Title: Soldiers' Stories of the War Author: Various Editor: Walter Wood Illustrator: A. C. Michael Release Date: May 31, 2016 E!oo" #$2201% &a'(ua(e: E'(lish Character set e'codi'(: )*+- /*AR* + *I/ REC* 4)*E5!ER4 E! /&DIER/7 /*RIE/ + *E WAR roduced 8y !ria' Coe, Chuc" 4rei9 a'd the 'li'e Distri8uted roo9readi'( *ea at htt;:<<===.;(d;.'et >*his 9ile =as ;roduced 9ro ia(es (e'erously ade a?aila8le 8y *he I'ter'et Archi?e<Aerica' &i8raries.@  /&DIER/ /*RIE/  + *E WAR  Illustratio':  B+ro'tis;iece.B  & !A**ER/ ERIC /*A5D. A'other 8attery o9 horse(u''ers =as dashi'( to the rescue >;. 130@.%  /&DIER/ /*RIE/  + *E WAR  EDI*ED !  WA&*ER WD  A)*R +

Soldiers' Stories of the War

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Title: Soldiers' Stories of the War

Author: Various

Editor: Walter Wood

Illustrator: A. C. Michael

Release Date: May 31, 2016 E!oo" #$2201%

&a'(ua(e: E'(lish

Character set e'codi'(: )*+-

/*AR* + *I/ REC* 4)*E5!ER4 E! /&DIER/7 /*RIE/ + *E WAR

roduced 8y !ria' Coe, Chuc" 4rei9 a'd the 'li'eDistri8uted roo9readi'( *ea at htt;:<<===.;(d;.'et >*his9ile =as ;roduced 9ro ia(es (e'erously ade a?aila8le8y *he I'ter'et Archi?e<Aerica' &i8raries.@

  /&DIER/ /*RIE/  + *E WAR



  & !A**ER/ ERIC /*A5D.

A'other 8attery o9 horse(u''ers =as dashi'( to the rescue >;. 130@.%

  /&DIER/ /*RIE/  + *E WAR


  A)*R +

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  ME5 + *E 5R* /EA, /)RVIVR/ *A&E/ + 4REA* EVE5*/,  5R* /EA +I/ER/ A5D +I4*ER/, E*C.

  BWI* *WE5* +)&&A4E I&&)/*RA*I5/  ! A. C. MICAE&B

  &5D5  CAMA5 A5D A&&, &*D.  1F1$

  RI5*ED I5 4REA* !RI*AI5 !  RICARD C&A G /5/, &IMI*ED,  !R)5/WIC /*., /*AM+RD /*., /.E.,  A5D !)54A, /)++&.


All the stories i' this ?olue are told 8y e' =ho =ere see' ;erso'ally,a'd =ho, =ith o'e or t=o eHce;tio'scases o9 soldiers =ho had retur'edto the 9ro'tread the ty;escri;ts o9 their 'arrati?es, so that accuracyshould 8e secured. *he 'arrators s;o"e =hile the i;ressio's o9 9i(hti'(a'd hardshi;s a'd thi'(s see' =ere still stro'( a'd clear i' se?eralcases 9ull 'otes had 8ee' ade or diaries "e;t, a'd re9ere'ce to theserecords =as o9 (reat ?alue i' ;re;ari'( the stories. Whe' seei'( a'i'9ora't I s;ecially as"ed that a true tale should 8e told, a'd I8elie?e that 'o u'relia8le details =ere "'o=i'(ly (i?e'.

I ha?e 8ee' 9ortu'ate i' (etti'( a (ood deal o9 eHclusi?e atterthe9ull record o9 the 'o8le achie?ee't o9 & !attery, Royal orseArtillery, 9or eHa;le, has 'ot 8ee' (i?e' a'y=here i' such detail as is;rese'ted here, a'd the sae rear" a;;lies to the story o9 the threetor;edoed cruisers.

Duri'( the earlier ;eriods o9 the =ar !ritish soldiers told e tales o98ar8arities a'd outra(es coitted 8y 4era' troo;s =hich =ere soterri8le that it =as i;ossi8le to 8elie?e the, a'd I oitted a'y o9these details 9ro the 9i'ished stories 8ut I "'o= 'o=, 9ro readi'(the Re;ort o9 the Coittee o' Alle(ed 4era' utra(es, ;resided o?er 8yViscou't !ryce, 9orerly !ritish A8assador at Washi'(to', that e?e'the ost dread9ul o9 the statee'ts did 'ot do ore tha' touch the9ri'(e o9 the a;;alli'( truth.

*hou(h uch has 8ee' already ;u8lished i' the 9or o9 tales a'd letters9ro our soldiers at the 9ro't, yet I ho;e that this collectio' o9stories =ill 8e acce;ted as a co'tri8utio' 9ro the !ritish 9i(hti'( a'to the (e'eral history o9 the earlier sta(es o9 the =arthose eora8le;relii'ary o;eratio's =hich ha?e ade a dee; a'd i'deli8le i;ressio'o' the !ritish race throu(hout the =orld.


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CA*ER IM5/ A5D *E 4REA* RE*REA* 1RIVA*E . ARI5/5, 1st !attalio' 4ordo' i(hla'ders.

CA*ER II4ERMA5 A*RCI*IE/ 1JDRIVER 4. !&W, Royal +ield Artillery.

CA*ER III4REE5ACE*/ I5 *E +IRI54 &I5E 2FRI+&EMA5 R. !RICE, i'(s Royal Ri9le Cor;s.


*E /*R)44&E 5 *E AI/5E K1RIVA*E ER!ER* A4E, Coldstrea 4uards.

CA*ER V*E M/* CRI*ICA& DA + A&& $KCRRA& +. W. &ME/, V.C., M.M., 2'd !attalio'i'(s =' or"shire &i(ht I'9a'try.

CA*ER VI!RI*I/ +I4*ER/ I5 +RE5C +R*/ J0RIVA*E . !ER/, Durha &i(ht I'9a'try.

CA*ER VII4ERMA5 *REACER A5D A*RED -2CRRA& W. !RA*!, MiddleseH Re(ie't.

CA*ER VIII&I+E I5 *E *RE5CE/ FKRIVA*E 4. *W5/E5D, 2'd !attalio' East &a'cashireRe(ie't.

CA*ER IL/AI54 A5D MI5I54: *E &)C CMA5 10-/AER WI&&IAM !E&&, Royal E'(i'eers.

CA*ER L& !A**ER/ ERIC /*A5D 11-

4)55ER . DAR!/IRE, Royal orse Artillery.

CA*ER LI/IL*EE5 WEE/ + +I4*I54 13$RIVA*E !. M5*4MER, Royal West e't Re(ie't.

CA*ER LIIA DAI/CAI5 + !A5D&IER/ 1K6RIVA*E W. . CERWAI*E, Durha &i(ht I'9a'try.

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CA*ER LIIIDE/A*CRIDI54 1$-CRRA& ED&E 4. !RW5E, Royal E'(i'eers.


CA*ER LV*E R)5AWA RAIDER/ 1-2/AER W. A&&, Royal E'(i'eers.

CA*ER LVICAMAI45I54 WI* *E I4&A5DER/ 1F1RIVA*E A. VE5E//, 2'd !attalio' /ea9orth i(hla'ders.

CA*ER LVII*RA5/R*DRIVI54 203RIVA*E AME/ RACE, Ary /er?ice Cor;s.

CA*ER LVIII!RI*I/ 4)55ER/ A/ CAVEDWE&&ER/ 213CRRA& E. . !EA5, Royal +ield Artillery.

CA*ER LILWI* *E +I4*I54 +I+* 22$RIVA*E W. 4. &54, 1st !attalio' East /urrey Re(ie't.

CA*ER LL*E VIC*R + *E MAR5E 236CRRA& 4. 4I&&IAM, Coldstrea 4uards.

CA*ER LLIA5 ARM)RED CAR I5 AM!)/ 2$6*RER /*A5&E DDD/, 5orthu8erla'd ussars.

CA*ER LLIIEL&I*/ + *E &5D5 /C**I/ 26KRIVA*E . E. CARR, 1Kth >Cou'ty o9 &o'do'@ !attalio'&o'do' Re(ie't >&o'do' /cottish@.

CA*ER LLIII*E R)* + *E R)//IA5 4)ARD A* RE/ 2JJRIVA*E . . &&E, 2'd !attalio' !ed9ordshireRe(ie't.


*E !RI*I/ VIC*R A* 5E)VE CAE&&E 2F1/ER4EA5* 4I&&IAM, Coldstrea 4uards.

&I/* + I&&)/*RA*I5/

  B*o 9ace ;a(eB

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& !atterys heroic sta'd: A'other 8attery o9 horse(u''ers=as dashi'( to the rescue B+ro'tis;ieceB

We =ere hel;ed 8y the 4era's thro=i'( searchli(hts o' us 2

/oe o9 our ca?alry cau(ht hi 16

*he 4era's cae o' a'd hurled thesel?es a(ai'st us 3-

+ro 8ehi'd trees =e "e;t u; a destructi?e 9ire o' the e'ey $0

I hoisted the tru;eter i'to the saddle 62

We 9ou'd a 9air lot o9 4era's i' houses a'd 9ars -0

We =ere so 'ear the 4era's that they could hurl 8o8s at us 102

We had a ?ery =ar tie o9 it 112

la'ted a aHi o' his "'ees a'd rattled i'to the 4era's 12-

*he e' =ere told to lay ha'ds o' a'ythi'( that =ould 9loat 16-

4ood s=iers =ere hel;i'( those =ho could 'ot s=i 1-0

*he Bo(ueB 8e(a' to tur' turtle the 9our ie'se 9u''els8ro"e a=ay 1--

A 8ullet struc" hi i' the 8ac" a'd "illed hi 202

We =ere i' a real hell o9 8ursti'( shra;'el 222

I too" hi u; a'd 8e(a' to carry hi 23K

!e9ore they "'e= =hat =as ha;;e'i'( the car =as i' the ri?er 2KK

Ca?alry a'd 4uards (ot i' ao'(st the 4era's a'd 9airlyscattered the 2$K

I ade a lu'(e at hi, 8ut ust issed, a'd I sa= his o='lo'(, u(ly 8lade dri?e' out 2-6

*he i'9a'try dashed o' =ith the 8ayo'et 302

/&DIER/ /*RIE/ +



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M5/ A5D *E 4REA* RE*REA*

  istory does 'ot (i?e a ore s;le'did story o9 coura(e a'd  e'dura'ce tha' that =hich is a99orded 8y the 8attle o9 Mo's a'd the  su8seNue't retreat. *he !ritish EH;editio'ary +orce, strai(ht 9ro  hoe, =ith 'o tie 9or ;re;aratio', a'd o'ly t=o days a9ter a  co'ce'tratio' 8y rail, =as co'9ro'ted 8y at least 9our ties its  'u8er o9 the 9i'est troo;s o9 4era'y, a'd, a9ter a 9our days  9urious 8attle, reai'ed u'co'Nuered a'd u'disayed. What i(ht  ha?e 8ee' a''ihilatio' o9 the !ritish 9orces had 8ecoe a thro=i'(  o99 o9 the =ei(ht o9 the e'eys ;ursuit, allo=i'( a ;re;aratio'  9or the dri?i'( 8ac" o9 the 4era' hordes. At Mo's the 1st  !attalio' 4ordo' i(hla'ders lost ost o9 their o99icers,  'o'coissio'ed o99icers a'd e' i' "illed, =ou'ded a'd issi'(.  *his story is told 8y ri?ate . ar"i'so', o9 the 4ordo's, =ho =as  i'?alided hoe at the 9i'ish o9 the 4reat Retreat.%

*o 8e rushed 9ro the routi'e o9 a soldiers li9e at hoe i' tie o9;eace i'to the thic" o9 a 9ear9ul 9i(ht o' the Co'ti'e't is a stra'(e

a'd =o'der9ul eH;erie'ce yet it ha;;e'ed to e, a'd it =as o'ly o'e o9a'y aaOi'( eH;erie'ces I =e't throu(h 8et=ee' lea?i'( /outha;to' i' atra's;ort a'd coi'( to a &o'do' hos;ital.

We la'ded at !oulo('e, a'd =e't a lo'( our'ey 8y trai'. At the e'd o9it =e 9ou'd oursel?es, o' /aturday, Au(ust 22'd, 8illeted i' a(e'tlea's 8i( house a'd =e loo"ed 9or=ard to a co9orta8le 'i(ht,little dreai'( that so soo' a9ter lea?i'( E'(la'd =e should 8e i' thethic" o9 a tree'dous 9i(ht.

It =as stra'(e to 8e i' a 9orei(' cou'try, 8ut there =as 'o tie tod=ell o' that, a'd the !ritish soldier soo' a"es hisel9 at hoe,=here?er he is. *hose o9 us =ho =ere 'ot o' duty =e't to slee; 8ut =ehad 'ot 8ee' resti'( ?ery lo'( =he' =e =ere called to ars. *hat =asa8out hal9;ast three ocloc" o' the /u'day or'i'(, Au(ust 23rd.

*here =as 'o 8u(le sou'd, 'o 9uss, 'o 'oise =e =ere ust Nuietly rousedu; 8y the ;ic"ets, a'd as Nuietly =e arched out o9 the chPteau a'd =e'talo'( a 8i(, su'"e' roadthe ai' road to aris, I thi'". We started ato'ce to a"e tre'ches alo'(side the road, usi'( the e'tre'chi'(tool=hich e?ery soldier carries a'd =e =e't o' steadily =ith that =or" 9orse?eral hours o' that Au(ust /u'day or'i'(a ;er9ect /a88ath, =ith a=o'der9ul air o9 ;eace a8out it. *he cou'try loo"ed 8eauti9ul a'd;ros;erousho= soo' it =as to 8e tur'ed i'to a 8laOi'(, rui'edla'dsca;e, =ith thousa'ds o9 dead a'd =ou'ded e' lyi'( o' itQ

It =ould 8e a8out 'i'e ocloc" =he' =e heard hea?y 9iri'( i' a =ood 'ear

usthere is ;le'ty o9 =ooded cou'try a8out Mo'sa'd =e =ere told thatthe e'(i'eers =ere 8lo=i'( u; o8stacles so =e =e't o' e'tre'chi'(, 9oralthou(h =e "'e= that the 4era's =ere 'ot 9ar a=ay, =e had 'o idea they=ere as close as they soo' ;ro?ed to 8e.

I a a 9irstclass scout, a'd, =ith a cor;oral a'd three e', I =as se'to' ;ic"et soe tie 8e9ore 'oo'.

ust o' the ri(ht o9 us =as a 9ar, a'd the ;eo;le =ho cae out (a?e ussoe 8eer a'd e((s. We dra'"

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B*o 9ace ;. 2.B

WE WERE E&ED ! *E 4ERMA5/ *RWI54 /EARC&I4*/ 5 )/ >;. 10@.%

the 8eer a'd suc"ed the e((s, a'd u'coo'ly (ood they =ere, too, o'that 8laOi'( hot Au(ust /u'day, =he' e?erythi'( loo"ed so ;leasa't a'd;eace9ul. ou had it hot at hoe, I "'o= 8ut I dare say =e had ithotter, a'd =e =ere i' "ha"i, =ith a hea?y "it to carry.

*here =as a 8i( tree 'ear us, a'd I ade 9or it a'd cli8ed u;, so thatI could see 8etter o?er the cou'tryside. I =as ha'(i'( o' to a 8ra'ch,a'd loo"i'( arou'd, =he' all at o'ce a 8ullet or t=o cae, a'd =e "'e=that the 4era's had s;otted us. I (ot do=' 9ro that tree a ?ast dealNuic"er tha' I had (ot u; i'to it, a'd =e ade ready to rush 8ac" to thetre'ches 8ut 8e9ore scuttli'( =e told the ci?ilia's to clear out ato'ce, a'd they 8e(a' to do so. *he ;oor souls =ere ta"e' a8ac",'aturally, 8ut they lost 'o tie i' o8eyi'( the =ar'i'(, lea?i'( all

their =orldly treasures8elo'(i'(s =hich they =ere 'e?er to see a(ai',9or the 4era' 8ar8aria's =ere soo' to destroy the shae9ully a'dercilessly, a'd, =orse tha' that, =ere to ta"e the li?es o9 i''oce'ta'd i'o99e'si?e ;eo;le =ho had 'ot do'e the the sli(htest =ro'( i' a'y=ay.

As soo' as =e had raised the alar a =hole sectio' o9 4era's o;e'ed9ire o' the 9our o9 us, a'd as =e could 'ot do a'ythi'( a(ai'st the,8ei'( hea?ily out'u8ered, =e ra' 9or it 8ac" to the tre'ches. es, =edid ru' i'deed, there is 'o ista"e a8out that. &uc"ily 9or us =e "'e=the =ay 8ac" 8ut i9 the 4era's had 8ee' a8le to shoot 9or 'uts =iththeir ri9les, 'ot o'e o9 us =ould ha?e 8ee' s;ared. We lau(hed as =era', a'd o'e o9 the scouts, 'aed A'derso', lau(hed so uch that hecould scarcely ru', thou(h there =as 'othi'( s;ecial to lau(h at 8ut,as you "'o=, there are soe odd cha;s ao'(st i(hla'ders. *hey do'tcare a ra; 9or a'ythi'(.

It =as soo' re;orted that there =ere i' 9ro't o9 us a8out 1$,0004era's, i'cludi'( soe o9 the 9i'est o9 the aisers troo;s, ao'(stthe the I;erial 4uard, =ho ha?e =or"ed ilitary iraclesat ;eacea'u?res. A'd to o;;ose that (reat 8ody o9 e' =e had o'ly the -th!ri(ade, co'sisti'( o9 the Royal /cots, the Royal Irish, theMiddleseHthe old Dieardsa'd the 4ordo' i(hla'ders, o9 =hich I=as i' ! Co;a'y.

*he Royal /cots =ere o' our ri(ht, a'd the Royal Irish a'd the MiddleseHo' our le9t. We had Royal +ield Artillery, too, a'd 'e?er did !ritish

(u''ers do ore s;le'did =or" a'd co?er thesel?es =ith (reater (lorytha' i' the 8attle o9 Mo's.

*he Royal Irish =ere (etti'( their di''ers =he' the 4era's o;e'ed 9ireo' the =ith their achi'e(u's, doi'( soe dread9ul daa(e strai(hto99, 9or they seeed to ha?e the ra'(e, a'd there =as 'o tie 9or theRoyal Irish to (et u'der co?er.

*hat, I thi'", =as really the 8e(i''i'( o9 the 8attle 8ut I had 8ettertry a'd (i?e you a' idea o9 the 8attle9ield, so that you ca' u'dersta'd

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=hat actually too" ;lace.

Mo's itsel9 is a 9airsiOed a'u9acturi'( to=', =ith ;le'ty o9coali'es a8out, a'd =e =ere i' a ;leasa't ?illa(e 'ear it, the ai'road to aris cutti'( throu(h the ?illa(e. +ro our tre'ches =e couldsee across the cou'try, to=ards the i'es a'd other ?illa(es, a'd =e hada clear ri9lera'(e o9 =ell o?er a ile, 8ecause a lot o9 o8structio' i'the sha;e o9 hed(es, 9olia(e a'd cor' had 8ee' cut a=ay.

*o our rear, o' each side o9 us, =as a 9orest, a'd 8et=ee' the t=o9orests =ere our s;le'did (u''ers, =ho =ere to do such a=9ul ischie9 i'the 4era' hosts. *he Dieards =ere i' a sort o9 (arde', a'd I sa=o'ly too clearly =hat ha;;e'ed to the =he' the 9i(ht =as i' 9ull s=i'(.

It =as ust 8e9ore 'oo' =he' the ost 9ear9ul ;art o9 the 8attlestarted, a'd that =as the artillery duel. ur o=' (u's =ere a"i'( aterri8le cootio' 'ear us 8ut the di' =as a ?ery co9orti'( sou'd,8ecause it ea't soethi'( ?ery 8ad 9or the 4era' (u''ers, =ho =erea"i'( ha?oc i' our 8ri(ade.

I sa= the a=9ul e99ects o9 the 4era' shra;'el ao'(st the e' o9 theMiddleseH i' that 9air !el(ia' (arde' o' =hat should ha?e 8ee' a;eace9ul /u'day a9ter'oo'. *he MiddleseH =ere ;ractically 8lo=' to;ieces, a'd the 9ear9ul =ay i' =hich they su99ered =as sho=' later, =he'the casualty lists =ere ;u8lished, a'd it =as see' that ost o9 the=ere either "illed, =ou'ded or issi'(.

*he' the 4ordo's tur' cae. *he 4era's had (ot our ;ositio', a'd theyo;e'ed 9ire o' us 8ut =e =ere luc"y;erha;s the 4era' 8atteries =eretoo 9ar a=ay to 8e really e99ecti?e. At a'y rate, they did 'ot har usuch.

*he 8attle had o;e'ed s=i9tly, a'd it co'ti'ued =ith aaOi'( s;eed a'd9ury, 9or 8oth sides soo' settled i'to their stridea'd you "'o=, o9course, that the 4era's =ere o' the ;roe'ade to aris a'd =ere (oi'(to o; the !ritish Ary u;. It too" a lot o9 o;;i'(Q

ur o=' 9ield(u''ers =ere doi'( a('i9ice'tly, a'd the 4era's =ere9irstrate ha'ds at the deadly (ae. I9 they had 8ee' a'ythi'( li"e asaccurate =ith the ri9le as they =ere =ith the artillery I thi'" that?ery 9e= !ritish soldiers =ould ha?e 8ee' le9t to tell the tale o9Mo's. !ut =ith the ri9le they =ere 'o (ood.

*he 4era's cae out o9 their tre'ches i' 8i( hea;s i' close 9oratio',8ecause their (ae =as to rush us 8y sheer =ei(ht o9 'u8ers 8ut =eust shot the do='. et as soo' as =e shot the do=' others cae out,literally li"e 8ees. 5o =o'der the ;oor cha;s are called 8y their

o99icers ca''o'9odderQ !ritish o99icers do't tal" o9 their e' i'that 8rutal =ay a'd the !ritish o99icer al=ays leadssho=s the =ay8ut the 4era' o99icer sees to 9ollo= his e', a'd to sho?e a'd shootthe alo'(.

It =as ar?ellous to =atch the 4era's coe o' i' their le(io's, a'delt a=ay u'der our artillery a'd ri9le 9ire. We si;ly too" deli8erateai at the asses o9 9i(ures, (rey clad, =ith their helets co?ered =ith(rey cloth 8ut it seeed as i9 'ot e?e' our a8solutely destructi?e 9ire=ould sto; the. ' they cae, still o', the li?i'( actually shelteri'(

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8ehi'd the dead. !ut it =as 'o use. We "e;t the o99, a'd they "e;tthesel?es o99, too, 9or it =as ;er9ectly clear that they had a horroro9 the 8ayo'et, a'd =ould 'ot coe 'ear it.

*he 'earest the 4era's (ot to us, as 9ar as I ca' tellthat is, to the4ordo's=as a8out 300 yards 8ut that =as 'ear e'ou(h, seei'( that theyout'u8ered us 8y 9our to o'e, a'd =ere ao'(st the 9i'est troo;s o94era'y. /oe o9 the e'eys ca?alryI su;;ose the uchtal"edo9)hla'scae i'to the su'"e' road i' 9ro't o9 us, ho;i'( to do 8usi'ess8ut our achi'e(u's (ot o' the, a'd =e had a (o at the =ith ourri9les, =ith the result that the )hla's ade a cut 9or it a'd ost o9the (ot a=ay. E?e' so, there =ere ;le'ty o9 riderless horses (allo;i'(adly a8out.

ur o99icers had told us to carry o'a'd carry o' =e did, the' a'dlater.

What =as I 9eeli'( li"eS Well, o9 course, at the start I =as i' a 8it o9a 9u'" a'd it =as't ;leasa't 8ut I ca' ho'estly say that the 9eeli'(soo' ?a'ished, as I certai' it did 9ro all o9 us, a'd =e settled do='

to (ood hard ;ou'di'(, all the tie seei'( =ho could ;ou'd the hardesta'd last lo'(est. A'd I ca' assure you that, i' s;ite o9 e?erythi'(, e'"e;t lau(hi'(, a'd they "e;t their s;irits u;.

ou see, =e had such s;le'did o99icers, a'd there is al=ays such a 9i'e9eeli'( 8et=ee' o99icers a'd e' i' i(hla'd re(ie'ts. ur colo'el, a4ordo' 8y 'ae a'd coa'di'( the 4ordo's, =as a real (alla't 4ordo',=ho =o' his Victoria Cross i' the /outh A9rica' Wara re(ular =arriora'd a ?etera' ao'(st other thi'(s he =as i' at the stori'( o9 Dar(ai,a'd he had ore eH;erie'ce o9 actual 9i(hti'(, I should thi'", tha' allthe 4era's i' 9ro't o9 us ;ut to(ether.

A'other 8ra?e o99icer =as Maor /i;so', y co;a'y o99icer, a Co;a'io'o9 the Disti'(uished /er?ice rder, =hich is the 'eHt 8est thi'( to theV.C. Maor /i;so' a'd a ;ri?ate =e't to 9etch soe au'itio'. *o dothat they had to lea?e shelter a'd rush alo'( i' a literal hail o99ireshra;'el a'd 8ullets. It seeed as i9 'o li?i'( thi'( could eHist,a'd they =ere =atched =ith i'te'se a'Hiety. /hells =ere 8ursti'( allarou'd ussoe i' the air a'd others o' the (rou'd, thou(h there =ere4era' shells that did 'ot 8urst at all.

/udde'ly, =ith a 9ear9ul shatteri'( sou'd, a shell 8urst ust 8eside theaor a'd the ;ri?ate, a'd 9or the oe't it loo"ed as i9 they had 8ee'destroyed. /oe 4ordo's rushed to=ards the, a'd ;ic"ed the u; a'd ;utthe o' a horse. It =as see' that they =ere 8adly hurt, 8ut e?e' so,a'd at a tie li"e that, the aor actually lau(hed, a'd I a sure hedid it to "ee; our s;irits u;. e =as ta"e' a=ay to hos;ital, a'd =as

lau(hi'( still =he' he said

Its all ri(ht, ladsQ *heres 'othi'( uch the atter =ith eQ Carryo'Q

h, yesQ *here =ere soe 9i'e cool thi'(s do'e o' that (reat /u'day =he'the 4era's =ere li"e 8ees i' 9ro't o9 us i' the tur'i;9ields at Mo's,a'd =e =ere settli'( do=' i'to our stride.

A'd the 5.C..s =ere s;le'did, too.

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ur sectio' ser(ea't, /;e'ce, =he' the 9iri'( =as 9iercest, ;o;;ed u; tota"e a shot, =hich is al=ays a ris"y thi'( to do, 8ecause a 8ullet is souch s=i9ter tha' a a's o?ee'ts. *he ser(ea't 9ired, a'd the i'sta'the had do'e so he 9ell 8ac" i'to the tre'ch, sayi'(, I 8elie?e they?e(ot e 'o=Q !ut they had't. e =as ta"e' to hos;ital, a'd it =as 9ou'dthat a 8ullet had coe a'd so clea'ly (raOed his heado' the le9t side,li"e thisthat the hair =as cut a=ay i' a little ;ath, ust li"e a 8i(;arti'(, as i9 it had 8ee' sha?ed. It =as touch a'd (o =ith death, theclosest thi'( you could ;ossi8ly see 8ut, luc"ily, the ser(ea't =as allri(ht, a'd he ade 'o cootio' a8out his 'arro= sha?e.

*here =as a (alla't you'( o99icer a'd 8ra?e (e'tlea' o9 the4ordo's&ieute'a't Richo'd=ho had 8ee' doi'( his duty 'o8lythrou(hout that /u'day a9ter'oo'.

Dus" =as 9alli'(, a'd &ieute'a't Richo'd ade his =ay out o9 the tre'cha'd o?er the o;e' (rou'd, cra=li'(, to try a'd lear' soethi'( a8out the4era's. e =as cra=li'( 8ac"that is the o'ly =ay i' such a erciless9irea'd =as o'ly a8out three yards 9ro the tre'ch =he' he rose u;

a'd =as (oi'( to a"e a 9i'al dash 9or it. ust as he rose, a 8ulletstruc" hi i' the 8ac" a'd cae out throu(h his hearta'd "illed histrai(ht a=ay. e =as i' y tre'ch, a'd I sa= this ha;;e' Nuite clearly.It =as such si(hts as that =hich ade the 4ordo's all the ore resol?edto carry o' a'd o= the 4era's do=' as hard as they couldthe 4era's=ho seeed to 8e 9or e?er rushi'( at us 9ro the tur'i;9ields i' 9ro'ta'd 'e?er (etti'( a'y 'earer tha' their o=' 8arriers o9 dead.

I 'e?er thou(ht it ;ossi8le that such a hell o9 9ire could 8e "'o=' asthat =hich =e e'dured a'd ade at Mo's. *here =as the ceaseless crac"leo9 the ri9les o' 8oth sides, =ith the e?erlasti'( eH;losio's o9 the (u'sa'd the 9ri(ht9ul 8ursti'( o9 the shells. *hey =ere ;articularlyhorri8le =he' they 8urst o' the co88led road close 8yas hu'dredsdidso 'ear to us that it seeed as i9 =e =ere certai' to 8e shatteredto ;ieces 8y the 9ra(e'ts o9 shra;'el =hich did so uch ischie9 a'd"illed so a'y e' a'd horses, to say 'othi'( o9 the (a;i'( =ou'ds theyi'9licted o' the troo;s a'd the ;oor du8 8easts.

!ut you ca' 8est u'dersta'd =hat the 4era' artillery 9ire =as li"e =he'I tell you that all the tele(ra;h;oles =ere shattered, the ?ery =ires=ere tor' a=ay, a'd trees =ere sashed a'd 8lo=' to ;ieces. It seeediraculous that a'y hua' 8ei'( could li?e i' such a stor o9 etal9ra(e'ts a'd 8ullets.

+ro 8e9ore 'oo' u'til dus", a'd that =as a (ood ei(ht hours, the 8attleo9 Mo's had 8ee' truly a=9ul 8ut =e had held our o=', a'd as thee?e'i'( cae I realised =hat a 9ear9ul thi'( a oder' 8attle

ises;ecially such a 9i(ht as this, 8rou(ht o' i' a ;eace9ul a'd8eauti9ul cou'try =hose ;eo;le had do'e 'o =ro'(.

All the ?illa(es i' 9ro't o9 us =ere 8ur'i'(, either set o' 9iredeli8erately 8y the 4era's, or 8y shells 8ut there =as 'o halti'( i'the 9i(ht, a'd =he' =e could 'o lo'(er see the e'ey 8ecause it =as dar"=e 8laOed a=ay at the 9lashes o9 their ri9lesthousa'ds o9 s;urts o99lae a'd the 9ield(u''ers crashed at the strai(ht li'es o9 9ire =hichcould 8e see' =he' the 4era' artillerye' dischar(ed their (u's. We=ere hel;ed, too, i' a =ay that a'y o9 us 'e?er eH;ected to 8e, a'd

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that =as 8y the 4era's thro=i'( searchli(hts o' us. *hese lo'(, (hastly8eas sho'e o' us a'd (a?e a =eird a'd terri8le a;;eara'ce to the9i(hters i' the tre'ches, a'd ore so to the outstretched 9ors o9soldiers =ho had 9ou(ht 9or the last tie.

It =as a dread9ul yet 9asci'ati'( si(ht, a'd o'e =hich I shall 'e?er9or(et 'or shall I e?er 9or(et the eHtraordi'ary 9act that, i' s;ite o9the a''ihilati'( hail o9 issiles a'd the dea9e'i'( di' o9 8attle, soeo9 our 9ello=s i' the tre'ches =e't to slee;, a'd seeed to slee; as;eace9ully a'd sou'dly as i9 they =ere i' 9eather 8eds. *hey =e't toslee; Nuite cheer9ully, too. I should say that hal9 our cha;s =ereha?i'( a doOe i' this =ay a'd ta"i'( 'o 'otice o9 the 9i(ht a'd thescreech a'd roar o9 shells a'd (u's.

/u'day 'i(hta'd such a 'i(htQ *he s"y red =ith 8ur'i'( ?illa(es, theair re't =ith a=9ul 'oises o9 (u's a'd ri9les, e' a'd horsesaterri8le cootio' 9ro the de?ilish 9i(ht that =as (oi'( o'. *he?illa(ers had le9t they had 9led o' (etti'( our =ar'i'(, 8ut they =ere'ot too 9ar a=ay to see the utter rui' o9 their hoes.

I do 'ot =a't to say too uch a8out the ?illa(ersit is too sad a'da"es o'e too sa?a(e 8ut I =ill tell o9 o'e i'cide't I sa=. A' old a'=as ru''i'( a=ay, to try a'd (et out o9 da'(er, =he' he =as hit i' thestoach. I sa= hi 9all, a'd I "'o= that he 8led to death. *hi'" o9thata' a8solutely i''oce't a'd i'o99e'si?e old a' =ho had do'e'othi'( =hate?er to har the 8ri(a'ds =ho =ere o?erru''i'( !el(iuQ

ust a8out id'i(ht =e (ot the order to retire. We oi'ed the sur?i?orso9 the -th !ri(ade a'd 8e(a' a arch =hich lasted 'early all 'i(ht. We=ere =eary a'd =or', 8ut as ri(ht i' s;irit as e?er, a'd did't =a't toretire. *here =as 'o hel; 9or it, ho=e?er, a'd the 4reat Retreat 8e(a'.E?erythi'( that the Red Cross e' could do had 8ee' do'e 9or the=ou'ded 8ut there =ere soe =ho had to 8e le9t, as =ell as the dead.

It =as 9ear9ully hot, a'd =e =ere tha'"9ul i'deed =he' =e =ere a8le tolie do=' i' a 9ield a'd (et a8out t=o hours slee;the slee; that youi(ht su;;ose a lo( has.

Whe' =e a=o"e it =as 'ot to usic o9 8irds, 8ut o9 shra;'el 9or the4era's =ere 9ollo=i'( us a'd 8e(a' to 9ire o' us as soo' as =e startedto retire a(ai'. our a9ter hour =e =e't o', 9eeli'( ;retty 8ad atha?i'( to retreat 8ut a 8it cheered =he', at a8out t=o ocloc" o' theMo'day a9ter'oo', =e 8e(a' to di( tre'ches a(ai'. We had the9ield(u''ers 8ehi'd us o'ce ore, a'd oyous usic it =as to hear theirshells screai'( o?er our heads.

It =as a8out di''ertie o' the Mo'day =he' =e had o'e o9 the ost

thrilli'( eH;erie'ces o9 the =hole 9i(hto'e o9 the eHtraordi'aryi'cide'ts that ha?e 8ecoe ;art a'd ;arcel o9 a oder' 8attle, althou(ho'ly a ?ery 9e= years a(o they =ere loo"ed u;o' as ad 9a'cies or =ilddreas. We =ere archi'( alo'( a road =he' =e si(hted a 4era'aero;la'ea 8irdli"eloo"i'( thi'( i' the s"y. It =as "ee;i'( =atch o'us, a'd si('alli'( our ;ositio' to the ai' 4era' 8ody. It (a?e the;ositio', a'd the 4era's ;ro;tly (a?e us soe shells. *he thi'( =asost da'(erous a'd u';leasa't 8ut the 4era' aira' =as 'ot to ha?e itall his o=' =ay.

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*=o o9 our o=' aero;la'es s;otted hi a'd =e't 9or hi, ust li"eie'se 8irdsthe =hole 8usi'ess i(ht ha?e 8ee' carried out 8y li?i'(creatures o9 the aira'd there =as as 9i'e a 9i(ht i' the air as youcould ho;e to see o' la'd9iri'( a'd s=i9t a'u?ri'( =ith theo8ect o9 "illi'( a'd destroyi'(, a'd 8oth sides sho=i'( aaOi'( ;luc"a'd s"ill. It =as a' u'coo'ly eHciti'( s;ectacle, a'd it 8ecae allthe ore thrilli'( =he' =e o;e'ed 9ire =ith our ri9les.

I 8laOed a=ay as hard as I could, 8ut a' aero;la'e o' the =i'( is 'ot a'easy thi'( to hit. Whether I struc" the achi'e or 'ot I ca't say, 8utit cae do=' i' the road ust =here y co;a'y =as. As 9ar as I "'o= theaero;la'e =as 'ot struc"the cha; that =as i' it ;la'ed do='. e =asdeteri'ed 'ot to 8e cau(ht chea;ly, 9or as soo' as he la'ded he 9iredhis ;etrol ta'" to destroy his achi'e, a'd the' ra' 9or it. e =e't o99at a hard lic", 8ut soe o9 our ca?alry rushed a9ter hi a'd cau(ht hi,a'd it =as 9ou'd that he =as 'ot hurt.

ust o' our ri(ht =as a rail=ay, =ith a 8i( cutti'(, a'd =e =ere orderedto retire do=' i'to it so i'to the cutti'( =e (ot a'd alo'( the li'e =e=e't, retreati'( all that day 8y the rail=ay a'd the roads, our (u''ers

(i?i'( the 4era's soc"s throu(hout that hard rear(uard actio'.

' the *uesday =e =ere still retreati'(, a'd a isera8le day it =as,=ith a delu(e o9 rai' that soa"ed us to the s"i'. We reached a ?illa(ea'd sle;t i' 8ar's, a'd a (ood slee; =e (ot, =ithout the trou8le o9u'dressi'( or dryi'( our clothes or ta"i'( our 8oots o99.

Early o' the Wed'esday or'i'( the ;ic"ets Nuietly roused a'd =ar'ed usa(ai', a'd =e =e't out i' 9ro't o9 the ?illa(e a'd e'tre'ched.

*here =as a 8i( lot o9 coali'es i' 9ro't o9 us, a8out a ile a=ay,=ith the re9usehea;s that are coo' to i'es. !ehi'd o'e o9 these(reat ou'ds a 8attery o9 4era' artillery had (ot i'to ;ositio', a'do'e o9 the 9i'est thi'(s you could ha?e see' =as the =ay i' =hich ouro=' (ra'd (u''ers (ot o' the 4era's. *hey seeed to ha?e 9ou'd thera'(e o9 the e'ey eHactly, a'd that =as a (ood o8 9or us, 8ecause the4era' shells =ere dro;;i'( ust 8et=ee' us a'd our o=' artillery, a'd=e eH;ected to ha?e the 8a'( o' us. !ut our (u's sile'ced ouro;;o'e'ts, a'd, =hat =as ore, scattered a lot o9 4era' i'9a'try, a8out1,$00 yards a=ay, =ho =ere a"i'( 9or us.

We (ot strai(ht i'to our tre'ches, a'd i' this res;ect =e =ere luc"y,8ecause =e =e't i'to o'e that the E'(i'eers had ade, =hile ost o9 theother co;a'ies had to di( their o='.

ur tre'ch =as i' a cor'9ield. *he cor' had 8ee' cut do=', a'd =e s;readit a'd other stu99 i' 9ro't o9 the tre'ches, o' to; o9 the earth, to

a"e us i'?isi8le. +ro that Nueer hidi'(;lace =e resued our 8laOi'(a=ay at the ;ursui'( 4era's.

Whe' Wed'esday cae =e =ere at Ca8rai, =here hell itsel9 seeed to 8elet loose a(ai' 9or 9irst thi'( i' the or'i'( =e heard hea?y artillery9ire o' all sides o9 us, a'd it =as clear that a 9ear9ul 8attle =as(oi'( o'. We =ere utterly =or' a'd =eary, 8ut =ere cheered 8y loo"i'(9or=ard to a (ood di''er. We "'e= that the 9ood =as i' the 9ieldcoo"ers, i' ;re;aratio' 9or ser?i'( out to the e'. !ut the di''er 'e?ercae, a'd it =as 'ot u'til 'eHt day that =e heard the reaso' =hythe'

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=e lear'ed that a 4era' shell had 8lo=' the 9ield coo"ers tositheree's.

5o= all this tie, 9ro the oe't the 8attle o;e'ed at Mo's till =e=ere 8laOi'( a=ay a(ai' at the 4era's at Ca8rai =e =ere =aiti'( 9orthe +re'ch to coe=aiti'( a'd lo'(i'(, 9or =e =ere utterly out'u8ereda'd co;letely eHhausted 8ut =e 'e?er had a (li;se o9 a +re'cha', a'd=e "'o= 'o=, o9 course, that the +re'ch thesel?es =ere so hard ;ressedthat they could 'ot s;are a'y hel; at all 9or the !ritish.

At a8out hal9;ast 9our i' the a9ter'oo' =e resued the retreat, 9or aaor o9 artillery had (allo;ed u; a'd shouted RetireQ ! Co;a'yretired across the le?el (rou'd 8ehi'd us. *his =as a (ood 8it o99 asu'"e' road that =e =a'ted to (et 8ac" to, 8ecause it =ould (i?e usco;arati?e sa9ety. E?e'tually =e reached it, a'd =ere tha'"9ul to 9i'dthat =e =ere ;retty secure, thou(h shells =ere still 8ursti'( all arou'da'd o?er us.

+ro that tie =e 'e?er sa= a'y ore o9 the rest o9 the re(ie't, a'd Ilost si(ht o9 our (alla't colo'el. e 8ecae 'u8ered =ith the

issi'(.1% *here =ere o'ly a8out 1J$ o9 y o=' co;a'y a'd ;arts o9other co;a'ies =ho had (ot a=ay a'd oi'ed us.

A terri8le tie it =as at Ca8rai, a'd o'e that I sha't 9or(et i' ahurry. *he last I clearly ree8er o9 the ;lace is that se?eral e' =ere"illed 'ear e 8ut 8y that tie "illi'( had 8ecoe a atter o9 course.*he Red Cross e' did 'o8le =or", 8ut they could 'ot co?er all thecases. I a sorry to say it, 8ut it is true that the 4era'sdeli8erately 9ired o' the hos;itals at Mo's a'd also at Ca8rai. Itsou'ds i'credi8le, 8ut there =ere a'y thi'(s do'e i' !el(iu 8y the4era's that you could 'ot ha?e 8elie?ed u'less you had see' the.

Well, 9ro that dread9ul car'a(e at Ca8rai =e =e't o' retreati'(, a'd=e 'e?er really rested u'til the /u'day, se?e' days a9ter the 8attlestarted, =he' =e reached /e'lis, a8out 9orty iles 9ro aris. We hadthe' arched 8et=ee' 130 a'd 1K0 iles, a'd had ade o'e o9 the lo'(est,hardest, s=i9test a'd ost success9ul retreats i' historyI saysuccess9ul, 8ecause /ir oh' +re'ch a'd his (e'erals had (ot us out o9=hat loo"ed li"e a deathtra;. We =ere cursi'( all the tie =e =ereretreati'(cursi'( 8ecause =e had to retire, thou(h =e "'e= that there=as 'o hel; 9or it.

A =o'der9ul cha'(e cae =ith the Wed'esday, 8ecause =e did 'o ore9i(hti'(. We 9or(ed ahead, 8lo=i'( u; 8rid(es a'd doi'( all =e could tosto; the 4era's.

We had a s;le'did tie (oi'( throu(h +ra'ce, as =e had had i' (oi'(

throu(h !el(iu, a'd =he' =e reached aris there =as 'othi'( the +re'ch;eo;le thou(ht too (ood 9or us. We =ere ta"e' across aris i'chara8a'cs, a'd 9lo=ers, ci(arettes a'd 9i?e9ra'c ;ieces =ere thro='at us. A lot o9 Aerica's s;o"e to us, a'd =ere ?ery "i'd. *hey =ere;articularly a'Hious to "'o= ho= =e =ere (etti'( o', a'd =hat =e had(o'e throu(h. It =as ?ery ;leasa't to hear our o=' la'(ua(e, as ost o9us did 'ot u'dersta'd a =ord o9 +re'ch.

We trai'ed to Roue', 8ut had 'ot the sli(htest idea that =e =ere (oi'(to E'(la'd=e thou(ht =e =ere 8ei'( se't to hos;ital at a?re 8ut at

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that ;ort =e =ere ;ut i'to otors a'd dri?e' do=' to the Nuay a'd sho?edo' 8oard a tra's;ort a'd 8rou(ht at last to &o'do'.

I a 'ot =ou'ded. I =as struc" o' the le( 8y a 8ullet, 8ut it did 'otreally hurt e. I =as utterly =or' out a'd eHhausted, ho=e?er, a'drheuatis set i' a'd cri;;led e, so I =as se't to hos;ital a'd here Ia. !ut I alost 9it a'd =ell 'o=, a'd all I =a't to do is to 9all i'a(ai' 8e9ore the 9i(hti'(s do'e.


B*o 9ace ;. 16.B

/ME + )R CAVA&R CA)4* IM >;. 12@.%



  *he =ar =as 8e(u' 8y 4era'y i' a s;irit o9 ruthless'ess =hich =as  to s;are 'either a', =oa' 'or child, a'd =as to lea?e i''oce't  ;eo;le o'ly their eyes to =ee; =ith. *he 'eutrality o9 !el(iu  =as outra(ed a'd 4era' hosts ;oured i'to that cou'try. I'  re;elli'( the a' iortal ;art =as ;layed 8y the !ritish  EH;editio'ary +orce, =hich 9ou(ht a(ai'st e'orous odds. *his story  o9 the earlier days o9 the =ar is told 9ro the 'arrati?e o9 Dri?er  4eor(e Willia !lo=, Royal +ield Artillery, =ho =as i'?alided hoe  a9ter ha?i'( t=o o9 his ri8s 8ro"e' a'd 9i?e horses "illed u'der  hi.%

It =as a 8laOi'( hot /u'day, a'd the ;lace =as Mo's. We had (ot i'toca; a8out o'e o' the /aturday a9ter'oo', a'd had 8illeted till 9our o'the /u'day or'i'(, =he' =e =ere ordered to har'ess u; a'd ;re;are 9oractio', 8ut =e did 'ot recei?e actual 9i(hti'( orders u'til 'oo' the'=e had to arch i'to a ;lace i' the 'ei(h8ourhood, a'd as soo' as =ereached it 4era' shells 8urst o?er us.

*hat =as the 8e(i''i'( o9 a lo'( a'd terri8le 8attle. We =e't strai(hti'to it, =ithout a'y =ar'i'( 8ut the 4era's =ere ready, a'd "'e= =hatto eH;ect, 8ecause they had 8ee' =aiti'( 9or us 9or 9ortyei(ht hours.

It =as 9ield artillery =e =ere u; a(ai'st. *he 4era's at that tie had'ot (ot the 8i( sie(e (u's, =hich =e called !lac" Marias, ac" oh'so's

a'd Coal !oHes. I =ill tell you a8out the later.

We, the dri?ers, too" the (u's u; i'to actio', the' =e retired u'derco?er =ith the horses. While =e =ere retiri'( the 8ullets 9ro the4era' shells =ere dro;;i'( all arou'd us, a'd 9arther a=ay our e' atthe (u's a'd the other troo;s =ere carryi'( o' that des;erate 9i(hta(ai'st ie'se odds =hich =ill 8e al=ays "'o=' as the 8attle o9 Mo's.+ro start to 9i'ish =e =ere hea?ily out'u8ered, 8ut =e "'oc"ed theout.

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We =ere soo' hard at it, ;ou'di'( a=ay, =hile our i'9a'try =ere si;lyo=i'( the 4era's do='. We had soe terri8le 9ire to ;ut u; =ith, a'dat the e'd o9 a8out 9our hours =e =ere 9orced to retire 9ro the;ositio'. At that tie =e =ere the o'ly 8attery le9t i' actio' out o9the =hole o9 our 8ri(ade.

A' o99icer =as se't to reco''oitre, to see =here =e could retire to, a'dhe ;ic"ed out a little ?alley, a sort o9 rai'=ash, a'd the 8atterythu'dered i'to it. *his =as a hard ;lace to tac"le, a'd all ouratte'tio' =as 'eeded to "ee; the horses 9ro 9alli'( do=', 8ecause the(rou'd =as so rou(h a'd stee;.

/o 9ar =e had 'ot see' a'y o9 the 4era' i'9a'try at close Nuarters, 8utas soo' as =e had (ot i'to the le?el o9 the ?alley =e ra' i'to a lot o9the, a'd sa= that =e =ere a8ushed. I' this a8ush I had o'e o9 theeH;erie'ces that =ere so coo' i' the retreat, 8ut I =as luc"y e'ou(hto coe out o9 it sa9ely. Ma'y (alla't deeds =ere do'e there =hich =ill'e?er 8e o99icially "'o='9or i'sta'ce, =he' =e =ere (oi'( throu(h the?alley a'd =ere 8ei'( hea?ily 9ired o', a'd it seeed as i9 there =as 'ocha'ce 9or us, Cor;oral oliday ra' the (au'tlet t=ice to =ar' us that

the e'ey had us i' a8ush.

We ade a des;erate e99ort to (et out o9 the ?alley, 8ut 8e9ore =e could(et clear a'y horses =ere shot do=', ao'(st the 8ei'( the o'e I =asridi'(. I did the o'ly thi'( I could doI lay there ao'(st the deadhorses. I had had a 'arro= sha?e, 9or y ca; had 8ee' shot o99 8y a;iece o9 shell.

*he 9irst (u' a'd t=o =a((o's had (ot throu(h, a'd our cor;oral couldha?e (ot sa9ely out, 8ut he =as't 8uilt that =ay, a'd =as't thi'"i'(a8out hisel9.

e shouted, Well, 8oys, your horses are do=', a'd the 8est thi'( youca' do is to ru' 9or it.

I scra8led u; a'd dashed throu(h soe 8ra8lesthey 'early scratchede to ;ieces. ust as I a'd o'e or t=o ore e' (ot out 9i?e 4era's;otted at us. I had 'o =ea;o''othi'( eHce;t y =hi;i9 =e had hadars =e could ha?e settled a lot o9 4era's that dayso I had to a"e adash 9or co?er. !ut the cor;oral, =ith his ri9le, did s;le'didly, 9or he;ic"ed o99 three o9 the 4era's, a'd the other t=o 8olted.

I9 it had 'ot 8ee' 9or the cor;oral I should 'ot ha?e 8ee' here to tellthe tale I should either ha?e 8ee' "illed or ade a ;riso'er. ad it'ot 8ee' 9or hi, i' 9act, they =ould ha?e =i;ed the lot o9 usco;letely out.

We =ere i' that deadly a8ush 9or a8out 9i?e hours9ro 9i?e tillte''o (u''ers =ith us, o'ly dri?ers. It =as 'i(ht a'd dar", 8ut thedar"'ess =as ade terri8le 8y the (lare o9 the ?illa(es =hich the4era's had set 9ire to.

*here =e =ere, a8ushed a'd i;riso'ed i' the ?alley, u'a8le to o?eeither 8ac"=ard or 9or=ard, 8ecause the road=ay =as cho"ed u; =ith deadhorses.

At last our aor =e't a=ay soe dista'ce, a'd i'Nuired o9 a =oa' i' a

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house =hich =ould 8e the 8est =ay 9or us to (et out o9 the ?alley. Whilehe =as tal"i'( =ith her the house =as surrou'ded 8y 4era's, a'd itseeed certai' that he =ould 8e disco?ered 8ut i' the dar"'ess theycould 'ot a"e hi clearly out, a'd he =as cle?er e'ou(h to shout tothe i' their o=' la'(ua(e. It =as a critical a'd da'(erous tie, 8utthe aor scored. e 8a99led the 4era's, a'd (ot hisel9 out o9 thehouse, a'd us out o9 the a8ush i' the ?alley. It =as a s;le'did;er9ora'ce a'd I 8elie?e the aor =as recoe'ded 9or the D./.. o'accou't o9 it.

We =ere tha'"9ul =he' =e =ere clear o9 the ?alley, 8ut a8out t=o iles9arther o' =e ra' i'to soe ore 4era's there =ere 4era's e?ery=here,they s=ared o?er the =hole cou'tryside, day a'd 'i(ht, a'd, as I ha?etold you, they hea?ily out'u8ered us all the tie a'd at e?ery tur'.!ut 8y this tie =e =ere 8etter a8le to eet the, 9or =e had ;le'ty o9i'9a'try =ith us4ordo's, a'd Wiltshire a'd /usseH e'=ho =ereoi'i'( i' the retreat.

*hat retiree't =as a terri8le 8usi'ess. ur i'9a'try had 8ee' 9i(hti'(i' the tre'ches a'd i' the o;e', a'd they =ere 9i(hti'( all the tie

they =ere retiri'(. *he 4era's (a?e the 'o rest, a'd, li"e the8ar8aria's soe o9 the are, they sho=ed 'o ercy to our =ou'ded, as =edisco?ered =he' =e (ot 8ac" to Mo's a(ai', as =e did i' tie. We sa=lots o9 our =ou'ded =ho had 8ee' "illed 8y the 8utts o9 the russia'8ullies ri9les. *hey had the 9i'est troo;s o9 russia at Mo's, a'd Isu;;ose the 8ra((arts =a'ted to (et soe o9 their o=' 8ac" 9or ha?i'(8ee' so 8adly auled 8y /ir oh' +re'chs co'te;ti8le little ary.

I' the earlier hours o9 the 8attle, duri'( that a=9ul /u'day at Mo's a'di' the 'ei(h8ourhood, the !ritish had su99ered hea?ily. *=el?e e' o9 yo=' 8attery a'd a doOe' o9 the horses had 8ee' "illed, a'd a =a((o'li8er had 8ee' 8lo=' to ;ieces. Mi'd you, I a tal"i'( o'ly o9 our o='8attery a'd our o=' 8ri(ade, a'd deali'( =ith o'ly a ?ery sall ;art o9the 8attle. 5o a' =ho shared i' it ca' do ore. ur 8ri(ade co'sistedo9 three 8atteries o9 siH (u's each.

It had 8ee' a day o9 ceaseless 9i(hti'( a'd terri9ic strai' o' e' a'dhorses, a'd =e =ere utterly do'e u; =he' =e (ot i'to ca; at a8out o'eo' the Mo'day or'i'(. We ho;ed =e i(ht rest a 8it, 8ut =e had tohar'ess u; at t=o, a'd shi9t o99 at three, 8ecause the 4era's =ere;re;ari'( to shell the ?illa(e =e =ere i'.

*here =as a hos;ital i' the ?illa(e, a'd 8y that tie a (ood a'y o9 our=ou'ded =ere i' it. *he 4era's could see ;lai'ly e'ou(h that it =as ahos;ital, a'd "'e= that it ust 8e 9illed =ith =ou'ded, 8ut theydeli8erately shelled it a'd set 9ire to it. ur ca;tai' a'd y ser(ea't=ere i' the hos;ital =he' the 4era's 9ired it, 8ut I do't "'o= =hether

they (ot a=ay or =ere le9t i' the 8ur'i'( 8uildi'(.

!y the tie =e =ere o' the o?e a(ai' it =as 9ull dayli(ht. We dro;;edi'to actio' a(ai' three or 9our ties, 8ut =ere 9orced to resue ourretiree't, harassed all the tie 8y the 4era's.

Duri'( the retiree't =e had se?eral shots at 4era' aero;la'es, =hich=ere 9lyi'( a8out s;yi'( out our ;ositio's a'd si('alli'( the to theiro=' ;eo;le 8ut 9ield(u's are 'ot uch use a(ai'st aircra9t, 8ecausethe uOOles ca''ot 8e ele?ated su99icie'tly hi(h. ou 'eed ho=itOers 9or

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the =or", 8ecause they are s;ecially ade 9or hi(ha'(le 9ire a'd ca'thro= their shots ri(ht o?er aero;la'es.

We =ere retiri'( 9ro the Mo'day till the Wed'esday the' =e (ot theorder to dro; i'to actio' a(ai'. *hat =as at ei(ht ocloc" i' theor'i'(, a'd 8y that tie =e =ere at Ca8rai, a (ood dista'ce 9ro Mo's,as you ca' see 9ro the a;.

Mo's =as 8ad, 8ut Ca8rai =as 9ar =orse. We had 8ee' retreati'( all thetie, day a'd 'i(ht, 9i(hti'( a hea?y rear(uard actio', so that e' a'dhorses =ere utterly =or' out. A(ai' the artillery did s;le'did =or", a'dhad to ;ay 9or it. *he 6th !attery had lost t=o (u's a'd a =a((o' atMo's, 8ecause the horses =ere "illed, a'd they also had a'other (u' ;utout o9 actio'. *hey lost a 9urther (u' at Ca8rai, a'd the 8attery =asalost co;letely cut u;, 8ut 9or their loss =e i' the 23rd !attery =erea8le to a"e u; i' a =ay.

ur o=' (u's =ere co'cealed so cle?erly that the 4era's could 'ot 9i'dthe a'yho=. *he 'earest they could (et to us =as a8out 9i9ty yards i'9ro't or 9i9ty yards 8ehi'd, a'd i' dro;;i'( shells 9i9ty yards a"e a

lot o9 di99ere'ce, as the 4era's 9ou'd to their cost. ur co'cealed8attery did hea?y eHecutio' ao'(st the, a'd they deser?ed all they(ot.

Whe' I =as clear o9 the ?alley I (ot t=o 9resh horses 8ut at Ca8rai,o' the Wed'esday, they =ere 8oth "illed. A shell 8urst a'd too" o99 thehead o9 the ridi'( horse, a'd 8ullets "illed the o99 horse, so I =asdisou'ted a(ai' a'd 'ot a 9e= o9 y chus =ere i' the sae u'9ortu'ate;ositio'.

Ca8rai =as the last 8attle =e had 8e9ore =e tur'ed the ta8les o' the4era's, a'd 8e(a' to dri?e the 8ac" at the Mar'e, =here a tree'dous9i(ht =e't o' 9or a'y days. Alto(ether =e had 8ee' retiri'( ;retty =ella =ee", a'd =e reoiced =he' the ad?a'ce 8e(a'.

*he ad?a'ce ade 'e= e' o9 us, es;ecially =he' =e sa= =hat the 4era'shad do'e. *here =ere ;le'ty o9 =rec"s o9 our co'?oys o' the roads, =herethe e'ey had (ot at the. *hat sort o9 thi'( =as all ri(ht, o9 course,a'd cae i' 9airly e'ou(h i' =ar9are 8ut it ade our 8lood 8oil to seethe =a'to' daa(e that these socalled ci?ilised soldiers had coittedo' a ;eo;le =ho had do'e 'o (reater crie tha' de9e'd their hearths a'd9ailies.

ou as" a8out 4era' cruelties a'd 8ar8arities. Well, I =ill tell yousoethi'( a8out =hat I sa= ysel9, a'd ;eo;le ca' 9or their o=' o;i'io'as to =hat (e'erally ha;;e'ed.

Whe' the !ritish troo;s retired 9ro Mo's the ?illa(es a'd the cou'try=ere u'touched. 5o =ords ca' tell ho= "i'd the !el(ia's a'd the +re'ch=ere to us, a'd I a (lad to say that they =ere 'o =orse 9or our ;assa(ethrou(h their to='s a'd ?illa(es a'd 9ars. *hey (a?e us 9ood a'd =i'e,a'd hel;ed our sic" a'd =ou'ded, a'd =here?er they =ere they did allthey could 9or us.

Villa(es a'd to='s a'd 9ars =ere ;eace9ul a'd ;ros;erous =he' =e ;assedthrou(h the 9irst 8ut they =ere terri8ly cha'(ed =he' =e retur'ed a'd=e't throu(h the a seco'd tie, a9ter the 4era's had 8ee' at their

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9oul =or". /=ord, ri9le, artillery a'd 9ire had do'e their dread9ulischie9, a'd deeds had 8ee' coitted =hich 9illed us =ith horror. I=ill e'tio' t=o or three thi'(s 8y =ay o9 illustratio', a'd these areo'ly i'sta'ces o9 hosts o9 cases.

' the 9irst day o9 the ad?a'ce =e =ere ;assi'( throu(h a sall ?illa(e.I sa= a little child =hich seeed to 8e ;ro;;ed u; a(ai'st a =i'do=.*here =ere soe i'9a'try ;assi'( at the sae tie as oursel?es4ordo's,I thi'" they =erea'd o'e o9 the o99icers =e't i'to the cotta(e a'dtoo" the little creature 9ro the =i'do=. e 9ou'd that it =as dead. *he4era's had "illed it.

*he o99icer had a loo" o?er the house, a'd i' the 'eHt roo he 9ou'd theother. /he =as dead also, a'd utilated i' a ost 9erocious =ay.

*he i'terior o9 the cotta(e =as i' a state o9 a8solute =rec"a(e. *he8ar8aria's had 'ot s;ared a'ythi'(. *hey had destroyed the 9ur'iture,thro=' e?erythi'( a8out, a'd do'e their 8est to rui' i'o99e'si?e ;eo;le=hose cou'try they had laid =aste, a'd =ho had 'ot do'e the thesli(htest =ro'(. Whe' our e' sa= that, they =e't alost ad.

I =ill (i?e you a'other i'sta'ce. We ;assed throu(h a ?illa(e a8out t=ohours a9ter soe o9 the 8ra((art )hla's had ?isited it, a'd =e sa= ho=coura(eous they ca' 8e =he' they ha?e o'ly old e' a'd =oe' a'dchildre' to deal =ith. *hey si'( a di99ere't so'( =he' the !ritishca?alry are a9ter the. *here =as a 9arhouse =hich had 8ee' the hoeo9 t=o old ;eo;le, a 9arer a'd his =i9e. I 8elie?e the ;oor old cou;leloo"ed a9ter the 9ar thesel?es.

We 9ou'd the old lady at the 9ar all alo'e, a'd I sa= her. A ;iti9uls;ectacle she =as, a'd =ell she i(ht 8e, 9or the )hla's had coe a'dta"e' her ;oor old hus8a'd out i'to a 9ield a'd shot hi, a'd le9t hisdead 8ody there. *hey had ro88ed the house o9 e?erythi'(all the o'eya'd e?ery 8it o9 9ooda'd had le9t the old lady alost dee'ted.

Whe' our o=' troo;s cae u; they (a?e the ;oor old soulshe =as sitti'(outside the house, cryi'(the 8ully 8ee9 a'd 8iscuits =hich had 8ee'ser?ed out to the that ?ery or'i'(, a'd =hich they thesel?es 'eeded8adly.

We heard o9 se?eral cases li"e that 9ro the ;eo;le o9 the cou'try as =eretur'ed throu(h it, a'd cases o9 these 4era' 8ullies holdi'( re?ol?ersto =oe's heads a'd 9orci'( the 9ri(hte'ed creatures to (i?e the theirri'(s a'd e=ellery a'd e?erythi'( they could lay their ha'ds o'. *his=as the sort o9 thi'( =e sa=, or heard at 9irst ha'd, a'd it ade us allthe ore tha'"9ul that =e =ere dri?i'( the 4era's 8ac" a'd (etti'(le?el =ith the.

We 9ell i'to actio' that or'i'( a8out se?e' ocloc". We had to a"e our=ay strai(ht across cou'try, re(ardless o9 9ields or roads a'd all thetie the 4era's shelled us. It did't atter =here =e =ere, the shells9ell 8eyo'd us 8ut the e'ey =ere't cle?er e'ou(h to 9i'd our t=el?e8atteries, =hich =ere i' actio', a'd =hich ;ro;erly (a?e the soc"s.

We held that ?illa(e till a8out ei(ht ocloc", the' =e started o' thead?a'ce a(ai', dri?i'( the 4era's 8ac" a'd =he' o'ce they start (oi'(they tra?el ?ery Nuic"ly=he' the e'ey is a9ter the.

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*hat =as the last 8attle =e had 8e9ore =e (ot to the ri?er Mar'e. /o9ar, =e had had a lot to do =ith the 4era' 9ield(u's 'o= =e =ere toa"e the acNuai'ta'ce o9 the 8i((er cha;s I ha?e re9erred to!lac"Marias, Coal !oHes a'd ac" oh'so's, as I ha?e said =e called the,8ecause they 9ired a 8i( shell, a F0;ou'der, =hich 8urst a'd ade athic" cloud o9 9ilthy, (reasy so"e =hich =as e'ou(h to ;oiso' you i9 it(ot at you. I 8elie?e that the 9ues o9 soe o9 the 4era' shells =illactually "ill you i9 you (et the ;ro;erly i'to your syste.

*he !attle o9 the Mar'e =as a lo'( a'd 8i( a99air, lasti'( a8out three=ee"s, a'd the !lac" Marias did a (ood deal o9 ischie9. ' the /u'day,as our a8ula'ce =a((o's retired, the 4era's shelled the =ith thesesie(e (u's, a'd 8le= the to ;ieces. At the 9i'ish there =as 'ot a'a8ula'ce =a((o' a?aila8le. es, that is =hat they did, a'd it =as do'edeli8erately, 8ecause a'y soldier ca' tell a' a8ula'ce =a((o' =he' hesees it.

*he 4era's stuc" at 'othi'( to (ai' their e'ds 'o tric" is too dirty9or the to ;lay. 'e ;articularly ?ile o'e =as the usi'( o9 a8ula'ce

=a((o's 9or the ;ur;ose o9 carryi'( achi'e(u's. ur troo;s did 'otdrea o9 9iri'( at a8ula'ce =a((o's 8ut =he' =e sa= that this =ic"eduse =as 8ei'( ade o9 thea'd =e did see it, 9or they cae Nuite closeto us=e (a?e the 4era's i' the =hat 9or.

*he 4era's tried three or 9our ties to 8rea" throu(h our li'es, 8utour *oies =ere too (ood 9or the, a'd se't the 8ac" a (reat deal9aster tha' they had coe o'. *hey s=e;t the a=ay =ith ri9le 9ire, a'dthe 4era's 'e?er had a cha'ce =he' our e' could (et 9airly i' =ith the8ayo'et.

Duri'( that lo'( o'th o9 9i(hti'( =e =ere i' a (ood a'y ;laces i'+ra'ce a'd !el(iu. At o'e tie =e =ere actually o' the 9ield o9Waterloo, a'd could see i' the dista'ce the o'ue't ;ut u; i' eory o9the 8attle. I dare say the 4era's 9a'cied they =ere (oi'( to do a lot=ith us at Waterloo 8ut it all e'ded i' 9a'cy, a'd =e "e;t o' thedri?i'( (ae =ith the till they =ere alto(ether 9orced 8ac".

Whe' =e could (et at the =e could 8eat the, thou(h they =ere soetiesa8out te' to o'e, a'd i' o'e little a99air I sa= t=e'ty o9 ouroc"s4ordo's, I thi'" they =erescatter soethi'( li"e t=o hu'dred4era's. *he oc"s 8adly =a'ted to (et at the 4era's =ith the steel,8ut the 4era's ust as 8adly did't =a't to 8e 8ayo'eted, a'd those =ho=ere't shot scuttled.

*he 9i(hti'( =as 'ot the o'ly hard ;art o9 the !attle o9 the Mar'e. +or'early three =ee"s =e 'e?er had a dry shirt o' o=i'( to the =et =eather,

a'd =e 'e?er had our 8oots o99 =e had't tie 9or it, a'd =e =ere "e;ttoo =ell at it. *he ;oor horses =ere 9ear9ully "'oc"ed u;. *hey =ereli"e us'e?er had a cha'ce to resta'd =ere three or 9our days =ithout9ood.

'ce, duri'( the retiree't, =e had o'ly t=o hours rest i' 9our days8ut =e dare't sto;. /oeties =e =ere o' 9oot, soeties i' the saddle,a'd the 4era's =ere a9ter us i' otorlorries, 9ull o9 troo;s.

!ut ho=e?er 8adly they ha'dled us, I thi'" it =as 'othi'( to the =ay i'

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=hich =e a'(led the =he' our artillery (ot really to =or", a'des;ecially =he' it cae to (u' 9irethat is, ra;id 9iri'(, each (u'9iri'( as soo' as it is loaded. *his ea's that you ta"e 'o tie 8et=ee'rou'ds you si;ly 8laOe a=ay, a'd the (u's 8ecoe Nuite hot. I' o'e;articular ;ositio' e?ery su8sectio' 9ired 1$0 rou'ds, so that, ta"i'(a =hole 8attery, I should thi'" they ;retty =ell 9ired a thousa'd rou'dsi' a day.

It =as o' the Mar'e that y 9i9th horse =as "illed u'der e. A shellstruc" hi, a'd 8e9ore I could clear ysel9 I 9ell o?er i'to a ditch,the horse o' to; o9 e, shot a'd shell 9lyi'( all arou'd as I =e't o?er.*=o o9 y ri8s =ere 8ro"e', a'd I =as ;ut out o9 actio'. I =as ;ic"ed u;a'd carried do=' to the ca;. I =as i' hos;ital there 9or three days8e9ore I =as se't to &o'do'.

I had a co;lete )hla's u'i9or =ith e, a'd =a'ted to 8ri'( it hoe,8ut this 8it o9 the saddle is all I ha?e le9t. *he )hla's saddle is a=o'der9ul thi'(, =ei(hi'( J- l8., co;ared =ith 12 l8. 9or the !ritishsaddle. ere is the ;iece you ca' see that it is 9illed i' =ithlead=hy, I do't "'o=. A'd here is the tor' "ha"i ac"et I =as =eari'(

=he' y 9i9th horse =as "illed u'der e at the Mar'ea'd this ;art issodde' =ith his 8lood.

I had a rou'd o'th o9 9i(hti'(, retreati'(, ad?a'ci'(, a'd 9i(hti'(a(ai', a'd a;art 9ro the 8ro"e' ri8s I =as utterly do'e u; 8ut I a;retty =ell a(ai' 'o=. I a ust o99 to see the doctor the day a9tertoorro= I a to (et arried, the 'eHt day I reoi', a'd a9terthat=ell, =ho ca' tellS


4REE5ACE*/ I5 *E +IRI54 &I5E

  *he i'(s Royal Ri9le Cor;s, the 9aous old 60th Ri9les, the  4ree'ac"ets, I ha?e had a lar(e share i' the =ar a'd ha?e added  to their (lorious disti'ctio's. Ma'y o9 the o99icers o9 this  re(ie't ha?e (i?e' their li?es 9or their cou'try, ao'(st the  8ei'( ri'ce Maurice o9 !atte'8er(. /oe details o9 the ri'ces  ser?ice i' the =ar 8e9ore he =as "illed i' actio' are (i?e' i' this  story 8y Ri9lea' !rice, o9 the 60th, =ho =as =ou'ded at the !attle  o9 the Ais'e a'd i'?alided hoe.%

Whe' =e 9irst la'ded i' +ra'ce =e =ere =elcoed a'd cheered 8y cro=ds o9

+re'ch ;eo;le =ho dec"ed us =ith 9lo=ers a'd could't do too uch 9orus, a'd they "e;t that "i'd'ess u; all the tie I =as o?er there u'til I=as se't hoe =ith a lot ore =ou'ded. *hro=i'( 9lo=ers at us =as a(reat deal ;leasa'ter tha' the shells a'd 8ullets =hich =ere shot at usa 9e= days later, =he' =e =ere i' the thic" o9 tre'chdi((i'( a'd9i(hti'(. Its asto'ishi'( ho= soo' you settle do=' to a state o9 thi'(sthat you?e 'e?er 8ee' used to a'd ho= eHtraordi'arily =ar alters li9ea'd ;eo;le.

*he 4ree'ac"ets are ?ery ;roud o9 thesel?es, es;ecially i' tie o9

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;eace, a'd ha?e a'y little =ays o9 their o=' 8ut a =ar li"e this a"esall soldiers chus a'd eNuals a'd e?e' the o99icers are ;ractically ustli"e the e'. ur o=' colo'el did his share i' the tre'chdi((i'(, a'd aroyal o99icer li"e ri'ce Maurice o9 !atte'8er(, =ho is 'o= resti'( i'a soldiers (ra?e, =as li?i'( the sae li9e as the rest o9 us. Ma'y a'act o9 "i'd'ess did the ri'ce sho= to his ri9lee', a'd a'y a 9ierce9i(ht he shared i' 8e9ore he =as "illed i' 8attle a'y a =ord o9 cheerdid he utter to e' =ho =ere alost eHhausted a'd 'early dyi'( o9thirst, a'd I ha?e see' hi (o a'd 8uy 9resh 8read, =he' it could 8e(ot, a'd (i?e it to us as a treata'd a (lorious treat it =asQ

'e o9 the 9irst thi'(s =e had to do a9ter the retiree't 9ro Mo's =asto 8ury 4era' dead, a'd you =ill (et soe idea o9 the a=9ul losses theysu99ered, e?e' at the 8e(i''i'( o9 the =ar, =he' I tell you that i' o'e;lace alo'e =e =ere a8out ei(ht hours i' doi'( this u';leasa't tas".

We (ot used to di((i'( oursel?es i' a'd 8ei'( shelled out, a'd to(uardi'( to='s a'd ?illa(es =hile the ;a'icstric"e' i'ha8ita'ts esca;edto sa9ety. It =as a ;iti9ul si(ht to see ;eo;le tur'ed out o9 theirhouses, ta"i'( their 8elo'(i'(s, =he' they could, i' carts,

;era8ulators, =heel8arro=s a'd e?ery a?aila8le co'?eya'ce. *hey al=ays"e;t as close to us as they could "ee;, a'd our 9ello=s used to collecto'ey ao'(st thesel?es 9or the ;oor souls a'd (i?e the all the 9oodthey could s;area'd they =ere ?ery (rate9ul i9 =e (a?e the o'ly a8iscuit.

It =as terri8le =or" o' our =ay to the Ais'e 8ut the hardshi;s =ereli(hte'ed 9or us i' a'y little =ays that cou'ted a lot. /oe o9 ouro99icers =ould carry t=o ri9les, =he' e' 8ecae too =eary to carrytheir o=' the colo'el =ould u; o99 his horse a'd (i?e a' eHhausteda' a li9t i' the saddle, a'd he =ould ta"e a;;les 9ro his ;oc"ets a'd;ass the alo'( the ra'"s to the e'. *hese acts o9 "i'd'ess hel;ed usall e'orously. A'd =e =ere hel;ed o' the =ay 8y so"i'(=hat a oy it=as to (et a 9a(, es;ecially =he' ci(arettes ra' so short that o'e =ould(o rou'd a doOe' ties, ;assed 9ro a' to a', a'd a cha; =as sorelyte;ted to ta"e a ;ull that =as alost e'ou(h to 9ill hi =ith so"e.Whe' =e had't a scra; o9 to8acco o9 a'y sort =e =ould roll a 9a( o9dried tealea?es =hich had 8ee' used 9or a"i'( teaa'd that =as 8ettertha' 'othi'(.

It =as 9i(hti'( all the =ay to the Ais'e, hea?y rear(uard actio's osto9 the tie, thou(h i' a lesser =ar a'y o9 these a99airs =ould ha?e8ee' rec"o'ed ;ro;er 8attles. 'e 'i(ht, at a8out te' ocloc", a9ter ahard arch, =e had reached a to=', a'd had tha'"9ully (o'e i'to our8illetshouses, 8ar's, a'y sort o9 ;lace that cae ha'dy, a'd =e =ereeH;ecti'( a ;eace9ul tie 8ut =e =ere 'o soo'er settli'( do=' tha' =e(ot the alar to dress a'd 9all i'. 4etti'( dressed =as the =or" o9

seco'ds o'ly, 8ecause u'dressi'( =as erely a case o9 ;utti'( the ;ac"a'd eNui;e't a'd ri9le do=' a'd resti'( o' the 9la(s or earth, or, i9=e =ere luc"y, hay or stra= a'd so, =he' the alar =as (i?e', =e ?erysoo' 9ell i', a'd =ith 9iHed 8ayo'ets =e rushed 9or a 8rid(e across theri?er that =e had 8ee' ordered to ta"e.

At the ;oi't o9 the 8ayo'et the 8rid(e =as carried =ith a s;le'did rush,the' =e had to hold it =hile our tra's;ort a'd au'itio' colu' (ot outo9 the to=', a'd there =e =ere till se?e' ocloc" 'eHt or'i'(. *he ai'8ody o9 the troo;s retired a'd le9t us as a rear(uard 8ut they had 'ot

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(o'e 9ro the to=' ore tha' te' i'utes =he' =e sa= the 4era's coi'(to=ards the 8rid(e i' s=ars. *here =as 'o hel; 9or it=e had to (eta=ay 9ro the 8rid(e =hich =e had held throu(hout the 'i(ht.

We 8e(a' to retire i' (ood order, 9i(hti'( des;erately, a'd our e'9alli'( "illed a'd =ou'ded. ard 8y yard =e 9ell 8ac" 9ro the 8rid(e,9iri'( as 9uriously as =e could at the 4era' asses, a'd 9or hal9 aile =e "e;t u; a' u'eNual rear(uard stru((le. It seeed that =e should8e ho;elessly out'u8ered a'd that there =as little ho;e the' =e sa=t=o di?isio's o9 the +re'ch ad?a'ci'(, a'd "'e= that =e should ;ullthrou(h. *he +re'ch cae o' a'd (a?e us hel;, a'd, co?eri'( ourretiree't, e'a8led us to (et a=ay 9ro the 8rid(e.

It =as i' o'e o9 the char(es o' a 8rid(e =hich =as held 8y the 4era's,ust 8e9ore =e (ot to the Ais'e, that ri'ce Maurice disti'(uishedhisel9. e =as ?ery dari'( a'd =as al=ays o'e o9 the 9irst i' the9i(hti'(, 'o atter =here or =hat it =as. I =as 'ot actually i' thechar(e, 8ei'( i' the su;;orts 8ehi'd 8ut I sa= the char(e ade, a'd a(ra'd si(ht it =as to =atch our 9ello=s rush 9or=ard =ith the steel a'dta"e the 8rid(e. At a'other tie the ri'ce =as i' actio' =ith a 4era'

rear(uard a'd 'arro=ly esca;ed death. I =as i' this a99air, a'd sa= a4era' shell 8urst a8out a yard a=ay. It ;lu((ed i'to the (rou'd a'dade a 9i'e cootio' a'd scattered earth a'd 9ra(e'ts arou'd us 8ut achu a'd ysel9 lau(hed as =e dod(ed it, a'd that =as the =ay =e (oti'to o9 ta"i'( these eH;losio's =he' =e 8ecae used to the =ar. oucould 'ot hel; lau(hi'(, e?e' i9 you =ere a 8it 'er?ous. Duri'( this9i(ht ri'ce Maurice =as shot throu(h the ca;, so that he had a sha?e9or his li9e, 8ut he ade li(ht o9 his esca;e, a'd =as ?ery ;roud o9 thehole i' the ca;, =hich he sho=ed to us =he' he tal"ed =ith us, as heo9te' did, 8e9ore he 9ell.

*here =ere so a'y i'cide'ts o9 cool'ess a'd disre(ard o9 =ou'ds that itis 'ot easy to recollect the all 8ut I call to i'd that our aduta't,&ieute'a't Woods, =as shot i' a little a99air =ith the 4era's. Aser(ea't had ta"e' a aHi (u' to ;ut i' ;ositio' at a certai' s;ot 8uthe had (o'e the =ro'( =ay a'd the aduta't =e't a9ter hi to ;ut thi'(sri(ht. e =as too late, ho=e?er, 9or the ser(ea't =as s;otted 8y the4era's a'd =as "illed. *he aduta't hisel9 =as struc", 8ut a'a(ed to(et a=ay, a'd he cae 8ac" lau(hi'( a'd sayi'(, hQ da' those 4era'sQ*hey?e shot e i' the le(Q !ut i' s;ite o9 the =ou'd he =ould 'ot lieu; or let a'y8ody do a'ythi'( 9or hihe 8ou'd u; the =ou'd hisel9 a'dcarried o'.

I sa= a'other case, later, =hich illustrates the cool'ess o9 the !ritisho99icer a'd his deteri'atio' 'ot to lea?e the 9i(ht till he is 9orcedto do so. I =as 8y that tie =ou'ded a'd i' a te;orary hos;ital, a'dthe artillery =ere "ee;i'( u; o'e o9 the e'dless duels. *he o99icer had

8ee' struc", a'd he cae i'to the hos;ital, a'd I sa= that his ha'd had8ee' ;artially 8lo=' o99 8ut i'stead o9 ca?i'( i', as he i(ht =ellha?e do'e, he had the ha'd 8ou'd u; a'd ;ut it i' a sli'(, the' he =e't8ac" to his 8attery ust outside the =i'do=s a'd "e;t o' ;ou'di'( a=ayat the 4era's.

We had ;le'ty o9 eHcitee't =ith the 4era' aero;la'es, a'd o9te' ;ottedat the, 8ut I did 'ot see a'y o9 the achi'es 8rou(ht do='. I ree8ero'e day =he' a' aero;la'e =as tryi'( to locate our ;ositio'=e =ereretiri'( throu(h a +re'ch ?illa(ea'd a 8ri(ade started 9iri'( at it.

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ust =he' the aero;la'e a;;eared, the little 8oys a'd (irls o9 the?illa(e =ere (i?i'( us delicious ;lus, =hich they =ere (etti'( 9ro thetrees. We =ere thorou(hly e'oyi'( oursel?es, a'd the you'(sters li"edit too, =he' the aero;la'e s=oo;ed alo'( a'd =e i'sta'tly started 9iri'(at it. /o a'y ri9les (oi'( ade a tree'dous rattle, a'd the ;oorlittle 8oys a'd (irls =ere terri9ied a'd ra' o99 screai'(, a'dscattered i' all directio's. We shouted to the a'd tried to 8ri'( the8ac", 8ut they did't coe, a'd disa;;eared i' all sorts o9hidi'(;laces. *he aero;la'e (ot a=ay, I 8elie?e, 8ut at a'y rate it did'o ischie9 at that ;articular s;ot. *he +re'ch ci?ilia' 9ol" (ot usedto ru''i'( o99 a'd hidi'(. I' a'other ?illa(e =e ;assed throu(h =e caeto a lar(e house a'd 9ou'd that three you'( ladies a'd their ;are'ts had8ee' 9orced i'to the cellar a'd loc"ed there 8y the 4era's. Whe' =ee'tered the house, the ;riso'ers =ere star?i'(, a'd =ere tha'"9ul 9ora'ythi'( that =e (a?e the 8ut they =ould 'ot ta"e a'y o'ey 9ro us.*he you'( ladies s;o"e E'(lish Nuite 'icely.

We (ot Nuite used to aero;la'esour o=', the 4era's, a'd the +re'ch,a'd sa= se?eral thrilli'( 9i(hts i' the air. 'ce =e sa= a +re'chaero;la'e 9uriously 9ired o' 8y the 4era'sa re(ular ca''o'ade it =as

8ut the shells a'd 8ullets 'e?er (ot at it, a'd the aero;la'e esca;ed.It =as =o'der9ul to see the =ay the achi'e shot do=', as i9 'othi'(could ;re?e't it 9ro sashi'( o' the (rou'd, the' to =atch it sudde'lytur' u;=ard a'd soar a=ay as sa9ely a'd s=i9tly as a 8ird. *he aira'sidea seeed to 8e to dod(e the 9ire, a'd he darted a8out i' such a8e=ilderi'( 9ashio' that 'o (u''er or ri9lea' could ho;e to doa'ythi'( =ith hi. We =ere all (reatly eHcited 8y this thrilli'(;er9ora'ce i' the air, a'd (lad =he' =e "'e= that the ;luc"y +re'cha'had 8ee' s=i9t e'ou(h to dod(e the shells a'd 8ullets.

We had had soe ?ery tryi'( =or" to do, a'd 'o= =e =ere (oi'( to (et ourre=ard 9or it. /oe o9 the hardest o9 the =or" =as that a8out =hich;eo;le hear 'othi'(, a'd ;erha;s 'e?er e?e' thi'"o' se'try at 'i(ht,9or i'sta'ce, a8out the ost 'er?erac"i'( o8 you ca' ia(i'e. We =ereal=ays dou8le se'try, a'd stood 9or t=o hours a8out 9i?e yards 9ro eachother, li"e statues, 'e?er o?i'(. I al=ays 9elt 9u'"y at this sort o9=or" at the startyou ca' ia(i'e such a lot i' the dar" a'd the strai'is so hea?y. At the sli(htest sou'd the ri9le =ould 8e ;rese'ted, a'dthe =ord altQ ri'( outust that =ord a'd 'othi'( ore, a'd i9 there=as't a' i'sta't satis9actory re;ly it =as a 8ad loo"out 9or the other;arty. *he 4era's =ere ?ery cu''i'( at (etti'( u; to soe o9 the!ritish out;osts a'd se'tries, a'd as so a'y o9 the s;ea" E'(lish ?ery=ell, they =ere da'(erous custoers to tac"le, a'd this added to thehea?y strai' o9 se'try =or" at 'i(ht.

5o= I coe to the !attle o9 the Ais'e. I had three days a'd 'i(hts o9 it8e9ore I =as 8o=led out.

A stra'(e thi'( ha;;e'ed o' the 9irst day o9 the 8attle, a'd that =asthe a;;eara'ce o9 a little 8lac" do(. I do't "'o= =here he cae 9ro,or =hy he oi'ed us, 8ut he 9ollo=ed the 8attalio' all the rest o9 thetie I =as =ith it, a'd 'ot o'ly that, 8ut he =e't i'to actio', so he8ecae Nuite o'e o9 us.

'ce, i' the dar"'ess, =e =al"ed i'to a 4era' out;ost. We 9ou'd it;retty hard (oi'( ust a8out there, 9or the 4era' dead =ere so thic"that =e had to =al" o?er the. *hat arch i' the 'i(ht =as a =o'der9ul

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a'd sole' thi'(. *hree colu's o9 us =ere (oi'( i' di99ere'tdirectio's, yet o?i'( so Nuietly that you could scarcely hear a sou'd.All arou'd us, i' that Valley o9 the Ais'e, =ere 8ur'i'( 8uildi'(s a'dhaystac"s, a"i'( a terri8le illui'atio', a'd sho=i'( too =ell =hat =area's =he' it is carried o' 8y a 'atio' li"e the 4era's, 9or this8ur'i'( a'd destroyi'( =as their doi'(.

/ile'tly, =ithout a'y tal"i'(, =e =e't o', a'd the' =e 9ell i'to theout;ost. I heard the still'ess o9 the 'i(ht 8ro"e' 8y the shar; sou'd o9?oices, a sou'd =hich =as i'sta'tly 9ollo=ed 8y shots, a'd the 9urious8ar"i'( o9 our little do(, =hich u; to that ;oi't had 8ee' ;er9ectlyNuiet. *he shots =ere 9ired 8y Ca;tai' Woolle', =ho "illed t=o o9 the4era's, a'd o'e o9 our e' shot a third. We le9t the =here they 9ella'd retired as Nuic"ly as =e could 8ut =e had do'e =hat =e started outto do, a'd that =as to 9i'd the ;ositio' o9 the e'ey.

While ad?a'ci'( a(ai' =e cau(ht a colu' o9 4era's. ur 8ri(adeaorsa= the a'd cae teari'( 8ac" a'd told us that they =ere a8out 9ourtee'hu'dred yards to the le9t o9 us. Withi' te' i'utes =e had a 9iri'( li'eade a'd our artillery =as i' ;ositio' as =ell. It =as a (ra'd si(ht to

see our 9ello=s ru''i'( i'to the 9iri'( li'e so"i'( ci(arettes, as coolas i9 they =ere doi'( a 8it o9 s"irishi'( o' trai'i'(.

We (a?e the 4era's a8out three hours hot 9iri'(, the' a co;a'y =e'trou'd to ta"e the ;riso'ers. *he =hite 9la( had 8ee' sho=', 8ut =e had'ot 8ee' allo=ed to ta"e a'y 'otice o9 that u'til =e =ere sure o9 oure', 8ecause the 4era's had so o9te' ade a =ro'( use o9 the si('al o9surre'der. Whe' the co;a'y (ot rou'd to the 4era's it =as 9ou'd thatthey had already thro=' do=' their ri9les. ur 8ri(ade too" a8out $00;riso'ers, a'd the rest =e ha'ded o?er to the 1st Di?isio'. *he 4era'shad a8out a ile a'd a hal9 o9 co'?oy, =hich (ot a=ay 8ut the +re'chca;tured it i' the e?e'i'(, a'd so ade a ?ery 'ice little co;lete?ictory o9 the a99air.

At that tie, early i' the =ar, the 4era's thou(ht they =ere (oi'( toha?e it all their o=' =ay, a'd they co'sidered that a'y tric", =hite9la( or other=ise, =as (ood e'ou(h. /o certai' =ere they a8out ?ictorythat i' o'e ?illa(e =e ;assed throu(h =e sa= =ritte' o' a =all, i'E'(lish, e?ide'tly 8y a 4era', We =ill do the ta'(o i' aris o' the13th. We lau(hed a (ood deal =he' =e read that 8oast, a'd =ell =ei(ht, 9or it =as o' the 13th that =e sa= the =riti'( o' the =all, a'dthe 4era's 8y that tie =ere (etti'( dri?e' a lo'( =ay 8ac" 9ro the+re'ch ca;ital.

' the Mo'day or'i'( =e =e't out as 9la'" (uard o' the Ais'e, a'd =ere(oi'( alo'( 8ehi'd soe hills =he' our ca;tai' s;otted s=ars o9 4era'scoi'( u; o?er a rid(e a8out t=el?e hu'dred yards a=ay. e ordered t=o

;latoo's to (o out a'd li'e the rid(e, a'd 9or the rid(e =e =e't. Whe'=e reached it, our ca;tai' told us that 'ot a a' =as to sho= his heado?er the rid(e u'til he (a?e the =ord to 9ire.

*he 4era's cae o', (etti'( 'earer a'd 'earer, i' de'se asses, a'd it=as the hardest thi'( i' the =orld 'ot to let 9ly at the. *hey ad?a'cedtill they =ere a8out se?e' hu'dred yards a=ay, the' =e sho=ed the =hat!ritish ri9les could do. We si;ly =e't 9or the, a'd our ri9les (ot sohot that =e could scarcely hold the. Des;ite that a=9ul hail o98ullets the 4era's cae o', a'd hurled thesel?es a(ai'st us till they

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=ere 'ot ore tha' a hu'dred yards a=ay the' =e =a'ted to char(e the,a'd 8e((ed to 8e let loose =ith the 8ayo'et, 8ut our ca;tai' told usthat there =ere 'ot e'ou(h o9 us to do it. /o =e retired to our o='8attalio', the =hole o9 =hich had the oy o9 (oi'( 9or the. !ut the4era's did't =ait 9or us. *hey do't li"e the !ritish steel, a'd =he'=e had ;ushed the ri(ht 8ac", =ithout actually (etti'( at the, theycleared o99.

*his =as the "i'd o9 thi'( that =e't o' i' the Valley o9 the Ais'e. It=as =or" i' the o;e' a'd =or" i' the tre'ches, o' to; o9 the i'cessa't9i(hti'( =e had had. ' the third day, at 'i(ht, =e had ust coe out o9the tre'ches, ha?i'( 8ee' relie?ed 8y a'other co;a'y. We =ere i' (oods;irits, 9or =e had 8ee' se't to a 8ar', =here =e =ere to s;e'd the'i(ht. *hat =as a s;le'did 8it o9 luc", 8ecause it ea't that =e =ere to(et a 'ice rest a'd ha?e a (ood tie. *he 8ar' had hay i' it, a'd =esi;ly ;ac"ed the ;lace. It =as o' a 9ar, a'd duri'( the day =e hadsee' the 9arer a'd his =i9e. *here =as a ?illa(e 'ear, =ith a churcha'd houses, a'd it had ;ro?ed a 9i'e tar(et 9or the 4era's, =hoco'sta'tly shelled the ;lace. We had (ot Nuite i'to the =ay o9 =atchi'(the shells 8urst a8out 9i9ty yards i' 9ro't o9 us, a'd it really =as a

(ra'd si(ht to sit a'd (aOe at the. We soeties did this =he' =e =ereso hea?ily 8o8arded that =e could do 'othi'( =ith the ri9le or 8ayo'et.&ittle did =e "'o= =hat =as i' store 9or us at the 8ar' 9ro shells.

*he 'i(ht ;assed a'd the or'i'( cae. We 8rea"9asted a'd ade ready toarch 8ut =ere


B*o 9ace ;. 3-.B

*E 4ERMA5/ CAME 5 A5D )R&ED *EM/E&VE/ A4AI5/* )/.%

ordered to hold 8ac" a 8it, a'd so =e ;ut aside our ;ac"s a'd ri9les a'dhad a si'(so'( to ;ass the tie. It =as o'e o9 the ost sur;risi'(co'certs e?er held, I daresay, 8ecause all the tie a8out three 4era'8atteries =ere shelli'( us, a'd occasio'ally a shell 8urst ?ery 'ear usa'd ade a' a=9ul cootio'. We =ere still ;ac"ed i' the 8ar', Nuitecheer9ul, =he' the ser(ea't =ho =as i' char(e o9 us, a'd =as acti'( asser(ea'taor, told us to 9all i'.

e had hardly s;o"e' the =ords =he' the ?ery 8uildi'( seeed tocolla;se, the =all =as 8lo=' i', the roo9 9ell, ti8ers crashed do=' a'dthe 8ar' =as 9illed =ith a horri8le so"e a'd dust, a'd there =eredea9e'i'( a'd a=9ul criesscreas a'd (roa's =here a 9e= oe'tsearlier there had 8ee' the sou'd o9 errie't, 9or a 4era' shell hadcrashed throu(h the =all a'd eH;loded i' the ?ery thic" o9 us.

I =as lyi'( do=' i' the 8ar', =ith y ;ac" o', =he' this thi'( ha;;e'ed.I s;ra'( to y 9eet a'd dashed to the door a'd rushed i'to the o;e' air,8ut as soo' as I had le9t the 8uildi'( a seco'd shell cae a'd 8urst a'dI =as "'oc"ed do='. I tried to rise, 8ut y le( =as 'u8, a'd so I hadto =ait till the stretcher8earers cae a'd too" e to a 8i( =hite housea8out three hu'dred yards a=ay, =hich had 8ee' tur'ed i'to a hos;ital,a'd there I =as ;ut =ith the rest o9 the =ou'ded. +or a8out te' i'utesI had to =ait outside, a'd there I =as struc" 8y a ;iece o9 s;e't shell,8ut 'ot uch hurt. Whe' =e =ere carried o99 i' the stretchers =e =ere

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"e;t 'ear the 8a'" o9 the road, to a?oid as uch as ;ossi8le the 4era'9ire.

At the hos;ital it =as 9ou'd that I had 8ee' =ou'ded i' the le( 8ut Idid 'ot care so uch a8out ysel9, I =a'ted to "'o= =hat had ha;;e'edi' the 8ar'. I soo' lear'ed the dread9ul truththe shells had "illedele?e' o9 the e' a'd =ou'ded thirtyt=o, soe o9 =ho died a9ter=ards.

ri'ce Maurice =as close at ha'd =he' this ha;;e'ed, a'd at 'i(ht heatte'ded the 8urial o9 the ;oor 9ello=s 'ear the 8ar'. A8out a' houra9ter the e' =ere "illed he cae i'to the house to see us. o= are you(etti'( o'S he as"ed e. I a so sorry such a dread9ul thi'( hasha;;e'ed. A'd he loo"ed it, too.

I =as i' the hos;ital three days 8e9ore 8ei'( se't hoe. All that tiethere =ere ?illa(ers i' the cellars o9 the hos;ital, terri9ied ;eo;le=ho =ere hidi'( 9ro the 4era' 9ire, a'd =ere 9ed 9ro our tra's;ort.

A lot =as cro=ded i'to that retiree't 9ro Mo's a'd the ad?a'ce to theAis'e. We had "e;t our s;irits u; a'd had 'ot 8ee' do='hearted, a'd =he'

the (reat day cae =hich 8rou(ht the order to ad?a'ce a'd 9i(ht thee'ey, =e ;ositi?ely shouted a'd sa'(. A'd this =as 'ot ust s=a'" it=as a real eH;ressio' o9 our 9eeli'(s, 9or =e =a'ted to do our 8it 9orthe E;ire.


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  *he !attle o9 the Ais'e 8e(a' o' /u'day, /e;te8er 13th, 1F1K,  =he' the Allies crossed the ri?er. *he 4era's ade 9urious e99orts  to hac" their =ay throu(h to aris, 8ut a9ter a stru((le lasti'(  three =ee"s they =ere dri?e' 8ac" =ith e'orous losses. *he !ritish  losses =ere: $61 o99icers a'd 12,F-0 e' i' "illed, =ou'ded a'd  issi'(. *he 8e(i''i'( o9 this tree'dous co'9lict is told 8y  ri?ate er8ert a(e, o9 the Coldstrea 4uards, =ho =as =ou'ded a'd  had a =o'der9ul esca;e 9ro i'sta't death o' the 8attle9ield.%

*here =as 9ierce 9i(hti'( all day o' /u'day, /e;te8er 13th, =he' the!attle o9 the Ais'e 8e(a' 8ut the Coldstreaers =ere 'ot i' it till theMo'day. We had had a lot o9 hea?y 9i(hti'(, thou(h, si'ce the 8e(i''i'(o9 the 8usi'ess at Mo's, a'd =e had had a 9i'e 9i(ht at &a'dreciesa9i(ht =hich has 8ee' s;ecially e'tio'ed i' des;atches. At the e'd o9 it

all the e' i' y co;a'y5u8er 2had their 'aes ta"e', 8ut I do't"'o= =hy. A'y=ay, it =as a (ra'd a99air, a'd 'o dou8t soe day the real9ull story o9 it =ill 8e told a'd e?ery8ody =ill "'o= =hat theColdstreaers did there. &a'drecies is ;articularly a' a99air o9 the 3rdColdstreaers.

We had had a ?ery hard tie, 9i(hti'( a'd archi'( a'd slee;i'( i' theo;e' duri'( the cold 'i(hts a'd i' thic" ud or i' tre'ches that =eredee; i' =ater 8ut =ith it all =e "e;t ?ery cheer9ul, es;ecially =he'=e "'e= that =e had 8rou(ht the 4era's u; =ith a er" a'd =ere

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8e(i''i'( to roll the 8ac".

*he Coldstreaers =ere i' the o;e' all day o' the /u'day, ri(ht o' theside o9 the artillery, 8ehi'd a 8i( hill, a'd =ere ?ery co9orta8le. *heartillery o' 8oth sides =ere hard at it, 8ut the 4era's could 'ot (etour ra'(e a'd 'o shells cae 'ear us. It =as har?est tie, a'd =e =erelyi'( do=' o' shea?es o9 =heat, a'd a"i'( oursel?es as cosy as =ecould. *hat =as 'ot alto(ether easy to do, 8ecause it =as rai'i'( duri'(the 8est ;art o9 the day a'd e?erythi'( =as rather de;ressi'( a'd ?ery=et. !ut =e ;ut our oilsheets o' the (rou'd, our (reatcoats o?er theoilsheets, a'd stra= o' the to; o9 oursel?es, so that =e =ere really;retty s'u(, ta"e' alto(ether. *he stra=, I 9a'cy, =as ;ut there 'ot souch to (i?e us co9ort as to hide us 9ro the ?ie= o9 the cha;s =ho=ere al=ays 9lyi'( a8out i' the 4era' aero;la'es, tryi'( to s;ot us a'da"e our ;ositio's "'o=' to their o=' (u''ers.

ur o=' aero;la'es a'd the 4era's =ere ?ery 8usy duri'( that /u'day,a'd shells =ere 9lyi'( a8out the o' 8oth sides, 8ut I do't thi'" they=ere doi'( uch ischie9. We oursel?es =ere doi'( ?ery 'icely i'deed.ur tra's;ort cae u; a'd issued 'e= 8iscuits, a'd =e (ot a ;ot o9 a

eacha'd delicious they =ere, too. We e'oyed the ie'sely, a'ddid't care a ra; a8out the 4era' shells. ur tra's;ort =as s;le'did,a'd =e al=ays had soethi'( to (o o' =ith. *here =as 'o 9iHed tie 9ora'y eal, there could't 8e, 9or =e used to arch a8out 9i9ty i'utesa'd ta"e te' i'utes halt. I9 =e =ere o' a lo'( days arch =e =ould(et a' hour or t=o at di''ertie, usually 9ro o'e ocloc". It =as a9u''y cou'try =e =ere i', hot i' the daytie a'd cold at 'i(ht 8ut =esoo' (ot used to that. We =ere hel;ed e'orously 8y the "i'd'ess o9 the+re'ch, a'd =e (ot o' ?ery =ell =ith the ;eo;le a'd had 'ot uchdi99iculty i' a"i'( oursel?es u'derstood, es;ecially as =e ;ic"ed u; a9e= =ords o9 the la'(ua(ea'd =e could al=ays a"e si('s. Whe' =e=a'ted a dri'" =e =ould hold out our =ater8ottles a'd say loo, a'dthey lau(hed a'd rushed o99 a'd 9illed our 8ottles =ith =ater.

' the =ay to the Valley o9 the Ais'e =e ;assed throu(h to='s a'd?illa(es =here the 4era's had 8ee' a'd =e sa= =hat outra(es they hadcoitted o' 8oth ;eo;le a'd ;ro;erty. *hey had rec"lessly destroyede?erythi'(. *hey had thro=' ;oor ;eo;les ;ro;erty out o9 the =i'do=si'to the streets a'd ;ulled their 8eddi'( i'to the roads to lie o'thesel?es. *he 4era's acted li"e 8ar8aria's =here?er they =e'tI sa=o'e ;oor child =ho =as riddled =ith 8ullets. We oursel?es had strictorders a(ai'st looti'( o9 a'y sort, 8ut =e did 'ot drea o9 touchi'(other ;eo;les ;ro;erty. Whe'e?er =e cae to a to=' or ?illa(e =e =ar'edthe ;eo;le to (et a=ay, as the 4era's =ere coi'(, a'd they =e't. It=as al=ays ;leasa't to hear the sayas they did to our o99icers, =hos;o"e to the i' +re'chthat they 9elt sa9e =he' the E'(lish =erethere.

*he ri?er Ais'e ru's throu(h lo?ely cou'try, =hich loo"s a 8it o9 a=rec" 'o=, 8ecause =e had to rush across the o;e' a'd tra;le do=' the=heat to (et at the 4era's. *he cou'trys cro;s =ere s;oiled, 8ut thedaa(e =e did =as tri9li'( co;ared =ith the de?astatio' that the4era's caused.

*hrou(hout that /u'day =he' the !attle o9 the Ais'e o;e'ed =e had 'ocasualties, a'd the day ;assed ;retty =ell. At 'i(ht =e sle;t i' a 8ar',=hich =as 8etter tha' the =et 9ields. *here =ere 'o rats, 8ut ;le'ty o9

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ra88its, 9or the ;eo;le o9 the 9ar seeed to 8reed the a'd to ha?ele9t the hutches o;e'. *hat 'i(ht i' the 8ar' (a?e e the 8est rest Ihad had si'ce Mo's, as I =as 'ot e?e' o' (uard. We had a (ood 8rea"9asti' the 8ar', tea, 8ully 8ee9 a'd 8iscuits, a'd arched o99 soo' a9tersiH i' the or'i'(, =hich =as ?ery =et a'd cold. We arched a8out 9ouriles, u'til =e cae to the Ais'e, to a 8rid(e that had 8ee' 8lo=' u;a'd so shattered that there =as o'ly a 8ro"e' (irder le9t. *he rest o9the 8rid(e =as i' the ri?er, =hich =as ?ery dee; i' the iddle, a9terthe hea?y rai's.

We =ere 'o= ;ro;erly i' the thic" o9 the 8attle a'd a 9ierce 8usi'ess it=as, 8ecause the 4era's had the ra'(e o9 us a'd =ere dro;;i'( shells as9ast as they could 9ire. /oe o9 the 4uards =ere (ot across 8y 8oats,8ut =e had to =ait our tur' to cross o?er a ;o'too' 8rid(e =hich theE'(i'eers had ;ut u;, i' s;ite o9 the hea?y 9ire.

We 9elt the 4era' artillery 9ire at this ;lace, 'ear the ?illa(e o9Ve'dresse, 8ut =e could 'ot see the. We =atched the &oyal 5orth&a'cashires cross the ;o'too' 8rid(e a'd sa= the arch a=ay o' theother side o9 the ri?er, =hich =as =ell =ooded, the' =e heard the

9iri'( hard a'd "'e= that they =ere i' actio' =ith the 4era's. We =ere'ot lo'( i' 9ollo=i'( the 5orth &a'cashires a'd o?er the ;o'too' 8rid(e=e =e't, (oi'( ?ery Nuietly, as =e had 8ee' told to a"e as little 'oiseas ;ossi8le. I' a8out a' hour =e =ere ;ro;erly i' the 8usi'essoursel?es.

A9ter crossi'( the ri?er =e 8e(a' to 9eel that at last =e =ere reallyat the 4era's. We ade the 8est o9 the shelter that the =ood (a?e us,a'd 9ro 8ehi'd trees a'd 9ro the sodde' (rou'd =e "e;t u; adestructi?e 9ire o' the e'ey, (etti'( 'earer to hi all the tie.*hi'(s =ere (ro=i'( ?ery hot a'd the =hole cou'tryside ra'( =ith thecrashi'( o9 the (u's a'd the e?erlasti'( rattle o9 the ri9les a'dachi'e(u's. We =ere eH;ecti'( ore o9 our e' to cross the ri?er a'drei'9orce us, 8ut the 4era' (u's had (ot the ra'(e o9 the ;o'too's a'd'o ore o9 our e' could cross, so that 9or the tie 8ei'( =e =ere cuto99 a'd had to do as 8est =e could =ith o'e o9 the ?ery stro'(rear(uards o9 the e'ey.

Whe' =e had ;ut soe (ood 9iri'( i' 9ro the =ood =e le9t the shelter o9the trees a'd (ot i'to the o;e' cou'try, a'd the' =e =ere et 8y a shell9ire =hich did a (reat deal o9 ischie9 ao'(st us. *hese shells =erethe 8i( cha;s that =e called ac" oh'so's, a'd o'e cae a'd struc" a'o99icer o9 the 5orth &a'cashires =ho =as sta'di'( o' the ri(ht o9 hisli'e. I =as 'ot 9ar 9ro hi, 8ei'( o' the le9t o9 our o=' li'e. *heshell shattered 8oth his le(s a'd he 9ell to the (rou'd. I hurried u;,a'd the 9irst thi'( the o99icer as"ed 9or =as a so"e. We ;ro;;ed hi u;a(ai'st a haycoc" a'd a cha; =ho had soe +re'ch to8acco ade a 9a( a'd

(a?e it to the o99icer'o8ody had a ci(arette ready ade. e so"edhal9 o9 it a'd died. !y that tie the stretcher8earers had coe u; a'd=ere ta"i'( hi a=ay. !e9ore he le9t 9or the rear I (e'tly ;ulled hisca; o?er his 9ace. *his a99air 9illed the e' arou'd =ith (rie9, 8ut it;ut ore heart i'to us to (o o' 9i(hti'( the 4era's.

ur artillery 'o= 8e(a' to 9ire ra;idly a'd the 4era's started toretire. *here =as a 8i( 8u'ch o9 the, a'd they ade 9or the hill as9ast as they could (o, ea'i'( to scuttle do=' the other side a'd (eta=ay. !ut our (u''ers =ere too shar; 9or the, a'd they =ere ;ro;erly

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roused u; 8y that tie. *hey cae u; i' s;le'did stylethe 11Jth +ield!attery, I thi'" they =erea'd ust as the 4era's reached the to; o9the hill i' a solid 8ody our (u''ers dro;;ed three shells strai(ht i'tothe, a'd three ;arts o9 the 9lyi'( 4era's sto;;ed o' the to; o9 thehilldead.

I could 'ot say ho= a'y 4era's there =ere a(ai'st us at this ;lace,8ut I "'o= that they cae o' i' s=ars, a'd they =e't do=' as 9ast as =ecould 9ire. !ut their (oi'( do=' seeed to a"e 'o di99ere'ce to their'u8ers. *hey =ere o'ly a 9e= hu'dred yards a=ay, a'd =e could see theNuite ;lai'ly. *hey =ere ru''i'( all o?er the ;lace, li"e a lot o9 adshee;, they =ere so eHcited. A'd they =ere 8lo=i'( tru;ets, li"e ourca?alry tru;ets, a'd 8eati'( drus a'd shouti'( ochQ ochQ as hardas they could shout.

*hey "e;t 8lo=i'( their char(e a'd 8a'(i'( their drus till they =erea8out 300 yards a=ay, a'd shouti'( their ochsQ *hey shouted other=ords as =ell, 8ut I do't "'o= =hat they =ere.

Whe' our cha;s heard the tru;ets a'd drus (oi'( a'd the 4era' cheers

they a's=ered =ith a (ood old !ritish oorayQ a'd a lot o9 thelau(hed a'd shouted, ere coes the aisers ra(tie 8a'dQ Well (i?eyou TochQ =he' you (et a 8it 'earerQ A'd I thi'" =e did. At a'y rate=e "e;t o' 9iri'( at the all the tie they =ere ad?a'ci'( 8ut theys=e;t ahead i' such 8i( 'u8ers that =e =ere 9orced to retire i'to the=ood.

As soo' as =e (ot i'to the =ood =e cae u'der ?ery hea?y achi'e(u'9ire 9ro the 4era's, a'd the 8ullets rai'ed a8out us, dri?i'( i'to theearth a'd i'to the trees a'd =hiOOi'( all arou'd us e?ery=here. *he4era' shells =ere sashi'( a9ter us, too, 8ut =ere 'ot doi'( uchdaa(e at that ;oi't.

It =as 'o= that I lost a ?ery old chu o9 i'e, a 9i'e cha; 9ro5e=castle 'aed &ayde', a ;ri?ate. e =as i' the thic" o9 theachi'e(u' 9ire, a 9e= ;aces 9ro e, =he' he sudde'ly cried out a'd I"'e= that he =as hit. *he 9irst thi'( he said =as, 4i?e e a ci(arette.I "'o= I sha't (o o' uch lo'(er. Whe' =e as"ed hi =hat the atter=as he said he =as hurt. Are you =ou'dedS he =as as"ed. es, I hiti' the stoach, he a's=ereda'd he =as, 8y a8out se?e'tee' 8ullets.

*he call =e't rou'd 9or a ci(arette, 8ut 'o8ody had o'elots o9ci(arettes =ere se't out to the soldiers that 'e?er reached the8ut;oor &ayde' =as soo' 8eyo'd the 'eed o9 9a(s. e =as delirious =he' ourstretcher8earers cae a'd too" hi to a 8ar' =hich had 8ee' tur'ed i'toa te;orary hos;ital. e li'(ered there 9or soe tie 8ut the last Isa= o9 hi =as o' the 9ield. I issed hi 8adly, 8ecause =e had 8ee'

(ood chus, a'd =hate?er =e (ot =e used to (i?e each other hal9 o9 it.

+or a8out 9i?e hours, u'til t=o ocloc" i' the a9ter'oo', that ;art o9the 8attle =e't o', a'd all the tie =e =ere holdi'( the 4era's 8ac"the' =e =ere rei'9orced 8y the reai'der o9 our troo;s, =ho cae acrossthe ;o'too' 8rid(e to our assista'ce.

*he 4era's 'o= seeed to thi'" that they had had e'ou(h o9 it a'd theyheld u; =hite 9la(s, a'd =e le9t the shelter o9 the =ood a'd =e't out toca;ture the. I should thi'" that there =ere a8out three hu'dred o9 the

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eI could easily ha?e 9i'ished the lot 8e9ore they could ha?e (ot ate.

As I =as dri?i'( the ;riso'ers I 9elt as i9 soe o'e had coe u; a'd;u'ched e o' the ear. I did 'ot "'o= =hether I had 8ee' actually hit 8ysoe8ody or shot, 8ut I tur'ed y head a'd at o'ce 9ell to the (rou'd. I=as s=i9tly u; a(ai' o' y 9eet a'd scra8led a8out. I "'e= that I =ashurt, 8ut the thi'( I ostly cared a8out ust the' =as y 8a( o9;riso'ers, so I ha'ded the o?er to a'other a', a'd he too" the i'. Ithe' 9ou'd that I had 8ee' shot i' the 'ec" 8y a 8ullet. It had (o'e i'at the collar o9 the ac"et, at the 8ac" o9 the 'ec"heres the hole itadea'd throu(h the 'ec" a'd out here, =here the scar is, ust u'derthe a=. A 'arro= sha?eS es, thats =hat the doctor saidit had ustissed the u(ular ?ei'. *he shot 8o=led e out, 8ut it =as a ;oor;er9ora'ce 8y the 4era' =ho 9ired, 8ecause he could 'ot ha?e 8ee' oretha' three hu'dred yards a=ay, a'd 8ei'( siH 9oot o'e I ade a 8i(tar(et at that short dista'ce. A'y=ay, he issed e a'd I =as told to (oto a 8ar' 'ot 9ar a=ay =hich had 8ee' tur'ed i'to a hos;ital, 8edattresses ha?i'( 8ee' ;laced o' the 9loor. ere y "it =as ta"e' o99 ea'd I =as loo"ed a9ter at o'ce, y "it 8ei'( (i?e' to a 5orth &a'cashire

a' =ho had lost his o=' a'd had 8ee' =ithout o'e 9or three days. e had8ee' i' a sall 8attle a'd had had to ta"e his choice 8et=ee' dro;;i'(his "it a'd 8ei'( cau(ht so he (ot rid o9 his "it a'd =as a8le toesca;e. Whe' he le9t the 8ar' he =e't i'to the 9iri'( li'e, 8ut he o'lylasted a8out te' i'utes there. I had see' hi lea?e


B*o 9ace ;. $0.B

+RM !EI5D *REE/ WE E* ) A DE/*R)C*IVE +IRE 5 *E E5EM. >;.K$@.%

a'd I sa= hi 8rou(ht 8ac" 8y the stretcher8earers. As soo' as he =asi'side the 8ar' he as"ed =here I =as, a'd he =as told a'd =as laid do='close to e. &oo" here, old cha;, he said ;leasa'tly, i9 youd o'ly8ee' te' i'utes later I should't ha?e 8ee' here, 8ecause I should'tha?e (ot your "it a'd (o'e i'to the 9iri'( li'e a'd (ot hit.

erha;s he =as ri(ht. e i(ht ha?e esca;ed 8ut as it =as he had 8ee'shot throu(h 8oth le(s.

I did't li"e 8ei'( i' the 8ar' a'd out o9 the 9i(hti'(. It =as 8etterto 8e i' the 9iri'( li'e, =ith all its eHcitee't a'd the "'o=led(e thatyou =ere doi'( your 8it to hel; thi'(s alo'( a'd dri?e the 4era's 8ac"to the 8est ;lace 9or the, a'd thats 4era'y 8ut our o99icers, =ho'e?er lost a cha'ce o9 cheeri'( a'd hel;i'( us, cae i' =he' they could

to see ho= =e =ere (etti'( o'. Duri'( the a9ter'oo' y co;a'y o99icer,Ca;tai' !roc"lehurst, a'd the aduta't, cae i' to see ho= thi'(s =ere(oi'(. Ca;tai' !roc"lehurst sa= e a'd said, *here are 'ot a'y o9 theco;a'y le9t 8ut =ere doi'( =o'der9ully =ell. We?e "illed a (ood a'yo9 the 4era's a'd ta"e' a8out 9i?e hu'dred ;riso'ers. *hat =as (ood'e=s, ?ery (ood, 8ut it =as e?e' 8etter =he' the ca;tai' added, A'd=ere ;ushi'( the 8ac" all the tie.

*he (u's =ere 8ooi'( a'd the ri9les =ere crac"li'( all arou'd us =hile=e =ere lyi'( i' the 8ar', a'd =ou'ded e' =ere 8ei'( co'sta'tly 8rou(ht

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i', "ee;i'( the doctors a'd the a8ula'ce e' terri8ly 8usya'd you ca'ia(i'e =hat it ust ha?e ea't 9or the 4era's i9 it =as li"e that 9orus 8ecause =e 9ou(ht i' o;e' order, so that =e =ere 'ot easy to hit,=hereas the 4era's =ere i' their solid 9oratio', =hich ea't thatthey could 'ot ad?a'ce a(ai'st the !ritish 9ire =ithout 8ei'( o=' do='.

I =as i' the 8ar', =hich =as cro=ded =ith =ou'ded, till a8out o'eocloc" i' the or'i'(, the' =e =ere ta"e' i' Red Cross ?a's to a'otherhos;ital a8out three iles a=ay, a'd as =e le9t the +re'ch ;eo;le sho=edus all the "i'd'ess they could, (i?i'( us =ater, il" a'd 9ood, i' 9actall they had. We crossed the ;o'too' 8rid(e a'd =ere ;ut i'to a'other8ar' =hich had 8ee' tur'ed i'to a hos;ital, a'd =e stayed there 9or the'i(ht. We le9t that ;lace i' the or'i'( 9or &a +Ure, a8out t=e'ty ilesa=ay. *here =ere a (reat a'y otor =a((o's 8ei'( used as a8ula'ces,a'd they =ere all 'eeded, 8ecause o9 the cro=ds o9 =ou'ded. All o9 us=ho could =al" had to do so, as all the ?a's a'd lorries =ere =a'ted 9orthe 8ad cases. I could a'a(e to =al" 9or a8out a ile at a stretch, 8utI could 'ot use y ars. Whe' I had do'e a ile, I rested, the' =e't o'a(ai', a'd so I (ot to the e'd o9 the our'ey, =ith a lot ore =ho =ereust a8out a8le to do the sae. We did't (ru8le, 8ecause =e =ere

tha'"9ul to 8e a8le to =al" at all a'd 'ot to 8e so 8adly =ou'ded that=e could 'ot shi9t 9or oursel?es. Whe' =e (ot to &a +Ure the hos;ital=as so 9ull that =e =ere ;ut strai(ht i'to a hos;ital trai', a'd I =asi' it 9or t=o days a'd 'i(hts, sto;;i'( at statio's 9or 8rie9 halts.A(ai' the +re'ch ;eo;le =ere "i'd'ess itsel9 a'd ;ressed 9ood a'd dri'"o' us. We (ot to 5a'tes, =here y =ou'd =as dressed a'd =e had su;;er,a'd the' I had =hat seeed li"e a taste o9 hea?e', 9or I =as ;ut i'to a;ro;er 8ed. es, a9ter slee;i'( 9or so a'y 'i(hts o' the (rou'd, a'yho=a'd a'y=here, o9te' e'ou(h i' ud a'd =ater, it =as li"e (etti'( i'tohea?e' itsel9 to (et i'to a 8ed. ' the /aturday they ;ut us o' 8oard ashi; a'd too" us rou'd to &i?er;ool, a 9our days our'ey o' the sea.+irst =e =e't to +aOac"erley, a'd the' I =as luc"y e'ou(h to 8e se't o'to 'o=sley all, =here &ady Der8y, =ho has a so' i' +ra'ce =ith the4re'adiers, had tur'ed the state di'i'(roo i'to a hos;ital =ard. *here=ere siHtee' 4uardse' i' the =ard, =ith 9our trai'ed 'urses to loo"a9ter us. Was't that a co'trast to the 8ar's a'd 9looded tre'chesQ 5o=I 8ac" i' &o'do', 9eeli'( alost 9it a(ai', a'd soo' I shall ha?e tore;ort ysel9.

I ha?e o'ly told you a8out the little 8it I sa= ysel9 o9 the tree'dous!attle o9 the Ais'e. Co'sideri'( the le'(th o9 it a'd the 9ear9ul 'atureo9 the 9iri'(, it soeties stri"es e as a ?ery stra'(e thi'( that Ishould 8e ali?e at all 8ut stra'(er still that soe e' =e't throu(h itall, ri(ht a=ay 9ro the 8e(i''i'( at Mo's, a'd esca;ed =ithout ascratch.


*E M/* CRI*ICA& DA + A&&

  I' the 9irst 9our o'ths o9 the =ar 'i'etee' Victoria Crosses =ere  (aOetted 9or ?alour i' the 9ield, a'd o9 these 'o 9e=er tha' 9i?e  =ere a=arded 9or the sa'(ui'ary 9i(hti'( at &e Cateau o' Au(ust  26th, 1F1K. I' his des;atch deali'( =ith the retreat 9ro Mo's /ir

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  oh' +re'ch descri8ed the 26th as the ost critical day o9 all.  It =as duri'( this crisis o9 the 8attle that Cor;oral +rederic"  Willia oles, o9 the 2'd !attalio' *he i'(s =' >or"shire  &i(ht I'9a'try@, carried a =ou'ded a' out o9 the tre'ches u'der  hea?y 9ire a'd later assisted to dri?e a (u' out o9 actio' 8y  ta"i'( the ;lace o9 a dri?er =ho had 8ee' =ou'ded. Cor;oral oles  has 'ot o'ly =o' the Victoria Cross, 8ut he has 8ee' also a=arded  the Mdaille Militaire o9 the &e(io' o9 o'our o9 +ra'ce. is story  (i?es 9urther ;roo9 o9 the =o'drous coura(e a'd e'dura'ce o9 the  (alla't !ritish Ary i' !el(iu a'd i' +ra'ce.%

+or se?e' years I =as =ith the colours i' the old $1st, =hich is 'o= theor"shire &i(ht I'9a'try, the' I =as dra9ted to the Reser?e 8ut I =ascalled 8ac" o'ly a 9ort'i(ht later, =he' the =ar 8ro"e out.

*he re(ie'tal de;t is at o'te9ract, i' /outh or"shire, =hich soeu'"i'd ;eo;le say is the last ;lace that 4od started a'd 'e?er 9i'ished,a'd i' Au(ust, ha?i'( 8ecoe a soldier a(ai', a9ter arryi'( a'dsettli'( do=' to ci?il li9e i' Du8li', I 9ou'd ysel9 i' a re(io' =hich

=as alost li"e the /outh or"shire coal9ields. *here =ere the sae;itheads a'd shalehea;s, so that you could alost thi'" you =ere i'E'(la'd a(ai'8ut ho= di99ere't 9ro E'(la'ds cal'ess a'd securityQIt =as arou'd these ;itheads a'd shalehea;s that soe o9 the 9iercest9i(hti'( o9 the earlier days o9 the =ar too" ;lace.

We had le9t Du8li' a'd reached a?re at id'i(ht =e had 8ee' to the9orti9ied to=' o9 &a'drecies, =here the Coldstreaers =ere to do such(lorious thi'(s, a'd had (ot to Maroilles, =here /ir Dou(las ai( a'dthe 1st Di?isio' 8ecae hea?ily e'(a(ed. We =ere at Maroilles, i'8illets, 9ro the 1-th to the 21st. !illets ea't alost a'ythi'(, a'd=e li?ed a'd sle;t i' all sorts o9 ;laces as =ell as the tre'ches8ut8ei'( i' the o;e' i' suer =as 'o hardshi;. *he 9ields had 8ee'har?ested a'd =e o9te' sle;t o' the stac"s o9 cor'.

*he ;eo;le =ere really ost "i'd they (a?e us e?ery ortal thi'( as =earched, 8eer, =i'e, ci(arettes a'd a'ythi'( else there =as.

At 9i?e ocloc" o' the /aturday a9ter'oo' =e =ere 8illeted i' a 8re=ery,=here =e stayed till /u'day 'oo', =he', as =e =ere ha?i'( di''er, shells=ere 8ursti'( a'd 8e(i''i'( thi'(s 9or us. We =ere ordered to ta"e u; a;ositio' a8out t=o iles 9ro Mo's, a'd o' that 9aous /u'day =e =e'ti'to actio' 'ear a rail=ay e8a'"e't.

eo;le 8y this tie "'o= all a8out Mo's, so I =ill o'ly say that a9terthat hard 8usi'ess =e retired to=ards &e Cateau, a9ter 9i(hti'( all dayo' the 2Kth a'd all the 9ollo=i'( 'i(ht. A9ter that =e too" u; a

;ositio' o' out;ost a'd stayed o' out;ost all 'i(ht, the', at a8out t=oi' the or'i'(, =e dro;;ed i'to soe tre'ches that =e had ;re?iouslyoccu;ied.

I "'o= =hat Mo's =as a'd I =e't throu(h the 8attles o9 the Mar'e a'd theAis'e 8ut 'othi'( I had see' could 8e co;ared 9or 9ury a'd horror=ith the sta'd o9 the $th Di?isio' o' the 26th. It =as esse'tially a9i(ht 8y the $th, 8ecause that =as the o'ly di?isio' e;loyed at &eCateau. *he di?isio' =as co;osed o9 three 8ri(ades, the 12th, 13th a'd1Kth. My 8attalio', the 2'd or"shire &i(ht I'9a'try, =as i' the 13th,

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the other 8attalio's =ith us 8ei'( the West Ridi'(, the i'(s ='/cottish !orderers a'd the West e't.

*here =ere soe coal;it hills i' 9ro't o9 us a'd the 4era's ad?a'cedo?er the i' thousa'ds. *hat =as a8out ele?e' ocloc" i' the or'i'(,a'd the 9iri'( 8e(a' i' real ear'est a(ai'.

*he 4era's 8y this tie =ere 9ull o9 9urious ho;e a'd rec"less coura(e,8ecause they 8elie?ed that they had (ot us o' the ru' a'd that it =aserely a Nuestio' o9 hours 8e9ore =e =ere =i;ed out o9 their =ay. *heir8lood =as ;ro;erly u;, a'd so =as ours, a'd I thi'" =e =ere a (reat dealhotter tha' they =ere, thou(h =e =ere hea?ily out'u8ered. We had't thesae o;i'io' o9 4era' soldiers that the 4era's had, a'd as they rushedo' to=ards us =e o;e'ed a 9ire 9ro the tre'ches that si;ly destroyedthe.

/oe 8ra?e deeds =ere do'e a'd soe a=9ul si(hts =ere see' o' the to; o9the coal;its. A co;a'y o9 4era's =ere o' o'e o9 the to;s a'd a'o99icer a'd a8out a doOe' e' o9 the oylis =e't rou'd o'e side o9 the;it a'd tried to (et at the. ust as they reached the 8ac" o9 the ;it

the 4era' artillery o;e'ed 9ire o' the lot, 4era's a'd allthat =aso'e o9 their tric"s. *hey =ould rather sacri9ice soe o9 their o=' e'thesel?es tha' let a'y o9 ours esca;ea'd they lost a'y i' settli'(their accou't =ith the ha'd9ul o9 E'(lishe' =ho had rushed 8ehi'd the;it at a =hole co;a'y o9 4era's.

erea8outs, at the ;its, the achi'e(u' 9ire o' 8oth sides =as;articularly deadly. &ieute'a't e;ys, =ho =as i' char(e o9 theachi'e(u' o9 our sectio', =as "illed 8y shots 9ro 4era'achi'e(u's, a'd =he' =e =e't a=ay =e ;ic"ed hi u; a'd carried hi=ith us o' the achi'e(u' li8er u'til =e 8uried hi outside a little?illa(e i' a colliery district.

e =as a ?ery 'ice (e'tlea' a'd the 9irst o99icer to (o do='. Whe' he9ell &ieute'a't 5. !. De''iso', the 8ri(ade achi'e(u' o99icer, too"char(e. e ?olu'teered to ta"e o?er the (u', a'd =as either "illed or=ou'ded. *he' &ieute'a't )'ett, the =ell"'o=' (e'tlea' oc"ey, cra=ledo' his stoach to the 9irst li'e o9 the tre'ches, =ith soe e',dra((i'( a achi'e(u' 8ehi'd the. *hey (ot this (u' i'to the ?ery9ro't o9 the li'e o9 the tre'ches, the' o;e'ed 9ire o' the 4era's =ithdisastrous e99ect. &ieute'a't )'ett =as =ou'ded a'd lay i' the o;e' allthe tie.

*his (alla't deed =as do'e 8et=ee' t=el?e 'oo' a'd o'e ocloc", a'd I=as o'e o9 the 9e= e' =ho sa= it. I a (lad to 8e a8le to ;ay y hu8letri8ute to it.

*here =as a 8attery o9 the Royal +ield Artillery o' our le9t rear, a8out-00 yards 8ehi'd the 9ro't li'e o9 tre'ches. ur (u''ers had sucheHcelle't ra'(e o' the 4era's that the 4era' (u''ers =ere 9i'di'( the=ith hi(h eH;losi?e shell. It =as ostly those shells that =ere dro;;i'(o' the till they (ot the ra'(e a'd "illed the (u''ers. *here =ere o'lya8out 9i?e =ho =ere 'ot either "illed or =ou'ded. *he o99icer =as=ou'ded 8ut i' s;ite o9 that he carried a =ou'ded a' rou'd the 8ottoo9 the hill, the' =e't 8ac" a'd 9etched a'other a' a'd re;eated theour'ey u'til he had ta"e' e?ery o'e o9 the 9i?e a=ay. A9ter that heretur'ed, ;ic"ed u; a s;ade a'd sashed the si(hts o9 the (u' a'd ade

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it useless. We heard soe tie a9ter=ards that he had 8ee' "illed.

*his 8ra?e deed =as =it'essed 8y ost o9 us =ho =ere i' the 9ro't li'eo9 tre'ches.

Whe' the 4era' (u's =ere (ot i'to ;ositio' i' 9ro't o9 us a'd the4era's tried their hardest to 8lo= us out o9 our tre'ches, theysearched 9or our artillery a'd, 9aili'( to disco?er it, they (re= oredeteri'ed tha' e?er to rout us out o9 the ;lace 9ro =hich =e =eredoi'( deadly daa(e.

I' s;ite o9 the hea?y losses arou'd us =e held o', a'd all the orestu88or'ly 8ecause =e eH;ected e?ery oe't that the +re'ch =ould coeu; a'd rei'9orce us. *he +re'ch =ere due a8out 9our ocloc", 8ut o=i'(to soe accide't they did 'ot arri?e, a'd it seeed as i9 'othi'( couldsa?e us.

*here =as a 9alli'( o99 i' our artillery 9ire, a'd it =as clear that o'eo9 our 8atteries had 8ee' ;ut out o9 actio'. A'd 'o =o'der, 9or the4era' (u's =ere si;ly rai'i'( shells u;o' us. *he 4era's at that tie

=ere stic"i'( to the de'se 9oratio's =hich had 8ee' their ;racticesi'ce the =ar 8e(a'a'd they hurled thesel?es 9or=ard i' cloudsto=ards the 3Jth +ield !attery.

/o 9uriously did they rush, so ?ast =ere their 'u8ers, a'd so certai'=ere they that they had the (u's as (ood as ca;tured, that they actually(ot =ithi' a hu'dred yards o9 the 8attery.

It =as at this terri8le crisis that Ca;tai' Dou(las Rey'olds a'd?olu'teers rushed u; =ith t=o teas a'd li8ered u; t=o (u's, a'd i's;ite o9 all the 4era' 8atteries a'd ri9les did o'e (u' =as sa?ed. *his=as a =o'der9ul esca;e, i' ?ie= o9 the 'ear'ess o9 the 4era' i'9a'trya'd their 'u8ers, a'd 9or their share i' the des;erate a99air theca;tai' a'd t=o o9 the dri?ersDra'e a'd &u"e=ho had ?olu'teered, (otthe Victoria Cross.

I' a =ay =e had (ot used to retiri'(, a'd =e =ere 'ot at the e'd o9 ite?e' 'o=, 8y a (ood deal, 9or o' our le9t the !orderers =ere =ithdra=i'(a'd o' our ri(ht the Ma'chesters =ere 8ei'( 9orced ri(ht 8ac" 9i(hti'(a('i9ice'tly a'd lea?i'( the (rou'd littered =ith their dead a'd=ou'ded.

*he or"shire &i(ht I'9a'try =ere le9t i' the ce'tre o9 the ?ery 9ro'tli'e o9 the tre'ches, =here =e =ere hea?ily ;ressed. We ade e?eryortal e99ort to hold our (rou'd, a'd C Co;a'y =as ordered u; 9ro theseco'd li'e to rei'9orce us i' the 9irst.

Ia(i'e =hat it ea't 9or a co;a'y o9 i'9a'try to (et 9ro o'e tre'chto a'other at a tie li"e that, to lea?e shelter, to rush across a s;aceo9 o;e' (rou'd that =as literally riddled =ith shra;'el a'd ri9le8ullets, a'd i' the daytie, too, =ith the 4era's i' o?er=heli'( 9orceat ;oi't8la'" ra'(e.

!ut the order had 8ee' (i?e', a'd C Co;a'y o8eyed. *he e' s;ra'( 9rotheir tre'ch, they rushed across a 9ires=e;t Oo'ea'd the ha'd9ul o9the =ho =ere 'ot shot do=' ade a 9i'al dash a'd si;ly tu8led i'toour tre'ch a'd stre'(the'ed us. *hey had ust a8out lost their 9irst

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=i'd, 8ut =ere soo' hard at it a(ai' =ith the ri9le a'd did urderous=or", i9 o'ly to (et soethi'( 8ac" o' accou't o9 the corades =ho had9alle'.

It =as a hel;, a 8i( hel;, to ha?e C Co;a'y =ith us i' the 9ro'ttre'ch 8ut e?e' =ith this rei'9orcee't =e could do 'othi'(, a'd a9ter=e had ade a hot sta'd the order cae to retire. *hat =as a8outhal9;ast 9our i' the a9ter'oo'.

*hi'(s had 8ee' 8ad 8e9ore they =ere alost ho;eless 'o=, 9or to retireea't to sho= oursel?es i' the o;e' a'd 8ecoe tar(ets 9or the 4era'i'9a'try 8ut our sole cha'ce o9 sal?atio' =as to hurry a=aythere =as'o thou(ht o9 surre'der.

Whe' the order =as (i?e' there =as o'ly o'e thi'( to dou; out o9 thetre'ches a'd a"e a rush, a'd =e did 8oth 8ut as soo' as =e =ere see' astor o9 8ullets struc" do=' ost o9 the e'.

At such a tie it is e?ery a' 9or hisel9, a'd it is hardly ;ossi8le tothi'" o9 a'ythi'( eHce;t your o=' s"i'. All I =a'ted to do =as to o8ey

orders a'd (et out o9 the tre'ch a'd a=ay 9ro it.

I had rushed a8out hal9adoOe' yards =he' I 9elt a curious tu( at y8oot. I loo"ed to see =hat =as the atter a'd 9ou'd that y 9oot had8ee' clutched 8y a ;oor cha; =ho =as =ou'ded a'd =as lyi'( o' the (rou'du'a8le to o?e.

+or 4ods sa"e, sa?e eQ he cried, a'd 8e9ore I "'e= =hat =asha;;e'i'( I had (ot hold o9 hi a'd slu'( hi across y 8ac". I ca't;rete'd to tell you details o9 ho= it =as all do'e, 8ecause I do'tclearly ree8er. *here =as 'o tie to thi'" o9 uch 8esides the 8ulletsa'd the 9astest =ay o9 (etti'( out o9 their reach. Rai' =as 9alli'(, 'othea?ily, 8ut it =as driOOli'(, a'd this ade the (rou'd (reasy a'd;retty hard (oi'(.

I had 'ot (o'e 9ar 8e9ore the ;oor cha; co;lai'ed that y eNui;e'thurt hi a'd 8e((ed e to (et it out o9 his =ay. *he o'ly thi'( to 8edo'e =as to dro; the eNui;e't alto(ether, so I halted a'd soeho= (otthe ;ac" a'd the rest o9 it o99, a'd I let y ri9le (o, too, 9or the=ei(ht o9 the lot, =ith the =ei(ht o9 a a', =as ore tha' I couldtac"le.

I ;ic"ed y a' u; a(ai', a'd had stru((led o' 9or t=e'ty or thirtyyards =he' I had to sto; 9or a rest.

ust the' I sa= the aor o9 the co;a'y, =ho said, Whats the atter=ith hiS

I could 'ot s;ea", so I ;oi'ted to the a's "'ees, =hich =ere shot =ithshra;'el the' the aor a's=ered, All ri(htQ *a"e hi as 9ar as youca', a'd I ho;e youll (et hi sa9ely out o9 it.

I ;ic"ed hi u; a(ai' a'd o99 I =e't, a"i'( strai(ht o?er the hill atthe 8ac" o9 the ;ositio' =e had ta"e', so that he should 8e sa9e 9rothe 4era' 9ire. *he ;oi't I =a'ted to reach =as a8out a ile a=ay, a'dit =as a dread9ul our'ey 8ut I a'a(ed to do it, a'd =he' I had (otthere, a9ter a'y rests, I started to carry y a' to the 'earest

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?illa(e, =hich =as soe dista'ce o99.

I (ot to the ?illa(e, 8ut the 4era' hea?y shells =ere dro;;i'( so 9astthat I could 'ot stay there, a'd they told e to carry hi i'to the 'eHt?illa(e. I =as ;retty =ell =or' out 8y this tie, 8ut I started a(ai',a'd at last =ith a tha'"9ul heart I reached the ?illa(e a'd (ot the a'i'to a house =here =ou'ded e' =ere 8ei'( ;ut.

o= 9ar did I carry hiS

Well, it =as calculated that the dista'ce =as three iles 8ut I 'e?er9elt the =ei(ht. es, he =as Nuite co'scious a'd "e;t o' oa'i'( a'dsayi'(, hQ a'd telli'( e that i9 e?er he (ot out o9 it he =ouldree8er e 8ut I said that he ust't tal" such 'o'se'se9or I =a'tedhi to sto; tha'"i'( e a'd to "ee; his s;irits u;.

I do't "'o= ho= lo'( I =as i' (etti'( hi o?er the (rou'd, 9or I had 'oidea o9 tie.

a?i'( ;ut y a' i' sa9ety I le9t the house a'd 8e(a' to (o 8ac" to the

;ositio', eH;ecti'( to 9i'd soe o9 the re(ie'ts to reoi', 8ut =he' Ireached the 9iri'( li'e there =ere 'o re(ie'ts le9t. *hey had 8ee'9orced to retire, a'd the (rou'd =as co?ered =ith the dead a'd =ou'ded,as it =as i;ossi8le to 8ri'( all the =ou'ded a=ay.

*here =as a road at this ;articular ;oi't, a'd o' reachi'( the to; o9 itI sa= the 4era's ad?a'ci'(, a8out $00 yards a=ay. !et=ee' the a'dysel9 there =as a 9ield(u', =ith the horses hoo"ed i', ready to o?eo99 8ut I sa= that there =as o'ly a =ou'ded tru;eter =ith it.

I rushed u; to hi a'd shouted, Whats =ro'(S

I hurt, he said. *he (u' has to 8e (ot a=ay 8ut theres 'o8odyle9t to ta"e it.

I loo"ed all arou'd, a'd sa= that there =ere 'o E'(lish (u''ersle9tthere =ere o'ly the 4era's s=ari'( u;, $00 yards a=ay a'd 8adly=a'ti'( to (et at the (u'.

*here =as 'ot a seco'd to lose. Coe o', I said, a'd =ith that Ihoisted the tru;eter i'to the saddle o9 the 'ear =heel horse, a'dcla8eri'( ysel9 i'to the saddle o9 the lead horse =e (ot the (u' (oi'(a'd ade a dash u; the hill.

*here =as o'ly the o'e road, a'd this =as so littered u; a'd 9e'ceda8out =ith =ire e'ta'(lee'ts


B*o 9ace ;. 62.B

I I/*ED *E *R)ME*ER I5* *E /ADD&E.%

that =e could 'ot ho;e to esca;e 8y it. ur o'ly cha'ce =as 8y dashi'(at the hill, a'd this =e dida'd a terri8le 8usi'ess it =as, 8ecause =e=ere 9orced to (allo; the (u' o?er the dead 8odies o9 our o='e'ostly artillerye', they =ere. Ma'y o9 the ;oor cha;s had cra=led

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a=ay 9ro their 8attery a'd had died o' the hillside or o' the road.

We carried o' o?er the hill, a'd =he' the 4era's sa= =hat =e =ere doi'(they rai'ed shells a'd 8ullets o' us. 'e or t=o o9 the horses =ere hit,a'd a 8ullet "'oc"ed y ca; o99 a'd too" a ;iece o9 s"i' 9ro yheadust here. !ut that did't hurt e uch, 'or did a'other 8ullet=hich =e't throu(h y coat. We carried o', a'd (ot o?er the hill, ustdri?i'( strai(ht ahead, 9or =e could't steer, 'ot e?e' to a?oid thedead.

I daresay the 8ullet that carried o99 y ca; stu''ed e a 8it, at a'yrate I did't ree8er ?ery uch a9ter that, 9or the tie 8ei'( all I"'o= is that =e (allo;ed adly alo'(, a'd dashed throu(h t=o or three?illa(es. *here =as 'o o'e i' the 9irst ?illa(e 8ut i' the seco'd I sa=a' old lady sitti'( outside a house, =ith t=o 8uc"ets o9 =ater, 9ro=hich soldiers =ere dri'"i'(. /he =as roc"i'( to a'd 9ro, =ith her head8et=ee' her ha'ds, a ;iti9ul si(ht. /hells =ere dro;;i'( all arou'd a'dthe ;lace =as a =rec".

I carried o' at 9ull stretch 9or a8out te' iles, teari'( alo'( to (et

to the rear o9 the colu'. I do't ree8er that I e?er loo"ed 8ac" 8utI too" it that the tru;eter =as still i' the saddle o9 the =heel horse.

At last I cau(ht u; =ith the colu' the' I loo"ed rou'd 9or thetru;eter, 8ut he =as 'ot there, a'd I did 'ot "'o= =hat had 8ecoe o9hi. *hat =as the 9irst I "'e= o9 the 9act that I had 8ee' dri?i'( the(u' 8y ysel9.

Willy'illy I had 8ecoe a sort o9 artillerya', a'd 9ro that tieu'til the 2-th I attached ysel9 to the (u's 8ut o' that day I reoi'ed=hat =as le9t o9 y old re(ie't.

I had 8ee' i' char(e o9 t=el?e e', 8ut =he' I i'Nuired a8out the I9ou'd that o'ly three =ere le9t'i'e had 8ee' either "illed or =ou'ded,a'd the rest o9 the 8attalio' had su99ered i' ;ro;ortio'. *hat (i?essoe idea o9 the des;erate 'ature o9 the 9i(hti'( a'd the =ay i' =hichthe little !ritish ary su99ered duri'( the 9irst three days a9ter Mo's.

*he o99icer =ho had see' e carryi'( the a' o99 did 'ot see e (o 8ac",8ut a ser(ea't =ho "'e= e 'oticed e ;assi'( throu(h the ?illa(e =iththe (u' a'd he =as the 9irst a' o9 y 8attalio' that I sa=. *his =as/er(ea't Marcha't, =ho, 9or his (alla'try i' hel;i'( a'other ser(ea't,=ho =as =ou'ded, =as a=arded the Disti'(uished Co'duct Medal. I' that9i'e a99air he =as hel;ed 8y Co;a'y/er(ea'tMaor !olto', a'd 8oth o9the =ere e'tio'ed i' des;atches.

9 course I 'e?er thou(ht o9 sayi'( a'ythi'( a8out =hat I had do'e 8ut

I =as se't 9or a'd as"ed i9 it =as true, a'd I said I had (ot the a'a=ay a'd hel;ed to ta"e the (u' o99, a'd this =as co'9ired 8y the aor=ho had see' e carryi'( the a'.

+or the days =or" at &e Cateau t=o Victoria Crosses =ere (i?e' to yre(ie'to'e to Maor C. A. &. ate, Cal, he =as called, 8ecause o9his i'itials, a'd o'e to ysel9.

Maor ate =as a ?ery 9i'e o99icer. e oi'ed us a'd too" coa'd o9 !Co;a'y ust 8e9ore =e =e't out to the =ar. ' this day he =as i' the

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tre'ches, o' our le9t rear, 'ot ?ery 9ar 9ro =here I =as. Whe' =e =e'ti'to actio' he had 220 e', 8ut they cau(ht so uch o9 the hot 9ire=hich =as ea't 9or the 8attery 8ehi'd that he lost all his e' eHce;t'i'etee' =he' he =as surrou'ded a'd ca;tured. *he day 8e9ore thisha;;e'ed the aor declared that i9 it cae to a ;i'ch a'd they =eresurrou'ded he =ould 'ot surre'dera'd he did 'ot surre'der 'o=.Rec"less o9 the odds a(ai'st hi he headed his 'i'etee' e' i' a char(ea(ai'st the 4era'sa'd =he' that char(e =as o?er o'ly three o9 theco;a'y could 8e 9ored u;. All the rest o9 ! Co;a'y =ere either "illedor =ou'ded or ta"e' ;riso'ers, thou(h ?ery 9e= ;riso'ers =ere ta"e'. *heaor =as o'e o9 the 8ut he =as so 8adly =ou'ded that he li?ed o'ly a?ery short tie, a'd died as a ;riso'er o9 =ar. is is o'e o9 the casesi' =hich the Cross is (i?e' althou(h the =i''er o9 it is dead. Maorate =as a' a8solute (e'tlea' a'd a (reat 9a?ourite =ith us all. e hadhad a lot o9 eH;erie'ce i' the +ar East a'd at hoe, a'd I a sure thati9 he had li?ed he =ould ha?e 8ecoe a (e'eral. e =as al=ays i' 9ro't,a'd his co'sta't cry =as +ollo= eQ

+ro &e Cateau =e (ot to the Valley o9 the Ais'e a'd =ere i' tre'ches9or te' days. At id'i(ht o' /e;te8er 2Kth =e ad?a'ced t=o iles 8eyo'd

the ri?er, =hich =e had crossed 8y ;o'too's 8ecause all the other8rid(es had 8ee' 8lo=' u;.

We reached a little ?illa(e a'd stayed there i' shelters u'der'eath thehouses, =here all the i'ha8ita'ts sle;t. We stayed i' o'e o9 thesecellars a'd =e't o' out;ost at 9our i' the or'i'( a'd cae o99 at 9our'eHt or'i'(, the' =e't o' a(ai' at 9our a..

We =ere o'ly 2$0 yards 9ro the 4era's, =ho =ere i' a sall =oodoutside the ?illa(e, o;;osite the houses. *hey had s'i;ers out a'd =eres'i;i'( at us all the tie. We 8arricaded the =i'do=s o9 the houses a'd"'oc"ed 8ric"s out o9 the =alls to a"e loo;holes, a'd throu(h theseloo;holes =e s'i;ed the 4era's, a'd they did their le?el 8est to ;ic"us o99 too. E?ery tie your head =as sho=' a doOe' 8ullets cae, a'd youcould 'ot see =here they cae 9ro. *=o or three o9 our e' =ere "illed8y s'i;ers 8ut there =as 'o real cha'ce o9 (etti'( to (ri;s, 9or there=as 8ar8ed =ire e?ery=here, a'd 'othi'( could 8e do'e till this =as cut.5i(ht =as the o'ly tie =he' the =ire could 8e cuta'd 'i(ht =or" =as8oth eerie a'd 'er?erac"i'(.

We had liste'ers to liste' 9or a'y o?ee't 8y the e'ey. A se'try i';eace ties ea's a a' =ho =al"s u; a'd do=', sartly dressed, 8ut i'=ar tie, at 'i(ht, he is a liste'er, a'd i' the daytie he is a=atcherhe ca' see i' the daytie a'd hear at 'i(ht. *hat is o'e o9the little thi'(s =hich sho= ho= (reatly =ar cha'(es the custos o9;eace.

It =as outside !thu'e, =he' =e =ere i' reser?e to the rest o9 the8ri(ade, that I =as =ou'ded. We had (ot =ell i'to cto8er a'd =e =ere8ehi'd tre'ches, =ith +re'ch i'9a'try o' our ri(ht. At 'i(ht =ead?a'ced, o' a le?el =ith the 9iri'( li'e, a'd i' the dar"'ess =e du(tre'ches. We =ere the' 'eHt to the i'(s =' /cottish !orderers. We9i'ished the tre'ches 8e9ore the early hours o9 the or'i'( a'd stuc" i'the till 9i?e i' the a9ter'oo', =he' =e heard soe shouts, a'd o'loo"i'( o?er =e sa= that the 4era's =ere a"i'( a char(e.

We o;e'ed ra;id 9ire a'd the 4era's a's=ered ?ery sartly, ha?i'(

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dro;;ed do='. !ut they =ere 'ot do=' lo'(, 9or u; they s;ra'( a'd =ith9urther shouts o' they cae a'd (ot =ithi' three hu'dred yards o9 us.*he' =e =ere ordered to 9iH 8ayo'ets a'd 8e ready to char(e at a'yoe't 8ut 8e9ore =e started char(i'( =e rushed i'to a'other li'e o9tre'ches i' 9ro't o9 us, a'd there =e iHed =ith the !orderers.

*his 9i(ht i' the 'i(ht =as a thrilli'( a99air, the chie9 (uide o' eachside 8ei'( the 9lashes o9 the ri9les, a'd these =ere i'cessa't. *he4era's =ere 9iri'( ra;idly at a'ythi'( they could see 8ut there =aslittle to see eHce;t the ti'y 9or"s o9 9lae. *hey ust ha?e heard us,ho=e?er, a'd that, o9 course, =ould hel; the. 'e stra'(e thi'(ha;;e'ed =he' =e reached the tre'ch, a'd that =as that =e had to =a"e u;soe o9 the e'. I' s;ite o9 the 9i(hti'( they =ere slee;i'(8ut =artur's e?erythi'( u;side do=', a'd the !ritish soldier reaches a ;oi't=he' it ta"es a lot to distur8 hi.

/udde'ly, at this crisis, I 9elt as i9 y le( had 8ee' struc" 8ysoethi'( that ?i8rated, li"e a s;ri'(8oard, a'd I dro;;ed do='. I =asdiOOy, 8ut did 'ot thi'" I =as hit, a'd I su;;osed that i9 I stayed do='9or a 9e= i'utes I should 8e all ri(ht a'd a8le to (o o'. /o I sat

do=', 8ut Nuic"ly 9ou'd that I could 'ot o?e, a'd o' 9eeli'( y le( Idisco?ered that it =as =et a'd =ar, a'd I "'e= =hat that ea't, so Itoo" o99 y eNui;e't a'd ;ut it do=' a'd 8e(a' to cra=l 8ac" to thetre'ch I had le9t =he' =e char(ed.

I cra=led across a a'(el=urOel 9ield to a house o9 soe sort, the' Iust ha?e 8ecoe u'co'scious, 9or the 'eHt thi'( I "'e= =as that I =as8ei'( carried alo'( o' a stretcher.

It =as o'ly yesterday that a 9rie'd i' y 8attalio' =rote to tell ethat =e =ere cra=li'( ;retty close to(ether throu(h the a'(el=urOel9ield. e =as shot i' the ar a'd sto;;ed t=o o9 the !orderersstretcher8earers ust i' tie to ha?e e ;ut o' a stretcher.

I had a 'atural =al"i'(stic" =hich I had cut 9ro a ?i'e, a'd o9 =hichI =as ?ery 9o'd. I had 9aste'ed it to y ri9le a'd =as so ;roud o9 itthat I said I =ould carry it throu(h the =ar, i9 I could. My 9rie'd ustha?e "'o=' ho= I ;riOed the ?i'estic", 9or =he' he =as se't hoe he8rou(ht it =ith hi, a'd its =aiti'( 9or e =he' I lea?e hos;ital.

I also had a letter 9ro y co;a'y o99icer a 9e= days a(o. e says heissed e that 'i(ht, 8ut he could 'ot a"e out =hat had ha;;e'ed. eheard that a co;lete set o9 eNui;e't had 8ee' 9ou'd, a'd o' lear'i'(that I =as =ou'ded he assued that it =as i'e, a'd that I had 8ee'carried a=ay a'd le9t it. e told e that o' the ?ery 'i(ht I =as=ou'ded they =ere relie?ed 8y the +re'ch i'9a'try, a'd that he hisel9=as hit te' days a9ter=ards. It =as the day 8e9ore I =as =ou'ded that I

heard that I =as recoe'ded 9or the +re'ch Military Medal, a'd that =asas 8i( a sur;rise to e as the 'e=s that I had 8ee' (i?e' the VictoriaCross.

*hat eNui;e't o9 i'e had a tra(ic history. Duri'( the 9irst day o9 theAis'e I =as =ithout eNui;e't a'd set to =or" to (et soe. A 8u(ler o9y 8attalio' had 8ee' "illed 8y shra;'el a'd I =as told 8y y o99icerto (o a'd (et his eNui;e't. *reat hi (e'tly, ;oor cha;, said theo99icer, a'd you ay 8e sure I did. I hel;ed ysel9, a'd thi'"i'( thatthe ;oor lads other i(ht li"e a ee'to I 8rou(ht a=ay his

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iro'ratio's ti'. *his is riddled =ith 8ulletholes, ust as the8u(ler =as.

*here is o'e thi'( ore that I =ould li"e to say, a'd it is a8out y8irthday, =hich 9alls o' /e;te8er Jth. As I had le9t the colours a'd(o'e i'to the Reser?e I thou(ht I could loo" 9or=ard to a 9i'ecele8ratio' o9 the a''i?ersary. A'd there B=asB a 9i'e cele8ratio', too,9or o' /e;te8er Jth our retiri'( 8e9ore the 4era's e'ded a'd =estarted to ad?a'ce a'd dri?e the 8ac".

Could a'y !ritish soldier =a't a 9i'er 8irthday cele8ratio' tha' thatS


!RI*I/ +I4*ER/ I5 +RE5C +R*/

  We ?ery slo=ly lear'ed soethi'( o9 the a'y eHtraordi'ary

  9eatures o9 this aaOi'( =ar. 5othi'( is too asto'ishi'( or  stu;e'dous to ha;;e' i' co''ectio' =ith the 9i(ht to crush the  ilitaris o9 russia. *hrou(h this story 8y ri?ate . !oyers, o9  the Durha &i(ht I'9a'trythe old 6-th +oot, lo'( "'o=' 8y reaso'  o9 its de?otio' o' a'y a 8loody 9ield li"e /alaa'ca a'd I'"era'  as the +aith9ul Durhas=e (et to "'o= soethi'( o9 the !ritish  a'd +re'ch 9i(hti'( side 8y side i' the 9orts at &ille, o'e o9 the  stro'(est o9 the 9aous 9ortresses o9 +ra'ce. &ille is a (reat  a'u9acturi'( to=', the Ma'chester o9 +ra'ce, a'd early i' cto8er  1F1K, a'd later, it =as the sce'e o9 uch des;erate 9i(hti'(  8et=ee' the Allied Aries a'd the 4era's.%

I =e't 9ro E'(la'd =ith the 9irst ;arty i' the EH;editio'ary +orce, a'da9ter la'di'( o' the other side o9 the Cha''el, =e had a arch o9 9i9tyiles to Mo's, =here I had y 9irst 8attle.

I =as i' the (reat retiree't8ut I su;;ose you ha?e heard e'ou(h a8outthat a'd Mo's already, so I =ill lea?e it. A9ter that 8e(i''i'(, I too";art i' the !attle o9 the Mar'e a'd the !attle o9 the Ais'e, a'd latero' I =as shot i' the thi(h a'd 8o=led out.

I a o'ly a you'( soldierI a a 'ati?e o9 /u'derla'd, a'd =as 8or' i'1-F1a'd I ha?e o'ly 8ee' i' the ary a 9e= o'thsi' the old 6-th,the +aith9ul Durhas, so I thi'" I ha?e see' a 9air lot o9 the 8i( =ara'd ha?e (ot to "'o= =hat it ea's.

*he Durhas ha?e do'e s;le'didly a'd su99ered terri8ly, a'd a'y a chuo9 i'e is slee;i'( =ith thousa'ds ore !ritish soldiers o' the8attle9ields o9 +ra'ce a'd !el(iu. A (reat a'y ha?e 8ee' =ou'ded, a'do9 course there are a 'u8er o9 issi'(, ostly e', I dare say, =ho are;riso'ers o9 =ar.

I had 8ee' at sea 8e9ore oi'i'( the ary, a'd thou(ht I "'e= soethi'(a8out rou(hi'( it 8ut e?e' the 5orth /ea i' 8ad =eather =as 'othi'(co;ared =ith the hardshi;s o9 the retiree't 9ro Mo's, a'd the li?i'(a'd slee;i'( i' the tre'ches =he' the (rou'd =as sodde' a'd dee; i'

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/oeties =e =ere ?ery short o9 9ood, a'd o'ce 9or se?eral days o' e'd=e =ere alost star?i'(, 8ecause the su;;lies could 'ot (et u; to us,a'd =e had 8ee' 9orced to thro= a=ay a lot o9 our ;ac"s a'd thi'(s.

A (ood a'y o9 us had to carry a se?e';ou'd ti' o9 8ully 8ee9 i'additio' to our hea?y ;ac"s a'd a (reat a'y rou'ds o9 au'itio'. I'the 9ear9ully hot =eather =e could 'ot carry all this =ei(ht, a'd theti's o9 8ee9 had to (o. We should ha?e 8ee' tha'"9ul 9or the later o',=he' =e ra' short a'd soe o9 the 8ee9 =e had =ith us had (o'e 8adthrou(h the ti's (etti'( ;u'ctured, =hich ha;;e'ed i' all sorts o9stra'(e =ays, i'cludi'( 8ulletholes a'd 8ayo'et ;ric"s. !ut these =erethi'(s that could't 8e hel;ed, a'd i' s;ite o9 the all =e "e;t ?erycheer9ul, a'd o9te' e'ou(h, 8oth o' the arch a'd i' the tre'ches a'd+re'ch 9orts, =he' =e (ot to the, =e sa'( a'd o"ed a'd =histled as i9there =as 'o such thi'( (oi'( o' as =ar.

ur o99icers shared e?erythi'( =ith us, a'd su99ered ust as =e did,thou(h o9te' =orse, so that =he'e?er =e (ot a 8it do='hearted, their

eHa;le cheered us u; a'd ;ut us ri(ht. I do't thi'" theres a a'=hos 9ou(ht i' this (reat =ar =ho =o't say the sae thi'( a8out hiso99icers.

We had so uch 9ierce 9i(hti'( =he' the =or" really 8e(a', a'd sa= soa'y stra'(e a'd dread9ul thi'(s, that it is 'ot easy to say =hat sta'dsout ost clearly i' our i'ds i' such a 8usi'ess, 8ut o'e o9 the thi'(sI do ree8er, a'd shall 'e?er 9or(et, is the =ee" or so =e s;e't i' o'eo9 the 8i( +re'ch 9orts at &ille, 9i(hti'( side 8y side =ith +re'chsoldiers. I =ill tell you a8out that later, 8ut =e did a lot 8e9ore =e(ot to &ille.

Whe' =e =ere o' the arch =e had a (reat deal o9 eHciti'( =or" to do i'hu'ti'( 4era's. /all 8odies o9 the =ere e?ery=here, a;art 9ro theie'se 'u8ers o9 s;ies =ho =ere i' the &ille district a'd else=here.

*he +re'ch 8a((ed a lot o9 s;ies a'd (a?e the short shri9t. *hey hid i'all sorts o9 Nueer ;lacessoe o9 the (ot i'to the tall illchi'eys8ut they =ere routed out a'd shot.

We 9ou'd a 9air lot o9 4era's i' houses a'd 9ars =he' =e =ere o' thearch. We eHai'ed these ;laces thorou(hly. Whe' =e arri?ed at9arhouses a'd suchli"e ;laces, a 'o'coissio'ed o99icer, =ith a sall;arty o9 e' =ould a"e i'Nuiries, o9te' =ith the hel; o9 +re'chca?alrye' =ho =ere =ith us a'd could s;ea" E'(lish, a'd =e al=ays 9ou'dthat threats o9 9ear9ul ;u'ishe't to the =oe'9ol" had 8ee' ade 8y the4era's i9 they told us that a'y 4era's had 8ee' see' a8out. !ut the

=oe' told us readily e'ou(h, es;ecially =he' there ha;;e'ed to 8e a'y4era's i' hidi'(those =ho =ere too dru'" to (et a=ay a'd had 8ee'le9t 8ehi'd. It did't ta"e lo'( to a"e these 9ello=s ;riso'ers, a'dthey ru88ed their eyes a lot =he' they (ot so8er a'd 9ou'd that the!ritish had 8a((ed thethou(h I 9a'cy that ost o9 the =ere (lad to8e cau(ht a'd out o9 the 9i(hti'(.

We sa= soe dread9ul si(hts i' these 9ars a'd houses that =e e'tered,a'd it =as 'o u'coo' thi'( 9or us to 8ury the =oe' =ho had 8ee' do'eto death 8y these i'?aders =ho =ere =orse tha' heathe's. We had to carry

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out this sad =or" at 'i(ht, to esca;e the 4era' 9ire, 9or 'o atter=hat =e =ere doi'( they =e't 9or us =ith ri9les a'd achi'e(u's a'da'ythi'( else that cae ha'dy.

*ie a9ter tie o' the arch =e sa= ;roo9 o9 the terri8le =ay i' =hichthe +re'ch a'd 4era's 9ou(ht, a'd sa= ho= 8ra?ely the +re'ch hadde9e'ded their cou'try a'd ho= 9reely they had (i?e' their li?es to (etsoethi'( li"e e?e' =ith the e'ey.

*he +re'che' =ere 'aturally e?e' ore u;set tha' the !ritish soldiers=ere at a'y o9 the si(hts that et us, a'd i' the streets alo'( =hich=e arched =e o9te' sa= dead 8odies o9 +re'che' a'd 4era's lyi'( closeto(ether, =here they had 9alle' a9ter a des;erate 9i(ht o' the ;a?ee'tsor i' the road=ay. *hey had et a'd 9ou(ht to the death, a'd it loo"edas i9 'o Nuarter had 8ee' (i?e'. A'd =ith all this there had 8ee' a;er9ectly sa?a(e destructio' o9 e?erythi'( that the 4era's could laytheir ha'ds o'.

*he 4era's had thie?ed a'd "illed =here?er they had (o'e, led o' i' the=or" 8y their o99icers, a'd little su;;osi'(, I 9a'cy, that the day o9

rec"o'i'( had coe 9or the a'd that their 8rutal (ae =as 8ei'(s;oiled. *here is 'o dou8t that they had 8ee' tau(ht that they =ere(oi'( to ha?e a =al" o?er i' +ra'ce a'd =ere (oi'( to ha?e a (ood tiei' aris 8ut soe o9 the =ere ;oor e'ou(h s;ecie's =he' =e cau(htthe or they surre'dered.

A9ter the terri9ic 8attles o9 the Mar'e a'd the Ais'e =e =eretra's9erred rather Nuic"ly to &a !asse, =hich is 'ot 9ar 9ro &ille,a'd the' =e had to ta"e a share i' de9e'di'( &ille, i' o'e o9 the 8i(9orts ust outside the to='.

*he 4era's had (ot u; i'to that ;art o9 the cou'try i' ?ery stro'(9orce, a'd they =ere a"i'( 9urious e99orts to sash the 9orts a'd (ethold o9 &ille, =hich had 8ecoe a ost i;orta't ;lace 9or the.

&ille is a lar(e a'u9acturi'( to=' a'd =as ?ery stro'(ly de9e'ded 8y9orts a'd i' other =ays. *hese 8i( 9orts, a8out hal9adoOe' i' 'u8er,9or a ri'( rou'd the to=' a'd coa'd all the cou'tryside, or ratherdid, 9or they ha?e 8ee' ;retty 8adly haered 8y this tie =hile theto=' itsel9 is ;rotected i' other =ays. &ille =as also o'e o9 the 8i(ce'tres 9or +re'ch troo;s, 8ut o=i'( to the hea?y drai' caused 8y theie'se 'u8ers o9 4era's that had to 8e dealt =ith at the Ais'e there=ere 'ot a (reat a'y 9irstrate troo;s le9t, a'd a (ood deal o9 thede9e'ce had to 9all o' the territorials.

*he ;articular 9ort =here I had y stra'(est eH;erie'ces =as a8out aile 9ro &ille, a'd 9ro the outside it loo"ed li"e a lo= hillto;, so

uch so that =he' =e =ere (etti'( 'ear it the 9ort seeed li"e a littlerou'd hill risi'( 9ro the ;lai'.

*he 9ort =as 8uilt o9 ie'se 8loc"s o9 sto'e, a'd, as 9ar as o'e couldtell, (reat Nua'tities o9 steel, so that its stre'(th ust ha?e 8ee'e'orous.

It =as a roa'tic sort o9 8usi'ess to (et i'to the 9ort, 8ecause, 9irsto9 all, =e had to ;ass the se'tries, the' soe hu(e sto'e slidi'( doors=ere o;e'ed, 8y a le?er, I su;;ose, i' the sae =ay as the id=ay doors

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o9 a District Rail=ay carria(e o;e' a'd shut. *hey =ere ?ery 8i( a'dhea?y doors, yet they o;e'ed a'd shut Nuite easily, a'd =he' they =ereclosed you could hardly see a crac" 8et=ee' the.

ast this (looy e'tra'ce =as a 'arro= =alled slo;e =hich led i'todar"'ess. We =e't do=' the slo;e i'to =hat loo"ed li"e a' arch=ay a'dthe' =e (ot i'to ;ro;er 8lac"'ess. It =as soe tie 8e9ore you could (etused to such dar"'ess, 8ut at last I sa= that =e had reached a lar(e?ault 8ut I ca't ;rete'd to (i?e details, 8ecause I 'e?er had a cha'ceo9 ;ro;erly a"i'( the out, a'd =e =ere ore co'cer'ed a8out the4era's tha' =e =ere a8out the 9ort.

9 course it ca' 8e easily u'derstood that o=i'( to the ;rese'ce o9(reat Nua'tities o9 au'itio' a'd i'9laa8le stores, o'ly the diestli(hti'( =as ;ossi8lei' 9act, there =as ;ractically 'o li(hti'( at alleHce;t 8y little ;orta8le electric la;s, a'd as 9or so"i'(, that =asa8solutely o99.

*he i'sta't =e reached the 9ort =e =ere told that so"i'( =as oststrictly 9or8idde', a'd that diso8edie'ce =as ;u'isha8le 8y death. *he

+re'ch soldier is as 9o'd as the !ritish *oy o9 his so"e, 8ut it is arear"a8le thi'( that i' the dar"'ess o9 the 9ort =e did't 9eel the=a't o9 so"i'(, =hich is't uch o9 a catch i' the ;itch dar"'ess. As aatter o9 9act I had 'o =ish to so"e =he' =e =ere i' the 9ort, so I =as'e?er te;ted to ru' the ris" o9 8ei'( shot.

Coo"i'(, li"e so"i'(, =as out o9 the Nuestio', 9or you ca' 'o oreso"e =ith sa9ety i' a a(aOi'e li"e that tha' you ca' i' a coali'eas;ar" is e'ou(h to do tree'dous ischie9, let alo'e a 9ire so ourratio's had to 8e 8rou(ht to us 8y the Ary /er?ice Cor;s, thou(h they,=ith their carts, =ere a lo'( =ay o99.

*he A./.C. cha;s =ere s;le'did all throu(h, a'd the e' i' the 9i(hti'(li'e o=e a lot to the.

I' this 8lac" du'(eo', =ith such cu''i'( 4era's a8out, a se'tryschalle'(e =as a (ood deal ore tha' a 9orality 8ut it 'early 8ecaeo'e =he' the =elcoe coissariat a' arri?ed. !ut 9or his coi'( =eshould ha?e had to 9all 8ac" o' our eer(e'cy ratio's. *hese =ere (ood,o9 their "i'd, 8ut they ca't co;are =ith the 8est e99orts o9 theA./.C.

!ut I (etti'( o99 the trac" a 8it. I' the side o9 the ?ault, orca?er', there =as a lo=, shallo= du(out =hich =as ea't to hold ari9lea' lyi'( at 9ull stretch. *his =as soethi'( li"e a sall cu8iclei' siOe a'd sha;e, a'd to e'ter it i' the dar"'ess =as a ;ro;er ;ro8le.A9ter a try or t=o, ho=e?er, you (ot i'to the =ay o9 stu8li'(

co9orta8ly i'to it. !y crouchi'( a'd cree;i'(, a'd usi'( your ha'ds a'd"'ees, you could secure a ;ositio' 9ro =hich it =as 9airly easy to dra=yoursel9 u; i'to the du(out. I d=ell o' this 8ecause I thi'" it isi;orta't, seei'( that 9our o9 us too" t=ohour =atches throu(hout thet=e'ty9our hours, so that (etti'( to a'd 9ro such a du(out 8ecoes a'e?e't i' your daily li9e.

At o'e e'd o9 the du(out =as a loo;hole 9or a ri9le or a aHi(u', a'dhere =e ;atie'tly =aited 9or those ;ests, the s'i;ers. *hese 4era';otters (a?e us 'o rest 8ut a'y a 4era' =ho thou(ht he =as =ell

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hidde' (ot the 9i'ishi'( touch 9ro o'e o9 our loo;holes.

*his =as thrilli'( 9i(hti'(, es;ecially =he' thi'(s 8ecae hot, a'd =ea''ed all the loo;holes i' the 9ort, to the 'u8er o9 9our, a'd at a;i'ch =e could use t=o aHis at each. *here =ere 9ourtee' o9 us i' the9ort alto(ether, 9our o99icers a'd te' e'. *he orders, 8ei'( i' +re'ch,sou'ded ?ery stra'(e at 9irst, 8ut to y sur;rise, I soo' 9ell i'to the=ay o9 u'dersta'di'( =hat =as said arou'd e, certai'ly so 9ar asordi'ary little thi'(s =ere co'cer'ed. I shall 'e?er 9or(et the +re'ch9or =ater so lo'( as I ree8er the thirst I had i' the 8lac" de;ths o9the 9ort.

*he li9e i' the 9ort =as o'e o9 the stra'(est ;arts o9 the =hole o9 the9i(hti'(. It =as Nueer e'ou(h to 8e i' +ra'ce, 9i(hti'( =ith the +re'ch,8ut a (ood deal Nueerer to 8e li?i'( i' o'e o9 the 8i( 9aous +re'ch9orts =hich the 4era's =ere tryi'( to ;ou'd to 8its =ith their e'oroussie(e (u's. !ut =e soo' settled do=' a'd (ot 9airly =ell used to thesou'd o9 the 9orts (u's a'd the ro= o9 the 4era' artillery a'd thecrashi'( o9 the shells arou'd us.

We =ere told o99 i'to ;arties i' the 9ort, each ;arty 8ei'( coa'ded 8ya 'o'coissio'ed o99icer, =ho used to li(ht the =ay 9or us =ith a'electric la; that he carried i' 9ro't o9 hi, hu'( rou'd his 'ec".

We ate a'd dra'" a'd sle;t =ith the +re'ch (u''ers, a'd ta"e' alto(ether=e =ere ?ery co9orta8le, a'd =ere s;ared soethi'( o9 the a=9ul 'oiseo9 the 9iri'(, 9or =he' the (u's o9 the 9orts =ere 9ired the 'oise =as=orse tha' thu'der8olts, a'd e?erythi'( a8out =as sha"e' i' the osteHtraordi'ary a''er.

*he 4era's =ere ad to (et at us a'd they shot to's a'd to's o9 shellsat us, a'd tie a9ter tie ade e99orts to stor the 9orts a'd &illeitsel9. I' these atte;ts they lost ie'se 'u8ers o9 e', a'd =he' =e(ot outside o9 the 9ort =e sa= the dead 8odies o9 the 4era's lyi'(a8out i' thousa'dsso thic" o' the (rou'd =ere they that =e had tocla8er o?er the as 8est =e could.

ur o=' 9ort =as ;retty luc"y, 8ut the 'eHt o'e to us =as ?ery 8adlydaa(ed, hu(e holes 8ei'( ade =here the o'ster shells (ot hoe, a'dost o9 the de9e'ders o9 the 9ort 8ei'( =i;ed out. *he 4era' 8i( (u'scertai'ly did a ?ast aou't o9 ischie9 a(ai'st 9ortsso the 4era's=ill "'o= =hat to eH;ect =he' our o=' 8i( (u's (et to =or" o' 9orts i'4era'y.

It =as soo' clear that it =ould 'ot 8e ;ossi8le to hold o' at &ille 9orlo'(, 8ecause =e =ere so ho;elessly out'u8ered. *he 9i(ht =e't o', daya'd 'i(ht, 9or a 9ull =ee", a'd the 4era's 8o8arded e?erythi'(.

' /u'day, cto8er Kth, there =as soe des;erate 9i(hti'( i' the streetso9 the to=' a'd the outs"irts. 4era' troo;s =ere rushed u; i' arouredtrai's a'd otors, 8ut =he' it cae to ha'dtoha'd 9i(hti'( they =ere'ot uch (ood, a'd o' the Mo'day they =ere dri?e' a=ay =ith hea?y loss.

We had a 9e= (oes at the =ith the 8ayo'et, a'd that char(i'( =as ?eryhard =or". It had to 8e do'e i' short rushes o9 a8out a hu'dred yards,8ut =e could 'ot (et 'ear e'ou(h to the to (i?e the 8ayo'et a 9aircha'ce. I' that res;ect it =as the sae old storythe 4era's =ould 'ot

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9ace the steel. I' a'ythi'( li"e eNual 'u8ers they ca't sta'd u;a(ai'st a char(e. *hey =ould ostly ru' 9or it, 9iri'( at us o?er theirshoulders as they 8olted, 8ut 'ot doi'( a (reat deal o9 ischie9 that=ay. Whe' they could ru' 'o ore a'd sa= that the (ae =as u;, they=ould thro= a=ay their ri9les a'd surre'der, a'd =e the' 8rou(ht thei'.

!e9ore the 9i(hti'( 8e(a', a'd =hile it =as (oi'( o', a (ood a'y o9 thei'ha8ita'ts (ot i'to a ;a'ic a'd 9led to !oulo('e a'd Calais 8ut the+re'ch troo;s held out (aely, a'd o' the *uesday a 9ear9ul lot o9eHecutio' =as do'e ao'(st the asses o9 4era's 8y the +re'ch artillery9ire. 5either the 4era' (u's 'or the i'9a'try could a"e a sta'da(ai'st this o'slau(ht, a'd at this tie the 4era' losses =ere;articularly hea?y, hu'dreds o9 e' 9alli'( to(ether. At the e'd o9 that;art o9 the 8attle the 4era's 9or the tie 8ei'( =ere co;letelyrouted, a'd they =ere dri?e' 8ac" a (ood doOe' iles.

*he Durhas su99ered (reatly i' the 9i(hti'(, a'd the (ood old Westor"shires, =ho had see' a lot o9 hard =or" =ith us, had 8ee' 8adly cutu; too. /oe s;le'did hel; =as (i?e' 8y the little 4ur"has, =ho had

oi'ed the !ritish 8ut u'9ortu'ately I =as 'ot a8le to see uch o9 =hatthey did, 8ecause soo' a9ter they a;;eared =ith their 9aous "'i?es I(ot y =ou'd.

/oe o9 the ost eHciti'( a'd da'(erous =or" =as do'e at 'i(ht, =he' =etried to (et at the 4era's =ith the 8ayo'et a'd rout the out o9 theirtre'ches a'd ;ositio's. We had to do e?erythi'( so Nuietlycree; out o9the 9orts, cree; alo'( the (rou'd, a'd cree; u; to the e'ey as 'ear as=e could (et, a'd soeties that =as 'ot ?ery close, 8ecause o9 suchthi'(s as 8ar8ed =ire e'ta'(lee'ts.

*hese e'ta'(lee'ts =ere ;articularly horri8le, 8ecause they =ere sohard to o?ercoe a'd tore the 9lesh a'd clothi'(. At 9irst =e had a;retty (ood =ay o9 destroyi'( the, a'd that =as 8y ;utti'( the uOOleso9 our ri9les o' the =ire a'd 8lo=i'( it a=ay 8ut there =ere t=oserious dra=8ac"s to that tric"o'e =as that it =as a =aste o9au'itio', a'd the other =as that the 'oise o9 the 9iri'( (a?e us a=ay,a'd let the 4era's loose o' us =ith (u's a'd ri9les.

We soo' (ot too ca''y to (o o' =ith that ;ractice, a'd ust 8e9ore I =as=ou'ded a'd se't hoe a ?ery i'(e'ious arra'(ee't had 8ee' 9iHed to theuOOle o9 the ri9le 9or =irecutti'(a ;air o9 shears =hich you could=or" =ith a s=i?el 9ro 'ear the tri((er, so that i'stead o9 ;utti'( theuOOle o9 the ri9le a(ai'st the =ire, you could cut it 8y usi'( the;liers.

It =as i' o'e o9 these 'i(ht a99airs that I =as 'early 9i'ished as a

soldier. I =as ordered to oi' a reco''oitri'( ;arty. We (ot clear o9the 9ort, a'd ade our =ay o?er the cou'try 9or a8out a ile. We =erethe' i' a 9ield =hich had 8ee' har?ested a'd harro=ed, so that it =as;retty hard (rou'd to (o o?er. I' s;ite o9 it all =e =ere (etti'( o'?ery 'icely =he' the 4era's (ot =i'd o9 our o?ee'ts a'd o;e'ed aterri8le 9ire =ith ri9les a'd aHis.

We lost a lot o9 e', a'd =here a a' 9ell there he had to lie, dead orli?i'(.

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/udde'ly I 9ell ;lu; o' the (rou'd, a'd 9ou'd that I could 'ot (et u;a(ai', thou(h I did y 8est to "ee; u; =ith y chus. *he' I 9elt a'a=9ul ;ai' i' y thi(h a'd "'e= that I =as hurt, 8ut I ust ha?e 8ee'struc" 9i?e i'utes 8e9ore I 9ell, 8y a 8ullet 9ro a 4era' ri9le. Ithad (o'e clea' throu(h y ri(ht thi(h. *hey told e a9ter=ards that Ihad had a ?ery 'arro= sha?e i'deed 8ut a iss is as (ood as a ile.

I "'e= there =as 'othi'( 9or it 8ut ;luc" a'd ;atie'ce, so I ade the8est o9 thi'(s, a'd =aited till the day 8ro"e a'd 8rou(ht the 8attalio'stretcher8earers,


B*o 9ace ;. -0.B

WE +)5D A +AIR &* + 4ERMA5/ I5 )/E/ A5D +ARM/ >;. J2@.%

=ho al=ays cae out ust a8out da=' to collect the =ou'ded.

I =as lyi'( o' the (rou'd, i' a sort o9 ditch, 9or siH hours 8e9ore I

=as ;ic"ed u; 8y the stretcher8earers a'd carried to a sta8le =hich =as8ei'( used as a te;orary hos;ital.

*he 4era's 9ired o' the =ou'ded as they =ere 8ei'( carried o99 i' the(rey li(ht, 8ut they did't hit e a(ai'.

I lay i' the sta8le 9or a8out ei(ht hours, =aiti'( 9or the a8ula'ce,=hich too" e to the railhead, a'd the' I =as ;ut i' a trai' a'd ta"e'to Roue'a'd that tra?elli'( =as si;ly a=9ul, 8ecause the +re'chtrai's olt li"e tractio'e'(i'es.

All the sae, I had a ;leasa't ?oya(e to /outha;to', a'd ho;ed that Ii(ht 8e se't to a hos;ital 'ear hoe, 8ut I =as too ill to (o a lo'(our'ey to the 'orth, so I =as ta"e' to Wool=ich, a'd a9ter=ards se'there, to the Royal os;ital at Richo'd, =here e?ery8ody is "i'd'essitsel9, a'd ca't do e'ou(h 9or you, it sees.

I?e had a o'th i' 8ed, so 9ar, 8ut I ho;i'( to 8e out o9 it soo' a'dho88li'( a8out.



  Die hard, y e', die hardQ shouted the heroic Colo'el I'(lis,  =he', at Al8uhera, i' the e'i'sular War, his re(ie't, the $Jth  +oot, =ere 9uriously e'(a(ed =ith the e'ey. A'd the re(ie't  o8eyed, 9or =he' the 8loody 9i(ht =as e'ded t=e'tyt=o out o9  t=e'ty9i?e o99icers had 8ee' "illed or =ou'ded, K2$ o9 $J0 ra'"  a'd 9ile had 9alle' a'd thirty 8ullets had riddled the i'(s  Colour. *he $Jth is 'o= the 1st !attalio' MiddleseH Re(ie't, 8ut  the re(ie't is still 8est "'o=' 8y its (alla't 'ic"'ae o9 the  Dieards. It has su99ered eHce;tio'al losses i' this =ar, a'd  the story o9 soe o9 its doi'(s is told 8y Cor;oral W. !rat8y, =ho

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  relates a tale =hich he has descri8ed as a 8rothers re?e'(e.%

*he old Dieards =e't i'to actio' at Mo's 'early a thousa'd stro'(8ut =he', a9ter Mo's had 8ee' le9t 8ehi'd, a roari'( 9ur'ace, the roll=as called, 'ot ore tha' 2J0 o9 us =ere le9t. D Co;a'y cae out ashattered re'a'to'ly thirtysiH e', a'd 'o o99icers. Whe' =hat =asle9t o9 us arched a=ay, other re(ie'ts =ere shouti'(, *hree cheers9or the DieardsQ A'd three rousi'( cheers they (a?e 8ut I had 'oheart 9or the, 8ecause I had le9t y you'(er 8rother ac", a Dieardli"e ysel9. *hey told e that he had 8ee' "illed 8y a 8ursti'( shell=hile doi'( his duty =ith the achi'e(u' sectio'.

I did 'ot say uch. I as"ed the aduta't i9 a'y o9 the achi'e(u'sectio' had retur'ed, a'd he a's=ered sadly, 5o, they?e all (o'e.

ac" a'd I =ere 8rothers a'd had 8ee' (ood old chus all our li?esIhad tau(ht hi a 8it o9 8oHi'( a'd he =as ost ;roisi'( =ith the(lo?es, a'd =e had a =ido=ed other to "ee; so I really 9elt as i9soethi'( had (o'e s'a; i' y head a'd that all I cared 9or =as to (et

y re?e'(e 9ro the 4era's. *he last =ords I heard hi say =ere, Well,!ill, I (oi'( ri(ht i'to the 9iri'( li'e, a'd I ree8er lau(hi'( a'dsayi'(, es, ac", 8ut youre 'ot the o'ly o'e =hos (oi'( to do that.

ac" lau(hed too a'd said, All ri(ht, !ill, Ill see you i' the 9iri'(li'e, a'd =ith that he =e't a'd I sa= 'o ore o9 hi.

I had 8ee' i' the re(ie't 9i?e years a'd 'i'e o'ths =he' the =ar 8ro"eout a'd ac" had ser?ed ore tha' t=o years. I had 8ecoe a cor;oral a'dhe =as a la'cecor;oral.

*he days i' the 8e(i''i'( =ere s=elteri'(ly hot 8ut the Dieards,8ei'( ty;ical Coc"'eys, ade the 8est o9 the. ur !ri(ade co'sisted o9oursel?es >the Kth MiddleseH@, the 2'd Royal /cots, the 1st 4ordo'i(hla'ders a'd the 2'd Royal Irish Ri9les. We 8e(a' o;eratio's =ithtre'ch di((i'(, o'e ;articular tre'ch, the achi'e(u' tre'ch, 8ei'(allotted to ! Co;a'y. I hel;ed to su;eri'te'd the co'structio' o9 thetre'ches, a'd I =as ;roud o9 the =or" =he' I sa= =hat =as do'e 9ro the=he' the 4era's sho=ed thesel?es.

ur achi'e(u' caused e'orous ha?oc ao'(st the 4era' ra'"s, a'd I asure that y 8rother did his ;art i' settli'( a lot o9 the, 9or he =as"ee' o' his =or" a'd 9ull o9 (o. *he Royal Irish at this sta(e =eredoi'( s;le'didlythey =ere 'ot ore tha' 3$0 yards 9ro the e'ey,se;arated 9ro the 8y a rail=aya'd they =ere luc"y e'ou(h to 9etcho'e (u' out o9 actio' a(ai', 8ut the e'orously su;erior 'u8ers o9 the4era's told a'd the 9aous retreat 8e(a'. *he achi'e(u''ers had

su99ered ?ery hea?ily a'd it =as hard to lear' a'ythi'( de9i'ite a8outthe ;ositio' i' the tre'ches.

99icers a'd e' =ere 9alli'( e?ery=here o' 8oth sides, a'd I sa= areco''oitri'( ;atrol o9 )hla's 8o=led o?er i' tryi'( to a?oid soe o9the Kth Royal +usiliers. A' o99icer a'd se?e' e' o9 the )hla's =ere"illed i' that little a99air =ithout (etti'( i' a shot i' retur'. It =as'ot uch, 8ut it =as soethi'( cheeri'( a9ter =hat =e had (o'e throu(hat Mo's. We loo"ed u;o' it as a 8it o9 s;ort, a'd a9ter that =e =e'ti'to chPteauH, ca9s a'd other ;laces, a'd discussed a99airs i' a ;ro;er

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*oyli"e s;irit. It is ?ery stra'(e, 8ut i9 it had 'ot 8ee' 9or thela'(ua(e I could ha?e thou(ht at ties that I =as 8ac" i' il8ur' or i'&o'do', o' stri"e duty a(ai', as I =as at the tie o9 the rail=aytrou8le three years a(o.

We =ere 9i(hti'( a rear(uard actio' 9or three days ri(ht o99 the reel,a'd doi'( that =o'der9ul arch to =hich itche'ers test or a'ythi'(li"e it =as a ere 'othi'(. =i'( to the heat, =e discarded o?ercoats,"its a'd i' soe cases ri9les a'd eNui;e't. ur tra's;ort =as 8lo=' to;ieces three days a9ter Mo's, =hich to the -th !ri(ade is "'o=' as BtheBWed'esday.

!ut lost "it a'd shattered tra's;ort attered little to ost o9 us, a'dcertai'ly had sli(ht si('i9ica'ce 9or e, 8ecause the o'ly thi'( I hadi' i'd =as this deteri'atio' to (et re?e'(e. I a 'ot eHa((erati'( i'the least, I a erely ;utti'( do=' o' record the state o9 y 9eeli'(sa'd =ishi'( to a"e you u'dersta'd ho= rear"a8le a cha'(e had coeo?er e, a' alteratio' such as is 8rou(ht a8out, I ta"e it, 8y =ar, a'd=ar alo'e. erha;s, too, the eHcessi?e stress a'd strai' o9 those earlydays o9 the =ar had soethi'( to do =ith y co'ditio' 8ut =hate?er the

cause, there it =as. Da'(er itsel9 ea't 'othi'(, a'd I, li"e the resto9 us, too" the ordi'ary 9i(hti'( a'd the i'cessa't a'd truly horri8leshell 9ire as a atter o9 course, a ;art o9 the days =or". I 8ided ytie, a'd it cae.

We had crossed the Ais'e, a da'(erous u'it still, i' s;ite o9 ourlosses, 9or =e had recei?ed rei'9orcee'ts 9ro the 8ase 8ut ust8e9ore crossi'( the ri?er =e sat do=' o' the road, =aiti'( 9or a9a?oura8le o;;ortu'ity to cross 8y a ;o'too' 8rid(e =hich the E'(i'eers=ere 8uildi'(. *hat ;o'too' re;laced a 8rid(e =hich had 8ee' 8lo=' u;.

' the =ord Rise =e 9ell i', a'd i' doi'( so a a' had the is9ortu'eto shoot hisel9 throu(h the ha'd.

*he colo'el cae u; at o'ce a'd ordered the i'ured a' to (o 8ac" tothe hos;ital i' a ?illa(e a8out a ile a'd a hal9 u; the road, i' rearo9 the 8rid(e. I =as told o99 to ta"e hi, a'd =e =e't to a house thathad 8ee' tur'ed i'to a hos;ital, the ;eo;le i' it 8ei'( ty;ically+re'ch. *here =ere soe sad cases there, ao'(st the o'e o9 our o='9ello=s =ho had 8ee' se?erely =ou'ded a'd a troo;er o9 the Kth ussars=ho =as the o'ly sur?i?or o9 a reco''oitri'( ;arty. e had 8ee' shot=hile (oi'( throu(h the ?illa(e that or'i'(. ust at that tie =e hadhad a'y losses o9 sall 8odiesi' o'e case a ser(ea't a'd 9i?e e' had8ee' 8lo=' to ;ieces.

A9ter I had (ot the =ou'ded a' i'to the hos;ital I as"ed theo'sieur i' char(e o9 the house 9or soe tea, =hich he ?ery =illi'(ly

;roducedit had 'o il" i' it, o9 course, 8ut 8y that tie I had alost9or(otte' that il" eHisted.

At this tie the ?illa(e =as 8ei'( shelled, 8ut that did 'ot a99ect thee'oye't o9 y teadri'"i'(, a'd a9ter that re9reshi'( drau(ht a'd achu'" o9 8ully a'd soe 8iscuit cru8s =hich I 9ou'd i' the cor'er o9a 'o'etooclea' ha?ersac", I ;ac"ed do=' 9or the 'i(ht.

At a8out 9our ocloc" 'eHt or'i'( I a=o"e a'd =e't 8ac" to the 8rid(e,=hich y 8attalio' had crossed o' the ;re?ious day, the Diehards

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); cae t=o 4era's =ith a stretcher. *hey ad?a'ced till they =ere 'otore tha' t=e'ty9i?e yards a=ay, 9or I could see their 9aces Nuiteclearly the' I too" ai, a'd do=' =e't o'e o9 the ;air a'd 8a'( o99the stretcher 9ell a aHi. *he seco'd 4era' seeed to hesitate, 8ut8e9ore he could ;ull hisel9 to(ether he had (o'e do=' too. I 8e(a' to9eel satis9ied.

!y this tie the order to retire had 8ee' (i?e' a'd I "e;t o' shouti'(,ee; do='Q Cra=l 8ac"Q a'd the lads cra=led a'd u;ed =ith curiouslau(hs a'd curses.

I' that eHcited retiree't the a' =ho =as =ith e =as shot i' thechest. I halted 9or a little =hile to see =hat had really ha;;e'ed tohi, a'd 9i'di'( that he =as "illed I too" his =ater;roo9 sheet a'd le9thi. I hurried o' u'til I =as i' a ?alley, =ell a=ay 9ro the rid(ethe' a' o99icer a'a(ed to (et us to(ether a'd lead us i'to a =ood.

As =e (ot i'to the =ood I s;otted a Nuarry. I said to the o99icer, Isit 8est to (o do=' here, sirS

Ill ha?e a loo"yes, he a's=ered.

We =e't i'to the Nuarry, =here there =ere Royal /cots, MiddleseH,4ordo's a'd Royal Irish.

*he o99icer =as a9raid that =e i(ht 8e rushed, i' =hich case =e should8e cut u;, so he ;ut a a' out o' scout. We =ere 'ot rushed, ho=e?er,a'd =he' the 9iri'( ceased =e 9iled out a'd li'ed the rid(e a(ai', a'dthere =e lay, eH;ecti'( the 4era's to coe 8ac", 8ut 9or the tie 8ei'(=e sa= 'o ore o9 the.

!y soe ea's o'e o9 the Irishe' had (ot dru'" a'd =a'ted to 9i(ht the4era's o' his o='. e =as shouti'( 9or the to coe o' a'd =as=a'deri'( a8out. /oo' a9ter=ards he =as 9ou'd lyi'( o' the to; o9 thehill, ha?i'( 8ee' shot i' the thi(h. e =as carried out o9 actio' a'd Iha?e 'e?er heard o9 hi si'ce.

A9ter that a99air o9 the hillcrest =e had a lot o9 tre'ch =or", a'd?ery harassi'( it =as. +or 9i?e days =e stayed i' tre'ches, so 'ear tothe e'ey that it =as death to sho= your head.

*re'ch 9i(hti'( is o'e o9 the ost terri8le 9eatures o9 the =ar, 9or 'oto'ly is there the co'sta't ;eril o9 i'sta't death, =hich, o9 course,e?ery soldier (ets accustoed to, 8ut there is also the eHtreedisco9ort a'd da'(er o9 ill'ess arisi'( 9ro i'sa'itary surrou'di'(s.9te' e'ou(h, too, =he' a 'e= tre'ch =as 8ei'( du( =e =ould 9i'd that =e

=ere =or"i'( o' (rou'd that had 8ee' ;re?iously occu;ied, a'd the s;ades8rou(ht u; a'y a (hastly rei'der o9 a' earlier 9i(ht.

/oeties i' this =o'der9ul =ar9are =e =ere so ?ery close to the 4era'sthat =he' =e sa'( hy'sa'd a'y a hy' that a soldier has su'( at hisothers "'ee has (o'e u; 9ro the tre'ches 9ro a'y a 8ra?e lad =hohas (i?e' his li9e 9or his cou'trythe 4era's =ould haro'ise =iththe. It =as stra'(e to hear these e' si'(i'( li"e that a'd to 8ear i'i'd that they =ere the soldiers =ho had do'e such o'strous thi'(s as=e sa= duri'( the retreat, =he' they thou(ht that certai' ?ictory =as

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theirs. *ie a9ter tie, =ith y o=' eyes, I sa= e?ide'ce o9 the 8rutaloutra(es o9 the 4era' troo;s, es;ecially o' =oe' a'd childre', yet itsees hard to co'?i'ce soe o9 the ;eo;le at hoe that these thi'(sha?e 8ee' do'e.

At o'e tie i' the tre'ches, 9or a =hole =ee", =e =ere so situated that=e dare 'ot e?e' s;ea" 9or 9ear o9 re?eali'( our ;ositio'=e =eresu8ected to a' e'9ilade 9ire a'd did 'ot dare to s;ea" or li(ht a 9ire,=hich ea't that =e had 'o hot 9ood 9or a =ee", a'd =e could 'ot e?e'so"e, =hich =as the 8i((est hardshi; o9 all 9or a lot o9 the lads. We=ere tha'"9ul =he' =e =ere relie?ed 8ut =ere sorry i'deed to 9i'd ho=dearly the 'e=coers ;aid 9or their eH;erie'ce. We had 8ee' cra;ed a'du'co9orta8le, 8ut ;retty sa9e, a'd the 4era's had 'ot 8ee' a8le to (etat us to do us a'y real ischie9, 8ut our relie9s =al"ed a8out asu'co'cer'edly as i9 they =ere o' 9urlou(h, =ith the result that o' the?ery 9irst 'i(ht they =e't i'to actio' they lost a hu'dred e'.

*he syste o9 tre'ches (re= i'to a sort o9 e'orous (ridiro', a'd i9 you=al"ed a8out=hich you could o'ly atte;t to do at 'i(htyou =erealost certai' to dro; i'to a tre'ch or a hole o9 soe sort. *his ade

(etti'( a8out a ?ery eHciti'( o8, a'd it added e'orously to thei'te'se strai' o9 9i(hti'( i' the tre'ches, a strai' =hich =as hardestto 8ear i' the 'i(httie, =he' =e =ere co'sta'tly eH;ecti'( attac"s a'd=he' the 4era's ado;ted all "i'ds o9 de?ices to (et at us.

*he 4era's are =hat =e call dirty 9i(hters, a'd they =ill ta"ead?a'ta(e o9 a'ythi'( to try a'd score o?er you. *hey ha?e 'o res;ect9or a'ythi'( a'd ade a ;articular ;oi't i' a'y o9 the ;laces theyo?erra' o9 desecrati'( the churches. *hey 'e?er hesitated to tur' a;lace o9 =orshi; i'to a sce'e 9or a' or(y, a'd I ree8er (oi'( i'to o'echurch a9ter the 4era's had occu;ied it a'd 8ei'( shoc"ed at theirco'duct. I' this ;articular ;lace they had 8ee' a8le to lay ha'ds o' a(ood deal o9 cha;a('e a'd they had dru'" to eHcess, tur'i'( the churchi'to a dri'"i'(;lace, so that =he' =e reached it there =as a'i'descri8a8le sce'e9ilthy stra= o' the 9loor, e;ty cha;a('e 8ottleslittered e?ery=here, a'd the =hole 8uildi'( de(raded a'd desecrated.

*he 4era's had (ot a +re'ch u'i9or a'd stu99ed it =ith stra= a'd;ro;;ed it u; to rese8le a a', a'd o' the u'i9or they had stuc" a;iece o9 ;a;er =ith soe =riti'( o' it i' 4era'. I do 'ot "'o= =hat the=riti'( =as, 8ut I too" it to 8e soe i'sult to the 8ra?e e' =ho =erede9e'di'( their cou'try a'd ;re?e'ti'( the 4era's 9ro (etti'( a'y=here'ear aris. I could tell you uch ore a'd a'y thi'(s o9 the 4era'sdirty 9i(hti'(, a'd o9 thi'(s that =ere 9ar =orse tha' such a' i'cide'tas tur'i'( a church i'to a dri'"i'(;lace 8ut ;erha;s e'ou(h has 8ee'said o' that ;oi't o9 late.

!ut that dirty 9i(hti'( does 'ot ea' that the 4era's do 'ot 9i(ht8ra?ely9ar 9ro it they are hard cases, es;ecially =he' they are i'o?er=heli'( 'u8ers, =hich is the 9or o9 9i(hti'( that they li"e 8esto9 all. *hey are (reat 8elie?ers i' =ei(ht a'd hurli'( asses o9 e' ata (i?e' ;oi't, a'd they are a8solutely ad at ties =he' their o;;o'e'tsare the E'(lish.

I =ill tell you o9 a case =hich illustrates this ;articular hatred. 'e'i(ht =e =ere attac"ed 8y the 4era's, thou(h there =as 8ut little ho;eo9 the doi'( a'ythi'( serious, i' ?ie= o9 the 9act that =e =ere i'

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&I+E I5 *E *RE5CE/

  *he =i'ter o9 the =ar =as ar"ed 8y a' a8'oral rai'9all a'd  stors o9 u'coo' se?erity: also 8y the eHtraordi'ary de?elo;e't  o9 tre'ch =ar9are. *he rai' a'd stors, the 9rost a'd s'o=, ade it  i;ossi8le to carry out the (reater o;eratio's o9 ca;ai('i'(, =ith  the result that 8oth sides du( thesel?es i' a'd 9ou(ht 9ro ri?al  tre'ches =hich i' a'y cases =ere se;arated 8y o'ly a 9e= yards.  *his story deals =ith li9e i' the tre'ches, at &a !asse, a'd it  (i?es a =o'der9ul u'dersta'di'( o9 the ;ri?atio's that ha?e 8ee'  u'co;lai'i'(ly 8or'e 8y !ritish soldiers. *he teller is ri?ate 4.  *o='se'd, 2'd !attalio' East &a'cashire Re(ie't, =ho has had ore  tha' siH years ser?ice =ith the colours. *hese lo'(ser?ice e'  ha?e co;elled the atte'tio' o9 e?e' the 4era's =ho des;ised the  co'te;ti8le little ary, 9or they ha?e aditted that the  seaso'ed !ritish ;ri?ate soldier is the eNual o9 a 4era'

  'o'coissio'ed o99icer.%

Whe' the re8ellio' 8ro"e out i' /outh A9rica =ethe old &ilyWhites=ere the o'ly i;erial re(ie't "e;t i' that cou'try. We =eresitti'( still a'd sti99 9or t=e'ty days, till 4e'eral !otha (ot his o='troo;s ready. Duri'( that tie =e =ere (uardi'( Ca;e *o=', a'd it too"us all =e "'e= to hold i', 8ecause the 8i( =ar =as o', a'd =e =ere a8outse?e' thousa'd iles a=ay 9ro the seat o9 it. We had to =ait till4e'eral !otha =as ready, a'd that =as 'ot 9or ore tha' a o'th a9terthe !ritish a'd the 4era's et i' !el(iu.

We =ere ea(er to (et a=ay 9ro /outh A9rica, a'd at last =e sailed8ut=hat a slo= ?oya(e it =asQ Alost a record, I should thi'". We =erethirtyt=o days (etti'( to /outha;to' 8ut that =as 8ecause =e hadhalts o' the =ay a'd =ere co'?oyed 8y soe o9 the !ritish =arshi;s =hichha?e =or"ed such ar?els i' this =ar. We had =ith us a 'o8le cruiser=hich o' a later day, thou(h =e thou(ht her slo=, "'oc"ed ore s;eed outo9 hersel9 tha' the 8uilders e?er dreaed o9, a'd that =as =he' shehel;ed to si'" the 4era' =arshi;s o99 the +al"la'd Isla'ds.

!y the tie =e reached the south o9 E'(la'd soe 8i( thi'(s hadha;;e'ed, a'd =e =ere "ee'er tha' e?er to (et to the 9ro't. We had 'otlo'( to =ait. We la'ded, a'd i' less tha' a =ee" =e le9t E'(la'd a'dcrossed o?er to +ra'ce, =here =e =e't i'to 8illets 9or 9our days, tosettle do='. +ro the 8illets =e arched 'early se?e' iles a'd =e'ti'to tre'ches. +or three 9ull o'ths, i' the =orst tie o9 a ?ery 8ad

year, I ate a'd dra'", a'd sle;t a'd 9ou(ht, i' tre'ches, =ith i'ter?alsi' 8illets, soeties u; to the hi;s i' =ater a'd o9te' e'ou(h slee;i'(o' a thic" couch o9 ud. I ca''ot (o i'to too uch detail, 8ut I ca' saythat our o99icers al=ays tried to (o o'e 8etter tha' the 4era's, 9orthe sa"e o9 the e'a'd 9or the ost ;art they succeeded. We ha?e;ic"ed u; a lot 9ro the 4era's i' this tre'ch (ae. *hey ha?e a ai'tre'ch a'd a8out 9our tre'ches 8ehi'd that, the 9irst o9 the 9our 8ei'(a8out t=e'ty yards a=ay so that i9 you "'oc" the out o9 o'e you "'oc"the i'to a'other.

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*hat arch to the tre'ches =as a thi'( that ca' 'e?er 8e 9or(otte'. It=as ?ery dar" a'd rai'i'( hea?ily, so that =e =ere thorou(hly soa"ed8ut =e had 'o tie to thi'" o9 that, 9or =e =ere 8ou'd 9or the 9iri'(li'e, =e =ere (oi'( to 9i(ht 9or the 9irst tie, a'd =e =o'dered =hoao'(st us =ould 8e a8se't =he' the 'eHt roll =as called. *he tre'ch to=hich =e =ere 8ou'd =as i' its little =ay 9aous. It had 8ee' the sce'eo9 soe terri8le 9i(hti'(. *he I'dia' troo;s =ere holdi'( it, 8ut theyhad 8ee' dri?e' out 8y the 4era's, =ho too" ;ossessio' a'd thou(ht they=ere (oi'( to hold it 8ut the Co''au(ht Ra'(ers ade a des;eratechar(e, routed the 4era's =ith the 8ayo'et a'd retoo" the tre'ches. *heCo''au(hts =o', 8ut at a ?ery hea?y cost, a'd a8out 1$0 o9 the 8ra?e9ello=s 9ell a'd =ere 8uried 'ear the little 8it o9 sodde', uddy (rou'do' =hich they had 9ou(ht. It =as to relie?e the Co''au(hts that =e =e'ti'to the tre'ches o' &a !asse Road that story 'i(ht.

It =as 'ot a ?ery cheer9ul 8e(i''i'(, a'd as uch u'li"e (oi'( i'toactio' as a'ythi'( you ca' ia(i'e. !ut =e 9elt Nueer, this 8ei'( our9irst taste o9 9i(hti'(, as =e sli;;ed i'to the tre'ches =ith our ri9lesloaded a'd ;re;ared to 9ire i' the =ild 'i(ht at a' e'ey =e could 'otsee. As soo' as =e =e't i'to the tre'ches =e =ere a'"ledee; i' ud, a'd

=e =ere i' ud, day a'd 'i(ht, 9or se?e'tyt=o hours =ithout a 8rea".*hat =as the 8e(i''i'( o9 three solid o'ths o9 a sort o9 a'ial li9e i'tre'ches a'd du(outs, =ith occasio'al 8rea"s 9or the cha'(e a'd rest i'8illets =ithout =hich it =ould 'ot 8e ;ossi8le to li?e.

I' a stors=e;t tre'cha 8arricade tre'ch =e called it;oi'ti'( yri9le at a' e'ey I could 'ot see, I 9ired y 9irst shot i' 8attle. Mysectio' o9 thirtee' e' =as i' the tre'ch =hich =as 'earest to the4era's, a'd that ea't that =e =ere se;arated 9ro the 8y o'ly a ?ery9e= doOe' yards. A' o99icer o9 the Co''au(hts had (i?e' a descri;ti?eo8ect to 9ire at, a'd this =as a sall =hite outhouse =hich could 8edily ade out i' the dar"'ess. *he outhouse had the 4era' tre'chesust i' 9ro't o9 it, a'd =e ade a tar(et o9 the 8uildi'( i' the ho;e o9;otti'( the e' i' the tre'ches.

*he order cae, o'e a' u; a'd o'e a' do=', =hich ea't that a a' =ho=as 9iri'( =as sta'di'( 9or t=o hours a'd the a' =ho =as do=' =assitti'( or other=ise resti'(, or o8ser?i'(, as =e call it.

*hrou(hout that lo'( 'i(ht =e "e;t u; 9ire 9ro the tre'ches, alla'Hious 9or the day to 8rea", so that =e could see =hat sort o9 a ;lace=e =ere i' a'd =hat =e =ere doi'( 8ut =he' the ela'choly or'i'( 8ro"ethere =as 'othi'( to see i' 9ro't o9 us eHce;t the ;ortholes o9 the4era' tre'ches.

We had (ot throu(h the 9irst 'i(ht o9 8attle sa9ely a'd had (i?e' the4era's (oodor'i'( =ith =hat =e cae to call the a=a"i'( 9ire,

thou(h it se't a'y a a' to slee; 9or the last tiea'd =e =eresettli'( do=' to a"e soe tea. *hat =as shortly a9ter idday o9 our9irst day i' the tre'ches. I =as =or"i'( ;art'ers =ith y le9tha'da', ri?ate /ith, =ho said, Ill ust ha?e a loo" to see =hats (oi'(o'.

e ;o;;ed his head o?er the to; o9 the tre'ch a'd alost i'sta'tly he9ell i'to y ars, 9or he had 8ee' shotthere ust ha?e 8ee' a s'i;er=aiti'( 9or hia'd had recei?ed =hat ;ro?ed to 8e a ost eHtraordi'ary=ou'd. A 8ullet had struc" hi o' the side o9 the head, ust 8elo= the

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ear, a'd (o'e clea' throu(h a'd out at the other side, lea?i'( a holeo' each side.

I hitQ said /ith, as he 9ellthat =as all.

I =as 8adly u;set, as this =as the 9irst a' I had see' shot, a'd 8ei'(y s;ecial chu it cae hoe to e 8ut I did't let that ;re?e't e9ro doi'( y 8est 9or hi. /ith =as Nuite co'scious, a'd a ;luc"ycha;, a'd he "'e= that there =as 'othi'( 9or it 8ut to see it throu(htill 'i(ht cae. We 8a'da(ed hi u; as 8est =e could a'd he had to liethere, i' the ud a'd =ater a'd isery, till it =as dar", the' he =asa8le to =al" a=ay 9ro the tre'ch to the 'earest 9irstaid statio',=here the doctor co;lie'ted hi o' his coura(e a'd told hi =hat a'eHtraordi'ary case it =as a'd =hat a iraculous esca;e he had had. &atero' /ith =as i'?alided hoe.

Duri'( the =hole o9 that 9irst s;ell i' tre'ches =e had 'o =ater todri'" eHce;t =hat =e 9etched 9ro a 'atural tre'ch hal9aile a=ay. Me'?olu'teered 9or this duty, =hich =as ?ery da'(erous, as it ea'thurryi'( o?er o;e' (rou'd, a'd the a' =ho =as 9etchi'( the =ater =as

u'der 9ire all the tie, 8oth (oi'( a'd coi'(, i9 the 4era's sa= hi.*his o8 =as usually carried out a little 8e9ore day8rea", =he' there=as ust li(ht e'ou(h 9or the a' to see, a'd 'ot e'ou(h 9or the 4era'sto s;ot hi a'd a cha; =as al=ays tha'"9ul =he' he =as sa9ely 8ac" i'the tre'ch a'd u'der co?er.

At the e'd o9 the se?e'tyt=o hours =e le9t the tre'ches. We cae out atte' ocloc" at 'i(ht, eH;ecti'( to 8e out 9or three days. We arched toa' old 8ar' =hich had 8ee' ;retty =ell 8lo=' to ;ieces 8y shells, a'di'to it =e =e't 8ut it =as 'o 8etter tha' the tre'ches. *he rai';oured o' to us throu(h the shattered roo9 a'd it =as 8itterly cold, sothat I could 'ot slee;. We had e?erythi'( o', so as to 8e ready 9or acall i'sta'tly, a'd =ithout so uch as a 8la'"et I =as thorou(hlyisera8le. I'stead o9 ha?i'( three days o99 =e =ere ordered to (o i'to a9resh lot o9 tre'ches, a'd 'eHt a9ter'oo' =e arched i'to the a'd there=e stayed 9or siH =ee"s, coi'( out se?e' or ei(ht ties. I' thesetre'ches =e =ere i' du(outs, so that =e (ot a cha'(e 9ro sta'di'(soeties hi;dee; i' ud a'd =ater 8y (etti'( i'to the du(out a'dresti'( there. A du(out =as si;ly a hole ade i' the side o9 thetre'ch, hi(h e'ou(h to 8e 9airly dry a'd co9orta8le.

Duri'( the =hole o9 these siH =ee"s it ea't ;ractically death to sho=yoursel9, a'd so erciless =as the 9ire that 9or the =hole o9 the tie adead 4era' soldier =as lyi'( o' the (rou'd a8out a hu'dred yards a=ay9ro us. e =as there =he' =e =e't a'd =as still there =he' =e le9t. Wecould 'ot se'd out a ;arty to 8ury hi a'd the 4era's thesel?es 'e?ertrou8led a8out the ;oor 8e((ar. 'e day a chu o9 i'e, 'aed *o8i', =as

o' the loo"out =he' his ri9le sudde'ly crac"ed, a'd he tur'ed rou'd a'dsaid, I?e hit o'e. A'd so he had, 9or he had "'oc"ed a 4era' o?er'ot 9ar a=ay a'd 'o dou8t "illed hi.

What =ith the =eather a'd the ud a'd the co'sta't 9iri'( =e had a ?ery8ad tie. Each 'i(ht =e had 9our hours di((i'(, =hich =as eHcessi?elyhard =or", a'd i9 =e =ere 'ot di((i'( =e =ere 9etchi'( ratio's i' 9orthe co;a'y. *hese ratio's had to 8e 9etched at 'i(ht 9ro cartsthreeNuarters o9 a ile a=ay, =hich =as the 'earest the dri?ers dare8ri'( the. *hese eH;editio's =ere al=ays i'teresti'(, 8ecause =e 'e?er

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"'e= =hat =e =ere (oi'( to (etsoeties it =ould 8e a 9i9ty;ou'd ti'o9 8iscuits a'd soeties a 8a( o9 letters or a lot o9 ci(arettes, 8ut=hate?er it =as =e too" it to our du(outs, ust as a'ials ta"e 9ood totheir holes, a'd the thi'(s =ere issued 'eHt or'i'(.

'e =ay a'd a'other =e had 8et=ee' 9i9ty a'd siHty e' =ou'ded i' ouro=' ;articular tre'ches, ostly 8y ri9le 9ire, thou(h occasio'ally ashell =ould 8urst 'ear us a'd do a lot o9 ischie9 a'd =hat =asha;;e'i'( i' our o=' tre'ches =as ta"i'( ;lace all arou'd &a !asse. Weshould ha?e su99ered uch ore hea?ily i9 =e had 'ot 8ee' ;ro?ided =ith;erisco;es, =hich ha?e sa?ed a'y a ;recious li9e a'd li8.

We ;aid ?ery little atte'tio' to the 4era' shell 9ire, a'd as 9or theac" oh'so's =e too" the as uch as a atter o9 course as =e too"our 8rea"9ast. /oe o9 the 4era' artillery 9ire actually aused us, a'dthis =as =he' they (ot their ortars to =or". We could see the shotcoi'( a'd o9te' e'ou(h could dod(e it, thou(h 9reNue'tly the (reat 9atthi'( =ould dri?e i'to the (rou'd a'd sother us =ith ud. +or soe o9the 4era' artillery 9ire =e =ere really ?ery tha'"9ul, 8ecause i' theirra(e they =ere sashi'( u; soe 9ar 8uildi'(s 'ot 9ar a=ay 9ro us. *he

cause o9 our (ratitude =as that this shelli'( sa?ed us the trou8le o9cutti'( do=' a'd cho;;i'( 9ire=ood 9or =arth a'd coo"i'( i' thetre'ches. Whe' 'i(ht cae =e si;ly =e't to the 9arhouse, a'd the9ire=ood, i' the sha;e o9 shattered doors a'd 8eas a'd 9ur'iture, =as=aiti'( 9or us. *he 9ar ;eo;le had le9t, so =e =ere a8le to hel;oursel?es to chic"e's, =hich =e did, a'd a (lorious cha'(e they =ere o'the e?erlasti'( 8ully 8ee9. A chic"e' does't (o ?ery 9ar =ith hu'(rysoldiers, a'd o' o'e occasio' =e had a chic"e' a;iece, a'd rear"a8ly(ood they =ere too, roasted i' the tre'ches. A'other (reat tie =as =he'=e cau(ht a little ;i( at the 9ar a'd "illed it a'd too" it to thetre'ches, =here =e coo"ed it.

Whe' =e had 9i'ished =ith the seco'd lot o9 tre'ches =e =e't i'to athird set, a'd I =as there till I =as =ou'ded a'd se't hoe. *hesetre'ches =ere o'ly a8out a hu'dred a'd t=e'ty yards 9ro the seco'd lot,so that the =hole o9 the three o'ths I s;e't i' tre'ches =as ;assed i'a ?ery little area o9 (rou'd, a' eH;erie'ce =hich is so totallydi99ere't 9ro that o9 so a'y o9 our soldiers =ho =ere out at the =arat the ?ery 8e(i''i'(, a'd co?ered such (reat dista'ces i' archi'( 9ro;lace to ;lace a'd 8attle to 8attle. *hese cha;s =ere luc"y, 8ecausethey (ot the cha'(e o9 sce'e a'd the eHcitee't o9 8i( 9i(hti'(, 8ut theo'ly cha'(e =e had =as i' (oi'( out o9 o'e tre'ch i'to a'other.

It =as 'o= the iddle o9 Dece8er a'd 8itter =eather, 8ut =e =erecheered u; 8y the thou(ht o9 Christas, a'd 9ou'd that thi'(s =ere(etti'( uch ore li?ely tha' they had 8ee'. 'e 'i(ht a s;le'did act=as ;er9ored 8y &ieute'a't /ec"ha, o'e o9 our ;latoo' o99icers, a'd

t=o o9 our ;ri?ates, Cu''i'(ha a'd arris.

A' o99icer o9 the Royal E'(i'eers had (o'e out to 9iH u; soe 8ar8ed=ire e'ta'(lee'ts i' 9ro't o9 our tre'ches. *he 4era's =ere 9iri'(hea?ily at the tie, a'd they ust ha?e either see' or heard theo99icer at =or". *hey =e't 9or hi a'd struc" hi do=' a'd there he layi' the o;e'. *o lea?e the tre'ches =as a ost ;erilous thi'( to do, 8utMr. /ec"ha a'd the t=o e' (ot out a'd o' to the o;e' (rou'd, a'd 8it8y 8it they ade their =ay to the E'(i'eer o99icer, (ot hold o9 hi, a'du'der a 9urious 9ire 8rou(ht hi ri(ht alo'( a'd i'to our tre'ch, a'd =e

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(a?e a cheer =hich ra'( out i' the 'i(ht a8o?e the 9iri'( a'd told the4era's that their 9ra'tic e99orts had 9ailed. Mr. /ec"ha =as as;le'did o99icer i' e?ery =ay a'd =e =ere (reatly (rie?ed =he', 'ot lo'(a9ter=ards, he =as "illed. A'other o9 our 9i'e you'( ;latoo' o99icers,&ieute'a't *o='se'd, has 8ee' "illed si'ce I cae hoe.

We =ere so 'ear the 4era's at ties that =e could thro= thi'(s at thea'd they could hurl thi'(s at us, a'd =e 8oth did, the thi'(s 8ei'(little 8o8s, a9ter the style o9 the old ha'd(re'ade. We (ot u; a8o8thro=i'( class a'd hurled our 8o8s 8ut it =as 'ot ;ossi8le tothro= the ?ery 9aro'ly t=e'ty9i?e yards or so. *he West or"shires,=ho =ere 'ear us, (ot a (reat a'y o9 these issiles thro=' at the, 8utthey did 'ot all eH;lode. 'e day a ser(ea't o9 oursar?is=as out(etti'( =ood =he' he sa= o'e o9 the lyi'( o' the (rou'd. e ;ic"ed itu; a'd loo"ed at it, the' thre= it do=' a'd i'sta'tly it eH;loded, a'dhe had 'o 9e=er tha' 9ortythree =ou'ds, ostly cuts, caused 8y the9lyi'( 9ra(e'ts, so that the 8o8 ade a ;ro;er ess o9 hi.

ur o=' 8o8s =ere ade o9 ordi'ary ;ou'd a ti's, 9illed =itheH;losi?e a'd so o', li"e a little shell, =hich, as the case o9 the

ser(ea't sho=ed, =as 'ot a'ythi'( li"e as s=eet a thi'( to (et as a.*he


B*o 9ace ;. 102.B

WE WERE / 5EAR *E 4ERMA5/ *A* *E C)&D )R& !M!/ A* )/.%

4era's =ere ?ery 9o'd o9 9li'(i'( these ha'd8o8s a'd seeed to ha?e a(reat idea o9 their ?alue i' attac"s a'd de9e'ce.

Christas E?e =as =ith us, Christas Day =as soo' to da='a'd =hat astra'(e a'd terri8le Christas it =as to 8eQ

' Christas E?e itsel9 =e ;lai'ly heard the 4era's shouti'(.

A erry Christas to youQ they said, a'd there =as 'o ista"i'( the4era' ?oices that cae to us i' our tre'ches out o9 the dar"'ess.

A erry Christas to youQ

A(ai' the 4era's (reeted us, thou(h =e could 'ot see the, a'd there=as soethi'( ;athetic i' the =ords, =hich =ere shouted i' a lull i' the9i(hti'(. /oe o9 our e' a's=ered the =ish, 8ut I did 'otI had 'oheart to do so, =he' I "'e= that the essa(e ea't so little.

It ay ha?e 8ee' a atter o9 se'tie't, 8ecause this =as the tie o9;eace o' earth a'd (ood=ill to=ards e', or it ay 'ot 8ut at a'y ratethe order cae that i9 the 4era's did 'ot 9ire =e =ere 'ot to 9ire. !utChristas or 'o Christas, a'd i' s;ite o9 their (reeti'(s, the 4era's=e't o' 9iri'(, a'd =e =ere 9orced to do the sae, so throu(hout the'i(ht o9 Christas E?e =e had our ri9les (oi'( a'd did 'ot sto; till it=as dayli(ht.

!ut the ri9le 9ire =as 'ot the o'ly sou'd o9 =ar9are that =asheardthere =as the shar; 8ooi'( o9 artillery. *he 9ield 8atteries

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=ere hard at it a'd =e "'e= they ust 8e doi'( 9ear9ul ischie9 ao'(stthe 4era's. *he 'i(ht 8ecae truly a=9ul 8ut ho= dread9ul =e did 'ot"'o= till Christas Day itsel9, the', the 9iri'( ha?i'( ceased, =e sa=that the (rou'd i' 9ro't o9 us, 'ot ?ery 9ar a=ay, =as littered =iththe 4era' dead.

A Merry ChristasQ

*he ?ery e' =ho had se't the (reeti'( to us =ere lyi'( dead =ithi' oursi(ht, 9or the 4era's had started to cha'(e their ;ositio' a'd the!ritish shells had shattered the. /oethi'( li"e t=o hu'dred a'd 9i9tyo9 the 4era's =ere lyi'( dead u;o' the 9ield, a'd sorry i'deed ust theda=' o9 Christas Day ha?e 8ee' to those =ho =ere le9t.

eace o' earthQ *here B=asB ;eace o9 a sort, 9or as =e loo"ed o' the4era' dead 9ro our tre'ches =e sa= t=o 4era's a;;ear i' 9ull ?ie=,holdi'( u; their ha'ds, to sho= us that they =ere u'ared.

ou ca' ia(i'e =hat a sole' s;ectacle that =as=hat a Christas Dayit =as =hich da='ed u;o' us i' the tre'ches. We "'e= i'sti'cti?ely =hat

=as =a'tedthe (rou'd =as littered =ith the 4era' dead a'd the 4era's=a'ted a' aristice so that they could 8ury the.

'e o9 our o99icers =e't out a'd tal"ed =ith the t=o 4era's =ho =ereholdi'( u; their ha'dsco?ered 8y !ritish ri9les. e soo' lear'ed =hatthey =a'ted, a'd the aristice =as (ra'ted.

It =as a8out three ocloc" i' the a9ter'oo' o9 Christas Day =he' the4era's set to =or" to 8ury their dead, a'd as they did so =e le9t ourtre'ches a'd stood o' the o;e' (rou'd a'd =atched the. We sa= the;er9ectly clearly, 8ecause the ai' 4era' tre'ch =as 'ot ore tha' 120yards a=ay, a'd the 8urial too" ;lace a 9e= yards 8ehi'd this.

I ha?e see' a ;hoto(ra;h o9 !ritish a'd 4era' soldiers 9rater'isi'( o'Christas Day 8ut there =as 'othi'( o9 this sort =ith us. *he o'lyi'cide't I =it'essed =as a !ritish o99icer sha"i'( ha'ds =ith a 4era'o99icer. *hat =as all. I did 'ot sha"e ha'ds =ith thea'd I had 'otthe least =ish to do so, thou(h I 8ore the 'o ill=ill o' that sadChristas Day.

I =as tha'"9ul =he' Christas =as o?er a'd =e had settled do=' toordi'ary routi'e =or", "illi'( a'd 8ei'( "illed, 9or it is asto'ishi'(ho= soo' you (et accustoed to the 8usi'ess o9 9iri'( o' a'd 8ei'( 9iredat.

*he tre'ches had (ot 9ro 8ad to =orse. Whe' I 9irst =e't i'to thethere =as ei(htee' i'ches o9 =ater a'd 9i?e i'ches o9 ud 8ut 'o= it

=as a atter o9 sta'di'( alost u; to the =aist i' =ater. *hey 8ecae so8ad that i'stead o9 usi'( the cou'icatio' tre'ches, =hich you i(htalost call tu''els, it =as decided that =e should cross the o;e'cou'try to (et to our 9i(hti'(;lace, the ai' tre'chi'deed, =e had 'oo;tio', 8ecause the cou'icatio' tre'ch =as alost i;assa8le.

' a ida'uary 'i(ht, a'd ?ery 8ad at that, =e 8e(a' the our'ey tothe tre'ches. I9 there had 8ee' ust ordi'ary ho'est dar"'ess =e shouldha?e 8ee' all ri(ht a'd Nuite satis9ied 8ut thou(h there =as dar"'esse'ou(h there =as ;le'ty o9 li(htthe u'ca''y 8ri(ht'ess =hich cae 9ro

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the starshells.

/tarshells =ere (oi'( u; all alo'( the li'e a'd 8ursti'(. *hey are asort o9 9ire=or", (i?i'( a 8rillia't li(ht, a'd as they eH;loded theysho=ed us u; alost as clearly as i9 =e had 8ee' i' dayli(ht.

We had o'ly a ?ery short dista'ce to (o, 8ut the starli(hts ade theour'ey to the tre'ches a des;erate u'derta"i'(.

I' si'(le 9ile, a little 8u'ch o9 te' o9 us, crouchi'( do=', holdi'( ourloaded ri9les a'd carryi'( all =e ;ossessed=e =e't alo'(, losi'( 'otie.

+ro the stealthy =ay i' =hich =e started o' our little tri; you i(htha?e thou(ht that =e =ere 8ur(lars or ?illai's 8e't o' soe 9earsoeo8, i'stead o9 ordi'ary !ritish soldiers (etti'( 8ac" to theirtre'ches.

We =e't =ith cautio', a'd had 'ot co?ered ore tha' te' yards =he' =hatI ta"e to 8e achi'e(u' 9ire =as o;e'ed o' us.

All at o'ce, =ithout the sli(htest =ar'i'(, a real hail o9 8ulletsstruc" us, a'd o9 the te' e' o9 us =ho =ere ad?a'ci'( i' si'(le 9ilethree =ere "illed a'd 9our =ere =ou'ded. *he three =ho =ere shot do=' i'the (hastly (lare o9 the starshells =ere ahead o9 e.

Whe' that ha;;e'ed =e =ere ordered to "ee; =ell a;art a'd o;e' out, 8utthere =as 'ot uch cha'ce 9or those o9 us =ho =ere le9t at a'y rate, 'osoo'er had =e o8eyed a'd =ere a"i'( a little head=ay tha' I =as struc"ysel9 o' the head.

+or hal9a'hour or so I =as u'co'scious the' I reco?ered a'd ;ic"edysel9 u; a'd 9ou'd that I =as all alo'e. I cra=led a 9e= yards to atre'ch a'd (ot i'to it 8ut 9i'di'( it 9ull o9 =ater I thou(ht I i(htas =ell 8e "illed as dro='ed, so I (ot out, a'd 'ot cari'( i' the least9or the 4era' 8ullets or the starshells, I ade y =ay as 8est I couldto the 'earest dressi'(statio', a'd recei?ed atte'tio'. A9ter that I9ou'd ysel9 i' a otorcar, a'd later at a cleari'(statio' a'd o' the8oat 9or hoe.

ou ca' see the scar o9 the =ou'd here 8ut I do't 8other a8out that. Isu99er terri8ly 9ro slee;less'essa'd too o9te' I see a(ai' the 4era'soldiers =ho had =ished us a erry Christasa'd =ere 8uried at the8ac" o9 their tre'ches o' the (looy a9ter'oo' o9 Christas Day.


/AI54 A5D MI5I54: *E &)C CMA5

  I' 8lo=i'( u; 8rid(es, re;airi'( the ra?a(es o9 the e'ey, i'  thro=i'( ;o'too's o?er ri?ers, a'd i' cou'tless other =ays, the  Royal E'(i'eers ha?e co'tri8uted lar(ely to the success o9 the  !ritish o;eratio's i' the =ar. *hese s;le'did e', "'o=' a ce'tury  a(o as the Royal /a;;ers a'd Mi'ers, ha?e 'ot o'ly =or"ed =ith the

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  (reatest e'er(y si'ce the =ar 8e(a', 8ut they ha?e also see' soe  hard 9i(hti'(. *his story o9 /a;;er Willia !ell, 23rd +ield  Co;a'y, Royal E'(i'eers, (i?es a ;icture o9 the a'ysided  o;eratio's o9 the a('i9ice't cor;s =hose ottoes are E?ery=here  a'd Where ri(ht a'd (lory lead.%

/heer hard =or" =as the order o9 the day 9or our cha;s 9ro the tie Ila'ded i' +ra'ce 9ro a' old Irish cattle8oat till the day =he' I =as;ac"ed o99 8ac" to E'(la'd su99eri'( 9ro rheuatic 9e?er.

We =or"ed eHcessi?ely hard, a'd so did e?ery8ody else. Where?er there=as a' o8stacle it had to (o, a'd the i'9a'try thesel?es tie a9tertie sla?ed a=ay at di((i'( a'd cleari'(, all o9 =hich =as o?er a'da8o?e the strai' o9 the 9i(hti'( a'd tree'dous archi'(. It =as a raresi(ht to see the 4uards s=ee;i'( do=' the cor' =ith their8ayo'etssic"les that rea;ed a'y a (ri har?est the' a'd later.

It =as duri'( the early sta(e o9 the =ar that 8rid(es =ere 8lo=' u; i'=holesale 9ashio' to chec" the 4era' ad?a'ce, a'd the =or" 8ei'(

;articularly da'(erous =e had soe ?ery 'arro= esca;es. A ?ery 'earthi'( ha;;e'ed at /oisso's.

We had 8ee' ordered to 8lo= u; a 8rid(e, a'd duri'( the day =e char(edit =ith (u'cotto', a'd =ere =aiti'( to set the 9use u'til the last o9our troo;s had crossed o?er. *hat =as a lo'( 8usi'ess, a'd eHciti'(e'ou(h 9or a'y8ody, 8ecause 9or hours the e' o9 a =hole di?isio' =ere;assi'(, a'd all the tie that (reat ;assi'( 8ody o9 e', horses, (u's,=a((o's a'd so o', =as u'der a hea?y artillery 9ire 9ro the 4era's.

At last the 8rid(e =as clearit had ser?ed its ;ur;ose the di?isio'=as o' the other side o9 the ri?er, a'd all that reai'ed to 8e do'e =asto 8lo= u; the 8rid(e. *hree sectio's o9 our co;a'y retired, a'd thereai'i'( sectio' =as le9t 8ehi'd to atte'd to the 9use.

Very soo' =e heard a terri9ic re;ort, a'd the sae a=9ul thou(htoccurred to a'y o9 usthat there had 8ee' a ;reature eH;losio' a'dthat the sectio' =as lost. 'e o9 y chus, ud(i'( 8y the tie o9 the9use, said it =as certai' that the sectio' =as 8lo=' u;, a'd i'deed it=as actually re;orted that a' o99icer a'd a doOe' e' had 8ee' "illed.

!ut, to our i'te'se relie9, =e lear'ed that the re;ort =as =ro'( 8ut =eheard also ho= 'arro=ly our 9ello=s had esca;ed, a'd ho= uch they o=edto the ;rese'ce o9 i'd a'd cool'ess o9 the o99icer. It sees that assoo' as the 9use =as 9ired the lieute'a't i'sti'cti?ely sus;ected thatsoethi'( =as =ro'(, a'd i'sta'tly ordered the e' to lie 9lat, =ith theresult that they =ere u'i'ured 8y the tree'dous u;hea?al o9 aso'ry,

thou(h they =ere a 8it sha"e' =he' they cau(ht us u; o' the road later.*his i'cide't (i?es a (ood idea o9 the sort o9 =or" a'd the da'(er thatthe Royal E'(i'eers =ere co'sta'tly eH;erie'ci'( i' the earlier sta(eso9 the =ar, so that o'e ca' easily u'dersta'd =hat is ha;;e'i'( 'o= i'the 8itter =i'tertie.

A' E'(i'eer, li"e the re9eree i' a 9oot8all atch, sees a lot o9 the(ae, a'd it =as 'ear a +re'ch ?illa(e that =e had a 9i'e ?ie= o9 a9aous a99air.

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We had 8ee' se't to the s;ot o' s;ecial duty, a'd =ere resti'( o' thecrest o9 a hill, =atchi'( the e99ects o9 the e'eys 9ield(u's.

/udde'ly i' the dista'ce =e sa= 9i(ures o?i'(. At 9irst =e could 'otclearly a"e the out, 8ut ;rese'tly =e sa= that they =ere Al(eria'troo;s, a'd that there seeed to 8e hosts o9 the. *hey s=ared o's=i9tly, a'd too" u; a ;ositio' i' soe tre'ches 'ear us.

*he Al(eria's, li"e our I'dia' troo;s, hate tre'ch 9i(hti'(, a'd lo'( tocoe to (ri;s =ith the e'ey. We "'e= this =ell e'ou(h, 8ut =e realisedthe ;eril o9 lea?i'( co?er a'd ad?a'ci'( to=ards a' e'ey =ho =as ?eryclose, a'd =ho =as s=ee;i'( the (rou'd =ith a' u'coo'ly deadly 9ire.

utti'( all 9ear aside, ree8eri'( o'ly their i'te'se desire to coe to(ri;s, (i?i'( 'o thou(ht to =hat ust ha;;e' to the, the Al(eria's =ithe'thusiastic shouts s;ra'( 9ro the tre'ches a'd 8ou'ded, li"e the so'so9 the desert they are, across the shells=e;t Oo'e that se;arated the9ro the a''ihilati'( (u'9ire o9 the e'ey.

What ha;;e'ed =as truly terri8le. *he Al(eria's =ere literally o=ed

do=', as they char(ed across the deadly Oo'e, a'd 9or a ;iece o9 sheerrec"less'ess I co'sider that this attac" =as as (oodor as 8adas thechar(e o9 the &i(ht !ri(ade.

*he Al(eria's =ere cut to ;ieces i' the ad atte;t to reach the 4era'8atteries, a'd the ha'd9ul o9 sur?i?ors =ere 9orced to retire. *o theire?erlasti'( credit 8e it said that, i' =ithdra=i'( u'der that terri8le9ire, they did their 8est to 8ri'( their =ou'ded e' a=ay. *hey ;ic"edu; as a'y o9 the 9alle' as they could a'd slu'( the across theshoulder, as the 8est =ay o9 carryi'( the out o9 da'(er.

I shall 'e?er 9or(et the sce'e that et y eyes =he' =e retur'ed to the?illa(e. Woe' =ere =ee;i'( a'd =ri'(i'( their ha'ds as the sur?i?orscarried their =ou'ded throu(h the streets9or the +re'ch are dee;lyattached to their Colo'ial troo;sa'd the e' o9 the ;lace =ere 'earlyas 8ad e?e' soe o9 our cha;s, =ho are 'ot too easily o?ed, =ereu;set.

While i' this locality =e had a ?ery =ar tie o9 it, 9or =e =ereco'ti'uously u'der artillery 9ire. We =ere i' a rear"a8ly (ood ;ositio'9or seei'( the 8attle, soe o9 our 8atteries 8ei'( o' our ri(ht, soe o'our le9t, a'd the 4era' (u's i' 9ro't. It =as really hot =or", a'd =he'=e =ere 'ot hard at it carryi'( out our o=' duties, =e too" co?er o' theother side o9 a hill 'ear the road 8ut soe o9 our e' (ot rather tiredo9 co?er, a'd 9ou'd the ;ositio' ir"soe 8ut i9 you so uch as sho=edyoursel9 you =ere ;ractically do'e 9or. 'e day our tru;eter eH;osedhisel9, ust 9or a oe't 8ut it =as e'ou(h. e =as i'sta'tly struc"

a'd 8adly =ou'ded.

At a'other tie =e =ere i' our slee;i'(Nuarters i' a schoolhouse, a'dhad a' esca;e that =as truly iraculous. We had settled do=' a'd =ere9eeli'( ;retty co9orta8le, =he' the 4era's sudde'ly started shelli'(us sudde'ly, too, =ith a terri9ic crash, a shell dro;;ed a'd 8urst i'the ?ery idst o9 us.

*heoretically, the lot o9 us i' that schoolhouse ou(ht to ha?e 8ee'=i;ed out 8y this ;articular shell, 8ut the eHtraordi'ary 9act is that

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thou(h e?ery o'e =as 8adly sha"e' u;, o'ly o'e o9 our e' =as=ou'dedall the rest o9 us esca;ed. &uc"ily =e had the hos;ital e' atha'd, a'd the ;oor cha; =ho had 8ee' "'oc"ed o?er =as ta"e' a=ay at o'ceto the doctors.

We had had a ?ery hard, hot tie, a'd =ere (lad =he' the +re'ch cae a'drelie?ed us, a'd (a?e our di?isio' a 8it o9 rest a'd cha'(e. *he 4era'si' that ;articular ;art =ere thorou(hly 8eate', a'd a 8atch o9 $00 =ho=ere co?eri'( the retreat =ere ca;tured 8y the +re'ch.

*hey had started 9or aris, a'd =ere ?ery 'ear it =he' they =ere 8a((ed.I dare say they (ot to aris all ri(ht. /o did =e, 9or =e e'trai'ed 9orthe city, 8ut stayed there less tha' a' hour. I had a cha'ce o9 seei'(soethi'( o9 the thorou(h =ay i' =hich aris had 8ee' ;re;ared 9orde9e'ce, a'd o' y =ay to ;res I 'oticed ho= eHte'si?ely the 8rid(esthat =ere li"ely to 8e o9 a'y use to the 4era's had 8ee' destroyed. *heloss i' 8rid(es alo'e i' this (reat =ar has 8ee' stu;e'dous.

Whe' =e e'tered ;res it =as a 8eauti9ul old cathedral city 'o= it is asha;eless ass o9 rui's, a ela'choly ce'tre o9 the lo'(est a'd

deadliest 8attle that has e?er 8ee' 9ou(ht i' the history o9 the =orld.We had a rousi'( rece;tio' 9ro the !ritish troo;s =ho =ere already i'the city, a'd a s;ecially =ar (reeti'( 9ro our o=' R.E. e', =ho (a?ee a hu(e Nua'tity o9 ;i;es, to8acco a'd ci(arettes 9ro hoe, to di?ideao'(st our co;a'y.

We =ere soo' i' the thic" o9 the 9iercest a'd ost e?e't9ul ;art o9 the9i(hti'(. We =ere ;ut to =or" di((i'( tre'ches 9or the i'9a'try a'd9iHi'( u; =ire e'ta'(lee'ts. *he =ire =as i' coils hal9 a ile


B*o 9ace ;. 112.B

WE AD A VER WARM *IME + I* >;. 111@.%

lo'(, a'd =hat =ith that a'd the 8ar8s a'd the =ei(ht, the carryi'( a'ddra((i'( a'd 9iHi'( =as a truly 9earsoe o8.

A'd 'ot o'ly that, 8ut it =as eHtreely da'(erous, 8ecause =e =ereco'sta'tly u'der 9iresoeties =e =ere 9iHi'( u; =ire =ithi' a 9e=hu'dred yards o9 the 4era' li'es. !e9ore (etti'( to ;res =e hadco?eri'( ;arties o9 i'9a'try to ;rotect us 9ro s'i;ers a'd sudde'attac"s 8ut at ;res this ;rotectio' =as rarely (i?e', 8ecause o9 the?ery hea?y ;ressure o' the 9iri'( li'e. We =ere ceaselessly s'i;ed 8uto' the =hole our casualties =ere rear"a8ly 9e=8ut =e =ere al=ays"'o=' as the &uc"y Co;a'y.

I' additio' to doi'( this hard a'd da'(erous =or", =e =ere rou(hi'( it=ith a ?e'(ea'ce. ur slee;i'(Nuarters =ere du(outs i' a =ood, a'd=ere li'ed =ith stra=, =he' =e could (et it. *he e'ey al=ays a"e as;ecial ;oi't o9 searchi'( =oods =ith shells, a'd =e =ere so situatedthat =e =ere ;estered day a'd 'i(ht 8y the 4era' (u''ers, =ho =ereho;i'( to dra= our artillery 9ire a'd so locate our o=' 8atteries.A'ythi'( li"e rest =as utterly out o9 the Nuestio' o=i'( to theseartillery duels, =hich =ere the 8a'e o9 our li9e.

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/ile'ce =as esse'tial 9or our =or", a'd =e used u99led aulsour 8i(=oode' allets.

'e oo'li(ht 'i(ht =e =ere (oi'( to our usual duties =he' a shell 9le=;ast, eH;lodi'( =ith terri9ic 9orce =ithi' te' ;aces o9 us. We too" itto 8e o'e o9 the 4era's ra'do shots, 8ut a9ter (oi'( a short dista'ce=e had ore shells 8ursti'( a8out us, a'd 8ullets =hiOOi'(, telli'( usthat the e'eys s'i;ers =ere at it a(ai'. 'ce ore =e usti9ied our'ic"'ae o9 the &uc"y Co;a'y, 9or =e had o'ly o'e a' hita 9i'echa;, =hose 9i(hti'( Nualities =ere =ell "'o=' to us, so =e (ri''ed =he'he said to e, a9ter 8ei'( struc" o' the shoulder, I should li"e toha?e a loo" at that 4era', !illQ

I' the oo'li(ht =e o99ered a 9irstrate tar(et to the hidde' 4era's'i;ers, a'd they certai'ly ou(ht to ha?e do'e ore =ith us tha' usthit o'e a' 8ut co;ared =ith !ritish soldiers, the 4era's, =ith rareeHce;tio's, are o'ly thirdclass shots. I ha?e e'tio'ed this littlea99air chie9ly 8y =ay o9 sho=i'( the co'sta't da'(er to =hich 9ielde'(i'eers are eH;osed.

*he 4era's at that tie had their eyes o' us ;ro;erly, a'd the ?ery'eHt day they did their le?el 8est to a"e u; 9or their sorry;er9ora'ce i' the oo'li(ht.

We had 8ee' told o99 to di( tre'ches 9or the i'9a'try o' our le9t, a'd=e started out o' the o8. Rai' had 8ee' 9alli'( hea?ily, the (rou'd =asli"e a Nua(ire, a'd =e had to stru((le throu(h arshy (rou'd a'd;lou(hed 9ields.

*his =as 8ad e'ou(h i' all co'scie'ce, 8ut to hel; to 9ill the cu; o9our isery the 4era' s'i;ers (ot at us, a'd (a?e us =hat =as really aco'sta't hail o9 8ullets. We 9lou'dered o', doi'( our dead 8est to reacha certai' =ood. A9ter 9lou'deri'( 9or soe tie, =e =ere ordered tohalt. !y that tie =e had reached the =ood, a'd the 9ire =as trulya=9ul.

!ehi'd our toolcarts =e usually 9aste' a 8i( 8iscuitti', =hich is a8i( etal case, a'd as the s'i;i'( 8ecae ;articularly 9urious, 9our o9our e' 8olted 9or shelter 8ehi'd the 8iscuitti'. I do't "'o= =hat itis i' the !ritish soldier that a"es hi see the huour o9 e?e' a 9atalsituatio', 8ut it ha;;e'ed that the rest o9 us =ere so tic"led at thesi(ht o9 our corades scuttli'( that =e 8urst out lau(hi'(.

!ut =e did't lau(h lo'(, 9or shells as =ell as 8ullets cae, a'd =e sa=that the 4era's =ere co'ce'trati'( their 9ire u;o' us. *hey =ere (oi'(9or all they =ere =orth at the =ood, a'd our o'ly cha'ce o9 sa9ety layi' securi'( co?er. We ade a dash 9or the trees, a'd I sheltered 8ehi'd


*he' a' eHtraordi'ary thi'( ha;;e'ed. A shell cae a'd literally cho;;eddo=' the tree. *he shell s;ared y li9e, 8ut the tu8li'( tree 'early(ot e. &uc"ily I s"i;;ed aside, a'd ust esca;ed 9ro 8ei'( crushed todeath 8y the crashi'( ti8er.

*he 9iri'( =as "e;t u; 9or a lo'( tie a9ter that, 8ut =e =e't o' =ithour =or" a'd 9i'ished it, a'd the' =e =ere ordered to occu;y thetre'ches =e had ust du(. We =ere (lad to (et i'to the, a'd it =as

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;leasa't usic to liste' to our o=' i'9a'try, =ho had coe i'to actio',a'd =ere settli'( the accou'ts o9 soe o9 the 4era' s'i;ers.

&ater o' =e =ere told to (et to a 9arhouse, a'd =e did, a'd held it 9orsoe hours, su99eri'( (reatly 9ro thirst a'd hu'(er, i' co'seNue'ce o9ha?i'( issed our eals si'ce the early or'i'(. /oe o9 our toolcartshad 8ee' ta"e' 8ac" 8y the i'9a'try, a'd this =as a 9ar ore ;eriloustas" tha' soe ;eo;le i(ht thi'", 9or the carts are usually 9illed =ithdeto'ators, co'tai'i'( hi(h eH;losi?es li"e (u'cotto', a'd a' eH;lodi'(shell hitti'( a cart =ould cause de?astatio'.

*he 9arhouse =as ra'"ed as a sa9e ;lace, a'd =e rec"o'ed that =e =ereluc"y to (et i'side it 8ut it ;ro?ed a'ythi'( 8ut luc"y, a'd I (rie?eto say that it =as here that y ;articular chu, a' old schoolate, ethis death. We had scarcely reached the sa9e ;lace =he' the cursedshells 8e(a' to 8urst a(ai', a'd I said to ysel9 that =e =ere 8ou'd to(et soe sou?e'irs. A'd =e did.

My corades had 8rou(ht their tea to a hut, a'd I =e't there to (et yca'tee' to ta"e to the coo"house. 5o soo'er had I le9t the hut tha' I

heard a 9ear9ul eH;losio'. 'e (ets used to these a=9ul 'oises, a'd Itoo" 'o 'otice o9 it at the tie 8ut shortly a9ter=ards I =as told thaty chu had 8ee' hit, a'd I rushed 8ac" to the hut. *erri8le =as thesi(ht that et e. Ei(ht o9 our e' =ere lyi'( =ou'ded, ao'(st the y9rie'd. With a hea?y heart I ;ic"ed hi u;, a'd he died i' y ars soo'a9ter=ards. *=o other e' died 8e9ore their i'uries could 8e atte'dedtoa'd this si'(le shell also "illed t=o o99icers char(ers.

It =as soo' a9ter this that I =e't throu(h =hat =as ;erha;s y ostthrilli'( eH;erie'ce. A(ai' it =as 'i(ht, a'd =e =ere e'(a(ed i' ourusual =or", =he' sudde'ly =e heard the sou'd o9 hea?y ri9le 9ire.*hro=i'( do=' our tools, =e (ra88ed our ri9les. We had 'ot the sli(htestidea o9 =hat =as ha;;e'i'(, 8ut loo"i'( cautiously o?er the ;ara;et o9the tre'ch =hich =e =ere =or"i'( o', =e could dily see dar" 9i(ures i'9ro't, a'd too" the to 8e 4era's.

We =ere ordered to 9ire, the =ord 8ei'( ;assed 9ro a' to a' to ta"ecare9ul ai 8ut o=i'( to the dar"'ess this =as 'ot a' easy thi'( to do.We 9ired, a'd i'sta'tly =e =ere (reeted =ith terri9ic shouti'(, a'd =e"'e= that the 4era's =ere char(i'(. 5ot a' i'sta't =as lost. With 9iHed8ayo'ets, out 9ro the tre'ch =e u;ed, the i'9a'try o' our ri(ht a'dle9t doi'( the sae.

Carryi'( out a 8ayo'et char(e is a' eH;erie'ce I shall 'e?er 9or(et. 'eloses all se'se o9 9ear, a'd thi'"s o9 'othi'( 8ut (oi'( 9or a'dsettli'( the e'ey. +or y o=' ;art I disti'ctly recollect ;lu'(i'( y8ayo'et i'to a 8i(, hea?y 4era', a'd alost i'sta'tly a9ter=ards

clu88i'( a'other =ith the 8utt o9 y ri9le. It =as o'ly a short 9i(ht,8ut a ?ery 9ierce o'e. *he 4era's (a?e =ay, lea?i'( their dead a'd=ou'ded 8ehi'd the.

Whe' the char(e =as o?er =e =e't 8ac" to our tre'ches, ta"i'( our=ou'ded =ith us. ur co;a'ys casualties 'u8ered a8out a doOe', theaority o9 the e' su99eri'( 9ro ore or less serious =ou'ds 8ut =e=ere ;retty =ell satis9ied, a'd 9elt that =e had ear'ed our slee; that'i(ht.

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*he 'eHt day I had a'other close sha?e, a shell 8ursti'( ?ery 'ear ea'd "illi'( t=el?e horses 8elo'(i'( to the 1$th ussars, =ho =ere o';atrol duty.

A9ter se?e' =ee"s o9 this 9aous a'd a=9ul 9i(hti'( at ;res, I =asta"e' ill =ith rheuatic 9e?era'd 'o =o'der, a9ter such =or", a'dslee;i'( i' such ;laces as =e =ere 9orced to occu;y. A9ter a s;ell i'the hos;ital at ;res, I =as o?ed o' 9ro ;lace to ;lace, till I adethe 9i'al sta(e o9 the our'ey to E'(la'd.

A rear"a8le thi'( ha;;e'ed duri'( o'e o9 the hea?y 8o8arde'ts that =ee'dured. A shell cae a'd 9ell ;lu; i' the idst o9 us, a'd it reallyseeed as i9 =e =ere all dooed. !ut the shell did 'ot eH;lode, a'd o'eHai'i'( the ca;, it =as 9ou'd to 8ear the 'u8er 23. *hat, you =illree8er, is the 'u8er o9 y o=' co;a'y, so you ca' u'dersta'd that =e9elt ore usti9ied tha' e?er i' calli'( oursel?es the &uc"y Co;a'y.


& !A**ER/ ERIC /*A5D

  5ot o'e o9 the alost 'u8erless ?alia't deeds o9 the =ar has  ;ro?ed ore thrilli'( a'd s;le'did tha' the eH;loit o9 & !attery,  Royal orse Artillery, at 5ery, 'ear Co;iU('e, o' /e;te8er 1st,  1F1K. A9ter (reatly disti'(uishi'( itsel9 at Mo's, the 8attery  hel;ed to co?er the retreat o9 the Allies, a'd 9ou(ht a hea?y  rear(uard actio'. ' the last day o9 the retiree't the 8attery  u'eH;ectedly cae i'to actio' at ?ery close ra'(e =ith a'  o?er=heli'(ly su;erior 4era' 9orce. /o destructi?e =as the 9ire  =hich =as 8rou(ht to 8ear o' the 8attery that o'ly o'e !ritish (u'  =as le9t i' actio', a'd this =as ser?ed, u'til all the au'itio'  =as eH;e'ded, 8y !attery/er(ea'tMaor Dorrell, /er(ea't 5elso',  4u''er . Dar8yshire a'd Dri?er s8or'e, all the rest o9 the  o99icers a'd e' o9 the 8attery ha?i'( 8ee' "illed or =ou'ded. At  the close o9 the artillery duel the Xuee's !ays a'd I !attery cae  to the rescue, a'd the shattered re'a't o9 & !attery cae  triu;ha't out o9 the tree'dous 9ray. *his story is told 8y 4u''er  Dar8yshire, =ho, =ith Dri?er s8or'e, =as a=arded the (reat  disti'ctio' o9 the Mdaille Militaire o9 +ra'ce, =hile the  ser(ea'taor a'd /er(ea't 5elso' 9or their (alla'try =ere  ;rooted to seco'dlieute'a'ts, a'd a=arded the Victoria Cross.%

As soo' as =e (ot i'to touch =ith the 4era'sa'd that =as at

Mo'sthey 'e?er le9t us alo'e. We had a hot tie =ith the, 8ut =e (a?ethe a hotter. Mo's =as a terri8le eH;erie'ce, es;ecially to e' (oi'(strai(ht i'to actio' 9or the 9irst tie, a'd so 9urious =as theartillery duel that at its hei(ht soe o9 the !ritish a'd 4era' shellsactually struc" each other i' the air. I' less tha' a' hour =e 9ired'early siH hu'dred rou'dsthe 9ull 'u8er carried 8y a 8attery o9 siH(u's. !ut I ust 'ot tal" o9 Mo's I =ill (et to the 'ei(h8ourhood o9Co;iU('e, a'd tell o9 the 9i(ht that =as s;ru'( o' the 8attery a'd le9to'ly three sur?i?ors.

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All throu(h the retreat =e had 8ee' 9i(hti'( hea?ily, a'd throu(hout theday o' Au(ust 31st =e 9ou(ht till 9our ocloc" i' the a9ter'oo' the' =e=ere ordered to retire to Co;iU('e. It =as a lo'( arch, a'd =he' =e(ot to 5ery, 'ear Co;iU('e, early i' the e?e'i'(, 8oth horses a'd e'=ere utterly eHhausted a'd ?ery hu'(ry. As soo' as =e (ot i' =e (a?e thehorses soe 9ood=ith the ou'ted a' the horse al=ays coes 9irsta'dade oursel?es as co9orta8le as ;ossi8le.

ut;osts =ere ;ut out 8y the o99icers, a'd the ca?alry =ho =ere =ith us,the 2'd Dra(oo' 4uards >Xuee's !ays@, =ere i' a sall 9ield o' the sideo9 a road =hich =as o;;osite to us. *hat road =as really a dee; cutti'(,a'd I =a't you to 8ear it i' i'd, 8ecause it lar(ely ;ro?ed thesal?atio' o9 the 9e= sur?i?ors o9 the 8attery at the e'd o9 the 9i(ht.+or the rest, the cou'try =as ust o9 the sort you ca' see i' a'y;laces i' E'(la'd;eace9ul, 9ertile a'd ;ros;erous, =ith 9ars dotteda8out, 8ut 'o8ody le9t o' the, 9or the =ar'i'( had 8ee' (i?e' that the4era' hordes =ere archi'(, a'd the ;eo;le had 9led i' terror.

a?i'( ade all our dis;ositio's, =e =e't to slee;, a'd rested tillhal9;ast three i' the or'i'(, =he' =e =ere roused a'd told to (et

ready to arch at a oe'ts 'otice.

*he dar"'ess seeed to ha'( a8out ore tha' usual, a'd the or'i'( =as?ery isty 8ut =e did 'ot ;ay uch atte'tio' to that, a'd =e8rea"9asted a'd 9ed the horses. We eH;ected to 8e o99 a(ai', 8ut the8attery =as ordered to sta'd 9ast u'til 9urther 'otice.

I' =artie 'e?er a oe't is =asted, a'd /er(ea'tMaor Dorrell thou(htthat this =ould 8e a (ood o;;ortu'ity to =ater the horses, so he orderedthe ri(ht hal98attery to =ater, a'd the horses =ere ta"e' 8ehi'd asu(ar 9actory =hich =as a little dista'ce a=ay. *he horses =ere =atereda'd 8rou(ht 8ac" a'd hoo"ed i'to the (u's a'd =a((o's the' the le9thal98attery =e't to =ater.

E?erythi'( =as ;er9ectly Nuiet. Day had 8ro"e', a'd the la'dsca;e =ashidde' i' the (rey ?eil o9 the early or'i'(. All =as =ell, it seeed,a'd =e =ere 'o= eH;ecti'( to o?e o99. A rid(e a8out 600 yards a=ay =as,=e su;;osed, occu;ied 8y +re'ch ca?alry, a'd a (e'eral a'd orderlyretreat =as (oi'( o' i' our rear. *he', =ithout the sli(htest =ar'i'(, ara'(i'( shot =as dro;;ed i'to the 8attery, a'd =e "'e= i'sta'tly thatthe 4era's =ere o' us a'd had 9ired this trial shot to (et the ra'(e o9us.

Iediately a9ter this rou'd =as 9ired the =hole ;lace =as ali?e =ithshra;'el a'd aHi 8ullets, a'd it =as clear that the 8attery =as alostsurrou'ded 8y 4era' artillery a'd i'9a'try. As a atter o9 9act, the+re'ch ca?alry had le9t their ;ositio' o' the rid(e 8e9ore day8rea", a'd

a stro'( 4era' 9orce, =ith te' (u's a'd t=o aHis, had ad?a'ced u'derco?er o9 the ist a'd occu;ied the ;ositio', =hich =as a' u'coo'ly(ood o'e 9or artillery.

We =ere ta"e' co;letely 8y sur;rise, a'd at 9irst could do 'othi'(, 9orthe ra'(i'( shot =as 9ollo=ed 8y a' a8solute hail o9 shra;'el, =hichalost 8le= the 8attery to ;ieces.

*he ?ery 8e(i''i'( o9 the 4era' 9ire ade ha?oc ao'(st the 8attery a'dthe !ays, a'd the losses ao'(st the horses =ere ;articularly se?ere a'd

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cri;;li'(. !ut =e soo' ;ulled oursel?es to(ether, =ith a 9iercedeteri'atio' to sa?e the 8attery, a'd to do our 8est to (i?e the4era's a ?ast deal ore tha' they =ere (i?i'( us.

Wholl ?olu'teer to (et the (u's i'to actio'S shouted Ca;tai'!rad8ury.

E?ery a' =ho could sta'd a'd 9i(ht said MeQ a'd there =as a' i'sta'trush 9or the (u's. =i'( to hea?y losses i' our 8attery, I had 8ecoeli8er (u''er, a'd it =as ;art o9 y s;ecial duty to see to theau'itio' i' the li8ers. !ut s;ecial duties at a tie li"e that do'tcou't 9or uch the chie9 thi'( is to "ee; the (u's (oi'(, a'd it =as'o= a case o9 e?ery o'e, o99icer a'd a', stri?i'( his 8est to sa?e the8attery. *he o99icers, =hile they li?ed a'd could "ee; u; at all, =ere'o8le, a'd =or"ed eHactly li"e the e'. +ro start to 9i'ish o9 that9atal 9i(ht they set a (lorious eHa;le.

We rushed to the (u's, I say, a'd =ith the horses, =he' they =ere li?i'(a'd u'hurt, a'd a'ha'dli'( =he' the ;oor 8easts =ere "illed or aied,=e ade shi9t to 8ri'( as hea?y a 9ire as =e could raise a(ai'st the

4era's. *he ad?a'ta(e =as clearly a'd u'dou8tedly =ith thethey =erei' ;ositio', they had our ra'(e, a'd they had 9ar ore (u's a'd e',=hile =e had hal9 our horses =ateri'( 8y the su(ar ill a'd shells =erethic" i' the air a'd ;lou(hi'( u; the earth 8e9ore =e could (et a si'(le(u' i'to actio'.

&et e sto; 9or a i'ute to eH;lai' =hat actually ha;;e'ed to the (u's,so that you ca' u'dersta'd the odds a(ai'st us as =e 9ou(ht. *he (u's,as you ha?e see', =ere ready 9or archi'(, 'ot 9or 9i(hti'(, =hich =e=ere 'ot eH;ecti'( hal9 the horses =ere a=ay, a'y at the (u's =ere"illed or =ou'ded, a'd o99icers a'd e' had su99ered 9ear9ully i' thecourse literally o9 a 9e= seco'ds a9ter the ra'(i'( shot ;lu;ed i'tous.

*he 9irst (u' cae to (rie9 throu(h the terri9ied horses 8olti'( a'do?ertur'i'( it o' the stee; 8a'" o9 the road i' 9ro't o9 us the seco'd(u' had the s;o"es o9 a =heel 8lo=' out 8y o'e o9 the ?ery 9irst o9 the4era' shells, the third =as disa8led 8y a direct hit =ith a shell =hich"illed the detache't the 9ourth =as le9t sta'di'(, thou(h the =heels(ot "'oc"ed a8out a'd se?eral holes =ere ade i' the li8er, a'd all thehorses =ere shot do='. *he 9i9th (u' =as 8rou(ht i'to actio', 8ut =assile'ced 8y the detache't 8ei'( "illed, a'd the siHth (u', our o=',reai'ed the =hole tie, thou(h the side o9 the li8er =as 8lo=' a=ay,the =heels =ere se?erely daa(ed, holes =ere 8lo=' i' the shield, a'dthe 8u99er =as 8adly ;e;;ered 8y shra;'el 8ullets. *he (u' =as a =rec",8ut, li"e a'y a'other =rec", it held (alla'tly o' u'til the stor =aso?era'd it =as sa?ed at last.

I' a shell 9ire that =as i'cessa't a'd terri9ic, acco;a'ied 8y the hailo9 8ullets 9ro the aHis, =e (ot to =or".

We had had soe truly tree'dous ca''o'adi'( at Mo's 8ut this =asi'9i'itely =orse, 9or the ?ery li9e o9 the 8attery =as i' ;eril, a'd it=as a ;oi't8la'" 8attle, ust ra;id, di'(do'( "ill9ire, our o='shells a'd the 4era's 8ursti'( i' a 9ractio' o9 tie a9ter lea?i'( theuOOles o9 the (u's.

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As soo' as =e =ere 9airly i' actio', the 4era's (a?e us a 9iercer 9iretha' e?er, a'd it is o'ly ust to the to say that their ;ractice =asa('i9ice't 8ut I thi'" =e (ot the ;ull o9 the, cri;;led a'd shatteredthou(h =e =ere'ay, I "'o= =e did, 9or =he' the 8loody 8usi'ess =as allo?er, =e cou'ted 9ar ore o9 the 4era' dead tha' all our 8attery had'u8ered at the start.

*he thirtee';ou'ders o9 the Royal orse Artillery ca' 8e 9ired at therate o9 9i9tee' rou'ds a i'ute, a'd thou(h =e =ere 'ot ;erha;s doi'(that, 8ecause =e =ere shortha'ded a'd the li8ers =ere a8out thirtyyards a=ay, still =e =ere a"i'( s;le'did ;ractice, a'd it =as telli'(hea?ily o' the 4era's.

As the ist elted a=ay =e could at that short dista'ce see the;lai'lya'd they ade a tar(et =hich =e too" care 'ot to iss. We =e't9or the 4era' (u's a'd 9i(hti'( e', a'd the 4era's did all they "'e=to sash us8ut they did't "'o= e'ou(h, a'd 9ailed.

As soo' as =e (ot 'u8er siH (u' i'to actio' I u;ed i'to the seat a'd8e(a' 9iri'(, 8ut so a=9ul =as the co'cussio' o9 our o=' eH;losio's a'd

the 8ursti'( 4era' shells that I could 'ot 8ear it 9or lo'(. I "e;t itu; 9or a8out t=e'ty i'utes, the' y 'ose a'd ears =ere 8leedi'( 8ecauseo9 the co'cussio', a'd I could 'ot 9ire a'y ore, so I le9t the seat a'd(ot a cha'(e 8y 9etchi'( au'itio'.

A'd 'o= there ha;;e'ed o'e o9 those thi'(s =hich, thou(h they seear?ellous, are al=ays ta"i'( ;lace i' tie o9 =ar, a'd es;ecially sucha =ar as this, =he' li9e is lost at e?ery tur'. Iediately a9ter Ile9t the seat, &ieute'a't Ca;8ell, =ho had 8ee' hel;i'( =ith theau'itio', too" it, a'd "e;t the 9iri'( u; =ithout the loss o9 a seco'do9 tie 8ut he had 'ot 9ired ore tha' a cou;le o9 rou'ds =he' a shell8urst u'der the shield. *he eH;losio' =as a=9ul, a'd the 8ra?e you'(o99icer =as hurled a8out siH yards a=ay 9ro the ?ery seat i' =hich Ihad 8ee' sitti'( a 9e= seco'ds earlier. *here is 'o hua' ho;e a(ai'stsuch i'uries, a'd Mr. Ca;8ell li?ed 9or o'ly a 9e= i'utes.

A'other o99icer =ho 9ell Nuic"ly =hile doi'( da'(erous =or" =as&ieute'a't Mu'dy, y sectio' o99icer. e =as 9i'di'( the ra'(e a'dre;orti'( the e99ects o9 our shells. *o do that he had le9t the;rotectio' o9 the shield a'd =as sitti'( o' the (rou'd alo'(side the (u'=heel. *his =as a ;erilous ;ositio', 8ei'( co;letely eH;osed to theshells =hich =ere 8ursti'( all arou'd. Mr. Mu'dy =as "illed 8y a'eH;lodi'( shell =hich also =ou'ded e. A ;iece o9 the shell cau(ht eust 8ehi'd the shoulder8lade. I 9elt it (o i'to y 8ac", 8ut did 'otta"e uch 'otice o9 it at the tie, a'd =e't o' ser?i'( the (u'. Mr.Mu'dy had ta"e' the ;lace o9 Mr. Marsde', the le9tsectio' o99icer. *helatter had (o'e out 9ro hoe =ith us 8ut he had 8ee' 8adly =ou'ded at

Mo's, =here a shra;'el 8ullet =e't throu(h the roo9 o9 his outh a'dcae out o9 his 'ec". I' s;ite o9 that dread9ul i'ury, ho=e?er, hestuc" 8ra?ely to his sectio'.

I a (etti'( o' a 8it too 9ast, ;erha;s, so I =ill retur' to the tie=he' I had to lea?e the seat o9 the (u' o=i'( to the =ay i' =hich theco'cussio' had a99ected e. Whe' I 9elt a little 8etter I 8e(a' to hel;Dri?er s8or'e to 9etch au'itio' 9ro the =a((o's. I had ust a'a(edto (et 8ac" to the (u' =ith a' ar9ul o9 au'itio', =he' a lydditeshell eH;loded 8ehi'd e, thre= e to the (rou'd, a'd ;artly stu''ed e.

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I =as o' the (rou'd 9or =hat seeed to 8e a8out 9i?e i'utes a'd thou(htI =as (o'e 8ut =he' I cae rou'd I (ot u; a'd 9ou'd that I =asu'i'ured. ' loo"i'( rou'd, ho=e?er, I sa= that Ca;tai' !rad8ury, =hohad ;layed a s;le'did ;art i' (etti'( the (u's i'to actio', had 8ee'"'oc"ed do=' 8y the sae shell that 9loored e. I had 8ee' thro=' o' y9ace, Ca;tai' !rad8ury had 8ee' "'oc"ed do=' 8ac"=ards, a'd he =as a8outt=o yards a=ay 9ro e. Whe' I cae to y se'ses I =e't u; to hi a'dsa= that he =as ortally =ou'ded. e eH;ired a 9e= i'utes a9ter=ards.*hou(h the ca;tai' "'e= that death =as ?ery 'ear, he thou(ht o9 his e'to the last, a'd re;eatedly 8e((ed to 8e carried a=ay, so that theyshould 'ot 8e u;set 8y seei'( hi or heari'( the cries =hich he could'ot restrai'. *=o o9 the e' =ho =ere =ou'ded, a'd =ere lyi'( i' theshelter o9 a 'ei(h8ouri'( haystac", cra=led u; a'd a'a(ed to ta"e theca;tai' 8ac" =ith the 8ut he died alost as soo' as the haystac" =asreached.

!y this tie our little ca; =as a' utter =rec". orses a'd e' =erelyi'( e?ery=here, soe o9 the horses a8solutely 8lo=' to ;ieces =a((o'sa'd (u's =ere tur'ed u;side do=', a'd all arou'd =as the rui' caused 8y

the 4era' shells. *he ca; =as littered =ith 9ra(e'ts o9 shell a'd ouro=' cartrid(ecases, =hile the (rou'd loo"ed as i9 it had 8ee' ;lou(heda'd harro=ed a'yho=. 5early all the o99icers a'd e' had 8ee' either"illed or =ou'ded.

It is 'o eHa((eratio' to say that the 4era's literally rai'ed shra;'ela'd 8ullets o' us. A 4era' shell is 9illed =ith a8out three hu'dred8ullets, so that =ith t=o or three shells 8ursti'( you (et as 8i( acloud o9 8ullets as you =ould recei?e 9ro a 8attalio' o9 i'9a'try.

*he 4era's had te' o9 their (u's a'd t=o achi'e(u's (oi'(, a'd it issi;ly ar?ellous that e?ery a' a'd horse i' our 8attery =as 'otdestroyed. !ear i' i'd, too, that the 4era' artillery =as 'ot all9ield(u'sthey had 8i( (u's =ith the, a'd they 9ired i'to us =ith thesi;le o8ect o9 =i;i'( us out. *hat is Nuite all ri(ht, o9 course 8utthey 'e?er (a?e a thou(ht to our =ou'dedthey =e't 9or the ust asercilessly as they 8o8arded the rest.

*here =as a little 9arhouse i' our ca;, a' ordi'ary +re'ch 9ar8uildi'( =ith a 9e= rou'd haystac"s 'ear it. Whe' the 9i(ht 8e(a', =ethou(ht o9 usi'( this 8uildi'( as a hos;ital 8ut it =as so clear thatthe ;lace =as a' a8solute deathtra; that =e (a?e u; that idea ?eryNuic"ly, a'd (ot our =ou'ded u'der the shelter o9 o'e o9 the haystac"s,=here they =ere ;retty sa9e so lo'( as the stac" did 'ot catch 9ire,8ecause a (ood thic" stac" =ill resist e?e' direct artillery 9ire i' a=o'der9ul a''er. !ut the 4era's (ot their (u's o' this ;articularstac", a'd it =as a ?ery 8ad loo"out 9or our ;oor, hel;less 9ello=s,

a'y o9 =ho had 8ee' 8adly a'(led.

As 9or the 9arhouse it =as 8lo=' to ;ieces, as I sa= a9ter=ards =he' I?isited it, a'd 'ot a soul could ha?e li?ed i' the ;lace. Walls,=i'do=s, roo9, ceili'(sall =ere sashed, a'd the 9ur'iture =as i'9ra(e'ts. A 8uildi'( li"e that =as a 9air tar(et 8ut the haystac" =asdi99ere't, a'd the 4era's did a thi'( that 'o !ritish (u''ers =ouldha?e do'e. At that short dista'ce they could see ;er9ectly clearly =hat=as ha;;e'i'(they could see that as our =ou'ded 9ell =e (ot hold o9the a'd dra((ed the out o9 the deadly hail to the shelter o9 the

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stac", a8out a score o9 yards a=ay, to co;arati?e sa9ety. 5otici'(this, o'e o9 the 4era' o99icers iediately co'ce'trated a hea?y shell9ire o' the hea; o9 =ou'dedthirty or 9orty hel;less e'i' a' atte;tto set 9ire to the stac". *hat =as a deli8erate e99ort to destroy=ou'ded e'. We sa= that, a'd the si(ht hel;ed us to ;ut ore stre'(thi'to our deteri'atio' to sash the 4era' (u's.

*he 4era's =ere ad to =i;e us out, a'd I "'o= that 9or y o=' ;art I=ould 'ot ha?e 9alle' i'to their clutches ali?e. My i'd =as Nuite adeu; o' that ;oi't, 9or I had see' a'y a !ritish soldier =ho had 9alle'o' the roadside, dead 8eat, a'd (o'e to slee;a'd sle;t 9or the lasttie =he' the 4era's cae u;. ' a ;re?ious occasio' =e ;assed throu(ho'e ;lace =here there had 8ee' a 9i(htit ust ha?e 8ee' i' thedar"'essa'd the =ou'ded had 8ee' ;ut i' a ceetery, the idea 8ei'(that the 4era's =ould 'ot touch a ceetery. *hat idea ;ro?ed to 8e=ro'(. 'e o9 the 4era' aero;la'es that =ere co'sta'tly ho?eri'( o?erthe 8attery had (i?e' soe 4era' 8atteries our ;ositio', 8ut =e (ota=ay, a'd the 4era' (u''ers, e'ra(ed at our esca;e, i'sta'tly dro;;edshells i'to the ceetery, to =i;e the =ou'ded out. I9 they =ould do thatthey =ould 'ot hesitate to 9ire deli8erately o' our =ou'ded u'der the

haystac"a'd they did 'ot hesitate.

It =as 'ot a'y i'utes a9ter the 9i(ht 8e(a' i' the ist =he' o'ly'u8er siH (u' =as le9t i' the 8attery, a'd 9our o9 us sur?i?ed to ser?eitthe ser(ea'taor, =ho had ta"e' coa'd /er(ea't 5elso', ysel9,a'd Dri?er s8or'e, a'd =e 9ired as 9ast as =e could i' a 'oise that =as'o= ore terri8le tha' e?er a'd i' a little ca; that =as utter=rec"a(e. *here =as the ceaseless di' o9 screai'(, 8ursti'( shells, thecries o9 the =ou'ded, 9or =ho =e could do soethi'(, 8ut 'ot uch, a'dthe cries o9 the ;oor horses, 9or =hich =e could do 'othi'(. *he 'oisethey ade =as li"e the (riOOli'( o9 a child that is 'ot =ella ?ery;iti9ul sou'd, 8ut, o9 course, o' a uch 8i((er scale a'd that sou'd o9su99eri'( =e't u; 9ro e?ery=here arou'd us, 8ecause e?ery=here there=ere =ou'ded horses.

It =as 'ot lo'( 8e9ore =e a'a(ed to sile'ce se?eral 4era' (u's. !ut?ery soo' /er(ea't 5elso' =as se?erely =ou'ded 8y a 8ursti'( shell, a'dthat le9t o'ly three o9 us.

*he !ays horses, li"e our o=', had 8ee' either "illed or =ou'ded or had8olted, 8ut the e' had a'a(ed to (et do=' o' the ri(ht o9 us a'd ta"eco?er u'der the stee; 8a'" o9 the road, a'd 9ro that ;ositio', =hich=as really a 'atural tre'ch, they 9ired destructi?ely o' the 4era's.

!ritish ca?alry, disou'ted, ha?e do'e soe (lorious =or" i' this (reat=ar, 8ut they ha?e do'e 'othi'( 9i'er, I thi'", tha' their =or" 'earCo;iU('e o' that /e;te8er or'i'(. A'd o9 all the s;le'did =or" there

=as 'o'e ore s;le'did tha' the ;er9ora'ce o9 a la'cecor;oral, =hoactually ;la'ted a aHi o' his o=' "'ees a'd rattled i'to the 4era's=ith it. *here =as ;le'ty o9 "ic" i' the o8, 8ut he held o' (aely, a'dhe ust ha?e do'e hea?y eHecutio' =ith his siH hu'dred 8ullets a i'ute.

*his ri9le a'd aHi 9ire o9 the !ays had a =o'der9ul


B*o 9ace ;. 12-.B

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&A5*ED A MALIM 5 I/ W5 5EE/ A5D RA**&ED I5* *E 4ERMA5/.%

e99ect i' sile'ci'( the 4era' 9ire, a'd it hel;ed us (reatly =he' =ecae to the last sta(e o9 the duel.

I do't "'o= ho= a'y o9 the !ays there =ere, 8ut it =as i;ossi8le 9orthe to char(e, e?e' i9 they had had their horses, o=i'( to the 9actthat the road i' 9ro't o9 us =as a dee; cutti'(. I9 the cutti'( had 'ot8ee' there the )hla's, =ho alo'e co'sidera8ly out'u8ered us, =ould ha?es=e;t do=' o' us a'd there =ould 'ot ha?e 8ee' a'yo'e le9t i' & !atteryat a'y rate.

!y the tie =e had ;ractically sile'ced the 4era' (u's the three o9 us=ho =ere sur?i?i'( =ere utterly eHhausted. s8or'e, =ho =as "'eeli'(8eside a =a((o' =heel, had a 'arro= esca;e 9ro 8ei'( "illed. A shell8urst 8et=ee' the =heel a'd the =a((o' 8ody, tore the =heel o99, a'dse't the s;o"es 9lyi'( all o?er the ;lace. 'e o9 the s;o"es cau(hts8or'e ust o?er the ri8s a'd "'oc"ed hi o?er, 8ac"=ards.

I loo"ed rou'd o' heari'( the eH;losio' o9 the shell, a'd said, I thi'"s8or'es (o'e this tie, 8ut =e =ere tha'"9ul to 9i'd that he =as o'ly"'oc"ed o?er. 'e o9 his ri8s =as 9ractured, 8ut =e did 'ot "'o= o9 thistill a9ter=ards.

Mea'=hile, the e' =ho had (o'e to =ater the horses o9 the le9thal98attery had heard the 9iri'(, a'd had tried hard to (et 8ac" to hel; us8ut they =ere et o' the road 8y a' o99icer, =ho said that the 8attery=as ;ractically a''ihilated, a'd it =ould 8e useless 9or the to retur'.*he 4era's had see' the =ateri'( the horses, a'd had 8e(u' to shellthe su(ar 9actory. *his caused the reai'i'( horses o9 the 8attery to(allo; a=ay, a'd a lot o9 the =ere "illed as they (allo;ed, thou(h a(ood a'y (ot a=ay a'd =ere a9ter=ards 9ou'd i' the 'ei(h8ouri'( to='o9 Co;iU('e, =a'deri'( a8out. As 9or the e', they ooched i' a'ydirectio' as stra((lers, a'd e?e'tually =e cae u; =ith the.

*he three o9 us had ser?ed the (u' a'd "e;t it i' actio' till it =asalost too hot to =or", a'd =e =ere 'early =or' out 8ut =e =e't o'9iri'(, a'd =ith a (ood heart, 9or =e "'e= that the 4era's had 8ee'8adly ;ou'ded, that the !ays had the i' a (ri;, a'd that a'other8attery o9 horse(u''ers =as dashi'( to the rescue. ' they cae, i'(lorious stylethere is 'o 9i'er si(ht tha' that o9 a horse 8attery(allo;i'( i'to actio'.

*=o or three iles a=ay 9ro us I !attery had heard the hea?y 9iri'(,a'd "'e= that soethi'( ust 8e ha;;e'i'( to us. Rou'd they tur'ed, a'do' they dashed, ta"i'( e?erythi'( 8e9ore the a'd sto;;i'( 9or 'othi'(

till they reached a rid(e a8out 2000 yards a=ay the' they u'li8ereda'd (ot i'to actio', a'd 'e?er =as there (ra'der usic heard tha' that=hich (reeted the three o9 us =ho =ere le9t i' & !attery =he' the sa?i'(shells o9 I screaed o?er us a'd ;ut the 9i'ish to the 4era' rout.

I' a s;eech ade to I !attery /ir oh' +re'ch said

5o 8ra'ch o9 the /er?ice has do'e 8etter =or" i' this ca;ai(' tha' theRoyal orse Artillery. It is i;ossi8le to ;ic" out o'e occasio' oretha' a'other duri'( this ca;ai(' o' =hich I !attery has s;ecially

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disti'(uished itsel9, 8ecause the 8attery has al=ays do'e 8rillia't=or". our (e'eral tells e that you =ere i' actio' co'ti'uously 9or te'days....

We had 8ee' ;retty =ell haered out o9 eHiste'ce, 8ut =e had a "ic"le9t i' us, a'd =e (a?e it, a'd =hat =ith this a'd the !ays a'd the8ashi'( 8y the 9resh 8attery, the 4era's soo' had e'ou(h o9 it, a'd 9orthe tie 8ei'( they ade 'o 9urther e99ort to olest us.

At last the 9i(ht =as 9i'ished. We hadtha'" 4odQsa?ed the (u's, a'dthe 4era's, des;ite their 9ra'tic e99orts, had ade 'o ;ro(ress, a'dhad o'ly a hea; o9 dead a'd =ou'ded a'd a lot o9 8attered (u's to sho=9or their atte;t to sash us i' the or'i'( ist. We had "e;t the o99day a9ter day, a'd =e "e;t the o99 a(ai'. We had 8ee' 8adly ;u'ished,8ut =e had auled the terri8ly i' the 9i(ht, =hich lasted a8out a'hour.

*hree o9 our (u's had 8ee' disa8led, t=o =a((o's 8lo=' u;, a'd a'y=heels 8lo=' o99 the =a((o's.

/oe stra'(e thi'(s had ha;;e'ed 8et=ee' Mo's a'd Co;iU('e, a'd 'o=that the duel had e'ded =e had a cha'ce o9 recollecti'( the a'dcou'ti'( u; the cost to us. Cor;oral Wheeler Car'ha =as "'oc"ed do='=hile tryi'( to sto; a ru'a=ay au'itio' =a((o', a'd o'e o9 the =heels=e't o?er his le(s. e a'a(ed to (et o' his 9eet a(ai', 8ut he had 'osoo'er do'e so tha' he =as struc" o' the le(s 8y a ;iece o9 shell. AtCo;iU('e t=o (u''ers =ere 8lo=' to ;ieces a'd could 'ot 8e ide'ti9ied.Dri?er &a=s had 8oth le(s 8ro"e' 8y a =a((o' =hich tur'ed o?er at Mo's,a'd a9ter=ards the =a((o' =as 8lo=' u;, a'd he =e't =ith it./hoei'(/ith eath =as sta'di'( alo'(side e at Co;iU('e =he' the9iri'( 8e(a'. I told hi to "ee; his head do=', 8ut he did't do soa'dlost it. *he 9arrier =as 8adly =ou'ded, a'd the Nuarterasterser(ea't=as "'oc"ed do=' a'd ru' o?er 8y a' au'itio' =a((o'. 4u''er uddle, asi('aller, =as loo"i'( throu(h his (lasses to try to 9i'd out =here theshells =ere coi'( 9ro, =he' he =as struc" o' the head 8y a ;iece o98ursti'( shell.

ur coa'di'( o99icer, Maor the o'. W. D. /clater!ooth, =as sta'di'(8ehi'd the 8attery, disou'ted, as =e all =ere, o8ser?i'( the 9all o9the shells, =he' he =as hit 8y a s;li'ter 9ro a 8ursti'( shell a'dse?erely =ou'ded. e =as reo?ed, a'd =e did 'ot see hi a(ai' u'til =e=ere o' the =ay to the 8ase. As 9ar as I ree8er, he =as ta"e' o99 8yo'e o9 the ca?alry o99icers 9ro the !ays.

&ieute'a't 4i99ard, our ri(ht sectio' o99icer, =as i'ured early i' the9i(ht 8y a shell =hich shattered his le9t "'ee, a'd he =as ta"e' a'd;laced =ith the rest o9 the =ou'ded 8ehi'd the haystac", =here i' a ?ery

short tie they =ere literally ;iled u;. As soo' as the o99icers a'd e'9ell =e did the 8est =e could 9or the 8ut all =e could do =as ustsi;ly to dra( the out o9 the da'(er o9 the 8ursti'( shells. &uc"ily,this ;articular haystac" esca;ed 9airly =ell, 8ut ?ery soo' a9ter the9i(ht 8e(a' 'early e?ery haystac" i' the ca; =as 8laOi'( 9iercely, seto' 9ire 8y the 4era' shells.

*he 9irst thi'( to 8e do'e a9ter the 9i(ht =as to 8ury our dead a'dcollect our =ou'ded, a'd i' this sorro=9ul tas" =e =ere hel;ed 8y theMiddleseH Re(ie'tthe old Dieards=ho ha?e do'e so s;le'didly a'd

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su99ered so hea?ily i' this =ar. *hey, li"e I !attery, had coe u;, a'd=e =ere ?ery (lad to see the. /oe o9 our (alla't =ou'ded =ere 8eyo'dhel;, 8ecause o9 the shra;'el 9ire.

We 8uried our dead o' the 9ield =here they had 9alle', aidst the rui'so9 the 8attery they had 9ou(ht to sa?e, a'd =ith the 9ire a'd so"estill risi'( 9ro the rui'ed 8uildi'(s a'd the 8ur'i'( haystac"s.

A'other thi'( =e did =as to (o rou'd a'd shoot the ;oor horses that =ereho;elessly hurta'd a sorry tas" it =as. 'e =a((o' =e =e't to had 9i?ehorses "illedo'ly o'e horse =as le9t out o9 the siH =hich had 8ee'hoo"ed i' to arch a=ay i' the ist o9 the or'i'( so =e shot hi a'd;ut hi out o9 his isery. We had to shoot a8out t=e'ty horses 8ut therest =ere already dead, ostly 8lo=' to ;ieces a'd scattered o?er the9ielda dread9ul si(ht.

Whe' =e had 8uried the dead, collected our =ou'ded, a'd destroyed ourhel;less horses, the (u's o9 our 8attery =ere li8ered u; o' to sou'd=a((o' li8ers, a'd a ;air o9 horses =ere 8orro=ed 9ro each su8sectio'o9 I !attery to ta"e the a=ay. E?erythi'( else =as le9t

8ehi'd=a((o's, accoutree'ts, clothi'(, ca;s, a'd so o', a'd the8attery =as ta"e' to a little ?illa(e a8out 9our iles 9ro Co;iU('e,=here =e tried to s'atch a 8it o9 rest 8ut =e had 'o cha'ce o9 (etti'(it, o=i'( to the harassi'( ;ursuit o9 8i( 8odies o9 )hla's.

+ro that tie, u'til =e reached the 8ase, =e =a'dered a8out as 8est =ecould, a'd a'a(ed to li?e o' =hat =e could (et, =hich =as 'ot uch. We=ere i' a ;retty sorry state, ost o9 us =ithout ca;s or ac"ets, a'd =eo8tai'ed 9ood 9ro other u'its that =e ;assed o' the road.

We =ere archi'(, disou'ted, day a'd 'i(ht, till =e reached therailhead, =here I =as tra's9erred to the 8ase a'd se't hoe. *heser(ea'taor a'd s8or'e cae hoe at the sae tie, a'd theser(ea'taor is 'o= a coissio'ed o99icer. /o is /er(ea't 5elso'.

A9ter such a 9urious 9i(ht a'd all the hardshi;s a'd su99eri'(s o9 Mo'sa'd the retreat, it sees stra'(e a'd u'real to 8e 8ac" i' ;eace9ul&o'do'. I do't "'o= =hat =ill ha;;e' to e, o9 course, 8ut =hate?ercoes I ear'estly ho;e that soe day I shall 8e a8le to (o 8ac" to thelittle ca; =here =e 9ou(ht i' the or'i'( ist i' such a deadly hail o9shell, a'd loo" at the resti'(;laces o9 the 8ra?e o99icers a'd e' =ho(a?e their li?es to sa?e the 8attery they lo?ed so =ell.


/IL*EE5 WEE/ + +I4*I54

  I'doita8le cheer9ul'ess a'd co'siste't coura(e are t=o o9 the  outsta'di'( 9eatures o9 the co'duct o9 the !ritish soldier i' the  =ar, a'd these Nualities are 9i'ely sho=' i' this story o9 soe o9  the doi'(s o9 the 1st !attalio' Xuee's =' Royal West e't  Re(ie't, =hich has (reatly disti'(uished itsel9 a'd su99ered  hea?ily. ri?ate Mo't(oery is a e8er o9 a 9i(hti'( 9aily, 9or  he has a 8rother i' the Royal 5a?y, t=o 8rothers i' the Ri9le

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ei(ht or 'i'e i'ches =ide. ou =ill 8est u'dersta'd =hat I ea' i9 youia(i'e o'e o9 the iro' 8rid(es o?er the *haes destroyed, a'd that the;ri'ci;al thi'( le9t is the 9latto;;ed iro' side =hich you o9te' see.

)'der a terri8le 9ire =e ade 9or the ;ara;et a'd (ot o' to it as 8est=e could. I =as the last a' 8ut o'e to (et o' to it. ust i' 9ro't o9e =as &a'cecor;oral 4i8so', a'd ust 8ehi'd e =as ri?ate !ailey.

With the 4era's so 'ear, so a'y o9 the, a'd "ee;i'( u; such a hea?y9ire o' us, you ca' ia(i'e =hat it ea't to cra=l alo'( a t=isted;ara;et li"e that. *he ar?el is that a si'(le o'e o9 us esca;ed, 8ut a9e= o9 us did, =hich =as 'o credit to the 4era' ar"sa'shi;.

*he 8ullets =hiOOed a'd =histled arou'd us a'd ?ery soo' 8oth the a' i'9ro't o9 e a'd the a' 8ehi'd =ere struc".

*he cor;oral =as "'oc"ed strai(ht o?er a'd disa;;eared. !ailey =as shotthrou(h the i'ste;, 8ut he a'a(ed to hold o' to the ;ara;et, a'd toa"e a ?ery si'(ular reNuest.

Mo't, he said, coe a'd ta"e y 8oot o99Q

I tur'ed rou'd a'd sa= =hat had ha;;e'ed to hi 8ut, o9 course, it=as't ;ossi8le to do =hat he as"ed, =he' it 'eeded e?ery 8it o9 o'esstre'(th a'd s"ill to ha'( o' to the ;ara;et a'd "ee; cra=li'(, so Icried 8ac", 5e?er i'd a8out ta"i'( your 8oot o99coe o'Q

It =as 'o use sayi'( a'ythi'( ;oor cha;, he =ould i'sist o' ha?i'( his8oot o99, so I said, +or ea?e's sa"e (et alo'(, or =e shall all (et"'oc"ed o?erQ A'd =ith that I started to cra=l a(ai', a'd to (et aheadas 8est I could.

*he cor;oral, as I ha?e said, had (o'e he had 8ee' hit ri(ht 8et=ee'the shoulder8lades, a'd I ust sa= hi roll o?er i'to the horri8le8ar8ed=ire e'ta'(lee'ts.

What eHactly ha;;e'ed to ;oor !ailey I do't "'o=. I had't a cha'ce o9loo"i'( 8ac", 8ut I heard a9ter=ards that 8oth he a'd the cor;oral =ere9ou'd lyi'( there, dead, =ith their 9aces s;attered =ith 8lood.

At last, a9ter =hat seeed li"e a iraculous esca;e, I (ot clear o9 the;ara;et, =ith a 9e= ore, a'd la'ded sa9ely o' the other side o9 theca'al, loo"i'( 9or the West e'ts 8ut it had 8ee' i;ossi8le to re9ora'y 8attalio', a'd re(ie'ts =ere =al"i'( a8out li"e 9loc"s o9 shee;.E99orts =ere 8ei'( ade to re9or our o=' e', 8ut at that tie there=as 'o cha'ce o9 doi'( so.

It =as the si(ht o9 these disor(a'ised a'd =a'deri'( soldiers that8rou(ht to y i'd the ;icture o9 the retreat 9ro Mosco=.

It =as 'ot u'til =e reached &e Cateau that the ha'd9ul o9 us reoi'edthe re(ie't, a'd so 9ar as 9i(hti'( =e't =e erely cha'(ed 9ro 8ad to=orse.

At &e Cateau the West e'ts held the seco'd li'e o9 tre'ches, a'd theor"shire &i(ht I'9a'try =ere i' the 9irst li'e, so that =e =eresu;;orti'( the. We had the 121st a'd 122'd !atteries o9 the Royal

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+ield Artillery i' 9ro't o9 usa'd 'o troo;s could =ish 9or 8etter(u''ers tha' the !ritish.

We (ot i'to the tre'ches at a8out 9ourthirty o' the or'i'( o9 the26th, a'd reai'ed i' the 9or soethi'( li"e t=el?e hours, a'd duri'(that tie =e too" ;art i' =hat =as ;ro8a8ly the 9iercest 8attle that hade?er 8ee' 9ou(ht u; to that tie, thou(h there =as =orse to 9ollo= i'the ;res re(io'. We =ere rather u'luc"y, as it ha;;e'ed, 8ecause =e=ere 9orced to lie i' the tre'ches a'd =atch the other re(ie'ts a'd ourartillery shelli'( the e'ey =ithout our 8ei'( a8le to 9ire a shot, 9or=e =ere so ;laced that =e could 'ot do a'ythi'( e99ecti?e a(ai'st thee'ey ust the'.

*he or"shire &i(ht I'9a'try retired, a'd the' cae the order 9or theWest e'ts to (o. It =as a' order that 'eeded the (reatest care a'dcoura(e to carry out, 8ut it had 8ee' (i?e', a'd, o9 course, the Weste'ts al=ays do ust =hat they are told to do. We did so 'o=, =ith theresult, I a ;roud to say, that =e carried out Colo'el Marty's coa'dto the letter.

Do't (et eHcited i' a'y =ay, he said. ust (o o99 as i9 you =ere o'8attalio' ;arade.

A'd =e did, a'd the colo'el sho=ed us ho= to do it, 9or he =al"ed o99ust as he i(ht ha?e =al"ed o99 the 8arrac" sNuare, thou(h all the tie=e =ere u'der hea?y shell 9ire a'd our e' =ere 9alli'(. We lost a 9air'u8er, 8ut 'ot a'y, co'sideri'( the 'ature o9 the 9ire u;o' us.

We (ot as 9ar as /t. Xue'ti', =hich is a 8i( to=', tryi'( to 9i'd out=here our re(ie't had (o'e 8ut =e (ot cold co9ort, 9or a a' cae u;a'd said: Its 'o (ood (oi'( i' there. *he to='s surrou'ded. *he 8estthi'( you ca' do is to ;ut do=' your ars a'd surre'der.

We did't relish the surre'der su((estio', a'd =e started to a"ei'Nuiries. A ser(ea't =ho s;o"e +re'ch =e't u; to a (e'dare =ho =as atthe side o9 the rail=ay statio', a'd as"ed hi i9 it =as true that theto=' =as surrou'ded.

*he (e'dare re;lied that he did't "'o=, 8ut he 8elie?ed the statee't=as true a'y=ay he ad?ised us to reai' =here =e =ere.

5ot satis9ied =ith that, a8out hal9 a doOe' o9 us =e't u; to a +re'chca?alry o99icer a'd ;ut the Nuestio' to hi.

*he ca?alry o99icer, li"e the (e'dare, said he did't "'o=, 8ut told usthat the 8est thi'( =e could do =as to (o o' to a ;lace, =hich he 'aed,a8out ei(ht iles a=ay, a'd o99 =e =e't 8ut 8e9ore =e reached it =e

cae across a ca?alry di?isio', a'd lear'ed that it =as 'ot sa9e to (o9arther. A(ai' =e =ere ad?ised to reai' =here =e =ere, a'd =e did 9orthe tie 8ei'(.

It =as 'ot u'til later that =e disco?ered =hat a 'arro= esca;e =e hadhad, 9or three 4era' ca?alry di?isio's had 8ee' ordered to ;ursue theretiri'( troo;s herea8outs, 8ut throu(h a 8lu'der the order hadiscarried a'd the )hla's did 'ot 9ollo= us.

I' such a serious 8usi'ess as this =e had, o9 course, lost hea?ily, a'd

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=e co'ti'ued to lose. Maor !uc"le, D./.., o'e o9 the 8ra?est e' thate?er ste;;ed i' a ;air o9 shoes i' the !ritish Ary, lost his li9e i'atte;ti'( to distri8ute the West e'ts. *hat is erely o'e o9 a'yi'sta'ces o9 o99icers a'd e' =ho =ere "illed u'der 9ire.

/oeties e' =ere lost i' the ost eHtraordi'ary a''er, es;eciallyo=i'( to shell 9ire. At o'e tie a8out siH 8i( shells 8urst, a'd i' the=rec"a(e caused 8y o'e o9 the eH;losio's te' e' =ere 8uried.

Me' ?olu'teered to (o a'd try to di( these ;oor 9ello=s out, 8ut as 9astas the ?olu'teers (ot to =or" they, too, =ere shelled a'd 8uried, sothat i' the e'd a8out thirty e' =ere 8uried8uried ali?e. It =asuseless to atte;t to co'ti'ue such a 9orlor' ho;e, a'd it =asi;ossi8le to di( the e' out, so they had to 8e le9t. It =as hard to dothis, 8ut there =as 'othi'( else 9or it.

!odies o9 e' =ere lost, too, as ;riso'ers, =he' o?er;o=eri'( 'u8ers o94era's had to 8e et, or =he' the 4era's rushed u'ared e' a'd le9tthe 'o alter'ati?e to ca;ture. A doctor a'd t=e'ty9i?e e' o9 the Weste'ts =ho =ere acti'( as stretcher8earers =ere ta"e'. Very s;le'did

=or" is do'e 8y the stretcher8earers, =ho (o to the tre'ches e?ery'i(ht to collect the =ou'ded, a'd 8ri'( the i' to the hos;itals. Allsorts o9 8uildi'(s a'd ;laces are used as hos;itals, a'd i' this case it=as the cellar o9 a house i' a ?illa(e that =as utilised. *he e' =ere'ot ared, as they =ere acti'( as e8ers o9 the Royal Ary MedicalCor;s, to re'der 9irst aid.

ust a8out id'i(ht the 4era's 8ro"e throu(h the li'e a'd surrou'dedthe ?illa(e, a'd rushed i' a'd ca;tured the stretcher8earers, a'd too"the o99, 'o dou8t thi'"i'( they had (alla'tly =o' a ?ery 9i'e ;riOe.

I ree8er this ;articular occasio' =ell, 8ecause o' the 9ollo=i'(or'i'( =e =ere rei'9orced 8y soe o9 the 'ati?e !ho;al I'9a'try, 9roI'dia, a'd that too" e 8ac" to the tie I s;e't i' that cou'try. &ittledid I thi'" i' those days, =he' =e =ere associated so uch =ith thetroo;s o9 the I'dia' Ary, that the day =ould coe =he', i' the heart o9=i'ter, =e a'd the I'dia's =ould 8e 9i(hti'( side 8y side i' the a=9ul&o= Cou'tries.

I (ot used to the heat o9 the day a'd the cold o9 the 'i(ht i' I'dia,8ut it =as't easy to 8ecoe accustoed to the s=elteri'( heat o9 theearlier days o9 the =ar, or the 8itter cold o9 the =i'ter.

'e day, 'ot lo'( 8e9ore I cae hoe, =e had siH iles to do, a9ter a?ery hea?y 9all o9 s'o=. We ;lou(hed throu(h the s'o= i' the daytie,a'd at 'i(ht =e tra?elled i' the tra's;ort, 8ut =hat =ith the s'o= 8yday a'd the 8itter 9reeOi'( 8y 'i(ht, =e =ere 9ourtee' hours co?eri'(

that short dista'ce=hich =or"s out at soethi'( u'der hal9 a ile a'hour. A'd that =as the rou'da8out =ay =e had to (o to (et at soe e'eytre'ches =hich =ere o'ly a8out 9i9ty yards a=ay 9ro us. !ut, i' s;iteo9 this terri9ic =eather, =e had o'ly o'e or t=o cases o9 9rost8ite.

A cha'(e o' tre'ch =or" a'd actual 9i(hti'( cae =ith y 8ei'( told o99as a' au'itio' carrier. *here are t=o au'itio' carriers to eachco;a'y, a'd our duty =as to "ee; the 9iri'( li'e =ell su;;lied =ithau'itio'. *his =e 9etched 9ro the ;ac"ules, =hich =ere soedista'ce a=ay, a'd =e too" it to the e' i' the 9iri'( li'e i'

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8a'doliers, =hich =e 9illed 9ro the 8oHes carried 8y the ules. It =asli?ely =or", es;ecially =he' the ules tur'ed a="=ard a'd the 9iri'( =ashot 8ut =e (ot throu(h it all ri(ht&a'ceCor;oral *=eedale a'dysel9.

'e 'i(ht, =he' the shell a'd ri9le 9ire =as ?ery hea?y, =e =e't u; tothe 9iri'( li'e =ith au'itio', =hich =as 8adly =a'ted, a'd =e had sucha hot tie o9 it that the o99icer i' char(e ad?ised us to reai' 9or acou;le o9 hours, till the 9iri'( slac"e'ed or ceased 8ut =e had a9eeli'( that it =ould 8e ore co9orta8le i' the rear, a'd as the atterrested =ith us =e started o99 to (et 8ac".

*his =as o'e o9 the ost u'co9orta8le 8its o9 our'eyi'( I e?eru'dertoo", 9or i' order to shelter 9ro the 9ire o9 the 4era's, =hichthreate'ed e?ery seco'd to "ill us, =e had to cra=l alo'( a ditch 9or9ully threeNuarters o9 a ile. We cra=led alo'( i' the dar"'ess, =iththe 8ullets =hiOOi'( a'd shells 8ursti'( 8ut =e lay lo=, a'd at last(ot out o9 it a'd la'ded 8ac" at the rear, =hich =as certai'ly orea(reea8le tha' 8ei'( i' the ?ery thic" o9 the 9iri'( li'e.

I a ;roud to 8e o'e o9 the Royal West e'ts, 8ecause they ha?e do'e so=ell i' this (reat =ar. 4i?e e a o8 a'd theyll do it, a (e'eralsaid o9 us, ust a9ter &e Cateau. 'e day a'other (e'eral said, Whatre(ie't is that coi'( out o9 the tre'chesS *he a's=er =as, *he RoyalWest e't, sir, a'd the (e'eral ;ro;tly said, +or ea?e's sa"e (i?ethe a restthey?e ear'ed itQ !ut =e had't (o'e ore tha' t=ohu'dred yards =he' a sta99 o99icer told us to (et i'to ;ositio' i' a9ield a'd di( oursel?es i'a'd =e =ere the last out o9 actio' that day.

At a'other tie, =he' =e had 8ee' hard at it, a (e'eral said: Coe o',West e'tsQ I' a'other hal9hour youll 8e i' your 8illets. A'd =e =e'to', 9or that sou'ded ?ery cheer9ul 8ut, i'stead o9 (oi'( i'to 8illets,=e had hal9a'hours rest 9or a dro; o9 teathe' =e =e't o' out;ostduty 9or the 'i(ht, a'd =o"e i' the or'i'( i' a 8i( scra;.

I a e'tio'i'( these thi'(s ust to sho= ho= u'eH;ectedlydisa;;oi'te'ts cae at ties 8ut =e soo' (ot i'to the =ay o9 ta"i'(these set8ac"s as ;art o9 the days =or".

Whe' the =i'ter ad?a'ced, the strai' 8ecae u'coo'ly se?ere, 8ut =e=ere a8le to 8ear it o=i'( to the 9irstrate syste o9 relie9 =e hadarelie9 =hich (a?e us as uch cha'(e as ;ossi8le o' the co'9i'ee't a'dhardshi; o9 the actual tre'ches.

/oe ?ery stra'(e thi'(s ha;;e'ed i' the tre'ches, a'd 'o'e =erestra'(er tha' those cases o9 e' 8ei'( i' the 9or lo'( ;eriods u'derhea?y 9ire a'd esca;i'( scot 9ree, to 8e succeeded 8y others =ho lost

their li?es alost as soo' as they (ot i'to their ;laces.

*here =as o'e you'(sterhe could 'ot ha?e 8ee' ore tha' se?e'tee' orei(htee'=ho had 8ee' i' +ra'ce o'ly a8out a 9ort'i(ht. e =as ha?i'(his seco'd day i' the tre'ches, a'd, li"e a (ood a'y ore =ho are 'e=to the 8usi'ess, he =as curious to see =hat =as (oi'( o'. *his =as;articularly da'(erous, as the 4era's =ere o'ly siHty yards a=ay, a'da'y see' o?ee't o' the ;art o9 our e' 8rou(ht i'sta't 9ire.

*he o99icer "e;t telli'( the you'(ster to "ee; do=', a'd ore tha' o'ce

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he ;ulled hi do=' 8ut the lad seeed 9asci'ated 8y the ;orthole o9the tre'chthe loo;hole, it is (e'erally calleda'd he loo"ed throu(hit a(ai' o'ce too o9te', 9or a 4era' ar"sa' ust ha?e s;otted hi.A'y=ay, a 8ullet cae throu(h the ;orthole a'd struc" the lad ustu'der the eye, =e't throu(h his 8rai', a'd "illed hi o' the s;ot.

I =ill (i?e you a'other curious i'sta'ce, that o9 /er(ea't /har;e. It=as his tur' to 8e i' reser?e, 8ut he had ?olu'teered to (o u; to thetre'ches, to loo" rou'd. e had scarcely had tie to ;ut his 9eet i'the 8e9ore a shot cae a'd struc" hi 8et=ee' the eyes, "illi'( hii'sta'tly.

I s;ecially ree8er the sad case o9 the i'Nuisiti?e you'(ster, 8ecauseit ha;;e'ed o' the ?ery day I =as =ou'ded, a'd that =as Dece8er 16. I=as i' a tre'ch, sitti'( o?er a co"e 9ire i' a 8iscuit ti', =he' a8ullet struc" e o' the chi'heres the scarthe' =e't to the 8ac" o9the tre'ch, =here it struc" a 9ello= o' the head, =ithout seriouslyhurti'( hi, a'd cae 8ac" to e, hitti'( e ust o?er the ri(ht eye,8ut 'ot doi'( a'y serious ischie9. A9ter that I =as se't i'to hos;ital,a'd later o' cae hoe.

' the =ay 8ac" I cae across t=o ?ery si'(ular cases. 'e =as that o9 aa' =ho had had his ar a;utated o'ly a 9ort'i(ht ;re?iously, a'd he=as 'ot used to it. e used to tur' rou'd a'd say, I "ee; ;utti'( u; yha'd to scratch the 8ac" o9 ita'd the ha'd is't thereQ

I sa= a'other ;oor 9ello=Nuite a you'(ster=ho =as 8ei'( carried o' astretcher to the trai'. !oth his le(s had 8ee' 8lo=' o99 8y a shell. I=as ri(ht alo'(side =he' he said, +or ea?e's sa"e co?er u; y9eettheyre coldQ e li?ed 9or a8out hal9 a' hour a9ter that, 8ut'e?er reached the trai'.

*here is o'e thi'( I =ould li"e to say i' 9i'ishi'(, a'd that is totha'" our o=' 9lesh a'd 8lood 9or =hat they ha?e do'e 9or us. I surethere 'e?er ca' ha?e 8ee' a =ar i' =hich so uch has 8ee' do'e i' the=ay o9 se'di'( ;rese'ts li"e ci(arettes a'd to8acco 8ut I thi'" thattoo uch has 8ee' se't at o'e tie, a'd that 9rie'ds =ould do =ell to"ee; soe o9 the (ood (i9ts 8ac" a 8it. *hey =ill all 8e =a'ted latero'.



  I' this story =e 8ecoe acNuai'ted =ith a 8rillia't 8it o9 =or"  do'e 8y our 8ra?e little 4ur"has, 9resh 9ro I'dia, a'd =e lear' o9  a s;le'did achie?ee't u'der a deadly 9irethe sort o9 act 9or  =hich a'y o9 the Victoria Crosses a=arded rece'tly ha?e 8ee'  (i?e'. *he teller o9 this story =as, at the tie o9 =riti'(, hoe  9ro the 9ro't. e is ri?ate W. . Coo;er=aite, 2'd !attalio'  Durha &i(ht I'9a'try, a 9i'e ty;e o9 the 5orther'ers =ho ha?e do'e  so uch a'd su99ered so hea?ily i' the =ar.%

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I =as =ou'ded at ;res8adly 8ruised i' the 8ac" 8y a ;iece o9 a ac"oh'so'. *here is 'othi'( stra'(e i' that, a'd ;eo;le ha?e (ot used toheari'( o9 these 4era' shells 8ut the ai' thi'( a8out this ;articularcustoer =as that it =as the o'ly o'e that 8urst out o9 ei(htee' ac"oh'so's I cou'ted at o'e tie. I9 the other se?e'tee' had 8lo=' u;, Ia'd a lot ore o9 the Durhas =ould 'ot ha?e 8ee' le9t ali?e. *hat saeshell "illed t=o o9 y corades.

We =e't i'to actio' ?ery soo' a9ter lea?i'( E'(la'd. We had had ;le'tyo9 tou(h archi'(, a'd o' the =ay =e (re= accustoed to the terri8lee?ide'ces o9 the 4era's outra(es.

I' o'e ;lace, (oi'( to=ards Couloiers, =e cae across trac"s o9 the4era' hosts. *hey had ra?a(ed a'd destroyed =here?er they had ;assed,a'd ao'(st other si(hts our 8attalio' sa= =ere the 8odies o9 t=o you'((irls =ho had 8ee' urdered. *he e' did't say uch =he' they set eyeso' that, 8ut they arched a (ood deal Nuic"er, a'd so 9ar 9ro 9eeli'(a'y 9ear a8out eeti'( the 4era's, the sole =ish =as to (et at the.

A9ter a 9our days arch =e (ot to Couloiers, =here =e cae u; =ith

the +re'ch, =ho had 8ee' holdi'( the 4era's 8ac" a'd doi'( 9i'e =or".*hat =as i' the iddle o9 /e;te8er, =he' the !attle o9 the Ais'e =as i'9ull s=i'(. ' the 1Fth =e =e't i'to the tre'ches, a'd a9ter a s;ell i'the =e =ere 8illeted i' a house. We had settled do=' 'icely a'dco9orta8ly, =he' crash cae a shell, a'd so tree'dous =as the ischie9it did that =e had o'ly ust tie to a"e a rush a'd clear out 8e9orethe house colla;sed.

It ust sort o9 9ell do=', as i9 it =as tired out, a'd =hat had 8ee' our8illet =as a (a;i'( rui'. *hat =as the "i'd o9 daa(e =hich =as 8ei'(do'e i' all directio's, a'd it told =ith sorry e99ect o' those =ho =ere'ot so luc"y as =e had 8ee', a'd =ere 8uried i' the sash. All thecellars =ere cro=ded =ith ;eo;le =ho had ta"e' re9u(e i' the, a'd theyli?ed i' a state o9 terror a'd isery duri'( these co'ti'uous8o8arde'ts 8y 4era' (u's.

A9ter that li?ely 8it o9 8illeti'( =e retur'ed to the tre'ches, a'd o'/u'day, the 20th, =ith the West or"shires o' our ri(ht, =e =ere i' the?ery thic" o9 hea?y 9i(hti'(. *he artillery o' 8oth sides =as 9iri'(9uriously, a'd the ri9les =ere co'sta'tly (oi'(. ur o=' 9ire 9ro thetre'ches =as doi'( ?ery hea?y ischie9 ao'(st the 4era's, a'd they=ere losi'( e' at such a rate that it =as clear to the that they=ould ha?e to ta"e soe ea's o9 sto;;i'( it, or (et so 8adly auledthat they could 'ot "ee; the 9i(ht (oi'(.

/udde'ly there =as a curious lull i' the 9i(hti'( a'd =e sa= that a;er9ect horde o9 the 4era's =ere archi'( u; to the West or"shires,

carryi'( a hu(e 9la( o9 truce.

It =as a =elcoe si(ht, a'd =e thou(ht, eres a 8it o9 ;ie 9or the*y"esthey ust ha?e 8ee' doi'( (ood. *hey had lost hea?ily, 8ut itseeed 9ro this si('al o9 surre'der that they =ere to 8e re=arded 9ortheir losses.

A lar(e ;arty o9 the West or"shires =e't out to eet the 4era's =iththe 9la(, a'd I =atched the (o u; u'til they =ere =ithi' 9i9ty yards o9the e'ey. I 'e?er sus;ected that a'ythi'( =ro'( =ould ha;;e', 'or did

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the West or"shires, 9or the surre'der a;;eared to 8e a 9air a'da8o?e8oard 8usi'ess.

Whe' o'ly that short dista'ce se;arated the 4era's a'd the Westor"shires, the leadi'( 9iles o9 the surre'der ;arty 9ell a;art li"ecloc"=or" a'd there =ere re?ealed to us, 8ehi'd the 9la( o9 truce,stretchers =ith achi'e(u's o' the, a'd these (u's =ere set to =or" at;oi't8la'" ra'(e o' the West or"shires, =ho, utterly sur;rised a'du';re;ared, =ere si;ly o=' do=', a'd su99ered 9ear9ully 8e9ore theycould ;ull thesel?es to(ether.

5o=, this dastardly thi'( =as do'e i' 9ull ?ie= o9 us =e could see itall, a'd our 8lood ust 8oiled. What =e =ould ha?e li"ed 8est o9 all =asa 8ayo'et char(e 8ut the 4era's =ere too 9ar o99 9or the steel, a'd itseeed as i9 they =ere (oi'( to ha?e it all their o=' =ay.

*hey had (i?e' us a sur;rise, a'd a 8ad o'e 8ut =e had a =orse i'store 9or the=e also had achi'e(u's, a'd they =ere ha'dy, a'd =e(ot the to =or" o' the dirty tric"sters a'd 9airly cut the u;. *he=hole lot seeed to sta((er as our 8ullets sho=ered i'to the. *hat =as

o'e o9 the co=ardly (aes the 4era's o9te' ;layed at the 8e(i''i'( o9the =ar 8ut it did 'ot ta"e the !ritish lo'( to (et used to the, a'd?ery soo' the tie cae =he' 'o ris"s =ere ta"e', a'd the stretcherdod(e =as ;layed out.

*hat /u'day 8rou(ht =ith it soe hea?y 9i(hti'(, a'd soe ?ery sadlosses. *here =as =ith us a' o99icer =hose 9aily 'ae is ?ery;articularly associated =ith the Durha &i(ht I'9a'try, a'd that =asMaor Ro88, as (ood a'd 8ra?e a (e'tlea' as e?er 8reathed.

A9ter that ;roo9 o9 4era' treachery he recei?ed i'9oratio' that the4era's ea't to attac" us a(ai' 8ut Maor Ro88 thou(ht it =ould 8e8etter to tur' thi'(s a8out, a'd let BusB do the attac"i'(. I dare sayhe =as 8ur'i'( to hel; to a?e'(e the losses o9 the West or"shires, the;oor 9ello=s =ho =ere lyi'( dead a'd =ou'ded all arou'd us.

*o carry out a' attac" li"e that =as a des;erate u'derta"i'(, 8ecausethe 4era's =ere siH hu'dred yards a=ay, a'd the (rou'd =as all to theirad?a'ta(e. It rose to=ards the, a'd they =ere o' the s"yli'e, so thatit 8ecae dou8ly di99icult to reach the.

Well, the order =as (i?e' to ad?a'ce, a'd =e (ot out o9 our tre'ches a'dco?ered ost o9 the dista'ce i' (ood order. !it 8y 8it =e ade our =ayo?er the risi'( (rou'd to=ards that s"yli'e =hich =as a 8laOe o9 9ire,a'd 9ro =hich there cae shells a'd 8ullets co'sta'tly.

*here could 8e 'o such thi'(, o9 course, as a dash, ho=e?er s=i9t,

to=ards the s"yli'e =e had to cree; a'd cra=l a'd a"e our =ay so as to(i?e the as little to hit as ;ossi8le 8ut it =as terri8letooterri8le.

We 9ell do=' u'der that deadly 8last, a'd thou(h I a 'ot a ;articularlyreli(ious a', Ill o=' that I o99ered u; a ;rayer, a'd the a' o' yle9t said soethi'( o9 the sae sort too. oor cha;Q e had scarcely (otthe =ords out o9 his outh, =he' o?er he =e't, =ith a 8ullet i' his'ec", a'd there he lay, =hile those o9 us =ho =ere 9it a'd =ell "e;t u;a'd cre;t u;.

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At last =e =ere 'ear e'ou(h to the s"yli'e to (i?e the 4era's ra;id9ire, a'd =e rattled a=ay as 9ast as =e could load a'd shoot, till theri9les =ere hot =ith 9iri'(. A9ter that ra;id 9ire =e cre;t u; a(ai',a'd it =as the' that I sa= Maor Ro88 lyi'( do=', 9aci'( us, a'd so"i'(a ;i;eat least he had a ;i;e i' his outh, ust as cool as usual. esa'( out to y ;latoo' o99icer, o= are you 9eeli'(, *=istS

&ieute'a't *=ist a's=ered, h, I a8out do'e 9or. I loo"ed at hi a'dsa= that he =as =ou'ded i' the chest a'd ar. We had to (o o', a'd =ecould 'ot ta"e hi 8ac" ust the'.

*he lieute'a't had scarcely 9i'ished s;ea"i'( =he' I sa= Maor Ro88hisel9 roll o?er o' his side. A ;oor lad 'aed Arstro'(, =ith 9ourore o9 our e', cre;t u; to atte'd to the aor, 8ut a ;iece o9shra;'el struc" the lad o' the head a'd "illed hia'd other e' =ere9alli'( all arou'd e.

*here =as 'o hel; 9or it 'o==e had to (et 8ac" to our tre'ches, i9 =ecould that =as our o'ly cha'ce, as the 4era's =ere ho;elessly (reater

i' 'u8er tha' =e =ere. /o =e ade our =ay 8ac" as 8est =e could, a'd =etoo" =ith us as a'y o9 the =ou'ded as =e could (et hold o9.

*ie a9ter tie our e' =e't 8ac" 9or the =ou'ded 8ut, i' s;ite o9 all=e could do, soe o9 the =ou'ded had to 8e le9t =here they had 9alle'.

We (ot 8ac", the sur?i?ors o9 us, to the tre'ches, a'd =e had hardlydo'e so =he' =e heard a shout. We loo"ed u; 9ro the tre'ches, a'd sa=Maor Ro88 o' the s"yli'e, cra=li'( a little =ay.

I'sta'tly a =hole lot o9 us ?olu'teered to (o a'd 9etch the aor i'8ut three =ere ;ic"ed out&a'ceCor;oral Ruther9ord, ri?ate War=ic",a'd ri?ate 5e?iso'.

ut 9ro the tre'ches the three e' =e't u; the risi'( (rou'd theycra=led a'd cre;t the', at the ?ery s"yli'e, Ruther9ord a'd 5e?iso'=ere shot dead, a'd War=ic" =as le9t alo'e. !ut he =as 'ot le9t 9orlo'(. ri?ate o=so' =e't to hel; hi, a'd he actually (ot to the rid(ea'd oi'ed hi, a'd the t=o a'a(ed to raise the aor u; 8ut as soo'as that had 8ee' do'e the o99icer =as shot i' a ?ital ;art, a'd War=ic"also =as hit.

More hel; =e't out, a'd the aor a'd War=ic" =ere 8rou(ht i' 8ut I(rie?e to say that the ;oor aor, =ho =as lo?ed 8y all o9 us, died soo'a9ter he reached the tre'ches.

*hat 9urious 9i(ht had cost the Durhas ?ery dearly. Whe' the roll =as

called =e 9ou'd that =e had lost 'early 600 e', a'd that i' y o='co;a'y o'ly o'e o99icer =as le9t. *his =as &ieute'a't !rad9ord, o'e o9the 8ra?est e' I e?er sa=. At o'e tie, =he' =e had lost a you'(o99icer a'd a a' =ith a achi'e(u', &ieute'a't !rad9ord =or"ed the(u' hisel9. I a sorry to say that he =as "illed i' a'other 8attlelater o'.

5o= I a (oi'( to lea?e the Valley o9 the Ais'e a'd (et rou'd to+la'ders, =here =e 9ou'd oursel?es 'ear ;res, 9aced 8y a 8i( 9orce o94era's.

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A(ai' =e =ere =ith our 9rie'ds the West or"shiresthey =ere o' ourri(ht, a'd o' our le9t =e had the East or"shires, so that there =erethree 5orthcou'try re(ie'ts to(ether. 5ear ;res =e soo' had to carryout a sart 8it o9 =or" =hich, i' a =ay, ;ro?ed ?ery ;athetic. *heDurhas =ere ordered to ta"e a sall ?illa(e, a'd =e =e't 9or it. Wereached a 9arhouse, a'd there =e 9ou'd a8out a score o9 =oe' a'dchildre'. /oe o9 our e' =ere se't i'to the house, 8ut they could 'ota"e the =oe' a'd childre' u'dersta'd E'(lish. *he ;oor souls =ereterri9ied they had had to do =ith 4era's, a'd as they =ere 'ot9ailiar =ith our u'i9ors they thou(ht =e =ere 4era's tooa'other loto9 the 8reed 9ro =hich they had su99ered so uch.

We 9etched Ca;tai' 5orthey to eH;lai' thi'(s to the =oe', a'd as hee'tered the house a shell 8urst 'ear hi a'd too" o99 ;art o9 o'e o9 histrouserle(s, 8ut =ithout hurti'( hi. *he ca;tai' too" 'o 'otice o9this little dra=8ac", a'd i'to the house he =e't, a'd ade the =oe'u'dersta'd that =e =ere E'(lish troo;s a'd I ca' assure you that =he'they realised that they si;ly =e't =ild =ith oy, a'd hu((ed a'd "issedus.

We had (o'e out to lear', i9 =e could, soethi'( a8out the e'eysstre'(th, a'd =e (ot to "'o= that there =ere a8out 30,000 4era's i'9ro't o9 our 8ri(ade, a'd that they =ere e'tre'ched.

*he /her=ood +oresters, =ho =ere i' reser?e to us, =ere ordered torelie?e us, a'd it =as =o'der9ul to see they =ay i' =hich they cae i'tothe ?illa(e =e had ta"e', so"i'( ci(arettes as i9 they =ere doi'( asort o9 routearch, althou(h they cae ri(ht u; a(ai'st a hail o98ullets, =ith the usual shells. I' 9ace o9 such tree'dous odds they hadto retire 8ut, li"e (ood soldiers, they ;re;ared a'other lot o9tre'ches 'ear the ?illa(e, a'd later o' =e =e't i'to the.

I' such 9i(hti'( as this =ar 8ri'(s a8out there are a'y, a'y sadi'cide'ts, a'd o'e o9 the saddest I "'o= o9 occurred at this ;articular?illa(e. *here =as a 9i'e you'( soldier 'aed Matthe=s, =ho cae 9roWest artle;ool, I thi'" it =as. e =as struc" 8y shra;'el, a'd =e sa=that he =as 8adly hurt. We did =hat =e could 9or hi, 8ut it =as clearthat he =as ortally =ou'ded, a'd that he "'e= it. is last thou(ht =as9or hoe a'd =i9e, a'd he said he =ould li"e his ca;8ad(e to 8e se't toher, to 8e ade i'to a 8rooch. I 8elie?e that a corade, =ho =as also a'ei(h8our o9 his, u'dertoo" to do this 9or hi.

It =as y (ood 9ortu'e to see the little 4ur"has rout the e'ey, =ho hadattac"ed the, a'd to (i?e the 4era's a ost u';leasa't shoc".

*he 4era's had 8ee' shelli'( the East or"shires, =ho =ere 'o= o' the

ri(ht o9 the Durhas. *he e'ey had the ra'(e alost to a' i'ch, a'd thee99ect o9 the shelli'( =as terri8le. our a9ter hour this shelli'( =as"e;t u; ;itilessly, a'd the 4era' aero;la'es8irds, =e calledthes=oo;ed a8out a'd sa= the ha?oc that =as 8ei'( do'e. *his sort o9thi'( =e't o' till a9ter dar", a'd the Durhas =o'dered i9 a'y o9 theEast or"shires =ere le9t.

*here =as a sur;rise i' store 9or us at da=' 'eHt day =he' =e a=o"e, 9orthe East or"shires tre'ches =ere 9ull o9 4ur"has, =ho had sli;;ed i'duri'( the 'i(ht. *he 4era's "'e= 'othi'( o9 this. All they "'e= =as

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that their shells had 8ee' ;ou'di'( o' the East or"shires 9or hours,a'd dou8tless they had satis9ied thesel?es that 'o troo;s o' earthcould sta'd such a (ruelli'(.

*he 4era's cae o' ;retty co'9ide'tly, a9ter da=', to the ;ositio' o9the East or"shirescae o' i' a cloud. *hat =as a9ter =e had re;ulseda' attac" o' oursel?es, 8ut 'ot 9i'ally, o=i'( to the ?ast 'u8ers o9the 4era's. erha;s they eH;ected to 9i'd the tre'ches 9illed =ithE'(lish dead a'd =ou'ded, a'd certai'ly to us it seeed as i9 thetre'ches ust 8e i' that co'ditio', 9or the 4ur"has let the 4era's coeo' =ithout sho=i'( a si(' o9 li9e.

*he 4era's (a?e e'ou(h =ar'i'(as they al=ays do. !u(les sou'ded, a'dthey rushed o', shouti'( a'd yelli'( 8ut still there =as 'o sou'd 9rothe tre'ches, 'o si(' o9 li9e =as see'. E?e' =e, =ho had a 9i'e ?ie= o9the tre'ches, could see 'othi'(. We =ere i'te'sely i'terested, thou(h =ehad ;le'ty o9 hard =or" to do oursel?es i' 9iri'( at the e'ey.

Whe' the 4era's (ot to =ithi' a8out 9orty yards o9 the tre'ches o' ourle9t, the little 8ro=' 9ello=s, =ho had 8ee' lyi'( so lo=, s;ra'( u; a'd

si;ly ;oured o?er the to;s o9 the tre'ches. *hat ;er9ora'ce =as o'e o9the ost eHtraordi'ary thi'(s see' i' the =ar. *he 4ur"has 'e?er e?e'atte;ted to 9ire they ust seeed to roll o?er the (rou'd, (ri;;i'(their lo'(, cur?ed "'i?es.

We =ere too 9ar o99 to see eHactly =hat sort o9 eH;ressio' cae o' the4era's 9aces =he' the tre'ches, =hich =ere su;;osed to 8e cho"ed =ithdead a'd =ou'ded !rito's, ?oited these I'dia' =arriors 8ut =e sa= the=hole shouti'(, yelli'( li'e o9 4era's ;ull u; shar;.

*he 4era's ade a hal9hearted e99ort to coe o', the' they =a?ered8adly, a'd =ell they i(ht, 9or 8y this tie the little 4ur"has =ere o'the =ith 9ury, a'd the 8lades 9lashed li"e li(ht'i'( a8out the ass o9startled 4era's.

/tu''ed 8y the u'eH;ected'ess a'd s=i9t'ess o9 the I'dia' o'slau(ht,terri9ied 8y the deadly =ieldi'( o9 the "'i?es, the 4era's ade 'o reale99ort to =ithsta'd the rush 9ro the tre'ches, a'd they 8ro"e a'd ra'li"e ra88its, thro=i'( do=' their ri9les as they scuttled, =ith the4ur"has lea;i'( a9ter the a'd doi'( 9ear9ul eHecutio'.

It =as truly (reat, a'd as the ?ictorious little =arriors cae 8ac" =e(a?e the a cheer that =as a real hurrah. We =ere as ;leased as the4ur"has =ere, a'd they sho=ed their oy as they cae 8ac" =i;i'( their"'i?es. *hey seeed all (ri' a'd "'i9e as they retur'ed, a'd =e 9elt allthe 8etter 9or it, too, es;ecially as =e (a?e the 8ro"e', 9lyi'( 4era'sa hea?y ;e;;eri'(.

'ly the 4era's =ho =ere 8ehi'd (ot a=ay, or had a cha'ce. *hose i'9ro't, =ho had had to eet the I'dia's s=i9t, 9ierce s;ri'(, =ere do'e9or as soo' as the cur?ed 8lades =ere =hirli'( ao'(st the.

I had had a ;retty (ood i''i'(s 8y this tie, a'd had esca;ed seriousi'ury, 8ut I =as ?ery soo' to 8e 8o=led out. *he Durhas =eresu;;orti'( the West or"shires, =ho had 8ee' 8adly cut u;. We recei?ed=ord that the West or"shires had ru' short o9 au'itio', a'd that9resh su;;lies =ere ur(e'tly =a'ted. We ad?a'ced =ith su;;lies, a'd

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9ou'd that =e had to co?er a8out 9i9ty yards o9 o;e' (rou'd. *he 4era'shad (ot the eHact ra'(e o9 this o;e' (rou'd, so that it =as i;ossi8leto ad?a'ce o?er it, eHce;t si'(ly. *he shell a'd ri9le 9ire =as;articularly hea?y, a'd it seeed as i9 'othi'( could li?e o' thateH;osed stretch.

'e 8y o'e =e ade a dash across that a=9ul s;ace to=ards the tre'ches=here the or"shiree' =ere hu'(eri'( 9or 9resh au'itio', a'd each o9us carried a 9ull 8a'dolier 9or the *y"es. A (ood a'y o9 our e' 9ell,8ut a lot (ot throu(h a'd too" ;art i' a ?ery stra'(e 8it o9 =or".

I (ot throu(h ysel9, a9ter 8ei'( 8lo=' do=' 8y the 9orce o9 a shelleH;losio' 'ear etha'" ea?e' it =as the 9orce a'd 'ot the shellitsel9 that "'oc"ed e o?er 9or the oe'tQ It =as terri8le (oi'(, 9or=e soo' 9ou'd, a9ter =e 8e(a' to a"e the our'ey, that =e could 'otNuite reach the or"shires tre'ches.

*here =ere soe haystac"s o' the o;e' (rou'd, a'd =e dod(ed 8ehi'd thea'd dashed 9ro o'e to the other, e?ery dash ea'i'( a sho=er o9 8ullets9ro the 4era's.

*here =as still the last 9i9ty yards I ha?e e'tio'ed to 8e co?ered 8ut'o= it ea't alost sure destructio' to 8e see', so =e thre= the8a'doliers to the e'd a' i' the tre'ches, the a' 'earest to us 8ut a9ull 8a'dolier is a hea?y thi'(, a'd there =as 'ot uch cha'ce o9 ta"i'(ai. We =ere alost at our =its e'd, 8ut =e tried a'other =ay. We adea sort o9 daisychai' o9 se?eral 8a'doliers, a'd ;aid this out as 8est=e could to=ards the tre'ches.

*he 'earest a' i' the tre'cha ;luc"y cha; he =assli;;ed out a'dade a dart 9or the e'd o9 the chai'. e ust ade a ad (ra8 a'd (otit. *he' he dashed 8ac" to his tre'ch, a'd it seeed as i9 the 8usi'ess=as all o?er, a'd that the daisychai' =ould 8e sa9ely hauled i' 8ut tothe (rie9 o9 all o9 us the chai' 8ro"e =he' a 9e= yards o9 it had 8ee';ulled i'.

*his =as a dread9ul disa;;oi'te't, 8ut still soethi'( had 8ee' do'e,soe rou'ds o9 au'itio', at a'y rate, had 8ee' (ot i'to the tre'ches,a'd =e =ere deteri'ed that the *y"es should ha?e soe ore. We had to=ait a 8it, 9or as soo' as the or"shirea' had shot 8ac" to his tre'ch,the (rou'd that he had scuttled o?er =as a8solutely chur'ed u; 8yshells, a'd i9 he had 8ee' cau(ht o' it he =ould ha?e 8ee' 8lo=' tora(s. We lost 'o tie i' a"i'( other e99orts, a'd at last theau'itio' =as sa9ely deli?ered to the West or"shires i' the tre'ches,a'd they did soe rattli'( (ood 8usi'ess =ith it.

I ha?e e'tio'ed ac" oh'so's, a'd I =a't to s;ea" o9 the a(ai' 8y

=ay o9 9i'ish. It =as at ;res that I =as 8o=led out. *hese ..s=ere 9alli'( hea?ily, 8ut a'y o9 the =ere =hat you i(ht calldu8they did't s;ea". As I ha?e said, I cou'ted ei(htee' as theycae, a'd out o9 the =hole o9 that 'u8er o'ly o'e eH;loded. !ut it =ase'ou(h. I ha?e already told you =hat ha;;e'ed to t=o o9 y corades, a'das 9or ysel9 it settled e 9or the tie 8ei'( 8y 8adly 8ruisi'( ys;i'e a'd 8ac".

A'd thats the reaso' =hy I =as i'?alided hoe.

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  articularly hard a'd res;o'si8le =or" has 8ee' do'e 9or the  !ritish Ary 8y otor cycle des;atchriders. Ma'y e8ers o9 this  9i'e 8ra'ch o9 our 9i(hti'( e' a8a'do'ed ?ery ;roisi'( careers i'  ci?il li9e to (o to the seat o9 =ar. Ao'(st the is Cor;oral  edley 4. !ro='e, Ca;tai' o9 the 5or9ol" Motor Cycle Clu8, =ho =he'  =ar 8ro"e out ?olu'teered 9or acti?e ser?ice a'd 8ecae a otor  cycle des;atchrider, attached to a si('al co;a'y o9 the Royal  E'(i'eers. It is his story =hich is here retold. 9 the =or" o9 the  otor cycle des;atchriders /ir oh' +re'ch has s;o"e' i' ters o9  hi(h ;raise, a'd =he' the i'( ?isited the 9ro't rece'tly a 'u8er  o9 the riders =ere s;ecially 8rou(ht to his Maestys 'otice.%

I =as i' ;res, 8illeted i' a 8re=ery, =he' that 8eauti9ul old city =asstill i'tact I =as there =he' the 9irst 4era' shell cae a'd 8e(a' theruthless 8o8arde't =hich has laid the city i' rui's a'd added o'e oreto the list o9 hea?y de8ts =hich the 4era's =ill ha?e to ;ay =he' the=ar is o?er. *he soo'er that tie coes the 8etter, es;ecially 9or those=ho ha?e 8ee' at the 9ro't si'ce the 8e(i''i'(, a'd ha?e had to e'durethi'(s =hich ;eo;le at hoe ca''ot ;ossi8ly realise. +i?e days a(o Ile9t the 9ro't 9or a 9lyi'( ?isit hoe, a'd 'o= I a o' y =ay 8ac". Ithas seeed a ?ery short s;ell, a'd a 8i( slice o9 the tie has 8ee'eate' u; i' tra?elli'(. A 'ice 8atch o9 us cae o?er to(ether, a'd here=e are asse8li'( a(ai', thou(h its a (ood hour 8e9ore the 8oattrai'starts.

We (o to !oulo('e, a'd the' =e shall (et i'to otor lorries a'd 8etru'dled o99 8ac" to the 9i(hti'( li'e. *his is the "it =e =or" a'd li?ei'e?e' 'o= y re?ol?er is loaded i' e?ery cha8er. 5o, so 9ar, Iha?e't used it o' a 4era' 8ut its shot a ;i( or t=o =he' =e?e=a'ted ;or", a'd really there is't uch di99ere'ce 8et=ee' the t=o. Itis hard to 8elie?e that hua' 8ei'(s coitted soe o9 the acts o9 =hichI sa= so a'y duri'( those 9our o'ths at the 9ro't. *he astou'di'(thi'( is that the 4era's do't realise that they ha?e do'e a'ythi'(=ro'(, a'd Nuite lately I =as tal"i'( =ith soe 4era' ;riso'ers =hos;o"e E'(lish, =ho 'ot o'ly did 'ot see this, 8ut =ere also Nuite surethat the =ar =ill e'd i' 9a?our o9 4era'y. !y this tie, ho=e?er, theyare cha'(i'( their tu'e.

Whe' I (ot to the 9ro't I =as attached to a si('al co;a'y, =hich

co'sists o9 esta8lishi'( cou'icatio' 8et=ee' headNuarters a'd three8ri(ades, a'd that ea't =he' =e =ere o' the arch ridi'( throu(h a8outse?e' iles o9 troo;s, (u's, =a((o's a'd hosts o9 other thi'(s. Whe' i'actio' =e had to (o Nuite u; to the 9iri'( li'e, a'd ?ery soo' I hardly"'e= ysel9, as I (ot Nuite used to the 8ursti'( o9 shells a'd to theshoc"i'( co'ditio' o9 the "illed a'd =ou'ded. It =as asto'ishi'( to seeho= soo' e', =ho had 8ee' used to e?ery co9ort at hoe a'd =ho "'e='othi'( o9 =ar i' a'y sha;e or 9or, (ot accustoed to the hardshi;s o9ca;ai('i'( a'd de?elo;ed a callous'ess =hich is alto(ether 9orei(' totheir real 'ature.

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'e o9 the ost aaOi'( thi'(s a8out the =ar is the =ay i' =hich itcha'(es a a' a'd a"es hi callous. I "'o= that 8e9ore I had a'ythi'(to do =ith the Ary I =as so se'siti?e i' soe =ays that the erethou(ht o9 8lood =as alost e'ou(h to a"e e ill, yet 'o=, a9ter 8ei'(9or ore tha' 9our o'ths i' the =ar, a'd ha?i'( see' the ha?oc o9 theost terri9ic 8attles the =orld has e?er "'o=', I tear alo'( the lo'elyroads a'd reai' alost u'o?ed 8y the ost dread9ul si(hts. *he dead;ass u''oticed, a'd as 9or the =ou'ded, you ca' do 'othi'(, as a rule.ou ha?e your orders, a'd they ust 8e o8eyed =ithout loss o9 tie,8ecause a otor des;atchrider is al=ays o' the rush.

I =ell ree8er the ?ery 9irst 4era' I sa= lyi'( dead. e =as a' )hla',a'd =as o' the roadside. I =as (reatly distressed at the si(ht o9 hi,there =as soethi'( so sad a8out it all, 8ut 'o= there is 'o suchse'satio' at the si(ht o9 e?e' (reat 'u8ers o9 the dead. A stra'(ethi'( ha;;e'ed i' co''ectio' =ith the )hla'. I too" his ca; as aee'to, a'd 8rou(ht it hoe, =ith se?eral other 4era' ca;s a'dhelets, chu'"s o9 shell, cli;s o9 cartrid(es, a'd relics o9altarcloths a'd 'o=, 9or soe cause =hich I ca't Nuite 9atho, the

)hla's ca; has tur'ed a Nueer sort o9 yello=.

*hat stra'(e callous'ess coes o?er o'e at the ost u'eH;ected ties,a'd o9te' e'ou(h a otor des;atchrider has to dash throu(h a cro=d o9re9u(ees a'd scatter the, thou(h the ?ery si(ht o9 the ;oor souls isheart8rea"i'(. Whe' ;res =as 8o8arded, the e', =oe' a'd childre'thro'(ed the roads, a'd all that =as le9t to the i' the =orld theycarried i' 8u'dles o' their 8ac"s yet they had to 8e scattered li"e9loc"s o9 shee; =he' the otor des;atchriders rushed alo'(. *here =as,ho=e?er, o'e ;leasi'( 9eature i' the atter, a'd that =as that these;oor ;eo;le "'e= that =e =ere teari'( alo'( i' their i'terests as =ellas our o=', a'd that =e did 'ot ea' to hurt a'y8ody=hich =asdi99ere't, i'deed, 9ro the s;irit o9 the e'ey, =hose ;olicy =as tos;read terror a'd ha?oc =here?er he could, a'd to destroy ercilessly.Whe' I 9irst =e't i'to ;res it =as a 8eauti9ul old city, ?ery uch li"e5or=ich, 8ut I sa= the 4era' (u's sash the ;lace a'd the shells set9ire to (lorious old structures li"e the Cathedral a'd the Cloth all.*he t=o ;ieces o9 altarcloth =hich I 8rou(ht hoe =ere ta"e' 9ro theCathedral =hile it =as 8ur'i'(.

*hou(h you soo' (et used to =ar, still there are al=ays thi'(s coi'(alo'( =hich are either ;articularly i'teresti'( or ?ery thrilli'(.erha;s the ost eHciti'( i'cide't I ca' call to i'd is the 8ri'(i'(do=' o9 a 4era' aero;la'e 8y a !ritish 8ri(ade. *hat =as o' cto8er2Jth, =he' I =as =ith the 8ri(ade. It =as a9ter'oo', a'd the aero;la'e=as 9lyi'( 9airly lo=, so that it =as a (ood tar(et 9or the rai' o98ullets =hich =as directed o' it. E?e' =he' 9lyi'( lo=, a' aero;la'e is

'ot easy to hit, 8ecause o9 its Nuic", dod(i'( o?ee'ts, 8ut thisachi'e =as 9airly (ot 8y the 8ri(ade. /udde'ly there =as a' eH;losio'i' the aero;la'e, 9laes shot out a'd the achi'e ade a sic"e'i'(,terri8le soersault. I too" it that a 8ullet or t=o had struc" the;etrol ta'" a'd 8lo=' the achi'e u;a'y=ay, the aira' =as shot outa'd crashed to earth =ith 9ear9ul s;eed. ou =a'ted to loo" a=ay, 8ut a'a=9ul 9asci'atio' ade you "ee; your eyes o' =hat =as ha;;e'i'(. At9irst the a' loo"ed li"e a ;iece o9 ;a;er coi'( do=', the', alost8e9ore you could realise the tra(edy that =as ta"i'( ;lace, the ;iece o9;a;er too" the 9or o9 a 9ello=creaturethe' the e'd cae. *he a'

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hisel9 sashed to earth a8out t=o hu'dred yards 9ro the s;ot =here I=as =atchi'(, 8ut the achi'e dro;;ed soe dista'ce o99. *hat =as reallyo'e o9 the si(hts that 'o aou't o9 =ar =ill accusto you to, a'd Ishall 'e?er 9or(et it as lo'( as I li?e.

At 9irst the =eather =as ?ery hot, =hich ade the =or" 9or the troo;s?ery hard. *he achi'e I had soo' struc" =or", a'd =as le9t to 8e ha'dedo?er to the aiser as a sou?e'ir a'd se?eral other achi'es (a?e u; the(host i' li"e a''er. Whe' a achi'e =e't =ro'(, it =as le9t a'd a 'e=o'e too" its ;lacethe list o9 casualties 9or otors o9 e?ery sort isa' aaOi'(ly hea?y o'e 8ut casualties =ere i'e?ita8le, 8ecause i' a'y;laces the roads that =e had to ta"e =ere ;er9ect 'i(htares.

It =as ?ery hard (oi'( till =e (ot used to it. Duri'( the 9irst o'th atthe 9ro't I had y 8oots o99 a8out three tiesI a 'o= =eari'( y9ourth ;air, =hich is a' a?era(e o9 o'e a o'tha'd =e rec"o'ed that =e=ere luc"y i9 =e sle;t i' a 8ar', =ith stra= i9 =e could't a'a(e that=e tur'ed i' a'y=here, i' our (reatcoats. Whe' I say slee;, I ea' lyi'(do=' 9or a' hour or t=o, as soeties =e did 'ot 8illet till dar". *he'=e had soe (ru8, a'ythi'( =e could (et, a'd a9ter that a essa(e. 5eHt

day =e =ere o99, 9i?e ties out o9 siH, at 3.30 to 9our ocloc", a'd (otlo'(, hard days i'.

Ao'(st the essa(es =e had to carry there =ere 'o'e ore ur(e't tha'those =hich =ere se't 9or rei'9orcee'ts, the e' u;o' =hose coi'( theissue o9 a 8attle de;e'ded. It =as tear a'd scurry all alo'(, 8utsoeho= the essa(e =ould (et deli?ered all ri(ht a'd the rei'9orcee'ts=ould hurry u; a'd sa?e the situatio'. 9te' e'ou(h a essa(e =ould 8edeli?ered at id'i(ht to a tired o99icer =ho =as li?i'( i' a du(out,a'd I scarcely e?er reached o'e o9 these =arre's =ithout 8ei'( i'?itedto ta"e soethi'( o9 =hate?er =as (oi'(it i(ht 8e a dri'" o9 hotco99ee, =ith a 8iscuit, or a tot o9 ru, =hich =as truly (rate9ul a9tera 8itter ride. *hat is the o'ly thi'( i' the =ay o9 alcoholic dri'" atthe 9ro't, a'd ?ery little o9 it. *his is, 9or the !ritish, a teetotal=ar 8ut 9or the 4era's it has 8ee' the ?ery re?erse, a'd tie a9tertie =e cae across e?ide'ce o9 their dru'"e' de8auches.

*he shell 9ire =as so i'cessa't that it =as soo' ta"e' as ;art o9 thedays =or". At 9irst it =as terri8le, thou(h o'e (ot used to it. My9irst eH;erie'ce o9 ri9le 9ire did 'ot coe u'til I had 8ee' at the9ro't 9or soe =ee"s, a'd the' I =as sur;rised to 9i'd =hat aco;arati?ely sall thi'( it is co;ared =ith shellsit is 'ot 'earlyso 8ad.

It =as (etti'( dar", a'd it =as y duty to (o do=' a la'e =here s'i;ers=ere hidde' i' the trees. *his =as ust the "i'd o9 la'e you "'o= i'E'(la'd, a'd you ca' easily ;icture =hat it ea't. Ia(i'e lea?i'( your

achi'e, as I did, i' a treeli'ed la'e at hoe, a'd (oi'( do=' it,"'o=i'( that there =ere 9ello=s u; the trees =ho =ere o' the =atch to;ot you, a'd you =ill realise =hat it ea't 8ut you =ill ha?e to;icture also the sides o9 the la'e 8ei'( littered, as this =as, =ithdead a'd =ou'ded e'. Well, I had to (o do=' that la'e, a'd I=e'tsoeties =al"i'(, soeties ru''i'(, =ith the 8ullets =hiOOi'(rou'd a'd the shells 8ursti'(. !ut 8y (ood luc" I esca;ed the 8ullets,thou(h a ;iece o9 shell 'early 'ailed eor =ould ha?e (ot e i9 I had8ee' =ith y achi'e. *he 9ra(e't struc" the cycle a'd I ;ic"ed it u;a'd 8rou(ht it hoe =ith the other thi'(s as a sou?e'ir.

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*hat esca;e =as ;ractically 'othi'(. It =as a detail, a'd cae i' thedays =or" 8ut I had a uch ore 'arro= sha?e a 9e= days later. It =asa /aturday a'd I had had a ;retty hard tieao'(st other thi'(s I haddo'e a thirtyile ride a9ter o'e ocloc" i' the or'i'(the sort o9ride that ta"es it out o9 you.

*here =as o'e o9 our orderlies =ith a horse 'ear e a'd I =as sta'di'(tal"i'( to hi. We heard a shra;'el shell coi'(, a'd duc"ed our headsi'sti'cti?ely to dod(e it8ut the shell (ot at us. *he horse =as "illeda'd the orderly =as so 8adly hit that he died i' less tha' a' hour. e=as 8uried i' the a9ter'oo', a'd ?ery sole' the 9u'eral =as, =ith the(u's 8ooi'( all arou'd. I =as dee;ly shoc"ed at the tie, 8ut =ar is=ar, a'd i' a ?ery short tie the i'cide't had ;assed out o9 y i'd.ur 9ello=s told e that I =as o'e o9 the luc"y o'es that day.

*hat =as the 8e(i''i'( o9 o'e o9 the ost a=9ul ;eriods o9 the =ar,es;ecially 9or the des;atchriders, 9or =e =ere at it 'i(ht a'd day. *heroads =ere ho;elessly 8ad, a'd as =e =ere 'ot allo=ed to carry a'y la;sat 'i(ht the da'(er o9 ra;id tra?el =as (reatly i'creased. We =ere,

ho=e?er, relie?ed to soe eHte't 8y ou'ted e'. *he 9i(hti'( =as9urious a'd i'cessa't, a'd =e =ere i' the thic" o9 a (ood deal o9 it.A9ter a ?ery hard s;ell I =as Nuartered all day i' a little sta8le, a'dit ;ro?ed to 8e a8out the ost da'(erous ;lace I had coe across. 'cto8er 2Fth the 4era's =e't 9or the sta8le =ith hi(h eH;losi?es a'dthe e?erlasti'( scuttles. +or soe tie these 8i( shells cae a'd8urst i' the locality, a'd t=o houses =ithi' a score o9 yards o9 us=ere 8lo=' to ;ieces a'd e'orous holes =ere dri?e' i' the (rou'd.

+ro the sta8le =e =e't to a house, a'd the' =e 9airly (ot it. +our hu(eshells cae, o'e a9ter the other, a'd o'e cae a'd ri;;ed the roo9 ustli"e ;a;er. We =ere aaOi'(ly luc"y, ho=e?er, 9or the =orst thi'( thatha;;e'ed =as that a 9ello= =as =ou'ded i' the le(. I =as tha'"9ul =he'the order cae to ;ac" u; a'd sta'd 8y, 9or there =ere i' that little;lace a8out t=e'ty o9 us 9ro di99ere't re(ie'ts, a'd a si'(leeH;losio' =ould ha?e ;ut us all =ell 8eyo'd the ;o=er o9 carryi'( eitherdes;atches or a'ythi'( else. +or a =hile =e could 'ot u'dersta'd =hy thee'ey should so (reatly 9a?our us, 8ut =e soo' lear'ed that they =ere(oi'( 9or soe +re'ch (u's 'ear us. /o the 9iri'( =e't o', a'd =he' =e=e't to slee;, as =e did i' s;ite o9 all, 8ullets ri;;ed throu(h theroo9, coi'( i' at o'e side o9 the 8uildi'( a'd (oi'( out at the other,a'd 9our ore 8i( shells ;aid us a ost u'=elcoe ?isit.

I =as tha'"9ul =he' =e o?ed out o9 those u';leasa't Nuarters a'd too"u; our a8ode i' a lar(e 9arhouse a8out three hu'dred yards a=ay. *his=as o'e o9 the ?ery 9e= 8uildi'(s that had esca;ed the ra?a(es o9 the4era' artillery 9ire. We ade the o?e o' the 30th, =he' the ca''o'ade

=as ?ery hea?y, yet the o'ly casualties =ere a ;i( a'd t=o horses. We=ere 'o= uch 8etter ;rotected 9ro the 4era's 9ire, thou(h the ?eryhouse shoo" =ith the artillery duel a'd the 'oise (re= dea9e'i'( a'dalost adde'i'(. I =rote hoe ;retty o9te', a'd I ree8er that at thistie I (ot 8ehi'd a hed(e to =rite a letter, a'd as I =rote 8ullets=hiOOed o?er y head, 9ired 8y 4era' s'i;ers =ho =ere u; soe trees'ot ?ery 9ar a=ay. *hey =ere (oi'( 9or our cha;s i' the tre'ches a ilea=ay.

Mo's had 8ee' 8ad, a'd there had 8ee' a'y harro=i'( si(hts o' the

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retreat, 8ut at the e'd o9 cto8er a'd the 8e(i''i'( o9 5o?e8er thecliaH o9 horror =as reached. *he 4era's, ad to hac" their =ay throu(hto the coast, a'd ;erha;s realisi'( that they =ould 'e?er do it, stuc"at 'othi'(. *hey =ere 9ra'tic, a'd I sa= si(hts that =ould sic"e' a'yhua' 8ei'(. 5o co'sideratio' =ei(hed =ith the, they si;ly did their8est to a''ihilate us8ut they are tryi'( still to do that a'd 'otsucceedi'(.

We had le9t the 9arhouse a'd (o'e i'to a lar(e chPteau, =hich ser?ed asheadNuarters, a'd here, o' 5o?e8er 2'd, =e had a (hastly eH;erie'ce. Itis li"ely that the 4era's "'e= the ;articular ;ur;ose to =hich thechPteau had 8ee' de?oted at a'y rate they shelled it ercilessly, a'd'o 9e=er tha' siH sta99 o99icers =ere "illed, =hile a co'sidera8le'u8er =ere =ou'ded. A(ai' I =as luc"y, a'd cae out o9 the ad?e'tureu'scathed. ' the 9ollo=i'( day, ho=e?er, I =as 'early cau(ht. I hadta"e' a essa(e to headNuarters a'd =as ;utti'( y achi'e o' a sta'd.*o do this I had to lea?e a house, a'd (o a8out 9i9ty yards a=ay, to thesta'd. I had scarcely le9t the 8uildi'( =he' t=o shells struc" it 9aira'd ;lu;, a'd "illed t=o otor cyclists a'd =ou'ded three others. &i"ea 9lash I u;ed i'to a ditch, a'd as I did so I heard the 8its o9 8urst

shell 9alli'( all arou'd e. Whe' I (ot out o9 the ditch a'd =e't 8ac"alo'( the ai' road I sa= a hu(e hole =hich a shell had ade. It =as athrilli'( e'ou(h esca;e, a'd shoo" e at the tie, 8ecause I "'e= thet=o ;oor 9ello=s =ho =ere "illed. *hat =as the "i'd o9 thi'( =e =e'tthrou(h as =e o((ed alo'( 9ro day to day.

I a 'ot, o9 course, (i?i'( a story o9 the =ar so uch as tryi'( to sho==hat it ea's to 8e a otor cycle des;atchrider at the 9ro't. e ishere, there a'd e?ery=herea'd there is 'o s;eed liit. e is 'ot i'the actual 9iri'( li'e, yet he sees a (reat deal o9 =hat is (oi'( o'./oeties he is ?ery luc"y, as I =as ysel9 o'e day, i' 8ei'( allo=ed to=it'ess a 9i(ht that =as ta"i'( ;lace. I had ta"e' a des;atch to a'o99icer, a'd ;erha;s co'?eyed soe cheeri'( 'e=s. A'y=ay, I had thecha'ce to (o to a' ei'e'ce 9ro =hich I could ?ie= the 8attle, a'd I=e't, a'd it =as =o'der9ul to see the =a(i'( o9 the co'test o?er a ?asttract o9 cou'try9or i' a =ar li"e this the ordi'ary 9i(hter sees ?erylittle i'deed o9 the 8attle. At this s;ecial ;oi't I had the rare cha'ceo9 =it'essi'( a 9i(ht as I su;;ose it is see' 8y the headNuarters sta99,a'd o'e o9 the stra'(est thi'(s a8out it =as the little there =as to 8esee'. *here =ere ;u99s o9 so"e a'd to'(ues o9 9laea'd thee?erlasti'( 8oo o9 (u's 8ut 'ot uch ore. Me' are "illed at lo'(dista'ces a'd out o9 si(ht i' these days.

War is eHcessi?ely =eari'(, a'd it =as a 8lessed relie9 =he' a day cae=hich =as 9ree 9ro shells a'd 8ullets. *hat, i'deed, =as the cal a9terthe stor. It cae to us =he' =e =ere s'u( i' a 9aryard a8out a ilea=ay 9ro a 8i( to=', =ith our otorcars, cycles a'd horses so =ell

u'der co?er that the 4era' aero;la'es did 'ot 9i'd us out. *ha'"9uli'deed =ere =e 9or the cha'(e, 8ecause the =hole re(io' =here =e =erehad 8ee' ;itilessly 8o8arded, a'd there =as 'othi'( 8ut de?astatio'arou'd us. /hells had do'e their =or", a'd there =as a s;ecial "i'd o98o8 =hich 9ired a'ythi'( it touched that =as i'9laa8le. A (reat a'y;etrol discs, a8out the siOe o9 a shilli'(, =ere dischar(ed 8y the4era's, a'd these thi'(s, o'ce ali(ht, did aaOi'( ischie9. Villa(es=ere o8literated, a'd i' the 8i( to=' =here =e =ere 8illeted thee'(i'eers =ere 9orced to 8lo= u; the surrou'di'( houses to ;re?e't thee'tire ;lace 9ro 8ei'( destroyed.

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*he (lad tie cae =he' our Di?isio' =as relie?ed 9or a tie. We (ot a8it o9 rest, a'd I crossed the Cha''el a'd cae hoe 9or a short s;ell.'e o9 the last thi'(s I sa= 8e9ore I le9t the 9ro't =as the ri'ce o9Wales a"i'( a tour. At that tie he =as a8out 9i9tee' iles 9ro the9iri'( li'e.

What =as the ost 'oticea8le thi'( that struc" e =he' I cae 8ac" o?erthe Cha''elS Well, that is 'ot easy to say, 8ut I "'o= that I;articularly 'oticed the dar"'ess o9 the &o'do' streets.


B*o 9ace ;. 16-.B

*E ME5 WERE *&D * &A A5D/ 5 A5*I54 *A* W)&D +&A* >;.1J2@.%



  Withi' a 9e= i'utes, o' the or'i'( o9 *uesday, /e;te8er 22'd,  1F1K, three lar(e !ritish cruisers, sister shi;s, 9ou'dered i' the  5orth /ea, a9ter 8ei'( tor;edoed 8y 4era' su8ari'es, a'd 'early  1,$00 o99icers a'd e' ;erished. *he shi;s =ere the BA8ou"irB,  BCressyB a'd Bo(ueB. Each =as o9 12,000 to's, =ith a s;eed o9  t=e'tyt=o "'ots, a'd each cost YJ$0,000. *he ?essels =ere 9i'e  =arshi;s, 8ut alost o8solete, a'd 8e9ore the =ar it had 8ee'  decided to sell the out o9 the 5a?y. *he BA8ou"irB =as tor;edoed,  a'd =hile the Bo(ueB a'd BCressyB had closed, a'd =ere sta'di'( 8y  to sa?e the cre=, they also =ere tor;edoed. All three shi;s  s;eedily sa'". *he 8oats =ere 9illed, a'd, later, destroyers a'd  other ?essels cae u; a'd rescued a'y o9 the sur?i?ors, ao'(st  =ho =as C. C. 5urse, a' a8le seaa' o9 the Bo(ueB, =hose story is  here retold. *he casualties =ere ?ery hea?y 8ut, said the  Adiralty, the li?es lost =ere as use9ully, as 'ecessarily, a'd as  (loriously de?oted to the reNuiree'ts o9 his Maestys ser?ice as  i9 the loss had 8ee' i'curred i' a (e'eral actio'.%

*he three cruisers, sister shi;s, =ere o' ;atrol duty i' the 5orth /eaearly o' the or'i'( o9 /e;te8er 22'd. *hey =ere alo'e, ;rotecti'( ouro=' ercha't shi;s a'd o' the loo"out 9or ?essels that =ere

i'elayi'(. *he =eather =as 'ice, =ith a rather hea?y s=ell o' the=ater. *here had 8ee' ;le'ty o9 8ad =eather, a'd this =as the 9irst (oodday =e had had 9or a =ee".

I had do'e y t=el?e years i' the 5a?y a'd had 8ee' called u; 9ro theRoyal +leet Reser?e. We had settled i'to our stride a'd had 8ee' i' atthe taile'd o9 the scra; i' the eli(ola'd !i(ht, =here the Bo(ueB(ot hold o9 the BArethusaB a'd to=ed her a=ay. At that tie theBArethusaB had 8ee' coissio'ed o'ly a8out t=o days. We "'e= that she=as ust 8e(i''i'( her li9e 8ut =e little thou(ht that the Bo(ueB =as

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e'di'( hers.

It =as y =atch 8elo=, a'd I =as aslee; i' y haoc" =he' the 8u(lessou'ded the Br?eillB, a'd =e =ere sha"e' u; a'd told that o'e o9 ourshi;s =as (oi'( do='. We had tur'ed i' all sta'di'(, a'd lost 'o tie i'rushi'( o' dec". *he' I sa= that the BA8ou"irB, =hich =as a8out siHhu'dred yards a=ay, =as heeli'( o?er, a'd that =e =ere steai'( u; toher assista'ce. At 9irst =e thou(ht she had 8ee' i'ed 8ut =e Nuic"lylear'ed that she had 8ee' tor;edoed 8y 4era' su8ari'es. We =ere ?erysoo' alo'(side o9 her, a'd =ere doi'( e?erythi'( =e could to sa?e thesur?i?ors. It =as ?ery clear that she =as si'"i'(, that a (ood a'y o9the cre= had 8ee' "illed 8y the eH;losio', a'd that a lot o9 e', =ho=ere 9ar 8elo=, i' the e'(i'eroo a'd sto"eholds, =ould ha?e 'o cha'ceo9 esca;i'(.

We i'sta'tly started (etti'( out the 9e= 8oats that =ere le9t i' ourshi;. *here =ere o'ly three, 8ecause =e =ere cleared 9or actio', a'd asit =as =artie the (reat aority o9 the had 8ee' ta"e' a=ay. *his hasto 8e do'e so that there shall 8e as little =ood=or" as ;ossi8le to 8es;li'tered 8y shells. With eHtraordi'ary s;eed soe o9 the BA8ou"irsB

e' had (ot to the Bo(ueB, a'd soe, =ho =ere 8adly hurt, had 8ee'ta"e' to the sic"8ay a'd =ere 8ei'( atte'ded to. *he attac" had coes=i9tly, a'd it =as 9or us the =orst o9 all attac"s to (uard a(ai'st8ut there =as 'othi'( li"e ;a'ic a'y=here, a'd 9ro the cal'ess o9thi'(s you i(ht ha?e thou(ht that the three shi;s =ere carryi'( outsoe ordi'ary e?olutio'.

I =as sta'di'( o' the star8oard side o9 the a9tershelterdec" o9 theBo(ueB, a'd could see a (reat deal o9 =hat =as (oi'( o'. Withrear"a8le sart'ess a'd s;eed our t=o li9e8oats =ere (ot a=ay to theBA8ou"irB, our e' ;ulli'( s;le'didly o' their li9esa?i'( erra'd. urai' derric", too, =as o?er the side a'd had (ot the lau'ch out. *helau'ch =as a 8i( ro=i'(8oat, =hich =ould hold a8out a hu'dred e', a'd'ot a seco'd had 8ee' lost i' (etti'( her a9loat u'der the directio' o9&ieute'a'tCoa'der Cli?e hilli;;sWolley. e =or"ed the derric" to(et the lau'ch out, thou(h he =as 'ot i' the 8est o9 health, a'd o'ly alittle =hile ;re?iously he had 8ee' ill i' his 8u'". e =as 'ear e o'the a9ter8rid(e, =hich =as a8o?e the shelterdec", a'd I sa= a'd heardhi (i?i'( orders 9or the (etti'( out o9 the lau'ch. *hat =as the last I"'e= a8out hi. e =as o'e o9 the lost.

*he lau'ch =as a9loat, a'd the e' =ere ready to hurry u; to theBA8ou"irB 8ut 8e9ore she could (et a=ay the ?ery dec" u'der y 9eet =as8lo=' u;. *here =as a terri9ic eH;losio', a'd a hu(e colu' o9 =rec"a(erose. I =as stu''ed 9or a oe't 8y the 9orce o9 the eH;losio'. Ithou(ht =e had 8ee' i'ed 8ut alost i'sta'tly there =as a seco'deH;losio' u'der e, a'd I "'e= that =e had 8ee' tor;edoed. *he Bo(ueB

had 8ee' 8adly holed, a'd she 8e(a' to heel o?er to star8oardiediately.

It is o'ly telli'( the ;lai' truth to say that there =as ;ractically 'oco'9usio', a'd that e?ery a' =as cool a'd (oi'( a8out his 8usi'ess asi9 'o such thi'( as a calaity li"e this had ha;;e'ed. War is =ar, a'd=e =ere ready 9or all sorts o9 thi'(sa'd the disci;li'e o9 the !ritish5a?y al=ays sta'ds 9ir at a crisis.

*here =as 'aturally a (ood deal o9 'oise, shouti'( o9 orders, a'd

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orderly rushi'( to a'd 9ro as e' carried the out 8ut e?erythi'( =asdo'e =ith =o'der9ul cool'ess, a'd the s;le'did coura(e o9 the o99icers=as re9lected i' the e'. A 'o8le eHa;le =as set, a'd it =asa('i9ice'tly 9ollo=ed. *he e' =aited u'til they (ot their orders, ustas they did at a'y other tie.

*he ca;tai' =as o' the 9ore8rid(e, a'd I heard hi shouti'( 8ut as I=as so 9ar a9t I could 'ot clearly a"e out =hat he said. I "'o=,ho=e?er, that he =as orderi'( e?ery a' to loo" a9ter hisel9. *he e'=ere told to ta"e their clothes o99, a'd to lay ha'ds o' a'ythi'( that=ould 9loat. *hey ;ro;tly o8eyed, a'd at the =ord o9 coa'd a lot o9the u;ed o?er8oard. *here =as the' ho;e that =e could all (et to theBCressyB, =hich =as still u'i'ured, sta'di'( 8y a'd doi'( all she couldto rescue the sur?i?ors o9 her t=o sister shi;s. /oo', ho=e?er, shehersel9 =as tor;edoed, a'd i' a 9e= oe'ts it =as ;er9ectly clear thatthe three shi;s =ere (oi'( to the 8otto o9 the sea.

All the cruisers shared the sae 9ate, a'd =ere dooed. *hey =ere theo'ly !ritish shi;s at ha'd, a'd =e did 'ot eH;ect the e'ey, 8ei'(4era's, to do a'ythi'( 9or us. !ut e?erythi'( that s"ill a'd resource

could do =as do'e 8y our o=' sur?i?ors =ithout a oe'ts loss o9 tie.I' the sea there =as a' aaOi'( collectio' o9 thi'(s that had 8ee'thro=' o?er8oardta8les, chairs, s;ars, oars, ha'ds;i"es, tar(ets a'd9ur'iture 9ro the o99icers ca8i's, such as chests o9 dra=ers. A'de?erythi'( that could 9loat =as 8adly =a'ted, 8ecause the sea =as si;lyco?ered =ith e' =ho =ere stru((li'( 9or dear li9e, a'd "'e= that the9i(ht =ould ha?e to 8e a lo'( a'd terri8le o'e.

It ta"es a lo'( tie to tal" o9 =hat ha;;e'ed, 8ut, as a atter o9 9act,the =hole dread9ul 8usi'ess, so 9ar as the loss o9 the shi;s =asco'cer'ed, =as o?er i' a 9e= i'utes. As 9ar as I ca' rec"o', theBo(ueB hersel9 =as struc" three ties =ithi' a i'ute or so. *he 9irsttor;edo cae, 9ollo=ed alost iediately 8y a seco'd i' the sae ;lace,a'd 8y a third a8out a i'ute a9ter=ards. *he =arhead o9 a tor;edoholds a ?ery 8i( char(e o9 (u'cotto', =hich, =he' it eH;lodes a(ai'stthe side o9 a shi;, dri?es a' e'orous hole throu(h. A' ie'se (a; =asdri?e' i' the Bo(uesB side, a'd there sees to 8e 'o dou8t that the9irst tor;edo struc" her u'der the a9t FZ2i'. a(aOi'e. *hat 9act =ouldaccou't 9or the 9ear9ul 'ature o9 the eH;losio'.

As soo' as the Bo(ueB had 8ee' tor;edoed, she 8e(a' to settle 8y thester' the' she =as Nuite a=ash a9t, a'd 8e(a' to tur' turtle. ur shi;sa'" ster' 9irst 8e9ore she heeled o?er. *here =as a 9ri(ht9ul turoilas the 9our ie'se 9u''els 8ro"e a=ay 9ro their =ire stays a'd =e'to?er the side, a'd the sea (ot i'to the sto"eholds a'd se't u; de'seclouds o9 stea.

*he 4era's 8oast a8out the =or" ha?i'( 8ee' do'e 8y o'e su8ari'e, 8utthat is 'o'se'se. 5o si'(le su8ari'e could ha?e do'e it, 8ecause shecould 'ot carry e'ou(h tor;edoes. I a sure that there =ere at leasthal9adoOe' su8ari'es i' the attac" certai'ly =he' I =as i' the =aterI sa= t=o rise. *hey cae u; ri(ht ao'(st the e' =ho =ere s=ii'(a'd stru((li'(, a'd it =as a curious se'satio' =he' soe o9 the e' 9eltthe tor;edoes (oi'( throu(h the =ater u'der their le(s. I did 'ot 9eelthat, 8ut I did 9eel the terri9ic shoc" o9 the eH;losio' =he' the 9irsttor;edo struc" the BCressyB it cae throu(h the =ater to=ards us =ith?ery (reat 9orce.

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We had a 9ear9ul tie i' the cold =ater. *he stru((le to "ee; a9loat a'dali?e, the coi'( u; o9 the su8ari'es, a'd the rushi'( throu(h the=ater o9 the tor;edoesall that =e had to ;ut u; =ith. *he' =e hadsoethi'( i'9i'itely =orse, 9or the BCressyB s;otted the su8ari'es, a'di'sta'tly o;e'ed a 9urious 9ire u;o' the. *he chie9 (u''er, Mr.Dou(herty, sa= o'e o9 the as soo' as her ;erisco;e a;;eared, a'd he9ired, a'd, I 8elie?e, hit the ;erisco;e the' he 9ired a(ai'a'da(ai', (etti'( three shots i' 9ro a 9our;ou'der =ithi' a i'ute, a'd=he' he had do'e =ith her, the su8ari'e had ade her last di?ea'dser?e her ri(htQ *he 4era's ;layed a dirty (ae o' us, a'd o'ly alittle =hile 8e9ore =e had do'e our 8est to sa?e soe o9 the i' theeli(ola'd !i(ht, 8ut 'e?er a 4era' 8ore a ha'd to sa?e the threecruisers e' 9ro the =ater. 9 course, a sailor eH;ects to 8e hita'yho= a'd a'y=here i' a strai(ht ;iece o9 9i(hti'(, 8ut this tor;edoi'(o9 rescue shi;s =as rather cold8looded, a'd I do't thi'" !ritishsu8ari'es =ould ha?e do'e it.

*here =ere soe a=9ul si(hts8ut I do't =a't to d=ell too uch o'the. Me' had 8ee' tor' a'd shattered 8y the eH;losio's a'd 9alli'(

thi'(s, a'd there =as a'y a 8ro"e' le( a'd 8ro"e' ar. 4reat 'u8ers o9e' had 8ee' 8adly hurt a'd scalded i'side the shi;. I' thee'(i'eroos, the sto"eholds, a'd else=here, 8ra?e a'd s;le'did 9ello=s=ho 'e?er le9t their ;osts had died li"e heroes. *hey 'e?er had a cha'ce=he' the shi;s heeled o?er, 9or they =ere a8solutely i;riso'ed.

Whe' o'ce I had reached the shelterdec" I 'e?er tried to (o 8elo=a(ai' 8ut soe o9 the e' did, a'd they =ere alost i'sta'tly dri?e'out 8y the 9orce o9 the hu(e ?olues o9 =ater =hich =ere rushi'( i'tothe side throu(h the (a;i'( holes.

'e a' had a' eHtraordi'ary esca;e. e had rushed 8elo= to (et ahaoc", a'd had laid ha'ds o' it =he' the shi; heeled o?er. It seeedas i9 he ust 8e dro='ed li"e a rat i' a tra;, a'd =ould ha?e 'o cha'ce,8ut the rush o9 =ater carried hi alo'( u'til he reached a'e'try;orto'e o9 the steel door=ays i' the shi;s sidesa'd the' he=as hurled out o9 the shi; a'd i'to the sea, =here he had, at a'y rate,a s;orti'( cha'ce, li"e the rest o9 us, o9 8ei'( sa?ed.

I sa= the three shi;s tur' turtle, a'd a dread9ul si(ht it =as. *heBo(ueB =as the 9irst to (oshe =as 'ot a9loat 9or ore tha' se?e'i'utes a9ter she =as struc" the' the BA8ou"irB =e't, 8ut uch oreslo=lyshe "e;t a9loat 9or rather ore tha' hal9a'hour a'd the lastto (o =as the BCressyB. *he BCressyB heeled o?er ?ery slo=ly a'd =asNuite a lo'( tie 8e9ore she had co;letely tur'ed turtle. Whe' thatha;;e'ed the 8otto o9 the shi;, =hich =as alost 9lat 9or ost o9 itsle'(th, =as =here the dec" had 8ee'. A'd o' this 8i( steel ;lat9or,

=hich =as 'early a=ash, the Ca;tai' =as sta'di'(. I sa= hi NuiteclearlyI =as 'ot ore tha' 9orty yards a=aya'd I had see' e'=al"i'(, ru''i'(, cra=li'( a'd cli8i'( do=' the side o9 the shi; as sheheeled o?er. *hey either 9ell or hurled thesel?es i'to the sea a'ds=a 9or it 8ut the ca;tai' stuc" to his ;ost to the ?ery last a'd =e'tdo=' =ith his shi;. It =as the old !ritish 5a?y =ay o9 doi'( thi'(s,thou(h ;ro8a8ly he could ha?e sa?ed hisel9 i9 he had ta"e' his cha'cei' the =ater.

'e thi'( =hich ;ro?ed ?ery use9ul i' the =ater, a'd =as the ea's o9

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sa?i'( a 'u8er o9 li?es, =as a tar(et =hich had 8ee' cast adri9t 9rothe BCressyB. *ar(ets ?ary i' siOe, a'd this =as o'e o9 the sallero'es, "'o=' as atter' *hree, a8out t=el?e 9eet sNuare. It =as ust the=ood=or" =ithout the ca'?as, so it 9loated =ell, a'd a lot o9 thesur?i?ors had soethi'( su8sta'tial i' the =ay o9 a ra9t to cli'( to.Ma'y o9 the held o' (aely till the e'd, =he' rescue cae 8ut other;oor cha;s dro;;ed o99 9ro sheer eHhaustio', a'd =ere dro='ed.

It ust 8e ree8ered that 'ot a 9e= o9 the e' had had a' eH;erie'ce=hich =as so shatteri'( that, ;erha;s, there has 'e?er 8ee' a'ythi'(li"e it i' 'a?al =ar9are. *hey =ere 9irst tor;edoed i' the BA8ou"irB,the' they =ere ta"e' to the Bo(ueB a'd tor;edoed i' her, a'd the'reo?ed to the BCressyB a'd tor;edoed 9or the third tie. +i'ally they=ere cast i'to the sea to ta"e their cha'ce, a'd, i' soe cases, theyhad to 9loat or s=i i' the =ater 9or hours u'til they =ere rescued. 5o=o'der it 8ecae a Nuestio' o9 e'dura'ce a'd holdi'( o' ore tha' aatter o9 s=ii'(.

*he sea =as co?ered =ith e' =ho =ere either stru((li'( 9or li9e orholdi'( o' to =rec"a(e. *he 8oats =ere ;ac"ed, a'd =ell they i(ht 8e,

8ecause 'o e99ort had 8ee' s;ared to (et stru((li'( e' i'to the. *hee' =ho =ere i' the 8est o9 health a'd (ood s=iers =ere hel;i'( those=ho could 'ot s=i, a'd i' this =ay a'y a a' =as sa?ed =ho =ould ha?e8ee' lost.

Whe' I =as i' the =ater I did 'ot utter a =ord to a'y8odyit =as 'ot=orth it, a'd you 'eeded all your 8reath 8ut I 'e?er a8a'do'ed ho;e,e?e' =he' I sa= the last shi; (o do=', 8ecause I "'e= that =e shouldha?e assista'ce.

Wireless calls =ere ade, a'd a;;eals 9or hel; =ere 8ei'( se't out allthe tie, a'd =he' I loo"ed arou'd at all, it =as i' the ho;e o9 seei'(soe o9 our o=' shi;s teari'( do=' to the rescue. My i'd =as easy o'the ;oi'tI "'e= that the call ust ha?e 8ee' ade, a'd it =as erely aNuestio' o9 tie 9or the res;o'se to coe.

I =as su;;orted 8y a ;la'" a'd clu'( to it =ith all y stre'(th, thou(h9ro tie to tie I e'dured a(o'y 9ro cra;. I' s;ite o9 the torture I'e?er let (o. I (ri;;ed y ;la'", 8ut I sa= e' 'ear e 9orced to let (otheir hold o9 thi'(s they had seiOed, a'd they =ere dro='ed. I' a'ycases cra; o?ercae the, a'd Nuite 'ear to e =ere ;oor 9ello=s =ho=ere so co'tracted =ith it that they =ere dou8led u; i' the =ater, =iththeir "'ees u'der their chi's. I could see their dra=' 9aces a'd "'ottedha'dsa'd i' se?eral cases I sa= that the (ri; =hich =as o' the9loati'( o8ects =as the (ri; o9 death. I 9loated ;ast these ;oor cha;s,a'd it =as ;iti9ul to see the. *ha'" 4od soe o9 the stru((li'( i' the=ater did 'ot last lo'(, 8ecause a'y o9 the e' had 8ee' 8adly 8ur't or

scalded, or hit 8y hea?y ;ieces o9 =rec"a(e, a'd these soo' 9ell a=ayeHhausted, a'd =ere dro='ed. /oe, too, =ere daOed a'd lost their 'er?eas =ell as their stre'(th, so that they could 'ot "ee; u; the 9i(ht 9orli9e. +or lo'( a9ter the cruisers had su'", carryi'( hu'dreds o9 e'=ith the, the sea 9or a (reat s;ace =as co?ered =ith 9loati'(8odiesdead sailors, as =ell as those =ho had a'a(ed to li?e.

Whe'e?er a 8oat cae u; I tried to hel; a a' i'to it 8ut it =as 'ot;ossi8le to do a'ythi'( eHce;t =ith the aid o9 the 8oats. *he t=ocutters acted s;le'didly, ;ic"i'( u; all the e' they could. Ca;tai'

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5icholso', o9 the Bo(ueB, =as i' char(e o9 o'e o9 the, a'd he did soerousi'( rescue =or".

*here =ere soe 9i'e deeds o9 coura(e a'd u'sel9ish'ess that sad or'i'(i' the 5orth /ea. *he lau'ch a'd the cutter =ere ;ac"ed, o9 course, a'dseei'( this, a'd "'o=i'( that there =ere e' i' the =ater =ho =ere ore8adly =a'ti'( a ;lace i' the 8oat tha' he =as, a Royal +leet Reser?ea', 'aed +arsto'e, s;ra'( i'to the sea a'd s=a 9or it, to a"e roo9or a a' =ho =as eHhausted.

I =as tha'"9ul i'deed =he' I sa= so"e o' the horiOo'8lac" clouds=hich sho=ed that soe shi;s =ere steai'( u; as hard as they couldlic". Very soo', soe o9 our o=' destroyers8lessed a'd =elcoesi(htcae i'to ?ie=, a'd as they did so, I 8elie?e, they ;otted atsu8ari'es =hich =ere sli'"i'( a=ay, 8ut I ca't say =ith =hat result.*he destroyers cae u;. *he B&uci9erB, a sall cruiser, cae u; too, a'dthe =or" o9 rescue 8e(a' as hard as it could 8e carried out, e?eryo99icer a'd a' =or"i'( =ith a =ill. *here =ere t=o or three other shi;sa8out, t=o &o=esto9t tra=lers=hich did u'coo'ly (ood =or"a'd t=osall Dutch steaers, o'e called the B*ita'B a'd the other the B+loraB.

*he 'eHt thi'( that I clearly ree8er =as that I had 8ee' hauled out o9the 8ittercold =ater a'd li9ted o' 8oard the B+loraB, a'd that she =assoo' ;ac"ed =ith hal9dead e' li"e ysel9.

*he B+loraB =as a ?ery sall Dutch car(o 8oat, a'd =ith so a'y e' o'8oard she =as craed. It is i;ossi8le to say ho= soe o9 the e' (oto' 8oard, a'd they could 'ot eH;lai' thesel?es, they =ere so utterlyeHhausted. *he Dutch could u'dersta'd us, thou(h =ords =ere hardly'ecessary, a'd they shared e?erythi'( they hadclothes, 9ood, dri'" a'daccoodatio'. *hey =ra;;ed their 8eddi'( rou'd us a'd (a?e us hotco99ee. *he sto"ehold =as cro=ded =ith e' =ho had (o'e do=' i'to it to(et dry a'd =ar. /oe o9 the e' =ere su99eri'( dread9ully 9ro 8ur's,=ou'ds a'd eHhaustio', a'd o'e o9 the died o' 8oard the B+loraB. e =asy 'eHt essate, 4ree'. e li?ed 9or o'ly a8out a' hour. I sa= hi i'o'e o9 the seae's 8u'"s, a'd he =as the' i' (reat a(o'y. I thi'" hehad 8ee' struc" ?ery 8adly i' the eH;losio'. We too" hi a=ay 9ro the8u'", laid hi o' the 9orehatch a'd co?ered hi =ith a tar;auli', =herehe lay till a8out 9i?e ocloc" i' the a9ter'oo', =he' =e la'ded atuide'. oor 4ree' =as 8uried there =ith 9ull ho'ours, the !ritishcha;lai' at Asterda co'ducti'( the ser?ice.

'e ?ery stra'(e i'cide't o9 the disaster =as the =ay i' =hich thee'si(' o9 the Bo(ueB =as sa?ed. I do't "'o= ho= it ha;;e'ed, 8ut o'eo9 the sto"ers =ho had a'a(ed to esca;e (ot hold o9 the e'si(' =he' he=as i' the =ater, a'd hu'( o' to it all the tie he =as i't=o or threehours. e had the e'si(' =ith hi =he' =e =ere i' olla'd, a'd had his;hoto(ra;h ta"e' =ith it i' the 8ac"(rou'd.

A'other rear"a8le 9act is that 9our 8rothers, =ho cae 9ro theor"shire coast, I thi'", =ere i' the Bo(ueB, a'd all o9 the =eresa?edQ

*al"i'( o9 ;hoto(ra;hs, I =as o'e o9 a (rou; =hich =as ta"e' atuide', =he' =e =ere ri((ed out i' the "it o9 Dutch 8lueac"ets. *hereI a, i' the 8ac" ro=. At that tie I =as =eari'( a 8eard a'd oustache,as there =as 'either uch tie 'ot i'cli'atio' 9or sha?i'(.

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We had lost e?erythi'( =e had, a'd =ere alost 'a"ed, so =e =ere ?ery(lad o9 the clothes that =ere (i?e' to us 8y the Dutch. *hese ;eo;le=ere "i'd'ess itsel9 to us, a'd did e?erythi'( they could to a"e usco9orta8le a'd ha;;y. I =as ta"e' to a sall ca9 a'd =e't to 8ed.

A Dutch soldier =as i' char(e o9 us, 8ut he had 'o 9ear o9 us doi'( a'yhar. 5eHt e?e'i'( they too" us 8y trai' to a ;lace i' the 'orth o9olla'd the' =e had a siHtee' iles tra; alo'( the le?el roads to aco'ce'tratio' ca; =here there =ere soe !el(ia' ;riso'ers, =ho (a?e usa cheer.

We arched those siHtee' iles =histli'( a'd si'(i'(. ad =e 'ot 8ee's'atched 9ro deathS

We had to rou(h it, o9 course, 8ut that cae easy a9ter such a'eH;erie'ce as ours. *here =as o'ly o'e 8la'"et ao'(st thirtee' e', a'd=e had to slee; o' stra=, a'd eat =ith our 9i'(ers. We had ;le'ty o99ood, thou(hrou(h, 8ut ?ery 'ice, a'd =e =ere ?ery (lad o9 it, a'dtha'"9ul to (et a dri'" o9 =ater.

5eHt or'i'(, =he' =e le9t the stra= a'd solitary 8la'"et, it =as ?eryra= a'd cheerless, a'd there =as a hea?y ist. *he !el(ia' ;riso'ers hada 9oot8all, a'd =e 8orro=ed it a'd ;layed a (ae, a'd (ot =ar. We =ereco?ered =ith stra=, a'd our clothes =ere 9illed =ith it =he' =e =o"e,8ut =e soo' shoo" it clear =he' =e (ot (oi'( =ith the 8all. We e'oyed a8asi' o9 co99ee a'd a 8i( lu; o9 8ro=' 8read =hich


B*o 9ace ;. 1-0.B

4D /WIMMER/ WERE E&I54 */E W C)&D 5* /WIM >;. 1J6@.%

the Dutch coo" (a?e us, the' =e (ot the tie o' 8y tur'i'( our te'tsout, a'd =ere Nuite i' clo?er =he' the !ritish Co'sul su;;lied us =ith"'i?es, 9or"s, s;oo's, to=els, o?ercoats a'd 8oots.

We s;e't the 9irst or'i'( =ashi'( a'd dryi'( our soc"s, a'd =o'deri'(=hat =as (oi'( to 8e do'e =ith us. We "e;t o' =o'deri'(, 8ut soo' "'e=that =e =ere 'ot (oi'( to 8e detai'ed i' olla'd, 8ut =ere to 8e se'thoe. ' the +riday =e had de9i'ite 'e=s that =e =ere to (o 8ac" toE'(la'd, a'd o' the /aturday or'i'( =e le9t, a'd did the siHtee' ilestra; a(ai' 8ut it =as easier this tie, 8ecause =e =ere ;re;ared 9orit. We sto;;ed at a 9ar, a'd they (a?e us il" a'd 9ood, ci(ars a'dci(arettes, a'd 8e9ore e'teri'( a s;ecial trai' 9or +lushi'(, the Dutch(a?e us il" a(ai', a'd ca"e, 8read a'd a;;les.

+ro +lushi'( =e cae o' to /heer'ess, a'd the' =e =e't o' lea?ea'dhere I a 8ut I (o 8ac" i' a day or t=o. I do't "'o= =hat =ill ha;;e',9or o=i'( to the eH;losio' the si(ht o9 y le9t eye has ;ractically(o'e. !esides that, I see to ha?e 8ee' co;letely shattered i' 'er?es,thou(h I rec"o'ed that I =as o'e o9 those e' =ho ha?e 'o 'er?esI ha?e8ee' a stee;leac" si'ce I le9t the 5a?y, a'd ust 8e9ore I =as calledu; I =as clea'i'( the 9ace o9 !i( !e'.

It is =he' I =a"e i' the iddle o9 the 'i(ht, as I o9te' do, that the=hole 9ear9ul thi'( coes 8ac" =ith such a=9ul ?i?id'ess, a'd I see

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a(ai' the dread9ul si(hts that it is 8etter to 9or(et.

es, the 4era's (ot three (ood hauls i' the cruisers 8ut I do't thi'"theyll ha?e a'other cha'ce li"e it.



  ractically the =hole 9ast cruiser 9orce o9 the 4era' 5a?y,  i'cludi'( soe (reat shi;s ?ital to their 9leet a'd utterly  irre;lacea8le, has 8ee' ris"ed 9or the ;assi'( ;leasure o9 "illi'(  as a'y E'(lish ;eo;le as ;ossi8le, irres;ecti?e o9 seH, a(e or  co'ditio', i' the liited tie a?aila8le. Whate?er 9eats o9 ars  the 4era' 5a?y ay herea9ter ;er9or, the sti(a o9 the  8a8y"illers o9 /car8orou(h =ill 8ra'd its o99icers a'd e' =hile  sailors sail the seas. /o =rote the +irst &ord o9 the Adiralty

  >Mr. Wi'sto' /. Churchill@ o' Dece8er 20th, 1F1K, i' re9ere'ce to  the 4era' raid o' /car8orou(h, Whit8y, a'd the artle;ools o'  Dece8er 16th. I' that co=ardly 8o8arde't o9 u';rotected ;laces,  the u's "illed ore tha' a hu'dred e', =oe', a'd childre' i' the  artle;ools alo'e, a'd alto(ether the casualties 'u8ered ore tha'  siH hu'dred. *his story is 8ased o' the 'arrati?e o9 /a;;er W.  all, R.E., o'e o9 the 9e= E'(lish soldiers =ho ha?e 8ee' u'der a'  e'eys 9ire o' E'(lish soil. /a;;er all =as 8adly =ou'ded.%

It is ust a 9ort'i(ht today si'ce the 4era' =arshi;s cae u; out o9the ist, 8o8arded artle;ool, =rec"ed a'y o9 the houses, "illed a loto9 de9e'celess =oe', childre' a'd e', a'd the' tore a=ay i'to the istas hard as they could stea. ur o=' =arshi;s 'early (ot u; =ith the,a'd i9 it had 'ot 8ee' 9or the ist, 'e?er o'e o9 those ?essels =hich=ere so ?alia't i' 8o8ardi'( hel;less to='s =ould ha?e (ot 8ac" to4era'y.

A (reat deal o9 co'9usio' has 8ee' caused i' telli'( the story o9 theraids o' the artle;ools, the t=o ;laces 8ei'( ho;elessly iHed u;. *heyare, as a atter o9 9act, Nuite se;arate to='s, =ith se;arate ayors a'dcor;oratio's.

artle;ool itsel9, =here =e 'o= are, is o' the coast, 9aci'( the seaWest artle;ool is t=o iles i'la'd. !oth to='s =ere 8o8arded, 8ut itis herea8outs that ost o9 the daa(e 8y shells =as do'e, a'd a'ychildre' a'd (ro='u; ;eo;le "illed. It =as ust o?er there, too, that

ei(ht *erritorials =ere sta'di'( o' the 9ro't, =atchi'( the 9iri'(, =he'a shell struc" the a'd "illed se?e' o9 the e' a'd =ou'ded theei(hth.2%

It =as soo' a9ter ei(ht ocloc" i' the or'i'( =he' =e rushed out o9 our8illets i'to the streets, a'd, loo"i'( sea=ard, =e sa= =arshi;s 9iri'(.

I' our 8illets =e had heard the 8ooi'( o9 (u's, a'd su;;osi'( that it=as our o=' =arshi;s ;ractisi'( or 9i(hti'(, =e had hurried out to seethe 9u'. A 9e= seco'ds =as e'ou(h to tell us that there =as 'o 9u' i'

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it, 8ut that this =as a 8o8arde't i' deadly ear'est 8y the e'ey.

*he 4era' shi;s =ere easily ?isi8le 9ro the shore, a'd did 'ot see to8e ?ery 9ar a=aya8out t=o iles. *hey =ere 9iri'( ra;idly, a'd there=as a dea9e'i'( 'oise as the shells screaed a'd 8urstthe crashi'( o9the eH;losio's, the sashi'( o9 ie'se 'u8ers o9 =i'do=;a'es 8y theco'cussio', a'd the thuddi'( o9 the shells a'd 9ra(e'ts a(ai'st =allsa'd 8uildi'(s.

Coi'( so u'eH;ectedly, the 8o8arde't caused i'te'se eHcitee't a'dcootio', a'd e', =oe' a'd childre' rushed i'to the streets to see=hat =as ha;;e'i'(the =orst thi'( they could do, 8ecause the s;li'terso9 shell, horri8le a((ed 9ra(e'ts, =ere 9lyi'( all a8out a'd "illi'(a'd aii'( the ;eo;le they struc". A 'u8er o9 little childre' =ho hadrushed i'to the streets, as childre' =ill, =ere "illed or =ou'ded.

As soo' as =e realised =hat =as ha;;e'i'(, =e rushed 8ac" a'd (ot ourri9les a'd hurried i'to the street a(ai', a'd did =hat =e could 8utri9les =ere a8solutely useless a(ai'st =arshi;s, a'd the i'cessa't8ursti'( o9 shells a'd the scatteri'( o9 9ra(e'ts a'd 8ullets ade it

ost da'(erous to 8e i' the o;e'.

/hells =ere stri"i'( a'd 8ursti'( e?ery=here, =rec"i'( houses, ;lou(hi'(i'to the (rou'd, a'd 8atteri'( the co'crete 9ro't o9 the ;roe'ade.

*he houses herea8outs, o?erloo"i'( the sea, =ere 8i( a'd easy tar(ets9or the 4era's, =ho 8laOed a=ay li"e ade', thou(h they ust ha?e 8ee'i' terror all the tie =he' they thou(ht that their ca''o'adi'( =as sureto 9etch !ritish =arshi;s u;. o= tha'"9ul they ust ha?e 9elt 9or that;rotecti'( istQ

*he artle;ool Ro?ers +oot8all 4rou'd is ?ery 'ear the sea a'd theli(hthouse, a'd it cae u'der hea?y 9ire. 'e o9 our e', /a;;er &iddle,=as 'ear the =all o9 the (rou'd =he' a shell 8urst a'd ortally =ou'dedhi, i'uri'( hi terri8ly. It =as 'ot ;ossi8le to (et at hi a'd 8ri'(hi i'to hos;ital 9or a lo'( tie, 8ut =he' he =as 8rou(ht heree?erythi'( that =as hua'ly ;ossi8le =as do'e 9or hi. e li'(ered 9ora 9e= hours, the' died.

Mea'=hile, death a'd destructio' =ere 8ei'( dealt out all arou'd us, a'dthe la'd 8atteries =ere a"i'( such re;ly as they could to the 4era'shea?y (u's. *his re;ly =as a ?ery ;luc"y ;er9ora'ce, 9or artle;ool is'ot a 9orti9ied ;lace i' a'ythi'( li"e the real ea'i'( o9 the =ord, a'dour li(ht (u's =ere 'o atch 9or the =ea;o's o9 the 4era'8attlecruisers.

As it ha;;e'ed, 'o daa(e =as do'e to the (u's 8ut 9ear9ul ischie9 =as

caused to 8uildi'(s 'ear us. A shell struc" the !a;tist Cha;el 9air a'dsNuare o' the 9ro't, a'd dro?e a hole i' it 8i( e'ou(h 9or the ;assa(eo9 a horse a'd cart the' it =rec"ed the i'side a'd =e't out at theother e'd o9 the cha;el, a(ai' a"i'( a hu(e hole.

ouse a9ter house =as struc" a'd shattered, i' soe cases ;eo;le 8ei'(8uried i' the rui's. /oe o9 the houses are ?ery old, a'd ;retty =ellcolla;sed =he' a shell struc" the a'd 8urst.

While the 8o8arde't =as i' ;ro(ress =e =ere doi'( our 8est, 8ut that

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could 'ot 8e uch. *here =as 'ot uch cause 9or lau(hter, 8ut I ree8erthat a shell cae a'd 8urst 'ear us, a'd ade us see the huour o9 alittle i'cide't. *he eH;losio' itsel9 did 'o actual daa(e, 8ut theco'cussio' a'd 9orce o9 it =ere so ?iole't that a sa;;er =as er"ed u;i'to the air a'd cae do=' =ith a crash. e ;ic"ed hisel9 u; a'dscuttled as hard as he could a"e 9or shelter.

*he 9iri'( =as so sudde' a'd so 9ierce that it =as 8e(u' a'd 9i'ishedalost 8e9ore it =as ;ossi8le to realise that it had ta"e' ;lace. Mosto9 the e' o9 artle;ool =ere at =or" =he' the 8o8arde't started, a'dsoe o9 the =ere "illed at their =or", or as they =ere rushi'( hoe tosee to their =i?es a'd childre', =hile soe =ere "illed as they 9led 9orsa9ety.

*he streets =ere cro=ded =ith 9u(iti?es duri'( the 8o8arde't, a'd it=as o=i'( to this that so a'y ;eo;le =ere "illed a'd =ou'ded. *heshells 8urst ao'( the =ith a=9ul results.

While the 4era's =ere 9iri'( ;oi't8la'" at the 8uildi'(s 9aci'( thesea, a'd deli8erately "illi'( i'o99e'si?e ;eo;le, they =ere also

8o8ardi'( West artle;ool, a'd doi'( their 8est to 8lo= u; the(as=or"s, destroy the 8i( shi;8uildi'( yards there, a'd set 9ire to theie'se stac"s o9 ti8er =hich are stored i' the yards.

eo;le =ere "illed =ho =ere 9i?e or siH iles 9ro the (u's o9 the=arshi;s, a'd i' o'e street alo'e i' West artle;ool se?e' ;erso's,ostly =oe', =ere "illed. /e?eral 8a8ies =ere "illed i' their hoes,a'd little childre' =ere "illed as they ;layed i' the streets.

A (ood deal has 8ee' said a8out the 'u8er o9 shells that =ere 9ired9ro the 4era' =arshi;s, a'd soe ;eo;le had ;ut do=' a ;retty lo=total 8ut 9ro =hat I sa=, I should thi'" that certai'ly 9i?e hu'dredshells o9 all sorts =ere 9ired 8y these ?alia't 4era's, =ho "'e= thatthey =ere ;er9ectly sa9e so 9ar as the shore =as co'cer'ed, a'd too"i(hty (ood care 'ot to 8e cau(ht 8y !ritish shi;s o9 their o=' siOe a'd;o=er 8ut that =ill surely coe later, a'd the e' o9 the 5orth =ill(et their o=' 8ac".

I ca''ot say a'ythi'( a8out the actual de9e'ces, or =hat the ilitarydid 8ut the 9e= troo;s =ho =ere here did their 8est, a'd a cou;le o9destroyers 8ore a 8ra?e ;art i' the a99air.

A shell 9ell i' the li'es o9 the Royal E'(i'eers, a'd se?eral dro;;ed i'the li'es o9 the 1-th /er?ice !attalio' o9 the Durha &i(ht I'9a'try.

It =as ?ery Nuic"ly "'o=', as I ha?e e'tio'ed, that se?e' out o9 ei(hte' o9 the Durhas, =ho =ere =atchi'( the 9iri'(thi'"i'(, li"e

e?ery8ody else, that it =as soe sort o9 8attle ;ractice, till theylear'ed the real truthhad 8ee' "illed 8y the eH;losio' o9 a shell, a'dthat the ei(hth a' had 8ee' =ou'ded 8ut there =ere se?eral other caseso9 e' 8ei'( =ou'ded =hich =ere 'ot "'o=' a8out u'til later, 8ecause o9the (reat di99iculties o9 disco?eri'( the e' ao'(st the rui's =hichthe shell9ire had caused.

+ro the oe't the 8o8arde't 8e(a' there =as a' a=9ul cootio', a'dthe 'oise (re= u'til it =as si;ly dea9e'i'(. *he =hole to=' literallyshoo", a'd =hile the 9iri'( lasted there =as a tree'dous a'd co'ti'uous

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?i8ratio'e?erythi'( shi?ered a'd rattled. 'e shell struc" the =all o9the 9oot8all (rou'd, =hich 9aces the sea 'ot 9ar a=ay a hole =as du( i'the (rou'd 8y o'e o9 the ?ery 9irst o9 the shells that =ere 9ired the9i'e old church o9 /t. ilda =as daa(ed, a'd the side o9 the rectory=as si;ly ;e;;ered 8y a 8ursti'( shell.

I' the ;articular ;lace =here I a'd y chus =ere, the shells =erecoi'( i' a sho=er, a'd doi'( e'orous ischie9. We could see that;lai'ly e'ou(h. !ut it =as 'ot u'til later, =he' the 4era' =arshi;s hadsteaed a=ay as hard as they could (o, that =e "'e= ho= (reat the daa(ehad 8ee', a'd ho= a'y li?es had 8ee' lost a'd ;eo;le =ou'ded.

*he 4era' shi;s 9ired 9ro o'e side to 8e(i' =ith, the' they tur'edrou'd a'd co'ti'ued the 8o8arde't 9ro the other side, so they ustha?e 8ee' ready loaded all rou'd. *he siOe o9 the shots ?aried 9ro the12i'ch shells, ;er9ect o'sters, to the sall o'es =hich cae so 9asta'd did so uch ha?oc. *he 9act that soe o9 the hu(e shells =ere 9ou'du'eH;loded a9ter the 8o8arde't ;ro?es that shi;s o9 (reat siOe too";art i' the raid.

/oe tie a9ter the 9iri'( 8e(a' I 9elt a 8lo= o' y thi(h, a'd 9ell tothe (rou'd, hel;less, thou(h I did 'ot "'o= at the tie =hat hadha;;e'ed. At last, =he' the 9iri'(=hich co'ti'ued 9or a8out 9ortyi'utesceased, stretcher8earers a'd ?olu'teer a8ula'ce =or"ers seta8out collecti'( the =ou'ded, a'd I =as ;ic"ed u; a'd 8rou(ht to thehos;ital here.

It =as the' 9ou'd that I had 8ee' struc" o' the thi(h 8y ;art o9 the ca;o9 a shell, a'd that I had sustai'ed a co;ou'd 9racture. *he ;iece o9etal =as still stic"i'( i' eyou ca' see it later. It =as ta"e' out,a'd I =as ;ro;tly a'd ost "i'dly loo"ed a9ter, as =ere all our e' =hohad 8ee' =ou'ded a'd =ere 8rou(ht i'. oor &iddle, as I ha?e told you,=as 'ot disco?ered 9or soe tie the' he =as 9ou'd a'd 8rou(ht here,a'd died late at 'i(ht, i' s;ite o9 all the e99orts that =ere ade tosa?e hi. e had a real soldiers 9u'eralust as had the rest o9 thesoldiers =ho had 8ee' "illed.

As soo' as the 8o8arde't =as o?er the ;eo;le set to =or" to collectthe dead as =ell as sa?e the =ou'ded, a'd 8oth =ere hea?y tas"s 8utthere


B*o 9ace ;. 1--.B

*E T4)E !E4A5 * *)R5 *)R*&E. *E +)R IMME5/E +)55E&/ !RE AWA>;. 1J3@.%

=ere a'y =illi'( ha'ds. E?e' i' hal9a'hour a =o'der9ul di99ere'ce had8ee' ade i' the streets, a'd those ;eo;le =ho had 8ee' rushi'( to=ardsthe cou'try 9or sa9ety 8e(a' to retur'. *hey 8rou(ht i' re;orts o9losses =hich had 8ee' su99ered i' the outs"irts throu(h shells 8ut, asI ha?e said, the =orst cases o9 all =ere ust a8out here.

'e house =as co;letely deolished, a'd the 9ather, other, a'dhal9adoOe' childre' =ere "illed, so that hoe a'd 9aily =ere =i;edout i' a' i'sta't. 'e ;art o9 the ld *o=' is so utterly destroyed that

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it is called &ou?ai', a'd i9 you loo" at the houses there you =ill9i'd that they are ust hea;s o9 ru88ish a'd rui's, =ith 8eds a'd9ur'iture a'd so o', 8uried.

/hells had eH;loded i' the streets, i' houses, 9ields, at the (as=or"s,i' shi;yardsa'y=here a'd e?ery=herea'd o'e 8i( thi'( stuc" itsel9 i'a house a'd is "e;t as a relic. A'other crashed throu(h 9our rail=ay=a((o's, a'd a'other shell, =hich tra?elled lo= o' the (rou'd, =e'tthrou(h se?eral sets o9 the steel etals o' the rail=ay, =hich sho=s the9ear9ul ;e'etrati?e ;o=er o9 the ;roectile.

I9 the 4era's had had their =ay, 'o dou8t this ;lace =ould ha?e 8ee'=i;ed out alto(ether. *hey ade a dead set at the (as=or"s, 8ut did 'otdo a (reat deal o9 ischie9 there, thou(h it ea't that that 'i(ht a loto9 ;eo;le had to 8ur' ca'dles i'stead o9 (as. A'd thou(h ore tha' ahu'dred ;eo;le =ere "illed, a'd the 4era's 9o'dly su;;osed that theyhad struc" terror i'to the ;lace, they had do'e 'othi'( o9 the sort.

*he reside'ts =ere soo' cleari'( u; the rui's a'd settli'( do=' a(ai' asi9 'othi'( had ha;;e'ed. *he ost ;iti9ul o9 all the tas"s =as that o9

deali'( =ith the dead a'd =ou'ded childre', a'd the ree8ra'ce o9 thesad si(hts =ill 8e the 8est o9 all i's;iratio's 9or soe o9 our 9ello=s=he' the day coes o' =hich they =ill (et their o=' 8ac" 9ro the4era's.

It =as 'ot lo'( 8e9ore =e lear'ed that at a8out the sae tie as =e =ere8ei'( shelled at artle;ool, 4era' =arshi;s had a;;eared o99 thee'tirely u'de9e'ded ;laces o9 Whit8y a'd /car8orou(h. *hey call theseold 9ishi'( ;orts 9orti9ied, 8ut that is a' a8solute u'truth, a'd they"'o= it. !ut the 4era's =ere out to "ill a'd destroy, a'd they did 8othi' a a''er =hich sho=ed that they had ade calculatio's to a i'ute,a'd that their s;ies had 8ee' lo'( at =or".

At /car8orou(h the raiders did a lot o9 daa(e 8e9ore they ra' a=ay.*hey had ;re;ared o'e o9 their 8oasted sur;rises 9or us, a'd =e (ot it8ut that =as 'othi'( to the sur;rise =e (a?e the o' Christas or'i'(at CuHha?e'a real 9orti9ied ;lacea'd 'othi'(, I ho;e a'd 8elie?e, tothe sur;rises that our 5a?y has i' store 9or the 4era' 'a?al ru'a=ays.

ou as" ho= lo'( shall I 8e i' hos;ital.

*hat is hard to tell 8ut I ha?e 8ee' here t=o =ee"s already, a'd Isu;;ose that I shall 8e here 9or at least siH =ee"s lo'(er.

I "ee; the ;iece o9 shell =hich struc" e, i' a 8it o9 8ro=' ;a;er i'the cu;8oard 'ear the head o9 the 8ed. I ca''ot rise to (et it ysel9,8ut i9 you =ill o;e' the little door you =ill 9i'd it. Its the sort o9

thi'( =hich caused such ha?oc i' the artle;ools =he' the 4era'=arshi;s cae a'd 8o8arded us.



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  *he i(hla'd re(ie'ts ha?e ade a (reat i;ressio' u;o' the  4era's si'ce the =ar 8e(a', a'd the "ilted troo;s ha?e added to  their laurels i' the 9ield. *his story o9 9i(hti'( =ith the  i(hla'ders is told 8y ri?ate A. Ve'ess, 2'd !attalio' /ea9orth  i(hla'ders, =ho =as =ou'ded a'd i'?alided hoe.%

I ha?e ser?ed ei(ht years i' the /ea9orth i(hla'ders. *o 8e(i' =ith I=as a 8a'dsa', 8ut =he' the =ar 8ro"e out a'd I =as recalled to thecolours, I 8ecae a' ordi'ary ;ri?ate, a'd the o'ly usic that the4era's heard e ;lay =as the rattle o9 y ri9le. Whe' =e la'ded i'+ra'ce a'd arched o99 to the 9ro't the (irls seeed to ha?e a s;ecial9a'cy 9or the "ilted e'at a'y rate they cro=ded u; a'd hu((ed a'd"issed those they could (et hold o9 so =e =e't o99 i' ?ery (oods;irits, si'(i'( a'd =histli'( ;o;ular tu'es, 'ot 9or(etti'( theMarseillaise a'd *i;;erary.

!ei'( a stra'(e cou'try =e sa= a (ood a'y thi'(s that =ere 'e= a'd ?erystra'(e to us till =e (ot used to the. 'e ausi'( i'cide't ha;;e'ed assoo' as =e =ere i' !el(iu, a'd that =as the si(ht o9 a 8i( 9at a'

8ei'( ;ulled i' a little cart 8y t=o do(s. It =as 9u''y, 8ut still itade us a'(ry, 9or =e rather loo"ed u;o' it as cruelty to a'ials so =eshouted, &aOy 8ruteQ 4et out a'd (i?e the do(s a rideQ a'd so o',a'd I daresay the a' =as (reatly sur;rised, thou(h he did't "'o= =hat=e =ere sayi'(. I' a little =hile =e u'derstood that do(s areeHte'si?ely used 9or haula(e ;ur;oses i' !el(iu a'd =e ceased to ta"ea'y s;ecial 'otice o9 the.

It =as 'ot lo'( a9ter la'di'( 8e9ore =e =ere told to 8e ready 9or the4era's, 8ut that ;ro?ed a 9alse alar. We =ere, ho=e?er, to (et our8a;tis o9 9ire i' a draatic 9ashio', a'd that 8a;tis 'aturally d=ellsi' y i'd ore ?i?idly tha' a'y o9 the 9ar 8i((er thi'(s =hichha;;e'ed later i' the =ar.

A terri9ic thu'derstor 8ro"e, a'd a ;arty o9 us =ere ordered to 8illeti' a 8ar'. We cli8ed u; i'to a lo9t a'd 8e(a' to a"e oursel?esco9orta8le a'd to a"e soe tea. We had scarcely (ot the =elcoe tea toour li;s =he' the hurried order cae to clear out o9 the 8uildi'(, a'di'to the thu'derstor =e dashed. *he' the 4era' shells 8e(a' to 9ly a'd8urst, a'd i' a 9e= i'utes the 8ar' =as struc" a'd shattered, so that=e had a ?ery 'arro= esca;e.

It =as at this sta(e that =e had our 9irst a' "illed. e =as a chu o9i'e, a 8a'dsa', 'aed Dou(al Mci''o'. While =e =ere ha?i'( our teaDou(al =as u'der co?er i' the tre'ches, i' 9ro't o9 the 8ar', =ith hisco;a'y. *hey =ere u'der shell 9ire, a'd he =as "illed 8y 8ursti'(shra;'el. e =as 8uried close to the s;ot =here he 9ell, a'd 8ei'( the

9irst o9 our e' to 8e "illed i' actio' =e 9elt it ?ery dee;ly. Ma'yties a9ter that, =he' our chus =ere "illed, =e had to lea?e the,8ecause =e had 'o tie to 8ury the.

We (ot o' the o?e, a'd =he' 'i(ht cae it =as a=9ul to see the =holecou'tryside lit u; =ith the 9laes o9 8ur'i'( 8uildi'(s9ars a'dhouses a'd other ;laces =hich had 8ee' set o' 9ire 8y the 4era's.*here =as a 9ar =hich =as 8laOi'( 9uriously a'd I shall 'e?er 9or(etit, 9or the (ood reaso' that i' archi'( =e a'a(ed to circle it threeties 8e9ore =e could (et ;ro;erly o' the arch a'd (o ahead.

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We ;ushed o' to Ca8rai, =here the ca''o'adi'( =as truly terri8le. Myco;a'y =as i' su;;ort o9 a'other co;a'y i' ad?a'ce. We lay 8ehi'd a8a'", shelteri'(, 9or a 9e= hours. At the 8ac" o9 us =as a !ritishho=itOer 8attery, i' a 8it o9 a =ood, so that =e =ere 8et=ee' t=o a=9ul9ires. It =as i'descri8a8lethe dea9e'i'( di', =hich 'e?er ceased orlesse'ed =hile the duel ra(ed, the eHcitee't, the da'(er, a'd the'er?estrai' yet there =as soethi'( 9asci'ati'( i' =atchi'( the 9iri'(a'd =o'deri'( =hat =as (oi'( to ha;;e'.

It is =o'der9ul to thi'" o9 the =or"i'( o9 the hua' i'd at such atie, a'd stra'(e to recall the odd thi'(s o'e does. I' our o=' case, as=e had to (o o' shelteri'( a'd =atchi'(, =e aused oursel?es 8y cou'ti'(the 'u8er o9 shells that dro;;ed =ithi' a certai' area =hich =as =ellu'der our o8ser?atio'. *he area =as, rou(hly s;ea"i'(, a8out 200 yardssNuare, a'd i' threeNuarters o9 a' hour 'o 9e=er tha' se?e'tysiHshells eH;loded o?er that ;articular s;ot. *hey =ere shra;'el a'd hi(heH;losi?e a'd 'e?er struc" the (rou'dthey 8urst i' the air, a'd at o'etie I cou'ted siH shells 8ursti'( i' the air to(ether. *hat (i?es yousoe idea o9 the tree'dous 'ature o9 the 4era' shell 9ire. &uc"ily a

(reat 'u8er o9 the shells did 'ot eH;lode at all, or 9e= i9 a'y o9 uscould ha?e (ot a=ay.

It is i;ossi8le to ;raise too hi(hly the !ritish artillerys =or". *oy o=' ;erso'al "'o=led(e there =as o'e 8attery that dayI do't "'o==hich it =as=hich =as u'der 9ire 9or at least se?e' hours co'ti'uously=ithout shi9ti'( a'd duri'( the =hole o9 that tie they =ere re;lyi'(to the 4era' (u's.

A9ter that shatteri'( eH;erie'ce =e ca;ed i' a cor'9ield at 'i(ht, a'd=ere settli'( do=' to slee; =he' =ere =e ordered to o?e a(ai'. +orhours, =or' a'd =eary thou(h =e =ere, =e =ere o' the arch, a'd tha'"9ul=e =ere =he' =e halted i' a ?illa(e a'd (ot a 8oH o9 8iscuits 9ro the+re'ch as a idday s'ac". We had 8ee' 9orced to ;art =ith ost o9 oureNui;e't a'd a'y o9 the (reatcoats =ere thro=' a=ay 8ut I 9elt that Ishould =a't i'e a'd I stuc" to ita'd I a =eari'( it 'o=. It has had;le'ty o9 rou(h usa(ea'd here are the holes ade 8y a ;iece o9 9lyi'(shra;'el.

I a ;roud to say that the (e'eral i' coa'd o9 our di?isio'co'(ratulated the re(ie't o' its s;le'did archi'(, a'd I thi'" =e dida 9i'e thi'(, 9or i' a8out t=el?e hours =e co?ered a8out thirtyt=oilesactual archi'(, =ith ust a halt here a'd there. *he 4era's haddo'e their 8est to tra; us, 8ut they had 'ot succeeded, a'd =e esca;ed,to tur' the ta8les o' the =ith a ?e'(ea'ce.

*hat 'i(ht I had to re;ort sic"there =as soethi'( =ro'( =ith y

a'"les. I =as u'a8le to arch, so I (ot a li9t o' a li8er=a((o' o9 the--th !attery o9 the Royal +ield Artillery. Duri'( the ride, =hich lastedall 'i(ht, I =e't throu(h soe o9 the 9i'est cou'try I e?er sa=. It =as;articularly 8eauti9ul 8ecause o9 the tie o9 the year, late autu', a'dthe clear li(ht o9 the 9ull oo'. *his oo'li(ht ride o' a li8er =ill8e al=ays associated i' y eory =ith the (ra'dest s;ectacle o9 itssort I sa= duri'( the =ar.

*he 8attery =as tra?elli'( alo'( a s=itch8ac" road, a'd I =as =ra;;ed u;i' the 8eauti9ul a'd ;eace9ul sce'eryit =as hard to 8elie?e that this

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cal la'dsca;e =as the sce'e o9 =ar a'd that the s;le'did !ritish(u''ers I =as =ith had 8ee' deali'( death a'd destructio' ao'(st the4era's so lately.

5ot 9ar a=ay =as a ri?er, =i'di'( li"e a sil?er thread o?er the 9ace o9the cou'try, a'd sudde'ly, 9ro the ri?er, there rose a' ie'se ass o99lae a'd so"e, 9ollo=ed Nuic"ly 8y a thu'derous ru8li'( roar.

I "'e= at o'ce that a 8rid(e had 8ee' 8lo=' u;. I ca''ot tell you =hodestroyed it4era's or +re'ch all I "'o= is that I sa= the si(ht a'dit =as the ost rear"a8le o9 its "i'd that I =it'esseda'd I sa= 9ours;le'did 8rid(es destroyed i' this a''er.

At o'e tie =e had crossed a 9i'e 8rid(e a'd as soo' as =e had do'e so ahole =as du( a'd a i'e =as laid i' the ce'tre. *he' our cyclist sectio'=as se't out to re;ort =hat =as (oi'( to ha;;e' a'd the 8rid(e =as 8lo='u;. I' this case =e =ere the last to cross 8e9ore the eH;losio'occurred.

At a' early sta(e o9 the o;eratio's I =as luc"y e'ou(h to see a ?ery

9i'e 9i(ht i' the air, a duel 8et=ee' a +re'ch aira' a'd a 4era'aira'. I =as a8le to 9ollo= the duel 9or iles. *he e' i' theaero;la'es =ere 9iri'( re?ol?ers at each other a'd =e could hear thecrac" o9 the shots, thou(h =e could 'ot see a'y de9i'ite results,8ecause the duel (ot too 9ar a=ay. *his =as the 9irst 9i(ht i' the airthat I sa=, a'd I =atched it =ith eHtraordi'ary i'terest, es;ecially as=e all "ee'ly ho;ed that the 4era' =ould 8e 8rou(ht do=', 8ecause hehad 8ee' 9lyi'( o?er our li'es a'd Nuic"ly directed shell 9ire o' uso=i'( to his si('als. +or 9ully t=e'ty i'utes I =atched this air 9i(ht.It =as =o'der9ul to see the s=i9t'ess =ith =hich the achi'es di?ed a'ddod(ed. *he +re'cha' circled o?er the 4era' i' the ost s"il9ul a'ddari'( a''er a'd tie a9ter tie threate'ed his eHiste'ce.

A'other rear"a8le i'cide't I =it'essed at this tie =as the esca;e o9 a4era' ca?alrya'. e =as a' )hla', a scout, I ta"e it, a'd Nuite alo'e.We =ere o' the arch a'd had 8ee' told that the 4era' ca?alry =ere i'lar(e 'u8ers 'ear us, a'd so that =e should 8e ready 9or the =e too"u; a ;ositio', =ith soe Irish i'9a'try to the le9t o9 us.

We =ere lyi'( i' ;ositio' o' a hill, a'd i' 9ro't o9 us =as three or9our iles o9 (ood 9lat cou'try, so that =e should ha?e had a 9i'e ?ie=o9 ca?alry i' 9orce. We =atched a'd =aited, 8ut the threate'ed ca?alrydid 'ot coeall =e sa= =as this solitary )hla', a ere s;ec" o' the=ide ;lai'.

As soo' as the )hla' =as see' the ri9les rattled a'd it =as eH;ectedthat he =ould 8e ;otted 8ut he seeed to 8ear a chared li9e. *he Irish

8attalio' (a?e hi a ;articularly hea?y 9irethe /ea9orths =ere too 9aro99 to reach hi =ith the ri9le 8ut the )hla' (allo;ed (aily o', a'd it=as Nuite ausi'( to =atch hi. 5o dou8t he thorou(hly e'oyedhisel9at a'y rate he (allo;ed u'scathed across t=o or three iles o9o;e' cou'try, a'd (ot a=ay.

It =as 'ot u'til =e =ere =ithi' a8out ei(htee' iles o9 aris that theretiree't e'ded a'd =e 8e(a' the o99e'si?e. We had had a ?ery hardtie, a'd =ere to ha?e a 9e= days rest, 8ut =e 'e?er (ot it. et i's;ite o9 the hardshi;s =e had soe ?ery ;leasa't ties, 8ecause o9 the

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8eauty o9 the cou'try a'd the seaso'.

oy9ul i'deed =as the day =he' =e 8e(a' to dri?e the 4era's 8ac", a'dit =as the ore oy9ul 8ecause the ad?a'ce =as alost as s=i9t as ourretiree't had 8ee'.

' that =o'der9ul ad?a'ce =e sa= soe horri8le thi'(sI =ill 'ot d=ello' 4era' 8ar8arities, thou(h there =ere a'y ;roo9s o9 thei'cludi'((reat 'u8ers o9 horses =hich had 8ee' "illed or =ou'ded a'd le9t ust=here they had 9alle'. 5o atte;t had 8ee' ade to dis;ose o9 thedecayi'( carcases a'd a'y a ;oor 8rute had died a li'(eri'( death.

I =as (reatly struc" 8y the 4era's cruelty to their horses, i' lea?i'(the li"e this 8ut that =as o'e ;roo9 o9 the hurried'ess o9 the e'eysretreatthe 4era's =ho had (ot so 'ear aris a'd =ere the' 9lu'( ri(hta=ay 8ac" 9ro the city. I 'eed hardly say that =he'e?er a si(' o9o?ee't =as 'oticed i' a horse a a' =as se't to ;ut the ;oor thi'( outo9 its isery.

*here =as still ;le'ty o9 hardshi; to ;ut u; =ith, 8ut that did 'ot

atter so uch =he' =e =ere dri?i'( 8ac" the 4era's.

I ree8er ?ery =ell o'e day a'd 'i(ht o9 u'coo' =retched'ess. It =asrai'i'( hea?ily a'd co'ti'uously, a'd i' the delu(e I a'd three ore e'=ere se't o' out;ostto o8ser?e a'd "ee; our eyes o;e', a'd so that =ecould do that to the 8est ad?a'ta(e =e too" u; a ;ositio' o' the to; o9a hayric". A ;er9ect hurrica'e =as 8lo=i'(, a'd the alost solid rai'=as 9airly dri?e' i'to us 8ut =e stuc" it throu(h, a'd hu'( o' to theto; o9 the haystac" till it =as dar", the' =e tha'"9ully (ot do=' a'd=e't i'to a' o;e' shed 9or sheltera 8uildi'( that =as ust a;rotectio' 9or =heatstac"s.

I had had y tur' o9 ;ic"eti'( a'd =as lyi'( do=' to (et a s'atch o9slee; =he' I =as ordered to (o u; a road a8out a ile a'd a hal9 a=ay,to 9i'd out =hether our relie9 had coe. /o out i'to the dar"'ess a'dthe =i'd a'd rai' I sta((ered a'd 9ou(ht y =ay throu(h =hat =as the=orst 'i(ht 9or =eather that I e?er sa=. ' a'd o' I a'd y corades=e't, loo"i'( hard 9or our relie9, 8ut =e 'e?er sa= it, a'd =e =aitedthere till 'eHt or'i'(, =he' =e reoi'ed our 8ri(ade.

*hose =ere ties =he' there =as little rest 9or the /ea9orths, ora'y8ody else.

*he aero;la'es (a?e us little cha'ce o9 rest, a'd at ties they had a'u'ca''y "'ac" o9 9i'di'( us.

'e day, a9ter a lo'(, hard arch, =e ;ut i'to a =ood 9or shelter. A

+re'ch su;;ly colu' =as already i' the =ood a'd dou8tless the 4era's"'e= o9 or sus;ected this at a'y rate a 4era' aero;la'e cae o?er us,=ith the result that i' a 9e= i'utes =e =ere shelled out. We rested i'a'other ;art o9 the =ood till it =as dar", the' =e =ere ta"e' o' to8illets, 8ut =e had to a"e a'other o?e, 8ecause =e =ere shelled outa(ai'. *hat =as the sort o9 thi'( =hich cae alo'( as ;art o9 the days=or" a'd as ;art o9 the days =or" =e too" it cheer9ully.

Whe' =e (ot the 4era's o' the o?e =e too" ;riso'ers 9ro tie totie. I =as o' (uard o?er a 9e= ;riso'ers, ;art o9 a cro=d, =he' o'e o9

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the cae u; to e a'd to y aaOee't I reco('ised hi as a 4era' =hohad =or"ed i' /oho /Nuare a'd used o9te' to (o to the sae ;lace asysel9 9or di''era little sho; i' a'=ay /treet, at the H9ord /treete'd o9 *otte'ha Court Road. *he ;riso'er reco('ised e at o'ce a'd Ireco('ised hi. *o sho= ho= i('ora't the 4era's =ere o9 the e'ey they=ere 9i(hti'(, I ay tell you that this a' said to e, I9 =e had "'o='=e =ere 9i(hti'( the E'(lish, I =ould 'e?er ha?e le9t &o'do'Q

Was it 'ot stra'(e that the t=o o9 us, =ho had so o9te' et as 9rie'ds9or di''er i' the little 9orei(' sho;, should eet a(ai' as e'eies o'the 8a'"s o9 the Mar'eS

I a 'o= coi'( to a sorro=9ul ;erso'al i'cide'tthe loss o9 y chu,&a'ceCor;oral &ao't. We had 8ee' to(ether 9ro the 8e(i''i'( o9 the=ar a'd had shared e?erythi'( there =as, e?e' to the =ater;roo9 sheet.e =ould carry the sheet o'e day a'd I =ould carry it the 'eHt, a'd=he'e?er such a thi'( had to 8e do'e as 9etchi'( dri'"i'(=ater, o9te' a?ery da'(erous tas", =e =ould share that too.

*hrou(hout o'e a=9ul 'i(ht o9 ceaseless rai', =hich soa"ed us to the

s"i', the t=o o9 us =ere i' the tre'ches=e had du( oursel?es i', =ithust ordi'ary head co?er. We lay there till 'eHt or'i'(, =he' a'o99icer cae alo'( y ;latoo' a'd as"ed i9 =e had a'y dri'"i'(=ater.

We told hi that =e had 'ot.

*he o99icer said, I9 you care to ris" it, o'e o9 you ca' (o a'd 9etchsoe =ater.

We decided to ta"e the ris", =hich =as (reat, 8ecause to (et the =aterea't (etti'( to a 9arhouse ust 8ehi'd us, u'der a hea?y 9ire.

My chu ?olu'teered to (o, a'd, ta"i'( the =ater8ottles, he le9t thetre'ch a'd started to cross the o;e' (rou'd 8et=ee' us a'd the9arhouse. While he =as doi'( this the order cae 9or us to ad?a'cea'dI 'e?er sa= hi a(ai'.

It =as soo' y tur' to 8e ;ut out o9 actio'. A ;retty sti99 9i(ht =as(oi'( o' a'd the 9ire =as so hea?y that it =as ?ery da'(erous to 8e i'the o;e' 8ut it =as 'ecessary 9or e a'd a 9e= ore e' to cross a 8ito9 o;e' (rou'd, a'd =e ade a start. We had 'ot (o'e 9ar =he' a shellcae 8et=ee' e a'd a'other a' =ho =as at y side. *he shell struc" hi9air o' the ar a'd shattered it. e 9ell o?er o' his side, a'd as hedid so he said, +or ea?e's sa"e cut y eNui;e't o99Q

I too" out y ac""'i9e a'd slit the eNui;e't across the shoulders a'dlet it dro; a=ay 9ro hi.

e cra=led o99 a'd I =as told a9ter=ards that =hile he =as tryi'( tocree; to shelter he =as struc" a(ai' a'd "illed.

I cra=led as 8est I could u; to the 9iri'( li'e, 8ut =he' I (ot there I9ou'd that there =as 'o roo i' the tre'ches 9or e, so I had to lie i'the o;e'. I had 'ot 8ee' there lo'( 8e9ore a 9ello= 'eHt to e as"ed e=hat tie it =as. I too" out y =atch a'd told hi it =as a8outele?e'9i9tee'a'd the 'eHt thi'( I "'e= =as that I 9elt as i9 soeo'ehad "ic"ed e o' the to; o9 the head.

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I tur'ed rou'd a'd said, *oy, I hitQ I 8ecae u'co'scious 9or soetie, the', =he' I reco?ered, I said, *oy, is it sa9e to cra=la=ayS

5o, said *oy, its ris"y. Its a 8it too hotQ

5e?er i'd, I a's=ered. I9 I stay here uch lo'(er I shall colla;se.I (oi'( to ha?e a shot at ithere (oesQ

I 8e(a' to cra=l a=ay, 8ut I ust ha?e ta"e' the =ro'( directio', 9or I=as soo' u'der t=o 9ires. I =as a;;roachi'( the ouths o9 t=o or threeo9 our o=' (u's, =hich =ere i' 9ro't o9 a 9arhouse.

I soo' 9ou'd that this =as a 8it too =ar 9or e, a'd so I tur'ed a'dtoo" =hat I su;;osed =as the ri(ht directio'. I had had e'ou(h o9cra=li'(, =hich =as ?ery slo= =or". I =a'ted to (et out o9 it, a'd Iade u; y i'd to rise a'd ru'. *hat does 'ot sou'd ?ery 8ra?e, 8ut it=as the 8etter ;art o9 ?alour.

I started to ru', as 8est I could 8ut I had hardly (ot (oi'( =he' a8ullet struc" e, as I su;;osed, a'd I colla;sed alo'(side soe o9 yo=' corades.

/tretcher8earers cae u;, i' tie, a'd I =as carried to the 9ieldhos;ital. *he' a curious disco?ery =as ade, =hich =as, that a 8ullethad (o'e throu(h 9our or 9i?e ;leats o9 y "ilt a'd had stuc" i' y le(,hi(h u;. *his is the ;lace =here it struc" a'd stuc" a'd heres the8ullet, =hich the doctor easily ;ulled out =ith his 9i'(ers, 9or it had'ot ;e'etrated dee;ly, o=i'(, I thi'", to the resista'ce o9 the ;leatso9 y "ilt. A;art 9ro this 8ullet =ou'd I =as struc" 8y shra;'el 9ourties, 8ut I a'a(ed to "ee; (oi'(.

I le9t the 9ield hos;ital the 'eHt day a'd oi'ed a' a8ula'ce colu'=hich =as shelled 8y the 4era's as it =e't alo'(. I esca;ed ysel9, 8uto'e o9 the =a((o's =as co;letely =rec"ed.

a?i'( reco?ered 9ro y =ou'd to a certai' eHte't I =e't 8ac" to there(ie't, 8ut a9ter a 9e= days I had to 8e i'?alided hoe, a'd I ha?ehad a lo'( a'd tedious s;ell i' hos;ital.

*here is o'e ore i'cide't I =ould li"e to e'tio' 8y =ay o9 closi'(. Wehalted i' a ?illa(e i' +ra'ce =here =e sa= soe o9 the *urcos, o'e o9=ho =as ?ery 'oticea8le 8ecause he =as ;roudly =eari'( the (reatcoat o9a 4era' o99icer =hich he had secured o' the 8attle9ield, a9ter "illi'(the o99icer.

While =e halted, a 8atch o9 4era' ;riso'ers =as 8rou(ht i'to the?illa(e, a'd they =ere ;ut i'to a courtyard 8et=ee' t=o ro=s o9cotta(es. 5o soo'er had this 8ee' do'e tha' a' old a' rushed out, a'di9 it had 'ot 8ee' 9or the (uard he =ould ha?e hurled hisel9 u;o' the;riso'ers a'd do'e his 8est to thrash the.

*he act =as so stra'(e that I i'Nuired the reaso' 9or the old a's9ury. A'd the a's=er I recei?ed =as, e ree8ers 1-J0.


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B*o 9ace ;. 202.B

A !)&&E* /*R)C IM I5 *E !AC A5D I&&ED IM >;. F@.%



  It =as estiated that, early i' the =ar, 'o 9e=er tha' 10,000  ?ehicle =or"ers =ere ser?i'( =ith the colours3000 taHica8  dri?ers, 3000 tra=ay e', a'd K000 otor8us dri?ers. *hese  trai'ed e' =e't 9ro &o'do' a'd the ;ro?i'ces, soe 8ei'(  Reser?ists, a'd others oi'i'( ?arious re(ie'ts 8ut a ?ery lar(e  'u8er =e't i'to the *ra's;ort /ectio', a'd did s;le'did =or". +ro  this story 8y ri?ate aes Roache, Mecha'ical *ra's;ort /ectio',  /ie(e Artillery !ri(ade, =e lear' soethi'( o9 the hea?y a'd

  ;erilous =or" that 9alls to the lot o9 the *ra's;ort /ectio', a'd  ca' realise the e'orous eHte't to =hich the Ary de;e'ds u;o' its  tra's;ort.%

I (ot i'to ;res a8out se?e' days a9ter the 4era's had le9t the city,a'd I lear'ed 9ro a schoolteacher =ho s;o"e E'(lish that they hadcoa'deered a (ood a'y thi'(s, a'd had ;illa(ed the e=ellers sho;sa'd other ;laces o9 8usi'ess.

At that tie the 4era's did 'ot see to ha?e do'e a'y eHce;tio'aldaa(e 8ut they ade u; 9or a'y 'e(lect later o', =he' they acted li"e8ar8aria's i' 8o8ardi'( a'd destroyi'( the 8eauti9ul old city, a'dsashi'( its ;riceless a'cie't 8uildi'(s i'to rui's. *hat is ;art o9 thesyste o9 sa?a(ery =hich they 8oast a8out as culture.

We had 8ee' i' ;res a8out a =ee" =he' the 9irst 4era' shell cae. It=as the 8e(i''i'( o9 a 9ear9ul ha?oc. *hat =as a8out te' ocloc" i' theor'i'(. *he shell dro;;ed ;lu8 i'to the ;riso'. *here =ere a (ooda'y ci?il ;riso'ers i' the (aol at the tie, 8ut I do 'ot "'o= =hatha;;e'ed to the, a'd I ca''ot say =hether a'y o9 the hel;less creatures=ere "illed or =ou'ded.

At that tie I =as hel;i'( to su;;ly the /ie(e Artillery !ri(ade, the(u's o9 =hichthe 9aous 6 i'. ho=itOers=ere a ile or so out o9 thecity. We had 9our cars, each carryi'( three to's o9 lydditet=el?e to'si' allsta'di'( i' the Mar"et /Nuare, a'd eH;osed to the 9ull artillery

9ire o9 the e'ey.

It =as a ;erilous ;ositio', 9or i9 a shell had struc" that e'orousaou't o9 lyddite ;ro8a8ly the =hole city =ould ha?e 8ee' =rec"ed, a'dthe loss o9 li9e =ould ha?e 8ee' a;;alli'(. We had to =ait 9or se?eralhours 8e9ore =e could o?e, 8ecause o9 the di99iculty i' cou'icati'(=ith the 8ri(ade 8ut =he' the order did at last arri?e, =e lost 'o tiei' (etti'( to a sa9er ;lace tha' the Mar"et /Nuare.

It =as =hile =e =ere sta'di'( u'der 9ire that I sa= a other a'd her

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childa (irlstruc" 8y a 9ra(e't o9 a 8ursti'( shell. *hey =ere the9irst ;eo;le to 8e =ou'ded i' ;res.

*he shella 8i( 8rute8urst o' the roo9 o9 a house, a'd the 9ra(e'tsscattered =ith terri9ic 9orce all arou'd. eo;le =ere 9lyi'( 9or theirli?es, or hidi'(, terrorstric"e', i' the cellars a'd the =oa' a'd herdau(hter =ere struc" as =e =atched the 9ly.

/oe o9 us rushed u; a'd 9ou'd that o'e o9 the 8oots o9 the =oa' had8ee' ri;;ed o;e', a'd that the child had 8ee' struc" o' the 9ace a'd8adly cut.

I ;ic"ed her u;, a'd sa= that she =as u'co'scious 8ut I (ot at y9ielddressi'( a'd did all I could 9or her, a'd =as tha'"9ul to 9i'dthat she soo' cae 8ac" to her se'ses, thou(h she =as su99eri'(terri8ly 9ro shoc" a'd 8e(a' to cry 8itterly.

*he other also =as dread9ully u;set, 8ut 'ot seriously hurt. We lost 'otie i' (etti'( the i'to the u'der(rou'd ;art o9 a ca9 'ear at ha'd,a'd there =e had to lea?e the. I do't "'o= =hat 8ecae o9 the, 8ut I

su;;ose they =ere ta"e' a=ay. I o9te' =o'der =hat has ha;;e'ed to the;oor little soul a'd her other, ?ictis, li"e so a'y thousa'ds ore,o9 the 4era' i'?aders. I a (lad to "'o= that =ith our 9ielddressi'(s=e =ere a8le to hel; a (ood a'y ci?ilia's =ho =ere =ou'ded.

*he 9our cars I ha?e e'tio'ed =ere 8i( tra's;ortlorries, ades;ecially 9or the =ar, a'd ?ery 9i'e =or" ca' 8e do'e =ith the. !ut ho=di99ere't the =or" is 9ro that =hich =e used to do at hoe asotordri?ersQa'd I had a 9air eH;erie'ce o9 that 8e9ore I oi'ed the*ra's;ort /er?ice. *here =as as uch di99ere'ce 8et=ee' the t=o as thereis 8et=ee' this =ar a'd the /outh A9rica' War, i' =hich I ser?ed i' theI;erial eoa'ry.

*hese lorries carried ie'se Nua'tities o9 au'itio', a'd so the4era's ade a s;ecial ;oi't o9 (oi'( 9or the, i' the ho;e o9 8ri'(i'(a8out a destructi?e eH;losio' 8ut, ta"e' o' the =hole, they had ?ery;oor luc" that =ay.

Whe' the order cae to us i' the Mar"et /Nuare at ;res to arch, =ele9t the city a'd tra?elled alo'( the roads till it =as dar" a'd a9terthat =e retur'ed to the city, ta"i'( the stu99 =ith us. 5o soo'er =ere=e 8ac" i' ;res tha' the 4era's started shelli'( a(ai', a9ter ha?i'(ceased 9ire 9or a8out 9our hours.

What =e carried =as =a'ted 9or the (u's, 8ut =e could 'ot reach the,o=i'( to the eHcessi?e da'(er 9ro the 4era' 9ire. It is a stra'(e 9actthat as soo' as a'y stu99 =as (oi'( throu(h 8y tra's;ort the 4era's

started shelli'( it, =hich sees to sho= that they had =ord =he'tra's;orts =ere o' the o?e. *hey shelled us co'sta'tly, a'd =e (ot tota"e the thi'( as a ?ery ordi'ary ;art o9 the days =or".

It =as o'ly =he' soe u'coo' eH;losio' occurred that =e =ere roused tota"e 'otice a'd such a' e?e't too" ;lace o'e day =he' o'e o9 the ?ery8i((est o9 the 4era' shells 8urst i' the air 'ot 9ar a=ay 9ro e =itha tree'dous crash, a'd ade a' ie'se cloud o9 a=9ul so"e a'd ru88ishas the 9ra(e'ts struc" the (rou'd.

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*his eH;losio' =as so 'ear a'd so u'usual that I thou(ht I =ould (ethold o9 a sou?e'ir o9 it. A'd so I did. I secured a ;iece o9 the 8ase o9the shell, a'd ea't to 8ri'( it hoe as a tro;hy 8ut I had to lea?eit, 9or the =ei(ht o9 the 9ra(e't =as F$ l8., a'd thats a tri9le hea?ye?e' 9or a tra's;ortdri?er. *his =as certai'ly o'e o9 the ?ery 8i((esta'd ost a=9ul o9 the 4era' shells o9 the ie'se 'u8er I sa= eH;lode.

*here is, or =as, a s"ittlealley i' ;res, 'ear the =aterto=er, a'dsoe o9 the Mu'sters =ere 8illeted there. I =as 'ear the ;lace =he' soe?ery hea?y shelli'( =as (oi'( o', a'd I sa= o'e shell 8urst o' the8uildi'( =ith a terri9ic re;ort. I "'e= at o'ce that serious daa(e =asdo'e, a'd that there ust ha?e 8ee' a hea?y loss o9 li9e, 9or I sa==ou'ded a'd u'=ou'ded e' rushi'( i'to the street 9ro the rui'ed8uildi'(. /oe o9 the e' =ere 8a'da(i'( thesel?es as they rushed out.I "'e= that there ust 8e a shoc"i'( si(ht i'side the 8uildi'( so =he'the coa'di'( o99icer said, Would you li"e to (o i'side a'd loo" atitS I re;lied that I =ould rather 'ot. A'd I =as (lad a9ter=ards, 9or Ilear'ed that siH ;oor 9ello=s had 8ee' "illed. *hat =as the sort o9thi'( =hich =as co'sta'tly ha;;e'i'( to our 9i(hti'( e', a'd it =as 8ade'ou(h 8ut it =as i'9i'itely =orse =he' the ?ictis =ere =oe' a'd

childre', as they so o9te' =ere, a'd it =as the si(ht o9 these i''oce'tsu99erers =hich =as the hardest o9 all to 8ear. /oe o9 our you'(sters=ere ;articularly u;set.

*here =as a little tru;eter o9 the Royal 4arriso' Artillery, to =hich=e =ere attached, a'd a 9i'e you'(ster he =as, a8out siHtee' years old.We called hi !a((ie. e used to stic" it ?ery =ell, 8ut at ties,=he' he sa= =oe' a'd childre' hurt, he (a?e =ay a'd cried. !ut that"i'dhearted'ess did 'ot ;re?e't hi 9ro 8ei'( al=ays ea(er to coe=ith us =he' =e too" the au'itio' u; to the (u's i' the 9iri'( li'e.!a((ie 'e?er "'e= 9ear 9or hisel9, 8ut he 9elt it 8adly =he' others=ere hit or hurt, a'd that too" ;lace day a9ter day.

*here =as a'other little tru;eter o9 the Royal E'(i'eers =ho (ot 8adlyu;set 9or the sae reaso'. e =as 8illeted i' a ti8eryard, a'd I sa= ashell 9all i' the yard a'd 8urst a'd se'd the ti8er 9lyi'( i' alldirectio's. It seeed as i9 tree'dous ischie9 had 8ee' do'e, a'd thatthere ust ha?e 8ee' a hea?y loss o9 li9e 8ut, as a atter o9 9act,o'ly o'e a' =as i'ured o' the head a'd 9ace 8y s;li'ters.

*he tru;eter rushed out, a'd I =e't u; a'd tal"ed =ith hi to cheer hiu; a 8it.

Its 'o (oodQ he said. I ca't stic" it a'y lo'(erQ I try to 8e8ra?e, 8ut I ha?e to (i?e =ayQ

*he' he 8ro"e do=' a'd 9airly cried, a'd a ?ery ;iti9ul si(ht it =as,

9or he =as o'ly a "iddie, 9i9tee' or siHtee' years old.

I =as al=ays trou8led ysel9 =he' I sa= ho= these little cha;s =ereu;set 8ut they did 'ot 8rea" do=' throu(h a'ythi'( li"e 9earthey =ere'ot a9raid, a'd =ere s;le'did =he' they =ere =ith the e'it =as thesu99eri'( a'd the 9ear9ul si(hts they sa= that 8o=led the out.

*hese tru;etersere lads=e't throu(h all the archi'( a'd 9i(hti'(that led u; to the 9ear9ul 8usi'ess at ;res, a'd they cae out o9 the8usi'ess s;le'didly. &ittle !a((ie, 9or eHa;le, =as ri(ht throu(h it

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9ro the Ais'e, a'd =as u; a'd do=' =ith the /ie(e Artillery all thetie. e =as ;rese't =he' o'e o9 the lieute'a'ts =as "illed, a'd =he' Ilast heard o9 hi he =as still o' the o?e a'd =ell a'd I si'cerelyho;e that he is all ri(ht 'o=, a'd =ill coe sa9ely hoe.

I e'tio' these thi'(s a8out the you'(sters ;articularly, 8ecause theystruc" e as 8ei'( out o9 the coo', a'd so you 'otice the ore tha'the ordi'ary atters.

While s;ea"i'( o9 the earlier days o9 the =ar, I i(ht say that, a9terthe Mar'e a'd the Ais'e, =he' =e =ere (oi'( 8ac" o?er (rou'd that =e"'e= a'd o' =hich =e 9ou(ht, =e sa= soe sic"e'i'( slau(hter sce'es, a'drealised to the 9ull =hat a' a=9ul thi'( a =ar li"e this is.

'e ?ery ;eculiar i'cide't =hich coes i'to y i'd =as the 9i'di'( o9 adead )hla' i' a =ood. e had e?ide'tly 8ee' 8adly =ou'ded, a'd had adehis =ay i'to the =ood 9or sa9ety, 8ut he had died there. Whe' =e 9ou'dhi he =as sitti'( i' a crouchi'( ;ositio'. ' eHai'i'( hi, =e 9ou'dt=o ;ostcards =hich he had =ritte'. We could 'ot read the, 8ut, as 9aras =e could tell, they =ere addressed to =oe' o9 the sae 'ae, 8ut

li?i'( i' di99ere't ;laces. We 8uried the )hla' i' the =ood, a'd ha'dedthe ;ostcards to a 4era' o99icer =ho had 8ee' ade ;riso'er, a'd he(a?e us to u'dersta'd that he =ould see that they =ere se't to theirdesti'atio's =he' he (ot a cha'ce to des;atch the. *hat i'cide't =aso'ly o'e o9 a'y siilar si(hts =e cae across i' our ;art o9 the8usi'ess.

*ra's;ort =or", as a rule, =as ?ery u'co9orta8le, 8ecause it =as ostlydo'e at 'i(ht, =he' the roads =ere ?ery dar", a'd =e had to do as 8est=e could =ithout li(hts. A'ythi'( li"e a' au'itio' or su;;ly colu'=as a ;articular ar" 9or the 4era's, a'd =he'e?er they (ot the cha'cethey =ould do their 8est to 9i'd us out a'd a 9a?ourite =ay o9 doi'(this =as to 9ire a 9e= shots i' o'e ;lace a'd a 9e= i' a'other, i' theho;e that =e should 8e dra=' a'd re?eal our ;ositio'. !ut =e did't (i?ethe sho= a=ay Nuite so easily as that.

I had a'y o;;ortu'ities o9 seei'( the 9i'e =or" =hich =as do'e 8y ouraroured trai's, a'd I sa= soethi'( o9 the ;er9ora'ces o9 theaero;la'es. I =it'essed se?eral air 9i(hts, 8ut there =as 'ot really alot to see, 8ecause there =as so uch s=i9t a'u?ri'(. *here =as;le'ty o9 9iri'( at the aircra9t, 8ut they are ost di99icult thi'(s tohit. 'e o9 the 4era' aero;la'es dro;;ed a 8o8 o' ;res. It 9ell o' adoctors house 'ear the to=' statio' a'd eH;loded, 8ut it did 'ot do a'y(reat aou't o9 ischie9. It 8ro"e the 9ro't door a'd shattered the=i'do=s a'd "'oc"ed the ;lace a8out, 8ut I 9a'cy that it did 'ot hurt or"ill a'y8ody.

What =as the 9i'est si(ht I sa= =hile I =as at the 9ro'tS Well, I thi'"the 8est thi'( I e?er sa= =as the =ay soe o9 our la'cers scattered a9ar su;erior 8ody o9 )hla's a'd ade the 9ly. *hat =as o' theretiree't 9ro Mo's. It =as a ?ery 8ad tie, a'd there =ere soe9ear9ul si(hts, 9or the roads leadi'( 9ro the to=' =ere cro=ded =ith9leei'( =oe' a'd childre'. I' a'y case it =as 8ad e'ou(h to (et alo'(the road, 8ut it =as i'9i'itely =orse to a"e our =ay alo'( throu(h thecro=ds o9 re9u(ees =ith our otorlorries, es;ecially i' ?ie= o9 =hat =ecarried. *o a"e atters =orse, =e had (ot o' the =ro'( road, a'd it =as'ecessary to tur' 8ac". *o do this =e had to tur' rou'd, a'd, as there

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;o=erless to co'trol the 9ri(hte'ed a'ials.

*he 8attery itsel9 =as i' actio'. I =as =ith the teaso' a' o;e' road=ith hal9adoOe' o9 the, a'd 'o ;rotectio' =hate?er, 9or the road ra'8et=ee' o;e' 9ields. We =ere a 9i'e tar(et 9or the 4era's, a'd they sa=it a'd 8e(a' to shell us hell 9or leather. *he 9ire =as deadly a'd thereis 'o =o'der that the horses 8olted.

What =as to 8e do'eS What could 8e do'e eHce;t a"e a dash 9or shelterSI did y le?el 8est to (et out o9 the o;e' a'd see" shelter. !ut shelterseeed 9ar a=ay, there =as 'othi'( 'ear at ha'd, 8ut i' the dista'ce Isa= soethi'( that seeed ho;e9ul, so I (allo;ed to=ards it =ith yteas. We =e't 9uriously alo'(, a'd as I (ot 'earer to the o8ect Icould a"e out that it =as a lo'( 8ric" =all =hich se;arated a' orchard9ro the road.

+or a8out a ile, u'der a co'sta't a'd 9urious 9ire, I dashed o' the' I(ot to the =all, a'd i'sta'tly I dre= i' as a'y o9 the 8olti'( horsesas I could lay ha'ds o'. It all ha;;e'ed so s=i9tly that it is 'ot easyto tell ho= this =as do'e 8ut I "'o= that I =as sa9ely ou'ted o' y

o=' horse =he' the sta;ede 8e(a', a'd that I dashed at the 8olti'(a'ials a'd (ra88ed as a'y as I could, a'd that I hurried the to theshelter o9 the =all, a'd I 9a'cy that they =ere ust a8out as (lad o9the ;rotectio' as I =as. *he (allo; =as a ad a99air, a'd ?ery li"ely it=ould 'e?er ha?e e'ded as it did i9 all the shells the 4era's 9ired had8urst 8ut soe o9 the did 'ot eH;lode, thou(h I did 'ot "'o= o9 thistill later, =he' I ;ic"ed soe o9 the u; 9ro the (rou'd.

While I =as i' the thic" o9 this eHciti'( 8usi'ess +arrier/er(ea't/cott =as rushi'( a8out a'd securi'( other ru'a=ay teas, a'd he did so=ell a'd his =or" =as co'sidered so 8rillia't a'd i;orta't that the+re'ch (a?e hi the decoratio' o9 the &e(io' o9 o'our.

+or the 8est ;art o9 a' hour I =as u'der co?er o9 the =all, doi'( the8est I could =ith the horses, a'd it =as a 9u''y old o8 to "ee; thea'ythi'( li"e Nuiet =ith such a hea?y 9ire (oi'( o' all the tie yet soco;lete =as the ;rotectio' that ;ractically 'o daa(e =as do'e, the=orst that occurred 8ei'( the shatteri'( o9 a ;air o9 =heels 8y a8ursti'( shell.

!y the e'd o9 the hour 8oth ysel9 a'd the horses =ere ;retty =ellsettli'( do=' the' thi'(s caled do=' a 8it. *he 4era's a;;eared to 8etired o9 ;ou'di'( at us, a'd ;erha;s they thou(ht that they had 8lo=' usto ;ieces. At a'y rate =e 8e(a' to (et out o9 it, a'd =e had 'o soo'erstarted to do that tha' the 9iri'( i'sta'tly reo;e'ed.

*here =as a ?illa(e 'ot 9ar a=ay a'd =e ade a dash 9or it 8ut =e =ere

9orced to clear out, 9or the e'eys artillery set the little ;lace o'9ire a'd all the stac"s a'd 8uildi'(s =ere i' 9laes. *here =as a (ooddeal o9 co'9usio' a'd iHi'( u; o9 all sorts o9 troo;s. I had lost touch=ith y o=' lot a'd =as ordered 8y a ca;tai' to oi' a'other colu' 9orthe 'i(ht, a'd this I did. I oi'ed the 2'd !ri(ade Au'itio' Colu'a'd 'eHt day I =as =ith y o=' 8attery a(ai', tha'"9ul to ha?e (otsa9ely throu(h a ?ery da'(erous 8usi'ess.

5eHt day =e ;ic"ed u; a'other ;ositio', a'd had 'o soo'er do'e that tha'i'9oratio' cae that ie'se 8odies o9 4era's =ere o' the o?e i' our

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directio'. *he outloo" =as serious, 8ecause =e =ere i' the o;e' a'dthere =as 'othi'( 9or it eHce;t a 9i(ht to the death. *he 4era's =ereeH;ected alo'( a certai' road a'd =e ade ready to 9ire at =hat is;ractically ;oi't8la'" ra'(e, usi'( +uses 0 a'd 2, so that at $00 a'd1000 yards the asses o9 the e'ey =ould ha?e had the shells 8ursti'(ao'(st the.

We had 8ee' throu(h soe tou(h ties 8ut 'ot i' a'y situatio' =hich =asas u';roisi'( as this. We "'e= that =e could a"e a lo'( sta'd, a'd o=do=' the 4era's as they s=e;t alo'( the o;e' cou'try 8ut =e "'e= alsothat i' the e'd ?astly su;erior 9orces ust tell a(ai'st us 8ut =eheld our (rou'd a'd the ster' order =e't rou'd, Each ta"e char(e o9your o=' (u'a'd 4od hel; usQ

o= lo'( that a=9ul strai' lasted I ca''ot tell. It could 'ot ha?e 8ee'lo'(, 8ut it seeed a' eter'ity. While it lasted the strai' =as alostu'e'dura8le the' it sudde'ly s'a;;ed, a' ie'se relie9 cae o?er usa'd e?e' the 8ra?est a'd ost careless ao'(st us 8reathed ore 9reely=he' =e "'e= that the ;ros;ect o9 alost sure a''ihilatio' had ;assed,9or the 4era' hosts, i'stead o9 coi'( 8y the eH;ected road, had (o'e

a'other =ay.

With li(hter hearts =e li8ered u;, a'd day a9ter day, 'i(ht a9ter'i(ht, 9or ele?e' days, =e "e;t hard at it, archi'( a'd 9i(hti'(, a'd=he'e?er =e (ot i'to actio' it =as a(ai'st ?ery hea?y odds. I =as =ithy o=' s;ecial chu, /er(ea't Charlie arriso', a'd o9te' e'ou(h,es;ecially i' the 'i(httie, =e =ould =al" alo'(side our horses a'dtal" as =e dra((ed oursel?es alo'(tal" a8out a'ythi'( that cae i'toour i'ds, a'd all 9or the sa"e o9 "ee;i'( a=a"e a'd 'ot 9alli'( do='eHhausted o' the road yet i' s;ite o9 e?erythi'( =e could do =e =ould9all aslee;. /oeties =e =ould co'ti'ue =al"i'( =hile ;racticallyaslee;=e =a'ted to sa?e our horses as uch as =e coulda'd ore tha'o'ce, =he' I =as ridi'(, I =e't to slee; a'd 9ell out o9 the saddle.*here =as o'e (ood thi'(, ho=e?er, a8out the shoc"it acted as a ?ery9i'e =a"e'eru;. As 9or slee;i'(, =he' =e (ot the cha'ce o9 it, =e coulddo that a'y=herei' ;lou(hed 9ields, dee; i' ud a'd =ater, a'd o' theroad itsel9.

All sorts o9 stra'(e a'd u'eH;ected thi'(s ha;;e'ed. While I =as =iththe Au'itio' Colu' the E'(i'eers =ere ;utti'( all their sart'ess a'ds"ill i'to the 8uildi'( o9 a ;o'too', a'd the 4era's =ere s;ecially9a?ouri'( the =ith Coal !oHes. *his =as y i'troductio' to these 8i(8rutes o9 shells, a'd it =as 'ot ;leasa't, es;ecially as the colu' =as'ot ore tha' t=e'ty9i?e yards 9ro the s;ot =here they =ere eH;lodi'(=ith a terri9ic roar.

I =as sta'di'( 8y y horse, 9eeli'( 'o'e too co9orta8le, =he' a 8i(

shell 8urst a'd ade a=9ul ha?oc 'ear e. A ;iece o9 it cae a'd struc"e. I thou(ht I =as do'e 9or, the' I loo"ed arou'd at ysel9, a'd 9ou'dthat the t=o 8otto 8utto's o9 y (reatcoat had 8ee' tor' a=ay, 8ut that'o 9urther daa(e had 8ee' do'e. I =as (lad to ha?e (ot o99 so easily,a'd ust as ;leased to 9i'd that the horses had esca;ed.

At this tie =e =ere =a'ti'( 9ood ;retty 8adly, so that e?ery ratio'8ecae ;recious. We =ere 8i?ouac"ed =he' a 9ile o9 i'9a'trye' 8rou(hti' a 4era' ;riso'er. 9 course =e (a?e hi a share o9 ;retty =elle?erythi'( there =as (oi'(, hot tea, 8read, 8iscuits a'd 8ully 8ee9, a'd

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he did hisel9 =ell. *he ;riso'er =as 'ot eHactly the sort to arouseco;assio', 9or he loo"ed =ell 9ed a'd =as dressed i' a ?ery sartu'i9or. A' o99icer cae u;, sa= the ca;ti?e, a'd said, Do you thi'"this 9ello= loo"s as i9 he =a'ted a'ythi'(S *ruth to tell, the 9ello=did't, a'd as =e did =a't thi'(s 8adly, he =as se't soe=here else, a'd=e =ere 'ot sorry to see hi (o.

A9ter 8ei'( "e;t so co'sta'tly o' the rac", =e had a =elcoe a'drear"a8le cha'(e=e 8ecae ca?ed=ellers. We s;e't 9i?e days a'd'i(hts i' soe o9 the 9aous ca?es at /oisso's, a'd had a thorou(hlyco9orta8le a'd ha;;y tie. We had a 9i'e cha'ce o9 resti'( a'de'oyi'( oursel?es, a'd =e ade the ost o9 it.

ri(i'ally these ca?es =ere occu;ied 8y ?ery ;riiti?e ;eo;le latelythey =ere used as a +re'ch hos;ital, a'd the +re'ch ade all sorts o9i'teresti'( ;ictures a'd car?i'(s o' the outsides, 8y =ay o9 decoratio',the' the !ritish too" the o?er as 8illets. !y 'ature the ca?er's =ereNueer (looy ;laces, 8ut a (ood deal had 8ee' do'e to a"e theha8ita8le, such as 9itti'( i' doors a'd =i'do=s. *here had 8ee' a lot o99i(hti'( 'ear the ca?es, =ith the result that there =ere (ra?es at the

?ery e'tra'ces o9 soe o9 these u'coo' 8illets 8ut this had 'o e99ecto' our s;irits. We did 'ot allo= oursel?es to 8e de;ressed. What is theuse o9 that i' =artieS *he !ritish soldier has the ha;;y "'ac" o9a"i'( hisel9 at hoe i' all "i'ds o9 odd ;laces, a'd so =e did i' our8illets i' the roc"s a'd hillside. We called o'e o9 our ca?es the Ca?e*heatre Royal, a'd a'other the Ca?e Ci'ea, a'd a'y a cheer9ul;er9ora'ce a'd 9i'e si'(so'( =e had. *he o'ly li(ht =e had cae 9roca'dles, 8ut you ca' si'( ust as =ell 8y ca'dleli(ht as you ca' 8y 8i(electric la;s, a'd I do't su;;ose that e?er si'ce the ca?es =ereoccu;ied they ra'( =ith ore cheer9ul sou'ds tha' =ere heard =he' the!ritish soldiers =ere oi'i'( i' a chorus o9 the latest ;o;ular so'(9ro hoe.

A'other (reat ad?a'ta(e o9 the ca?er's =as that they (a?e s;le'did co?erto our (u's, a'd ;rotectio' to oursel?es, so that these 9i?e days a'd'i(hts (a?e us a real rest a'd co;lete cha'(e, a'd =e =ere ?ery sorry=he' =e le9t the a'd resued the =or" o9 i'cessa't 9i(hti'( a'darchi'(. We =ere co'sta'tly at the (u's, a'd 8y =ay o9 sho=i'( =hat a9ear9ul 8usi'ess the artillery duels 8ecae at ties, I ay tell youthat 9ro a si'(le 8attery alo'ethat is, hal9adoOe' (u'si' o'e daya'd 'i(ht =e 9ired ore tha' K000 rou'ds.

It =as a ?ast cha'(e 9ro the co9ort a'd sa9ety o9 the ca?er's, =here'e?er a 4era' shell reached us, to the o;e' a(ai', 8ut =e (ot our Nuietties a'd little recreatio's still, a'd o'e o9 these i'ter?als =ede?oted to 9oot8all. We =ere at Messi'es, a'd so =as a ho=itOer 8attery,a'd as =e ha;;e'ed to 8e rather slac", =e (ot u; a atch. I a "ee' o'

9oot8all, a'd thi'(s =ere (oi'( s;le'didly. I had scored t=o (oals a'd=e =ere leadi'( 31, =he' the (ae cae to a ?ery sudde' sto;, 9or soe4era' aire' had see' us ru''i'( a8out a'd had s=oo;ed do=' to=ards us,=ith the result that the ho=itOer cha;s =ere rushed i'to actio' a'd =e9ollo=ed =ithout a'y loss o9 tie. We too" it Nuite as a atter o9course to let the 9oot8all (o, a'd ;ou'd a=ay at the 4era's, =ho had sosudde'ly a;;eared. It =as (etti'( rather late, so =e (a?e the e'eya8out 9i9ty rou'ds 8y =ay o9 sayi'( (ood'i(ht. We al=ays ade a ;oi'to9 8ei'( ci?il i' this directio' 8ut our usual dose 9or (ood'i(ht =asa8out 9i9tee' rou'ds.

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*al"i'( o9 9oot8all recalls sad eories. ' !oHi'( Day, 1F13, =he' Ia'd a' old chu =ere hoe o' lea?e, I ;layed i' a 9oot8all atch, a'd atthe e'd o9 the (ae a ;hoto(ra;h =as ta"e' o9 the tea. ' last !oHi'(Day, i9 the roll o9 the tea had 8ee' called, there =ould ha?e 8ee' 'oa's=er i' se?eral cases9or death a'd =ou'ds ha?e claied soe o9 theele?e'. &ittle did =e thi'" =he' =e =ere 8ei'( (rou;ed 9or the ;icturethat it =as the last uster 9or us as a tea.

We had (ot throu(h the tail e'd o9 suer a'd =ere =ell i'to autu', a'dsoo' the (loo o9 5o?e8er =as u;o' us, the' cae y cha'(e o9 luc" a'dI =as "'oc"ed out. It =as 5o?e8er 2, a'd alost as soo' as it =asdayli(ht =e =ere i' the thic" o9 a' u'coo'ly 9urious artillery duel,o'e o9 the ?ery =orst I ha?e see'. *he 4era's seeed to 8e a"i'( as;ecial e99ort that or'i'(. *hey had (ot our ;ositio' ;rettyaccurately, a'd they 9ired so Nuic"ly a'd had the ra'(e so =ell that =e=ere i' a real hell o9 8ursti'( shra;'el, i'deed, the 9ra(e'ts =ere so'uerous that it is little short o9 a iracle that =e =ere 'ot =i;edout.

We had 'ot 8ee' lo'( i' actio' =he' a shell 8urst o' the li8er;ole,sashed it i' hal?es, ;e'etrated throu(h the =heel, 8le= the s;o"es o9the =heel a=ay a'd shot e soe dista'ce i'to the air. +or a little=hile I had 'o clear idea o9 =hat had ha;;e'ed, the' I 9ou'd that threeo9 us had 8ee' =ou'ded. My ri(ht 8oot had 8ee' 8lo=' to shreds, a'dthere =as a hole ri(ht throu(h the le9t 8oot. /o uch I sa= at o'ceaess o9 8lood a'd earth a'd leather 8ut o9 the eHte't o9 y =ou'ds I"'e= ?ery little, 'or did I trou8le uch a8out the at the tie. *he9irst thi'( I did =as to (et i'to the ai' ;it 8y the side o9 the (u',the ca;tai' a'd o'e or t=o chus hel;i'( e, a'd there, thou(h the ;ai'o9 y =ou'ds =as terri8le, I lau(hed a'd chatted as 8est I could, a'd Isa= ho= the 8attery "e;t at it a(ai'st 8i( odds.

5u8er 1, /er(ea't !ar"er, =ho =as i' char(e o9 the (u', had 8ee' struc"8y a ;iece o9 shra;'el, =hich had 9ractured his le( 8ut thou(h that =asNuite e'ou(h to "'oc" hi out o9 tie, he 'e?er 9li'ched or 9altered. eheld o' to his (u', a'd =e't o' 9i(hti'( ;retty uch as i9 'othi'( hadha;;e'ed. 5u8er 2, 4u''er Weedo', had 8ee' =ou'ded throu(h the thi(h, a8ad i'ury a8out three i'ches lo'( 8ei'( caused 8ut he, too, held(aely o'.

I tried to cra=l out o9 the ;it 8ut could 'ot do so, a'd I ;assed thetie 8y tryi'( to cheer y chus, ust as they did their 8est to hel; eto "ee; y o=' s;irits u;.

*he ser(ea't 9ou'd tie occasio'ally to tur' rou'd a'd as" ho= I =as(etti'( o'.

Its all ri(ht, old !ea', he shouted cheerily. ee; Nuiet. We ca'a'a(e =ithout you. A'd he =e't o' 9iri'(, =hile the o99icers co'ti'uedto (i?e orders a'd e'coura(e the e'.

I =as (etti'( ?ery thirsty a'd cra?ed 9or a dri'" 8ut I sa= 'o ;ros;ecto9 (etti'( either =ater or a'ythi'( else at such a tie.

*he ser(ea't 'oticed y distress a'd (a?e e the s=eetest dri'" I e?ertasted, a'd that =as a drau(ht 9ro his o=' ca'tee'. e a'a(ed to sto;

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9iri'( 9or a 9e= seco'ds =hile he did thisust lo'( e'ou(h to sli'(his ca'tee' rou'd, let e ta"e a ;ull, a'd sli'( it 8ac". I lear'eda9ter=ards that throu(hout the =hole o9 that day, i' that i'9er'o o99iri'( a'd 8ursti'( shells, the ser(ea't stuc" to his (u' a'd "e;t itat. +or his coura(e a'd te'acity he has 8ee' a=arded the Disti'(uishedCo'duct Medal, a'd 'o a' has e?er ore 9ully deser?ed it.

I =as lyi'( i' the (u' ;it 9or a8out a' hour, the' a doctor cae a'd y=ou'ds =ere dressed, 8ut there =as 'o cha'ce o9 (etti'( a=ay 9or thetie 8ei'(, so I had to =ait till the 9iri'( ceased. At last a stretcher=as 8rou(ht, a'd I =as carried i'to a 8ar' =hich =as at the rear o9 our8attery. 'e o9 the 8earers =as


B*o 9ace ;. 222.B

WE WERE I5 A REA& E&& + !)R/*I54 /RA5E& >;. 221@.%

/er(ea't E. &eet, the ri(ht8ac" i' our 8attery tea. e le9t the 9i(ht

to 8ear a ha'd =ith e, a'd as soo' as I =as sa9ely i' the 8ar' heretur'ed to his ;ost. e had 'o soo'er do'e that tha' he too =as struc"do=' 8y a =ou'd i' the a'"le a'd had to 8e i'?alided hoe.

Whe' I =as carried a=ay the aor a'd the ser(ea'taor said (ood8ye,a'd I rather thi'" they eH;ected that that =as the last they =ould e?ersee o9 e. I certai'ly 9elt 8ad, a'd I daresay I loo"ed it 8ut I =asNuite cheer9ul. I ;articularly 9elt it =he' I ;assed y chu, Charliearriso', 8ecause 9or ore tha' siH years =e had "e;t to(ether =ithout a8rea". We shouted (ood8ye as =e ;assed, a'd I did 'ot "'o= =hether Ishould e?er see hi a(ai'.

Whe' I reached the 8ar' I =a'ted to (et 8ac" to the 8attery, to 8e at yo=' (u' a(ai', to 8ear a ha'd o'ce ore i' the 9i(hti'( that =as still(oi'( o' a'd seeed as i9 it =ould 'e?er sto; 8ut =he' I tried to sta'du; I colla;sed, throu(h ;ai' a'd loss o9 8lood. /oo' a9ter this I heardthat Charlie arriso' too had 8ee' =ou'ded. e =as struc" o' the 'ec"ust a9ter I =as carried a=ay 9ro the (u' ;it a'd had shouted (ood8yeto hi 8ut he 8a'da(ed hisel9 a'd re9used to lea?e the 8attery.

What 8ecae o9 hiS Why, he (ot hoe 9ro the 9ro't a day or t=o a(o,a'd you?e ust see' hi. *here he is. A'd let e sho= you thisshattered 9oot, to let you see ho= it is that I 9orced to ho; =he' I=a't to (et a8out.

A'd 'o= to (et 8ac" to the air raid o' the East Coast, =hich to e a'dother soldiers 9ro the 9ro't =ho sa= it, =as a' eHtraordi'ary

eH;erie'ce, thou(h I 9a'cy that =e too" it ore or less as a atter o9course, 8ecause you so soo' (et used to that "i'd o9 thi'(.

I had scarcely settled do=' at hoe =he' o'e 'i(ht there =as a 9ear9ulcootio', caused 8y dull eH;losio's. I =as a 8it ta"e' a8ac", 9or I"'e= =hat the sou'ds ea't, a'd thou(ht that I had do'e =ith the 4era'sa'd 9i(hti'( 9or a s;ell at a'y rate.

As soo' as the sou'd o9 the eH;losio's =as heard, ;eo;le rushed i'to thestreetsthe ost da'(erous thi'( they could doto see =hat it all

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ea't, a'd there =ere cries that the 4era's had coe.

/o they had. *hey had coe i' a (as8a( or t=o, a'd =ere dro;;i'( 8o8so' the (ood old to=', =hich =as li(hted as usual, thou(h that =as soo'altered.

I ho;;ed i'to the streetho;;i'( is the o'ly thi'( I ca' do at;rese'ta'd there I 9ou'd that there =as i'te'se eHcitee't a'd that=oe' i' ;articular =ere 8adly scared. !ut really the thi'( did 'otu;set e at allit =as ere childs ;lay co;ared =ith =hat I had 8ee'throu(h, so I ade ysel9 use9ul, a'd ho;;ed a=ay a'd 8ou(ht soe8ra'dy, =hich suited soe o9 the scared ;eo;le ?ery =ellso =ell thatthere =as't a dro; le9t 9or ysel9.

*he raid =as soo' o?er, a'd so =as the scare, a'd I ho;;ed 8ac" to thehouse. *here ha?e 8ee' se?eral 9ra'tic alars si'ce the', a'd ore tha'o'ce I ha?e 8ee' sha"e' out o9 y slee; a'd told that the 4era's ha?ecoe a(ai' 8ut all I ha?e said has 8ee' that it =ill ta"e soethi'( 9ar=orse tha' a 4era' (as8a( raid to a"e e tur' out o9 8ed i' theiddle o9 the 'i(ht.


WI* *E +I4*I54 +I+*

  'e o9 the 8attalio's =hich co;osed the $th Di?isio' o9 the  !ritish EH;editio'ary +orce =as the 1st East /urrey Re(ie't. It  =as o' the $th Di?isio' that so uch o9 the hea?y 9i(hti'( 9ell o'  the =ay to the Ais'e, a'd i' that hea?y 9i(hti'( the East /urreys  su99ered ?ery se?erely. *his story is told 8y ri?ate W. 4. &o'(,  =ho reoi'ed his re(ie't 9ro the Reser?e. e has 8ee' =ou'ded 8y  shra;'el, a'd has ;era'e'tly lost the use o9 his ri(ht ar.%

Whe' I =e't out =ith y old 8attalio', the ou'( !u99s, =e =ere oretha' 1,300 stro'(. Whe' I cae 8ac", a9ter siH =ee"s 9i(hti'(, =e hadlost ore tha' hal9 that 'u8er. *his si;le 9act =ill sho= you =hat theEast /urreys ha?e do'e duri'( the =ar, as ;art o9 the 9aous +i(hti'(+i9th =hich has 8ee' so (reatly ;raised 8y /ir oh' +re'ch.

I had (ot u; to start y days =or" a9ter the Au(ust !a'" oliday 8utthat days =or" =as 'e?er do'e, 9or the ;osta' 8rou(ht the o8ilisatio';a;ers, a'd o99 I =e't to i'(sto', a9ter "issi'( y =i9e a'd 8a8y(ood8ye. Ma'y a 9i'e 9ello= =ho arched o99 =ith e is slee;i'( i' or

'ear a little 9orest =hich =e called /hra;'el Wood. *hat =as 'earMissy, =here =e crossed the Ais'e o' ra9ts.

We lost our 9irst a' soo' a9ter =e la'ded i' +ra'ce, a'd 8e9ore =e etthe 4era's. *hat =as at &a'drecies, =here =e =e't i'to +re'ch 8arrac"s,a'd =ere told o99 i'to roos =hich =e called ra88ithutches, 8ecausethey =ere so sall'o 8i((er tha' a little "itche' at hoe. We =erecro=ded i'to these, a'd the o'ly 8ed =e had =as a 8it o9 stra= o' the9loor. *he 'i(hts =ere 8itterly cold, 8ut the days =ere hot e'ou(h toelt us so =e had a 8athi'( ;arade, a'd had a 9i'e old tie i' the

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ca'al till o'e o9 our e' =as issed.

I loo"ed arou'd, a'd sa= that o'e o9 our 9ello=s =as ha?i'( arti9icialres;iratio' tried o' hi. e cae rou'd, a'd the' he told us thata'other a' had (o'e u'der the =ater. *he' 8e(a' a really 9irstclassdi?i'( dis;lay, a'y o9 our cha;s ;lu'(i'( i'to the ca'al to try to 9i'dthe issi'( soldier.

At last o'e o9 the di?ers rose a'd shouted, I?e (ot hiQ A'd, suree'ou(h, he had 8rou(ht a ;oor cha; to the sur9ace. &ots o9 stro'( ars=ere stretched out, a'd i' a 9e= seco'ds the rescued a' =as (ot o' tothe 8a'", a'd e?ery e99ort =as ade to 8ri'( hi 8ac" to li9e. !ut'othi'( could 8e do'e. *he a' =as dro='ed, a'd =e 8uried hi. *hislittle tra(edy thre= Nuite a (loo o?er us till =e o?ed a=ay.

I a (oi'( to tell o9 a 9e= o9 the thi'(s that ha;;e'ed a'd a99ected e;erso'ally. *hey too" ;lace ostly =he' =e =ere retiri'(, a'd soe o9the occurred i' the early days, =he' =e =ere 9or(i'( alo'( i' 9ear9ully8ad =eather. We =ere soa"ed to the s"i', a'd at 'i(ht did our 8est to(et soe sort o9 shelter 8y 8uildi'( u; the stac"s o9 cor' that had 8ee'

cut 9or dryi'(, 8ut it =as 'o use. *he rai' cae throu(h so hea?ily that=e (a?e the tas" u;, a'd =aited 9or dayli(ht a(ai'. Whe' the day cae it8rou(ht a'other rai' o9 shells a'd 8ullets =ith it. *he ;lace (ot too=ar 9or us, so =e had to lea?e a'd retire a(ai'. We =e't o', (etti'( asuch shelter as =e could a'd the' =e had to halt, a'd here the sorrydisco?ery =as ade that =e had 'ot a rou'd o9 au'itio' le9t. At thistie there =ere ad?a'ci'( to=ards us soe e' i' "ha"i, a'd ourser(ea't, thi'"i'( they =ere our o=' e', told us 'ot to 9ire at the.

*he order =as 'ot 'ecessary, seei'( that =e had 'othi'( to 9ire =ith. Assoo' as these e' (ot le?el =ith us o' our 9la'" they o;e'ed 9ire, a'dthe' =e "'e= that they =ere 4era's, =ho had stri;;ed soe o9 our e',or had ;ic"ed u; !ritish ca;s a'd (reatcoats =hich had 8ee' thro='aside.

I' this des;erate ;ositio' a a' =ho 8elo'(ed to the Cor'=all &i(htI'9a'try =as shot ust 8elo= the le9t ear. e =as "'oc"ed do=', 8ut (otu;, a'd "e;t sayi'(, el; eQ el; eQ

I shouted to hi to lie do=' a'd "ee; u'der co?er, 8ut he too" 'o'otice, a'd "e;t o' calli'( 9or hel;. e cae u; to e, a'd =he' he =as'ear e'ou(h I ;ulled hi do=' a'd 9orced hi to lie o' the (rou'd. Allthis tie there =as a ?ery hea?y 9ire. We =ere (etti'( shots 9ro the9ro't a'd o' our 9la'"s, a'd there =as 'othi'( 9or it 8ut to (et a=ay as8est =e could.

I could 'ot 8ear the thou(ht o9 lea?i'( this Cor'=all a' =here he =as,

so I too" hi u; a'd 8e(a' to carry hi, 8ut it =as ?ery slo= (oi'(. It=as all u;hill, the (rou'd =as sodde' =ith rai', a'd I had to 9orce a=ay throu(h a 9ield o9 tur'i;s, =hich =ere (ro=i'( as hi(h as y "'ees.It =as 8ad e'ou(h to a"e o'es o=' =ay throu(h such a ta'(le as that8ut I a you'( a'd stro'(, a'd I a'a(ed to a"e ;ro(ress, althou(h I=as hit 9i?e di99ere't ties'ot hurt, 8ut struc", a shot, 9ori'sta'ce, hitti'( y ca;, a'other y =ater8ottle, a'd a'other theslee?e o9 y coat.

A9ter (oi'( a lo'( dista'ce, as it seeed, a'd 9eeli'( utterly

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eHhausted, I ;ut y a' do=' u'der =hat I thou(ht =as sa9e shelter. I=a'ted to (i?e hi a dri'", 8ut I could 'ot do so, as the shothole i'y =ater8ottle had let the =ater ru' to =aste.

At last =e reached a road=ay, =here =e sa= soe ore o9 our e', =ho had(ot there 8e9ore us, a'd had coa'deered a horseless cart a'd 9illed it=ith =ou'ded e'.

I (ot the =ou'ded a' i'to the cart, a'd the' o99 =e all =e't. It =as asuch as =e could a'a(e to (et the cart alo'(, 9or it =as such a (reat8i( thi'( 8ut =e =or"ed it =illi'(ly, the o99icers ta"i'( their tur' i'the sha9ts.

We dra((ed the cart alo'( the hea?y roads, 8ut it =as such hard (oi'(that =e sa= that =e should 8e 9orced to (et a horse 9ro soe=here so=e loo"ed arou'd at the 9irst 9ar =e cae toa'd a sorry ;lace it =as,=ith e?erythi'( i' co'9usio', a'd the a'ials a8out su99eri'( terri8lya'd star?i'(a'd there =e 9ou'd a horse o9 the lar(est siOe.

With (reat di99iculty =e (ot to(ether 8its o9 har'ess, stri'( a'd ro;e,

a'd tied the horse i' the sha9ts =ith the ro;es 9or traces, a'd =he' =ehad 9i'ished =e did 'ot "'o= =hether =e had har'essed the horse or tiedthe cart o' to it. A'y=ay, =e (ot alo'( ?ery =ell a9ter that.

*he cart had ao'(st its =ou'ded a' i'9a'try o99icer =ho had 8ee' sa?ed8y o'e o9 our 9ello=s, thou(h the o99icer 8elo'(ed to a'other re(ie't.e had (ot e'ta'(led i' soe 8ar8ed =ire, a'd, as he had 8ee' =ou'dedi' the le(, he could 'ot o?e either o'e =ay or the other. e =asa8solutely hel;less, a'd u'der a hea?y 9ire.

ur 9ello= =e't out a'd (ot to the hel;less o99icer, a'd, 8y stic"i'( atit a'd doi'( all he could, 8ei'( hisel9 ;retty 8adly cut i' theo;eratio', he 9reed the o99icer 9ro the e'ta'(lee't, a'd carried hisa9ely u; to the cart. We =ere (etti'( o' ?ery 'icely =ith our littleco'tri?a'ce =he' =e ra' i'to the 2'd Dra(oo's, 8ut =e soo' le9t the8ehi'd us, a'd 9ou'd oursel?es ao'(st soe o9 our o=' tra's;ort. Weoi'ed u; =ith it, addi'( a'other a'd a ?ery stra'(e =a((o' to thecolu', a'd o' =e =e't u'til =e reached a lar(e to=' a'd halted.

Duri'( the =hole o9 this tie I had 8ee' carryi'( a ca'tee' =hich had8elo'(ed to a +re'cha'. It =as Nuite a 8i( ca'tee', a'd I "e;t it9illed =ith a;;les, o9 =hich =e (ot a' e'orous 'u8er, a'd o' =hich atties =e had ;ractically to li?e 9or t=o or three days to(ether.

We had reached a sta(e o9 9i(hti'( =he' =e had to a"e co'ti'uous shortrushes a(ai'st the 4era's, u'der hails o9 shra;'el. I' a"i'( theserushes it o9te' ha;;e'ed that =e sheltered 8ehi'd a little sort o9

earth=or" =hich =e thre= u;. We ust ade a 8it o9 head co?er a'd lay8ehi'd that 8ut soeties this head co?er could 'ot 8e ade, a'd that=as =here I scored =ith y +re'cha's ca'tee'.

Duri'( o'e o9 our rushes shra;'el 8urst ri(ht o?er y head, a'd o'e9ello= said to e, I =ould't carry that thi'(, 4eor(e, i9 I =ere you.!ut, ha?i'( "e;t it 9or so lo'(, I =as 'ot (oi'( to thro= it a=ay.

A=ay =e =e't. I =as carryi'( the ca'tee' i' y le9t ha'd, a'd y ri9lei' the ri(ht 8ut I cha'(ed the o?er, a'd I had 'o soo'er do'e that

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cre;t a8out li"e a lot o9 ice, till =e reached a ?illa(e, =here =e =ereto (et soe 8rea"9ast.

We =ere settli'( do=', a'd a"i'( oursel?es co9orta8le u'der a =all=hich (a?e us soe co?er. *here =ere soe e' 9ro a'other re(ie't =ithus, a'd =e thou(ht =e =ere (oi'( to ha?e a (ood tie, 9or =e had (othold o9 soe 8iscuits a'd a. *he' o?er the =all cae a shell, =hicheH;loded a'd =ou'ded a8out se?e' e' 9ro the other re(ie't. We did 'otsto; 9or a'y ore 8rea"9ast, a'd soe o9 the e' =ho had had 'othi'( toeat did 'ot trou8le to (et a'ythi'(, a'd they =e't =ithout 9ood 9or therest o9 the day.

We =e't 8ac" to the =ood, a'd there =e soo' a(ai' 9ou'd the 4era's, a'd;le'ty o9 the. We 9ired at the 9or all =e =ere =orth, a9ter =hich =ead?a'ced a little, a'd cae across so a'y dead that =e had to u; o?erthe e?ery ;ace =e too". 'e thi'( =hich ;articularly struc" e the',a'd =hich I ree8er 'o=, =as the (reat siOe o9 soe o9 these 4era'soldiers. At a little dista'ce they loo"ed ust li"e 9alle' lo(s.

A9ter that our o99icer called us to(ether to =ait 9or rei'9orcee'ts. I

thou(ht I =ould ha?e a loo" arou'd e, a'd =hile I =as doi'( so I sa=o'e 4era' ru''i'( o99 to our le9t, a8out 9i9tee' yards a=ay. I too" aia'd 9ired, a'd do=' he =e't. I (ot do=' o' y "'ee a'd u'loaded yri9le, =he' I sa= a'other 4era' (oi'( i' the sae directio'. I =as ust(etti'( ready to ta"e ai a(ai', 8ut this tie I did 'ot 9irei' 9act,I did 'ot e?e' (et to the ai, 9or I 9elt soethi'( hit y ar.

+or the oe't I thou(ht that soe cha; 8ehi'd e had "'oc"ed e =ithhis ri9le or his 9oot. I tur'ed rou'd, 8ut there =as 'o o'e 8ehi'd e,so I co'cluded that I had 8ee' hit. I stood u;, a'd the' y ar 8e(a' to=o88le, a'd the 8lood streaed out o9 y slee?e. /oe o'e shouted,ou?e (ot it, 4eor(e. A'd I re;lied: es i' the ar soe=here, 8ut=here I do't "'o=.

I did y 8est to (et 8ac" a(ai', a'd the' a 9ello= cae, a'd ri;;ed theslee?e o;e' a'd dressed y ar, a'd there =as all y el8o= oi't laido;e', a'd soe o9 the 8o'es 8ro"e'. *his cha; =a'ted to ta"e e 8ac" tothe ?illa(e, 8ut I said I =as all ri(ht, althou(h i' a se'se I =ashel;less. We started (oi'( 8ac", a'd =e (ot to the 9irst house, =here =esa= a ;oor old a' a'd his dau(hter =ho had 8ee' there all throu(h the9i(hti'(. *he ;lace =as 9illed =ith =ou'ded, a'd the t=o =ere doi'(their 8est 9or the.

I as"ed 9or a dri'", 9or I =as alost dyi'( o9 thirst, a'd I (ot soe=his"y. While I =as dri'"i'( it a shell 8urst i' the iddle o9 the road,a'd se't the ud a'd sto'es e?ery=here so I shi9ted y Nuarters, a'd=e't alo'( to a 8i( house =hich had 8ee' a 9i'e ;lace, 8ut it had 8ee'

;ulled to ;ieces, a'd =as 'o= 8ei'( used as a hos;ital. *he ;lace itsel9(a?e 'o ;rotectio', 8ut =e 9ou'd a cellar a'd cro=ded i'to it, a'd there=e =atched the 4era's 8lo=i'( the te;orary hos;ital to ;ieces.

*he 'i(ht cae, a'd it =as terri8le to hear the ;oor cha;s oa'i'( =ith;ai'. I =as i' ;ai' ysel9 'o=, 8ut y su99eri'(s =ere a ere 'othi'(co;ared =ith those o9 soe o9 the e' arou'd e. It seeed as i9 theday =ould 'e?er 8rea", 8ut at last it cae, a'd 8y that tie soe o9 the;oor 9ello=s =ho had 8ee' a"i'( such ;iti9ul 'oises =ere 'o ore. /oetie a9ter that, ho=e?er, I (ot a=ay i' a 9ield a8ula'ce.

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Whe' =e =ere at &e Cateau a'y s;ies =ere cau(ht. I sa= se?eral o9 the.*hey =ere you'( cha;s, dressed u; as =oe' a'd as 8oys a'd (irls, a'd it=as 'ot ?ery easy to detect the. 'e =as dis(uised as a =oa', =ithrather a (ood 9i(ure. I sa= this i'teresti'( 9eale =he' she =asca;tured 8y our artillery. *he (u''ers had their sus;icio's aroused,=ith the result that they 8e(a' to "'oc" the lady a8out a 8it, a'd her=i( 9ell o99. *he' her 9i(ure ;ro?ed to 8e 'ot =hat it seeed, 9or theu;;er 9ro't ;art o9 it =as co;osed o9 t=o carrier;i(eo'sQ I did 'otsee the e'd o9 that 8atch o9 s;ies, 8ut a 8attery ser(ea'taora9ter=ards told e that they had 8ee' duly shot.

'e o9 the ost eHtraordi'ary thi'(s I sa= =as the co'duct o9 a a' =hohad had his ri(ht ar shot o99 9ro a8o?e the el8o=. I =as sta'di'(Nuite 'ear hi, a'd eH;ected that he =ould 9all a'd 8e hel;less. I'steado9 doi'( that, he tur'ed his head a'd loo"ed at the ;lace =here the arshould ha?e 8ee'. I su;;ose he ust ha?e 8ee' "'oc"ed o99 his 8ala'ce 8y=hat had ha;;e'ed. At a'y rate, he (a?e a loud cry, a'd i'sta'tlystarted to ru' as 9ast as I e?er sa= a a' (o. *=o or three e8ers o9the Royal Ary Medical Cor;s at o'ce (a?e chase, =ith the o8ect o9

securi'( hi a'd atte'di'( to hi. *he =hole lot o9 the disa;;earedo?er soe risi'( (rou'd, a'd =hat ha;;e'ed to the I do 'ot "'o=.

I sa= a'y 9ello=s =ho had Nueer tales to tell o9 =hat had ha;;e'ed tothe. 'e cha;, a ri9lea', =ho =as i' the shi; coi'( hoe, =as so'er?ous that the sli(htest 'oise ade hi alost u; out


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o9 his s"i'. A'd =ell it i(ht, 9or his 'er?es had 8ee' shattered. Ashell had 8uried itsel9 i' the (rou'd ust i' 9ro't o9 hi a'd eH;loded,8lo=i'( hi 9i9tee' 9eet i'to the air, a'd la'di'( hi i' a 8ed o9 ud.e =as so co;letely stu''ed that he lay there 9or a8out ei(ht hours,scarcely o?i'(, thou(h he =as 'ot e?e' scratched. e cae rou'd allri(ht, 8ut =as a 'er?ous =rec", a'd had to 8e i'?alided.



  'e o9 the ost o?i'( statee'ts i' the earlier o99icial re;orts  deali'( =ith the =ar =as that a8out the 9i(hti'( at Mo's a'd  else=here, =hich cost us 6000 e', a'd 'o ;ara(ra;h =as ore  stirri'( tha' that relati'( to &a'drecies, a Nuiet little +re'ch  to=' o' the /a8re. I' &a'drecies alo'e, the re;ort said, a  4era' i'9a'try 8ri(ade ad?a'ced i' the closest order i'to the  'arro= street, =hich they co;letely 9illed. ur achi'e(u's =ere  8rou(ht to 8ear o' this tar(et 9ro the e'd o9 the to='. *he head  o9 the colu' =as s=e;t a=ay, a 9ri(ht9ul ;a'ic e'sued, a'd it is  estiated that 'o 9e=er tha' -00 to F00 dead a'd =ou'ded 4era's

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  =ere lyi'( i' this street alo'e. *he story o9 that 9urious co8at  a'd the su8seNue't o;eratio's o' the Mar'e is told 8y Cor;oral 4.  4illia, o9 the Coldstrea 4uards. ' /e;te8er 6, i' co'u'ctio'  =ith the +re'ch, the !ritish assued the o99e'si?e, a'd, a9ter a  9our days des;erate stru((le, =hich is "'o=' as the !attle o9 the  Mar'e, the 4era's =ere dri?e' 8ac" to /oisso's, =ith e'orous  losses.%

It =as early o' the a9ter'oo' o9 Au(ust 26 =he' =e e'tered &a'drecies,=hich is a little (arriso' to=', co'sisti'( ostly o9 a si'(le street i'=hich there are three crossroads. We =ere 8illeted i' the ;eo;leshouses, a'd 9or the 9irst tie i' three days =e had a dro; o9 tea a'd a8it o9 di''er i' co9ort, a'd to cro=' our satis9actio' =e =ere told =ecould lie do=' a'd rest, 8ut =e =ere to ha?e our 8ayo'ets 9iHed a'dri9les 8y our sides a'd "its ready to ;ut o'.

We =ere soo' do=' to it a'd sou'd aslee;. It =as a8out ei(ht ocloc"=he' soe o9 us =o"e, a'd a9ter a so"e =ere o99 to slee; a(ai', 8ut 'ot9or lo'(, 9or alost iediately =e heard the sou'd o9 a otorcycle,

a'd "'e= that the rider =as tra?elli'( at a terri9ic rate.

5earer a'd 'earer cae the sou'd, a'd the rider hisel9 s=e;t rou'd thecor'er o9 the street. e 'e?er sto;;ed 'or slac"e'ed s;eed he si;lyshouted o'e =ord as he ?a'ished, a'd that =as 4era'sQ 'ly o'e =ord,8ut e'ou(h.

Ri9les i' ha'd, =e rushed to the to; o9 the street a'd li'ed the threecrossroads, lyi'( do='. ur o99icer, =ho =as sta'di'( u; 8ehi'd us,said, &ie still, e' a'd =e did;er9ectly still, 'ot a a' o?i'(.All at o'ce, out o9 the dar"'ess, a' o99icer cae a'd cried i' E'(lishto our coa'der, /urre'derQ

We do't surre'der hereQ our o99icer a's=ered. *a"e thatQa'di'sta'tly shot hi throu(h the head =ith his re?ol?er.

ur o99icers shot had scarcely died a=ay =he' crash =e't a 4era'artillery (u', a'd a lyddite shell 8urst ri(ht o?er us. *his =as our9irst eH;erie'ce o9 lyddite, a'd the 9ues 'early cho"ed us.

&ie still, 8oysdo't o?eQ said our o99icer a'd =e lay lo=.

ust the', 9ro the o;;osite directio', =e heard the sou'd o9 horses a'da =a((o', i' the dista'ce, it seeed 8ut soo' it =as ?ery 'ear, a'd toour (reat oy there dashed u; the street o'e o9 the (u's o9 the 1Jth+ield !attery. *here =as a shout o9 I'to actio'Q &e9t =heelQ A'd i'truly a('i9ice't style that (u' =as alost i'sta'tly laid a'd ready 9or


/hells 'o= cae u;o' us ra;idly, =ou'di'( se?eral o9 our e' 8ut ouraHi (u''ers had (ot to =or", a'd ?ery soo' e'orous 'u8ers o9 4era's=ere ;ut 8eyo'd the ;o=er o9 doi'( a'y 9urther ischie9.

Ma'y s;le'did thi'(s =ere do'e that 'i(ht at &a'drecies 8ut there =as'othi'( 9i'er tha' the =or" o9 our aHi(u''er Ro8so', =ho =as o' ourle9t. ur achi'e(u's =ere 8y 'o= at our e'd o9 the to=', a'd they hada solid ass o9 4era's to (o at. Ro8so' =as sitti'( o' his stool, a'd

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as soo' as the o99icer ordered +ireQ his aHi hailed death. Itliterally =as a hail o9 9ire that et the ;ac"ed 4era's, a'd s=e;t do='the head o9 the colu', so that the street =as cho"ed i' a' i'sta't =iththe 4era' dead. *hose =ho li?ed 8ehi'd ;ushed o' i' des;eratio'sho?edo' 8y the asses still 9urther 8ehi'd, the dar"'ess 8ei'( ade li(ht 8ythe 9ire o9 the aHis a'd the e'eys ri9les. *hose 8ehi'd, I say,;ressed o', =ith 9ear9ul cries, 8ut o'ly to 8e o=' do=' a'd shattered,so that the street 8ecae ore tha' e?er (lutted =ith the dead a'd=ou'ded. *he 4era's =ere thro=' i'to 9re'Oy, a'd i9 sheer =ei(ht o9 e'could ha?e dri?e' the head o9 the colu' o' to us 'ot a !ritish soldiercould ha?e li?ed that 'i(ht at &a'drecies.

Mea'=hile, =e had 8ee' ordered to hold our 9ire. *here =ere o'ly 600 o9us o;;osed to a' ie'se 8ody o9 4era's 8ut the aHis =ere doi'(a''ihilati'( =or", a'd the artillery had (ot i'to actio'.

Whe' the (u' o9 the 1Jth had (ot the order to 9ire =e heard a (u''ershout: Watch e ;ut that (u' out o9 actio'Qea'i'( a 4era' (u'=hich had 8ee' 8rou(ht u; a'd laid a(ai'st us. e 9ired, a'd the ostar?ellous thi'( ha;;e'ed, 9or the shell 9ro it =e't ri(ht do=' the

uOOle o9 the 4era' =ea;o' a'd shattered it to ;ieces.

*he' =e heard a shout, a'd 8e9ore =e could loo" rou'd a8out K000 4era'i'9a'try =ere char(i'( us, =ith hor's 8lo=i'( a'd drus 8eati'(addi'(to the 9ear9ul di'.

Do't shoot, 8oys, shouted our o99icer, till I (i?e the =ordQ

' the li?i'( ass o9 4era's cae. *hey rushed u; to =ithi' -0 yards o9us the' the order ra'( out: +ireQ

A(ai' the 4era's (ot it9i9tee' rou'ds to the i'ute 9ro each ri9le,9or the 9ro't ra'" e' had their loadi'( do'e 9or the. As soo' as ari9le =as e;tied it =as ha'ded to the rear a'd a 9resh loaded ri9le =asha'ded 8ac". I' this =ay the ri9les =ere "e;t 9ro (etti'( too hot, a'da' i'cessa't 9ire =as ;oured i'to the 4era's.

I' s;ite o9 this hail, a 9e= 4era's a'a(ed to 8rea" throu(h their=alls o9 dead a'd =ou'ded. 'e o9 the, dis(uised as a +re'ch o99icer,a'd =a'ti'( us to thi'" he had 8ee' a ;riso'er, 8ut had ust 8ro"e' a=ay9ro the 4era's, rushed u; to Ro8so' a'd ;atted hi o' the shoulder a'dsaid: !ra?e 9ello=Q A'd =ith that he =hi;;ed rou'd his s=ord a'd"illed our aHi (u''er o' the s;ot 8ut he hisel9 =as i'sta'tly shotdo=' 8y our e'ra(ed 9ello=s.

*here =as a'other case o9 treachery, this tie, u'ha;;ily, 9ro i'sideour ra'"s. ur (uide, a a' claii'( to 8e a +re'cha', at a8out o'e

ocloc" i' the or'i'(, tur'ed traitor, a'd =e't a'd told the 4era'sho= a'y there =ere o9 us, a'd 8y =ay o9 i'dicati'( our ;ositio' he9ired a haystac" 8ut he had 'o soo'er do'e that tha' t=o 8ulletssettled hi.

'e o9 our cor;orals dashed a=ay to ;ut the 9ire out, 8ut 8e9ore hereached the haystac" he =as "illed. It =as at this tie that ri?ateWyatt, o9 y co;a'y, rushed oute?erythi'( =as do'e at a rusha'd8rou(ht i' a =ou'ded o99icer. *he colo'el, =ho =as o' his horse, a'd sa==hat had ha;;e'ed, said: Who is that 8ra?e a'S e =as told, a'd

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a9ter=ards Wyatt =as ta"e' 8e9ore the (e'eral a'd recoe'ded 9or adecoratio'.

our a9ter hour, all throu(h the tie o9 dar"'ess, a'd u'til dayli(htcae, that terri8le 9i(ht =e't o'. +or se?e' lo'( hours a 9e= hu'dred!ritish 4uards had "e;t at 8ay a' e'orous 8ody o9 4era'sa'd at thee'd o9 the 9iri'( =e had "illed 9ar ore tha' the =hole o9 our 9orce'u8ered =he' the 8attle 8e(a'. We had (i?e' the =holesale death 9roour achi'e(u's, our ri9les, a'd our artillery, a'd they had 9aceditthey had 8ee' dri?e' o' to it. 5o= they =ere to ha?e the 8ayo'et.

We (a?e the t=o char(es 8ut they did't sto; lo'(, 9or as soo' as theysa= the cold steel o' the e'ds o9 our ri9les they =ere o99 li"e a shot,thro=i'( do=' a lot o9 ri9les a'd eNui;e't. Whe' this ha;;e'ed it =as8et=ee' 9i?e a'd siH ocloc" o' the or'i'( o9 the 2Jth, a'd =e the' (otthe order to retire.

We =ere told that =e had lost 126 i' "illed a'd =ou'ded. *hat =as ahea?y list, 8ut 'ot so 8i( as =e had eH;ected, 8eari'( i' i'd the9urious 'ature o9 the 9i(ht. *he ar?el =as that =e had 'ot 8ee' =i;ed

out, a'd =e should certai'ly ha?e 8ee' i' a ?ery serious state i9 it had'ot 8ee' 9or the 1Jth +ield !attery. *here is this to 8e said, too: i9the 4era's had 8ro"e' throu(h our li'es it =ould ha?e ea't that, i'all ;ro8a8ility, the =hole /eco'd Di?isio' o9 our ary =ould ha?e 8ee'cut u;.

We 9ell i' a'd =ere soo' o' the arch a(ai', retiri'(, a'd =e arched as9ast as =e could (o till =e halted at a rather lar(e to=' a8out te'iles 9ro &a'drecies. ere =e =ere i' clo?er, i' a =ay o9 s;ea"i'(,8ecause =e sheltered i' a clay;it =here the +re'ch had 8ee' a"i'(8ric"s, a'd =e all sat do=' a'd =aited 9or our tea o9 4era' shells.

*hey soo' cae a'd =e =ere o' the o?e a(ai', a'd =e =ere co'sta'tly atit, retiri'( a'd 9i(hti'(, u'til =e halted a8out thirty iles 9roaris the' =e =ere told that a9ter retiri'( a'other doOe' iles it=ould 8e our tur' to ad?a'ce.

Did't =e cheerS It =as (lorious to hear =e =ere (oi'( to chase the4era's i'stead o9 their chasi'( us. At this tie =e had our 9irst =ash9or a 9ort'i(ht, a'd it =as as (ood as ha?i'( a thousa'd ;ou'ds (i?e' tous.

*he 9iercest 9i(hti'( o9 the =ar has ta"e' ;lace o' /u'days, a'd it =aso' a /u'day that the !attle o9 the Mar'e 8e(a'. *he 4era's had had the8i((est sur;rise o9 their li?es o' a /u'day, a'd that =as at Mo's.*hou(h =e had 8ee' "e;t o' the (o 8ecause they out'u8ered us soho;elessly, =e auled the ercilessly o' the retreat, teachi'( the

a'y 8itter lesso's. Whe' =e (ot to the Mar'e a'd =ere a8le to tac"lethe o' eNual ters, they scarcely had a loo" i'. *he 4era's had alostreached the 9orts o9 aris, a'd, I daresay, had their 8a'ds ready to;lay the i'to the city. /oo', ho=e?er, they =ere hurryi'( 8ac" o' theirtrac"s a (ood deal 9aster tha' they had coe. We heard the 4era' 8a'ds;layi'( a (ood a'y ties, 8ut e?ery tie =e heard the usic it =as9arther a=ay 9ro aris.

We co?ered such 8i( trac"s o9 cou'try, a'd sa= so a'y (reat ha;;e'i'(s,that it is the ost di99icult thi'( i' the =orld to "'o= =here to start

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a story o9 the Mar'e 8ut I =ill coe do=' to the tie ust 8e9ore the8attle, =he' =e =ere still retiri'(, a'd had (ot used to archi'( t=e'tyor t=e'ty9i?e iles a day. We had le9t the 4era's ?ery sore 9or coi'(too close to us, a'd =e had (o'e throu(h a sall to=' a'd e'tered a(reat =ood.

While =e =ere i' the =ood I had to 9all out. Alost i'sta'tly I heardthe sou'd o9 tal"i'( =hich =as't E'(lish, a'd i' the dista'ce I sa= siH4era's coi'( a9ter e as hard as they could. I thou(ht it =as all u;=ith e, 8ut I said Coe o', chu, lets clearQchu 8ei'( yri9le, =hich I had ;laced o' the (rou'd. I s'atched it u; a'd s;ra'(8ehi'd a tree, a'd 9elt 9airly sa9e. Its =o'der9ul =hat a 9eeli'( o9security a (ood ri9le a'd ;le'ty o9 au'itio' (i?e you. I =aited tillthe 4era's (ot =ithi' a hu'dred yards o9 e the' =ith a (ood ai I9etched do=' t=o 8ut y ;ositio' =as 8ecoi'( ?ery critical, as theother 9our dod(ed 9ro tree to tree, =atchi'( 9or a cha'ce to ;ot e,a'd it loo"ed ?ery uch as i9 they =ould't ha?e lo'( to =ait. I do't"'o= =hat =ould ha?e ha;;e'ed, 8ut to y i'te'se relie9 three e' o9 the1Jth +ield !attery, =hich =as ;assi'(, rushed u; a'd shouted, Do'to?e. Well ha?e eQ

!y this tie the 9our 4era's =ere =ithi' a8out 9i9ty yards, co'ti'uallys'i;i'( at eho= I 8lessed the 9or 8ei'( such 8ad shotsQa'd at lastthey cae out i'to the o;e' a'd ade strai(ht i' y directio'. !ut theyo'ly dashed a8out t=e'ty yards, 9or y rescuers ;ut ;aid to the 9ouro9 the, a'd sa?ed e 9ro 8ei'( ade a ;riso'er a'd =orse, 9ar =orse,9or 8y that tie =e had see' ;roo9 e'ou(h o9 the o'strous thi'(s theydid to e' they ca;turedthi'(s you i(ht eH;ect 9ro sa?a(es, 8utcertai'ly 'ot 9ro soldiers o9 a 'atio' that 8oasts so uch o9 itsci?ilisatio'.

*he last day o9 our retiree't =as /e;te8er K, a'd o' that day =e 'e?ersa= the e'ey. We had crossed a'd recrossed the Ri?er Mar'e, a'd had8lo=' u; 8rid(es as =e retired 8ut the 4era's thre= their o=' 8rid(eso?er the ri?er =ith aaOi'( s;eed, a'd "e;t u; the ;ursuit. /oetiesthey o?erdid their Oeal, a'd =ere a tri9le too Nuic" 9or their o='co9ort.

We had 8lo=' u; t=o 8rid(es that crossed the Mar'e, o'e a rail=ay 8rid(ea'd the other a 9i'e sto'e structure. I =as o'e o9 the last o9 our e'to cross the sto'e 8rid(e 8e9ore the e'(i'eers, =ho had ade it ready9or destructio'. *he 8rid(e ra' 8et=ee' t=o hi(h 8a'"s, so that it =as aco'sidera8le hei(ht a8o?e the =ater. Whe' the eH;losio' too" ;lace there=as a tree'dous shatteri'( roar, alost li"e a sal?o o9 !lac" Marias,the' a crashi'( a'd (ri'di'( a'd thuddi'( as the iddle o9 the 8rid(e=as utterly =rec"ed, a'd 9ell i'to the ri?er, lea?i'( a' ie'se (a;8et=ee' the 8a'"s. *he =or" o9 o'ths, costi'( thousa'ds u;o' thousa'ds

o9 ;ou'ds, had 8ee' sashed i' a 9e= seco'ds.

I =as loo"i'( 8ac" at the rui's =he' I sa= a otorcar, =ith se?eral4era's i' it, teari'( a9ter us, ea'i'( to cross the 8rid(e as =e haddo'e. *he car cae o' at a tree'dous s;eed, a'd the 4era's i' it ustha?e had eyes o'ly 9or us a'd 'o'e 9or the road i' 9ro't o9 the, 9orthey rushed o' ri(ht i'to the 8la'" s;ace, a'd 8e9ore they "'e= =hat =asha;;e'i'(, the car =as i' the ri?er.

We had had 8attle a9ter 8attle, each o'e i' itsel9 e'ou(h to a"e a lo'(

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story. We had 9ou(ht a'd arched i' the 9ear9ul Au(ust heat, a'd had8ee' tha'"9ul =he' =e could lie do=' =ith a little hea; o9 sa'd or ashea9 o9 cor' as a ;illo=. At last =e =ere so 'ear aris that the 9ortso;e'ed 9ire, a'd that =as the 8e(i''i'( o9 =hat I sure =ill 8e the e'do9 the 4era's.

5o= at last =e =ere i' touch =ith the +re'ch, a'd =e (ot the 4era's i'a ;ro;er (ri;. *he +re'ch (ot rou'd the 4era's a'd tur'ed the to=ardsCouloiers, a to=' o' the Mar'e the' the !ritish too" the o8 o' a'ddro?e the 4era's throu(h the to='. *hat ;art o9 the =or" 9ell lar(elyo' the 4uards, a'd =hat =e =ere doi'( =as 8ei'( do'e, o9 course, o?er a'e'orous stretch o9 cou'try 8y other !ritish a'd +re'ch troo;s.

We had (ot to the 'i(ht o9 /e;te8er $ a'd =ere lyi'( i' tre'ches =hich=e had du( alo'( a ca'al 8a'" a8out Couloiers. We =aited 9or the4era's to coe, a'd they cae i' 9i'e style. It =as (etti'( dar" a'd =ecould a"e out three o9 their aero;la'es s=ee;i'( i' the air li"e 8i(8irds. We had see' a (ood deal o9 the 4era' aero;la'es 8y this tie a'd"'e= =hat to eH;ect. *hese =ere tryi'( to 9i'd out our ;ositio's, sothat they


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could si('al to their (u''ers a'd (i?e the the ra'(e.

/udde'ly the aero;la'es dro;;ed soe 8alls o9 8lue 9ire, a'd ?ery ;rettythe 9ire=or"s loo"ed 8ut =e had't tie to adire the, 8ecause the4era' artillery i'sta'tly o;e'ed 9ire o' us =ith such 9ury that =e 9eltthe ?ery (rou'd sha"e as =e lay i' our tre'ches.

)'der co?er o9 their (u's the 4era'sthe 32'd I'9a'try !ri(ade, Ithi'" it =asdashed u; to the other side o9 the ca'al 8a'" a'd 8laOeda=ay at us 8ut =e 8laOed harder at the. We (a?e the a 9air hell o9ri9le 9ire a'd ?ery soo' they =ere 9orced to clear out, lea?i'( the=hole o9 the ca'al 8a'" littered =ith their dead a'd =ou'ded.

A 9i'e little ti99ey =e had at the Mar'e =as a rear(uard actio', i'=hich there =as o'e o9 those !ritish ca?alry a'd i'9a'try char(es thatha?e sha"e' a lot o9 the 4era's to ;ieces, es;ecially the )hla's, =hoare a ;retty ;oor cro=d i' s;ite o9 all their 8oasti'(.

ur scouts had retur'ed =ith the 'e=s that the 4era's =ere e'tre'cheda8out a ile a'd a hal9 a=ay, o' the 8a'" o9 the Mar'e. We (ot the order

to eHte'd the usual three ;aces, a'd our ad?a'ce (uard =e't out, =hileour ai' 8ody lay do='. ur ad?a'ce (uard had (o'e a8out F00 yards =he'the 4era' i'9a'try o;e'ed 9ire. We too" it u;, a'd there =as aceaseless rattle. We "e;t the 4era's =ell e;loyed, a'd our ad?a'ce(uard =ere ;ouri'( i' a ;ro;er (ood ;e;;eri'(. !ut there =as a littlesur;rise i' store 9or the. We had =ith us a cou;le o9 the a('i9ice't!ritish ca?alry re(ie'tsthe /cots 4reys a'd the 16th &a'cers, a'dthey s=e;t o' till they (ot to a little =ood, =here they had the4era's o' the le9t =i'( o9 their rear(uard, 9airly at their ercy. Whe'they =ere ready 9or the char(e the si('al =as (i?e' to our ad?a'ce

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(uard, a'd, =ith a ;er9ect roar o9 cheeri'(, the !ritish ca?alry a'di'9a'try hurled thesel?es o' the 4era's, a tree'dous =ei(ht o9 horsea'd a'. *he 4reys a'd the 16th 9airly thu'dered o?er the earth, a'd the4uards rushed u; i' s;le'did style, thou(h =e had our hea?y ;ac"s, a'di' such hot =eather a 8i( =ei(ht adds e'orously to the terri9ic =or" o9char(i'(. !ut you do't thi'" o9 heat or =ei(ht at such a tieyou 9eelo'ly the thrill a'd eHcitee't o9 the 8attle a'd ha?e the oy o9 "'o=i'(that you are settli'( the accou't o9 a su99eri'( a'd outra(ed 'atio'.

Ca?alry a'd 4uards (ot i' ao'(st the 4era's a'd 9airly scattered the.I (ot o'e 4era' i' the 8ac" a'd a'other side=ays, a'd all arou'd echus =ere doi'( the sae, =hile the ca?alry =ere cutti'( the 4era'sdo=' e?ery=here. &i8s literally 9le= a8out as they =ere lo;;ed o99 =iththe s=ord, a'd 4era's i' the o;e' a'd i' the tre'ches9or =e routedthe out9ell to the 8ayo'et.

*hat =as a 9ierce a'd 8loody ti99ey, a'd there ha?e 8ee' a'y li"e it.At the e'd o9 it =e had settled that ;articular 4era' rear(uard a'd hada 'ice 8a( o9 ;riso'ers. A lot o9 these ;riso'ers =ere (lad to 8e out o9the 8usi'ess ost o9 the 4era's =e ca;tured seeed to 9eel li"e that,

a'd I ree8er heari'( o'e o9 thea' o99icersay, i' (ood E'(lish,*ha'" 4od I cau(htQ 5o= I shall 'ot star?e a'y oreQ

*al"i'( o9 char(es, I i(ht tell you that there is a (reat di99ere'ce8et=ee' the !ritish a'd the 4era' =ays o9 doi'( it. *he 4era's a"e asuch 'oise as ;ossi8lea ;er9ect de?il o9 a ro=, =ith drus thu;i'(a'd tru;ets sou'di'(, a'd, o9 course, their 8a''ers 9lyi'(. We carry 'ocolours i'to actio' >=e lea?e the at hoe@, =e ha?e 'o druthu;i'(a'd 'o 8u(les sou'di'(o9te' e'ou(h the si('al 9or a char(e is ustsoethi'( li"e a ha'd =a?e or a =ord o9 coa'd 8ut that a's=ers all;ractical ;ur;oses a'd starts us o' the 8usi'ess as Nuic"ly a'd 9ull o99ire as a'y aou't o9 'oise.

Whe' =e had (ot throu(h our 9irst rear(uard actio' =e thou(ht =e haddri?e' the 4era's to the other side o9 the Mar'e a'd (ot the 9airly o'the o?e 8ac" to !erli' 8ut to our sur;rise =e =ere attac"ed 8y astro'( 9orce o9 their ca?alry, =ho had 8ee' i' a8ush 'ot a thousa'dyards a=ay. *he 4era' horsee' cae o' us at a 9ull (allo; a'd s=e;t o'u'til they =ere a8out t=o hu'dred yards a=ay. At this ;articular s;otthere =ere 4uards, Worcesters, a'd Caero's, a'd it loo"ed ?ery uch asi9 the 4era's =ould dash u; a'd do a lot o9 ischie9.

*he coa'der o9 the Worcesters shouted, +iH 8ayo'etsQ Ma"e sure o9your e'.

' cae the 4era' ca?alry, =ith a roar a'd a rattle, u'til they =ereless tha' a hu'dred yards a=ay the' =e let (o a'd the troo;ers tu8led

out o9 their saddles li"e 'i'e;i's. *he (oi'( =as too hard 9or 4era'ca?alry, a'd as o'e o9 their o99icers shouted a' order, they =heeledrou'd a'd ade o99, rushi'(, as they su;;osed, 9or a sa9e ;lace a'd a=ay out 8ut they (allo;ed strai(ht u; to a s;ot =here soe +re'chartillery =ere i' ;ositio'.

*he 4era's thu'dered o' to=ards their 9a'cied sa9ety the' there =erecrashes 9ro the +re'ch artillery, a'd shells =e't ;lu; i'to thehorsee' a'd ;ractically a''ihilated the. orses a'd e' =ereshattered, a'd o9 those =ho esca;ed the +re'ch too" a8out o'e hu'dred

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a'd 9i9ty ;riso'ers. It =as a 9i'e little ;er9ora'ce, a'd hel;ed us to9iH i' our eories the 9irst eeti'( =ith the +re'che' o' the Mar'e.

*he artillery 9ire o' the Mar'e =as a=9ul i' its destructi?e'ess a'dears;litti'( i' its 'oisesoeties the ?ery air seeed to 8e solidatter that =as 8ro"e' i'to chu'"s a'd "'oc"ed a8out you 8ut =e soo'(ot used to it all, a'd lau(hed a'd so"ed a'd o"ed i' the tre'ches,=here, at the 8ac", =e had du(outs =hich =e called ra88ithutches.*hese =ere shelter;laces, =ell co?ered at the to;, a'd =ere ost use9ul;rotectio's a(ai'st shells. Whe' the e'eys 9ire 8ecae too hot =e=ould (o i'to our ra88ithutches.

A8out 'oo' o' the 6th =e had re9ored a'd ad?a'ced to the 8a'" o9 theri?er, a'd there =e 9ou'd that =e =ere o;;osed to a lar(e 8ody o94era's a'd that they had ho=itOer 8atteries =ith the. *hese ho=itOersdo deadly ischie9, a'd the 9ues 9ro their lyddite shells are;er9ectly ;oiso'ousthey s;read throu(h a (ood 8i( ;atch o9 air a'dsu99ocate the e'. It =as a8out 9our ocloc" i' the a9ter'oo' =he' the4era's 8e(a' to ;our i'to us a 9ear9ul 9ire, a'd =e =ere e'9iladed 8utour tre'ches (a?e us soe 9i'e shelter, a'd the 4era's did 'ot ha?e

their o=' =ay 9or lo'(, 'or did they do uch daa(e at that ;oi't. erea(ai' the !ritish had ready o'e ore o9 the a'y sur;rises that the4era's et =ith o' the 8a'"s o9 the Mar'e. 'e o9 our 8atteries o9short ho=itOers, 9our (u's, =e't alo'( the ri?er 8a'" a'd hid i' soe8ushes o' the ri(ht o9 the 4era' ho=itOers, =hile a 8attery o9 our9ield artillery dashed u; a'd too" a coa'di'( ;ositio' =hich (ot the4era's 8et=ee' t=o 9ires. *he' the coa'd =as (i?e', *e' rou'ds ra;id9ireQ

!ut te' rou'ds =ere 'ot 'eededo'ly 9our =ere 9ired 8e9ore the 4era'8attery =as ;ut to rest. !ut the cri;;li'( o9 the 4era' ho=itOers did'ot see to ha?e uch e99ect o' the e'ey at that ;oi't, 9or they rushedu; ore o9 the i'9a'try, =hich, 8rou(ht alo'( 8y ie'se 'u8ers o9trai's a'd otors, literally s=ared o?er the cou'tryside.

At this tie =e re'e=ed our acNuai'ta'ce =ith soe o9 the 4era's =ho=ere "'o=' to us as the dro;shots. I 8elie?e there is o'ly o'e8ri(ade o9 the i' the 4era' Ary, a'd I =ill do the the ustice tosay that they are ?ery (ood at the (ae. *hey "'eel do=', a'd ;utti'(the 8utt o9 the ri9le o' the thi(h, 9ire i' the air at a' a'(le o9 a8out9orty9i?e de(rees. *he 8ullet a"es a 8i( arc a'd dro;s ri(ht o' to; o9you i' such ;laces as tre'ches. *hese dro;shots =ere a8out 9ourhu'dred yards a=ay, 8ut they had't (ot ust the ri(ht ra'(e o9 us a'dthe 8ullets ;lu((ed i'to the =ro'( ;laces.

*he dro;shots tried their Nueer (ae o' us 9or a8out hal9 a' hour,8ut 9i'di'( that they could 'ot daa(e us, they sto;;ed, es;ecially as

=e =ere 8e(i''i'( to shi9t the out o9 their ;ositio's. *here =as soe9urious ri9le 9iri'( 8et=ee' the troo;s e'tre'ched o' 8oth 8a'"s o9 theMar'e, a'd o9te' e'ou(h the redde'ed =ater 8ore a=ay a'y a deadsoldier.

*he 9i(hti'( =as al=ays ost 9ierce =he' the 4era's =ere i' asses a'dhurled their re(ie'ts a(ai'st us i' their atte;t to hac" their =aythrou(h to aris. A'y street 9i(hti'( that cae a8out =as sure to 8eterri9ic, a'd o'e o9 the ost 9urious o9 the 9i(hts too" ;lace i' thestreets o9 Couloiers, a to=' siilar to Readi'(.

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Couloiers, o9 course, =as alost e'tirely (i?e' u; to troo;s, 9or thei'ha8ita'ts had 8ee' =ar'ed 8y us to lea?e a'd (et as 9ar a=ay 9ro the4era's as they could (o. oor souls, they did 'ot 'eed uch ;ersuadi'(,"'o=i'( =hat they did o9 4era' culture, a'd, carryi'( =ith the o'lysuch 9e= odde'ts as they could Nuic"ly collect, they 9led, the roadsleadi'( to aris 8ei'( thic" =ith the. Duri'( this 9i(hti'( i'Couloiers there =as such 8rillia't oo'li(ht that you could see alost=ell e'ou(h to shoot a ra88it.

It =as a8out ei(ht ocloc" at 'i(ht =he' =e (ot to Couloiers. We =ereust (oi'( to sto; to ha?e soe 9ood =he' the 4era's ;ut t=o 8i( shellsi'to us, "illi'( 9our o9 our e', a'd =ou'di'( 9ourtee'. We u;ed u;,9iHed 8ayo'ets, a'd rushed 9or the 4era's 8ut =e =ere 8rou(ht u; 8ysoe ore shells, a'd 9or a cou;le o9 hours the (u's =ere 8a'(i'( at us.+ortu'ately the shells had a 8it too lo'( a ra'(e, a'd i'stead o9hitti'( us they =e't o?er the 8ac" o9 us.

We lay do=' u'til te' ocloc", =he' the order =as (i?e' to ;re;are tochar(e. ); a(ai' =e s;ra'(=e =ere (etti'( used to char(i'(a'd ade

a'other rush, ru''i'( as hard as =e could do=' the street 9or a hu'dredyards, the' lyi'( 9lat i' the road=ay.

All this tie the 4era's =ere ;ouri'( i' o' us a 9ire =hich, i9 it had8ee' accurate, =ould ha?e s=e;t us out o9 eHiste'ce. !ut it =as ?ery;oor stu99, a'd =e =ere luc"y e'ou(h to esca;e =ith the loss o9 a ?ery9e= e'. We =ere lyi'( do=' 9or 9i?e i'utes, the' =e =ere u; a'd o99a(ai', dashi'( alo'( the ai' street.

It =as a rousi'( 8it o9 =or", a'd =e (loried i' it, es;ecially =he',9ro e?ery door=ay i' the street, 4era's dashed out a'd ade a 8olt 9ortheir li?es. *hey had 8ee' 9iri'( at us 9ro 8edroo =i'do=s, a'd tore9ra'tically do='stairs a'd out o9 door=ays =he' they sa= that =e =ere9airly o' the o8 a'd a9ter the.

*hat 8olti'( (a?e us ust the cha'ce =e =a'ted. We dro?e a9ter the9lyi'( 4era's as hard as =e could (o, a'd 8ei'( 8i( a'd ;o=er9ul e',=ith ;le'ty o9 =ei(ht i' us, =e literally ;ic"ed soe o9 the u; o' the8ayo'ets. We rushed the throu(h the to=' a'd out o9 it the' =e caeacross a (a'( o9 4era's =ho =ere 'o (ood at all. *hey had looted allthe =i'esho;s a'd soa"ed thesel?es =ith liNuor. Ma'y a 4era' 9roMo's to the Mar'e =as dru'" =he' he died or =as ade a ;riso'er.

Whe' =e had dashed throu(h Couloiers =e had to halt, 8ecause the4era's had 9our 8atteries o9 (u's a'd a di?isio' o9 ca?alry =aiti'( 9orus. /o =e retired to the crossroads i' the iddle o9 the to=', a'd hadto ta"e u; alost eHactly the sae ;ositio' as =e did at &a'drecies,

=here the Coldstreaers =i;ed out a stro'( 4era' 9orce i' the street.We =aited at Couloiers till our hea?y ho=itOer 8atteries =ere 9etchedu;, the' =e li'ed the crossroads, t=o ho=itOers =ere ;laced at the e'do9 each street a'd =e =ere i' at the 9i'ish o9 the 9i(ht.

It =as a8out id'i(ht =he' the 4era's started shelli'( us a(ai', a'dthe to=' 8laOed a'd 8ooed =ith the a=9ul (u'9ire. We did 'ot su99eruch daa(e, 8ut the houses =ere =rec"ed, a'd 8ric"s a'd sto'es a'd;ieces o9 ti8er =ere 9lyi'( all a8out. A 9e= o9 the 8ric"s struc" us,8ut =e ;aid 'o heed to tri9les li"e that. *he 4era's "e;t u; the 9iri'(

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tie to 9i(ht =aist dee; i' its =aters.

*he !attle o9 the Mar'e =as hard, lo'( =or", 9ollo=i'( a lo'( a'dterri8le retreat 8ut it =as a (lorious ?ictory. We had a'y ;ri?atio's,8ut also a'y co;e'satio's, a'd =e =ere al=ays cheer9ul, a'd ?ery o9te'si'(i'(. *i;;erary =as a' easy 9irst.

We o9te' sa= /ir oh' +re'ch a'd 4e'eral o99re, a'd I ca' tell you that=he' our o=' (reat 9ieldarshal a;;eared it =as as (ood as a ?ictory9or us, 9or =e 9airly =orshi; hi. /ir oh' is a thorou(h (e'tlea', a'dthe 9rie'd o9 e?ery soldier. e used to coe i'to the tre'ches =ith hisha'ds i' his ;oc"ets a'd ta"e 'o ore 'otice o9 the 4era' shells a'd8ullets =hich =ere 8ursti'( a'd 9lyi'( a8out tha' i9 they =ere ;eas shot8y little 8oys.

'e or'i'( /ir oh' cae rou'd the tre'ches, a'd said, as usual, Ise?erythi'( all ri(ht, e'S

Well, sir, he =as told, =e =a't a dro; o9 =ater, ;lease. A'd =e did=a't it, 8adly, 8ecause the =eather =as so 9ear9ully hot, a'd =e =ere

alost 8oiled i' our u'i9ors a'd hea?y "its.

Certai'ly Ill see to that at o'ce, re;lied the 9ieldarshal. eiediately tur'ed rou'd, called to soe e' o9 the tra's;ort =ho =ereat ha'd, a'd told the to 8ri'( us soe =ater at o'ce.

4e'eral o99re, too, =as a (reat 9a?ourite. e s;ea"s E'(lish =ell. 'ce=he' he cae i'to the


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tre'ches he as"ed i9 there =as a'ythi'( =e should li"e. Well, =e =a'tedsoe ci(arettes 8adly, a'd told hi so, a'd he ;ro;tly too" a 8oH o9a8out a hu'dred 9ro his ;oc"et, a'd ha'ded the rou'd. *hey =e't alostas 9ast as the 4era's.

I a 'o= =ell e'ou(h to 8e 8ac" at the 9ro't, a'd I "ee' to (et i'tothe 9iri'( li'e a(ai', a'd rush alo'( i' soe ore 8ayo'et char(es9orthose are the s=oo;s that roll the 4era's u; as uch as a'ythi'( =e do.

I ha?e 8ee' a Coldstreaer 9or ore tha' a doOe' years, a'd ha?e al=ays8ee' ;roud o9 it 8ut I 'e?er 9elt ;rouder tha' I do 'o=, a9ter readi'(

=hat our (reat chie9 has said a8out us i' des;atches.

We ha?e soeties 8ee' called 9eather8ed soldiers 8ut =ere "'o=' asColdsteelers 'o=, a'd try to li?e u; to the re;utatio' o9 ourotto/eco'd to 'o'e.


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(rie9 o' the roada road =hich you could 9eel 8ut scarcely see. I do'ti'd sayi'( that =he' I started i' the ;itch dar"'ess o' this eH;editio'I did 'ot 9eel a'y too co9orta8le.

It is the custo at such ties to ride =ithout li(hts, 8ecause li(htsser?e as tar(ets, 8ut i' s;ite o9 this I =as 9orced to li(ht u;, 8ecauseit =ould ha?e 8ee' utterly i;ossi8le to ride =ithout soe sort o9(uide.

A9ter a (ood deal o9 trou8le a'd a lot o9 ris" I reached the ?illa(e a'dthe' I had a ost u';leasa't shoc", 9or a !el(ia' ;easa't told e thatthe 4era's =ere actually occu;yi'( soe o9 the houses.

*hat =as a startli'( a''ou'cee't, 8ut the added da'(er 9orced e to sety =its to =or" to decide =hat it =as 8est to do. At last I deteri'edto a"e trac"s do=' a side street.

I =as ridi'( ?ery slo=ly a'd care9ully =he' I =as ;ulled u; short =ith ashar; cry o9 alt a'd I "'e= that a loaded ri9le =as co?eri'( e 'ot9ar a=ay.

I did haltI did't 'eed to 8e told t=ice, 'ot "'o=i'( =hat 9ate had i'store 9or e 8ut tha'" hea?e' I Nuic"ly 9ou'd that it =as a !ritishse'try =ho had s;o"e'.

I ra;idly told hi =hat I =as out to do, a'd I =as ?ery (lad to ha?e hishel; a'd ad?ice.

*he se'try told e that the ;atrol, li"e =ise e', had acted o' theiro=' i'itiati?e a'd had 9alle' 8ac" o' the ?illa(ea'd that =as oy9ul'e=s, 8ecause it ea't that y =or" =as ;ractically do'e.

!ei'( (reatly relie?ed I could 'ot resist the te;tatio' to tell these'try that I i(ht ha?e scooted ;ast hi a'd (ot clear, 8ut y huour?a'ished =he' a'other !ritish soldier 9ro the dar"'ess said (rily,es, you i(ht ha?e (ot ;ast BhiB, 8ut BIB should ha?e ;ut a 8ulleti'to youQ

I ha?e 'ot the sli(htest dou8t that this sart 9ello= s;o"e thetrutha'y=ay, i9 he had issed e I should dou8tless ha?e 8ee' ;otted8y a chu o9 his, 8ecause there =ere 9our se'tries ;osted at shortdista'ces 9ro this ;lace. I could 'ot see a si(' o9 the, 8ut o9 coursethey had y li(ht as a tar(et a'd they =ere as "ee' as ustard, "'o=i'(that the 4era's =ere i' the ?illa(e.

*here =ere a (ood a'y little thrilli'( eH;erie'ces 9or all o9 us =hichcae i' as ;art o9 the days =or", a'd ost o9 the =ere thorou(hly

e'oya8lea 9e= i' ;articular I =ould 'ot ha?e issed 9or =orlds. 'eo9 these =as a little au't =ith a' aroured otorcar.

I'cide'tally, this eH;erie'ce sho=ed e that =e ha?e lear't a (ood deal9ro the /outh A9rica' War. It is ;retty coo' "'o=led(e 8y this tiethat the 4era's s;ra'( soethi'( o9 a sur;rise o' the =orld =ith their8i( (u's 8ut our o=' aroured cars cae o' the 4era's =ith e?e' orestu''i'( e99ect. It =as the /outh A9rica' War =hich to a (reat eHte't(a?e us the ost use9ul "'o=led(e =e 'o= ;ossess o9 aroured cars a'daroured trai's.

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*he aroured car is a de?elo;e't o9 the idea o9 the aroured trai',=ith this e'orous ad?a'ta(e, that you ca' (et your car ;retty 'earlya'y=here, =hile the trai' is liited i' its o;eratio's to the li'es o'=hich it ru's. Rear"a8ly (ood otorcar =or" at the 9ro't has 8ee' do'e8y !ri(adier4e'eral /eely a'd Coa'der /a;so'. /oe o9 these cars areeHtreely ;o=er9ul a'd 9ast, =ith hu(e =heels, a'd i' the ha'ds o9s"il9ul dri?ers they ca' o?ercoe alost a'y o8stacle.

I' order to eet the eHce;tio'al dea'ds =hich a =ar li"e this a"esu;o' the the cars ha?e to 8e s;ecially ;rotected a'd stre'(the'ed. *he8ody itsel9 is ;rotected =ith tou(he'ed steel, =hich has so uchresista'ce that 8ullets si;ly a"e 'o i;ressio' o' it, a'd li(ht (u'sca' there9ore 8e ou'ted 8ehi'd the etal =hich ca' do e'orouseHecutio' ao'(st 8odies o9 the e'eys ri9lee' or troo;s =ho are 'ot;rotected 8y a'ythi'( 8ut ri9les. I9 you =a't eHcitee't, there9ore, youca' (et it to the 9ull 8y 8ei'( associated =ith these achi'es. Whe'e?erthey (o out they si;ly loo" 9or trou8lea'd they ca' a99ord to do so,8ecause they des;ise ordi'ary ca?alry a'd i'9a'try tactics. *heir chie9(ai' has 8ee' )hla' ;atrols, =hich they ha?e =i;ed out =ith the (reatest


/couts 8ri'( i' =ord o9 e'ey ;atrols o' the road o99 s=oo; the carsstrai(ht to the s;ot, a'd the 9u' 8e(i's.

My o=' little o8 =as 'ot actually i' a' aroured car, 8ut acco;a'yi'(o'e. Very o9te', i' the case o9 a retreat, the cars reai' 8ehi'd theai' li'e, to do the =or" o9 =i;i'( out as a'y o9 the e'eys ad?a'ced(uards as they ca' (et u'der 9ire, a'd a' a99air o9 this descri;tio'too" ;lace duri'( the retreat 9ro Roulers.

I ha;;e'ed to 8e there, ared =ith y ri9le, =hich I carry i' ;re9ere'ceto a re?ol?er, 8ecause I ha?e 9ou'd it ore use9ul.

I stayed 8ehi'd to "ee; i' touch =ith the aroured car. *his =as at acor'er o9 o'e o9 the roads, a'd a ;roi'e't 9eature o9 the district =asa 8re=ery, the e'tra'ce to =hich coa'ded the a;;roach 8y road.

Matters at that ;articular tie =ere ?ery li?ely a'd the car =as s=i9tlyru' i'to the yard, =here =ith asto'ishi'( s"ill a'd s;eed it =asdis(uised as uch as ;ossi8le a'd the' it =as ready to (i?e the 4era'sa sur;rise.

I le9t y achi'e rou'd the cor'er, a'd ade y =ay i'to o'e o9 the'earest o9 the houses. Rushi'( u;stairs, I e'tered a 8edroo a'd =e't tothe =i'do=, =here I too" u; a ;ositio' =ith y ri9le, a'd "e;t ;ro;erlyo' the alert, 9or you 'e?er "'e= 9ro =hich Nuarter a 8ullet =ould coe

a'd settle your accou't 9or e?er.

*here =as e?ery reaso' to 8elie?e that the e'ey =ould coea'd theydid. *hey cae alo'( as i9 they =ere satis9ied that 'othi'( could ha;;e'to thecertai'ly the 4era' 8ody that =as a"i'( its =ay alo'( theroad had 'o idea that a dis(uised otorcar =as ready to (i?e it a=elcoe as soo' as it (ot =ithi' stri"i'( dista'ce o9 the e'tra'ce tothe 8re=ery. !ei'( 4era's, dou8tless their thou(hts, =he' they sa= the8re=ery, =ere ore co'ce'trated o' 8eer tha' o' the !ritish troo;s i'a8ush.

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' the 4era's cae, a'd o'e could 'ot hel; 9eeli'( ho= a=9ul it =asthat they should 8e ad?a'ci'( utterly u'sus;ecti'(ly i'to a ;er9ectdeathtra;.

+ro 8ehi'd y 8edroo =i'do=, ri9le i' ha'd, I =atched the coe u; totheir doo. *hey (ot 'earer a'd 'earer to the i''oce'tloo"i'( 8re=erye'tra'ce a'd to the houses a'd other ;laces =here the u'see' ri9les =ereco?eri'( the the', ust at the ri(ht oe't, the aHis 9ro thearoured car rattled a'd the ri9les "e;t the co;a'y.

*he 4era' ra'"s =ere shattered a'd scattered i'sta'tly. It =as a s=i9ta'd destructi?e ca''o'ade a'd the 4era's =e't do=' i' the 9atal road=ayust li"e 'i'e;i's. I do 'ot thi'" I eHa((erate =he' I say that;ractically the =hole o9 the e'eys ad?a'ced (uard =as =i;ed out i' a9e= oe'ts.

*his little a99air =as as short as it =as 8rillia't a'd decisi?e, a'dalost 8e9ore there =as tie to realise 9ully =hat had ha;;e'ed the car=as stri;;ed o9 its dis(uise a'd =as triu;ha'tly dri?e' out o9 the

8re=ery yard a'd 8ac" to the !ritish li'es.

Whe' I sa= the car (oi'( I too" it as a si('al that I had 8etter a"etrac"s ysel9, so I hurried a=ay 9ro the 8edroo, (ot clear o9 thehouse, u;ed o' to y achi'e, a'd lost 'o tie i' 9ollo=i'( it.

*his 9i'e ;er9ora'ce, ty;ical o9 a (reat 'u8er o9 such deeds do'e i'the =ar 8y resource9ul e' o9 =hich 'othi'( has 8ee' heard a'd ;erha;s'e?er =ill 8e, stri"es e as 8ei'( a ?ery (ood illustratio' o9 doi'(eHactly those thi'(s =hich the e'ey does 'ot eH;ect you to do.erso'ally, I ha?e al=ays ade a ;oi't o9 ;utti'( this ;ri'ci;le i'to;ractice. I9 the e'ey is =aiti'( 9or you to ta"e the hi(hroad, theo8?ious thi'(, it sees to e, is to ta"e to the 9ields, es;ecially asi' 8ad =eather, i' a cou'try li"e +la'ders, there is ?ery littledi99ere'ce 8et=ee' the 9ields a'd the roads.

*here is o'e i'teresti'( ;oi't =hich I ay e'tio', a'd it is that so9ar I ha?e had 'o di99iculty i' 9i'di'( ;etrol. 5early all the !el(ia'9arers use (ase'(i'es, a'd their stores are ?ery use9ul 9or otorcycles. I 'eed hardly say that I 'e?er sa= a'y =a't o9 =illi'('ess o'the ;art o9 !el(ia' 9arers to hel; the 9i(hters =ho are doi'( their8est to (et the cou'try 8ac" 9or the.

At ;rese't I a 'ot a 8it use9ul as a 9i(hti'( a', 8ecause =he' I =as(oi'( i'to the tre'ches I heard the ;i'( o9 a 4era' 8ullet a'd 9ou'dthat 8lood =as ru''i'( do=' y ar.

Whe' I =as actually struc" I 9elt o'ly a 'u8 se'satio', a'd did 'ot9or soe tie "'o= =hat had ha;;e'ed 8ut later it =as disco?ered thatthe 8ullet had struc" e 8et=ee' the =rist a'd el8o= o9 the ri(ht ara'd had (o'e clea' throu(h, lea?i'( a hole o' each side o9 the ar.

/tra'(e thou(h it ay see, I 9elt little ;ai' at a'y tie, i' s;ite o9the 9act that o'e o9 the 8o'es o9 the ar =as 8ro"e', a'd I a (lad tosay that this =ou'da'd there ha?e 8ee' a' e'orous 'u8er li"e itsi'ce the =ar 8e(a'is a"i'( a 9irstclass reco?ery, a'd I shall soo'8e all ri(ht a(ai'.

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A a' does 'ot (o to =ar 9or 9u', 8ut there is a 8ri(ht side to the (ri8usi'ess, as I 9ou'd =he' I reached a !el(ia' hos;ital. I s;e't three?ery co9orta8le days there, a'd =he' I =as se't o99 to E'(la'd the'urse =ho =as atte'di'( e ?ery (ra?ely ade e a little ;rese't, =hichI as (ra?ely acce;ted. /he ;aid e threehal9;e'ceQ I did 'ot "'o= =hatit ea't, 8ut I co'cluded that I had recei?ed the !el(ia's rate o9daily ;ay as a soldier, a'd his "ee;. I =as ;er9ectly satis9ied, a'd Iho;e y eHcelle't 'urse =as the sae.


EL&I*/ + *E &5D5 /C**I/

  EyeWit'ess, i' his descri;ti?e accou't o9 5o?e8er Kth, deali'(  =ith the 9irst ;hase o9 the des;erate 9i(ht 9or ;res, said that a  s;ecial 9eature o9 the 8attle =as that it 9ored a' e;och i' the

  ilitary history o9 the !ritish E;ire, a'd ar"ed the 9irst tie  that a co;lete u'it o9 our *erritorial Ary has 8ee' thro=' i'to  the 9i(ht alo'(side its sister u'its o9 the Re(ulars. *hat u'it =as  the 1Kth >Cou'ty o9 &o'do'@ !attalio' &o'do' Re(ie't, 8etter "'o='  as the &o'do' /cottish. Its ra'"s co'tai'ed a'y ;roi'e't e' =ho  (a?e u; e?erythi'( at their cou'trys call a'd =e't to the 9ro't.  Ao'(st the =as Mr. . E. Carr, Ma'a(i'( Director o9 /creersto'  Colliery, 5orthu8erla'd, a =ell"'o=' 8reeder o9 !order &eicester  shee;, a "ee' rider to hou'ds a'd a thorou(hly (ood s;ortsa'.  ri?ate Carr ser?ed =ith the &o'do' /cottish u'til he =as =ou'ded  a'd i'?alided hoe a'd it is his story =hich is here retold.%

It is ?ery di99icult to "ee; =ithi' de9i'ed liits the ?ariedeH;erie'ces that are cro=ded i'to a 9e= o'ths at the 9ro't i' a =ar=hich is =a(ed o' such a ?ast scale as the ;rese't co'9lict. E?ery dayhas its o=' 9resh a'd ;articular eHcitee'ts =hich are =orthree8eri'(, a'd o'e ca' scarcely ;ic" out, o99ha'd, the ost startli'(or i'teresti'( ;hases o9 the ca;ai('i'(. o=e?er, the earliesti;ressio's u'dou8tedly cli'( ost te'aciously, a'd I ha?e ?i?idrecollectio's o9 the thrill I eH;erie'ced =he' our tra's;ort s=u'( toher oori'(s a'd the &o'do' /cottish dise8ar"ed o' the other side o9the Cha''el.

I should li"e to say here that the &o'do' /cottish ha?e 8ee' the su8ecto9 a (ood deal o9 coe't, ostly 9a?oura8le, I a (lad to "'o= 8utthere has 8ee' u'due eHaltatio'. *he 8lae 9or this certai'ly does 'ot

rest =ith the &o'do' /cottish, 8ut i' other ;er9ectly =ellea'i'(Nuarters.

I a ;roud i'deed to 8elo'( to the &o'do' /cottish, 8ecause they are(ood 8oys to 8e ao'(st, so (ood that there =as 'o reaso' =hate?er =hy;eo;le should ha?e eH;ressed sur;rise that the 9irst *erritorials to (oi'to actio' did so =ell. I do't thi'" there =as a'y reaso' 9orasto'ishe't, 9or the &o'do' /cottish had 8ee' a =elltrai'ed 8ody o9Volu'teers 8e9ore the *erritorial syste cae i'to 8ei'(. A'd i9 they;ulled throu(h, as they did, =he' the actual 9i(hti'( 8e(a', do 'ot let

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it 8e 9or(otte' that they had soe (lorious eHa;les to 9ollo=. ' theirle9t a'd o' their ri(ht =ere soe o9 the ?ery 9i'est soldiers i' the=orld, a'd it =as 9or the &o'do' /cottish to ;ro?e that they =ere =orthyo9 9i(hti'( =ith these truly s;le'did 9ello=s. *roo;s li"e theColdstrea 4uards, the /cots 4uards, the !lac" Watch a'd the Caero'i(hla'ders are e' =ith =ho it is i'deed a' ho'our to 8e associated.

ur la'di'( o' the Co'ti'e't =as a' e?e't =hich I shall ree8er all yli9e. It ea't that =e =ere a'y iles 'earer to the 8a'd o9 heroes =hohad held the 4era's u; at Mo's a'd had co;letely disarra'(ed a =hole;la' o9 ca;ai('. Whe'e?er I eet a a' =ho 9ou(ht i' that (reatest o9rear(uard actio's I =a't to ta"e o99 y hat to hi.

It =as 'ot lo'( a9ter the =ar 8e(a' that =e 9ou'd oursel?es o' the li'eso9 cou'icatio' a'd 8e(a' to 9eel that =e =ere really 8eari'( a ha'di' the thi'(s that attered. *his =as i' /e;te8er, a'd the =eather8ei'( (ood =e 9ou'd it 'o (reat hardshi; to (uard rail=ays, escort;riso'ers, ru' u; au'itio' 9or the 9i(hti'( li'es a'd do a'y odd o8that cae alo'(. *here =as 'ot a a' ao'(st us =ho did 'ot ;ut his 8ac"i'to the 8usi'ess, realisi'( that it =as all a ;art o9 the tree'dous

(ae that =as 8ei'( ;layed, o'oto'ous a'd u'eHciti'( thou(h the dutiesi(ht 8e, a'd =ith e?ery day that ;assed =e (ot 9itter a'd "ee'er a'd8etter a8le to eet the hea?y calls that cae u;o' us later. We 9eltthat =e =ere really i' a'd ;art o9 the (reat ad?e'ture. I' ?arious=ays =e did a (ood deal o9 =a'deri'(, a'd soe o9 us =e't as 9ar southas 5a'tes.

*his =as a8out har?est tie, a'd =e sa= the old e' o9 +ra'ce a'd the=oe' a'd the 8oys (atheri'( i' the shea?es. &ater o' =e sa= e?e' the=oe' ;lou(hi'(, a'd ?ery (ood =or" they did. 'e thi'( =hich;articularly asto'ished us =as their coura(e i' =or"i'( o' the la'dNuite close u; to the 9i(hti'( li'e. *hey =ere o9te' =ell =ithi' shell9ire, 8ut they did 'ot see to 8e i' the least distur8ed. I su;;ose theythou(ht that i9 their hus8a'ds a'd so's a'd 8rothers could 9i(ht 9or+ra'ce at ri9le a'd 8ayo'et ra'(e they could (o o' =or"i'( 9or theircou'try i' s;ite o9 a stray shell or t=o.

A 9e= =ee"s later =e o?ed u; to the 9iri'( li'e, a'd the' =e had theo;;ortu'ity o9 seei'( ho= (loriously the /cottish Re(ular troo;s =eredoi'( their =or" a'd ai'tai'i'( the s;le'did traditio's o9 the i(hla'dre(ie'ts.

eo;le ha?e 8ecoe so used to aaOi'( ha;;e'i'(s i' this =ar that it is'ot easy to realise that o'ly a ?ery 9e= o'ths a(o the ere si(ht o9a' aero;la'e =as a 'o?elty, a'd it =as a thrill i'deed 9or us =he', 'ear!thu'e, =e had a s;le'did ?ie= o9 a 9i(ht i' the air 8et=ee' !ritish,+re'ch a'd 4era' aire'. *he 4era', i' a achi'e =hich loo"ed eHactly

li"e a' e'orous 8ird i' the s"y, cae scouti'( o?er our li'es, to 9i'dout =hat =as (oi'( o'. *he ere si(ht o9 hi =as e'ou(h to 9etch alo'( a!ritish ;la'e a'd a +re'cha' 9ollo=ed. *his ha;;e'ed o' a clear,;eace9ul /u'day or'i'(, a'd it =as truly =o'der9ul to see ho= the threeachi'es =ere a'u?red to (et the to; ;ositio' a'd so s;ell doo tothe lo=est ;la'e. !y eHtraordi'ary dari'( a'd s"ill, a'd 8ecause his?ery li9e hu'( i' the 8ala'ce, the 4era' a'a(ed to (et a=ay, i' s;iteo9 the ost des;erate e99orts o9 his o;;o'e'ts to 8a( hi. !ut I do'tthi'" he =ould esca;e today, =he' the !ritish a'd +re'ch aire' ha?e so9ully esta8lished their su;eriority o?er the 4era' 9lyers a'd =he' it

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sacred o8ects =ere u'daa(ed =hilst there =as rui' all arou'd the.*a"e the case o9 the cruci9iH o9 ;res Cathedralit is literally truethat this =as 9ou'd e'tire a'd u;ri(ht ao'(st such (e'eral rui' that itseeed as i9 o'ly a iracle could ha?e sa?ed it. I' se?eral other ;lacesI sa= cruci9iHes ha'(i'( u'i'ured o' =alls o9 houses althou(h thestructures thesel?es had 8ee' ;ractically =rec"ed. ' the other ha'd,=hile =e =ere i' the tre'ches I sa= a little 'ic"el cruci9iH =ith a8ullethole ri(ht throu(h it.

With the i'(s Royal Ri9les o' their ri(ht, a'd 9ired 8y their (loriouseHa;le, the &o'do' /cottish =ere i' soe 9urious 9i(hti'( i' theearlier days o9 5o?e8er, a'd the coi'( o9 Christas 8rou(ht ore hot=or". ' Dece8er 22'd =e arched a8out t=e'tysiH iles =ith the8ri(ade, a'd the Coldstreaers, (alla't as e?er, =e't strai(ht i'toactio' a9ter their arri?al. *hey did 9i'e =or" that day, a'd ;aid 9or itaccordi'(ly. *here 9ollo=ed a rest at !thu'e a'd the' =e =e't i'to oretrou8le i' the 'ei(h8ourhood o9 4i?e'chy.

Very little o9 =hat ay 8e called s;ectacular 9i(hti'( =as see'herea8outs it =as ostly tre'ch =or", a'd this =as all the ore

di99icult 8ecause the 4era' tre'ches =ere so close to our o=', a'd thereal old9ashio'ed =ay o9 co'ducti'( a 8attle =as out o9 the Nuestio'.!ut all the sae =e (ot soe ?ariatio's, a'd o'e o9 these =as a 9i(ht9or a 8ric"9ield =hich =as a (ood hot ;er9ora'ce =hile it lasted.

At this ;eriod =e ade a cha'(e o' the usual 9or o9 tre'ch 8y li'i'(our o=' tre'ches =ith 8ric"s, =hich =ere ha'dy 9or the ;ur;ose. *hesetre'ches =ere ore co9orta8le tha' the (e'eral ty;e, 8ut they =ere oreda'(erous, 8ecause =he' a shell 8urst 'ear us the 8ric"s s;li'tered, sothat the 9lyi'( 8ric"s had to 8e added to the da'(ers a'd disco9orts o9the 9lyi'( etal 9ra(e'ts.

'e o9 the 8ric" s;li'ters struc" y ha'd a'd ;oiso'ed it, a'd a'otheru'=elcoe atte'tio' that =as ;aid to e =as a ;iece o9 shra;'el i' the8ac" o9 the 'ec" 8ut these =ere really ?ery i'or details co;ared =iththe i'uries that =ere recei?ed 8y other e8ers o9 the &o'do' /cottish,a'd I a 'ot 9or a oe't co;lai'i'(, 'or ca' I, 9or =he' I cae hoey co;a'y had o'ly t=e'ty le9t out o9 11F. *here had 8ee' thecasualties i' the char(e a'd i' other a99airs, a'd a 'u8er o9 e' had8ee' "illed a'd =ou'ded i' the tre'ches.

At 4i?e'chy =e had to e'dure as 8est =e could that ost u';leasa'te'(i'e o9 =ar =hich is called the tre'ch ortar. *his a99ects hi(ha'(le9ire a'd ;lu;s a shell i'to the tre'ches =he' the ai is (ood. 'eshell dro;;ed i'to a tre'ch o9 ours a'd eH;loded, "illi'( o'e a' a'd=ou'di'( 9i?e othersa rou'd hal9doOe' 9i'e 9ello=s as toll to asi'(le 4era' shot.

*here =ere the s'i;ers, too, ;ests =ho are i'te'sely disli"ed 8y the!ritish soldier. *hese 9ello=s 9i'd a lod(i'( i' =hat sees to 8e a'i;ossi8le sort o9 ;lace, o9te' e'ou(h hi(h u; a tree, a'd 8ei'( =ellsu;;lied =ith 9ood a'd au'itio' they ca' (o o' ;otti'( 9or a lo'( tie=ithout (oi'( do=' 9ro their ;erch. It =as al=ays atter 9or reoici'(=he' o'e o9 these Nueer 8irds =as =i'(ed.

I s;e't Christas i' the tre'ches, =ith the 8oys. It is odd to 8etal"i'( a8out Christas at this tie o9 the year, 8ut that seaso' =as a'

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outsta'di'( 9eature o9 the eH;erie'ces o9 the &o'do' /cottish, ust asthe 5e= ear =as. Christas Day =as co;arati?ely co9orta8le 8ecausethere =as a lull i' the 9i(hti'(. 5e= ears Day =as u'9or(etta8le tothose =ho sa= it i' a'd did their 8est to "ee; u; the 'atio'al custo.

I thi'" that o9 all the stra'(e i'cide'ts that ha?e 8ee' recorded i'co''ectio' =ith this =ar, a'd they ha?e 8ee' a'ya'd soe o9 the ha?e;ro?ed ho= soo' soldiers 8ecoe i;er?ious to the ost terri8leha;;e'i'(s o9 ca;ai('i'(o'e o9 the stra'(est ust ha?e 8ee' the si(ht=e sa= o' 5e= ears E?e.

Whe' the 5e= ear actually cae i' =e 9ired three rou'ds ra;id, a'd the;i;es o9 the !lac" Watch rose o' the 'i(ht, =hile our o=' ?oices 8ro"ei'to Auld la'( sy'e. Wo'der9ul a'd a99ecti'( it =as to hear the ;i;esa'd the dear old tu'e a'd a'y o9 us =ere dee;ly o?ed.

*he e99ect o' the 4era's =as ?ery curious. A;;are'tly they ud(ed 9rothe sou'ds o9 the ;i;es a'd the roll o9 the so'( that the /cots =ere(oi'( to ;ay the a s;ecial ?isit =ith the 8ayo'et, a'd 8y =ay o9 8ei'(ready 9or it a'd (i?i'( us a =elcoe, they se't u; starli(hts, a'd

these, 8ursti'( i' the air, (a?e a si'ister illui'atio' o9 thela'dsca;e a'd =ould ha?e sho=' us u; i9 =e had had i' i'd the ;ur;oseo9 a' assault o' the 4era' tre'ches. !ut =e had 'o i'te'tio' o9 letti'(the 5e= ear i' u;o' the i' such a' u'9rie'dly a''er, althou(h lateri' the day =e =ere o9 'ecessity hard at it a(ai' i' the ordi'ary =ay o99iri'(.

+ro day to day the &o'do' /cottish "e;t at it, doi'( their 8est, Iho;e the', o' a'uary 2$th a s;ell o9 u'coo'ly hard =or" cae alo'(.*he Coldstreaers, =ho had held out (loriously a'd success9ully a(ai'st(reat odds, had to =ithdra= 9ro their tre'ches o=i'( to a' o?er=heli'(attac" 8y the e'ey. +or the tie 8ei'( the 4era's had scored a'd 'odou8t they =ere eHulti'( i' their 8est a''er, 8ut the &o'do' /cottish=ere se't u; to rei'9orce the Coldstreaersa'd ;roud they =ere to doit. &ater i' the a9ter'oo' the !lac" Watch, =ith the /usseH Re(ie't a'dthe Royal Ri9les, cae u; too, a'd the co8i'atio' ;ro?ed too uch 9orthe 4era's, =ho, a9ter a 8rillia't attac", =ere se't 9lyi'( 8ac" totheir o=' tre'ches.

I ha?e heard that a'y old a'd you'( 4era's ha?e 8ee' ta"e' ;riso'ersat ?arious ;arts o9 the ie'se 8attle9ro't o9 the Allies 8ut thosethat I sa= ;ass throu(h our li'es =ere 'either ?ery old 'or ?ery you'(.ccasio'ally =e o8ser?ed si('s that they reNuired a (ood lot o9 leadi'(,that is to say, leadi'( 9ro 8ehi'd 8ut (e'erally s;ea"i'( theyseeed to 8e the 8est e' that 4era'y had a'd o' the =hole they =ereu'dou8tedly (ood 9i(hters.

While tal"i'( o9 4era' ;riso'ers I a rei'ded o9 a ;articularly u(lyi'cide't. Whe' I =as ta"e' to the hos;ital I =as =ith a 'u8er o9 4era';riso'ers.

*he hos;ital rule is that e?erythi'( shall 8e ta"e' a=ay 9ro the;atie't u'til the tie coes 9or hi to 8e dischar(ed. Well, =he' o'e o9these ;riso'ers =as searched I lear'ed to y aaOee't, dis(ust a'da'(er, that he carried =ith hi a 8o8 =hich =as ;o=er9ul e'ou(h to 8lo=u; the =hole ;lace8ut ;ro;t ste;s =ere ta"e' to ;re?e't hi 9roa"i'( a'y use o9 it. o= o' earth he had (ot so 9ar 9ro the li'es =ith

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the deadly thi'( I ca''ot u'dersta'd 8ut he had it =ith hi all ri(ht.

We (ot a (ood deal o9 ausee't a'd hel; 9ro a 'e= set o9 *e'Coa'de'ts 9or /oldiers i' the +ield, =hich =ere duly 8ut 'oto99icially ;u8lished. I =ill Nuote o'e or t=o 8y =ay o9 sho=i'( theircharacter a'd i'dicati'( that i'corri(i8le !ritish cheer9ul'ess =hichthe 4era', =ith all his culture, ca''ot u'dersta'd. 5u8er *hree ra':*hou shalt 'ot use ;ro9a'e la'(ua(e eHce;t u'der eHtraordi'arycircusta'ces, such as seei'( thy corade shot or (etti'( ;etrol i' thytea. 5u8er +our =as =orded: Ree8er that the soldiers =ee" co'sistso9 se?e' days. /iH days shalt thou la8our a'd do all thy =or", a'd o'the se?e'th do all thy odd o8sQ o'our thy i'( a'd cou'try, =as the+i9th. ee; thy ri9le oiled, a'd shoot strai(ht, i' order that thy daysay 8e lo'( u;o' the la'd the e'ey (i?eth thee. *he' =e had, *houshalt 'ot steal thy 'ei(h8ours "it, a'd *hou shalt 'ot "illtieQ!y 5u8er 5i'e it =as e'oi'ed, *hou shalt 'ot 8ear 9alse =it'essa(ai'st thy corade, 8ut ;reser?e discreet sile'ce o' his out(oi'(s a'di'coi'(s. &ast o9 all cae 5u8er *e', 9ull o9 a =o'der9ul ho;e 9orthe lo=ly: *hou shalt 'ot co?et thy /er(ea'ts ;ost, 'or theCor;orals, 'or the /ta99Maors, 8ut do thy duty a'd 8y di't o9

;erse?era'ce rise to the hi(h ;ositio' o9 +ieldMarshal.


>*his is o'e o9 the 9irst detailed stories to 8e told o9 soe o9 theachie?ee'ts o9 the &o'do' /cottish at the 9ro't, a'd its odest ?ei' isi' "ee;i'( =ith the (e'eral ;oi't o9 ?ie= o9 the e8ers o9 thisdisti'(uished cor;s. It has 8ee' 9or others, 'ot o9 the &o'do' /cottish,to tell us soethi'( o9 =hat the re(ie't really did at Messi'es a'delse=here i' those early days o9 the ;res 9i(hti'( o' =hich such ?astissues de;e'ded. What ha;;e'ed at Messi'es =as this: *he re(ie't =as i'reser?e =he' u'eH;ectedly the order cae to hurry u; to the su;;ort o9the hard;ressed Re(ular troo;s, =ho =ere 8ei'( 9iercely assailed 8y?ery uch su;erior 4era' 9orces. Cro=di'( o' to otor8uses the &o'do'/cottish =ere hurried alo'( i' the course o9 the a9ter'oo' a'd =hilesoe o9 the s;e't the 'i(ht i' deserted cotta(es others 8i?ouac"ed i'the streets, =aiti'( 9or dayli(ht.

A9ter uch archi'( a'd =a'deri'(, the Oo'e o9 9ire =as e'tered, a'd the9i'e 8attalio' =hich 'ot a'y =ee"s 8e9ore had arched alo'( &o'do'streets a9ter 8ei'( e8odied ade acNuai'ta'ce =ith the 4era' shellsa'd (ot ready to sho= =hat the !ritish *erritorials could do =ith theri9le a'd the 8ayo'et.

*he re(ie't =as aused a'd i'terested i' the a'tics o9 a =i'dill thesails o9 =hich tur'ed co'sta'tly a'd oddly, althou(h there =as 'o =i'd.It =as 'ot u'til later that the ;he'oe'o' =as eH;lai'ed a'd that =as

=he' the =i'dill =as ?isited a'd a 4era' s;y =as cau(ht i' the act o9si('alli'(, 8y ea's o9 the sails, the ;ositio' a'd o?ee'ts o9 the!ritish troo;s.

It =as at olle8ec"e a'd at Messi'es, 8et=ee' ;res a'd War'eto', thatthe !ritish li'es =ere hard ;ressed o=i'( to the deteri'ed atte;ts o9the 4era's to 8rea" throu(h a'd hac" their =ay to Calais, a'd it =ashere that the &o'do' /cottish =e't to su;;ort the Ca?alry !ri(ade =ho=ere holdi'( the tre'ches.

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+ori'( u; u'der the crest o9 a hill they ad?a'ced o?er the crest a'd9ou'd thesel?es ri(ht i' the 8attle li'e. urryi'( do=' the slo;e,stru((li'( o?er hea?y (rou'd =hich =as ade all the harder 8ecause o98eet cro;s, the re(ie't =e't i'to a ost destructi?e artillery a'dri9le a'd achi'e(u' 9ire.

Ma'y a s;le'did 9ello= =as shot do=' 8e9ore he could use his o=' ri9le,a'd others =ere =ou'ded 8ut 'othi'( could sto; the ad?a'ce. !y shortrushes, a'd ta"i'( co?er, the e' i' tie reached the tre'ches a'd hadto e'cou'ter a' o?er=heli'( assault o9 4era's =ith the 8ayo'et.

5o= it =as that a =o'der9ul a'd s;le'did thi'( =as do'e, 9or these*erritorials, 9resh 9ro ci?il li9e, hurled thesel?es =ith the 8ayo'etu;o' the 9i'est troo;s o9 4era'y. *hey =ere thro=' 8ac". A(ai' theychar(ed, o'ly to 8e dri?e' o99 o'ce ore 8ut the re(ie't =as 'ot to 8ede'ied or 8eate' a'd =ith a 9i'al 9urious rush the 4era's =erescattered a'd the day =as =o' 9or the !ritish. 5o =o'der that Colo'el .. /cott, late o9 the 4ordo' i(hla'ders a'd 9orerly aduta't o9 the&o'do' /cottish, =rote o' heari'( the (lorious 'e=s: urrah 9or the&o'do' /cottishQ +ro y "'o=led(e o9 the I "'e= they =ould do itQ@


*E R)* + *E R)//IA5 4)ARD A* RE/

  *he o99icial =riters ha?e told us o9 the alost su;erhua' e99orts  ade 8y the 4era's to 8rea" throu(h to Calais so that they i(ht,  9ro that ;lace, either raid or 8o8ard E'(la'd. +or a =hole o'th  a little !ritish ary rou'd ;res held its (rou'd a(ai'st the  re;eated o'slau(hts o9 o?er=heli'( 4era' hosts. *hese actio's  =ere di?ided i'to t=o ;hases, the 9irst lasti'( 9ro cto8er 20th  to 5o?e8er 2'd, a'd the seco'd 9ro 5o?e8er 3rd to 1Jth. 4era'  i'9a'try o9 the &i'e ha?i'( 9ailed to =i' success, the ?au'ted  russia' 4uard =as hurried u;, a'd, e'coura(ed 8y the ;rese'ce o9  the 8ra((art Most i(h War &ord hisel9, hurled itsel9 i' 9re'Oy  a(ai'st the !ritish troo;s, o'ly to 8e thro=' 8ac" a'd 8ro"e'. *his  crushi'( o9 the crac" cor;s o9 russia =as a 8itter 8lo= to the  aiser a'd the 4era' ;eo;le, =ho 8elie?ed it to 8e i'?i'ci8le. I'  these u'eHa;led co'tests the 4lorious /e?e'th I'9a'try Di?isio'  8ore the 8ru't o9 8attle, a'd the tale o9 the 9irst ;hase is told  8y ri?ate . . olley, 2'd !attalio' !ed9ordshire Re(ie't.  &ieute'a't4e'eral /ir . /. Ra=li'so', coa'di'( the Di?isio',  said i' a' order: ou ha?e 8ee' called to ta"e a co's;icuous ;art  i' o'e o9 the se?erest stru((les o9 the =ar.... *he /e?e'th

  Di?isio' has (ai'ed 9or itsel9 a re;utatio' 9or stu88or' ?alour a'd  e'dura'ce i' de9e'ce. Whe' the 4lorious /e?e'th =as =ithdra=' 9ro  the 9iri'( li'e o'ly 9orty9our o99icers =ere le9t out o9 K00 =ho  had sailed 9ro E'(la'd, a'd o'ly 2,336 out o9 12,000 e'.%

All the =orld "'o=s 'o= ho= 9uriously the 4era's tried to hac" their=ay throu(h to Calais, so that they could ha?e their 9li'( at the hatedE'(lish. It is "'o=' too that they =ere held a'd hurled 8ac".

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I a (oi'( to tell you soethi'( o9 the =ay i' =hich this =as do'e, 9orI 8elo'( to the !ed9ordshire Re(ie't, the old 16th +oot, a'd the!ed9ords =ere ;art o9 the 4lorious /e?e'th Di?isio', a'd did their sharei' "ee;i'( 8ac" the 4era' 9orces, =hich i'cluded the russia' 4uards,the aisers ;et e'. *hey had 8ee' rushed u; to this ;ositio' 8ecauseit =as thou(ht that 'o troo;s could sta'd a(ai'st the.

*hese idols o9 the 4era' 'atio' are ;ic"ed e' a'd 8ra?e 9ello=s, a'dat that tie had a' a8solute 8elie9 i' their o=' i'?i'ci8ility 8ute?e'ts ;ro?ed that they =ere 'o atch 9or the !ritish 4uards a'd therest o9 the !ritish troo;s =ho 9ou(ht the at ;res, a'd ;ractically=i;ed the out. I sa= these russia' 4uards 9ro !erli' o=' do=' 8y ourartillery, achi'e(u' a'd ri9le 9ire, a'd I sa= the lyi'( dead i'solid asses=alls o9 cor;ses.

*he aiser had ;la''ed to e'ter ;res as a co'Nueror, at the head o9 his4uards 8ut he hurried o99 a 8eate' a', lea?i'( his slau(htered 4uardsi' hea;s.

ri(i'ally i' the 1st !attalio' o9 the !ed9ords, I later =e't i'to the

2'd, a'd I =as ser?i'( =ith the 2'd i' /outh A9rica =he' the Euro;ea'War 8ro"e out. It is a' i'teresti'( 9act that 'early all the 8attalio's=hich 9ored the /e?e'th Di?isio' cae 9ro 9orei(' ser?iceI'dia,E(y;t, A9rica a'd else=here=hich ea't that a'y o9 the e' o9 the/e?e'th had see' acti?e ser?ice a'd =ere ?etera' 9i(hters. *hey had 'otlear'ed their =ar9are at ;eace a'u?res i' 4era'y. ur Di?isio'co'sisted o9 the 1st 4re'adier 4uards, the 2'd /cots 4uards, the 2'd!order, 2'd 4ordo' i(hla'ders, 2'd !ed9ordshire, 2'd or"shire, 2'dRoyal /cots +usiliers, 2'd Wiltshire, 2'd Royal West /urrey, 2'd RoyalWar=ic"shire, 1st Royal Welsh +usiliers, 1st /outh /ta99ordshire, a'dthe 5orthu8erla'd ussars a'd =e had a ;o;o detache't a'd horse,9ield a'd (arriso' artillery. We =ere u'der Maor4e'eral /ir *. Ca;;er,D./..

We had 8ee' se't to hel; the 5a?al Di?isio' at A't=er;, a'd early i'cto8er =e la'ded at [ee8ru((ethe o'ly di?isio' to la'd at that ;ort.!ut =e =ere 'ot there lo'(, 9or =e soo' lear'ed that =e =ere too late,a'd that A't=er; had 9alle'. We =ere sorry, 8ut there =as 'o tie 9oro;i'(, a'd =e =ere Nuic"ly o' the o?e to the Nuai't old city o9!ru(es, =here =e =ere 8illeted 9or a 'i(ht. /ir arry Ra=li'so' hado?ed his headNuarters 9ro !ru(es to ste'd, so 'eHt day =e archedto=ards ste'd a'd too" u; out;ost. *he' =e had a 9orced arch 8ac" to!ru(es, a'd 9ro !ru(es =e started archi'(, 8ut =e did 'ot "'o= =here=e =ere (oi'( till =e (ot to the city o9 ;res.

/o 9ar =e had 'ot had a'y 9i(hti'(. We had 8ee' archi'( a'd archi'(,9irst to o'e ;lace, the' to a'other, co'sta'tly eH;ecti'( to coe i'to

actio', a'd ?ery 'early doi'( so, 9or the 4era's =ere s=ari'( all o?erthe cou'tryside. We had to 8e co'te't =ith 8ei'( o' out;ost a'd (uardi'(8rid(es, a'd so o'hard a'd 'ecessary =or", =e "'e= 8ut =e =a'tedsoethi'( ore thrilli'(, soethi'( 8i((era'd =e e?e'tually (ot it.

*here =as ;ractically o'ly the /e?e'th Di?isio' a?aila8le 9or a'ythi'(that tur'ed u;. *he 5orthu8erla'd ussars =ere a8le to (i?e a ?ery (oodaccou't o9 thesel?es, a'd =ere, I 8elie?e, the 9irst eoa'ry cor;s to(o i'to actio'. *he 9e= )hla's I sa= =hile I =as at the 9ro't had 8ee'ta"e' ;riso'ers 8y these ussars, =ho 8rou(ht the i', la'ces a'd all.

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!ut there is ?ery little to say a8out ca?alry =or" it =as ostly aatter 9or the i'9a'try, a'd, o9 course, the artillerythe =o'der9ul!ritish (u''ers =ho ha?e ;u'ished the 4era's so se?erely =he'e?er theyha?e et the.

While =e =ere arou'd ;res, =aiti'( 9or the 4era's to coe a'd 8rea"throu(h, =e heard a (ood deal, i'directly, o9 =hat =as (oi'( to ha;;e'to us a'd to E'(la'd. *he 4era's had all sorts o9 o'ster (u's, a'd=ith these they =ere (oi'( to 8o8ard E'(la'd across the 'arro= Cha''el=he' they (ot to the +re'ch coast, a'd they =ere (oi'( to =or" all sortso9 iracles =ith their airshi;s a'd aero;la'es.

We soo' heard, too, that the aiser hisel9 =as i' the 9ield 8ut theo'ly e99ect o9 that i'9oratio' =as to a"e us ore "ee' to sho= =hat =ecould do. *ruth to tell, =e =ere 9ar 9ro 8ei'( i;ressed 8y the;rese'ce o9 either the aiser or his ?au'ted 4uards. We =ere i' the 8esto9 s;irits, a'd had a su8lie 8elie9 i' /ir oh' +re'ch a'd all hissta99 a'd our o=' o99icers.

It =as o' cto8er 31st=hich has 8ee' called BtheB decisi?e day o9 the

9i(ht 9or ;res, a'd =hich =as certai'ly a ost terri8le day i' e?ery=aythat the /e?e'th Di?isio' =as ordered to attac" the 4era';ositio'. *he =eather =as ?ery 9i'e, clear a'd su''y, a'd our s;irits=ere i' "ee;i'( =ith it. We =ere tha'"9ul to 8e o' the o?e, 8ecause =ehad had 'early three =ee"s i' the tre'ches, a'd had 8ee' 8illeted i' allsorts o9 Nueer ;lacesa8o?e a'd 8elo= (rou'du'der a' e?erlasti'(shell 9ire, =hich 8ecae u'e'dura8le a'd =as thorou(hly'er?edestroyi'(.

We "'e= =hat a des;erate 8usi'ess the ad?a'ce =ould 8e, 8ecause the4era's (reatly out'u8ered us, a'd they had ;la'ted ?ast 'u8ers o9(u's. *hey had ie'se 8odies o9 e' i' tre'ches, a'd i' a lar(e 'u8ero9 the houses a'd 8uildi'(s =hich coa'ded the (rou'd o?er =hich =e hadto ad?a'ce they had ;laced achi'e(u's, =ith their ?illai'ous uOOlesdirected o' us 9ro 8edroo =i'do=s a'd holes =hich had 8ee' "'oc"ed i'=alls.

+ro start to 9i'ish the ad?a'ce =as a terri8le 8usi'ess9ar oreterri8le tha' a'y =ords o9 i'e ca' a"e you realise. *he =hole Di?isio'=as o' the o?e, stretchi'( alo'( a 8i( tract o9 cou'try 8ut o9 course'o a' could see uch o9 =hat =as ha;;e'i'(, eHce;t i' his o=' iediatelocality. 5either had he uch cha'ce o9 thi'"i'( a8out a'ythi'( ora'y8ody eHce;t hisel9, a'd the' o'ly i' a 'u8ed sort o9 =ay, 8ecauseo9 the a;;alli'( di' o9 the artillery o' 8oth sides, the crash o9 the(u's a'd the eH;losio's o9 the shells, =ith the ceaseless rattle o9 theri9les a'd the achi'e(u's.

At the 8e(i''i'(, the re(ie'ts "e;t 9airly =ell to(ether, 8ut ?ery soo'=e =ere all iHed u;, a'd you could 'ot tell =hat re(ie't a a'8elo'(ed to, u'less he =ore a "ilt the' you "'e= that, at a'y rate, he=as't a !ed9ord. /oe o9 us had our ;ac"s a'd 9ull eNui;e't. thers=ere =ithout ;ac"s, ha?i'( 8ee' co;elled to thro= the a=ay. !ut there=as 'ot a a' =ho had let his ri9le (o: that is the last thi'( o9 all to8e ;arted 9ro it is the soldiers ?ery li9e. A'd e?ery a' had a 8i(su;;ly o9 au'itio', =ith ;le'ty i' reser?e. *he (e'eral hisel9 too";art i' the ad?a'ce, a'd =hat he did =as do'e 8y e?ery other o99icer;rese't. *here =as 'o di99ere'ce 8et=ee' o99icer a'd a', a'd a thi'(

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to 8e s;ecially 'oticed is the 9act that the o99icers (ot hold o9 ri9lesa'd 8laOed a=ay as hard as a'y a'.

5e?er, duri'( the =hole o9 the =ar, had there 8ee' a ore a=9ul 9iretha' that =hich =e (a?e the 4era's. Whe'e?er =e (ot the cha'ce, =e (a?ethe =hat they call the E'(lisha's ad i'utethat is, the dread9ul9i9tee' rou'ds a i'ute ra;id 9ire. We dro?e it i'to the a'd o=ed thedo='. Ma'y a soldier, =he' his o=' ri9le =as too hot to hold, thre= itdo=' a'd s'atched the ri9le o9 a dead or =ou'ded corade =ho had 'o9urther use 9or it, a'd =ith this 9resh, cool =ea;o' he co'ti'ued thedeadly =or" 8y =hich success could alo'e 8e =o'. I do 'ot "'o= =hat the4era' losses =ere, 8ut I do "'o= that I sa= 8odies lyi'( arou'd i'solid asses, =hile =e ;assed our o=' dead a'd =ou'ded e?ery=here as =ead?a'ced. Where they 9ell they had to stay it =as i;ossi8le to doa'ythi'( 9or the =hile the 9i(hti'( co'ti'ued.

*he =hole o9 the ad?a'ce co'sisted o9 a series o9 =hat i(ht 8e calledu;s a'd do='sa little rush, the' a 8o8 do='. At ost, 'o o'e rushcarried us ore tha' 9i9ty yards the' =e dro;;ed out o9 si(ht as 8est=e could, to (et a 8reather a'd ;re;are 9or a'other dash. It =as ;retty

o;e' cou'try herea8outs, so that =e =ere 9ully eH;osed to the 4era'artillery a'd ri9le 9ire, i' additio' to the hail 9ro the achi'e(u'si' the 'ei(h8ouri'( 8uildi'(s. ere a'd there =e 9ou'd little =oods a'dclu;s o9 trees a'd 8its o9 risi'( (rou'd a'd ditches a'd hed(esa'dyou ay ta"e it 9ro e that shelter o9 a'y sort =as ?ery =elcoe a'd9reely used.

A rear"a8le 9eature o9 this stri?i'( to hide 9ro the e'eys 9ire =asthat it =as alost i;ossi8le to esca;e 9ro the shells a'd 8ullets 9ora'y a;;recia8le tie, 9or the si;le reaso' that the 4era's alteredtheir ra'(e i' the ost =o'der9ul a''er. /o surely as =e (ot theshelter o9 a little =ood or ditch, they seeed to ha?e the dista'cealost i'sta'tly, a'd the ra'(e =as so accurate that a'y a co;se a'dditch 8ecae a little (ra?eyard i' the course o9 that ad?a'ce.

At o'e ;oi't as =e =e't alo'( I 'oticed a sall ditch a(ai'st a hed(e.It =as a dirty, u'i'?iti'( ditch, dee; i' =ater 8ut it seeed to o99er;roisi'( shelter, a'd so soe o99icers a'd e' ade a rush 9or it,ea'i'( to ta"e co?er. *hey had 'o soo'er scra8led i'to the ditch a'd=ere thi'"i'( thesel?es co;arati?ely sa9e tha' the 4era's (ot thera'(e o9 the =ith achi'e(u's, a'd 'early the =hole lot =erea''ihilated. I' this case, as i' others, the e'ey had 8ee' ar?ellouslyNuic" =ith their =ea;o's, a'd had s=e;t the ditch =ith 8ullets. I do't"'o= =hat ha;;e'ed to the 9i'e 9ello=s =ho had 9alle'. We had to lea?ethe a'd co'ti'ue the ad?a'ce.

*he 9ore'oo' ;assed, 'oo' cae, a'd the a9ter'oo' =as =ith us still the

9i(hti'( =e't o', the (u's o' 8oth sides crashi'( =ithout cessatio', a'dthe achi'e(u's a'd the ri9les rattli'( o' =ithout a 8rea". *he air =as9illed =ith screai'(, 8ursti'( shells a'd =histli'( 8ullets, a'd the(rou'd =as ;lou(hed a'd tor' e?ery=here. It =as horri8le 8eyo'deH;ressio', yet it 9ired the 8lood i' us, so that the o'ly thi'( thatattered =as to ;ut the 9i'ish to the =or", (et u; to the 4era's, a'drout the out o9 their ;ositio's.

At last, a9ter e'dless s;ells o9 lyi'( do=' a'd u;i'( u;, =e (ot 'eare'ou(h to a"e it ;ossi8le to char(e, a'd the order =e't rou'd to (et

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ready. We 'o= sa= =hat 8i(, 9i'e 9ello=s =e had to tac"le. Clearly 'o==e could disti'(uish the russia' 4uards, a'd a thi'( that ;articularlystruc" e ust the' =as that their 8ayo'ets loo"ed ?ery cruel. *he4uards =ore clothco?ered 8rass helets, a'd throu(h the cloth =e couldsee the (lea o9 the 8rass i' the su'shi'e.

*he 'earer =e (ot, the ore clearly =e sa= =hat s;le'did cha;s they=ere, a'd =hat a des;erate 8usi'ess it =ould 8e =he' =e actually reachedthe lo'(, s'a"y 8lades o9 steeluch lo'(er tha' our o=' 8ayo'ets=ithlo'(er ri9les, too, so that the 4era's had the ;ull o9 us i' e?ery =ay.!ut all that cou'ted as 'othi'(, a'd there =as 'ot a a' ao'(st us =ho=as 'ot hu'(eri'( to 8e i' ao'(st the.

*he order to 9iH 8ayo'ets cae Nuietly, a'd it =as carried out =ithouta'y 9uss =hate?er, ust as a ;art o9 the days =or". We =ere lyi'( do='=he' the order cae, a'd as =e lay =e (ot rou'd at our 8ayo'ets, dre=the a'd 9iHed the, a'd I could hear the rattle o9 the 9iHi'( all alo'(the li'e, ust as I had heard it a'y ties o' ;arade or ata'u?resthe sae sou'd, 8ut =ith =hat a di99ere't ;ur;oseQ

A 9e= o9 the 9ello=s did 'ot 9iH their 8ayo'ets as =e lay, 8ut theya'a(ed to do it as =e ra', =he' =e had u;ed u; a'd started to rushalo'( to ;ut the 9i'ish to the 9i(ht. *here =as 'o 8u(le sou'd, =e ust(ot the =ord to char(e, a' order =hich =as (i?e' to the =hole o9 the/e?e'th Di?isio'.

Whe' this last ;art o9 the ad?a'ce arri?ed =e started halloai'( a'dshouti'(, a'd the Di?isio' si;ly hurled itsel9 a(ai'st the russia'4uard. !y the tie =e =ere u; =ith the e'ey =e =ere ad. I ca't tellyou uch o9 =hat actually ha;;e'eda'd I do't thi'" a'y a' =ho too";art i' it could do so8ut I do "'o= that =e rushed helters"elter, a'dthat =he' =e (ot u; to the 9aous 4uards there =ere o'ly t=o o9 y o='sectio' holdi'( to(ether&a'ceCor;oral erry a'd ysel9, a'd e?e' =e=ere ;arted iediately a9ter=ards.

*he 'eHt thi'( I clearly "'e= =as that =e =ere actually o' therussia's, a'd that there =as soe ?ery 9ierce =or" (oi'( o'. *here =assoe terri9ic a'd deadly scria(i'(, a'd =hate?er the russia' 4uarddid i' the =ay o9 ha'dli'( the steel, the /e?e'th Di?isio' did 8etter.

It =as e?ery a' 9or hisel9. I had rushed u; =ith the rest, a'd the9irst thi'( I clearly "'e= =as that a tree'dous russia' =as a"i'( ate =ith his ?illai'ous 8ayo'et. I ade a lu'(e at hi as hard a'd s=i9tas I could, a'd he did the sae to e. I thou(ht I had hi, 8ut I ustissed, a'd as I did so, I sa= his o=' lo'(, u(ly 8lade dri?e' out atthe e'd o9 his ri9le. !e9ore I could do a'ythi'( to ;arry the thrust,the ti; o9 the 8ayo'et had ri;;ed across y ri(ht thi(h, a'd I ho'estly

thou(ht that it =as all u; =ith e.

*he', =he' I rec"o'ed that y accou't =as ;aid, =he' I su;;osed that thehu(e russia' had it all his o=' =ay, o'e o9 our cha;sI do't "'o==ho, I do't su;;ose I e?er shall 8ut I 8less hirushed u;, dro?e his8ayo'et i'to the russia' a'd settled hi. I a sure that i9 this had'ot 8ee' do'e I should ha?e 8ee' "illed 8y the russia' as it =as, I=as a8le to (et a=ay =ithout uch i'co'?e'ie'ce at the e'd o9 the8ayo'et 9i(ht.

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*his stru((le lasted a8out hal9a'hour, a'd 9ierce, hard =or" it =asall the tie. I' the e'd =e dro?e the 4uards a=ay a'd se't the9lyi'(all eHce;t those =ho had 9alle' the tre'ch =as 9ull o9 thelatter, a'd =e too" 'o ;riso'ers. *he' =e =ere 9orced to retireoursel?es, 9or the a;le reaso' that =e =ere 'ot stro'( e'ou(h to holdthe ;ositio' that =e had ta"e' at such a hea?y cost. *he e'ey did 'ot"'o= it the', thou(h ;erha;s they 9ou'd out later, that =e had 'icelydecei?ed the i' a"i'( the 8elie?e that =e had rei'9orcee'ts. !ut =ehad 'othi'( o9 the sort yet =e had stored a'd ta"e' the ;ositio' a'ddri?e' its de9e'ders a=ay.

We =ere 9ar too =ea" to hold the ;ositio', a'd so =e retired o?er the(rou'd that =e had =o', (etti'( 8ac" a (reat deal 9aster tha' =e hadad?a'ced. We had s;e't the 8est ;art o9 the day i' ad?a'ci'( a'dreachi'( the e'eys ;ositio' a'd it seeed as i9 =e ust ha?e co?ereda (reat tract o9 cou'try, 8ut as a atter o9 9act =e had ad?a'ced lesstha' a ile. It had ta"e' us a'y hours to co?er that short dista'ce8ut alo'( the =hole o9 the lo'( li'e o9 the ad?a'ce the (rou'd =aslittered =ith the 9alle'the o99icers a'd e' =ho had (o'e do=' u'dersuch a stor o9 shells a'd 8ullets as had 'ot 8ee' "'o=' si'ce the =ar


Retiri'(, =e too" u; a ;ositio' 8ehi'd a =ood, a'd =ere thi'"i'( that =eshould (et a 8it o9 a rest, =he' a 4era' aero;la'e cae 9lyi'( o?er us,(a?e our hidi'(;lace a=ay, a'd 8rou(ht u;o' us a 9ire that dro?e us outa'd se't us 8ac" to three li'es o9 tre'ches =hich =e had 8ee'occu;yi'(.


B*o 9ace ;. 2-6.B

I MADE A &)54E A* IM, !)* )/* MI//ED, A5D I /AW I/ W5 &54, )4&!&ADE DRIVE5 )* >;. 2-$@.%

!y this tie our a8ula'ces =ere hard at =or" 8ut a8ula'ce or 'oa8ula'ce, the ;itiless shelli'( =e't o', a'd I sa= a'y i'sta'ces o94era' 8rutality i' this res;ect. *he a8ula'ce ?ehicles =ere cro=ded,a'd I sa= o'e =hich had t=o =ou'ded e' sta'di'( o' the 8ac", 8ecausethere =as 'ot roo e'ou(h 9or the i'side. /hells =ere 8ursti'( allarou'd, a'd a ;iece struc" o'e o9 the ;oor cha;s a'd too" ;art o9 his9oot clea' a=ay. e i'sta'tly 9ell o' to the road, a'd there he had to8e le9t. I ho;e he (ot ;ic"ed u; 8y a'other a8ula'ce, thou(h I dou8tit, 9or the shell9iri'( ust the' =as hea?y, a'd deli8erately aied athel;less a8ula'ces 8y ;eo;le =ho ;reach =hat they call cultureQ

We ade the 8est o9 thi'(s duri'( the e?e'i'( a'd the 'i(ht i' the

tre'ches. *he 'eHt day thi'(s =ere re?ersed, 9or the 4era's cae o'a(ai'st us 8ut =e "e;t u; a 9urious 9i(ht, a'd si;ly o=ed the do='as they thre= thesel?es u;o' us. We used to say, ere coes a'other8u'ch o9 eQ a'd the' =e (a?e the the ad i'ute. We had su99eredhea?ily o' the 31st, a'd =e =ere to ;ay a 8i( 8ill a(ai' o' this 1st o95o?e8er, ao'(st our casualties 8ei'( t=o o9 our se'ior o99icers.

*he 8attalio' =as i' the ;eculiar ;ositio' o9 ha?i'( 'o colo'el at thehead o9 it, our coa'di'( o99icer 8ei'( Maor . M. *raill. I shouldli"e to say 'o=, 8y =ay o9 sho=i'( ho= hea?ily the !ed9ords su99ered,

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that i' o'e o9 /ir oh' +re'chs des;atches, ;u8lished early i' theyear, se?e' o99icers =ere e'tio'ed, a'd i' the cases o9 siH o9 the ithad to 8e added that they had 8ee' "illed i' actio'. Maor *raill a'dMaor R. . /tares =ere "illed 'ot 9ar 9ro e o' the day I a telli'(o9a'd =ithi' t=o hours o9 each other.

We =ere lyi'( i' tre'ches, a'd the aors =ere i' 9ro't o9 us, =al"i'(a8out, a'd ;articularly =ar'i'( us to 8e care9ul a'd 'ot eH;oseoursel?es. *heir 9irst thou(ht seeed to 8e 9or us, a'd their last 9orthesel?es.

ust at that tie there =as soe u'coo'ly deadly s'i;i'( (oi'( o', a'da'y 9i(ure that =as see' e?e' 9or a 9ractio' o9 tie =as a certai'tar(et. *he s'i;er hisel9 =as a s;ecially chose' 4era', a'd he had asa co;a'io' a'd loo"out a sart cha; =ith 9ield(lasses, to s=ee; thecou'tryside a'd re;ort to the s'i;er a'ythi'( ;roisi'( that he sa= i'the =ay o9 a tar(et. Wor"i'( i' ;airs li"e this, the s'i;ers =ere a8leto ;ic" o99 the t=o aors as they =al"ed u; a'd do=' directi'( a'de'coura(i'( us. *hey =ere shot, a'd, as 9ar as =e could tell, "illedi'sta'tly. We 9elt their loss ?ery (reatly.

Maor /tares had ?ery uch e'deared hisel9 to his e', a'd he =as a(reat 9a?ourite i' /outh A9rica 8e9ore the =ar 8e(a'. We =ere all ea(erto (et to the 9ro't, o9 course, a'd =ere co'sta'tly tal"i'( a8out =hat=e should do, a'd =o'deri'( =hat =ould ha;;e' =he' =e et the 4era's.*he aor =as 'e?er tired o9 eH;lai'i'( =hat =e ou(ht to do i' ti(ht a'dda'(erous cor'ers, a'd as"i'( us =hat B=eB should do. I ha?e "'o=' histo; us i' the street to as" us these Nuestio's, so "ee' a'd a'Hious =ashe 9or our =el9are.

*he seco'd day o9 the 9i(hti'( ;assed a'd the third cae. /till =e heldo', 8ut it 8ecae clear that =e =ere too ho;elessly out'u8ered to ho;e9or co;lete success at the tie, a'd so =e =ere 9orced to lea?e thetre'ches. Withdra=i'( a(ai', =e too" u; ;ositio's i' 9arhouses a'd=oods a'd a'y other ;laces that (a?e shelter. All the tie there =as a"illi'( 9ire u;o' us, a'd it ha;;e'ed that e'tire 8odies o9 e' =ould 8e=i;ed out i' a 9e= oe'ts. A ;arty o9 the War=ic"s (ot i'to a =ood 'earus, a'd they had 'o soo'er ta"e' shelter tha' the 4era' (u''ers (ot thera'(e o9 the, shelled the, a'd "illed 'early all o9 the.

*here =as 'ot a re(ie't o9 the 4lorious /e?e'th that had 'ot su99eredterri8ly i' the ad?a'ce duri'( the three days 9ate9ul 9i(hti'(. *he!ed9ords had lost, all told, a8out 600, a'd it =as a ere s"eleto' o9the 8attalio' that 9ored u; =he' the roll =as called. !ut there =as o'e;leasa't sur;rise 9or e, a'd that =as eeti'( a(ai' =ith &a'ceCor;oralerry. We had lost si(ht o9 each other i' the ha'dtoha'd 9i(hti'( =iththe russia' 4uard, a'd et a(ai' =he' =e =ere reor(a'ised at a' old

chPteau a'd ?ery tha'"9ul =e =ere to co;are 'otes, es;ecially as eacho9 us thou(ht that the other =as a dead a'. *here =ere a (ood a'ycases o9 soldiers tur'i'( u; =ho =ere su;;osed to 8e either "illed or=ou'ded, or, =hat is =orse, issi'(. I' the i'e?ita8le disorder a'dco'9usio' o9 such a 8attle they had (ot se;arated 9ro their o='re(ie'ts a'd had oi'ed others 8ut they tur'ed u; i' due course i'their ri(ht ;laces.

I had 8ecoe a e8er o9 the (re'ade co;a'y o9 the 8attalio', =hich =assoethi'( li"e (oi'( 8ac" to the early days o9 the Ary, =he' the

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(re'adier co;a'ies o9 the re(ie'ts 9lu'( their little 8o8s at thee'ey. /o did =e, a'd (ri =or" it =as, hurli'( hoeade 8o8s, =hichhad the ;o=er o9 doi'( a (reat aou't o9 ischie9.

I =as =ith the (re'ade co;a'y, 8ehi'd a 8ric" =all close to thetre'ches, a'd =as sitti'( =ith se?eral others rou'd a 9ire =hich =e hadade i' a 8iscuitti'. We =ere Nuite a erry ;arty, a'd had the diHie(oi'( to a"e soe tea. *here =as a'other diHie o', =ith t=o or three'ice chic"e's that our 9ello=s had (ot hold o9;erha;s they had see'the =a'deri'( a8out hoeless a'd ado;ted the.

A'y=ay, they 9ou'd a (ood hoe i' the ste=;ot, a'd =e =ere loo"i'(9or=ard to a ost cosy eal. As a sort o9 cha'(e 9ro shelli'( 8y8atteries i' the ordi'ary =ay, =e =ere 8ei'( shelled 9ro a' arouredtrai', 8ut =ere ta"i'( little 'otice o9 it, 8ei'( 8usy =ith the tea a'dchic"e's.

*he 4era's =ere close e'ou(h to 9li'( ha'd8o8s at us. *hey (a?e uslots o9 these little atte'tio's, so that =he' I sudde'ly 9ou'd ysel98li'ded, a'd 9elt a shar; ;ai' i' y le9t ha'd, I thou(ht they had ade

a luc"y shot, or that soethi'( had eH;loded i' the 9ire i' the8iscuitti'.

+or soe tie I did 'ot "'o= =hat had ha;;e'ed the' I =as a8le to see,a'd o' loo"i'( at y ha'd, I 9ou'd it to 8e i' a sorry ess, hal9 thethu8 a'd hal9 a 9i'(er ha?i'( 8ee' carried a=ay.

I stayed a'd had soe tea 9ro the diHie, a'd y chus 8adly =a'ted eto =ait 9or y share o9 the chic"e's 8ut I had 'o a;;etite 9or 9o=lsust the'. I ade the 8est o9 thi'(s till dar"'ess cae, a'd u'der co?ero9 it a cou;le o9 stretcher8earers too" e to the 'earestdressi'(statio'.

I su99ered i'te'sely, a'd loc"a= set i', 8ut the s;le'did edical sta99a'd the 'ursi'( sa?ed e, a'd I =as ;ut i'to a horse a8ula'ce a'd;ac"ed o99 hoe. A'd here I a.



  ' the road 9ro !thu'e to Are'tiUres, 9our iles to the 'orth  o9 &a !asse, is the little stra((li'( 9ro'tier ?illa(e o9 5eu?e  Cha;elle, =hich 9irst cae i'to 'otice i' cto8er duri'( the

  !ritish ad?a'ce to the 'orth o9 &a !asse. At that tie the ?illa(e  =as held 8y the 4era's, 8ut o' cto8er 16th they =ere dri?e' out  8y the !ritish. As a result o9 the tree'dous e99orts o9 the  4era's i' tryi'( to reach Calais =e =ere 'ot a8le to hold the  ?illa(e, =hich a(ai' =as held 8y the e'ey at the 8e(i''i'( o9  5o?e8er. *he !ritish =ere dri?e' 8ac" a short dista'ce a'd 9or  ore tha' 9our o'ths they reai'ed 'ear 5eu?e Cha;elle the', o'  March 10th they 8e(a' a' attac" =hich e'ded i' the ?illa(e 8ei'(  reta"e' 8y us a'd held. *he 4era' West;halia' Ary Cor;s i'  cto8er a'd 5o?e8er had 9orced the !ritish out o9 5eu?e Cha;elle,

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  8ut i' March these troo;s =ere routed a'd se?erely ;u'ished 8y ;art  o9 /ir oh' +re'chs co'te;ti8le little ary. What the 8attle  ea't a'd ho= it =as 9ou(ht is told 8y /er(ea't 4illia, 1st  !attalio' Coldstrea 4uards.%

*he 8attle o9 5eu?e Cha;elle 8e(a' at hal9;ast se?e' ocloc" o' theor'i'( o9 March 10th, a'd e'ded at a8out hal9;ast 'i'e o' the 'i(ht o9the 12th. Earlier o' the or'i'( o9 that 9aous day our 8attalio' =asordered to sta'd to, as su;;orts o9 the 1st !ri(ade. We =ere told to 8eready to tur' out at te' i'utes 'otice a'd =e B=ereB ready, 9or =e=ere lo'(i'( to ha?e a settlee't =ith the 4era's, =ho had du(thesel?es i' at 5eu?e Cha;elle, a'd ade thesel?es ?ery co9orta8lea'd thou(ht that 'o ;o=er o' earth could dri?e the out. !ut =e had a8i( sur;rise i' store 9or the, a'd =e s;ru'( it o' the li"e athu'der8olt =he' our assed (u's roared soo' a9ter su'rise o' that earlyday i' March. Whate?er ad?a'ta(es the 4era's i(ht ha?e had at the8e(i''i'( o9 the =ar =e had 8ee' (etti'( the 8etter o9 the, a'd =e =erecertai' that =e =ere 'o= uch su;erior to the e'ey i' e?ery =ay. We"'e= that the !ritish Ary =as 8ecoi'( too uch 9or the, a'd =e =ere

a'Hious to ;ro?e it that or'i'(, =he' the 8i((est 8o8arde't the =orldhas e?er "'o=' 8e(a', a'd alo'( a tree'dous 9ro't there cae i'toactio' hu'dreds o9 the lar(est a'd the sallest (u's that =e had out i'+ra'ce.

I a sure that e?ery a' =ho =as i' at the 8e(i''i'( o9 this =ar, 9roMo's to the Mar'e a'd the Ais'e, as I =as, till I =as i'?alided hoe=ou'ded, =ill a(ree =ith e that there had 8ee' 'othi'( li"e the !ritishartillery 9ire at 5eu?e Cha;elle. It =as truly 9ear9ul. /oethi'( li"e9i?e iles a=ay, 'early 9i?e hu'dred !ritish (u's =ere 8o8ardi'( the?illa(e, the 8atteries 8ei'( o' a 9ro't 9our or 9i?e iles i' eHte't, sothat there =as o'ly a 9e= yards s;ace 8et=ee' each (u'. *he result =asthat a' ie'se =all o9 9ire =as see' =here the artillery =as i';ositio', =hile the ?illa(e itsel9 =as a tar(et o' =hich shells rai'eda'd ade ha?oc. 5othi'( could =ithsta'd that a=9ul ca''o'adi'(housesa'd 8uildi'(s o9 e?ery sort =ere shattered, a'd o9te' e'ou(h a si'(leshell =as su99icie't to destroy a' e'tire house. Whe' =e (ot i'to the;lace at the e'd o9 the 8attle it loo"ed as i9 soe tree'dousearthNua"e had u;hea?ed it a'd thro=' it do=' i' a ass o9 =rec"a(e. It=as alost i;ossi8le to tell =here the streets had 8ee', a'd soe'orous =as the ;o=er o9 soe o9 the shells that =ere 9ired a'd 8ursti' the (rou'd, that the ?ery dead had 8ee' 8lo=' u; 9ro theirresti'(;laces i' the churchyard, o'ly to 8e re8uried 8y the 9alli'(=alls arou'd. *he 8o8arde't =as 8ad e'ou(h 9or those =ho =ere out o9it 9or those =ho =ere i' it the e99ect o9 the shell 9ire =as;aralysi'(. *he 4era's had had 'othi'( li"e it, a'd ore tha' o'e;riso'er declared that it =as 'ot =ar, it =as urder. We did't Nuite

see ho= they ade that out 8ut it =as 'ear e'ou(h 9or the 4era's, a'd=e told the that =e =ere o'ly (etti'( a 8it o9 our o=' 8ac" 9or Mo's.A'd, =e said, this is o'ly a taste o9 =hats i' store 9or you. Its'othi'( to =hats coi'(Q

*he roar o9 these assed (u's =as so dea9e'i'(, a'd the 'oise o9 theeH;lodi'( shells =as so i'cessa't, that =e could 'ot hear o'e a'others;ea". *he air =as all o9 a Nui?er a'd you could see the heat i' theatos;here ust as you see it =he' loo"i'( at the horiOo' i' a tro;icalcou'try, a'd as I sa= it a'y ties =he' =e =ere i' E(y;t. *he heat 9ro

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the shells ade the day 9or all the =orld li"e a hot suer day, a'd the9ues a'd 9lashes caused a stra'(e ist that loo"ed li"e rai', thou(hthe su' =as shi'i'(.

*he 8o8arde't =as (ra'd a'd terri8le 8eyo'd descri;tio' 8ut there =aso'e (ood thi'( a8out it, a'd that =as that the 4era's did 'ot re;ly?ery o9te'they seeed 'u8ed a'd stu''eda'd =he' they did, their9ire =as ?ery sli(ht a'd 9ee8le, a'd so 9ar as I could tell 'ot o'e o9their shells did a'y serious daa(e ao'(st the !ritish 9orces.

+or hal9a'hour the !ritish artillery 8o8arded the e'eys 9irst li'eo9 tre'ches, a'd this 9ire to the 4era's ust ha?e seeed as i9 hellhad 8ee' let loose, 8ecause e?erythi'( that =as i' the li'e o9 9ire =as8lo=' a=ay or le?elled to the (rou'd=alls, trees, 8uildi'(s, sa'd8a(s,e?e' the 8ar8ed =ire e'ta'(lee'ts =ere carried a=ay 8y shell s;li'tersa'd shra;'el 8ullets, thou(h u'9ortu'ately soe o9 the e'ta'(lee'tsesca;ed i'ury, a'd 8ecae deathtra;s 9or a 'u8er o9 our 9i'e 9ello=s=ho =ere hurli'( thesel?es u;o' the 4era's.

erha;s I should eH;lai', so that y story is Nuite clear, that 5eu?e

Cha;elle, or =hat is le9t o9 it, sta'ds o' ;er9ectly 9lat (rou'd, =ith;le'ty o9 e'closed (arde's a'd orchards a'd soe =ooded cou'try 'ear.*he 4era's had du( thesel?es i'to ?ery co;lete tre'ches, a'd had8uilt soe stro'( 8reast=or"s 'ear the hi(hroad i'to =hich they had ;uta lar(e 'u8er o9 achi'e(u's. I' houses a'd else=here these =ea;o'shad 8ee' ;la'ted, a'd i' soe ;laces they 9airly 8ristled. ur o8ect=as to rout the 4era's out o9 their tre'ches a'd houses a'd 8arricades,a'd i' ?ie= o9 the deadly 'ature o9 achi'e(u's a'd ri9les the =or" =as8ou'd to 8e lo'( a'd hea?y a'd costly. o= des;erate the assault =as has8ee' sho=' 8y the losses o9 soe o9 our s;le'did li'e 8attalio's.

Whe' the 8o8arde't o9 the 9irst li'e o9 tre'ches =as o?er, the =ay had8ee' ;a?ed 9or the i'9a'try, =ho =ere lyi'( i' their tre'ches, 'ot 9ar9ro the ?illa(e. *hey =ere =aiti'( ea(erly 9or the order to ad?a'ce,a'd =he' it cae, they s;ra'( out o9 their tre'ches =ith such shoutsthat you i(ht ha?e thou(ht a lot o9 lu'atics had 8ee' let loose. *heydashed 9or=ard, a'd alost 8e9ore it =as ;ossi8le to realise =hat hadha;;e'ed they =ere i' the 'earest 4era' tre'ch.

*he' it =as, e?e' so soo' a9ter the 8attle had o;e'ed, that =e "'e= ho=destructi?e the 9ire o9 our (u's had 8ee', 9or =he' the tre'ch =asreached there =as hardly a 4era' le9t to tac"le. ur shells had la'ded;lu; i'to the e'ey, a'd the result =as that the tre'ch =as 9ull o9dead a'd =ou'ded 4era's. *he 9e= sur?i?ors did 'ot hesitate to eH;lai'that they 9elt as i9 they could sha"e ha'ds =ith thesel?es a'd toar?el that a'y o'e o9 the had coe out o9 such a 9ire ali?e.

ur e' =ere 9ull o9 oy at such a' e'di'( to their rush, 9ull o9satis9actio' to 9eel that they =ere a"i'( such a 9i'e score, the' caeo'e o9 those isu'dersta'di'(s a'd isha;s =hich are ;art a'd ;arcel o9a 9i(ht i' =hich the artillery ca''ot al=ays see =hat it is doi'(ouro=' ;oor 9ello=s sudde'ly 9ou'd thesel?es u'der the 9ire o9 our(u''ers, =ho had started 8o8ardi'( the tre'ch a(ai' u'der thei;ressio' that it =as still held 8y the 4era's.

Ia(i'e, i9 you ca', =hat it ea't to 8e i' a tre'ch li"e that, at sucha tiea lo'( 'arro= ;it =hich had 8ee' "'oc"ed a8out 8y shells a'd =as

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9ood 8ut =e had 'o soo'er started o' this ;leasa't tas" tha' do=' caethe order to ;re;are to ad?a'ce.

*hats ri(htQ the e' shouted. *he usics started a(ai'Q &ets (etat the 4era' ;i(sQ 5ot ?ery ;olite, ;erha;s, 8ut i' this =ar a (ooddeal has 8ee' said o' 8oth sides a8out s=i'e.

We s;ra'( out o9 our tre'ch a'd =e't 9ull s=i'( 9or the seco'dtre'chthere =ere 9our tre'ches to stor a'd ta"e 8e9ore our o8ect =asacco;lished. Very soo' =e =ere i' ao'(st the 4era's i' the seco'dtre'ch, a'd it =as a 9i'e si(ht to see the 8ei'( ;ut throu(h the ill.

ust i' 9ro't o9 us, ao'(st the e'ey, the shells 9ro our o=' (u's=ere 8ursti'(a =o'der9ul i'sta'ce o9 the accuracy o9 oder' artillery9irea'd it =as 9asci'ati'( to see the shells s=ee;i'( e?ery i'ch o9the (rou'd, a'd ar?ellous that hua' 8ei'(s could eHist i' such adeadly area. E?ery 'o= a'd the' i' =ould (o o'e o9 the 4era' ;ara;ets,a'd the alost i'e?ita8le acco;a'ie't =as the 8lo=i'( i'to the air o9li8s a'd a'(led 8odies. *hese thi'(s =ere 'ot a lau(hi'( atter, yeto9te' e'ou(h, as =e =atched a shell 8urst a'd cause ha?oc =e lau(hed

outri(ht=hich sho=s ho= soo' e?e' the ost dread9ul o9 ha;;e'i'(s areta"e' as atters o9 course.

5o= cae the order 9or us to assault a'd a=ay the i'9a'try =e't, ri(hti'to the 4era' tre'ch, =ith such a rush a'd ;o=er that the e'ey seeedto ha?e 'o cha'ce o9 sta'di'( u; a(ai'st the o'slau(ht.

*he e' o9 the &eicestershire Re(ie't hurled thesel?es i'to the thic"o9 the 8loody 9ray, 'ot o'ce, 'or t=ice, 8ut 9i?e ties i' successio'did they rush the 4era's =ith the 8ayo'eta'd at the e'd o9 thattree'dous o'slau(ht they had 'ot a si'(le 4era' ;riso'erQ 5e?er =hilea 4era' li?es =ho sur?i?ed the char(es o9 the &eicesters =ill he 9or(et=hat ha;;e'ed i' the tre'ches at 5eu?e Cha;ellea'd =hat the &eicestersdid =as do'e 8y the Irish 4uards. 5o ;riso'ersa'd 'o a' =ho has 8ee'throu(h the =ar 9ro the start =ill 8lae the, 9or he "'o=s =hat the4era's ha?e do'e to our o=' 8ra?e 9ello=s, 'ot i' 9air 9i(ht, 8ut =he'they ha?e 8ee' lyi'( hel;less o' the roadside, es;ecially i' theretreat 9ro Mo's.

*he lo'( a'd thrilli'( day =as e'di'(, dar"'ess =as 9alli'(, a'd =e;ulled oursel?es to(ether a'd ;re;ared 9or a li?ely 'i(ht. We 9ullyeH;ected a cou'ter attac", 8ut 'oit seeed to 8e the other =ay a8out,9or o' our le9t =e had our 9aous 4ur"has a'd /i"hs, a'd they =ere(etti'( ready 9or =or".

It =as Nuite dar", a8out hal9;ast 'i'e, =he' sudde'ly there =as a shouti' the 4era' tre'ches, a'd as it rose i' the 'i(ht a ;air o9 our

starli(hts 8urst, li"e 8ri(ht, 8eauti9ul 9ire=or"s i' the s"y, a'dsho=ed us =hat =as ha;;e'i'(. It =as thisthe I'dia's had o?ed s=i9tlya'd sile'tly i' the 'i(ht, they had cre;t a'd cra=led u; to the 4era';ositio', a'd 8e9ore the e'ey "'e= =hat =as ta"i'( ;lace the hea?ycur?ed "'i9e, =hich is the 4ur"has ;ride, =as at =or", a'd that is a=ea;o' a(ai'st =hich the 4era' soldier, es;ecially =he' i' thetre'ches, sees to ha?e 'o cha'ce =hate?er. It is alost i;ossi8le to(et o?er your sur;rise at the =ay i' =hich these 8ra?e little I'dia'sco?er the (rou'd i' attac"i'(. *hey cra=l out o9 their tre'ches at'i(ht, lie 9lat o' their stoachs, =ith the ri9le a'd the 8ayo'et i' the

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ri(ht ha'd, a'd =ri((le o?er the (rou'd li"e a s'a"e a'd =ith aaOi'(s;eed. a?i'( reached the e'eys tre'ches they dro; the ri9le a'd8ayo'et a'd out coe the "'i?esa'd =oe 8etide the 4era's that are=ithi' reach. *he 4ur"has are 8or' 9i(hters, the lo?e o9 8attle is i'their ?ery 8lood, a'd they 9i(ht all the ore readily a'd (ladly 8ecausethey 8elie?e that i9 they are slai' they are sure to (o to hea?e'. I9 a4era' a"es a lu'(e at hi, the 4ur"ha seiOes the 8ayo'et =ith the le9tha'd a'd (ets to =or" =ith the "'i9e. *he ;luc"y little cha;s (et theirha'ds 8adly ri;;ed =ith the 4era' 8ayo'ets, a'd a'y cae i'to 5eu?eCha;elle =ith hal9 their le9t ha'ds o99.

*he 4era's hate the si(ht o9 these I'dia's, a'd those =ho could do soesca;ed 9ro the tre'ch. *hey lost 'o tie i' (oi'(they 9led, a'd 'o=o'der, 9or they had su99ered terri8ly, 'ot o'ly 9ro the I'dia's, 8utalso 9ro the !lac" Watch, =ho had 8ee' at the =ith the 8ayo'ets. *hei(hla'ders too" a lar(e 'u8er o9 ;riso'ers 8ut the 4era' dead =eree?ery=here, a'd the tre'ch =as ;ac"ed =ith thei'deed, all thetre'ches at the e'd o9 the 8attle =ere 9illed =ith 4era's.

Duri'( the 10th a'd 11th =e ade such (ood ;ro(ress that =e had ta"e'

three o9 the 9our tre'ches the' cae the =orst day o9 all, the 12th,9or o' that =e =ere ordered to ta"e the 9ourth tre'ch =hich the 4era'sheld. *his =as o' the outs"irts o9 the ?illa(e a'd =as stro'(ly9orti9ied. *here =as a stro'( 8loc"house at the 8ac" o9 the tre'ch =hichadded (reatly to the security o9 the ;ositio'.

We =ere u; a'd ready earlyat hal9;ast siHa'd as soo' as day had8ro"e' the (u's 8e(a' their dread9ul 8ooi'(, a'd ?ery sole' theysou'ded i' the cold (rey li(ht, =hich is al=ays so cheerless. *he (u'scleared the =ay a(ai' a'd did soe eHcelle't =or" i' sashi'( a=ay the=ire e'ta'(lee'ts a'd 8lo=i'( u; 4era' =or"s the' cae the order tochar(e.

I =as 'ot i' at the actual ta"i'( o9 this last tre'ch, 8ut I =as luc"yi' 8ei'( close e'ou(h to 8e a8le to see =hat =as (oi'( o', a'd =hat Isa= =as soe o9 the ost 9urious 9i(hti'( i' the =hole o9 the 8attle.*he 9irst char(e =as ade =ith all the dash a'd coura(e o9 the i'9a'try,=ho had already do'e so =ell. ur e' rushed (alla'tly at the 4era's8ut so =itheri'( =as the 9ire =ith =hich they =ere et a'd so ho;elessseeed the o8stacles that they =ere re;ulsed =ith hea?y loss, a'd I "'o=o9 'othi'( ore heart8rea"i'( to us =ho =ere =atchi'( tha' the si(ht o9these soldiers 8ei'( sacri9iced a'd su99eri'( as they did =ithout,a;;are'tly, =i''i'( a'y success.

A(ai' the artillery shelled the 4era' ;ositio', the', across the (rou'd=hich =as littered =ith our dead a'd dyi'( our 8ra?e 9ello=s char(eda(ai'. *hey s;ra'( u; 9ro the shelter o9 their tre'ches, a'd =ith e?e'

(reater 9ury tha' 8e9ore thre= thesel?es u;o' the e'ey, o'ly to 8e8eate' 8ac" 9or the seco'd tie, 8y the cross 9ire o9 the achi'e(u's.I' s;ite o9 all these losses a'd the a=9ul odds a(ai'st the our e'"e;t their s;irits u; a'd ?o=ed that they =ould still dri?e the e'eyco;letely out o9 5eu?e Cha;elle, a'd (et their o=' 8ac" 9or Mo's a'dthe rest o9 it, a'd so, =hile our artillery too" u; its tu'e a(ai' thee' (ot a 8reather, a'd a9ter a 8o8arde't =hich lasted at leastthreeNuarters o9 a' hour there =ere shouts o9 5o=, 8oys, a(ai'Q &ete ha?e itQ A'd u; the i'9a'try s;ra'( o'ce ore a'd dashed across the9atal (rou'd. *he e' =ho =ere 'earest to e =ere the 2'd !lac" Watch,

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a'd it did o'es heart (ood to see the =ay the "ilties s=u'( to=ards thee'eys ;ositio'. !ut it all seeed i' ?ai', 9or at this ;oi't there =asthe 8loc"house to 8e rec"o'ed =ith. It =as ri(ht i' the ce'tre a'd =as a?erita8le little 9ortress =hich seeed a ass o9 9lae a'd se'tachi'e(u' a'd ri9le 8ullets li"e hail. 5o troo;s could li?e or sta'da(ai'st such a 9usillade, a'd so our e' had to 9all 8ac" e?e' o'ceore to the ;rotectio' o9 the tre'ches.

!y this tie the ;ositio' a'd da'(er o9 the 8loc"house =ere "'o=', a'dour artillery (ot the ra'(e o9 it, a'd that ha?i'( 8ee' do'e, the e'd=as erely a atter o9 tie. A 8attery o9 !ritish (u's =as trai'ed o'the 8loc"house a'd the 9ire =as so accurate that the 9ourth shell =e'tthrou(h the le9t cor'er a'd the 8uildi'( =as riddled =ith shra;'el a'd;ut out o9 actio'.

It =as a8out this tie that our 9ello=s s;otted a' o8ser?atio';ost o'the church i' the ?illa(e. As you "'o=, churches a'd houses are o8ectsthat the !ritish al=ays a?oid 9iri'( u;o' i9 they ca', thou(h the4era's ha?e =a'to'ly destroyed lar(e 'u8ers o9 8oth. *here =as theo8ser?atio';ost, ;lai'ly to 8e see', a'd as the 4era's =ere directi'(

their artillery 9ire 9ro it a'd the ;ost =as a da'(er a'd a 'uisa'ce tous a'd hi'dered our ;ro(ress, a s;ecial e99ort =as ade to =i;e it out.A'd the e99ort succeeded, 9or the !ritish (u''ers (ot o' it a &ittlearry, a shell that ;uts to shae e?e' the ac" oh'so's a'd the !lac"Marias o9 the e'ey. &ittle arry settled the o8ser?atio';ost s=i9tlya'd 9i'ally, a'd the' the 9ourth a'd last char(e 9or 5eu?e Cha;elle =asade.

A'd =hat a char(e it =asQ It =as a('i9ice't. E?ery 8it o9 stre'(th a'dcoura(e that =as le9t seeed to 8e ;ut i'to it, a'd =hile the i'9a'trydashed o' =ith the 8ayo'et a'd ;ut the 9i'ish to the stu88or' 4era'resista'ce i' the tre'ches a'd (ot the e'ey 9airly o' the ru', the4ur"has a'd the 9aous /i"hs a'd !e'(al &a'cers hurled thesel?es o' the9lyi'( re(ie'ts a'd cut the do=' =ith la'ce a'd s=ord.


B*o 9ace ;. 302.B

*E I5+A5*R DA/ED 5 WI* *E !A5E*.%

It =as a =o'der9ul s=irl o9 9i(hti'(. *his tie the 8loc"house =asstored 8y the 2'd MiddleseH a'd the Royal Irish Ri9les.

All at o'ce the (u's had 9i'ished, a'd =ith =ild cheers the oldDieards a'd the Irishe' rushed to the 4era' tre'ch a'd =ould 'ot8e dri?e' 8ac". !y a8out hal9;ast three the 8loc"house =as ta"e', a'd

the' it =as see' that it had 8ee' de9e'ded 8y 'o 9e=er tha' hal9adoOe'achi'e(u's a'd t=o tre'ch ortars, to say 'othi'( o9 ri9les. *hese=ea;o's a'd thousa'ds o9 rou'ds o9 au'itio' =ere ca;tured a'd the4era's =ho had 'ot 8ee' "illed =ere 9ou'd hidi'( u'der co?er as 8estthey could a'd they =ere tha'"9ul to surre'der.

While this s;le'did ;iece o9 =or" =as 8ei'( 9i'ished our I'dia's o' thele9t =ere doi'( hea?y eHecutio'. *he !e'(al &a'cers =ere dri?i'( the9leei'( e'ey strai(ht throu(h the ?illa(e, i9 that could 8e called a?illa(e =hich =as 'o= a' alost sha;eless ass o9 8ur'i'( a'd so"i'(

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rui's. A'd s;ies a'd s'i;ers had to 8e searched 9or i' the shattered8uildi'(s, =hile =e had to lea?e the ca;tured tre'ches 9or t=o reaso's,8ecause they =ere 9illed =ith dead, a'd at a'y oe't =e i(ht 8e 8lo='out o9 the 8y i'es =hich the 4era's had laid. /o =e had to set to=or", e?e' =hile the 9i(ht =as 8ei'( 9i'ished, to co'struct 'e=tre'ches, a'd =e =or"ed hard o' these so as to a"e oursel?es secure i'case o9 a cou'ter attac".

It =as 'ot lo'( 8e9ore =e sa= the ?ictorious I'dia' ca?alry retur'i'(.At a8out siH ocloc" =e heard the thud o9 horses hoo9s, a'd loo"i'( u;9ro the 'e= tre'ches that =e =ere a"i'( =e sa= the !e'(al &a'cerscoi'( 8ac" 9ro their ;ursuit a'd rout o9 the 4era's. *hey had chasedthe e'ey ri(ht throu(h the ?illa(e a'd i'to a 8i( =ood o' the otherside o9 5eu?e Cha;elle, a'd =hat they had do'e =as sho=' 8y theirredde'ed la'ces a'd the helets a'd ca;s that =ere stuc" o' the steel.*here =ere a8out siH hu'dred o9 these 9i'e horsee' a'd 'ot o'e o9 thehad less tha' t=o tro;hies o' his la'ce, =hile I sa= o'e o9 the =ith 'o9e=er tha' ei(ht s"e=ered o', a'd he =as sili'( all o?er his dar"ha'dsoe 9ace. /o =ere the rest o9 thethey =ere all deli(hted =iththe success that had cro='ed their =or", a'd =e cheered the i(htily

a'd lau(hed too, 9or soeho= =e could't hel; doi'( 8oth.

Mea'=hile =e =ere 8ei'( shelled 9ro a s;ot =hich =e could 'ot locate9or soe tie, the' =e lear'ed that the 9iri'( cae 9ro a 9ort o' thele9t o9 the ?illa(e =hich =as "'o=' as ort Arthur. We =ere i' thedirect li'e o9 9ire 9ro it, a'd our ;ositio' 8ecae ?ery u'co9orta8le.*he 4era's =ho =ere i' ort Arthur =ere a ;luc"y a'd stu88or' lot, 9orthey re9used to surre'der =he' they =ere as"ed to do so, a'd declaredthat they =ould 'ot ca?e i' either 9or !ritish or +re'ch or Russia's.*hat sho=ed a 9i'e a'd ri(ht s;irit, 8ut at last these cha;s had tosto;, 8ecause our (u''ers (ot t=o or three &ittle arrys i'to ortArthur, a'd it cae tu8li'( do=' a8out the de9e'ders ears.

It =as 'o= dar", ;ast 'i'e ocloc", a'd it seeed that the e'ey =as alo'( tie a"i'( u; his i'd to attac" us 8ut at a8out t=e'ty i'utes;ast the hour they 8e(a' 9iri'( =ith their artillery. *he ?ery 9irstshell they se't cae ri(ht i'to y t=o sectio's o9 tre'ches, a'd "illedo'e a' a'd =ou'ded hal9adoOe' o9 us, i'cludi'( ysel9. *he ;oor9ello= =ho =as "illed had his head co;letely ta"e' o99 his shoulders.I hel;ed to 8a'da(e the other 9i?e 8e9ore I trou8led a8out ysel9. *he'I loo"ed arou'd a(ai' a'd 9ou'd that the 4era's =ere =ell i'to the'i(ht attac" 8ut they 'e?er (ot =ithi' 9i9ty yards o9 our tre'ches.

What ha;;e'ed a9ter that I a 'ot a8le to tell you. I =as se't to the9ield a8ula'ce to ha?e y =ou'ds dressed, the' I lear'ed that I had (ott=o shra;'el 8ullets i' e, o'e i' the le9t thi(h a'd o'e o' the otherside, to "ee; it co;a'y.

I' the a8ula'ce trai' I =e't to !thu'e, the' o' to !oulo('e, the', o'a /u'day a9ter'oo'the 1Kth o9 MarchI la'ded at a' E'(lish Cha''el;ort a'd o'ce a(ai' had eH;erie'ce o9 the care a'd "i'd'ess o9 9rie'dsa'd 'urses i' the hos;itals at hoe.

+or the seco'd tie I had 8ee' se't hoe =ou'ded 9ro the 9ro't. I =as;roud e'ou(h =he' I 9elt that I had tried to do y duty i' the (loriousrear(uard 9i(hti'( a9ter Mo's a'd i' the 8attles o9 the Mar'e a'd Ais'e8ut I =as ;rouder still to "'o= that I had shared i' the ?ictory o9

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5eu?e Cha;elle, i' =hich =e (ot our o=' 8ac", =ith a lot o9 i'terest,9ro soe o9 the 9i'est troo;s o9 4era'y.

  *E E5D

  RI5*ED I5 4REA* !RI*AI5 !  RICARD C&A G /5/, &IMI*ED,  !R)5/WIC /*., /*AM+RD /*., /.E.,  A5D !)54A /)++&.


  A /E&EC*I5 +RM

  CAMA5 G A&&/ 5EW !/

  . &. 4ARVI5

  *E CMI54 o9 the 4REA* WAR

  !y . &. 4ARVI5, Editor o9 the Ball Mall 4aOetteB. Dey -?o. JBs.B  6Bd.B 'et.

. 5/*5 A!RAAM


  !y . 5/*5 A!RAAM, Author o9 *he /ur(eo's &o(. Dey -?o.  6Bs.B 'et.


*E R)//IA5 A* /AID I5 I/ EAR*

!y CECI& CE/*ER*5. Cro=' -?o. 2Bs.B 'et.

W. &. C)R*5E, M.A., &&.D.


  !y W. &. C)R*5E, M.A. Cro=' -?o. 1Bs.B 'et cloth, 1Bs.B 6Bd.B  'et.


*E &I+E + *E D)E + MAR&!R)4

  !y EDWARD *MA/, Author o9 4eor(e !orro=, Richard e99eries.  Illustrated. Dey -?o. 10Bs.B 6Bd.B 'et.




  !y WI5I+RED AME/, Author o9 *he Mul8erry *ree, &etters to My

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  /o', etc. Illustrated. Dey -?o. JBs.B 6Bd.B 'et.

C. E. 4)&D/!)R


>Di(8y Da?ies, late !o8ay olice@

  !y C. E. 4)&D/!)R, Author o9 *i(erla'd. With 'uerous  Illustratio's. Dey -?o. JBs.B 6Bd.B 'et.

5EW 6<5VE&/

  \*E A//I5A*E CRIME.\ !y E. *EM&E *)R/*5.

  \*E /5 + I/ +A*ER.\ !y RID4WE&& C)&&)M.

  \MR. !RM A5D I/ !R*ER.\ !y MR/. A&+RED /ID4WIC.

  \A /E5*IME5*A& I&4RIM.\ !y MARI5 A/WR*.

  \A 5EW 5VE&\ 8y MR/. 4ER4E 5RMA5.

  \*E /)& + A *EACER.\ !y R4ER WRA.

&5D5: CAMA5 G A&&, &*D.


 1% Colo'el 4ordo' =as t=ice re;orted "illed 8ut it =as de9i'itely ascertai'ed, later, that he =as a ;riso'er o9 =ar.

 2% I sa= the ei(hth a' 'ot 9ar 9ro the s;ot =here he a'd his corades =ere sta'di'( =he' the shell 8urst. e had 8ee' =ou'ded 8y shell s;li'ters o' the head, =hich, =he' I sa= hi, =as 8a'da(ed. *he e99ect o9 the eH;losio', he said, =as terri8le. e declared that the 4era' =arshi;s =ere 9lyi'( the !ritish =hite e'si(', a'd that he could disti'(uish their 9la(s Nuite clearly.W. W.

E'd o9 the roect 4ute'8er( E!oo" o9 /oldiers7 /tories o9 the War, 8y Various

E5D + *I/ REC* 4)*E5!ER4 E! /&DIER/7 /*RIE/ + *E WAR

*his 9ile should 8e 'aed $22010.tHt or $22010.Oi; *his a'd all associated 9iles o9 ?arious 9orats =ill 8e 9ou'd i':  htt;:<<===.(ute'8er(.or(<$<2<2<0<$2201<

roduced 8y !ria' Coe, Chuc" 4rei9 a'd the 'li'e

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thi'(s that you ca' do =ith ost roect 4ute'8er(t electro'ic =or"se?e' =ithout co;lyi'( =ith the 9ull ters o9 this a(reee't. /ee;ara(ra;h 1.C 8elo=. *here are a lot o9 thi'(s you ca' do =ith roect4ute'8er(t electro'ic =or"s i9 you 9ollo= the ters o9 this a(reee'ta'd hel; ;reser?e 9ree 9uture access to roect 4ute'8er(t electro'ic=or"s. /ee ;ara(ra;h 1.E 8elo=.

1.C. *he roect 4ute'8er( &iterary Archi?e +ou'datio' >]the +ou'datio']or 4&A+@, o='s a co;ilatio' co;yri(ht i' the collectio' o9 roect4ute'8er(t electro'ic =or"s. 5early all the i'di?idual =or"s i' thecollectio' are i' the ;u8lic doai' i' the )'ited /tates. I9 a'i'di?idual =or" is i' the ;u8lic doai' i' the )'ited /tates a'd you arelocated i' the )'ited /tates, =e do 'ot clai a ri(ht to ;re?e't you 9roco;yi'(, distri8uti'(, ;er9ori'(, dis;layi'( or creati'( deri?ati?e=or"s 8ased o' the =or" as lo'( as all re9ere'ces to roect 4ute'8er(are reo?ed. 9 course, =e ho;e that you =ill su;;ort the roect4ute'8er(t issio' o9 ;rooti'( 9ree access to electro'ic =or"s 8y9reely shari'( roect 4ute'8er(t =or"s i' co;lia'ce =ith the ters o9this a(reee't 9or "ee;i'( the roect 4ute'8er(t 'ae associated =iththe =or". ou ca' easily co;ly =ith the ters o9 this a(reee't 8y

"ee;i'( this =or" i' the sae 9orat =ith its attached 9ull roect4ute'8er(t &ice'se =he' you share it =ithout char(e =ith others.

1.D. *he co;yri(ht la=s o9 the ;lace =here you are located also (o?er'=hat you ca' do =ith this =or". Co;yri(ht la=s i' ost cou'tries are i'a co'sta't state o9 cha'(e. I9 you are outside the )'ited /tates, chec"the la=s o9 your cou'try i' additio' to the ters o9 this a(reee't8e9ore do='loadi'(, co;yi'(, dis;layi'(, ;er9ori'(, distri8uti'( orcreati'( deri?ati?e =or"s 8ased o' this =or" or a'y other roect4ute'8er(t =or". *he +ou'datio' a"es 'o re;rese'tatio's co'cer'i'(the co;yri(ht status o9 a'y =or" i' a'y cou'try outside the )'ited/tates.

1.E. )'less you ha?e reo?ed all re9ere'ces to roect 4ute'8er(:

1.E.1. *he 9ollo=i'( se'te'ce, =ith acti?e li'"s to, or other iediateaccess to, the 9ull roect 4ute'8er(t &ice'se ust a;;ear ;roi'e'tly=he'e?er a'y co;y o9 a roect 4ute'8er(t =or" >a'y =or" o' =hich the;hrase ]roect 4ute'8er(] a;;ears, or =ith =hich the ;hrase ]roect4ute'8er(] is associated@ is accessed, dis;layed, ;er9ored, ?ie=ed,co;ied or distri8uted:

*his e!oo" is 9or the use o9 a'yo'e a'y=here at 'o cost a'd =ithalost 'o restrictio's =hatsoe?er. ou ay co;y it, (i?e it a=ay orreuse it u'der the ters o9 the roect 4ute'8er( &ice'se i'cluded=ith this e!oo" or o'li'e at ===.(ute'8er(.or(<lice'se

1.E.2. I9 a' i'di?idual roect 4ute'8er(t electro'ic =or" is deri?ed9ro the ;u8lic doai' >does 'ot co'tai' a 'otice i'dicati'( that it is;osted =ith ;erissio' o9 the co;yri(ht holder@, the =or" ca' 8e co;ieda'd distri8uted to a'yo'e i' the )'ited /tates =ithout ;ayi'( a'y 9eesor char(es. I9 you are redistri8uti'( or ;ro?idi'( access to a =or"=ith the ;hrase ]roect 4ute'8er(] associated =ith or a;;eari'( o' the=or", you ust co;ly either =ith the reNuiree'ts o9 ;ara(ra;hs 1.E.1throu(h 1.E.J or o8tai' ;erissio' 9or the use o9 the =or" a'd theroect 4ute'8er(t tradear" as set 9orth i' ;ara(ra;hs 1.E.- or1.E.F.

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1.E.3. I9 a' i'di?idual roect 4ute'8er(t electro'ic =or" is ;osted=ith the ;erissio' o9 the co;yri(ht holder, your use a'd distri8utio'ust co;ly =ith 8oth ;ara(ra;hs 1.E.1 throu(h 1.E.J a'd a'y additio'alters i;osed 8y the co;yri(ht holder. Additio'al ters =ill 8e li'"edto the roect 4ute'8er(t &ice'se 9or all =or"s ;osted =ith the;erissio' o9 the co;yri(ht holder 9ou'd at the 8e(i''i'( o9 this =or".

1.E.K. Do 'ot u'li'" or detach or reo?e the 9ull roect 4ute'8er(t&ice'se ters 9ro this =or", or a'y 9iles co'tai'i'( a ;art o9 this=or" or a'y other =or" associated =ith roect 4ute'8er(t.

1.E.$. Do 'ot co;y, dis;lay, ;er9or, distri8ute or redistri8ute thiselectro'ic =or", or a'y ;art o9 this electro'ic =or", =ithout;roi'e'tly dis;layi'( the se'te'ce set 9orth i' ;ara(ra;h 1.E.1 =ithacti?e li'"s or iediate access to the 9ull ters o9 the roect4ute'8er(t &ice'se.

1.E.6. ou ay co'?ert to a'd distri8ute this =or" i' a'y 8i'ary,co;ressed, ar"ed u;, 'o';ro;rietary or ;ro;rietary 9or, i'cludi'( a'y

=ord ;rocessi'( or hy;erteHt 9or. o=e?er, i9 you ;ro?ide access to ordistri8ute co;ies o9 a roect 4ute'8er(t =or" i' a 9orat other tha']lai' Va'illa A/CII] or other 9orat used i' the o99icial ?ersio';osted o' the o99icial roect 4ute'8er(t =e8 site >===.(ute'8er(.or(@,you ust, at 'o additio'al cost, 9ee or eH;e'se to the user, ;ro?ide aco;y, a ea's o9 eH;orti'( a co;y, or a ea's o9 o8tai'i'( a co;y u;o'reNuest, o9 the =or" i' its ori(i'al ]lai' Va'illa A/CII] or other9or. A'y alter'ate 9orat ust i'clude the 9ull roect 4ute'8er(t&ice'se as s;eci9ied i' ;ara(ra;h 1.E.1.

1.E.J. Do 'ot char(e a 9ee 9or access to, ?ie=i'(, dis;layi'(,;er9ori'(, co;yi'( or distri8uti'( a'y roect 4ute'8er(t =or"su'less you co;ly =ith ;ara(ra;h 1.E.- or 1.E.F.

1.E.-. ou ay char(e a reaso'a8le 9ee 9or co;ies o9 or ;ro?idi'(access to or distri8uti'( roect 4ute'8er(t electro'ic =or"s ;ro?idedthat

ou ;ay a royalty 9ee o9 20^ o9 the (ross ;ro9its you deri?e 9ro  the use o9 roect 4ute'8er(t =or"s calculated usi'( the ethod  you already use to calculate your a;;lica8le taHes. *he 9ee is  o=ed to the o='er o9 the roect 4ute'8er(t tradear", 8ut he  has a(reed to do'ate royalties u'der this ;ara(ra;h to the  roect 4ute'8er( &iterary Archi?e +ou'datio'. Royalty ;aye'ts  ust 8e ;aid =ithi' 60 days 9ollo=i'( each date o' =hich you  ;re;are >or are le(ally reNuired to ;re;are@ your ;eriodic taH  retur's. Royalty ;aye'ts should 8e clearly ar"ed as such a'd

  se't to the roect 4ute'8er( &iterary Archi?e +ou'datio' at the  address s;eci9ied i' /ectio' K, ]I'9oratio' a8out do'atio's to  the roect 4ute'8er( &iterary Archi?e +ou'datio'.]

ou ;ro?ide a 9ull re9u'd o9 a'y o'ey ;aid 8y a user =ho 'oti9ies  you i' =riti'( >or 8y eail@ =ithi' 30 days o9 recei;t that s<he  does 'ot a(ree to the ters o9 the 9ull roect 4ute'8er(t  &ice'se. ou ust reNuire such a user to retur' or  destroy all co;ies o9 the =or"s ;ossessed i' a ;hysical ediu  a'd disco'ti'ue all use o9 a'd all access to other co;ies o9

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  roect 4ute'8er(t =or"s.

ou ;ro?ide, i' accorda'ce =ith ;ara(ra;h 1.+.3, a 9ull re9u'd o9 a'y  o'ey ;aid 9or a =or" or a re;lacee't co;y, i9 a de9ect i' the  electro'ic =or" is disco?ered a'd re;orted to you =ithi' F0 days  o9 recei;t o9 the =or".

ou co;ly =ith all other ters o9 this a(reee't 9or 9ree  distri8utio' o9 roect 4ute'8er(t =or"s.

1.E.F. I9 you =ish to char(e a 9ee or distri8ute a roect 4ute'8er(telectro'ic =or" or (rou; o9 =or"s o' di99ere't ters tha' are set9orth i' this a(reee't, you ust o8tai' ;erissio' i' =riti'( 9ro8oth the roect 4ute'8er( &iterary Archi?e +ou'datio' a'd Michaelart, the o='er o9 the roect 4ute'8er(t tradear". Co'tact the+ou'datio' as set 9orth i' /ectio' 3 8elo=.


1.+.1. roect 4ute'8er( ?olu'teers a'd e;loyees eH;e'd co'sidera8le

e99ort to ide'ti9y, do co;yri(ht research o', tra'scri8e a'd ;roo9read;u8lic doai' =or"s i' creati'( the roect 4ute'8er(tcollectio'. Des;ite these e99orts, roect 4ute'8er(t electro'ic=or"s, a'd the ediu o' =hich they ay 8e stored, ay co'tai']De9ects,] such as, 8ut 'ot liited to, i'co;lete, i'accurate orcorru;t data, tra'scri;tio' errors, a co;yri(ht or other i'tellectual;ro;erty i'9ri'(ee't, a de9ecti?e or daa(ed dis" or other ediu, aco;uter ?irus, or co;uter codes that daa(e or ca''ot 8e read 8yyour eNui;e't.

1.+.2. &IMI*ED WARRA5*, DI/C&AIMER + DAMA4E/ EHce;t 9or the ]Ri(hto9 Re;lacee't or Re9u'd] descri8ed i' ;ara(ra;h 1.+.3, the roect4ute'8er( &iterary Archi?e +ou'datio', the o='er o9 the roect4ute'8er(t tradear", a'd a'y other ;arty distri8uti'( a roect4ute'8er(t electro'ic =or" u'der this a(reee't, disclai alllia8ility to you 9or daa(es, costs a'd eH;e'ses, i'cludi'( le(al9ees. ) A4REE *A* ) AVE 5 REMEDIE/ +R 5E4&I4E5CE, /*RIC*&IA!I&I*, !REAC + WARRA5* R !REAC + C5*RAC* ELCE* */ERVIDED I5 ARA4RA 1.+.3. ) A4REE *A* *E +)5DA*I5, *E*RADEMAR W5ER, A5D A5 DI/*RI!)*R )5DER *I/ A4REEME5* WI&& 5* !E&IA!&E * ) +R AC*)A&, DIREC*, I5DIREC*, C5/EX)E5*IA&, )5I*IVE RI5CIDE5*A& DAMA4E/ EVE5 I+ ) 4IVE 5*ICE + *E //I!I&I* + /)CDAMA4E.

1.+.3. &IMI*ED RI4* + RE&ACEME5* R RE+)5D I9 you disco?er ade9ect i' this electro'ic =or" =ithi' F0 days o9 recei?i'( it, you ca'recei?e a re9u'd o9 the o'ey >i9 a'y@ you ;aid 9or it 8y se'di'( a

=ritte' eH;la'atio' to the ;erso' you recei?ed the =or" 9ro. I9 yourecei?ed the =or" o' a ;hysical ediu, you ust retur' the ediu =ithyour =ritte' eH;la'atio'. *he ;erso' or e'tity that ;ro?ided you =iththe de9ecti?e =or" ay elect to ;ro?ide a re;lacee't co;y i' lieu o9 are9u'd. I9 you recei?ed the =or" electro'ically, the ;erso' or e'tity;ro?idi'( it to you ay choose to (i?e you a seco'd o;;ortu'ity torecei?e the =or" electro'ically i' lieu o9 a re9u'd. I9 the seco'd co;yis also de9ecti?e, you ay dea'd a re9u'd i' =riti'( =ithout 9urthero;;ortu'ities to 9iH the ;ro8le.

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1.+.K. EHce;t 9or the liited ri(ht o9 re;lacee't or re9u'd set 9orthi' ;ara(ra;h 1.+.3, this =or" is ;ro?ided to you 7A/I/7 WI* 5 *ERWARRA5*IE/ + A5 I5D, ELRE// R IM&IED, I5C&)DI54 !)* 5* &IMI*ED *WARRA5*IE/ + MERCA5*A!I&I* R +I*5E// +R A5 )R/E.

1.+.$. /oe states do 'ot allo= disclaiers o9 certai' i;lied=arra'ties or the eHclusio' or liitatio' o9 certai' ty;es o9 daa(es.I9 a'y disclaier or liitatio' set 9orth i' this a(reee't ?iolates thela= o9 the state a;;lica8le to this a(reee't, the a(reee't shall 8ei'ter;reted to a"e the aHiu disclaier or liitatio' ;eritted 8ythe a;;lica8le state la=. *he i'?alidity or u'e'9orcea8ility o9 a'y;ro?isio' o9 this a(reee't shall 'ot ?oid the reai'i'( ;ro?isio's.

1.+.6. I5DEM5I* ou a(ree to i'de'i9y a'd hold the +ou'datio', thetradear" o='er, a'y a(e't or e;loyee o9 the +ou'datio', a'yo'e;ro?idi'( co;ies o9 roect 4ute'8er(t electro'ic =or"s i' accorda'ce=ith this a(reee't, a'd a'y ?olu'teers associated =ith the ;roductio',;rootio' a'd distri8utio' o9 roect 4ute'8er(t electro'ic =or"s,harless 9ro all lia8ility, costs a'd eH;e'ses, i'cludi'( le(al 9ees,that arise directly or i'directly 9ro a'y o9 the 9ollo=i'( =hich you do

or cause to occur: >a@ distri8utio' o9 this or a'y roect 4ute'8er(t=or", >8@ alteratio', odi9icatio', or additio's or deletio's to a'yroect 4ute'8er(t =or", a'd >c@ a'y De9ect you cause.

/ectio' 2. I'9oratio' a8out the Missio' o9 roect 4ute'8er(t

roect 4ute'8er(t is sy'o'yous =ith the 9ree distri8utio' o9electro'ic =or"s i' 9orats reada8le 8y the =idest ?ariety o9 co;utersi'cludi'( o8solete, old, iddlea(ed a'd 'e= co;uters. It eHists8ecause o9 the e99orts o9 hu'dreds o9 ?olu'teers a'd do'atio's 9ro;eo;le i' all =al"s o9 li9e.

Volu'teers a'd 9i'a'cial su;;ort to ;ro?ide ?olu'teers =ith theassista'ce they 'eed, are critical to reachi'( roect 4ute'8er(t7s(oals a'd e'suri'( that the roect 4ute'8er(t collectio' =illreai' 9reely a?aila8le 9or (e'eratio's to coe. I' 2001, the roect4ute'8er( &iterary Archi?e +ou'datio' =as created to ;ro?ide a securea'd ;era'e't 9uture 9or roect 4ute'8er(t a'd 9uture (e'eratio's.*o lear' ore a8out the roect 4ute'8er( &iterary Archi?e +ou'datio'a'd ho= your e99orts a'd do'atio's ca' hel;, see /ectio's 3 a'd Ka'd the +ou'datio' =e8 ;a(e at htt;:<<===.;(la9.or(.

/ectio' 3. I'9oratio' a8out the roect 4ute'8er( &iterary Archi?e+ou'datio'

*he roect 4ute'8er( &iterary Archi?e +ou'datio' is a 'o' ;ro9it$01>c@>3@ educatio'al cor;oratio' or(a'iOed u'der the la=s o9 thestate o9 Mississi;;i a'd (ra'ted taH eHe;t status 8y the I'ter'alRe?e'ue /er?ice. *he +ou'datio'7s EI5 or 9ederal taH ide'ti9icatio''u8er is 6K6221$K1. Its $01>c@>3@ letter is ;osted athtt;:<<;(la9.or(<9u'draisi'(. Co'tri8utio's to the roect 4ute'8er(&iterary Archi?e +ou'datio' are taH deducti8le to the 9ull eHte't;eritted 8y )./. 9ederal la=s a'd your state7s la=s.

*he +ou'datio'7s ;ri'ci;al o99ice is located at K$$J Mela' Dr. /.

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+air8a'"s, A, FFJ12., 8ut its ?olu'teers a'd e;loyees are scatteredthrou(hout 'uerous locatio's. Its 8usi'ess o99ice is located at-0F 5orth 1$00 West, /alt &a"e City, )* -K116, >-01@ $F61--J, eail8usi'ess_;(la9.or(. Eail co'tact li'"s a'd u; to date co'tacti'9oratio' ca' 8e 9ou'd at the +ou'datio'7s =e8 site a'd o99icial;a(e at htt;:<<;(la9.or(

+or additio'al co'tact i'9oratio':  Dr. 4re(ory !. 5e=8y  Chie9 EHecuti?e a'd Director  (8'e=8y_;(la9.or(

/ectio' K. I'9oratio' a8out Do'atio's to the roect 4ute'8er(&iterary Archi?e +ou'datio'

roect 4ute'8er(t de;e'ds u;o' a'd ca''ot sur?i?e =ithout =ides;read ;u8lic su;;ort a'd do'atio's to carry out its issio' o9i'creasi'( the 'u8er o9 ;u8lic doai' a'd lice'sed =or"s that ca' 8e9reely distri8uted i' achi'e reada8le 9or accessi8le 8y the =idest

array o9 eNui;e't i'cludi'( outdated eNui;e't. Ma'y sall do'atio's>`1 to `$,000@ are ;articularly i;orta't to ai'tai'i'( taH eHe;tstatus =ith the IR/.

*he +ou'datio' is coitted to co;lyi'( =ith the la=s re(ulati'(charities a'd charita8le do'atio's i' all $0 states o9 the )'ited/tates. Co;lia'ce reNuiree'ts are 'ot u'i9or a'd it ta"es aco'sidera8le e99ort, uch ;a;er=or" a'd a'y 9ees to eet a'd "ee; u;=ith these reNuiree'ts. We do 'ot solicit do'atio's i' locatio's=here =e ha?e 'ot recei?ed =ritte' co'9iratio' o9 co;lia'ce. *o/E5D D5A*I5/ or deteri'e the status o9 co;lia'ce 9or a'y;articular state ?isit htt;:<<;(la9.or(

While =e ca''ot a'd do 'ot solicit co'tri8utio's 9ro states =here =eha?e 'ot et the solicitatio' reNuiree'ts, =e "'o= o9 'o ;rohi8itio'a(ai'st acce;ti'( u'solicited do'atio's 9ro do'ors i' such states =hoa;;roach us =ith o99ers to do'ate.

I'ter'atio'al do'atio's are (rate9ully acce;ted, 8ut =e ca''ot a"ea'y statee'ts co'cer'i'( taH treate't o9 do'atio's recei?ed 9rooutside the )'ited /tates. )./. la=s alo'e s=a; our sall sta99.

lease chec" the roect 4ute'8er( We8 ;a(es 9or curre't do'atio'ethods a'd addresses. Do'atio's are acce;ted i' a 'u8er o9 other=ays i'cludi'( chec"s, o'li'e ;aye'ts a'd credit card do'atio's.*o do'ate, ;lease ?isit: htt;:<<;(la9.or(<do'ate

/ectio' $. 4e'eral I'9oratio' A8out roect 4ute'8er(t electro'ic=or"s.

ro9essor Michael /. art is the ori(i'ator o9 the roect 4ute'8er(tco'ce;t o9 a li8rary o9 electro'ic =or"s that could 8e 9reely shared=ith a'yo'e. +or thirty years, he ;roduced a'd distri8uted roect4ute'8er(t e!oo"s =ith o'ly a loose 'et=or" o9 ?olu'teer su;;ort.

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