Soham English Issue 6

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  • 7/31/2019 Soham English Issue 6


    SOHAM - Newsletter by Tanuja Thakur - Vol.1 Issue No 6

    Soham comes from the Indian word which means, "I am." Sanskrit word which means, "Soham is a

    combination (Sandhi) of two Sanskrit words Sah&Aham. It means that when a child is born it cries Koham-

    Koham which means who I am. That is when the almighty Replies Soham. You are the same as I am...

    ||Shree GaneshayNamaha ||

    || Shree GuruvehNamaha ||

    1.Suvachan (Words of wisdom)

    2.Basic principles of spiritual practice

    3.Practical guidance on implementation of spirituality

    4.Anubhuti(Spiritual experiences of seekers)

    5.Spiritual healing to counter problems by negative energies

    6.Clarification of doubts

    7.Efforts by seekers for spiritual progress.8.Obstacles during Dharma Yatra & Dharma Prasar

    9.Mistakes by seekers

    10. Guru Poornima special

    Dear friends and seekers,

    The period of destruction is knocking on the doors. Therefore, please accelerate at fulthrottle with both Vyashti Sadhana (individual spiritual practice) and Samasht

    Sadhana (spreading spirituality). Only if we have a good foundation ofSadhana and

    pray to the Almighty to protect us and our kin, will He listen to us. Time at hand is

    short, so be alert and sincere towards Sadhana.

    SOHAMWeekly newsletter for sincere Spiritual Seekers

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  • 7/31/2019 Soham English Issue 6


    SOHAM - Newsletter by Tanuja Thakur - Vol.1 Issue No 6

    Read this weekly newsletter yourself and get your friends to read it by sending i

    to them through email.

    From this issue onwards, We are starting Suvachan (Words of wisdom) and due to

    Guru Poornima falling on July 3rd we are starting with an article on Guruand Shishya (Master

    and disciple). Read it and try to implement it in your life.

    I. Suvachan (Words of wisdom)

    (a) Guru principle works in direct proportion to the disciples faith and eligibility! - HiHoliness Dr. Jayant Athavale.

    Implied Meaning: Every Guru has several devotees, but only a few disciples. To transform

    from a devotee to a disciple, consistent spiritual practice and perseverance is of supreme

    importance. Actually, the Guru principle guides the disciples as per the eligibility and faith o

    the disciple on the guru.


    Janmaanekeshatayee sadadaryuja bhaktya samaaradhito

    Bhaktairvediclakshen vidhina santusht eeshah swayam

    Sakshat Shree Gururoopamety kripaya driggocchar sann prabhuh

    Tatvam Sadhu Vibodhy taarayasi taann sansardukhaarnvaat
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    SOHAM - Newsletter by Tanuja Thakur - Vol.1 Issue No 6

    Meaning: When a devotee worships the Lord in the course of hundreds of births in a Sattvik

    (sattva predominant) manner, with faith, following the Vedic scriptures and observing rituals

    it is then that in some birth, Lord Shankar is pleased and appears in the form of a Guru, thus

    granting the realisation of the universal principle ofAtmadnyan (the soul principle) in its

    absoluteness. He liberates the disciple from the worldly ocean of sorrow and unhappiness.


    (c)When does a Guru distance a disciple from Himself?1. When a disciple is unqualified and even after making several efforts,

    does not try to rid himself of his defects.

    2. The disciple has experienced the zenith ofGurubhakti (devotion untothe Master), then there is no difference between the Master and thdisciple then the Master leaves the disciple to ideate on his own in the

    universe. The Guru holds the disciples hand for 99 steps, but the las

    step towards liberation has to be taken by the disciple himself !!


    Yam hi na vyathayanntyete purusham purusharshabh

    Samdukhsukham dheeram Somritatvaay Kalpate
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    SOHAM - Newsletter by Tanuja Thakur - Vol.1 Issue No 6

    Meaning: For, O Great one! The patient man who considers sorrow and happiness to be on

    and the same, and who is not ruffled by these incidences of desires, is the one worthy o

    liberation. Shrimad Bhagvad Gita 2-15

    Implied Meaning: The Seekers who desire to attain salvation must achieve equipoise in every

    situation. Whenever the embodied soul is neither happy in happiness, nor sad in sorrow, doe

    he become fit for liberation in the real sense. This state ofSthithapradnyata (one who doesntget perturbed by external factors) is achieved at 80% spiritual level and these souls are at

    Sadguru level. Hence, only the saints who are at Sadguru level qualify for the final liberation.

    II. Basic principles of spiritual practice

    In the last issue, we had looked at some qualified perspectives on erroneous views regardin

    marriage. In this issue, we will look at another incorrect view prevailing within the society.

    Some people having half- baked knowledge try to misguide young Seekers who try to do

    Sadhana by telling them they are too young and that there is no need to do all this at this

    age. Or that spiritual practice must be done during old age, after becoming free from a

    responsibilities, but this is an erroneous viewpoint. Let us see why it is important to do

    Sadhana since the young age!

    (i) In ancient times, princes were imparted education on Dharma in Gurukuls.

    Today, the very backbone of Indian culture, Varnashram vyawastha (the system of class and

    not caste) has broken down and that is the main reason for this lack ofdharmashikshan

    (education about dharma) and spiritual practice. In earlier times, even kings used to send the

    princes to Gurukuls. The reason for this was so that the seeds of knowledge on Dharma and
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    SOHAM - Newsletter by Tanuja Thakur - Vol.1 Issue No 6

    spiritual practice may be sown during childhood itself. Later, having fulfilled the Rajdharma

    (responsibility of kingship) these princes would teach the next generation the lessons o

    Rajdharma and would proceed for Vanprastha (retire to the forests). But today, in the

    absence of education on Dharma and lack of spiritual practice, even after reaching the fina

    phase of their lives, political leaders and householders are not able to give up their posts an

    desires and cling on to them.

    (ii) During Brahmcharya Ashram (student life) the impression of Sadhana should be


    Actually, the earlier one is able to start spiritual practice, the better. During student life, to

    acquire concentration of the mind and self-control, will power is required and that can be

    achieved only through spiritual practice in the real sense. Todays students are in dire need o

    spiritual practice. Our Nidharmi(pseudo secular) government has not etched the importance

    of spiritual practice on the minds of our youth. Consequently, todays youth indulge indebauchery, are given to addictions and several of them end up committing even heinou

    crimes. All this is a direct result ofAdharma (non-existence ofDharma) and lack of spiritua


    (iii) The root cause of 80% of the problems in household life is in the spiritual realm.

    Today, 100% population of the world suffers from Pitru Dosh (problems posed by unsatiated

    ancestors) or problems caused by subtle negative energies because of not following the

    Dharma. Despite all the luxuries and comforts that science can offer and all the money, the lif

    of several householders is like hell. Because of blind imitation of western culture and by no

    following Dharma as prescribed by the Vedic culture, a majority of the people are in distres

    and are unhappy.
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    SOHAM - Newsletter by Tanuja Thakur - Vol.1 Issue No 6

    The root cause of this is the impressions or Sanskars ofSadhana not being inculcated

    during Brahmacharya phase. Today, Hindus are neither taught about Dharma at home, nor in

    temples, schools and colleges. As a result, when such students reach the stage ofGruhasth

    Ashram (householder), they have to endure several problems at a spiritual level, because a

    the Scriptures ordain, : : (Sukhasay Mulah Dharmah, meaning the root of a

    happy life lies in abiding byDharma.


    (following theDharma

    ) is of primeimportance as it is Dharma that teaches us the science of spirituality and spiritual practice

    According to the Vedic Dharma, a householder has been advised to do Panch Mahayadnya

    (the five great sacrifices), but today a majority of the householders do not do this, andthat is

    why their lives are beset with spiritual problems.

    (iv).Death is certain, but the time of its arrival is uncertain.

    Death can come any time. Therefore, to think that one will do Sadhana in old age is an

    erroneous viewpoint. The objectives of human life are two-fold: firstly to undergo the destin

    (accumulated actions from previous births) and secondly, doingSadhana and making spiritua

    progress. Destiny is undergone in a natural way, but to perform Sadhana, genuine Purusharth

    (pursuit or genuine and sincere efforts) is required. The human birth is acquired because o

    great fortune and should be well-utilized in practicing Sadhana. This is known as preparing for


    (v). By starting Sadhana at a young age, formation of new Sanskars (impressions) can

    be prevented in our sub-conscious mind.
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    Our mind remains restless, as its Chitta (subconscious mind) bears innumerable

    Sanskars (impressions) of several births. As one advances in age, the centres of these

    impressions and other Sanskars increase. For instance, if a Standard V student sits down to do

    chanting, his mind will merely race back to his parents, siblings, games, friends and school. Bu

    if a 70-year-old, who has never done chanting, sits down to do chanting, the past memories o

    last 70 years which has taken the form of impressions in the mind will obstruct his


    (vi). Practising consistent Sadhana since young age also destroys impressions from

    previous lives

    Sadhana from a young age does not lead to formation of new Sankars, while practicingSadhana with consistency destroys even those impressions that have been accumulated in the

    subconscious mind from the previous births. Thus, when old age comes, the mind become

    blissful and unattached.

    (vii). A few became saints after they started their spiritual journey in old age.

    The ones who attained the status of a saint started practicing Sadhana froma very early

    age. In the old age, when excessive thoughts flow, even the intellect stops working and th

    body is plagued with diseases, then practicingSadhana to attain God becomes difficult. As it is

    we offer only fresh flowers to the Lord, an old body creates only obstacles in attaining God.
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    SOHAM - Newsletter by Tanuja Thakur - Vol.1 Issue No 6

    III. Practical guidance on implementation of spirituality

    Performing Sadhana as per ones own wish and ones own mind

    Most spiritually curious people and sincere Seekers practice some form ofSadhana or

    the other. However, the most basic principle for Sadhana is that it should not be doneas per

    ones own wishes, or ones own mind. A lot of people believe they are doing good Sadhana

    whichever way it suits them. This primarily happens because of ego and ignorance, but is

    grave mistake and often the entire life of a Seeker gets wasted. We start believing that God

    will have to accept the way we do things. Some people claim their Bhaav(spiritual emotions

    towards Sadhana is all that matters. But they forget that very rarely can someone muster the

    Bhaavlike that of Meerabai for the Almighty to accept anything and everything they may do !

    If we have to go somewhere, but we do not know the way, we seek someones help. Similarly

    if an equipment or appliance stops working and we dont know how to repair it, we entrust its

    repair to a mechanic much less educated than us because he alone knows how to do it

    Similarly, if we suffer from ill-health, we entrust our body to a doctor. But when it comes to

    performing Sadhana which is a subtle spiritual science and getting freed from the vicious cycle

    of life and death of life and getting salvation, we start experimenting ourselves! If this isn

    ego, what else is?

    In the course of 20 years of my spiritual journey,Ive met several spiritual people, curious oneand the Seekers, who did not achieve as much in their spiritual life as they ought to have

    There was only one reason for it: doing Sadhana as per their own wishes. Please remember

    what you personally like in spirituality is not what is important. Whats important is what the

    Lord likes. Many a time, Seekers consider somebody as their Guru, but do not obey them and
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    continue to do what they like. In such cases, just think for yourself as to how the Guru

    principle would work and guide us !

    Many people have asked me what do I do as a part of my spiritual practice? My answer i

    extremely clear and simple: (Mantram Mulam Guror

    Vaakyam Moksh Mulam Guru Krupa, meaning Gurus command is like gurumantra the fna

    liberation can be attained through gurus grace.

    Since childhood I have been analytical in nature. However, I have remained alert and did

    not let the intellect become an obstacle in my spiritual progress unlike many intellectuals. Fo

    that I have followed three principles:

    a) My Shree Gurus order for me is Brahmvaakya (the Lords word). Hence, obeying it is my


    b) I have utilized my intellect to obey my gurus directives in the minutest details. Neithe

    have I ever wasted time in analyzing why my Shree Guru said something, nor did I ente

    into any arguments/counter-arguments with myself, or with anyone else about Hi


    c) I have prayed incessantly to the Lord that my mean intellect never becomes a hurdle i

    my learning and comprehending spirituality.

    Remember one basic principle of spirituality. If you have a Sadguru in your life, you must obey

    his word. If you do not have a Guru in your life, then follow a person more spiritually evolved

    than you. But if even that is not possible, then do Sadhana in accordance with the science o

    spirituality. A Seeker should not just make mental efforts, but they should be at a deepe

    spiritual level. The fundamental objective ofSadhana is to dissolve the mind, intellect and ego

    But if we keep pampering our mind alone, how will it get dissolved and finally attuned to God?
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    SOHAM - Newsletter by Tanuja Thakur - Vol.1 Issue No 6

    Let me narrate some personal experiences in the context of performingSadhana as per ones

    own wishes in the next edition ofSoham.

    (IV). Anubhuti (Experiences of Seekers):

    a) In January 2011, a week after having met Tanuja Didi for the first time, my wife and me

    were returning home one evening. The onlysolution to all my troubles and to make

    spiritual progress was to do become a spiritual associate of Tanuja Didi for Guru Kaarya

    (Gurus mission). I was preparing my wife mentally to associate herself withUpasanas

    work. I was telling her whenever Didi starts the work, we must contribute our mite. Just

    then, a car overtook us from the right side and cameright in front of us, and now we were

    followingthat car. My wife pointed to a sticker on the rear windscreen of the car on which

    Tanuja was written. This incident taught us thatGuru principle is Omnipresent and He is

    watching us and also motivating us. ~ Subhash Srinivasa

    Analysis of the Experience:When I met Subhash ji, till that time I had been hesitant to

    start Guru Kaarya independently. I had told him about my predicament that I had a DivineOrdain that I must start Guru Kaarya independently throughUpasana, but I did not feel like

    doing so when my Shree Gurus organization already exists. Also, I felt that I should not

    involve myself with these things. But then, the Almighty granted me with some experience
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    through such Sadhaks (seekers) that not only motivated me, but also strengthened their


    (b) Before doing Sadhana through Upasana, whenever somebody would say anything

    against my wishes, or would disturb my peace of mind, I used to nurse the grudge for a

    considerable time. But after having met Didi, due to constant thoughts about Her mission

    of spreading spirituality, there was no room left for any negative thoughts. Now, I am

    unable to make anyone my foe and have cordial relations with all others, while they have

    become affectionate toward me. I have also started getting everyones cooperation at my

    workplace too.

    My point of view towards Vaastu, Astrologyand Karma Kaand(ritualistic worship)has

    undergone a change and I have started feeling thatGuru Krupa is paramount. Even afterperforming Yadnya (sacrifices) for seven years, I could not derive the mental peace that I

    got after doing the Naam Jaap prescribed by Didi, ~ Subhash Srinivasa

    Analysis of Experience: In the absence of appropriate Sadhana, unnecessary thoughts do

    come. Hence, it is important to provide a direction to the mind. Ever since Subhash ji has

    come to know about the importance ofSamashti Sadhana,(spreading spirituality in the

    society is called samashti sadhana) he has constantly started telling everyone about

    Sadhana. Thus, a positive change in the mind will be there. As much as we try, we cannot

    please everyone in this world, but if we please the Creator of this entire world, He can turn
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    SOHAM - Newsletter by Tanuja Thakur - Vol.1 Issue No 6

    everyone in our favour within no time. Thus a Seeker must be single-minded in his/her

    efforts towards pleasing the Creator.

    All the Shaastras have their own limitations, but there cannot be two views thatGuru

    Shaastra (Guru Scripture) is paramount.

    The appropriate Sadhana ofKaliyug is Naamsankirtanyoga and treading this path leadsto attainment of bliss faster.

    (c) Before Tanuja Didi entered my life, we were thinking of selling off our house, because i

    had severe Vaastu Dosh. We were in great difficulty and had decided we had enough of it.

    When Didi came to stay at our house, we told her this, to which she said, First try to follow

    solutions ofVaastu Shuddhi(spiritual cleansing of the premise)for three months.

    Surprised, I asked her as to what I will achieve with that. She said, ThroughSadhana, we

    can alter the vibrations ofVaastu and peace can bless the house. Her words proved

    providential. After doing Sadhana for some time, everything started moving in the desired

    direction automatically. ~ Subhash Srinivasa

    Analysis of Experience: As I had pointed out in the last issue ofSoham, troubles caused by

    Vaastu in our life are merely 6 per cent and if a Seeker can attract the flow ofGuru Krupa

    through his/her Sadhana, howsoever troublesome Vaastu may be, all the faults can be

    removed. The troubles that Subhash ji was having in his life were due toPitru Dosh

    (problems due to unsatiated ancestors) and that of aMantrikof the third Paatal(Hell).

    Hence, even if he had altered theVaastu, the benefit would have been minimal.
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    SOHAM - Newsletter by Tanuja Thakur - Vol.1 Issue No 6

    (d) My mother died at a young age. But she used to frequently appear in my dreams

    where I would see her in an extremely troubled state. This would immediately wake me up

    each time. One night, I saw her pleading for water. She had been tied down by some

    negative energy that was not allowing me to offer water to her. To resolve this, I had even

    contacted some persons whose sixth senses were awakened. They too had concurred with

    my view, but were unable to offer any solution. After commencing sadhana under Didis

    guidance, I started chanting Shree Guru Dev Duttand also started telling the same to

    others. One night, Didi was talking to some Seekers who had come to meet her. While

    talking to them, she suddenly turned towards me and said, Your mother has just taken a

    rebirth. I had never mentioned any of the incidents about my mother to Didi. That day

    onwards, I never saw my mother in my dreams. ~ Subhash Srinivasa

    Analysis of the experience: Severe Pitru Dosh in the house and lack ofDharmaacharan had

    not granted Gati (momentum) to his mother in her after- life and aMantrikof third Paatal had

    made her a prisoner in the subtle world ! For the resolution ofPitru Dosh, chanting Shree Guru

    Dev Duttand telling others about it, bringing this simple science into action, liberated his

    mother and gave her a rebirth.

    V. Spiritual healing to counter problems by negative energies

    What should you do if there is excessive discord in the house?

    It has been noticed that in the present times, the joint family system which has been the very

    symbol of Indian culture, has broken down and even a nuclear family of husband-wife and two

    children cannot live happily under the same roof. Why is it so?
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    SOHAM - Newsletter by Tanuja Thakur - Vol.1 Issue No 6

    The root cause of the breakdown of joint family system has been deterioration in Seekerhood

    qualities. When Hindus stopped practising Sadhana and Dharmacharan (Righteous conduct)

    deterioration in Seekerhood resulted and discord began to increase. Let us analyzeas to why

    discord takes place?

    IfPrarabdh (destiny) is severe, the give-and-take gets settled by discord and tribulations. If our mutual expectations dont get fulfilled, it leads to discord. If there is Vaastu Dosh (negative vibrations of premise), it too leads to discord. If there is Pitru Dosh, the probability of discord between husband and wife and betweenbrothers increases. If negative energies cast a spell, there is discord in the house due to (any) one family


    Upon subtle analysis(sukshma pariskhan) in the past few years, I have found that if thereis Pitru Dosh in a family and one family member does not get married, the chances of

    him/her developing some psychological problem in the near future increases and this

    creates an atmosphere of discord in the entire house.

    If one of the family members is a an addict such as a drunkard or a gambler, even thenthe atmosphere in the house is full of discord.


    (i) Take steps towards spiritual cleansing of the premise on a regular basis. We havediscussed these in detail in the previous issues of Soham.

    (ii) For resolving Pitru Dosh, chant Shree Guru Dev Datt and perform the annualShraddh (post death ritual for the ancestors). Perform Shraddh during Pitru Paksh(fortnight of the ancestors) and during this period, do 72Maala (rosary) ofNaam Jaap

    (Name chant) by chanting Shree Guru Dev Datt everyday. Worship the picture of

    Lord Dattatreya and play the CD ofDatt(these are available with us).(iii) People who are plagued by increasing discord must do the salt-water treatment daily.

    They should also take bath with salt water containing Gau Mutra (cows urine)

    followed by the normal bath with clean water.

    (iv) Be vigilant two days before and two days after Poornima (Full Moon day) andAmavasya (No Moon day). Do not let discord increase at home during this period.
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    (v) Those who have psychological problems, must take a Lota (small round metal potused in ritualistic worship) of water, put a spoonful ofGau Mutra, Tulsi Dal (a small

    bunch of 4-5 holy basil leaves) and a pinch of Vibhuti (sacred white ash of some

    yadnya or from temple) and prepare the sattvik(pure) water. Place your right hand on

    its upper end so as to cover the Lota and chant Om Namah Shivay for 15 minutes

    The affected person should drink this Abhimantrit Jal (energised water). Since the

    water will remain charged for three days only, you can prepare moreJal the same way

    and make the person drink it.

    (vi) Whenever the atmosphere of the house becomes tense, pray and do the Shastra Yuddh(armed combat). For this, pray to the One you venerate. For instance, if your

    benevolent one is Maa Durgaa (Goddess Durga), make a request to her, O Mother

    whichever negative energy is creating discord between my husband and son (take their

    respective names), may that negative energy be hit and incapacitated by your

    weapons so that its powers decrease. May the black veil clouding my family

    members mind and intellect be destroyed and may your weapons create a Suraksha

    Kavach (protective armour) around them. This is my prayer unto Your holy feet.

    Repeat this prayer again and again.

    (vii) Whenever there is discord at home, do introspection and analyse if any of your faultswas responsible for it and try to remove it. Remember we cant change others, but ifwe get rid of our own ego and defects, Gods grace will follow. Discord and

    tribulation pollute the atmosphere in a household and destroy Lakshmi (wealth)

    Hence, increase your Seeker-ship qualities to avoid discord.

    (viii) If we try to eliminate our ego, the discord and tribulations can be reduced.(ix) Discord is reduced with increase in a spirit of sacrifice and detachment for which

    Sadhana should be done.

    (x) When an atmosphere of discord starts developing, detach yourself and immediatelystart chanting with a strong yearning to stop it.
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    SOHAM - Newsletter by Tanuja Thakur - Vol.1 Issue No 6

    VI. Clarification of doubts

    Question 1: You have often written in your articles about salt-water treatment.

    How is this treatment done? Please provide details. Nisha Singh, Delhi.

    Answer: I will briefly explain how this remedy is to be done:

    Take half a bucket of water, (hot or cold, depending upon the weather), put a spoonful of rock

    salt (natural salt possesses higher capacity to neutralise the problems caused by negativeenergies as compared to iodised salt) and put one spoon ofGau Mutra of aDesi (Indian) cow in

    a bucket of water. Sit on a chair and keep both your feet in the water for 15 minutes and chant

    Shree Guru Dev Datt. After 15 minutes, take your feet out, throw away the water and wash your

    feet with clean water.

    Other family-members should not put their feet in this water. Alsoremember that your feet

    should not be kept in water for more than 15 minutes. See if there is mild sunlight such as in

    the morning or evening and the sky is blue then you can do the salt-water treatment under the

    sky. Doing it under the sky and the sun enhances its impact and makes it all the more powerful

    and increases its spiritual potency.. But before doing the treatment, pray thus: May the element

    of divinity present in the sky, sun, salt, water and Gau Mutra destroy the black veil surroundingmy mind and intellect. Do this remedy twice a day, with a minimum gap of 6-8 hours. And

    continue it for two or three years as per the severity of the problems.

    Doing salt-water treatment regularly reduces the problems pertaining to the mind and

    intellect as the black veil that surrounds them is destroyed, thus helping in better concentration

    and peace.

    Similarly, taking a bath regularly with salt-water and Gau Mutra destroys the black veil

    surrounding the mind and intellect. For this, before taking a bath, take 8-10 mugs of water, put a

    teaspoonful of rock salt and a teaspoonful ofGau Mutra, mix it well and pray thus: May this

    Gau Mutra and salt-water bath destroy the black veil surrounding my mind and intellect andmay I receive Chaitanya (divine consciousness). After this, take a normal bath. Both these

    processes must be done by those members of the family who suffer from problems.
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    Question 2:

    After reading your article, I had done the salt-water treatment two-three times in

    the last few weeks. But while doing this,I had a very strange experience. I developed

    nausea and felt as if some sharp objects were coming out of my ear and I was a bit

    worried. Should I continue with this spiritual remedy or should I discontinue it? -

    Simran Kaur, London.

    Answer: Salt-water treatment is the most effective solution to problems caused by

    negative energies. The kind of experience you have had only proves that you are suffering from

    problems caused by negative energies. Hence, you must repeat this solution twice a day on a

    regular basis. To make it more effective, if you do it under the open sky and under light

    sunlight, your problems will reduce faster. Your strange feeling and nausea are symptoms tha

    the subtle force of the negative energy is reducing and causing problems for you as a result.

    Negative energies create a place for themselves in our body and sometimes place subtle

    weapons in it. Those sharp weapons were coming out from your ear, which is a good sign, you

    were undergoing purification. Do not be afraid, do the chanting fearlessly, keep praying and

    continue this remedy, your problems will be reduced within a short time. To read more and see

    the pictures of subtle aspect of this treatment, visit this link:


    VII. Efforts of Seekers towards spiritual progress :

    A Seeker from Africa, Bhaarat Paandya, who attained a 60% spiritual level has carved

    out a place for himself inMahalok by becoming a medium in the formation ofUpasana Hindu

    Dharmotthan Sansthan .

    In January 2004, I was told by my Shree Guru that my subtle ego has increased a lot

    Hence, I must do everything according to others will and pay attention to check my ego and

    defects. Considering it as his command, I started making remedial efforts. In May 2005, I had

    come to Delhi for some personal work when I rang my Shree Guru to give him details of

    personality defect removal and ego dissolution. I told him I had come to my sisters house and

    how I was now doing everything as per others will. His Holiness Gurudev replied, In future

    you will do everything as per Gods will. Listening to such a great blessing from him just after

    one-and-a-half-years of my effort, brought tears to my eyes. I simply nodded in agreement and
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    kept the phone down. From that day onwards, He would confirm each and every thought

    coming to my mind through different mediums. By 2008, I firmly knew all the thoughts coming

    to my mind were those of the Lord only!

    In August 2010, I was enjoying solitude in my village, when I got a divine Ordain that I

    must do Samashti Sadhana and carry forward my Gurus work independently, and for that

    purpose, I would need to establish an organisation. I was in a fix as I had doubts over this order

    by the Lord, and kept wondering if this wasnt just a thought conjured up by my mind! In the

    meantime, one of my friends on Face book had forecasted few details about my future seeing

    the date of birth in my face book profile. He asked for my birth place and birth time to study my

    kundali in details. I was surprised as to why a stranger should be interested in my natal chart.

    But I provided him with the details.

    Whatever he told me based upon the astrological science was 100% correct. Surprisingly

    all the things that he wrote to me, had already been conveyed to me by God! He wrote that an

    organisation had to be established by me, with which many people will get associated and do

    Sadhna. After this, he was after me to get a Society registered. Just when I was thinking of

    taking his suggestion seriously, another astrologer friend sent to me the same thing in writing in

    the inbox of my facebook profile and began making enquiries about my birth place and birth

    time. He too wrote back the very same things that Bhaarat had written. Both knew about my

    future, but Bhaarat kept calling me up every fortnight from Africa and would ask me whatefforts I had made in that direction.

    One day I told him that until now, I was only living as a full-time Seeker in the Ashram

    (hermitage) of my Shree Guru and did not need much money. But now, if I got a Society

    registered, or opened a bank account, I would need money and I did not have so much money.

    No sooner had I said this that he answered, I will send you money tomorrow itself. Thus, a

    person who had not even seen or met me, became a medium for fulfilling the Gods Ordain. I

    asked him what expectations he had from me and why was he helping me. He humbly replied,

    In the near future, you will be surrounded by thousands of people. Whenever I come to India, I

    do not want to stand in a queue. If you are aware of my arrival, please give me an audience for

    two minutes and place your hand on my head as a blessing. This is my only expectation!

    Listening to the expectation of this Seeker, I was amazed. Today, even if somebody

    provides the smallest help, he holds big expectations from you! Sending me Rs 17, 000/- in

    two instalments, on December 26, 2010, through the help of Bhaarat I laid the foundation for

    Upasana Hindu Dharmotthan Sansthan. According to the Hindu calendar, this date was the

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    Nirvaan Divas (Liberation Day) of the Guru of His Holiness Bhaktraj Maharajs (Our Shree

    Gurus Guru), His Holiness Anantanand Sayeesh ji.

    One day, in March 2011, I received a message from the Lord that Bhaarat Pandya has

    attained 60% spiritual level and carved out a place for himself inMahalok.

    I said to the Lord, But I have not even met him, I have merely told him about chanting!

    How did he make so much progress just by doing this?

    The Lord replied, He motivated you to do Samashti Sadhana and became the medium

    for the establishment of Upasana. In this goal, he assisted you with single-mindedness and he

    also does chanting faithfully, as told by you. HisBhaav (spiritual emotion) is very good.

    A few days later, I saw a message from Bharat ji that he can see my face in the pictures of gods

    and goddesses kept in his Pujaghar (the place of worship) and he can see my subtle form

    whenever he closes his eyes. Since the first day, he addressed me asMaa (Mother). He told me

    that his financial difficulties had been reduced, his mind had become peaceful and he had also

    knocked off the habits of smoking and drinking. I had until then not even told him that his

    spiritual progress was at 60%, and he had already started recounting his experiences. I

    understood the Lords divine game. When I came in touch with Bhaarat, his level was at 58%

    but there was a severe Pitru Dosh in his life and he was being troubled by Maantriks of the

    third Paatal region. He suffered from a severe Prarabdh(destiny)too, but all his problems werereduced within a span of 8 months and he was also liberated from the cycle of life and death!

    Once again, the story of Eklavya and Guru Tattwa was repeated.

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    VIII. Obstacles duringDharm Yatra &Dharm Prasar

    For the last few weeks, some Seekers have been offering their voluntary services to Soham,which is why this newsletter reaches you in this format on time. This newsletter is going to

    become a vehicle forDharma awakening. Hence, we will take a look at some experiences that

    reflect the kind of problems that the Seekers associated with this Sewa have had to face.

    First, we will look at the experience of Shri Kothiyal from Delhi. He does the language

    correction in Hindi and also translates it into English.

    (i) The office I am working in, has a 24x7 internet facility. Internet-relatedproblems hardly ever arise, and even if it does, it is redressed at the very

    earliest. However, when I was in the midst of working on Soham - 3, for

    some inexplicable reason, the Internet connection went out and could not be

    restored for four days. The technical experts kept trying to identify theproblem, but could not find the reason behind disruption. Four days later, it

    was noticed that a small wire had turned loose somewhere.

    (ii) Similarly, while working on Soham 5, Tanuja Didi sent me a file. Iimmediately started working on it. Didi had told me that she would send the

    files in two-three parts. I had completed working on the first part and started

    the second. While revising the articles, I realised that there was some

    problem somewhere. I noticed that the first three points were there, but after

    the 4th

    point, it went straight to the 8th

    point. Usually, the signal on my cell

    phone is quite weak inside my office premises and keeps fluctuating. Hence

    there is a problem having a long conversation. Hence, I spelt out the problemin an e-mail and followed it up with an SMS to Didi, requesting her to look

    at the e-mail immediately.

    After some time, I received a call from Didi asking me as to how this was

    possible? She told me that the file that she had sent me was the same that

    she had with her. In that file, all the points from 1 to 8 were intact and she

    could see those. However, the file that had reached me, did not contain

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    points 4 to 7. Then, she re-sent the file and this time it contained all the

    points. How both these incidents happened is beyond the comprehension of

    my intellect!

    The second experience is that of Shri Dhanak from Ahmedabad

    On April 28, 2012, as per Didis instructions, I e-mailed Soham 4 to al

    the curious ones and Seekers. This was an extremely easy Seva (serviceand it took me about half an hour to do so. The next day, I began to fee

    extreme fatigue, so much so that I could not even get up from the bed. I fel

    my hemoglobin levels might have dropped, hence the weakness. When

    sought the doctors advice, he recommended tests for complete body

    Surprisingly, all my reports were normal, and even the hemoglobin wa

    13.9, which is considered above average. This led me to believe that such

    things are beyond the scope of intellect.

    The third experience is of Smt. Anita from Ajmer

    Tanuja Didi has given me the Seva (service) of correcting the Hindi language

    ofSoham. I had earlier received the pdf final copies sent by Didi containin

    Soham 2 and Soham 3 on the same e-mail ID. But when she sent me

    Soham - 3, for seva on the same mail id, I did not receive it. She sent me the

    file thrice, but I still did not get it, even though it was present in Didis SenItems list. I opened a new Hotmail ID, but Didis mails kept bouncing back

    Finally, she had to send me the file in Face book Inbox in two parts and

    could complete the service.

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    Didi had asked me to do special chanting and a prayer, which I had started

    doing regularly. But the same episode occured during Soham 4. The fina

    copies of both Soham 3 and Soham 4 issueswere received by me just

    like everyone else. And I was getting it without any problem. But each time

    I did not get the files sent for editing. I received the Soham 5 ,file for seva

    but when I returned it after doing the corrections, all the pages were

    showing correctly as having been attached in my Sent Items box, Bu

    when Didi downloaded it, she got only two pages of text while the rest othe document was showing blank. When we could not succeed despite

    several efforts, my husband sent it as a PDF file. Only then could she get al

    the corrected pages. My husband deals with hardware and software, bu

    these things were beyond his intellect too.

    The next experience is that of Shri Saxena. He looks after the service of English language

    correction ofSoham.

    While working on Soham 4, I was grappling with paucity of time and

    completed the editing by burning the proverbial midnight oil. I am ver

    particular about cleanliness and I also try to keep my home protected from

    flies and mosquitoes. However, despite sanitizing my bedroom quite well,

    noticed something strange for those two consecutive nights. I do not know

    from where, but mosquitoes kept coming in hordes. I spent better part o

    the nights using the electric racquet (in vogue these days) and waged a

    battle to keep them at bay so I could complete the editing. After twonights, there was no sewa to be done and I could sleep peacefully the third

    night. Similarly, I had thought I would finish the task for Soham 5 within

    three hours, but uncontrollable sleep virtually paralysed me the moment

    sat down on chair the first night. The next morning I contracted viral fever

    Finally, I could finish the seva with a great deal of difficulty. How

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    contracted the viral fever was surprising because I had taken a flu

    vaccination just a month ago!

    IX. Mistakes by Seekers

    Before I tell you about mistakes this week, I want everyone to know more about personality



    Whenever special impressions of our mind are expressed time and again, they becom

    our behaviour. In short, behaviour means a persons nature. That person- is the sum tota

    of these qualities and these shortcomings. This becomes the Sanskars(impressions) Good

    impressions are known as qualities and negative impressions as behavioural faults. If due to a

    persons particular behaviour, or any of his actions, harm is caused to someone else, it is a

    behavioural fault. In spiritual language, these are known as Shad-ripu (the six enemies) andexpressed through lust, anger and greed etc. Ordinarily, about 50% of all our actions and

    reactions are unbecoming of our position. These are related to our behavioural faults, and

    result in injuring ourselves and others who are close to us. Anger, irritability, speaking at

    high pitch, laziness, telling lies, being disorganized, negative thoughts, worrying

    procrastination, blabbering, lack of focus, rowdiness, criticizing others, being cantankerous

    envy, lack of concentration or decisiveness etc are behavioural faults. In contrast, leadership

    vigilance, ability, modesty, patience, discipline, respecting time, firmness, forgiveness etc are



    Behavioural faults can cause physical and mental pain. The more the defects, the more

    stressed the mind is. Thus even maintaining proximity to others becomes difficult. Trivia

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    things disturb the mind and having weakened the vitality of the mind, a person feels fatigued

    and de-motivated. One can also be given to addictions. Not removing the behavioural fault

    means bearing their brunt throughout life and even more in the next birth. Eradicating defect

    leads to awakening of the intellect and the mind starts according priority to divine thoughts

    Behavioural faults become an obstacle in the spiritual progress for those performing the

    spiritual practice. The severity of behavioural faults can easily let any negative energy ente

    the physical body of a person. Strong desires and disorders make a person Tamogun

    (spiritually impure), which itself transforms into negative energy after death.

    (IX). Mistakes by Seekers:The work of reconstruction of Kaali temple is on. Tanuja Didi had asked me to reach five

    minutes before the masons did. But I was late by two hours. As a result, the masons wasted

    their time in looking for the tools like spade, shovel etc. Ashish.

    The defect responsible for the mistake:

    Lack of seriousness towards Sadhna and performing Sadhna according to the wishes of

    ones own mind.

    (X). Guru Poornima special:

    Guru Poornima this year is on July 3 according to Panchaang (the Hindu calendar) On

    this day, the Guru Tattva gets magnified a thousand times and is far more potent. Thus, if weperform qualified Sadhna, Guru Krupa can be acquired many times over. To enable you to

    utilize this golden opportunity to do Sadhna, from this issue onwards, I will share some specia

    incidents and memories concerning Guru and the disciples. This should increase your devotion

    towards your Guru and you too might make similar efforts. This time, I am recalling for you an

    inspiring story extremely dear to me. This is not fiction, but a real incident.

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    Kabirdas was a saint of the highest order, but he did not learn anything from his Guru in

    the gross form. He displayed devotion towards his Guru like Eklavya and received self

    realisation. All of you must have heard this couplet of his:



    Guru Gobind Dou khade, kaake lagoon paye,

    Balihaari Guru aapne, Gobind diyo dikhaaye

    Imagine his faith in his Guru whom he saw just once, that he even gave the credit fo

    self-realisation to his Guru and not to God, because he had placed Guru on a higher pedesta

    than God himself. Only those who have tasted the nectar ofGuru Krupa can understand his


    (Gurukrupa hi kevalam shishy param mangalam.)

    And the Guru too conceded defeat in the face of Kabirs devotion.

    The story about Saint Kabirdas goes thus:

    Upon noticing the fame of Saint Kabir increasing, somePundits of Kashi grew jealous.

    They went to Saint Kabirdas and asked him about the traditions of his Guru. Saint Kabir

    said, My Guru is Ramanand Maharaj. He only had given me the Guru Mantra and it is by

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    his grace that I am in bliss today. As the Pundits were jealous of his fame, so they went

    to Ramanand Maharaj and asked him, A person whose caste and birth etc are not

    known, how did you make him your disciple? RamanandMaharajsaid, I have not made

    Kabir my disciple, I do not even know who he is. The Pundits retorted, But he openly

    says you are his Guru and that you have given him the Guru Mantra.

    Before we proceed further, let us recall an incident that had taken place earlier.

    Saint Kabirdas wanted to receive Deeksha (initiation) from Ramanand Maharaj, but knew

    that he would not agree. Therefore, in the early hours of dawn one day, he lay down on a

    Ghat(river bank) of Ganga (Ganges), knowing that Guru Maharajtakes that route every

    day on his way to take a holy bath. It would be the best route to seek Deeksha, he

    thought. It happened exactly like that. As soon as Ramanand Maharaj accidentally

    stepped on Kabirs chest, he suddenly spoke out Ram Ram. Kabirdas felt touch of His

    gurus feet on his chest as His blessings and considering Ram Ramas his Guru Mantra,

    went back.

    Now, since Ramanand Maharaj had already said that he did not know Kabir, the

    Pundits called for a Dharm Sabha to let Kabirdown. In those days, such gatherings used

    to be held on the staircases of big temples, where issues of even small magnitude used to

    be resolved. When the meeting started, Ramanand Maharaj called Kabir and scolded

    him. He was standing one step above Kabir, and disciple Kabir one step below him. The

    followers of Ramanandi community used to keep a kind of a forcep. So he beat one

    against Kabirdas and asked him, Tell me, when did I accept you as my disciple, RamRam? He had a habit of saying Ram Ram in every sentence. So he pricked Kabir with the

    forceps and said: Why are you telling a lie that I gave you the Guru Mantra, Ram Ram.

    Hitting Kabir a third time with the forceps, he said, Tell the truth in front of everyone,

    Ram Ram.

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    Saint Kabirdasstood humbly before him and said, That day my Lord had allowed me

    to touch his feet in dark and gave the Mantra ofRam Ram, and today He has given the

    impressions of His blessings on my back. What else can I say about His grace? And he

    then showed his back to everyone, on which one could clearly see three marks caused by

    the forceps. Gurus are Gurus after all. Upon seeing such devotion, tears came to

    Ramanand Maharajs eyes, and he said, Now, even if all the Pundits of Kashi boycott me,

    from today you are my disciple and I am your Guru, Ram Ram. Saying this, he embraced

    his disciple. Seeing tears in their eyes, all the Pundits went back embarrassed.

    Please visit the following webistes for more input on the spiritual science behind Hinduism :

    See you in the next issue of Soham
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