SPE 13239 1984 NatL Petroleum Council Study on EOR an Overview

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  • 8/16/2019 SPE 13239 1984 NatL Petroleum Council Study on EOR an Overview


    The 1984 NatL Petroleum Council

    Study on EOR: An Overview

    J.H. Broome

    SPE, Texaco Inc.

    J.M. Bohannon

    SPE, Conoco Inc.

    W.C. Stewart SPE, Conoco Inc.


    /32 37

    summary. An

    overview of what is considered the most extensive EOR study ever accomplished is discussed.

    In this s~dy, 86 persons from 34 companies worked over a period of 17 months to develop a document that

    indicates the dkection that EOR might take for the next 3 decades, Projected production, based on both

    implemented and advanced technology, is presented to shOw tie effect Of chmges in Price Of cmde ~d

    minimum rate of return (ROR) requirements. The study indicates that EOR could increase the current domestic

    cmde reserves by about 40%. It also indicates that the ultimate recovery and the projected producing rates, of

    EOR projects we h@dy sensitive tO ch~ges in cmde oil Prices.



    Petroleum Council (NPC) is a board of indus-

    hy leaders established solely for the purpose of advising,

    informing, and making recommendations to the Secretzuy

    of Energy on any matter relating to the petroleum indus-

    try. In 1976, the NPC developed a study on EOR cover-

    ing state of the art, future amounts to be produced, and

    policy considerations. On March 10, 1983, the Secretary

    of Energy requested that tie 1976 stady be updated and

    expanded where necesszwy. Therefore, a committee on

    EOR and a coordinating subcommittee were established.

    The coordinating subcommittee formed four task forces

    specializing in chemical, miscible, and tberms3 recnve~

    processes and costs and economics.

    The restddng study is presented in the following format.

    Chap. I—Background of Od Recovery Operations

    Chap. 2–Developments Affecting EOR Siice 1976

    Chap. 3—Analysis Considerations and Procedures

    Chap. 4–Potentinl for EOR

    Chap. 5—EOR in Perspective to Other Energy Sourcas

    Chap. 6—Policy Considerations.

    The Appendices present important information too de-

    tailed to include in the main part of the report.

    Appendm A—Request Letter

    Appendix B—Rosters

    Appendm C—Additional Economic Considerations

    Appendix D—Chemical Flooding

    Appendix E—Miscible Floodlng

    Appendix F—ThermaJ Recovery

    Appendix G—Environmental Considerations

    Appendix H—Research Progress amd Future


    This paper, which presents an overview of the study,

    was presented in conjunction with three companion


    1-3that provide ~~yses Ofthe SpeCificprOcesses.

    The NPC Study

    Chap. l—Background of Oil Recovery Operations. The

    API and DOE estimate that a total of about 481x109 .bbl

    Copyright 1986 S.ciely.1

    Petrdau n.J..ws

    Journal of Petroleum Technology, A.E.st 1986

    [76.5 X109 m3] crude liquids have been discovered in

    the U.S.4,5 Of this, 130x 109 bbl [20.7x 109 m3] (27%)

    have been moduced and 28X 109 bbl r4.5 x 109 m3]

    (6%) are e;pected to be produced under &isting techni-

    cal and economic conditions. This leaves 323x 109 bbl

    [51.4 x 109 m3] (67%) of conventionally unrecoverable

    hydrecarbnns as an upper-limit target for EOR techniques.

    Current EOR projects are providing 0.5 x106 B/D

    [79.5 x 103 m3/d] (6% of the total production of


    8.6x106 B/D [1.4x I0 m3/d].

    Chap. 2-Developments Aftkting EOR Since 1976.

    Since 1976, several factors have affected the EOR pro-”

    grams of mnny companies. The decontrol of oil allowed

    the effective price of crude to seek its market vslue, re-

    sulting in an increase ofas much as 100% inconstant dol-

    lars. Additionally, the Tertiary Incentive Program met

    with great success snd contributed to the initiation of 423

    projects operated by more than 100 companies.

    Because of the proviskm that reduces the burden on ter-

    tisry recovery, the Windfall Profit Tax stimulated some

    projects, primarily those with low initial investments.

    Chap. 3—Anafysi5Considerations and Procedures. De-

    veloping and Verif9ing a Data Base A data base was

    inhially provided for the study by the DOE to expand this

    information to include as many domestic reservoirs with

    more than 20x 106 bbl [3.2x 106 m3] origimd oil in

    place (OOIP) as possible and to check the accuracy of the

    data, questionnaires on 1,300 reservoirs were completed

    by 18 different companies.

    The resulting data base, supplemented by information

    provided by Lewin and Assocs., included 2,500 reser-

    voirs containing approximately 73% of alJ the OOIP in

    the U.S. estimated by the most recent (1980) API state-

    by-stateanalysis. A size dktribution studyof the database,

    shown by Fig. 1, indicated that the largest 35% of the

    reservoirs (those greater than 50x 106 bbl [7.9x106 m3]

    OOIP) contained 92% of the OOIP. Therefore, it was


  • 8/16/2019 SPE 13239 1984 NatL Petroleum Council Study on EOR an Overview




    , ~oo2% 5 1015 30

    50 65 80 90 95

    . ,





    0 3040 50(


    l—Resewolr size distribution-NPC data base.

    decided to delete smaller reservoirs from further study,

    eliminating 65% of the reservoirs but only 8% of the


    More than two-thirds of all the OOIP in the U.S. is rep-

    resented in the remaining database. This is illustrated by

    Fig. 1, which is a plot of reservoir size vs. cumulative

    percentage of total OOIP,

    Fig. 2 illustrates by state the fraction of the total OOIP

    represented in the NPC data base on the basis of the 1980

    API estimate.

    Dejfning Reservoir Screeh Criteria After the datn bnae

    was assimilated nnd verified, a set of csrefully selected

    screening criteria was established for each EOR process

    that allowed each reservoir tobe assigned to one or more

    processes or to be deleted from further consideration. Tbe

    specific criteria developed for each process sre dkcussed

    in the companion papers for the individual processes. 1-3

    Developing and ?ufib:ating Process Models It should

    bc stressed that the process models are simplified analyt-

    ical took and ae not detailed simulators. Every mu of

    the model received an intensive review to ensure that en-

    gineering judgment was included in the formulation of the


    Derivinz Cost and Economic Factors The process

    implemented-technolo~ and an advanced-technol&y

    case. The implemented-technology case predicts the

    recovery tiat will result from technology that is current-

    ly proved in either large-scale commercial operations

    (primarily thermal), tieldwide tests (primarily miscible),

    or pilot tests (primmily chemical).

    The advanced-technology case predicts the recoveqf that

    might result from technology that in the consensus of the

    task force members may develop in the next 30 years.

    The advsnced processes we assumed to begin in 1988for

    steam processes and in 1995 for all other processes to al-

    low for development time for the new techniques.

    The economics were baaed on a discounted cash flow

    analysis for the 30-year time frame of the study. A

    constant-dollar analysis was used to eliminate any dktor-

    tion resulting from inflation.

    The cost data were divided into process-independent

    costs—such as drilling, completion, equipment, and nor-

    mal operating costs—and process-dependent costs—such

    as chemicil or C02 costs.

    The baae case assumes the price. of cmde to remoin at

    a nominal $30.00/bbl [$189/m3] throughout the study

    period, a minimum acceptable ROR of 10%, and the ap-

    plication of the implemented technology. To investigate

    the sensitivity of EOR to price, additional runs were made

    onboth the implemented and the advnnced cases, aasum-

    ing crude oil rices of $20,$40, and $50/bbl [$26, $252,


    and $314/m ] throughout the study period.

    These nominal prices are based on 40°API

    [0.83-g/cm3] midcontinent crude oil. Corrections were

    included for each resemoir to adjust for


    gravity rind,

    in some cases, geographical location. Thk resulted in

    average crude prices significantly lower than these nomi-

    nal prices. For example, the $30/bbl [$189/m 3] nomi-

    nal case had an effective average crude price of $25.45.

    For each run at a different nominal oi3price, various

    categories of investments and costs were also assumed to

    change in a fixed relatiorrshp to the oil price. The cost

    of drilling and completion was assumed to change 4% for

    each 10% change in the price of oil from the $30/bbl

    [$189/m3] case. The cost of facilities and equipment was

    assumed to change by 3%, the operating cost by 2%, and

    the fuelcost by 10%. The basic tax structure was assumed

    to be that of a major oiI company with a corporate tax

    of 46%. a state tax of 4%, and a severance tax of 8%.

    model fo; each reservoir was run on the basi; of an The royalty was assumed to be 12.5%.


    &?dApl ESTIMATE(1980)

    Fig. 2—Oistributim of OOIP: total of 460x 109 bbl.


    Joumd ofP.tmlam Technology, August 1986

  • 8/16/2019 SPE 13239 1984 NatL Petroleum Council Study on EOR an Overview










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    3—u mriate remve~— mp emen em eG”

    ””,”gy, .., s =.” ”1,,,. . ..=.

    Lkvefoping Projection Methodology

    It was decided

    that, because more than two-tilrds of the OOIP in the

    country was represented in the data base, no exmapola-

    tion of results would be made. Although it is realiied that

    some reservoirs with leas than 50x 106 bbl [7.9X106

    m3] will exhbit EOR potential and tiat some reservoirs

    with greater than 50x 106 bbl [7.9x 106 m3] were

    missed, the large number of reservoirs used makes dre

    projections a fair representation of the EOR potential in

    the U.S.

    Chap. 4-Potential for


    It ahotdd be stressed that

    the results of thk study are not tn be considered predic-

    tions of future EOR ultimates or producing rates. They

    ze projections of possible recovery and rates, given the

    stated assumptions of price, technology, arrd other con-

    dhiona. Irraddition to these conditions, EOR will depend

    greatly on what happens to competing energy srmrces, and

    no attempt was made to quantifj’ this.

    Wb.lrtle above qualifications in mind, Fig. 3 illustrates

    dreprojected ultimate recovery from the various processes

    for the implemented technology at $30/bbl [$189/m3] and

    a minimum acceptable ROR of 10%. The ultimate recov-

    ery projected under these condkiorrs is 14.5x 10g bbl

    [2.3x log m3]. About 3.5x109 bbl [0.6x 109 m3] of

    these reserves ~e currently booked as proven reserves,

    indkating that the national reserve base maybe increased

    by 11x109 bbl [1.7x109 m3].

    Thermal recuvery could contribute about 6.5x109 bbl

    [1X109 m3] (45%) of the 14.5x 10g bbl [2.3x109 m3]

    irrcrease in reserves. Miscible recovery processes might

    produce 5.5x 109 bbl [0.9x 109 m3] (38%) of EOR

    while chemicaf techniques (which include surfacta.ntsand

    polymers) might

    contribute 2 5

    x 109 bbl [0.4x 109 m3]


    Of these totul reserves, 25% is projected to be produced

    beyond the 30-year period of this study.

    Fig. 4 presents the sensitivity to price of EOR pmc-

    eases for both the implemented- and the advanced-

    technology cases. These values were calculated with a

    rniuinmm ROR of 10’%assumed.

    For the implementerf-technology case, the ultimate

    recovery increases from 14.5X10g bbl at $30/bbl

    Journal of PetroleurD TdllKIIow, A“wst 1986

    Fig. 4–Ultimate recovery by process–advanced- and

    Implemented-technology cases.

    Fig. 5—Production rate—implemented-technology, baa@

    economic case.


  • 8/16/2019 SPE 13239 1984 NatL Petroleum Council Study on EOR an Overview



    Y-7---7% i

    ~+1- ----+–%<


    .-. -1 ---.7---







    —— 50, RBL.

    ---- 40/BBL.


    .--, .,,,,,,,,,,

    — 30(6BL.


    ~ ,. .,,

  • 8/16/2019 SPE 13239 1984 NatL Petroleum Council Study on EOR an Overview


    m3id for the $314/m3 ] case is shown to occur 5 years

    before the peak rate of slightly more than 2X 106 B/D

    for the $30/bbl [0.3X 106 m3/d for the $189/m3] rate.

    Thk is caused by both at increase in ultimate production

    snd an acceleration of production resulting from enhanced




    compares the implemented technolo~ and the

    advanced technoloev for the base case Of $30~b1

    [$189/m3] and 10%-”minimumROR. Advmtced technol-

    ogy is predicted to increase the producing rate froin

    1.2x 106 to more that 2X106 B/D [0.2x 106 to more

    than 0.3 x 106 m3/d], illustrating the incentive for for-

    thei research in the area of EOR.

    Chap. 5–EOR in Perspective to Other Energy

    Sources. Liquid petroleum provided approximately 43%

    of.the energy supply for our country’s needs in 1982.6

    The remainder ivas supplied primarily by natural gas,

    cosf, and nuclear energy.

    Fig. 10 shows the relatively small fraction of the total

    domestic liquid supply that is anticipated by the study to

    be provided by EOR. Although the EOR production

    makes at important contribtttion, it is clesrly not the to-

    tsl answer to our nation’s future energy needs.

    Chap. 6—POlicyConsiderations. An extensive irivekti-

    gation of the impact of EOR on the environment indicat-

    ed that there would be little increase in land use over that

    required for primary and secondsry projects, but tAetime

    of use would be extended. Additionally, it was conclud-

    ed that dfligent observance by the operators of the cut-

    rent relations will suftlciently mitigate the effects of

    EOR o; the environment.

    Of the mmty ways that EOR will benefit society, the

    reduction that it will cause in crude imports is perhaps

    the most obvious. It_will also increaae employment with-

    in the oil indust~ and its associated industries. The in-

    creased production from EOR will slao extend the period

    of transition to aketnative energy sources and, at the sane

    time, provide addhioml income to the government.

    Comparison of the 1976 Study

    With the 1984 Study

    Fig. 11

    compsres the implemented and advsnced cases

    of ~e 1984 study with ifte 1976 study. The 1976 study

    included advanced technology but did not include al of

    the technological considerations of the new study. Con-

    sidering the long-range nature of these forecasts, the re-

    cent study is generslly comparable with the 1976 study.

    Fig. 12 depicts the predicted producing cates for the

    two studies, illusttsting the slower, more sustsined in-

    crease of the 1984 study.


    1. EOR could increase the current domestic reserves

    by approximately 40%, msking a significant contribution

    to the nation’s energy needs.

    2. The technical uncertainty of the various processes

    varies widely.

    3. The tdtiniate recovefy and the projected producing

    rates from EOR are highly sensitive to the price of crude


    4. EOR will satisfy an impoftant, but small, portion of

    tie totsl energy demand.

    Journal of Petroleum Technology, Augus t 1986

    18 r-

    > 16 -



    Q 14


    Q 12 -






    .8 -


    6 -’




    ~2 -

    ~o~ ~ROJECTION



    1 I 1


    1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

    Fia. 10—EOR compared to total petroleum liquids.





















    1984 1984


    Fig. n-Recovery comparisons for the 1976 and 198,


    Fig. 12—Tot?l EOR Production rate-base economic caae.


  • 8/16/2019 SPE 13239 1984 NatL Petroleum Council Study on EOR an Overview



    The work of the 86 persons and the 34 companies and

    organizations that contributed to the 1984 NPC Study on

      R is

    gratefully acknowledged.


    1 . K in g, J, E., Blevins,T,R., andBrifion,M.W.: “The NatJ.Petr-

    oleumCouncilEOR Study: ThermaJ Processes,>, piper SPE 13242

    Preseuti at fhe 1984 SPE Annual

    Technical C.mf.r.m, md

    ExMbition, Houston, Sept. 16-19.


    Rob],F. W., Em.el, A. S,, and Van Meter, O.E. Jr.: The 1984

    NwL Pemoleum Council Estimate of PotemiaJ of EOR for Miscible


    J PT A ug. 1 98 6 8 7 5-8 2.

    3 . Doe, P.H ., Carey, B. S ., and Helmuth, E. S.: WI. NatL Petrole-

    nm CouKiJ EOR Study Chemical Processes,” paper SPE 13240

    presented at the 1984 mn.al TechnkaJ Conference and ExAibido.n,

    Sept. 16-19.


    4 . Res ew s of C ru d e O il , N at ur a l Gas Liquids and Natural Gas in

    the Unfted Srcmv and Cm da s



    3 1, 1 9W , A PI,

    Wa.shingm (J.”. 1980) 34.

    5. “Cmde Oil, Namml &s, and Nafural Gas Liquids Reserves,” 19S2

    Ammal Report , U.S. DOE/EJA (Au~. 19S3).


    B sic Pemkun Dar Book Petroleum [nduwry Starisric API

    Wa.shinst.m (Sept. 1983) 3, No. 3.

    S1 Metric Conversion Factor

    bbl X 1.589873 E–01 = m3


    Original manu% mipt recei ved in the Sm lel y of Petrol eum E.gi.ws ofi ce Sept. 16,

    W34. Paper accepted forpub lica tion Apr il 22, 19s6. Ret ised rmn.smx receved May

    22. 19S6. PaPe ISPE 13239 ) fi rs : presented a t the 19S. SPE Annua l Techn ical Con-

    fer.”.. and Exilbitim held in Ho”%.”, S@. 1G19.

    JO.rDaI of Pct rolewn Technology, August 1986