Irrigation for Small farms under subsidy Programme Sultanate of Oman Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Consultancy Services for Design Works Modern Irrigation for Small Farms Under Subsidy programme Tender Document Department of Irrigation & Agricultural Land Directorate of Agricultural Development P.O. Box 467, P.C. 100, Muscat 1

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Irrigation for Small farms under subsidy Programme

Sultanate of OmanMinistry of Agriculture and Fisheries

Consultancy Services for Design Works

Modern Irrigation for Small FarmsUnder Subsidy programme

Tender Document

Department of Irrigation & Agricultural LandDirectorate of Agricultural Development

P.O. Box 467, P.C. 100, Muscat


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Irrigation for Small farms under subsidy Programme

Consultancy Services for Design WorksModern Irrigation for

Small farms under subsidy Programme


1 Introduction

2 Instructions to the Consulting Engineers

3 Conditions of Engagement

4 Technical Terms of Reference

5 Responsibility of the Ministry

6 Review and Approval

7 Preparation and Submission of Document

8 Form of Tender Including Appendices


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Irrigation for Small farms under subsidy Programme

1 Introduction


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Irrigation for Small farms under subsidy Programme

1.0 Introduction:

It is proposed to provide modern irrigation network in several small farms (3 to 15 Fadden) all over Sultanate of Oman under the subsidy scheme.

In view to provide better system, it is decided that the design and drawings along with required details be provided to the farmer who in turn can find out agency to carry out the work as per the design.

This subsidy programme is of national importance since the irrigation system will bring the optimum use of water for better crops (by yield and quality).


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2 Instructions to the Consulting Engineers


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2.0 Instructions to the Consulting Engineers:

The sets of documents containing the Tender must be enclosed in a sealed envelope or package clearly endorsed with the project title, and is addressed to:

H.E. the UndersecretaryMinistry of Agriculture and FisheriesP.O. Box 467, P.C. 113, MuscatSultanate of Oman.

Telephone:24699921 Fax. No. 24696284

The exterior of the sealed envelope or package must not reveal the identity of the Consulting Engineer (CE/Consultant).The completed Tender must be submitted to the Tender Committee not later than 2 WEEKS.

2.1 The Tender Documents, together with the supporting documents as called for in item 2.4 of these Instructions, shall be submitted 2 sets and shall be separately marked ORIGINAL and COPY.

2.3 The CE shall acknowledge receipt of any Circular letter/Addendum issued by the Ministry by filling up in the spaces provided in the Form of Tender and return the copies of such Addendum with Tender Documents, all of which shall be considered as a part of Tender Documents.

2.4 The CE must provide along with his Tender the following additional documents and information:

2.4.1 A list of all similar works, including full details of at least five most appropriate works, which the CE, has completed within the past ten years and of all works which are presently under execution giving the name of the Employer, value, duration and proposed date of completion.

2.4.2 Details of organization, project control, and planning methods adopted for the design and supervision worlds.

2.4.3 Curriculum Vitae of the personnel nominated for this work. The CV detailing related qualification and past experience along with the nominated position for this project and its rationale.

2.4.4 Details to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of and experience in irrigation and agriculture engineering in similar areas where the prevailing weather is arid.

The details should show experience in similar works with particular reference to planning, designing and supervising farm irrigation system in arid areas.


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2.4.5 Details about the registration within Sultanate of Oman such as registration with Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Chamber of Commerce, Tender Board, etc.

2.4.6 Local resources including details of Sponsors, local partners, etc.

2.4.7 Availability of Resources Technical - Specifically the persons who are proposed to work in this project - exhibit the resources and capabilities for undertaking this project. Financial - A statement of the CE's financial standing including the name and address of his bank together with the authority to approach his banker for relevant Information and comment. P.I. Insurance Cover - an undertaking to obtain necessary covers from Local Insurance Companies. The CE should enclose the current insurance cover.

2.4.8 Man/days that will be utilized in and outside Oman in carrying out the work.

2.4.9 Programme showing sequence of events and its timings to complete the Assignment.

2.4.10 A Tender Bond in sum of 2% of the Tender Price, valid for 90 days, obtained from locally registered insurance company or bank.

2.4.11 A statement giving the name(s) of the person(s) authorized to sign Agreement on behalf of the CE.

2.4.12 All other additional information asked for in section 4.0.

2.5 The CE is reminded that it is of extreme importance that the additional documents/information, listed in Clause 2.4 of these Instructions, be bound and submitted with the Tender. Any Tender not accompanied by the appropriate information may be considered non-responsive.

2.6 The CE shall complete the Form of Tender, the appendices to the Form of Tender and shall sign by the authorized signatory and date the documents in the spaces provided. Any incomplete to improper Tender may be rejected.

2.7 The CE’s Tender shall consider all the expenses in and outside Oman to be incurred to complete the assignment.

2.8 The CE shall carefully examine this document, available data and other details of Sultanate of Oman to obtain necessary information which could affect the proposed organization, fees and the time and satisfy himself as to the risks, obligations and responsibilities to be


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undertaken under the Contract.

2.10 This is a fixed price contract. However, for understanding proposal and approach, the CE shall indicate clearly the level of efforts in terms of man/days, back up and other supports which has been taken into consideration.

2.11 All general Conditions of Contract related to payments, engagement of labor and wages, visas and permits, income tax, local taxes and customs are applicable in accordance with general laws prevailing in the Sultanate of Oman.

Should there be any doubt or obscurity as to the meaning of the Tender Documents or as to anything to be done under the Contract concerning these instructions or any other matters, the CE must set forth in writing such doubt or obscurity and deliver the same to the office of the Tender Committee not later than fourteen days before the date fixed for the submission of Tender. If considered appropriate, a reply in the form of a Circular letter/Addendum will be distributed to all Consulting Engineers to whom documents have been issued.

2.12 The currency of the contract will be Rial Omani.

2.13 The unit of measurement applicable for this work will be Metric Units.

2.14 The law of the Contract shall be governed by and construed according to the laws for the time being in force in the Sultanate of Oman.

2.15 No alteration shall be made in the Form of Tender or any associated documents attached to it. Any alteration other than filling the blanks, intended for that purpose, or failure to comply with these Instructions may result in the rejection of the Tender. Any alteration to a rate or cash extension made by the CE during the preparation of the Tender must be initialed by the CE prior to submission.

2.16 If CE has any reservation in the terms of Scope of Work and method of undertaking the services, CE should set forth such matters in a separate letter explaining them with rationale and its financial implication in detail on the Tender Price of the CE.

2.17 The Ministry will exclude any Consulting Engineer (CE) from evaluation if in the judgment of the Client the company has been or might be placed in a position where his judgment in the execution of the project may be biased. Companies which believe such a situation may exist should seek guidance from the Ministry prior to preparing its proposal.

2.18 The Ministry is not bound to accept the lowest or any Tender and will not pay any costs or expenses in connection with the preparation and Submission of this Tender.


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3 Conditions of Engagement


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3.0 Conditions of Engagement

3.1 The Conditions of Engagement shall be those contained within the 'Sultanate of Oman Standard Form of Agreement and Conditions of Engagement for consultancy Service for Building and Civil Engineering Works, Second Edition, March 1987, prepared by the Ministry of Finance, Muscat.

3.2 Tenderers are deemed to be in possession of their own copy of the Standard Documents at Tender Stage and to be fully aware of and to have understood the contents thereof.

3.3 The agreement with the successful Consultant will be entered in the same and hence all terms and conditions are applicable. The relevant parts of scope of services are considered to be part of Scope of Work detailed in Technical Terms of Reference - Section 4.0.


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4 Technical Terms of Reference


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4.0 Technical Terms of Reference


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4.1 Project Title:

Modem Irrigation for small farms under subsidy programme.

4.2 Location:

4.2.1 Various farms of individual farmers in all regions of Sultanate of Oman.

4.3 Objective:

4.3.1 To enable farmers to adopt the modern way of irrigating their produce.

4.3.2 To reduce the consumption of water per unit.

4.3.3 To achieve better production by way of systematic irrigation.

4.3.4 Specific: to appoint a consultant to design the irrigation method/system for various farms.

4.4 Scope of Services:

The appointed consultant will carry out the following but not limited to:

4.4.1 Collect and study complete survey of each farm.

4.4.2 Carryout agriculture studies as required.4.4.3 Hold discussion with the Ministry with alternative

proposals for combination of irrigation methods for up to 100 farms and finalize the pattern to be used for all other farms.

4.4.4 Prepare detailed hydraulic calculations of each of the above 100 farms 4.4.5 Prepare draft design for these 100 farms along with the draft

detailed quantities of the work and cost estimation and seek approval.

4.4.6 Prepare Standard detailed drawing for all aspects of irrigation system such as section through underground connection to equipment connection between pipes, valves, booster pumps, pressure control valves, etc.

4.4.7 Study the required power supply and power connections.

4.4.8 Proceed to prepare detailed designs and BOQ for each farm.

4.4.9 Prepare standard set of instruction, specification, conditions, payment schedule, etc. in a form of tender document.

4.4.10 Upon acceptance of the above model farms treat this as model and use the same for each of the remaining farms. Final documents expected for each farms are:

Tender documents (3 sets) Design drawings with all details (3 sets)


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Bill of quantities (3 sets) Miscellaneous as required One CD for each farm containing digital copy of the above

documents Confidential cost estimate of each farm with fully priced BOQ both in

hard and soft copy. The cost estimate shall be updated from time to time n accordance to the prices fluctuations as requested by the Client

4.4.11 the CE shall consider that(even if the design of each single farm has already been approved) the Ministry might require the CE to redesign the farm irrigation system several times due to varied site conditions, different opinion of the Ministry, limitation of budget and miscellaneous reasons. The CE shall allow in his financial offer for the above redesign activities without any claim for extra cost.

4.5 Technical Studies DetailsThe CE shall carryout the activities indicated above as detailed hereunder:

4.5.1 Survey Studies:The following data shall be analyzed:

Coordinates of boundaries of each farm and ground elevations along the whole farm plot

Data concerning soil type and water quality Area for different crops, plants, trees and wind breaks if any

shall be shown in the drawing. Location of well, open tank, pump houses, pumps details in the well,

etc. Location of power supply Any other item that may be required for irrigation system

4.5.2 Agriculture studies:The studies shall analyze for each farm the following aspects:

Recommended crops based on the water availability, water characteristics and soil type

Proposed Irrigation schedule Water consumptions based on the type of crops, farm layout and

climatic characteristics. 4.5.3 Hydraulic Studies

Detailed hydraulic calculations of each farm using approved software showing pressure layout, pipe velocities, emitters, drippers and sprinklers outflow, etc.

Pump stations calculations and layout including sizing of all piping works

4.5.4 Electrical Studies The CE shall compute all the power requirements for the operation

of the project and design the required electrical connections and obtain the required permits.

4.6 Distribution of farms in various regions to be undertaken for subsidies programme.


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4.6.1 The total number of farms for which design is required is equal to 700 farms distributed along the Sultanate of Oman. The exact distribution is presently unknown. The area of each farm can vary from 3 to 15 fadden.

The CE shall also consider that many of these farms might have high salinity water in which case the design of special measures including water treatment units shall be carried out.

The design of the various farms shall be carried out in accordance to the list of priorities given by the Ministry. This might involve to carry out simultaneously the design of farms scattered along different areas of Oman.

4.7 Timings

Along with the Tender, the CE should submit the programme of his activities." However, the Ministry considers the following times for carrying out design services activities. Final timings for each activity will benegotiated and finalized at the time preparation of Agreement.

4.7.1 Mobilization:

The CE will be allowed 7 days to mobilize all resources to proceed with the works.

4.7.2 Introductory discussion with the client: 10 days.

4.7.3 Survey of farms and prepare complete layout drawings 60 days.

4.7.4 Prepare draft design for 100 farms (representing different category), quantities and approximate estimate – 30 days after completion of 4.7.2.

4.7.5 Provide standard tender documents etc. within 20 days' after completion of draft design (actually this activity should run concurrently with the detailed design).

4.7.6 Prepare finalized tender document and modern design for 100 farms and submit within 20 days from the date of approval of 4.7.4 and 4.7.5.

4.7.7 Thereafter submit minimum 20 final design and tender documents every week.

4.7.8 From the above it is estimated that all works will be completed within 36 40 ــ weeks from the date of commencement.

4.7.9 All documents are to be submitted as per details given in section 7.0 of this tender.

4.8 Pricing

4.8.1 The CE will present the remuneration details in the following order


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and manner:

4.8.2 Overall price plus 10% contingency carried to form of Tender.

4.8.3 Breakdown of the overall price for completion of each task described in item and submission of all relevant documents. staff for each task showing their work in or outside Oman. The level of efforts broken down in categories of professional.

4.8.4 Cost analysis showing man month cost of various levels of staff input and support such as accommodation, travel, transport, printing, production of printed documents, equipment if any, drawing, maps, photographs etc.

4.8.5 Any other costs for office supports and cost not detailed in above paragraphs since it will be CE's responsibility to include all costs to complete this Assignment and carry over them to Overall Price in the Farm of Tender.

4.8.6 CE should supply full set of literature - books, design standards, reference catalogues, and software programmers’ etc. which are used/referred in preparation of design. The cost of such provision should be separately quoted.

4.9 Capabilities and experiences

The CE should demonstrate his capabilities to carry out the project by way of (1) similar projects carried out by the firm and (2) considerable expertise and experience in similar projects of professional nominated for this project. Working experience in arid region Past experience in Middle East, especially in Oman is preferable. The Consultant/Consortium should show the capabilities for multidisciplinary task as detailed in introduction (section 1) and in TOR. This should be detailed in his proposal.

4.10 Approach

The CE should present the approach by which the firm proposes to undertake and complete the' work. The CE should incorporate in the proposal, short but precise information about the following:

a. Level of efforts.b. Proposed professionals including Project Leader.c. Proposed fees.d. Chronology of events, schedule of staff inputs and timetablee. Managements, head office and local office levels.

The co-relation between the above also should be described.

The CE should nominate professional staffs who are free of conflicting work commitments.


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5 Responsibility of the Ministry


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5.0 Responsibilities of the Ministry

5.1 To provide all pertinent data, reports and give permission for access to the site and any other information if available, without any charges and within a reasonable time.

5.2 To appoint representatives to discuss the requirements and details relating to the proposed work.

5.3 To give decisions on the consulting Engineer's proposals within a reasonable time.

5.4 To certify fees invoices within 14 days from the date of the approval of works and make payment within 60 days from the date of certification.


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6 Review and Approval

6.0 Review and Approval


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6.1 After presentation of the various reports, designs and drawings in draft form, the Ministry along with other users will study the various aspects of work, prepare comments and call the Consulting Engineer (CE) for discussion within a reasonable time.

6.2 During the discussion, supplementary aspects may arise which in the opinion of the Ministry are required to fulfill the technical terms of reference.

6.3 The CE shall make note of such aspects and proceed to complete the necessary work. The CE shall amend, correct and modify the Reports, Drawings, Designs, Tender Documents etc. in accordance with the comments and in the light of discussions.

6.4 The CE shall report program and progress of such activities and submit the work.

6.5 The Ministry thereafter shall review the submission and give their approval of the work under review within a reasonable time.


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7 Preparation and Submission of Document


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7.0 Preparation and Submission of Documents

7.1 The Consulting Engineer (CE) shall prepare, print and bind the documents (reports, maps, drawings, photo graphs, designs, etc.) in a presentable manner.

7.2 Unless specifically stated in the technical terms of reference. generally the following will be required.

7.2.1 Three copies of any draft documents

7.2.2 Drawings and other details for submission to various authorities in Government at different stage as required during the course of work.

7.2.3 Three copies of Final Documents for each farms (i.e. detail design drawings, tender documents etc).

7.2.4 One set of Design calculation.

7.3 Final Submission

7.3.1 One set of all original materials, negatives of photographs, reproducible tracings of drawings, all original data set etc. should be submitted to the Ministry at the end of the assignment. The submission should be made in a professional manner enabling easy and safe storage.

7.3.2 Computer File Records.

2 sets of 3.5 inch CDs containing all designs, Tender documents including drawings in MS word/Excel (updated version) format.

7.3.3 Supply of full set of literature (as referred in 4.8.6).


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8 Form of Tender Including Appendices


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Short Description of Works: Consultancy Services for Design Works Modern Irrigation for small Far.ms under subsidy Programme


(Note: Appendices from part of the Tender. Teneerers are required to fill up all the blank spaces in this Form of Tender and Appendices)

To H.E. the Undersecretary

Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries

P.O. Box 467, Muscat P.C.113Sultanate of Oman

Your Excellency,

1. Having examined the instructions to the Consulting Engineers, the Technical Terms of Reference and Conditions of Engagement and other provisions Tender, the undersigned, offer to carryout services for the amount of Omani …………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (R.O. ……………………………………………..) or such other sum as may be ascertained in accordance with the said conditions.

2. We undertake if our Tender is accepted to commence the Works within (7) days from receiving the Client’s order to commence, and to complete and deliver the total Works within agreed period.

3. We agree to abide by this Tender for a period of 90 days from the date fixed for receiving the same and it shall be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period.

4. In the event of our Tender being accepted and until a formal Agreement is prepared and executed this Tender, together with your written acceptance thereof, shall constitute a binding obligation upon us.

5. We undertake that you are not bound to accept the lowest of any Tender you may receive.

6. We acknowledge receipt of the following circular letters/addenda:

Reference Number of Letter Date

……………………………………………… …………………………….……………………………………………… …………………………….……………………………………………… …………………………….……………………………………………… …………………………….

and confirm we have taken account thereof in our Tender.

--------------------------------------------------------Signature of the Consulting Engineer


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Date ……………………………………


1. Language : English

2. Period for Commencement from : Seven (7) daysMinistry’s order

3. Amount of Penalty : Refer to Appendix ‘B’ (Schedule of Penalties)

4. Interim Payment : To be agreed

5. Time within which payment : Sixty (60) daysTo be made after certificate

6. Interest for delay in payment : 7% per annum

7. Amount of Insurance Cover : During Design and Tendering Period R.O. 10,000/-

--------------------------------------------------------Signature of the Consulting Engineer

Date ……………………………………


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Schedule of Penalties

The Client shall impose penalties in the event the CE fails to complete and deliver the tasks (part of overall works) within the agreed/extended time limits as detailed below:

(Please cross-refer paras in TOR)

B.1 R.O. 15/- day of delay in submission of 100 model farms draft design as referred in 4.4.3.

B.2 R.O. 15/- per day of delay in submission of final detailed drawings of the model set of farms.

B.3 R.O. 10/- per day of delay in submission of draft tender documents for the model set of farms.

B.4 R.O. 5/- per day of delay in submission of [mal tender documents, drawings, and design for model set of farms.

B.5 For the rest of works RO. 10/- per day of delay for each design drawing and tender documents.

The overall penalty shall not exceed 10% of the fees for Design Services.

This schedule will be reviewed during contract negotiations and appropriate changes will be made in accordance with the contract programme and schedule of submissions.

--------------------------------------------------------Signature of the Consulting Engineer

Date ……………………………………


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Summary of Prices

Description Amount in RO

1 Design fees and full submission

2 Supply of full set of literature (as referred in 4.8.6)

(A) Total

(B) Contingency 10% of (A)

(C) Total Carried toForm of Tender = (A) + (B) = C

Omani Rial ……………………………………………………………………………………………

Signature and stamp of the company


Telephone and Fax . Nos


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(A) Detailed Cost Breakdown of Design Fees:

Description Amount in R.O.

1 Model set of farms design anddocuments (ref. 4.4.1 to 4.4.9)

2 Set of and tenderdocuments for each farm between 3 and 15 feddan (all as per TOR)

700 far.ms x………………... =

Total (A) carried to Summary

--------------------------------------------------------Signature of the Consulting Engineer

Date ……………………………………


Description Unit Cost in R.O.

A0 Copy Negative

A0 Dyeline Print

A1 Copy Negative


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A1 Dyeline Print

A2 Copy Negative

A2 Dyeline Print

A3 Photocopy

A4 Photocopy

Computer file recorded, define the detail and provide breakdown on separate sheet.

Provide Details

Complete tender documents including set of drawings (unit cost per set) (provide cost of each Tender Document Separately or a separate sheet)

Provide Details

Cost Professional Services R.O. Per working day

Senior: Engineer / quantity Surveyor

Engineer / Quantity Surveyor

Assistant: Engineer / Quantity Surveyor


Note* The above rates are to be fully inclusive of all costs, overheads and profit, and all things whatsoever necessary for the provision of services required under Clause 7.4 (b) and 7.5 of the Agreement subject to be of the above rate and the rate at which the consultant has priced the tender.

The applicable rate will be reduced and works at 75% and 50% of daily rate for single continuous assignment for a week (5 working days) or more and for 2 weeks or more respectively.

--------------------------------------------------------Signature of the Consulting Engineer

Date ……………………………………