SPIRITUAL FITNESS IS NOT NECESSARILY ABOUT RELIGION . Your personal beliefs and values may include religion but they may not. Spiritual fitness develops the personal qualities needed to sustain a Soldier in times of danger, hardship and tragedy The Army expects you to live by Army values, which are the moral foundations of good citizenship and character Spiritual qualities form the basis of character, decision-making and INTEGRITY (FM 1-05, paragraph 1-14) Chaplains are NON-DENOMINATIONAL and highly experienced counselors Spiritual (Strength of Character) - Sep What is Spiritual Fitness? Leader : Read and discuss these expectations with your Soldiers


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What is Spiritual Fitness?. Leader : Read and discuss these expectations with your Soldiers. SPIRITUAL FITNESS IS NOT NECESSARILY ABOUT RELIGION . Your personal beliefs and values may include religion but they may not. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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SPIRITUAL FITNESS IS NOT NECESSARILY ABOUT RELIGION. Your personal beliefs and values may include religion but they may not.Spiritual fitness develops the personal qualities needed to sustain a Soldier in times of danger, hardship and tragedyThe Army expects you to live by Army values, which are the moral foundations of good citizenship and character Spiritual qualities form the basis of character, decision-making and INTEGRITY (FM 1-05, paragraph 1-14)Chaplains are NON-DENOMINATIONAL and highly experienced counselorsSpiritual (Strength of Character) - Sep What is Spiritual Fitness?Leader: Read and discuss these expectations with your Soldiers

Spiritual fitness is strengthening a set of beliefs, principles or values that sustain a person beyond the support of Family and friends.socially, culturally and legally acceptableengage in activities that strengthen character and valuesstrengthen inner-self to build confidenceThink about your behavior and attitude and its effect on othersmaintain a positive attitude toward self and others seek out a community that provides support and guidanceSpiritual (Strength of Character) - SepComponents of Spiritual FitnessLeader: Discuss these expectations with your Soldiers

Spiritual (Strength of Character) - SepUnhealthy Spiritual Fitness BehaviorsLeader: Review unhealthy behaviors with your Soldiers A Soldier with unhealthy behaviors:has little or no interest in anything positivemakes no future plans and becomes isolatedhesitates to actmakes poor decisionsis defensive and/or judgmental may strike out at those who are differentfeels lost and/or hopelesshas conflicting values lives in fear and anxiety

SFC Tomm recently returned from a deployment where he lost 2 Soldiers. He returned to his civilian employment but is unsatisfied and finds the work meaningless. He feels distant from his spouse and finds that he doesnt enjoy activities that he once valued. He has been experiencing suicidal thoughts that are getting harder to ignore. He feels alone and thinks that his wife would not understand what he is going through. His decreased mood has been affecting her and he feels like she might be better off without him. Its his first drill back and one of his Soldiers, SPC Hill, notices that he is a little off and asks him if everything is alright. SFC Tomm says that he will be ok and not to worry about him. SPC Hill is still concerned after drill and decides to call SFC Tomm at home. SPC Hill expresses that he is worried and asks to come over to talk.Spiritual (Strength of Character) - Sep Unhealthy Spiritual Fitness ScenarioLeader: Read the following scenario

Page 5Spiritual (Strength of Character) - SepScenario The ProblemLeader: Discuss some things that you might do in this situation to help SFC Tomm.

Bottom Line Up Front: Spiritual fitness is anything in your life that guides you to do good. The definition of spirituality is broad and may vary depending on who you ask. Beliefs can shape your actions and become a source of comfort and strength.

Every Soldier has an array of abilities that they bring to the table. Some Soldiers strengths are others weaknesses. Effective leaders build upon Soldiers weaknesses by pairing them with Soldiers who are stronger in specific areas (ie. Leadership).

Research has identified 24 Character strengths that are universal across time and cultures. Knowing and using character strengths and the character strengths of others can maximize our ability to handle adversity and make up for weaknesses.

Soldiers and Leaders can identify their top character strengths by taking the VIA Survey of Character Strengths survey at:www.authentichappiness.sas.upenn.edu

Curiosity and interest in the worldLove of learningJudgment, critical thinking, and open-mindednessCreativity, ingenuity, and originalityPerspective (wisdom)Bravery and valorIndustry, diligence, and perseveranceHonesty, authenticity, and genuinenessZest, enthusiasm, and energyHumor and playfulnessSpirituality, sense of purpose, and faith

Page 6Spiritual (Strength of Character) - SepScenario Strength of CharacterLeader: Discuss the character strengths below then discuss which strengths SPC Hill drew upon to help SFC Tomm. Also discuss what character strengths SFC Tomm would need to draw upon to admit he needed help.Capacity to love and be lovedKindness and generositySocial intelligenceCitizenship, teamwork, and loyaltyFairness, equity, and justiceLeadershipForgiveness and mercyModesty and humilityCaution, prudence, and discretionSelf-control and self-regulationAppreciation of beauty and excellenceGratitudeHope, optimism, future-mindedness

24 Character Strengths

Spiritual (Strength of Character) - Sep Strength of CharacterStrengths of character are essential for resilience. Faith in ones character strengths, talents, and abilities, and how to use them will help Soldiers overcome challenges and meet their goals.

Thoughts of suicide are not an indication of weakness. In fact, the ability to come forward and ask for help is a demonstration of strength. It is on all of us as Soldiers to look out for one another both physically and mentally.

Hunt the good stuff: Positive people think positively. Focusing on positive experiences leads to an optimistic way of thinking. Encourage your Soldiers to share a positive experience that they have had since last drill. (Open discussion)

How could you as a battle buddy help SFC Tomm?Inform the chain of command and Chaplain about concerns.Confront SFC Tomm and refer to your ACE card (if needed) to guide a conversation.How could the leadership help in this situation?Act on all concerns brought up the chain regardless of its severity.Contact available resources to get SFC Tomm immediate help and assign a battle buddy.Remember ACE * (any stressful situation can lead to suicidal behavior)Ask what you can do to assist the Soldier in succeeding.Care enough to listen and provide support.Escort the Soldier to resources or be one yourself as a positive influence.

DO YOU HAVE AN ACE CARD?*The ACE process guides us to assist the Soldier. Have the courage to act on behalf of a fellow Soldier. Never assume that everything is good to go until you have checked.

Spiritual (Strength of Character) - SepScenario Battle Buddy AidLeader: Ask about responsibility of Battle Buddies and how they can assist in the situation and review ACE

Spiritual (Strength of Character) - Sep Healthy Spiritual Fitness BehaviorsLeader: Ask your Soldiers to think of good spiritual fitness habits A Soldier who exhibits healthy spiritual behavior:has strong network of Family and friendsadapts to situations and has a clear direction of what is right and what is wrongplans for the future and helps otherstakes time to think about direction in lifethinks about how their actions affect othershas RESPECT for othersworks to achieve objectives and goalslistens and watches out for their Battle Buddyhas self-esteem

Spiritual (Strength of Character) - Sep Available ResourcesLeader: Review available resources and remind Soldiers that seeking them is not a sign of weakness but part of fitnessNYARNG Family Programs Office, (877)715-7817 or www.dmna.state.ny.us/familyDirector of Psychological Health (DPH), (518)396-8993Military Family Life Consultant (MFLC), (518)925-4302Military OneSource (NYARNG Representative), (518)265-2901Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC), (518)786-4734State Chaplains Office, (518)461-2527Military OneSource, (800)342-9647 or www.militaryonesource.com Vets4Warriors peer support line, (855)838-8255 / (855)VET-TALK, http://www.vets4warriors.com/Veterans Crisis Line, (800)273-8255 / (800)273-TALK