1 Southam College NQT INDUCTION FORM PACK 2014-15

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Southam College





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Front page 1

Contents page 2

Contextual issues of your new teaching post 3-4

Form 1 : My Priorities for Induction 5-6

Form 2 : NQT Initial Induction Meeting 7

Form 3 : Action Plan & Summary of Objectives 8

Form 4 : Record of Fortnightly Meetings 9

NQT Preparation for Review Meetings 10-11

Form 5: NQT Record of Meetings 12

Form 6: NQT Lesson Observation Log 13

Southam College Lesson Observation Form 14-16

Southam College – Lesson Plan Proforma 17-19

Southam College Cover Lesson Proforma 20-21

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Transition Point Two – The Start Of Induction Contextual Issues Of Your New Teaching Post

Before you meet with your induction tutor to discuss your priorities for induction you need to complete this in order to do some initial thinking about the context of your new teaching post. Contextual issues What is new or

different for me? What preparation or support will I need?

How could this be provided?

Profile of students


Age group

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School Context



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Form 1

Transition Point Two – The Start Of Induction My Priorities For Induction

Before you meet with your induction tutor to discuss your priorities for induction you need to complete this in order to do some initial thinking about your priorities for your induction period.

My thinking towards the end of my ITT programme

Short – Term Priority Medium - Term Priority Longer – Term Priority

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My thinking in relation to the classes I will be teaching and the school where I will start my induction programme

Short – Term Priority Medium - Term Priority Longer – Term Priority

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Form 2 NQT Initial Induction Meeting

To be completed at the initial meeting with NQTs in July.



Areas of strength from placements

Areas for Development/Focus of NQT year

Signed by NQT _______________________ Date _____________________ Signed by Subject Mentor _______________ Date _____________________

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Form 3 Agreed Action Plan and Summary Of Objectives

Objectives Success criteria Actions to be taken and by whom Resources Target date for

achievement Review Date

Signed by NQT ___________________________________________ Date ___________________________________ Signed by Subject Mentor ___________________________________ Date ___________________________________

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Form 4 Record of Fortnightly Meetings



Focus for discussion

Areas for Development/Targets

Signed by NQT _______________________ Date _____________________ Signed by Subject Mentor _______________ Date _____________________

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NQT Preparation for Review Meetings

Points to think about in preparation for Professional Review Meetings with your Induction Tutor.

Points for the NQT to think about Notes

To what extent have I achieved my objectives? What evidence am I able to draw on to support this judgement?

What progress am I making towards the Induction Standards? Since the start of the induction period/my last Review meeting, what improvements can I identify in relation to my: - Professional attributes? - Professional knowledge and understanding? - Professional skills? What evidence am I able to draw on to support my judgements?

How has the induction support programme made a difference to my teaching, and to students learning?

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How have I used the 10% remission from teaching duties? How effective has use of this time been?

Are there any areas of my teaching and professional development where I would like more support?

Which outcomes of this self-review do I need to feed into the next professional review meeting with my induction tutor?

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NQT Record of meetings

Use this form to keep a record of any specific NQT meetings you attend this year. Please pass an up-to-date copy of this sheet to the College Induction Tutor each half term.

Date/time With Focus of Discussion

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Form 6 NQT Lesson Observation Log Term:…………………..

Lesson observed

Member of staff/subject

Focus of observation Action

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Southam College Lesson Observation Proforma

Teacher Observer Date Period Class Subject Support Staff? Student Profile?

Positive aspects and how they affected student


Areas for further development










of Students’



Summary of areas of

strength which lead to

student progress

Summary of areas of

development to improve

student progress

Overall effectiveness of the

provision observed based

on progress (please tick)



Requiring Improvement



Optional Teacher Comments:

Time Observations and how they affected student learning

Please only use this box if it is useful in aiding your reflection on the lesson and for feedback purposes.

This box may be left blank

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Lesson Observation Guidelines based on June 2012 Ofsted Framework

Outstanding Good Requiring Improvement Inadequate

Key Features of lessons




Challenging and precise learning

objectives allow progression and are used

throughout the lesson to promote effective

learning. There is an acute awareness of

students’ capabilities, prior learning and

understanding. Learning builds on these

very effectively.

Clear and challenging learning objectives

are shared with students so most

understand what they are aiming for. They

are based very much on students’ prior

learning and current needs.

Clear learning objectives are shared with

the students. They may be based on

outcomes of prior learning.

Learning objectives are unclear or

inappropriate. They are not based on a

clear understanding of students’ prior

learning and needs.

Continuous AfL Understanding is systematically and

effectively checked throughout the lesson.

Sharply focussed and timely intervention

has a notable impact on the quality of the


Understanding is assessed regularly

throughout the lesson.

Appropriate intervention is given for most

pupils through questioning and listening in

order to reshape tasks and explanations.

Understanding is checked but not always

rigorously enough and not of all pupils.

Work is monitored during lessons. General

misconceptions are picked up and plans

are adjusted accordingly to support

learning. Further, more timely/relevant

intervention is needed to improve learning.

Understanding is not assessed effectively

Effective intervention is not made in the

lesson in order to improve progression.

Assessment takes too little account of the

students’ prior learning and is not used

effectively to help them improve.



ALL students, including those with

additional needs, make exceptional

progress through astute planning of

challenging tasks and work being tailored

highly effectively to pupils’ needs.

Work is closely tailored to the needs of

different groups of learners so that most

learn well and make good progress.

Activities are sufficiently challenging and

sequenced to ensure that the majority of

students (including those with additional

needs/G&T) make expected progress.

Activities contain low levels of challenge

and do not build systematically on each

other. There is insufficient understanding

of students’ needs.

Engagement Almost all students show very high levels

of enthusiasm, resilience, confidence and


Most students generally show enthusiasm,

resilience, confidence and independence.

Some students show enthusiasm,

resilience, confidence and independence.

Teaching fails to excite, enthuse, engage

or motivate particular groups of students.

Development of

Students’ Skills

Exceptional promotion of developing

students skills in reading, writing, talking,

numeracy or PLTS.

Clear promotion of developing students

skills in reading, writing, talking,

numeracy or PLTS.

Students are able to practise their skills in

reading, writing, talking, numeracy or


Students are not supported in developing

communication, numeracy or PLTS as

well as they should be.

PROGRESS Almost all students are making rapid and

sustained progress in the lesson and over

time. They learn exceptionally well,

acquiring in depth understanding / skills

quickly and applying it confidently.

Most students make good progress in the

lesson and over time. Students develop

understanding and skills and progress is

often above that expected nationally.

The majority of students have made the

progress expected in lessons and over


Students make little progress as learning is

superficial or insecure. Students’

understanding, knowledge or skills are not

furthered much more given starting points.

Students’ achievement over time is


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Longer-term AfL

Marking and Feedback

Frequent, high quality marking from teachers

and pupils enables pupils to understand how to

improve their work encouraging engagement and interest.

Regular and encouraging marking informs

students of how well they have done and what

they need to do to improve.

Marking is usually timely, encouraging and

informs students of how well they have done

and what they need to do to improve.

Marking is not satisfactory

Students have little understanding about how

well they are doing and what they need to do next.

Planning and execution

Lesson Planning Drawing on excellent subject knowledge,

challenging tasks are planned based on

systematic, accurate assessment of students’ prior skills, knowledge and


A wide range and variety of learning styles

inspires almost all students.

Well judged and imaginative teaching strategies are often used. Students thrive and make the

best possible gains in the time available.

Well-developed subject knowledge and

assessment of students’ prior skills, knowledge and understanding are used to plan effectively

and set challenging tasks.

A range of activities that appeal to different

learning styles enthuse most students and

ensures they make good progress.

Due attention may be given to the assessment

of students’ learning but this is not always conducted rigorously enough and may result in

some unnecessary repetition of work and tasks

being planned that do not challenge.

There is some variety in the planned activities

which promotes success for some students.

Lesson planning is dominated by content and is

not adjusted to meet the specific learning needs of the group. The lesson plan is used with

excessive rigidity and is not flexed as required in

response to on-going AfL within the lesson, if required.

There may be gaps in subject knowledge and a ‘one size fits all’ approach may provide little

variation for students leads to a lack of success.

Motivation Teachers and other adults generate high levels of enthusiasm for, participation in

and commitment to learning.

Teachers and other adults enthuse and motivate most students to participate.

Teachers deploy any available additional support to contribute reasonably well to the

quality of learning for students, including those

with special educational needs.

Teaching fails to excite, enthuse, engage or motivate particular groups of students, including

those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Expectations The teacher has consistently high expectations

of all students within the class.

The teacher has high expectations of most

students in the class.

The teacher’s expectations enable most

students to work hard and achieve


The teacher does not have sufficiently high

expectations and teaching over time fails to

enthuse, engage or motivate particular groups including SEN.

Learning beyond the classroom

Homework High quality homework is set regularly and

contributes very well to all students’ learning.

Appropriate homework is set regularly and

contributes well to pupils’ learning.

Appropriate homework contributes reasonably

well to the quality of learning. Homework is not consistently/regularly set,

monitored or assessed. Students do not respond to homework tasks effectively. Tasks

are not tailored to students’ needs.


Attitudes To Learning

Students have excellent, enthusiastic attitudes to

learning, enabling lessons to proceed without interruption.

Students demonstrate positive attitudes towards

the teacher, their learning and each other.

Students respond to teachers’ direction and

work cooperatively with each other.

Students respond slowly to teachers’ direction

and fail to work collaboratively.

Behaviour for Learning


Students are highly adept at managing their own behaviour in the classroom, supported by

systematic, consistently applied approaches to

behaviour for learning.

Consistently applied approaches to behaviour for learning contribute to an environment

conducive for effective learning.

Behaviour for learning approaches contribute to an orderly and safe learning environment.

Behaviour for learning strategies are limited and behaviour presents a significant barrier to


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Southam College Lesson Plan Proforma


Observer: Date / Period: Class:

Subject: Books/folders

marked regularly

and up to date

using ‘FAR’

Yes / No

Student Profile

attached to

show progress

over time?

Yes / No

Role of LSA

planned into

activities below?

Yes / N/A

Previous learning

will be assessed

during the lesson

Yes / No

Previous learning

has already been


Yes / No

Topic and context of the lesson:











e.g. reading, writing, speaking, listening,

numeracy, PLTS, SMSC, resilience,

independence, confidence




AfL activities

to assess all students and demonstrate

the extent of the learning

Possible intervention strategies used to

further individual learning following

assessment activities

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Time Differentiated learning activities

(to include AfL activities, learning checkpoints and planned

opportunities for furthering learning)

What will students learn and how will they demonstrate they

have learned it?

Homework: -

Health /

Safety / BfL


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Questions to consider with your observer AFTER the lesson

What understanding/skills were developed during the experience?

How deep was this development? (consider Bloom’s Taxonomy)

How many students achieved the learning objectives and how do

you know?

What helped students to progress during this experience?

What would you do to improve the learning experience next time?

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Southam College Cover Work

Fill in the below page – one for each lesson of planned absence

Print and stick in the room where the cover lesson will take place

Make a seating plan clearly available

Print or send a copy to your HoD before the date of absence

Help us to help you!

Please consider the following when setting cover work:

Are the exercise books, text books and other resources available? Where can they be found?

Is there enough work to last the whole lesson? What can they do if they finish all of it?

Will a non-subject specialist be able to explain the work to the class easily?

Can you provide the answers to any questions to help the cover teacher?

Is there a varied range of activities to keep students engaged?

Is there challenge and support for all so that it is easy for students to work independently?

Who needs special help?

How does the lesson fit in with what you have done already?

Will pupils who have been absent be able to complete the work?

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Southam College Cover Work Proforma





SUBJECT: For SEN and extra consideration p.t.o.

Will the Seating Plan be on the desk?

Yes Also with students’ photo’s

No - you can find it................................................

Learning Support Assistant present?:

Yes / No

If ‘yes’ please state below how they will be used







Learning Activities Resources needed and location



Extra activities if finish before the end of the lesson:

Homework: -

Due in: -

Feedback from the cover lesson: (please include any rewards/sanctions given)

Today your lesson was covered by ...................