Spiritual Realm

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  • 7/31/2019 Spiritual Realm


    The spiritual realm is a domain where there is an intense war raging between the

    forces of good and evil, and it is perceived in the physical realm of which we are

    occupants. The forces are spiritual entitiescreated by Yahuah before He formed

    the physical realm we see around us. We should be equipped with a basic

    understanding of these two realms, focusing on the realm we occupy, while

    respecting the boundaries of the other. Yahusha is ultimately in control over both of

    them. The rebellion of one-third of the sons of Elohim is outside our domain andcontrol, yet we often encounter the effects of spiritual skirmishes that occur. There is

    a veil keeping us from perceiving the spiritual realm all around us. In the physical

    realm we are clothed in flesh, which is metaphorically expressed as wool; the

    spiritual realm is described in the linen metaphors used in the various texts of

    Scripture. Pure white linen is described as the righteousness of the qodeshim

    (set-apart ones, Rev 19:8), since they are no longer clothed in their woolen


    There are two aspects to our existence, physical and spiritual; one is eternal, andthe other mortal, and able to die. The only One that can kill the inner being(our

    inner vessel, heart, lamp) is Yahuah Himself (Mt 10:28).

    2Co 4:18: We are not looking on what is seen, but on what is not seen.

    For what is seen passes away, but what is not seen is everlasting.

    There are two basic aspects to keep in mind concerning the fallen malakim (Hebrew

    for messengers).

    The first is to avoid initiating any direct contact with spiritual beings, since contact

    with spirits is forbidden (its divination, no matter what the intent may be Dt 18). We

    are to invoke Yahusha, and no other spiritual beings. He createdthe Heavens, the

    Earth, and all things seen and unseen. His Word brought forth all the living ones, the

    sons of Elohim who sang together (Iyyob 38:7) as they watched Him creating the

    realm we live in. It says they shouted for joy as they watched. The purpose for their

    existence, and ours, is to give praise, honor, and esteem to Him endlessly (Ps 148).

  • 7/31/2019 Spiritual Realm


    Col 1:16: Because in Him were created all that are in the Heavens and that are

    on Earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or rulerships or principalities or

    authorities all have been created through Him and for Him.

    A second aspect is to never grapple with spiritual beings thinking they must do our

    bidding; it is only Yahusha they must obey as we pray to Him as He leads usin

    their presence. It is by the power of His Word as He works through us to dispel a

    fallen malakim, to free a person bound or influenced by an evil spiritual presence. It is

    to Hisauthority and power that higher beings must submit. If we are not sealed with

    His Name, we are not His propertyand not under His protection. Without Him, we

    are vulnerable, weaker beings; however, in the future we will rank higher than the

    messengers, even judge how well they performed their task of guarding usthroughout our lives (1Co 6:3). We will be clothed with immortality at that time, but

    currently this is not the case. For now, we are protected by the presence of

    Yahushas Spirit in us, as He Who is in us is greater than he who is in the world (1Yn


    Our spiritual warfare is conducted through prayer to Yahusha, by way of praise,

    thanks, and requests. Any power we are endowed with is solely His presencein

    us, as we are simply vessels for His use (Rom 12:1). For now, our vessels are mortal

    flesh (capable of dying very easily). The demonic forces are immortals, wieldinggreat power, and we are not to contend with beings on the higher plane of existence

    with contempt, nor malign or provoke them. Even Michael (a messenger, the gadol

    sar of Yahuah that watches over the children Yisrael) made no blasphemous

    accusations, but only stated Yahuah rebuke you. It is not our place to contend or

    behave contemptuously, but leave all spiritual matters to Yahusha, our Commander

    and Captain in the war in the heavens. Its a principality issue. A principality is a

    realm, domain, or kingdom. Yahusha spoke of this when He referred to Himself as

    being a Sovereign, but of another dimension, or kingdom at that time(Yn 18:36). His

    kingdom is where He reigns, so in this place and time it is in the hearts and minds ofHis followers. His kingdom is in the Heavens, but will be on Earth as well, as we

    often pray it will be. On our own initiative, we must not go around blaspheming

    beings, concerning ourselves with matters outside of our principality:

    Jud 1:6-11: And the messengers who did not keep their own principality,

    but left their own dwelling, He has kept in everlasting shackles under

    darkness for the judgment of the great day.

  • 7/31/2019 Spiritual Realm


    Even as Sedom and Amorah and the cities around them in a similar way to

    these, having given themselves over to whoring and gone after strange

    flesh, are set forth as an example, undergoing judicial punishment of

    everlasting fire.

    In the same way, indeed, these dreamers defile the flesh, and reject

    authority, and speak evil of esteemed ones.

    But Mikael the chief messenger, in contending with the devil, when he

    disputed about the body of Mosheh, presumed not to bring against him a

    blasphemous accusation, but said, Yahuah rebuke you!

    But these blaspheme that which they do not know. And that which they

    know naturally, like unreasoning beasts, in these they corrupt themselves.

    Woe to them! Because they have gone in the way of Qayin, and gave

    themselves to the delusion of Bilam for a reward, and perished in the

    rebellion of Qorah.

    In the rebellion against Yahuahs authority, the fallen ones abandoned His Will in

    order to perform their own desires. They left their own principality (the spiritual

    realm), and entered the physical realm to deceive mankind, to misdirect us so we

    would likewise disobeyYahuah.

    Consider these texts carefully:

    Eph 6:10-13: For the rest, my brothers, be strong in the Master and in themightiness of His strength.

    Put on the complete armor of Elohim, for you to have power to stand against

    the schemes of the devil.

    Because we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities,

    against authorities, against the world-rulers of the darkness of this age, against

    spiritual matters of wickedness in the heavenlies.

    Because of this, take up the complete armor of Elohim, so that you have powerto withstand in the wicked day, and having done all, to stand.

  • 7/31/2019 Spiritual Realm


  • 7/31/2019 Spiritual Realm


    brother Lew (Lew White) Torah Institute, POB 436044, Louisville, KY 40253

    Latin copyists went so far as to take out the Messiahs Name from manuscripts, and insert

    Christograms (google that).

    IC XC, & IHS became coded references to conceal the true Name from the eyes of

    individuals that may have wanted to learn more, and this technique facilitated a methodof withholding the true Name. Knowledge was closely controlled. The Truth is getting

    out today.

    The true Name by which we must be delivered needs to be shared widely (Acts 4:12). It is

    the Name above every name.

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