So No One Faces Cancer Alone. 2014 Annual Report

So No One Faces Cancer Alone. - Gilda’s Club Louisville · So No One Faces Cancer Alone. 2014 Annual Report. Looking Back & Ahead Meet the Moore Family David Moore is a combat Army

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Page 2: So No One Faces Cancer Alone. - Gilda’s Club Louisville · So No One Faces Cancer Alone. 2014 Annual Report. Looking Back & Ahead Meet the Moore Family David Moore is a combat Army

Meet the Moore FamilyLooking Back & Ahead

David Moore is a combat Army veteran, a guitarist and singer/songwriter, and the Assistant State Director for the US Department of Labor. He is a man with creative roots, who speaks poetically and loves magic. He is a husband, dad and a man living with cancer.

“When I was diagnosed,” he says, “my concern was for my family,” which includes wife Jennifer, and children David and Autumn. “I did a quick examination of my supports and realized I didn’t have anything to offer my kids, my wife. We all needed support.”

David reached out to Gilda’s Club on the day of his diagnosis seven months ago, and says, “It was the best thing I ever did.”

David compares his combat experiences, assigned to a special ops unit in Grenada in the 80s and

subsequent PTSD diagnosis, with the very different kind of war and aftermath that can be cancer. “Both illuminate our human frailty and our powerful resilience.”

“In the military, you know your enemy,” David explained. “It’s different when that enemy is inside you, but knowledge is power and Gilda’s Club helped the entire family gain that.” The biggest lesson, and David’s favorite, he says: “Living with cancer is not a choice, but HOW you live with it is.”

“Gilda’s Club fosters a culture of self help with every member pro-viding individual wisdom. You put it all together and that knowledge base, along with the hope and encouragement, is what makes it work.” Kaden, 13, summed it up: “You learn that cancer is always going to be a part of your life, but it doesn’t have to weigh you down.”

“Gilda’s Club offered a platform and provided a way to help the kids talk about cancer with their friends,” says David. “It’s just hard to get it if you are not living with it,” Autumn, 10, explained, “And I don’t have any friends at school who have a parent with cancer.”

David says, “People you thought were your friends shut down.” “It can be awkward,” Jennifer adds, “but here I don’t have to think about what to say. I can be myself.”

Since joining Gilda’s Club in October 2014, the whole family has become engaged in a variety of ways: support groups, knitting, art, parties, and – for David and Jennifer – Couple’s Night, which they both agree was very special.

Kaden, a Boy Scout who takes cello lessons and speaks like his father–softly and articulately–loves the art programs, especially related to expression of his own cancer journey. Autumn – who plays the viola and is crafty – loves the art just for the fun of it. Jennifer, who was a professional jewelry maker when she and David met, says she and her kids connected through art at Gilda’s Club.

The Moore family all agree feeling connected and comfortable is what

makes them want to keep coming back through the red doors. “Out-side these doors,” Jennifer explains, “that comes to a screeching halt as soon as you mention cancer.”

“I was naive,” David adds. “I thought, okay, 1, 2, 3–surgery, couch for three weeks, back to work.” Jenn interjects, “Cancer. Check. Done.” But that’s not the reality,” David finishes. “And we know now that we are still young in this journey.” And they all nod in agreement. “We will be members longer than we first imagined.”

“But it’s the greatest club,” he laughs. And, indeed, laughter is one of the club’s greatest gifts. There are tears here, but they are rare compared to the laughter. There is love here, compassion, empathy, knowledge and many experts at living with cancer.”

“Here, I don’t have to think about

what to say. I can be myself.”

June 2015

We wrapped up our 7th year in 2014, and whether it was the stretch in the bottom of the 7th inning or just the 7-year itch—change was in the air. Support group structure changed, allowing us to accommodate more people. We restructured our staff—adding two new positions and changing several others—to increase our reach, grow our collaborations and our volunteer and youth programs. We completed planning to launch our first three satellite sites in 2015, and we have five active sites today in Southern Indiana and south/southwest Louisville.

Change is not new to us, though. Cancer is a journey. Journeys illustrate constant change—changes in scenery, growth, maturation. Life cycles and celebrations. Every emotion imaginable (and sometimes all in a day).

When we reflect on the more than 5,000 lives we’ve touched, there are moments and faces burned into our memories. We have seen incredible diversity—of people, activities and emotions. But most significant of all, there are stories and it is our goal to share those.

Despite what many people may think, Gilda’s Club is not a sad place where people living with cancer come to be depressed with others living with cancer. There are tears, but the laughs outnumber them significantly. Every day we are reminded that living with cancer is not a choice, but HOW we live with it is. Hope is redefined, and all kinds of moments are cause for celebration. Here are a few we remember from our first seven years.

Chase celebrated her eighth birthday here, along with the fact that her hair had grown back just enough to wear pigtails. David celebrated his re-birthday (anniversary of his bone marrow transplant) and brought his donor here to meet everyone and celebrate his extraordinary gift of life. Sarah celebrated her 40th birthday—a year late because she had been too sick before. She would have only two more birthdays but continued to come here to celebrate lots of life’s best moments with her family until the end of her life’s journey at 43. Then her family came to celebrate her life and offer a meal to others who had supported them through their cancer journey.

Kay, who had just been told by doctors there was “nothing else they could do,” came to celebrate friends and good food. Noah, Joyce, Linda, Mike, and so many others have celebrated the end of treatment. Then there are the celebrations for new treatment options or acceptance into clinical trials. “Survivorversaries” are a regular cause for celebration. And there are so many more reasons to celebrate here: releases to return to work or school, living to see the birth of a grandchild and feeling well enough to hold and sing to him. And there have been more celebrations of life than we can count. Some have been small and solemn. Others loud and raucous. One ended with a conga dance to a Jimmy Buffett song. It was perfect for Nancy. Cancer is not something the average person typically associates with celebrations, but we find many of them here.

Thank you to our supporters. Your wonderful and positive impact is hard to measure, but so easy to see!

“Gilda’s Club is not a sad place

where people living with cancer come to be

depressed with other people living with cancer.

There are tears, but the laughs outnumber

them significantly.”

Karen Morrison President

David Owen Board Chair

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As a standup comedian and “The Funniest Two-Time Cancer Survivor in the U.S.,”Mack Dryden reached out to Gilda’s Club when he and his wife moved a few years ago from L.A. Saying, “We’re in the same business: making the cancer journey easier for people. Please use me if you can.”

We took him up on the offer and Mack headlined this year’s Night of a Thousand Laughs. With Mack, we can honestly say that many more than a thousand laughs echoed off the walls of the Bomhard Theater. “I’ve never had more fun onstage, and I got the bonus thrill of actually making a difference,” Mack says. “Volunteering my services for Gilda’s Club, the greatest cancer

A small girl taught Diane Potts a big lesson. Since 2007, Diane has volunteered at Gilda’s Club in honor of Hanna, her great niece who died at age six from cancer of the kidneys, called Wilms’ tumor. From Hanna, Diane learned to “Never give up and always give back.”

From her first day, Diane was willing to do whatever was asked. She witnessed the transformation of the building as it became Gilda’s Club Louisville – wood being installed on the steps, floors laid in the library and Noogieland, paint on the walls and people coming in and out of those big red doors. She was in her element and wanted to stay.

In her eight years at Gilda’s Club, Diane has been a greeter at the reception desk, face painter at youth events, creator of thousands

of artistic cards and now teacher, along with another volunteer, Joy McKee, in card-making classes.

“Our classes are tons of fun, but also significant, because everyone who comes to class understands the importance of the cards they are making. The beautiful cards made in class, as well as the ones Joy and I do ourselves, go out to our members and volunteers. Each card is made with love and packed with good wishes,” Diane says.

“Volunteering is its own reward,” Diane says. “Being able to put a smile on someone’s face is worth so much more than a paycheck. Again and again, I have been privileged to witness smiles – after a child’s face is painted or after a card is read or when members come in for an event or to just get away for awhile. They certainly bring sunshine on a rainy day.”

Diane has shared her love of volunteering with granddaughter, Halen, 16. When Halen was seven years old, she participated in St. Baldrick’s Day in honor of her cousin, Hanna. She raised over

“The thing about a hero, is even when it doesn’t look like there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, he keeps digging, he

keeps trying to do right and make up for what’s

gone before, because that’s who he is.”-Joss Whedon

$3,000 in donations to benefit cancer research and she smiled the entire time her head was being shaved.

Halen has been a volunteer at Camp Gilda, a week-long day camp for children whose lives are affected by cancer. And, for the past two summers, Halen has traveled across the bridge from Indiana to intern at Gilda’s Club every Friday for 10 weeks. “I couldn’t be more proud that Halen opens her heart and gives back, especially at Gilda’s Club,” Diane says.

“Volunteering at Gilda’s Club is like being a part of a family. The people at Gilda’s make you want to come back every day and do your part,” says Halen.

Halen’s favorite quote at left is by Joss Whedon. It defines a hero. We think Diane and Halen are heroes by how they are honoring Hanna.

support organization in Louisville, was a no-brainer. I make a living flying all over the country perform-ing, so if I could drive ten minutes and have a positive impact on people who really need it, sign me up,” Mack adds.

As a two-time survivor, Mack believes that he’ll never be able to give back what he owes to everyone fighting The Beast and supporting families who are in the battle. Naturally, Mack talks about his own struggles in his show, Live Happy, Laugh Loud: A Celebration of Cancer Survival. When he was diagnosed with testicular cancer, Mack says, he decided it would be downright foolhardy to ignore the adage that Laughter is the Best Medicine. As a chuckle merchant, he gets an endorphin rush making other people laugh, so he went for it as his life “quite literally depended on it.” Before surgery, his doctor asked if he wanted a plastic prosthesis so he would look the same. Mack’s reply? “Why, doc? Don’t you think my friends will recognize me?”

The doctor’s cackle prompted that euphoric tingle comedians live for, so he knew he had to use Laughter Therapy in his treatment.

Mack tells the story of the day he was throwing up when a nurse asked how he was doing. “Well, I’ve puked up about everything,” he croaked, “but I think I found my class ring.” To Mack, her exuberant giggles were like a shot of morphine. “Suddenly, our roles were reversed. I was making her feel better, giving me a sense of control and normalcy for a few precious moments,” he said. Several years after surviving what he calls the “Scrotum Scare,” an ophthalmologist discovered a malignant melanoma on the back of his eyeball. “Gee,” he said, “I’m not having any luck with these round organs,”– and he got his first laugh of the second round. The doctor gave him the assignment to come up with more one-liners while he languished for a week with a radioactive bottle cap sewn to his eyeball, destroying 90% of the vision in that eye.

When the doctor removed the cap, Mack said, “I make a living meeting folks and making them laugh. When I get on the plane wearing this eye patch and my comfy maroon jogging suit, I’ll be a One-eyed, One-Orbed, Flying Purple People Meeter.” Too bad the doctor was too young to get it. Not to be beaten, Mack continued with, “Come on, doc,” I said. “What can you expect from a guy who’s half blind and half nuts?” Mack got his laugh.

Mack Dryden is a writer/comedian based in Louisville. See him action and contact him at www.mackdryden.com.

Laughter...The Best MedicineVolunteer Spotlight

From L to R: Halen Gifford, Diane Potts and Sarah Evans (Hanna’s sister) Inset right, Hanna Evans

“I’ve never had more fun onstage, and I

got the thrill of making a difference.”

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Red Door Project

When we share our stories . . . We honor and integrate our experience,

We teach others from our wisdom, We find new meaning in our experience

and sharing our truth helps others find their own.

You can’t miss the big red doors to enter and exit the clubhouse. These doors are red for a reason!

Universally, a red door is under-stood as a symbol of welcome. In Far Eastern cultures it is thought to bring luck and happiness. It’s thought to be the “mouth of chi”—the main conduit through which the universal positive life-energy enters into a dwelling. In Celtic countries, it wards off bad energy and bad luck. In Scotland, it symbolizes that those who dwell within are mortgage-free!

Curiously—ALL these are true for Gilda’s Club Louisville as well. We are a refuge from “out there”—living with cancer day-to-day among others who “just don’t get it.” We are a haven where individ-ual experiences are affirmed and we learn from our shared wisdom. Virtually everyone who enters—member or guest—remarks how good it feels to be here—that there is an energy that lifts the spirit.

But we are more.

Doors also symbolize transition—leaving one place to enter another. If entering through the big red doors means entering a place of refuge—of providing safety and keeping lurking dangers at bay— it must also be true that these same red doors are for re-emerging into our “out theres” and living our lives deliberately when cancer is a part of it.

Since Spring, red doors have been appearing “out there”—in Portland and the southwest community and there are plans for more, including in Southern Indiana. As part of our outreach, we introduced the Red Door Project, opening doors to others in our community for whom access to the clubhouse is a challenge. Red doors are popping up and inviting those whose lives are touched by cancer to write a few words and share their story with others.

A curious thing happens when we share our stories—even ones that are only a few words—we honor, affirm and integrate our experience. When we learn the

stories of others—even of peo-ple we do not know—we find recognition and connection and learn we are not alone. By having the courage to share our stories, we help others find their courage. And by helping others find their hope, we find our own.

At its heart, the Red Door Project is meant to simply allow others whose lives are touched by cancer to share their stories and understand they are not alone.

At the same time it’s a way to open doors to underserved parts of our community, begin conversation and—together—create meaningful support through community-based programs, including support groups, education and social events. Our goal is to work with our community partners to create additional places of welcome and refuge, allowing others to share their collective wisdom “out there,” so that no one walks a cancer journey alone.

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2014 Annual Report Our Mission

Detailed financial statements available upon request

2014 Board of Directors

FOUNDERS Dale J. Boden*

Jennifer Lang Cottingham*Earl Dorsey*

Susan S. Moremen* Sharon Ann Receveur†

Lindy B. Street*

HONORARY MEMBERS Madeline Abramson*

Wm. Tyler Beam* Henry V. Heuser, Jr. Lynne Meena Rapp

Judy Shapira

OFFICERS David L. Owen, Board Chair

Howard Vogt, Vice Chair Teresa Riggs, Treasurer*

Lillian Levy, Secretary

BOARD MEMBERSLeea Bridgeman Cindy H. Carcione Stephanie Fellon John C. Hancock Martha Hargis Kevin M. Lundy Rebecca A. Martin Julia U. McDonnell Joy E. Neal Mike Paradis

N’Namdi O. Paskins Kathleen Pellegrino* Thomas A. Perrone Audra N. Rankin Douglas Riddle David M. Schroeder Mollie G. Smith* David Stemler Wendy S. Swisher Jane Tierney

* Cancer Survivor † Deceased

TOTAL NET ASSETS: $7,003,043

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RED DOOR SOCIETY $100,000 + Laura Frazier and Don AshleyCatherine and Jim JoyKosair CharitiesOwsley Brown Frazier Family FoundationThe Klein Family Foundation*

$50,000-$99,999Brown-Forman CorporationCindy and Ray Carcione*Sharon Receveur† and Byron FelkerLindy and Bill Street

$25,000 - $49,999The Humana FoundationSailing For A Cure Foundation

$10,000 - $24,999BittnersBonnie Bizer† Ina BondChristina Lee BrownGayle and Earl DorseyStephanie and Drew FellonSandra FrazierGenentechHenry HeuserIrvin F. and Alice S. Etscorn FoundationKentuckyOne HealthKrogerLG&E and KU EnergyMarilyn & William Young Charitable FoundationMiller Family FoundationPatti and John MoorePam and David Owen*Papa John’sParadis FoundationKathleen PellegrinoPraxair FoundationCheryl and Wayne Smith

Mollie SmithThe Gheens Foundation, Inc.The National Council of Jewish Women*Tom Drexler PlumbingTri-Arrows AluminumSusan and Howard VogtSuzanne Wallace Whayne and Robert WhayneSusan and William YarmuthWHAS Crusade For Children

CLUB RED $5,000 - $9,999Algood Food CompanyBarbara and Frederick ArensmanS. Pearson AuerbachBrooke and Matthew BarzunTerri and Steve BassRochelle BenovitzChenault C. and Dale BodenEileen and J. McCauley BrownChriste and Randy CoeTonya and Drew Cook*Jennifer CottinghamDelta Dental of KentuckyViki and Paul DiazElmcroft Senior LivingJoseph Ferry*Fred B. and Opal S. Woosley FoundationFred GarrettAugusta and Gill HollandHonorable Order of Kentucky ColonelsJ. O. Cordt HunekeISCO IndustriesKindred HealthcareLillian LevyMaplewood FoundationMeghan’s Mountain Charitable Foundation, Inc.Jane Tierney and Andrew MillerAudrey and Karen Morrison*Kinsey MorrisonFrances and W. Patrick Mulloy

Northwestern Mutual - Louisville, Inc.Pamela and David OwenCharles ParadisDot and Jim PattersonPower CreativeRainbow BlossomAudra and Hunter RankinBonnie and Sam RechterRodes For Him and For HerApril Smith and Dan EnglishStock Yards Bank & Trust Co.Wendy Swisher*Texas RoadhouseBeatrice and Alan Rosenberg*Frank and Nicole WagnerMarianne and James WelchJoe WoodsYUM! Brands Foundation

$1,000 - $4,999Judy and Ralph AgueraNed BassTeresa and John BeamRhoda and Kenneth BellMary BlockerBlue Grass MotorsportJudith and Ron BorinsteinHeather and Chris CampbellChurchill DownsClark-Baize Consulting, LLCAntoinette and Kevin CoganCommonwealth Bank & Trust Co.Community Health Charities of KentuckyJulie and Dean CorbettCatherine and James DarmstadtJames DoucetteApril and Paul Dillon*Ed Lewis Sales Co., IncNell EvermanFairdale High SchoolKaren and Jeff FilcikAileen and Christopher FitzpatrickChristie Foster and Eddie Muns

Jean FrazierGalen College Of NursingKatherine Garrett and Bob HancockSena and Steve GarrettGE FoundationPenny and Paul GoldSuzanne and Les GoldringLevitia McLemore and Robert GordonPaula and Michael GrisantiKelly HammonsLee and John HancockMartha and Jeffrey HargisCarol and Charles HebelGreg HenzmanIngrid HernandezMartha and John Heyburn† Highland Commerce GuildHoly Family ParishJulie and Rich HornungHospice & Palliative Care of LouisvilleIrving B Klempner FundJim JacksonJ.J.B Hilliard, W.L. Lyons, LLCJewish Community of LouisvilleLaura and Michael JonesTeresa and Calvin KaufmanAnnette Grisanti and Michael KemperKentucky Derby Host ProgramKentucky Select PropertiesMary Lou and Arthur KixmillerPamela and Greg KurzendoerferAngela and Lee LeetSandy and Gary LibsCarol and William LomickaLouisville Paving & Construction Co.Lucky’s MarketLynn LukerMeredith and Kevin LundySheila LynchMartin F. Schmidt & Kate Schmidt Moninger FundCheryl MartinLeah and Pat McCrite

Thank you for your generous support

* Denotes this gift or a portion thereof is a multi-year gift.

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Andrew McMurtrieJoyce MeyerJanie and Austin MusselmanNorton HealthcareNR Road Racing, LLCJoanne and James O’MalleyJulie and Tom O’NeillLucinda Papapietro†Deana and Michael ParadisPC Home CenterMary Margaret PhelpsPlumbers SupplyStephen PopeSharon and Henry PotterPurity Chapter # 116, O.E.S.Michael RadnerChelsea and Jason Raff*Sarah and R. Alex RankinHerbert RedmonElizabeth and Rick RemmersTeresa and Brian RiggsSarah and David SchroederCathy and J. Lon SchusterJudy ShapiraButch ShawSouthern Wine & SpiritsSony and Joe SteierStites & HarbisonStrothman & CompanyRay StrothmanDace and King StubbsStyleBlueprint, LLC.The Community Foundation of Louisville Inc.The Sullivan University System, Inc.The Travel AuthorityThe Underwriters GroupThe Veeneman FundUniversity of LouisvillePatricia and Michael VairinMelissa and Paul VargaCaroline WellsEdith WellsWendy’s BF South CorpRonald Wolz

ROSEANNADANNA CIRCLE OF FRIENDS $500 - $999Marie and Ronald AbramsMadeline and Jerry AbramsonClaire Alagia and Creighton MershonFrances and William AldenAppriss, Inc.Atria Senior LivingJulie and William BallardDebra BarberChristina and James BareutherMary BarrazottoDustin BellKevin BennerMaxine and Jerry BizerDoris and Junior BridgemanCarla Sue and Bradley BroeckerJamie and Jim BroomeBetsy and Bill ChandlerCharles H. Dishman III Family Foundation, Inc.Carolle Jones Clay and Ken ClayDon CombsWilliam CrawfordElaine and John CrockettCure KY KidsLinda and S. Gordon DabneyElizabeth DavisWayne and Sierra DavisHarry DenneryMary Lee and George FischerSandi and Barry FriedsonAnne and Wayne GarveyGive With Liberty Employee DonationsCindy and Gregory GrissomKaren and Roger HaleMaria and John HamptonAlex HarcourtPaula and Frank HarshawHarvey Investment Company, LLC

Marilyn Schorin and Richard HarveyHeaven Hill DistilleryRosemary HildenbrandCharlotte and Randy HockensmithBarree Hopfenmaier and Anthony RuggieroLana HowertonElizabeth and John HuberDebbie HughesHumana Inc.Karen HuntRafeeqa HussainDale and David HymanElizabeth and James HyslopMarsha and Robert IllbackLinda and Ben JacksonJamner Family FoundationPatty Johnson and Mark WourmsBetty and David A. JonesJoseph’s Salon and SpaMichael Judd and Ben SmallVirginia and Arne JuddKaplan Simons Family FoundationJ. William Kingston and Jerry BowlesJan KottkeEdwin KrebsKate and Alan LattsSheila LongLouisville Galleria, LLC - RetailSusan McAfeeJanice and Darrin McCauleyJulia and Daniel McDonnellMichael McGonaglePaul MckeeHoward MeaseSandy and Steve MontgomerySusan MoremenJoy and Vern NealLaDonna NicolasHolly NolanLori and David OsbornePapa Murphy’s PizzaDeborah Parker

Libby and Don ParkinsonMitzi PendergrassShelley and Thomas PerroneRabbouni Catholic CommunityLynne Meena Rapp and George RappTodd RegerSarah H. RhyneDouglas Riddle and Stephen LewisCarlos RivasCynthia and G. Hunt RounsavallMelanie and Dwight SalsburyDan SchustermanJean and Billy ShewciwKathleen and Russell SmithPat SnyderMary and William StoneCathy and Ed StopherStrandz and ThreadzHazel and Al SullivanPatricia Swope and Rich Van CampAngela and Danny TafelMary ThorsbyChris ValentineHelen and Leon WahbaCallie WallPorter Watkins and George BaileyJulie and Lee Wilburn Cissie and Ack WilletsSusan and David WoodWW Cousins Systems Inc.Your Community Bank

$250 - $499 Ackerson & YannAIGBaptist East Milestone Wellness CenterSharon and David BarrerGladys and Lewis BassAmy and Phillip BeamanKyle and Giampaolo BianconciniThyra and Barry BillingsDavid Billman

Bruce BlueKara and Warren BolingJoyce and Edward BridgeBroadway Across AmericaEleanor and Brooks BrownJulia BryantPatricia BurdMarshall ButlerLaForrest CampbellChevron Humankind Matching Gift ProgramCindy and Nick CodeEdith CourtenayDawn & Erskine CourtenayLorie and S. Gordon Dabney, Jr.Gail and Anthony DeyeDeborah and Mike DillonEmergency Mgmt Agency/ Metro Safe Comm CenterFrazier Rehab Institute, 6th FloorGarrett-Stotz CompanyMelissa and Rudy GernertAllie and David GoatleySusan and Marvin GoellnerGoldberg Simpson, LLCRuth and Hector GonzalezKevin HarnedSally and Michael HarperTerry and Billy HarrisonJennifer HerreraNancy and Gary HydePeggy and Steve HymanJane and Roy HymanHalina JamnerAngela and Alan JonesBetty and William KantlehnerMindy KobrinCamilla KramerSanjay KumarLeBliss Salon & Spa, Inc.Colleen LiebertChristina LindLouisville Center for Spiritual Living

Karen Lovely*Linda and Gary LucasSusan and Philip LynchHenry MandroMichelle MandroCheree MannKelly and Justin MaxwellLynne McDonaldSteve McDonaldEmily MeadowsElizabeth and Ted MitzlaffMary MohrJill and Tom MorrisseyDavid MusichKarla and Mark OverdykKatherine and Kent OylerMary Lou PapeAmy and Bruce PaulBeth PerdueKathy and Richard RaglandJill and Jim RichKitty and Dennis RiggsDonald RiggsAmelia and Phillip RobertsGlenda and Robert RobyEldora and Robert RogersLinda RozanskiJennifer and Mitch RueAneta and James RussellMary and Ben SandersMarsha and Richard SegalLarry ShapinJane and Steve ShapiroOzair ShariffLori and Michael SilaghiDebbie and Kerry StemlerSustainable Technical & Commissioning Services, LLCAnn SwankThe Gardner Foundation, Inc.Margy and Preston ThomasMichael ThompsonJudy Tonini

Amy and Steven TragerTriumph Tattoo, LLCUniversity Press of KentuckyVillage AnchorSharon WakefieldKerry Walsh Skelly and Jerome Walsh SkellyTurner WathenwealthMD CorporationClark WelchMaria and Jim WhiteDaniel WileyMissy and Michael WislockiTheresa and James WittliffLaurie and Jack WolfLisa and Harold Workman

$249 and BelowKevin AbelsAnn AdamekCindy and Robert AdelbergJosephine and Homer AlexanderCynthia and John AllenJulia and David AllenRuth and Charles AllgeierBarbara and Henry AltmanJennifer AlveyAmeriprise Financial, Inc.Amgen FoundationAnne AmrheinMary and John AnsmanJames AppleJeanne ApplegateSharon ArcherConstance ArdAnne ArensbergCindy and John AshleyLisa and Steven AudenApril and Keith AusplandAnn and Richard AustinAxel Halvarson Inc.Susan and Carl BabiaszSally Back

Maggie BadeLonnie Jo BadgettBryan BakerEmma BakerBrenda and Kenneth BalcombeBandy Carroll HelligeBank of America Charitable FoundationAlex BarberKathy and Eddy BarberNancy and Oliver BarberDerrick BarksdaleJody BarksdaleCharles BarlowElaine BarnardBeverly BarnardLisa BassBetty BastinTristan BatemanPamela BaxterBaxter’s 942 Bar & GrillBob BayersdorferEllen and Stanley BayersdorferSara BeachEllie BeamJeanne BeamTyler BeamLauren BeamanMary Beth BeamanRichard BeanJackie and David BeardenPamela BeattiePatty BechtHarper and Aaron BeckerRegina and David BeckmanMarilyn and Edward BelfordTerry and Arnold BelkerHeather BellBellarmine UniversityKarla and John BennetsenAnne and William BennettCreighton BenoitAmy and Lee BenovitzJessica Benson

Thank you for your generous support

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Megan BertucciTrudy and Andrew BetourneMarcy and Robert BeyerDavid BigelowMary Ann BigelowAiysha and Barry BillingsScott BilyouEdith BinghamMary and Michael BiszmaierMarsha and Thomas BivenDonald BlackburnJudith BlairPenne and J. BlairSuzanne and David BlakeToni BlandfordSarah BlasiElizabeth BleakleyPhyllis BlockSteven BloomTrina BluntAlanson and Charles BodenCheri BodenMary BolanderBonnie and Robert BollmerElizabeth BornwasserRegina and James BottomRebecca BottomJames BouquinBruce BowerJanet and Adam BowmanNatasha BowmanMeagan BoyleBranch Banking & Trust Co.Suzanne and John BrandtMelinda BranstetterTeresa and Robert BrashearSandra and John BriggsRoberta BrockMary Jo and Michael BrownLibby and Robinson BrownBarbara and Kenneth BruceTaylor BrundidgeJacqueline Buckley

Ann BuckmanNancye and John BucknerDana BurbaMary Ann BurenIrene and John BurgBurke Financial Services, Inc.Leigh Anne Burke-SchaadClare and Tom BurkhartKatie BurkholderAmy BurnsMadeline BurnsideLinda BurtonNancy BushAlexandra ButlerBetsy ButlerCarol ButlerSandra ButlerC. Ross Builder/Remodeler, LLC.Ann CalahanErnst CamentzJulie and John CampbellLacey CampbellJessica CarnerBarb and Lyle CarolusTeresa CarrThomasine CarrMary CarrollRichard CarucciMichelle CasonRebecca CatalanoJanet and Robert CatlinRobin CecilCarol and John ChallasHazel and Guy ChappellLisa CheekBarbara ChenaultCarole and Robert ChristianMichelle ChristopherTracy and Leo CiacioAnn and James ClarkBrenda ClarkConnie ClarkJanice Clark

Lynda and Mark ClarkCoalition For Young Adults LeadershipHelen CohenSusan CohenJanice and Jim ColemanAnn CollinsTami CombsConcierge Travel Services, LLCDebora ConderPhilip ConnorsMaya ContrerasAnna and John CookTerri and Jonathan CookMartha and Graham CookeBen CoomesJill and William CooperMary Michael and Sam CorbettDavid and Tonia CorkBeverly CoteNick CovaultDoris CoxPamela CoxLisa and Kyle CrabtreeDana CraigShirley CrainBonnie CressElizabeth and Roger CrossCassandra CulinBeverly CunninghamSallie and John F. CunninghamTracy and Gus CuttingDan Cristiani Excavating Co, Inc.Bertie and Hank DantShervin DashtiGeraldine and Gordon DavidsonAnn and John DavisCara and Michael DavisRosemary and Ken DawsonMary DeanMalcolm DeckerJohn DeHopeJean DeignanJenn DeLion

Andrea DerouenTeresa DeVenutoKimberly DeyerGhislain d’HumieresAlisa DickersonBrenda and James DidierKaren and Charles DiehlAlexander DigenisJeanie DodsonLarry DodsonDavid DoehnertGwen and Gerald DohertyAmanda DominikPatricia DonaldsonPam DorseySusan and John DoughertyJanet DouglasDavid DowellMargaret DownsDon DreherJeff DreherBarbara DreimanLynn and Thomas DunbarSusan DuncanMary and David DunhamSue DunnePatricia DuvallLukas DwellyDonna DyeJoseph EdelenGeorge EdelsteinEvie and Charles EdingerLynn and Joe EdwardsJoan and Albert EggertMarilyn and Richard EifermanRich EisenbreiBarbara ElibayEllen ElliottMary and Raymond ElstoneOdis EmbryOwen EmbryMary and John EmmerichMcCall and Dave Eng

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Judy HaganLucy HaganChristena and R. Douglas HaganValerie and Donald HairstonSherry and James HaleIrene HallJane HallidayLena and Matthew HamelJoe HamiltonRandy HamiltonVirginia and Douglas HamptonClay HancockJennifer and Hill HarcourtMarilyn and Bill HardyHarmony Landing Country ClubTonya and Greg HarringtonDenise and Randall HarrisMichael HarrodSandra HartAllison HartleyDon HartleyJeff HarveyJudith and Robert HasselbackPaul HauschildRichard HauschildSara and James HaynesEmily HeatonBeverly HeavrinDonna and William HeitzNina and William HeizerLouise and Joseph HelmJean and Bruce HendersonSusan HendersonJaime HendricksIan HennessyJ. Diane HenryCarol HensleyErin HerndonLisa and Richard HerndonMary Herron-KerrSonia HessHigh Intensity, LLCJim Hiken

Susan HikenAngela and Edward HildrethKelly HillCollis HillebrandMona and Doug HintonErin HobsonMartha and Arthur HoffmanVera and Stephen HollidayHomeschool Preschool GroupBrenda and J. Dawson HornSara and John HornungMildred HorodynskiLouise HoustonMeg HoustonMelinda HoustonSarah HowardKristie HowerPatricia and Chris HowertonCindy and John HuberRyan HuberRita Hudson Shourds and Gary ShourdsSusan HuffThelma and Huie HughesDebbie HulsewedeGlen HumeLinda and Glyn HumphreySusan HumphreyMary and Scott HuntDorothy and Jerry HunterLisa HutchisonDan HyattRosemarie and Earl HydenShary and Alan HymanVickey and David HypesIsabell IsenhartLisa and Kenneth JacksonKimberly JacksonRobyn JacksonSarah and Paul JacksonMonet JaggersMargaret and Jeffrey JamnerPaula and Stuart JayDoris and I. B. Jenkins

Stephanie ErbesMary EversExploited Childrens Help Org., Inc.Anne FarmerSheryl Farmer-StorrieLynn FarrarRobin FaulknerSarah FehribachMark FeltonJeannette FerrySarah and Benjamin FewRobin and Steve FinkelsteinTrisha FinneganPhyllis FlormanAmber FogartyJoyce and John FogartyCyndie and Larry FogartyLinda and Mike FogartyBecky FordKatherine FordRandy FordMarcia ForstonDan Forte and Chris SchusterLeslie and Gregg FowlerCindi and Mike FowlerEdie FrakesVicky FrankDenise and Albert FreelandFriends For HopeLinda and David FuchsFund for the ArtsCathy FyockBrett GahmDorothy GalatzDoris and Darrell GarrettAnne GarrisonCynthia and James GaskinsMike GassonMary GattonKristin and Ian GaydosJan and John GedmarkElizabeth and David GellerMary Eleanor Gerbasich

Becky GerhardtLeah GershErica and Lawrence GettlemanMarcelle GianelloniJana GibsonTricia GillDebbie GillettePatty GilletteMary F. and Ed GlasscockJanice and Alan GlaubingerRebecca GnadingerVerna GoatleyBarbara and Eddie GoldbergAlyson and Jeffrey GoldbergCarole and Lawrence GoldbergLinda and Stuart GoldbergLinda GoldenStacie GoldmanJudith and Michael GoldringJane GoldsteinBarbara and Steve GordonRuby GordonGloria and Richard GoreShelley GorenM. Douglas GossmanKathy and Daniel GoyetteDonna GrannanBeverly GreenSally GreenAngela GreerJudith and Kenneth GrimesRiley GrimmeFred Gross and Carolyn HumphreyMorris GrossCatherine and John GrubesicJanet and Scott GruenbergSandal GulickChloe GumaerSandra GutermuthTim HadleyMarie HaferMichelle and Bob HaganDebbie and John Hagan

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Lilly LangTed LanhamDiane and Charles LaughlinHans LauniusJohn LauniusJohn T. LauniusAudrey LavinMary and Brian LavinMeredith LavinTheresa LavinJulie LawrenceMerideth LawrenceBrittany LawsonLinda LeasorPatricia LeathemJohn LedfordGeneva LeePhyllis LeeJill and Christopher LemonisShelley and Steven LevyBeverly LewisEdwin LewisLiberty High SchoolJoan LicursiMary LidtkeLifeSpring, Inc.Lilly, LLCDee LindRobyn LindquistLaura and M. David LinkousDavid LippLink LitakerJane and William LockardElizabeth LococoDanielle and Adam LoewyNancy LoganAmy and Timothy LongNorma LordLouisville BatsLouisville Dulcimer SocietyLouisville LinksLisa LoveCharlotte and Jay Lowe

Tammy and Douglas LucasMark LynnCarolyn LyonAbigail LytleCaryn MacDonaldJean and Noel MaddoxEleanor and Robert MaddoxJudith MagderPhilip MagruderAnn MaitzenKim MarekElise MarkhamDeborah and Ronald MarksJoanna and Erich MarksMargaret MarksPat MarkstromAshley MarlinRebecca MarloweLisa MartinSarah MartinBonita and Richard MartinellShipra MathurLee MattinglyRobert MattsKimberly and Lonnie MayDonna and Thomas MayerLee MaysDonna and Wendall McCartyJennifer McCartyTherese McClellandCarol McClureAdriana and Jason McCubbinTara McDanielMary Jo and Paul McDonaldGalelyn McElroyShirley McGuireTim and Susan McGurkJeanne and Michael McKinleySarah McKinnieMeredith McKnightLouise and Alan McLaughlinJames McLaughlinRay McLennan

Michelle McMastersKacie McPhersonChristy MeadowsRichard MeadowsLaura and Andy MeansCandy and Roger MedinaVicki and Mike MeehanAna MehdaovaShelley MehlKari and Joshua MeierVicki and David MeredithJacinta and Michael MerglerNannette MershonElizabeth MetzgerJanice and Chris MichnoRosemary and Charles MiddletonLes and Sandee MillerCody MitchellSandra MitchellMary MollBiljana MonskyBeth MontgomeryDara MoranLisa and Keith MorleyPatsy MuddChristie Leigh MuellerAlice MuenchLu Ann and Eddie MuenchSusan MuenchMatthew MultererJanine MuraCarrie MussonLori and Drew MyersZehava NaamaniCeleste NallKatherine NallyAsheem NandaJohn and Ellen NasonSteve NassauTerri and Roger NealMindy and Michael NeedlemanNeikirk, Mahoney & Smith, PLLC.Dena Nelson

Mary JenningsAshley JohnsonD Kyle JohnsonJeannine and Donald JonesGloria JonesMary and Stephen JonesMary Jane and Gary JonesSteve JonesRyan JordanKelly JuarezSally and Michael JudahMary and Glenn KaberleAlbert KaiserDani and Douglas KannapellCharles KaplanShoshana and Yorum KatzKaitlyn and Adam KeatonPeggy and Howard KeelSandy KeenerTerry KellerKentuckiana Girl Scout Troop 720Christopher KerstingBecky and Craig KirklandHerbert KixmillerPatricia KixmillerJodi KleinKim KleinFrieda and Richard KnoxLaura KobyMichael KolenaLori and Maury KommorRachel and Carl KoontzLinda and Michael KorfhageSylvia KozloveWarner KuhlMary and Forrest KuhnLynn and Walt KunauTeresa KvachukMarcello La RoccaDavid LabovitzGlenda and Dale LaCosteKathy and Parry LaGroMichael Land

Karen NelsonCarolyn and David NeustadtNew Beginnings Family ServicesJessica NewmanSara NewmanMeridith and Vinh NguyenMercedes NiburJohn Irvin NicholsLeslie NightingaleBarbara and Samuel NobleSamuel NobleApril NodineElizabeth Noe BlasiMichele OberstKelly and Gerald O’DanielMichele and Daniel OertherMandy OliverMary and John OppeltBrigitte and James OslinBeth and Curtis OverbeyOwen Funeral Home - JeffersontownEdith OwenMarilyn and George OwensJennifer OylerMeg PanellaJay ParadisErika and Thomas ParamoreMarjorie and Arthur ParkerRuma and N’Namdi PaskinsBarbara and Myron PassVirginia PattersonBrianna PattonChris PayneDee Anna PayneShannon PeaceSuzanne PeakTami and Dan PennerMarci and Mark PerelmuterWayne PerkeyKristina and Caleb PetersBedra and Nathaniel PetersWilliam PetersKenneth Peterson

Tom PfannerstillDebbie and Dave PhelpsAndra PhilpottKelsey PiersonBetty and Gordon PoeschelBarbara and Edmund PolusMarie PorterDiane PottsRuss PowellKennith and Linda PrattJill PremingerPhyllis and Andrew PresentPatricia PriddyAdam PritchettKitty ProctorMike PurdumNorma RacineMargaret and Cyrus RadfordSarah RasmovichCheryl and Ralph RatcliffeLiz RatliffGeorge RawlingsRealcorp, LLCHarriet ReedKathy ReidRandy ReidKim and John ReinhardtSheila and Don ReissFrances RencherFrank RepoleyMegan RepoleyPaul ReschDebbie and Gary RessMarchant and Barton ReutlingerBetsy and Brian RheinDonna and Glenn RiefSteven RiggsKathryn RitterLinda and Charles RixmanBissell RobertsJerry RobertsSharon RobertsRobertson Crushed Stone

Cindy and Roger RobinsonSharon RobinsonJanet RockafellarEdward RogersMary and Paul RohlederJulie RolwingSam RonaldDebby and Lee RoseSue RosenSusan RosenEllen and Philip RosenbloomMary and Robert W. RounsavallLaurie RubelLawrence RubelNancy RuffraGail RugaCarter RumlDenise and William RussellWilliam RussellHolly RyanJulie and Michael SabesLouise SachsMary SachsLynn and Michael SagaraTerry And James SakachReanna and Dean SalingCoach SamideTracy and Earlie SandersStephanie and Charles SarasohnMartha SaulmanEllen SchageneMegan and Cameron SchanieMolly and Kris SchellerKatie SchenckKathy and Phil SchererGlenn Schilling†Aundrea SchippersGreg SchlegelCarly SchmidtDonna SchmidtLori SchmidtTina SchnuerleMarye and Christopher Schramm

Laura and Linus SchuhmannIda and Harry SchultzChuck SchuppIrving SchusterJanelle ScottMonica ScottPatricia SeayKaren and Kingman SeilerDenise and Jon SeizPaulette SellarsTerrie and Marshall SellersPhyllis and Michael ShaikunJudy ShartzerSarah and Robert ShawJoyce ShawlerJudie and Erwin ShermanSuzanne ShoemakerAbby ShueKaren SiladiSilicon Valley Community FoundationJill and Alan SimonRuth SimonsTraci SimonsenSusan SkolnickMark SlavenVicki SliderJodi SmileyAnne and Gary SmithDennis SmithKimber SmithKristi and Todd SmithLori SmithNancy SmithPatricia SmithRosemary SmithJane and William SmithChristopher SneedBrenda SnookLaura SnowdenCourtney and Marty SnyderRoseann and Mark SolakJohn SommermanBarbara Sosh

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Cheryl and Kenneth SpencerJamey and Jeffrey SpielbergCarolyn SpringerSt. Frances PreschoolDon and Mary StallardS. J. StallingsScott StantonFiona and Powell StarksLinda SteinVivienne SteinbockDavid StemlerAnn SternbergKari StewartLinda and Buddy StewartBoyd StinsonMary Clay StitesLisa and Rich StofletPaul StoneSheryl StorrieLee and John StoughFrank StricklerHunter StricklerFran SturialeCindi SullivanCarol and Bob SummersLynn and Charles SuttonRaleigh and Alan SwiftWindy SzalkowskiTammy and Coy TaberMary TablerNancy TafelAnn TaftKatherine TaftCatherine and Harry TalaminiPatti TalbortBen TalbottTracy TannerThe Links, Louisville, KY ChapterThe Louisville Numismatic Exchange, Inc.The Orchard School FoundationThe Premature & Sick Infant Fund, Inc.Laura Thieneman

Cynthia ThomasJacqueline ThomasPatricia and James ThomasRyan ThomasKenisha ThompsonMargaret ThompsonSarah C. and Thomas ThorntonStacy ThurmanRicard TiberiRuth and Jerry TillmanCarol and Paul TittelJohn ToddMichael and Bonnie TolbertCarol and Ed ToniniElizabeth TorpSusan and Charles TreiblyJames TrimpeAndria TriplettJudy and Tommy TriplettMaxine and Lloyd TriplettDawn TrivetteJulia and John TruemperGeoffrey TullyBonnie TurnerCharles UllrichNatalie UnderhillDaron Van VactorBetty VanceMonica VanceAmie VaughnMichelle VeitAhna and Joseph VeneziaNatarajan VenkatakrishnanRobin VesselsBethany and Lawrence VornholtDenise WaggenerBeverly WagnerFrances WagnerKelly and George WagnerSusan and Steve WagnerWilliam WagnerMichael WakefieldJo and Gerald Walker

Louise WallLeslie and Charles WallerKristoffer WaltherBradley WarrenStacia WashausenAnn and Neil WassermanPauline WassersteinIrwin WatermanJulie WatermanSusan WatermanCharles WatkinsIsabelle WatkinsJames WatkinsEmily WeatherholtCarter WebbCynthia and Charles WebbJoe WeilSheila WeilKristin WeirichMarlene WeisbergAlyce Weixler and Andrew GunklerEdward WelchMartha WelchRichard WeldonElaine Richards WellsMary Peyton WellsKristin WelrichLee and Alfred WelshPatricia and Bill WestSylvia and Frank WheelerAudrey and Jeffery WhitakerLeigh White and Nikolay DenchevBonnie WhitehouseLisa and Jim WhitlockYvonne and Robert WhitsonJeanne and William WiggintonDenise and Ty WilburnKaren and Robert WilhelmDean WilkinsonPatrick WilliamsDiane WilsonLinda WilsonMary and Orme Wilson

Mary Katherine and Chad WilsonBeverly WinschKaren WirthPhillip WiseCourtney WiserJonathan WissingAmy WitzkeCynthia and Geoffrey WohlSondra and Scott WojciakJoyce WolfChris WolfeTarah WoodJanet and Robert WoosleyBarbara WrightBetty and Bill WrightJean and Charles WrightTom YaoLainie YarmuthAnn YatesCarol and William YoungWillie YoungJulia YoungbloodAnita YussmanSusan ZepedaCraig ZirnheedNorma Zirnheld

HONORARIUMSIn Honor of John AllenBen and Mary Sanders

In Honor of Anne ArderyLaurie Rubel

In Honor of Craig BadeMaggie Bade

In Honor of Katy BainSylvia Kozlove

In Honor of Kim BakerMichelle Veit

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In Honor of Gina BottomAlbert KaiserKaitlyn and Adam KeatonRobert MattsSylvia and Frank Wheeler

In Honor of Barbara BowmanMary and Stephen Jones

In Honor of Mike Bowman Creighton Benoit

In Honor of Carrie BozzoVirginia and Arne Judd

In Honor of Mary BriscoeHoly Family ParishStrandz and Threadz

In Honor of Ann Buckman Herbert Redmon

In Honor of Michell CasonRyan Huber

In Honor of Bill Cook’s 60th BirthdayLinda and David Fuchs

In Honor of Johnathan and Terri CookAnna and John Cook

In Honor of Nancy CrosbyVirginia and Arne Judd

In Honor of Elizabeth CrossHalina Jamner

In Honor of John Cunningham’s Big BirthdayLinda and Glyn Humphrey

In Honor of Rhonda CurdRoberta Brock

In Honor of Lulu DavisLaurie Rubel

In Honor of Pam DerbinMartha Saulman

In Honor of Deborah DillonCandy and Roger Medina

In Honor of Margot DominikAmanda Dominik

In Honor of Carol DocetteJames DoucetteGE Foundation

In Honor of Andam EngelBrenda Clark

In Honor of John FaulknerRobin Faulkner

In Honor of Stephanie FellonKatherine and Kent OylerVivienne Steinbock

In Honor of Joe Ferry’s BirthdayMary Gatton

In Honor of Maureen and Phil FisherTrina Blunt

In Honor of the Marriage of Laura Frazier and Don AshleyGlenda and Robert RobyMary and William StoneLindy and Bill StreetPatricia and Michael Vairin

In Honor of Wes and Amelia FreelandDana BurbaMarie HaferKacie McPhersonFrank RepoleyMegan Repoley In Honor of Mary Eleanor GerbasichPenne and J. BlairVicki Slider In Honor of Susan Goellner for Valentine’s DayMarvin and Susan Fleischman

In Honor of Ronnie Goldstein’s 65th BirthdayJill and Alan Simon

In Honor of Ruby GordonMarcy and Robert Beyer

In Support of Sarah GouldDale and David Hyman

In Honor of Kathy GoyetteDaniel and Kathy Goyette

In Honor of Michael and Paula GrisantiAnnette and Michael Grisanti

In Honor of Vickie Grisanti and Tom FrithAnnette and Michael Grisanti

In Honor of Joyce GrissettSylvia and Frank Wheeler

In Honor of Henry HarkinsCourtney and Marty Snyder

In Honor of Tyler BeamRalph and Judith AgueraJeanne BeamTeresa and John BeamElizabeth BleakleyEleanor and Brooks BrownLaForrest CampbellMartha and Graham CookeAnn and John DavisTerry and Billy HarrisonHarvey Investment Company, LLCElizabeth and James HyslopCharles and Rosemary MiddletonAustin and Janie MusselmanMarchant and Barton ReutlingerKathy and Phil SchererEd and Cathy StopherMary TablerMary Katherine and Chad Wilson

In Honor of Lauren Beaman Carolyn Springer

In Honor of Dr. Arnold Belker’s 80th BirthdayAnn Sternberg

In Honor of Floyd and Estelle BennerKevin Benner

In Honor of Sal and Kathy BertoloneVirginia and Arne Judd

In Honor of Aiysha BillingsBarry and Thyra Billings

In Honor of Dale BodenCharles and Alanson Boden

In Honor of Judy BorinsteinCarol and Bob Summers

In Honor of Lu Ann MuenchPamela BaxterDebora ConderJean DeignanBecky FordDonna GrannanDee Anna PayneJames and Anetna RussellDawn Trivette

In Honor of Diana and Sarah NajjarAnn MaitzenThe Orchard School Foundation

In Honor of Sarah NajjarLeslie and Gregg Fowler

In Honor of Marilyn NirenMarcy and Robert Beyer

In Honor of Joanne O’Malley’s October BirthdayMadeline and Jerry Abramson

In Honor of Anita Pass’s 70th BirthdayBarbara and Myron Pass

In Honor of Dot PattersonHerbert Redmon

In Honor of Harry PickensAnonymous

In Honor of David PowerAdam and Danielle Loewy

In Honor of Amelia RobertsLeigh Anne Burke-Schaad

In Honor of Sharon RubinSylvia Kozlove

In Honor of Karyn, Henry and Jason HarkinsAnn and Neil Wasserman

In Honor of Terry HarrisonClay Hancock

In Honor of Jim HartiganDavid Doehnert

In Honor of Louisa HensonTrina Blunt

In Honor of Linda HerkoMark Felton

In Honor of Erin HerndonBeth MontgomeryCeleste NallAmie Vaughn

In Honor of Kristen HughesHeather Bell

In Honor of Janie and Roy HymanPeggy and Steve Hyman

In Honor of Steve HymanRoy and Jane Hyman

In Honor of Margaret and Jeff JamnerTraci SimonsenSusan CohenRoger and Elizabeth CrossHalina Jamner

In Honor of Denise JonesL.G. and Gloria Jones

In Honor of Mike KaiserSylvia and Frank Wheeler

In Honor of Peggy Kasdan’s Special BirthdayEllen and Stanley Bayersdorfer

In Honor of Dr. Katherine M. KeeleyVirginia and Arne Judd

In Honor of Sara KesslerBlackbaud Inc

In Honor of Rosalie KleopfelMartha Saulman

In Honor of Colleen LiebertAnnette and Michael Grisanti

In Honor of Carol and Bill LomickaTrina Blunt

In Honor of Dr. Mark and Cindy LynnMark Lynn

In Honor of Lara MacGregorAbby Shue

In Honor of Scott MagruderPhilip Magruder

In Honor of Judy Margulis’ 80th BirthdayLaura Koby

In Honor of Ginger MarxSylvia Kozlove

In Honor of Margaret Anne MazaVirginia and Arne Judd

In Honor of Lillie McCartyDiane Potts

In Honor of Emily MeadowsMelinda HoustonLouise HoustonMeg HoustonD Kyle JohnsonChristy MeadowsRichard MeadowsChris PaynePatricia SeaySheila WeilTom Yao

In Honor of Lynne Meena Rapp’s Lifelong FriendshipLouise Wall

In Honor of Sandee Miller’s Special BirthdayLillian LevyJane and Steve Shapiro

In Honor of Susan MoremenPat Snyder

In Honor of Karen Morrison and FamilyJudith and Ralph AgueraJody BarksdaleBarb and Lyle CarolusSteve and Robin FinkelsteinJoan LicursiMary Jo and Paul McDonaldMichael RadnerJill and Jim RichEllen and Philip RosenbloomJane Tierney and Andrew Miller

In Honor of Kinsey MorrisonJames BouquinIsabell IsenhartBen and Mary Sanders

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In Honor of George Rue’s 50th BirthdayJohn and Lee Hancock

In Honor of Elizabeth SchaafVirginia and Arne Judd

In Honor of Donna SchmidtJohn T. LauniusKelsey Pierson

In Honor of LouAnna and Val ScottTrina Blunt

In Honor of Anne ShapiraGeorge EdelsteinJane and Steve ShapiroLinda Stein

In Honor of Mary B. SheanVirginia and Arne Judd

In Honor of Vickie SliderPenne and J. Blair

In Honor of the Marriage of Dinah Smiley and Delores Cook Debbie Hulsewede

In Honor of Mollie SmithAnne Arensberg

In Honor of David StemlerTami Combs

In Honor of Lindy StreetThe Staff of Gilda’s Club Louisville

In Honor of Lindy and Bill StreetMadeline and Jerry AbramsonRalph and Judith Aguera

Martha and Graham CookeAustin and Janie MusselmanHerbert RedmonMary and Robert W. RounsavallJerome Walsh Skelly and Kerry Walsh Skelly

In Honor of Micki TerrellJohn T. Launius

In Honor of Betty TimpermanTrina Blunt

In Honor of 35th Celebration of Priesthood Of Monsignor Leonard F. TroianoNancye and John Buckner

In Honor of Shelia Van VactorDaron Van Vactor

In Honor of Sharon WakefieldMichael Wakefield

In Honor of Shannon and Mindy WeaverBradley Warren

In Honor of Carter WebbLink Litaker

In Honor of Clark WelchNancy BushAlexandra ButlerJohn Irvin Nichols

In Honor of Caroline WellsBetsy Butler

In Honor of Lee WelshJanice and Chris MichnoMindy and Michael Needleman

In Honor of Bobbi WestMary Herron-Kerr

In Honor of Missy WislockiMary Jane and Gary Jones

In Honor of Harvey WrightTrina Blunt

In Honor of Lillian Wright’s 80th BirthdayLinda and Buddy Stewart

In Honor of Sarah Yates “Courage for the Doing”Porter and George Watkins

In Honor of Carol and Bill YoungJoanna and Erich MarksIsabelle WatkinsJames Watkins

IN MEMORIUM In Memory of Lorraine “Dee Dee” AaronBrenda and James DidierJoyce Shawler

In Memory of Phyllis AdamsBruce Blue

In Memory of Scott BeamanMolly and Kris Scheller

In Memory of Alegria BenaviMercedes Nibur

In Memory of Elias BenaviMercedes Nibur

In Memory of Joshua BenaviMercedes Nibur

In Memory of Bobby BestLee and John Hancock

In Memory of David BeuligmannSandra HartLori and Maury KommorMandy Oliver

In Memory of Virginia BilyouScott Bilyou

In Memory of Bonnie BizerShary and Alan Hyman

In Memory of Willoughby BlockerLee and John Hancock

In Memory of Debbie BolanderMary Bolander

In Memory of Dr. Alan BornsteinJudy Shapira

In Memory of Terry BrinkMollie Smith

In Memory of Carletta BuckmanAnn BuckmanHerbert Redmon

In Memory of Barry CeridanCarol HensleyBen and Mary SandersRobert and Sarah Shaw

In Memory of Catherine ChangTom Yao

In Memory of Phil ChristopherMichelle Christopher

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Page 14: So No One Faces Cancer Alone. - Gilda’s Club Louisville · So No One Faces Cancer Alone. 2014 Annual Report. Looking Back & Ahead Meet the Moore Family David Moore is a combat Army

In Memory of Joyce ClemonsBertie and Hank DantGloria and Richard GoreLisa MartinMarjorie and Arthur ParkerHarriet ReedLinda and Charles RixmanLawrence Rubel

In Memory of Charlie CollinsCindy and Nick Code

In Memory of Teresa ContrerasMaya Contreras

In Memory of Benn B. DavisJudy Shapira

In Memory of James DavisJudy Shapira

In Memory of Norma DeelyJudith and Ralph Aguera

In Memory of Dori DeitrichGlenda and Robert Roby

In Memory of Charles DeVallKelly and Ray Hammons

In Memory of Philip di BelardinoRalph and Judith Aguera

In Memory of Leon DriskellJulia Youngblood

In Memory of Catherine EdelenSharon ArcherJudith BlairBarbara and Kenneth BruceMary CarrollPatricia DuvallJoseph Edelen

Judith and Robert HasselbackThelma and Huie HughesThe Humana FoundationNorma LordRobert and Janet WoosleyBarbara WrightNorma Zirnheld

In Memory of Christie Smith FloydRobert and Levitia Gordon

In Memory of Robert FosterAndrew McMurtrie

In Memory of Dawn FriedrichMichael and Bonnie Tolbert

In Memory of Angie W. FrymireJoan and Albert EggertKaplan Simons Family Foundation

In Memory of Dan FunkMichael and Jacinta Mergler

In Memory of Estelle GarmonKim and John Reinhardt

In Memory of Dorothy GarrettTerry and Arnold BelkerPatricia BurdMary Ann BurenErnst CamentzJulie and John CampbellThomasine CarrHelen CohenRosemary and Ken DawsonBarbara ElibayGarrett-Stotz CompanyIrene HallSusan HendersonBetty and William KantlehnerNancy LoganLee Mattingly

Katherine NallyTerri and Roger NealLindy and Bill StreetJulia and John TruemperFrances Wagner

In Memory of Wilfred GerstenblattMarilyn and Edward Belford

In Memory of Susan GoellnerMarvin and Susan FleischmanFran Sturiale

In Memory of Maria Goldring Angie and Nick GoldringJudith and Michael GoldringReiner GoldringSuzanne, Les and Ben Goldring

In Memory of Ronnie GordonRuby Gordon

In Memory of Ivan GreenspanSteven and Shelley LevyJane and Steve Shapiro

In Memory of Pat HarringtonJohn and Mary AnsmanChristina LindLawrence Rubel

In Memory of Carol HigdonLinda Golden

In Memory of Ann S. HillJohn and Cynthia AllenBen and Mary Sanders

In Memory of Ilma HirschLinda and David Fuchs

In Memory of Nancy HughesChurchill DownsPhilip ConnorsKentucky Derby Host ProgramGordon and Betty PoeschelCindi SullivanRuth and Jerry TillmanKaren and Robert WilhelmHarold and Lisa Workman

In Memory of Nick IngarraMary Jo and Paul McDonald

In Memory of Carolyn Dunning JacksonMary F. and Ed Glasscock

In Memory of Stephen JettBen and Mary Sanders

In Memory of Margaret KelseyAnne AmrheinJeanne ApplegateBetty BastinPamela BeattieTeresa DeVenutoBob and Michelle HaganJohn and Debbie HaganR. Douglas and Christena HaganPaul HauschildRichard HauschildPeggy and Howard KeelCaryn MacDonaldJohn and Ellen NasonKitty ProctorFrances RencherBrad and Betsy RheinSuzanne ShoemakerStacia WashausenYvonne and Robert WhitsonJeanne and William WiggintonChris WolfeJean and Charles Wright

In Memory of Margaret KishPeggy and Steve Hyman

In Memory of David KleinMadeline and Jerry AbramsonRobert and Cindy AdelbergHenry and Barbara AltmanLisa and Steven AudenJulie and William BallardBandy Carroll HelligeGladys and Lewis BassEllen and Stanley BayersdorferRichard BeanTerry and Arnold BelkerJerry and Maxine BizerCheri BodenBranch Banking & Trust Co.Heather and Chris CampbellChurchill DownsSam and Mary Michael CorbettS. Gordon and Lorie DabneyKaren and Charles DiehlJanet DouglasThomas and Lynn DunbarFund for the ArtsMelissa and Rudy GernertEd and Mary F. GlasscockGoldberg Simpson, LLCJane GoldsteinBarbara and Steve GordonSally GreenJ. Diane HenryHigh Intensity, LLCKristie HowerMichael and Sally JudahJodi KleinKim KleinMindy KobrinWalt and Lynn KunauAngela and Lee LeetBeverly LewisWilliam and Carol Lomicka

Galelyn McElroyLaura and Andy MeansSusan MoremenDavid MusichNeikirk, Mahoney & Smith, PLLC.Carolyn and David NeustadtGerald and Kelly O’DanielMichele and Daniel OertherHarry and Ida SchultzJane and Steve ShapiroAnne and Gary SmithJamey and Jeffrey SpielbergS StallingsAnn SternbergLindy and Bill StreetThe Louisville Numismatic Exchange, Inc.Alyce and Andrew WeixlerPatricia and Bill WestJoyce WolfLaurie and Jack Wolf

In Memory of Elaine KleinMichael and Sally JudahHarry and Ida Schultz

In Memory of Robin KnoxSt. Frances Preschool

In Memory of Helen KuehnJoyce and Edward Bridge

In Memory of Stacy KumarSanjay Kumar

In Memory of Carl LauniusJohn LauniusJohn T. Launius

In Memory of Marilyn LazarusHarry and Ida Schultz

In Memory of Judy LeForceSheila and Don Reiss

In Memory of Harvey Jay LernerPhyllis FlormanLillian Levy

In Memory of Bert LevyPhyllis FlormanBruce and Jean HendersonLillian LevySandee and Les MillerMichael and Phyllis Shaikun

In Memory of Beverly LippmannJudith and Ralph Aguera

In Memory of Gerald Lindbergh LutherThyra and Barry Billings

In Memory of Robert MaxwellJudith and Ralph Aguera

In Memory of Joyce MazeMona and Doug HintonBarbara SoshJudy and Tommy TriplettMaxine and Lloyd Triplett

In Memory of Lillie McCartyDiane Potts

In Memory of Karen MeaseMildred HorodynskiRobyn LindquistHoward MeaseCheryl and Kenneth Spencer

In Memory of David Christian MehlSharon Robinson

In Memory of Lisa MoraitakisRalph and Judith Aguera

In Memory of Geeta MorrisMary Herron-Kerr

In Memory of Carl MuellerChristie Leigh Mueller

In Memory of Sarah NajjarMichael and Mary Jo BrownAnn BuckmanNick CovaultFrazier Rehab Institute 6th FloorSandal GulickLinda and Michael KorfhageBen and Mary Sanders

In Memory of Burt NotariusJudith and Ralph Aguera

In Memory of Dini PapapietroLucinda Papapietro

In Memory of James PattersonVirginia Patterson

In Memory of Jeff PattonAnonymous

In Memory of Kathleen “Kathy” PaulVera and Stephen Holliday

In Memory of Shirley PerchikPeggy and Steve Hyman

In Memory of Steven PetersonMarilyn and Edward Belford

In Memory of Suzanne PetrellaSylvia and Frank Wheeler

Thank you for your generous support

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In Memory of Holly PopeckJames AppleAppriss, Inc.Lisa CheekConnie ClarkRandy FordJean and Noel MaddoxKathy ReidRandy ReidCynthia and Charles WebbJim and Lisa Whitlock

In Memory of Karen RaglandRichard and Kathy Ragland

In Memory of Pat RaiaBarbara and Eddie Goldberg

In Memory of Jana RankinCarol and John ChallasJoe and Lynn EdwardsRachel and Carl KoontzCarolyn LyonAdriana and Jason McCubbinNathaniel and Bedra PetersMegan and Cameron SchanieAIG Susan and Carl BabiaszAnn and James ClarkAlexander DigenisBarbara DreimanOwen EmbryAnne GarrisonCynthia and James GaskinsBeverly GreenDenise and Randall HarrisDan HyattSarah and Paul JacksonMary and Glenn KaberleArthur and Mary Lou KixmillerHerbert KixmillerPatricia KixmillerDonna and Wendall McCarty

Lori and Drew MyersKathryn RitterPaulette SellarsTammy and Coy TaberLinda Wilson

In Memory of Sharon ReceveurClark-Baize Consulting, LLCMarcelle GianelloniHarmony Landing Country ClubSarah H. RhyneCarol and Ed ToniniCarol ButlerClark-Baize Consulting, LLCJill and William CooperJoan LicursiBiljana MonskyBeverly Wagner

In Memory of Gaye ReinhardtThe Humana FoundationLori and Michael Silaghi

In Memory of Margaret Mary ReinhardtJohn and Kim Reinhardt

In Memory of Kathy RobertsAlan and Louise McLaughlinWilliam and Denise RussellJames and Terry SakachLifeSpring, Inc.Jessica NewmanTracy and Earlie SandersDon and Mary Stallard

In Memory of Gail RobinsonKathleen Pellegrino

In Memory of Florence RoseDavid and Linda FuchsJulie Waterman

In Memory of Vic RosenbaumDavid and Linda Fuchs

In Memory of Milton RussmanDavid and Linda Fuchs

In Memory of Gabriel SanchezJudith and Ralph Aguera

In Memory of Jerry SandersKim and John Reinhardt

In Memory of Kathy Terry SchaferEllen Schagene

In Memory of E. B. SchillingGlenn Schilling

In Memory of Glenn SchillingRebecca CatalanoHazel and Guy ChappellDan Cristiani Excavating Co, Inc.Gordon and Geraldine DavidsonJoseph and Louise W. HelmDoris and I. B. JenkinsDouglas and Dani KannapellForrest and Mary KuhnJay ParadisMichael and Deana ParadisHerbert Redmon

In Memory of Patricia Coleman SchillingGlenn SchillingHomer and Josephine AlexanderTom and Clare Burkhart

In Memory of Barbara R. SchradingBissell Roberts

In Memory of Marye Schramm Christopher Schramm

In Memory of Eric SchuldheisApril and Keith AusplandIrene and John BurgTracy and Leo CiacioSusan HumphreyRosemarie and Earl HydenTerry KellerSusan McAfeeJeanne and Michael McKinleyAndrew McMurtrieBrigitte and James OslinRalph and Cheryl RatcliffeBen and Mary SandersJudy ShartzerKari StewartCharles UllrichAudrey and Jeffery WhitakerSondra and Scott WojciakJean and Charles Wright

In Memory of Olivia (Libby) SchultzBarbara ChenaultSylvia and Frank Wheeler

In Memory of Elsa Jean SchusterIrving Schuster Cathy and J. Lon Schuster

In Memory of Harry ShapiraMichael and Cara DavisJan KottkeForrest and Mary KuhnPhyllis and Andrew PresentSue Rosen

In Memory of Tom ShawLee and John Hancock

In Memory of Michael SmileyAnonymous

Thank you for your generous support

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2015 Board of Directors

FOUNDERS Dale J. Boden*

Jennifer Lang Cottingham*Earl Dorsey*

Susan S. Moremen* Sharon Ann Receveur†

Lindy B. Street*

HONORARY MEMBERS Madeline Abramson*

Wm. Tyler Beam* Henry V. Heuser, Jr. Lynne Meena Rapp

Judy Shapira

OFFICERS David L. Owen, Board Chair

Howard Vogt, Vice Chair Teresa Riggs,* Treasurer

Lillian Levy, Secretary

BOARD MEMBERSMary Barrazotto Leea Bridgeman Cindy H. Carcione Stephanie Fellon John C. Hancock Martha Hargis Kevin M. Lundy Rebecca A. Martin Julia U. McDonnell Joy E. Neal Mike Paradis

N’Namdi O. Paskins Kathleen Pellegrino* Thomas A. Perrone Audra N. Rankin Douglas Riddle David M. Schroeder Rita Hudson Shourds* Mollie G. Smith* Wendy S. Swisher Jane TierneyGerina Whethers*

* Cancer Survivor † Deceased

In Memory of Mildred “Pat” SommermanJohn Sommerman

In Memory of Mary Ellen StagnerAndrew McMurtrie

In Memory of Seashols Noell Marvin StarksLee and John Hancock

In Memory of Anna Brock StevensLarry DodsonMary and Raymond ElstoneRuss Powell

In Memory of Anna C. Brock StevensAngela and Edward Hildreth

In Memory of Leandra StevensLouisville Center for Spiritual Living

In Memory of Corlis StinsonBoyd Stinson

In Memory of Judy SweitzerEllen and Stanley BayersdorferDavid and Linda Fuchs

In Memory of Howard TeubnerMarilyn and Edward Belford

In Memory of Martha ThomasLouisville Dulcimer Society

In Memory of Rose ThomasJoyce and Edward Bridge

In Memory of Mary Emily ThompsonSamuel and Barbara NobleLindy and Bill Street

In Memory of Charles TowsleyMary Jo and Paul McDonald

In Memory of Harriet WaldmanMarlene Weisberg

In Memory of Mary Sue WeinbergDale and David Hyman

In Memory of Helen WeissLeah Gersh

In Memory of Wayne WellsChristie Leigh MuellerGlen HumeElaine Richards Wells

In Memory of Peyton WellsGlen HumeNancy TafelEdith WellsMary Peyton Wells

In Memory of Gregory WhitfieldMary Mohr

In Memory of Mary Rogers Brown “Polly” WilliamsKentucky Select PropertiesLee and John Stough

In Memory of Irma YoffeLinda and David FuchsJane and Steve Shapiro

In Memory of Loretta H. YoungPatty Gillette

In Memory of Gail ZemonShary and Alan Hyman

Thank you for your generous support

Page 17: So No One Faces Cancer Alone. - Gilda’s Club Louisville · So No One Faces Cancer Alone. 2014 Annual Report. Looking Back & Ahead Meet the Moore Family David Moore is a combat Army

633 Baxter Avenue Louisville, KY 40204-1157

(502) 583-0075 www.gildasclublouisville.org

So No One Faces Cancer Alone.