Solemnity of Mary: The Holy Mother of God, the Octave Day

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Page 2: Solemnity of Mary: The Holy Mother of God, the Octave Day

St. Vincent de Paul Elkhart, Indiana

Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God January 01, 2017

January 2, Monday— Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen,

Bishops and Doctors of the Church 7:00 am Gene Papa by Family January 3, Tuesday— The Most Holy Name of Jesus 7:00 am O�o Francesconi by Rosalia P. Mandis 6:00 pm (Sp.) Amado Quiroz Diaz by Family Gu$errez Quiroz January 4, Wednesday— Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Religious 5:30 pm Antonia Truex by Joseph Checchio January 5, Thursday— Saint John Neumann, Bishop 7:00am John Mandis, Jr. by Rosalia P. Mandis 2:00 pm Jim Piechowiak by Laura & Chris Yedkey January 6, Friday— Saint André Besse3e, Religious 7:00 am Memorial Mass League Inten$ons 10:30 am Hubbard Hill Mass January 7, Saturday— Saint Raymond of Penyafort 5:00 pm (Eng.) Mary Panico by Michael Garreffa 6:30 pm (Sp.) Dominga Lopez by Family Cruz Lopez January 8, Sunday— The Epiphany of the Lord 7:00 am Mary J. Rody Lawson by Doris L. Rody & Family 8:30 am Catherine Engledow by Ron Walter Family 11:00 am Anne Miller & All Souls of Purgatory by Amador Family 1:30 pm (Sp.) Dulce Maria by Parents & Godparents 3:30 pm (Sp.) Parish


Extra Ordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist

Saturday, January 7,

5:00 pm: D. Cosen$no, T. Roberts, G. Taylor, S. Thornburg, P. & P. Kile Sunday, January 8,

7:00 am: B. Swaller, D. Zimmerman, F. Howard 8:30 am: G. Kalil, L. Stevens, S. Asoera, J. Foy, P. Bloczynski, K. Schmidt, R. Jellison 11:00 am: G. & M. Mar$nez, O. Gomez, M. Shaw, B. Dubois, A. Mar$nez, 1 Volunteer

************************************************* .

Servers: Servidores

Saturday, January 7, 5:00 pm: Amitza Rodriguez, Montse Aguilar 6:30 pm: Eduardo DeSantos, Jose Guevara, Daniel Salazar, Jose Hernandez Sunday, January 8, 8:30 am: Izzy Samuels, Emilia Rocha, Madison Schmidt, Jane Doan 11:00 am: Vincent Massa, Abraham Zelaya, Preston S$mac, Sebas$an Zarco 1:30 pm: Mia Osoria, Abigail Agripino, Adriana Fuentes, Josy Juarez, Miridith Rodriguez 3:30 pm: Deyanira Chavez, Cecilia Mariano, Iztzel Mariano, Guadalupe Calderon, Sherlyn Garcia

The Week Ahead MONDAY, January 2: 3:00 pm Adora$on— Cancelled TUESDAY, January 3: 1:00 pm Food Pantry (PC) 7:00 pm Confessions WEDNESDAY, January 4: 5:45 pm SWCRHP (CR) 6:00 pm Misioneros (PC3) THURSDAY, January 5: 3:00 pm Adora$on—Chapel 6:00 pm Misioneros Forma$on (GSR) 6:30 pm RCIA (CR) 7:00 pm Youth Group (MPR) FRIDAY, January 6: 3:00 pm Adora$on—Chapel 7:00 pm K of C Rosary (C) SATURDAY, January 7: 8:30 am Confessions 9:00 am Spanish Bap$sm Prep Classes (VH) 3:30 pm Confessions SUNDAY, January 8: 9:00 am RCIA (CR/GSR/CLib) 9:35 am Religious Ed. 12:15 pm Religious Ed. 4:00 pm SWCRHP Mision (MPR) 4:00 pm SMCRHP Mision (CR) 4:00 pm SWCRHP Mision (MPR) 6:00 pm Misionero Ldrs (PC1)

PARISH SUPPORT Dec. 24 & Dec. 25

Amount needed weekly to meet current opera$on expenses………………..13,313.27 Amount Received ……………………………………….…….…………………………………..17,936.55

Thank You!

Chapel Schedule for the Holidays

January 2, 2017

Chapel Closed 2 de Enero, 2017

Capilla Cerrada

Readers Saturday, January 7,

5:00 pm: D. Wozniak P. Roberts

Sunday, January 8,

7:00 am: C. Brown C. Brown 8:30 am: S. Troncoso S. Samuels 11:00 am: B. Master N. DeMarco

Page 3: Solemnity of Mary: The Holy Mother of God, the Octave Day

Del Párroco

From the pastor, Christmas is not over! Nor is our $me of celebra$ng the joy of the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ into human flesh. The celebra$on of the Incarna$on, that God has come to visit us, con$nues throughout the year. We must con$nue to medi-tate on the incredible mystery of the coming of our Savior. Each year on January 1st as we begin a new civil year we celebrate this solemnity of Mary Mother of God and hear in the gospel of Luke that as she experienced the events of the birth of her Son that “Mary kept all these things, reflec$ng on them in her heart.” The same thing will be said of her in the same gospel at the $me twelve years later when they found the boy Jesus in the temple aOer he had be lost, she con$nued to reflect upon the events of salva$on history as they un-folded before her. We are called to follow this great example of the Blessed Virgin Mary and con$nue to reflect and meditate upon what the Lord has done by His coming in the flesh, and what He con$nues to do in our lives. We must be people of prayer. Like Mary who also hear the message of the angel with faith and acceptance of God’s plan. We must hear the Word or God, who is Jesus Christ Himself, and accept his gospel message with faith. We only truly become ourselves in Him who is the Word. Only when we allow ourselves to be caught up in the mystery of His love and plan for our lives. Faith in our God who comes to save us is not limited to a simple intellectual assent to an idea, but to allow the Word of God con$nually to draw us into a deeper rela$onship with Him. Follow the example of Mary! Be people who constantly throughout your lives prayerfully reflect upon God’s presence with us. For it is through entering into a more in$mate personal rela$onship with Him, the Word made flesh, that we become truly who we are, God’s children. Merry Christmas! May God bless you all! In Christ, Fr. Ma�hew

Del Párroco, ¡La Navidad no ha terminado! Tampoco el $empo de celebrar la alegría de la venida de nuestro Salvador Jesucristo en carne humana. La celebración de la Encarnación, que Dios ha venido a visitarnos, con$núa a lo largo del año. Debemos con$nuar meditando en el increíble misterio de la venida de nuestro Salvador. Cada año, el 1 de enero, cuando comenzamos un nuevo año civil, celebramos la solemnidad de María Madre de Dios y oímos en el evangelio de Lucas que al experimentar los acontecimientos del nacimiento de su Hijo, "María guardó todas estas cosas, reflexionando en su corazón". Lo mismo se dirá de ella en el mismo evangelio en ese $empo, doce años des-pués, cuando encontraron al niño Jesús en el templo después de que se había perdido, con$nuó reflexionando sobre los acontecimientos de la historia de la salvación como Se desplegaron ante ella. Estamos llamados a seguir este gran ejemplo de la SanZsima Virgen María y a seguir reflexionando y meditando sobre lo que el Señor ha hecho por Su venida y lo que Él con$núa haciendo en nuestras vidas. Debemos ser personas de oración. Como María, que también escucha el mensaje del ángel con fe y aceptación del plan de Dios. Debemos escuchar la Palabra o Dios, que es Jesucristo mismo, y aceptar su mensaje del evangelio con fe. Sólo nos conver$mos verdaderamente en El que es la Palabra. Sólo cuando nos dejamos atrapar en el misterio de Su amor y plan para nuestras vidas. La fe en nuestro Dios que viene a salvarnos no se limita a un simple asen$miento intelectual a una idea, sino a permi$r que la Palabra de Dios con$nuamente nos lleve a una relación más profunda con Él. ¡Sigue el ejemplo de María! Sean personas que constantemente a lo largo de sus vidas reflexionen con oración sobre la presencia de Dios con nosotros. Porque es a través de entrar en una relación personal más ín$ma con Él, el Verbo hecho carne, que llegamos a ser verdaderamente quienes somos, hijos de Dios. ¡Feliz Navidad! ¡Que dios los bendiga a todos! En Cristo, Padre Mateo

Page 4: Solemnity of Mary: The Holy Mother of God, the Octave Day

The Called and Gifted WorkshopThe Called and Gifted WorkshopThe Called and Gifted WorkshopThe Called and Gifted Workshop

As you contemplate the great gi? that we have in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, consider asking Him how he desires you to be

a gi? to others. One step in offering yourself to God in a new way might be discovering those supernatural giOs that you were given at Bap$sm and Confirma$on. The Called and Gi�ed Workshop was developed to assist serious Chris$ans in discerning those Charisms/

Supernatural Gi�s. God has given each person specific supernatural giOs called *Charisms* that are effec$ve and can be developed when they are iden$fied and exercised. Using these giOs brings a supernatural kind of joy and helps one to make sense of one’s life. It is life changing! *The Called and GiOed Workshop* is a one evening and one full day workshop that will help you to begin discerning your charisms. The workshop will entail listening to high quality pre-recorded talks from the workshop developer, Sherry Weddell, the author of the book, "Forming Inten�onal Disciples: The Path to Knowing and Following

Jesus," taking a 120 ques$on inventory (not a test) of your experiences in various situa$ons and then breaking up into small groups to share with and support one another. St. Vincent’s will host the workshop on Friday, January 20th from 7:00PM – 9:30PM and Saturday, January 21st from 8AM – 4:30PM. The cost of the workshop which will include materials, snacks, and lunch on Saturday is $35. Registra$ons will be accepted through Friday, January 13th . To register or to ask ques$ons please either email Lori Massa at [email protected] or call 293-8071 Ext. 310.

Readings for the Week of January 1, 2017

Sunday Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God

Nm 6:22-27; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Gal 4:4-7; Lk 2:16-21 Monday Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops and Doctors of the Church 1 Jn 2:22-28; Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4; Jn 1:19-28 Tuesday The Most Holy Name of Jesus

1 Jn 2:29—3:6; Ps 98:1, 3cd-4, 5-6; Jn 1:29-34 Wednesday Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Religious

1 Jn 3:7-10; Ps 98:1, 7-8, 9; Jn 1:35-42

Thursday Saint John Neumann, Bishop

1 Jn 3:11-21; Ps 100:1b-2, 3, 4, 5; Jn 1:43-51

Friday Saint André Besse3e, Religious

1 Jn 5:5-13; Ps 147: 12-13, 14-15, 19-20; Mk 1:7-11 or Lk 3:23-28 or 3:23, 31-34, 36, 38

Saturday Saint Raymond of Penyafort

1 Jn 5:14-21; Ps 149:1-2, 3-4, 5 and 6a and 9b; Jn 2:1-11 Sunday The Epiphany of the Lord

Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13; Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6; Mt 2:1-12

Lecturas por la Semana del 1 de Enero 2017

Domingo Solemnidad de María SanDsima, Madre de Dios

Nm 6, 22-27; Sal 66, 2-3. 5. 6 y 8; Gal 4, 4-7; Lc 2, 16-21 Lunes San Basilio Magno y San Gregorio Nacianzeno, Obispos y doctores de la Iglesia 1 Jn 2, 22-28; Sal 97, 1. 2-3ab. 3cd-4; Jn 1, 19-28 Martes El SanDsimo Nombre de Jesús

1 Jn 2, 29—3, 6; Sal 97, 1. 3cd-4. 5-6; Jn 1, 29-34 Miércoles Santa Isabella Ana Seton, religiosa

1 Jn 3, 7-10; Sal 97, 1. 7-8. 9; Jn 1, 35-42 Jueves San Juan Neumann, obispo

1 Jn 3, 11-21; Sal 99, 2. 3. 4. 5; Jn 1, 43-51 Viernes San Andrés Besse3e, religioso

1 Jn 5, 5-13; Sal 147, 12-13. 14-15. 19-20; Mc 1, 7-11 o Lc 3, 23-28 o 3, 23. 31-34. 36. 38

Sábado San Raimundo de Peñafort, presbítero

1 Jn 5, 14-21; Sal 149, 1-2. 3-4. 5-6a y 9b; Jn 2, 1-11 Domingo La Epifanía del Señor

Page 5: Solemnity of Mary: The Holy Mother of God, the Octave Day

January 8: Classes Resume Confirmation Prep Second Year – Saint Reports and Sponsor forms are due! January 15: Classes January 21: First Reconciliation grades 2-4 11:00 AM January 22: Classes January 28: First Reconciliation grades 5 and up 11:00 AM January 29: Classes

The Solemnity of Mary

The Solemnity of Mary Mother of God commemorates the divine

motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of our Lord and

God Jesus Christ. On this day, we are reminded of the role that

the Blessed Virgin played in the plan of our salvation. Christ's Birth

was made possible by Mary's fiat: "Be it done unto me according

to Thy word."

The statement that Mary is the Mother of God is a statement about

how close God has chosen to join us to Himself. As we celebrate

the reality that the Son of God has united Himself so closely to

humanity, we are also challenged to look at ourselves in this New

Year - how closely am I following Christ in all the ways that He


“It is truly just to proclaim you blessed, O Mother of God, who are

most blessed, all pure and Mother of our God. We magnify you

who are more honorable than the Cherubim and incomparably

more glorious than the Seraphim. You, who, without losing your

virginity, gave birth to the Word of God are truly the Mother of


Mary, Mother of God, pray for us!


8 de Enero: Reanudación de las clases

Segundo año de preparación para la confirmación –

Reporte de los Santos y forma

de los padrinos deben ser entregados.

15 de Enero: Clases

21 de Enero: Primera reconciliación grados 2-4 - 11:00 AM

22 de Enero: Clases

28 de Enero: Primera reconciliación grados 5to

y hacia arriba - 11:00 AM

29 de Enero: Clases

La Solemnidad de María

La solemnidad de María Madre de Dios conmemora la divina maternidad

de la SanZsima Virgen María, Madre de nuestro Señor y Dios Jesucristo.

Este día, nos recuerda el papel que la SanZsima Virgen desempeñó en el

plan de nuestra salvación. El nacimiento de Cristo fue hecho posible por el

decreto de María: "Hágase en mí según tu palabra".

La declaración de que María es la Madre de Dios es una declaración acerca

de cuán cerca Dios ha escogido unirse a nosotros. Al celebrar la realidad

de que el Hijo de Dios se ha unido tan estrechamente a la humanidad,

también estamos desafiados a mirarnos a nosotros mismos en este Año

Nuevo, en ¿cómo estoy siguiendo a Cristo en todos los caminos que Él


"Es verdaderamente justo proclamar, Madre de Dios, que es la más

bendecida, toda pura y Madre de nuestro Dios. Nosotros te

magnificamos a � que eres más honorable que los Querubines e

incomparablemente más gloriosa que los Serafines. Tú, que sin

perder tu virginidad, que diste a luz a la Palabra de Dios, eres

verdaderamente la Madre de Dios ".

¡María, Madre de Dios, ruega por nosotros!

Noticias de RICA

Clases de Adultos

� Domingo, 1 de Enero – No hay Clase Maria Madre de Dios – ¡ Feliz Año Nuevo! � Domingo, 8 de Enero – Clase � Domingo, 15 de Enero – Clase � Domingo, 22 de Enero – Clase � Domingo, 30 de Enero- Clase

Clases de Menores

� Domingo, 1 de Enero – No hay Clase Maria Madre de Dios – ¡ Feliz Año Nuevo! � Domingo, 8 de Enero – Clase � Domingo, 15 de Enero – Clase � Domingo, 22 de Enero – Clase � Domingo, 30 de Enero – Clase Familiar

RCIA News Adult Classes

� Sunday, January 1 – No Class Mary Mother of God- Happy New Year! � Sunday, January 8 – Class � Sunday, January 15 – Class � Sunday, January 22 – Class � Sunday, January 30- Class

Children's Classes

� Sunday, January 1 – No Class Mary Mother of God - Happy New Year! � Sunday, January 8 – Class � Sunday, January 15 – Class � Sunday, January 22 – Class � Sunday, January 30 – Family Class

Page 6: Solemnity of Mary: The Holy Mother of God, the Octave Day


all of our parishioners and friends who are ill or convalescing, especially,

Sharon Cobb Ashley

Fernando Aguilar Catalina Aguirre Augus$n Ariana

Adolfo Avelar Catherine Beam

Linda Bell Lori Bowers John Brant

Mary Stra$ Byrd David Cameron Barbara Cloud Gene Coney

Jackie DeBoni Danny DelPrete

Evelyn Doke Ivan Dominguez Socorro Duarte

Michelle Dye Dorothy Feichtner

Cheri Fish Mike Garreffa

Theresa Harper Marcie Hill Bill Hutkins Joan Irion

Beatriz Juarez Gloria Lipp

John Lisi Josephine Mahoney

Miguel Mar$n Angel Mar$nez Juan Mar$nez Pat McKinney Dylan McTigue

Deacon Ricardo Medina Jean Merrick

Trish O’Connor Paul Pike

Antonio Policarpo Larry Reverman

Paul Roell Ofelia Sanchez Troy Sassaman

Jon Fish Doris Simon Beth Slater

Joe Springstead Karen Testo

Geraldine Tierney Fernando Tirado James Tohosky Sarah Troncoso Leanna Turco Nick Weingart

Patricia Zemlicka Ronald Schroch

Ron Schrock Mary Sigsbee

Doris Rody

Also, all of those who are homebound or in

nursing homes. Please help us keep this list current by calling the office, 293-8231 with

any changes. Thank you.

K of C Columbus Corner

Calendar of Coming Events January 2017

January 6: First Friday Rosary at St. Vincent Church 7:00PM

January 20: Friday Fish Fry 5:00-7:00PM at the Columbus Club Hall January 28: Saturday Chicken & Mojos 11:00AM at the Columbus Club Hall. Tickets are available at the Columbus Club or from ac$ve members. January 29: 5th Sunday Freewill Breakfast from 7:30 am – 10:30 am At the Columbus Club Hall 112 East Lexington Street

Come join us for cooked-to-order Eggs and Omelets. Plus Pancakes, sausage,

bacon, coffee, and juice.

Freewill donaPons accepted

Join Redeemer Radio Odysseys on a Pilgrimage to

March for Life! Dates: January 26-28, 2017

Join Redeemer Radio Odysseys as we peacefully protest legalized abor$on in our country at the Na$onal March for Life in Washington, D.C.! We’ll join with tens of thousands of likeminded people as we witness on behalf of all unborn babies. We will also have $me to tour the Capitol Building, spend $me with our diocesan seminarians at Mount St. Mary’s, and visit the Smithsonian museums. This is a trip you won’t want to miss! Visit our website for more informa$on and to download the registra$on form at Redeemerradio.com/travel. You can also email Tina with any ques$ons at [email protected] or call (260)436-2482. Call today to reserve your spot!





Today is the feast of Mary, Mother of God. Like Mary may we always treasure the events in our life and reflect on them in our heart.

Please remember to support the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in 2017 so that together we can con$nue to bring comfort and peace to our brothers and sisters who are poor and suffering. May the peace and joy of the New Year be yours!




Greg F. & Michelle Campanello


POPLAR CT.262-3339


Since 1957

Page 7: Solemnity of Mary: The Holy Mother of God, the Octave Day

Miguel Alvarez, Marines

Charles Brown, Jr., Air Force Ma�hew Burleson, Marines

Cameron Canen, Marines Jacob Chastain, Navy Max Chiddister, Army

Malcolm DeShone, Marines Nicholas Eppers, Navy

Joshua & Amanda Fuller, Air Force Jeremy Holdeman, Navy

Christopher Mar$n, Marines Ben Owens, Marines

Bryon Roberto, Air Force Becca Samuels, Navy

Alberto Salamanca, Marines Kevin Sassaman, Air Force

Donna Porter-Simmons, Air Force

You Did It for Me

Jenny* works as a case manager for Catholic Chari$es. She helps people experiencing homelessness return to decent housing and a dignified life. Some$mes the work seems all uphill. One night Jenny par$cipated in a “point-in-$me” count of individuals spending the night outside. Eighteen was the number, and each one was offered a bed in a shelter. The next morning Jenny’s daughter said she look $red, and Jenny explained. Her daughter said, “Mommy, you’re my hero, because you help people who don’t have a home.” Immediately Jenny felt ready for another day.

Catholic Chari$es reported that 564,708 people were homeless in the U.S. on a single night in 2015, including 32,240 unaccompanied youth. During the same year, Catholic Chari$es provided 21,738 nightly beds for homeless and formerly homeless people. To learn more, visit www.CatholicChari�esUSA.org

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Page 8: Solemnity of Mary: The Holy Mother of God, the Octave Day




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Saint Vincent de Paul Monthly Mass LeagueCosentino/Farrell FamiliesLiv./Dec. members of Jellison

& Vargyas FamiliesStrati & Conley Families

Vilmure children and grandchildren

Raholin FamilyLiv./Dec. members of Konecny

& Blosser FamiliesKoons Family

Dec. members of Bauwens& Kiefer Families

The Master FamilyLiv./Dec. members of O’Bryant

& Harroff FamiliesLavrich & Gurka Families

Toby FamilyBuzolits & Denton Families

Liv./Dec. members of Cataldo & Davis Families

Kloska FamilyGarreffa & Selis Families

DelPrete & Troyer FamiliesDyer & Kenney FamiliesWozniak/Brant Families

Liv./Dec. Pike & Yoder FamiliesDec. members of Zinich

& Morgan FamiliesLiv./Dec. members of the Gerwels & Pojeta family

Wiercioch & Kaczmarek familiesDec. members of the Linn family

Richard WallmanBetty Emberton

Dan Mahoney & his mother JoDec. of Tappero/Bozzacco/Stettler Families

Wilber & Emma Freyman andRussell & Faye Hoak

Martinez Torres FamilyEverett & Furore Families