SOTuser Licence: My Life x10 Dr Michael Hewitt-Gleeson, Principal e: [email protected] w: schoolofthinking.org w: x10thinking.com

SOTuser Eric Bienstock copyschoolofthinking.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Offer-Document.pdfIt's a lot easier to organize emails than paper. Lessons can be accessed ... schoolofthinking.org/2016/09/vcci-x10/!

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SOTuser Licence: My Life x10  

Dr Michael Hewitt-Gleeson, Principal e: [email protected]

w: schoolofthinking.org w: x10thinking.com



Page 2: SOTuser Eric Bienstock copyschoolofthinking.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Offer-Document.pdfIt's a lot easier to organize emails than paper. Lessons can be accessed ... schoolofthinking.org/2016/09/vcci-x10/!

















My Life x10 – User Licence


Who in their right mind would multiply their life by ten?


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My Life x10 - User Licence


You. If you could you would do it, too!


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My Life x10 – User Licence

What would it take for you to do such a thing?

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“Because lateral thinking is ten times faster than logical thinking!” - Michael Hewitt-Gleeson






























My Life x10 - User Licence

Less than ten minutes a day! Every day!


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My Life x10 – User Licence

My Life x10 … multiply my life by ten!  






Multiply my brainpower by ten!

Multiply my business decision skills by ten! Multiply my lateral thinking skills by ten!

This career strategy will create value in ten ways: • My Life x10 accelerates speed of thought

• My Life x10 accelerates speed of change

• My Life x10 sustains a higher level of employee engagement

• My Life x10 sustains a higher level of customer engagement

• My Life x10 raises profit and financial performance

• My Life x10 lowers the ratio of cost to income

• My Life x10 requires no cost of management time to operate

• My Life x10 requires no previous qualification to participate

• My Life x10 needs much less investment and cost of training

• My Life x10 is not only sustainable but also carbon neutral.


/07  My Life x10 – User Licence

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What is it?  








My Life x10 is like an insurance policy from School of Thinking (SOT) to help you cover the risk of failure in your career and life.

Competitive Advantage: To get that job, to get that promotion, to gain an advancement and to accelerate your career in today’s world you must have a competitive advantage. You must think faster, be more creative, manage change better and ride the waves of disruption better than ever before.

Brainpower: There is only one way to do this and that is to maximise your own personal brainpower. The software for your brain you learned at school is logic. It’s the right/wrong or black hat judgment software. It’s 2500 years old from the Greeks via the Roman missionaries and our education system. It’s excellent for judging the past but not nearly enough for designing the future. Lateral thinking is ten times faster than logical thinking!

Leadership: In today’s wired world people are led by WOMBATS. People are influenced by word of mouth, especially online. People buy and tell others who buy and tell others. WOMBATs. Word Of Mouth Buy And Tell. To be an influencer and a leader you will not only need the skills of lateral thinking but also the skills of lateral selling … W.O.M.B.A.T. selling. Wombat selling is ten times faster than logical selling!

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What does it do? Multiply your life by ten!  Intelligence is something we are born with. Thinking is a skill that must be learned. There are four good reasons why you should upgrade your brainpower with lateral thinking skills to multiply your life by ten:

Wealth: Better decisions = better bank balance

Your career, business, investment and commercial success is directly related to the quality of your decisions. Every day you make decisions that will either increase your wealth or decrease your wealth.

Health: Poorer choices = poorer health

Your physical, mental and emotional health cannot be separated from the pattern of choices you make. Every hour of every day you are designing your future. If your designs are weak your future cannot be strong.

Productivity: Faster strategies = faster results

The possibilities, options, strategies, tactics, pathways, networks and environments that are available for you to think about will either accelerate or inhibit your own personal productivity and results.

Security: Deeper thinking = deeper security

Your survival and growth, in a Darwinian sense, cannot be separated from how you make your decisions over time. If you don’t do your own thinking others will do it for you. These other people, institutions or authorities may not do it well, at all, or even in your best interests.

My Life x10 – User Licence

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Master of Lateral Thinking: School of Thinking (SOT) receives applications for the Master of Lateral Thinking degree, MLatTh(SOT). In 1979, SOT was the first in the world to create an academic degree in Lateral Thinking. To be considered no previous qualifications are required except the personal commitment to engage in the training for ten minutes a day … every day. It is a two-year program. Applications are received by email. The Online Training: There will be coursework, original research, value-creation and problem-solving business applications required for this leadership program. Like all SOT training, the MLatTh(SOT) program is 100% online. You can even do the training on your smartphone.

Using email since 1995, SOT has migrated the attention of students towards portable screens; away from deskbound and classroom screens. The school is in the cloud. All SOT lessons are conducted by email. 24/7/365, email is simply the No1 global business communication platform. SOT email lessons are easy to mailbox and can be stored safely, logically and reliably. It's a lot easier to organize emails than paper. Lessons can be accessed quickly and easily for study, thinking and review. SOT email allows students to work at their own speed, rather than under the pressure of a conference call or costly in-person meetings. Email is the superior training and productivity tool. Feedback from SOT shows students prefer email!

The Academic Method: School of Thinking follows the academic method of the very first universities where students were individually paired with outstanding tutors and were put to work on solving problems. In addition to coursework, SOT Masters students may earn credits for applied business or professional R&D projects showing evidence of mastery in Lateral Thinking.

MLatTh(SOT) is science-based and is not for everyone.







How does it work?


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My Life x10 – User Licence  






How will you enrol? BRAINUSER LICENCES: Every individual SOT user must have exactly one brainuser licence. The licence fee is $2880 annually (AUD). The Masters is a two-year program.  The SOT user licence includes all SOT tuition fees for the year. Applications are received by email. This licence also provides 24/7/365 access to the SOT experience which includes: 250 DFQs, the x10 Toolkit, Daily Lessons, TT Management, Weekly Lesson Management, DFQ Commentariat, Weekly Booster, Career Acceleration Program (CAP), Reports, Books, Articles, Original Content, Unlimited Online Training, Webinars and Live Events, Automatic Data Capture, Intelligent Follow-up Reminders, Email notifications, Short Term Targets, Long Term Sustainability, Real-time Reporting, Aspirational Rewards, Interactive Communications, Peer-2-Peer support.   At the School of Thinking (SOT) we teach thinking, selling and leadership skills to employees every day. The SOT Method for changing behaviour via email is stimulus and response. However, there are three BIG gateway problems to solve. The first gateway is attention. The second is engagement. The third is repetition. Few programs solve these problems: Attention. Nothing at all happens in the brain unless and until there is a capture of attention. Engagement. Attention is fleeting and needs to be sustained. This is the problem of engagement. Repetition. While there is the x10 potential of neuroplasticity in the brain the method for reinforcement or the replacement of patterns relies on the power of repetition. The daily email SOT Method has solved these three problems.


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My Life x10 – User Licence









There are BIG personal life and career benefits for each SOT member involved in My Life x10 training:

• Each SOT thinker receives his or her personalized x10 THINKING

lesson emailed every day, five days a week.

• Daily practice in lateral thinking, selling and leadership with the x10 Toolkit and software for their brain builds life skills and mastery.

• Employees learn new mind techniques, cognitive methods and

thought processes that enhance their intelligence for career, personal and family life bestowing on them a real competitive advantage.

• Building cognitive strength lengthens DNA telomeres and can keep

you healthier for longer, staving off some diseases for ageing.

• My Life x10 provides front-of-brain personalised attention and thought-leadership, encouragement and motivation.

• Daily mentoring helps each employee to search, think, analyse,

create and action highly focused and specific KPIs of their own choice. It is a unique system of world class personal development.


Why will you benefit?


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My Life x10 – User Licence  








What’s it worth? In a nutshell… Multiply my brainpower by ten! Multiply my business decision skills by ten!

Multiply my lateral thinking skills by ten! This career strategy will create value in ten ways:

• My Life x10 accelerates speed of thought

• My Life x10 accelerates speed of change

• My Life x10 sustains a higher level of employee engagement

• My Life x10 sustains a higher level of customer engagement

• My Life x10 raises the level of profit and financial performance

• My Life x10 lowers the ratio of cost to income

• My Life x10 requires no cost of management time to operate

• My Life x10 requires no previous qualification to participate

• My Life x10 requires much less investment and cost of training

• My Life x10 is not only sustainable but also carbon neutral

The ROI of My Life x10 is to meet and beat your 2017 goals faster and less expensively than 2016 by upgrading your brain software to x10 THINKING providing additional value that would not be there without the x10 Toolkit.


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The (x10 Thinking + x10 Selling) Toolkit

The GBB: How to Think Outside the Square: Good x10 Bad x 10 Better x 10

The FTI: Fire This Idea How To Solve the Wicked Problem of Innovation!

The x10: Multiply Your Life By Ten. How To Find Ten More Alternatives Than You Thought!

The TPF: How to See Ten Possible Futures. How To See Much Farther Into The Many Possible Futures!

The CPV: Escaping From Your Own Point-Of-View How To See The Customer’s Point of View.

The EFU: The Escape From Uncheck The EFU is the Real Physics of Business.


The DVR: What is the Real Value of x10 Thinking and x10 Selling? DVR = Dollarization. Valuation. Return.

The RPV stands for Replicator Point of View. The RPV Seeks to Answer: How do Customers Replicate?

The HWS: How to Show Proof of WOMBAT Selling.

My Life x10 – User Licence  






















Instructions: To multiply your selling by ten you first have to multiply your thinking by ten. Use the x10 Toolkit. There are ten tools and two switches. Start with the switches. Then there are 3,628,800 possible combinations of using these ten lateral thinking tools.

The x10 Thinking Switch cvs2bvs

The x10 Selling Switch uncheck2check x10

Page 14: SOTuser Eric Bienstock copyschoolofthinking.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Offer-Document.pdfIt's a lot easier to organize emails than paper. Lessons can be accessed ... schoolofthinking.org/2016/09/vcci-x10/!

Click on these links  

My Life x10 – User Licence  





For your due diligence on School of Thinking

What is the School of Thinking (SOT)? schoolofthinking.org/2017/03/what-is-the-school-of-thinking/

When was SOT founded in Australia? schoolofthinking.org/2017/03/the-founding-of-the-school-of-thinking-in-australia-in-1988/

Who is the online daily mentor?


Why ‘lateral thinking’? http://schoolofthinking.org/2017/03/4-reasons-for-lateral-thinking/

What do eminent thought-leaders say? tinyurl.com/l3vuw8v

What do employees say? SEEK x10 schoolofthinking.org/2015/11/seek-x10-decision-making/ Bendigo x10 schoolofthinking.org/2015/03/feedback-bendigo-bank-x10/ Reece x10 schoolofthinking.org/2015/04/feedback-reece-x10/ VCCI x10 schoolofthinking.org/2016/09/vcci-x10/


Page 15: SOTuser Eric Bienstock copyschoolofthinking.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Offer-Document.pdfIt's a lot easier to organize emails than paper. Lessons can be accessed ... schoolofthinking.org/2016/09/vcci-x10/!

My Life x10 – User Licence

Michael Hewitt-Gleeson is acknowledged as the ‘Father of x10 Thinking’ and the author of The x10 Memeplex: multiply your business by ten! (Prentice Hall 2000).































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WIRED Magazine, Cover Story Feb 2013: “ Larry Page lives by the gospel of 10x.

Most companies would be happy to improve a product by 10 percent. Not the CEO and cofounder of Google. The way Page sees it, a 10 percent improvement means that you’re basically doing the same thing as everybody else. That’s why Page expects his employees to create products and services that are 10 times better than the competition.”

My Life x10 – User Licence  






























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What the wombats say about x10 Jack Welch Chairman of GE (1981-2001): I wish I had a management team that really understood Michael’s x10 thinking because It’s the value-added role in the management process. Sir Gus Nossal AC FRS, Chairman of the Gates Foundation’s Discovery Expert Group: I like its simplicity and its directness.I like the facets of humour. I like the design which makes it so easy to read. Andrew Bassat CEO and co-founder of SEEK: I’ve gone through it on my iphone as suggested. Lots of interesting thoughts. Professor David Penington AC, former Vice-Chancellor, University of Melbourne: Commendably sharp and pointed. Easy to read.

My Life x10 – User Licence  





























Maria Deveson Crabbe Telstra Business Woman – Community and Government, 2014: So exciting. if we could de-operationalise bad philosophy we would abound with a lot of x10 energy for fun and work-life balance. Peter Dale CEO of Volgren Marco Polo, Australia’s largest bus manufacturer: x10 is truly such a great concept. Easy to understand, punchy and fresh! Professor German Spangenberg Executive Director of AgriBio Victoria: I loved it! I couldn’t stop opening the file and reading it to the end on my iPad! Ross Campbell Principal RCA Crisis Management: Slamdunk! What good timing for this. Very relevant values for the current market players who are confused and concerned.


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Dr Michael Hewitt-Gleeson, Principal e: [email protected]

w: schoolofthinking.org w: x10thinking.com