fcii B?l &S &• •A ftjra >^ ^ • -~-M-.. *n* J 1. ^*I*%/S:A *((::-fev ( \ -w ¥' BLACK RIVER- DEMOCRAT ""*! " Y~~""" 'r FEBRUARY! tj. CROGHAN. *•&**' l?W ' $,&* ;* ;> .*% ' *""v. , , MM, Julian Pate. «fcfcg-$l'an Pate, an aged and es- ts$ne\; resident departed this life at * five o'clock Tuesday afternoon, after ' a years' illness of a complication of diseases., Mrs. Pate was 67 years of age and a, ^oman of very estimable character" and will be sadly missed m the neighborhood where she re- sided. She was a "devout member of St. Stephen's church and of the Ro- sary Society connected therewith, whose members attended the funeral' m a body. The funeral services were largely attended from St. Stephen's church at 10:30 Friday morning, a requiem high mass being celebrated by the pastor, Rev. Joseph Bussen. She leaves to survive her three sons- P. E. Pate, of Castorland; Charles of Ogdensbur, and Maurice, Pate • this place, and tl ter M^mgtffciSJP^ftwwwgrugiyawtig^sis- norentia of Troy, Angelina 5"d Elizabeth Pate, of this place. Mrs. John Lallier. Mrs. John Lallier, a highly respect- ed resident of this village, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Back, at 11 a. m., Wed- nesday. She had been in failing health for the past two years and about a week ago sustained a shock wnich hastened the end. She was 81 years of age and a regular attendant of St. Stephen's church. She was a member of the Order of St. Fran- cis and the Rosary Society, both so- cieties attending her funeral in a body. She was a woman who had many friends and was a kind and lov- ing wife and mother. She had 12 children, nine of whom survive her: four sons, Frank of Amsterdam, George of Lowville, John of Corinth, Iowa, and Peter of this village; five daughters, Mrs. William Jonas and Mrs. Louis Bush of Lowville, Mrs. Karl Lederle of Carthage, Mrs. Nich- olas Henry and Mrs. George Back, of this place, Her funeral was largely attended from St. Stephen's church at 9:30 o'clock Friday morning, when a requiem high mass was celebrated- with Rev. Father Otto officiating'.""' .*"-- r "' Moshier—Roggie. At the Amish v church at 3 p. m., Thursday, occurred the marriage of Samuel Moshier and Miss Mary Rog- gie. Rev'. Christian IvToftsier of Low- ville performed the ceremony in the presence of a large concourse of rel- atives and friends. The couple was attended by Joseph Roggie, brother of the bride, and Miss Anna Widrick, . cousin of the groom and Miss Kate 'WiRoggi, sister of the bride. The groom •r feSft-''.' shier of New Bremen, and an indus- trious and prosperous young farmer, while the bride is. a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Christian Roggie of Belfort ^arid a highly respected young lady. Town Half Proposed. At a meeting of the village taxpay- payers held at the district school last Wednesday evening, the matter of placing before the eleotors a prop- osition of raising $8,000 to erect a town hall was discussed and it is ex- pected that the matter will be voted upon at the coming election. Mrs. Frank Ossont returned to her home in Glenfield, after a' week week pleasantly spent with relatives here. * Dr. S. E. Simonet returned Mon- day night from a week's visit with relatives at Watertown and Carthage. Attorney F. W. Bowman of Low- ville was in town Thursday on busi- ness. C. E.'"Miller, of Moravia, called on old friends here Thursday. Mrs. Adelaide Bisha, of Evans Mills, arrived Saturday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Burk- hard. Augustus Collas returned Tuesday from a two months visit with relatives in Albany. Mr.' and Mrs. Jerry Compo received word Friday of the serious illness of their daughter at Watertown. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wolff returned Monday from a visit with their daugh- ter, Mrs. James McCarthy, at Low- ville. Robert Hynes of Belfort, came near losing a horse by drowning Monday morning. While crossing Beaver river on the ice after a load of wood, the ice broke and the horse went under. Several men who were work- ing near tiy came to the rescue and succeeded in getting the animal out after a hard struggle. W. S. Smith, of West Carthage, spent Sunday as the guest of his son, Charles Smith, and family, at the Mil- ler House. The Young Ladies' Embroidery Club met with Miss Colletta Henry Tues- day evening. Charles Tlss returned last week from a* three weeks' vacation spent in Utica and Buffalo. The many friends of Dr. Laurential Roiichel are pleased to see her able to be out after her recent illness. Mr* and Mrs. John C. Farney re- turned Tuesday morning from a three weeks visit with their daughter and family, Mr; and Mrs. Ernest Lanz, at , Roekville, Conn. Mrs. Joseph Dicob of Kirchnerville returnee* Tuesday night from an ex- tended visit with relatives at Syra- ,' cuse 'and Copenhagen* ' RevV AloysioUs Bushman is in Wa- tertowa staking the place of Rev. Fattier lievlin, who is on a southern : .trlffi.,,' '••• ' Hire. William Bartlett and two fiWldten and lijecev Miss lOiara Gou- tremont, of Carthage, arrived Tues- day night to spend a few- days with her brother, George Bush and family David Gerner of Carthage is in town this week on business. * . William Mattson and family left here Thursday for their new home in Lowville. Leonard Tourney and fam- ily ••will' occupy the Mattson house. Mrs. Sylvester Bush has moved into the Rittis house, which she recently purchased and which was vacated by Mr. Farney. There was a special meeting of the fire company No. 1 at Tanzer's store Monday evening. Miss Nettie Hynes returned Tues- day from a visit with friends in \fe. tertown. _^-~s" Born to Mr. and M r s / g £ er N . You . ter' ^ S 6 * « a r ^ e b . 6th/ a daugh- Born to Mr. and Mrs. John P. Pato, of Forest City, Wednesday, Feb. 12th, a son. Mrs. Mary Pool is seriously ill at this writing. Miss OraP. Lomber left for Utica Thursday morning where her mother, Mrs. Nicholas Lomber, will undergo a serious operation within a few days. At 2 p. m. Tuesday occurred the death of Gordon Lee, the 8-months old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Adams, of Kirchnerville. The funeral was held from St. Stephen's church at 10 o'clock, Thursday morning. Clarence Burkhard of Oneida is in town the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Burkhard. Mrs. Sarah Blanchard of Harris- ville is visiting Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Carpenter. * MRS. I. D. SPENCER," Cor. WATSON , Frank Kent, who died at Johnsville last Thursday, was a former resident of this place, where he had many friends who extend their heartfelt sympathy to his widow, Mrs. Gertrude Locklin Kent, who was one/"6f Wat- son's fairest-daughters, s Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Shepard have the heartfelt sympathy of the com- munity in the death of their infant son, Lewis William, aged one month. Funeral services were held at the home of Mrs. Shepard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Saunders, Thursday, at 11 o'clock, Rev. Morris Evans of Lowville, officiating. Williams—Klock. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry sneck, 540 W. Thomas St., Rome, at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening, Feb. 5th, occurred the marriage of Mrs. Sneck's, mother, Mrs. Elizabeth, Eiock,-- \VM&'/ Klock, of Chase's Lake, to Ralph Williams of Watson. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Philip Cole in the presence of the members of the immediate families. The bride and groom were unattend- ed. The bride was attired in blue mes- saline silk. After the ceremony sup- per was served. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liams will reside in Watson, where Mr. Williams is a prosperous farmer. Watson friends extend congratula- tions. Last Thursday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Hallie Williams royally enter- tained the Ladies' Aid oociety. A chicken pie supper was served to 22. Receipts were $2.40. A pleasant time was spent in social intercourse, mu- sic and singing. Thursday evening, Feb. 20th, at Studer's hall, there will be held a ghost social under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society. A good sup- per is promised and a good time for everyone. Come and help a good cause. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bateman of New Bremen have been recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Earlenback. Miss Ethel Burdick of Greig is spending some, time with Mrs. Le ivis Higby. Mrs. Nora Windecker and daughter Blanche of Windecker visited her sis- ter, Mrs. Hallie Williams, last week. Miss Ruth Merry is recovering from the chicken-pox. Mr .and Mrs. Herbert Fenton aie both quite poorly at this writing. Miss Anna Peckham is' spending some time at Geneva with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Black and family. Miss Maude Freeman of Lowville was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Earlenback. School closed last week at Puffers' Corners on account of the children having chicken-pox. Earl Chapman spent Sunday Croghan. MRS. S. RENNIE, Cor CORNERS Masquerade Ball. The masquerade ballKat, the hotel last Friday evening wafc :attendetf by aVout couples of jolly •ftas^ueradafcs. Nearly all wer'e'ln costu'tffVi Mr. Lettis of Watertown was in attendance with a full line of costumes.-' At 'mid- night the masks were removed find refreshments^wfrre served to all pres- ent Otis' orchestra of three pieces furnished music for dancing. In' the late hours of the morning the party broke up, all haying passed ,a most enjoyable evening. . M. E. Sunday School, The election of officers for the M. E, Sunday school took place last Sun- day. The, officers for the coming year are as fallows: Superintendent, Mrs. W. Glas.iJer; assistant superintendent, y-GFeofge Glasier; secretary, Miss Dora Edmonds; treasurer, Mrs. M. Coyer; organist, Mrs, Florence Rebb; assist- ant organist, Mrs. Bessie Bostwlck. Pastor for Baptist Church. Rev. F. Pattison, formerly of New Brookfield, N. Y., has arrived and-will in the fututfe conduct services In the Baptist church here Sunday after- noons at 2 o'clock. Mr, Patterson's family is expected soon. They will occupy the Baptist parsonage. Henry Jewett. Henry Jewett passed away Monday morning at his home in Parish, at the age of 74 years. He was for many years a resident of this pjlace. Mr. Jewett was a kind neighbor and liked by ail who knew him. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Joe Freeman and one son, Fred Hensey, both of this place, also many grand- children. The remains were brought here Thursday for Interment which was made in the village cemetery. Mrs. John Quinn, who has been very ill, is improving. Jay Turner is now in the employ of H. L. Priest. Fred Oakes of Watertown was in town last Saturday. James Quinn,,.of" Rochester, made a short vis-iMast week to his mother, .Mr^s. John Quinn. Fred Clark was a caller in Copen- hagen this week. Gustavus Hardy of Adams is visit- ing at Edward Chamberlain's. William Lane, who has been ill for some time, continues about the same. Miss Theresa Carroll of Watertown is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Carroll. Fred Hensey has purchased the,C* Lucas house. ,. /'' While harvesting ice/on the creek last Thursday, Johpf Williams broke through into se#3ral feet of water, but swam oufe'safely. Fred 9Joyer ' s spending the week aj. .Natural Bridge. Fred PatYerson and Floyd Pease are spending some time with Orville Ed- monds and family. The board of health held its annual meeting last Friday at the office of the town clerk. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Goodenough are rejoicing over the birth of a son, Ken- i eth. Arthur Hoke has bought the Lavalle farm near New Boston. He will take possession March 1st. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boutwell and son Gordon, visited at Harvey Fair- man's Tuesray. H. Kaplan has returned from a trip to Syracuse. Mrs. R. M. Jones has returned from visiting her sister at Watertown. Owing to the bad condition of the roads, there were no services at the M. E. church last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Curtis of East Rodman visited Mr. and Mrs. Leon Curtis, Monday and Tuesday. This vicinity has been visited by a severe blizzard the past week. The mail was unable to reach the village since Wednesday. There are a few cases of chicken- pox in this vicinity, mostly among the children. Frank Dening of Watertown and Charles Parsons of Henderson were business callers in town Thursday. DORA H. EDMONDS, Cor. NAUMBURG A Party. ' Miss Ha2el Millentz gave a patty Saturday evening to the young people of the vicinity. Games and music were^ enjoyed and an elaborate lunch- eoii*.lServed, after wnich all departed •declaring Miss Mellentz a royal en- tertainer. A surprise party was given Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Pfaff on Friday evening. In spite of the storm a large number were present and all enjoyed the ev- ening to the utmost. Music was a feature of the occasion and a luncheon was served. Grange Meeting February 15. Regular order of business. Does it pay to raise turkeys, geese or chick- ens? Mrs. Morris Meister, Mrs. Emma Siinson, and Lillian Zecker; Who should have proceeds from sale of same? Mrs: F. T. Jackson and Mrs. William Walsman. How can we plan to equip^ a kitchen to save steps and strength? Mrs. J. Barnes; recitation, Ruth Zecher; song, the Misses Ida and Esther Meister; violin solo, Clark Barnes. Fred Raymond spent a day in Wa- tertown recently. Mrs. A. D. Edmonds of Port Ley- den has been the recent guest of Mr., and Mrs. Nathan Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Squires of Carthage are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bachman. Nathan Evans has been spending several days at Denmark, ,a guest of his daughter, Mrs. Frank Brenon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meeker en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Pe.ter Bach- man and son Charles recently. John Rinkenburg and David Shantz were in Lowville recently. M-r. and Mrsr Philip Beyer and daughter, Lydia, were Wednesday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Chris Virkler of New Bremen. Miss Helen Palmer of Carthage •is a guest of Miss Hazel Mellentz. Mrs. J. J. Nuspliger passed Wed- nesday in Carthage. Mr. and Mrs. John Karcher spent Friday in Lowville. Mr. and Mrs: William Merz of Beech Hill have been recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rauhe. Miss Ellen Bin-beck of Watertown was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Einbeck. Mrs. E. H. Z^hn is on the sick llst^ Mr. and i Mrs..3a3pth5'"Sn$"" 0 7 Low- vi'JjV^tfere recent guests of Mr. and lylrs. Jacob Ruhm. Miss Cecile Raymond, who has been spending some time in Watertown has returned home. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Evangelical church 'met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. L. H. Wier. A pleasant afternoon .was spent by all. large number were present and a Miss Vera M-, Wier passed Friday in Carthage. at MARTINSBURG. David Schuyler is a guest of his son at Syracuse. Mildred Moore was the guest of Miss Agnes Nichols at Watertown last week. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Payne is very ill with pneumonia. Mrs. G. McGlauchlin, .Miss Hazel Evans, Miss Lydia Evans and Rev. and Mrs. Gardner attended the dis- trict conference at Brownville, Wed- nesday. The Epworth League box social at A. Northrop's Friday evening, was a success in spite of the storm. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wormwood of Gjreig have been recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Gordon. The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church were entertained at the home of Mrs. C. O. Thatcher* Tuesday. Mrs. D. H. Rima is on the sick list, DENLEY. _ ! Mrs. W. Andrus has returned home I after spending a couple of weeks at; Charles Wemple's. j Mrs. Mary Miller, of New London, is a guest of b; r daughter, Mrs. H. { Carpenter. j John Reed, of South Butler, Wayne county, is a guest of Eli Thayer and family, and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cone at Port Leyden. Henry Wasson has gone to Mc- Keever, where he has secured employ- ment. Augustus Bourgeois was called to Croghan recently to attend the funer- al of a relative. Mrs. Charles Tracy is recovering from an attack of the grip. Mrs. Jane Thompson and grand- daughter, Grace Thompson, have re- turned from an extended visit with relatives, Miss Thompson resuming her duties as teacher in district No. 14. Mrs. C. M. Thomas and son, R. H. Thomas, were guests of friends at Lyons Falls, Thursday. * Mrs. R. H. Thomas, who has been spending a few days at with her par- ents at Constableville, has returned home. Crossing on Ice at Cape Vincent. The St. Lawrence river between Kingston and Cape Vincent is frozen over for the first time this winter and the passage is being made by teams is a bulletin hung out by the New York Central Railroad,, Company. An ad in the Democrat will bring results. ,GREIG. Fred Wants spent Saturday and Sunday in Lowville. Mrs. Maurice Buckley and daugh- ter, Hilda, are visiting friends in Car- thage. Miss Mae Claffy spent last week with friends in Lowville. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Barnes have been visiting friends in Lowville. The Ladies'.-AtU-xiliary met with Mrs. Emmett Wilcox Thursday afternoon. Many friends in this place extend their sincere congratulations to Miss Nina Lovejoy on her recent marriage to John Otto of Oneonta. Mr. and Mrs. Otto will reside in Oneonta. Burkiiard—Singer. Friends in this town are in receipt of the announcement of the marriage of Miss Lena M. Singer and Herman L. Burkhard, which took place in Low- ville, Tuesday, Feb. 4th. Both Mr. and Mrs. Burkhard, who are former residents of this town, have many friends here who extend to them their sincere best wishes for a long and happy wedded life. "Upon their re- turn from their wedding trip they will begin housekeeping in Lowville. Rev. Fred Hartley will conduct ser- vices in the M. E. church Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. and 7 p. m. All are cordially invited to be present. Night-cap Social. There will be a night cap social in the grange hall, Thursday evening, Feb. 20th, for the benefit of the M. E. society. The ladies will furnish re- freshments and each lady will please bring a becoming cap to adorn some gentleman's head. Amusements of various forms will be furnished. All come and have a good time. Because of the severe storm there was no grange meeting last Saturday evening. At the meeting of the grange this week Saturday evening the regu- lar feast will be held. MRS. M. Y. HILLS, Cor. SOUTH NEW BREMEN. Married at Croghan. At Croghan Thursday, Feb. 6th, oc- curred the marriage of Miss Mary Roggie of Belfort and Samuel Moshier of this place. Congratulations are ex- tended. ( Death of Ethel Tabolt. Little Ethel, one of the infant twins of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tabolt, died Wednesday, Feb. 5th, aged about six months. \ Jacob Kiefler spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Wid- rick and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Zehr. Edith, the infe" twin of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tabt-u, is very ill with pneumonia, A few from here attended the dan- cing party at the Valley House, Thurs- day night, ^ ' Irene Springfield spent the week- end in Lowville. ' { J HARRISVILLE Mrs. Bert Sprague entertained the West Side Embroidery Club Wednes- day afternoon. Rev. H. Mayer 1.••'• Sunday for his home in Port H o. being called there by the illn. bs of his mother. There will be no services in St. Francis' church, Sunday, Feb. 16th the pastor being absent. \ Mr. Miller of Watertown was in in town Monday. Miss Mabel Brickley has returned from a two weeks' visit at Glovers- ville. William Laide of Carthage was a caller in town Tuesday. Dr. F. J. Kenna was a business call- er in Newton Falls, Wednesday and Thursday. ' Mrs. Peter Poy of Watertown, who has been a guest of Mrs. Jas. Meade, returned to her home Friday. Mrs. Robert Brickley is visiting her daughter, Edith, in Gloversville. Mrs. Ross Bassette left here Friday for Brooklyn, where she will visit her brother, Arthur Muir. Raymond Dunlap is on the sick list. Richard Laide has purchased a new Ford automobile. Milton Osborne attended tne fun- eral of William Jones, at Carthage, Friday. Rev. H. Mayer took the altar boys of St. Francis' church on a sleigh ride to Natural Bridge, Monday, Feb. 6th. Dinner was sewed to them there and they returned in the even- ing. Mrs. Bower Allen entertained the Whist Club Monday evening. Mrs. T. J. Wilbur entertained the East Side Embroidery Club Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Myrtle Francis spent Monday in Carthage. Rev. Arthur Porter attended the district conference at Brownville last Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. William O'Hara of Carthage was a guest of Mrs. John O'Hara, Sunday. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Mulvaney, Sunday, February 9th, named Edward. Mrs. McQuiilian of 'Carthage-was a guest of her daughter, -Mrs. Fred Macomber, Sunday. HOOK Eh, / Joe Gets Another Bear. '-' Joe Church, the noted bear hunter, while hunting in the woods last Wed- nesday, shot and killed a large black bear, a short distance from his home. He pursued the mate until night and gave up the chase until the next Mon- day morning, when fortunate for the bear, there was a heavy fall of snow during the night, for Joe is a dead shot. It will be remembered that last spring Mr. Church killed two bears and captured three cubs. We have been having the worst storm of the season, there being 3 feet of new snow in the woods, while in the clearing it has blown into drifts so that it makes it quite diffi- cult tc break roads. Will Butts, of Glens F Us, who has been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Butts, has, returned to his home. Supervisor Carter and family were pleasantly entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dening, Sunday, it being Mr. Carter's birthday. Warm sugar was served and a good time was enjoyed by all. CASTORLAND Charles Buell of Philadelphia has been a recent guest of relatives here. Mrs. Hadie Glenn has returned home after spending some time in De- feriet with her daughter, Mrs. James Martin. Mrs. William Waterhouse and chil- dren of Croghan have been spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Buxton. Mrs. Hadie Glenn has sold her house and lot on Church street to Mrs. Alvah McDonnell, of Denmark. Mr. and Mrs. William Merz of Beech Hill spent a few days with rel- atives here this week. Leon Schantz spent last week at Alexandria Bay. L. Charles Beyer spent a day re- cently in Camden with his cousin, F. N. Pfaff. J. J. Hirschey of Carthage spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. J. H. Hirschey. Mrs. M. N. Edmonds has returned home after spending some time in Lyons Falls. The first severe snow storm of the season struck this section last Friday night. Some' of the farmers were unable to get their milk to the station on Saturday. C. Ray Barnum of Lowville spent Sunday at his home here. Death of George Clark. The death of George Clark, an aged and esteemed resident, occurred at his home, about one mile west of this village, last Friday. Mr. Clark was sick only four days, pneumonia being the cause of his death. Feb- ruary 3, 1856, Mr. Clark was united in marriage with Sarah Judd. They cel- ebrated the 57th anniversary of their marriage last Monday. At that time Mr. C'ark had a slight cold, but noth- ing serious was thought of it. He was born about 78 years ago and is survived by his wife, who is in feeble health, also a number of nieces and nephews. The funeral was held from his late home Tuesday at 1 o'clock, Rev. Mr. Shepard, pastor of the M. E. church of this place, officiating. In- terment was made- in the Reedville cemetery. R. E. MERZ, Oor. The. monthly-/business meeting M<> the Epworth' ike&gue pt the M. W church will be'held'af" the home If- Mr. and Mrs. H. L..yanArnam, Fridri|[ evening of this week. The teachers trainjng i class met with Mrs. F. W. Van^fnam Wednes- day evening of this week. Miss Anna Mathys is quite ill at this writing. Ernest Nuspliger was..the guest of hsi parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J.' Nu- spliger, Sunday of this week. Howard I. LeFevre has' returned from Poughkeepsie where he has been spending the past week. Rev. E. L, Shepard h;is returned home after attending the district conference held at Brownville,., the past week. ' William Hilts, who had the misfor- tune to cut his fingers while working in the J. P. Lewis Company mill last November, is able again to resume his work.' The severest snow storm of the sea- son occurred last Saturday, when about 18 inches of snow fell. Rev. Frank Beal, of Canton, deliv- ered a lecture 'in the M. E; church Tuesday evening of this week. Mrs. Marion Jones is spending some time with Dr. and Mrs. F. E; t Jones. Mrs. Chaples Vandewalker is the gue^st of M-r.-^nd Mrs. A. H. Haller. Aug. Stoffel is making quite exten- sive improvements to his house. Andrew Haller has recently placed a telephone in his residence. Chas. Vandewalker was in town on Monday of this week. Frank Osborn, who was seriously hurt at the Lew'is •& 'SlocUm mill last week -while load'in'g "a bar of pa-- per, is slightly improved at th'is writ- ing. ' ',' / '' Alvin Hoch spent v Thursday of last week in Utica. - '=• .X- EYONS FALL RIVERBANK. The snow storm and blizzard of Friday and Saturday completely stopped all traffic. Mail Carrier F. J. Brown did not deliver mail Saturday, the first day this winter he could not cover his route. Fred Towne, of the State Roady^;;;-^^(La}.ilk at the station in Cartj na g ej having a rough -*5ffiiu*"'SeTting through. The roads were opened for travel Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Maxwell have been on the sick list with the pre- vailing epidemic, as also have Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Walsman and son Lewis, and Morris and Qyrus Ganzel. Grange meeting Saturday evening, Feb. 15th. There >has been no meet- ing since January 6th. "It is to be hoped there will be a large attend- ance. The several witness who were sun- poenaed to Lowville last week on the trial of Ray Farrington, were not obliged to go, owing to the confession' of the prisoner. Miss Bertha Meister has been spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meister in Den- mark. Maude Gates has returned from- a visit with friends in Oswego. Fortieth Anniversary. Monday, Feb. 10th, being the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Shea, their neighbors made their way to their home on the even- ing of that date to remind the wor- thy couple of the event. They were taken completely by surprise. Games and music were enjoyed, Miss Naomi Wisner giving some most pleasing in- strumental selections on the piano. A most delicious luncheon was served and a purse of money given Mr. and Mrs. Shea. It was altogether a very enjoyable affair, the guests depart- ing at a late hour wishing the bride and groom many more anniversaries. Lost Valuable Horse. Charles Wisner had the misfortune to lose a horse Monday night. Sunday morning Teddy Wisner started with the horse to make a track from Kay Bachman's to Mr. Wisner's, there be- ing an enormous snow drift between the two places. The horse became tired out trying to get through and laid down in the snow. Teddy with two other boys, got the animal on his feet, but he had become so tired and benumbed with- cold they could do nothing with him. Help was sum- moned and the horse was dragge'd'to Mr. Wisner's barn, but he did not survive the exposure. Little Miss Margaret Rauhe has been seriously ill with acute indiges- tion, but is better at this writing. MRS. M. MEISTER, Cor. Miss Alsie Potter is speri few dayq In Watertown with ter, Mrs. Frank Wilson. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Bailey' {insville arrived home this we ^pendiflg some time with rela'tivJ F ticaT Y . , f •Miss Corrine NeVins s p e n t ^ and Sunday with Mtes-^^njE^. of Lowville;' .» ^"' : Mrs; W. H.i Gayjord is •vjfettjtiife'^ son, Harold Gaylord, and' Sxa^0i' Syracuse! •.:•! , "XJ$jr-i Quite d few from here attendeti't funeral bf Cornelius J. Bi^bj^^':;b| •Turin at the M. fi. church j^ijlM place, Friday. v ',*"' ' |3. C. Gaylord, wlio has beea <!$ai| fined to his home the past ;'week;;wi^k a cold, fe ,6h the gain. , Thoma! Rogers spent the weefcijjjgtjU with, his'grandparents, Mr. and Ursi; John Rogers, at Port Leyden , Mr. and Mrs. Sykes of Whitest are guests of Mr. and jfcr.fi, J r.ie*Ja Northrup'. | /' \ Mf'sses - Beulah Kentner'and Irene Doster, of Port Leaden, called on | Lyonp Falls friends; tjliis yeek. Miss Gertrude Bujid .of fijortB Greig, spent, Sunday at her home in this ftll- lage.'i .'.. . \. t , ! Miss Beulah Herrick of Glenfiety has returned to resume her dutte£.in the high school. ..,-. •*' • ' ^ Frank Hoskins,, Jr., a student a^ West Point-, formerly' of Lyons- Fajia, will attend the inauguratibn of '.'-Pres- ident-elect Wilson at Washington'.; Henry Shepard is spendipg ^a few days With his sister, Mrs. Delia Sands. Miss Edythe Gaylord of Ilion is ex- pected nohre this week. •*« The kjneere congratulations of many- ' friends-in this vicinity arS : >,extended to Mr; and Mrs. Herman vBiarkhard of Greig upon their' recentrmiirriage at Lowville. ' h Rev. < C. F. Kittredge has \returned home 4fter spending a few days with his brother at Delhi. ! Ernest Curtis is recovering attack Of the grip. Mrs. C. L. Mclntyre-.j ing friends and relative! E. L. Dominick of Sunday with his parentsj Frank Dominick. Mrs. M e r r i t t H a a a r T . ^ 'rpFiirlSB hom^frorn Old "Forge, where^she been the guest of Mrs. J. G. Wood' A great feature of the "movies" o] Wednesday evening was the sorij "Silver Threads^ Among the Gold, which was rendered by Edith McKei and received in a very pleasing mai ner. The "Happy Five" from Dexter wi play here Thursday night, Feb. 13th, This is promised to be a good game! as the local team has been defeated] once by this team and do not wish fofej a second defeat. Mrs, John N.orton has been visiting her. daughter, M^s, Duffy, jjf_Htica,j for the .past'week n Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gaylord have turned home after spending 1 somj time in Massachusetts 5 , ; where Mj Gaylord has been empoyed. \ Miss RutFu Shaw has been visiti; friends in Glenfield. "/ Miss Nellie Hess of Boonville *ha| been visiting ner sisten Mrs.,Bernard Reed. f Mrs. William Lyman, who was re cently operated upon at Faxton Hos- pital, Utica, arrived home this weekj] and is greatly improved. \ t|The departure of the cook or the maid does not prostrate the lady r ho knows the effi- ciency of the want ads. ?[ And want ad-reading servants are of the desir« ble class. [Seldom does a "girl wanted** ad ran its full time until a "Stop-ir-girl supplied** order is re- ceived. Merle Hoskins has recently? been a| guest of friends in Turin. Joseph Farney returned home froi St. Luke's Hospital, Utica, last weel His many friends in this viciijity ; pleased at his recovery. i* Charles E. Gaylord, ;of Greig, is. spending some time with hist niece, Mrs. George Skinner and family. Leslie Murtaugh of Glenfield,/spent Friday with Burton and Clinton Swartz. Eugene Wheeler is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Swartz. Mrs. D. D. Parrisb. has been'called to Syracuse by the death of her sis^ ter, Mrs. F. C. Miller. The thermometer registered 20 be- low zero Monday morning of week. -, Mrs. C. M. Thompson of Dfej spent Sunday with Mrs. John Ba^sett? Miss Anna, Howley and Miss Cath- erine .Felsnaw of Port Leyden were in..town .this week. Harold 1 ' Gates of Carthage is the guest of Mr -.«ind Mrs. Nelson Parker at the New Walton. Cranton MillerVas called to Syra- cuse Monday by thVsudden death o£ ,his mother, Mrs. F. C. MifreP.- - The Missionary Society met with. Mrs. C. A. Bostwick Tuesday, Feb. 11th. • The S. C. Circle of King's Daugh- ters will meet with Mrs. C. L. Fisher, Friday, February 14th, at 2 p. m. Miss Hazel Holcomb is on the sick list. Mrs. Amelia Hills of Greig, who has been spending a part of the winter in Syracuse visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles Rush, of Canada, is vis- iting her friend, Gerald Nevins, of this place. Sending forth a lot of hot air ought not to entitle the sender to the right to be called public spirited. Men who make history encourage the book agents. Good luck and bad habits dom on speaking terms. If a P i 1 be a 1 i 1 Ev c to h i 1 help? We c millio FY* ' Bk-.i ' 4 .~tlj$frt&''S X

&Snyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn89071389/1913-02... · Karl Lederle of Carthage, Mrs. Nich olas Henry and Mrs. George Back, of this place, Her funeral was largely attended from

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Page 1: &Snyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn89071389/1913-02... · Karl Lederle of Carthage, Mrs. Nich olas Henry and Mrs. George Back, of this place, Her funeral was largely attended from

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, , M M , Julian Pate. «fcfcg-$l'an Pate, an aged and es-

ts$ne\; resident departed this life at * five o'clock Tuesday afternoon, after ' a yea r s ' illness of a complication of

diseases., Mrs. Pa te was 67 years of age and a, ^ o m a n of very estimable character" and will be sadly missed m the neighborhood where she re­sided. She was a "devout member of St. Stephen's church and of the Ro­sary Society connected therewith, whose members attended the funeral' m a body. The funeral services were largely attended from St. Stephen's church at 10:30 Friday morning, a requiem high mass being celebrated by the pastor, Rev. Joseph Bussen. She leaves to survive her three sons-P. E. Pate, of Castorland; Charles of Ogdensbur, and Maurice, Pa te

• this place, and tl ter M^mgtffciSJP^ftwwwgrugiyawtig^sis-

norent ia of Troy, Angelina 5"d Elizabeth Pate, of this place.

Mrs. John Lallier. Mrs. John Lallier, a highly respect­

ed resident of this village, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Back, a t 11 a. m., Wed­nesday. She had been in failing health for the past two years and about a week ago sustained a shock wnich hastened the end. She was 81 years of age and a regular at tendant of St. Stephen's church. She was a member of the Order of St. Fran­cis and the Rosary Society, both so­cieties attending her funeral in a body. She was a woman who had many friends and was a kind and lov­ing wife and mother. She had 12 children, nine of whom survive her: four sons, Frank of Amsterdam, George of Lowville, John of Corinth, Iowa, and Peter of this village; five daughters, Mrs. William Jonas and Mrs. Louis Bush of Lowville, Mrs. Karl Lederle of Carthage, Mrs. Nich­olas Henry and Mrs. George Back, of this place, Her funeral was largely attended from St. Stephen's church a t 9:30 o'clock Friday morning, when a requiem high mass was celebrated-with Rev. Fa ther Otto officiating'.""'

.*"--r"' Moshier—Roggie.

At the Amish vchurch a t 3 p. m., Thursday, occurred the marriage of Samuel Moshier and Miss Mary Rog­gie. Rev'. Christian IvToftsier of Low­ville performed the ceremony in the presence of a large concourse of rel­atives and friends. The couple was at tended by Joseph Roggie, brother of the bride, and Miss Anna Widrick,

. cousin of the groom and Miss Kate 'WiRoggi, sister of the bride. The groom

• r


shier of New Bremen, and an indus­trious and prosperous young farmer, while the bride is. a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Christian Roggie of Belfort

^ a r i d a highly respected young lady. Town Half Proposed.

At a meeting of the village taxpay-payers held at the district school last Wednesday evening, the matter of placing before the eleotors a prop­osition of raising $8,000 to erect a town hall was discussed and it is ex­pected that the matter will be voted upon at the coming election.

Mrs. Frank Ossont returned to her home in Glenfield, after a' week week pleasantly spent with relatives here. • *

Dr. S. E. Simonet returned Mon­day night from a week's visit with relatives at Watertown and Carthage.

Attorney F. W. Bowman of Low­ville was in town Thursday on busi­ness.

C. E.'"Miller, of Moravia, called on old friends here Thursday.

Mrs. Adelaide Bisha, of Evans Mills, arrived Saturday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Burk-hard.

Augustus Collas returned Tuesday from a two months visit with relatives in Albany.

Mr.' and Mrs. Jerry Compo received word Friday of the serious illness of their daughter at Watertown.

• Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wolff returned Monday from a visit with their daugh­ter, Mrs. James McCarthy, a t Low­ville.

Robert Hynes of Belfort, came near losing a horse by drowning Monday morning. While crossing Beaver river on the ice after a load of wood, the ice broke and the horse went under. Several men who were work­ing near tiy came to the rescue and succeeded in getting the animal out after a hard struggle.

W. S. Smith, of West Carthage, spent Sunday as the guest of his son, Charles Smith, and family, at the Mil­ler House.

The Young Ladies' Embroidery Club met with Miss Colletta Henry Tues­day evening.

Charles Tlss returned last week from a* three weeks' vacation spent in Utica and Buffalo.

The many friends of Dr. Laurential Roiichel are pleased to see her able to be out after her recent illness.

Mr* and Mrs. John C. Farney re-• turned Tuesday morning from a three

• weeks visit with their daughter and family, Mr; and Mrs. Ernest Lanz, a t

, Roekville, Conn. Mrs. Joseph Dicob of Kirchnerville

returnee* Tuesday night from an ex­tended visit with relatives a t Syra-

,' cuse 'and Copenhagen* ' RevV AloysioUs Bushman is in Wa-

te r towa staking the place of Rev. Fattier lievlin, who is on a southern

: .trlffi.,,' '••• ' Hire. William Bartlett and two

fiWldten and lijecev Miss lOiara Gou-

tremont, of Carthage, arrived Tues­day night to spend a few- days with her brother, George Bush and family

David Gerner of Carthage is in town this week on business. * .

William Mattson and family left here Thursday for their new home in Lowville. Leonard Tourney and fam­ily ••will' occupy the Mattson house.

Mrs. Sylvester Bush has moved into the Rittis house, which she recently purchased and which was vacated by Mr. Farney.

There was a special meeting of the fire company No. 1 at Tanzer's store Monday evening.

Miss Nettie Hynes returned Tues­day from a visit with friends in \ f e . tertown. _^-~s"

Born to Mr. and M r s / g £ e r N . Y o u .

t e r ' ^ S 6 * « a r ^ e b . 6th/ a daugh-

Born to Mr. and Mrs. John P. Pato, of Forest City, Wednesday, Feb. 12th, a son.

Mrs. Mary Pool is seriously ill a t this writing.

Miss O r a P . Lomber left for Utica Thursday morning where her mother, Mrs. Nicholas Lomber, will undergo a serious operation within a few days.

At 2 p. m. Tuesday occurred the death of Gordon Lee, the 8-months old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Adams, of Kirchnerville. The funeral was held from St. Stephen's church a t 10 o'clock, Thursday morning.

Clarence Burkhard of Oneida is in town the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Burkhard.

Mrs. Sarah Blanchard of Harris-ville is visiting Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Carpenter. *


W A T S O N , Frank Kent, who died a t Johnsville

last Thursday, was a former resident of this place, where he had many friends who extend their heartfelt sympathy to his widow, Mrs. Gertrude Locklin Kent, who was one/"6f Wat­son's fairest-daughters, s

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Shepard have the heartfelt sympathy of the com­munity in the death of their infant son, Lewis William, aged one month. Funeral services were held a t the home of Mrs. Shepard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Saunders, Thursday, at 11 o'clock, Rev. Morris Evans of Lowville, officiating.

Williams—Klock. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry

sneck, 540 W. Thomas St., Rome, a t 8 o'clock Wednesday evening, Feb. 5th, occurred the marriage of Mrs. Sneck's, mother, Mrs. Elizabeth, Eiock,-- \VM&'/

Klock, of Chase's Lake, to Ralph Williams of Watson. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Philip Cole in the presence of the members of the immediate families. The bride and groom were unattend­ed. The bride was attired in blue mes-saline silk. After the ceremony sup­per was served. Mr. and Mrs. Wil­liams will reside in Watson, where Mr. Williams is a prosperous farmer. Watson friends extend congratula­tions.

Last Thursday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Hallie Williams royally enter­tained the Ladies' Aid oociety. A chicken pie supper was served to 22. Receipts were $2.40. A pleasant time was spent in social intercourse, mu­sic and singing.

Thursday evening, Feb. 20th, a t Studer's hall, there will be held a ghost social under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society. A good sup­per is promised and a good time for everyone. Come and help a good cause.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bateman of New Bremen have been recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Earlenback.

Miss Ethel Burdick of Greig is spending some, time with Mrs. Le ivis Higby.

Mrs. Nora Windecker and daughter Blanche of Windecker visited her sis­ter, Mrs. Hallie Williams, last week.

Miss Ruth Merry is recovering from the chicken-pox.

Mr .and Mrs. Herber t Fenton aie both quite poorly a t this writing.

Miss Anna Peckham is' spending some time at Geneva with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Black and family.

Miss Maude Freeman of Lowville was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Earlenback.

School closed last week a t Puffers' Corners on account of the children having chicken-pox.

Earl Chapman spent Sunday Croghan.


CORNERS Masquerade Ball.

The masquerade ballKat, the hotel last Friday evening wafc :attendetf by aVout couples of jolly •ftas^ueradafcs. Nearly all wer'e'ln costu'tffVi • Mr. Lettis of Watertown was in attendance with a full line of costumes.-' At 'mid­night the masks were removed find refreshments^wfrre served to all pres­e n t Otis' orchestra of three pieces furnished music for dancing. In' the late hours of the morning the party broke up, all haying passed ,a most enjoyable evening. .

M. E. Sunday School, The election of officers for the M.

E, Sunday school took place last Sun­day. The, officers for the coming year are as fallows: Superintendent, Mrs. W. Glas.iJer; assistant superintendent,

y-GFeofge Glasier; secretary, Miss Dora Edmonds; treasurer, Mrs. M. Coyer; organist, Mrs, Florence Rebb; assist­ant organist, Mrs. Bessie Bostwlck.

Pastor for Baptist Church. Rev. F. Pattison, formerly of New

Brookfield, N. Y., has arrived and-will in the fututfe conduct services In the Baptist church here Sunday after­noons at 2 o'clock. Mr, Patterson's family is expected soon. They will occupy the Baptist parsonage.

Henry Jewett.

Henry Jewett passed away Monday morning a t his home in Parish, a t the age of 74 years. He was for many years a resident of this pjlace. Mr. Jewett was a kind neighbor and liked by ail who knew him. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Joe Freeman and one son, Fred Hensey, both of this place, also many grand­children. The remains were brought here Thursday for Interment which was made in the village cemetery.

Mrs. John Quinn, who has been very ill, is improving.

Jay Turner is now in the employ of H. L. Priest.

Fred Oakes of Watertown was in town last Saturday.

James Quinn,,.of" Rochester, made a short vis-iMast week to his mother, .Mr̂ s. John Quinn.

Fred Clark was a caller in Copen­hagen this week.

Gustavus Hardy of Adams is visit­ing a t Edward Chamberlain's.

William Lane, who has been ill for some time, continues about the same.

Miss Theresa Carroll of Watertown is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Carroll.

Fred Hensey has purchased the ,C* Lucas house. ,. /''

While harvesting ice/on the creek last Thursday, Johpf Williams broke through into se#3ral feet of water, but swam oufe'safely.

Fred 9Joyer ' s spending the week a j . .Natural Bridge.

Fred PatYerson and Floyd Pease are spending some time with Orville Ed­monds and family.

The board of health held its annual meeting last Friday a t the office of the town clerk.

Mr. and Mrs. Fay Goodenough are rejoicing over the birth of a son, Ken-i eth.

Arthur Hoke has bought the Lavalle farm near New Boston. He will take possession March 1st.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boutwell and son Gordon, visited at Harvey Fair-man's Tuesray.

H. Kaplan has returned from a trip to Syracuse.

Mrs. R. M. Jones has returned from visiting her sister a t Watertown.

Owing to the bad condition of the roads, there were no services at the M. E. church last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. George Curtis of East Rodman visited Mr. and Mrs. Leon Curtis, Monday and Tuesday.

This vicinity has been visited by a severe blizzard the past week. The mail was unable to reach the village since Wednesday.

There are a few cases of chicken-pox in this vicinity, mostly among the children.

Frank Dening of Watertown and Charles Parsons of Henderson were business callers in town Thursday.


N A U M B U R G A Party.

' Miss Ha2el Millentz gave a patty Saturday evening to the young people of the vicinity. Games and music were^ enjoyed and an elaborate lunch-eoii*.lServed, after wnich all departed •declaring Miss Mellentz a royal en­tertainer.

A surprise party was given Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Pfaff on Friday evening. In spite of the storm a large number were present and all enjoyed the ev­ening to the utmost. Music was a feature of the occasion and a luncheon was served.

Grange Meeting February 15. Regular order of business. Does it

pay to raise turkeys, geese or chick­ens? Mrs. Morris Meister, Mrs. Emma Siinson, and Lillian Zecker; Who should have proceeds from sale of same? Mrs: F. T. Jackson and Mrs. William Walsman. How can we plan to equip^ a kitchen to save steps and strength? Mrs. J. Barnes; recitation, Ruth Zecher; song, the Misses Ida and Esther Meister; violin solo, Clark Barnes.

Fred Raymond spent a day in Wa­tertown recently.

Mrs. A. D. Edmonds of Port Ley-den has been the recent guest of Mr., and Mrs. Nathan Evans.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Squires of Carthage are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bachman.

Nathan Evans has been spending several days a t Denmark, ,a guest of his daughter, Mrs. Frank Brenon.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meeker en­tertained Mr. and Mrs. Pe.ter Bach­man and son Charles recently.

John Rinkenburg and David Shantz were in Lowville recently.

M-r. and Mrsr Philip Beyer and daughter, Lydia, were Wednesday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Chris Virkler of New Bremen.

Miss Helen Palmer of Carthage •is a guest of Miss Hazel Mellentz.

Mrs. J. J. Nuspliger passed Wed­nesday in Carthage.

Mr. and Mrs. John Karcher spent Friday in Lowville.

Mr. and Mrs: William Merz of Beech Hill have been recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rauhe.

Miss Ellen Bin-beck of Watertown was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Einbeck.

Mrs. E. H. Z^hn is on the sick llst^ Mr. and iMrs..3a3pth5'"Sn$""07 Low-

vi'JjV^tfere recent guests of Mr. and lylrs. Jacob Ruhm.

Miss Cecile Raymond, who has been spending some time in Watertown has returned home.

The Ladies' Aid Society of the Evangelical church 'met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. L. H. Wier. A pleasant afternoon .was spent by all. large number were present and a

Miss Vera M-, Wier passed Friday in Carthage.


MARTINSBURG. David Schuyler is a guest of his

son a t Syracuse.

Mildred Moore was the guest of Miss Agnes Nichols at Watertown last week.

The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Payne is very ill with pneumonia.

Mrs. G. McGlauchlin, .Miss Hazel Evans, Miss Lydia Evans and Rev. and Mrs. Gardner attended the dis­tr ict conference a t Brownville, Wed­nesday.

The Epworth League box social at A. Northrop's Friday evening, was a success in spite of the storm.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wormwood of Gjreig have been recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Gordon.

The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church were entertained a t the home of Mrs. C. O. Thatcher* Tuesday.

Mrs. D. H. Rima is on the sick list,

DENLEY. _ ! Mrs. W. Andrus has returned home I

after spending a couple of weeks a t ; Charles Wemple's. j

Mrs. Mary Miller, of New London, is a guest of b; r daughter, Mrs. H. { Carpenter. j

John Reed, of South Butler, Wayne county, is a guest of Eli Thayer and family, and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cone at Port Leyden.

Henry Wasson has gone to Mc-Keever, where he has secured employ­ment.

Augustus Bourgeois was called to Croghan recently to attend the funer­al of a relative.

Mrs. Charles Tracy is recovering from an attack of the grip.

Mrs. Jane Thompson and grand­daughter, Grace Thompson, have re­turned from an extended visit with relatives, Miss Thompson resuming her duties as teacher in district No. 14.

Mrs. C. M. Thomas and son, R. H. Thomas, were guests of friends a t Lyons Falls, Thursday. *

Mrs. R. H. Thomas, who has been spending a few days a t with her par­ents at Constableville, has returned home.

Crossing on Ice at Cape Vincent. The St. Lawrence river between

Kingston and Cape Vincent is frozen over for the first time this winter and the passage is being made by teams is a bulletin hung out by the New York Central Railroad,, Company.

An ad in the Democrat will bring results.

,GREIG. Fred Wants spent Saturday and

Sunday in Lowville. Mrs. Maurice Buckley and daugh­

ter, Hilda, are visiting friends in Car­thage.

Miss Mae Claffy spent last week with friends in Lowville.

Mr. and Mrs. F . J. Barnes have been visiting friends in Lowville.

The Ladies'.-AtU-xiliary met with Mrs. Emmett Wilcox Thursday afternoon.

Many friends in this place extend their sincere congratulations to Miss Nina Lovejoy on her recent marriage to John Otto of Oneonta. Mr. and Mrs. Otto will reside in Oneonta.


Friends in this town are in receipt of the announcement of the marriage of Miss Lena M. Singer and Herman L. Burkhard, which took place in Low­ville, Tuesday, Feb. 4th. Both Mr. and Mrs. Burkhard, who are former residents of this town, have many friends here who extend to them their sincere best wishes for a long and happy wedded life. "Upon their re­turn from their wedding trip they will begin housekeeping in Lowville.

Rev. Fred Hartley will conduct ser­vices in the M. E. church Sunday a t 11 o'clock a. m. and 7 p. m. All are cordially invited to be present.

Night-cap Social.

There will be a night cap social in the grange hall, Thursday evening, Feb. 20th, for the benefit of the M. E. society. The ladies will furnish re­freshments and each lady will please bring a becoming cap to adorn some gentleman's head. Amusements of various forms will be furnished. All come and have a good time.

Because of the severe storm there was no grange meeting last Saturday evening. At the meeting of the grange this week Saturday evening the regu­lar feast will be held.

MRS. M. Y. HILLS, Cor.

SOUTH NEW BREMEN. Married at Croghan.

At Croghan Thursday, Feb. 6th, oc­curred the marriage of Miss Mary Roggie of Belfort and Samuel Moshier of this place. Congratulations are ex­tended. (

Death of Ethel Tabolt. Little Ethel, one of the infant twins

of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tabolt, died Wednesday, Feb. 5th, aged about six months. \

Jacob Kiefler spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Wid­rick and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Zehr.

Edith, the infe" twin of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tabt-u, is very ill with pneumonia,

A few from here attended the dan­cing party a t the Valley House, Thurs­day night, ^ '

Irene Springfield spent the week­end in Lowville.

' { J

H A R R I S V I L L E Mrs. Bert Sprague entertained the

West Side Embroidery Club Wednes­day afternoon.

Rev. H. Mayer 1.••'• Sunday for his home in Port H o . being called there by the illn. bs of his mother.

There will be no services in St. Francis ' church, Sunday, Feb. 16th the pastor being absent. \

Mr. Miller of Watertown was in in town Monday.

Miss Mabel Brickley has returned from a two weeks' visit a t Glovers-ville.

William Laide of Carthage was a caller in town Tuesday.

Dr. F. J. Kenna was a business call­er in Newton Falls, Wednesday and Thursday. '

Mrs. Peter Poy of Watertown, who has been a guest of Mrs. Jas. Meade, returned to her home Friday.

Mrs. Robert Brickley is visiting her daughter, Edith, in Gloversville.

Mrs. Ross Bassette left here Friday for Brooklyn, where she will visit her brother, Arthur Muir.

Raymond Dunlap is on the sick list.

Richard Laide has purchased a new Ford automobile.

Milton Osborne attended tne fun­eral of William Jones, at Carthage, Friday.

Rev. H. Mayer took the altar boys of St. Francis ' church on a sleigh ride to Natural Bridge, Monday, Feb. 6th. Dinner was sewed to them there and they returned in the even­ing.

Mrs. Bower Allen entertained the Whist Club Monday evening.

Mrs. T. J. Wilbur entertained the East Side Embroidery Club Thursday afternoon.

Mrs. Myrtle Francis spent Monday in Carthage.

Rev. Arthur Porter attended the district conference a t Brownville last Tuesday and Wednesday.

Mrs. William O'Hara of Carthage was a guest of Mrs. John O'Hara, Sunday.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Mulvaney, Sunday, February 9th, named Edward.

Mrs. McQuiilian of 'Carthage-was a guest of her daughter, -Mrs. Fred Macomber, Sunday.

HOOK Eh, /

Joe Gets Another Bear. '-' Joe Church, the noted bear hunter,

while hunting in the woods last Wed­nesday, shot and killed a large black bear, a short distance from his home. He pursued the mate until night and gave up the chase until the next Mon­day morning, when fortunate for the bear, there was a heavy fall of snow during the night, for Joe is a dead shot. It will be remembered that last spring Mr. Church killed two bears and captured three cubs.

We have been having the worst storm of the season, there being 3 feet of new snow in the woods, while in the clearing it has blown into drifts so that it makes it quite diffi­cult tc break roads.

Will Butts, of Glens F Us, who has been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Butts, has, returned to his home.

Supervisor Carter and family were pleasantly entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Dening, Sunday, it being Mr. Carter's birthday. Warm sugar was served and a good time was enjoyed by all.

C A S T O R L A N D Charles Buell of Philadelphia has

been a recent guest of relatives here. Mrs. Hadie Glenn has returned

home after spending some time in De-feriet with her daughter, Mrs. James Martin.

Mrs. William Waterhouse and chil­dren of Croghan have been spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Buxton.

Mrs. Hadie Glenn has sold her house and lot on Church s treet to Mrs. Alvah McDonnell, of Denmark.

Mr. and Mrs. William Merz of Beech Hill spent a few days with rel­atives here this week.

Leon Schantz spent last week a t Alexandria Bay.

L. Charles Beyer spent a day re­cently in Camden with his cousin, F. N. Pfaff.

J. J. Hirschey of Carthage spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. J. H. Hirschey.

Mrs. M. N. Edmonds has returned home after spending some time in Lyons Falls.

The first severe snow storm of the season struck this section last Friday night. Some' of the farmers were unable to get their milk to the station on Saturday.

C. Ray Barnum of Lowville spent Sunday a t his home here.

Death of George Clark. The death of George Clark, an

aged and esteemed resident, occurred at his home, about one mile west of this village, last Friday. Mr. Clark was sick only four days, pneumonia being the cause of his death. Feb­ruary 3, 1856, Mr. Clark was united in marriage with Sarah Judd. They cel­ebrated the 57th anniversary of their marriage last Monday. At that time Mr. C'ark had a slight cold, but noth­ing serious was thought of it. He was born about 78 years ago and is survived by his wife, who is in feeble health, also a number of nieces and nephews. The funeral was held from his late home Tuesday a t 1 o'clock, Rev. Mr. Shepard, pastor of the M. E. church of this place, officiating. In­terment was made- in the Reedville cemetery.

R. E. MERZ, Oor.

The. monthly-/business meeting M<> the Epworth' ike&gue pt the M. W church will be 'held 'af" the home If-Mr. and Mrs. H. L. .yanArnam, Fridri|[ evening of this week.

The teachers trainjng i class met with Mrs. F. W. Van^fnam Wednes­day evening of this week.

Miss Anna Mathys is quite ill a t this writing.

Ernest Nuspliger was..the guest of hsi parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J.' Nu­spliger, Sunday of this week.

Howard I. LeFevre has ' returned from Poughkeepsie where he has been spending the past week.

Rev. E. L, Shepard h;is returned home after attending the district conference held a t Brownville,., the past week. '

William Hilts, who had the misfor­tune to cut his fingers while working in the J. P. Lewis Company mill last November, is able again to resume his work. '

The severest snow storm of the sea­son occurred last Saturday, when about 18 inches of snow fell.

Rev. Frank Beal, of Canton, deliv­ered a lecture 'in the M. E; church Tuesday evening of this week.

Mrs. Marion Jones is spending some time with Dr. and Mrs. F. E;


Jones. Mrs. Chaples Vandewalker is the

gue^st of M-r.-^nd Mrs. A. H. Haller. Aug. Stoffel is making quite exten­

sive improvements to his house. Andrew Haller has recently placed

a telephone in his residence. Chas. Vandewalker was in town on

Monday of this week. Frank Osborn, • who was seriously

hurt a t the Lew'is •& 'SlocUm mill last week -while load'in'g "a bar of pa--per, is slightly improved at th'is writ­ing. ' ' , ' / ' '

Alvin Hoch spentv Thursday of last week in Utica. - '=• .X-


RIVERBANK. The snow storm and blizzard of

Friday and Saturday completely stopped all traffic. Mail Carrier F. J. Brown did not deliver mail Saturday, the first day this winter he could not cover his route. Fred Towne, of the State Roady^;;;-^^(La}.ilk at the station in Cart j n ag e j having a rough -*5ffiiu*"'SeTting through. The roads were opened for t ravel Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Maxwell have been on the sick list with the pre­vailing epidemic, as also have Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Walsman and son Lewis, and Morris and Qyrus Ganzel.

Grange meeting Saturday evening, Feb. 15th. There >has been no meet­ing since January 6th. "It is to be hoped there will be a large attend­ance.

The several witness who were sun­poenaed to Lowville last week on the trial of Ray Farrington, were not obliged to go, owing to the confession' of the prisoner.

Miss Bertha Meister has been spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meister in Den­mark.

Maude Gates has returned from- a visit with friends in Oswego.

Fortieth Anniversary. Monday, Feb. 10th, being the 40th

wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Shea, their neighbors made their way to their home on the even­ing of that date to remind the wor­thy couple of the event. They were taken completely by surprise. Games and music were enjoyed, Miss Naomi Wisner giving some most pleasing in­strumental selections on the piano. A most delicious luncheon was served and a purse of money given Mr. and Mrs. Shea. It was altogether a very enjoyable affair, the guests depart­ing at a late hour wishing the bride and groom many more anniversaries.

Lost Valuable Horse.

Charles Wisner had the misfortune to lose a horse Monday night. Sunday morning Teddy Wisner started with the horse to make a track from Kay Bachman's to Mr. Wisner's, there be­ing an enormous snow drift between the two places. The horse became tired out trying to get through and laid down in the snow. Teddy with two other boys, got the animal on his feet, but he had become so tired and benumbed with- cold they could do nothing with him. Help was sum­moned and the horse was dragge'd'to Mr. Wisner's barn, but he did not survive the exposure.

Little Miss Margaret Rauhe has been seriously ill with acute indiges­tion, but is better a t this writing.


Miss Alsie Potter is speri few dayq In Watertown with ter, Mrs. Frank Wilson. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Bailey ' {insville arrived home this we ^pendiflg some time with rela'tivJ

FticaT Y . , f

•Miss Corrine NeVins s p e n t ^ and Sunday with Mtes -^^n jE^ . of Lowville;' .» ^"':

Mrs; W. H.i Gayjord is •vjfettjtiife'^ son, Harold Gay lord, and' Sxa^0i' Syracuse! •.:•! , "XJ$jr-i

Quite d few from here attendeti ' t funeral bf Cornelius J. B i^b j^^ ' : ; b | •Turin a t the M. fi. church j ^ i j l M place, Friday. v ',*"'

' |3. C. Gaylord, wlio has beea <!$ai| fined to his home the past ;'week;;wi^k a cold, fe ,6h the gain. ,

Thoma! Rogers spent the weefcijjjgtjU with, his 'grandparents , Mr. and U r s i ; John Rogers, at Port Ley den ,

Mr. and Mrs. Sykes of Whitest are guests of Mr. and jfcr.fi, J r.ie*Ja Northrup'. | / ' \

Mf'sses - Beulah K e n t n e r ' a n d Irene Doster, of Port Leaden, called on | Lyonp Falls friends; tjliis yeek.

Miss Gertrude Bujid .of fijortB Gre ig , spent, Sunday at her home in this ftll-lage.'i .'.. . \.t, !

Miss Beulah Herrick of Glenfiety has returned to resume her dutte£.in the high school. ..,-. •*' • ' ^

Frank Hoskins,, Jr., a student a^ West Point-, formerly' of Lyons- Fajia, will attend the inauguratibn of '.'-Pres­ident-elect Wilson a t Washington'.;

Henry Shepard is spendipg ^a few days With his sister, Mrs. Delia Sands.

Miss Edythe Gaylord of Ilion is ex­pected nohre this week. •*«

The kjneere congratulations of many-' friends-in this vicinity arS:>,extended to Mr; and Mrs. Herman vBiarkhard of Greig upon their ' recentrmiirriage a t Lowville. ' h

Rev. < C. F. Kittredge has \returned home 4fter spending a few days with his brother a t Delhi. !

Ernest Curtis is recovering attack Of the grip.

Mrs. C. L. Mclntyre-.j ing friends and relative!

E. L. Dominick of Sunday with his parents j Frank Dominick.

Mrs. Merritt H a a a r T . ^ 'rpFiirlSB hom^frorn Old "Forge, where^she been the guest of Mrs. J. G. Wood'

A great feature of the "movies" o] Wednesday evening was the sorij "Silver Threads^ Among the Gold, which was rendered by Edith McKei and received in a very pleasing mai ner.

The "Happy Five" from Dexter wi play here Thursday night, Feb. 13th, This is promised to be a good game! as the local team has been defeated] once by this team and do not wish fofej a second defeat.

Mrs, John N.orton has been visiting h e r . daughter, M^s, Duffy, jjf_Htica,j for the .past 'week n

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gaylord have turned home after spending1 somj time in Massachusetts5, ; where Mj Gaylord has been empoyed. \

Miss RutFu Shaw has been visiti; friends in Glenfield. "/

Miss Nellie Hess of Boonville *ha| been visiting ne r sisten Mrs.,Bernard Reed. f

Mrs. William Lyman, who was re cently operated upon at Faxton Hos­pital, Utica, arrived home this weekj] and is greatly improved. • \

t|The departure of the cook or the maid does not prostrate the lady

rho knows the effi­ciency of the want ads. ?[ And want ad-reading servants are of the desir«

ble class. [Seldom does a "girl

wanted** ad ran its full time until a "Stop-ir-girl supplied** order is re­ceived.

Merle Hoskins has recently? been a | guest of friends in Turin.

Joseph Farney returned home froi St. Luke's Hospital, Utica, last weel His many friends in this viciijity ; pleased a t his recovery. i*

Charles E. Gaylord, ;of Greig, is. spending some time with hist niece, Mrs. George Skinner and family.

Leslie Murtaugh of Glenfield,/spent Friday with Burton and Clinton Swartz.

Eugene Wheeler is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Swartz.

Mrs. D. D. Parrisb. has been'called to Syracuse by the death of her sis^ ter, Mrs. F. C. Miller.

The thermometer registered 20 be­low zero Monday morning of week. -,

Mrs. C. • M. Thompson of Dfej spent Sunday with Mrs. John Ba^sett?

Miss Anna, Howley and Miss Cath­erine .Felsnaw of Por t Leyden were in..town .this week.

Harold1' Gates of Carthage is t h e guest of Mr -.«ind Mrs. Nelson Parker a t the New Walton.

Cranton Mi l l e rVas called to Syra­cuse Monday by thVsudden death o£ ,his mother, Mrs. F. C. MifreP.- — -

The Missionary Society met with. Mrs. C. A. Bostwick Tuesday, Feb. 11th. • The S. C. Circle of King's Daugh­

ters will meet with Mrs. C. L. Fisher, Friday, February 14th, a t 2 p. m.

Miss Hazel Holcomb is on the sick list.

Mrs. Amelia Hills of Greig, who has been spending a part of the winter in Syracuse visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles Rush, of Canada, is vis­it ing her friend, Gerald Nevins, of this place.

Sending forth a lot of hot air ought not to entitle the sender to the right to be called public spirited.

Men who make history encourage the book agents.

Good luck and bad habits dom on speaking terms.

If a P i 1 be a 1 i 1

Ev c to h i 1 help?

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