KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA SANGATHAN BANGALORE REGION PROPOSED SPLITUP SYLLABUS FOR INFORMATICS PRACTICES 2015 CLASS XI Mont h Portion to be covered Th Pra c June-July 2015 Introduction To Computer Systems Hardware Concepts: Computer organization (basic concepts): CPU, Memory (RAM and ROM), I/O devices, communication bus, ports (serial, parallel), device specific ports; Input devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Light pen, Touch Screen, Graphics Tablet, Joystick, Microphone, OCR, Scanner, Smart Card reader, Barcode reader, Biometric sensor, web camera; Output Devices: Monitor/Visual Display Unit (VDU), LCD screen, Television, Printer (Dot Matrix printer, Desk jet/ Inkjet/ Bubble jet printer, Laser printer), Plotter, Speaker; Secondary Storage Devices: Floppy Disk, Hard Disk, Compact Disk, Magnetic Tape, Digital Versatile Disk (DVD),Flash Drive, Memory cards.Comparative properties of storage media; Memory Units: bit, Byte (Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte, Petabyte) Encoding scheme :ASCII,ISCII & UNICODE E-waste disposal. Security of computer system: Sources of attack and possible damages, malware – virus, worms, spyware and cookies as security threat, malware detection using a tool. Computer security, digital certificate, digital signature, firewall, password, file access permissions Types of Software: (a) System Software: (i) Operating systems: Need for operating system, major functions of Operating System; Examples of OS for mainframe, PC/Server, and mobile devices. (ii) Language Processors: Assembler, Interpreter, and Compiler (b) Utility Software: Compression tools, disk defragmenter, anti-virus (c) Application Software: (i) General Purpose Application Software: Word Processor, Presentation Tool, Spreadsheet Package, Database Management System, Integrated Development Environment (IDE) (ii) Specific Purpose Application Software: Inventory Management System, Purchasing System, Human Resource Management System, Payroll System, Financial Accounting, Hotel Management and Reservation System etc. 33 15


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June-July 2015Introduction To Computer SystemsHardware Concepts: Computer organization (basic concepts): CPU, Memory (RAM and ROM), I/O devices,communication bus, ports (serial, parallel), device specific ports; Input devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Light pen, Touch Screen, Graphics Tablet, Joystick,Microphone, OCR, Scanner, Smart Card reader, Barcode reader, Biometric sensor, webcamera; Output Devices: Monitor/Visual Display Unit (VDU), LCD screen, Television, Printer (Dot Matrix printer, Desk jet/ Inkjet/ Bubble jet printer, Laser printer), Plotter, Speaker; Secondary Storage Devices: Floppy Disk, Hard Disk, Compact Disk, Magnetic Tape, Digital Versatile Disk (DVD),Flash Drive, Memory cards.Comparative properties of storage media; Memory Units: bit, Byte (Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte, Petabyte) Encoding scheme :ASCII,ISCII & UNICODE E-waste disposal.Security of computer system: Sources of attack and possible damages, malware virus, worms, spyware and cookies as security threat, malware detection using a tool. Computer security, digital certificate, digital signature, firewall, password, file access permissionsTypes of Software:(a) System Software:(i) Operating systems: Need for operating system, major functions of Operating System;Examples of OS for mainframe, PC/Server, and mobile devices. (ii) Language Processors: Assembler, Interpreter, and Compiler(b) Utility Software: Compression tools, disk defragmenter, anti-virus(c) Application Software:(i) General Purpose Application Software: Word Processor, Presentation Tool, SpreadsheetPackage, Database Management System, Integrated Development Environment (IDE)(ii) Specific Purpose Application Software: Inventory Management System, PurchasingSystem, Human Resource Management System, Payroll System, Financial Accounting,Hotel Management and Reservation System etc.3315

Aug-2015Introduction To ProgrammingGetting started with Programming using IDE Introduction, Rapid Application Development using IDE (Integrated Development Environment) such as Netbeans; Familiarization of IDE using basic Interface components- Label, Text Field,Text Area, Button, Checkbox, Radio Button. (As per appendix A)Developing General Application (As per the guidelines at appendix B) - Getting Familiar with Java Swing User Interface components-Frame, Dialog, OptionPane, Panel, ScrollPane, Label, TextField, PasswordField, TextArea, Button, CheckBox, RadioButton, ComboBox, ListBasic component handling methods and properties: setText(), getText(), isSelected(),setSelected()239

Sep-2015Programming Fundamentals Data Types: Concept of data types; Built-in data types - byte, short, int, long, float, double,char, string, boolean Variables: Need to use variable, declaring variables, variable naming convention, assigning value to variables; Integer object method: parseInt Double object method: parseDouble, parseFloat Control Structures:Decision Structure if, if-else, switch;Looping Structure- while, do . . while, for;239

Oct-2015Programming Guidelines: General Concepts; Modular approach; Stylistic Guidelines: Clarity and simplicity of expressions and names; Comments, Indentation; Running and debugging programs, Syntax Errors, Run-Time Errors, Logical Errors; Problem Solving Methodology: Understanding of the problem, Identifying minimum number of inputs required for output, breaking down problem into simple logical steps.179

Nov-2015Relational Database Management SystemDatabase Management System Introduction to database concepts: Database, Relational database, Relation/Table,Attribute/Field, Tuple / Row; Data Types: Text (CHAR, VARCHAR), Number (DECIMAL, INT/INTEGER), Date and TimeKeys: Candidate key, Primary key, Alternate key, Foreign key; Examples of common Database Management System: MySQL, Ingres, Postgres, Oracle, DB2, MSSQL, Sybase etc.; Common Database management tools for mobile devices.Introduction to MySQL(ANSI SQL 99 standard commands) Classification of SQL Commands:DML - SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETEDDL - CREATE, DROP, ALTER Creating and using a database: SQL CREATE command to create a database, USE command to select a database. Creating a table: CREATE command to create a table, DESC command to display a table structure, INSERT command for inserting new rows, inserting new rows with null values and values of all the studied data types.


Dec-2015 Displaying table data: SELECT command for selecting all the columns, selecting specific column(s) using arithmetic operators, operator precedence Defining and using column alias Eliminating duplicate values from display using DISTINCT keyword Limiting rows during selection (using WHERE clause)Using Comparison operators - =, , =, , BETWEEN, IN, LIKE(%,_);Logical Operators AND, OR, NOT and corresponding operator precedence; Working with NULL values. ORDER BY clause: Sorting in Ascending/Descending order, sorting by column alias name, sorting on multiple columns; Manipulating Data of a Table/Relation: Update command to change existing data of a table, Delete command for removing row(s) from a table. Restructuring a table: ALTER TABLE for adding new column(s) and deleting column (s);199

Jan-2016Functions in MySQL: String Functions: ASCII(), CHAR(), CONCAT(), INSTR(), LCASE(), UCASE(), LEFT(), LOWER(), LENGTH(), LTRIM(), MID(), RIGHT(), RTRIM(), SUBSTR(), TRIM(), UPPER(), ASCII() Mathematical Functions: - POWER(), ROUND(), TRUNCATE(). Date and Time Functions: CURDATE(), DATE(), MONTH(), YEAR(), DAYNAME(), DAYOFMONTH(), DAYOFWEEK(), DAYOFYEAR(), NOW(), SYSDATE().IT Applications e-Governance: Definition, benefits to citizens, e-Governance websites and their salient features and societal impacts; e-Governance challenges. e-Business: Definition, benefits to customers and business, e-Business websites and their salient features and societal impacts; netbanking, mobile banking e-Business challenges. e-Learning: Definition, benefits to students (learners), teachers (trainers) and school(Institution) management; MooCs (Massive Open Online Courses) ; e-Learning websites and their salient features and societal impacts; e-Learning Challenges.229

Feb-2016Revision and SE Practicals239

Practical List Class XI CSList of suggested Practical for Class XII CS 2014S NoName of Practical

Flow of control ( If Else ) :

1To Find the greater number between given two numbers.

2Find the greatest number between give three numbers.

3To check if the given number is even or odd.

4To find the grade of a student from his/her marks using if statements.

5Temperature converter.

6To check if the given input is a number, character or a special character.

Flow Of Control ( Switch Case) :

7Arithmetic Calculator.

8Day Of the week.

Flow Of Control ( For Loop ) :

9To print n natural numbers.

10To print n Even numbers.

11To print n odd numbers.

12To find the sum of n natural numbers.

13To find the sum of n even numbers.

14To find the sum of n odd numbers.

15To find the factorial of a number.

Flow Of Control ( While Loop ) :

16Check for Armstrong Numbers.

17Reverse of a number.

18Sum of individual digits of a number.

19Binary to Decimal

20Decimal to Binary.

21Check for Prime number.

22Print Fibonacci Series.

23HCF of two numbers.

24Check for Armstrong Number

Nested Loops :

25Write a menu based c++ program using functions to do the following:(i) Print the pyramid:11 21 2 31 2 3 41 2 3 4 5(ii) Print the pyramid:1 2 3 4 51 2 3 41 2 31 21(iii) Print the pyramid:5 4 3 2 15 4 3 25 4 35 45(iv) Print the pyramid:55 45 4 35 4 3 25 4 3 2 1

26Write a C ++ program to print the pyramid

Library Functions

27Write a C++ program to check whether an input character is Alphabet, numeric or special character.

28Write a C++ program to change the case of a character from lower case to upper case and vice-versa.

User Defined Functions

29Print the series of factorials of natural numbers up to n.

30Print the series of Prime numbers up to n.

31Print the series of Armstrong numbers up to n.


32Maximum and minimum of an integer array.

33Sum of the elements of an integer array.

34Reversing the integer array.

Array of Characters (Strings)

35Reverse of a String.

36Check for Palindrome.

37Conversion to sentence case

38Word Count of a string.

2 D Array of Integers

39Print the diagonals of a 2D integer array.

40Print the upper half of a 2D integer array

41Print the lower half of a 2D integer array

42Print the row-sum

43Print the Column Sum

44Row swap

45Column Swap

Array of Strings

46Write a C++ program to find the largest string from an array of stings.


47Write a menu base c++ application to do the following:To create a Structure named student with rollno, name, dob(dd-mm-yyyy) and marks.To Accept the data for array of structures (n elements).To print the data for all the elements in an organized way.To display the student details with highest marks.

8Write a class Student with the following description: Private members:Rollno Integername Stringmarks Integergetgrade() should return the grade as A if marks is greater than 90 or else return BPublic members: Setdata() to insert the values to the private members.Display() to display the details along with grade.Write the main() function and invoke the object.

9Write a menu driven program to do the following in text file handling: Write a C++ function to count the number of occurrence of character passed as the parameter of the function. Write a C++ Function that counts the number of articles(A,AnandThe) in a given text files. Write a C++ function that transfers all the vowels from source.txt to target.txt. Write a C++ function to count the number of lines starting with an alphabet passed as parameters. Write a C++ function that counts the number of lines starting with the word the. Write a C++ function that calculates the average word count in a text file

10Write a menu Based application to do the following on Binary file :-class Student{ int rollno; char name[20]; int marks; public: void setdata();//to acquire data for the student from user void showdata();// to display the student data for all students int getmarks(){ return marks;} void givegrace(){marks=33;}}; Write functions to insert objects in student.dat file. Write function to disply objects from the student.dat file Search all the objects whose marks are between 28 and 32, apply givegrace() function and write back to the file.

11Write a program to perform the following in 1-D array. Linear search. Binary search.

12Write a program to perform the following in 1-D array. Selection sort. Insertion sort. Bubble Sort

13Array implementation of Stack and Queue.

14Array implementation of Circular Queue.

15Linked List implementation of Stack.

16Linked list implementation of Queue.

17Questions on My SQL.My SQL queries based on student table.(10 Queries)My SQL queries based on staff table.(10 Queries)My SQL queries based on Employment(EMP) and Department(DEP) table.(10 Queries)My SQL queries based on Music store and album table.(10 Queries)