Spirituality, Psychology & Franciscan Retreats

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Oldenburg Franciscan Center, Oldenburg, IN. Sisters of St. Francis. Spirituality & Psychology, Spirituality & Health, Franciscan Retreats, CEUs for Licensed Counselors in Indiana.

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Summer Franciscan RetreatSummer Franciscan RetreatSummer Franciscan RetreatSummer Franciscan Retreat

Lighting the DarknessLighting the DarknessLighting the DarknessLighting the Darkness Aug 4Aug 4Aug 4Aug 4----8, 20148, 20148, 20148, 2014

S. Olga Wittekind (Retreat Director) $525 / private room Per day cost $70* $350/commuter Per night cost $35 *Cost includes meals

Fall Art RetreatFall Art RetreatFall Art RetreatFall Art Retreat

Painting Your Way Into GodPainting Your Way Into GodPainting Your Way Into GodPainting Your Way Into God Nov. 21Nov. 21Nov. 21Nov. 21----23, 201423, 201423, 201423, 2014

Fr. John Quigley, OFM Fri 7:00pm-Sun noon (Artist, International Peace Worker) $215 single; $130 commuter

In our everyday lives, we often cut short God’s creative movements by giving

power to our inner critics. In this retreat, we will liberate ourselves to the

experience of non-critical self-expression. The inner work that happens by

way of this process is often astounding! No art experience required. Paints,

paper, supplies will all be provided. Come prepared to creatively blossom!

Winter Advent RetreatWinter Advent RetreatWinter Advent RetreatWinter Advent Retreat

Advent Journey with St. FrancisAdvent Journey with St. FrancisAdvent Journey with St. FrancisAdvent Journey with St. Francis Dec. 12Dec. 12Dec. 12Dec. 12----14 , 201414 , 201414 , 201414 , 2014

S. Jane McConnell, OSF Fri 7:00pm-Sun noon (Author of Daily We Seek You) $215 single; $130 commuter

In the midst of all the busy-ness leading to Christmas, come make a weekend

retreat to reflect on the spiritual meaning of the Advent and Christmas

season. How do we carry hope within us, so we can share hope as a gift?

How do we carry joy within us, so we can share joy as a gift? How do we

carry Jesus within us, so we can share Jesus as gift? Let God be the gift you

give for Christmas.

Francis teaches us to pray for light in the darkness, and Clare (“light”) shows

us how we can be answers to each other’s prayers! We will look at some of

the writings of Francis & Clare and draw inspiration from them in the 21st

Century. Come and seek and be Light!

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OFC Program CalendarOFC Program CalendarOFC Program CalendarOFC Program Calendar

Quick Index Page

Coffee Talks ............................................................................... 6-7

Counseling .............................. ………………………. ………………… 15

Franciscan Spirituality & Action .............................................. 12-13

Movie Nights ............................................................................. 8-9

Prayer & Spiritual Growth ....................................................... 14-15 Spirituality & Psychology Series .............................................. 10-11

Private Retreats & Group Retreats .......................................... 17

Spiritual Direction .................................................................... 15-16


13 Coffee Talk: The Hidden Gifts of Loss ..................................... 6

16 Contemplative Prayer ............................................................. 15

19 Earth’s Cosmic Story in T’ai Chi Chih® Movements ............. 13

25 Poetry Workshop with Poet M.L. Lieber ................................. 14

26 Transitions: Crossing Life’s Thresholds (CEU)....................... 10


1 Movie Night: A Birder’s Guide to Everything (drama) ......... 8

2 Card Making Retreat ................................................................ 14

4-8 Franciscan Retreat: Lighting the Darkness ............................. 3

5 Beginning T’ai Chi Chih® (Session 1) ..................................... 13

9 Franciscan Abundance ............................................................. 12

10 Coffee Talk: Love in Times of Letting Go ................................. 6

12 Beginning T’ai Chi Chih® (Session 2) ..................................... 13

16 Social Justice Workshop: Human Trafficking ........................ 12

19 Beginning T’ai Chi Chih® (Session 3) ..................................... 13

20 Contemplative Prayer .................................................................... 15

26 Beginning T’ai Chi Chih® (Session 4) ..................................... 13


2 Beginning T’ai Chi Chih® (Class 5) ......................................... 13


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July to December 2014July to December 2014July to December 2014July to December 2014

September (cont.)

5 Movie Night: Philomena (drama) ................................................ 8

6 Italian Night Under the Stars—Wine Tasting……………………… ... 2

13 Let Peace Begin with Me……………………………………………….. . 12

14 Coffee Talk: Responding in God’s Time .................................. 6

17 Contemplative Prayer .................................................................... 15

24 Advanced T’ai Chi Chih® (Session 1) ...................................... 13


1 Advanced T’ai Chi Chih® (Session 2) .................................... 13

3 Movie Night: Inequality for All (documentary) .......................... 8

8 Advanced T’ai Chi Chih® (Session 3) ..................................... 13

12 Coffee Talk: Accepting Who I Am ................................................ 7

15 Contemplative Prayer .................................................................... 15

15 Advanced T’ai Chi Chih® (Session 4) ..................................... 13

25 Why Spirituality & Psychology? (CEU)…………………………. ... …… 10

25 Earth’s Cosmic Story in T’ai Chi Chih® Movements .............. 13

29 Advanced T’ai Chi Chih® (Session 5) ..................................... 13


7 Movie Night: Big Fish (drama) .................................................... 9

8 Growing Up with Fairy Tales (CEU)…………………………. ............. 11

9 Coffee Talk: Gifts You Are Given, Give as Gift............................. 7

15 Ignatian Prayer & Spiritual Health……………………………………….. 15

19 Contemplative Prayer .................................................................... 15

21-23 Art Retreat: Painting Your Way Into God .................................... 3


5 Movie Night: 12 Years a Slave (drama) ....................................... 9

12-14 Advent Retreat: Journey with St. Francis .................................... 3

14 Coffee Talk: Becoming Prayer ...................................................... 7

17 Contemplative Prayer……………………………………………………….. .. 15

27 Bird Count, Mindfulness, & Holiday Bed & Breakfast ................ 19

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OFC Coffee TalksOFC Coffee TalksOFC Coffee TalksOFC Coffee Talks Free to the public; donations appreciated!Free to the public; donations appreciated!Free to the public; donations appreciated!Free to the public; donations appreciated!


Take a Sunday drive to Oldenburg, attend 9:30 liturgy in the Convent

Chapel, and join us afterwards for coffee, pastry, & faith sharing.

Our theme is “Second Look Sundays,” personal encounters with grace.

Love in Times of Letting Go Love in Times of Letting Go Love in Times of Letting Go Love in Times of Letting Go Sunday, Aug. 10Sunday, Aug. 10Sunday, Aug. 10Sunday, Aug. 10thththth

Judy Hillman, OSF Associate 10:45 a.m.—noon (Mother, Lay Pastoral Minister, OSF Associate) Freewill donation

Letting go of the ones we love is never easy. How are we called to

be with our loved ones when they are ill, slipping into dementia,

or dying? How are we called to be with people dear to us who

make self-harming choices we disagree with? How are we called

to BE? How do we both Love and Let Go?

The Hidden Gifts of LossThe Hidden Gifts of LossThe Hidden Gifts of LossThe Hidden Gifts of Loss Sunday, Jul. 13Sunday, Jul. 13Sunday, Jul. 13Sunday, Jul. 13thththth

Therese Tackett, OSF 10:45 a.m.—noon (Educator) Freewill donation

In the face of all circumstances, we have the opportunity to

seek God’s grace. Our losses are painful, and we cannot avoid

suffering. However, through the help of God’s love and our

willingness to Trust that a greater good awaits u, we can allow

our sufferings to be transformed into blessings. S. Therese will inspire us

with how she found hidden gifts in her own time of profound loss.

Our faith often calls us to hold on through hard times; it also requires

us to discern when it is time to say goodbye. There is power in staying

where we are needed, and there is healing in recognizing God’s call for

us to move on. Whether we are growing through relationships or life cross-

roads, God gives us strength to stay and grace to know how to faithfully go.

Responding in God’s Time Responding in God’s Time Responding in God’s Time Responding in God’s Time Sunday, Sept. 14Sunday, Sept. 14Sunday, Sept. 14Sunday, Sept. 14thththth

Angela Roesler 10:45 a.m.—noon (MDiv Student, OFC Manager, Divorced Mother) Freewill donation

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“What you are is God’s gift to you;

What you become is your gift to God.” ----Hans Urs von BalthasarHans Urs von BalthasarHans Urs von BalthasarHans Urs von Balthasar

Accepting Who I AmAccepting Who I AmAccepting Who I AmAccepting Who I Am Sunday, Oct. 12Sunday, Oct. 12Sunday, Oct. 12Sunday, Oct. 12thththth

S. Patty Campbell, OSF 10:45 a.m.—noon (Spiritual Director) Freewill donation

Who are you, God, and who am I that you should love me so?

Am I really that good in your eyes? In Isaiah 43:4 God says, “I

love you. You are precious to me.” Am I precious to myself as I

am? Come and hear St. Francis’ prayer for self-knowledge.

Gifts You Are Given, Give as GiftGifts You Are Given, Give as GiftGifts You Are Given, Give as GiftGifts You Are Given, Give as Gift Sunday, Nov. 9Sunday, Nov. 9Sunday, Nov. 9Sunday, Nov. 9thththth Olga Wittekind, OSF, PhD 10:45 a.m.—noon

(Psychologist & Spiritual Director) Freewill donation

Each of us receives the gifts of our individual personalities.

God’s grace lives within us and enables us to share these gifts

with others. Developing and claiming our giftedness gives glory

to God. St. Francis often said, “Who are you, God? Who am I?”

As we learn to claim our giftedness, our God-ness, we open ourselves to

God’s answers, and we claim Christ’s light within us.

Becoming Prayer Becoming Prayer Becoming Prayer Becoming Prayer Sunday, Dec. 14Sunday, Dec. 14Sunday, Dec. 14Sunday, Dec. 14thththth Jane McConnell, OSF 10:45 a.m.—noon

(Author of Daily We Seek You) Freewill donation

It is written of St. Francis that he not only prayed faithfully with

desire to know Jesus more fully each day, but he also “became

prayer.” How can we also “become prayer” as we grow in our

own spiritual journey?

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Film, Faith, & FranciscanismFilm, Faith, & FranciscanismFilm, Faith, & FranciscanismFilm, Faith, & Franciscanism Free movie nights; donations appreciated!Free movie nights; donations appreciated!Free movie nights; donations appreciated!Free movie nights; donations appreciated!


Join us for farm-fresh popcorn, movies, & Franciscan conversation!

Inequality for AllInequality for AllInequality for AllInequality for All Friday, Oct. 3Friday, Oct. 3Friday, Oct. 3Friday, Oct. 3rdrdrdrd

Friday Film Series—Freewill Donation 6:30 p.m.—9 p.m.

“We’re in the biggest economic slump since the Great

Depression, and we can’t seem to get out of it. Why?

Because, exactly as in the 1920s, so much of the nation’s

income and wealth are going to the top that the vast

middle class doesn’t have the purchasing power to keep

the economy going. Until we can take a step back and

understand the big picture, we can’t get ourselves out of

this mess.” -Robert Reich. Come discuss the big picture!

A Birder’s Guide to EverythingA Birder’s Guide to EverythingA Birder’s Guide to EverythingA Birder’s Guide to Everything Friday, Aug. 1Friday, Aug. 1Friday, Aug. 1Friday, Aug. 1stststst

Friday Film Series—Freewill Donation 6:30 p.m.—9 p.m.

This darling coming of age movie is the fictional story of a teen-

age bird enthusiast who persuades his two ‘geeky’ friends and a

new girl at school to help him track down what he thinks is an

extinct duck. The adventure parallels his ‘real’ life challenges!

PhilomenaPhilomenaPhilomenaPhilomena Friday, Sept. 5Friday, Sept. 5Friday, Sept. 5Friday, Sept. 5thththth

Friday Film Series—Freewill Donation 6:30 p.m.—9 p.m.

Based on a true story, Philomena is a beautiful tale of love,

loss, and redemption. As a young teenager, Philomena became

pregnant and was sent to an Irish convent where her son was

taken from her and sent to America for adoption. After 50

years of searching, Philomena tells the story of her remarkable

encounter with a journalist who finally helped her find him.

Retreat option: Stay overnight & attend our Card Making

Retreat on Sat., Aug. 2nd. $80. See page 14 for details!

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Big FishBig FishBig FishBig Fish Friday, Nov. 7Friday, Nov. 7Friday, Nov. 7Friday, Nov. 7thththth

Friday Film Series—Freewill Donation 6:30 p.m.—9 p.m.

“To get to know the real man behind the myth, a son begins

piecing together a true picture of his father from snippets of

amazing stories and magical tales of his youth.” This movie

is perfectly paired to go with Saturday’s program on myths!

Retreat option: Stay overnight and attend “Growing up with

Fairy Tales” on Sat., Nov. 8th. $80. See page 11 for details!

12 Years a Slave12 Years a Slave12 Years a Slave12 Years a Slave Friday, Dec. 5Friday, Dec. 5Friday, Dec. 5Friday, Dec. 5thththth

Friday Film Series—Freewill Donation 6:30 p.m.—9 p.m.

“Twelve Years a Slave is based on an incredible true story of

one man’s fight for survival and freedom. In the pre-Civil

War United States, Solomon Northup, a free black man from

upstate New York, is abducted and sold into slavery. Facing

cruelty as well as unexpected kindnesses, Solomon struggles

not only to stay alive, but to retain his dignity. His encounter

with a Canadian abolitionist forever alters his life.” Rated R.

The HobbitThe HobbitThe HobbitThe Hobbit Friday, Jan. 8Friday, Jan. 8Friday, Jan. 8Friday, Jan. 8thththth

Friday Film Series—Freewill Donation 6:30 p.m.—9 p.m.

Based on the epic fantasy by JRR Tolkein, An Unexpected

Journey is the first of two films chronicling the life of the

reluctant hobbit, Bilbo Baggins, who set out on a journey

with dwarves to help them reclaim their mountain and gold

from a dragon. Discussion notes: The grandeur of such tales

is attractive to many of us. We will discuss what compels us

to fantasy and how that may help us on our spiritual journey.

“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring

will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” ----T. S. EliotT. S. EliotT. S. EliotT. S. Eliot

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Spirituality & Psychology:Spirituality & Psychology:Spirituality & Psychology:Spirituality & Psychology:

Tools for Healing and Healthy LivingTools for Healing and Healthy LivingTools for Healing and Healthy LivingTools for Healing and Healthy Living


OFC offers accredited Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for LSW,

LCSW, LMHC, LMFT, LAC, & LCAC in Indiana. Courses are marked.

Contact us for information!

Transitions: Crossing Life’s ThresholdsTransitions: Crossing Life’s ThresholdsTransitions: Crossing Life’s ThresholdsTransitions: Crossing Life’s Thresholds Sat., Jul. 26Sat., Jul. 26Sat., Jul. 26Sat., Jul. 26thththth

S. Olga Wittekind, OSF & Claire Sherman, PhD 9:30—2:30 p.m. (Clinical Psychologists) $45 reg. or $65 CEU

We go through many transitions in our lives that can be

compared to stepping through a door, or crossing a bridge into

someplace new. Carl Jung uses the word liminality to describe

this bridge-like space between a familiar place and an

unknown future. Come learn how liminal changes can bring

about growth and new life.

Why Spirituality & Psychology?Why Spirituality & Psychology?Why Spirituality & Psychology?Why Spirituality & Psychology? Sat, Oct. 25Sat, Oct. 25Sat, Oct. 25Sat, Oct. 25thththth

S. Olga Wittekind, OSF & Jan Erlenbaugh Gaddis 9:30—2:30 p.m. (Clinical Psychologist & Faith Community RN) $45 reg. or $65 CEU

Having insights into our co-related spiritual and psychological journeys

is crucial in healing our whole person; it also aids caregivers as well as

people in counseling, religious, and health professions to improve their

sensitivity to the experiences of others in our care. We will explore the

relationship between spiritual and psychological health for personal and

professional growth. We will discuss how meditative practices and the

development of the spiritual self promote well-being, and how we can

integrate what we learn into our own practice of self and client care.

Spiritual Direction & CounselingSpiritual Direction & CounselingSpiritual Direction & CounselingSpiritual Direction & Counseling————by appointmentby appointmentby appointmentby appointmentVisit our www.oldenburgfranciscancenter.org/tools-for-health—wellness.html

to learn more, or call us at 812-212-0371. All calls are confidential.

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“All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust.”

----Peter PanPeter PanPeter PanPeter Pan

Growing Up With Fairy TalesGrowing Up With Fairy TalesGrowing Up With Fairy TalesGrowing Up With Fairy Tales Sat. Nov. 8Sat. Nov. 8Sat. Nov. 8Sat. Nov. 8thththth

S. Olga Wittekind, OSF & Claire Sherman, PhD 9:30—2:30 p.m. (Clinical Psychologists) $45 reg. or $65 CEU

Do you have a favorite story from childhood, or a mythical character

that continues to fascinate you in adulthood: Cinderella, Snow White,

Star Wars, Peter Pan? Fairy tales and myths contain layers of symbolic

imagery that parallel our life stories. When we attend to the archetypal

images (i.e., witches, princes/princesses, fairy godmothers…) and the

heroic patterns in our favorite stories, we can learn a great deal about our-

selves! We will look at the ways heroes overcome their most difficult trials,

and we will discover how we can use their examples as a source of empower-

ment for our own life journeys!

From Mindfulness to ContemplativeFrom Mindfulness to ContemplativeFrom Mindfulness to ContemplativeFrom Mindfulness to Contemplative Sat, Dec. 27Sat, Dec. 27Sat, Dec. 27Sat, Dec. 27thththth

Action in the New YearAction in the New YearAction in the New YearAction in the New Year 9:30—2:30 p.m.

S. Olga Wittekind, OSF & Claire Sherman, PhD $45 reg. or $65 CEU

(Clinical Psychologists)

Mindfulness is a practice that helps us pay attention to

the present moment and deepens our awareness of

God. It helps us increase our clarity, reduce stress, and

promote a greater sense of health and wellbeing. In

this program, we will learn to deepen our meditation

and be inspired to move our prayer into contemplative action by the example

of Mother Teresa of Calcutta and the Dalai Lama.

Retreat option: Stay Saturday night for our Holiday Bed & Breakfast!

$90 for the workshop plus the B&B event. See page 19 for more information.

Retreat option: Come Friday night to see the movie “Big Fish” and stay

overnight. $80 for the package. See page 9 for movie info.

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Franciscan Spirituality & ActionFranciscan Spirituality & ActionFranciscan Spirituality & ActionFranciscan Spirituality & Action


St. Francis welcomed new members by saying, “Come with nothing and

share our nothingness.” Doing so, they dared to be embraced by God’s kind

of abundance. This kind of Franciscan abundance serves as an antidote to the

myth of scarcity. Reflection on the writings of St. Francis and St. Clare assist

us in dislodging old itchy patterns of thinking that there is never enough, that

we never do enough. By delving deeply into the richness of Scripture and the

Franciscan charism, we can find practical ways to transform the crippling

negative habits of “thinking scarcity” into the freeing experience of walking in

the footprints of the One who said, “I have come to share life in abundance!”

Social Justice Workshop:Social Justice Workshop:Social Justice Workshop:Social Justice Workshop: Sat., Aug. 16Sat., Aug. 16Sat., Aug. 16Sat., Aug. 16thththth

Help Stop Human TraffickingHelp Stop Human TraffickingHelp Stop Human TraffickingHelp Stop Human Trafficking 9:30 a.m.9:30 a.m.9:30 a.m.9:30 a.m.————2:30 p.m.2:30 p.m.2:30 p.m.2:30 p.m.

S. Marge Wissman, OSF

FREE workshop

(Director of Justice & Peace $12 for lunch, or and Integrity of Creation) bring your own! Human trafficking is the 2nd largest and fastest growing crime

worldwide, second to the drug trade, and it generates $32 billion dollars

annually. (Stats: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services & ILO.)

Each year 100,000 to 300,000 U.S. children are trafficked for commercial

sex, and one million children are victims to sex trafficking worldwide. In

2010, the U.S. Department of Justice estimated that 12.3 million children and

adults were victims of forced labor. The problem is devastatingly real, and

the only way to stop it is through education so that we can recognize warning

signs, identify potential victims, and make the best possible consumer choices

we can with the information we have. Invite your friends and join us for this

important and empowering day. Help raise awareness! Bring your teens!

Franciscan AbundanceFranciscan AbundanceFranciscan AbundanceFranciscan Abundance Sat. Aug. 9Sat. Aug. 9Sat. Aug. 9Sat. Aug. 9thththth

S. Norma Rocklage, OSF 9:30—2:30 p.m. (Formation Outreach Director, Marian Univ.) $45 inc. lunch

“All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish

the light of a single candle.” - St. Francis of Assisi

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“Take good care of creation. St. Francis wanted that.

People occasionally forgive, but nature never does.

If we don’t take care of the environment, there is no getting around it.”

----Pope FrancisPope FrancisPope FrancisPope Francis

T’ai Chi Chih® is a series of 19 movements and 1 pose. When practiced daily,

it affords a sense of balance and harmony in the midst of life’s demands. The

slow, continuous movements benefit physical and spiritual well-being and

expand creativity—an inexpensive alternative to stress-relieving drugs!

Beginning T’ai Chi ChihBeginning T’ai Chi ChihBeginning T’ai Chi ChihBeginning T’ai Chi Chih ® Tuesdays, 6:30® Tuesdays, 6:30® Tuesdays, 6:30® Tuesdays, 6:30----8 p.m.8 p.m.8 p.m.8 p.m.

S. Claire Whalen, OSF Aug. 5, 12, 19, 26 & Sept. Aug. 5, 12, 19, 26 & Sept. Aug. 5, 12, 19, 26 & Sept. Aug. 5, 12, 19, 26 & Sept. 2

(Certified TCC Instructor since 1994) $45 /series$45 /series$45 /series$45 /series————all classes required all classes required all classes required all classes required

Sister Claire invites her former TCC students and other TCC

practitioners to review, relearn, refine, and reconnect with T’ai

Chi Chih® during this five-week series. Come for all sessions or

choose the dates you wish to participate. The first three sessions

will review and refine movements. The fourth and fifth sessions

will continue refining while connecting with the Universe Story.

T’ai Chi Chih®, RevisitedT’ai Chi Chih®, RevisitedT’ai Chi Chih®, RevisitedT’ai Chi Chih®, Revisited Wednesdays, 6:30Wednesdays, 6:30Wednesdays, 6:30Wednesdays, 6:30----8 p.m.8 p.m.8 p.m.8 p.m.

S. Claire Whalen, OSF Sept. 24, Oct. 1, 8, 15, 29Sept. 24, Oct. 1, 8, 15, 29Sept. 24, Oct. 1, 8, 15, 29Sept. 24, Oct. 1, 8, 15, 29

(Certified TCC Instructor since 1994) $45 /series or $10 /class$45 /series or $10 /class$45 /series or $10 /class$45 /series or $10 /class

TCC & The Universe StoryTCC & The Universe StoryTCC & The Universe StoryTCC & The Universe Story July 19 and Oct. 25July 19 and Oct. 25July 19 and Oct. 25July 19 and Oct. 25

S. Claire Whalen, OSF 9:30—11:45 a.m. (Certified TCC Instructor since 1994) $25 for one class

Experience Earth’s evolutionary story from the big bang

through its planetary development in our solar system and hu-

manity’s journey with all other living beings through the T’ai

Chi Chih® movements. Let this amazing story inspire you to

care for our Mother Earth and use her gifts wisely. No TCC skills required;

participants will learn a few of the 19 movements in the workshop. S. Claire

is offering this workshop twice; RSVP for the date that works best for you!

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Prayer & Spiritual GrowthPrayer & Spiritual GrowthPrayer & Spiritual GrowthPrayer & Spiritual Growth


Growing in wholeness with God.

Come experience and practice cultivating deeper inner-peace. We will talk

about the ways we experience peace in our lives as well as the many ways we

‘lose our peace’ and block ourselves from directly experiencing this spiritual

gift from God. Following in the example of St. Francis, we will learn and

practice ways of meditatively entering into the experience of inner peace that

can become a source of joy, wisdom, and deep love for our life journeys!

Let Peace Begin With MeLet Peace Begin With MeLet Peace Begin With MeLet Peace Begin With Me Sat., Sept. 13Sat., Sept. 13Sat., Sept. 13Sat., Sept. 13thththth

Jennifer Profitt 9:30—2:30 p.m. (Community Advocate) $45 includes lunch

Creating something with your own hands and heart is a wonderful way to

journey toward God. It expresses what lies deep within that words can’t often

express. If we take something that we love to do and invite God into the midst

of our creativity, it becomes a sacred form of prayer! No talent required, we

just ask that you come open to having fun and allowing your creativity to flow!

“This I Believe” Poetry Night!“This I Believe” Poetry Night!“This I Believe” Poetry Night!“This I Believe” Poetry Night! Fri., July 25Fri., July 25Fri., July 25Fri., July 25thththth

M.L. Liebler—www.mlliebler.com 7-9 p.m. $20 (Poet, Professor, & Literary Arts Activist) $35 to stay overnight

Card MakingCard MakingCard MakingCard Making————Crafting Prayer!Crafting Prayer!Crafting Prayer!Crafting Prayer! Sat., Aug. 2Sat., Aug. 2Sat., Aug. 2Sat., Aug. 2ndndndnd

S. Kathleen Branham, OSF & Joan Horner 9:30—2:30 p.m. (Prayerful & avid crafters & card makers!) $45 includes lunch

This creative writing workshop will feature writing prompts

like “This I Believe” as well as Native American music, poetry,

and philosophy to help us grow new ideas of how everything

is connected. This exercise is called “Sweeping Hearts.” M.L.

may also bring a few musicians from his band to help us set

our new creations to music. Those interested may join the

band on stage at the Batesville Library on Saturday the 26th!

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As we advance in our journeys with God, we often need the support of a

“listening other” to help guide and encourage us along the way. Several

of our Franciscan Sisters are trained in the art of spiritual direction and

have years of experience listening and helping others recognize and attend to

God’s movement in their lives. Contact us to learn more! 812-933-6437.

Spiritual DirectionSpiritual DirectionSpiritual DirectionSpiritual Direction by appointmentby appointmentby appointmentby appointment

CounselingCounselingCounselingCounseling by appointmentby appointmentby appointmentby appointment

Whether you face anxiety, depression, or are struggling with changes in your

life… counseling can help!! Licensed psychologists available: 812-212-0371.

Ignatian Prayer & Spiritual HealthIgnatian Prayer & Spiritual HealthIgnatian Prayer & Spiritual HealthIgnatian Prayer & Spiritual Health Sat., Nov. 15Sat., Nov. 15Sat., Nov. 15Sat., Nov. 15thththth

S. Kathleen Mulso, OSF 9-11:30 a.m. (Spiritual Director, Ignatian Exercises) $20

In the Spiritual Exercises, St. Ignatius offers us the chance to reflect on our

faith, the life of Christ, and His passion and resurrection. In this retreat, we

will focus on the physical exercises that Ignatius has planned for our spiritual

health. Come with your heart open to the riches of the Spiritual Exercises!

“The intention of the act of creating

is to open one’s heart to listen to God

and allow God to speak.”

----Kelly Schneider ConklingKelly Schneider ConklingKelly Schneider ConklingKelly Schneider Conkling

Contemplative PrayerContemplative PrayerContemplative PrayerContemplative Prayer Wednesdays, 3Wednesdays, 3Wednesdays, 3Wednesdays, 3----4:30 p.m.4:30 p.m.4:30 p.m.4:30 p.m.

S. Olga Wittekind, OSF Jul16th, Aug 20th, Sept. 17th Jul16th, Aug 20th, Sept. 17th Jul16th, Aug 20th, Sept. 17th Jul16th, Aug 20th, Sept. 17th

(Psychologist & Spiritual Director) Oct.15th, Nov. 19th, Dec.17th Oct.15th, Nov. 19th, Dec.17th Oct.15th, Nov. 19th, Dec.17th Oct.15th, Nov. 19th, Dec.17th

Guided by modern contemplatives like Merton, Keating, and Rohr, we

practice contemplative prayer, share God’s movement in our lives, and reflect

on our experiences through the process. All are welcome. Freewill offering.

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Meet Our Spiritual DirectorsMeet Our Spiritual DirectorsMeet Our Spiritual DirectorsMeet Our Spiritual Directors “Journeying with another is a profound call to break bread

and share at a deep level the mystery of life & faith.”

- S. Karla Barker, OSF

812812812812----933933933933----6437 ~ [email protected] ~ [email protected] ~ [email protected] ~ [email protected]

S. Janet Born, OSF has been a pastoral associate and spiritual

director for over 20 years with particular interest in adult spiritu-

al formation. She loves sharing with spiritual seekers.

S. Patty Campbell, OSF has served as a parish life coordinator

and currently serves as a retreat leader and spiritual director. She

is a poet and artist who takes a holistic approach to life.

S. Barbara Leonard, OSF is a lover of scripture and preacher

of the Good News with degrees in Biblical Studies & Christian

Spirituality. She serves as a retreat leader & spiritual director.

S. Kathleen Mulso, OSF is a spiritual director who completed

Jesuit Training in Spiritual Exercises; she has her M.A. in reli-

gious studies, with interest in Franciscan & Everyday Spirituality.

S. Olga Wittekind, OSF is the director of OFC—a psychologist,

Jungian analyst, spiritual director & retreat director. She has a

passion for accompanying others on their journeys with God and

enjoys working with dreams.

S. Barb Piller, OSF has served for 53 years as an Oldenburg

Sister as an educator and leader. She enjoys walking with others

in spiritual direction.

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Private RetreatsPrivate RetreatsPrivate RetreatsPrivate Retreats

Rent our Facilities for Group RetreatsRent our Facilities for Group RetreatsRent our Facilities for Group RetreatsRent our Facilities for Group Retreats

Men and women of all faiths are invited

to make private or group retreats at

Oldenburg Franciscan Center.

Private rooms are $45/person/night.

Shared rooms are $35/person/night.

We have a variety of dining options: dine with the Sisters ($4.50 breakfast,

$7.50 lunch, $5.50 dinner), bring your own food, or eat at local restaurants.

Please visit our website for more information, and contact us to learn more.

We’re happy to help you plan the type of retreat that best meets your needs!

We have perfect accommodations for groups

ranging from 5 to 200 people—depending on

the event! We work with excellent caterers,

and/or you may bring your own food. Let us

help you plan your group’s next retreat!

Our large conference room (The Assisi Room) can accommodate up to 200

people for a conference, and our first floor provides ample options for break-

out sessions, including our Chapel, Kitchen, Library, and several sitting

rooms. We have beds for 113 people, and we host a variety of high school,

college, Emmaus, and other special interest groups. They love us for our

hospitality and cleanliness!! Call us to schedule a tour!

“Come away with me.

Let us go alone to a quiet place and rest for a while.”


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812812812812----933933933933----6437 ~ [email protected] ~ [email protected] ~ [email protected] ~ [email protected]

OFC Registration FormOFC Registration FormOFC Registration FormOFC Registration Form

RSVPs may be made to [email protected] or 812-933-6437

Please complete registration online at

www.oldenburgfranciscancenter.org or

Complete and mail this form along with payment to

Oldenburg Franciscan Center

PO Box 100, Oldenburg, IN 47036.

Personal Information (please print):

____________________________________________ Name

____________________________________________ Address City State Zip

____________________________________________ Phone (day) Phone (Evening)

____________________________________________ Email (please provide to receive reservation confirmation)

Check this box if you would like CEU credit for this program

Program Information:

____________________________________________ Program 1 Name Program Date(s) Commuter or Resident?

____________________________________________ Program 2 Name Program Date(s) Commuter or Resident?

Deposit (20% or full payment required to confirm for paid programs):

Select one:

Check enclosed - amount: $______ Please send me a bill to pay online

Page 19: Spirituality, Psychology & Franciscan Retreats



adults = $45/person

youth = $15/person

family of 4 = $100/room

4 adults = $160/room

We had so much fun last year, we’re doing it again! Come with your family and

friends to our 2nd Annual Holiday B&B! On Saturday night 6—8 pm you can

attend the Convent tours, afterward we’ll serve hot chocolate & cider and a few

varieties of popcorn & healthy snacks. Guests can watch movies in the OLA

room, play board games in the Assisi Room, or simply spend time enjoying the

food and each other’s company. Then, retreat to one of our guest rooms for a

good night rest! We’ll serve a hot & delicious buffet breakfast Sunday

morning. Guests are welcome to join the Sisters for Sunday Mass at 9:30 a.m.

Join us for one of our programs on Saturday!

Christmas Bird CountChristmas Bird CountChristmas Bird CountChristmas Bird Count Saturday, December 27, 8 a.m.—1 p.m., $10 for lunch

Meet at Michaela Farm to help tabulate the number of birds in a given area. New

birders are welcomed! Audubon Society event.

Mindfulness for the New YearMindfulness for the New YearMindfulness for the New YearMindfulness for the New Year Saturday, December 27, 9:30 a.m.—2:30 p.m., $45 incl. lunch

Usher in the New Year by building your skills to pay attention to the present

moment! We will learn from the Dalai Lama and Mother Teresa. CEUs —add $20.

“Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God.”

~Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

‘Tis the Season of Comfort & Joy!

B&B fee: B&B fee: B&B fee: B&B fee:

Convent ToursConvent ToursConvent ToursConvent Tours Saturday, December 27, 6-8 p.m. at the Convent.

Each year, hundreds of visitors come to visit the Sisters and see the convent when it is

all decorated for Christmas! This year’s tour will be Saturday, evening, Dec. 27th.

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