Spirit Trip

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  • 8/9/2019 Spirit Trip


  • 8/9/2019 Spirit Trip


    Spirit Trip?Yea She closed her eyes and sat back. I waited until her breathing ev

    ened out from its drug-induced rattle.Cassidy Monroe, tell me what happened? I knew Cassidy would be happy t

    hat I asked, she was. Bouncing on the couch she looked at me with over excited eyes.

    Well, that guy I was talking about, Spike, he went on a spirit trip andhe says that he found Him, Elle, he said that he found God. And he sold it all

    to me for so cheap Elle Holy shit. Id known that putting her name on my bankaccount was a bad idea but it made it easier for the bills to be paid. All the while Cassidy had been taking things out of her purse. Thank God, she finally handed me my weed. I broke out enough for a joint and rolled while she continued with her explanation. I didnt think itd be bad, Gram had never taken advantage of usor let Cassidy get taken advantage of when I wasnt around.

    He said that wed need all of this, ecstasy, coke, lsd, acid, and I gotmore weed This was way more expensive than we could afford. It was just with

    our last checks that wed been able to say that we had enough to cover rent andbills for next month. It was the 22nd, there was no way we could make up any feasible amount of required for all of this.

    Even Gram said that it was a deal, only 2 thou even. Oh God. Ohoh dear God. Shed spent everything. Every fucking dime. I was going to murder her. Watching my eyes flash her demeanor changed. Fear.

    GODDAMMIT! I roared. Do you think?! You spent every dime we had. Ithad taken a lot to get what we had. Our parents didnt approve of either of us moving out at our young ages. If we had to move back in with our parents now, they would never let us get out ever again. But Id have to calm down, Cassidy didnt respond well to anger.

    What are we going to do Cass? Next month we wont have a place to live. Goddamn her, Goddamn her, Goddamn her. The mantra was oddly soothing so I litthe joint and hit it twice before I handed it to her. It was about time she come

    down. The reality was that I was used to taking care of Cassidy.***

    Some how Cassidy convinced me to take a spirit trip and then we convinced her parents to let us stay in their cabin in Utah. And thus, a week later we

    were stashed in the frigid mountains. Wed been there three days when Cassidy decided that we should try mixing ecstasy and acid. Wed been keeping a one druga day, with the exception of weed maximum, up to this point and hadnt found God

    yet. I guess I agreed because I felt like we needed a little bit of excitement.

    So was how Cassidy started the whole conversation. Lets take two ofeach right now, and two more later. I should have known better, I should have

    told her no. But instead I lifted my bottle of water and said, Bottoms up. Afew hours later we found ourselves lying on a sheet in the sun. The snow meltedas it met our fevered flesh the wind calmed our heaving bosoms. Before I knew it

    her hand was caressing my thigh, we made love in the front yard of the Weismans cabin that day. I dont think either of us had ever considered lesbianism, wed never talked about it before, and there was never a chance after.

    ***By nine pm we were both suffering from extreme chills and dehydration. W

    ed been sitting in the den with the almost equal suffering that only drugs canprovide. We were out of our souls#. Cassidy looked at me with overly excited but

    dead eyes,Heydo you want to take a walk with me? I need to come down, and I thin

    k if I walk around a little I might be able to sleep.GodId kill to fall asleep. I was being honest. The monster# was eati

    ng me. My attention span was shot. I couldnt even focus on her face.Okaywell, she lit a cigarette and stood up, I have to do this.

    The last thing I said to her was, Put on a sweater at leastI was absorbed for the next hour with the anti-reality surrounding me. Lights swam along the polished wood of the cabin, until they went out. When the lights w

  • 8/9/2019 Spirit Trip
