Practical Assignment Optimization: Waste Collection van x naar u Kevin van Blokland, MSc 22 november 2016

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Practical Assignment Optimization:

Waste Collection

van x naar u

Kevin van Blokland, MSc

22 november 2016

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Practical assignment: Van Gansewinkel Groep

“Waste doesn’t exist”

Offers integral waste services and reliable environmental solutions for 9

European countries

Specialized in collecting, transferring, recycling and processing waste

Copyright CQM B.V.

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Practical assignment in a nutshell

Given the following inputs:

A number of waste collection vehicles

A waste disposal location

A list of orders of waste collection points

A distance matrix between waste collection points

Create the following plan:

Create a weekly schedule for each vehicle such that as much orders as possible

are fulfilled and the total use time of the waste collection vehicles is minimized

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Orders Van Gansewinkel Groep

Van Gansewinkel Groep has various subscription types for sale for the

collection of waste:

Fixed schedule for customers

- Frequency varies from five times per week to once every 12 weeks.

- For this assignment the frequency varies from one to five times per week.

One ore more containers with a volume of 140 to 5000 liters

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Valid frequencies for waste collection

When a customer subscribes for example for garbage collection twice per week,

the two collection times should be more or less evenly spread over the week

Table below shows valid waste collection patterns:

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Indication Frequency Valid patterns

1PWK Once per week mo, tu, we, th, fr

2PWK Twice per week mo_th, tu_fr

3PWK Three times per week mo_we_fr

4PWK Four times per week mo_tu_we_th, mo_tu_we_fr,

mo_tu_th_fr, mo_we_th_fr,


5PWK Five times per week mo_tu_we_th_fr

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Fleet Van Gansewinkel Groep

2 vehicles

Both vehicles available on Monday to Friday from 6:00h until 18:00h

Outside the times above the vehicles have to be empty and be present at the

waste disposal location

The capacity per vehicle is 20.000 liters

The volume of waste is reduced by a factor five when it is collected.

For example a container of 1000 liters corresponds with a volume of 200 liter in

the garbage collection vehicle.

- Containers usually are not completely filled

- Waste is thickened by compressing it

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Disposal of waste

Collected waste has to be taken to the waste processor which is located

at the waste disposal location

Disposal of waste always takes 30 minutes

It is allowed to dispose waste more than once per day

The two vehicles may dispose waste at the same time

When waste is disposed at the end of the day, the waste disposal has to

be finished before 18:00h

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Objective of the assignment

Make routes whereby for each customer the waste is collected with the agreed


The total use time of the vehicles has to be minimized.

The total use time is the sum of:

- Time of emptying containers

- Total travel time

- Time of disposing waste

Orders have to be planned completely or not be planned:

- Not planning an order yields a penalty of 3 times the total emptying time. The total

emptying time is defined as the single emptying time multiplied by the number of

times an order has to be collected.

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Order Unique number for the order

Plaats Location

Frequentie Collection frequency of the order

AantContainers Number of containers that have to be collected each time. All containers

have the same type (volume)

VolumePerContainer Volume per container at the customer (uncompressed)

LedigingsDuurMinuten Emptying time of this order (all containers together)

MatrixID Reference to the distance matrix

Xcoordinaat X coordinate of this order

Ycoordinaat Y coordinate of this order

MatrixID1 Reference of the from location

MatrixID2 Reference of the to location

Afstand Distance from the “from location” to the “to location” in meters

Rijtijd Travel time from the “from location” to the “to location” in seconds

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Solution format

A route is a per vehicle (1 and 2) per day (1 through 5) ordered list of orders that

are collected after each other. The route also contains one or more waste

disposal moments.

Format file:

Copyright CQM B.V.

Vehicle; Day; Sequence number; Order

Vehicle {1, 2}

Day {1, …, 5} (1=mo, 2=tu, 3=we, 4=th, 5=fr)

Sequence number {1, 2, … } Sequence number from which the sequence of the route per vehicle

per day can be deduced. The sequence may start per vehicle each day at 1.

Order Order from Orderbestand.txt. When the vehicle goes to dispose waste, this

should be indicated with order number 0.

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Waste disposal location

Van Gansewinkel Groep Oost Brabant

Den Engelsman 4


MatrixID = 287

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Omitted conditions

In the project CQM executed for Van Gansewinkel Groep the following conditions

also had to be taken into account:

Continuity for the customer (collect garbage at the approximately the same time

each day)

Continuity for the driver (each day more or less the same addresses, whereby

some addresses are deleted or added)

Additional frequencies for orders

Different waste disposal locations with various disposal time and costs

Fuel costs

Vehicles are not homogeneous

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Results project

Saving in costs

Saving in kilometers

Saving in planning time

- At first a full time planner was required for about 3 to 4 months,

this has been reduced to approximately one month

More insight in the effects of new customers

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Informatie over CQM

van x naar u

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Profiel CQM

Focus op

Onze basis

Ons bedrijf




Six sigma


Logistieke modellen

Machine learning

40 consultants, 40 jaar ervaring

Volledig eigendom van

management en medewerkers

Gevestigd in Eindhoven

Specialisten in het fact-based ontwerpen en verbeteren van

product- en proces en het optimaliseren van planning en logistiek.

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Consultants in Quantitative Methods (CQM)

• Fact based / kwantitatieve aanpak om organisaties, processen en producten te verbeteren.

• 3 groepen: planning, chain management, product and process improvement.

• 40 werknemers, 60% zitten in hun eerste baan, 35% PhD’s.

• Een baan: met de klant omgaan, wiskundige modellen bouwen, implementatie in software.

• Eigendom van de medewerkers.

We willen met 10 man groeien over de komende 5 jaar.

• Altijd op zoek naar geschikte kandidaten.

• Ook voor Master afstudeerprojecten.

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CQM’s values Commitment


Personal development

Working together

Creativity Results

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Warmtebedrijf Rotterdam

Warmtebedrijf Rotterdam brengt warmte die

over is bij industriële processen in de haven,

via een efficiënt leidingennetwerk tot in de stad.

Warmte van vuilverbrander AVR

Warmte wordt gebruikt voor de verwarming van

woningen in de Rotterdamse wijken Hoogvliet,

Charlois, en door het Maasstad Ziekenhuis

In dienst sinds 1 oktober 2013

Bron: Warmtebedrijf Rotterdam

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Netwerk van transportleidingen

Bron: Warmtebedrijf Rotterdam

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Ondersteuning nodig bij

- Optimalisatie

- Reconciliatie (afrekening met EON)

- Analyse

voor de dispatching van DNWW

Dispatching: productieplan

- Op welke momenten warmte maken?

- Warmtebufferstrategie

Ondersteuning in de vorm van een tool in AIMMS

Bron: Warmtebedrijf Rotterdam

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How growers become energy suppliers. How does that work?

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The growers perspective

The choices the grower can take

- Produce heat upfront and store it in a buffer

- Produce heat just in time

- Use boiler to produce heat

- Use CHP to produce heat and electricity

Heat and C02 for own usage, but electricity can be sold

What is needed for the 10 o’clock decision?

- Make a production plan for tomorrow and

sell at the electricity today before 10am.

- Based on

- Current situation

- Plan for today

- Forecasts for future heat, power consumption

- Forecasts for future gas and electricity prices

Optimization to make the ultimate bid at the energy market

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Frog AGV Systems


Handle the AGV flows through the elevator system

as fast as possible taking into account due times and



Due times should be met

Some flows have a higher priority than others

Different floor and elevator layouts

Maximum calculation time (0.5 seconds)

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Tekst 100%


Leestekst (16 pt.)





Bullet (16 pt.)

• Sub-bullet 1 (14 pt.)

Kopje paars (16 pt.)

Level up

Level down

6 Kopje blauw (16 pt.)

3 o Sub-bullet 2 (14 pt.)

What are we modelling/simulating

Model objects

Elevator tower


AGV Traffic


We restrict ourselves to

the direct surroundings of

a single elevator bank.

AGV becomes known to

us when arriving at an

elevator LSP.

Then we tell the AGV (and

the elevators) what to do.

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Leestekst (16 pt.)





Bullet (16 pt.)

• Sub-bullet 1 (14 pt.)

Kopje paars (16 pt.)

Level up

Level down

6 Kopje blauw (16 pt.)

3 o Sub-bullet 2 (14 pt.)

Inzet van deep learning voor herkennen van defecten

Copyright © CQM


Defects Onbeschadigd spoor

Squat B

500x500 pixels

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Leestekst (16 pt.)





Bullet (16 pt.)

• Sub-bullet 1 (14 pt.)

Kopje paars (16 pt.)

Level up

Level down

6 Kopje blauw (16 pt.)

3 o Sub-bullet 2 (14 pt.)

Ontwerp van een neuraal netwerk



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Tekst 100%


Leestekst (16 pt.)





Bullet (16 pt.)

• Sub-bullet 1 (14 pt.)

Kopje paars (16 pt.)

Level up

Level down

6 Kopje blauw (16 pt.)

3 o Sub-bullet 2 (14 pt.)

Deep learning machine


Beste videokaart van het moment

Machine uitbreidbaar naar 3-way SLI

3600 cores

Trainen van grote dataset duurt

enkele minuten in plaats van dagen!

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Tekst 100%


Leestekst (16 pt.)





Bullet (16 pt.)

• Sub-bullet 1 (14 pt.)

Kopje paars (16 pt.)

Level up

Level down

6 Kopje blauw (16 pt.)

3 o Sub-bullet 2 (14 pt.)



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Nacht van Eindhoven

Competitie tussen Universiteiten, georganiseerd door CQM


Team van Universiteit Utrecht won editie 2015!

Roel van den Broek, Geertièn de Vries & Peter Ypma