Southside Kids Childcare Centre Enrolment Form 2015 Please complete the confirmation form. Confirmation Form Parents’/Guardians’ names: Childs Name: Date of Birth: Address: Phone Number: Confirmed Date Starting: Full Time or Days attending: Weekly Cost: Booking Fee of One Week of Fees: Parent/Guardian Signature/s: _________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________________________________________ This confirmation form and booking fee is returned to the centre within 14 days to confirm your booking or Southside reserves the right to re-book your space if enrolment details and booking payment are not returned. The booking fee is your first week payment in advance and is non-refundable if you should later choose not to attend. The automatic payment form needs to be delivered to your bank and started on the week the child first attends the centre paying 2 weeks in advance. Julie Barton Manager Southside Kids Childcare Centre - Hospital end of Coromandel St, Newtown, Wellington 6021 T: 04 385 5911 E: [email protected]

Southside Kids Childcare Centre Enrolment Form 2015 · Southside Kids Childcare Centre Enrolment Form 2015 ... This confirmation form and booking fee is returned to the centre within

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Southside Kids Childcare Centre Enrolment Form 2015

Please complete the confirmation form.

Confirmation Form

Parents’/Guardians’ names:

Childs Name:

Date of Birth:


Phone Number:

Confirmed Date Starting:

Full Time or Days attending:

Weekly Cost:

Booking Fee of One Week of Fees:

Parent/Guardian Signature/s: _________________________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________________________________

This confirmation form and booking fee is returned to the centre within 14 days to confirm your booking or Southside reserves the right to re-book your space if enrolment details and booking payment are not returned.

The booking fee is your first week payment in advance and is non-refundable if you should later choose not to attend.

The automatic payment form needs to be delivered to your bank and started on the week the child first attends the centre paying 2 weeks in advance.

Julie Barton Manager

Southside Kids Childcare Centre - Hospital end of Coromandel St, Newtown, Wellington 6021 T: 04 385 5911 E: [email protected]

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Enrolment Form

Child's Information Child's official family surname:

Child's official given name:

Child's official other names/middle names: (please seperate names with a comma)

Child's prefered name:

Child's surname/family name:

Child's given name:

Child's date of birth:


Male / Female

Child's ethnicity:

Child's Iwi:

Language spoken at home:

Child's home address/addresses

Copy of official identity documents collected Teacher to copy and attach to this form

NZ birth certificate:


Foreign birth certificate:


NZ passport:


Foreign passport:




Teachers signature: ________________________________________________________

Date: ____________________________________________________________________

Southside Kids Childcare Centre - Hospital end of Coromandel St, Newtown, Wellington 6021 T: 04 385 5911 E: [email protected]

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Privacy Statement We are collecting information on this enrolment form for the purposes of providing early childhood education for your child.

We will use and disclose your child’s information only in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993. Under that Act you have the right to access and request correction of any personal information we hold about you or your child.

Details about your child’s identity will be shared with the Ministry of Education so that it can allocate a national student number for your child. This unique identifier will be used for research, statistics, funding, and the measurement of educational outcomes.

You can find out more about national student numbers at: http://www.minedu.govt.nz/parents

Parent/Guardian's Information Parent/Guardian's name:

Home address:


Home phone:



Place of work:

Work phone:

Relationship to child:

Southside Kids Childcare Centre - Hospital end of Coromandel St, Newtown, Wellington 6021 T: 04 385 5911 E: [email protected]

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Legal information Who has legal custody of the above child?

Who does not have access to child?

Who has access to your child subject to conditions? Please give details of any custodial arrangements or court orders regarding your child if applicable (a copy of any court order is required)

Who is authorised to collect your child?

Whos is authorised to collect your child in the event your child is unwell and we are unable to contact you?

Medical Details Family doctor:

Doctors phone number:

Health problems:


Immunisation up to date? YES / NO

Immunisation record

6 weeks Polio YES / NO DTPH


Hep B


Southside Kids Childcare Centre - Hospital end of Coromandel St, Newtown, Wellington 6021 T: 04 385 5911 E: [email protected]

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3 months Polio


Hep B2


5 months Polio



Hep B3


15 months DTPH4



4 years





YES / NO No. of doses:

The centre is required to view Immunisation certificate upon enrolment and to be informed and view certificates as updated.

Teacher - Immunistion records sighted and recorded? YES / NO

Teacher’s signature: ________________________________________________________

Date: ____________________________________________________________________

Attendence Tick

Arrival time

Departure time

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Enrolment date: ________________________________________________________

Starting date: ___________________________________________________________

Exit Date: ______________________________________________________________

Southside Kids Childcare Centre - Hospital end of Coromandel St, Newtown, Wellington 6021 T: 04 385 5911 E: [email protected]

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Fee Structure No of days booked at centre

Fees for under 3 year olds and for 3+4 year old children without 20 Hours ECE Funding

20 Hours ECE Hours per week of ECE funding for 3+4 year olds (Max of 6 per day = 20 per week)

3+4 Year old fees with 20 Hours ECE funding. Payment required to cover hours not covered by 20 Hours ECE Funding

1 day




2 days




3 days




4 days




5 days




If you split your free ECE hours between ECE providers we will need to work out your fees on an individual basis.

Fees Weekly fee: _________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian's signature: ___________________________________________________

Date: _______________________________________________________________________

Southside Kids Childcare Centre - Hospital end of Coromandel St, Newtown, Wellington 6021 T: 04 385 5911 E: [email protected]

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Dual Enrolment declaration I hereby declare that my child is/is not enrolled at another early childhood institution at the same times that he/she is enrolled at Southside Kids Childcare Centre.

Parent/Guardian's signature: ____________________________________________________

Date: _______________________________________________________________________

20 Hours ECE Attestation Is your child receiving 20 hours ECE for up to six hours per day, 20 hours per week at this service?


Is your child receiving 20 hours ECE at any other service?


If yes to either or both of the above, please sign to confirm that:

• Your child does not receive more than 20 hours of 20 hours ECE per week across all services.


You authorise the Ministry of Education to make enquiries regarding the information provided in the Enrolment Agreement Form, if deemed necessary and to the extent necessary to make decisions about your child’s eligibility for 20 hours ECE.


You consent to the early childhood service providing relevant information to the Ministry of Education and to the other early childhood education services your child is enrolled at, about the information contained in this box.


Parent/Guardian's signature: ____________________________________________________

Date: _______________________________________________________________________

Southside Kids Childcare Centre - Hospital end of Coromandel St, Newtown, Wellington 6021 T: 04 385 5911 E: [email protected]

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Parental declaration I have read and understand the following points:

• I have read, and agree to the illness policy attached, and will not bring my child to the Centre in the event of sickness or any infectious illness as per policy.

• I have read and agree to the outing and sleep policies. Note: other policies of SSK are available for you to read, and we urge you to do so, as by signing this enrolment form you are agreeing to abide by the policies of the centre.

• I will notify the Supervisor should my child become ill with any infectious illness such as Chicken Pox, Rubella, Hepatitis, Mumps, etc.

• I authorise Southside Kids Childcare Centre to administer medication provided by me for my child, and in the event of accidents to seek medical advice as the centre may think necessary for my child’s best interests.

• I have not (and will not) enrol my child in any other funded early childhood facility for the same hours that my child attends Southside Kids while my child is attending Southside Kids.

• I wish to enrol my child and agree to pay the fees as set by the Management and to give a minimum of 2 weeks notice should I wish to change my hours, or 4 weeks notice if withdrawing my child from the centre.

• This enrolment agreement is inclusive of school term breaks. • Any fees incurred by the centre in the recovery of any outstanding debt incurred by me, will

be paid by me. • I understand that in a child’s absence, public holidays, teacher only days and when the

Centre is closes at Christmas I am still obliged to pay fees. • I declare that all of the information provided by me on this form are true and correct to the

best of my knowledge.

Both parents/ guardians please sign if applicable

Parent/Guardian's signature: _________________________________________________

Date: ____________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian's signature: _________________________________________________

Date: ____________________________________________________________________

Southside Kids Childcare Centre - Hospital end of Coromandel St, Newtown, Wellington 6021 T: 04 385 5911 E: [email protected]

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Service Declaration On behalf of Southside Kids Childcare Centre, I declare that this form has been checked and all of the relevant sections have been completed.

Teacher's signature: _________________________________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________________________________

Southside Kids Childcare Centre - Hospital end of Coromandel St, Newtown, Wellington 6021 T: 04 385 5911 E: [email protected]

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Category (1) Medicine A category (1) medicine is a non-prescription preparation (such as Sunblock, arnica cream, antiseptic liquid, insect bite treatment) that is not ingested and used for the first aid treatment of minor injuries and provided by Southside Kids. Category (1) medicines are kept in the first aid cabinet or on the shelf by the door in the case of sunscreen.

Do you approve of category (1) medicines being used on your child? YES / NO

Parent/Guardian signature: __________________________________________________

Date: ____________________________________________________________________

Category (2) Medicine Category (2) medicines are prescription (e.g., antibiotics, eye/ear drops, etc) or non- prescription (such as liquid pamol, cough syrup, etc) medicine that is used for a specific period of time to treat a specific condition or symptom, is provided by a parent for the use of that child only or, in relation to Rongoa Maori (Maori plant medicines) that is prepared by other adults at the service.

I acknowledge that written authority from a parent/guardian is to be given at the beginning of each day a category (2) medicine is to be administered, detailing:

• what (name of medicine), • how (method and dose) and • when (time or specific symptoms/circumstances) this medicine is to be given.

Parent/Guardian signature: __________________________________________________

Date: ____________________________________________________________________

Category (3) Medicine Category (3) medicine is medication required by your child for a specific condition such as asthma or eczema and is for the use of that child only. It requires an individual risk management plan to be written up outlining the conditions under which the medication can and/or should be administered.

For teachers:

Individual health plan sighted, and a copy taken? YES / NO

Risk Management Plan written and stored in the first aid cabinet with medication:


Teachers signature: ________________________________________________________

Date: ____________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian signature: __________________________________________________

Southside Kids Childcare Centre - Hospital end of Coromandel St, Newtown, Wellington 6021 T: 04 385 5911 E: [email protected]

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Date: ___________________________________________________________________

Medication Agreement I _____________________________________________________________ , parent/guardian of

____________________________________________________________________ (child's name)

Give permission for Southside Kids permanent teachers to administer non-prescription (category (1) medicines), 1st aid treatments such as; insect bite treatments, arnica for bruises or ice and to clean wounds with antiseptic solutions such as savlon or detol and apply sun block when necessary. These treatments are; not ingested, provided by the centre and kept in the 1st aid cupboard, for the treatment of minor injuries. Sun block stored in box in foyer.

I give permission for teachers to give non prescribed and prescribed medication (Category 2 medication I have supplied), to my child. For Catergory 2 medication I will give written authority via the medication book located by roll book at the beginning of each day. I am aware that, while all registered teachers have a current 1st aid certificates, they are not medical personal.

I will enter my child’s name, medication, when (time) medication to be administered, amount to be administered, what time my child last had medication and my signature.

Medication will not be stored on the premises unless the health and safety officer (currently Julie Barton) gives special written permission as part of my child’s individual health plan. I have read and understood the centre policy for administration, storage and use of medication at Southside Kids and I agree to abide by it.

Parent/Guardian signature: _________________________________________________

Date: ____________________________________________________________________

Southside Kids Childcare Centre - Hospital end of Coromandel St, Newtown, Wellington 6021 T: 04 385 5911 E: [email protected]

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Individual Health Plan Permission for the administration and storage of medication prescription (category (3) medicines) (e.g., asthma inhalers, antihistamine syrup) that are used for ongoing treatment of a pre-diagnosed condition (e.g., asthma, allergic reaction eczema).

Permission for the administration and storage (if required) of non-prescription medication (e.g., nappy rash treatment, teething powder) that are provided for the use by your child only.

Medication is provided for the use of your child only.

Name of medication:

Time, Dose and Method:

Under what conditions it is to be given :

Training provided by:

Review date:

Health & safety officer's signature: ____________________________________________________

Date: ____________________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian's signature: _________________________________________________________

Date: ____________________________________________________________________________

Southside Kids Childcare Centre - Hospital end of Coromandel St, Newtown, Wellington 6021 T: 04 385 5911 E: [email protected]

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My child's photos and profile book In order for us to provide a relevant and meaningful learning programme for your child we need to observe them and their learning. We find the best way to do this is to use a combination of observation techniques which include written and photographic observations. These observations will then be compiled into books we refer to as profile books. You are encouraged to read and add your own observations to your child's profile book whenever you wish. You are welcome to take the books home to read or show others but please return them promptly to allow us to continue them.

The books are yours to keep when your child leaves the centre.

From time to time we also need to use the children’s profile books for training, showing perspective parents what we do and/or for the ministry of education during ERO visits. We have students here fairly often who need to see the profiles and observe/photograph the children, and we have other parents here taking photos for special occasions such as birthday parties etc. To get individual permission for each of these occasions is time consuming and sometimes quite impractical.

Therefore we would like to get your permission photograph your child and to use their books for the purposes stated.

I give my permission for my child: _____________________________________________________

To be observed and photographed by teachers at Southside Kids for observation and programming purposes.


To be observed and photographed by students at Southside Kids for training purposes.


To be photographed by other parents during special occasions e.g., birthday parties.


To have their individual profiles seen by tutors for the purposes of teacher training sessions at Southside Kids


To have their individual profile books shown to perspective parents of the centre, as an example of the way Southside Kids observe children.


To have their individual profile books seen by Ministry of Education staff during ERO reviews of Southside Kids.


To have their individual profile books taken from the centre by Ministry of Education staff for short periods, for the purposes of ERO reviews of Southside Kids


Southside Kids Childcare Centre - Hospital end of Coromandel St, Newtown, Wellington 6021 T: 04 385 5911 E: [email protected]

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Special condition you wish to add:

Parent/Guardian's signature: ______________________________________________________

Date: _________________________________________________________________________

Southside Kids Childcare Centre - Hospital end of Coromandel St, Newtown, Wellington 6021 T: 04 385 5911 E: [email protected]

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Emergency List Name of Child:

Date of Birth:

Mother/Guardians Name:

Home Address:


Home Phone:

Work Phone:


Father/Guardians Name:

Home Address:


Home Phone:

Work Phone:


Who has legal custody of the above child?

Who does not have access to your child?

Who has access to your child subject to conditions?

Alternative Contacts who are authorised to collect your child:

• First alternate: • Relationship to child:

• Second alternate: • Relationship to child:

Southside Kids Childcare Centre - Hospital end of Coromandel St, Newtown, Wellington 6021 T: 04 385 5911 E: [email protected]

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Medical Details Family doctor:


Health problems:

Southside Kids Childcare Centre - Hospital end of Coromandel St, Newtown, Wellington 6021 T: 04 385 5911 E: [email protected]

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Information from home Information about your child that you wish to share with the Centre (likes/dislikes, routines, sleeping patterns, etc).

Cultural Information To enable the centre to incorporate your child’s cultural heritage into the centre programme we ask you to share the following information with us if applicable.


Language spoken at home:

Words commonly used:

Customs, values and beliefs important to you:

Ethnic food commonly eaten:

Cultural dress/clothes worn:

Other information:


It would be helpful to us if you would be willing to record some basic words on a tape, or read a story or sing in your language for you in the centre.

We would also welcome you to come and share in the programme with the children and staff.

Southside Kids Childcare Centre - Hospital end of Coromandel St, Newtown, Wellington 6021 T: 04 385 5911 E: [email protected]

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Lunch Box Suggestions We recommend:

• sandwich, plain biscuits/crackers, raisins or other dried fruit, cheese, yoghurt, muesli bars, fresh fruit/vegetables, leftovers (in microwave safe container), juice, seeds (pine nuts, pumpkin).

Foods on the Banned List:

• sweets, soda drinks, 2 minute style noodles, peanuts in the Under 2 area (and sometimes also in the Over 2 area if there is a child with an allergy to them).

Note: sometimes other food may be added to the list if a child is enrolled with severe allergies to it e.g., egg, fish

Please ensure all lunch containers and drink bottles are clearly labelled.

What to provide Please ensure everything is named:

• Lunch • Spare Clothing • Special toy • Medicine required • Bottles • Nappies • Milk formula

Southside Kids Childcare Centre - Hospital end of Coromandel St, Newtown, Wellington 6021 T: 04 385 5911 E: [email protected]

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Parents' Aspirations Information shared will be placed in your child’s profile book.

What are your Long Term Hopes and Dreams for your child?

What Learning Outcomes do you want for your child while at Southside Kids?

What parts of your culture do you value?

In what ways can Southside Kids support this?

Is there any other information you wish to share with the Centre?

Southside Kids Childcare Centre - Hospital end of Coromandel St, Newtown, Wellington 6021 T: 04 385 5911 E: [email protected]

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Medication Agreement Policy The ministry of Education require that administration of all medication at a licensed facility be done so under the following standards.

1. Parents must sign a Medication agreement prior to any medication being given. 2. Written authority (a parent’s signature) must be gained prior to each administration of

medication. 3. All medication dispensed must be as per the prescribing doctor’s instructions and according

to the label on the medication. The name, dose and time must be correct e.g. If you ask for your child to be given 10mls of Pamol every 2 hours and the label says 5ml every 4 hours then we must give 5mls 4hourly NO EXCEPTIONS.

4. Prescription medication must be brought to the centre on a daily basis and CANNOT be stored on the premises.

5. When staff are asked to administer Pamol/Panadol they must be told when and how much was last given. If parents have exceeded the dose then staff will not administer any more until the correct time.

6. Parents recognise the fact that the staff are not trained medical professionals so that if they are given the incorrect information then parents not the staff are liable if this wrong information does harm to a child.

7. If your child is on long term ongoing medication you will also need to sign an additional contract to cover that. This contract will be reviewed every 3 months.

Southside Kids – Policy Documents – Updated April 2015 Southside Kids Childcare Centre - Hospital end of Coromandel St, Newtown, Wellington 6021 T: 04 385 5911 E: [email protected]

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Outing Permission Slip Outings are an important part of Centre life and are always planned for the benefit and enjoyment of the children. Outings provide the children with opportunities to broaden their contact within the wider community and provide opportunities and experiences not always available within the Centre.

Some outings can be planned e.g., gym, theatre performances. Others will be spontaneous. Spontaneous outings are especially important as they can take advantage of ratios, weather and children’s temperament in a way that planned outings are not always able to do.

Children’s safety is always paramount and therefore there are certain Centre criteria which must be followed for all outings:

• There is a minimum of two adults on every outing of which at least one is a registered teacher with a current first aid certificate.

• Ratios for outings – Adult:child o Walking: a minimum of 1:4 o In cars: a minimum of 1:3 o Swimming : a minimum of 1:2

• All adults working in the capacity of a staff member (counted in ratios and two adult minimum) will be previously police and reference checked, including parent volunteers, and will be accompanied by a permanent registered teacher.

• All children travelling in vehicles, including taxi vans, will be restrained in an appropriate manner. If private vehicles are being used there will be either two adults per vehicles or at least two vehicles will travel in convoy to the destination.

• If children remain at the centre and do not participate in outing the registered teachers and First aid requirements will not be compromised and the teacher to child ratio will be within legal requirement.

Please indicate below under which circumstances you give permission for your child to leave the centre:

I give my permission for:


To attend All Outings ( including spontaneous)


Only outings “Planned and advertised” to parents/whanau in advance


No permission given


Any special information: Southside Kids Childcare Centre - Hospital end of Coromandel St, Newtown, Wellington 6021 T: 04 385 5911 E: [email protected]

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Parent/Guardian's signature: ____________________________________________________

Date: _______________________________________________________________________

Note. Additional permission will be required for any outing which involves a cost to parents, or a different ratio than stated above.

Southside Kids Childcare Centre - Hospital end of Coromandel St, Newtown, Wellington 6021 T: 04 385 5911 E: [email protected]

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Illness policy In accordance with guidelines set down by the Ministry of Health exclusion of children with infectious illnesses is sometimes necessary, however children with mild respiratory infections will not be excluded as it is likely to have spread before the child shows any symptoms.

A child will be excluded if:

• The illness prevents the child from participating comfortably in programme activities. • The illness results in a greater care need than the centre can reasonably provide without

compromising the health and safety of the other children. • The child has any of the following conditions: fever, persistent crying, difficulty breathing or

other signs of possible severe illness. • Diarrhoea

o There are specific guidelines for particular conditions associated with diarrhoea, but until the exact diagnosis is made, no child should attend if they have diarrhoea and they must have at least one normal motion before returning to the centre.

• Vomiting o Two or more times in the previous 24 hours unless the vomiting is known to be

caused by a non-communicable condition and the child is not in danger of dehydration. Parents will be notified to collect their child from the centre the first time the child vomits at the centre.

• Mouth sores associated with an inability of the child to control saliva, unless the child’s doctor or the Public Health Service or Medical Officer of Health advises that the child is non-infectious.

• Rash with fever or behaviour change, until a doctor has determined that the illness is not a communicable disease.

• Purulent conjunctivitis - this is pink or red whites of the eyes, with white or yellow discharge, often with matted eyelids after sleep and eye pain or redness of the eyelids or skin surrounding the eye - until examined by a doctor and treated.

• Tuberculosis, until the child’s doctor or the Public Health Service advises that the child in non- infectious.

• Impetigo, until 24 hours after treatment has started. • Streptococcal pharyngitis (Strep throat) until 24 hours after treatment has started and 24

hours after fever stops. • Head lice, until the morning after the first treatment. • Scabies, until after treatment has been completed. • Chickenpox (Varicella) until at least 6 days after the onset of the rash or until the lesions

have dried and crusted. • Whooping cough (Pertussis) until 5 days of appropriate antibiotic therapy (the total course

of the usual treatment is 14 days). • Mumps, until 9 days after glands started swelling.

Southside Kids – Policy Documents – Updated April 2015 Southside Kids Childcare Centre - Hospital end of Coromandel St, Newtown, Wellington 6021 T: 04 385 5911 E: [email protected]

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• Hepatitis A virus infection, until 1 week after onset of illness or jaundice (if symptoms are mild) or until immune globin has been administered to appropriate children and staff in the programme, as directed by the Public Health Service.

• Any unimmunised children in contact with a vaccine preventable disease, (eg: Rubella) for the duration of the incubation period. Please ensure that immunisation certificates are sighted by staff to prevent your child being excluded should this occur.

The Head teacher may exclude any person (adult or child) from the centre who:

• Is in a state of physical or mental health that presents a risk of danger to children. • Has an infectious or contagious disease or condition

Southside Kids – Policy Documents – Updated April 2015 Southside Kids Childcare Centre - Hospital end of Coromandel St, Newtown, Wellington 6021 T: 04 385 5911 E: [email protected]

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Outing policy • At NO time will children be allowed on an outing with a single staff member. A minimum of 2

staff on each outing at all times, and at least one staff will hold a Diploma of teaching in Early Childhood.

• At NO time will a teacher be left alone in the centre while other teacher take children on an outing, and legal ratios for qualified staff and children will be maintained as per licence.

• When using vehicles (including taxis or private motor vehicles) there will be either 2 adults in each vehicle or vehicles will travel in convoy. Children will be restrained in appropriate safety restraints during all motor vehicle outings.

• 1:4 ratio for walking outings. Vehicle outings require 1:3 ratio. This can be achieved by 2:6 in the same car or 1:3 in separate cars with the cars travelling in convoy. Some outings will require different ratios depending on the nature of ;the outing, the perceived risks involved and the varied age of the children e.g., 1:2 ratio at the swimming pool and beach.


Commmunication If the whole centre is on an outing, a notice will be left on the main door to notify people of our whereabouts and approximate time of return.

Permission for Outing slips Permission for Outing slips will be given to each parent upon enrolment. This permission slip uses a three tiered level of permission to enable parents to choose under what circumstances they will allow staff to take their child out of the centre.

Outing list will be consulted before allowing a child to go on an outing.

Outings • Children will wear appropriate clothing eg sunhats and sun block in summer, jackets and

woollen hats in winter. When necessary changes of clothes and nappies will be taken also. • Staff will carry a basic first aid kit with them on all outings and at least one staff will have a

current first aid certificate. • Appropriate food and liquid will be taken or purchased on outings if necessary. • Staff will be assigned a specific group of children before leaving the centre to ensure the

ongoing monitoring of the children and ease of role call etc.

Teachers need to consider that the outings are to be for the benefit of the children when choosing destination, and duration of outing.

An outing slip will be filled in for all outings with:

Southside Kids – Policy Documents – Updated April 2015 Southside Kids Childcare Centre - Hospital end of Coromandel St, Newtown, Wellington 6021 T: 04 385 5911 E: [email protected]

Page 27: Southside Kids Childcare Centre Enrolment Form 2015 · Southside Kids Childcare Centre Enrolment Form 2015 ... This confirmation form and booking fee is returned to the centre within

• Child’s name • Details of outing • Teacher’s names • Risk management plan • A check to ensure parental permission for outings.

Southside Kids – Policy Documents – Updated April 2015 Southside Kids Childcare Centre - Hospital end of Coromandel St, Newtown, Wellington 6021 T: 04 385 5911 E: [email protected]

Page 28: Southside Kids Childcare Centre Enrolment Form 2015 · Southside Kids Childcare Centre Enrolment Form 2015 ... This confirmation form and booking fee is returned to the centre within

Sleeping children policy

We believe that sleep time should be a non-stressful, pleasant experience for the children. To achieve this we will:

Cot Room • Upon enrolment, parents will be asked to provide as much information as they are able

pertaining to the sleeping habits/rituals and preferences of their child, and staff will undertake to use these whenever possible.

• The Centre sleep policy is to be included in the enrolment forms and endorsed by parents at this time.

• Child will (wherever possible) sleep in the same cot each time they are at the centre. • Centre will provide bedding except when the parents wish to provide them themselves. The

centre will implement procedures to ensure that the bedding is clean and that children do not share bedding.

• Parents (or centre where we are able) will provide familiar equipment to aid the child’s settling eg. sleepy-Ts, cuddlies, dummies, teddies etc.

• Staff will stay with the children in the sleep room until such time as the child is either asleep or settled, secure and comfortable, depending on the needs of child or parents.

• Once the children are left the staff will monitor the sleeping children through regular (10 minute interviews) staff checks of the room, and the use of a monitor, which senses noise.

Beds • Children who are old enough and only require 1pm sleep a day will sleep after lunch on beds

(with sheets and blankets) provided by the centre. • 2 staff will sit with this group of children until the majority are either asleep or settled, then

1 staff will continue to monitor this area. • Early wakers will move either to the under 2 area or choose quiet activities in the 02 area

until the majority of the children are awake. • Children who don’t require a sleep during the day will be asked to rest for a short time and

will then get up and go to the under 2 area if appropriate, or choose quiet activities, so as not to disturb the sleeping children.

• At no time will the children have access to food or drink while lying in their beds

Southside Kids – Policy Documents – Updated April 2015 Southside Kids Childcare Centre - Hospital end of Coromandel St, Newtown, Wellington 6021 T: 04 385 5911 E: [email protected]