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Cognitive Neuropsychology

ISSN: 0264-3294 (Print) 1464-0627 (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/pcgn20

Situational systematicity: A role for schema inunderstanding the differences between abstractand concrete concepts

Charles P. Davis, Gerry T. M. Altmann & Eiling Yee

To cite this article: Charles P. Davis, Gerry T. M. Altmann & Eiling Yee (2020): Situationalsystematicity: A role for schema in understanding the differences between abstract and concreteconcepts, Cognitive Neuropsychology

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/02643294.2019.1710124

Published online: 03 Jan 2020.

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Page 2: Situational systematicity: A role for schema in ......Situational systematicity: A role for schema in understanding the differences between abstract and concrete concepts Charles

Situational systematicity: A role for schema in understanding the differencesbetween abstract and concrete conceptsCharles P. Davis a,b,c, Gerry T. M. Altmann a,b and Eiling Yee a,b

aDepartment of Psychological Sciences, University of Connecticut, Storrs CT, USA; bConnecticut Institute for the Brain and Cognitive Sciences,University of Connecticut, Storrs CT, USA; cBrain Imaging Research Center, University of Connecticut, Storrs CT, USA

ABSTRACTAbstract concepts differ from concrete concepts in several ways. Here, we focus on what we refer toas situational systematicity: The objects and relations that constitute an abstract concept (e.g.,justice) are more dispersed through space and time than are those that typically constitute aconcrete concept (e.g., chair); a larger set of objects and relations constitute an abstract conceptthan a concrete one; and exactly which objects and relations constitute a concept is morecontext-dependent for abstract concepts. We thus refer to abstract concepts as having lowsituational systematicity. We contend that situational systematicity, rather than abstractness perse, is a critical determinant of the cognitive, behavioural, and neural phenomena associated withconcepts. Further, viewing concepts as schema provides insight into (i) the situation-baseddynamics of concept learning and representation and (ii) the functional significance of the brainregions and their interactions that comprise the schema control network.

ARTICLE HISTORYReceived 31 May 2019Revised 19 December 2019Accepted 20 December 2019

KEYWORDSConcepts; semantic memory;episodic memory; abstractconcepts; schema


Abstract concepts like idea, integrity, good, and prideare central to human thought. They allow us to com-prehend relationships among people and betweenpeople and their environments (e.g., “customersvalue the pride we have in our work”), to make infer-ences about things and thoughts that are not observa-ble through the senses, or perhaps not observable atall (e.g., “her integrity shone through”), and, with theappropriate labels, to communicate about patternsof information in the world (e.g., “science is aboutideas”). In this paper, we consider how abstract con-cepts relate to the theoretical notions of situation,episode, and schema. Thinking of abstract concepts—and in fact, any concept—as schemas affords thepossibility of inheriting the neurobiological brainmechanisms, and associated empirical consequences,that have been proposed to underpin schema-basedknowledge (see Gilboa & Marlatte, 2017, for review).

While the idea that concepts are schemas is notnew (e.g., Rumelhart & Ortony, 1977; for discussion,see Murphy, 2002), there has been a gradual drift inthe neurobiological literature to a distinction (whichwe suggest is unhelpful) between concepts as

knowledge of category membership and schemas asknowledge about spatiotemporal and causal relationsbetween category members in a given situation (e.g.,Ghosh & Gilboa, 2014; but see Gureckis & Goldstone,2010 and Barsalou, Dutriaux, & Scheepers, 2018 for amore unified approach). We take situations (followingBarwise & Perry, 1991) to consist of objects in theworld, their properties, and their relations to oneanother (episodes are situations that are grounded inspace, time, and specific contexts; see Tulving, 1983,i.e., they are instances of situations). We view objectknowledge as schema knowledge (see also Barsalou,1999)—knowledge of the typical situations in whichan object is found, of its typical perceptual correlates,and of the typical spatiotemporal and causal relationsbetween that object and others (similar to affordances;Gibson, 1979; Glenberg, 1997). Abstract (concept) knowl-edge is also schema knowledge to the extent that itapplies to situations and constitutes knowledge notonly of typical (and atypical) events that may accompanythose situations, but also of the relations and interactionsamong the objects taking part in those events. Thus, likeothers before us, we take the view that concepts, bothconcrete and abstract, are schemas.

© 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

CONTACT Charles P. Davis [email protected]

COGNITIVE NEUROPSYCHOLOGYhttps://doi.org/10.1080/02643294.2019.1710124

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More broadly, schemas can be construed as seman-tic knowledge of situations and the typical events theyare composed of (Bartlett, 1932). Some schemas referto situations that are relatively specific and similar, inrespect of the details of each situation or event(going to a restaurant—tables, chairs, menus,servers, food, etc.), whereas others refer to quite dis-similar situations (playing a game—a game of solitaireversus a board game versus a football game, etc.).These differences can be thought of as reflecting acontinuum of situational systematicity—the extent towhich the same objects and relations constitute theconcept (i.e., schema) regardless of the situation.Bread and (optionally) butter tend to be constitutiveof the concept toast, which has high situational sys-tematicity—these same objects and relations willtake part in different instances of toast. But justicehas low situational systematicity, in that the constitu-tive objects and relations are not the same across situ-ations to which the concept refers. Different instancesof justice may involve quite different situations,objects, and relations (similar to different instancesof games; Wittgenstein, 1953/2010).

We, like others (e.g., Galbraith & Underwood, 1973;Hoffman, Lambon Ralph, & Rogers, 2013; Schwane-nflugel, 1991), claim that abstract concepts tend tobe low in situational systematicity (others have usedterms such as context availability and semantic diversityto capture similar ideas, but see the following sectionsfor how our proposal differs). This has the conse-quence that abstract concepts, unlike concrete con-cepts, cannot so easily be learned or identified byanalogy to similar situations. Yet despite their differ-ences, we propose that taking a schema-based per-spective of both abstract and concrete concepts hasthe potential to contribute to our understanding of thecognitive, behavioural, and neurobiological phenomenathat accompany the differences between the two.

In the sections that follow, we first briefly reviewaccounts of abstract concepts that, like the one devel-oped here, focus on their situational systematicity (orlack thereof). We then draw on the neurobiological lit-erature on schema knowledge to identify a neurobio-logical process that differentially constrains learningand processing of concrete and abstract concepts.These differential constraints are afforded by the lowsystematicity typical of abstract concepts. Theyconcern the ways in which the objects and relationsthat constitute the situational content of a concept

are grounded in actual space, time, and experience(i.e., are bound to the episodic context during theactual experience). And because systematicity isgraded, these constraints are graded also.

Situational systematicity

Many types of experience, including linguistic,emotional, social, and assorted sensorimotor experi-ences, are associated with understanding abstractconcepts (for review, see Binder et al., 2016; Borghiet al., 2017; for meta-analysis, see Desai, Reilly, & vanDam, 2018; Wang, Conder, Blitzer, & Shinkareva,2010). The degree to which each of these systems isactive in processing abstract concepts, however,varies both across concepts as well as across situ-ations—the properties associated with the goodnessof something depend on whether that thing is, forexample, a person, a fruit, or a machine. Even withinthese categories, the goodness of a machine, forexample, would be assessed differently dependingon its intended function, the situation in which it isplaced, and so on (e.g., Noppeney & Price, 2004; forreview, see Hoffman, 2016).

The notion that situational systematicity is critical tothe processing and representation of abstract con-cepts was first advanced by Schwanenflugel (e.g.,Schwanenflugel & Shoben, 1983; see also Schwane-nflugel, 1991) under the context availability hypothesis,which suggests that it is difficult to generate plausiblecontexts in which abstract concepts are used, and thustheir meaning is more often constrained by the lin-guistic context. On this view, processing advantagesfor concrete over abstract concepts are at least inpart due to differences in context availability, and byextension, situational systematicity. In recent years,this approach has been augmented by Hoffman andcolleagues (for review, see Hoffman, 2016), whodemonstrate that words referring to abstract conceptsare higher on a metric called semantic diversity, whichmeasures the semantic variability of the different lin-guistic contexts in which a word appears (a proxy forexperience). Abstract concepts tend to occur inhighly variable contexts—consider that an idea canrefer to both the idea to jump into a water-filledquarry at the encouragement of a group of rowdyfriends, and the idea to write a paper about abstractconcepts. A chair, on the other hand, typically occursin contexts related to sitting, often in the presence


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of tables, and occasionally in the context of reaching(i.e., standing on one); these contexts are far more con-strained than the ones that accompany ideas, or lies(see Barsalou et al., 2018, for further discussion).

Heightened semantic diversity has consequencesfor how concepts are processed in context, andthese consequences are captured in the controlledsemantic cognition framework (Hoffman, McClelland,& Lambon Ralph, 2018; Lambon Ralph, Jefferies, Pat-terson, & Rogers, 2017). Hoffman, Binney, andLambon Ralph (2015) found that anterior temporalregions (thought to be a hub region for semantic rep-resentation; Rogers et al., 2004) are responsive whenconcepts are processed following an informativecontext, while left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG; involvedin the selection of situationally appropriate infor-mation; Thompson-Schill, D’Esposito, Aguirre, &Farah, 1997) is more active following an irrelevantcontext, as well as for abstract words in particular.The finding of greater left IFG activation for abstractconcepts is consistent with the majority of work inves-tigating neural processing differences betweenabstract and concrete concepts (see Wang et al.,2010), and Hoffman et al. suggest that it may reflectthe important role of top-down control mechanismsin processing abstract concepts: Because abstractwords are semantically diverse (i.e., they can be usedin a number of semantically distinct contexts), adegree of control (i.e., retrieval of the appropriateinformation given the context; see e.g., Badre &Wagner, 2005; Thompson-Schill, 2003; Thompson-Schill et al., 1998; Wagner, Paré-Blagoev, Clark, & Pol-drack, 2001) is necessary to suppress irrelevant infor-mation and facilitate retrieval of the appropriatemeaning (Hoffman et al., 2015). That is, under the con-trolled semantic cognition framework, not only arethere differences in representational contentbetween abstract and concrete concepts, but thereare also differences in the systems-level dynamics(i.e., semantic control) that facilitate comprehension.

Notably, much of this work on abstract conceptprocessing has been on recognition or processing ofwords that refer to abstract concepts rather than onrecognition of abstract concepts directly from the situ-ations they denote (but see McRae, Nedjadrasul, Pau,Lo, & King, 2018). As noted earlier, semantic diversity,for example, has been operationalized in terms ofwords in their linguistic contexts, as observed in lin-guistic corpora. This focus on words reflects the fact

that accessing an abstract concept non-linguisticallyis not so straightforward. Whereas an image of achair, or of a person throwing a punch, can be recog-nized as instances of those things (e.g., Hafri, Papafra-gou, & Trueswell, 2013; Potter, 1976), it is less clearwhat image one could present (other than an imageof letters spelling out JUSTICE) to elicit the conceptjustice—justice relies on diverse kinds of informationextracted across a range of situations before aninstance of it can be recognized in the absence oflanguage. For this reason, abstract concepts are com-monly viewed as being more language-dependent1

than concrete concepts (e.g., Barsalou, Santos,Simmons, & Wilson, 2008; Borghi & Binkofski, 2014;Hoffman et al., 2015; Paivio, 1971, 1991; for review,see Dove, 2016, 2018).

While we agree that language is important forabstract concepts, here we aim to bring the explana-tory focus to the experiences driving their represen-tations, rather than to the linguistic contexts fromwhich such concepts might be activated. We thereforeuse the term “situational systematicity” (rather than“semantic diversity”) to characterize the systematicity(i.e., similarity) of the real-world contexts in which aconcept might be acquired and recognized. Thisemphasis motivates focusing on the memorysystems that are sensitive to systematicity in theenvironment and corresponding real-world eventsand situations, as well as on the intimate relationshipbetween concepts and their contexts (see also Yee &Thompson-Schill, 2016). As we shall argue below,this focus on memory systems suggests an account,grounded in neurobiology, of the observed differ-ences between concrete and abstract concepts.

Situational systematicity and the activation ofconceptual knowledge

The role of non-linguistic events and situations inabstract concepts remains relatively unexplored (butsee Barsalou, 1999 and Barsalou et al., 2018, for theor-etical discussion, Desai et al., 2018 for meta-analysis,and Wilson-Mendenhall, Simmons, Martin, & Barsalou,2013, for evidence that the same brain regions thatunderpin imagining what other people might bethinking also subserve understanding of words likeconvince). Little empirical work has investigated, forexample, whether abstract concepts actually activatesituation knowledge and vice versa. In the one such


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study to date (McRae et al., 2018), real-world picturesdepicting events with an abstract concept at play(e.g., two girls sharing a cob of corn) effected fasterresponse times to related (e.g., share) as comparedto unrelated (e.g., convocation) abstract words.Words referring to abstract concepts also activatedsituations—that is, response times were faster forrelated situations following an abstract word. Thus,abstract concepts can activate situations, and appro-priate situations can activate abstract concepts.

Knowing that abstract concepts can indeedactivate situations and vice versa is important. Itdemonstrates that abstract concepts are groundedin real-world experiences of situations and events.However, work in this area is in its early stages, andthere remain many open questions. For example,the mutual activation observed by McRae et al.(2018) only tells us that abstract concepts and situ-ations that clearly depict those concepts prime eachother (the scenes were normed such that a separategroup of participants reliably listed the targetabstract word in response to the picture). It can berelatively easy to point to an instance of sharing(depending on the kind of sharing), or even todefine the range of situations in which sharingmight be happening. But the same is not true for con-cepts such as justice, in part because the timeframeover which sharing unfolds (during which variousentailments might be verifiable) is typically shorterthan that over which justice unfolds. We return tothis below.

If abstract concepts tend to be associated withsituations which are more diverse, on average, thanthose associated with concrete concepts, they mayless strongly activate any particular situation as com-pared to concepts which are associated with a morerestricted range of situations. And conversely, anyparticular situation may less strongly activate thatconcept—for example, concepts such as chair maymore strongly activate the situations in whichchairs occur as compared to concepts such asjustice (Schwanenflugel & Shoben, 1983; see also Pul-vermüller, 2013; Schwanenflugel, 1991 and Barsalouet al., 2018). The point here is that the associative“strength” between a real-world situation and anabstract concept—a schema—will vary dependingon the concept and its situational systematicity.This in turn has consequences for the role that theconcept can play in directing attention towards the

appropriate constitutive elements within the situ-ation(s) to which the concept applies.

Attentional control and spatiotemporaldiversity

Low situational systematicity may make it less clearwhat elements of a situation need to be attended to,and which should not be attended to, in order to facili-tate the interpretation of that situation (or set of situ-ations) as constitutive of a particular concept orschema. For example, certain concepts may require,for their activation, more or less of the perceptualelements of a situation to be recognized: the conceptschair and restaurant are both reasonably concrete, andyet the concept chair likely requires recognition of asmaller subset of the perceptual elements in a particu-lar scene as compared to the concept restaurant,which requires recognition over a larger spatialwindow (making restaurant less situationally systema-tic than chair). Relatedly, because of its lower situa-tional systematicity, a concept such as justice cannotrely solely on situated elements that tend to appearin every situational instance of justice, unlike themeanings of chair or restaurant, which can rely onsuch elements (reflecting their relatively greater situa-tional systematicity).

Abstract concepts may rely more on elementsacross scenes and situations—that is, across spaceand time—than do concrete objects, which relymore on elements within a scene or situation (seealso Barsalou, 1999). Such spatiotemporal propertiesof concepts may also impact on the associativestrength between a situation and the concepts associ-ated with that situation, at least in part because it willbe more difficult to detect systematicities within anextended spatiotemporal window. In this sense,abstract concepts rely less on the configuration ofelements in any single given scene than do concreteconcepts, and may therefore require more inhibitionof irrelevant parts of the situation. Thus, we return tothe idea that semantic control may be an importantprocess in respect of the activation of abstract con-cepts (and see the section below on the schemacontrol network).

The control problem is made all the more challen-ging because of an added dimension of variability:As we have argued, not only is there spatiotemporalvariability across concepts, but there is also


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considerable variabilitywithin concepts; there tends tobe more within-concept variability for abstract thanconcrete concepts. However, in the discussion thusfar of situational systematicity, we have conflatedwhat are potentially (but perhaps not in actualfact) two independent dimensions along which con-cepts—and abstract concepts in particular—canvary. First, the extent to which the concept denotesa range of possible situations (e.g., justice in itsmany forms, or sharing a cob of corn versus a car);and second, the extent to which a given conceptdenotes a range of possible situations that varywith respect to the extent to which they are spreadacross time (e.g., for justice: arrest, imprisonment,determination of mitigating circumstances, sub-sequent release). In other words, there may also bevariability in the temporal window over which thecomponent elements and their relations associatedwith a concept are recognized, with the size of thewindow required for a given concept depending onthe situation.

Consider the concept of sharing: sharing a cob ofcorn can be accomplished by two children biting onit simultaneously—a single discernable situation thatcan be recognized from a single “snapshot.” Or, onechild can nibble on it, then walk around the table,then hand it to the other child, who then nibbles onit (a sequence across time of individual episodesthat, taken together, entail an act of sharing). Butimagine the case where one child nibbles on it,leaves it on a plate, and then leaves; the other childnow comes up and nibbles on it. Is this sharing, or isthis stealing? To be recognized as an instance ofsharing would require information (e.g., about theintentions of the first child) from situations beforethe actual nibbling. And while both the simultaneousand the sequential “sharing” events might be con-strued as instances of sharing, they are different andspread across different timespans.

Thus, depending on the situation(s), the conditionsfor activating the same abstract concept may be infor-mationally and temporally diverse, requiring differentkinds of information, across different timeframes:Sharing a cob of corn may involve relations amongobjects and entities that can be apprehended withina single situation, and may or may not require knowl-edge about intentionality (depending on the precisesituation), whereas sharing a car may involve relationsthat have to be apprehended across situations, that is,

at greater spatiotemporal scales than are involvedin apprehension of the components of sharing a cobof corn.

Concepts that are situationally diverse (i.e., thathave low situational systematicity) in the variousways we have identified above require, for theiridentification, that we attend more to informativeelements of a situation (or of a sequence of situations)and attend less to uninformative ones. While thesemantic diversity account broadly predicts that thisattentional control system inhibits competing(lexical-semantic) representations and selectively acti-vates the appropriate (lexical-semantic) represen-tation, in the following section we extend this notionby drawing on the neurobiology of schema processingto develop an account that attempts to explain thebalance between inhibition and activation duringthe apprehension of conceptually relevant infor-mation from the environment. Specifically, we conjec-ture that this control system enables a complementaryrelationship between brain mechanisms sensitive toschema-congruent information in the environmenton the one hand, and on the other, brain mechanismsthat encode the arbitrary associations that groundour everyday experience in the episodic contexts ofthose experiences.

Neurobiological underpinnings: the schemacontrol network

A dynamic network of brain regions underpins theintegration of information into schemas, and theway those brain regions interact depends on thedegree of congruence between an object and a corre-sponding scene (van Kesteren et al., 2013). Specifically,medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) interacts with hippo-campus (HPC) such that when encoding is successful(as measured by a next-day recall task), medial pre-frontal regions are more active in cases where anobject is schematically consistent with a scene (e.g.,coffee paired with a scene of a café), while hippocam-pal regions are more active in cases where an object isschematically inconsistent with a scene (e.g., a fishpaired with a scene of a café). This suggests thatmPFC helps to guide assimilation of stimuli into preex-isting schematic representations, while HPC accom-modates arbitrary, non-systematic information (seealso van Kesteren, Ruiter, Fernández, & Henson,2012). This is consonant with the episodic memory


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literature (e.g., Rugg et al., 2012; for review, seeDavachi, 2006) showing that medial temporal activityreflects the degree to which (arbitrary) contextualinformation is encoded.

mPFC and HPC are functionally complementary inthat mPFC essentially encodes (or is functionally con-nected to the substrates encoding) systematicrelationships between objects and the contexts(including other objects) with which they typicallyco-occur (see schema), whereas HPC “blindly”encodes the relationships, systematic or arbitrary,between objects/contexts that co-occur within indi-vidual episodes (relational binding; Cohen & Eichen-baum, 1993). In fact, there is evidence that mPFC ismore active when information is schema-congruent,and this deactivates HPC (we take schema congruencyto reflect the relative match between the current situ-ation and stored information about the relevantschema). Conversely, when information is schema-incongruent, mPFC is less active while HPC is moreactive (van Kesteren et al., 2012). The complementaritybetween the two systems facilitates integration of epi-sodic detail into pre-existing schema, to the extentthat those details are schema-congruent, while alsodown-regulating the irrelevant relational associations(i.e., associated through co-occurrence).2 We conjec-ture that by suppressing irrelevant associations, atten-tion is essentially directed to the schema-relevantdetail at the expense of the irrelevant detail. Thus, ifa schema is partially activated by a particularepisode, the mPFC–HPC system can partially suppresssituational details irrelevant to that schema, essentiallyincreasing the signal-to-noise ratio and the likelihoodthat additional relevant detail can be apprehendedfrom the episode. This would allow the schema tobe more strongly activated.

How does this complementarity between schema-relevant and schema-irrelevant information, andbetween mPFC and HPC, enrich our understandingof the distinction between concrete and abstract con-cepts? As argued above, our (and others’) claim is thatthe constitutive situational elements of abstract con-cepts are more sparsely distributed, through spaceand time, than are the constitutive situationalelements of concrete concepts (i.e., situational sys-tematicity is lower for abstract concepts). Further, wehave suggested that this low situational systematicitymakes it more challenging to detect patterns of infor-mation in the environment that are congruent with

stored information about abstract concepts. Thus,when a schema for a low situational systematicityconcept is partially activated, the complementaryrelationship between mPFC and HPC allows attentionto be selectively directed to the more relevant (accord-ing to top-down information from the partially acti-vated schema) co-occurring elements at the expenseof more spurious co-occurrences. Hence, the comple-mentarity between mPFC and HPC supports theincreased need for selective attention, across spaceand time, required for the learning and identificationof more abstract concepts.

Thus, low situational systematicity requires “top-down” influence (i.e., pattern completion) from theschema to direct attention within or across situations.Where is the source of this top-down/schema infor-mation? There is consensus across both the schema(for review, see Gilboa & Marlatte, 2017) and conceptliteratures (for review, see Binder & Desai, 2011; for dis-cussion, see also Davis & Yee, 2018; and Desai et al.,2018) that the angular gyrus (AG), with its dense con-nections to medial temporal regions, frontal controlsystems, and multimodal association areas (Gesch-wind, 1972), likely plays a dominant role in activatingschematic event knowledge and constitutes thesource of the top-down influence required by lowsituational systematicity. Further, because multipleschema may become active at once (though somemay be more active than others and their relativeactivity should depend on the situation; see also Barsa-lou et al., 2018) we suggest that left IFG, via its role inselecting contextually appropriate information (e.g.,Thompson-Schill, 2003; Thompson-Schill et al., 1997),modulates this top-down influence by up-regulatingsituationally appropriate schema.

As an example of the interplay between these dis-tinct components of the schema control circuitry, letus return to the relatively abstract concept sharing.Given that this concept can refer to a range of situ-ations (from sharing custody of a child, to sharing acar, to sharing a sandwich) all of which might be acti-vated via different cues, we would argue that sharinghas low situational systematicity. Thus, if we observesomeone at a fairground picnic table exclaim, “HeyBill, you should be sharing!” AG will presumably par-tially activate potential sharing schemas compatiblewith this situation.3 Because AG may activate severaldistinct sharing schemas, all of which are compatiblewith the situation, we conjecture that left IFG aids in


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upregulating the activation of the most appropriateschema(s). (In line with the well-established findingthat left IFG is more active for abstract than concreteobjects [e.g., Hoffman et al., 2015], abstract concepts,being less situationally systematic, are less constrainedwith respect to the mapping from situation to conceptand hence there would be more demand for IFG-modulated schema selection.) Selective attention tothe more situationally appropriate schema allowsmPFC to direct attention to schema-appropriateelements in the environment—i.e., whatever is inBill’s peripersonal space (given the experiential knowl-edge that in this situation, whatever will be shared islikely within that space). This would increase the like-lihood that we would correctly attend to the likelyobject of the sharing, which would in turn facilitatepattern completion of an appropriate sharingschema for that kind of object (modulating activationof AG). We do not envision this process as discrete andsequential but rather as continuous and interactive.

However, the fairground is naturally distracting,with many co-occurrences irrelevant to the sharingschema. Here, there may be an advantage to thefact that activating a schema with low situational sys-tematicity is a gradual process—we hypothesize thatmPFC remains active throughout this process, result-ing in sustained inhibition of HPC (given the comp-lementary relationship between mPFC and HPCdescribed above). This sustained inhibition suppressesthe encoding of irrelevant co-occurrences, increasingthe signal-to-noise ratio. This lessens the potentialfor distraction away from potential to-be-sharedobjects, thereby increasing the likelihood that, whenadditional information is apprehended, we success-fully understand the nature of sharing in this context.

To give an example of a concept with relativelyhigher situational systematicity, if we later hearsomeone call out, “Bill, I have a chair for you!”largely the same processes would unfold, but thedemands on the components would differ. That is,AG would partially activate the chair schema which,in this case, will match a perceptible object chair,meaning that any mPFC-mediated direction of atten-tion to schema-relevant elements for pattern com-pletion will be rapidly accomplished, and mPFCneed not remain active. Thus, there will be no sus-tained inhibition of HPC, leaving it free to encodearbitrary elements of the situation (e.g., the colourof the chair).

In line with our claims about the role of the mPFC, arecent meta-analysis by Desai et al. (2018) found thatboth a temporal parietal region (containing the AG)and the very same ventral portion of mPFC that hasbeen implicated in processing schema-congruentinformation (van Kesteren et al., 2013) are activewhen processing abstract concepts (presented aswords). Moreover, this particular ventral portion ofmPFC stands out as a region that emerges when per-forming activation likelihood estimation meta-ana-lyses on tasks that target abstract but not concreteconcepts (Desai et al., 2018, Figure 3).4

One corollary of our view is that if arbitrary episodicrelations are suppressed in the case of abstract con-cepts (due to schema-based and mPFC-modulatedsuppression of irrelevant detail), and more so than inthe case of concrete concepts, it will be harder torecall irrelevant episodic details for situations that acti-vate abstract concepts. Indeed, we have observed evi-dence that this may be true: in a recent study (Davis,Paz-Alonso, Altmann, & Yee, 2019), arbitrary episodicdetail was operationalized as an arbitrary contextpaired with some stimulus of interest, for instance,an arbitrarily coloured box (e.g., red or green) sur-rounding a word, or different speakers presentingeach word from a list (e.g., male or female). Memoryfor the context (whether boxes or voices) was worsefor abstract compared to concrete concepts, andwhen we simply presented those concepts in eitherthe same or a different context (here, box colour)from that seen at encoding, people were worse atrecognizing abstract (but not concrete) conceptswhen they were presented in the same context thanwhen presented in a different one during a recog-nition phase. Abstract concepts therefore seem to beless effective cues to arbitrary episodic details, and infact, appear to be suppressed in the context of arbi-trary details.

One consequence of this last finding is that, if irre-levant episodic detail (arbitrary co-occurrence) is thebasis for experiencing tokenized instances of aconcept (see also Altmann & Ekves, 2019), it shouldbe harder to encode and/or recall an instance of a situ-ation associated with an abstract concept—more sothan for a concrete concept—because the arbitraryepisodic details associated with that instance will beharder to recall (see e.g., Schwanenflugel, Akin, &Luh, 1992). Thus, although we have claimed thatabstract concepts rely more on broader episodic


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details than do concrete concepts, we end with anaccount that predicts that this increased relianceresults in poorer encoding/recall of individual episodicdetails concerning the situation(s) to which anabstract concept applies. Further research is requiredto address this prediction and its implications forhow abstract concepts are acquired in the first place.

Implications for situated conceptualization

While the present discussion has been couched in thedivide between abstract and concrete concepts, theoverarching goal is to explain these differences notin terms of abstractness per se, but in terms of the sys-tematicity of the situations in which we experiencethose concepts (i.e., schemas). Another recent propo-sal, based on the situated conceptualization frame-work (e.g., Barsalou, 2009), and referred to as thebrain as a situation processing architecture (BASPA; Bar-salou et al., 2018) has also sought to move past thisontological distinction between abstract and concreteby considering two different dimensions: Situationalelements (which include external elements such as set-tings, agents, objects, actions, and outcomes, as wellas internal elements such as emotions, motivations,and other internal states) and situational integrationswhich relate and integrate across situational elementsin a given situation. These two dimensions—situa-tional elements and integrators—provide a useful fra-mework for characterizing situated conceptualprocessing, and like BASPA, our approach highlightsthat concrete concepts, as compared to abstract con-cepts, involve situations that are more systematic (orin BASPA terms, more “predictable”).

BASPA views concrete concepts as originating inthe processing of external elements, and contraststhem with abstract concepts, which are viewed asoriginating in the processing of internal elementsand elements that must be integrated across.However, our view is that even external elementsinvolve integration—for example, when consideringactions and outcomes as external elements, what isan outcome, or indeed the action causing thatoutcome, if not an integration of elements (andtheir changing states; Altmann & Ekves, 2019)across time? And what are a concrete object’s affor-dances if not integrations, again, across time, space,and the elements (both internal and external) occu-pying that space and time? Thus, we suggest that

all concepts, concrete and abstract, involve situa-tional integrations, and that the difference between“more abstract” and “more concrete” concepts liesin the extent to which the to-be-integrated situationis more or less systematic.

Our approach also extends the situated conceptual-ization framework by providing a neurobiologicalmechanism to manage the interplay within anygiven episode between elements which are systemati-cally related to the situated conceptualization andelements which are present only arbitrarily (andwhich contribute to the episodic experience of thatinstance of the concept). Specifically, we haveargued that the likelihood of elements being down-regulated in any given instantiation of a conceptincreases as a function of (1) their arbitrariness withrespect to the situated conceptualization and (2) thesituational systematicity of the (abstract) concept (orsituational integration) at play.

The idea that situational systematicity varies across(and within) concepts also implies variability in thespatial and temporal windows over which conceptsare learned, employed, recognized, and situated.There is some evidence that increasingly abstractlanguage is used to traverse increasingly largespatial and temporal distances: the abstractness ofnatural language use on Twitter5 increases as a func-tion of the spatial distance between an individualtweeter and a referent location, and as a function ofthe temporal distance between the present and areferenced point in time (Snefjella & Kuperman,2015). This accords with work in other domainssuggesting that abstraction functions to support“mental travel” across progressively greater spatialand temporal distances (see Gilead, Trope, & Liber-man, 2019; Trope & Liberman, 2010). And if, as we con-jecture, the recruitment of top-down controlmechanisms in learning and processing abstract con-cepts has to do, at least in part, with the durationand variability of this spatiotemporal window, thenthe dynamic activity of the mPFC–HPC networkshould track a measure of this window in online situ-ated conceptualization—with greater engagement ofthe network when recognizing a concept whose con-stituent features are usually more dispersed throughspace and/or time. For example, the constitutive fea-tures of the concept bread can be recognized withina small spatiotemporal window, but justice requires amuch broader window, and sharing a window


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somewhere between the two. Even within concreteconcepts, one might expect the constitutive featuresof chair to be recognized in a more circumscribedspatial window than those of restaurant (in additionto requiring a smaller number of the perceptualelements in a particular scene, as described earlier).Critically, mPFC–HPC engagement should reflectprior experience of the apprehension of the concept’sconstitutive features from the environment.

Experimentally manipulating these factors in alearning context would be an important next step:for example, to-be-learned concepts could be variedin respect of the degree to which to-be-integratedelements are spread over physical space and time.Not only would mPFC be critical in tracking systemati-cities that are more spread over space and time, but asthe presence of arbitrary situational elementsincreases—which would inevitably happen as conse-quence of the constitutive features of a conceptbeing more sparsely distributed—mPFC woulddown-regulate HPC and suppress encoding of thosearbitrary elements.

Concluding remarks

Thinking of concepts as schema, and of whether thesituations to which they apply can be recognizedpurely bottom-up (based on sensory experience) orwhether they more likely rely on top-down (previouslystored) knowledge to direct attention within andacross the relevant situations, provides testable pre-dictions about the neural mechanisms by which theyoperate. We have proposed that these mechanismsreflect interactive activity within a schema controlnetwork, i.e., within brain regions critical to navigatingsituational systematicity. Navigating situational sys-tematicity involves understanding the relationshipbetween concepts, pre-existing schema knowledge,and the spatiotemporally distributed environmentalcues that contribute to the activation of situationallyappropriate schema knowledge. The brain regions ofthe schema control network include AG (activationof schema knowledge), left IFG (selective attentiontoward situation-relevant schema knowledge), mPFC(encoding of, and hence direction of attentiontowards, schema-relevant relationships betweenobjects and their contexts), and HPC (“blind” encodingof relationships, relevant or otherwise, betweenobjects and their contexts).

We have not attempted here to provide an accountof the content of abstract concepts (see Wilson-Men-denhall et al., 2013, for a study that does, and Binderet al., 2016; Borghi et al., 2017 for relevant reviews);rather, we have explored the functional significanceof some of the neurobiological mechanisms thatunderpin the interplay between one particularaspect of semantic memory (i.e., schema knowledge,as mediated by AG and mPFC) and one particularaspect of episodic memory (served by HPC, andwhich mediates the experience of the situations towhich such schema-based knowledge can beapplied). We have, in effect, translated this functionalsignificance into expected functional differencesbetween abstract and concrete concepts in respectof how they are grounded in actual, encountered situ-ations. Further research is required to explore thesefunctional differences, their relation to other associat-ive mechanisms elsewhere in the brain implicated inconceptual knowledge (for discussion, see e.g., Barsa-lou et al., 2018; Pulvermüller, 2018), and their general-izability to different kinds of abstract concepts thatappear to be served by different brain regions (forreview, see e.g., Desai et al., 2018).

With traditional views on a dichotomy betweenabstract and concrete concepts fading, much workremains to be done to understand the neurocognitivemechanisms by which the situational and spatiotemporaldynamics underpinning conceptual knowledge operate,and how conceptual knowledge is learned in respect ofthese dynamics. Considering the situational systematicityof concepts—and the neurobiology of how informationis integrated into schemas—is a useful and productivealternative to the traditional perspective that dis-tinguishes between “abstract” and “concrete” concepts.


1. In fact, the greater activity in left IFG (and other left-later-alized frontal and temporal regions) often observed forabstract compared to concrete concepts in functionalMRI studies has typically been interpreted in support ofdual-coding theory and the role of language in repre-senting abstract concepts (e.g., Binder et al., 2005; formeta-analyses, see Binder, Desai, Graves, & Conant,2009; Wang et al., 2010), rather than as evidence ofabstract concepts requiring greater top-down control(e.g., Hoffman et al., 2015).

2. Although down-regulated, these associations are centralto enabling the system to generate individuated “tokens”


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of experience (distinguishing knowledge about the typeof a thing, whether an object or an event, from knowl-edge about the token thing—the actual individuatedobject or event as grounded in a particular space andtime; Altmann & Ekves, 2019).

3. We view as equivalent an approach in which a singleconcept such as sharing can refer to a range of situationsand an approach in which sharing is a complex conceptcomprising several kinds of sharing (essentially correspond-ing to different, but overlapping, schemas); cf. polysemy.

4. Althoughmost of the studies included in themeta-analysisconducted by Desai et al. (2018) did not directly compareconcrete and abstract concepts, the finding that we referto here (depicted in Figure 3 of Desai et al.) comparesresults of an ALE meta-analysis collapsing across tasksthat target several domains of abstract concepts with anALE meta-analysis that attempts to include only tasksand contrasts targeting concrete concepts.

5. This was operationalized as the average abstractness intweets containing at least four words from Brysbaertet al.’s (2014) concreteness norms.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


Charles P. Davis http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7293-2769Gerry T. M. Altmann http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8353-1381Eiling Yee http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6614-9025


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