With an avalanche of media spread across various types of storage, it has become increasingly important to priorit ize t he media life cycle of asset s. Cent ralizing t he management of t hese asset s wit h descript ive met adat a, workflow orchestration, and intelligent data movement is critical for optimizing the media supply chain. This supply chain has increasingly moved to a hybrid model with various elements leveraging the cloud. In many cases this brings elast icit y and durabilit y t o t he t able, but it also brings increased cost and complexit y. Int egrat ing a MAM wit h a data mover that provides insight into these workflows brings visibility and simplicity, allowing you to optimize both your budget and timelines. CatDV Expands Cloud Data Management Functionality with the Integration of SoDA Software Copyright 2020 | SoDA www.cloudsoda.io SoDA + Cat DV Why SoDA Why Cat DV SoDA data management software puts you in control of your entire storage environment providing valuable insight by simplifying data movement and delivering actionable insight into your cloud storage spend. SoDA provides a simple interface to manage and automate data movement through a rich policy engine. Cloud retrieval costs can be expensive, but with SoDA, you can predict the cost and time to move files before you commit to a st orage t ransfer, enabling users t o st ay on budget . SoDA aut omat ically monit ors and t racks every job and generat es report s on- demand for depart ment al chargebacks and client billing. CatDV is a media management platform that allows teams of people and departments to organize, communicate and collaborate more effectively. The integrated solutions accomplish this through organization and automation of media management practices by providing a rich tool set of scalable, cross-platform and state-of-the-art suite of products. CatDV creates catalogs of all types of media and metadata including video, images, audio files and document s t hrough advanced analysis of met adat a informat ion bot h int ernal and ext ernal t o t he media it is tracking. From small production groups with hundreds of assets to large multinational enterprises with millions of asset s, Cat DV can scale t o t he needs of any organizat ion. SOLUTION BRIEF Cat DV & SoDA Int egrat ion SoDA data management software integrates with the CatDV Media Platform via comprehensive APIs.This integration allows customers to automate their content movement between on-premise and cloud storage and provides insight into real-time ingest and retrieval costs, all from the CatDV interface.

SoDA + CatDV

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With an avalanche of media spread across various types of storage, it has become increasingly important to priorit ize the media life cycle of assets. Centralizing the management of these assets with descript ive metadata, workflow orchestrat ion, and intelligent data movement is crit ical for opt imizing the media supply chain. This supply chain has increasingly moved to a hybrid model with various elements leveraging the cloud. In many cases this brings elast icity and durability to the table, but it also brings increased cost and complexity. Integrat ing a MAM with a data mover that provides insight into these workflows brings visibility and simplicity, allowing you to opt imize both your budget and t imelines.

CatDV Expands Cloud Data Management Funct ionality with the Integrat ion of SoDA Software

Copyright 2020 | SoDA www.cloudsoda.io

SoDA + CatDV

Why SoDA

Why CatDV

SoDA data management software puts you in control of your ent ire storage environment providing valuable insight by simplifying data movement and delivering act ionable insight into your cloud storage spend. SoDA provides a simple interface to manage and automate data movement through a rich policy engine. Cloud ret rieval costs can be expensive, but with SoDA, you can predict the cost and t ime to move files before you commit to a storage t ransfer, enabling users to stay on budget . SoDA automat ically monitors and t racks every job and generates reports on-demand for departmental chargebacks and client billing.

CatDV is a media management plat form that allows teams of people and departments to organize, communicate and collaborate more effect ively. The integrated solut ions accomplish this through organizat ion and automat ion of media management pract ices by providing a rich tool set of scalable, cross-plat form and state-of- the-art suite of products. CatDV creates catalogs of all types of media and metadata including video, images, audio files and documents through advanced analysis of metadata informat ion both internal and external to the media it is t racking. From small product ion groups with hundreds of assets to large mult inat ional enterprises with millions of assets, CatDV can scale to the needs of any organizat ion.


CatDV & SoDA Integrat ionSoDA data management software integrates with the CatDV Media Plat form via comprehensive APIs.This integrat ion allows customers to automate their content movement between on-premise and cloud storage and provides insight into real- t ime ingest and ret rieval costs, all from the CatDV interface.

Page 2: SoDA + CatDV

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CatDV makes browsing the content of your storage a breeze whether on- line, off- line, near- line or archived. Searching media could previously have taken hours or days. With CatDV, finding media takes seconds. The CatDV plat form automates the process of enriching sets of metadata based on folder st ructure and ingest points. The rich logging capability enables a robust set of data to search, collaborate and automate. The best thing is, this can all be done through CatDV before SoDA moves the data to public cloud.

With SoDA, a user can now determine the t rue cost and t ime of ret rieval from the cloud before they commit to a file t ransfer. This provides control over your budget and helps make smart decisions on how you use and access data. With CatDV and SoDA data management integrat ion, you now have full control of your data at your fingert ips no matter where it is.

SoDA software is the first data mover of its kind and is the culminat ion of Integrated Media Technologies, Inc.?s (IMT) 13 years of experience. With over 700 customers, including many fortune 500 companies, IMT has become an elite integrat ion partner in media and entertainment as well as IT data center solut ions. Our customers have given us a unique view into the problems and complexit ies of on-prem and mult i-cloud solut ions. SoDA is the outcome of IMT?s commitment to developing state-of- the-art software tools to bet ter manage and automate file movement while giving users new insight into the operat ing costs of their storage and cloud services.