SJTU CMGPD Methodological Lecture Day 8 Family and contextual influences

SJTU CMGPD Methodological Lecture Day 8 Family and contextual influences

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SJTU CMGPDMethodological Lecture

Day 8Family and contextual influences

Existing variables

• The various datasets already have a number of basic kinship variables such as counts of various types of kin.– Next slide is parental survival

• When creating kinship variables, be careful about mixing them with existing kinship variables– Kinship variables are sensitive to assumptions

made in their creation, so be consistent

Parental survivaluse "C:\Users\Cameron Campbe\Documents\Baqi\CMGPD-LN from ICPSR\ICPSR_27063\

DS0001\27063-0001-Data.dta", clearmerge 1:1 RECORD_NUMBER using "C:\Users\Cameron Campbe\Documents\Baqi\CMGPD-LN

from ICPSR\ICPSR_27063\DS0003\27063-0003-Data.dta"keep if FATHER_ALIVE >= 0 & MOTHER_ALIVE >= 0keep if AGE_IN_SUI >= 1 & AGE_IN_SUI <= 80keep if SEX == 2 & PRESENTbysort AGE_IN_SUI: generate byte first_in_age = _n == 1bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_both_parents_alive = mean(FATHER_ALIVE & MOTHER_ALIVE)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_one_parent_alive = mean((FATHER_ALIVE + MOTHER_ALIVE)==1)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_no_parent_alive = mean((FATHER_ALIVE + MOTHER_ALIVE)==0)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_father_alive = mean(FATHER_ALIVE)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_mother_alive = mean(MOTHER_ALIVE)line p_both_parents_alive p_one_parent_alive p_no_parent_alive p_father_alive p_mother_alive

AGE_IN_SUI if first_in_age, ytitle("Proportion") xtitle("Age in sui") legend(order(1 "Both parents alive" 2 "One parent alive" 3 "No parent alive" 4 "Father alive" 5 "Mother alive")) scheme(s1mono) lpattern(solid dash dot dash_dot shortdash)







0 20 40 60 80Age in sui

Both parents alive One parent aliveNo parent alive Father aliveMother alive

Basic principles for locating descendants in same year

• Sons– Males in the same YEAR whose FATHER_ID is same as individual’s PERSON_ID

• Daughters – Never-married females (MARITAL_STATUS == 2) in the same YEAR whose

FATHER_ID is same as an individual’s PERSON_ID• Married daughters-in-law

– Married women (MARITAL_STATUS == 1 or 4) in the same year whose FATHER_ID is same as individual’s PERSON_ID

– For married and widowed women, kinship identifiers for father, mother etc. all refer to in-laws

• Widowed daughters-in-law– Widowed women (MARITAL_STATUS == 3) in the same year whose FATHER_ID

is same as individual’s PERSON_ID• Grandchildren

– Same as above, but look for values of GRANDFATHER_ID that match PERSON_ID

Counting descendants alive in the current register year

• Sons– Create for each unique combination of FATHER_ID and YEAR

• Number of people who have specified FATHER_ID in the current register year

– Rename FATHER_ID to PERSON_ID and save– Load original file and merge on PERSON_ID and YEAR

• Grandsons– Do the same, except use GRANDFATHER_ID

• Could do this with MOTHER_ID and GRANDMOTHER_ID as well– Would need minor adjustments

Numbers of living sonsuse "C:\Users\Cameron Campbe\Documents\Baqi\CMGPD-LN from ICPSR\ICPSR_27063\DS0001\27063-0001-Data.dta", clearkeep if FATHER_ID != "-99"keep if PRESENTkeep if SEX == 2bysort FATHER_ID YEAR: generate sons_alive = _Nbysort FATHER_ID YEAR: keep if _n == 1keep FATHER_ID YEAR sons_aliverename FATHER_ID PERSON_IDsave sons_aliveuse "C:\Users\Cameron Campbe\Documents\Baqi\CMGPD-LN from ICPSR\ICPSR_27063\DS0001\27063-0001-Data.dta", clearmerge m:1 PERSON_ID YEAR using sons_alive, keep(match master)keep if SEX == 2replace sons_alive = 0 if sons_alive == .keep if AGE_IN_SUI > 0 & AGE_IN_SUI <= 80bysort AGE_IN_SUI: generate byte first_in_age = _n == 1bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen mean_sons_alive = mean(sons_alive)line mean_sons_alive AGE_IN_SUI if first_in_age, scheme(s1mono) ytitle("Mean number of living sons") xtitle("Age in sui")bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_sons_alive_0 = mean(sons_alive == 0)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_sons_alive_1 = mean(sons_alive == 1)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_sons_alive_2 = mean(sons_alive == 2)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_sons_alive_3 = mean(sons_alive == 3)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_sons_alive_4 = mean(sons_alive == 4)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_sons_alive_gt_5 = mean(sons_alive >= 5)line p_sons_alive_0 p_sons_alive_1 p_sons_alive_2 p_sons_alive_3 p_sons_alive_4 p_sons_alive_gt_5 AGE_IN_SUI if

first_in_age, scheme(s1mono) ytitle("Prop. of men with specified # of living sons") xtitle("Age in sui") legend(order(1 "0" 2 "1" 3 "2" 4 "3" 5 "4" 6 "5+"))





p. o

f me

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d #

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0 20 40 60 80Age in sui

0 12 34 5+

Numbers of living grandsonsuse "C:\Users\Cameron Campbe\Documents\Baqi\CMGPD-LN from ICPSR\ICPSR_27063\DS0001\27063-0001-Data.dta", clearkeep if GRANDFATHER_ID != "-99"keep if PRESENTkeep if SEX == 2bysort GRANDFATHER_ID YEAR: generate grandsons_alive = _Nbysort GRANDFATHER_ID YEAR: keep if _n == 1keep GRANDFATHER_ID YEAR grandsons_aliverename GRANDFATHER_ID PERSON_IDsave grandsons_alive, replaceuse "C:\Users\Cameron Campbe\Documents\Baqi\CMGPD-LN from ICPSR\ICPSR_27063\DS0001\27063-0001-Data.dta", clearmerge m:1 PERSON_ID YEAR using grandsons_alive, keep(match master)keep if SEX == 2replace grandsons_alive = 0 if grandsons_alive == .keep if AGE_IN_SUI > 0 & AGE_IN_SUI <= 80bysort AGE_IN_SUI: generate byte first_in_age = _n == 1bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen mean_gsons_alive = mean(grandsons_alive)line mean_gsons_alive AGE_IN_SUI if first_in_age, scheme(s1mono) ytitle("Mean # living grandsons") xtitle("Age in sui")bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_gsons_alive_0 = mean(grandsons_alive == 0)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_gsons_alive_1 = mean(grandsons_alive == 1)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_gsons_alive_2 = mean(grandsons_alive == 2)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_gsons_alive_3 = mean(grandsons_alive == 3)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_gsons_alive_4 = mean(grandsons_alive == 4)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_gsons_alive_gt_5 = mean(grandsons_alive >= 5)line p_gsons_alive_0 p_gsons_alive_1 p_gsons_alive_2 p_gsons_alive_3 p_gsons_alive_4 p_gsons_alive_gt_5 AGE_IN_SUI if

first_in_age, scheme(s1mono) ytitle("Prop. of men with # of living grandsons") xtitle("Age in sui") legend(order(1 "0" 2 "1" 3 "2" 4 "3" 5 "4" 6 "5+"))





p. o

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ith #

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0 20 40 60 80Age in sui

0 12 34 5+

Counting up sons (or grandsons) with specified characteristics

• Apply additional restrictions in keep to count up sons or grandsons with specified characteristics

• The following adds a restriction so that only boys aged 1 to 10 sui are included in the count.

• Could just as well have been sons with position, or other characteristics such as marriage.

Counting young sonsuse "C:\Users\Cameron Campbe\Documents\Baqi\CMGPD-LN from ICPSR\ICPSR_27063\DS0001\27063-0001-Data.dta", clearkeep if FATHER_ID != "-99"keep if PRESENTkeep if SEX == 2 & AGE_IN_SUI >= 1 & AGE_IN_SUI <= 10bysort FATHER_ID YEAR: generate sons_alive = _Nbysort FATHER_ID YEAR: keep if _n == 1keep FATHER_ID YEAR sons_aliverename FATHER_ID PERSON_IDsave sons_aliveuse "C:\Users\Cameron Campbe\Documents\Baqi\CMGPD-LN from ICPSR\ICPSR_27063\DS0001\27063-0001-Data.dta", clearmerge m:1 PERSON_ID YEAR using sons_alive, keep(match master)keep if SEX == 2replace sons_alive = 0 if sons_alive == .keep if AGE_IN_SUI > 0 & AGE_IN_SUI <= 80bysort AGE_IN_SUI: generate byte first_in_age = _n == 1bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen mean_sons_alive = mean(sons_alive)line mean_sons_alive AGE_IN_SUI if first_in_age, scheme(s1mono) ytitle("Mean number of living sons") xtitle("Age in sui")bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_sons_alive_0 = mean(sons_alive == 0)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_sons_alive_1 = mean(sons_alive == 1)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_sons_alive_2 = mean(sons_alive == 2)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_sons_alive_3 = mean(sons_alive == 3)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_sons_alive_4 = mean(sons_alive == 4)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_sons_alive_gt_5 = mean(sons_alive >= 5)line p_sons_alive_0 p_sons_alive_1 p_sons_alive_2 p_sons_alive_3 p_sons_alive_4 p_sons_alive_gt_5 AGE_IN_SUI if first_in_age,

scheme(s1mono) ytitle("Prop. of men with specified # of living sons") xtitle("Age in sui") legend(order(1 "0" 2 "1" 3 "2" 4 "3" 5 "4" 6 "5+"))








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0 20 40 60 80Age in sui

0 12 34 5+

Locating members of the same generation

• Brothers– Males in the same YEAR who have the same FATHER_ID

• Sisters– Never-married females in the same YEAR who have the same

FATHER_ID• Sisters-in-law

– Married or widowed females in the same YEAR who have the same FATHER_ID

• Male cousins– Males in the same YEAR with the same GRANDFATHER_ID but a

different FATHER_ID• Male second cousins

– Males in the same YEAR with the same F_ID_3 but a different GRANDFATHER_ID and FATHER_ID

Numbers of living brothersuse "C:\Users\Cameron Campbe\Documents\Baqi\CMGPD-LN from ICPSR\ICPSR_27063\DS0001\27063-0001-Data.dta", clearkeep if FATHER_ID != "-99" & PRESENT & SEX == 2bysort FATHER_ID YEAR: generate brothers_alive = _N-1bysort FATHER_ID YEAR: keep if _n == 1keep FATHER_ID YEAR brothers_alivesave brothers_alive, replaceuse "C:\Users\Cameron Campbe\Documents\Baqi\CMGPD-LN from ICPSR\ICPSR_27063\DS0001\27063-0001-Data.dta", clearkeep if FATHER_ID != "-99" & SEX == 2merge m:1 FATHER_ID YEAR using brothers_alive, keep(match master)replace brothers_alive = 0 if brothers_alive == .keep if AGE_IN_SUI > 0 & AGE_IN_SUI <= 80bysort AGE_IN_SUI: generate byte first_in_age = _n == 1bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen mean_brothers_alive = mean(brothers_alive)line mean_brothers_alive AGE_IN_SUI if first_in_age, scheme(s1mono) ytitle("Mean number of living brothers") xtitle("Age in

sui")bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_brothers_alive_0 = mean(brothers_alive == 0)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_brothers_alive_1 = mean(brothers_alive == 1)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_brothers_alive_2 = mean(brothers_alive == 2)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_brothers_alive_3 = mean(brothers_alive == 3)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_brothers_alive_4 = mean(brothers_alive == 4)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_brothers_alive_gt_5 = mean(brothers_alive >= 5)line p_brothers_alive_0 p_brothers_alive_1 p_brothers_alive_2 p_brothers_alive_3 p_brothers_alive_4 p_brothers_alive_gt_5

AGE_IN_SUI if first_in_age, scheme(s1mono) ytitle("Prop. of men with specified # of living brothers") xtitle("Age in sui") legend(order(1 "0" 2 "1" 3 "2" 4 "3" 5 "4" 6 "5+"))

Saving and merging isn’t necessary for counting siblings, cousins…

use "C:\Users\Cameron Campbe\Documents\Baqi\CMGPD-LN from ICPSR\ICPSR_27063\DS0001\27063-0001-Data.dta", clear

keep if FATHER_ID != "-99" & PRESENT & SEX == 2bysort FATHER_ID YEAR: generate brothers_alive = _N-1keep if AGE_IN_SUI > 0 & AGE_IN_SUI <= 80bysort AGE_IN_SUI: generate byte first_in_age = _n == 1bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen mean_brothers_alive = mean(brothers_alive)line mean_brothers_alive AGE_IN_SUI if first_in_age, scheme(s1mono) ytitle("Mean number of living

brothers") xtitle("Age in sui")bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_brothers_alive_0 = mean(brothers_alive == 0)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_brothers_alive_1 = mean(brothers_alive == 1)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_brothers_alive_2 = mean(brothers_alive == 2)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_brothers_alive_3 = mean(brothers_alive == 3)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_brothers_alive_4 = mean(brothers_alive == 4)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_brothers_alive_gt_5 = mean(brothers_alive >= 5)line p_brothers_alive_0 p_brothers_alive_1 p_brothers_alive_2 p_brothers_alive_3 p_brothers_alive_4

p_brothers_alive_gt_5 AGE_IN_SUI if first_in_age, scheme(s1mono) ytitle("Prop. of men with specified # of living brothers") xtitle("Age in sui") legend(order(1 "0" 2 "1" 3 "2" 4 "3" 5 "4" 6 "5+"))






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0 20 40 60 80Age in sui





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# of


ng b



0 20 40 60 80Age in sui

0 12 34 5+

Brothers w/ specified characteristics

keep if FATHER_ID != "-99" & PRESENT & SEX == 2bysort FATHER_ID YEAR: egen brothers_alive = total(MARITAL_STATUS == 1 | MARITAL_STATUS == 4)replace brothers_alive = brothers_alive - 1 if MARITAL_STATUS == 1 | MARITAL_STATUS == 4keep if AGE_IN_SUI > 0 & AGE_IN_SUI <= 80bysort AGE_IN_SUI: generate byte first_in_age = _n == 1bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen mean_brothers_alive = mean(brothers_alive)

line mean_brothers_alive AGE_IN_SUI if first_in_age, scheme(s1mono) ytitle("Mean number of married brothers") xtitle("Age in sui")

bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_brothers_alive_0 = mean(brothers_alive == 0)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_brothers_alive_1 = mean(brothers_alive == 1)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_brothers_alive_2 = mean(brothers_alive == 2)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_brothers_alive_3 = mean(brothers_alive == 3)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_brothers_alive_4 = mean(brothers_alive == 4)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_brothers_alive_gt_5 = mean(brothers_alive >= 5)

line p_brothers_alive_0 p_brothers_alive_1 p_brothers_alive_2 p_brothers_alive_3 p_brothers_alive_4 p_brothers_alive_gt_5 AGE_IN_SUI if first_in_age, scheme(s1mono) ytitle("Prop. of men with specified # of married brothers") xtitle("Age in sui") legend(order(1 "0" 2 "1" 3 "2" 4 "3" 5 "4" 6 "5+"))








n w

ith s



d #




d b



0 20 40 60 80Age in sui

0 12 34 5+

Numbers of living cousinsuse "C:\Users\Cameron Campbe\Documents\Baqi\CMGPD-LN from ICPSR\ICPSR_27063\DS0001\27063-0001-Data.dta", clearkeep if GRANDFATHER_ID != "-99" & FATHER_ID != "-99" & PRESENT == 1 & SEX == 2bysort FATHER_ID YEAR: generate brothers_alive = _N-1bysort GRANDFATHER_ID YEAR: generate cousins_alive = _N - brothers_alive - 1bysort GRANDFATHER_ID YEAR: keep if _n == 1keep GRANDFATHER_ID YEAR cousins_alivesave cousins_alive, replaceuse "C:\Users\Cameron Campbe\Documents\Baqi\CMGPD-LN from ICPSR\ICPSR_27063\DS0001\27063-0001-Data.dta", clearkeep if GRANDFATHER_ID != "-99" & FATHER_ID != "-99" & SEX == 2merge m:1 GRANDFATHER_ID YEAR using cousins_alive, keep(match master)replace cousins_alive = 0 if cousins_alive == .keep if AGE_IN_SUI > 0 & AGE_IN_SUI <= 80bysort AGE_IN_SUI: generate byte first_in_age = _n == 1bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen mean_cousins_alive = mean(cousins_alive)line mean_cousins_alive AGE_IN_SUI if first_in_age, scheme(s1mono) ytitle("Mean number of living cousins") xtitle("Age in sui")bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_cousins_alive_0 = mean(cousins_alive == 0)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_cousins_alive_1 = mean(cousins_alive == 1)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_cousins_alive_2 = mean(cousins_alive == 2)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_cousins_alive_3 = mean(cousins_alive == 3)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_cousins_alive_4 = mean(cousins_alive == 4)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen p_cousins_alive_gt_5 = mean(cousins_alive >= 5)line p_cousins_alive_0 p_cousins_alive_1 p_cousins_alive_2 p_cousins_alive_3 p_cousins_alive_4 p_cousins_alive_gt_5

AGE_IN_SUI if first_in_age, scheme(s1mono) ytitle("Prop. of men with specified # of living cousins") xtitle("Age in sui") legend(order(1 "0" 2 "1" 3 "2" 4 "3" 5 "4" 6 "5+"))

Second cousinsuse "C:\Users\Cameron Campbe\Documents\Baqi\CMGPD-LN from

ICPSR\ICPSR_27063\DS0001\27063-0001-Data.dta", clearmerge 1:1 RECORD_NUMBER using "C:\Users\Cameron Campbe\

Documents\Baqi\CMGPD-LN from ICPSR\ICPSR_27063\DS0004\27063-0004-Data.dta", keepusing(F_ID_3)

keep if PRESENT == 1 & SEX == 2 & F_ID_3 != "-99" & FATHER_ID != "-99" & GRANDFATHER_ID != "-99"

bysort GRANDFATHER_ID YEAR: generate cousins = _N-1bysort F_ID_3 YEAR: generate second_cousins = _N – cousins - 1bysort AGE_IN_SUI: generate byte first_in_age = _n == 1bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen second_cousins_mean = mean(second_cousins) line second_cousins_mean AGE_IN_SUI if first_in_age & AGE_IN_SUI >= 1

& AGE_IN_SUI <= 80, scheme(s1mono) ytitle("Mean number of second cousins") xtitle("Age in sui")


• Can also group on HOUSEHOLD_ID to distinguish between sets of kin living in separate households

• For that matter, could also group on village identifier to identify kin in other versus same village

• Coresidence only makes sense from 1789 on

Second cousinsby co-residence

use "C:\Users\Cameron Campbe\Documents\Baqi\CMGPD-LN from ICPSR\ICPSR_27063\DS0001\27063-0001-Data.dta", clear

merge 1:1 RECORD_NUMBER using "C:\Users\Cameron Campbe\Documents\Baqi\CMGPD-LN from ICPSR\ICPSR_27063\DS0004\27063-0004-Data.dta", keepusing(F_ID_3)

keep if PRESENT == 1 & SEX == 2 & F_ID_3 != "-99" & FATHER_ID != "-99" & GRANDFATHER_ID != "-99" & HOUSEHOLD_ID != "-99"

bysort GRANDFATHER_ID YEAR: generate cousins = _N-1bysort GRANDFATHER_ID HOUSEHOLD_ID YEAR: generate cousins_hh = _N-1bysort F_ID_3 YEAR: generate second_cousins = _N – cousins -1bysort F_ID_3 HOUSEHOLD_ID YEAR: generate second_cousins_hh = _N - cousins_hh -1bysort AGE_IN_SUI: generate byte first_in_age = _n == 1bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen second_cousins_mean = mean(second_cousins) bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen second_cousins_hh_mean = mean(second_cousins_hh) line second_cousins_mean second_cousins_hh_mean AGE_IN_SUI if first_in_age &

AGE_IN_SUI >= 1 & AGE_IN_SUI <= 80, scheme(s1mono) ytitle("Mean") xtitle("Age in sui") legend(order(1 "Second cousins" 2 "Second cousins in household"))

Variables measured according to location within a generation

• Can sort members grouped by GRANDFATHER_ID, FATHER_ID etc. to measure characteristics relative to other members of the same generation

• Sort men with the same FATHER_ID by BIRTHYEAR to order brothers according to seniority

• Can count up unmarried older brothers (for example) with a running total of MARITAL_STATUS == 2 within FATHER_ID and YEAR, minus 1 for unmarried men.

Older unmarried brothers

use "C:\Users\Cameron Campbe\Documents\Baqi\CMGPD-LN from ICPSR\ICPSR_27063\DS0001\27063-0001-Data.dta", clear

keep if SEX == 2 & FATHER_ID != "-99" & PRESENTgenerate byte unmarried = MARITAL_STATUS == 2bysort FATHER_ID YEAR (BIRTHYEAR): gen older_unmarried_brothers =

sum(unmarried)replace older_unmarried_brothers = older_unmarried_brothers - 1 if

MARITAL_STATUS == 2tab older_unmarried_brothersbysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen mean_older_unmarried_brothers =

mean(older_unmarried_brothers)bysort AGE_IN_SUI: generate byte first_in_age = _n == 1line mean_older_unmarried_brothers AGE_IN_SUI if first_in_age & AGE_IN_SUI >= 1

& AGE_IN_SUI <= 80, scheme(s1mono) ytitle("Mean number of older unmarried brothers") xtitle("Age")

Kin in other generations

• Uncles– Men whose FATHER_ID is the same as the

individual’s GRANDFATHER_ID– But whose PERSON_ID is not the individual’s

FATHER_ID• Nephews

– Men whose GRANDFATHER_ID is the same as the individual’s FATHER_ID

– But whose FATHER_ID is not the individual’s PERSON_ID

Unclesuse "C:\Users\Cameron Campbe\Documents\Baqi\CMGPD-LN from ICPSR\ICPSR_27063\

DS0001\27063-0001-Data.dta", clearkeep if SEX == 2 & PRESENT & FATHER_ID != "-99"bysort FATHER_ID YEAR: generate uncles = _Nbysort FATHER_ID YEAR: keep if _n == _Nkeep FATHER_ID YEAR unclesrename FATHER_ID GRANDFATHER_IDsave uncles, replaceuse "C:\Users\Cameron Campbe\Documents\Baqi\CMGPD-LN from ICPSR\ICPSR_27063\

DS0001\27063-0001-Data.dta", clearkeep if SEX == 2 & PRESENT & FATHER_ID != "-99"bysort PERSON_ID YEAR: keep if _n == _Ngenerate byte father_alive = 1keep PERSON_ID FATHER_ID YEAR father_aliverename FATHER_ID GRANDFATHER_IDrename PERSON_ID FATHER_IDsave father, replace

use "C:\Users\Cameron Campbe\Documents\Baqi\CMGPD-LN from ICPSR\ICPSR_27063\DS0001\27063-0001-Data.dta", clear

keep if GRANDFATHER_ID != "-99" & FATHER_ID != "-99"keep if SEX == 2 & PRESENTmerge m:1 GRANDFATHER_ID YEAR using uncles, keep(match master)drop _mergemerge m:1 GRANDFATHER_ID FATHER_ID YEAR using father, keep(match

master)replace father_alive = 0 if father_alive == .replace uncles = 0 if uncles == .tab uncles father_alivereplace uncles = uncles - father_alivebysort AGE_IN_SUI: generate first_in_age = _n == 1bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen mean_uncles = mean(uncles)line mean_uncles AGE_IN_SUI if first_in_age & AGE_IN_SUI >= 1 & AGE_IN_SUI

<= 80, scheme(s1mono) xtitle("Age in sui") ytitle("Mean number of uncles")

Kin with specified characteristics

• Use egen to count up kin with specified characteristics

• Following example counts up uncles with position

• Could just as well count up uncles meeting any criteria of interest– Age, marital status, etc.

Uncles with positionuse "C:\Users\Cameron Campbe\Documents\Baqi\CMGPD-LN from ICPSR\ICPSR_27063\

DS0001\27063-0001-Data.dta", clearkeep if SEX == 2 & PRESENT & FATHER_ID != "-99"bysort FATHER_ID YEAR: egen uncles_with_position = total(HAS_POSITION == 1)bysort FATHER_ID YEAR: keep if _n == _Nkeep FATHER_ID YEAR unclesrename FATHER_ID GRANDFATHER_IDsave uncles_with_position, replaceuse "C:\Users\Cameron Campbe\Documents\Baqi\CMGPD-LN from ICPSR\ICPSR_27063\

DS0001\27063-0001-Data.dta", clearkeep if SEX == 2 & PRESENT & FATHER_ID != "-99" & HAS_POSITIONbysort PERSON_ID YEAR: keep if _n == _Ngenerate byte father_has_position = 1keep PERSON_ID FATHER_ID YEAR father_has_positionrename FATHER_ID GRANDFATHER_IDrename PERSON_ID FATHER_IDsave father_has_position, replace

use "C:\Users\Cameron Campbe\Documents\Baqi\CMGPD-LN from ICPSR\ICPSR_27063\DS0001\27063-0001-Data.dta", clear

keep if GRANDFATHER_ID != "-99" & FATHER_ID != "-99"keep if SEX == 2 & PRESENTmerge m:1 GRANDFATHER_ID YEAR using uncles_with_position, keep(match master)drop _mergemerge m:1 GRANDFATHER_ID FATHER_ID YEAR using father_has_position, keep(match

master)replace father_has_position = 0 if father_has_position == .replace uncles_with_position = 0 if uncles_with_position == .tab uncles_with_position father_has_positionreplace uncles_with_position = uncles_with_position - father_has_positionbysort AGE_IN_SUI: generate first_in_age = _n == 1bysort AGE_IN_SUI: egen mean_uncles_with_position = mean(uncles_with_position)line mean_uncles AGE_IN_SUI if first_in_age & AGE_IN_SUI >= 1 & AGE_IN_SUI <= 80,

scheme(s1mono) xtitle("Age in sui") ytitle("Mean number of uncles with position")

Fixed characteristics of individuals in previous times

• So far all examples have been characteristics of kin in the same year

• For analysis of influence of early-life characteristics, can construct measures of interest at one age (e.g. number of brothers when first observed) and copy forward to later records.

• In some cases, would like to collapse information from multiple records of father, grandfather, etc. to produce a single variable

• Typical example: did a father or grandfather hold a position at any point in his life– Regardless of whether he is still alive– Indeed, regardless of whether grandfather died before index

individual was born

Father, grandfather ever held positionuse "C:\Users\Cameron Campbe\Documents\Baqi\CMGPD-LN from ICPSR\ICPSR_27063\DS0001\27063-0001-Data.dta", clearkeep if SEX == 2 & HAS_POSITION == 1& PRESENTbysort PERSON_ID: keep if _n == 1rename HAS_POSITION FATHER_EVER_HAD_POSITIONkeep PERSON_ID FATHER_EVER_HAD_POSITIONrename PERSON_ID FATHER_IDsave father_ever_held_positionrename FATHER_ID GRANDFATHER_IDrename FATHER_EVER_HAD_POSITION GF_EVER_HAD_POSITIONsave gf_ever_held_positionuse "C:\Users\Cameron Campbe\Documents\Baqi\CMGPD-LN from ICPSR\ICPSR_27063\DS0001\27063-0001-Data.dta", clearkeep if SEX == 2 & FATHER_ID != "-99" & GRANDFATHER_ID != "-99"keep if PRESENTmerge m:1 FATHER_ID using father_ever_held_position, keep(match master)replace FATHER_EVER_HAD_POSITION = 0 if FATHER_EVER_HAD_POSITION == .drop _mergemerge m:1 GRANDFATHER_ID using gf_ever_held_position, keep(match master)drop _mergereplace GF_EVER_HAD_POSITION = 0 if GF_EVER_HAD_POSITION == .generate age_group = 1 + 5*int((AGE_IN_SUI-1)/5)generate ever_married = MARITAL_STATUS != 2keep if MARITAL_STATUS >= 1xi:logit HAS_POSITION i.age_group FATHER_EVER_HAD_POSITION GF_EVER_HAD_POSITION if AGE_IN_SUI >= 21 & AGE_IN_SUI

<= 50 & HAS_POSITION >= 0

Logistic regression Number of obs = 363157 LR chi2(7) = 9814.74 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000Log likelihood = -33618.005 Pseudo R2 = 0.1274

------------------------------------------------------------------------------HAS_POSITION | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]-------------+----------------------------------------------------------------_Iage_gro~_6 | (omitted)…_Iage_gr~_41 | -.163177 .0378302 -4.31 0.000 -.2373228 -.0890313_Iage_gr~_46 | (omitted)…_Iage_gr~721 | (omitted)FATHER_EVE~N | 2.337024 .0264432 88.38 0.000 2.285196 2.388852GF_EVER_HA~N | .7563838 .0323022 23.42 0.000 .6930727 .8196948 _cons | -3.813408 .0280527 -135.94 0.000 -3.86839 -3.758426------------------------------------------------------------------------------