Six Fictional Tales Inspired by Real Social Conditions…… - RAVI R. GOSWAMI

Six Fictional Tales Inspired by Real Social Conditions…… · "Meri panch kahaniya" (Hindi stories). He is the upcoming talented young Indian writers, whose writings depicts his

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  • Six Fictional Tales Inspired by Real Social Conditions……


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    It So Happened…

  • ii Sample Copy. Not for Distribution.



    RZ 94, Sector - 6, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110075 Shubham Vihar, Mangla, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh - 495001

    Website: www.educreation.in


    © Copyright, Author

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    ISBN: 978-81-928823-4-5

    Price: ` 145.00

    The opinions/ contents expressed in this book are solely of the author and do not represent the opinions/ standings/ thoughts of Educreation.

    Printed in India

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    (Six Tales)

    Ravi Ranjan Goswami



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    About The Author

    Author, Ravi Ranjan Goswami

    is an intellect, who is science

    graduate. He is working as a

    custom officer by profession and

    lives in Ernakulam (India).

    Few of his other published titles includes;

    "Samvad" (a collection of Hindi poems),

    "Meri panch kahaniya" (Hindi stories).

    He is the upcoming talented young Indian

    writers, whose writings depicts his sole

    nature and by heart touch and emotions with

    his writings.

    His writings are catchy enough to involve

    the readers along with it for a long while.

    Brief Pen Sketch by;

    Educreation Publishing




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    About the book

    This book contains six stories. These stories

    are fictional but inspired by the observations

    of my social surroundings.

    These stories were originally written by me

    in Hindi. I have not translated these stories

    from Hindi to English instead I have retold

    them in English here for the benefit of

    English readers.

    So, with these words, I wish you a happy


    Ravi Ranjan Goswami (author)

    Email: [email protected]

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    “TO KESH



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    Content List

    Content Page No.

    Aghast 01

    Monkey Bandar 17

    Geography Of History 25

    Break Up 33

    Valentine 47

    A Dangerous Watchman 54

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  • It So Happened

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    Story1 Aghast ____________________________________

    He was a middle aged man. He was talking

    with the Panwala (Betel leaf vendor). I was

    standing there waiting for my bus. I was

    there in Delhi in connection with an

    interview for a job. After appearing for the

    interview in an office nearby I was waiting

    for a bus to go to the New Delhi railway

    station. The betel leaf shop owner appeared

    to be acquainted with him. My attention was

    drawn to him for his secretive way of talking

    to the Panwala and the queer way of looking

    towards me while talking. There was a look

    of fear in his eyes. He was talking about fear


  • Ravi Ranjan Goswami


    Perhaps it was not prudent to take an

    interest in a stranger in an unknown place

    but I could not help it. I started to watch


    Suddenly we had an eye contact. He

    came a bit closer to me and started talking

    with me.

    He said, “Brother, I am too much


    I was pretty surprised by that.

    He further spoke, “What will happen


    I asked him about what was that he

    was afraid of. I jokingly asked him if he was

    afraid of death.

    He replied “Better if I die. I think too

    much, but cannot find an answer. What will

    happen to my life?” Having said that, he

    turned serious.

    He remained silent for a while, then

    suddenly spoke to me, “Sir, can you help


  • It So Happened

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    I turned cautious and apprehensive of

    him. I doubted that he wanted to extract

    some money from me. Still, I asked him

    “how can I help you?”

    “Will you come with me to my

    house?” Was his next question.

    I doubted his intentions, but my

    curiosity about him increased.

    By his appearance, he was neither

    looking insane nor a crook.

    I asked him, “Why do you want to

    take me home?”

    “My soul is telling me that you can

    help me” he replied.

    I started thinking. I had feelings

    of curiosity, apprehension, fear and

    compassion. Finally, curiosity won me over.

    I decided to follow him.

    On the way to his residence I talked to

    him and gathered some information about

    him. His name was Harendar. He was

    working as a clerk in a state government

  • Ravi Ranjan Goswami


    department. He had one daughter named

    Pummy and three sons Bunty, Chhotu and


    While walking along with him I was

    cogitating about the situation, which I might

    be facing on reaching his home. How was I

    going to be received there?

    I did not have much time to think

    about it. His house was not really far. Within

    five to seven minutes we reached there.

    We found the doors of his house

    open. For a moment, I hesitated to enter his

    house. He first went inside and asked me,

    "Please come in." I entered there. That was

    his drawing room. His three sons were

    sitting there watching television, which was

    placed in a corner. His three sons were close

    to about fifteen, ten and seven years of age.

    On seeing me, they said, “Namaste” with

    folded hands. I responded in the same way.

    The two younger boys went inside. The

    eldest son went on to watch TV.

  • It So Happened

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    Harendar made me sit in a chair away

    from the TV and dragged a chair, placing it

    opposite to me and sat in that chair facing

    me. I looked all around the room. The room

    was not large, but was neat and comfortable.

    The Room’s walls were adorned with the

    calendars and photos of various Gods,

    Goddesses and hermits. There were two

    windows opening towards the road in front

    of the house. There were no curtains at the

    front door and windows. There was a door

    backside opening into the inner portion of

    the house. This door had a curtain. Above

    this door there hung a pendulum wall clock.

    He was sitting quietly. His head was

    down, and he was looking at his palms.

    Suddenly he jumped off his chair.

    Looking at the wall clock he asked his son

    “Has Pummy come?” Son answered in the


    He looked very concerned and

    worried. He uttered “She should have come

    by now.”

  • Ravi Ranjan Goswami


    He became restless. He stood up from

    the chair, went to the door, looked outside

    and came back to the chair.

    I was feeling awkward there. I was

    unable to justify my being there in his house

    for whatever cause. Furthermore, there was

    no strong reason of my being there except

    that the long period of my unemployment

    has given me a sense of being in a state of

    permanent leisure. I had nothing urgent to

    do and nowhere to reach. I was a free man.

    He produced suspense by his unusual

    demeanor and talk, and I accompanied him


    “What do you think? Can the

    government catch the terrorists?” He asked


    Before I could say anything he started

    speaking “Nothing can happen sir. They

    come like apparitions, put bombs anywhere

    and escape. They appear from nowhere,

    shower bullets and disappear. I have

    witnessed with my own eyes charred dead

  • It So Happened

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    bodies of two young children following a

    bomb explosion at a nearby bus stop.”

    “Bunty! Where are Chhotu and

    Monu?” He asked Bunty his eldest son

    where was his two younger sons then.

    “They are inside with mummy

    (Mom)?” Bunty replied without looking

    away from the TV screen.

    He heaved a sigh of relief.

    After a few moments, he again looked

    agitated. He looked towards me and asked,

    “Will rapists get the death sentence?”

    A few days ago, four boys had

    brutally raped and tortured a young girl in a

    moving bus and thrown her out of the bus

    after committing the heinous crime. Later,

    the girl died in a hospital. The whole nation

    was shocked and agitated. People were

    agitating and demanding capital punishment

    for those rapists.

    I was about to speak, just then a girl

    of about 18 years of age entered the room

  • Ravi Ranjan Goswami


    from the front door. She was Pummy his


    She hesitated for a moment, seeing

    me, a stranger there, and then crossed me to

    go inside. Before she could go inside

    Harendra asked her, “Why are you late


    She started explaining, “Papa! A few

    days ago dead body of a girl student of my

    university was found behind a boys’ hostel.

    There was a suspicion of murder. No one

    has been arrested so far. So university

    students were agitating against the inaction

    of the police. They blocked the road through

    which my bus runs. The bus, in which I

    came, had to alter the route so it got late.”

    When she was telling the reason of

    her late coming, I was noticing the changing

    expressions on her face. She was a beautiful

    dusky girl with sharp features. She looked

    tired, but her eyes were alert and watchful.

    While talking to her father, she had been

    scrutinizing me too with her side glances.

  • It So Happened

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    After telling the reason of her late

    coming, she went inside.

    After she had gone inside I looked at

    Harendra. He was looking in my direction,

    but his eyes looked focused on some distant

    object beyond me. Until then, he did not

    introduce me to any of his family members.

    I too did not bother about it. We were

    strangers only.

    Suddenly, he addressed his son Bunty,

    “Bunty tell your mom to send two cups of


    Bunty seemingly felt disturbed. He

    reluctantly got up and lazily went inside.

    More than half an hour had elapsed

    since, I reached there. I had a feeling that

    Harendra wanted to tell me something but

    was unable to express.

    Bunty delivered two cups of tea to us

    and disappeared inside. The TV was on.

    Harendar switched that off.

    Now only we were there in the room.

    We were sipping tea, talking. I again started

  • Ravi Ranjan Goswami


    thinking about my status in his house. I felt

    like an intruder there.

    “Swamiji” he addressed keeping his

    cup of tea on the table after his last sip.

    The way he addressed this time

    surprised me, but I did not say anything.

    He further spoke, “Last night I had a

    dream, which I want to tell you please.”

    “Please tell” I said. Tea had made me

    a bit relaxed.

    He started narrating his dream. He

    said, “I saw four ferocious men chasing me

    with big naked swords in their hands to kill

    me, and I was running to escape from them.

    Thus, running crazily I entered into a blind

    lane. I turned back and saw those men

    entering the lane waving their swords. I was

    trapped in there. I felt that I had no chance

    to escape. Death seemed imminent and

    inescapable. I closed my eyes and waited for

    them to attack me. But……….”

  • It So Happened

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    He paused and looked into my eyes,

    perhaps to see my reaction. I asked him “But


    He further narrated, “I waited for

    them to attack me, but after some time when

    nothing happened, I opened my eyes. Those

    men were nowhere there. I was not in the

    lane. I was sitting in a big field inside a

    circle formed by Rudraksh beads. I looked

    around me. I saw a young yogi in a saffron

    dress standing behind me. He smiled and

    told me that he had saved me as I was

    innocent. He also told me that he would

    meet me again, and he disappeared. After he

    disappeared, I again remembered those

    ferocious men and started shivering with

    fear and then only my sleep was broken.”

    After telling about his dream, he became

    quiet and went into a brooding mood.

    I was wondering at his memory of a

    dream. His account of his dream seemed to

    me as if from some mythological film. I

    could not recollect if ever I could remember

  • Ravi Ranjan Goswami


    any of my dreams so vividly, and in such

    detail as he had told.

    Again, my attention was drawn to

    him. His eyes were focused on my neck. I

    recalled that I was wearing two Rudraksh

    beads with the help of a black thread around

    my neck. I wore these to appease my

    grandmother. She brought these beads from

    Haridwar, a holy city for Hindus near

    Himalaya. She requested me to wear this.

    She believed that wearing Rudrksh would

    help me in keeping excellent health and

    landing in a decent job too. I did not want to

    disappoint her, so I put them on.

    Suddenly, it occurred to me, and I was

    afraid that by any chance that man was

    trying to identify me his savior as seen in his

    dream. I looked at him.

    I found him gazing at me.

    Then he asked me, “What do you

    think about me?”

    I thought that he got imbalanced and

    carried away because of his over sensitive

  • It So Happened

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    Also available as an eBook


    This book contains six stories. These

    stories are fictional but inspired by the

    observations of my social surroundings.

    These stories were originally

    written by me in Hindi.

    I have not translated these stories

    from Hindi to English instead I have

    retold them in English here for the

    benefit of English readers.

    So, with these words, I wish you a

    happy reading......

    - Ravi Ranjan Goswami



    Reach author at: [email protected]