2019.2.1 (Fri) Click Click PDF Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, th special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Bel belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is wide ogistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logist of special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber pro ng belt, w ing belt lashin gis lt lashing belt, stics i g belt, whi ts Sling Belt.com s Sling B elt, which i t, whi dustry, th gistics indus l rubber product products s Sling B g belt, w l rubber pr lt lashing bel ely us elt.com m /Sling belt t, which is f special sale of s g Belt.com /Sli Sling Be rubber produ sale of special r m /S pro which is oducts s widely us ch is is wid pecial rubb dely used in bber ng Belt.co sed in th cts Sling B g Belt.com /Sli of special ru Sling belt lash rubber prod be ch i oducts Sling s wide s widely u /S used in th Sling belt la lo ashing belt, w industry, which is which is widely us ng Belt.co widely us dustry, the sale cts Sling Belt.com the sale of Belt.com is widely us lt.co SLING BELT.COM ADVERTISEMENT No. 24 Transport TEL FAX E-Meil ベルト自体が反射する ベルトの長さ分だけ光る 光源はどこにでもある は日没がまだ早く、日の出も遅いので暗い時間が 長く、視認性が下がり、車間距離を測りにくいなど の要因から歩行者や自転車を見つけにくく、 事故が発生 しやすい時期のようです。 そのため早めにライトを点灯することが進められています。 それと同時に積荷の大きさや量などを他車に見やすくする ことで、他車や歩行者に注意を促し、交通事故を減らすの に役立てばとわたしたちは考えます。 反射 発光 HANSYA HAKKOU KEY WORD キーワード 2月 Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 反射ラッシングベルト50mm幅 レッド 巻取側 5.0m 固定側 1m 販売価格 6,264 Jフック ・ベルトに反射材が縫い込まれているので、他に反射板などを用意しなくても大丈夫。 ・トラックで荷物を固縛した場合、ベルトの長さ分だけ光るので、 荷物の大きさを認識しやすくなるので注意喚起ができます。 ・少しの光源(懐中電灯、車のヘッドライト等)があれば、うす暗い場所でも 固縛したベルトが反射するので見つけやすくなります。 ベルトのそれぞれの端に蓄光シートを縫製するオプションです。蓄光シートが光をためて発光する ので暗い場所で作業をするとき、ベルトの端が一目で確認でき視認性・作業効率 UP! 2箇所(ベルト両端)に縫製します。 フックの付いたものは3箇所に蓄光シートを 縫製します。 (フックの縫製部分と巻取側の端) ●エンドレス ●エンドレス以外 (例はRフック) 蓄光シートオプション 商品詳細ページの蓄光シートの ラジオボタン(画像の部分)に チェックを付けてカートに入れて 下さい。 箱車の中が暗い時でも光っていれば それぞれの位置がすぐに確認できます。 イベントなどで一時的に高くて暗い場所に 物を固定した時、下からでもラッシング・ ベルトの先端が位置が確認しやすい。 暗い場所での積込み・積降ろし 作業をする際、フック、ベルト 端の位置が目視で確認しやすい ので作業効率がアップます。 (J・I フック・エンドレスなど) こんな時あると便利、安心 明るい場所で光を蓄え 暗い場所で発光して見える

SLING BELT.COM ADVERTISEMENT belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products /Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in

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2019.2.1 (Fri)




Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com

Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.combelt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products

/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products /Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products

/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products

/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products

Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.comSling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of /Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of

/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products /Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com

/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products

/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber /Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products

Sling Belt.combelt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products

Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber /Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products

Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber Sling Belt.comlogistics industry, the sale of special rubber products logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products products

which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products products Sling Belt.comwhich is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products of special rubber products which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products of special rubber products

Sling Belt.comwhich is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products products Sling Belt.comSling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products

/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products

/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products /Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.comSling Belt.com

/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products /Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber

/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products /Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber

/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products /Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber

/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products /Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber /Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber /Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber

Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber

/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products Sling Belt.com

/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of /Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of special rubber products

Sling Belt.com/Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely /Sling belt lashing belt, which is widely used in the logistics industry, the sale of

Sling Belt.com


Transport TEL FAXE-Meil




    は日没がまだ早く、日の出も遅いので暗い時間が    長く、視認性が下がり、車間距離を測りにくいなどの要因から歩行者や自転車を見つけにくく、事故が発生しやすい時期のようです。 そのため早めにライトを点灯することが進められています。 それと同時に積荷の大きさや量などを他車に見やすくすることで、他車や歩行者に注意を促し、交通事故を減らすのに役立てばとわたしたちは考えます。





ベルト自体が反射するPoint 1

ベルトの長さ分だけ光るPoint 2

光源はどこにでもあるPoint 3

反射ラッシングベルト50mm幅 レッド反射ラッシングベルト50mm幅 レッド

巻取側 5.0m 固定側 1m

販売価格 6,264円Jフック・ベルトに反射材が縫い込まれているので、他に反射板などを用意しなくても大丈夫。













