1 SmartVision™ e Multifleet Remote Condition Monitoring System (rcms) by EKE-Electronics

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The Multifleet Remote Condition Monitoring System (rcms) by EKE-Electronics

Page 2: SmartVision™ - EKE-Electronics


SmartVision™ is a Multifleet Remote Condition Monitoring System enabling real-time analysis of train data to maximise train availability, improve fleet performance and reduce costs.

Key Functions

Monitor statuses of on-board systems and in-form the control center in real-time, enabling quicker responses to faults and operational challenges.

Online Monitoring

Collect diagnostic infor-mation from onboard systems and setup up condition-based maintenance schemes for improved cost-effi-ciency.

Condition Monitoring

Take condition monitor-ing one step further by using analytics to predict likely lifetimes of parts, enabling predictive main-tenance for maximum cost-effectiveness.

Predictive Analytics

Localisation application enabling you to visual-ise your rolling stocks on a map in real time. Important train status-es can be displayed on the map.

Trains On Map

Provide rolling stock drivers with guidance for optimal driving to optimize energy con-sumption within time schedule.

Driving Assistance

key function overviewThe SmartVision™ Remote Condition Monitoring System (RCMS) collects and analyses key data from the train fleets. The train status and diag-nostic information can be used to improve maintenance, processes and operations. SmartVision™ is modular and the following applications can be implemented:

Example of SmartVision™ Online Monitoring Dashboard

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Online MonitoringThe SmartVision™ Online Monitor-ing function enables operators to receive information from their roll-ing stock fleets and visualize it in real-time. The control center, work planners and maintenance staff are continuously informed about the status of the trains and po-tential technical issues. The staff can take actions instantly to fix the problems, limit their impacts on the operations as well as give the proper instructions to the driver even before he notices the problem.

Maintenance activities are expe-dited as the service personnel receives in advance information about issues which need actions. Thus, the maintenance schedul-ing and resource allocations are performed much faster, reducing service disruption and increasing both safety and operational ef-ficiency.

Significant benefits can be ex-pected by monitoring the most

maintenance-intensive systems such as doors, air-conditioning and brakes. However, SmartVision™ allows the online monitoring of virtually any train system or infor-mation. This means you can freely pick the information you need to collect to meet your needs. The most common Online Monitoring functions are:

→ Fleet/train status dashboards→ Centralized faults and alarms→ Fault filtering and analysis tool→ Task assignment and scheduling→ Standardized support procedures→ User and role management→ Integration to Maintenance Management System with auto-matic or semi-automatic ticketing.

Condition MonitoringSmartVision™ Condition Monitor-ing enables the operator to con-vert the data collected from the fleets via the online monitoring into additional diagnostic informa-tion. Additional sensors can be added to the trains if the exist-ing equipment are not capable of measuring some parameters, for example temperature or vibra-tion, to detect slowly progressing faults through trend curves.

A typical approach to the devel-opment of an optimised mainte-nance process is to start with cat-egorization of the historical fault database to identify the faults with the most critical consequenc-es in terms of safety or opera-tional costs. Through a root cause analysis, it can be possible to detect temporal event sequences or changes in physical conditions, which give early warnings of the development of these faults.

By using the SmartVision™ Pre-dictive Script Analytics tool to

analyze the data stream from the trains to detect these occurrences and to generate warnings, appro-priate maintenance actions can be initiated in advance before the actual fault occurs. For example, an HVAC system not providing enough cooling with abnormally high power consumption could in-dicate filter congestion.

SmartVision™ Condition Monitor-ing functions include:→ Predictive Script Analytics on live and history data→ Anomaly detection on live and history data→ Interface to external big data analytics→ Utilization of analysis algorithms→ Real-time data screening to de-tect change of condition→ Adjustable limits for warnings and alarms→ Trend curves→ Receive, process and visualize measurement signals, e.g. vibra-tion measurement

detailed function descriptions

Example of SmartVision™ Online Monitoring Dashboard with integration of data from other backend systems


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Predictive AnalyticsSmartVision™ Predictive analysis takes condition monitoring one step further by using advanced algorithms and analytics to pre-dict likely remaining useful life of units.

The remaining useful lifetime esti-mates can be calculated for those components where the historical data collected from the trains indi-cate that the condition degrades against time or service cycles.

When performing preventive maintenance, replacing parts too early may unnecessarily shorten parts lifetime and increase costs. However, if waiting too long, the component may experience failure and incur costly corrective main-tenance and possible disruption in operations. Predictive mainte-nance aims at reaching the small-est cost possible, the optimal cost.

Trains on mapThe SmartVision™ Trains on Map application enables you to visual-ise your rolling stocks on a map in real time. Important train statuses and alarms can be displayed on the map, for instance with color codes for critical information. It is both a geo-localisation tool and a diagnostic tool.

In addition, specific train informa-tion can be accessed by click-ing on any rolling stock on the map. The diagnostic information displayed and the graphical user interface can be tailored to your needs.

Driving assistanceThe SmartVision™ Driving Assis-tance application instructs train drivers to apply a driving mode, which optimizes the energy consumption and time schedule management according to the se-lected profile.

The right balance of acceleration, free rolling and breaking is calcu-lated based on the online diagnos-tics data retrieved from the trains, location data, track data and time schedule data. The energy con-sumption, while keeping the time schedules, can thus be optimized and significant savings achieved.

Common features include:→ Measure energy consumption by work shift and line end-to-end combined with environment data→ Visualize momentary speed, dis-tance, time, deviation from sched-ule and energy consumption→ Calculate optimal driving profile

to optimize energy consumption within time schedule→ Send driving instructions to train drivers’ displays


Example of SmartVision™ Predictive Analytics Script Builder

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Example of SmartVision™ Trains-on-map Application. Train Level View can be accessed by clicking on desired trainset.

Example of SmartVision™ Train Level View


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data acquisitionSmartVision™ Data Acquisition is performed by Gateways placed in each train. The Gateway collects data from the train and sends it to the wayside. SmartVision™ Data Acquisition can be imple-mented on all your fleets. It is possible to collect different data from different types of rolling stocks. SmartVision™ allows you to centralize all your fleet diagnos-tics and monitoring into one single system.

The SmartVision™ Gateway is modular and can be designed to collect data from virtually any onboard system, either via direct connections to sensors and sys-tems, or by simply connecting to an existing train network which already collects the required in-formation. Remote Input/Ouput Modules (RIOM) can be used to collect data in the train in order to reduce cabling. New sensors can also be added if needed. Then, the information gathered is trans-ferred wirelessly to the wayside via 3G/4G and Wi-Fi, from where it

is sent to the SmartVision™ server to be stored and processed.

The onboard Gateways are built by selecting the interface modules required for each particular train type. The available communication interfaces include Ethernet, MVB, CAN, Serial Links as well as digital and analogue inputs, to name a few. This modularity makes Smart-Vision™ suitable for fleets made of several types of rolling stocks, from various manufacturers and from different generations.

secure data managementSmartVision™ provides a high lev-el of protection for the exchange of information between the rolling stocks and the wayside. Smart-Vision™ can be implemented on secured cloud servers or on your own servers. Cybersecurity meas-ures are taken to guarantee the privacy of your data and avoid intrusion. Firewalls are used for restricting access to the SmartVi-sion™ gateways and servers. The use of a Virtual Private Network (VPN) between the trains and the

wayside allows for secure encrypt-ed connections within the VPN tunnel. Further details as well as other security measures are dis-cussed in the project definition phase.

scalable back end solutionsThe SmartVision™ Software is available as a Software as a ser-vice (SaaS) providing you with a turn-key solution for your rolling stock remote condition monitor-ing. SmartVision™ utilizes server virtualization and is based on mi-croservice architecture. This allows basically limitless scalability pro-viding always the optimal comput-ing power to process the varying data flow from your fleets as well as to execute the analysis proce-dures initiated by the users. This brings also great flexibility when adding new fleets or applications to the system.

SmartVision™ offers a wide range of applications including online monitoring, condition monitoring, predictive analytics, trains on map and driver assistance. Features

and user interfaces can be cus-tomized to match your mainte-nance process and your fleets. SmartVision™ open interfaces allow easy integration with other systems, for instance external big data analysis systems or main-tenance management systems. Data like fault reporting, position-ing, train schedules, passenger counting and video surveillance in-formation can also be exchanged with other backend systems.

SmartVision™ allows the use of different user profiles. The user interfaces and user rights can be customized for each user group. Operating center, maintenance planning, depot or fleet manage-ment personnel can all be pro-vided with a SmartVision™ graphi-cal user interface tailored to their needs.

Typical setup

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3G/4G and Wi-Fi networks


26.09.2016 13:14Task list


Maintenance staff

SmartVision™ Server

InternetVPN tunnel

Different Gateway versions to adapt to each rolling stock.


Control Center



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Maximise rolling stock availability and reduce fleet maintenance costs.

Save Money

From corrective to condition-based and predictive maintenance.

Optimize maintenance

Well maintained trains running on time contrib-ute to raise passenger satisfaction.

Improve satisfaction

Real-time monitoring enables faster commu-nications and operation scheduling .

React faster

Optimise operations and the use of resourc-es to improve competi-tiveness.

Gain in efficiency

Why choose EKE

onboard diagnostic expertEKE-Electronics is a pioneer in onboard data transmissions. We collect train-wide information and diagnostic data for more than 30 years, providing drivers and maintenance teams with valuable reports.

With SmartVision™ we take that know-how one step further, ena-bling real-time monitoring from remote locations such as depots and control centers.

extensive know-howWe have gained extensive know-how from project all around the globe. We have cooperated with all leading train manufacturers strengthening our technical know-how of most rolling stock types.

We also work with trains opera-tors from all sizes, providing high-ly customized solutions to their specific operating challenges.

SmartVision™ Benefits

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3G/4G and Wi-Fi networks


26.09.2016 13:14Task list


Maintenance staff

SmartVision™ Server

InternetVPN tunnel

Different Gateway versions to adapt to each rolling stock.


Control Center



Example of SmartVision™ Modular Gateway. Each rolling stock type is equipped with a customized Gateway to enable efficient data collection for the specific rolling stock type.


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EKE-Electronics Ltd

Piispanmäentie 502240 EspooFINLAND

Tel. +358 9 6130 30Fax. +358 9 6130 3300
