R. Stearley Jan. 2015 SOME PROMINENT BENCHMARKS IN THE 20TH-CENTURY REVIVAL OF FLOOD GEOLOGY AND ATIENDANT CONTROVERSY -with some emphasis on Calvin College events. --For the single most-complete review of the revival of Deluge Geology, see Ronald Numbers, The Creationists, 2nd ed. 2006 --This document focuses on the revival of Flood Geology and does not attempt to incorporate the history ofthe Intelligent Design ("ID") movement ... O. 1874: John William Draper publishes History of the Conflict Between Science and Religion; 1896: Andrew Dickinson White publishes A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom. 1. 19-teens: The Fundamentals published. James Orr contributes article on "Science and Christian Faith" to Vol. 4; "day-age" harmonization scheme emphasized. 2. 1923: George McCready Price (7th-Day Adventist; 1870-1963) publishes The New Geology, which attacks biostratigraphy and mainstream geology. Price publishes several books during his long life and teaches at diverse Adventist colleges. 3. 1925: John Scopes prosecuted in Dayton, TN for supposedly teaching evolution in a public school in Tennessee. Prosecutor, William Jennings Bryan, agrees to be put on the witness stand and is ridiculed by defense lawyer, Clarence Darrow. Bryan dies a few weeks after the trial. 4. 1931: Byron Nelson (Lutheran; 1893-1972) publishes The Deluge Story in Stone. 5. 1941: American Scientific Affiliation founded by evangelicals of diverse opinions on geochronology. One of the founders is Jack Van Haitsma, biologist, from Calvin College. F. Alton Everest serves as its first president, from 1941-1951. 6. By late 1940's: J. Lawrence Kulp, Christian geochemist at Columbia Univ., has convinced many scientists in the ASA that the Earth is old. Splinter groups favoring Flood Geology begin to form. 7. 1946: Harold Clark, protege of G.M. Price, publishes The New Diluvialism. Although written from a recent creation perspective, accepted the reality of order to the fossil record and aroused ire of Price.

some prominent benchmarks in the 20th-century

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Page 1: some prominent benchmarks in the 20th-century


--For the single most-complete review of the revival of Deluge Geology, see Ronald Numbers, The Creationists, 2nd ed. 2006

--This document focuses on the revival of Flood Geology and does not attempt to incorporate the history ofthe Intelligent Design ("ID") movement ...

O. 1874: John William Draper publishes History of the Conflict Between Science and Religion;

1896: Andrew Dickinson White publishes A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom.

1. 19-teens: The Fundamentals published. James Orr contributes article on "Science and Christian Faith" to Vol. 4; "day-age" harmonization scheme emphasized.

2. 1923: George McCready Price (7th-Day Adventist; 1870-1963) publishes The New Geology,

which attacks biostratigraphy and mainstream geology. Price publishes several books during his long life and teaches at diverse Adventist colleges.

3. 1925: John Scopes prosecuted in Dayton, TN for supposedly teaching evolution in a public

school in Tennessee. Prosecutor, William Jennings Bryan, agrees to be put on the witness stand and is ridiculed by defense lawyer, Clarence Darrow. Bryan dies a few weeks after the trial.

4. 1931: Byron Nelson (Lutheran; 1893-1972) publishes The Deluge Story in Stone.

5. 1941: American Scientific Affiliation founded by evangelicals of diverse opinions on geochronology. One of the founders is Jack Van Haitsma, biologist, from Calvin College.

F. Alton Everest serves as its first president, from 1941-1951.

6. By late 1940's: J. Lawrence Kulp, Christian geochemist at Columbia Univ., has convinced

many scientists in the ASA that the Earth is old. Splinter groups favoring Flood Geology begin to form.

7. 1946: Harold Clark, protege of G.M. Price, publishes The New Diluvialism. Although written

from a recent creation perspective, accepted the reality of order to the fossil record and aroused ire of Price.

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8. 1948: John DeVries, chemist of Calvin College, publishes Beyond the Atom. Discusses antiquity of the universe. Diverse reactions within the Christian Reformed Church.

9. 1954: Bernard Ramm, Baptist theologian, publishes classic, The Christian View of Science and Scripture. Takes harmonization stance and rejects the Flood Geology of Price et al.

10. 1958: Jan Lever, Professor of Zoology at the Free University of Amsterdam, publishes

Creation and Evolution; examining evidences for life's genealogy and mechanisms; advocates strongly providentialistic view of the course of Earth and life history.

11. 1958: Seventh-Day Adventist Church founds the Geoscience Research Institute (GRI) at Andrews University, Niles, Michigan. Early directors included Frank Lewis Marsh, biologist, and Richard Ritland, paleontologist.

--eventually, the GRI is relocated on campus of Loma Linda University, California.

--patient, credible work accomplished by staff: Ariel Roth, Leonard Brand, et al.

12. 1959: Russell Mixter, biology professor at Wheaton College, edits, Evolution and Christian Thought Today. Its several authors reject Flood Geology.

13. 1961: The Genesis Flood, by Henry Morris and John Whitcomb published. --Landmark volume in the revival of Flood Geology.

14. 1963: The Creation Research Society (CRS) founded by 10 scientists, including Calvin

biology professor John Monsma; incorporated in Michigan.

--Society currently (2014) includes >1600 members.

--1964: the CRS begins to publish the Creation Science Research Quarterly

(CSRQ), one of the more scholarly journals devoted to Creation Science.

15. 1970: The Institute for Creation Research (ICR) founded by Henry Morris and Tim LaHaye,

in San Diego, California. Begins long struggle to operate a graduate school.

16. 1974: ICR publishes Scientific Creationism; a Flood Geology text with no Bible references,

for public school use.

17. 1977: Daniel Wonderly authors God's Time-Records in Ancient Sediments.

Davis Young authors Creation and the Flood. Both volumes provide strong evidence against Flood Geology.

18. 1978: Carl Wieland, Australian M.D., founds magazine, Creation.

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19. 1980: Answers in Genesis (AiG) founded in Australia, from merger of 2 smaller Creationist organizations. Ken Ham, high-school science teacher, becomes its main spokesperson.

--In 1987, Carl Wieland becomes managing director.

20. 1980: Walter Brown, Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from MIT and on staff of u.s. Air Force Academy, retires, establishes the Center for Scientific Creationism (CSC), headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona.

--Brown authors book, In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood Now in 8th edition and downloadable; you can also purchase a hardbound copy.

--in correspondence with Dave Young & me, Brown reveals himself as a very charitable and considerate Christian. Tops as a person but I disagree with him!

21. 1981: ICR is granted accreditation for its graduate school; begins to offer M.S. programs.

22. 1982: Davis Young authors Christianity and the Age of the Earth, critiquing Flood Geology. (Young had earlier authored Creation and the Flood (1977).

--Henry Morris responds with short volume, Science, Scripture, and the Young Earth, accusing Young (and others) of "compromising" and "aiding the enemy".

23. 1983: The National Center for Science Education (NCSE) is founded in Oakland,

California, by scientists concerned to counter the claims of Flood Geology and recent Creationism.

--1987: NCSE hires Eugenie Scott, physical anthropologist, as director. Scott becomes prominent speaker and author of anti-creationist material.

24. 1984: Howard Van Till, astronomer, Calvin College, authors The Fourth Day. The volume discusses stars, cosmology, and argues for an old universe.

25. 1986: Hugh Ross (astrophysicist at CalTech) and wife Kathy (English instructor) found

Reasons to Believe Ministries (tlRTB"; work out of office at Sierra Madre church. Ross becomes a prominent speaker to the southern California evangelical Christian community and comes under attack by ICR spokespersons.

26. 1987: Daniel Wonderly authors his second volume, Neglect of Geologic Data: Sedimentary Strata Compared with Young-Earth Creationist Writings. Volume accessible

online through website, Interdisciplinary Biblical Research Institute; and as a pdf from the American Scientific Affiliation.

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27. 1987: Ken Ham is delegated to the ICR from AiG; moves to U.S.A.

28. Late 1980's: Calvin College geologists (Young, Menninga) and astronomer (Van Till) ridiculed in full-page ads in Grand Rapids Press. Known as the "three professors".

--Synodical committee appointed to investigate.

[1986: Van Till, Young and Menninga had authored Science Held Hostage, (IVP Press); attempting to find a middle way between atheistic materialism and young-Earth creationism]

29. 1989: The Fingerprint of God by Hugh Ross published, advocating old-Earth creationism.

30. 1990: Van Till, Young, and Calvin Seminary Prof. John Stek publish Portraits of Creation.

31. 1991: CRC publishes Report 28, of the Committee to Study Creation and Science. Committee commends Calvin faculty; allows that that an old universe and Earth do not

conflict with Christian doctrine and specifically not with Christian Reformed creeds.

32. 1990: Meteorologist Michael J. Oard (now based in Montana) authors Ice Age Caused

by the Genesis Flood, published by the ICR. Oard begins long series of young-Earth interpretations of the Ice Age, including Frozen in Time (2004).

33. 1990's to today: ICR uses Grand Canyon as a major demonstrative project for Flood

Geology. --1994: ICR publishes Grand Canyon: Monument to Catastrophe.

34. 1991: Kent Hovind, with B.A. in religious education from Midwestern Baptist College and M.S. & Ph.D. degrees in Christian education from non-accredited Patriot University

in Colorado Springs, begins Creation Science Evangelism ministry.

--Eventually, Hovind styles himself "Dr. Dina" ...

35. 1994: Answers in Genesis U.S.A. (AiG USA) founded by Ken Ham.

36. 1995. Davis Young authors The Biblical Flood: A Case Study of the Church's Response to Extrabiblical Evidence.

37. 1998: "Dr. Dino" sets up web site, offers to debate anyone.

--Groups as diverse as AiG, Reasons to Believe, and Answers in Creation, all critique the arguments of Dr. Dina.

--2000: Hugh Ross debates Dr. Dina on the John Ankerberg Show.

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· .

38. 2001: Dr. Dino starts Dinosaur Adventure Land (DAL), a young-Earth creationist theme part, in Pensacola, Florida. Estimated profit> $1 million/yr. till 2004.

39. 2003: Answers in Creation, privately-operated website, found by Greg Neyman, "dedicated to sharing the Gospel and to supporting Christians who believe in an old

earth". By 2010, over 350,000 visitors to site. Site includes lots of criticisms of AiG, etc.

--Now titled Old Earth Ministries

40. 2003: Master Books publishes Grand Canyon: A Different View, written and compiled by Tom Vail, veteran Colorado River Guide. Excellent Grand Canyon photography, accompanied by commentaries by 23 young-Earth creationists. Enormous controversy

ensues when the book is included in U.S. National Parks visitor center gift shops.

41. 2005: Issues surrounding financial accountability of AiG U.S.A. cause the Australian,

Canadian, New Zealand, and S. African chapters of AiG to withdraw, and form a new organization, Creation Ministries International (CMI).

42. 2005: ICR publishes two volumes ofthe RATE project. Main conclusion: lots of radioactive decay has indeed occurred! ... This must have occurred during the Creation week or during the Flood.

43: 2006: ICR establishes the Henry Morris Center for Christian Leadership in Dallas, Texas.

--2007: ICR moves its headquarters to Dallas.

--2008: disappointment-Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board will not accredit its graduate school. [go online to www.icr.edu/soba to read statement regarding lack of accreditation]

44.2006: July: Dr. Dino and wife Joy charged with over 50 counts oftax evasion. His passport and guns seized. Convicted. January 2007: Hovind sentenced to

10 years in jail. June 2007: wife Joy sentenced to one year in jail (out of possible 225 years).

--2009: Courts rule that Dinosaur Adventure Land could be seized & sold to satisfy Dr. Dino's federal tax debts. DAL closed until further notice.

45. May 2007: AiG's 70,000 square foot Creation Museum in N. Kentucky, founded by Ken Ham and Mike Zovath, at cost of $30 million, opens for business.

--April 2010: visitorship hits the 1 million mark.

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46. November 2007: Geneticist Francis Collins, Director of Human Genome Project, founds the organization, BioLogos.

2008: Physicist Karl Giberson authors Saving Darwin: How to be a Christian and Believe in Evolution; accepts position as executive vice president of BioLogos

August, 2009: Collins appointed Director of the National Institutes of Health; resigns as director of BioLogos; shortly thereafter, Karl Giberson leaves.

Darrell Falk of Point Lorna Nazarene University becomes president of BioLogos; headquarters on campus of Point Lorna Nazarene University.

47. 2007: Faith Alive Christian Resources (CRC publisher) publishes Origins: Christian

Perspectives on Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design, by Calvin physics professors Loren and Deborah Haarsma. Revised Edition published 2011.

48. 2008: Reasons to Believe initiates a podcast, Science News Flash.

49. 2009: IVP publishes The Bible, Rocks and Time, by Davis Young and Ralph Stearley

50. 2009: ICR publishes 2-volume Earth's Catastrophic Past: Geology, Creation and the Flood, by Australian geologist Andrew A. Snelling, advertised as the long-awaited update to The

Genesis Flood.

51. 2010: AiG's Creation Museum, in tandem with spin-off for-profit Ark Encounter LLC, floats plan to build full-scale wood replica of Noah's Ark with theme park on grounds, with several hundred employees: "Ark Encounter". Controversy ensues when Kentucky

governor Steve Beshear announces support for tax incentives, based on estimated 1.6 million visitors per year and $214 million economic impact during first year of operation.

52. Summer 2011: Two Christian homeschool conferences remove Ken Ham from

speaker list for his uncharitable speaking style; Ham admonished. The Great Homeschool Convention's advisory board writes to Ham "Our Board believes Ken's

comments to be unnecessary, ungodly, and mean-spirited statements that are divisive at best and defamatory at worst."

53. 2012: Deborah Haarsma, physics professor at Calvin College, accepts directorship of BioLogos. Jeffrey Schloss of Westmont College becomes Senior Scholar.

54. 2015 Estimated publication date for Grand Canyon: Monument to an Ancient Earth. Edited by Carol Hill, Gregg Davidson, Wayne Ranney, Tim Helble.