Solicitation Letter DOH

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  • 7/25/2019 Solicitation Letter DOH


    Minerva P. Molon,MD,MPH


    Director IV



    I am Athena Dolina, the Class President of Second Year Section B from Dr. VicenteOrestes Edcational ondation" College of #a$ %DVOREF&. Or class has decidedto condct a 'Gift-Giving Activity( as a $a) of gi*ing +ac to societ) for all the+lessings $e ha*e recei*ed all throghot the )ear.

    -he +eneciaries that $e are going to hel/ this )ear are chosen stdents from Sto.0i1o Elementar) School, a school located at one of the northern +aranga)s of

    -aclo+an Cit). As /art of or gift"gi*ing acti*it), $e $old $ant to /ro*ide them $ithVitamin !"##lement!.

    In line $ith this, $e $old lie to re2est for 34 /ieces of Vitamin C s//lement$hich $ill +e gi*en to the said stdents dring or Gift"gi*ing acti*it).

    5e ho/e that )o tae this o//ortnit) to s//ort this e*ent.

    -han )o *er) mch!

    6es/ectfll) )ors,

    At$ena Dolina

    Class PresidentYear 3, Section BDVO6E"College of #a$