8/3/2019 Spider Wick http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/spider-wick 1/24  Les cròniques de Spiderwick/ The Spiderwick Chronicles Proposta didàctica / Worksheets Activitats de dinàmica educativa comarcal Curs 2009/2010

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Les cròniques de Spiderwick/

The Spiderwick ChroniclesProposta didàctica / Worksheets

Activitats de dinàmica educativa comarcal

Curs 2009/2010

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Les cròniques de Spiderwick ................................................................................................................................. 5  

Argument ................................................................................................................................................................ 5  

Aplicació didàctica .................................................................................................................................................. 6  

Destinataris ......................................................................................................................................................... 6  

Àrees curriculars ................................................................................................................................................. 6  

The Spiderwick Chronicles ..................................................................................................................................... 8  

Summary ................................................................................................................................................................ 9  

Apply for teaching ................................................................................................................................................. 11 

The Spiderwick Chronicles Characters ................................................................................................................ 13  

Humans ............................................................................................................................................................ 13  

Faeries .............................................................................................................................................................. 13  

Activities ................................................................................................................................................................... 15  

Who is ...? What are their names? ....................................................................................................................... 15  

Drawing page ....................................................................................................................................................... 16  

Spiderwick’s quiz .................................................................................................................................................. 17  

Circle the word doesn’t match. Give a reason. .................................................................................................... 18  

Spiderwick coloring page ..................................................................................................................................... 19  

Spiderwick word scramble.................................................................................................................................... 20  

Spiderwick character report.................................................................................................................................. 21 

Webs .................................................................................................................................................................... 22  

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Les cròniques de Spiderwick 1 

Waters, Mark 

Les cròniques de Spiderwick  són una sèrie de llibres per a nensrealitzada per Tony DiTerlizzi i Holly Black. Fins ara s’han publicat elscinc volums que formen l’obra: “El llibre fantàstic”, “El binoclesorprenent”, “El mapa perdut” i “L’ogre malvat”. Les claus dels llibressón un bon còctel format per una dosi de fantasia i la presència de lamàgia que connecta de manera fàcil amb els grans problemes dequalsevol nen de la nostra societat (pares separats, conflictes entregermans, ...). A més a més les novel·les compten amb un vocabulari isintaxi de molt bon nivell i nombroses il·lustracions de gran qualitat.La seva curta durada, unes cent pàgines amb il·lustracions, les fanideals per a nens de vuit a deu anys. 

Parlant de la pel·lícula, s’ha de dir que està pensada per a un públicuna mica més gran que els de les novel·les, ja que en ella es tracta eltema de la mort i la immortalitat amb una mica més de profunditat itranscendència del que és habitual en aquest tipus de pel·lícules. Unexemple d’això ho trobarem en la definició del personatge deSpiderwick, un autor a qui el seu deliri el porta a dedicar-se tota la seva vida a sí mateix i als seuspropis objectius, deixant de banda la seva filla, el seu tresor més preuat.

Es tracta, en definitiva, d’una pel·lícula juvenil pensada per a l’entreteniment. A més a més, el seu finalés profundament emocionant i ens ofereix una interessant reflexió sobre la impossibilitat de canviar elnostre passat i, per tant, sobre la necessitat d’assumir i aprendre dels nostres errors. 


La família Grace, formada per Jared, el seu germà bessó Simon, la seva germana Mallory i la mare detots tres, decideixen canviar de casa i anar-se’n a viure a la vella i aïllada casa d’Arthur Sp iderwick, unexcèntric besavi. Un cop a la nova casa, comencen a passar coses molt estranyes: una sèried’extranyes desaparicions i accidents que semblen no tenir cap explicació lògica, de manera què elsgermans comencen a investigar. Poc a poc van descobrint l’extraordinària veritat de la residènciaSpiderwick i dels personatges que habiten en ella.

1 Font: Daniel Álvarez de Moll. Rev. Making Of, número 56. Barcelona 1997 

Curiositats de la pel·lícula

Freddie Highmore, l’actor principal, aparenta ser un nen de 14 anys quan, enrealitat, en té 18.Va costar uns 90 milions de dòlars. Només va recaptar 70.La presència d’efectes especials és increïble. Per exemple, es va crear unprograma que només generava llavors de la planta “dent de lleó”. Per tal de fer la “Guia de Spiderwick” es va crear un estil d’escriptura especialbasat en diaris escrits a principis del segle XX.

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 Aplicació didàctica

DestinatarisAlumnat de cicle superior de Primària i alumnat de secundària.

Àrees curricularsLlengua, Coneixement del Medi, Educació en Valors, Llengües Estrangeres.

Aspectes a tractar

Motivació a la lectura

Gràcies a l’impacte del cinema, la literatura fantàstica s’està convertint en un dels gèneres preferits pels

nous lectors. Per aquest motiu, el visionat de la pel·lícula pot ser un bon recurs per tal d’incitar i motivar els nostre alumnat a la lectura i al descobriment de molt bones novel·les pensades per a ells. Són aquesttipus de llibres els que creen nous lectors entre els més joves.

Seria interessant començar amb una petita investigació sobre els autors, fent una relació delspersonatges creats i les aventures que passen a les novel·les. (Veure l’enllaç)


Per un altre costat, a partir de la pel·lícula podríem endinsar als nostres alumnes en el món de la literaturafantàstica. A partir de “les cròniques de Spiderwick” podrem entrar en els universos de JRR Tolkien, deCS Lewis o de Robert E Howard. També podem recomanar la lectura d’autors clàssics com Asimov, en elcamp de la ciència ficció, o Juli Verne, en el gènere d’aventures.  

Mites i llegendes

La gran protagonista de la pel·lícula és la màgia.

Els alumnes poden buscar la diferència entre màgia i bruixeria, així com analitzar la importància que hantingut al llarg de la història: l’alquímia, l’endevinació, la quiromància, l’astrologia, ... Tots aquests aspectes,d’una manera o altra, són practicats pel personatge de Spiderwick.

A continuació podem encetar un debat sobre aquest tipus de creences, incidint en aspectes coml’horòscop, el tarot o qualsevol altre tipus de fenòmens en els que moltes persones creuen i confien i que,d’alguna manera, també condicionen la nostra forma de veure el món.

En referència als mites, podem demanar als nostres alumnes que facin un petit treball d’investigació sobreles pròpies llegendes de la zona on viuen, gràcies a la tradició popular, encara es conserven. L’activitatconsistiria en l’elaboració d’un calendari on es recollirien totes aquestes històries que formen part de lanostra tradició popular.

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Afrontar la realitat

Els protagonistes de la pel·lícula estan vivint una situació personal que no és gens fàcil: són adolescents iels seus pares acaben de separar-se, la vida no resulta fàcil per a ells. En tot moment dóna la sensacióque ells han de fer front a tots els seus problemes sense l’ajuda de ningú. El món de la fantasia en el queviuen dins de la casa és la única sortida per tal d’afrontar la seva realitat. 

A la nostra societat existeixen nombrosos problemes que desconeixem i, és a partir d’aquesta idea que espot plantejar una activitat: entre tots els alumnes es realitza un llistat amb els problemes socials queconeguin.

Un cop fet el llistat, per grups treballaran el problema social amb el qui es trobin més còmodes.Es tracta de donar-los temps per a documentar-se i buscar informació al respecte. L’última part del treballconsistirà en fer una petita exposició als companys on s’expliquin les conclusions del treball.  Aquest exercici pot ajudar a entendre millor les qüestions que afecten a la nostra societat i que moltesvegades desconeixem.

Aprendre dels errors

Spiderwick és un personatge que a causa de la seva obsessió per investigar, oblida que al seu voltant hi hapersones que l’estimen. Al final de la pel·lícula, el besavi aconsegueix la seva redempció, però es penedeixde moltes de les coses que ha fet. Malauradament no podem canviar el passat, però sí que podemaprendre de les coses que hem fet malament per a no repetir-les en el futur.

Per treballar aquest concepte podríem inventar un judici fictici sobre algun tema d’interès que afectés alnostre alumnat i que ens permetés reflexionar sobre les coses en les que ens equivoquem.

Educació en valors

Són molts els temes que es poden treballar, des de la perspectiva de l’Educació per a la Ciutadania finsa l’Educació Ètica. 

Aprendre dels errorsEl sentit de la responsabilitatEmpatitzar amb els problemes dels demésRespectar les decisions individualsAvantatges del treball en grup

Aprendre a comunicar les nostres emocionsConèixer els diferents tipus de famíliesLa tolerancia davant els errorsConflictes familiarsLa solidaritat amb els altresEls límits de les creencesRespectar la naturaFacilitar l’equilibri i el coneixement emocional Acceptar i respectar la diversitat present a la nostra societatTenir en compte el coneixement i la sabiesa de la gent granPotenciar el paper de la mediació en la resolución de conflictes

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The Spiderwick Chronicles 2 

The Spiderwick Chronicles is a 2008 fantasy film adaptation of Holly

Black and Tony DiTerlizzi's bestselling series of the same name. Setin the Spiderwick Estate in New England, United States, it follows theadventures of Jared Grace and his family as they discover a fieldguide to faeries and battle goblins and other magical creatures. It wasdirected by Mark Waters and stars Freddie Highmore, Sarah Bolger,Mary-Louise Parker, Martin Short, Nick Nolte, and Seth Rogen.Produced by Nickelodeon Movies and distributed by ParamountPictures, it was released on February 14, 2008. The film was releasedon DVD and Blu-ray on June 24, 2008 in the United States.

Distributed by Paramount Pictures

Release date(s) February 14, 2008(USA) March 21, 2008 (UK)Running time 97 min.

Country United StatesLanguage English

Budget $90 million Gross revenue$162,839,667 (worldwide)

Directed by Mark Waters 

Produced by Mark Canton, Larry FrancoEllen Goldsmith-VeinKarey Kirkpatrick

Screenplay:Karey Kirkpatrick David BerenbaumJohn Sayles 

Books:Holly BlackTony DiTerlizzi 

StarringFreddie HighmoreSarah BolgerMary-Louise ParkerMartin ShortNick NolteDavid StrathairnJoan PlowrightSeth RogenAndrew McCarthy

Music by James Horner 

Cinematography Caleb Deschanel 

Editing by Michael Kahn 

Studio Paramount PicturesNickelodeon MoviesKennedy/Marshall

2 Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Spiderwick_Chronicles_(film)

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Summary 3 

Recently divorced Mrs. Grace (Mary-Louise Parker) movesinto the Spiderwick Estate with her children when it is given

to her by her elderly aunt Lucinda (Joan Plowright), thoughidentical twins Jared and Simon (Freddie Highmore) andtheir older sister Mallory (Sarah Bolger) do not want to movefrom the city.

When Jared uncovers a dumbwaiter  system behind a wall,Jared finds a monogrammed key and discovers the study ofthe, believed to be, late owner of the estate, Arthur Spiderwick (David Strathairn). Jared usesthe key to open a chest. In it, he finds Spiderwick's field guide to faeries; although an attachednote warns him not to read it, he does so anyway.

Soon after, Jared meets a brownie  named Thimbletack (Martin Short),who explains that magical creatures are normally invisible, but can revealthemselves at will. He tells Jared about a protective circle that ArthurSpiderwick placed around the house and gives him a stone with a holethrough which he can see faeries.

However, a shape-shifting ogre named Mulgarath (Nick Nolte) wants the field guide for himselfso he can rule over all faerie-kind. He sends his goblins led by Redcap the Pompous GoblinGeneral, to obtain it, and they kidnap Simon, mistaking him for Jared. Meanwhile, Jared meetsHogsqueal (Seth Rogen), a hobgoblin and bitter enemy of Mulgarath. Hogsqueal gives Jaredthe ability to see fairies without the aid of the stone by spitting in his eyes. Mulgarath lets

Simon go and berates Redcap for failing his master. But soon Jared, who is hiding, is spottedby the goblins. Together, the twins flee to the house, managing to escape only with Mallory'shelp.

The children decide to visit their great-aunt Lucinda, now in apsychiatric hospital, for advice. While Simon distracts thegoblins, Mallory and Jared manage to reach a tunnel under theestate and were nearly taken back by a troll. Lucinda tells themthat they need to find Arthur Spiderwick and have him destroythe book; however, Arthur is being held captive by Sylphs, atype of faerie, that can bend time. Suddenly, Mulgarath's goblinsattack them and steal several pages from the book before theyare driven off. Meanwhile in the woods, Mulgarath berates Redcap violently for not bringing allof the book, but he is pleased by having a page that allows Mulgarath to break the protectivecircle by moonrise. Mulgarath and Redcap prepare the potion for the upcoming night.Meanwhile on the children's return, Hogsqueal warns them that one of the stolen pages willallow Mulgarath to destroy the protective circle when the moon rises.

Jared and Simon, along with Mallory use the book to summon Arthur Spiderwick's pet, a griffin, which takes them to the realm of the Sylphs. There they meet Arthur, who has not aged but isalso unaware of the time he has spent there. After returning home again, Jared, Simon,

Mallory, and Helen arm themselves with steel knives and home-made bombs prepared bySimon. When they are forced into the kitchen, they place all of their bombs into the oven,detonating them and killing all of the goblins and Redcap.

3 Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Spiderwick_Chronicles_(film)

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Mr. Grace (Andrew McCarthy) enters the house and tells Jared that he came to apologize.Jared, realizing that it is not his father, stabs him in the stomach, revealing him to be Mulgarathin disguise. Jared escapes with the book through the dumbwaiter while Mulgarath givespursuit. On the roof, Thimbletack is injured by Mulgarath, Jared throws the book onto the lawn;

as Mulgarath transforms into a raven to catch it, he is snatched and eaten by Hogsqueal.

The Graces bring Lucinda back to the house, and the Sylphsappear, bringing Arthur. He cannot remain outside of the fairierealm, for he will return to his actual age and become dust, butLucinda asks to be taken with him instead; the Sylphs transformher back into her six-year-old self and spirit the two away.

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 Apply for teaching4 

Target Upper cycle of primary and secondary school students.

Curricular areas 

Language, general knowledge, values education, foreign languages.

Subjects to be dealt

4 Source: Daniel Álvarez de Moll. Rev. Making Of, número 56. Barcelona 1997 

Motivation to read

Thanks to the impact of movies, fantasy literature is becoming a favourite genres of new readers.Therefore, viewing of the film can be a good resource to encourage and motivate our students in reading

and the discovery of very good novels designed for them. These books are those that create newreadership among young people.

It would be interesting to start with a little research about the perpetrators, making a list of characterscreated and the adventures that happen in the novels. (See attached sheets of paper)


On the other hand, from the film we enter our students in the world of fantasy literature. From "TheSpiderwick Chronicles" could come into the worlds of JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis and Robert E Howard. Wecan also recommend the reading of classic authors like Asimov, in the field of science fiction, or JulesVerne, in the adventure genre. 

Myths and Legends

The star of the film is magic.

Students can look up the difference between sorcery and witchcraft, and analyse the importance they havehad throughout the history of alchemy, the prediction, the palmistry, astrology, ... All these aspects, oneway or another, are performed by the character of Spiderwick.

Then we can start a debate on such beliefs, focusing on aspects such as horoscopes, tarot or any other

phenomena in which many people believe and trust that, somehow, also determine how we see the world.

In reference to the myths, we ask our students to do a little research on their own legends of the areawhere they live, thanks to popular tradition, remain. The activity consists in developing a calendar whereyou collect all these stories that are part of our folklore.

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Facing reality

The protagonists of the film are experiencing a personal situation that is not easy: they are adolescentsand their parents have just divorced, life is not easy for them. At any time feel that they have to face alltheir problems without help from anyone. The fantasy world in which live inside the house is the only way

to cope with their reality.

In our society there are many problems and we do not know, this idea is from an activity that can be raised:among all students make a list of social problems they know.

Once completed the list by group work with the social problem you are most comfortable. The aim is todocument a long-list and search information. The last part of the work will consist of a small exposure tocolleagues explaining the findings of work. This exercise can help you better understand the issuesaffecting our society and often unknown. 

Learning from mistakes

Spiderwick is a character because of his obsession to investigate, forgetting that there are people aroundwho love him. At the end of the film, the sponsor gets his redemption, but he regrets himself many of thethings he has done. Unfortunately we can not change the past, but we can learn from the things we've donewrong to not repeat them in future.

To work on this concept could invent a fictional trial over an item of interest that affect our students andallow us to reflect on the things you said.

Education and Values

Many issues can be worked from the perspective of Education for Citizenship to Educational Ethics.

Learning from mistakesThe sense of responsibilityEmpathize with the problems of othersRespecting individual decisionsAdvantages of group work

Learn to communicate our emotionsKnowing the different types of families,The tolerance of errors,Family conflictSolidarity with othersThe limits of beliefRespect natureFacilitating emotional balance and understandingAccept and respect the diversity present in our societyTaking into account the knowledge and wisdom of the elderlyStrengthen the role of mediation in conflict resolution

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The Spiderwick Chronicles Characters5 



In the Spiderwick universe, faeries are normally invisible to humans, who are generally not aware oftheir presence. However, some humans have the ability to see faeries, commonly called the 'Sight'. Asmall percentage of humans have this ability naturally; for example, the seventh son of a seventh sonor a person with red hair. It can also be obtained by looking through a hole in a stone or possessing afour-leafed clover. In the series, the Grace children receive the 'sight' when Hogsqueal, a hobgoblin,

spits in their eyes and the Vargas kids receive it when they are held under the water that a nixie hadbeen soaking in. The species of faeries in the series include brownies, boggarts, goblins, sprites, andelves, among many others.

5 Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Spiderwick_Chronicles  

Jared Grace  – The main character, from whose point of view the books are written. Simon is his identicaltwin, although they have contrasting personalities. Jared is a brave and resourceful natural leader, goodat creating plans. He is mature for his age, but occasionally mischievous, though his intentions areusually good. Jared also has some anger management issues.

Simon Grace  – Jared's identical twin brother. He is calm and caring and apparently a pacifist; heparticularly loves animals, and has many pets, being able to pet Byron the griffin.

Mallory Grace  – Jared and Simon's older sister. She is an avid fencer who takes part in many fencingcompetitions; this skill comes in handy when defending herself against goblins. Although she can begrumpy, she also helps her brothers in their various adventures.

Lucinda Spiderwick  – The daughter of Arthur Spiderwick and the cousin of Helen Grace's mother,making her the Grace children's great aunt. She was attacked by faeries and subsequently put in a clinicfor the insane. She can only eat faerie food because of a cruel joke played on her by fairies, however, afew friendly sprites provide her with food.

Arthur Spiderwick  – The author of the field guide to faeries, who disappeared after trying to fool theelves.

Helen Grace  – The mother of Jared, Simon, and Mallory.

Richard Grace – Helen Grace's ex-husband and the father of the Grace children.

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Mulgarath  – An evil, shape-shifting ogre who wants to take over the world. Mulgarath dies in Book 5,eaten by Hogsqueal after being tricked in to taking the form of a swallow, making his army spreadaway and his spells broken.

Hogsqueal  – One of Mulgarath's goblins who is actually a hobgoblin; he is an anti-hero. Hogsquealuses children's teeth as his own, claiming that he is the Tooth Faerie. He helps out the children, butusually to his own advantage; and never uses the children's names, instead using odd insults. In theend, his good intentions are well confirmed. Tony DiTerlizzi reveals in his blog that Hogsqueal's firstname was Horace in an early draft of Spiderwick, and that Hogsqueal is his favourite character in theseries.

Thimbletack - The Spiderwick Estate's brownie, a faerie who guards the Spiderwick mansion but, ifangered, can become a vengeful and nasty boggart. Later in the series he ends up stealing the FieldGuide and hiding it, believing this will be for the better. However, at the end of the books he isultimately friendly.

River Troll  – A troll who appears in The Seeing Stone. He lives underneath local bridges. Jaredmakes a deal with the Troll so he won't eat them: let them cross and the 'tasty' goblins will follow.

The Korting  – The ruler of the dwarves. In The Ironwood Tree, he tricks Jared and Simon into beingheld prisoner. It seems that he was good but was deceived into being evil by Mulgarath.

Dragons - Their shape is similar to that of a snakes, and they are as fast as a whip. with poisonousteeth, their babies are commonly known as salamanders.

Goblins - mischievous and grubby, goblins love smoke, fire, metal, and a good bloodshed. Mostspecies are born without teeth, so they make their own from such materials as glass shards, pieces ofmetal (not iron) and wood. Sometimes they use the teeth of other animals. in one of the books simonskitten is missing he looks for it only to find that the goblins have stolen it and roasted it over a fire tobe eaten.

Elves - Living for almost all eternity, elves are proud and strong. commonly dresses in leaf-like robesand flowery head dresses, elves are respectful to nature. Their queen, seen by Jared, Malory andSimon, is dazzling and wears a determined expression.

Phooka - Phookas are tricksters and resemble a cross between a monkey and a cat. It talks inriddles, so be careful.

Stray Sod - mistaken for grass, beware, as they can lead a person astray. to counter the effects, turnyour jumper inside out.

Dwarfs - small and respectful, they are obedient workers, and live in darkness their whole lives.wearing delicate jewelry, they are grubby, and some say that they aren't born, they are carved fromthe stone walls.

Knockers - helpful and cautious, the knocker talks without breath, and knocks on the sides of thewalls with his knuckles, to check for a collapse.

Byron - the pet of Simon, Byron is a cross of a bird and a lion, commonly known as a griffin. Swift andsharp eyed, Byron helped Jared, Simon and Mallory escape from Mulgarat

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Who is ...? What are their names? Hogsqueal – Jared Grace – Mulgarath – Byron – Lucinda – Thimbletack

……………………. - the pet of Simon, he is a cross of a bird and a lion, commonly known as a griffin.Swift and sharp eyed, he helped Jared, Simon and Mallory escape from Mulgarath.

…………………….  – An evil, shape-shifting ogre who wants to take over the world.

……………………. - The Spiderwick Estate's brownie, a faerie who guards the Spiderwick mansion but, ifangered, can become a vengeful and nasty boggart.

…………………….  – The main character, from whose point of view the books are written. Simon is hisidentical twin, although they have contrasting personalities. He is a brave and resourceful natural leader,good at creating plans. He is mature for his age, but occasionally mischievous, though his intentions areusually good. Jared also has some anger management issues.

…………………….  – One of Mulgarath's goblins who is actually a hobgoblin; he is an anti-hero. He useschildren's teeth as his own, claiming that he is the Tooth Faerie. He helps out the children, but usually tohis own advantage; and never uses the children's names, instead using odd insults. In the end, his goodintentions are well confirmed.

……………………. – The daughter of Arthur Spiderwick and the cousin of Helen Grace's mother, makingher the Grace children's great aunt. She was attacked by faeries and subsequently put in a clinic for theinsane. She can only eat faerie food because of a cruel joke played on her by fairies, however, a fewfriendly sprites provide her with food.

........................................ ........................................ ........................................

........................................ ........................................ ?........................................

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Drawing page

There’s a character without his respective picture. Who is he? Please, draw him.

What is his name? 

Which is your favourite one? 

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Spiderwick’s quiz  

Choose the correct answer for each question.

1. Simon had pet ______________.a) cats b) mice c) rabbits d) alligators

2. What message did Jared see in the dust in the library?

a) Go home. B) Watch your back. c) I will find you. d) Get out of here.

3. The children decided to give the Boggart a new house made from ___________.

a) Cereal boxes b) a Barbie dollhouse c) a birdhouse d) Lincoln logs

4. For Jared to see goblins he _________________________.

a) needed binoculars

b) had to wear 3-D eyeglasses

c) looked through the lens of stone

d) built a special eye piece with mignifying lenses

5. Thimbletack turned into a _____________ and bit Jared.a) snake b) lizard c) cat d) rat

6. Jarek and Mallory found a hurt _____________ next to the goblin camp.

a) unicorn b) pegasus c) griffin d) gnome

7. How was Hogsqueal different from the other goblins?

a) Hogsqueal was the leader of the goblins, and the other took orders from him.

b) Hogsqueal had wings and could fly.

c) Hogsqueal had green eyes and baby teeth.

d) Hogsqueal liked to eat cats.

8. Jared and Simon were able to escape the goblins because __________________.

a) the griffin came to their rescue.

b) the faeries dropped apples on the goblins’ heads 

c) the troll charged into the camp

d) Hogsqueal distracted the goblins

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Circle the word doesn’t match. Give a reason.

Mallory – Jared – Lucinda – Simon

Why? _____________________________________________________________________ 

brownie – rabbit – boggart – goblin

Why? _____________________________________________________________________ 

Spiderwick – Narnia – Harry Potter – Cinderella

Why? _____________________________________________________ 

castle – house – shed – hotel

Why? _________________________________________ 


Helen – Arthur – Byron – Mulgarath

Why? _____________________________________________________________________ 

bedroom – roof – bathroom – library

Why? _____________________________________________________________________ 

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Spiderwick coloring page

You can find out more pictures in: http://www.coloring-book.info/coloring/coloring_page.php?id169 

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Spiderwick word scramble

Find The Spiderwick Chronicles words that are listed below.












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Spiderwick character report 

Can you make up the Spiderwick character you like?

This is the “biography” of ____________________  

Brief biography:




How would you describe this character? __________________________________________________________________________________________ 



What is the character’s main contribution to the Spiderwick’s story? 




If you could meet this character, what question would you ask him/her?



Can you change the end of the story?







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Visit this links and you can find more activities.


Oficial page of the film. It contains games, downloads, images, videos, etc.


Games, trivia, masks, riddles, and much more activities in pdf. Very interesting!


Comprehension questions, printable questions, activities and vocabulary about all books.


Printable coloring pages with the Spiderwich Chronicles characters.


Another trivia game on-line about all Spiderwick Chronicles series.

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