Soulfighters Igniting creative potential - since 1962

Soulfighters Newsletter April 08

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News from the realm of visuals

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SoulfightersIgniting creative potential - since 1962

Page 2: Soulfighters Newsletter April 08

Nyhedsbrev / newsletter / april 2008

VizThink / San franciscoSelected websitesWorkshop Utrecht

ExaminerSolution campcreative citiesWorkshop HNX

coming attractionsSelected photos

Text in danish / blue = English

SoulfightersIgniting creative potential - since 1962

Page 3: Soulfighters Newsletter April 08

VizThink / San Francisco

Det var første gang at The Visual Thinking Community var samlet. Sådan blev det i hvert

fald proklameret den 28. januar i The Ballromm på Hotel Westin i hjertet af San Francisco.

SoulfightersIgniting creative potential - since 1962

Page 4: Soulfighters Newsletter April 08

370 mennesker, der alle – på en eller anden måde – ar-bejder med visuel facilitering sad bænket ved runde borde, hvide duge og en ordentlig stak papir + mar-kere – klar til at indtage rummet og de næste to

dages sessions. Konferencen blev afviklet med plenum morgen og eftermiddag – og 4 samtidige breakout

sessions før og efter frokost. Så det var desværre umuligt at komme til alle de spændende sessions.

DAVE GREY, der er direktør i XPLANE

(http://xplane.com/), ”the visual thin-

king company”. Tjek dem ud – de leverer

VISUALS til virksomheder og organisa-

tioner, tegninger, der sammenfatter og

kommunikerer komplekse


Highlights for mig var...

VizThink / San Francisco

SoulfightersIgniting creative potential - since 1962

Page 5: Soulfighters Newsletter April 08

DAVID SIBBET, The Grove, (http://www.grove.

com/) der i 30 år har arbejdet med ”Process

tools for visualizing change”. En af de ting han

sagde under den session var, at konsulentens

opgave er: ”to serve groups by listening”. The

Grove har udviklet visuelle, fortrykte modeller,

der anvendes dynamisk under forskellige typer af

workshops. Herhjemme er det fx kaospilot-

erne, der i en årrække har anvendt

Sibbets modeller og tænkning.

Truly a wonderfull experi-ence. Read more on my blog – but I just want to say

thanks to all of the great people I met. I am in contact with some – and will be post-

ing more stuff in english. Hope to see you in Geneva,

when VizThink goes Europe!

Mødte også en masse fantastiske mennesker – blandt andre Ole Qvist Sørensen, der med http://www.biggerpicture.dk/ har arbejdet med visuel facilitering i DK i en del år. Ole har inviteret til det første netværksmøde for Visual Practitioners i Skandinavien den 25. april 2008. Soulfighters deltager! Ellers kan andre småbidder fra konferencen ses på min blog: http://amstrups.blogspot.com/

VizThink / San Francisco

SoulfightersIgniting creative potential - since 1962

Page 6: Soulfighters Newsletter April 08

selected Websites mentioned in the newsletter...

SoulfightersIgniting creative potential - since 1962

Page 7: Soulfighters Newsletter April 08

A workshop for managers in youthclubs. We went to Utrecht and Amsterdam in

Holland to check out diffe-rent projects as well as ad-dressing the problem: ”How

do we develop a new club experience for the young


Klubledere: INSPIRATION Utrecht / Amsterdam

fra den 4. til den 7. februar havde Soulfighters designet en inspirationstur/WORKSHOP for ungdomsklubledere. Turen blev arrangeret i samarbejde med Floris Koot, (http://www.foolservice.nl/). Ho-

vedkvarteret for os var en gammel fabrik i hjertet af Utrecht, der nu er bygget om til

iværksætterkontorer . og på 7. sal havde vi lejet et mødelokale med

udsigt over byen.

Grundspørgsmålet, deltagerne skulle besvare, var: ”Hvordan sikrer vi, at klubben et et attraktivt og ønsket sted, for de unge at være”?

Med det spørgs-

mål som tema, blev deltager-

ne blandt andet

udsat for...

”Fortæl om din HELT – da du var 13 – og den helt du har i dag” -

”Omsæt jeres udfordringer til en filmtitel – og tegn filmpla-

katen” - ”udarbejde 5 konkrete tiltag, som I kan sætte i værk, når i kommer hjem”. Turen inde-hold besøg på forskellige unge-projekter – især med fokus på sociale problemer, integration

og uddannelse.

SoulfightersIgniting creative potential - since 1962

Page 8: Soulfighters Newsletter April 08

Den 15. og 16. januar havde 24 håbefulde grafikere taget plads i køen udenfor ek-saminationslokalet på Erhvervsakade-

miet i Ålborg – og i det sidste desperate forsøg på at få nerverne i ro, skulle

de bevæge sig gennem et Mac fyld rum ned til det grønne klæde og fremlægge deres idé og projekt. En fantastisk op-levelse at se talent og ideer og dedika-tion. Men nerver og halvhjertet forbe-redelse spillede desværre også nogle af banen. Sådan er det – så op på hesten

til dem vi sagde ”OMMER” til.

Examiner at a Business College/Design Education in Aalborg/Denmark. A lot of talent showed up and some – unfortunately – not-so-well-prepared as well. Thats the way it goes! Back to the books and let’s see another layout!

Censor/designTEKNOLOG/Nordjyllands Erhvervsakademi

SoulfightersIgniting creative potential - since 1962

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Solution Camp 2008 / UddannelseskonferenceDen 7. april er der inviteret til uddannelseskonference i Nordjylland. Politikere, skoleledere, vejledere og andre med interesse og arbejde indenfor feltet er samlet for at diskutere fremtiden for ungeuddannelserne i Vendsyssel.

...med det formål at frem-

kalde de unges tanker om ud-dannelse og de ting, de anser som

væsentlige for at sikre, at de unge ikke dropper ud.

Som op-takt til

konferencen blev Soul-fighters bedt om at

designe en proces med 10 unge...

10 unge - inklusive et dokumentationsteam,

der optog det hele på video – arbejdede et døgn med med


Det er nemlig hovedproblematikken i forhold til den nationale plan om at 95% af en ungeårgang skal gennemføre en ungdomsuddannelse. SO-LUTION CAMP’en belv afholdt som et 24 timers inter-nat.

”Hvad er dine ople-velser med uddan-

nelse og hvordan kan man sikre...

I løbet af de 24 timer fik de unge produceret 77 spørgsmål...

at flere unge gen-nemfører en ung-

domsuddannelse”?15 ”Vidste du at...”, 9 statements, 5 forskellige medier...

...et symbol og en event, der samler det hele og som skal præsenteres på konferencen.

Der deltog unge fra gym-nasium, handelsskole og

produktionsskole – unge, der både er i gang med og som har været droppet ud af uddan-


A camp for 10 young kids – 24 hours – preparing an event and visualizing their thoughts on education – everything to be

launched at a conference, where 100 grown-ups are going to

work on the issue: ”Why does kids drop out of school”? ”And what should be done to prevent it”?

SoulfightersIgniting creative potential - since 1962

Page 10: Soulfighters Newsletter April 08

...diskutere og udvikle

konturerne af DEN KREATIvE BY!

Workshoppen blev faciliteret af Charles Leadbeater – tjek ham fx ud på TED: http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/view/id/63 – hvor

han taler om ”The rise of the amateur professional”.

To super spændende dage i Warsawa. PS: Kan du li’ jazz, så er byen noget for dig – besøg denne

club: http://www.tygmont.com.pl/


Soulfighters i en workshop om Creative Cities i Warsawa fra den 16. til den 18. marts. British Counsil er...


British Counsil,


involveret i en mængde spæn-dende projek-


...over hele kloden,

og dette projekt har to udløbere:

The Future City Game (et to dages spil, hvor en

bys indbyggere deltager i udviklingen af deres by/

kvarter) og The Urban Idea Bakery (en karavane, der

kører fra by til by, og til-byder realiseringshjælp til

menneskers ideer).

Workshoppen i Warsawa havde som formål at bringe nogle mennesker

sammen i et netværk, for at...

Invited by the British Counsil, Soulfighters attended a work-shop on Creative Cities hosted by Charles Leadbeater. A great

experience and a kick ass network to be a part of. Two projects

will be launched: The Future City game and The Urban Idea Bakery. Read more http://www.british-


SoulfightersIgniting creative potential - since 1962

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A workshop for 20 teachers con-cerning their team organisation,

the way they work together and how to make change happen.

Hjorring Ny 10. / WORKSHOP / Ny energi i teamarbejdet/For lærerkollegiet på Hjørring Ny 10. (HNX) blev den 12. februar lidt anderledes end normalt.

Det sædvanlige møde i Stor-teamet var nemlig...


af en workshop om – Sorteamets mødeform, beslutningskompeten-ce, forandringspoten-

tiale og energi.

POST-IT øvelser, tegneværk-sted, billed søgning og alterna-tive gruppe dannelser var nogle

af redskaberne.

Soulfighters er nu koblet på opfølgning af beslutningerne fra


SoulfightersIgniting creative potential - since 1962

Page 12: Soulfighters Newsletter April 08


Rusmiddel workshop + kampagne40 unge fra nattelivet samles for at komme med ideer til en kam-

pagne: ”Du kender natten, festerne, sproget og livet lidt på kanten – hvordan skal en kampagne til de unge udformes, så den gør natte-livet trygt”? Workshop where 40 young people age 18-25 have to come up with ideas for a campaign on sex, drugs and rock’n’roll –

a.k.a. – having a party on the town - and behaving at the same time..

Stockholm INSPIRATIONI Juni står den på togrejse til Stockholm (fly er bare for træls!). Sammen med et lille netværk af

mennesker der arbejder med unge, skal vi til Stock-holm for at se på ungeprojekter. Soulfighters

designer turen sammen med Jonas Boutani Werner, der er film- og mediekoordinator på http://

subtopia.se/ Trip to Stockholm for pure inspiration and networking.

ManchesterGAME Master uddannelse

I forbindelse med ”The Future City Game”, tager Soulfighters på 3 dages Game Master uddannelse i Manchester,

hvor spillet er udviklet og kører. Målet er at komme hjem til DK og afvikle nogle spil i danske byer. Attending Game Ma-ster course – preparing to run The

Futre City Game in cities in Denmark.

UNGwelt workshop30 unge skal arbejde med indhold i et nyt ung-

domshus (lokalerne er fundet). Produktet bliver en række posters, der skal præsenteres for politikerne

inden beslutningen om renovering tages. Workshop on ideas for events and content for a new haven/

place/house for young kids.

Have fun


SoulfightersIgniting creative potential - since 1962

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SoulfightersIgniting creative potential - since 1962


utrecht workshop club managers

workshop club managers workshop club managers solution camp solution camp

workshop club managers workshop club managers workshop club managers

VizThink VizThink san francisco creative cities

creative cities

creative citiescreative cities

Page 14: Soulfighters Newsletter April 08

MISSIONTo design, visualize and execute processes, that helps organiza-

tions activate creative potential in people, to enhance the possibili-ties of innovation, well being and

generally making life more simple.

VISIONEvery voice is unique and

important. Soulfighters is all about connecting voices and having

ideas together. Ideas that can make a difference where ever we are.

Soulfighters / Glentevej 8DK-9900 Frederikshavn

call +45 23 23 01 [email protected]


Share ideas

Unlock creativity

Define ambition

Go for it

SOULFIGHTER LAB Knowledge center, meetingplace,

network and ideapool. Soulfighters are currently connected to musi-cians, management consultants,

change agents, illustrators, occu-pational therapists, designers, and

architects...more to come.

Soufighter products


Creative processes for large groups Event and management convergence


Idea-productionStrategy, innovation and campaign


Corporate identityDesign manuals and implementation

It’s all about people and visual methods as tools to

boost creativity, understand-ing and cooperation. Goal: Clever actions, that every-

one has taking part in creat-ing. Actions for better image,

organizational changes or production flow.

It’s all about ideas and how to inject creativity and guts in a workplace or project.

We say: Make a change with a strategy that’s visual and understandable for every-one. Draw your future, and

you will be able to communicate it and make it


It’s all about image. When we know where to go, turn-

ing words and intentions into dead on visual signals is crucial. To make a mark that stands out, tells a story and communicates all the right emotions - don’t we just all

want that?

MISSIONTo design, visualize and execute processes, that helps organiza-

tions activate creative potential in people, to enhance the possibili-ties of innovation, well being and

generally making life more simple.

VISIONEvery voice is unique and

important. Soulfighters is all about connecting voices and having

ideas together. Ideas that can make a difference where ever we are.

Soulfighters / Glentevej 8DK-9900 Frederikshavn

call +45 23 23 01 [email protected]


Share ideas

Unlock creativity

Define ambition

Go for it

SOULFIGHTER LAB Knowledge center, meetingplace,

network and ideapool. Soulfighters are currently connected to musi-cians, management consultants,

change agents, illustrators, occu-pational therapists, designers, and

architects...more to come.

Soufighter products


Creative processes for large groups Event and management convergence


Idea-productionStrategy, innovation and campaign


Corporate identityDesign manuals and implementation

It’s all about people and visual methods as tools to

boost creativity, understand-ing and cooperation. Goal: Clever actions, that every-

one has taking part in creat-ing. Actions for better image,

organizational changes or production flow.

It’s all about ideas and how to inject creativity and guts in a workplace or project.

We say: Make a change with a strategy that’s visual and understandable for every-one. Draw your future, and

you will be able to communicate it and make it


It’s all about image. When we know where to go, turn-

ing words and intentions into dead on visual signals is crucial. To make a mark that stands out, tells a story and communicates all the right emotions - don’t we just all

want that?

MISSIONTo design, visualize and execute processes, that helps organiza-

tions activate creative potential in people, to enhance the possibili-ties of innovation, well being and

generally making life more simple.

VISIONEvery voice is unique and

important. Soulfighters is all about connecting voices and having

ideas together. Ideas that can make a difference where ever we are.

Soulfighters / Glentevej 8DK-9900 Frederikshavn

call +45 23 23 01 [email protected]


Share ideas

Unlock creativity

Define ambition

Go for it

SOULFIGHTER LAB Knowledge center, meetingplace,

network and ideapool. Soulfighters are currently connected to musi-cians, management consultants,

change agents, illustrators, occu-pational therapists, designers, and

architects...more to come.

Soufighter products


Creative processes for large groups Event and management convergence


Idea-productionStrategy, innovation and campaign


Corporate identityDesign manuals and implementation

It’s all about people and visual methods as tools to

boost creativity, understand-ing and cooperation. Goal: Clever actions, that every-

one has taking part in creat-ing. Actions for better image,

organizational changes or production flow.

It’s all about ideas and how to inject creativity and guts in a workplace or project.

We say: Make a change with a strategy that’s visual and understandable for every-one. Draw your future, and

you will be able to communicate it and make it


It’s all about image. When we know where to go, turn-

ing words and intentions into dead on visual signals is crucial. To make a mark that stands out, tells a story and communicates all the right emotions - don’t we just all

want that?

Illustrations by:Takanori YasakaRon TinerRobbi RodriguezKarl MolineTardi

MISSIONTo design, visualize and execute processes, that helps organiza-

tions activate creative potential in people, to enhance the possibili-ties of innovation, well being and

generally making life more simple.

VISIONEvery voice is unique and

important. Soulfighters is all about connecting voices and having

ideas together. Ideas that can make a difference where ever we are.

Soulfighters / Glentevej 8DK-9900 Frederikshavn

call +45 23 23 01 [email protected]


Share ideas

Unlock creativity

Define ambition

Go for it

SOULFIGHTER LAB Knowledge center, meetingplace,

network and ideapool. Soulfighters are currently connected to musi-cians, management consultants,

change agents, illustrators, occu-pational therapists, designers, and

architects...more to come.

Soufighter products


Creative processes for large groups Event and management convergence


Idea-productionStrategy, innovation and campaign


Corporate identityDesign manuals and implementation

It’s all about people and visual methods as tools to

boost creativity, understand-ing and cooperation. Goal: Clever actions, that every-

one has taking part in creat-ing. Actions for better image,

organizational changes or production flow.

It’s all about ideas and how to inject creativity and guts in a workplace or project.

We say: Make a change with a strategy that’s visual and understandable for every-one. Draw your future, and

you will be able to communicate it and make it


It’s all about image. When we know where to go, turn-

ing words and intentions into dead on visual signals is crucial. To make a mark that stands out, tells a story and communicates all the right emotions - don’t we just all

want that?

SoulfightersIgniting creative potential - since 1962


Det handler først og fremmest om mennesker.

Med PLAY introducerer Soulfighters visuelle

metoder, der får kreativiteten og samarbej-

det frem i folk. Vi tager altid udgangspunkt

i konkrete udfordringer fra hverdagen. Og vi

skaber altid konkrete resultater.

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