ESTABLISHED 1884. THURSDAY. JASTJABT 19. ,I$93. -»IC»TWO NEW JERSEY DIVISIOK|THE CHILDREN'S HOME. 4V TB* Hf«HC»F LZAO0E OF HIDE BT CAPlAia HAND. -Followed \>7 > BaPKnaOt. Fftotoynphw* lo *> ftti>dWeroot Followhwont tta* Idea the dli -iwUI meet tn tbla olty to-nlaUt BB jrueata of tbe Plainfleld Camera aub. Tbe member* w)B reach this «J»* . MCWI tram from Kewark. Tney wi net Bt ttan denot by member, of tb lfrpa.1 oiub and eebnrted fo the Republ rooma, on Bast Front MM, ifM «<iMi all will adjouro to th CamrraUubroowootbeopoosHe tM <f$lHlHn .t > < h m i oollatton will be Thf imnqunt trill be IBob»r»« of B. SteT«n*. H. U. Coward andJ. BltKVlTIEH —A alelflblnjr party erf about twm -To-'laj baa been the two wwh. Tb« UrWtnemete IWM was thirty-two decree* above zero -AH frtondaof tbe Y. M.C.A., l.dle. „-,]!-. aenth-men. are tnTltod (oat tend I be «w«oly-«.tih anolToraan In ^ Cr^wot ATetwe Cbnrob tbla erent n«> —The onptB of BIHir mad Inntt*. U HorthFlsleleld partlM who w*re IB- dkrt eil for stealing: poult 17. were put off ooUt ih" Apnt M m of tte Sonerao*, OOQDtT CffllM». j, -Attbentofltlnxof HwSort* Plain- fl-14 oreoM Tiifrftr Ibe pUn «* hotd- IB*-B fair u> sevare foods tofuralab their parlor* was dtaonssed. •aircbild. B. O. Aaams. D. a Allen, T MoCann, n J. BUM and C. Ltpplnoott were appointed a oommltt - —Aa unaanmraafni attempt jrtl^rtUr to flood tbe teonla oourt of the park Club for skating, M tbe — drained away through tb» PBBSONAli. Mr. Conrad Broiey of Harriaoo straot, Vorth Plmmfleld Is confined to tho boaaW Mrs. Prank 0. Herri ng ft*s*e B dell* h t- fnl tea party Bt herbome on Eaat Ninth •trust yeaterday afternoon. —Tbe NorthFlalnfl^ld DeoiocratlcAsso- ciation will bold a meeting Intheir he quarter* on Someraet atreet to-nbtbt. General O. O. Howard, Commander the United tttoie*army, reviewed a drill by tbe luml Cadets In tbe Orescent Sink, thl* afterooau. Ur.J.C. IVnainarton, tornwrly ot thlt oil,, bnt now enaawed In basloass in Freehold, I* vtsltlna; Mr. E. M. Od.m of Ariinatoa Mr. Hal*Uad Coniptnn of West Front atreet returned borne Tuesday from tbo Booth, wber* be has bean enjoyta* an extended hanllnc trip. MbM boots Weaver, who haa been _ for nine lime at the bome ot Dr. 8. D. Keoney of West fourth street, with •anptlon. died last evening. Mr. William Wood, of North Fmlnleld, wm. mimed to Mlaa Lottie Force ot Booth Oraaaa by BAT. Dr. IKJ. lerkea laat Sunday «fWnoon at three o'clock. At Tuesday- night'* meeting of tbe. PUioBrld CMaer* dab Meaara. B. A. Htpnun, Mi and V. M. Hnlett werf eleoted aottv* members and t. t>. Boa- yon, h. B. WooMon, T. H. Burr, and V. W. Naab wen ber»o( that ontaninl ion. morrr party of yoanaj people kered at tbe home of Man Carrie Mebl, on wot Haeoad atraot, lant oren- 1«. Abont -Irtt oVtook Captain Band, arrived witfa foot- bnrsea and tied sad ooatvered ta« party beth, whFre, >• tbe «ueata of Mra. Loulaa Tsa wan Mrs, fallal, •died mat Baaday of oonsampUoo and waa iMirtad TneaaV- B** nosbBnd la a vember ot Fiains»ld Lod«e, Mo. « , I. O. O. F., of thlaofiy. Two of the members Bf wbwb attoanod tbe faneral-N. O., John B. Btaata Bad V. O, Sdward B, ait aa a token from their •a*, a beaatiful plUow of •oBrera, wllh % tnanriBthHi -'X O. O. J". Mo. M- on It. laMe Mai tox'a H o n e Bo tin A way. Wblle OoaaBable Maltox u d hli «way. Thrower* both thrown out and tb*. >lri«b wTeoked. but loe anbnal wai •n«lij cawrM. A fanner kindly loaned them another atela* and the BMVpro- c^dd on Ihfllr J PlTM Chorch of OhriM N M I I i p . IatMMloc BMeUoca aro hi pnwt*ai a* tbf rbapfl of the Flrat Court* or Chrtat, on Ororf atreet. The Or»t on* warn brId on Hew Year'attWrbtandh«T« ba*a ooo- tlQurd olfcbtlr alncr. The mreiloic* will t>-> contioaMl aa lou c BB tb* Mmt la MM Tbe children play«t naM oo«U s t r t t o'Hook, waon Captain Band oarrWd ibf II lb« boya and glrto wmTOt* fw Ca| all r-MTunaUi enonab to heor her, sent ti the tftjaanrer or the Home a ofceck fa twenty BT* dollar, from tho suan pah Last, bnt by no means lent, tfcu Hao- rrra return thanks to all tbe friend wboaa Keneroaa donation* made tbi Christmas tree auob a happy Hma for tbi children Bt the Home. moaily froa aonthKM*, hMt drt»«>n ua out Ot our oourae, ao tbat aniuly M we »«re oa t IM< ibon-. t IHItt mat of Cano Bora. The bar wa* low, K.M in. T»a oornaj la quoted Mm. "Fnttoui ffatea rom 8-8- *. and awfal aqi(Bl|* of aoaw and ballt DMMatallMnK l«a rnanln- frOal Soulh, ihlp Jylna; l»«aMe Mdvr w«t*r tld p Haah aad Mr. land. The wremonr a be Hm*. U. K«Dn«dy XewvO, Hope CbapeL Tbo baa» William A. Lclaod, a b •room, and Mlaa Ala.Naafa aot*4 aa brideaiaald. Tbe brldn wore a pretty jtowo or bead raj falUe, trtnunod with poaria an4 pala. Amon( tbe rural* were Mr. and Mra. CbarteB A. Lelaod, Mr. and Mr*. V. B. Maab or Maapoth, L. L, Mr. and Mr*. Wm. Dtrattoa of eiuabetb. Mr.aad Mm. 1. O L. Crawford or Jarapy City, Mia- *Jic« Lrtand.MiaaFloreuew Man>b, MIM Ada Waxn«r.Mta» LHUBD Toawt. MM Mar Bobbard, Mlaa Faonto Scbomp, Mia* C, , Ulaa Ucaw BaUfdK a " Arthur H. Lelaod, WIlBam 3, Frank F. Storr, Walter Magi Frederick Bebomp, B, D. Gray and 1 hrrofatn*. Weather adrift ainoaaibte to "wear ahip" from la* fury BOB." (JOBjr- wrHer alp from l of tao n l » and Ibe awful aea." DaI.Ji.lyl, 1KB.) At wap.ia.ibe wife knelt lo pra]rer«" Ii wma DO "Waok bottooileaa eye-so«k*t" tbat they In tbat wful boar looked up fate, bat ibe -or an I>t«l)i«*at Fa he God of our Lon» Jewia Cbriat. We A bountiful wedding snpper waa served by a FialoQeld oBterer. after which aB anjoyed da.wlna: until elate Tbe newly married oouple »t*rted thte faertroon on a twoweek*' j MaaaaobOBBtta. They will reaide in adiy ootbolr return. meeting held Irrlday.JanaaryUtb, PuiDdeld Benlnary. the under- were appointed a oonimittee to specimens ol orlaiBal dea « work aod embmldery to! at tba CotasoMaa Bxpoalil trost tbe women of tbi* city aad of an int*reat In CORRESPfJI«NCE. "If •• •aM •asarerao Pl*r*r aaTered by M and Ooa. Boa ird. Aa as*al Oo oHlaovOm-h [Bia, and hat Totoo 4. endM •** to tafwar dia- •DM (he Pr. MeUM eaDana « In lit*, w M - trt odwaiand of ib Am^rimo ahip "FrlHliirfH." of Bo.Iou, bound froa MpfniofK BdlTta, »UViii- t t B i i a»».plT laden viib l Tbe rond Manblne To Qo. of tbls dry are anpplylnj: aorn* of a <a»obioery to *-«BJlt Tho oompaoy bairn reearred twenty *e aorea fur anbtber aaannrBotwrlna; ooaapany. which will BBBBB ahma; later ^"rzsJS^SwT" •* ' Meet Corapaay-s work* will ba» arttyot BftT wHrlt per day. be msklox other a|eof onsUnff. tsr Jads. A buiiaiuc to b* apad, aa a arooory aentwbatabeonerenledl n<t the wort o orenllBBt bonaos haa b on pufbed »ijror onaly ap to tbe ooma rooemBnt of the GARWOOPi GROWING. py-» n#w p»oo.-*a, bar* o adopted b the Sosdhw tratem, U «leraled roarta ofNewY<wk,«Kla»»n fhl roada terouebnuf tho airaotonandadjototn tae Mas) Ooa»- BoUiooooer'* w«J«ii employment LATEST NEWS BY WIRE. • awratofc waUad down IOOB; deoMon. la whleb be denied tho application or Horatio 8. BuBerd for irrlt o! mtDdimut lo compel Patrick Glesaoo to hand owr lo HaDford the boohs and pa pen aad tanoa>jo of Mayor ot LOOK Uland City. his daolaion. Jnatlnn BartloU tbat Mr. UlrnBUB IBant th* Mayor' Ialand City l.y reason of bold In after the expiration ot hi* term, aa be be regarded aa Mayor by a of tb* oertlaoat« swaod to Sim by City (Jerk Bora*, upon flection rstarna which were manifestly raoorirot, M in ihooBMof the pMfdo ex. Banford acalast; Bark*. "On thootber band," the Jnatfeo a 1 BBB not BMiaBed tbat Mr. Sanfnrd w e n > legally qoalMed lo sot as Major As Ctiy Olork Burke ana al—innrtiii aad as there U a qansnan aalo tbe lnaalll ol Mr. Olaaaou holdh.« theofsoe, Mieba Cwven, FratdMit ot ibe Board i from China by Ibe ateamauli i of iBpna, say that two yona* BftBroelj all teen years old, wer? trtWl H king repepMy. COATRW] with to antanaav To aala tan ajfectiooa to be belpp*. Stay door up lo Ood only writer 1bt>a wot OD deck and lold Malatoicet •T*» abaord iKe Mate may hare 104 BOBTOH BLB ACHED SKKETTNG SOr «W 8TYIXB UN OOTUwS, IOC, HOOK FOtOTB BLACK EHM, t « o . j WHITE ft VAN ABSDALE. DRY GOODS. MllXlllBRY. : HOUSE FC PSISHINH GOODS. MUSIC HALL TO-NIGHT aited IIIBI— IHMrMt Goairt Tbe folioWIDC are tbemetnbera of ^ so* to TraotMi^UrteceWM Mrs. & A. Ginna, 157Broadway, Flala? Dtstrlo* Depnty Chariea W ndtUJr. 11WH Grand T. Joaom, Gkaad Financial 1. Morton, sad Grand Inatd* and increase* ienjoyment. •on aod partook of a bountiful T.M.O.A. The Twoutyafth aunireraary of tbo ouuc M«ma Chriatlan A*aoclallon wU* Tha fflaM « T B I GREAT HRIDOK A. hotel last nljttit. It waa a twuBlorj fraco* STTLLMAN MUSIC HALL! J. A. I»BMMlRaT, . . I -" MOU l i r a Monday Evening, January 23. BaBBrnof me fa»ortto oamedlaa, JOHN T. [• KELLY, pm»int,mllmtmm "McFEE Oil' DUBLIN." Sleighs! Sleighs! mnr AHD SECOSD HAND. Call Earl, IT VIM WUh BARGAINS. L, M. FRENCH, * i ;• . i —faii»ai«i ' is. in, ao. aa aoMKRHKT STREET. When You Want To Hire A Sleigb, The New Address attto Elkwood HEW JERSEY DIVISION THE CHILDRENS HOME. LATEST NEWS BY WIRE. GARWOOD IWING. STILLMAN MUSIC HALL! Monday Evening, January 23. JOHN T. KELLY, Sleighs Sleighs! WHITE & VAN ABSDALE. MUSIC HALL! The Scout.

Sleighs! Sleighs! · Mrs. Prank 0. Herri ng ft*s*e B dell* h t-fnl tea party Bt her bome on Eaat Ninth •trust yeaterday afternoon. —Tbe NorthFlalnfl^ld DeoiocratlcAsso-ciation

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Page 1: Sleighs! Sleighs! · Mrs. Prank 0. Herri ng ft*s*e B dell* h t-fnl tea party Bt her bome on Eaat Ninth •trust yeaterday afternoon. —Tbe NorthFlalnfl^ld DeoiocratlcAsso-ciation




-Followed \>7 > BaPKnaOt.

Fftotoynphw* lo*> f t t i > d W e r o o t

Followhwont tta* Idea the dli-iwUI meet tn tbla olty to-nlaUt BB jrueataof tbe Plainfleld Camera aub.

Tbe member* w)B reach this «J»* .MCWI tram from Kewark. Tney wit» net Bt ttan denot by member, of tblfrpa.1 oiub and eebnrted fo the Republ

rooma, on Bast Front

MM, i f M «<iMi all will adjouro to thCamrraUubroowootbeopoosHe tM< f $ l H l H n . t > < h m i oollatton will be

Thf imnqunt trill be IB ob»r»« of

B. SteT«n*. H. U. Coward and J.


—A alelflblnjr party erf about twm

-To-'laj baa been thetwo w w h . Tb« UrWtnemeteIWM was thirty-two decree* above zero

-AH frtondaof tbe Y. M.C.A., l .dle.„ - , ] ! - . aenth-men. are tnTltod (oattend I be «w«oly-«.tih anolToraan In ^Cr^wot ATetwe Cbnrob tbla erent n«>

—The onptB of BIHir mad Innt t* . UHorthFlsleleld partlM who w*re IB-dkrt eil for stealing: poult 17. were put offooUt ih" Apnt M m of tte Sonerao*,OOQDtT CffllM ». j ,

-Attbentofltlnxof Hw Sort* Plain-fl-14 oreoM Tiifrftr Ibe pUn «* hotd-IB*-B fair u> sevare foods to furalab theirparlor* was dtaonssed.•aircbild. B. O. Aaams. D. a Allen, TMoCann, n J. BUM and C. Ltpplnoottwere appointed a oommltt -

—Aa unaanmraafni attemptjrtl^rtUr to flood tbe teonla oourt of thepark Club for skating, M tbe —drained away through tb»

PBBSONAli.Mr. Conrad Broiey of Harriaoo straot,

Vorth Plmmfleld Is confined to tho boaaW

Mrs. Prank 0. Herri ng ft*s*e B dell* h t-fnl tea party Bt her bome on Eaat Ninth•trust yeaterday afternoon.

—Tbe NorthFlalnfl^ld DeoiocratlcAsso-ciation will bold a meeting In their hequarter* on Someraet atreet to-nbtbt.

General O. O. Howard, Commanderthe United tttoie*army, reviewed a drillby tbe luml Cadets In tbe Orescent Sink,thl* afterooau.

Ur.J.C. IVnainarton, tornwrly ot thltoil,, bnt now enaawed In basloass inFreehold, I* vtsltlna; Mr. E. M. Od.m ofAriinatoa

Mr. Hal*Uad Coniptnn of West Frontatreet returned borne Tuesday from tboBooth, wber* be has bean enjoyta* anextended hanllnc trip.

MbM boots Weaver, who haa been _for nine lime at the bome ot Dr. 8. D.Keoney of West fourth street, with•anptlon. died last evening.

Mr. William Wood, of North Fmlnleld,wm. mimed to Mlaa Lottie Force otBooth Oraaaa by BAT. Dr. IK J. lerkealaat Sunday «fWnoon at three o'clock.

At Tuesday- night'* meeting of tbe.PUioBrld CMaer* d a b Meaara. B. A.Htpnun, Mi and V. M. Hnlett werfeleoted aottv* members and t. t>. Boa-yon, h. B. WooMon, T. H. Burr, and V.W. Naab wenber»o( that ontaninl ion.

morrr party of yoanaj peoplekered at tbe home of Man Carrie

Mebl, on w o t Haeoad atraot, lant oren-1«. Abont -Irtt oVtook Captain Band,arrived witfa foot- bnrsea andtied sad ooatvered ta« partybeth, whFre, >• tbe «ueata of Mra. LoulaaTsawan

Mrs, fallal,•died mat Baaday of oonsampUoo andwaa iMirtad TneaaV- B** nosbBnd la avember ot Fiains»ld Lod«e, Mo. « , I. O.O. F., of thlaofiy. Two of the membersBf wbwb attoanod tbe faneral-N. O.,John B. Btaata Bad V. O, Sdward B,

ait aa a token from their•a*, a beaatiful plUow of •oBrera, wllh% tnanriBthHi -'X O. O. J". Mo. M- on It.

laMe Mai tox'a H o n e Bo tin A way.Wblle OoaaBable Maltox u d hli

«way. Thrower* both thrown out andtb*. >lri«b wTeoked. but loe anbnal wai•n«lij cawrM. A fanner kindly loanedthem another atela* and the BMV pro-c ^ d d on Ihfllr J

PlTM Chorch of OhriM N M I I i p .IatMMloc BMeUoca aro hi pnwt*ai a*

tbf rbapfl of the Flrat Court* or Chrtat,on Ororf atreet. The Or»t on* warn brIdon Hew Year'a ttWrbt and h«T« ba*a ooo-tlQurd olfcbtlr alncr. The mreiloic* willt>-> contioaMl aa lou c BB tb*M m t laMM

Tbe children play«t n a M oo«U strtto'Hook, waon Captain Band oarrWd ibf

II lb« boya and glrto wm TOt* fw Ca|

all r-MTunaUi enonab to heor her, sent tithe tftjaanrer or the Home a ofceck fatwenty BT* dollar, from tho suan pah

Last, bnt by no means lent, tfcu Hao-rrra return thanks to all tbe friend

wboaa Keneroaa donation* made tbiChristmas tree auob a happy Hma for tbichildren Bt the Home.

moaily froa aonthKM*, hMt drt»«>n uaout Ot our oourae, ao tbat an iuly M we»«re oa t IM< ibon-. t IHItt mat of CanoBora. The bar wa* low, K.M in. T»aoornaj la quoted Mm. "Fnttoui ffatearom 8-8- *. and awfal aqi(Bl|* of aoaw

and ballt DMMatallMnK l«a rnanln- frOalSoulh, ihlp Jylna; l»«aMe Mdvr w«t*r

t l d

pHaah aad Mr.

land. The wremonr abe Hm*. U. K«Dn«dy XewvO,

Hope CbapeL Tbo baa»William A. Lclaod, a b•room, and Mlaa Ala.Naafa aot*4 aabrideaiaald.

Tbe brldn wore a pretty jtowo or beadraj falUe, trtnunod with poaria an4pala.Amon( tbe rural* were Mr. and Mra.

CbarteB A. Lelaod, Mr. and Mr*. V. B.Maab or Maapoth, L. L, Mr. and Mr*. Wm.Dtrattoa of eiuabetb. Mr.aad Mm. 1. OL. Crawford or Jarapy City, Mia- *Jic«Lrtand.MiaaFloreuew Man>b, MIM AdaWaxn«r.Mta» LHUBD Toawt. MM MarBobbard, Mlaa Faonto Scbomp, Mia* C,

, Ulaa Ucaw BaUfdK a "Arthur H. Lelaod, WIlBam

3, Frank F. Storr, Walter MagiFrederick Bebomp, B, D. Gray and 1

hrrofatn*. Weatheradrift

ainoaaibte to "wear ahip" from la* furyBOB." (JOBjr-


alp from lof tao n l » and Ibe awful aea."DaI.Ji.lyl, 1KB.) At wap.ia.ibe

wife knelt lo pra]rer«" Ii wma DO "Waokbottooileaa eye-so«k*t" tbat they In t b a t

wful boar looked up fate , ba t ibe-or an I>t«l)i«*at Fa

he God of our Lon» Jewia Cbriat. We

A bountiful wedding snpper waaserved by a FialoQeld oBterer. afterwhich aB anjoyed da.wlna: until e l a t e

Tbe newly married oouple »t*rted thtefaertroon on a two week*' j

MaaaaobOBBtta. They will reaide inadiy ootbolr return.

meeting held Irrlday.JanaaryUtb,PuiDdeld Benlnary. the under-were appointed a oonimittee tospecimens ol orlaiBal dea

« work aod embmldery to!at tba CotasoMaa Bxpoalil

trost tbe women of tbi* city aad ofan int*reat In


•aM•asarerao Pl*r*r aaTered by Mand Ooa. Boa ird. Aa as*al Oo

oHlaovOm-h [Bia, and hat Totoo4. B« endM •** to tafwar dia-•DM (he Pr. MeUM eaDana «

In lit*, wM- trt odwaiand of ibAm^rimo ahip "FrlHliirfH." of Bo.Iou,bound froa MpfniofK BdlTta, »U Viii-

t t B i i a»».plT laden viibl

Tbe rond Manblne To Qo. of tbls dryare anpplylnj: aorn* of a <a»obioery to*-«BJlt

Tho oompaoy bairn reearred twenty*e aorea fur anbtber aaannrBotwrlna;

ooaapany. which will BBBBB ahma; later

^"rzsJS^SwT" •*' Meet Corapaay-s work* will ba»arttyot BftT wHrlt per day. be

msklox other a|eof onsUnff. tsr—Jads.A buiiaiuc to b* apad, aa a arooory

aentwbatabeonerenledl n<t the wort oorenllBBt bonaos haa b on pufbed »ijroronaly ap to tbe ooma rooemBnt of the


py-» n#w p»oo.-*a, bar* r»o adopted bthe Sosdhw tratem, U «leraled roartaofNewY<wk,«Kla»»n fhlroada terouebnuf tho

airaotonandadjototn tae Mas) Ooa»-

BoUiooooer'* w«J«ii employment


• awratofc waUad downIOOB; deoMon. la whleb be denied thoapplication or Horatio 8. BuBerd forirrlt o! mtDdimut lo compel PatrickGlesaoo to hand owr lo HaDford theboohs and pa pen aad tan oa>jo of Mayorot LOOK Uland City.

his daolaion. Jnatlnn BartloU •tbat Mr. UlrnBUB IB ant th* Mayor'

Ialand City l.y reason of bold Inafter the expiration ot hi* term,aa be be regarded aa Mayor bya of tb* oertlaoat« swaod to Sim by

City (Jerk Bora*, upon flection rstarnawhich were manifestly raoorirot, M

in ihooBMof the pMfdo ex.Banford acalast; Bark*.

"On tho otber band," the Jnatfeo a1 BBB not BM iaBed tbat Mr. Sanfnrdw e n > legally qoalMed lo sot as MajorAs Ctiy Olork Burke ana al—innrtiii aad

as there U a qansnan aa lo tbe lnaalllol Mr. Olaaaou holdh.« theofsoe, Mieba

Cwven, FratdMit ot ibe Board

i from China by Ibe ateamaulii of iBpna, say that two yona*

BftBroelj all teen years old, wer? trtWl Hking repepMy. COATRW] with

to antanaav To aala tan ajfectiooa

to be belpp*. Stay doorup lo Ood only

writer 1bt>a w o t OD deck and loldMalatoicet

•T*» abaord iKe Mate may hare 104 BOBTOH BLB ACHED SKKETTNG SOr


t » HOOK FOtOTB BLACK EHM, t « o . j



TO-NIGHTaited IIIBI— IHMrMt Goairt

Tbe folioWIDC are tbe metnbera of

^ so* to TraotMi^Ur tece W M

Mrs. & A. Ginna, 157 Broadway, Flala?

Dtstrlo* Depnty Chariea WndtUJr. 11WH Grand

T. Joaom, Gkaad Financial1. Morton, sad Grand Inatd*

and increase*ienjoyment.

•on aod partook of a bountiful

T . M . O . A .The Twoutyafth aunireraary of tboouuc M«ma Chriatlan A*aoclallon wU* Tha fflaM «


A. hotellast nljttit. It waa a twuBlorj fraco*


Monday Evening, January 23.BaBBrnof me fa»ortto oamedlaa,

JOHN T. [• KELLY,pm»int,mllmtmm


Sleighs! Sleighs!mnr AHD SECOSD HAND.


L, M. FRENCH,* i ;• . i

—faii»ai«i ' i s . in, ao. aa aoMKRHKT STREET.

When You


To Hire

A Sleigb,

The New Address

attto Elkwood


Monday Evening, January 23.


Sleighs Sleighs!



The Scout.

Page 2: Sleighs! Sleighs! · Mrs. Prank 0. Herri ng ft*s*e B dell* h t-fnl tea party Bt her bome on Eaat Ninth •trust yeaterday afternoon. —Tbe NorthFlalnfl^ld DeoiocratlcAsso-ciation

n j m m 4 f BYBmNG NEWS, PLAIHFI|LP, N. , . , JANUABT I p . 1893

TUo (JoiJ Care for Piaakiiaaaaa-Does bichloride of gold ears drank-


The Funeral of Ex-PresideotHayes Will Occur Friday.

HE WILL 1E8T jgM b Mr. Hatter Wood In Taw

J: He aslcs the ijiidinn tn orda . rtwipftntmt i f i» i i»ai tT»*i^i«a Tfcihe m«,v «n*wer it hinu*lf He pro

testimony of a number of themtoant members of the medical profession

epinm or chloral bsbtt or any other ~lariad ia u»lr'nonVer«ttloasi>d will sotKnd of a dm* taking habit or appetite Skooncernm* it TbeTbsn.ontbeattwrnand.lir. Wood mar- kept rery qui«, tbe memban only

Is toe-army of a-dnmkflMs that ar* ' atonally Doming down town and remain tat~ ' it-a abort tinw. Diretard Hayes

fcVT . A gold m It ha*- f-mily arrived « i t b t e s r | y morningu*iuMated for the gold care that'no lea* than ( r o n ) Toledo, white Scott can* from Cta-

O rtfunnert drunkards stand today c ) n l " u T * « I * ~ * "f**"^" * ?

trratM by the Keeley method re-|M W ^ l l T ^ C U 'ap T

McUurid- of liold d o b abw nutnben to which tbe __ ,sWmerabm Of UKW nolr aU a n said Taa srrana*«»«uu Jor tbs f*asral have;to Lave LJJw Into their farm* babita. bwa placed taaijw* tattyJal JHl baa

i T h t t w ill am 111 nil

awtainly doea reform • larifs numberW |JV7 m "iin i f ikiBIM pstienta t** * take it. Sow does it • i >•• j v » - L , _.*

i WssWaanatTersitys* U«h«ae, wWeoa-dsW tbe at rrlcea, and It la probable that

Maa-getting ri.1 of tb* slaohol 1Contrary to th»- <urtotn of inebriate asy- li'tntt nfams. they are put under no restraint. ; ********."*—"°*°ff^..1 - ' -tat allowed to come mat .go at will. ! whVaantmesasgaia^ Wfllls-

un«v*iwii la ttUMle- French pmfeMmn of the acbonl of

d k b h l t i kas effectually as Dr. Ksete? Is bettered,' L

* y many to curs It by >i» drag. Mr- ' iiTuisTrfaiid »H1 be pWood thinks tbe bichloride of gold b rrigay, Ousw

u of the patient ia attracted wbjlse beneficent ancuascione psychological with W. &

«:"-•* i>n in hir miml The hypo-dermic in.j«.tioa of tbe drn|c takes tbeflaoe of H,» bright di«k on which the,hypnotic subject ia told to fix Ua atten-' Scaramon'of cTncYimatt. waa made coloneL•Ion. Mr. Woods Ideal* tn#mions any- Later Hattbewmwa. made onlonel of anewfcoW. . [ ^Tw^t^hlr f f^ feStSwa^r 1 0 ™ 1 1 *•; • A Beautiful Old Age ooloDel01IHeacted a? brigadeau*1

A little time ago Uwrerfied at Putnam, commiodfr in the next ™"P™" . H n Duma Doaty. aged ahnoxt ^ * J ^108. Other people d«*e lived nearly or mUeem ^ m, deathquilt- U> b«r age in (nee* closing years of gr.at lo...tbe Ninetinmtb oentnry often enough tofadit-Mte Hint tb« average of Unman lifela InogthnuuK He manktnd icrowcIwuiUerand kindliHr WebbG

Bnt tfar one tact that is remarkable in ****_;.—;,--oonncrtou with tins renoft^ble woman ieaikJwlShS^'

; -a* that abe kept all bar (acultiea nnim mooh rrgret ilmt

wae not then dieeaae that took her off. uttZ^xil^HLgbe eeetnMl niiuply to go wbeu ber time QraWT cievrl^auue 'a* i|iui't1y and aerenely asjflnwer %lones its petals al tbe close of wtbb C Ha>-<U> * is. vrery bnman life abonld etcpain lew ty and without tbe decay of •Of the OHM1MI powers; So It will clour beloved mai Unnpttd faiiirr.•rli.il manknnl ar* rally cNIUsed. !

Mr.. UaatK hml mnarkaUe pbyidualnealth t.. iwtfin Sbc bad nswn- beaa Ul CouwBlt, Jan.until a y«tr atp>. when nbe bad t tognp the aaaembUng of the.Tbi. pbyw-al woatltiiti.m might bare ^i

l^l^^Jl^S!SaS^^'givi'n li*'f t h** icrent Iratvvtty Put there -.^ m , painfal SUIT to ann'fiincc t bewaa »n..tl..-r •'aane wUi-h Kept bar young ; damtb M II p. n . last oigat at Y>M Uw yiiini went by tfbe was a woman of HnthgrforU B. i lyea, i d u * u >.al brtKht..-n«erf»ldliTwBittoti Bertanv \^yS^^S^^SVlP*r *w" fsry KM fie* and calm- An at- . united Suites. He wa#i-slM>'* noldler of ei--DOKpitorr «f ruutaejt a*4 good will ema- Mptloaal di.iiucUue in $ s lata war and

.saiw.il hum ber aad d*-w I aafsSw-wai tbr ; duriuw hi- leOraautit to prtvu. lit*

Park Avenue

Exchange. 1

i. a* Krt-ar. -m, U., oa Friday. Al;* % b.id sVcsivwl no fOnml iarlra

Clwu l4«J* fu-w«al bg rrirgranbsdTHE MNIM& RAILROAD

Gets Into Trouble by Terrui-nadoff Its Contract.

ASOTEEK KAVIGATI05 ODMFAIT.Fine Confections.Mt}auilit<-il.w!th the Ule ex president

andhiaMti<«n|atbh<i, Mr.i m« il. .Iroce to the H.je*

th upeeta all Mr.pl«a«, « h* will be forced tom boaie until Sunday



M. E. BEACH,be awitypoMtilil j r

j Th^ «W l B tcros, Jmn. IB.—A

n*t oft e iahlan

OST. O. Jan. 19.—Nothing em br

antered into bMNorth American Naviga-an eudutoge of freight

Newton Mid;raet' with the Faeiac

on Feb. 1 of tbfofear. The otily le-ppil otakraetlon to

B O E H M ' S ,medal B*r«.t,. wale Thht Week

Joseph T. Sullivan,

After the CripLiquors^


worth oBe. Tbsbasti onetia town11- - -- I at

lia.T f B T mtOXT STREKT

FRED. W. DTHW,Buy Yonr Son

a Suit of

Clothes.No. 18 NorthAvenqe.

9000 "^flt,0- 'Fn»

HaltoGlE~& ©avis, Eugene Sperater.

206 Graver' Street,ftr First-lass




Wholesale Dealerfork Bit?. Vitas ansldents—W. Juduia I The

'""•£ 0 . SCHBTFLIN & CO.,


new line aMM develop the enonnouaS which, he miA, waa W « U D | (or

fataaaportatt- ., Inww ta HawSan FlaDctadkand which haa

Apow-; JohaW .the mind, j G';ff, K. W, '

Car lS '

loved t.v «ll TtMpain-UIPmauepaM. . -Out.,! r.aton thr ihnveliDK BUii>-t> that tram great

l w m mveliDK BUii>-t> tt f n m a i N d n p


Fp<-ct tpr th<i mrniory of t. M.l.lfer nnfl ntsu-Mi.an,

at aUfop^.t« aOionprf4Mion

Ohio 4»w »*|a « d »T«nt."wa^ adopted by a

fo ll nppoiDt-

rtly, win heorfew.1 oak to participatethe OIHMJIIUIL -

ma A M i w tb Bis 3 » ,It * « w*" kaowa titat|peneraL Hay

i north temper j B y action of thH: lsgUI|tan and state"n»e aanitiltur*i--prod offlwrm the- nLaitlnjijau U to be dnped, and

tnt« ttf«nrjp<tthef itatP «aHrt» gHtrn arrangetneiiw were; cnnclbcled to sectirein Taiaa. from iilmal liiiasiansir ffexas tr*D ' - > • :•• i , .B»K nlty-wven roonttea tbul are eachlar^T than Rbodo Inlaud Her area U

m (Treat aa that of all New England ;: with (lew York New Jersey Pransyl '

Taniu. Indiana and fJhio 'added Sbehas beaidea a IOUK Sweev, of aaaboard rrtunjog to hi, Bome *«*iden!witA cities and barbofs ID a bnndred wsa adconud at Frttmons tii tbe

M all tola *aat rt«i. m will be folly W"J In hU speech.

omi -,. . TiB*. During thn

: Ust Hiear u i J M i t l hav4 beeu «lwrnt inL*i ua tlun« of oar nmta. rlota sad thepuWh:semee. My -MSany andlh»*«

irmiiiaBi and banjc oBr bewln. Therein none bat the bieudlltwi. %»nla andaeiitloncttiWK the paopteuf l.-nliti»i wtxre asent* (or it,* dtiwcf oniflate official

... g wion WHKTJ' eootrihutors paid a>hl#li

_ dlara H/r a box, while the ™err«l•wtf *ol*( U prvpurtiuuate pricn. On tlwpUttt rm )r» * cbwua oi sixtj alailialtfrom Sa]| HanqMaa instate, who «rlrt

^ f i a t b i l l f

rerkwed0 r * 7 Old Well loose,

of Soolh Korwatk. aad St. John*, lodtft.ofNorwala.* whiatt b« been aaU»fae*orily w

r « * . ~ aid i « 7 « r . < A ~ • ! I^TiV'i,AL»AN^, jau,10.—GoTernor Flower gsra


f anyone haaaeaas to . . • „

/ 53 Ca)s, itJ / Caa ej? 1 • 1 «t7 e>


fark, racttaa tbat tbe Unitedthe tnWyof IMS with NEW

.__ aama«lbsnratr>tlnof tbeWhmuso7] unma, and thw tb* PanamaC*OMI companj. a fonlg*

»7 oourtrbl Tranoe, «ud that V / I I V f V / W l w tWe « • »11 n Impprfal Phnr for »M», or IMS. If i

n u t it. but il wrnt be l l t l .UTH INPKRI4L 1, ; . ^aaenJay of batter In—il tuar tbe fwn.tr.

- • I T TOD WAItT 1 M B«ST,

os&al cotntH , ttuwgh, the inst^vaMntal'•IHirj.iMmio UiU conairy loabasaaat eampasr. aswt fbr

PaiiADKLFaiA. Jan. IB.—In«nlry at theof the KoncIiuR nilroad elicit* tbe

mOioa that coal trains aremff', and the atrrk* will eoaUnns W

>tteri nbonld Follya where nwbt brcomr

C 2 V"* ** lUeTcbtat; Jsafce Cbawgy. i« | • ' - V> « _g

cteWSKS^rtKJB^i K i d


f m t t man he was before, he eooldIt ont now if hi. spo4k were pcnuitlsi ™n" ^ j \tw-rvTitit tbe iifw cnsiinesit sift (tee ti» moreeooapknoos»]ioTttait. in U»a tui>U| of itrailing rod. [froas which be haswhite and bice, nail*-} t p TloagsM*! Mr

tho(H-"fOvela:n!ayOIIjrri90Uthronyh j LAKKWOOD. X. Jf., Jnn. 19.—At a•Vttlio lii i-;li »nJ briailtb'rf tke great boor Mr. Cleveland ;il«cki«4' to miend

jstrt.paLlu'Lw&nne^r »b . e u w n jfnn*rml of «g-rte«*d«wt !KuU»rford

« —1 |1*rrtf TiiTWar f a r - I'M





Spicer& Hubbard,

a^baaaJM of Me* ataol* treat,


THE Dun• • o .



Fine Confections.

Williams’ Pharmacy,

Joseph T. Sullivan,

After the Grip Wines, Liquors, etc. ll» rmllaM o«U7 » jxr ont. of

No. 18 North Avenue.

•500 °-vxr* Fra

iiallock & Davis, 206 Grove ’ Street,



79c., 97c., 31.19.

GEO. L. VAN EHBURGH & SON. Spicer & Hubbard,

COLOlUl'a. Jan. 1».—Immediately upoi thr MwoiUini ot the UuUlaiiu* Corn-no McKinley mi* tte. fell—fc* ipccUl mm mmtman Ut.dMuatn-PrMa.oi Hayat: "It ft* ny palafal dn«y t* aaaouuee Ik teU. a II ,a.l«a aOtc at Kiraw of KotWforU n Ilya vaa a rn»" CHOOSE!


>itvm mum chhh •Utn+mmVvi tW Kru»f Cblc*o World’# fair, la i day. «m from lU»*a»*. i



49 BW^



** 5**fb ‘"1* riMte# FVh. Oyitm. Ooo> • drhnwd to al »or*a!bfr««fcfcatva.

<Sm«l5?«j2d OKA. TEimr. 1'n.prlr.ur.

aa.lardr.Uanl I'm >bfcttaka.

£ 1


Vni.Ck.MJM A-A» a lata »• ailaad tb*


<5 1 •500 “"i anuin Free


Page 3: Sleighs! Sleighs! · Mrs. Prank 0. Herri ng ft*s*e B dell* h t-fnl tea party Bt her bome on Eaat Ninth •trust yeaterday afternoon. —Tbe NorthFlalnfl^ld DeoiocratlcAsso-ciation

]., Tntntsn.w, JAJJUAHY 19. 1893


Horned Academyt*J PA.:K AVKftJC

Flainneld Seminary,

^ ^ OMITED TEA AMD rOF fcE OBOWiraHft»taM, Hwghi UvMdl K-HCIH-.inm>*r of wit- , ai!tt*<l «ufa*l«.tbe patient about Dempney examiued a largr

ntat«l when as left naaa to prove that dckoeiBj.i* the roil I ' T!« Ohio rirrr isf•IUTO

j Kx-Bhcriff J,™ ;il. £• Thompson, of At-

t. A»amWf No. a. KBt-tajo* LaborKnt8ht* of Ubor bad notUng to tlo

NO APPEAL IN DR. BRIGG9' CASE, with the H Mataarhnantf — Heary Cabot Lodge

Caleb pd&nson;

aa follows: Alfen(Rrr .48;



MM rnwinul tnnwN . .•UKblthat tbrysn hardly noticeable by Umthose constantly wftb him.

Ha b entirely amadou. • —with the m«mlit« of ibe family, atteod4 aaalaattaw-Tb. Trial WIN • ! » « . I—WMUudpl)f ic l*ai at will, Iboogt b» M ly Paaa tfca-Tyraetty a* WHaia.ii. ^

1 b , m pbyrtdan. from aay e » j ^ , , ^ J M L ^ - t t , j ^ , ,„ £ , I | f c ^ » i S - .

< n*d wit* th»t»tientabou» I! •- -

and will h..kl inotber meetti.* tndar ,Tbe c a n a t M will b a ~ to <toc»I. tod«y

wbeUMn- or not ft will t*k* u a l >V

ild hav> to p*y then; aerar. J.... 10-Ilefor. the psrllamen- U«heT soy pawUar; did m* *sy 1

Ull maa ' i - y - i - j . - ~ - r . — • - - Kir* these B M anything lo wea.larklatfa.MrM-.of l t e o » 4 . Brf&aehV lid ixftUllt t o t tm. .bout•partner, M. Propper, wdd that Baron d. cago. I waa in I|aaw itnad (IWnaeh li»l i-ft Ltm a lUt of the por-on. In tba mill oaoa; kaow notbopmpromi^d ta tb* dUtNbotion of Paa- plotto poiaoa."ana nioot-y. The wboW i.-t contaiaad "

.fODd. dnrtlii~ii7l>emp^y'«

arachl ejJwuMd and tear* weoe aaid that be gara UM list U> he would faint. When askwl wby he hadnaaam, who, aa thought, could hind men to *py for him in t iia HomaatsMbent ™* ft ft. H. Clcnmoean ; mill he replied:

aTfcahU wapaattoaily that ba bad orer re- "Benaiuw } got a trepan.;!]«aWaj| any lwt AC I aaiiinniiiiwii iliiim<liaj ' York askfbgint "~"* " ' " *~ar>r hiul he ever heard of lucli a l»t frooa affatnlntue "Baron da Km DM* ar anybody eon nee tM laaa^aaWrta,

i called by tbe d*._ ^ * - - - • '

•rjaaes Kaa VaHk eentlon. T*«y * • * • Dr. CLoM>o», J M . «* .«•»•** Jooe».ltd hU KeknaUdWilliMm WoAfc

family will -«*« for Paria, Md attar a wben qnaMidacd bj Mrbrief . iwt«.U»t city will ertl (or Americ- U» majorily utf UKM* wb•a the OwMPt Saw nl«y. S a n t * J t f » d i b wore m haWbwa.*laU«d wbU. ken by n w r a v tte

!im f III 1 flllalllll i l ' | ' Captain Bcker .aid G*Hagh«r had toldother public win infr—fd in the wtver bhn bnwa in tbo mill "for ftguod pUis

HeIftrttat-a»taa»rui.ably Wlf- pow," though tba def«ue marielalin that« l t k i i l £ l d b C be w i th*» merely to report"

er* tb«Ko(ri«* on inride. Woowi 11 ramme lay, one* m 000k iu the mill, aaid all foL_

atobeableM (arpuhM the w«rfcmea WM efcrefally bvhlapiaiuo* apectad by dootora, and thrt all decayM

t turftatioo* , Y t u b d fi d ild ul l

Mt4>th.*altuD(bU&etalUan.~Heb-U»Tea tbe.trikem ibwgolriga tm in'ride. Woola-' lallfood

Uiat 0m* U «r he U unable Co accept tu

ti dt liriU

RS andi

r w: | w

•nd train ai.d aaalled naftauncied, aad that .pbiled meatn = = W*taataw4Mat

ruaaa* at* Aall*ca«r. ?'. E. W. Ko)*rt*cm wan broo«b| over from

PiTT»ir»e, J«n. 18.—WillUm Foy, wfM the jail to tba wltncaa atand. Baaaid: P| "My cety adjolni the DIM occupied byGallagher. I liaie talked to Jii"> sboOtthiacaao. l ie tuts tolu DM tiiat iiempeay

. was eatirelr Umucenb of Uia itftianni**at .hrntbemenatwmpuj to p W M J ' J w v "*«*•»* « * ^ P » « « ^ »

laodiag of UH aalecaivea, and when j During Me. Burieigh'i CTOB» T¥ ir?'nit-y Marted i<> lean* the 1MIX<« utd brforr tion of Ituberuon, Mr il»r»li»ll iuMrpuaad

maf shot* were fired.Foy threw htntaelfoD with th* 4ue*iiou •• Did not GaUlagbwtatttbejpuiyplMiktU block lhe..waj^ JJe.WaH i J o n he wa» op a cliaio KBJig in til. l»ui»f"Bhotintbo left side, and he has suffered i The proaecuUoo objectfU, aa Mr. MarshallQntoM agony ever not^. The wound ha* ' produtwd Do tviuenct to tbia eOcOt.

bcfpeforhhrecovery. a a ^ followed up 'by evidence li shouldbear greatly against tbe •tefeaaC"

Aa tba caae tow atanda U •**•» to bion of truth bvtweeti Demi

of L««ar lastsanpaey aa grand I

n-j-olutiou* of coulidence M>

LOKe KLAMI ClTT, Jan. 19.—MayorGlennm twpn hinii«K inVencfced arliiiid

w h o i e ^ l ^ f o r ^ " ^ ' ^ ! dry ii'kept'oa - J ."•> 'duty KiiiinliiiK the cltr ball, Gleiuoa hsvL ternud nsaMU reping ordered them out In antici^tiu,! of an him. ^ ^

YORK. Jnn H'.-Dillj Murphy, thelinn piufilixt who Itntatcheil toflehtQrilfin lien, at the Coney laland

c dub oa Fefc. e, arrir«d from Ha*Murphy waa Tery bitter to hla

dmundaUon of tbe club* in KM Pnuiclaoo,whom ha cUima a n ran •tbler

Kiw TOBK, Jan. M.—New York «ut«'»title to Kim iflnnd, wliioh wan diacfMieddariiiKchvcbolenincare lutiumraw, wbeaOfvaroorPM'erkdvanMafflJOftlM&fili*panonal funds, luis just been made good.The claries! * . * * of the •sarcben wllj coai

A RntiKBd Rnl K.IEtTLAXD, V t , Jan

Fnuib F. * U-orgo H __ramJ rMate owners and Hpecnlatars, baaIW1 m petition in hwnWvncy.' Tbelestt-Katad liabihrtes a

t bw wtelhmd torad « i ezfailt Lti* C»»adiiui nrction ft (be World's fainbmt will ee«ure a bttfikk^MUH- lW b u fVounda for iu exhibit. ] . .

rlng votuthe leKiola


tt Tb* aabbvifnSto^votupany, of WoroeMer:

Kilature for periMtda top


KOKOMO, lad., Jan 19.-Tba .trike atthe llumoud Plat* Gl«aa work* Uoff.Uxta-u «tumlM to work . p o . the « —(^•wrau J

Wb., Jan.»-Another

He,Paid a Million dollars.BROOKLTS, J»0. l».-Btr(ilH;« T. W'hi

was teutlervd a ixilnpliruuuiary dimtlif Linculn «dub iu houor of hi* hieum IeLvd paympni, uf tbe debt of #1,0

r, ago. Al<»ut avveutj-fit d

ve gueaU*maih by S.

BtWTOH, Jan. lU.-At tlie Ne- 1BaaelxUI leagne tnveUng Portland, L.Ion, Brockton, Salem and Wot

g G«v» _ J

A N. » n-mh at rartfc 1—S-j. 7TASBINU UN. : u .—A'plication haf

« made for «. UiiOiiu tbe Pint Nk-lo«aj Bank „. JPkr.b ,.nilwy. S. J.

•e ehroaiicle of famMnwaEv«y woman del%ht« taw-i-Wtrfraband furbelow, she faabiona for her littlrgirt. Sbo read* with artlUty tba LUwtniodeB for littl* maids: *he stitcbe* indainty tucks and benf with the asm* do-light she felt in fnrBishing wardrobeafor her f»t Paris doll, W .after her boy

it of balirhood aod past kilU tbaromance all gin* oat of hia wearing apparel. She buys it M the tailor • awlcant feel half tha pleimra in paying tbe

that dlit- fintia in ffring over her owntty thinga tof he* little1 aba love, to oa aasiooally

—fly-**— of ranetU « n*w.Thv cat, ibowt » paiiiiiniin

dark cloth for yonr yfeung aiwrcbim. a*•bown in Ihf Sei» VoHt ann Tba coat.a »odiflc*Ti.>t. oT tbf trrnavx dreaa oort.uaa a waJBtootrt uf figured pique whit*

. dot of bine, snll 1- worn wttb .

i soft in

Genei-al Jobber.

35 Jackson Avenue.™ dbow ana wc«iherati1iia..pecl-lty.


John P. Eminons,

JObtamc pronpetr lUouWla,P.U. BsiHX. II


AH kfTii-. i*»i •iu-.'.:t* - 1 ™ - « '

A. Q, vcor.Ltn.


Keep Yem1 Hair Gfwiiig!

Sunshine ParlorHeaters;OyfiBjtter:^ove8i(Ufa-

elloEanges; Furnacesand Kre-place IJeat-Brs; Furnace Workwd Plumbing; Hai*ware. Get a $500Insurance, Free. ,A. BL GRIFFEN,

Are You Insured?If jou an -41 jtmn eld • » . »pud aontKlly to fiflaa. jaan

ld ru t * i Uu

If 3S Jean 0*4 awr.iaIf 2* yrm old, &.&.

Tbia mm of #l,U00 i. pajsbla tome faa rWJ, U Brtof, at the •»•piratkmof fifteen year., or av hia

FOB A UFE POUCY, of.*l,t«W th* aanntl pajmeoi«minne mtfmC We, tb. pay-m«t* for young men batv era 21and 31 at* betwMi »1H.9O and

sirid Builders.

W. J. Plrwon. Ko. U Vbta atliat. H. B.

ss%aassc BMITH,

PRACTICAL MAffOtf AITD BriU>BX,ly awarded to Woounocket.

We av** bft a few of our IM M DoUa Not enoug b to faa worth pssfc>a c a w n , tftanlora, for» short time ooly.w*

A rit l .b.rs HlMPl. - .Q, J u . W.—Fir* WoMrifctt Isaac Brokaw & Son.



«KX * JIOBTH AV1«D», Flaav

jm DoJta for turn.OO " » $4 0..:M " - M i

t'2.15 •• •• fl.15.p a " •' *isaMOD • » U KJan. !».—Thrse

will shortly «q«p»ndd Carpenter & Builder.

4, aii. is*.—Tin-_ of HuraBr Smith, eatimafd utWO, witli the (icptniu of II'-.K". «MajDpatbed to baacvolent aud chsruable

jteorge - Bremmer,


to Suit Tour Parse.

Harsh, Ayers ft Co.,kind inlbtMMe. bw -aug wd.

k Q a A h W t a l ODcrrlnr II.Ir Tonic

• a i r P I . . BMtlt*, BO O r W BoUta* fay

;* : '/J -i

Ik, Prescription Druggist,8TBB-T.


Beds, Bedding, Bugs, etc..

-76 -West- fct SUfeet^ Storac* Wareroomi-, Cnnwr Front and Orov*

The Est^D j : Bcfcaiiil'A. D. Cook & Bro.,•twM -I-•J'-nwhw in ^

CJoal, Lumber and Masons' Materials4Sto8BFAR£ AVENUX

Jtailroa* Cimt «Bbl».

i T J t d w . C. Mulford,^f«'!,.iaiia'1--' R R A L ESTATE




M. M. Dunham,


Wm. A. Woodruff,REAL ESTATE

jAjrnAjtY 19. rnntf-uu


*- a. vton.m,


Plainfield Seminary, Free! Free

In W. llA?»r>oi.l*n, Pi-escription Thoggist,

•B01CE, WNr0X & CO.

The Est. D. J. Boieearid A. D.Cook & Bro.

Edw. C. Mulford, RKAT. ESTATE

General Jobber.

M. M. Dunham,

BEAL John P. Emmons,

Wm. A. Woodruff,

and Builders.


Page 4: Sleighs! Sleighs! · Mrs. Prank 0. Herri ng ft*s*e B dell* h t-fnl tea party Bt her bome on Eaat Ninth •trust yeaterday afternoon. —Tbe NorthFlalnfl^ld DeoiocratlcAsso-ciation


"^rM A Special Big Sale!•on: born K, 4

*• •> Watlboru »t fintnock, Scotland; dkd

paV-Robert Edward L « . HMrri. bora IifWtaUwM.

= ~ ^ . ^ WERHER'S ; CaWTHDTG HOUSE,BMDhilbr MM (alaUV

Rochester Beers!BOTTLED LIQUORS,

IkroN. "Plewoalt dowatbara la f raw*

JUST THE W E LTHERtb«t Alfred •»!«« All Wool M l flhoa te a t fv•Tort M M M r Mivm For b» 1 ih an 1

•rttft Una* *ooda. Ran 7w w t M M Hown

FRANK UNKFS klaa koawa— r— «*a p i )aad MM BUI that ak f*w b bad niiDoane & Edsall's.


—-4;1> MaaJord, Ontario, totl .1 • * fintaari aal rpjairi |—Tim-1 i

Why. the «trl raaUi | u n . bafara aha aaaja»l|»1 |i.»>j -TlMaiiailh IIIIIIII " r "

Aad tar that (owl, both far ua aaw, a* ,.

"An n»Ui iwlol How, papal" aaks* j p h h . n , Hakaf fcaa Ulihia, tb — 4 » ThfelUrferia. , aaUdN* TTttT (-"Uj m i l (.that

" Vary, w«T •low," «Mtk*iqOr- r rovadhta* for > late of tba wood*. 'Mtai / I-What* thatrHaaM Jaak. - Y « r rooaur *m*

T 11. Thaf.tioraT,War, talaH aa van toaaaa* 1 ww H aw hw«.W kVlpyoa fl.d U . ^ . MIL «a> col*,

F«r taWaatwMBraaraalf aad ow raar rawv

• D k M * M M * UkaatRMa d^tk•rf MWly I J » M l i l t e Sout h AMco

b* by ia yoor saw th,

t lfk« mj| other new «rfh«i* wilL"

••Why dM yoor nirrd Riri Uav« j M r"SW dMn'l like ta* • « » work."

H. h«d two pUitrrm ao U . f««. one <n

TOTELT. ii E. Ftmt St. Hk»Kajaawa,alMr an ereoinK «p*nt to

tha parlor, bad TwUulMd to th«Umlly«ltcinfroom on bar way apataln.

Windham ft Cr owley change of Ownership.May das*la (o*l -h a ^ tla b w ,S i t t ' . g tboufb awa yoax olotaaaad-

rn aaaa aaataH thine* aa yoajVMM ail that know my worth •

ha Baa.'1

A. I. & N. B. Smalley^/jJYt^^gall^City Cfclld-What fa that q u u tbia« aadtewllcti abaUban b-M •>

lntbatlWldT It look* lik< a m*n oal, tt abaU ba » 11 I ' T. II III did no* ohj«t to aBythli*.

-wr-Bot I baard you tfra a MTibU won as iniathlag I aakL

adtbaBtockaadcoodwlllorih*tha bda U. L raaaEay, at

Fourth Ward Hotel.J.)HN

Good-Oh, MK no ladaad.a aaora.-Haw York Waakly.

"Then," «. aald. rtrinft. 'I •m to*nil that ywi deeline me dbMlntel

ahall [ "No," aba «uwer«L; "I mada BOPi oft—or (looting up from b> baokJ—

Wfeaa. yon'v* nrallowad a ptnf Wall.Tb* owl with feia «.uc.r-I!keHay »pi-jaratax1i..gly wlra—Bat 1 lhk)kba*ia*tap d t h . u .

now to fln


Fine Wines, Liquors J. E. TOSEfurniture '.' Moved

An>l • i-eW w it • IbnVa a ray of liajbt,Tueu woad^rsniij- beno't t tHtl right

I —IUrpep'»To MarrUr frolic and pUy;

JJat thmt «hlld la troly tb . happMt O HWho oaa add «o all tkla % n o d and eka%

flotel Grenada, XTHE BEE HIYE


30 W. Second streetCSty Hotel, Hew Marble •

Granite Work*,

Great Reductionwot Water or Steam In the Price of Parlor Heaters! Do You J. £. Townsend,Heating Apparatus

Joseph T. Vail,


Like Music?


A Special Big Sale!


Rochester Beers JUST

Doane & Edsall’s.



No. i j E. Ftont St.

Windham & Crowley, numUKTum.

A.L4N. B. Smalley

Fourth Ward Hotel


Fine Wines, Liquors


to Keep Warm ?


Lome Pullman,


Like Music? .J. P. LAIKE