching clinics and national championships. There are, however, significant

differences between business and sport organizations, which result in modifications to

generic human resource management practices.

In particular, professional sport organizations have special features, which present

a unique human resource management challenge. Sport organizations, such as the

Cincinnati Bengals in America’s National Football League, revolve around three distinct

types of employees. First, the Bengals employ people in what they call ‘the front office’,

such as the business development manager or the director of corporate sales and

marketing. Second, the Bengals employ people in what can be referred to as the ‘football

operations department’, such as the coaches, trainers and scouts. Finally, the Bengals

employ people that comprise ‘the team’, the players, who are the most visible people of

any professional sport organization. It could be argued that non-sport businesses operate

in the same way, with different levels of management, from the chief executive officer all

the way through to the employee on the factory floor. The obvious difference in the

sporting context is that the human resources at the bottom of the staffing pyramid are the

highest paid employees in the entire organization. The difference between sport and non-

sport organizations is illustrated in Figure1.1. It should be noted that sport organizations

have employees that could be considered ‘the lowest paid’, but relative to non-sport

organizations they are not equivalent, and as such a checkered arrow has not been

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included for the sport organization pyramid (sport organizations are not completely

unique in this respect, however, for in many forms of entertainment, such as film or

television drama, the actors are the highest paid).

Figure1.1. Pay and organizational level in professional sport and non-sport


In non-sport organizations, chief executive officers, general managers and other

senior executives often receive performance bonuses and have access to share options

that allow them to share in the wealth and profitability of the company. The workers

producing the product (at the Fanta bottling plant or the iron ore mine for example) do

not have access to performance schemes and bonuses that might be worth millions of

dollars. In professional sport organizations the situation is reversed and the performance

bonuses are available to those who produce the product, the players. It is important to

keep this special feature of sport in mind when considering the human resource

management needs of professional sport organizations specifically and sport

organizations more generally.

Additionally, a significant proportion of staff in semi-professional and not-for-

profit sport organizations are volunteers. The distinction between volunteers and paid

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staff in the effective management of these groups is a challenge for human resource

management in sport organizations.


Human resource management in sport organizations aims to provide an effective,

productive and satisfied workforce. Human resource management refers to the design,

development, implementation, management and evaluation of systems and practices used

by employers to recruit, select, develop, reward, retain and evaluate their workforce. The

core elements of the human resource management process are represented in Figure.

The following phases are considered the core functions of human resource management,

although it is important to keep in mind that these functions will differ significantly

depending on the size, orientation and context of the sport organization in which they are


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Phase 1: Human resource planning

Human resource management planning is essentially about assessing and forecasting the

staffing needs of the organization and is often referred to as the most important phase for

effective human resource management. The planning phase of human resource

management is short and fairly static for organizations in which the staffing levels remain

fairly constant and the types of jobs performed by staff members vary little..

In the planning phase an organization must assess whether current staffing needs

will be adequate to meet future demand (or alternately, whether fewer staff will be

required), whether staff turnover is predictable and can be accommodated, whether the

ratios of paid, full-time, part-time, casual and volunteer staff are appropriate or adequate,

whether there are annual or cyclical fluctuations in staffing that need to be met and

managed, and whether specific capabilities will be required in the future that the

organization is currently lacking.

Once an organization decides that a new staff member is required or a new

position is to be created, the organization must undertake a job analysis, in order to

determine the job content, requirements and context. Once the job analysis has been

completed in as much detail as possible, the organization is ready to develop a job

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description (a document that covers the job content and context) and a job specification (a

document that covers the job requirements, especially skills and knowledge base)

Phase 2: Recruitment

Recruitment refers to the process by which an organization tries to find the person most

suited to the job that has been designed. The greater the pool of applicants, the greater the

chance the organization will find a suitable candidate. Generating a pool of applicants is

not always simple, however, particularly if the job requires specific skills, knowledge,

qualifications or experience that are in demand or short supply. However, recruiting an

attendant to check membership tickets at home games of the professional club might only

require a small advertisement in a local newspaper. Finally, recruiting 10,000 people to

act as volunteers for a major hallmark event might require a nationwide or international

advertising campaign across various media forms. Increasingly, recruitment processes are

becoming more sophisticated as organizations take advantage of rapidly developing

communication technologies.

Phase 3: Selection

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Selection and screening is the process condensing the candidates that applied for the

position during the recruitment phase to a short-list. The selection phase will usually

include at least one interview of the short-listed candidates, which will supplement the

application form and curriculum vitae submitted by the applicants in order to determine

whether they are appropriate in light of the job analysis and which of the applicants is the

best person for the job. Depending on the geographic location of the applicants, the

interview might be conducted in person, via telephone, via video conferencing or via an

Internet link.

An interview is the most common way of determining whether a prospective

employee will be best suited to the organization and the position. However, other

techniques, such as sophisticated personality and intelligence tests, are increasingly being

used to determine whether the applicant has the job requirements identified in the

planning phase (skills, competencies, qualifications and experience).

Phase 4: Orientation

Once the employee has successfully navigated the recruitment and selection processes,

they are ready to begin work in their new job within the sport organization. Before they

start, however, they need to be orientated and inducted. This phase of human resource

management is important, as a good quality orientation and induction programme can

make an employee feel both welcome and empowered, but a poor programme, or no

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programme, can make a new employee feel as if they have travelled to a foreign country,

in which they can’t speak the language, don’t know where to go and can’t read any of the

signs. In short, being in a new organization can be a daunting and frightening experience.

Successful orientation and induction programmes revolve around forthright and

effective communication of information about the organization and its operations. The

focus on orientation and induction is usually magnified when a large number of

volunteers are required by the organization, such as at an Olympic Games. A total of 60

422 volunteers participated in running the Atlanta Olympics in 1996, 47 000 in Sydney in

2000 and the Athens Olympics in 2004 received in excess of 160 000 volunteer

applications from all over the world.

Phase 5: Training and development

Training and development is at the heart of an organization that seeks continual growth

and improvement. Sport organizations that do not engage in systematic training and

development programmes are destined to operate far below their optimum, not only

because they will fall behind in current trends, practices and skills, but because they will

not see themselves as learning organizations. At its most basic, training and development

is a process through which new and existing employees learn the skills required for them

to be effective in their jobs. Where training was once a fairly mechanistic activity, it now

includes more generic organizational skills that require development and implementation,

such as when a Indian premier league sport franchise ensures product or service quality,

or when a national sport organization develops an organizational culture that encourages

compliance from state or regional sport organizations.

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There are five-step training and development process that is useful for sport

organizations. Step one is to complete a ‘needs analysis’, in which the organization

identifies the necessary skills for its employees, analyses the current skills base and

develops specific training objectives. Step two involves developing the actual training

programme, which may be done internally or externally. Most sport organizations, as

previously noted, are too small to have sophisticated human resource management

departments that have the skill and experience to design, develop and implement

sophisticated training programmes. Sport organizations will most often use external

training providers, such as universities or consultancy firms, to provide tailored or

standard programmes, depending on the needs analysis. Step three, validation is an

optional step in which the organization is able to validate that the training programme

that has been developed or contracted satisfies the needs analysis. Step four is the

implementation of the programme, during which the staff are trained .In the fifth and

final step the training programme is evaluated. The successful programme might be

expanded to include more employees or more skills, while the unsuccessful programme

needs to be discontinued or re-worked, which requires the organization to re-assess the

needs analysis. Like the entire human resource management process, the training and

development process is best viewed as cyclical.

Phase 6: Performance appraisal

This phase of the human resource management process is potentially the most dangerous,

as it has the inherent ability to pit ‘management’ against ‘employees’ at the macro level,

and at the micro level cause managers to feel uncomfortable in judging others or cause

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employees to feel unworthy, as part of a negative appraisal. The performance appraisal

process must be approached carefully by sport organizations and human resource

managers within an organization must seek to develop a collaborative process in which

the employee, as well as the manager, feels empowered. In this respect the performance

appraisal process within any sport organization, whatever its size or type, must be seen

within the simple, but effective ‘plan, do, review, improve’ scheme, which is usually

associated with the quality assurance agenda.

In professional sports organizations in particular, the performance appraisal

process is often very public, if convoluted. Athletes and coaches are constantly rated on

their performance. In basketball the number of points, rebounds, assists, turnovers, steals,

fouls and blocked shots are recorded meticulously. From year to year, goals are set for

athletes and their ability to meet targets in key performance indicators can result in an

extended contract with improved conditions. On the other hand, not meeting the targets

can mean a player in a sport like baseball has to return to the minor leagues, to return to

form or to see out their playing days. For coaches, performance appraisal is often based

on one statistic alone, the win-loss record. The fact that the coach is adept at making the

players feel good about themselves or has a great working relationship with the

administrative staff, will count for very little when it comes to negotiating a new contract

if he or she has posted a losing record.

Phases 7 and 8: Rewards and retention

Once a sport organization has planned for, recruited, selected, orientated, trained and

appraised its staff, it makes good sense that it would try to retain them. Retaining good

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quality staff, whether they are in a paid or volunteer capacity, means that the organization

will be better off financially and strategically. Organizational knowledge and intellectual

property is lost when a sport organization fails to retain its staff. Constantly losing staff

will mean that the organization may have the opportunity to encourage and develop new

ways of thinking, but the more likely scenario is that it will lead to wasted resources,

unnecessarily diverted to rudimentary induction programmes.

The first six phases of the human resource management process all contribute to

retaining staff. Poor orientation, training and performance appraisal programmes in

particular can all have a negative impact on staff retention. On the other side of the

retention equation, rewards and compensation can encourage employees to remain with

an organization. At a professional sport organization this may mean, rather than

attempting to keep wage costs low, the senior managers will be prepared to pay the

‘market rate’. In a primarily voluntary organization, the reward may take the form of a

letter of appreciation for being part of a successful event and an invitation to participate

next year. In other words, the reward and retention strategy will depend greatly on the

context in which it is being implemented and the existing level of job satisfaction.

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Sports marketing is building a highly identified fan base such that fans, sponsors, media,

and government pay to promote and support the organization for the benefits of social

exchange and personal, group, and community identity within a cooperative competitive


Sports marketing refers to the specific application of marketing principles and

processes to sport products (e.g., teams, leagues, events, etc.) and the marketing of non-

sports products (e.g., beverage, TV, cigarettes, beer, mobile phone service, tyre, garments

etc.) through associations with sport.

Sports have been increasingly organized and regulated from the time of the ancient

Olympics up to the present century. The explosive growth of sports marketing came with

the 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, when corporate sponsors used the Games as

a platform to market their brands. Coca-Cola, for example, spent nearly $30 million in

support of its official sponsorship of the Games. Industrialization has brought increased

leisure time to the citizens of developed and developing countries, leading to more time

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for them to attend and follow spectator sports, greater participation in athletic activities

and increased accessibility. These trends continued with the advent of mass media and

global communication. The entertainment aspect of sports, together with the spread of

mass media and increased leisure time, has led to professionalism in sports.

Professionalism became prevalent, further adding to the increase in sports popularity, as

fans began following professional players through radio, television and the internet—all

while enjoying the exercise and competition associated with amateur participation in


Some might argue that sports marketing is a “special case” of marketing, meaning

that there are theoretical and practical dimensions of marketing that are peculiar to sports

marketing. sports marketing better explains and predicts effective marketing when

compared to other product and services marketing, then one might argue that marketing is

actually a special case of sports marketing.

Sports marketing as an application field of marketing.

Sport marketing has some unique characteristics that differentiate it from the marketing

applications in the general marketing. These differences require a significantly adapted

approach in formulating sport marketing strategies and plans. The critical differences lie

in the unique characteristics of sport as a product or service and the unusual marketing

environment in which sport marketers need to operate.

Sports as a product or service has certain unique characteristics

Unique characteristics create “unusual marketing conditions in which the sport has to be

marketed. These characteristics can be summarized as follows:

a) Sport organizations compete against each other but at the same time, also work


In the first instance, various variables are observed in the market for sport products and

services. No sport organization can survive in isolation, because sport is based on

competitive action. Where an organisation has to compete against opponents, it has

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voluntarily co-operate with the opponents in order to arrange a sporting event. Ass to this

that sport users usually regard themselves as experts while the outcome of the sport being

played is totally unpredictable. This explains partly why the marketing of a sport product

or service is unique. No other business is perceived as simplistically by the spectator or

user, as is the case with sport, and to make the matter even more complex, no business

situation exists where the user of the product identifies so intimately with the business as

in sport.

b) The sport product is usually also subjective, and not measurable.

Sport spectator experiences are totally subjective. This makes it very difficult for the

sport marketer to measure the success of the sport product or service. For instance, a

number of supporters of a certain team may attend a match and numerous different kinds

of feedback may be given regarding the degree to which the satisfaction has been


c) The sport product is not constant and is totally unpredictable.

A match contested today, will probably offer a totally different result a week later, even

though it involves the same players, officials and facilities. And a totally different result

and a different product or service outcome is possible. Even with individual participation

where two tennis player, for instance, may play against each other, the product or service

may differ form one match to another, even though the facilities and the players may

remain the same, the unpredictable result of the end product or service of a sporting event

leads to tremendous mental participation by sport users ranging from fanatical support to

psychological frustration.

d) Emphasis is placed on expansion of the sport product and not the product itself.

Because sport marketers cannot foresee the outcome of a match, they tend to, and are

forced, to place the emphasis on sport expansions and not the sport product as such. With

events such as the world rugby tournaments, the value of sport expansion was realized. A

large industry developed around the world cup. Although world cup marketers had no

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control over the outcome of the matches, there is a consistency in the quality of products

that were manufactured and marketed as a result of the event.

e) Sport has a universal impact.

Sport penetrates virtually into all levels of society. Sport is geographically presented in

virtually every population group on earth, and up to now, it played a significant part in

most cultures. Sport is also played and watched by all demographic segments of the

population. Sport can be indeed be regarded as a bridge builder across different cultures –

rugby and soccer in south Africa are good examples. Sport is also associated with all

aspects of leisure-time acticities and it satisfies the most basic needs of individuals. For

instance sport is associated with relaxation, entertainment, exercise, eating habits,

drinking habits, sex, gambling, stimulants, physical violence, social identification, the

economic and legal environment, religion, business and industries.

Another angle on defining sport marketing is the sport industry segment

model:Figure1.1:- sport industry segment model

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This model postulates that sport marketing might have a three-pronged approach in terms

of target marketing. These segments being:

The sport performance segment (a participation or spectatorial product)

The sport production segment (products which will influence quality of sport


The sport promotion segment (tools to promote the sport product)

Sponsorship is included in the third segment but the sponsorship decision-making process

id unfortunately not described. This model is valuable in terms of describing that target

marketing applies in sport marketing as it does in other forms of marketing and it also

aids the understanding of how traditional marketing principles can and should be applied

to sport marketing.

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Defining sport marketing and applying the marketing concept:

sport marketing is the specific application of theoretical marketing principles and

processes to sport products and services; the marketing of non-sport and sport-

related products and services through an association – such as a sponsorship – with

sport; and the marketing of sport bodies and codes, their personalities, their events,

their activities, their actions, their strategies and their image.

A question arises whether the marketing concept, as a theoretical marketing principle, can

be applied to sport marketing. It is argues that by referring to how sport marketing

activities are integrated toward achieving organizational goals such as profitability and by

determining and satisfying needs and wants of sport target markets, then the marketing

concept can be applied to sport marketing.

The marketing concept as applied to sport therefore rests on four pillars:

The organizational goals of sport sponsors, sport marketers, sport bodies and


Outcomes of the sport marketing programme such as profitability:

Integrating sport marketing activities into the sport marketing programme; and

Satisfying the needs of sport users, including participants, spectators, and


Defining sport marketing management:

Sport marketing management can be defined as :

The process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and

distribution of sport events, personalities, ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges

that satisfy individual and organizational goals.

Defining the strategic sport marketing process:

The entire sequence of managerial and operational activities required to create and

sustain effective and efficient sport marketing strategies and the six major stagesl

Identifying and evaluating opportunities in the general marketing environment,

but in particular, in the sport marketing environment;

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Analysing sport market segments and selecting sponsorship appropriate sport

target markets;

Formulating appropriate sport marketing objectives eg: increase in the awareness

of a brand after a specified sponsorship time frame or sponsored event;

Planning a sport market position and developing a sport marketing mix strategy

eg: sport body is committed to development of previously disadvantaged groups;

Preparing a formal sport marketing plan for marketing sport products and

services, integrating sponsorship as part of an organisation marketing plan or a

stand-alone marketing plan eg: for sport bodies and codes, their events,

personalities and thir image;

Executing the sport marketing plan through an integration of marketing and

marketing communication variables; and

Controlling and evaluating the results eg: measuring sponsorship effectiveness

and the return on investment in terms of sales and \or increased business.

Defining sport marketing strategy

A sport marketing plan identifies sport marketing goals and objectives, selects target

markets, develops and maintains a sport marketing mix that will produce mutually

satisfying exchanges between the sport marketer and the sport target markets. That target

markets can be applied and adapted from the sport industry segment model. In the

following section a comprehensive debate is offered on how the sport marketing mix

should be formulated.

Constituting and defining the sport marketing mix

“The sport marketing mix is commonly associated with promotional activities such as

advertising, sponsorships, public relations, and personal selling. Sport marketers are also

involved in product and service strategies, pricing decisions, and distribution issues”.

This definition does not differentiate sport marketing in clear terms from general

marketing but further debate will now be offered.

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The scientific development of a sport-related marketing mix should focus on the


Defining sport as a service product;

Adapting the other traditional Ps – pricing , place and promotion to be included in

a sport marketing mix;

Critically examine and properly address how sponsorship fits into the marketing

communication mix, and

Adapting the marketing communication mix to differentiate sport marketing from

any other application (such as retail marketing).

The elements of sport marketing mix

Marketing mix

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1. The sports product

It can be defined as a good, a service, or any combination of the two that is designed to

provide benefits to a sport spectator, participant or sponsor. The sport product is therefore

a bundle of benefits that offers need satisfaction to sport consumers and consists of a core

product and certain product extensions which can be regarded as the augmented product.

a) Sport as a product is a bundle of characteristics

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A product can be described generally as any bundle or combination of qualities,

processes and capabilities that a buyer expects will deliver want satisfaction. The sport

product can be bundled in a unique way, and is presented in the following figure


The figure illustrates that the importance of special bundling for the sport product. At its

core the sport product covers basic consumer needs such as health entertainment,

sociability and achievement. The sport marketer must understand why a consumer

chooses to satisfy a given want or need by purchasing a sport product rather than any

other type of product.

b) Sport as a service

The unique characteristics of services can also be related to sport. The following

summary is a description of factors that differentiate a tangible product from service.

The sport product is invariably intangible, experimental and subjective.

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It is not really possible to define exactly what participants and spectators receive and

experience from consuming sport. Performance, experience, atmosphere, mood and

expectation might be relevant. These aspects are definitely intangible.

The basic sport product is simultaneously produced and consumed.

Sport services cannot be stored and are time dependent. Unsold tickets to a sporting event

is lost revenue. It is perhaps commodity that must be pre-sold and there are no

inventories. sport consumers are typically also producers, they help create the game or

event – providing pre-match excitement, spectator involvement during the event and

after-event participation- that they simultaneously consume, pre-selling of season tickets

or yearly memberships cannot guarantee consumption. Spectators and participants need

to be present at the sporting event to maximize revenue from the product extensions as


c) Sport is also a business-to-business product

Marketing theory classifies products into two categories: products consumed by an end

user, called consumer goods, and products used by a manufacturer in the production of

another product, called industrial goods. Sport is produced as an end product, called

industrial goods. Sport is produced as an end product for mass consumer appeal for both

spectators and participants. Business and industry that sponsor events and sport

broadcasts also consume spectator and participant sports. Organizations also use sport

figures to represent, endorse and promote products. The marketing actions of sport bodies

and codes aimed at gaining corporate sponsorship can also be regarded as business-to

business marketing.

2. Pricing

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It is difficult to price the individual sport product unit by traditional costing methodology.

Pricing the sport product is often based on the marketer’s sense of consumer demand. A

number of pricing aspects is important to note:

a) Price reflects value

It is argued that price should reflect value. Sport-users decide whether they want to spend

money on travelling to a sport event, buy food and beverages, and buy an entry ticket or

stay at home and watch the event on television. If live attendance is regarded to hold a

more valuable experience then the sport-user will be willing to spend a part of his/her

disposable income on attending. The value is based on the benefits the sport user

perceives to be getting. The higher the perceived benefits the more such a sport user will

be willing to pay to attend an event.

b) Price can be presented differently

Price can presented to the sport-user in different ways. One of the tactics is to soften the

word “price” as illustrated by the following examples that can be found in the sport


A licensing fee is the price a sport clothing organization pays to the south African

rugby football union for the right to sell a t-shirt with the springbok logo on it.

The ticket charge is the price paid to enter a facility and watch a match.

A membership fee is the price to use a fitness gymnasium’s facilities

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Rental is the price paid to gain the right to use a corporate box at a sporting

facility for a prescribed time period such as a session,

A league fee is the price a club team has to pay to enter and participate in a


Commission is the extra bonus-oriented price a sport marketing organisation

would pay its sales people for their services.

Shipping and handling are the price a sporting goods organization pays to import

sport products from another country.

A consulting fee is the price a sporting body pays a sport marketing organization

to design and negotiate a sponsorship package with the sponsor.

A franchise fee is the price an owner pays to enter a team in a professional sports


c) Price determination

There are three important aspects that should be considered when price determination is

applied to sport:

The consumer aspects such as value for money, previous experience, the success

rate of their team. Other important aspects for the marketer are inter alia age,

income, education, geographic location, race, sexual orientation and gender of the

sport target market. some consumer will be willing to pay for the season ticket

and bear the risk that matches might be cancelled and their team under-achieve,

while other consumer will select the attend certain matches.

The competitor – competitive pricing strategies and the consumer’s perception on

the difference in value between competitor’s prices – it must be kept in mind that

the sport consumer not only has to select which sporting events to attend on a

particular day but his/her income is also diverted to other forms of entertainment

or leisure.

The organization cost structure and profit objectives will influence price setting.

Operating costs need to at least be covered. Even in commercial health and fitness

clubs, the indirect cost also need to be covered. Many sport bodies have rarely

been required to operate on a for-profit basis which is perhaps one of the reason

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why sport marketing did not receive the professional status it deserves. Sport

bodies and codes will have to market themselves at a “good price” and as a “safe

investment” and as a “good return on investment” to their sponsors.

d) Market sensitivity

It is argue that market sensitivity need to be surveyed when price changes are considered.

The demand/supply ratio, the availability of substitutes, and the price-increase history are

important factors. Sport marketers need to do frequent research and scan the sport

marketing environment to determine consumer tastes and the consumer pricing

evaluation process.

3. Place

The distribution of tangible sport goods such as sport equipment follows the same

approach as that of any consumer good. The sport goods are marketed through

distribution channels and a range of intermediaries such as wholesalers and retailers are

involved to ensure that the right product is available at the right time, at the right price

and in the right quantities.

Sport as an intangible product or service holds unique distribution characteristics.

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a) The sport facilities

The sport, and all its encompassing support services are consumed at the particular

facility – i.e attending a rugby match in Johannesburg, parking in a secure parking area,

buying a match ticket and programme at the gate, consuming food and drink, attending an

after match party.

The following spectator aspects are important when the facility is regarded form a “ place


The atmosphere and mood-creation of the facility;

Equipment and novelties;

Type of seating;

Facility layout;

Facility image;

Media coverage;

When sport is regarded as a service the physical evidence integration with the face

variable is visible through the sport facility itself. Aspects such as the name of the facility

and high- tech scoreboards are important to create atmosphere and excitement.

b) The media as a distributor of sport

The various media such as television radio, magazines, billboards, and even the internet

can be considered as the intermediaries that deliver the sport to the final consumer. The

sport format delivered ranges from preliminary reviews and live coverage to match

reports and results.

In the past sport depended heavily on publicity from the media as the primary

promotion vehicle. Virtually every newspaper has a sports section and reports on a wide

range of sport. As a result Organizations also want to be associated with sport, because

sport is followed closely by specific consumer segments and organizations can use the

wide availability of media vehicles to promote their own products and services to these

particular segments.

Other aspects of sports related marketing mixPage 40

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Within a strategic approach a product or service is a very strong bonding factor between

the marketing mix elements. In sports marketing, sport as a product is difficult to define.

Sport products such as running shoes are marketed through the traditional product

marketing approach. It is unsubstantiated perception that a lifestyle marketing approach

had led to the positioning of sport equipment and facilities as niche or lifestyle products

and services.

Sport participation, as athlete or spectator, can be physical or emotional. This is

where the problem of defining sport, marketing lies. Sport as product contains both

tangible and intangible features. Intangible features such as being a fan of a specific team

is internally generated but cannot be separated from physical properties such as living

close to team grounds, attending a sport event, or collecting team memorabilia


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Sponsorship is defined as the relationship between a sponsor and a property in which the

sponsor pays cash or in-kind fee in return for access to the exploitable commercial

potential associated with the property. Sponsorship is not a donation. A donation involves

resources freely given with no expectation of anything in return. Sponsorship is a

strategic marketing activity requiring resource allocation (usually cash) with expectation

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of return on investment. Sponsorship is the financial or in-kind support of an activity,

used primarily to reach specified business goals.

"Sponsorship should not be confused with advertising. Advertising is considered a

quantitative medium, whereas sponsorship is considered a qualitative medium. It

promotes a company in association with the sponsee”.

Sport sponsorships are becoming hugely popular as one of the best ways to create

brand awareness, advertise one's services, as well as reaffirm the company's reputation as

a responsible corporate citizen in the business world.

The strength of sports sponsorship lies precisely in its capacity to leverage the

passion that consumers nurture towards sport. Sponsorship is not merely a question of

appearing with one's logo on a competitor's shirt or on the advertising hoardings at an

event. Above all, it means projecting the specific values of the sport onto the company

and its brands and ensuring that this association registers with the target group in


Sport is an extremely flexible tool, as it allows businesses and advertising agencies

to communicate with different types of target and to put together modular campaigns that

can be shaped according to the specific requirements of the sponsor. It is also an effective

medium because it permits actions to be measured on a case-by-case basis and to

transform the activity into promotional campaigns whose purpose is to leave their mark

on different types of public, off the field of play as well as on it.


The tradition of sports sponsorship shows how, until now, throughout the entire

sponsorship world, two different models have been applied. The first is the classic

model, in which the sponsor purchases a package that has already been devised and is

only involved in the final stages of the event. Another model, which is certainly more

current, is the one in which the sponsor plays an active role in the creation of the event,

taking part in the planning stages and fashioning it around its own goals and values. The

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latter model, if it is coordinated effectively by a competent advertising agency, is without

doubt the best, as it allows event-moments to be crafted that are rich in meaning for the


The prevailing trend, then, is to move away from the 'Buy model' mere

sponsorship of an event to the 'Create model' the creation of an event. For each

sponsorship project the company carries out an analysis of the market and of current

trends at an international level. What is emerging at the present time is the fact that the

state of the art is moving towards a model that is different yet again, a model that we

might define as the 'Create and Manage' model, in which not only is the event created,

but all activities pertaining to it are managed too.

Every company’s sports sponsorship approach is to pursue this direction, which

maximises the capacity of the events that are devised or sponsored to capture their

audiences. This is possible through careful monitoring of media coverage, an extension of

the timescale of the event that enables the pre- and post-event stages to be lived and, still

further, through the creation of a community that garners consumer loyalty and engenders

a sense of belonging.

Global giants- Anheuser-Busch, Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, and Miller although not

directly linked to sports industry, are the top in terms of corporate sponsorship spending.

This shows how corporate leverage sports sponsorship as one of the most potent

promotional tool.

Among the most common reasons why corporations sponsor sport are:

Increase brand loyalty

Through sport, corporate sponsors seek to build brand loyalty by tying their products and

services to the athletes, events and venues their customers care about.

Create awareness & visibility

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The exposure sport properties receive in electronic and print media provides sponsors

with vast array of publicity opportunities.

Change/reinforce image

Sponsorship can create, change or reinforce a brand image. For example, Volvo changed

its boxy, conservative image by sponsoring the Volvo Ocean Race and introducing its

new sleeker styled vehicles at harbors along the race route.

Drive retail traffic

Companies use the assets of their sponsorships to create traffic building promotions. For

example, F1 sponsors bring show cars and top drivers to retail outlets. Some fast food

restaurants sponsor basketball tournaments and when the home team scores a certain

point total, the game ticket stub can be redeemed for a free food item, which inevitably

leads to additional store purchases.

Showcase community responsibility

Corporate social responsibility has become the prime factor that influences a person’s

impression of a company – more even than brand quality.

Drive sales

Companies use sponsorship as a hook to drive sales.

Sample/display brand attributes

Sponsorship allows companies to showcase product benefits. On-site sponsor kiosks

permit spectators to see, touch, taste, smell, and hear sponsor products.


Sponsorship allows companies to hone in on a niche market without any waste.

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There are several issues associated with corporate sponsorship of sport including

ambush marketing, tobacco company tie-ups, and sponsorship during bleak economic

times – each are briefly addressed.

Ambush Marketing

Ambush marketing refers to the intentional efforts by a non-sponsor to counteract or

disrupt the effectiveness of a rival company’s official event sponsorship platform.

Official sponsors and sport property managers consider ambush marketing to be unethical

and poor form. In a highly competitive, profit motivated marketplace, others argue that

ambush marketing is a necessary business strategy.

Sport properties have gone to extreme lengths to protect their sponsors from

ambush marketing tactics, including removal of billboard advertising of non-sponsors

near sport venues, and prohibiting spectators from wearing clothing or other items that

bear the name of non-sponsors.

Tobacco Sponsorship

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There is a mismatch between the addictive nature of nicotine and other negative health

risks of tobacco products and the positive benefits of sport participation, yet sport has

been the most popular sponsorship forum for tobacco companies prior to 2008.

Governments in Europe and North America 2005: Formula 1 severed ties with tobacco

sponsors in 2004 (i.e., Marlboro Racing Team); NASCAR ended its association with the

Phillip Morris Company (i.e., Winston Cup Series) and women’s professional tennis

found a new title sponsor, dropping Virginia Slims for Kraft. Tobacco advertising is now

banned in and near sport stadia in the U.S. and most countries around the world including


Sponsorship in a Recession

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The economic recession in North America has hit motor sport sponsorship the hardest. In

the midst of bankruptcy, massive employee layoffs, and federal government bailout,

General Motors severed ties with Tiger Woods, withdrew its sponsorship of the 2009

Super Bowl, and scaled back its automobile racing sponsorships. Elsewhere, Bank Credit

Suisse terminated its sponsorship of Formula One team BMW Sauber, having sponsored

the team since 2001. ING will end its F1 sponsorship in 2010. Subaru and Suzuki

withdrew from the 2009 World Rally Championship due to economic pressures.

However, some companies have come off the sidelines and into the sponsorship game

during the recession. Richard Branson’s Virgin has come on board as sponsor of Brawn



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The following section offers two examples illustrating the power of sport sponsorship in

india. The first concerns with the Indian Premier League (IPL) for cricket, one of the

world’s most profitable sport properties. The second vignette pertains to the Board of

Control for Cricket in india (BCCI) and its rise to prominence and profitability through

corporate sponsorship.

1:- Indian Premier League

Sponsors’ dream; Spectators’ delight

IPL has emerged as a sports entertainment phenomenon like never witnessed before by

an Indian spectator; the sheer magnitude of deals struck under the IPL Sponsorship

Offerings umbrella is astounding! All these revenues fall under the Central Pool, 40% of

which will go to IPL, 54% distributed to franchisees and 6% to prize money. The money

will be distributed in these proportions till 2017, after which the share of IPL will be

50%, franchisees 45% and prize money 5%.

World Sport Group (WSG) won the marketing rights from BCCI for their sporting

extravaganza- the Indian Premier League by committing a whopping $1.026 billion

spread over 10 years. WSG India is a part of the Singapore-based WSG, a global sports

management, marketing and media company.

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Venu Nair, president (South Asia), World Sport Group, said, “Ground signage’s

provide continuous visibility to the sponsors throughout the match, unlike the short

television commercials which come and go in a flash. We have a method whereby we can

show exactly where and how the advertisers will get visibility for their brands” (Business

World June 2008). According to an internal study done by WSG, an average cricket

match gets a TRP (television rating point) of 5 to 6, while the IPL matches are expected

to enjoy double the TRP, in the range of 7 to 10 every match. The company would

achieve such a high rating by having live entertainment shows before, after and

throughout the matches, produced by each of the franchisees. These shows would include

performance by Bollywood stars and artist. “This would mean a perfect marriage of

Bollywood and cricket, as both are the most popular forms of entertainment in India,”

said Nair.

Unlike the earlier practice of allowing several sponsors in the same category to

advertise on the cricket ground, these deals will allow the sponsors to have an exclusive

presence in their business category. This would reduce the clutter of brands displayed on

the ground. A sponsor such as Hero Honda, for example, would be the only automobile

company to advertise on the ground. These deals do not include the 30-sec television

commercials spots. Those would be sold by Sony Entertainment Television, which has

won the rights to broadcast IPL.

WSG will also develop a special application for the mobile users. The users will be

able to download this value-added service (VAS) on their mobile and get live updates on

the matches.

The number of brands an average Indian Consumer has been exposed to through

the first two seasons of IPL has been remarkable. Moreover, the viewership which the

television channels have experienced has been unprecedented as reflected by their TRP

ratings. What this has meant is unparalleled exposure opportunities for a swarm of brands

on board.

2:- BCCI

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From Rags to Riches

Cricket is the unofficial national sport of India and the Board of Control for Cricket in

India, or BCCI, is the apex governing body for cricket in the country.

In the last 20 years, Indian cricket — like India itself — has been transformed.

With the arrival of global television networks, mass-media coverage and multinational

sponsors, cricket has become big business and India has become the economic driving

force in the world game. For the first time, a developing country has become a major

player in the international sports arena.

The wealth that BCCI is enjoying right now is astronomical and its income for the

year 2008-09 is Rs 1000.41 crores. Things were not the same 2 decades ago. This kind of

success was made possible by one man: Jagmohan Dalmiya. It was in 1979 that Dalmiya

first stepped into the corridors of power of the BCCI along with his friendturned- foe I.S.

Bindra. He became treasurer in 1983; the year the Indian cricket team won the World


Dalmiya, along with Bindra, can claim the credit for gaining the right to stage the World

Cup in India in 1987, which brought big money into the subcontinent. Even then, BCCI

books showed a deficit of Rs 81.60 lakhs in the early 1990s and things started looking

bleak. It was then Dalmiya became the Secretary of BCCI and led the commercialization

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of the game through the ‘television rights revolution’ at that time, and recorded a profit

within a year.

Since then BCCI has never looked back and the present status of this elite Cricket

Board finds it to be the richest Cricket body in the world.

As discussed, sport sponsorship has evolved significantly over the years,

transforming into a multi-million dollar industry worldwide. The wave of sponsorship

which had hit the Indian sporting arena in various forms – IPL(Indian Premier League),

PHL(Premier Hockey League) and NFL(National Football League) etc – taking sports to

an altogether different level. In addition, athlete endorsements have also scaled new

heights of late. The multi- million dollar transfer fees exchanging hands in the world of

soccer is a fact well known. This has offered marketers newer avenues to market their

brands by associating with some of the most lucrative sporting personalities that appeal to

a similar consumer base as that of their products and with images aligning with that of

their offering.

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Sports and media Sports and the media, two of the most important elements in contemporary society, are

interdependent on each other to prosper and are also deeply ingrained in our daily lives.

Sports influence our daily lives by playing a significant role in our socialization and

entertainment. The growth of sports in the last few decades is mainly due to the

proliferation of the media (television/newspaper) is to every household. Sports media

have also bridged the differences among nations, leading to globalization. However,

media does not mean only television and newspaper but also, magazines, books, movies

and the Internet. It is also pertinent to note that since media coverage is driven by power

and wealth, the images shown, and broadcasts will generally be consistent with these

factors. Extensive media coverage has shaped the growth of sports persons, in turn

leading to a growth in revenue to the sports person, media and advertisers alike. The

positive growth circle will encourage more people to look at sports as a source of

livelihood and not only recreational activity.

Do sports depend on the media? Does the media depend on sports? 

In reality, they have a reciprocal relationship, depending on each other. Sports produce a

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unique form of news and entertainment. Media coverage of sports enhances enjoyment of

daily life. However, it has to be kept in mind that mass media does not shape sports, but

rather intensifies and extends the process and effects of commercialization of sports.

They bring us information, interpret it for us and entertain us. This process “re-presents”

reality. As Real and Mechikoff (1992) state, specific media technology and commercial

advertising provide the structure through which the public accesses media sports.

Sporting events are becoming more common in society because of media, that provides a

connection between sports audiences and favorite teams and athletes. Sports have many

dimensions, not just the shape presented by the media. And there is much more to the

media than sports. In newspapers, there is more daily coverage of sports than any other

single topic elsewhere in the edition. Televised sports events, a major part of

programming, have continued to gain advertising revenue. A number of channels are now

exclusively dedicated to sports and sports events – focused media packages satisfying

people’s demonstrated needs.


The word nexus has its etymological roots in Latin and is a derivation of the word

nectere, which means to bind. In essence a nexus is a connection, bond or tie between

two or more things. The use of the word nexus in the project is deliberate. It is meant to

signal that sport and the media are not two separate industries that have been juxtaposed

coincidently. Rather, their evolution, particularly throughout the twentieth century, has

resulted in them being inextricably bound together. Furthermore, the word nexus can

refer to the core or centre. In this respect the use of the word nexus is meant to illustrate

that the relationship between sport and the media is at the core of contemporary sport.

Whether in reference to the way in which children are socialized through sport, the power

of player associations and unions, or the use of talent identification programmes to foster

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elite development, the relationship between sport and the media is likely to reside at the

very centre of the issue or problem. Thus, the sport media nexus refers to the relationship

between sport and the media industry generally, the relationship between sport and

specific media institutions such as television, the relationship between sport and media

employees such as journalists and finally, the ways in which sport is presented in specific

media texts, such as a radio broadcast or newspaper article.



Figure 1.1 represents the sport media nexus in its most basic form. In this diagram, the

sport and media industries are represented as two equal partners and the nexus is the

point at which they intersect. Although simple, Figure 1.1 also illustrates that not all of

sport is part of the nexus. Rather, a proportion of sport is mediated. Similarly, not all

media is sport related. However, this diagram does not represent the reality of much elite,

professional and competitive sport, nor does it represent the importance of the media in

daily sport consumption.

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In this respect the nexus is more accurately represented in Figure 1.2. Elite and

professional sport is enveloped by the media. In this case sport might accurately be

described as media sport, because without the nexus or bond between the two, the

product would not exist. Consumers of sport must necessarily consume a mediated

product. As the sport media nexus develops, the amount of sport consumed by the media

increases (the circles in Figure 1.1 move closer together), as does the commercial

importance of sport to the media (the black circle in Figure 1.2 grows larger).


Sport nor the media are static industries and their relationship has enhanced both the rate

of change and the fluidity of each at the beginning of the twenty-first century. The

following identifies a series of drivers that influence sport, the media and the relationship

between the two: technology, commercialization, convergence and globalization.

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Technological change has been a key driver in the relationships between the media and

all aspects of society, not to mention the nexus between sport and the media. In simple

terms, the transition from newspapers to radio, to television and then to the Internet

illustrates a rapid development in communication technology. In turn this development

has had an impact on access for consumers, as well as power and influence for owners

and operators. As a result of technological change, in a relatively short period of human

history, a transformation has occurred. People who were previously limited to

information that related to their local surrounds now have access to information on a

global scale. The currency of this information was previously bound or constrained by the

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lack of technological development. Whereas information might have taken days or weeks

to reach its audience, through advances in mobile technology in particular, this

information is now effectively immediate.


The relationship between sport and the media is not predicated on benevolence or

generosity. The media does not report on sport as a function of public service, nor does

sport provide the media with access merely to increase public awareness. Rather, the

sport media nexus is driven by commercial forces. Since the late 1960s sport has become

a commercial vehicle for media organizations, sponsors and advertisers. As a result,

professional sports in particular have become increasingly wealthy, as well as dominant.

Professional athletes and teams are often referred to as products, properties, commodities

or businesses. Professional football teams in Europe such as Manchester United in

England, Real Madrid in Spain and AC Milan in Italy are estimated to have annual

revenues of between US $250 million and US $1,250 million. By any measure these are

significant businesses. Importantly, their wealth has been driven by the media. Where

their revenue was once derived primarily from match or gate receipts, they are now

dependent on broadcast rights or commercial sponsorship that is directly proportional to

the amount of media coverage they generate. Professional sport is now a commodity that

can be bought and sold by the media, as well as a vehicle through which other businesses

can promote and sell their products.

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It could be argued that globalization is the most important driver of the sport media

nexus, however, it is more useful to view technological change, commercialization and

convergence as drivers that have all led to the increasing globalization of media and sport

media. Without advances in technology and increases in access to information,

globalization would not have occurred to the extent that it has. The commercial

imperative behind the sport media relationship has driven sports and media organizations

to find and then reach new markets, often on the other side of the world, while the rise of

media conglomerates has facilitated, not hindered globalization. It should be noted that

there are other important factors that have had an impact on globalization, such as

economic trade, labour migration and the ease of international travel. However, the media

remains the most important driver of globalization in the world today. The media is both

an essential feature of daily life and the most tangible indicator of globalization.

At one level globalization has driven and accelerated changes in the relationship

between sport and the media, while at another level sport and its media partners have

played an important role in the globalizing process. Sports like cricket and rugby union

created World Cups to determine a world champion in the sport every 4 years, despite the

fact that only a handful of nations are proficient at an international level. World

championships such as these are the direct result of the global appeal of sport, as well as

the increasing amounts of revenue available to sports through broadcast rights

agreements. On the other hand, sport has been used as a conduit of globalization. The

popularity and appeal of the FIFA World Cup and the Olympic Games are examples of

the impact of sport and sport media in the globalizing process.

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“An Overview and Development of Sports and Media” 

Sports and the media, two of the most prevalent elements in contemporary society, not

only rely on each other to grow but have become an essential part of an individual’s life.

Sports have become the revolving point of entertainment and topic of discussion at social

gatherings. The growth of modern sports is considered to provide an interesting example

of globalization. Sports not only provide an attraction to bring people together, but they

also work to attract media involvement. The media includes not only broadcasters but

also newspapers, magazines, books, movies, and the Internet. The media often serves the

interests of people who have power and wealth, usually emphasizing images and

messages consistent with dominant ideologies. The impact of global processes on sports

may emphasize either globalization or processes such as modernization and post-

modernization, as well as cultural imperialism and cultural dominance (Donnelly, 1996).

Through television and the other media, we can appreciate the outstanding performances

of elite players and athletes. This process will get more people involved in sports,

bringing more media participation, creating a positive circle. More the sports broadcasts,

the larger the audience involved in sports.

“Sports in India: As an Entertainment Industry”

It draws attention to the fact that sports and television media channels are deeply

rooted in the Indian culture and have been a part of life for the Indians. Enthusiasm for

sports has also been part of the development of sporting activities and proliferation of

sports channel. Although India has adopted much of the modern day sports including

Cricket, Hockey and Lawn Tennis etc., yet Cricket remains the most popular of all the

sports played and followed in India. Today, sports and media have become multi billion

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dollar industries that cater to the entertainment of millions of sports enthusiasts. The

Indian sports and electronic media industry are growing at a tremendous pace with

Cricket leading the industry in a big way. Sporting events have become a very huge

marketing platform involving mind boggling amounts of money and high audience

support. Sports channels have contributed to the growth of sports as a major

entertainment industry. Sports magazines and portals have also contributed to the growth

of the industry in the country.

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Unbalanced Sports Coverage in the Indian Media

Case Study: Sportstar


The aim of this article is to show the unbalanced sports coverage prevalent in the Indian

media (online, television, print), by means of a case study of the leading English

language Indian sports weekly Sportstar that is published from Chennai.

This article focusses on the cover stories of Sportstar in 2002 and 2003. Cover stories

have the benefit of prominent real estate on the magazine cover, a couple of in-depth

articles inside the magazine, colour photographs accompanying the text, and sometimes,

a related editorial, interview or poster. A star or a sport gets much more exposure when

featured on the cover than when hidden as an ordinary article in the inside pages of the


This article makes occasional references to the weekly magazine Sports Illustrated of

USA. The context of these references is print media coverage of sports in USA and India

using the comparable medium of leading sports weeklies, and is not meant to serve as a

springboard for a broader discussion topic such as sports culture or sporting infrastructure

of USA vis-à-vis India.

Having defined the scope of this article, the following case is being made against

Sportstar magazine:

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Sportstar ignores Indian sportswomen

Sportstar neglects non-cricket Indian sports


a. Sportstar ignored Anju Bobby George

In August 2003, female long jumper Anju Bobby George became the first Indian athlete

ever to win a medal, a bronze, at the World Athletics Championships, with a leap of 6.70


Ignoring the significance of this effort, the 5 Sportstar issues in August 2003 featured a

total of 10 foreigners on the covers (Beckham, Anna Kournikova, Clive Lloyd, Steve

Waugh, Mike Brearley, Hanse Cronje, Graeme Smith, Pete Sampras, Andre Agassi and

Shane Warne).

b. Sportstar ignored Indian women's hockey

The Indian women's hockey team won the 2002 Commonwealth Games hockey gold in

Manchester and the 2003 Afro-Asian Games hockey gold in Hyderabad. In both cases,

the Indian team upset much stronger teams like England, South Africa, New Zealand and

South Korea en route to the titles.

Should not Indian women's hockey's double-triumph on the world stage be deserving of a

cover story? Many of India's women hockey players are tribals from the Jharkhand-

Sundergarh area of India, who came up the hard way in sports, and in life itself. Can't

Sportstar do a human interest story on our tribal golden girls?


a.   Sportstar neglected Indian football

Baichung Bhutia's team, East Bengal, was the first ever Indian club team to win an

international tournament on foreign soil, when they won the LG ASEAN Club

Championship on July 26, 2003. Baichung was voted the Player of the Final and the

Player of the Tournament, scored an incredible 9 goals in 5 matches, and then went on to

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sign a 2-month contract with Perak FC of Jakarta and an endorsement deal with Nine

Yards, a marketing firm in Mumbai.

Instead of doing a cover story on Indian football captain Baichung Bhutia in its

subsequent August 2-8, 2003 issue, Sportstar instead did a cover story on footballer

David Beckham, with the cover line being 'Celebrity like no other'. Sportstar has got its

priorities wrong. For Indian football fans, Baichung is a celebrity like no other, only then

followed by Beckham and others.

b. Sportstar neglected Indian hockey

The Indian junior hockey team, with budding stars like Gagan Ajeet and Jugraj Singh,

won the Junior World Cup in Australia in 2001. En route to the title, India beat strong

teams like Spain, Netherlands, Germany and Argentina.

However, the cover stories of  Sportstar around the time of the Junior World Cup

(October 9-21, 2001) were devoted to India's cricket tour of South Africa. On what basis

did Sportstar highlight an Indian cricket team that lost matches to Kenya and South

Africa in the tri-series, while ignoring an Indian hockey team that won the world



As its responsibility to Indian sports, Sportstar should highlight a wider range of sports,

and put more Indian non-cricket stars, both male and female, on its covers and posters.

Sportstar can do that by not blindly giving the top spot to cricket on its covers, posters

and lead articles, regardless of whether India is playing or not, regardless of whether

India is winning or not, and regardless of whether cricket is in the season or not.

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The main challenge for the sport manager of the future, from this perspective, is to be

culturally sensitive, and not only seek the ways in which sport can be introduced in new

markets, but also ensure that a particular sport can be linked to the (cultural) sporting

needs of that market.

Six key market segments for sport consumption will play a major role in the future

and also in order to present an overview of the type of products that will be consumed in

the sport marketplace of the future. These products will have major implications for sport

managers in regard to what they manage, and how they manage it.

1. Sport Entertainment

2. Sport Quality

3. Sport Fantasy

4. Sport Identity

5. Sport Tradition

6. Sport Conscience

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1. Sport entertainmentSport consumers have an increasing emotional need for adventure, as evidenced by the

escalation of activities such as bungee jumping and extreme sports. People do not attend

sporting contests merely to watch the game ment. Sport consumers of the future can be

better entertained by satisfying their need for adventure, which will ultimately lead to

some form of participation in the game. In other words, in order to realize their emotional

peak they must have some influence on the game. If interactivity is the key to success,

then new technology will be used and applied to facilitate a spectator’s emotional

connection to the sport product by engaging them in a variety of ways. In the future,

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super technology may well lead to a situation where people can artificially experience

what it means to perform at the highest level of sporting achievement. For example, a

sport consumer may be able to run the 100 metre Olympic final against the stars of the

past and present. They might simply ‘log in’ their brain and select from a range of

programmes which are on offer at the right price for the sport organization.

2. Sport fantasySport fantasy products are all about the satisfaction of people’s emotional need for

togetherness, about the creation of consumption situations that can bring people together.

At the heart of this emotional requirement is the desire for comradeship and direction and

the role that sport has played in migrant communities in building new communities and

facilitating friendship and social interaction through community sport. This is also true in

the arena of professional sport. In the future people will continue to select local sporting

clubs to get together and be drawn to winning teams because they provide a convenient

opportunity to experience the pleasure of togetherness. However, how sport managers

will communicate with those club members and fans will dramatically change, as will the

ways in which these people get together. It will not come as a surprise that the Internet

will provide mass market opportunities for the bigger sport organizations. For the club

members and fans it will provide a convenient way of communicating and participating

in fan forums with people from all corners of the globe, meeting and greeting online.

3. Sport qualityThe sport quality consumer segment is focused on satisfying the need for people to ‘care

about others’, combined with a sense of pure enjoyment of sport. Many people involved

in sport at all levels will seek quality sport experiences that reach a deeper level, where

they can fulfill their need to show they care intensely about their sport and the quality at

which it is played. For athletes to appeal to this group of sport consumers, they need to

care as well. Athletes increasingly realize that they should be viewed and positioned as

‘good corporate citizens’ and this is of particular interest to the sport managers of the

future. They are required to balance the need to maintain the sports’ and athletes’

integrity and purity with the pressure to make the sport as commercially attractive as

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possible in order to secure operating funds. It is noted that ‘where economic imperatives

drive the amount of money associated with sport and force the evolution of new “elite of

elite” leagues, and foster the development of super athletes to perform in these

competitions, the sport quality segment will happily consume sport. [Superathletes, by

the way, will not simply be “the best” in the way that today we look up to Ian Thorpe,

David Beckham and Annika Sorenstam. The athletes of the future will be genetically

modified and surgically adjusted “freak” athletes, and increasingly, overambitious

parents will be in a position to medically “select” their preferred “child athlete”.]

However, where these pressures erode the quality of the game, or manipulate it to an

extent that the pure element of the game is lost, then the segment will react

unfavourably’. Sport managers, beware!

4. Sport identitySport identity is about satisfying the emotional need to answer the question ‘who am I?’

Jensen (1999) refers to this as the ‘who-am-I’ need, and sport fans have a history of

eliciting a sense of identity and meaning from their association with sport teams and

clubs. For the sport manager of the future to successfully operate in the market for sport

identity, he or she has to look beyond the focused sport watchers who closely follow the

state of the game and their team, and who are obsessed by the most trivial team-related

information. What they really are looking for is self-definition. The team or club needs to

offer opportunities for a personal identity to be merged and moulded with a club or a

supporter group. But in a world of hyper commercialism these sport consumers can also

be easily alienated. If sport managers interfere with the identification process in ways that

are harmful to the sport consumer, for example, when fans are locked out of venues in

favour of corporate ticket holders and hospitality services, there will be a distancing of

the fan from their beloved club, and a consequent weakening of their identity.

5. Sport traditionSport organizations have always placed great importance on their heritage and history

and in the DreamSport Society there is a particular segment of consumer who wants to

satisfy the emotional need relating to ‘peace of mind’, or in other words, reminiscing

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about the good old days. In a way they are the sporting traditionalists, usually older

spectators who are sophisticated in the way they assess the value of sport participation

and sport watching. They will become interested when sport can offer them a chance to

re-ignite past values. This is why commercialism and corporatization can disenfranchise

them. On the other hand, commercial exploitation of sport in the form of corporate

hospitality, for example, can offer some of the special treatment that the traditionalist

needs to satisfy their sense of personal service and value.

6. Sport conscienceThe market segment of sport conscience is a reflection of the emotional requirements of

consumers who are more interested in the big picture, rather than only looking at sport or

clubs themselves. Sport conscience consumers have a sincere desire to accomplish

something worthwhile that affects people in more ways than merely enjoying playing or

watching sport. Sport conscience consumers are on a mission to serve their communities

and in this context, are concerned with the needs of others in their association with sport.

They participate in sport at all levels of involvement (play, manage, govern, watch, etc.)

to please others and to contribute to the community interest.

The sport conscience segment includes the mothers and fathers who bring the half-

time tea or oranges, provide the taxis and coach the team, to the individuals who turn up

to the local game because the team ‘needs the support’, or because they view it as a

manifestation of their community pride. The ‘morally righteous’ needs of sport

conscience consumers often are fulfilled by being able to create and deliver benefits to

the community, or at least to people other than themselves. Sport is their ‘charity’, and to

express their conscious mind they will only purchase the shoes that were manufactured in

‘appropriate’ circumstances, consume healthy, organically grown foods and attend

sporting contests and events that show themselves to be worthy community contributors.

These consumers may well become the leaders of popular sport opinion and turn into the

moral sport knights that guard the pure domain of sport, actively working against

movements in which performance enhancing drugs are becoming the norm rather than the


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BACKGROUND: – ISP(Indian squash professionals)

Indian Squash Professionals (ISP), a non profit making organization, was formed by Mr.

Mahendra Agarwal in 1993, with the sole aim of promoting the game of squash in India .

In January 1993 ISP conducted the first ever squash tournament (since 1947) only for

Professionals, or Markers as they are known in India , and also the first Doubles squash

tournament in Hotel Leela, Mumbai.  

From January 1993 till date, ISP has organized 92 tournaments, 35 free coaching

camps all over India (Rajkot, Jodhpur, Mussorie & interiors of Maharashtra) and adopted

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five players (Arif Paul, Deepali Anvekar, Priyanka Yadav, Abhishek Pradhan and Ankita


ISP has its own website, www.ispsquash.com, which is the only active squash

website in India. This is updated daily and receives about 150,000 hits each month. ISP

also publishes a news magazine, "PROSQUASH", which is distributed to 3000 squash

players free of cost and read by 15,000 squash lovers throughout the country. This

magazine has completed 51 issues.   

ISP was instrumental in introducing several well-known squash coaches from

countries like Egypt , Canada & Pakistan to India . Jahangir Khan's coach Rahmat Khan

(Pakistan) was the first to conduct a coaching camp in the year 1997 followed by Abdul

Shaikh (Canada), Sammy Farrag (Egypt), Hanny Ezzat (Egypt),  Khalid Atlas Khan

(Pakistan), Tarek Solemn (Egypt) and Ahmed Yosef (Egypt). 


ISP was also instrumental in getting the Government of Maharashtra’s State recognition

for Squash in May 2000, in association with Squash Racquets Association of

Maharashtra (SRAM).   

ISP, in association with SRAM, has spread the game of squash to the interiors of

Maharashtra (districts Nanded, Beed, Satara, Pimpri, Kolhapur , Solapur, Aurangabad ,

Thane & Nashik) through coaching camps, tournaments and building squash courts with

the help of local Government officers.


ISP also helped Joshna Chinappa, who became the first Indian girl to win the British

Junior Open 2003 & is runners up in Under-19 World Championship 2005, get

sponsorship from SWITCHER through our Hon. Member Rakesh Lakhanpal, and

Government grant in 2005 with the help of late Mr. Sunil Dutt (Sports Minister,

Government of India)     

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ISP has taken the initiative to import quality squash rackets from Taiwan and make them

available to the  players at subsidized rates to promote the game.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES:1. To create a Squash Culture in India

2. To produce a world beater from India

3. To identify talent and foster competitive spirit amongst the youngster by

supporting them to prepare them for participation in International events.

4. To enhance better working environment for our Professionals, who are the

backbone of Squash In India.

5. To promote Indian Squash through our mouthpiece “PROSQUASH”, India’s

only Squash Magazine.

6. To upgrade our already popular website  www.ispsquash.com having news of

Squash in India/World.

7. To adopt talented youngsters through sponsorship.

8. To be helpful as mediators for any problems that may arise and threaten the

interests of the sport in India.

9. To create a world class infrastructure – viz. Squash Academy in Mumbai.

10. To provide exposure to international coaching by inviting coaches/physical

trainers to India and sending players abroad for coaching.


ACTIVITIES: Launching of PROSQUASH Magazine (India's leading squash magazine) : 11

Dec 1996

We Introduced Rahmat khan (coach to legendary Jahangir Khan former World no

1 ) : 7 Feb 1997

We Felicitated Akhil Behl 23 Jan 1998 (for winning the national championship)

ISP Launches 1st Website (www.squashindia.com) : 9th September 1998

Life Time Achievement Award (to Shyamlal Verma (14 times national champion)

& Others: 4 Feb 1999

ISP Launches Website  (www.ispsquash.com) : 16th November 1999

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ISP-SRAM Jointly Associates in S quash Recognition in Maharashtra : 1 June


Squash Rackets   Federation in   Gujarat

Felicitation of Vikram Malhotra for winning 3 international tournament   : 5 Aug


25th Issue of "PROSQUASH" : 15 Jan 2003

Booster Machine Introduced for the 1st time in India : 7th September 2003

ISP roped in Switcher to sponsor Joshna Chinappa.

ISP brought top foreign coaches like: Samy Farang from Egypt in May

2007,   Hanny Ezzat from Egypt in July 200 7, Khalid Atlas Khan from Pakistan in

August & November 2007, Tareek Soleman from Egypt in Jan 2008 and Ahmed

Youssef (Physical Trainer from Egypt in Jan 2008) to train top junior squash

players from India.      

The ISP have adopted a few sports prodigy who will be the future of the Indian sports in

the near future.

Squash prodigy adopted:-

1:- Arif Paul ( 2004 )

He has been India’s no 2 ranked junior in 2004. He was sponsored by ISP to play in

Professional Squash Circuit by Subhash Wali, director of Indian Squash Professional.

Paul played in England, Scotland, Germany and France. In German Open in May 2004 he

finished 11th in a field of 48 losing to German No 2.

In Scotland, he trained under Dr. George Meiras and played in interclub tournaments

there. Dr. Meiras emphasis on the mental aspects of the game benefited him. In the

French Junior Open in Strasbourg, Paul reached the semi-finals before losing to the top

seed Lars Harms, the Switzerland No. 1. He won the playoff for the third place, beating

Holland no 1.

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After his successful trip in Europe, Paul won the under- 19 nationals in India. He was

also the captain of Indian team for the World Junior Championship at Cairo. On the

basis of his performance he gained scholarship at Denison College, Ohio, USA.

Paul has also been successful in the US Circuit events. He won the Denison Open

defeating Omar Alvo of Columbia, becoming the first ever not to drop a game in the

final. In Chicago he won the Windy City Open beating Chicago pro Phil Yarrow 9-0/10-

9/9-3. He represented the city for Columbus in the national five team competition and

won all his matches at the number one spot. At present he is among the top 10 in

American University Ranking.

2:-Abhishek Pradhan

   A champion is always born, seldom made. This proved true in

the case of Abhishek Pradhan, who drew praise from one and all

the moment he stepped on to the squash courts, even for the first

time, when he was a total novice at the game. The attributes that

were noticed were the tremendous power the ten-year-old

Abhishek packed into his shots, the manner in which his game

improved every time he stepped on to the court and his never-

say-die temperament.

Within no time, Abhishek was challenging the best in his age group and very soon he

had overtaken them to make the under-11 age group his personal domain. His never-

say-die attitude was much evident in two tournaments the youngster featured in

recently, where, in spite of suffering considerable pain from being hit by his rival's

racquets, he went on to win the title.

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Magazine launched

"PROSQUASH" the only squash magazine in India having readership of 15000 players

is being distributed to 250 Institutions, Schools, Colleges, Clubs & Hotels having squash

court/s and also to 3000 squash players throughout India at no cost.  Its published

quarterly since December 1996 and it contains news regarding squash in India & World.

Website: http://www.ispsquash.com

The only active Website of Squash in India, which is being updated daily and it contains

all news regarding squash in India and World.  It has 1,50,000 hits every month.

The Indian squash professionals are been in the squash fraternity for a very long time

now. They are doing their best to promote the game to a priority level in the minds of

the people.

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Mr. Mahendra Agrawal Founder DirectorIndian Squash Professionals

“Its encouraging as we are seeing more and more multinational coming in for games other then cricket.”

Q.What is the future of the Business of Sports in India?

Its encouraging as we are seeing more and more multinational coming in for games other

then cricket. Like Vijaya Mallaya who spent 500 crore to buy force one, Lakhmi Mittal

trust have committed 40 crores in next 5 years to be spent on sponsoring players.

Q.What according to you are the areas of growth for the Squash in India?

At present major cities like mumbai, bangalore, chennai, delhi, Calcutta and in future

small cities like pune, nashik, thane, jaipur, jodhpur, noida, gurgaon.

Q.Should more Indian Co??s invest and focus on nurturing young sports talent?

Yes they should focus more on young sports talent since they are the bright future of

Indian sports and they will be able to show their talent at the highest level.

Q.Should companies focus on other athletes other than cricketers?

Yes at present they are only concentrating on cricket. We need more Indian companies to

invest in young sports talent in boxing, shooting, wrestling, football & athletics which are

being lag behind by cricket mania.

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Q.Should Squash be a part of Olympics and CW games.

Its already a part of Common wealth game in India 2010. The world squash body is

trying squash to be part of Olympic in 2016.

Q.How ISP is helping nurture young talent in India.

By adopting players and having more tournaments being held in Maharashtra and every

squash playing state so that the players can showcase their talent and also gain some

experience so that they can give their best at the international stage.

Q.What role the govt and private companies should play in developing sports.

The government should come out with a proposal that 1% of a companies turnover

should be given to sports other then cricket. If this could be made possible the Indian

sport will go places and could be a force to reckon with.

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As you may have noticed, there are a number of core management principles that

underpin the quality of sports management. When implemented, they will endanger a

culture of strategic thinking, continual improvement and customer focus. Several

environmental factors influence the way sport organizations operate, namely

globalization, government policy, professionalization, and technological developments.

The sport industry can be defined as comprising three distinct but interrelated

industries: the State or public sector, the nonprofit or voluntary sector, and the

professional or commercial sector. These sectors do not operate in isolation and often

engage in a range of collaborative projects, funding arrangements, joint commercial

ventures and other business relationships.

Effective human resource management in sport organizations relies on the

implementation of an interdependent set of processes. Good human resource management

allows sport organizations to deal with some of its unique and particular challenges, such

as the place of athletes in professional sport organizations and the large casual and

semipermanent workforces required by major events (annual or periodic). On the other

hand, poor human resource management can result in a workforce that is not only

uncommitted, but also subject to low levels of morale and job satisfaction. In short,

effective and systematic human resource management should be seen as an important

management tool in any sport organization, whatever the size or type.

Professionals best practice management in sport therefore requires a holistic

approach, where the interdependencies between processes are recognised and where, for

example , a change in marketing programs may require a strategic rethink, a budget

review, a staffing analysis and a change in organizational structure therefore the people

should take the ‘big picture’ approach and recognize that the role of the good sport

administrator involves not just the abilities to seize opportunities, but to also convert

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them into realisable programs that fit the resource base and parameters of their sporting


The observations and research tell us that the best performing sporting enterprises

are those that are continually seeking out ways of doing things better, whether it is

running a major sport event, or managing the office arrangements of a state sports

governing body. Common sense is not enough to ensure a prosperous future. Common

sense may enable a club official to conduct a meeting in a moderately efficient manner.

However, it does not replace an effective strategic plan, a systematic human resource

management program or safety management procedures.

Sport can no longer be managed as if it was something set apart from the

commercial world, where all that matters is preserving a few old traditions and sporting

artifacts, organising a few tough disciplinary committees and enforcing anachronistic

dress codes.

Future challenges for sport managers in regard to strategic management,

organizational structure, human resource management, leadership, organizational culture,

governance and performance management. This discussion was founded upon the

principal factors that drive global change in the world of sport.

Finally I want to acknowledge this project’s limitations. It has not paid much

attention to the behavioural aspects of sporting organizations like morale and motivation,

interpersonal communication, networking, lobbying, group dynamics, leadership and

conflict management. It is not that these issues are unimportant, but rather that I have

focused on the foundation management practices that set the performance agenda. All the

interpersonal and people skills in the world will fail if they are not underpinned by best

practice tools and techniques.

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