Six New Tires Reflecting the Same Strategy MICHELIN Total Performance

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  • 7/29/2019 Six New Tires Reflecting the Same Strategy MICHELIN Total Performance

    1/161 | Press kit | march 2013

    Meia contact : +33 1 45 66 22 22

    The Six Ne MICHELINMotoccle Ties o 2013

    p r e s s k i t | M a r c h 2 0 1 3

  • 7/29/2019 Six New Tires Reflecting the Same Strategy MICHELIN Total Performance

    2/162 | Press kit | march 2013

    OvErvIEw................................................................................................................................................ 03

    Six new tires reecting the same strategy:MICHELIN Total Perormance

    A COMprEHENSIvE LOOk AT THE COMpOSITION O THE TIrE rANgES ....................... 04

    Six fgures to learn more about MICHELIN tires

    INNOvATION: AN INTEgrAL pArT O MICHELINS buSINESS.............................................. 05

    A close-up look at six leading-edge Michelin technologies

    THE NEw MICHELIN HypErSpOrT TIrE ........................................................................................ 07

    MICHELIN Power SuperSportGetting the most out o motorcycle riding, on road and track

    THE NEw MICHELIN TIrE Or rOAdSTErS ANd SpOrT bIkES........................................... 08

    MICHELIN Pilot Power 3, uncompromising enjoyment

    THE NEw MICHELIN TIrES Or bIkES uSEd bOTH ON- ANd O-rOAd........................ 09

    MICHELIN Anakee IIIRediscovering the enjoyment o trail riding or a long time!MICHELIN Anakee WildO the Beaten Path

    THE NEw MICHELIN TIrE Or SMALL ANd MEdIuM-SIzE MOTOrCyCLES ................... 10

    MICHELIN Pilot Street RadialBringing the radial revolution to small and medium-size bikesMICHELIN Pilot StreetFor small utility bikes

    INOrMATION THrOugH IgurES ................................................................................................ 11

    Michelin InnovationResearch & Development programs ocused solely on two-wheel motor vehiclesThe Michelin Groups Research and Development commitment, in six fguresMichelins Ladoux Technology Center: where motorcycle tires are created

    TIrE SIzES ................................................................................................................................................. 14

    AppENdICES ............................................................................................................................................ 15

    Michelin Group: MilestonesMichelin Group: Key Figures


    Find MICHELIN Motorcycle innovations on videos on our youtube channel.


  • 7/29/2019 Six New Tires Reflecting the Same Strategy MICHELIN Total Performance

    3/163 | Press kit | march 20133 | Press kit | march 2013

    Six ne ties eectin the same state:

    MICHELIN Total peomance

    suMMary: More perforMance in the saMe tire

    Michelin is lanchin six ieent ne ties simlta-neosl in the intenational maetlace.

    From high-powered sports motorcycle to small andmedium-size city bikes, rom trail bikes used on- ando-road to sporty roadsters, all o these vehicles, re-gardless o where they are ridden around the world,can be equipped with latest-generation MICHELIN

    tires:MICHELIN poe SeSot or sporty bikes usedon road or track;

    MICHELIN pilot poe 3 Pilot Power 3 or sporty roadsand sporty motorcycles used mainly on the road;

    MICHELIN Anaee III or big trail bikes used mainlyon roads;

    MICHELIN Anaee wil or big trail bikes used bothon- and o-road;

    MICHELIN pilot Steet raial or small and medium-size motorcycles used every day;

    MICHELIN pilot Steet or small utility bikes.

    While each o these six tires is dedicated to a specifcuse or purpose, they all have one thing in common inthat they were designed to deliver the most completeperormance combination.

    In to eas, the entire line-up o MICHELIN motorcycle tires or road use will have been renewed.

    first-quarter 2013

    first-quarter 2013

    first-quarter 2013

    By simultaneously bringing these six new tires tomarket, the Group is demonstrating its worldwidecommitment to riders to providing new tires, eacho which delivers more perormance. This is what isknown as MICHELIN Total Perormance the ability toengineer tires that leverage advanced technologies toeliminate perormance tradeos or users. MICHELINtires deliver in the areas o saety, riding enjoymentand total mileage.

    MICHELIN Total Perormance is a global strategy. Itapplies to all categories o MICHELIN tires, whetheror motorcycles or or vehicles equipped by otherGroup divisions.

    First-quarter 2013. To simultaneously bring six new tire ranges into the global marketplace, Michelin has le-veraged unprecedented R&D and production resources. Innovation is the cornerstone o this strategy andMichelin allocates more than 620 million a year to its Technology Center programs.


    powe Slick



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    MICHELIN powe




    pilot road 3


    MICHELIN pilot

    powe 3


  • 7/29/2019 Six New Tires Reflecting the Same Strategy MICHELIN Total Performance

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    Six fes to lean moe aot

    MICHELIN ties


    Eehee aon the ol, the go ses one an onl one an o all itsto-heel moto ehicles ties. For all motorcycles or scooters, whether powerul sportsbikes exclusively or track use, all-terrain bikes or small, 50-cc motorcycles, all the Groupstires display the MICHELIN brand. Whatever the climate, the bike or the type o use, riderswill fnd a MICHELIN tire that meets their needs. The Group even takes into account usersbudget capacity to oer an extensive product portolio that includes latest-generation tiresalongside older models that also integrate advanced technologies.

    The entie MICHELIN oa motoccle tie line- is less than to eas ol.

    To mae its olie motoccle tie oein, Michelin has efne fe majotes o se that een on fe tes o sace. There are tires or the track, or theroad, or city streets, or trails and or o-road use.

    Michelin is simltaneosl inin to maet six ne ties in 2013 o sots mo-els, oastes, tail ies an small motoccles.


    Oe the eas, Michelin has eeloe six leain-ee technoloies that areound in dierent combinations depending on user needs on all its 2013 tires (see detailsbelow).

    These ne octs can eqi 18 amilies o to-heel moto ehicles. This meansnearly all existing categories including track bikes, hypersport models, sports motorcycles,touring bikes, roadsters, customized models and cruisers, small and medium-size city motor-cycles, trail and motocross bikes, endurance motorcycles, recreational trail bikes, rally motor-cycles and trial bikes, as well as large, city, retro and 50-cc scooters.






    a coMprehensive look at the coMposition of the tire ranges

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    A close- loo at six leain-ee

    Michelin technoloies

    i n n o v at i o n : a n i n t e g r a l p a r t o f M i c h e l i n s b u s i n e s s

    In 1984, Michelin tested its frst radial motorcycle tiresin Grand Prix events and they very quickly becamethe benchmark. Radial technology provided a criticaladvantage in terms o resistance and stability at highspeeds, as well as consistently superior, long-termroad perormance, riding comort and longevity.

    1987 : the frst radial tire or street bikes was intro-duced: the MICHELIN A59X / M59X.

    2013 : the new MICHELIN Pilot Street Radial providesusers o mid-size bikes with access to this ad-vanced technology.

    Ne 2013 octs ith aial technolo:

    MICHELIN Power SuperSport, MICHELIN PilotPower 3, MICHELIN Pilot Street Radial, MICHELINAnakee III and Anakee Wild*

    *The Anakee III line-up exists in both cross-ply and radialversions.

    In 1994, Michelin introduced two-compound tires in GP500 racing.The rubber in the center o the tread was hard in order to withstandsudden accelerations and braking and sot on the shoulders to deli-ver more grip when leaning.

    In 2013, Michelin urther enhanced this technology with the new2CT+ version, which eatured hard rubber under the sot compoundon the shoulder. The result was greater rigidity when leaning and

    enhanced stability at angles, especially when accelerating sharply.

    2005 : the frst racing tire made with 2CT technology and certifedor road use was launched: the MICHELIN Power Race.

    2013 : 2CT+ technology has been integrated into the rear tires in theMICHELIN Pilot Power3 and Power SuperSport ranges.

    Ne 2013 octs ith 2CTan 2CT+ technolo:

    MICHELIN Power SuperSportand MICHELIN Pilot Power 3

    2ct (two coMpound technology) and 2ct+, the new generation 2ct

    radial technology

    rONT TyrE

    rubber coMpound SOFT MEDIUM1 2 3

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    A close- loo at six leain-eeMichelin technoloies

    In 2011, Michelin simultaneously brought to market the MICHELIN Pilot Road3 and MICHELIN City Grip range.Integrating patented sipes that broke through surace water, these tires delivered superior grip on wet roads.

    For its radial tires, Michelin has developed a highlyrigid, zero-degree aramid fber belt that reinorcesthe casing when it is subject to centriugal orce,thus maintaining its shape at all speeds. The aramidfbers used in Michelin tires are just as rigid as steelfbers yet weigh fve times less.

    2013 : all tires in the MICHELIN Pilot Power 3 andPower SuperSport line-ups have been certifed

    or use at speeds o up to 320 km/h.

    Michelin has developed casing layers made withHigh Modulus Low Shrinkage polyester thatcombines two seemingly contradictory eatures:

    - High rigidity and breaking strength or unpa-ralleled perormance.

    - Flexible compression or enhanced absorp-tion capacity, on bumps and when braking.

    In 1992, Michelin tested its frst silica-based tiresin GP500 racing. The compound delivered supe-rior grip on cold, damp or wet suraces whilemaintaining the tires wear-resistance qualities.

    1999 : the frst 100% silica street tire was pro-duced: the MICHELIN Pilot Sport.

    Ne 2013 octs ith 100% silica tea comontechnolo:

    MICHELIN Power SuperSport*, MICHELIN Pilot Power 3*,MICHELIN Pilot Street Radial and MICHELIN Anakee III

    *The Pilot SuperSport and Pilot Power3 and ranges integrate a 100%silica compound on ront tires and or the center tread band on reartires.

    Ne 2013 octs ith HMLS oleste casin laetechnolo:

    MICHELIN Power SuperSport, MICHELIN Pilot Power 3,MICHELIN Pilot Street Radial, MICHELIN Pilot Streetand MICHELIN Anakee III*

    *The Anakee III line-up uses polyester casings or certain size tires.

    Ne 2013 octs ith eo-eee aami feelt technolo:

    MICHELIN Power SuperSport, MICHELIN PilotPower 3 and MICHELIN Anakee III*

    *The Anakee III range uses a zero-degree aramid fber beltonly or certain tire sizes.

    silica rain technology: 100% silica tread coMpounds

    tread integrating X-sipe and progressive sipe technology

    casing layers Made with hMls polyester

    Zero-degree araMid fiber belt

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    MICHELIN poe SeSot,gettin the most ot o motoccle iin, on oa an tac

    t h e n e w M i c h e l i n h y p e r s p o r t t i r e

    The ne MICHELIN poe Se Sot as eeloe o sots ies an sotoastes.

    o 50% oa an 50% tac se.When used on the track, it can unction at low pres-sure when the tires are cold.

    ON THE TrACkWithout tire warmers- Front 2.1 - Rear 1.7 barWith tire warmers

    - Front 2.1 bar - Rear 1.5 bar

    ON THE rOAdThe cold ination pressures to apply are thoserecommended by the motorcycle manuactureror road use

    A contact atch thatis to 52% laehen the esse

    is loee o seon the tac.

    voi atio 7,5 %

    usae 50% oa, 50% tac

    ont tea

    rea tea

    Maximal grip is also provided by a contact patchthat is 52% larger when pressure is reduced oruse on the track* (see schema above).

    The MICHELIN Power SuperSport also oers ex-cellent mileage**, thereby combining riding en-

    joyment and cost-savings.

    *A contact patch that is up to 52% larger on the rear tire. For a motor-cycle whose cold pressure is reduced rom 2.9 bar to 1.5 bar on therear tire (or track use only), Michelin recommends cold pressure o2.1 bar on the ront tire and 1.7 bar on the rear (or 1.5 bar i tirewarmers are used) or the MICHELIN Power SuperSport, when ridingon the track.

    **Longevity test o the MICHELIN Power SuperSport conducted byDEKRA Test Center in 2012 comparing the tire against two compe-ting premium brand tires in sizes 120/70 ZR 17 M/C (58W) and 190/55ZR 17 M/C (75W). Individual results may vary depending on motor-cycle type and running conditions.

    A ha comon ne the sot eon the shole inceases iiit henleanin an enhances stailit on anles,eseciall hen acceleatin shal.

    MAXIMuM grIp + grEATEr MILEAgE

    The new MICHELIN Power SuperSport delivers excellentgrip thanks to racing compounds integrated in the tread.

    It integrates the new 2 CT+ technology that uses a sotcompound on the shoulders and a harder rubber on thetread as well as another hard compound under the sotrubber on the shoulders. The result is greater rigidity

    when leaning and enhanced stability at angles, especiallywhen accelerating sharply.

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    MICHELIN pilot poe 3,ncomomisin enjoment

    t h e n e w M i c h e l i n t i r e f o r r o a d s t e r s a n d s p o r t b i k e s

    The ne MICHELIN pilot poe 3 as eeloe o sots ies an sotoastes.It as esine o 85% oa an 15% tac se.

    voi atio 10 %

    usae 85% oa, 15% tac

    ont tea

    rea tea

    The riding enjoyment provided by the tire comes romits grip, which takes handling ability to an unprece-dented level.

    The tires exceptional grip and handling are the resulto a new profle and a rubber compound that integratesthe innovative 2CT+ technology combining sot andhard rubber and that is perectly adapted to the require-ments o sport bikes and roadsters (see technical detailson page 8).

    The MICHELIN Pilot Power 3 delivers maximum grip onwet suraces as well as the best braking perormance inits category*.

    It also provides users with 20% more mileage than theMICHELIN Pilot Power 2CT, already the category bench-mark**.

    *Wet pavement braking test o the MICHELIN Pilot Power 3 carried out in2012 by the DEKRA Test Center against three premium brand competitors insizes 120/70/ ZR 17 (ront) and 190/55/ ZR 17 (rear). Individual results may varydepending on motorcycle type and running conditions.

    **In-house test conducted in 2012 at Michelins Ladoux Technology Center.


    MICHELIN pilot poe3 ties hae casinlaes mae ith HMLSoleste.

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    MICHELIN Anaee IIIreiscoe the enjoment o tail iin o a lon time

    t h e n e w M i c h e l i n t i r e s f o r o n - a n d o f f - r o a d b i k e s

    The ne MICHELIN Anaee III tiehas een cetife bMw toeqi this ne esion o its on-

    an o-oa ie.

    In 2013, 80% o all BMW R 1200GS bikes will be ftted with thetire as original equipment, making

    Michelin the manuacturers mainpartner or the new model. The per-

    ormance and multipurpose nature o the MICHELINAnakee III is reected in its ability to meet BMWsextremely demanding specifcations. To achieve thisresult, BMW and Michelin worked together to co-de-velop the tire, which required both partners to renewtheir respective product lineups. The new BMW R1200 GS was entirely revamped rom the engine (withits liquid cooling system) to the tire sizes (120/70 R19or the ront wheel and 170/60 R17 or the rear).

    The new MICHELIN Anakee III represents a technologi-cal breakthrough compared with the previous-gene-ration tire. Thanks to the close cooperation betweenthe motorcycle manuacturer and the tiremaker, the

    two products are perectly aligned And the act thatthe MICHELIN Anakee III has been selected to equipmost models o the motorcycle that is recognized asthe standard-setter in its category serves to reafrmMichelins technological leadership and ability tomeet the expectations o the most demanding users.

    The new tire was designed or on-road use 90% othe time and o-road use the remaining 10%. As aresult, it is slightly more o a road tire than its prede-cessor even though it has lost none o its recognizedability to negotiate trails. The void ratio o the treadhas been reduced rom 30% to 20%.

    Saety, high mileage and riding enjoyment top thelist o design specs. The new MICHELIN Anakee IIIinnovates with its unique tread pattern, developedthrough Michelins technological expertise. Featuringbevel-cut central sipes, the tread delivers improvedlateral grip. Thanks to its integration o silica, theMICHELIN Anakee III rear tire lasts 20%* lone thana competing premium brand tire.In addition, the silica helps to improve wet grip. Thenew tread design makes or regular wear, while de-livering a lively response and consistent behavior as

    the kilometers roll by, or greater saety and a moreenjoyable ride.In short, the new MICHELIN Anakee III means an agile,yet stable ride even with a passenger and luggage(thanks to its rigid casing), precision cornering evenat high speed**, and excellent braking and corneringresponse. When cornering at a 30 angle, the contactpatch is 10% wider than with the preceding Anakee2 tire, thereby demonstrating Michelins ability to si-multaneously deliver superior perormance in severalareas by using advanced technologies.In addition, the silica helps to improve wet grip. Thenew tread design makes or regular wear, while de-

    livering a lively response and consistent behavior asthe kilometers roll by, or greater saety and a more

    enjoyable ride.

    * Longevity test o the MICHELINAnakee III conducted by DEKRA TestCenter in 2012 comparing the tireagainst a competing premium brandtire in sizes 110/80 R19 59V and 150/70R17 69V. Individual results may varydepending on motorcycle type andrunning conditions.

    ** In accordance with local legislation.


    MICHELIN Anaee wil

    with the MICHELIN Anaee wil, the tiemae ill intoce an o-oa esiono the ne tie that is hihl stlie in tems o oth esin an eomance.Already certifed by BMW, this radial tire targets riders who love to take their bikes outon the trail. It will be available in replacement markets in 2013.

    The tie has een esine o 50% on-oa an 50% o-oa se.

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    MICHELIN pilot Steet raialbinin the aial eoltion to small

    an meim-sie ies

    the new Michelin radial tire for sMall and MediuM-siZe Motorcycles

    raial achitecte that enablesimproved overall response andhandling as well as unrivaled per-ormance over the long term, com-pared with a same-size cross-plytire.

    A 100% silica e comon

    that delivers the best wet grip* inits category, or a sae, sporty ride.

    A tie eie iectl om theaial Sot Toin anes an atea ooe om the MICHELINpilot roa 2, give the motorcyclean attractive, sporty appearance.

    * Wet-track grip test o the MICHELIN Pilot Street Radial carried out in September 2012 by theDEKRA Test Center, comparing it with premium brand tires in sizes 110/70 R17 54H and 140/70R17 66H. Individual results may vary depending on motorcycle type and running conditions.

    Longevity tests conducted by MAUA Test Center in So Paulo city - Brazil between

    July and September 2012 comparing MICHELIN Pilot Street Radial (in sizes 110/70-17 54H - 140/70-17 66H) and Pirelli Sport Demon tyres(in sizes 110/70 R17 54H - 140/70 R17 66H).Individual results may vary depending on motorcycletype and operating conditions.

    The MICHELIN pilot Steet

    The MICHELIN Pilot Street is intended or small utility motor-cycles. It is ideally suited to day-to-day use in urban andsuburban areas. The tire demonstrates the Groups com-mitment to renewing its entire oering to enhancemobility or a wide array o users around the world.


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    Michelin Innoation

    i n f o r M a t i o n t h r o u g h f i g u r e s

    The number o hos o simlation calclations carried outor motorcycle tires in one year.

    The number o months needed to develop a motorcycle tire.

    The approximate number o motorcycle tire ototes designedeach year by Michelin.

    The average number o tests carried out each year by a singleMichelin test rider.

    The number o eole who work in the Two-Wheel Product Line.

    The number o comonents used in the manuacture

    o a motorcycle tire.

    research & developMent prograMs focused solely on two-wheelMotor vehicles

    12 000

    18 to 24



    1 000


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    Michelin Innoation

    i n f o r M a t i o n t h r o u g h f i g u r e s

    The amount, in millions o euros, allocated by Michelin every yearto its Research and Development Department.

    There is only one Michelin Technolo Cente. It is global in scope,with three acilities on three continents: North America, Asia and Europe.

    The nme o eole around the world that work in Michelins researchand development programs.

    The nme o ieent oessions involved in the R&D process.These include researchers, engineers, developers, testers and technicians.

    The number o measurements, in millions, perormed each yearin Michelin laboratories on materials and semi-fnished products

    (rubber compounds and metal/textile abrics).

    The number o kilometers, in illions, covered each year in endurance

    and longevity tests across all segments, including cars, trucks, motorcyclesand earthmover equipment.

    the Michelin groups research and developMent coMMitMent, in siX figures



    6 600

    (Oe) 350



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    Michelin Innoation

    - In-depth technical studies to better understandcustomer needs and tire perormance

    - Design o tire component materials

    - Tire design- Manuacture o prototype rubber compounds

    - Design and production o prototype curing molds

    - Manuacture o prototype tires

    - Trials, measurements and tests on both track andmachines

    - Vehicle logistics and maintenance- Simulation, analysis and measurement operations

    Oeations caie ot in the eseach an eeloment laoatoies incle:

    Michelins ladouX technology center:where Motorcycle tires are created

    The number o eole who work on the site, near Clermont-Ferrand.They account or more than hal o all R&D team members.

    3 300

    The sites total area, in hectaes, including 380 hectares o testing grounds.


    The number o ilins on the site, which have a total surace areao 169,400 square meters.


    The number o test tacs on the site, or a total length o 41 kilometers.


    The ea the Ladoux site was ounded.


    i n f o r M a t i o n t h r o u g h f i g u r e s

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    Tes sies

    MICHELIN poe SeSot MICHELIN pilot Steet raial

    MICHELIN pilot Steet

    MICHELIN pilot poe 3


    ont 120/70 ZR 17 M/C (58W) TL

    rea 180/55 ZR 17 M/C (73W) TL190/50 ZR 17 M/C (73W) TL190/55 ZR 17 M/C (75W) TL200/55 ZR 17 M/C (78W) TL

    ont 120/60 ZR 17 M/C (55W) TL120/70 ZR 17 M/C (58W) TL

    rea 160/60 ZR 17 M/C (69W) TL180/55 ZR 17 M/C (73W) TL190/50 ZR 17 M/C (73W) TL190/55 ZR 17 M/C (75W) TL

    ont 90/90 - 21 M/C 54S TL/TT90/90 - 21 M/C 54H TL/TT90/90 - 21 M/C 54V TL/TT100/90 - 19 M/C 57H TL/TT110/80 R 19 M/C 59H TL/TT110/80 R 19 M/C 59V TL/TT120/70 R 19 M/C 60V TL/TT*

    * Approved by BMWor the 1200 GS

    rea 120/90 - 17 M/C 64S TL/TT130/80 R 17 M/C 65S TL/TT130/80 R 17 M/C 65H TL/TT140/80 R 17 M/C 69H TL/TT150/70 R 17 M/C 69H TL/TT

    150/70 R 17 M/C 69V TL/TT170/60 R 17 M/C 72V TL/TT*

    * Approved by BMWor the 1200 GS

    ont120/70 R 19 M/C 60V TL/TT

    rea 170/60 R 17 M/C 72V TL/TT

    ont 110/70 R 17 M/C 54H TL/TT

    rea 130/70 R 17 M/C 62H TL/TT140/70 R 17 M/C 66H TL/TT

    ont100/80 - 17 M/C 52S TL/TT110/70 - 17 M/C 54S TL/TT2.75 - 18 42P TL/TT90/80 - 17 M/C 46S TL/TT

    ont / rea2.50 - 17 43P REINF TT

    60/90 - 17 M/C 30S TT60/100 - 17 M/C 33L TL/TT70/90 - 14 M/C 40P REINF TL/TT70/90 - 17 M/C 38S TT70/90 - 17 M/C 43S REINF TL/TT80/80 - 14 M/C 43P REINF TL80/90 - 14 M/C 46P REINF TL/TT80/90 - 16 M/C 48S REINF TL/TT80/90 - 17 M/C 50S REINF TL/TT90/80 - 14 M/C 49P REINF TL90/90 - 14 M/C 52P REINF TL/TT100/80 - 14 M/C 48P TL/TT110/80 - 14 M/C 59P REINF

    rea80/100 - 14 M/C 49L REINF TT90/90 - 18 57P REINF TL/TT100/90 - 18 M/C 56P TL/TT130/70 - 17 M/C 62S TL/TT140/70 - 17 M/C 66S TL/TT

    MICHELIN Anaee wil

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    Michelin go: Milestones

    a p p e n d i c e s

    1889: Creation o Michelin et Cie.

    1891: Michelin fles its frst patents or removable

    and repairable tires.1895: Michelin introduces clair, the frst car ftted

    with pneumatic tires.

    1898: Birth o Bibendum, the Michelin Man.

    1900: First Michelin gie published.

    1905: Introduction o the semelle Michelintread with hobnails to improve tire grip anddurability.

    1910: First 1/200,000-scale Michelin oa mapublished.

    1913: Michelin invents the emoale steel heel.

    1923: First lo esse ca tie (2.5 bar).

    1926: Michelin creates its frst geen gie otoists.

    1930: Michelin fles a patent or the inteate tetie.

    1938: Michelin introduces Metalic, the frst trucktire with a steel casing.

    1946: Michelin invents the aial tie.

    1959: Michelin introduces the frst radial tire orearthmovers.

    1979: The Michelin radial tire wins the Formula 1championship.

    1981: The MICHELIN X Air is the frst radial aircrattire.

    1987: Market launch o the frst radial motorcycletire: the MICHELIN A59X/M59X

    1992: Launch o the uel-efcient MICHELIN

    ENERGY tire.

    1993: Michelin invents the new C3M tiremanuacturing process.

    1995: The space shuttle lands on Michelin tires.1996: Michelin invents the vertically anchored PAXSystem tire.

    1998: The frst Michelin Challenge Bibendum, aninternational clean vehicle event.

    1998: The Michelin Mans 100th birthday.

    2000: The Michelin Man elected best logo o alltime by an international jury.

    2001: Michelin brings to market the worlds largestearthmover tire.

    2003: Launch o Michelin brand automotiveaccessories.

    2004: New corporate signature introduced:Michelin, a ette a oa.

    2004: Launch o the MICHELIN XeoBib, the frstagriculture tire that operates at constant lowpressure.

    2005: Michelin provides tires or the new AirbusA-380.

    2006: Michelin revolutionizes truck tires withMICHELIN Durable Technologies.

    2007: Michelin launches the new MICHELINENERGY Saver car tire.

    2009: 100th edition o the MICHELIN guide France.

    2010: Market launch o the MICHELIN Pilot Sport 3and MICHELIN Pilot Super Sport tires.

    2012: European launch o the new MICHELINENERGY Saver+ and MICHELIN Agilis+ tires.

    2013: Worldwide launch o six new MICHELINmotorcycle tires

    o moe than a cent, MICHELIN has eicate all its exetisean innoation to enhancin moilit o motoists aon the ol.

  • 7/29/2019 Six New Tires Reflecting the Same Strategy MICHELIN Total Performance


    Michelin go: ke ies

    a p p e n d i c e s

    one in: .......................................................................1889

    Instial acilities: ........................................................69 production sites in 18 countries

    Nme o emloees: ...............................................113,400 worldwide

    reseach an deeloment: ......................................6,600 people working in Research& Development on three continents:North America, Europe and Asia

    Annal r&d et: .....................................................e622 million

    Annal ott: ...............................................................166 million tires produced, over 10 millionmaps and guides sold in more than 170countries, and 970 million itineraries calculatedby ViaMichelin

    2012 net sales: .................................................................21,5 billion euros