So, what is the truth - The Sacred Plant · The Sacred Plant Can Save Lives Our mission at the Sacred Plant is to educate patients about the healing benefits of cannabis. The fact

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Page 1: So, what is the truth - The Sacred Plant · The Sacred Plant Can Save Lives Our mission at the Sacred Plant is to educate patients about the healing benefits of cannabis. The fact
Page 2: So, what is the truth - The Sacred Plant · The Sacred Plant Can Save Lives Our mission at the Sacred Plant is to educate patients about the healing benefits of cannabis. The fact


The Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) holds the only viable patent for cannabis. Yet, at the same time, they list it as a dangerous, Schedule 1 substance, keeping it away from researchers and practitioners in the U.S. while approving medications made with the sacred plant for big pharmaceutical companies. They continue to mask the truth about its medicinal benefits. To be more specific, their own website for the National Institute on Drug Abuse tells patients it’s dangerous while also offering a list of medical uses along with conclusive case studies verifying them. The site even includes a special section on reducing opioid addiction and overdoses with the controversial plant.

This same website provides information on conditions it may treat and discusses medications approved by the FDA that contain natural and synthetic forms of the cannabinoids found in cannabis. Along with that contradictory information, it’s hard to ignore that the sacred plant is legal for medicinal use in 33 states and adult recreational use in 10 states - Despite its federal status. Medical cannabis is legal in several countries around the globe, including for patients in the countries that border the U.S. - Canada, and Mexico.

So, what is the truth about the sacred plant? Do you have to get high to use it?

Can state laws protect patients from federal ones?

Is it a cure-all and will it take away all your pain?

Keep reading to learn what’s true, what’s a lie, and how you can help end the stigma through education and advocacy.

Page 3: So, what is the truth - The Sacred Plant · The Sacred Plant Can Save Lives Our mission at the Sacred Plant is to educate patients about the healing benefits of cannabis. The fact


The Sacred Plant Can Save Lives Our mission at the Sacred Plant is to educate patients about the healing benefits of cannabis. The fact is between patient and doctor testimonials and valid research - We know it can save lives. As more data is available from different studies, professionals can gather the numbers to get the most accurate information on medical cannabis.

Thomas M. Clark, a professor and chair of the biology department at the Indiana University South Bend published his findings on how many deaths the sacred plant could save based on studies that met the following criteria:

• Published between January 1, 2000, and August 2016

• Only addresses diseases that are often fatal and instances

• Covers survival of accidents rates

• Effects of medical cannabis programs on mortality

• Only studies in English

• Research includes full, quantitative data and analysis on comparative diseases and survival rates for both cannabis users and non-users

Clark provides the entire list of search terms he used to find the research, the internet sources he used, and a diagram of his research analysis which allows anyone to follow the basic research patterns to get the same resources. After further review, he narrowed his findings down from 1,401 potential matches to 222 that met all of his criteria.


What were the results?

Click here to read the full report.


“Marijuana use is estimated to reduce premature deaths from diabetes mellitus, cancer, and traumatic brain injury by 989 to 2,511 deaths for each 1% of the population using Cannabis. The analysis predicts an estimated 23,500 to 47,500 deaths prevented annually if medical marijuana were legal nationwide.”

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There is a Lot of Research on Medical CannabisThe National Institute on Drug Abuse references a lack of large-scale clinical trials with human subjects as one reason the FDA can’t approve it as a medicine. While it’s true, there haven’t been double-blind studies with thousands of participants, the FDA gave approval for Epidiolex to GW Pharmaceuticals with less than 1,000 clinical trial participants. The drug uses cannabidiol (CBD), a popular cannabis extract legal in most U.S. states, to treat seizures in patients ages two and older. While you may think this is great and will help people suffering from life-altering seizure disorders, prepare yourself for the sticker shock. GW Pharmaceuticals estimates Epidiolex will cost about $32,500 a year. Now, ask yourself - Is it about helping people first or does the profit come before the patient?

The healing powers of cannabis need to be available to everyone in a whole plant form, not just as single compound extracts for the people who can afford it or have the right insurance to cover the medicine. Despite the lack of large-scale clinical trials, this amazing plant has over 4,000 years of documented, medicinal use. In fact, Sir William Brooke O’Shaughnessy wrote the first scientific study about therapeutic cannabis use in 1839 using an alcohol-based tincture of the sacred plant to treat patients after several successful tests on animals. While he didn’t cure specific diseases, his tinctures provided patients with pain and anxiety relief.

Now, fast-forward 125 years to 1964 when Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, whom many in the industry consider the grandfather of cannabis, published the first modern research paper on delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC.)

Truth 2

Sir William Brooke O’Shaughnessy

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Mechoulam continued to research and publish his findings on the medicinal value of the sacred plant through 2017.

To see the wealth of scientific studies in the U.S. National Library of Medicine’s National Center for Biotechnology Information alone, check out this list of 28 different databases that contain over 159,000 documents. Along with these studies, there are many documented experiences from patients and practitioners about their experiences with using medical cannabis to treat ailments.

As for more clinical trials, they are increasing along with the number of states approving medical programs. For example, the U.S. National Library of Medicine lists 364 studies involving cannabinoids with 90 still active and 164 complete.

Watch Healing Secrets Examined Episode 1 to learn even more about

rehabilitative powers of whole plant medicine.

What conditions are researchers studying? Here are several to check out:

• Huntington’s Disease (HD)

• Sickle Cell Disease (SCD)

• Motor Neuron Disease and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

Please note: Some clinical studies use natural cannabinoid-based extracts such as nabiximols (Brand name Sativex), namisol (This is in the trial phase), and synthetic cannabinoids, such as dronabinol (brand name Marinol) and nabilone (brand name Cesamet) rather than the actual cannabis plant.

Myth 3Patients Have to Get High For Medical Cannabis to WorkOnly one of the 512 molecules in the sacred plant can cause feelings of euphoria. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is one of the most abundant cannabinoids in cannabis and the most powerful treatment for pain relief. It can cause a psychoactive effect (“high”) on the body in high dosages, but, that’s not the goal or purpose of the medicine. With the right amount, you can get symptom relief without the euphoria. Patients that have no prior experience will experience these side effects for 10 to 14 days while their body builds up a tolerance to the dosage.

You may be uncomfortable with this step. However, consuming the whole plant is the most effective way to benefit from this treatment. Physicians call this the entourage effect which means the best medicine uses all 512 molecules working together to provide symptom relief and realign the harmony in your Endocannabinoid System (ECS.)

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Truth 4More States and Countries Are Starting Medical Cannabis ProgramsAs we described earlier, there are now more states with safe and legal access to cannabis as a medicine than ones without. Positive changes are happening so fast, it’s hard to keep up-to-date. In the November 2018 Midterm elections, Americans saw several changes for medical and recreational access including:

• Utah residents came together and voted for medicinal programs in their state

• The people of Missouri also approved medical use

• Michigan voters approved recreational adult-use cannabis

There are now 33 states, the District of Columbia (DC), and three U.S. territories that have comprehensive medicinal cannabis programs and 10 with recreational, adult use laws. Although we prefer medical treatment plans where physicians help patients find the best approach, recreational use laws increase access to safe, quality medicine. Due to the Federal Law against Cannabis, there are no federal regulations on the State Law. To understand your state’s laws and regulations on Cannabis, go to your department of health website for more information. This makes it difficult for growers, dispensaries, patients, and educators when setting up access in various states. Differences between legislation include:

• Qualifying conditions

• Methods of use (For example, New York and Louisiana don’t allow smokable forms of cannabis)

• If and how many immature and mature plants a patient can grow

• Location and the number of dispensaries

• Product safety rules

• Monthly limit on purchases

Along with causing confusion, these different variables are part of the reason new states face long delays in starting viable, comprehensive medical programs. Cannabis industry experts and advocates see this as a passive form of prohibition. Since the first law went into effect in 1996,

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states have had 22 years to learn from each other and implement medical use legislation that’s complete and comprehensive. Every bit of energy patients use to worry about legal issues takes away from their learning, healing, and living.

More importantly, these delays are deadly for some patients.

On the international level, progress is slower outside North America. Canada is leading the pack as of October 2018 for having an extensive medical program and legalized adult-use recreational cannabis. Mexico is also researching the pros and cons of full legalization and already has a medical treatment platform in parts of the country. In Europe, the UK made it legal for medicinal use beginning November 1, 2018, making it one of 30 countries with approved cannabis legalization and more than a dozen are working on the complete legalization of the controversial plant.

The countries with the most recent programs include:

• Denmark

• Malta

• Lithuania

• Greece

• Republic of Vanuatu

Which countries are next? While it’s just speculations, many believe these are a few spots around the globe where it will be legal in the next few years:

• Thailand

• South Korea (CBD Only)

• New Zealand

The tide is changing in favor of medical cannabis after decades of a wrongful persecution. Soon, other countries will follow in the footsteps of the other countries and make safe access a reality for more patients.

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The increase in marijuana arrests—659,700 in 2017,

compared to 653,249 in 2016—is driven by enforcement against

people merely possessing the drug as opposed to

selling or growing it, the data shows.”

5Cannabis Patients Are Still at Risk in States With Legal Cannabis ProgramsThe federal government’s classification of the sacred plant keeps patients, their caregivers, and even their families at risk of legal issues, employment rules based off what the company wants, and other complications, such as child custody and rental agreements. Even with decades of studies that show the benefits of cannabis and the recent popularity of CBD (cannabidiol) products, the stigma left by over 80 years of demonization and prohibition from the government continues to take a toll.

Although more than half of the U.S. states have full, medical cannabis programs and several states have legal, adult-use only recreational laws, criminal arrests for possession increased between 2016 and 2017. Couple this with confusion regarding current state laws, such as a criminal case in Oklahoma in October 2018. They arrested a Green County resident for possession even though she had a medical card for the medication. Why? The Midwest patient did not purchase her medicine from a legal dispensary. In a sense, she was lucky. The prosecutor agreed the law wasn’t specific enough and declined to press charges.

Earlier in 2018, a Rhode Island medical patient drove into Pennsylvania with his medicine in the car’s glove compartment and was pulled over for speeding. This lead to his arrest for possession. He was guilty of going 72 in a 55 mph zone and traveling across state lines without knowing the laws. Even though the situation didn’t send him to prison, it cost him thousands of dollars to fix.




















2017 2016



Marijuana Arrests

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The trouble you may face could include employment. Patients think because the use is for medical purposes, there are protections in place to keep them from being fired. That isn’t always the case, and most times, the federal position on the sacred plant puts employers between a proverbial rock and a hard place. Why? If your job does any work with the U.S. government, the company can lose their contract and face legal issues for not terminating your employment. In states with medicinal programs, the employer can face discrimination charges and lawsuits if they terminate employment for the use of a legal, state treatment plan.

So, what does this mean for patients? It depends on the work and the employer. If you operate any kind of machinery, for safety reasons, employers will most likely not be able keep you on the job because even if you don’t use the medicine on the job, there are too many variables between drug screenings, federal and state department of transportation regulations, union (if any) positions, and the company’s insurance policies.

Will my landlord evict me for medical cannabis? Similar to employment protections, or the lack of, a landlord can cancel your rental agreement because it’s a Schedule 1 substance. However, with the variety of ways to take this medicine, it’s possible that your landlord won’t be bothered or know about it. We recommend that patients who are renters use tinctures, capsules, other forms of inhalation, or edibles rather than smoking it. If you need the immediate relief that smoking provides, experts recommend vaporizers which have the same speed for the onset of relief as smoking with little or no smell that could alert neighbors and a cause problem.

It’s unfortunate, but, child guardianship is another issue. State Child Protective Services (CPS) and judges presiding over custody cases can and have ruled against medical cannabis patients and remove children from their care. Until the federal government declassifies or reclassifies it, there is little that can change these outcomes. Use this guide from Americans for Safe Access about using the sacred plant safely with children in your home and what to do if you’re under investigation by CPS or are in a custody dispute with a spouse.

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Myth 6Medical Cannabis Can Help EveryoneMany people believe it’s a miracle drug that can help everyone. However, because everyone’s body is different, there is a chance it won’t work for you. One thing that’s important to consider is the trial and errors of dosing. Practitioners are still studying the effects of different ratios of the 113 cannabinoids and more than 200 terpenes. Similar to traditional medicine, a slight variation in the chemical makeup can make the difference between reducing a child’s seizures, complete relief for chronic pain patients, or not helping at all.

Other issues can arise as well such as with synthetic cannabinoids, like Marinol. The lab-created medication can take weeks to be effective. This can be detrimental to the patient’s treatment if after waiting for relief and the medication is proven to not work, in comparison to whole plant treatments that show positive effects almost instantly depending on the method of delivery.

Now, let’s go back to the whole plant medicine again. As mentioned earlier, this is an essential part of the entourage effect, and none of the FDA-approved natural and lab-created medications take this factor into consideration which makes these medicines less effective than the products patients can get at a dispensary.

Although rare, there is a condition that cannabis can cause and could prevent the patient from using this treatment. Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS) occurs in long-term, heavy recreational users and can cause abdominal pain, nausea, and excessive vomiting. While experts are still learning about this condition that was first documented by the medical community in 2004, most agree it occurs with high doses of THC. Even though cannabis users don’t develop the physical addiction that happens with nicotine, alcohol, and opioids, like any substance that can produce euphoria, users can abuse it and form a psychological dependence on the plant. Most professionals find this isn’t the case with most medical patients, who are only looking for symptom relief and not a constant “high.”

If you develop CHS, the only treatment is to stop using cannabis. Some people have found that a long break from the sacred plant and then slowly reintroducing small amounts to their body again allows them to restart medical use. However, these cases are as rare as CHS. Hot showers or baths can provide short-term relief from the unpleasant syndrome until the last of the cannabis is out of your body.

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These alternative treatments can be used on their own for minor pain relief and also in conjunction with cannabis or pharmaceuticals to achieve advanced pain relief. Using a combination of treatments can also help reduce dependence on prescription painkillers.

Myth 7Cannabis Will Take Away All Your PainThere are anecdotal reports and case studies of the sacred plant helping reduce all types of pain. However, again, it’s not a miracle medicine. Expert physicians use medical cannabis to help treat the cause of the pain, which eliminates or reduces symptoms such as pain. Researchers and practitioners can agree that it will make the pain more manageable, but, like all medications, everyone’s body is different, and it may not take it all away depending on the complexity and severity of your condition. The Sacred Plant encourages patients to work with a cannabis specialist and pain management team to work together to find the best combination of traditional and alternative treatment to meet their pain relief needs.

Additional pain relief options that work in conjunction with the sacred plant include:

• Chiropractic

• Yoga

• Massage

• Meditation

• Acupuncture

• Physical therapy

• Hypnosis

Other choices include several herbal and nutritional remedies, such as:

• Turmeric • Ginger • Kratom • Increase intake of Omega-3 fatty acids

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Truth 8Hemp-Derived Medicine is Not as Effective as Cannabis Derived MedicineHemp and cannabis are the male and female counterparts of the same plant. They have more differences than shared characteristics, which is the reason one isn’t as effective as the other. Traditionally, the male plant is necessary to pollinate the female to reproduce. However, science can achieve this in a lab without the male using clones or snippets of the parent. Most farmers agree that cloning or the use of genetically engineered seeds that only produce female plants is the best way to grow high-quality cannabis because it eliminates cross-pollination with male plants. Under the right weather and geographic conditions, pollen can travel 3 to 7.5 miles. When the male plant pollinates the female, it reduces the THC content and damages the overall quality of a crop.

What makes hemp less effective? The male plant differs from the female in appearance. Its stalk is thinner and taller because it doesn’t need to support the large, top-heavy flowers that the female produces. The flowers, also known as buds, hold most of the plant’s healing properties. There are traces of these different molecules in the stalk, root, and leaves. Cannabis plants are also seedless. Because hemp grows small, pollen pockets at the base of its leaves, the medicinal value is far lower than it is in female plants. Companies producing products from hemp use a tremendous amount of stalks, stems, and leaves to achieve medicinal benefits.

For patients

in the CBD-only




Any help is better than nothing. While we want you to strive for whole plant medicine, we understand this isn’t available to everyone and don’t want to discourage patients from trying quality, CBD products from reputable sources. If this is your only option, be careful when purchasing products. Never buy from a seller that won’t disclose lab testing results and if you are still unsure, contact the lab directly to verify the dates and results given by the seller.

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Myth 9Hemp Can Get You HighThe reason states that are against medical cannabis approve CBD-only laws is because the levels of THC are so low, they can’t get patients high. Most hemp plants have less than .3 percent of THC. A 2015 study in Colorado found the average amount of the psychoactive cannabinoid in the sacred plant was 18.7 percent with some ratios containing 30 percent or more.

The primary value of industrial hemp is not medicinal. But, while it won’t get you high and doesn’t offer the same quality of healing properties found in whole plant cannabis products, it’s still more valuable than most people think. Here’s how hemp can help mend the planet while cannabis heals the Earth’s people and animals:

• Reduce the number of trees countries cut down for paper products and building materials

• Decrease farmer’s dependence on the pesticide-heavy cotton crop for clothing and other textiles

• Replace hay with the more mold-resistant and longer lasting mulch, compost, and animal beds

• Feed farm animals with a healthier alternative

• Increase the options for reducing oil dependency as a biofuel

• Provide an alternative to manufacturing products with harmful plastics

• Quickly remove toxins from soil to make them safe for rotational crops and other uses

• Reduce the use of pesticides and other dangerous chemicals with other rotational crops

Wait, if hemp’s this amazing, why isn’t it growing in abundance across the world? Until cannabis prohibition, it was one of America’s biggest annual crops for clothing, blankets, paper, and ships’ sails because of its water, mold, and insect-resistant properties that make it more durable than cotton. With the help of the U.S. government, they have demonized the helpful crops to keep money in the pockets of the cotton, lumber, plastics, and oil industries at the cost of American lives and the health of our planet.

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Myth 10Raw Cannabis Has No Medicinal ValueYes, researchers once thought it was necessary to dry and heat the sacred plant to benefit from its medicinal properties. However, thanks to new data from Dr. William Courtney, a physician in Mendocino County, California. In the search for the best treatment for his wife, Kristen’s debilitating, systemic lupus, Courtney discovered the benefits of ingesting raw cannabinoids. Through the use of Tetrahydrocannabinolic Acid (THCA) dominant plants, Kristen’s symptoms diminished after several weeks. Along with lupus, juicing helped ease and even stop pain and symptoms from two other conditions, arthritis and endometriosis, by taking regular, large doses of raw cannabis.

The doctor found the body can absorb higher doses of the most abundant cannabinoid when it’s in the acid form. THCA is the precursor to THC which has no psychoactive properties before the decarboxylation or heating process. In an October 2016 article by Interesting Engineering, Dr. Courtney explains,

“We have a series of cannabis strains called ACDC. ‘AC’ stands for alternative cannabinoid, which is the CBD acid molecule, which has come into focus lately as being very important as an anti-inflammatory. And ‘DC’ stands for dietary cannabis. If you do heat it, then your dose is around 10mg. And if you don’t heat it, if it’s raw, then your dose is around one to 1-2,000mg.”

What are the healing properties of the raw plant? Results will vary because each cannabinoid offers its own unique medicinal values. For example, along with helping Dr. Courtney’s wife with severe pain associated with her different ailments with its anti-inflammatory attributes, research shows promise with THCA to:

• Reduce seizures

• Relieve symptoms of Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

• Improve cognitive function in an Alzheimer’s patient

• Act as a neuroprotectant

• Inhibit cell growth

The benefits of raw cannabis go further than THCA. Before it changes to CBD, Cannabidiolic Acid (CBDA) has the potential to:

• Prevent vomiting and relieve nausea

• Act as an anti-cancer agent

Researchers and scientists are still studying the healing properties of raw ingestion. In the meantime, there’s nothing that says it will hurt to use the sacred plant for its leafy green benefits and add it to your daily fruit and vegetable smoothie. You can also add it to your salad or use it in fresh salsa.

As with any new medication or dietary supplement, always consult your physician if you are under regular care for any chronic conditions.

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The situation is similar with children suffering from developmental and mental disorders. The drugs practitioners use to treat these conditions are often very dangerous with a narrow therapeutic level. For example, children on the Autism Spectrum commonly experience concurrent diagnoses such as ADHD, anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders. Treatment for these additional conditions often includes antidepressants, mood stabilizers, and powerful antipsychotic medications along with counseling, and regular medication management checkups.

These children experience blood level checks every few months as well as having their overall growth, weight, eating, and sleeping habits scrutinized because of the dangers the medications pose. It should be clear that medical cannabis, which has 4,000-plus years of successful treatment use without a single overdose or death directly attributed to it is the much safer choice for everyone, including children.

Myth 11It’s Not Safe to Treat Children with Medical CannabisIf cannabis weren’t safe for children, the FDA wouldn’t approve the cannabinoid-based drug, Epidiolex for ages two and older. There are no recorded deaths in the history of cannabis that anyone can attribute to this medicine. In fact, the sacred plant is safer for all patients including children than many prescription pharmaceuticals on the market. For the estimated 15 percent of kids in the U.S. with seizures that have intractable epilepsy, a treatment-resistant form of the disorder, it’s a lifesaver.

How is it safer than other medications? Epilepsy is one of the most studied conditions for treating children with the sacred plant, but, it’s not the only one. Many children with cancer and other debilitating diseases deal with immense amounts of pain. Traditional treatments are opioids and other strong painkillers that are just as addictive and dangerous for children than they are for adults. In fact, the dangers are greater for children because the line between a therapeutic and deadly level is so narrow with these potent painkillers. Similar to adults, opioids have side effects that can require users to take additional drugs such as antihistamines for the itchiness, anti-nausea medicines to reduce vomiting and stomach upset, and laxatives to treat constipation.

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Truth 12

What delivery method is best for children? A major misconception about medical cannabis how patients take it. Many may envision kids smoking joints and getting “high.” But, this is the farthest from the truth for all patients using the plant for its medicinal value. The most common way for young patients to take this medicine is through tinctures which are oils that absorb under the tongue and provide relief in 15-20 minutes. Another method that’s good for children is the capsule. These have carefully measured cannabinoid dosages that release after digestion similar to edibles. Another option, similar to traditional pharmaceuticals is the time-release capsule that delivers small amounts of the medicine throughout several hours. But, these aren’t always the best option for patients with certain intestinal disorders that can prevent the pills from releasing all the capsule.

Medical Cannabis Can Help with PTSDWith 17-years and counting for U.S. troops on the battlefront in the Middle East, terrorist attacks around the world, and mass shootings across America, the need for a safe and effective Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) treatment has never been greater. According to PTSD United, 70 percent of adults in the U.S. experience a traumatic event in their lifetime and 20 percent of those people will develop PTSD. The accepted treatment by traditional practitioners is psychotherapy and medications such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, beta-blockers, and benzodiazepines.

In a 2018 interview with the Scientific American Magazine, Elvis Alonzo, a Marine veteran and 13-year member of the Glendale Police Department in Arizona explained, “The drugs turned me into a zombie. I was so out of it that I couldn’t even drive, so they (the police department) had to medically retire me.”

However, in some states like Arizona, that have medical cannabis programs, PTSD is an approved condition. Alonzo reduced his anxiety and improved his sleep, both symptoms of his PTSD, with the help of the sacred plant.

“It’s been a godsend,” the former Marine says. “It curbs my anxiety, and it makes me sleep fantastic for at least four hours. It needs to be studied.”

Thanks to great advocating by former military members, their friends, and families, those studies are now happening with the blessing of the FDA. Through a $2.15 million grant from the University of Colorado, Dr. Sue Sisley is leading the first phase 2, triple-blind, randomized, outpatient, placebo-controlled study to determine the effects of different THC and CBD treatment on the symptoms of PTSD. Unlike other studies that use specific brands of cannabinoids like Sativex, this will use smoked cannabis. All 76 patients in the research are U.S. veterans who could not benefit from traditional PTSD treatment.

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Truth 13Patients Can Reduce Opioid Use and Slow Tolerance With CannabisAmerica is in the middle of a drug epidemic. But, that drug isn’t cannabis. Instead, it’s a long list of legal, traditional pharmaceuticals to reduce pain, anxiety, and other unpleasant physical and psychological conditions and symptoms. As the Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research Journal mentions in Volume 3, Issue 1, the main reason for opioid prescriptions and cannabis recommendations is pain relief. Patients are seeking the sacred plant to reduce and even eliminate their need for opioids. Although these medications are okay to prescribe for short-term use after surgeries and for acute pain, long-term use can lead to a high tolerance that makes it easier for patients seeking pain relief to overdose and develop an addiction. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), in 2016, 46 people died every day in the U.S. from a prescription opioid overdose.

With cannabis, there’s no chance for an overdose or physical addiction. Opioids have side effects that can reduce a patient’s quality of life, such as constipation which often requires stool softeners and anti-nausea medications to decrease vomiting. Most of all, they can limit your cognitive abilities and cause excessive drowsiness. Whereas cannabis will cause drowsiness, but, as you build up a tolerance, the medication takes away pain without the sleepiness.

Studies also show cannabinoids help slow opioid tolerance when treating patients with chronic pain. While the goal is to help you stop needing the opioids, the truth is they may not take away all of your pain. Instead, the hope is to reduce the prescription strength to a safe and manageable dose, eliminate the pain, and improve your overall quality of life.

Opioids are a major concern, but, they aren’t the only one. Other prescriptions that lead to addiction and overdoses are:

• Muscle relaxers

• Anti-spastics

• Benzodiazepines

Even though you can use these prescriptions with cannabis, taking either of them with opioids can be deadly.

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Cannabis Treatment Isn’t Safe for PetsNo, it’s not safe to feed your dog a high THC ratio cannabis cookie to get him to relax. Yes, it is safe to give the veterinarian-recommended dose of CBD to reduce his anxiety. Although there are no solid case studies for treating cats and dogs with the sacred plant, there is a ton of anecdotal data. However, as of November 2018, medical cannabis laws only cover human patients, and it’s not legal for veterinarians in most states to discuss these treatments with owners, so the information available about dosing and conditions relies on the experience of pet owners.

Despite this, there are products are on the market containing CBD for pets. Much like CBD products for adults, options for pets can be confusing and be expensive. Dr. Lisa Moses, a Massachusetts veterinarian who specializes in pain management, explains her concerns with CBD products available as pet supplements, “The lack of oversight, quality control and utter inability to know what is actually in the product is what bothers me.”

This option requires a lot of trial-and-error to determine the right strength, tastes, and delivery method. What is missing is whole plant products and the data on the ratios and dosing methods for treating our beloved pets. Researchers at Colorado State University’s Veterinary Teaching Hospital and the American Veterinary Medical Association continue to petition the FDA for reclassification of cannabis so they can conduct the trials.

As of January 1, 2019, that will change a little in California. Legislation signed by Governor Jerry Brown prevents state licensing agencies from penalizing veterinarians for discussing cannabis treatment with their patient’s owners. But, they aren’t able to dispense or administer the products themselves.

Myth 14

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One of the biggest proponents for treating pets with the sacred plant is Dr. Gary Richter. The Oakland, California veterinarian explains, “While there are some differences in how cannabis affects pets compared to humans, they can benefit in many of the same ways people do,” Richter further adds that his professional experience “has shown me that there is enormous potential to treat medical conditions with cannabis.”

To learn more from Dr. Richter, keep watching The Sacred Plant: Healing Secrets Examined, where he speaks one-on-one with me about treating our beloved pets with cannabis

What medical conditions can cannabis treat for pets? All mammals have an Endocannabinoid System (ECS.) In theory, many of the ailments and symptoms it can treat in humans, it can help in them. Some common uses include:

• Pain

• Anxiety

• Vomiting and nausea

You Can Use Medical Cannabis for Preventive HealthThis is a vital step in cannabis treatment that’s often overlooked. There have been many success stories from people who have seen amazing reductions in their symptoms and even put their conditions into remission with the sacred plant only to have them come back not long after they stopped the treatment. For example, it can end seizures, but, if you stop taking it, they will return.

But, that’s not the only reason to use it for preventive healthcare. All practitioners, no matter what their specialty, will tell you that prevention is the key to good health. It’s easier to prevent illness than it is to cure it. Cannabis is well-known for its antioxidant, microbial, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective properties. Regular use is thought to build up these healing benefits and protect users from future conditions such as debilitating neurodegenerative and autoimmune disorders. It also can improve overall health with its ability to increase sleep quality and its anti-anxiety and antidepressant characteristics.

Cannabis has the potential to guard the body against the onset of diabetes and along with a healthy diet and exercise, help reduce the symptoms in patients with the disease. Another compelling benefit is its anticancer properties. The evidence that certain ratios can prevent and reduce the growth of specific cancer cells is a start to learning more about how to stop the spread of this terrible disease that destroys so many lives.

Truth 15

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Advocacy is a Waste of TimeThe defense and promotion of medical cannabis is a vital part of getting new legislation and bringing access to everyone. Pressure from patients, caregivers, medical professionals, scientists, and the advocacy groups they have formed over the last few decades is the reason more states and countries are passing laws and creating medical programs. By sending letters to your state and local representatives and supporting different non-profit organizations that advocate for safe access to quality medication at an affordable price, you are helping expand these life-saving programs. Please, continue to speak to friends and family members about the healing powers of the sacred plant. We also ask you to pay close attention to the issues your local, state, and national government candidates are behind and try to choose those who are supporters of medicinal cannabis. To learn more about how you can help, here are a few advocacy groups to check with:

• Patients Out of Time

• Americans for Safe Access

• United Patients Group

Tune in to watch The Sacred Plant: Healing Secrets Examined, starting December 12, and learn more about how medical cannabis can improve the quality of life for you and your loved ones. Listen to the experts, like myself, John Malanca, host of The Sacred Plant webinar and docuseries, as well as the co-founder of the patient advocacy organization, the United Patients Group; along with medical practitioners such as Dr. David Bearman, Dr. Dustin Sulak, Dr. Allan Frankel and so many more explain how cannabis works and give testimonials of their experiences with treating patients over the years. Keep a copy of this eBook open while you hear experts and patients share their heartaches and joys with you as they explain how this amazing plant has brought positive changes to their lives.

Bonus Myth 16

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