SMITIS Newsletter: Volume 2, Edition 12 1 SMITIS Newsletter 9 August, 2013 Star Mountains Institute of Technology International School Our purpose is to develop internationally-minded and life-long learners who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect, and strive to be: inquirers; knowledgeable; thinkers; communicators; principled; open-minded; caring; risk-takers; balanced; and reflective. The most important national day in PNG is Independence Day which will be celebrated as a public holiday on Monday, 16 September. SMITIS will be conducting its Independence Day celebrations on Friday, 13 September from 9.00am – 1.00pm. Parents and wantoks are invited to join us on this day, as well as assisting our regional groups in preparation for this celebration. Our four regional groups are: Momase (M), Highlands (H), Southern (S) and New Guinea Islands (I). Some parents have offered to assist their regional group by teaching dances or assisting with costumes. We will need more involvement to ensure the usual high standard is maintained, or exceeded. There has been an outbreak of chicken pox at the school with several of our Kindergarten students affected. It can be spread either through person-to-person contact, or through sneezing and coughing. Those infected with the chicken pox virus don’t usually have symptoms until 2-3 weeks after contact. In children, chicken pox usually starts with a general feeling of tiredness and lethargy, as well as a fever and swollen glands. This is soon followed by the outbreak of a rash over the next 3-5 days. There’s no cure or specific treatment for chicken pox. If your child has chicken pox, it can help to keep their nails short – if they do scratch, the sores will be less likely to get infected. You could also put mittens on younger children. Keep your child away from school until the last blister has scabbed over. Don’t forget the P&W Trivia Night on 17 August at the Hash Club. This will be a great chance to win plenty of prizes that have been kindly donated. But, you need to be there to be a winner! I appreciate your support. Dr Ken Darvall (Principal) SMITIS Newsletters The full colour edition can be found online at: http://issuu.com/smit_international_school/docs/ smitis_newsletter_9august_2013_

Smitis newsletter 9august 2013

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Star Mountains Institute of Technology International School Newsletter for the week ending 9 August 2013

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SMITIS Newsletter: Volume 2, Edition 12 1

SMITIS Newsletter

9 August, 2013

Star Mountains Institute of Technology International SchoolOur purpose is to develop internationally-minded and life-long learners who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect, and strive to be: inquirers; knowledgeable; thinkers; communicators; principled; open-minded; caring; risk-takers; balanced; and reflective.

The most important national day in PNG is Independence Day which will be celebrated as a public holiday on Monday, 16 September. SMITIS will be conducting its Independence Day celebrations on Friday, 13 September from 9.00am – 1.00pm.

Parents and wantoks are invited to join us on this day, as well as assisting our regional groups in preparation for this celebration. Our four regional groups are: • Momase (M), • Highlands (H), • Southern (S) and • New Guinea Islands (I).

Some parents have offered to assist their regional group by teaching dances or assisting with costumes. We will need more involvement to ensure the usual high standard is maintained, or exceeded.

There has been an outbreak of chicken pox at the school with several of our Kindergarten students affected. It can be spread either through person-to-person contact, or through sneezing and coughing. Those infected with the chicken pox virus don’t usually have symptoms until 2-3 weeks after contact.

In children, chicken pox usually starts with a general feeling of tiredness and lethargy, as well as a fever and swollen glands. This is soon followed by the outbreak of a rash over the next 3-5 days. There’s no cure or specific treatment for chicken pox.

If your child has chicken pox, it can help to keep their nails short – if they do scratch, the sores will be less likely to get infected. You could also put mittens on younger children.

Keep your child away from school until the last blister has scabbed over.

Don’t forget the P&W Trivia Night on 17 August at the Hash Club. This will be a great chance to win plenty of prizes that have been kindly donated. But, you need to be there to be a winner!

I appreciate your support.

Dr Ken Darvall (Principal)

SMITIS Newsletters

The full colour edition can be found online at: http://issuu.com/smit_international_school/docs/smitis_newsletter_9august_2013_

SMITIS Newsletter: Volume 2, Edition 12 2

Principled is one of the attributes of the Learner Profile and one of our core values at SMITIS. What is being principled? We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with a respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere.

! ! We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.

Weekly awards are presented to students who demonstrate Learner Profile attributes.

Other attributes include: communicator; caring; thinker; knowledgeable; balanced; reflective; inquirer; open-minded; and risk-taker.

Key Dates

10/8 Nuikick

13/8 IDC regional group sessions (1.15pm-2.15pm)

ASA: (2.30 - 3.30pm)

14/8 ASA: (2.30 - 3.30pm)

Emergency evacuation drill

15/8 ASA: (2.30 - 3.30pm)

Reregistration forms for 2014 sent home

16/8 Weekly assembly @ 1.30pm [Y3 assembly item]

17/8 Nuikick

P&W Trivia Night

20/8 P&W Association meeting: Library @ 1.00pm

ASA: (2.30 - 3.30pm)

21/8 IDC regional group (1.15pm-2.15pm)

21/8 ASA: (2.30 - 3.30pm)

22/8 School Parliament (12.40pm)

ASA: (2.30 - 3.30pm)

Movie Night (6.00pm)

23/8 Canteen Day

Medical exams & tetanus boosters

Y4 excursion

Weekly assembly @ 1.30pm [Y2 assembly item]

24/8 Nuikick

26/8 Public Holiday: National Day of Repentance

27/8 ASA: (2.30 - 3.30pm)

28/8 ASA: (2.30 - 3.30pm)

29/8 IDC regional group (1.15pm-2.15pm

ASA: (2.30 - 3.30pm)

30/8 Mufti Day (K1 donation)

Weekly assembly @ 1.30pm [Y1 assembly item]

31/8 Nuikick

3/9 IDC regional group (1.15pm-2.15pm)

6/9 Weekly assembly @ 1.30pm [K assembly item]

7/9 Nuikick

13/9 SMITIS Independence Day activities (9.00am-1.00pm)

14/9 Nuikick

16/9 Public Holiday: Independence Day

17/9 P&W Association meeting: Library @ 1.00pm

20/9 Last day of Term 3 (2.15pm finish)

7/10 Term 4 commences

SMITIS Newsletter: Volume 2, Edition 12 3












New cubby house with own dish!!Preschool!children!colouring!their!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




SMITIS Newsletter: Volume 2, Edition 12 4

Kindergarten NewsIn Kinder this term... Our unit of inquiry is based on our transdisciplinary theme : Our Identity is shaped by our family history.We began by studying about our family history. We asked questions at home about our family tribes and our family history. We used a family tree to portray our individual family stories, as well as in show and tell time.

We are also learning about our family values. The best value that we have discovered is love. We discovered that sharing responsibilities in our families is the best way of keeping the family together. When we help one another, we are loving. Helping our family at home is the way to learn and grow.

Literacy and NumeracyIn mathematics, we are learning to use groupings in adding two groups together, subtracting two groups of numbers using concrete materials and we are having fun. We group, add and subtract family members in our class. We have fun using concrete materials to help us to better understand adding and subtracting.

In our literacy program, we are working on punctuation marks, exclamation marks and full-stops. Making sentences are fun. They help us to read better. We are learning more and more each day on how to pronounce and say letter sounds and blending the sounds. Learning new words helps us read better.

Our home reading is important to us. We are also writing stories about our families and what we do together. We are also practising to write letters in the right form.

Science & The ArtsWe are also learning about classifying groups of animals. We are exploring what these animals groups are: birds, mammals, reptiles and insects. We will be looking around our school area to identify insects as part of our classification activity.

In dance and movement, we are beginning with musical statues. We try to dance according to the different rhythm of music, fast and slow, and how the music sounds make us feel. We will be getting involved in PNG singsing for the upcoming Independence Celebration in our school.

Art is integrated in all areas of our learning and to develop fine motor and gross motor skills we paint, write, paste and cut using scissors.

ICT, PSE & RoutineIn ICT, we are learning about the names of different parts of the computer. We are also learning to save our work and put it on file. We are using ‘kidspix’ to draw pictures. It is fun in IT.

General hygiene for us is very important. We are learning about keeping our body healthy and clean. Our teeth are important to us, so we brush our teeth each day. We comb our hair, wear clean clothes and always eat healthy food.We are also exploring the basic food groups.

Routines in school are very important in Kindergarten. We are on time for our classes and sitting quietly on our special mat for the next task. In the beginning of this term, we have a new teacher, Ms Ganisi, and we are getting used to our new teacher. It was a bit hard, but we are getting better now.

SMITIS Newsletter: Volume 2, Edition 12 5

Are you good at maths?The following maths questions were part of the 2013 Year 3 Australian Mathematics Competition.

• I take 2 vitamin C tablets every day. If I increase my dose to 3 tablets a day, a full bottle would last 8 days less. How many tablets are in a full bottle?

• Starting at 100 and going through to 999, how many numbers have two or more digits the same?

• In how many ways can three different numbers have two or more digits the same?

• Adam, Barney and Joe carry 999 books out of the library. Adam works for 3 hours, Barney works for 4 hours and Joe works for 5 hours. They work at different speeds, with Adam carrying 5 books for every 3 books Barney carries and every 2 books Joe carries. How many books did Adam carry?

How did you fare with these above questions? Too easy?

Student PortfoliosStudent portfolios with samples of work for first semester were provided with semester reports.

Parents should remove these work samples and return the portfolio folders to their child’s class teacher so that second semester can start being prepared. Student portfolios can’t be provided to parents at the end of the year, if they are not returned to the class teacher.

Sunshine OnlineSunshine Online is a digital resource for English literacy, providing over 550 levelled ebooks and 1000 interactive activities and games. SMITIS has purchased a school and home subscription so that families with internet access may be able to access this online resource free.

To do so, visit: www.sunshineonline.com.au

To log in use sm332 for the username and password.

PostcardsHave you seen the P&W postcards yet? They look sensational. These postcards are on sale at K3 each or K15 for the set of 7, and are available from the Main Office.

P & W MeetingA reminder that the next meeting of the Parents’ and Wantocks’ Association will be held on Tuesday, 20 August, in the school library, commencing at 1.00pm.

NUT FREE ZONE William (Y1) and Matthew Thomas (Y4) have a severe nut allergy. To prevent a medical emergency, there can be no nuts or foods containing nuts at SMITIS. This includes, especially Nutella and hazelnut products, and anything containing tree nuts.

SMITIS and the Thomas family appreciate your assistance in making our school a nut free zone.

SMITIS Newsletter: Volume 2, Edition 12 6


There appears to be an outbreak of chicken pox in Kindergarten. Chickenpox is a common disease in

childhood, but can also occur in adults. The illness is usually milder in children.


Chickenpox is caused by the Varicella zoster virus.

It can be spread either through person-to-person contact, or through sneezing and coughing. Children

can develop chickenpox after being in contact with someone who has shingles (but elderly people can’t

get shingles from chickenpox).


Those infected with the chickenpox virus don’t usually have symptoms until 2-3 weeks after contact. In

children, chickenpox usually starts with a general feeling of tiredness and lethargy, as well as a fever

and swollen glands. This is soon followed by the outbreak of a rash over the next 3-5 days.

At first, this rash appears as red spots, which develop into crops of small blisters over the chest, back,

tummy or face. These soon appear on the rest of the body, and might even occur in the mouth or ears,

or on the genitals or eyes. The blisters are extremely itchy, and new ones form as older ones scab over

and dry up. The scabs can take several weeks to fall off. The rash doesn’t leave any scars unless the

blisters or scabs are scratched, or if the sores become infected. Your child might get a fever along with

the rash. Chickenpox symptoms tend to be much milder in children than in adults. Any fever associated

with chickenpox is usually more marked in adults.

Chickenpox is contagious from a few days before the rash appears until all the existing sores or

blisters have formed scabs and are completely dry. This usually takes around a week.


In healthy children, complications of chickenpox are unlikely, although they do sometimes happen.

Complications include infection of skin sores, pneumonia and encephalitis. Children who have low

SMITIS Newsletter: Volume 2, Edition 12 7

immunity – for example, children with cancer or who are taking immunosuppressant medication (such

as high-dose steroids) – can suffer severe attacks of chickenpox. These children need to be kept away

from people with chickenpox or those who might be incubating it.


There’s no cure or specific treatment for chickenpox. Treatment is geared towards relieving the


Gauze pads soaked in bicarbonate of soda and water that are then placed over the sores can calm the

itch for a while. Creams, such as calamine lotion, might also reduce the itchiness.

If your child really can’t stand the itching, your doctor might prescribe an antihistamine medicine or


Give paracetamol according to directions to help lower fever (but don’t give your child aspirin because

of its association with Reye’s Syndrome, a rare but serious illness). In very severe cases, an anti-viral

medication called aciclovir might be recommended.

If your child has chickenpox, it can help to keep their nails short – if they do scratch, the sores will be

less likely to get infected. You could also put mittens on younger children.

Keep your child away from school until the last blister has scabbed over.

I appreciate your support.

Dr Ken Darvall

Principal 5 August, 2013

SMITIS Newsletter: Volume 2, Edition 12 8

Nuikick Pilot Programme - Introduction 1

NUIKICK Nuikick&is&the&PNG&version&of&the&Australian&Rules&Football&(AFL)&Auskick&Programme.&&The&program&is&the&key&introductory&program&for&children&and&parents&consisting&of&a&skill&program&of&graded&warmCup&games,&skill&activities,&skill&games&and&a&match&program&based&upon&appropriate&rules.&&A&pilot&programme&is&being&run& in&Tabubil&with&the&support&of&SMITIS,&OTML&Recreational&Services,&AFL&PNG,&and&local&Tabubil&volunteers.&&&&&The&policy&is&for&the&program&to&be:&•&fun&and&to&be&safe.&•&designed&specifically&to&maximise&participation,&skill&learning&and&development.&•&based&upon&rules&and&procedures&appropriate&to&the&children&involved.&•&managed&by&the&community.&&1.#Fun#and#safe#A&sequential& learning&program&has&been&devised&matching&appropriate&skill&development&drills&with&the& participants’& abilities& and& needs.& That& means& that& every& child& regardless& of& background& is&involved&at&all& stages&and& improvement&occurs&across& the&board.& &The&emphasis& is&on& fun&activities&conducted&in&a&safe&environment.&&2.#For#boys#and#girls#and#parents#Both&parties&play&a& fundamental& role& in&the&success&of& the&NAB&AFL&Auskick&program.&The&program&assists& boys& and& girls& to& improve& their& skills& regardless& of& their& gender,& cultural& or& religious&background&or&disability.&It&promotes&a&wide&range&of&physical&activities&and&promotes&good&sporting&behaviour&in&an&inclusive&environment.&&It&also&allows&volunteers,&mainly&parents,&to&closely&manage&and&share&in&the&experience&of&developing&their&children&by&providing&them&with&backCup&support.&&3.#Managed#by#the#community#The&community&underpins&and&drives&the&success&of&the&Nuikick&programs.&&Not&only&do&they&provide&the&participants,&but&also&the&conveners,&managers,&coordinators,&coaches&and&volunteer&helpers&that&are&integral&to&the&success&of&any&Nuikick&programme.&&Who#is#the#programme#for?#The&program&is&structured&around&the&needs&of&two&distinct&age&groups:&Children&aged&5C8&years.&Children&aged&9&years&and&above&&A&girls&programme&will&be&run&separately&to&the&boys.&&The&rules&of&the&Nuikick&programme&enable&different&age&groups&to&play&together.&&When#will#the#programme#run?#The&pilot&programme&will&be&run&on&Saturday&mornings&over&6&weeks&commencing&August&10&and&finishing&on&September&14.&&It&will&be&run&in&two&sessions:&

• Session&1:&&09.00C10.00&Children&aged&5C8&years.&• Session&2:&10.00C11.00&Children&aged&9&years&and&above&&

SMITIS Newsletter: Volume 2, Edition 12 9

Nuikick Pilot Programme - Introduction 2

Day Date

Group+1 Group+2 Group+3 Group+4Satruday 10/8/2013

Grade+Prep+to+3+boys Grade+Prep+to+3+girls Grade+4;7+boys Grade+4;7+girls(5;8+year+old) (5;8+year+old) (9;12+year+old) (9;12+year+old)

Grade+Prep+to+3+boys Grade+Prep+to+3+girls Grade+4;7+boys Grade+4;7+girls(5;8+year+old) (5;8+year+old) (9;12+year+old) (9;12+year+old)

Grade+Prep+to+3+boys Grade+Prep+to+3+girls Grade+4;7+boys Grade+4;7+girls(5;8+year+old) (5;8+year+old) (9;12+year+old) (9;12+year+old)

Grade+Prep+to+3+boys Grade+Prep+to+3+girls Grade+4;7+boys Grade+4;7+girls(5;8+year+old) (5;8+year+old) (9;12+year+old) (9;12+year+old)

Grade+Prep+to+3+boys Grade+Prep+to+3+girls Grade+4;7+boys Grade+4;7+girls(5;8+year+old) (5;8+year+old) (9;12+year+old) (9;12+year+old)

Grade+Prep+to+3+boys Grade+Prep+to+3+girls Grade+4;7+boys Grade+4;7+girls(5;8+year+old) (5;8+year+old) (9;12+year+old) (9;12+year+old)











Registration+08:45 Registration+09:45

Saturday 10/08/13

Session+1 Session+209:00;010:00 10:00;11:00

!!!Where%will%the%program%be%run?%The!program!will!take!place!at!the!softball!fields!and!on!the!second!rugby!field.!!Parent%Participation%As!mentioned!above,! the!success!of! the!program! is! reliant!on!volunteers.! !Knowledge!of! the!game!and!its!rules!is!not!essential.!!The!key!is!to!be!enthusiastic!and!support!your!children!and!their!peers!via!guiding!their!learning!and!setting!the!standards!for!good!behaviour!and!sportsmanship.!!!I!would!encourage! all! parents! to! get! involved.! ! If! you! would! like! further! information,! please! contact! the!Nuikick!coordinator!or!the!SMITIS!principal.!!Registration:%Registration!forms!will!be!available!at!the!school!or!15!minutes!prior!to!the!start!of!each!session!in!the!first!week!of!the!programme!!Simon!Thomas!Coordinator:!Nuikick!Pilot!Programme!Phone:!+675!7190!1956!!Email:[email protected]!!

SMITIS Newsletter: Volume 2, Edition 12 10


1.&PNG&AFL&informationHas$your$child$participated$in$Nuikick$or$NAB$AFL$Auskick$previously$? Yes NoIf$yes,$what$year?

1.&Child&InformationDate$of$birth$ / / M $FGiven$nameSurnameStreet$addressSuburbEmailSchool$attended






Parent/Guardian Date

SMITIS Newsletter: Volume 2, Edition 12 11

SMITIS INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATIONS The most important national day in PNG is Independence Day which will be celebrated as a public holiday on Monday, 16 September. SMITIS will be conducting its Independence Day celebrations on Friday, 13 September from 9.00am – 1.00pm. Parents and wantoks are invited to join us on this day, as well as assisting our regional groups in preparation for this celebration. Our four regional groups are: • Momase (M), • Highlands (H), • Southern (S) and • New Guinea Islands (I). Until 13/9/13, scheduled practice sessions for our regional groups will be as follows: WEEK DATE DAY TIME M LOCATION H LOCATION S LOCATION I LOCATION

4 8/8/13 Thursday 1.15pm COLA Kindy Area Year 1 COLA

5 13/8/13 Tuesday 1.15pm COLA COLA Kindy Area Year 1 6 21/8/13 Wednesday 1.15pm Year 1 COLA COLA Kindy Area 7 29/8/13 Thursday 1.15pm Kindy Area Year 1 COLA COLA 8 3/9/13 Tuesday 1.15pm COLA Kindy Area Year 1 COLA 9 11/9/13 Wednesday 1.15pm COLA COLA Kindy Area Year 1

Some parents have offered to assist their regional group by teaching dances or assisting with costumes. We will need more involvement to ensure the usual high standard is maintained, or exceeded. Please note that we do not have any parents for the Southern region, at this stage. To assist with planning of the first session, there will be a meeting held in the school library at 12.55pm tomorrow (Wednesday, 7 August) for parents who are interested in helping in any way. It’s not too far away, so any and all assistance will be appreciated, as always. Dr Ken Darvall Principal 6 August, 2913

SMITIS Newsletter: Volume 2, Edition 12 12

!PO Box 408, Tabubil, 332.Western Province, Papua New Guinea www.smit.ac.pg P: +675 6499233 [email protected]

Developing internationally-minded and life-long learners who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding

and respect, and strive to be: inquirers; knowledgeable; thinkers; communicators; principled; open-minded; caring; risk-takers; balanced; and reflective.


6.30 -7.30pm (School Library)


Attendance Felix Giveng; Roland Katak; Naomi George; Simon Thomas; Michael Weaver; Erico Hovob; Ken Darvall.

Apologies Nil


Patrick has resigned from CAG due to increased work commitments.

• Roland was elected to chair.

Previous Minutes


• No discussion was required.


• Naomi George moved that the previous minutes were a true and accurate record. • Michael Weaver seconded the motion. • Motion was carried.

2014 Draft Calendar


• Similar parameters to 2013: students commence 27/1/14 and teachers commence 20/1/14

• First term varies due to Easter.


• Everyone is happy.

Language Policy


• This draft policy articulates the importance of language development and three key aspects from

the IB perspective: language of instruction (Language A); additional languages (Language B); and

mother tongue (first language).

• A survey sent home today will help define mother tongue at SMITIS.

SMITIS Newsletter: Volume 2, Edition 12 13

!PO Box 408, Tabubil, 332.Western Province, Papua New Guinea www.smit.ac.pg P: +675 6499233 [email protected]

Developing internationally-minded and life-long learners who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding

and respect, and strive to be: inquirers; knowledgeable; thinkers; communicators; principled; open-minded; caring; risk-takers; balanced; and reflective.


• Members support the planned introduction of Bahasa Indonesia as the Language B option.

• SMITIS is looking at graduate or experienced language teachers from Indonesia for the Language

B programs.

IB Update


• The In-school Workshop in June was a successful training session. Our next workshop will be held

in the week prior to school commencing in January 2014.

• Andrew Bradtke, from Adelaide, has been appointed our PYP consultant for the authorisation

process. Erico and Ken have had two sessions to date and these will continue on a fortnightly basis.


• Michael Weaver attended the MYP music workshop in Melbourne during the recent term break.

• Ken is preparing our MYP application for candidacy which is due on 30 September.


Independence Day Activities

• Naomi discussed the importance of these activities and the preparation required.

After School Activities

• Seek parent possible involvement in ASA at the end of the term preceding the next planned groups.


• Mr Nigel Parker informed Ken today that it is OTML’s intention to have St Joseph’s International

School manage the International School for the next five years, commencing 1 January, 2014.

Mr Parker stated that no formal agreement had been reached to date and, in the first instance, the

Principal, Fr Paul Jennings, would need to visit Tabubil and the school, in particular. The CEO

anticipated that a formal agreement would be reached in September, after which he would make an

official announcement about the future management of the school. This management would

involve staffing and curriculum, and importantly a significant decrease in school fees. OTML

would cover capital expenditure.

SMITIS Newsletter: Volume 2, Edition 12 14

!PO Box 408, Tabubil, 332.Western Province, Papua New Guinea www.smit.ac.pg P: +675 6499233 [email protected]

Developing internationally-minded and life-long learners who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding

and respect, and strive to be: inquirers; knowledgeable; thinkers; communicators; principled; open-minded; caring; risk-takers; balanced; and reflective.

Wrong Direction

• The band performed at a recent intertown football match and did well. The school’s music

department is going ahead in leaps and bounds.

Parents and Wantoks

• A busy semester is planned with a trivia night on 17 August, school photos in Term 3, Tabubil has

got talent on 31 October and a Market Day on 9 November.

• The canteen is operating successfully each fortnight.

The next meeting will be held on 27 August at 6.30pm.

SMITIS Newsletter: Volume 2, Edition 12 15

P&W MEETING – 30/7/13

Principal’s Report

• SMITIS sweatshirts are available @ K55 each

• Language survey is being sent home today and must be returned by 2 /8/13

• Nuikick starts on 10 August. Students are encouraged to participate.

• T3 movie night will be held on Thursday 22/8/13


• Almost K11000 in bank


• These are still available with new stock expected soon.

Trivia Night

• Set down for Saturday, 17 August, at Hash Club. Tickets are K20 each. Great

prizes. No food, so bring a plate.[Children will be welcome.] Buses will

collect parents.

School Photos

• We need a photographer for class and whole school photo. Need about three

sessions to cover ELC and main campus.

Tabubil’s Got Talent

• Coordinator is required to assist Michael Weaver.

• Set down for Thursday, 31 October (6.00 – 8.00pm)

Market Day

• Saturday, 9 November, for Xmas items. (9.00am – 12.00 noon)

Next Meeting

• Tuesday, 20 August. (1.00pm)

SMITIS Newsletter: Volume 2, Edition 12 16

“School” will take many forms. Sometimes

it will be self-organized.

Work will evolve so rapidly that

continuous career readiness will become

the norm.

Diverse forms of credentials, FHUWLĆFDWHV��DQG�

reputation markers will UHćHFW�WKH�PDQ\�ZD\V�in which people learn

and demonstrate mastery.

As more people take it upon WKHPVHOYHV�WR�ĆQG�

solutions, a new wave of social innovation will help address resource constraints and other


At the same time, geographic

and virtual communities will take ownership of learning in new ways, blending

it with other kinds of activity.

Some of those tools will use rich data to provide insight into

learning and suggest strategies

for success.

A wide variety of digital networks,

platforms, and content resources will help

learners and learning agents connect

and learn.

Whatever the path, radical

personalization will become the norm, with

learning approaches and supports tailored

to each learner.

Educators’ jobs will diversify as many

new learning agent roles emerge to

support learning.

Those learning playlists might

include public schools but could also include a

wide variety of digitally-mediated or place-based learning


Learners and their families will

create individualized learning playlists UHćHFWLQJ�WKHLU�

particular interests, goals, and values.

Learning will no ORQJHU�EH�GHĆQHG�E\�

time and place — unless a learner wants to learn at a particular

time and in a particular


KnowledgeWorks Forecast 3.0

A Glimpse into the Future of Learning

In the future...

For KnowledgeWorks’ full forecast on the future of learning, see Recombinant Education: Regenerating the Learning Ecosystem knowledgeworks.org/strategic-foresight


> cell structure> french verbs> geography


These changes point the way toward

a diverse learning ecosystem in which

learning adapts to each child instead of each child

trying to adapt to school.

SMITIS Newsletter: Volume 2, Edition 12 17

Say hello with a photo! Missing families and friends? What better way to say hello than showing the beauty of Tabubil and the culture of Western Province!

A project of the SMITIS Parents & Wantoks Association

You may purchase the postcards at the SMITIS Office for K3 each or K15 for a set of 7.

SMITIS Newsletter: Volume 2, Edition 12 18


The International Baccalaureate

The International Baccalaureate (IB) is an exciting set of educational programs offered in

more than two thousand school schools in over 120 countries around the world.

The programs focus on student-centred inquiry-based learning and global concerns. They challenge students to think in sophisticated ways

about the connections between ideas in different areas of study. They put learning into an international context.

IB @ SMITISIn 2011, Tabubil International School (TIS) hosted a Preliminary Visit by IB as an Interested PYP School. At the time, TIS decided not to pursue

Candidacy status.

As TIS transformed into SMITIS from 1/1/13, an application for PYP Candidacy status has been approved by IB.

At the same time, SMITIS has gained status as an Interested MYP School from 1/1/13 as Year 7 commences their first year of secondary education.

SMITIS Newsletter: Volume 2, Edition 12 19

Star Mountains Institute of Technology

International School Newman Road, TABUBIL. 332

Western Province, Papua New Guinea

P: (+675) 6499 233

F: (+675) 6499 324

E: [email protected]
