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  • Copyright 2012 Flat Tummy Solution

  • 14 Day Tone Up Challenge

    Victoria MilicevicAuthor, Speaker and Body Transformation Specialist


    Copyright 2012 Flat Tummy Solution

  • Table of ContentsWelcome

    How the 14 Day Tone Up Works

    How to Set your 14 Day Tone Up Challenge Goal

    How to Eat during your 14 Day Tone Up Challenge

    How to Workout during your 14 Day Tone Up Challenge

    How to Stay Motivated during your 14 Day Tone Up Challenge

    How Do I Know This Stuff


    Copyright 2012 Flat Tummy Solution

  • Welcome to the 14 DayTone Up Challenge

    First of all - CONGRATULATIONS!

    This 14 day Kickstart will make reaching your fitness goals and living healthy easier and have you looking and feeling more motivated then ever.

    WARNING: This challenge can become life changing you may experience fatloss, a more toned body and lose some bad habits along the way.

    If you have completed some of my past challenges you will kind of know what to expect.

    You are going to be surprised at how easy this 14 Day Tone Up challenge will fit into your daily lifestyle and how fast the kilos and cms will fly off as you start developing a lean, toned and sexy body.

    Copyright 2012 Flat Tummy Solution

  • This simple, easy to follow advice has helped hundreds of people lose unwanted weight, melt fat, lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, have healthier looking skin and have more energy then ever beforeand it WILL work for YOU too!

    Just think if you commit 100% to the 14 days you can achieve a more slim and toned body and be motivated to continue on and achieve your goal body.

    Stephanie, 27 of Sydney lost14.6kg (32.1 pounds) and 53.5cm

    Copyright 2012 Flat Tummy Solution

  • How the 14 Day Tone Up WorksThe Challenges: Every Friday you will receive your list of challenges for the following week.

    Each day you will have one nutrition challenge and one workout/exercise challenge to complete.

    The nutrition challenges are aimed at helping you reduce your sugar and fat cravings.

    The Exercise challenges are focussed on you getting in some form of exercise that incorporates weight and dynamic strength training every day.

    In order to CHANGE your body you must change your ACTIONS

    You cannot keep doing the same actions and expecting a different outcome

    Your 14 Days of Tone Up challenges will be about forming NEW habits that will help you achieve a lean and toned body as well as reducing your overall bodyfat %.

    How do I receive the Challenges? Each Friday your following weeks challenges will be emailed to the email address you used to

    register for the challenge.

    Each day of the challenge I will email your daily motivation and your challenges.

    Pre-Challenge Checklist:On Wednesday June 19th I will email you your Pre-challenge Checklist.

    The Pre-challenge Checklist will help you be as prepared as you possibly can for the 14 day Tone Up.

    (After the checklist has been sent out it will be available for download from the confirmation email)

    To get the most out of the challenge make sure you do not skip this step as its crucial for your success and sticking to the challenge for the full 14 days.

    Copyright 2012 Flat Tummy Solution

  • How To Set Your 14 Day Tone Up Challenge GoalIts important to set a goal to encourage and motivate yourself to stick with the challenge for the full 14 days. The stronger your goal and the more important that goal is to you, the greater chance you will have of achieving success.

    Record your Current Weight: ___________(First thing in the morning after you have been to the bathroom)

    Record your measurements: waist (around your belly button) _____ Hips (including butt) _______

    Thighs (20cm up from your knee)______ arms (15cm up from your elbow)

    1) Set yourself a goal What is it you want to achieve in the next 14 days?



    2) Why do you want to achieve this goal why is it important to you?



    3) How can you reward yourself at the end of the 14 days when you achieve your goal?



    How to take you Before & After Photos - Say Cheese! About The Importance of Taking Photographs: While nobody likes to look at a less-than-desirable photograph of themselves, some initial before photos will provide you with a great reference in the future for those times when you say, I dont feel like anythings happening. While you might not feel like anything is happening, (because when youre looking at yourself in the mirror every day and its hard to notice small changes), I can assure you changes are happening- BIG TIME!

    Comparing a photograph of yourself every three to six weeks will allow you to really start seeing those changes occur and youll get excited about the results. That way youll be more motivated to continue with your program and do everything-it-takes to be successful in achieving your goals.

    >> Check out my client Jessika who lost her muffin top Jessika followed my Flat Tummy Solution SuperClean Mealplan and completed my strength and weight training workouts to flatten her stomach and tone her whole body making her bikini ready in no time at all.

    Copyright 2012 Flat Tummy Solution

  • How To Eat During Your 14 Day Tone Up ChallengeI hate to say it, but its so true; you are what you eat

    - You see no matter how much exercise you do you will never get that super lean and toned look without a clean balanced diet.

    So if you want to lose weight (or Tone up) stay off that treadmill and dont touch those weights until youve first taken a long, hard look at what you eat. The trick to good nutrition (and therefore faster results) is to feed your body a combination of protein and carbohydrates every few hours, this ensures proper recovery from workouts AND optimal energy levels throughout your day.

    Balanced nutrition is the key.

    And believe it or not, for best results, you should eat 5-6 (small) meals each day instead of the 3 square meals youre used to. So to keep it simple here are the 6 key elements to be conscious of throughout your challenge. 1. All food should be fresh this means nothing in a packet, nothing manufactured, nothing

    reconstituted, and definitely nothing labelled Diet or low fat.

    2. Consume 2- 4 cups of vegetables per day broccoli, green beans, zucchini, sweet potato, salads, kale, spinach, cucumbers and 2 serves of fruit per day Alkaline vegetables and fruits are best for getting a Flat Tummy.

    3. Your body is 70% water - Drink a at least 2.5 litres of water per day to stay hydrated and energised.

    4. Include a portion of lean protein into each of your 5 meals (Chicken, Turkey, Fish, Tofu, Soy, Tempeh, Egg whites, cottage cheese, natural yoghurt) This will help stabilise your blood sugar levels and keep you feeling full and protein is essential for developing a tight and toned body with minimal body fat.

    5. Good fats are essential but are easy to overdo so just 5-6 almonds, a tablespoon of avocado and the fat found in your protein is usually your maximum daily allowance.

    6. Not all carbohydrate foods are created equal; in fact, they behave very differently in our bodies. The glycemic index or GI describes this difference by ranking carbohydrates according to their effect on our blood glucose levels. Choosing low GI carbs - the ones that produce only small changes in our blood glucose and insulin levels - is the secret to long-term health, reducing your risk of heart disease and diabetes and is the key to sustainable weight loss. Instead of white bread, pasta and pastries choose a portion of complex carbohydrates, such as =, sweet potato, 80g of cooked brown rice, 75g legumes or a slice of whole-meal bread.

    Eating healthy and clean is simple - You just need to get creative in the kitchen and you will never have to eat the same meal twice.

    TIP: Stop thinking of clean healthy eating as a diet and start thinking of it as a way of life mix up your cooking techniques, try new flavours and spices and search the thousands of recipes readily available and you are set. - It may require a little more preparation on your behalf but the results will be worth it

    Copyright 2012 Flat Tummy Solution

  • Are Protein Shake and Smoothies OK? Protein shakes are Ok if the protein powder is CLEAN and 100% natural. A Clean protein powder has No Sugar, No Chemicals, No Flavours, No Sweeteners and no artificial ingredients or toxic chemicals.

    After struggling to find a clean protein that was not super expensive I ended up developing my own brand.

    Find out more about my SuperClean Lean Protein and download your FREE protein cookbook here

    What about alcohol, can I still drink during the 14 Day Tone Up Challenge?Alcohol is like liquid fat. It doesnt help you to achieve your fitness goals. Its essentially a toxin and as soon as you intake it, your body is working hard and fast to get it out.

    It interferes with your metabolism, will take you out of a fat burning state, and lower your bodys ability to produce those crucial muscle-toning, fat-burning hormones that youre working hard to build up.

    Some of my clients will eliminate alcohol from their diet for the challenge. Others limit themselves to 1-2 drinks on the weekend only.

    What about eating out?For those times when you eat out, dont be afraid to ask for special preparation instructions for your food.

    A lean piece of fish or chicken, some steamed vegetables (no added butter or oil) and a baked sweet potato or brown rice.

    Skip the desert and drink lots of water with lemon.

    Eat Real Food to get Lean Ever noticed that female figure models (not body builders lean, toned figure models) are the leanest of all athletes Not skinny, not underweight but lean toned definition, low body fat and curves in all the right places. Why? They eat real food..

    Stay away from poison- (eeeh heem) I mean processed foods. The food companies strip out the good stuff like fibre and nutrients. What you have left is a food that has way more calories than normal. Plus, the worst part is that they are high glycemic which means our body treats it like sugar.

    The good news is once you cut out these processed foods for a couple of weeks, you lose your cravings. If the food has been manufactured in a factory or contains ingredients that you do not understand its processed this includes ALL diet food.

    I'm not saying to not have a life. I eat out or have a piece of cake from time to time. Eating clean 6 days per week is a good way to enjoy your favourite foods on the 7th day guilt free

    Warning: artificially sweetened "sugar free" foods and drinks make you fat Did you know that most foods labelled as "sugar free" or "low carb" actually contain fattening artificial sweeteners, sugar alcohols and other additives that create a hormonal disaster inside your body, actually causing your body to store more belly fat and increase cravings!

    >> Check out my client Abby, mum of 2 who lost 21kg

    Copyright 2012 Flat Tummy Solution

  • How To Workout During Your 14 Day Tone Up Challenge

    Everyday I get asked the following questionsWhats the fastest way to Lose weight, Tone up and reduce excess body fat?

    For the past 10 years my answer has been the same and always will be because I have proven time and time again with clients and myself that it works. The fastest way to lose weight and the best exercise for fast weight loss is..

    Weight Training and Dynamic Strength Training with short bursts of cardio intervals. It is NOT hours of cardio It is NOT doing gym classes back to back It is NOT walking or swimming Yes the 3 listed above may help you drop some weight. But NO the 3 listed above are not the fastest way to lose weight and will not change the shape of your body, will not make you become more Toned or reduce your bodyfat% to the point where you can see a beautifully defined and sculpted body.

    You should complete 3 x 45-60 min weight and dynamic strength training workouts per week.

    Weight and strength training combined with short cardio intervals and the right meal plan will see you dramatically drop bodyfat and produce a fit looking physique FAST This style of working out will have you burn fat rapidly to reshape your body and reduce your clothing size.

    Do I exercise at the gym or can I complete the Exercise Challenges from home?

    You can complete all the exercise challenges and workouts at your local gym or at home with some equipment.

    If training at home I recommend you have a set of hand weights - 3kg per hand are ideal to start with and a bench or something you can do step ups onto if you do not have any cardio equipment a skipping rope is AWESOME.

    Copyright 2012 Flat Tummy Solution

  • How To Stay Motivated During Your 14 Day Tone Up ChallengeSo how do some of my best transformation success clients stay motivated?

    Heres 4 simple motivation techniques that may help you stay focused and on track to achieve your health and fitness goals.

    Tip 1: Every morning write out 3 health and fitness goals that you are going to achieve that day it could be on a white board or sheet of paper

    Keep your goals simple:1) Drink 2.5litres of water2) Do a 45min weights and strength training session3) Prepare a yummy healthy dinner with lots of fresh vegetables and protein

    *These simple goals can be your daily nutritional and exercise challenges from your 14Day Tone Up challenge.

    At the end of the day tick off what you achieved its a real sense of satisfaction being able to say YES I achieved my goals today..

    Remember Long term success is the sum of good actions and habits repeated daily

    Tip 2: The fastest way to DECREASE motivation is to allow bad habits to take over, stop eating right and stop working out. Soon you will start to feel bad about yourself and head straight to junk food or that glass of wine to cheer yourself up

    Tip 3: The fastest way to INCREASE your motivation is to consistently eat clean, have one cheat meal per week, prioritise your workouts and start SEEING results. Once you start seeing results, eating well and working out becomes addictive. Its an amazing feeling once you start seeing results in the mirror, friends start noticing and your clothes look fabulous on you. A feeling you will not want to stop or lose

    Tip 4: Most people who want a lean toned body say their goal is to Lose Weight or Lose 10kg (20 pounds) or Tone Up But just saying these things is not strong enough or exciting and are not very motivating goals.

    Instead change the way you look at it and make your goals your actions, this way you are constantly achieving your goal every time you take action on them and follow thru so you can be achieving your goals multiple times daily.

    Focus on your outcome for motivation and take action on your goals daily to achieve success. My Goals / Actions: Throw away all junk food Clean out my fridge and cupboards Shop for fresh ingredients Prepare my meals in advance Drink only water and lots of it every day Eat Clean Food only fresh not packaged Keep learning and experimenting with new healthy recipes Workout 3-5 times per week Keep my mindset and attitude focused on my outcome Create a vision board and really look at it and absorb it everyday Socialise with fit friends Read inspiring stories about people who have achieved their outcomes Most importantly you need to set a date for when you want to achieve this by and stick to it.

    My Outcome / Reward: Be in great shape look good nakedHave a super flat and toned tummy.Be proud of what I see when I look at myself in the mirrorAll my clothes fit me like a gloveSuper confident and in control of my bodyHave a lean, tight and toned sexy bodyLook Great in photosParticipate in more activitesSeek new opportunitiesBe confident in everything I do

    Copyright 2012 Flat Tummy Solution

  • How Do I Know This StuffHi, my name is Victoria and I am body transformation specialist, helping women get into awesome shape through my books, seminars, Transformation and Tone Up challenges and my blog.

    My weightloss journey started when I struggled with my own weight. I discovered the hard way that the conventional approach that women take to getting into shape starving themselves and putting themselves through punishing workouts just doesnt work

    I lost weight, Toned up and got a flat tummy only when I started doing the exact opposite of the myths perpetuated by magazines, so called celebrity fitness gurus, and diet books.

    These myths are repeated again and again by so called experts who have never struggled with their weight...these guys just don't understand how hard it is to get into shape...

    They think that all you need to do to drop bodyfat and Tone up is their cookie cutter, one size fits all approach of cutting out all your favourite foods, starving yourself and exercising like crazy...and they are just flat out wrong.

    I was shocked to discover that the secret to losing weight and getting a flat tummy was actually...

    Eating More And Exercising Less - Yes that's right...all I needed to do was to eat more and exercise less.

    By Eating More And Exercising Less...I was shocked at how quickly I was able to lose 12.6 kilos thats 27.7 pounds.

    After discovering how to get into shape I soon started helping those around me and after they received amazing results I became a personal trainer to share my experiences, my knowledge and my proven system, to transform the bodies of people just like me.

    I set up a personal training studio specialising in body transformation. My studio was an enormous success and over 10 years I was able to help over 3451 women get into amazing shape in record time.

    Whats really cool, is most of the people I trained felt just like I used to feel. They felt that they could NEVER have a great body. I was able to get them defined and toned in almost the blink of an eye and the changes were astonishing.

    For many years I have trained as many people I have been able to handle. Even though I was starting at 5:15am and finishing at 9:00pm at night there was a waiting list so long to join my program that I had to stop adding people to the list. People who couldnt train in my studio have literally begged me to help them. And I have realised that to help more people I needed to take a new approach. So thats how the Flat Tummy Solution Program was born. Because I personally know how it feels to be out of shape and I have what you would call less than average genetics, my program takes a radically different approach to other programs out there.

    Copyright 2012 Flat Tummy Solution

  • After helping clients get amazing results in my studio for the last 10 Years I have just created a program for people who cant train with me in person

    Need Even More Help? I have a comprehensive fat burning and body toning program that includes

    All my done for you fat burning meal plans including the fatflush, superclean, Gluten Free and vegetarian

    Over 30 of my best fat burning and toning workouts that you can print out and complete at home or at a gym. Every workout is different so you will never be bored working out again

    My Healthy recipe book with over 50 of my best yummy fat burning recipes


    And heres the cool thing about the program

    You dont need to starve yourself You dont need to eat diet food You dont need to workout for hours and hours

    And the results will come faster than you could believe possible==>

    Bonus: For the next 20 people who purchase the Flat Tummy Solution Program I will be including for FREE 14 Day Membership to my VIP online Personal Coaching Programthats Unlimited access to me, Special VIP only Workouts Heaps of New Recipes Monthly Coaching Call In

    And all of this comes with a Money Back Guarantee


    Copyright 2012 Flat Tummy Solution

  • ==> Click here for the details

    Copyright 2012 Flat Tummy Solution

  • Your Challenges

    You will get the first 7 challenges on Friday June 21st.The challenges will be emailed.Day Daily Challenge Completed

    Yes / No1. 24/06

    2. 25/06

    3. 26/06

    4. 27/06

    5. 28/06

    6. 29/06

    7. 30/06

    You will get the next 7 challenges on Friday June 28th.

    8. 01/07

    9. 02/07

    10. 03/07

    11. 04/07

    12. 05/07

    13. 06/07

    14. 07/07

    >> Check out my client Jackie who transformed her soft and weak body to a strong, tight and toned with no jiggle in sight.

    I found the meal plans and workouts in the Flat tummy Solution so easy to follow

    My body has never been so tight and toned

    I now love fitness and really look forward to my workouts because I know how good they make me look and feel

    Jackie 45 yrsFulltime working Mum

    Copyright 2012 Flat Tummy Solution

    14 DayTone Up ChallengeAuthor, Speaker and Body Transformation Specialist

    Courtesy ofwww.FlatTummySolution.comTable of ContentsWelcomeHow to Set your 14 Day Tone Up Challenge GoalHow to Eat during your 14 Day Tone Up ChallengeHow to Stay Motivated during your 14 Day Tone Up ChallengeHow Do I Know This StuffChallenges

    Welcome to the 14 DayTone Up ChallengeHow the 14 Day Tone Up WorksIn order to CHANGE your body you must change your ACTIONSHow do I receive the Challenges?

    To get the most out of the challenge make sure you do not skip this step as its crucial for your success and sticking to the challenge for the full 14 days.How To Set Your 14 Day Tone Up Challenge GoalHow to take you Before & After Photos - Say Cheese!So to keep it simple here are the 6 key elements to be conscious of throughout your challenge.

    What about alcohol, can I still drink during the 14 Day Tone Up Challenge?How To Workout During Your 14 Day Tone Up Challenge

    Everyday I get asked the following questionsYou should complete 3 x 45-60 min weight and dynamic strength training workouts per week.Do I exercise at the gym or can I complete the Exercise Challenges from home?You can complete all the exercise challenges and workouts at your local gym or at home with some equipment.If training at home I recommend you have a set of hand weights - 3kg per hand are ideal to start with and a bench or something you can do step ups onto if you do not have any cardio equipment a skipping rope is AWESOME.How To Stay Motivated During Your 14 Day Tone Up ChallengeNeed Even More Help?

    I have a comprehensive fat burning and body toning program that includesDayDaily ChallengeJackie 45 yrs Fulltime working Mum