Sonography of the Acute Abdomen in the Pediatric Patient Diane S. Babcock, MD Objective. To review the causes and sonographic appearance of pathologic processes that result in abdominal pain in the pediatric patient and to understand the use and limitations of abdominal sonography in the acute pediatric abdomen. Methods. A pictorial review of cases is presented. Results. Sonography in conjunction with color and pulsed Doppler imaging is a valuable tool in the evaluation of the acute abdomen in the pediatric patient. This article reviews the use of sonography in the evaluation of the acute abdomen in the pediatric patient. Conclusions. The causes of the acute abdomen in children vary depending on the ages of the children. Sonography is a noninvasive modality and is useful for assessing these patients. Key words: abdominal pain; acute abdomen; pediatric sonography. Received May 10, 2002, from the Department of Radiology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio. Manuscript accepted for publication May 13, 2002. Address correspondence and reprint requests to Diane S. Babcock, MD, Department of Radiology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, 3333 Burnet Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039. Abbreviations GI, gastrointestinal he causes of the acute abdomen in children vary depending on the ages of the children and can be divided into diseases that can be treated with medical care and those in which emergency sur- gical intervention must be considered. 1 The role of diag- nostic imaging is to determine whether the acute abdominal pain is due to a surgically or medically treated disease and if possible to diagnose the exact nature of the ailment. Imaging usually begins with a supine and hori- zontal beam radiograph. A chest radiograph is also com- monly included to show extra-abdominal causes of acute abdominal pain such as pneumonia. Because of the non- invasive nature of sonography and its sensitivity in find- ing the common lesions producing acute abdominal disease, it is often the next imaging procedure performed. Doppler sonography is helpful for assessing organ perfu- sion and diagnosing inflammation. © 2002 by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine • J Ultrasound Med 21:887–899, 2002 • 0278-4297/02/$3.50 T Review Article

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Sonography of the Acute Abdomenin the Pediatric Patient

Diane S. Babcock, MD

Objective. To review the causes and sonographic appearance of pathologic processes that result inabdominal pain in the pediatric patient and to understand the use and limitations of abdominalsonography in the acute pediatric abdomen. Methods. A pictorial review of cases is presented.Results. Sonography in conjunction with color and pulsed Doppler imaging is a valuable tool in theevaluation of the acute abdomen in the pediatric patient. This article reviews the use of sonographyin the evaluation of the acute abdomen in the pediatric patient. Conclusions. The causes of theacute abdomen in children vary depending on the ages of the children. Sonography is a noninvasivemodality and is useful for assessing these patients. Key words: abdominal pain; acute abdomen;pediatric sonography.

Received May 10, 2002, from the Department ofRadiology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital MedicalCenter, Cincinnati, Ohio. Manuscript accepted forpublication May 13, 2002.

Address correspondence and reprint requests toDiane S. Babcock, MD, Department of Radiology,Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, 3333Burnet Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039.

AbbreviationsGI, gastrointestinal

he causes of the acute abdomen in children varydepending on the ages of the children and can bedivided into diseases that can be treated withmedical care and those in which emergency sur-

gical intervention must be considered.1 The role of diag-nostic imaging is to determine whether the acuteabdominal pain is due to a surgically or medically treateddisease and if possible to diagnose the exact nature of theailment. Imaging usually begins with a supine and hori-zontal beam radiograph. A chest radiograph is also com-monly included to show extra-abdominal causes of acuteabdominal pain such as pneumonia. Because of the non-invasive nature of sonography and its sensitivity in find-ing the common lesions producing acute abdominaldisease, it is often the next imaging procedure performed.Doppler sonography is helpful for assessing organ perfu-sion and diagnosing inflammation.

© 2002 by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine • J Ultrasound Med 21:887–899, 2002 • 0278-4297/02/$3.50


Review Article

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The Acute Abdomen in the Neonate

Premature NeonateNecrotizing enterocolitis is a serious abdominaldisorder of premature neonates, which mostoften affects the terminal ilium and ascendingcolon. Clinical symptoms include abdominaldistention and hematochezia as well as apnea,acidosis, temperature instability, and lethargy.Diagnosis is usually made on the basis of abdom-inal radiographs showing pneumatosis, a thick-walled bowel, free air, and portal venous air.Sonography may be useful when perforation andabscess formation are suspected.2 The examina-tion can be performed portably in the neonatalintensive care unit with excellent resolution ofbowel anatomic characteristics when high-frequency (7- to 10-MHz) transducers are used.Mural thickening of the terminal ilium andascending colon may be shown. Free intra-abdominal fluid containing echogenic debris(Fig. 1) or a loculated right lower quadrant masssuggests perforation and abscess formation.Portal venous gas may be visualized as well.

Full-Term NeonateCongenital intestinal obstruction is the mostcommon condition producing a distended andtender abdomen in an irritable neonate. A para-lytic ileus caused by septicemia must also beconsidered in the differential diagnosis.

Diagnosis of obstruction is usually made byplain radiographs and contrast studies. Sonog-raphy can be helpful in the diagnosis of small-bowel obstruction particularly in the gaslessabdomen by confirming the presence and loca-tion of distended, fluid-filled bowel loops (Fig.2).3 Malrotation can be suggested when thepositions of the superior mesenteric artery andvein are reversed (Fig. 3).4

The Acute Abdomen in the Infant

After the neonatal period, a different set of dis-eases produces the acute abdomen. Intus-susception is particularly common in the1-month to 2-year age group. A strangulatedinguinal hernia, complicated Meckel divertic-ulum, and malrotation with volvulus are sur-gically treated causes. Appendicitis is lesscommon in this age group than in the olderchild but can occur. Non–surgically treatedcauses, including primary peritonitis, colic,and gastroenteritis, are more common andmust be differentiated.

Ileocolic intussusception with invagination ofthe ileum through the ileocecal valve into thecolon occurs predominately in the first 2 yearsof life. Pathologic lead points such as lym-phoma and gastrointestinal (GI) duplicationshould be considered in children older than 3years. The diagnosis and nonsurgical reduction

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Figure 1. Premature neonate with necrotizing enterocolitis, bowel per-foration, and a gasless abdomen. A, Supine radiograph shows paucity ofbowel gas. B, Transverse abdominal scan shows free intra-abdominalfluid (A).



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of intussusception is generally performed withair, barium, or water-soluble contrast materialunder fluoroscopic guidance.5 Sonographicallyguided hydrostatic reduction of intussuscep-tion has been described by Riebel et al6 andrecommended because of a substantial reduc-tion in radiation exposure. Intussusceptioncan be recognized on sonography by visualiza-tion of a mass with a typical “target” appear-ance on a cross section, due to multiple layersof bowel, and a pseudokidney appearance onlongitudinal scans (Fig. 4).7 Negative sono-graphic findings can exclude intussusceptionwith near 100% accuracy, enabling selection ofthose patients in need of enemas.8 Dopplersonography can be used to evaluate bowelischemia and risk of perforation. Ischemicbowel,9 entrapped fluid,10 and interlooplymphadenopathy11 make successful reduc-tion less likely. Fluoroscopically guided reduc-tion with air insufflation is preferred in NorthAmerica.

An inguinal hernia may incarcerate and appearas an acute abdomen. Sonography of the scro-tum and inguinal area may be used to confirmthe diagnosis (Fig. 5). The presence of bowelloops may be evident; however, the hernia maycontain omentum and may be difficult to diag-nose. Other abdominal structures such as theovary may herniate into the inguinal area andbecome entrapped (Fig. 6).

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Figure 2. Sonogram of a neonate with small-bowel obstruction.Asterisks indicate dilated fluid-filled bowel loops.



Figure 3. Malrotation. A, The positions of the superior mesentericartery (SMA; arrowhead) and vein (SMV; arrow) are reversed. B, Neonate with malrotation and midgut volvulus. Transverse scan ofthe upper abdomen shows an abnormal thick-walled bowel loop(arrows). C, Color Doppler image shows spiraling of superior mesenter-ic vessels.


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Figure 4. Intussusception. A, Radiograph shows dilated bowel and asoft tissue mass in the right upper quadrant (arrows). B, Longitudinalscan of the right upper quadrant shows the mass (arrows) with a targetappearance adjacent to the gallbladder (GB). C, Diagram of ileocolicintussusception. TI indicates terminal ileum. D, Color Doppler imageshows blood flow within the intussusception. E, Surgical specimen.



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The Acute Abdomen in the Child andAdolescent

Causes of abdominal pain in the child differfrom those in the infant, and acute appendicitisis the most common surgically treated condi-tion. The child, particularly the older child andteenager, can verbalize the location of the pain,thereby narrowing the differential diagnosis. Theimaging examination can be tailored to look forspecific diseases associated with the location ofthe pain.

Right Upper Quadrant PainGallbladder disease, hepatitis, pyelonephritis,renal colic, and acute hydronephrosis are sug-gested by right upper quadrant pain. Gallbladderdilatation can occur with sepsis or lack of enteralfeeding and may or may not be associated withpain. Gallbladder dilatation is suggested whenthe length of the gallbladder is greater than thenormal right kidney and when the diameter isgreater than 4 cm (Fig. 7). Acute acalculouscholecystitis occurs in children in associationwith septicemia, dehydration, streptococcalinfections, and Kawasaki disease. Sonographyshows gallbladder wall thickening and ten-derness when scanning over the gallbladder(Fig. 8).

Cholelithiasis can occur in children. Pre-disposing diseases include hemolytic anemia,cystic fibrosis, metabolic disease, liver disease,malabsorption before orthopedic surgery, and

others (Fig. 9).12 Gallbladder sludge may beshown with lack of enteral feeding or diuretictherapy and often clears when the patientreturns to a normal diet.

Hepatitis and pyelonephritis are diagnosed onthe basis of clinical symptoms, blood tests, andurinalysis. Imaging is often unnecessary. Renaldiseases such as acute dilatation caused by cal-culous disease or obstruction at the ureteral-pelvic junction can cause an acute abdomen,and sonographic examination shows dilatationof the collecting system (Fig. 10).

Left Upper Quadrant PainDisorders of the spleen such as splenomegalyand torsion or renal disorders such aspyelonephritis, hydronephrosis, and renal coliccan cause left upper quadrant pain. Withsplenic torsion, sonography shows an abnor-mal location of the spleen in the mid or lowerabdomen (Fig. 11) and decreased flow onDoppler imaging. Enlargement of the spleen issuggested when the lower pole extends belowthe ribs. Splenic infarction may occur, especial-ly in sickle cell disease, and may show abnor-mal echogenicity or areas of abnormalperfusion on Doppler imaging (Fig. 12).13

Abdominal pain in the epigastrium can resultfrom pancreatic disease and, less commonly,from gastric and duodenal ulcers. Causes ofpancreatitis in children include blunt abdomi-nal trauma, infection, drug toxicity, biliary-pan-creatic tract anomalies, and others. With acute

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Figure 5. Inguinal hernia. Longitudinal scan of the right scrotum andinguinal area shows normal testes (T) with hydrocele. A bowel loop(arrowheads) containing air is also shown. Note the typical appearanceof bowel wall with 5 layers.

Figure 6. Hernia containing ovary. Longitudinal view of the inguinal areashows the ovary (Ov) containing small follicles. Arrows indicate theinguinal canal.

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Figure 8. Acalculous cholecystitis. Longitudinal view of the right upperabdomen shows a large gallbladder (GB) with a thick wall and echogenicdebris.

Figure 9. Gallstones. Longitudinal view of gall bladder shows echogenicfilling defects (arrows) and acoustic shadowing (S).

Figure 10. Pyelonephrosis with ureteral-pelvic junction in a 14-year-oldpatient with fever and costovertebral angle pain. Longitudinal sonogramof the right kidney shows marked hydronephrosis with echogenic mate-rial within the collecting system (C).

pancreatitis, the pancreas may be enlarged andabnormally hypoechoic. The pancreatic ductmay be dilated (Fig. 13). However, it should becautioned that a child’s pancreas is normally rel-atively larger and less echogenic than an adult’spancreas (Fig. 14). Fluid collection (pseudo-cysts) can form around the pancreas, particular-ly adjacent to the tail (Fig. 15).14 Althoughsonographic findings in ulcer disease have beendescribed, the diagnosis is usually made on thebasis of contrast upper GI studies.

Right Lower Quadrant PainAcute appendicitis is the most common acutesurgically treated ailment in infants and chil-dren and usually presents as pain localized tothe lower right quadrant. The diagnosis canoften be made on the basis of a physical exam-ination and elevated white blood cell count.Imaging is used in atypical or uncertain cases.Plain film radiography is useful if an appendi-colith is visualized but may show a normalappearance in about half of cases.15 Theappendix can be directly visualized by sonog-raphy with graded compression of the right

Figure 7. Image from a 7-year-old patient with Kawasaki disease and gall-bladder hydrops. Longitudinal view of right upper abdomen shows a largegallbladder (GB) measuring 11.4 cm, larger than the adjacent right kidney(arrows).

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lower abdomen. Overall sensitivity of 85% andspecificity of 92% have been reported.16

Computed tomography is used in largepatients who are not good candidates forsonography and when sonography is notdefinitive.

The inflamed appendix is recognized as asausage-shaped, blind-ended structure onlongitudinal images and as a target lesion ontransverse images (Fig. 16). An appendix thatis greater than 6 mm in diameter and non-compressible suggests acute appendicitis.Indistinctness of the layers, periappendicealfluid collection (Fig. 17), and echogenic sur-

rounding mesentery may also be shown.Identification of a normal appendix less than 6 mm in diameter makes the diagnosis ofappendicitis very unlikely. The normalappendix is not always visualized, however.Doppler imaging may aid in the diagnosis,because the acutely inflamed appendix showsincreased flow compared with normalbowel.16

Inflammatory bowel disease and gynecolog-ic disorders may also cause pain in the rightlower quadrant, and sonography is particular-ly useful in girls to distinguish appendicealdisease from gynecologic disorders.

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Figure 11. Splenic torsion in a 9-year-old patient with abdominal pain. Transverse (A) and longitudinal (B) sonograms of the abdomen show a low posi-tion of the spleen (Spl) in the left midabdomen. No perfusion was present.


Figure 12. Splenic infarct in a patient with abdominal pain who had a liver transplant. A, Longitudinal sonogram shows an enlarged spleen (Spl) withminimally heterogenous echogenicity. B, Power Doppler sonogram shows decreased perfusion (*) throughout the lower pole.


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Midabdominal PainBowel obstruction, malrotation with volvulus,and intussusception can cause midabdominalpain. These disorders are best diagnosed onplain film radiography (Fig. 3) and contrast stud-ies of the GI tract. Hemorrhage into the bowelwall can occur in bleeding disorders such asHenoch-Schönlein purpura and can result inthick-walled bowel loops on sonography. Small-bowel intussusceptions, which are visible on

sonography, can also develop in these patients.The finding of unusual-appearing masses andhematoma in patients without bleeding disor-ders should raise the possibility of hematomafrom child abuse (Fig. 18).17

Mesenteric adenitis from a variety of infections,usually viral, can be associated with abdominalpain.18 Sonography shows enlarged mesentericlymph nodes (Fig. 19) and can exclude other con-ditions such as an inflamed appendix.

Acute dilatation of the renal pelvis (hydro-nephrosis) can produce abdominal pain, whichmay be noted in the midabdomen. Theobstruction is usually at the ureteropelvic junc-tion. Sonography may be used to exclude thisdiagnosis.

Gynecologic DisordersAcute abdominal pain can be caused by gyneco-logic disorders, particularly in adolescent girls.Right-sided disorders may cause symptomssimilar to acute appendicitis and may be dif-ficult to differentiate clinically. Disordersinclude hemorrhagic ovarian cysts, ovariantorsion, pelvic inflammatory disease orabscess, ectopic pregnancy, and, infrequently,endometriosis.19 Sonography is useful in show-ing the normal or abnormal ovary and uterus,abnormal fluid collections, and masses.Follicles are commonly shown in the pediatricovary. Hemorrhage into a follicular cyst is shownas an ovarian mass with no internal flow (Fig. 20).

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Figure 13. Acute pancreatitis in a 10-year-old patient with abdominal pain.Transverse sonogram shows a mildly enlarged pancreas with a dilated pancreaticduct (arrow).

Figure 14. Normal pancreas. A, Transverse scan in a child shows normal pancreas (P) echogenicity, equal to that of the liver. B, The normal adult pan-creas is relatively smaller and more echogenic.


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It may be difficult to distinguish from a torsednormal ovary, which also appears as a mass withno or diminished flow (Fig. 21).20

Non–Surgically Treated DisordersAbdominal pain in the child can be caused bynon–surgically treated disorders, includinggastroenteritis, primary peritonitis, and con-stipation (Fig. 22). A common syndrome ischronic recurrent abdominal pain of a func-tional nature. The pain is recurrent and maybe severe, usually located in the periumbilicalor epigastric region. Physical examinations,laboratory studies, and imaging examinationsare unrevealing. Sonography can be used torule out other organic causes of abdominalpain, and negative examination findings maybe reassuring to the family.21

Referred PainCauses of referred pain that may appear as anacute abdomen include diseases of the spineand chest and metabolic diseases such as sicklecell anemia. Other diseases should be suspect-ed if abdominal imaging findings are negative.Pneumonia involving the lower lobes mayoccasionally be diagnosed on the basis ofsonography by serendipitous visualization ofan abnormal nonaerated lung above thediaphragm (Fig. 23).

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Figure 15. Pancreatic pseudocyst. Transverse scan shows a mildly enlarged pan-creas (P) with loculated fluid collection (Cy) adjacent to the tail.

Figure 16. Appendicitis in a 9-year-old patient with right lower quadrant pain. A, Sonogram of the right lower quadrant shows a dilated, noncom-pressible, fluid-filled appendix (arrows) measuring 1.5 cm. The adjacent mesentery (M) is inflamed and echogenic. B, Pathologic specimen of theinflamed appendix.


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Sonography continues to be an effective modalityfor evaluating the acute abdomen in the pedi-atric patient. The cause of the acute abdomenvaries depending on the age of the child. Imaging

usually begins with a supine and horizontalbeam radiograph. Because it uses nonionizingradiation and is noninvasive, sonography is oftenthe next imaging procedure performed. In thisreview, we have presented the sonographic find-ings of the most common pathologic entities.

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Figure 17. Appendicitis with perforation in a 9-year-old patient with a 5-day history of abdominal pain. A, Sonogram shows a right lower quadrantmass with a dilated appendix (A) having indistinct margins and adjacent hypoechoic fluid collections (arrows). B, Color Doppler sonogram showsincreased blood flow in the inflamed appendix (A).


Figure 18. Hematoma in 3-year-old patient with abdominal pain andnonaccidental trauma. A, Transverse sonogram of the right upperabdomen shows a heterogeneous mass (M) adjacent to the duodenum.B, Upper GI image shows a narrow duodenal channel with intramuralhematoma.



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Figure 20. Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst in an adolescent patient with right lower abdominal pain. A, Transverse sonogram shows an enlarged right ovarywith a heterogeneous mass (arrows). B, Color Doppler sonogram shows blood flow in ovarian tissue around the periphery of the mass.


Figure 19. Mesenteric adenitis in a 9-year-old patient with right lower quadrant pain. A, Sonogram shows multiple oval mesenteric masses consistentwith enlarged lymph nodes (A). B, Color Doppler sonogram shows typical hilar blood vessel in enlarged lymph node.


Figure 21. Ovarian torsion in a 3-year-old patient with lower abdominal pain. A, Pelvic color Doppler sonogram shows an enlarged ovary (Ov) with nocentral blood flow. Vessels are shown in ligaments adjacent to ovary. Free fluid in the pelvis (F) is also shown. B, Pathologic specimen of the torsed ovarycontaining a hemorrhagic cyst.

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