SPORTING LIFE ON LONG ISLAND - plantingfields.org · Jeffrey lee Moore andrew F. Nevin stephen h. Watters ... Camellia Greenhouse and Vinnie, ... by that time New York State had

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Page 1: SPORTING LIFE ON LONG ISLAND - plantingfields.org · Jeffrey lee Moore andrew F. Nevin stephen h. Watters ... Camellia Greenhouse and Vinnie, ... by that time New York State had



Page 2: SPORTING LIFE ON LONG ISLAND - plantingfields.org · Jeffrey lee Moore andrew F. Nevin stephen h. Watters ... Camellia Greenhouse and Vinnie, ... by that time New York State had



OfficersMichael D. CoeChairman

hal DavidsonPresident

sarah CoeVice President

Peter TillesVice President

Peter TiberioTreasurer

John CasalySecretary

Trusteeshannah BurnsCarol M. CanterMary Ciulloronald F. Foleyrobert FoschiMargaret FrereThomas J. GolonConstance haydockDavid r. holmes, Jr.Mary MacDonaldJeffrey lee Mooreandrew F. Nevinstephen h. WattersJulia WeidingerJennifer Wiggins

Ex Officiohenry B. JoyceExecutive Director, Planting Fields Foundation

Vincent a. simeoneDirector, Planting Fields Arboretum State Historic Park


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(ABOVE) South Entrance to the Camellia House flowering in summer. (ON THE COVER) W.R. Coe portrait by Frank Salisbury, 1930.

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GUEST ROOMS REFURBISHED AT COE HALLNewly re-interpreted guestrooms with carpet, windowdrapes and bed curtainsevoking the 1920s.

1917 AT PLANTING FIELDSIn the midst of World War I,before the u.s. declared waron Germany, William wrote aletter to Mr. Coe.




SPORTING LIFE ONLONG ISLAND: THEGREAT ESTATES ERAAfter the Civil War, horseracing, foxhunting, shooting,fishing, and polo developed asmajor recreational pursuits onLong Island.

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Camellia Greenhouse Festival 100th Birthday Celebration.

Page 5: SPORTING LIFE ON LONG ISLAND - plantingfields.org · Jeffrey lee Moore andrew F. Nevin stephen h. Watters ... Camellia Greenhouse and Vinnie, ... by that time New York State had




SSummer time is here and Coe Hall is open every day

until the end of September. Three bedrooms in the

house have been re-interpreted with furniture and

reproduction textiles made to approximate the way

the interiors might have appeared in the 1920’s. We

have a splendid new exhibition at Coe Hall, Sporting

Life on Long Island; the Great Estate Era which

documents the ways in which foxhunting, game

shooting, horse racing, and fishing developed as major

recreational pursuits for wealthy gentlemen on Long

Island, beginning at the end of the Civil War.

On Sunday, February 19th we celebrated the one-

hundredth birthday of the Camellia Greenhouse.

There were performances of special music and singing

inside, and at Coe Hall, we held a Mad Hatter’s Tea

Party with the Queen of Hearts. The highlight of the

day was a huge birthday cake in the shape of the

Camellia Greenhouse (see photo left) made by La

Bonne Boulangerie in East Norwich. Vincent Simeone

and I served 1,000 pieces of cake to visitors. During

the day overall there were more than 3,000 visitors. We

handed out special booklets about the history of the

Camellia Greenhouse and Vinnie, and I did short

presentations about Camellias and their history. On

March 4th we co-hosted the second Lunar New Year

festival with the Long Island Chinese-American

Association with many dance and music

performances, and craft activities.

On behalf of the trustees I would like to thank Liz

Walker Swenson and her co-chairs, Allison Aston and

Kate Doerge for the very successfull Deck the Halls

benefit last December 3rd. It was the largest and most

profitable benefit in ten years. Thank you to everyone

who supported the occasion.

Lastly please visit soon and see our summer calendar

in this newsletter. There are many events which I hope

will draw you here.

With best wishes for a lovely summer.

Henry B. Joyce

Executive Director, Planting Fields Foundation

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W.R. Coe at Planting Fields in riding attire.

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The exhibition explores the ways inwhich, after the Civil War, horseracing, foxhunting, shooting,fishing, and polo developed as majorrecreational pursuits on Long Islandfor wealthy gentlemen, includingWilliam R. Coe. Owners of largecountry houses escaped New YorkCity on weekends to relax, socializeand participate in various sports. ForWilliam R. Coe, at Planting Fields,this meant mainly horse racing,shooting, fishing and golf. Like his

well- to-do friends he belonged toseveral Long Island country clubs,including the Piping Rock Club, theMeadow Brook Club, and theSouthside Sportsman’s Club.

Mr. Coe’s chief passion, horse racing,meant that he ran histhoroughbreds at Belmont Park, andAqueduct Racetrack where he hadmany successes. He hunted gameand fished at the exclusive SouthsideSportsman’s Club, which has closed,

but is now the Connetquot StatePark Preserve. The Meadow Brookwas originally a foxhunting club andwas later famous as a center for polo.Mr. Coe did not participate in eithersport, but he was part of thesportsman’s world of gentlemenclub members. His portrait on thecover by Frank Salisbury shows himin fashionable riding clothes, boots,and a crop, as though he was aboutto mount a horse.


An introduction to the Exhibition on view April 21st through September 30th, 2017

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Page 9: SPORTING LIFE ON LONG ISLAND - plantingfields.org · Jeffrey lee Moore andrew F. Nevin stephen h. Watters ... Camellia Greenhouse and Vinnie, ... by that time New York State had

William R. Coe, born in England,was Chairman of the marineinsurance company Johnson &Higgins. His wife, Mai Coe, was thedaughter of Standard Oil partnerHenry Huttleston Rogers. Theybought Planting Fields in 1913.Their combined annual income atthat time was about $500,000 orabout $13million in today’s dollars.The Coes and their four children,William, Robert, Henry, and Natalie,lived at Planting Fields mainly onspring, fall and winter weekends. Inthe summer they were usually ontheir ranch outside of Cody,Wyoming.

The Coes entertained friends atPlanting Fields and spent time attheir clubs, including Piping Rock inMatinecock, where the family tookpart in sporting events, includinggolf and riding contests. The clubhouse was designed by Guy Lowellwho also worked for the Coes atPlanting Fields where he and hispartner Andrew Sargent designedseveral buildings including theCamellia House (1917) and the HayBarn. It was in this barn where thehorses for informal riding and someof Mr. Coe’s race horses werestabled.

With their tremendous incomes, Mr.and Mrs. Coe lived at a terrific pace.Coe Hall, newly finished in 1921—inthe English style—was a veryexpensive house with a large indoorand outdoor staff. The Coes had aresidence in New York City; they

(OPPOSITE) The Den, Coe Hall, originalsporting paintings displayed, about 1925.

(TOP) Caroline Coe on horseback in front ofCoe Hall.

(MIDDLE) Irma Lake ranch in Cody, Wyoming.

(BOTTOM) W.R. Coe on horseback inWyoming.


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traveled in Europe and theCaribbean, their children were awayat boarding school and had tutors.One of Mr. Coe’s largest expenseswas his large stable of race horses.

Although Mr. Coe did not himselffoxhunt, in his time on Long Island,the hunt played an important role inthe life of many of his peers. InEngland, it has always been valued asa gentlemanly exercise – noble,healthy, and uplifting, and even untilthe First World War it was thoughtto be useful training for cavalryofficers. As a sport with gentlemanlyassociations paintings and printsrepresenting foxhunting becameubiquitous in English and Americancountry house interiors. Artists werecommissioned to produce images toimmortalize famous masters of thehunt in their red coats, other huntmembers and humorous episodes inthe field. Sporting prints by theEnglish artist, Henry Thomas Alkenare included in the exhibition. Severalart galleries in London and New YorkCity specialized in hunting scenes;the most well-known wereAckerman’s and Frost & Reed. Mr.Coe prominently hung foxhuntingimages in the den at Coe Hall.

Foxhunting in America began in theseventeenth century but unlikeEngland where forests had beencleared for over a thousand years,here clearing land was a slow processand so the sport was not firmlyestablished here until the end of the18th century. Even so, Admiral LordCochrane visiting the ChesapeakeBay area in 1797 wrote,

(TOP) The Prospect of Hunting by Henry T. Alken (1785-1851).

(BOTTOM) The Reality of Hunting by Henry T. Alken (1785-1851).

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“the place contrived to muster a tolerablepack of hounds which, if not brought underthe perfect discipline of their Britishprogenitors, often led us into more dangerthan is encountered in an English field, inconsequence of our runs frequently takingus among thick forests, the overhangingbranches of which compelled us to lay flat onthe horses’ backs, in order to avoid the fateintended for the object of the chase”.

The oldest hunt in the U.S. is thePiedmont Hunt, established inVirginia in 1840. However, theupkeep of horses, country houses andestates makes foxhunting veryexpensive and so it was not until afterthe Civil War, with the creation ofvast new wealth, that increasingnumbers of hunt clubs were founded,particularly in the northeast wherethere were both fox and drag hunts.Today in the U.S. and Canada thereare still about 150 active hunt clubs;of several in New York State, theMillbrook and Old Chatham huntsare probably the most well-known.On Long Island, the Smithtown HuntClub is the only surviving club. It wasfounded in 1900, but is now a draghunt with a scent artificially laid.There are sometimes as many asthirty mounted followers at a meet.The hunt is based in Hampton Bays,and they sometimes meet in OldWestbury.

The most prominent foxhunting clubin Mr. Coe’s day on Long Island wasthe Meadow Brook Hunt Club whichwas founded in 1881 with its ownpack of hounds. Long Island becamea countryside haven for the wealthy

with their sporting pursuits.Members included famous names likethe Whitney’s, and many others. Theclub’s golf course was built in 1894,and Mr. Coe was a member in theearly years of the twentieth century,mainly to play golf. After about 1900the club became internationallyfamous for its polo games, where theAmericans beat the British.Foxhunting continued until 1971 butby that time New York State hadappropriated the club’s property,including its golf course and thefamous polo fields to make way forthe Meadowbrook State Parkway andother roads to enable the spread ofsuburbs. Today, the Meadow BrookClub continues as a golf club inJericho, and the Meadowbrook PoloClub continues as a separateorganization with its own location inOld Westbury.

Thomas Allison, Huntsman to theMeadow Brook Hounds 1932, signedprint by Richard Newton, Jr.

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(ABOVE) Pompey, being held by William R.Coe, after he won the Futurity Stakes, atBelmont, fall 1925.

(OPPOSITE TOP) Polo at Bethpage State Park.

(OPPOSITE BOTTOM) Astoria Cup fromBelmont Park, won by Mr. Coe’s Terentia in 1918.

William R. Coe’s major sportingpassion was horse racing. In the 1920she regularly raced his Thoroughbredsat the Belmont, Aqueduct and Jamaicarace tracks and had many wins. Hekept up to forty racehorses stabled atPlanting Fields. He owned three verysuccessful racehorses. His filly,Cleopatra (descended from Polmelius,a famous racehorse in England), wonthe 1920 Belmont Champagne Stakes,and six other major states and wasnamed American Champion ThreeYear Old Filly. Mr. Coe’s Pompey, a

son of Cleopatra, was a champion byage two. He was the winner of the 1925Futurity Stakes at Belmont, ridden byLaverne Fator, winning Mr. Coe a$75,000 prize (in today’s money over$1m). The following year Coe’s BlackMaria won the Aqueduct Handicap,ridden by American Hall Of Famejockey, Frank Coltiletti. Trophies fromMr. Coe’s racing successes are in theexhibition, including the Astoria Cupfrom Belmont in 1918, won byTerentia another of the great winnersof Coe’s racing career. To celebrate his

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wins, Coe commissioned a very fineset of Lenox dinner plates withportraits of each of the three horses.The plates have green polka dotborders which were his racing colors.The set of plates survives at Coe Halland is included in the exhibit.

Horse racing on Long Island has avery long history, beginning in 1665when the newly appointed governorof the newly won and newly namedNew York, Col. Sir Robert Nicolls,introduced flat racing at HempsteadPlains, where later Roosevelt Fieldwas located. It was the first horseracing track in North America. Asilver porringer at Yale UniversityArt Gallery is inscribed: “1668 wunnatt. Hampsted, planes. March 25”. Fromthis time on racing was a sport forgentlemen only. Nicolls had been atthe court of Charles II, who was apassionate owner of race horses.English royalty has supported horseracing since the Middle Ages, andthey still do. Hence it is sometimesknown as “the Sport of Kings”. InAmerica horse racing flourisheduntil the War of Independence whenit fell out of favor in the north andwas seen as fostering immoralbehavior, as in gambling. In NewYork State, in 1802, it was madeillegal until repeal came in 1820; thisbrought the new Union Course inWoodhaven, Queens. Aqueduct RaceTrack, where Mr. Coe had manywins, opened in 1894 and BelmontPark, also a site of Coe wins, openedin 1904.

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W.R. Coe entertaining in the Buffalo Room with the commissioned Lenox plates. (INSET) One of the commissioned lenox plates portraying W.R. Coe’s horse, Pompey.

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(TOP, L TO R) William, Henry and Robert with a line of trout.

(BELOW) A split-cane rod made by H.L.Leonard and a Hardy Bros. reel belonging toW.R. Coe loaned to the exhibit by hisgrandson, Dr. Michael Coe, Chairman ofPlanting Fields Foundation.

The exhibition explores the historyof other sports on Long Island,including sailing, polo, and fishing.The fishing section features thehistory of the South SideSportsman’s Club, where Mr. Coewas a member. His fishing rod

from about 1920, made by notablerod maker H.L. Leonard, and reelmade by Hardy, are on view. Theyare on loan from W.R. Coe’sgrandson, Dr. Michael D. Coe,Chairman of Planting FieldsFoundation.

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EVENTS Please visit our website atwww.plantingfields.orgfor more information

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suNdAy, MAy 7TH

David Houston PeformsThe Sporting Life2:00pm – 3:00pm at Coe Hall$5 Admission fee/ Members andchildren under 12 are fREE

a reading in the style of radio dramawritten and directed by David houston.

suNdAy, MAy 21sT

Peony Garden Walking Tour3:00pm – 5:00pm / $20 Non-MembersfREE for Members

Enjoy some tea and cookies beforeheading out with Vincent simeone,Director of Planting Fields arboretumand henry B. Joyce, Executive DirectorPlanting Fields Foundation to the PeonyGarden. Peonies are a classic gardenflower and grow quite well with very littleeffort required. Come along on thisunique and fun tour and learn importantfacts about these beautiful, fragrant, oldfashioned flowers and what’s new in theworld of peonies! Tour group will meetat the front entrance of Coe hall.

PurChasE TiCKETs: go toeventbrite.com and search PlantingFields, Oyster Bay, Ny

MAY 2017

For more event information: Jennifer Lavella (516) 922-8678 or [email protected]

COE HALL OPEN FOR THE SEASON – aPril 1sT – sEPTEMBEr 30Th11:30aM-3:30PM Daily / WEEKENDs ONly iN OCTOBErsElF-GuiDED VisiTs - $5.00 FOr NON-MEMBErs/FrEE FOr MEMBErs & ChilDrEN uNDEr 12 / ParK OPEN Daily 9:00aM-5:00PM


ISLAND: The Great

Estates Era

On view April 22nd – september 30thOpen daily 11:30am – 3:30pm$5 Admission fee for Coe Hall

The exhibition explores the way in which foxhunting, game shooting, and horseracing developed as major recreational pursuits for wealthy gentlemen, includingW.r. Coe, owner of Planting Fields.

Visit plantingfields.org for a complete list of the Sporting Life Exhibition Programs.

sATuRdAy, MAy 13TH

Concert in the ParkDolce Ensemble PerformsClassics in the Movies6:00pm – 7:30pm at Coe HallfREE / No Parking feeNo Reservations RequiredRestrooms at Main Greenhouse

Bring a chair, blanket, and an outdoorpicnic to enjoy music and the beauty atPlanting Fields and exterior of Coe hall!COFFEED iNC, park caterer, will be sellingsnacks, sandwiches, desserts and drinks.Coe hall is closed during the concert.restrooms are available at the MainGreenhouse.






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EVENTSPlease visit our website atwww.plantingfields.orgfor more information

MAY 2017sATuRdAy, MAy 27TH

Concert in the ParkRed,White & Blues by Jerome Smith and City SoundsEntertainment6:00pm – 7:30pm at Coe HallfREE / No Parking feeNo Reservations Required

Bring a chair, blanket, and an outdoorpicnic to enjoy great upbeat music, thebeauty at Planting Fields, and exterior ofCoe hall. COFFEED iNC, will be sellingsnacks, sandwiches, desserts and drinks.Coe hall is closed during the concert.For more information contact Jenniferlavella at (516)922-8678 or email:[email protected].

sATuRdAy, JuNE 3Rd

Concert in the ParkSouthern Voice Band6:00pm – 7:30pm at Coe HallfREE / No Parking feeNo Reservations Required

southern Voice Band is a popular CTbased Modern Country band. They playa wide variety of country covers by artistslike Tim McGraw, Jason aldean, Carrieunderwood, Miranda lambert, Blakeshelton and many more. Featuringtalented male and female vocalistsbacked-up by a rockin' rhythm section,southern Voice always delivers a highlyentertaining show! Bring a chair, blanket,and an outdoor picnic. Coe hall isclosed during the concert. restrooms areavailable at the Main Greenhouse.COFFEED iNC, will be selling snacks,sandwiches, desserts and drinks.

suNdAy, JuNE 4TH

David Houston PeformsThe Sporting Life2:00pm – 3:00pm at Coe Hall$5 Admission fee/ Members andchildren under 12 are fREE

a reading in the style of radio dramawritten and directed by David houston.


Planting Fields Foundation’sAnnual Golf ClassicJoin us for our 3rd annual Golf Classic atthe Mill river Club in upper Brookville!We begin at 10:00am with registrationand breakfast, followed by a shotgunstart at 12:00pm. lunch will be servedon the course, followed by cocktails,dinner buffet and raffle auction at5:30pm.

fRIdAy, JuNE 9TH

Music in the GardenSummer Concert SeriesThe BailsmenPresented by Planting Fields Foundation

friday night series includes onecomplimentary glass of wine or beer $30 Non-Member / $20 Members7:00pm at Coe HallPurchase tickets: plantingfields.org/events

There will be additional beverages, horsd’oeuvres, and desserts available forpurchase, catered by COFFEED iNC. Enjoyjazz, blues and swing, music under thestars in the historic cloister garden of thisGold Coast mansion, Coe hall, atPlanting Fields arboretum.

sATuRdAy, JuNE 10TH

Plein Air through the SeasonsThe Rose Garden10:00am – 3:00pm fREE with $8 Parking fee

annie shaver-Crandell is a visual artistbased in Manhattan whose fondness forfresh air and magnificent colors hasbrought her repeatedly to Planting Fieldsto paint out of doors. as an art historianin her previous profession, she offersboth historical and contemporaryapproaches to the depiction oflandscape and floral themes.

suggested list of materials: some form ofdrop cloth, any oil, acrylic, oil or drypastels.Please meet at the end of theWest Parking lot by the EntranceWelcoming Pavillion. Bring a bag lunchor purchase snacks at COFFEED’s gardencafé inside the hay barn.

fRIdAy, JuNE 16TH

Twilight Tour 7:00 p.m. / Meet at Coe Hall$20 Non Members / fREE for MembersReservations requiredplantingfields.org/events

Meet at Coe hall and enjoy wine andcheese before venturing out for a twilighttour of the grounds. The twilight tour willbe led by Vincent a. simeone, Director,Planting Fields arboretum state historicPark, and henry B. Joyce, ExecutiveDirector, Planting Fields Foundation.

For more event information: Jennifer Lavella (516) 922-8678 or [email protected]


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JUNE 2017

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fRIdAy, JuNE 30TH

Summer Theater in the Park – Madagascar6:00pm / fREE admission / No Parking fee / No Reservations RequiredRain or shine at the Hay Barn/Visitor’s Center

COFFEED iNC, will be selling snacks, sandwiches, desserts and drinks.

fRIdAy, JuLy 7TH

Music in the GardenSummer Concert SeriesMatt MarshakPresented by Planting Fields Foundation

friday night series includes onecomplimentary glass of wine or beer $30 Non-Member / $20 Members7:00pm at Coe HallPurchase tickets: plantingfields.org/events

New york GuitaristMatt Marshakbrings a unique,one of a kind,handcrafted styleof guitar playing. atruly eclectic blendof jazz, urbangroove, pop, funk,

r&B, world beat, and much more. hisstyle and sound have led him across theglobe performing at some of the worldsbiggest jazz festivals performing withlegends such as santana, larry Carlton,George Benson, David sanborn, andFourplay. he has also headlined andperformed with artists such as alexBugnon, Nick Colionne, and Four 80East. Beverages, hors d’oeuvres, anddesserts available for purchase, cateredby COFFEED iNC.

JUNE 2017

JULY 2017

sATuRdAy, JuLy 1sT

Concert in the ParkFiveStone Band6:00pm – 7:30pm at Coe HallfREE / No Parking feeNo reservations requiredRestrooms at Main Greenhouse

Bring a chair, blanket, and an outdoorpicnic to enjoy music and the beauty atPlanting Fields and exterior of Coe hall!Fivestone is a high energy club and partyband playing the Best of Classic, Pop,Top 40, Dance & Party rock. Coe hall isclosed during the concert. COFFEED iNC,will be selling snacks, sandwiches,desserts and drinks.

suNdAy, JuNE 18TH

David Houston Peforms – The Sporting Life2:00pm – 3:00pm at Coe Hall$5 Admission fee/ Members and children under 12 are fREE

a reading in the style of radio drama written and directed by David houston.

sATuRdAy, JuNE 17TH

Concert in the Park – The Hambones6:00pm – 7:30pm at Coe HallfREE / No Parking fee / No Reservations Required

The hambones play a merry mix of pop, blues, country and rockabilly from theClassic american songbook. Dancing is encouraged!!! Bring a chair, blanket, andan outdoor picnic to enjoy great, upbeat music and the beauty at Planting Fieldsand exterior of Coe hall! Coe hall is closed during the concert. restrooms areavailable at the Main Greenhouse. COFFEED iNC will be selling snacks, sandwiches,desserts and drinks.

sATuRdAy, JuNE 24TH

Family Fun Night – Strummin’ & Drummin’6:00pm – 7:30pm at Coe Hall fREE / No Parking fee / No Reservations Required

Bring a chair, blanket, and an outdoor picnicto enjoy great music and the beauty at PlantingFields and exterior of Coe hall! Come out andenjoy this fun and interactive night! Coe hall isclosed during the concert. restrooms areavailable at the Main Greenhouse. COFFEEDiNC will be selling snacks, sandwiches, dessertsand drinks.

For more event information: Jennifer Lavella (516) 922-8678 or [email protected]




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fRIdAy, JuLy 14TH

Summer Theater in the ParkHairspray6:00pm / fREE admission / No Parkingfee / No Reservations RequiredRain or shine at the Hay Barn/Visitor’sCenter at Planting fields.

COFFEED iNC, park caterer, will be sellingsnacks, sandwiches, desserts and drinks.


EVENTSPlease visit our website atwww.plantingfields.orgfor more information

suNdAy, JuLy 9TH

David Houston Peforms –The Sporting Life2:00pm – 3:00pm at Coe Hall$5 Admission fee/ Members andchildren under 12 are fREE

a reading in the style of radio dramawritten and directed by David houston.

sATuRdAy, JuLy 15TH

Jonathan Kruk's Storytelling The Sporting Life & Tales (Children’s Exhibition Program)12:00PM & 2:00PM at Coe Hall$5 admission fee, members and children under 12 are free

Jonathan Kruk will enchant children of all ages with stories and tales! Noreservations, just come to Coe hall for one of his performances and enjoy!

suNdAy, JuLy 16TH

Summer Garden Festival12:00pm – 5:00pm, rain or shine / $20 per vehicle

This summer garden festival features live musical performances by the WMD’s andthe hambones, kids crafts, dance groups and more! FrEE self-guided visits ofCoe hall. The festival is a collaborative effort between Planting Fields Foundationand the New york state Office of Parks, recreation and historic Preservation.$20 per car load; once inside the park all activities are FrEE!

fRIdAy, JuLy 28TH

Music in the Garden – Summer Concert Series – French Cookin’Presented by Planting Fields Foundation

friday night series includes one complimentary glass of wine or beer $30 Non-Member / $20 Members / 7:00pm at Coe HallPurchase tickets: plantingfields.org/events

French Cookin' is a New york-based Bluesband. They play a wide variety of styles, allfirmly rooted in the blues. ranging fromthe Delta to Chicago, back down to Texasand louisiana "second line", adding theirown unique touch to present a new look atthis vital american art form. We also playan extensive selection of original titles,

presenting the blues in a more contemporary vein while preserving the essencethat is the core of the music. Beverages, hors d’oeuvres, and desserts available forpurchase, catered by COFFEED iNC.

JULY 2017

sATuRdAy, JuLy 15TH

Concert in the ParkThe Rick Laban Trio6:00pm – 7:30pm at Coe HallfREE / No Parking feeNo reservations requiredRestrooms at Main Greenhouse

Bring a chair, blanket, and an outdoorpicnic to enjoy music and the beauty atPlanting Fields and exterior of Coe hall!Coe hall is closed during the concert.COFFEED iNC, park caterer, will be sellingsnacks, sandwiches, desserts and drinks.

For more event information: Jennifer Lavella (516) 922-8678 or [email protected]

Page 21: SPORTING LIFE ON LONG ISLAND - plantingfields.org · Jeffrey lee Moore andrew F. Nevin stephen h. Watters ... Camellia Greenhouse and Vinnie, ... by that time New York State had

For more event information: Jennifer Lavella (516) 922-8678 or [email protected]



fRIdAy, AuGusT 4TH

9th Annual Champagne Party! Motown & Masquerade Garden Soiree7:00pm-10:30pm at Coe Hall$75.00 Members/firefighters/Military/Police/EMs$100.00 Non-MemberPurchase tickets: plantingfields.org/events

Celebrate summer in the grandeur of the gardens at Coe hall. Enjoy plentiful horsd’oeuvres, savory desserts, champagne, wine, sangria and craft beer. Dance underthe stars all evening to the energetic and fun Motown music provided by Jeromesmith & City sounds Entertainment. Choose a mask and wear it well, so your trueidentity, no one can tell! Join us to celebrate and bring an air of mystery to this funmasquerade garden soiree!

fRIdAy, AuGusT 11TH

Music In The GardenSummer Concert SeriesThe Lowdown StompersPresented by Planting Fields Foundation

friday night series includes onecomplimentary glass of wine or beer $30 Non-Member / $20 Members7:00pm at Coe HallPurchase tickets: plantingfields.org/events

The lowdown stompers are a NyC JazzBand that specializes in playing musicspanning from the 1920’s through the1960’s including music from the BigBand Era, New Orleans, Dixieland, TinPan alley, The swing Era and The Greatamerican songbook. The lowdownstompers re-create the music andexcitement of those early days of music!Beverages, hors d’oeuvres, and dessertsavailable for purchase, catered byCOFFEED iNC.

sATuRdAy, AuGusT 12TH

Concert in the ParkFleetwood Macked6:00pm – 7:30pm at Coe HallfREE / No Parking feeNo reservations requiredRestrooms at Main Greenhouse

Bring a chair, blanket, and an outdoorpicnic to enjoy beautiful music and thebeauty at Planting Fields and exterior ofCoe hall. Coe hall is closed during theconcert. COFFEED iNC, park caterer, willbe selling snacks, sandwiches, dessertsand drinks.

fRIdAy, AuGusT 18TH

Twilight Tour 7:00 p.m. Meet at Coe Hall$20 Non MembersfREE for membersReservations: plantingfields.org/events

Meet at Coe hall and enjoy wine andcheese before venturing out for a twilighttour of the grounds. The twilight tourwill be led by Vincent a. simeone,Director, Planting Fields arboretum statehistoric Park, and henry B. Joyce,Executive Director, Planting FieldsFoundation.

fRIdAy, AuGusT 25TH

Music in the GardenSummer Concert SeriesMod SocietyPresented by Planting Fields Foundation

friday night series includes onecomplimentary glass of wine or beer $30 Non-Member / $20 Members7:00pm at Coe HallPurchase tickets: plantingfields.org/events

Mod society configurations are designedto blend jazz, indie rock, classic rock,and contemporary pop to present aunique performance at every event.Formerly known as ainslie street Vibes,Mod society was founded by Brooklynbased musician Claudio Marquez in2009. Beverages, hors d’oeuvres, anddesserts available for purchase, cateredby COFFEED iNC.

sATuRdAy, AuGusT 26TH

Concert in the Park Mid Summer Mendelsson by the Dolce Ensemble6:00pm – 7:30pm at Coe HallfREE / No Parking feeNo reservations requiredRestrooms at Main Greenhouse

Bring a chair, blanket, and an outdoorpicnic. Coe hall is closed during theconcert. COFFEED iNC, park caterer, willbe selling snacks, sandwiches, dessertsand drinks.

sATuRdAy, AuGusT 19TH

Summer Theater in the ParkMy Fair Lady6:00pm / fREE admission / No Parkingfee / No Reservations Required / Rainor shine at the Hay Barn/Visitor’s Centerat Planting fields.

COFFEED iNC, park caterer, will be sellingsnacks, sandwiches, desserts and drinks.




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For more event information: Jennifer Lavella (516) 922-8678 or [email protected]



Family Fun Night Strummin’ & Drummin’6:00pm – 7:30pm at Coe Hallfree Admission / No Parking feeNo reservations required Restrooms open at Main Greenhouse

Bring a blanket and picnic dinner to Coehall for a night of family fun. Bring glowsticks for after dark fun! COFFEED iNC,park caterer, will be selling snacks,sandwiches, desserts and drinks.


Concert in the ParkBanjo Nickaru & The Western Schooches6:00pm – 7:30pm at Coe HallfREE / No Parking feeNo reservations requiredRestrooms at Main Greenhouse

Bring a chair, blanket, and an outdoorpicnic to enjoy great, country music andthe beauty at Planting Fields and exteriorof Coe hall! restrooms are available atthe Main Greenhouse. Coe hall is closedduring the concert.COFFEED iNC, parkcaterer, will be selling snacks,sandwiches, desserts and drinks.


Music In The Garden Summer Concert SeriesBrooklyn Bluegrass CollectivePresented by Planting Fields Foundation

friday night series includes one complimentary glass of wine or beer $30 Non-Member / $20 Members / 7:00pm at Coe HallPurchase tickets: plantingfields.org/events

Zack Bruce and Jason Borisoff formed the Collective as away to record and showcase the diverse bluegrasscommunity of Brooklyn. With backgrounds in everythingfrom traditional jazz to Klesmer and zydeco, andinfluences that range from Phish to punk, the musiciansyou’ll find in this Collective offer an enormous breadthand depth to bluegrass. Beverages, hors d’oeuvres, anddesserts available for purchase, catered by COFFEED iNC.


Plein Air Through the Seasons Late Summer Flowers & Grasses10:00am – 3:00pm /fREE with $8 Parking fee / Meet at the end of the west parkinglot by the Welcome Pavillion

annie shaver-Crandell is a visual artist based in Manhattan whose fondness for freshair and magnificent colors has brought her repeatedly to Planting Fields to paint outof doors. as an art historian in her previous profession, she offers both historical andcontemporary approaches to the depiction of landscape and floral themes.


David Houston Performs – Mark Twain Telling Tales2:00pm – 3:00pm at Coe Hall / $5 admission fee / Members and children under 12 are free / Written and directed by david Houston

in a lecture on the nature of comedy and wit, with notes on Twain's early developmentas a writer — taken from the essays and stories of the great american humorist,including: "an Encounter With an interviewer," "My First literary Venture," "how toTell a story," and "The Turning Point of My Career," with fully dramatized readings ofthe short stories "The Golden arm," "The Notorious Jumping Frog of CalaverasCounty," and the famous white washing scene from the adventures of Tom sawyer.


EVENTSPlease visit our website atwww.plantingfields.orgfor more information


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For more event information: Jennifer Lavella (516) 922-8678 or [email protected]



DAVID HOUSTON PERFORMSMurder, Madness & Poe2:00pm – 3:00pm at Coe Hallfree with $5 admission to Coe Hallno reservations necessary$8 parking fee

haunting tales and poems from Edgarallen Poe’s best known works withmusical interludes, performed by MichaelBertolini as Poe, the 19th century masterof the macabre. Written and directed byDavid houston. Come…if you dare!


Fall Family Festival$20 per vehicle11:00am - 5:00pm, Rain or shine!

halloween trick or treat and costumeparade, live music, jumbo garden games,pumpkins for sale, pony rides, potatosack races, face painting, watercolordemonstrations and halloween bouncehouse. COFFEED iNC. will be open in thecafé, dahlia garden open and Coe hallopen.



Music At the Mansion – to be announcedsponsored by AARP Long Island / $30 Non – Members / $20 Members


Plein Air Through the Seasons – Fall Foliage10:00am – 3:00pm /fREE with $8 Parking feeMeet at the end of the west parking lot by the Welcome Pavillion

annie shaver-Crandell is a visual artist based in Manhattan whose fondness forfresh air and magnificent colors has brought her repeatedly to Planting Fields topaint out of doors. as an art historian in her previous profession, she offers bothhistorical and contemporary approaches to the depiction of landscape and floralthemes.

suggested list of materials: some form of drop cloth, any oil, acrylic, oil or drypastels. Bring a bag lunch or purchase snacks at COFFEED’s garden café insidethe hay Barn/Visitors Center.


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ExhiBiTiON PrEViEW ParTy

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ChiNEsE NEW yEar

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Bill Parsons, Terry Parsons, Kitty Tilghman, George Tilghman, Hannah Burns, and Jeffery Moore

Bernard Macias, Liz and John Jordan

stephanie Clark, susan MooreWilliam Anne Margaret and Margaret frère

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dough de Natalie, Laura deNatalie, stephen Canter, Carol Canter Ed swenson, Liz swenson, Kate doerge, Chad doerge

Ellen McMillin, Mary Ciullo, Karen dissinger, denise sutherland - front row - John McMillin, Carol Canter, Laura deNatale, doug deNatalie

Hal davidson, Liz swenson, Kate doerge, Allison Aston

Hannah Burns, George Tilghman

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We celebrated the Camellia Greenhouse’s 100th birthdaywith a cake cutting ceremony, live music throughout theday with Alan & Hugo, Brooklyn Flamenco Guitarists andQuatrain Barbershop Quartet, along with ice carvingartist, Rich Daly from Ice Melodies, who carved asculpture of the Camellia Greenhouse while showcasingthe beautiful collection of camellias in full bloom.


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Joanna Badami appraisals ltd.Ms. Joanna Badami

Mill Max ManufacturingMr. & Mrs. roger Bahnik

National Parks Conservation associationMs. Elizabeth Bowler

The sottovoce FoundationMr. & Mrs. sed Browne

Carway & Flipse attorneys at lawMr. & Mrs. John Carway

Cogliano and sonsMr. David Cogliano

The Dau Family FoundationMr. & Mrs. Elliot Conway

Fifth avenue of long island realty associates, llCMs. Deirdre Costa Major

Frederic r. Coudert FoundationMs. sandra Coudert Graham

DelaCour Family FoundationMr. Willis DelaCour

G.V. Bullen insuranceMr. Timothy DiPietro

Greenman-Pedersen incMr. Jim Garrahan

Wonderland Tree Care inc.Mr. Thomas Golon

scotts Miracle-GroMs. amanda hirsh

Dreier-Penrith Family FoundationMr. D.r. holmes

aC investment ManagmentMr. Joe huang

The Putting Green Company of liMr. scott Kata

solar CityMs. leilani lee

long island Bonsai society incGreat Neck Garden Club

Ms. rona lupkinThe Corita Charitable Trust

Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Michalislong island Daylily society

Mr. Gene Mogliahugh O'Kane Electric Company, inc.

Mr. hugh O'KaneThe rockefeller Trust Company

Mr. & Mrs. George O'Neill

syosset Garden ClubMs. lisa Perez

american Gloxinia & Gesneriad societyMs. rosemary Platz

Three harbors Garden ClubMs. Doris Quintilian

M. h. rose interiors, ltd.Ms. Marilyn rose

Comerica Wealth & institutional ManagementMr. & Mrs. Michael rosenthal

Zeitz FoundationMr. & Mrs. Joseph rosenthal

Morris Kirschner Perpetual Charitable TrustMr. & Mrs. Cye ross

The Barker Welfare FoundationMrs. sarane ross

William C. and Joyce C. O'Neil Charitable TrustMr. hollis russell

aarPMs. Joanne ryder

Glen Garden ClubMs. Barbara schmidt

Julie and Michael schwerin FoundationMr. Michael schwerin

robin & Enrique senior Philanthropic FundMr. & Mrs. Enrique senior

North Country Garden Club of li inc.Mr. Gerry spink

John Perry associatesKC Gallaghers

Mr. Edward Taylorrexford Fund, inc.

Mr. Peter TiberioThe Tilles Family Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Peter TillesMinuteman Press international inc.

Mr. Bob TitusNisen sushi

Mr. Tom lamJohn and Catherine Naudin

FoundationMr. & Mrs. Pascal Tone

ambrose Monnell FoundationMrs. henry Walter

Mr. archie abrams

Mrs. Gloria acerra Mrs. heather adamsMrs. Marjoire adlerMr. Jonathan affatatoMr. Gerard ahernMr. & Mrs. lee ainslieDr. stephen akseizerMr. & Mrs. robert albrechtMr. robert alessiMr. & Mrs. Joseph allarioMr. & Mrs. Juan alvarezMr. Philip ambrosinoMr. & Mrs. Joseph amiamaMs. Barbara andreouMs. Terry androlowiczMr. Volpe anthonyMr. & Mrs. John argentiDr. abby aronowitzMs. heidi aronsonMr. & Mrs. Brad astonMr. & Mrs. alan augustineMs. Mildred austinMs. Pat aylwardMs. Mary ann BaadeMr. & Mrs. Theodore BakalisMs. Doreen BakerMr. & Mrs. Carter BalesMr. & Mrs. John BalloMr. & Mrs. Thomas BancroftMr. & Mrs. Fred BancroftMr. & Mrs. Vincent BankerDr. randall BarbourMr. & Mrs. Duke BarnettMs. irene BaronMs. Nancy BartMrs. Denise BartkowMr. & Mrs. anthony BartonDr. & Mrs. robert BassMr. James BauerMr. Clemens BaumgartMr. & Mrs. Jamie BeardMs. M. Dorothy BehrMrs. Beatrice BeiselMr. Joseph BellonMs. Teresa BelmonteMs. lynn BenedettoMr. & Mrs. anthony BenenatiDr. & Mrs. Foti BenetosMr. & Mrs. Jay Benjamin

Ms. ronni BensonMr. & Mrs. rodney BerensDrs. Nicholas BerensDr. & Mrs. William BergMr. James BergMr. Barry BerkoftMr. Jack BerkowitzMr. John BernicMr. Michael BerryMs. Patricia BertellMr. andrean BertokMs. Maryann BetzMs. Elizabeth BiblaMr. & Mrs. hans BinkertDrs. John BiordiMr. & Mrs. Michael BittonMrs. Mary lenore BlairMr. & Mrs. steven BlankMr. & Mrs. Martin BlochMr. Peter BlohmMr. Jerome BloomMr. Gerald BlumDr. lucille BlumMs. lois BlumenfeldMrs. Marianne BlunckMr. Peter BohnerMs. Marjorie BomsonMr. & Mrs. Chris BonnerMr. steve BorykMr. & Mrs. George Bostwick, Jr.Ms. Carolina BoucosMr. & Mrs. Christopher BoylanMr. Dean BoyleMrs. renee BradleyMr. John BralowerMs. Doreen BraunMr. Paul BroderMs. laura BroderickMr. & Mrs. Darren BromanMs. andrea BrowneMr. & Mrs. James BrundigeMr. & Mrs. horst BuelteMrs. laurel Burke-NorstedtMr. & Mrs. Vincent BurnsMs. Edden BurshteinMr. & Mrs. George BurtonMr. & Mrs. Jeff BusconiMs. Joan BushMr. & Mrs. Jacques Busquet

Mr. John ByrneMr. & Mrs. Daniel BystromMr. Jack CabassoMs. antoinette CaddellMs. Eve CalifanoMr. & Mrs. Ernie CanadeoMs. Grazia CantarellaMr. & Mrs. stephen CanterMs. Denise CaracappaMr. & Mrs. richard CardozoMr. Eric CarlstromMr. William CarrollMr. & Mrs. Piero CasalicchioMr. John CasalyMs. Doris CasazzaMrs. Elaine CashdanMr. robert CassidyMr. & Mrs. ron CastellanoMr. & Mrs. Gabe CatalaMr. & Mrs. John CateraMs. Barry CathyMrs. Marianne CattierMr. harvey CaustMr. & Mrs. Gilbert ChapmanMr. Patrick ChappelleMr. & Mrs. Peter CharlandMr. & Mrs. Dustin ChaseMs. Melissa ChemickMr. & Mrs. Daryl ChenMr. & Mrs. alexander ChernoffMr. Edward ChernoffMrs. Jane ChoateMs. Kathleen ChristiansenMs. Connie CincottaMr. Thomas CiprianoMs. andrea CirelloMs. linda CiriMs. Diane CirinoMs. susan CiuffoMr. & Mrs. robert CiulloMr. & Mrs. Frederick ClarkMrs. rita ClearyMs. lisa ClearyMr. & Mrs. Todd CleggMr. & Mrs. William CliffordMr. & Mrs. James CochraneMs. Mary CockrenDr. Michael CoeMr. henry h. r. Coe



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Mr. Peter CoeMs. sarah CoeMr. robert CohenDr. & Mrs. struan ColemanMr. & Mrs. John ColgateMr. Kevin CollinsMs. Janet ConnollyMr. & Mrs. Jonathan ConnorsMrs. Barbara ConollyMr. Tom ConsalvoMr. & Mrs. Barry CooperMr. roger CooperDr. & Mrs. Patrick CorcoranMr. Brendan CornellMs. Diane Corrigan-hancockMs. ingeborg CostaMs. Dawn CostelloMr. Joseph CostkowMs. Carol CottonMr. & Mrs. andrew CoughlinMs. Jeanne CourterMrs. Celeste CrockettMr. & Mrs. Kenneth CronMr. & Mrs. Brad CuddebackMs. Mary Curtin-NowinskiMrs. Jill CurtisMr. & Mrs. roderick CushmanMs. Kathleen CusumanoMrs. lucy CuttingMr. lawrence CypressMs. Emily CzubaMr. & Mrs. Marty CzubaMrs. Elizabeth DaeppMr. & Mrs. Peter DaneMs. helen DangMr. albert DanitiMr. Gerard DankelMrs. Caroline D'antonioMrs. Eileen DarwinMr. & Mrs. Murat DavidsonMs. Ellen DavisMr. & Mrs. Chris DavisMr. & Mrs. Thomas De NeufvilleMr. robert De senaMs. lissa DeangelisMr. & Mrs. Claudio Del VecchioMr. Frank DellomoMr. Thomas DeMiccoMr. & Mrs. Nelson DeMilleMrs. Meleanor DemingMr. & Mrs. ira DenhofferDr. Mildred DeriggiMr. Edward DermonMr. & Mrs. robert DesantisMr. & Mrs. humbert DeTomasoMr. & Mrs. Gerald DeutschMr. & Mrs. Edward DibenedettoMrs. Karen DielsiMr. harold DietzMrs. suzanne DillenbeckMr. richard DinonnoMrs. Marie DioguardiMrs. Elizabeth DisimoneMs. Eileen DispenzieriMrs. Karen DissingerMs. Karla DixonMs. Janet DoctorsMr. & Mrs. Charles DolanDr. Mary DonoMr. adam D'OnofrioMr. Joseph DonohueMr. Ted DonovanMs. suzy DoobMr. & Mrs. Brian DooleyMs. Donna DoratoMr. & Mrs. Martin Dorfman

Mr. & Mrs. Michael DorrianMs. Cherie DorrisMr. stephen DoughertyMr. & Mrs. Jack DoughertyMs. rachael DoukasMr. Kevin DowneyMs. Kerry DoyagaMr. Thomas DoyleMr. andrew DragunatMs. Muriel DrewMr. & Mrs. andrew DubuqueMs. linda DuffyMr. stefanne DuffyDr. & Mrs. William DukeMr. & Mrs. anthony Duke, Jr.Mr. robert DunlopMr. & Mrs. John DunnMiss latonia EarlyMr. & Mrs. Mark EisenbergMs. Pearl ElionMr. & Mrs. stephen Ely, Esq.Mr. robert EmmerichMr. & Mrs. Jordan EnisMr. ron EpsteinMr. & Mrs. Chris ErricoMrs. Dulcie FabbricanteMr. & Mrs. robert FagiolaMr. Joel FairmanMr. Christopher FallonMr. Vincent FamulariMr. & Mrs. James FanningMr. & Mrs. John FantasiaDr. solomon FarhieMs. Vera FaulknerMr. & Mrs. robert FavataMr. & Mrs. stephen FeldmanMr. Morris FensterMr. & Mrs. Daniel FensterMr. & Mrs. Peter FerolitoMr. & Mrs. Paul FerrilloMr. & Mrs. anthony FiammaMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey FinkelMrs. Civia FishlerMr. & Mrs. Tony FlorenceMr. ronald FoleyMr. Mark FondacaroMs. Jean FontanaMr. & Mrs. John ForlinesMs. Marcia FormanMr. steve FortunaMrs. Faye Fortunato Mr. & Mrs. robert FoschiMs. lindsay FoxMr. & Mrs. alfred FrancisMs. lisa FrankMr. Jonathan FreedMs. Barbara FreemanMs. Phyllis FreemanMr. & Mrs. William FrèreMs. Dalia FritzMr. & Mrs. David FuchsMs. lilli FuerstMrs. Maria FultonMs. sara FurmanMr. Pete GaddisMr. & Mrs. Ben GambillMr. Fred GangemiMr. & Mrs. Chris GarciaMs. Gloria GarganoMr. Gary GarsonMr. Kenwin GaskinMr. & Mrs. E. Maxwell GeddesMr. & Mrs. herman GehnrichMr. & Mrs. Michael GeigerDr. Madina GerasimovMr. & Mrs. Eric Gerde

Ms. Caroline GerryMr. & Mrs. Elbridge GerryMr. & Mrs. Victor GerzMrs. Diana GibbonsMr. & Mrs. Michael GilbaneMr. & Mrs. Jim GilliesMr. Mark GlaubersonMr. Joseph GleicherMr. robert GoldingMr. Jerry GoldsteinMrs. Jemi GoldsteinMs. Dale GoldsteinMs. Daisy GomezMr. & Mrs. Pierre GonthierMs. Julia GonzalezMr. shawn GordonMr. Mitch GorzkowskiMr. Thomas GottillaMr. andrew GottliebMs. linda GottliebMr. lawrence GottliebMr. & Mrs. ross GoughMr. & Mrs. Timothy GrantMr. & Mrs. Jonathan GreenMr. & Mrs. stanley GreenmanMr. Benji GriswoldMr. robert GudwinMrs. Michael GuldenMr. Frank GumperMr. & Mrs. Philip GundMr. steven GyoreMr. & Mrs. henry hagerMrs. Judith haimovicMr. & Mrs. Marius halvorsenMr. & Mrs. robin hamiltonMr. & Mrs. al hammerMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey hansenMs. Kristin harperMs. susan harrisMs. Joan harrisonMr. & Mrs. randolph harrisonMr. & Mrs. Vincent hartleyMs. haskel haskelMs. Mary hauptmanMr. James hauserMr. & Mrs. John havensMr. Christopher hawksMs. Constance haydockMrs. anne Coe hayesMrs. Elaine healyMr. anthony heckelMs. Barbara heimerichMr. & Mrs. herman heinemannMr. & Mrs. David helmeMr. harry helmusMs. heather hendersonMr. raymond herbertMs. amy herling & Mr. Ken CozzaMr. & Mrs. lawrence hermeleMs. sabine hernandezMs. lynn herschleinMs. Katherine herzogMs. Christine hilkeMs. leslie hillMs. Katherine hill-MillerMrs. renee hillsDr. & Mrs. alexander hindenburgMr. Michael hirschMs. Cynthia hittnerMr. & Mrs. William hoarMr. & Mrs. stuart hoffmanMr. robert hoffmanMr. & Mrs. Will hohMr. & Mrs. ingolf holm-andersenDr. & Mrs. steven holzmanMrs. Bruce Duff hooton

Mr. & Mrs. James hooverMr. Michael horan Ms. sarah hourmerMr. & Mrs. Don huberDr. alfred hubermanMr. David hubertMrs. Deana huminskiMs. Nancy husseyMr. & Mrs. Chris huttonMs. Carolyn hyattMr. Douglas hyerMr. & Mrs. Chuck idolMs. Kathleen ignozziMs. Donna ihlenMs. Gail imhauserMr. & Mrs. Fredd isaksenMrs. Gloria JackelMs. Jacqueline JacksonMr. & Mrs. Matt JacksonMr. andy JalakasMr. & Mrs. roanld JanekMr. Justin Jannone Ms. Marilyn JanovitzDrs. sandeep JauharMrs. John JenningsMr. & Mrs. Geoffrey JervisDr. lawrence F. JindraMs. Diana JindraMr. rogers JohnMr. & Mrs. harold JohnsonMs. ruth JohnsonMrs. Karen JohnsonMr. & Mrs. John JohnstonMr. Kevin JohnstonMr. & Mrs. Barclay JonesMr. & Mrs. hoyle JonesMs. sara JonesMs. Virginia JorgensenMs. Maryann JulianoPunet JunesaMs. Christine KadtkeMr. John Kaiser Ms. suzanne KaltenMs. Valerie KaminMs. annette KaminskyMs. Eileen KanferMs. Dorothea KannapinMr. Theodore KaplanMr. Gary KaplanMr. Eric KashMr. & Mrs. Dave KasoufMs. Jyll KataDr. sam KatzurinMr. leonard KaufmanMr. & Mrs. Corrine KaufmanMs. lorraine KaufmannMs. susan KayMs. shelley KaynesMr. & Mrs. sal Kayser-PolisiMs. Orael KeenanMrs. Carolyn KeithMr. & Mrs. Neil KellerMs. Joan KellyMr. James KellyMr. & Mrs. Parker KelseyMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey KelterMs. Gloria KemperMs. ruth ann KennedyMr. & Mrs. robert KerriganMr. richard KesslerMr. Jeffrey KeutmannMr. Peter KeyerMs. Masha KhazanMs. Christine KipperMr. & Mrs. George KirchmannMs. svetlana Klakotskaia

Ms. shirley KlockeMs. Jannette KnowlesMr. & Mrs. robert KoehlerMs. rosalie KoenigMrs. Ellen KoeppelMr. & Mrs. alvin KotowitzMr. Charles KowalskiMr. siegfried KreyeMr. & Mrs. richard KrivinMr. Eric KrugnaleMr. steven KrullMs. Eileen KucharskiMs. Mary KuhlkinMs. Deborah KuppermanMs. Janine KyritsisDr. anthony la MastroMr. raymond laCasseMs. Debra laChanceMr. Pete ladisMrs. Kathy laForgiaMr. Walter laineMr. arvind lallMs. Wendy lamb & Mr. Paul MoravecMs. Janet landauMr. & Mrs. Paul landauMs. Cynthia landerMr. & Mrs. roger langMr. & Mrs. Kenneth langoneMr. & Mrs. J. lapsleyMr. & Mrs. stephen lariMr. & Mrs. Brendan lavinMrs. sherry lawrenceMs. Meaghan lawrenceMs. amy laxDr. harold lazarusDr. Mark lazarusMs. Diane lazutahonorable John leBoutillierMr. Edward leeMs. stephanie leeMr. & Mrs. Chul leeMs. Eileen lemondaMr. & Mrs. James lemonidesMr. allan lernerMs. Carol levatinoMs. Kate levineMs. Jackie levinsonMr. Ken levyMs. Dawn lindMr. Michael lissauerMr. & Mrs. Thomas listerMr. James litkeMs. anita loBoscoMs. Dawn loBossoMs. Marilyn lockeMr. David lomasneyMr. Greg longoDr. & Mrs. Joseph lopezMr. & Mrs. John lorussoMs. sharon loveMs. ruth loveMr. James loverudeDr. & Mrs. Jerome luskinMr. & Mrs. Edward lynnMs. althea MacDonaldMs. Mary MacDonaldMr. & Mrs. Patrick MackayMr. & Mrs. John MacMurrayMr. Ozzie MahadoMr. Jason MainesMs. Veronica MainettiMrs. Jani MajewskiMrs. Michelle MaldonadoMrs. reiko Maloney-hahnMr. & Mrs. Thomas ManahanMr. & Mrs. Mark Manas

DONATIONS 2016WE THANK OuR GENEROus suPPORTERsContinued from previous page

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Mrs. Eileen MarinoMrs. irene MarklandMr. & Mrs. Joseph MarriottMr. & Mrs. leonard MarshallMr. & Mrs. robert Marshall-GreenbergMr. & Mrs. Emilio MartinezMs. laurie MartoneMr. Philip MartoneMs. Nancy MassarMs. Theresa MathesMrs. Marjorie MathesonMs. Traci MatlachMr. Christopher MaurischatDr. & Mrs. Joseph MaytalMrs. susan MazekMr. & Mrs. Tim McandrewMr. & Mrs. sean McandrewMr. & Mrs. Bill McandrewsMs. leslie McCarthyMrs. Brigitte McConnellMs. Patricia McCormackMrs. Patricia McCoyMr. & Mrs. Edwin McCoyMr. & Mrs. Edward McCoydMr. & Mrs. Charles McCurdyMs. Diane McDonnellMr. & Mrs. James McDonoughMiss Eileen McEnaneyDr. John McGaleyMrs. Ellen McGeeMr. Tom McGlincheyMr. & Mrs. Thomas McGrathMr. David MclaughlinMr. & Mrs. scott MclellanMs. Donna McMahonMr. & Mrs. Thomas McPartlandMr. & Mrs. John MeadMs. lisa MeadeMr. Craig MedwickMs. sari MeehanMr. stephen MeisterMr. Joseph MercurioMr. & Mrs. Charles MerendinoMr. Edward MertzMr. & Mrs. Peter MeyerMs. lisa MeyerMs. Jennifer MeyerMr. & Mrs. Willets MeyerMr. & Mrs. Edward MeyerMr. & Mrs. harry MeyersMr. reese MichaelsMs. ankur MignonMr. Jason MiillerMs. Doreen MillerMr. Jason MillerMs. Kathleen MillonMr. ronald MilroyMrs. Ellen MinetMr. & Mrs. lou MinghinelliMr. Glen MinkinMr. Joseph MissbrennerMr. & Mrs. robert MitarotondaMs. Barbara ModiceMs. Patricia MontgomerieMs. a. Patricia MooreMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey MooreMr. & Mrs. Matthew MoranMr. Mike MoranMr. & Mrs. Patrick MoranMs. susanne MorenaMr. Keith MorganMr. & Mrs. John MorrisonMrs. Joan MorsonMs. Deborah MorsonMr. & Mrs. Will MortonMr. Meir MowlemMrs. Eleanor MuellersMr. & Mrs. roger MummertMr. William MurphyMr. & Mrs. Kevin MurphyMs. Denise MurrMrs. lois MurrayMs. allison MusielloMr. larry MyersonMr. Timothy NaglerMr. Douglas Nameth

Ms. Joan NashMrs. laura NashMr. steven NathansonMr. & Mrs. Gerald NathelMs. Natalie NaylorMrs. lorraine NedellDr. & Mrs. alan NelsonMs. Elyse NetupskyMr. stephen NeveroskiMr. & Mrs. andrew Nevin Mr. & Mrs. louis NicastroMr. & Mrs. Michael NicollMr. & Mrs. ronald NielsenDr. & Mrs. Barry NobelMrs. ann NolteMr. scott NorbyMs. Mary NowackDr. Mark NunezMrs. Jocelyn NuttallMr. & Mrs. lee NyburgMs. Katie OakfordMs. Dahlys OettingMr. & Mrs. John O'KaneMr. & Mrs. hugh O'KaneMr. & Mrs. Michael O'KaneMs. Julia O'KeeffeMs. Erin O'learyMs. ricki OlshanMr. & Mrs. Frank OltMr. & Mrs. Tim O'NeillMrs. louise O'rourkeMr. Diego OrtizMrs. Barry OsbornMr. & Mrs. Gilbert OttMr. roland PabstMr. & Mrs. louis PagliaraMrs. Maria PantopoulouDr. Diana Papademas-KirkpatrickMs. angelina Judy ParisMr. Kwang ParkMr. & Mrs. C. allen ParkerMs. Elizabeth ParrellaMr. & Mrs. William ParsonsMr. & Mrs. Jeffrey PashDr. Cynthia PaulisMr. sherman PaurMr. George PavlicinMr. David PearsonMs. angela PedoneMr. & Mrs. Don PelchuckMr. Peter PellMs. Diane PennyMs. Dorothy PennyMr. Joseph PepeMr. & Mrs. Donald PerkinsMr. & Mrs. anthony D. PerriMr. steve PesakMs. Virginia PetersMr. & Mrs. ryan PetersMr. & Mrs. William PetersonMs. Christine PetersonMs. susan PetersonMs. Claudia PetilloMr. robert PetroconeMs. Jane PflugMs. ashley PhippsMr. & Mrs. ronald Preston PhippsMs. Vivian PiazzaMs. susan PiccoloMr. & Mrs. Philip PidotMs. linda PierceDr. stephen PitcoffMr. & Mrs. robert PittsMr. Jack PizzilloThe Plant Doctor

Mr. & Mrs. John FiederleinMrs. Mary PolakMr. & Mrs. rhodes PonzerMr. & Mrs. Philip Pool, JrMr. & Mrs. andrew PotokerMr. & Mrs. Cary PotterMr. & Mrs. Mason PowerMr. & Mrs. Michael PowersMrs. Diane PowersMrs. Mary PrattMr. robert PristasMr. & Mrs. Clayton Prugh

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph PufahlMs. Denyse PugsleyMr. & Mrs. Eric PuttermanMs. Teresa PutzMr. William QuigleyMr. Brian QuinnMs. Courtney QuinnMr. & Mrs. Kevin QuinnMs. Kristin QuinnMr. lawrence rabinowitzMr. & Mrs. Gregory raciborskiMr. Joe raderMr. robert raeseMr. & Mrs. Peter ramosMr. & Mrs. ury rapoportMs. sandra ravivDr. Dan ravivMr. steven realeMrs. Kate reardonMr. & Mrs. Marty reasonerMrs. Evelyn rechlerMr. & Mrs. robert reedMr. & Mrs. John reeseMs. Corine reganMr. & Mrs. Cornelius J. reidMr. & Mrs. seymour reismanMs. Evelyn remsenMr. & Mrs. Tim reynoldsMs. Ellen reynoldsMr. & Mrs. Matthew ricciardiMs. lorraine riceMs. Celeste richardsMr. Charles richardsonMs. Brianna rielloMs. Eamille roaldMs. Joan robertsonMr. & Mrs. Taylor robinsonMs. Deborah robottomMr. & Mrs. ray rodriguezMr. John rogersMr. & Mrs. aaron roseMr. robert roseDrs. Mary ann & Matthew rosmanMs. Maureen rudermanMs. Marian ruppMs. Geraldine russellMr. & Mrs. Mark ruthmanMr. & Mrs. Michael sacherMs. Maha saedwayMrs. leila safarianDr. Marilyn Moffat salantMrs. Bonnie salkindMr. robert saminskyMr. & Mrs. Gil samsonMr. William sandersMr. Edward sandrowMrs. Patricia sandsMs. Elizabeth sanginarioMs. antoinette santoemmaMr. Michael saporitoMs. stephanie sarconaMs. Elizabeth scalaMr. Vincent schaeferMs. Claudia schaffieldMrs. Nancy schianoMr. & Mrs. Jamie schiffMs. Violet schironeDr. & Mrs. robert schmitzMrs. herma schmitzMr. Gerald schmugarMs. Diane schneiderMr. alexander schoenMs. Margaret schroederMr. & Mrs. James schummMs. luise schwabeMr. & Mrs. Edward schwarzMr. & Mrs. Konrad schwarzMr. & Mrs. Carl scottiscotts Miracle-GroMr. & Mrs. raymond searbyMs. hannah sechrist-BurnsMr. & Mrs. haig seferianMr. & Mrs. Jon segerdahlMs. Dorothy sellersMr. alan shamoonMs. amy shapiroMr. & Mrs. alan shapiro

Mr. & Mrs. Neil shapiroMr. James sharkeyMr. & Mrs. Michael sheaMrs. Nancy sage sheaMr. & Mrs. John sheehyMs. Vivian sheltonMrs. Edward shepardMr. John shorterMr. Michael shukofskyMrs. Kathleen shukovskyMr. Jay shynnMs. Karen siegelMr. Matthew silverMr. & Mrs. leo silverstoneMr. adam silverstoneMr. & Mrs. Vincent simeoneMr. & Mrs. William simondsMs. Teresa simoneMs. Barbara simonettisenator & Mrs. alan simpsonMrs. Diana simsDr. sue ann sistoMs. Judy skillenMr. Bernard sklarMrs. susan slaterMr. & Mrs. Ted slepianMr. herbert smithMs. linda smithMrs. Katharina smithMr. robert smithMs. Kimberly smithMr. & Mrs. alexander smithMrs. lisa sokoloffMs. Margaret Joan solaMr. Michael solomowitzMs. Nathalie solzbergMs. rhena somdatMr. Jack somerMs. Maureen sonne Mr. Ken sperberMr. & Mrs. alan spiegelMs. Karen spiegelMr. seymour spiegelMr. Barrie Curtis spiesMr. & Mrs. Mark spiessMrs. Pamela st JohnMr. & Mrs. Tom staceyMr. Walter stacklerMs. Barbara stangoMs. Patrice sternDr. John stevensonMrs. Janet stewartDr. & Mrs. Bruce stillmanMr. & Mrs. Ben stokesMrs. sandra stoneMrs. Madeline strasserMs. Barbara straussMr. Christopher streeterMrs. Carolyn streitwieserMr. Noah studenrothMr. & Mrs. George styleMrs. Christine sullivansungevity, inc.Ms. Denise sutherlandMr. & Mrs. Edward swensonMs. irene szustermanMs. Judy TamMs. Judith TantleffMr. Mrs. Chris TaubeMs. Mildred TaverneseMr. Edward TaylorMrs. David s. TaylorMr. & Mrs. Patrick Teubner Dr. & Mrs. richard ThallMrs. Jean ThatcherThe ameican Friends of theGeorgian GroupMs. Martha TheodosMr. Jeffrey ThielenMr. Peter TiberioMrs. Patricia TigheMr. Orrin Tilevitz Mr. George TilghmanMr. & Mrs. ralph TisoMr. & Mrs. William TitusMr. Donald TobinMr. & Mrs. Wally Tomenson

Mr. Michael TompkinsMr. John TonerMr. Michael TonerMrs. Betty TorreMr. & Mrs. Michael TortiMr. David TownsendMr. & Mrs. Norman TrabulusMr. Joel TraugotMrs. Margaret TrautmannDr. & Mrs. alex TraykovskiMs. Valerie TrentinMr. lloyd TrotmanDr. Elliot udellMr. & Mrs. hans ulrichMr. robert upbinlaura & Jack Varrichio-DuffyMr. & Mrs. Eric VaughnMr. & Mrs. Paul VegodaMrs. Jean VicaleMr. robert C. VictorMs. laurie VillanoMr. David VincentsMr. raymond VinciguerraMr. Tom VisceglieMr. & Mrs. andre VolkoffMr. & Mrs. robert von stadeMr. & Mrs. scott Mr. & Mrs. Gerald WachsMs. Michelle WadooMs. Millie WagnerMr. stephen WaldenburgMr. Glenn WaldmanMs. Carol WalshMr. Jack WangMr. Marvin Wasserman Mr. & Mrs. William WatmanDr. & Mrs. stephen WattersMr. Donald WeberMr. John WeedMrs. ana WegmannMr. & Mrs. hugh WeidingerMs. ilene WeilerMr. & Mrs. howard WeillMr. Michel David WeillMr. Peter WeinbergerMr. lawrence WeinbergerMr. & Mrs. Kris WeinerMr. & Mrs. richard WeirMr. & Mrs. Michael WeissMr. Dan WeissMiss linda WeissMr. & Mrs. Peter WhiteMs. stephanie WhiteMr. Paul WiedenhaeferMr. Walter WientgeDr. & Mrs. Colin WigginsMr. & Mrs. Jason WilenskyMr. Douglas WilkeMr. allen WilliamsMs. Virginia WilsonMs. Joy WinetskyMs. Marlene WinterMs. Catherine WintersMs. rose Winters Ms. Diane WohlMr. & Mrs. samuel WolcottMr. & Mrs. Joseph WolfMr. Peter WolffWorld Zionist Organizationamerican section, inc.Mr. Karl WummerMr. & Mrs. Kenneth WunschMr. ara yardumMr. arrwin yipMr. & Mrs. Kevin youngMs. shirley youngwaalMr. ron ZaidMiss Barbara ZaneMr. & Mrs. Egils ZarinsMr. & Mrs. steven ZeldisMr. a. h. ZernickowMr. & Mrs. Peter Zielazny

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William, Mr. Coe’s eldest son, wasreferring to St. Paul’s School in NewHampshire which he and youngerbrother Robert attended. Mr. Coestated in response, “As you saythings are very tense around here, I

suppose it is only a question of timebefore war will be declared betweenthe U.S. and Germany. I do notthink we will have much trouble onthis side.” In the beginning of April,after President Wilson appearedbefore Congress for a declaration of

war, William wrote to Mr. Coesaying that in New Hampshire theyhad started military drills in earnestand that he had been appointed acorporeal with command over sevenmen, which Mr. Coe was satisfiedabout.

William also wrote that samemonth, he had joined a golf cluband had to pay twenty dollars whichwas more cost effective than payingthe fifty cents every time he playedprior to his joining the team. Hewent on to say that he had a“Brassie”, which at the time, was awooden golf club with a base plateof brass. William underlined in hishandwritten letter, “I am going totake it up in earnest and am going tobeat you next vacation at PipingRock”. William also asked for Mr.Coe’s permission to take up drumlessons, and promised to take it upseriously, while simultaneouslymentioning that his hockey teamhad won the Championship Cup.Mr. Coe responded that he wouldpay for William’s drum lessons, andalso remarked that there was sixinches of snow on the ground at

1917 AT COE HALLBy aNDrEa CriVEllO

In the midst of World War I, and shortly before the UnitedStates declared war on Germany, William wrote a letter toMr. Coe stating, “If war is declared and volunteers are called for I have good reason to think that the school will close down.”

(ABOVE) St. Paul’s School, Concord NewHampshire.

(OPPOSITE LEFT) Photograph of a newspaperclipping from the New York Sun, featuringW.R. Coe’s Bet and jockey Freddie Williams,from the Coe family scrapbook archival.

(OPPOSITE RIGHT) Vintage BellmontAdvertisement Courtesy of Arthur JohnHumeke of ARRT’S. ARRCHIVES.

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Planting Fields with temperatures attwenty-four degrees at night, makinghim afraid for his crocuses andsnowdrops. (Letter dated April 10,1917)

While continuing their stay atOyster Bay, Mrs. Coe was scheduledto have a non-serious operation inthe beginning of May; however,correspondence reveals that it had tobe postponed for a month due toher being severely ill. Mr. Coe said,“It has been a kind of generalbreakdown with her”. She was upsetat missing William’s Confirmationon the 17th of that month, and Mr.Coe was not present either as he felt

he needed to stay with his wife.

Later that spring, a local paperreported that Mr. Coe attended thefinal horse racing meet of the seasonat Piping Rock Racing Association inLocust Valley, where a large sum ofmoney was raised for various warrelief organizations. Mr. Coe tookhis youngest son Henry, ten at thetime, with him. In a letter to Robert,Mr. Coe mentioned that he andHenry both went out on horsebackat 6:45 am and went around thetrack three times prior to the races.Later that day his horse, Neville,took Second Place, while Wonderfuland Bet took Third Place.

Henry himself competed in a showin 1917, where a newspaper reportedthat he was thrown from his sisterNatalie Mai’s brown gelding,Midnight, at a horse show in NewYork City, landing face first, butultimately remaining uninjured andremounting quickly. While thiscaused him not to be placed, thearticle went on to assert that Henrywas a good horseman who had

learned to ride on his father’s ranchin Wyoming. He was named a YoungMaster, having displayed skill in thesaddle remaining mounted for thefirst twelve occasions his horseattempted to throw him off. In aletter to Robert, Mr. Coe commentedthat bystanders would have thoughtit was a bucking contest based onthe behavior of Midnight during theshow.

In other racing news, the horseshows at Madison Square Gardenalso opened with Mr. Coe a reportedattendee, with horses Ronald, BenDale, Kerry, Kit, and Midnight.Neville and Wonderful won races in

Jamaica, New York that year alongwith Mr. Coe’s Rosa Bon Heur. In aletter to Robert, Mr. Coe mentionedthat the stable at Oyster Bay was allfilled up; he had brought six morethoroughbred yearlings fromEngland plus horses Oration andTarquin.

Notable construction for the yearincluded building the center section

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of the Camellia Greenhouse forwhich the prominent Bostonarchitect and designer Guy Lowellwas hired by Mr. Coe to work withgreenhouse manufacturer WilliamH. Lutton of New Jersey. Mr. Coepurchased a large collection ofcamellias from the Englishnurserymen, John Waterer & Sons.

Aside from progression of theCamellia Greenhouse, Mr. Coe builtthe Superintendent’s House, whichwas home to Superintendent JosephRobinson who, at the time, was incharge of the grounds and generalmaintenance at Planting Fields.Interestingly, Mr. Coe halted all

other building plans on his otherproperties, most notably work onthe swimming pool and new wing attheir Irma Lake house, until the warwas over. In correspondence toWilliam, he stated, “The tremendousincrease in taxes necessitates doingnothing that is not absolutelynecessary and practicing the strictesteconomy. “ Archival ledgers indicatethat in 1917 Mr. Coe spent $5,860 or$110,556.04 in today’s money, inreal estate taxes for their New YorkCity apartments, at 6 and 4 East83rd Street.

Natalie, who was seven in 1917, wenton a trip to Monticello with her

Governess Miss Williams. Mr. Coewrote to William and Robertaffectionately saying “Natalie Maispeaks French like a little Parisian.You boys when you come home willbe surprised that she knows moreFrench than either of you. The tripto Monticello did her a lot of good.”

In the fall, cousin Edward, living atthe Coe’s Hoo-Doo Ranch in CodyWyoming, played a prank onWilliam by writing him at St. Paul’sand claiming there had been an“Indian raid” on Hoo-Doo. Williamwrote to Mr. Coe alarmed, to whichhe replied, “I have a horse namedMr. Mark, I think your name ought


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to be Mr. Easy Mark. Did you everhear of a fish swallowing the baithook and sinker?”

Mr. Coe hunted regularly in themonths of October and November.He went duck and quail shooting inVirginia and North Carolina, andwrote Robert that he had shot alarge Bull Elk, having passed up 100-125 Bull Elk, saying he did not wantto shoot unless it was a good one.He also passed on 100 Bull Mooseand had an encounter with a femalegrizzly and her cubs. Mr. Coe alsomade mention of purchasing a cowfor $125, approximately $2,400 intoday’s money, and a Guernsey Bull,Vinniera Lad for $800, $15,000today, from Branford Farms.

Also in November, Mr. Coe wroteWilliam and Robert that Henry wassent to Fay School. Located inMassachusetts, the prestigious, FaySchool was founded in 1866 and wasthe first junior boarding school inthe United States. Mr. Coe was verypleased about Henry’s attending, asindicated in his correspondence.Henry was having trouble with hiswriting, but Mr. Coe hoped he soonwould be able to send family letters.Letters were one of the primary waysthat Mr. and Mrs. Coecommunicated with their childrenthroughout their lives; today theseletters give significant insight intothe Coe's life one hundred years ago.

(OPPOSITE) Camellia Greenhouse, 1917. (INSET) Camellia Japonica cv. Tricolor (Siebold).

(TOP) Superintendent’s House built in 1917.

(BOTTOM) Fay School, Massachusetts where Henry attended in 1917.

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Part of the tradition of Gold Coast estates during the earlypart of the 20th century was the creation of magnificent,expansive, long-term landscapes that would serve present andultimately future generations. Trees, shrubs, perennials andother plants were imported from all over the world to build thegreat estates such as Planting Fields, Old Westbury Gardens,Longwood Gardens and so many others.

Rhododendron ‘Michael D. Coe’

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An important part of the creation ofthese great landscapes was the needfor wealthy landowners to be unique,standing out from their friends andneighbors. One of the ways this wasaccomplished was by selecting andproducing hybrid plants that had aclose connection to the estate wherethey were created. Rhododendronswere among the most popular plantsto hybridize and it was notuncommon for these select plants tobe named after family members wholived on the estate.

This tradition was certainlypracticed at Planting Fields whereseveral Coe family members haverhododendrons named for themincluding ‘Mr. W.R. Coe’, ‘Mrs. W. R.Coe’, ‘William Rogers Coe’, ‘CloverCoe’, ‘Robert Coe’ and more recently‘Margaret S. Coe’.

Now Planting Fields is proud toinclude the latest named hybrid,‘Michael D. Coe’, in honor of thecurrent Chairman of the board ofthe Planting Fields Foundation andgrandson of W. R. Coe. Dr. Coe hasbeen an important part of PlantingFields for many years and isresponsible for shepherding thepreservation of the historicbuildings, architectural features, andthe landscaped gardens as well assupporting many renovationprojects. Dr. Coe also played a key

role in the creation of the masterplan in 1993 and has been invaluablein helping to interpret the history ofthe site.

In May, 2016, a local rhododendronhybridizer and long time member ofthe American RhododendronSociety, Richard Murcott, hadgraciously agreed to name one of hismany spectacular hybrids afterMichael Coe. I was fortunateenough to walk the garden with Mr.Murcott last spring to participate inthe selelction process. It was adifficult task to choose just oneexceptional flower from so manywonderful selections. Once wenarrowed the choices down to threepossibilities, we consulted with Dr.Coe himself to help make the finalselelction.

The hybrid chosen is a cross betweentwo very hardy and reliable redflowering cultivars, ‘Jean Marie DeMontague’ and ‘Mars’ crossed backto ‘Jean Marie De Montague’. Likeit’s parents, the ‘Michael D. Coe’hybrid rhododendron has vibrant,deep red flowers and dark greenfoliage. This hybrid is quite uniquebecause it is the first Coe hybrid thatis red, while all of the others arevarious shades of pink. Mr. Murcottfirst developed this hybrid in 1995and it flowered for the first time in1999. It has been growing in his

garden in Muttontown, NY eversince.

The application to officially namethis plant has been sent to theAmerican Rhododendron Societyand then will be forwarded to theRoyal Horticultural Society inEngland where it will be officiallyregistered. Once finalized, acertificate will be sent confirming itsregistration. Mr. Murcott also wasresponsible for introducing the‘Margaret S. Coe’ rhododendron,which is named after Dr. Coe’s AuntPeg from Cody, Wyoming.

One of the greatest honorsthat can be bestowed uponsomeone is to have a plantnamed after them. In thegardening world it is theultimate acknowledgement ofsomeone’s accomplishmentsand positive influence. Thereis no doubt that Michael Coeis most deserving of thishonor. His leadership andguidance over the years hasmade Planting Fields thejewel that it is today.

We hope to have small plantsavailable to add to our vastrhododendron collection by nextyear. Congratulations Michael andthank you Dick Murcott!

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(ABOVE) The east guest bedroom newly re-interpretedwith carpet, window drapes and bed curtains to evokethe 1920s. The fabric is a reproduction of an early 20thcentury design.

(LEFT) The east guest bedroom in 2016 before its recentrefurnishing project.

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The governesses bedroom beforeand after its 2017 upgrades.

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In 1917, Mrs. Alice Howard Harding’s wrote The Book Of The Peony which is beautifullyillustrated and contains information that is ofgreat value to anyone interested in learning aboutthe history of the peony, characteristics,cultivation and propagation techniques. Mrs.Harding was an enthusiastic gardener, both treeand herbaceous peonies were of particularinterest to her. We are fortunate to have thisbook in our rare book collection here at PlantingFields Foundation as it was originally owned byW.R. Coe who also was passionate about peonies.

“The rose, fine, exquisite and fragrant as it is, mustyield first rank to the modern peony, which by reasonof its sheer wealth of splendor and majesty of presenceis now entitled to be called the Queen of Flowers.”–Mrs. Alice Howard Harding



l B



Peonies blooming in the Italian Garden

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PLAYING WITH PLANTSJuly 2NDLearn all about the life cycle ofplants with one of our outdooreducators who will lead you ona multi-sensory adventureexploring colors, textures,smells, tastes and sounds.Listen as The Cat in the Hatexplains how seeds grow. Later,paint a ceramic pot and plant aseedling. For children 4 yearsand older.


Get ready toexplore theworld underyour feet inthisunderground

puppet adventure. Tunnel downwith Worm and Sprout as theydiscover the mysterious lifefound inside soil. Along the way,kids help figure out the secretsthat help Sprout grow. Award-winning puppeteer, Liz Joyce,brings this ecologicalwonderland to life with multiplepuppetry styles, projections andsong. Best suited for children 3years and older.


Explore ourmaingreenhousewhere ourenviron -mental

educator will take you on anexciting journey and point outsome neat plants like thebanana plant and the chocolatetree. Learn about the animalsand the layers of the rainforest.Afterwards, stay for a rainforestcraft. For children ages 6 yearsand older.

LI AARDVARKSJuly 30Th Join us for a foot stomping,jingle shaking, drumdrumming hullabaloo thatboth kids and parents enjoy.Singing, dancing, musicalstorytelling, instrumental jamsessions and more! Stay andmake your own musicalinstrument to take home.Geared towards children 4months to 4 years old.

TREMENDOUS TREESauGusT 6ThBecome a Planting Fields treedetective while exploring thevast collection of trees that thearboretum has to offer. Learnabout the importantrelationship that exists betweentrees and people and how toidentify trees just by looking attheir leaves and bark.Afterwards, stay and practicebeing a tree detective by helpingthe arboretum staff to identifytrees. For children 6 years andolder.

MAGNIFICENTMANSIONauGusT 13Th Visit Coe Hall with one of ourdocents to learn about the CoeFamily and the mansion. Stepback in time and be inspired byCoe Hall’s historicallyfurnished rooms featuringoriginal stained glass windowsimported from Hever Castle inEngland. Stay and create yourvery own stained glassmasterpiece. For children 6years and older.


Come learnabout thefascinatingworld ofbutterflieswith one of

our outdoor educators who willlead you on a scientificexploration uncovering thecaterpillars and butterflies thatmake their home within thesensory garden. Stay and makea butterfly craft to take home.For children 4 years and older.


Learn aboutpost-impressionistpainterVincent VanGogh and

recreate one of his famouspaintings from his sunflowerseries. Sip lemonade and relaxin the garden while you createyour own work of art! Forchildren ages 6 years and older.


SUNDAYS, JULY 2ND – AUG. 27TH, 12:00 NOON (No Program on July 16th)

all Nature sundays events are FrEE admission with $8.00 parking fee. rain or shine. rEGisTraTiON rEQuirED. To register please call (516) 922-8668 or email: [email protected]


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Mr. Joyce’s lecture presentations will present the workof nine legendary design firms who created some of themost exciting and innovative interiors of their times.

Great American Interiors: 1880-1980 by Legendary Designers

1880-1920: Ogden Codman, Edith Wharton, Elsie deWolfeTHuRsdAy, OCTOBER 19TH, 2:30PM

1920-1940: Dorothy Draper, Rose Cummings, Syrie MaughamTHuRsdAy, OCTOBER 26TH, 2:30PM

1940-1980: Thedlow, Hadley Parish, Tony DuquetteTHuRsdAy, NOVEMBER 2Nd, 2:30PM

TEA & SPLENDORGrEaT aMEriCaN DEsiGNErs, Fall 2017

Syrie Maugham

Elsie deWolfe Dorothy Draper

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Henry B. JoyceExecutive Director

Tel: [email protected]

Andrea CrivelloCuratorial Assistant

Tel: [email protected]

Elsa EisenbergGroup Tour and Volunteer Coordinator

Tel: [email protected]

Laraine GiardinaFinance Manager

Tel: [email protected]

Jennifer LavellaDirector of Marketing and Special Events

Tel: [email protected]

Lilly McGurkDirector of Membership and Development

Tel: [email protected]

Rosemarie PapayanopulousLibrarian

Tel: 516-922-8631

Antigone ZaharakisEducation Coordinator and Gift Shop Manager

Tel: [email protected]

Evergreen is published by Planting Fields Foundation.Copyright © 2017

Planting Fields Foundation1395 Planting Fields roadP.O. Box 660Oyster Bay, Ny 11771www.plantingfields.orgTel: 516-922-9210Fax: 516-922-9226

MIssION sTATEMENTPlanting Fields Foundation collaborates with the New yorkstate Office of Parks, recreation and historic Preservation topreserve and interpret Planting Fields arboretum state historicPark as a premier long island Gold Coast estate andarboretum by providing educational and enriching experiences.

Share all that Planting Fields Arboretum has to offer with a gift of membershipthat includes one full year of access to the gardens, hiking trails, greenhouses,mansion as well as our special tours, programs and events.

Join at our contributor level and receive a New york state Empire Passport—yourkey to all-season enjoyment at New york state Parks.

renew your membership today. your ongoing support helps us continue ourpreservation and interpretative programs throughout the arboretum andCoe hall.

Members receive free and discounted admission to many of our year-round programs and events,exclusive invitations, and discounts at the Garden Gift shop and local garden centers. yourmembership also allows you to participate in the american horticultural society’s reciprocaladmission program which offers Planting Fields members special privileges and discounts atnearly 300 gardens nationwide.

help us to preserve the historic gardens, greenhouses, mansion and the diverse collections thatmake Planting Fields a distinctive part of long island’s history.

for additional information please contact Lilly McGurk, director of Membership anddevelopment at 516-922-8676.


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Page 44: SPORTING LIFE ON LONG ISLAND - plantingfields.org · Jeffrey lee Moore andrew F. Nevin stephen h. Watters ... Camellia Greenhouse and Vinnie, ... by that time New York State had


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P.O. BOx 660, OysTEr Bay, Ny 11771

Bill BarashCoe Hall in summer