( Level One SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD (3201 Tremont, North Bend) By Environmental Management Consultants

SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

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Page 1: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and


Level One


(3201 Tremont, North Bend)

By Environmental Management Consultants

Page 2: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and






site Information •••••••••••••••••••••••••

Facility ............................ .

History . ........................ ·· ... .

Transportation •••••••••••••••••••••••

Organization •••••••••••••••••••••••••

RCRA and Solid Wastes ••••••••••••••••••••

TSCA (Toxic Substance Control Act) •••••••

Water • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

NPDES • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Air . .................................... .

OSHA (to inform reconsiderations) •••••••

Underground Storage Tanks ••••••••••••••••

General . ................................ .

summary of Issues ••••••••••••••••••••••••

Recommendations ••••••••••••••••••••••••••

conclusion and Signature •••••••••••••••••

Deed Information ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Aerial Photos, Tax Lots, USGS Map, Climate and Geology, Coos County Geo Hazards Map ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Water Well Report •••••••••••••••••••••••• Wastewater Info •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Air Contaminant Discharge Permit info •••• TSCA Info (Asbestos & PCB's) ••••••••••••• Fire Marshal Inspections •••••••••••••••••

P.O. Box 954, Grants Pass. OR Zip 97526 Phone (503) 474-9434


















Appendix A

Appendix B Appendix c Appendix D Appendix E Appendix F Appendix G

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1. Site name: Sun Plywood Industries

P.O. Box 954, Grants Pass, OR Zip 97526 Phone (503) 47 4-9434

2. Address: 3201 Tremont St., North Bend, Oregon.

3. Phone: (503) 673-0141 (Contact Rick Sohn)

4. Number of employees: closed

5. Physical layout: yes, attached

6. Industries located nearby

a. Along the border southward, a bulk petroleum plant with service

b. Across and along Tremont (west side), offices

c. Along the border northward, an electric sub-station, shipping\receiving, a boiler power house

d. Along the east border, the Coos Bay

a. Any complaints or litigation from neighbors or community

Other than a few concerns regarding air quality expressed through the local newspaper, none known.

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P.O. Box 954, Grants Pass, OR Zip 97526 Phone (503) 4 7 4-9434





9. Brief Description of Researched Properties, Buildings and Equipment Owned or Leased;

The following are the researched properties, which are zoned as industrial, listed as follows: at SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 14, Township 25 South, Range 14 West of the Willamette Meridian; The site studied consists of two parcel totaling 12.42 acres.

The first parcel is 8.86 acres of uplands and 2.6 acres of tidelands. There is 1,417 feet of the parcel located on the deep water channel of the Port of Coos Bay and 1,108 feet on the opposite side is adjacent to the Southern Pacific rail right-of-way and highway 101. The second parcel consists of .96 acres and lies across Highway 101 and has 225 feet of frontage.

There is an additional parcel of about .75 acres located about 500 feet north of the property with a 99 ¥ear lease. This parcel contains a steam plant that prov1des steam to the plant site. The main parcel of 11.46 acres is zoned heavy industrial and the .96 acres located across Highway 101 is zoned light industrial and multiple residential. The part zoned light industrial and multiple residential is used as a parking lot and the residential part is on the hill side and is not used.

The land is serviced by water from the Coos Bay/North Bend Water Board, power from Pacific Power and Light, and telephone by General Telephone.

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P.O. Box 954. Grants Pass, OR Zip 97526 Phone (503) 474-9434

Brief Description of Researched Properties and Buildings, owned or Leased;


The main building is a wood framed building with pl~ood walls, concrete floor, over a concrete and wood p1ling foundation. There is 299,600 square feet excluding mezzanines and shed extensions. Bay spacing is 40'x 40' at east side, 40' x 60' adjacent and 40'x80' balance of area. There is 22 feet clear under the trussed roof structure.

The building is sprinkled throu9hout. The major part of the lighting is fluorescent, w1th some sodium vapor fixtures. Heating is by steam and is minimal because of the type of usage.

There is a mezzanine office area at the north end of the building, with a lunch room, rest rooms, and maintenance shops below. There is a lunch room and restrooms located at the other end of the plant.

The building was built in 1963 and designed as a plywood plant. There are two press pits, and a sander foundation.

There is concrete There is building end.

a 30'x30' wood framed, metal clad oil house on footings at the south end of the property. also a 31'x81' wood framed, metal clad storage with 31'x45' enclosed, located at the south

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Brief Description of Researched Buildings, owned or Leased;

Leased Property



P.O. Box 954, Grants Pass, OR Zip 97 526 Phone (503) 4 7 4-9434

Properties and

The power house located on the leased property houses three boilers. The building is 80'x90'x36' with a 6'x40' and a 16'x20' extension. The ground floor area is 7,760 square feet.

There is one 100,000 pound and two 70,000 pound hog fuel boilers, and a small condensing turbine generator.

There is also a 56'x83' hog fuel storage facility, with 12' high buttressed reinforced concrete basewalls and gable roof system.

The facility burn bark and grandfathered regulations.

has the necessary air 9uality permits to debris from logs held 1n salt water and is under the existing air quality


The equipment of two veneer dryers, ten layup lines, two presses, three poly fill sander, grade bins, and tongue and groove place at the site.

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pluggers, two lines, saws, machine is in

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P.O. Box 954, Grants Pass. OR Zip 97526 Phone (503) 474-9434

10. Distance to groundwater; Using the 15 well reports for Section 14, and understanding that depth to static ground water levels at a site will be variable, both seasonally and locationally, it can be estimated to be 6-90 (mean=46, mode=20) feet from surface and yielding 0-41 (mean=15, mode=15) GPM at any season, depending on well design (See Appendix D).

Well reports and County groundwater in the area, surface.

maps indicate an abundance of often very close to the

11. Name of nearest rivers or streams, and approximate distance: The site is bordered on the east by Coos Bay.

12. Is the site on a hundred year plain? No (See Appendix B). The site is situated on beachfront located at about nine feet above sea level. The channel outlet from the Bay is large and flooding does not seem likely, according to the Geologic Hazard Map b¥ the Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. The r1sk of flooding, though rare in occurrence, is most likely if caused by tidal flooding.

13. Products sold or manufactured: Refer to #14

14. Brief description of manufacturing andfor handling procedure

Plywood manufacturin9, including cutting, layup, plug and filling, and dry1ng of veneer ply.

a. Are process flow diagrams available? yes

b. If yes, are they attached? no

c. If no, estimated date of complete: not necessary

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P.O. Box 954, Grants Pass. OR Zip 97526 Phone (503) 4 7 4-9434

15. Production levels during last year of operations:

Although the described equipment and personnel were capable of producing about 16,000,000 feet 3/8 of sanded or about 25,000,000 square feet ~/8 of sheetingjmonth (constrained by veneer dryer capacity), actual levels during the last year of operations (ending July 17th, 1990} were about 18,000,000 square feetjmonth.


1. Previous use or operations: Official Records of Descriptions of Real Property obtained from County Assessors Office, and interviews with most recent records indicate that the other industrial activities which occurred on these lots were similar for the purposes of this report.

2. Has facility had any major damage from natural disasters? (flood, storms, etc) None on record

3. Has facility had any damage from man-made disasters? (fires, reportable releases, etc) Fires have been reported at the site from time to time, according to the fire chief in North Bend. However, it has been the Fire Chief's opinion that the company fire brigade which was located at the site was well-trained and capable of controlling most of these fires, and assistance given by the North Bend Fire Department was kept at a minimum. There has also been an oil spill (see Appendix G).

4. Date originally built; The main building was built in 1963 and designed as a plywood plant.

5. Has a hydrologic/hydrogeologic study been performed?

Map and flood information developed from USGS survey and OTEC revisions. Also BLM sponsored surveys. No private study known to have been performed.

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pR\\J pJE & CONriOENiiAL 00cuMENi




P.O. Box 954, Grants Pass. OR Zip 97526 Phone (503) 4 7 4-9434

6. History of property transference back to 1943 attached in Official Records of Descriptions of Real Property, shows that industrial "mill" related activit¥ may have occurred at this site before the ex1sting main manufacturing building was construc.ted. It is possible that some logging/milling related activities occurred at this site as far back as 1943. More recent transactions showing the transaction of titles to Sun Plywood, etc., may be retrieved individually from Records at Coquille and are not required for the purposes of this report.


1. Are there railroad tracks into or on or near facility property? The land is served with a rail siding from the Southern Pacific Railroad, which occupies the westerly 20 feet of the structure, the full len~th of the building. There is room for about 10 cars ins1de of the building. Materials were loaded for shipping, not receiving, at inside adjacent track docks.

2. Inside loading docks: Refer to comment above

3. outside loading docks: Refer to # 5 and Comments below

4. Internal transportation: Refer to Comments below

5. Other transportation: Refer to Comments below.

6. Comments: Typical types of internal and external transporting vehicles were used at this site. On and off-loading, fixed and moving, sheltered and unsheltered, often oil-lubricated and hydraulic, gas and electric powered transporting equipment. The local marine dock serves the adjacent northward site, and is not used by the owners\operators of 3201 Tremont.

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P.O. Box 954. Grants Pass. OR Zip 97526 Phone (503) 474-9434

1. Attach organization chart; Not necessary

2. Who has the responsibility for the following, and list each responsible party's other duties:

3 0

a. RCRA and solid wastes; Rick Sohn, Forest Manager & Land sales






Who Bud

Air; Rick Sohn

Water and waste water; Rick Sohn

OSHA; Bud Smith, Presently VP Finance, Production Manager at the time

PCB's; Bud Smith

Facility planning; Bud Smith

reviews and signs permit applications and reports? Smith

4. Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and distribution of chemicals shipped to the plant by suppliers? The facility is not operating. While operating the various lubricants, cleaners and maintenance materials were generally the responsibility of the maintenance crew. The adhesives, caustics (mostly in the powerhouse) solvents, and finishes (small quantities) were the responsibility of the manufacturing superintendent. Most of these materials are stored and used in small quantities, some in 55 gallon drums and a few materials in bulk (oil, edgecoat).

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LEVEL I P.O. Box 954, Grants Pass, OR

Zip 97526 Phone (503) 4 7 4-9434


1. List of waste quantities generated and EPA hazard codes: The materials and processes study performed by the Consultant indicate that the various adhesives, solvents, edgecoats, oils, lubricants, cleaners, caustics, etc., were used in process and became part of the product or equipment, evaporated (volatilized), were incinerated, were recycled, or, after considerable dilution, became an industrial waste water stream. No waste materials which were determined by the company to be hazardous by oregon or u.s. law were accumulated at the site.

2. Analytical data from waste analysis: None on record

3. EPA form 8700-12, notification of hazardous waste activity: Not required

4. state disclosures or other applications: None required

5. Biennial (or annual) report: None required

6. Manifests and exception reports: None required

7. List of commercial waste vendors, includin~ contracts, waste profiles, certificates of distinct1on: None on record, none required

8. Tank Filling Records: No hazardous wastes stored in tanks

9. Agency inspection reports: None required

10. Incident reports: None on record in North Bend Regional D.E.Q. office.

11. Agency correspondence: wastes.

None pursuant to

12. Contingency and preparedness plan: Not required

13. Training records: Not required


14. Hazardous waste storage area: No waste accumulated by processes

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P.O. Box 954, Grants Pass. OR Zip 97526 Phone (503) 4 7 4-9434

15. Housekeeping: No RCRA wastes accumulated on-site

16. Plant grounds: Describing grounds from visual observations, looking at storage areas for hazardous materials and practices, and review fire marshal reported areas specifically, staging areas and areas used for receipt, storage and distribution of incoming chemicals, the Consultant's specific comments are in Item # 18.

17. Underground Storage Tanks: See Section VIII, page 17

18. Compliance; Due to the fact that all operations have been discontinued at the time this assessment is being carried out, many details regarding practices will not be available. Many practices in recent years appear adequate for the types of materials used at this site. Not all, however. For example, there is no indication that any secondary containment was used for drummed products, and the underground storage tank records were incomplete.

19. Details regarding solid wastes: Due to fact that the site is not in operation, and that there are no records of solid wastes analyses available to review, future Superfund liability risks can not be determined. It is possible that hazardous materials/wastes could have routinely been delivered to the landfill(s) via solid waste streams.

Solid Waste from the site was routinely delivered to the Joe Ney Landfill, an industrial\commercial demolition site operated by the county. The D.E.Q. Regional Office in Coos Bay (Ruben Kretzschmar) indicated that this landfill is not presently a Superfund site nor listed on the E.P.A. Priority List as under consideration to become a Superfund site. The site is, however, on the D.E.Q. Environmental Cleanup list for some materials which have been released in the past.

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P.O. Box 954, Grants Pass. OR Zip 97526 Phone (503) 474-9434

There are monitoring wells at the disposal site and the data does not indicate any hazardous discharges to groundwater. Audrey Eldridge of Portland Central D.E.Q. office has also indicated that the landfill has been studied.

Additionally, woodwaste and boiler afterburn has been permitted to have been released to the Weyerhauser Woodwaste Landfill. By agreement, no metals were accepted at this landfill. An oil/water (reportedly very high in water content) mix was occasionally (3 to 4 times per year) incinerated at the boiler. This landfill has been officially closed.



1. Annual reports: Plant is Not operating

2. Certificates of destruction: No PCB processes or equipment has been removed off-site by Sun Plywood. Two labeled PCB transformers are located on the site: one 1500 KVA and one 1680 KVA. Both are tagged with a seal that reads "SD Meyers Inc., TC # 17, 18, 19, 20, PO Box 3575, Akron, Ohio. Although the power house which is located just north of the plant is leased from Weyerhauser and is not part of the study site, . it is herein noted that there is at least one PCB transformer at that site.

3. Proof of ownership: N\A

4. Inspection records: N\A

5. Analytical results: N\A

6. Labeling: When on-site, were located at the site

7. Plan for PCB reduction: N\A

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P.O. Box 954, Grants Pass. OR Zip 97526 Phone (503) 4 7 4-9434

1a. Location in the facility: Abandoned steam plant power house.



In February of 1987, concern was voiced by the Department of Environmental Qualit¥ regarding the abandoned steam plant powerhouse bu1lding located at 3201 Tremont, North Bend. The inspector found the potential for a "major asbestos contamination crisis", he observed large amounts of asbestos waste stored or accumulated openly throughout the building as a result of improper abatement practices attempted earlier in the month.

Among the concerns listed were those regarding standing water, a contaminated trailer, the discharge of asbestos to state waters, miscellaneous sludges, transit truck covering, improper labeling, and personal protection concerns.

The above concerns were expressed within correspondences and kept in public record at the DEQ regional office in North Bend. The following company responses are not, however, presently in DEQ record and it is the consultant's recommendation, therefore, that such company response be added to the DEQ files.

In Appendix F work by a licensed asbestos contractor, HAZCON Incorporated, invoices project description, work orders and the building dismantling agreement are contained. These documents should be added to the DEQ public file.

Condition: Removed

Inspection facility: N\A

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P.O. Box 954, Grants Pass. OR Zip 97526 Phone (503) 474-9434

lb. Location in the main facility: Main building: It is not clear to the Consultant whether asbestos remains in the main buildin9. Areas that are suspect are steam and condensate p1ping which are located high above floor operations inside the plant, and areas of insulation in doors, upper panels and ceilings of the dryers. The manufacturer is Coe Manufacturing .. An equipment sales representative (Tim Fisher, 639-3121) has stated that, given the approximate age of the dryers, and the fact that they are steam heated, it is his opinion that some of the materials of construction of the veneer dryers would be identified as asbestos.

It should be noted that much of the insulation on pipes and dryers was replaced in 1988. No asbestos was found at that time, reportedly. The areas known to contain asbestos must be labeled according to TSCA requirements.

2b. Condition: Areas visible on pipes near ceiling, if asbestos, appear not to be friable.


1. Water records/Correspondence; See Appendix D. Miscellaneous correspondence is on record at DEQ, Regional Office at Coos Bay (eg dated February 19, 1988, referring to an application made by Sun Plywood on June 19, 1985. In the 1985 letter, Kenneth Shrum, in an unsi9ned letter, specified details regarding turbine and sawm1ll condenser cooling waters and water softener backwash). It is noted that the boiler blowdown outlet is plumbed to a sump which was used to assure firefighting preparedness. The last piece of correspondence was a hand written interoffice note dated 6-21-90. This note simply clarified that the issue was not completed.

2. Map of discharge points, sampling locations, water supply; Map not included in this report

3. SPCC plan; None

4. Agency inspection reports/correspondence; See Appendix D

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Zip 97526 Phone (503) 4 7 4-9434



5. o & M manual; None

6. BMP manual; None

7. Results from agency monitoring; No a9ency monitoring is on record to have been done at this s1te.

8. compliance schedules, stipulation agreements; See Appendix D

9. Anticipated changes; None reportedly planned

10. Pretreatment standards requirements; See Appendix D


No NPDES permit applications and reapplications, monitoring reports, notifications to agency for permits known to have been made at any time.


discharge exceeding

1. Permits and permit ap~lications; In compliance with OAR 340-20 and others, th1s site was permitted to discharge particulate air contaminants (permit # 06-0103) produced by plywood and powerhouse dry chips, saw fines sanderdust and hogged veneer (See Appendix E).

2. Emissions inventory; See Appendix E

3. Exhausts locations layout; Not included

4. Exhausts stacks specifications; See Appendix E

5. Agency correspondence; See Appendix E

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P.O. Box 954, Grants Pass. OR Zip 97526 Phone (503) 4 7 4-9434

6. Results from agency monitoring; See Appendix E

7. Monitoring reports and data; See Appendix E

8. Emission testing; See Appendix E, see Detail Sheet

9. Ambient testing; N\A

10. New source notifications and records; N\A

11. Maintenance and inspection; Plant not in operation


For the purposes of this report, OSHA compliance will not be reviewed, except for item 5, due to the fact that its issues are pursuant to the study.

1. Safety policies __________________________________________ _

2. Safety committee meetings ---------------------------------3. Air monitoring results __________________________________ __

4. Respirator program ______________________________________ __

5. Hazard communication program; the company seems to have had an effective written hazard communication program. Employees were trained and certification of this training was directed by procedure to be signed. Material safety data sheet books were made available to the employee along with other hazard communication instructions, in the main office, the engineering office, powerhouse, and to the maintenance department.

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ENVIR0~1ENTAL ASSESSMENT P.O. Box 954, Grants Pass, OR Zip 97526 Phone (503) 4 7 4-9434



Hazard communication program; instructions regarding container material safety data sheets, and at the site.

Therein were included labeling, the use of

a list of the chemicals

Most material safety data sheets will not be included in this report but are available to the. interested reader. The chemicals used which are deemed mentionable by the Consultant are petroleums, gasolines, petroleum distillates, 1,1,1, tri-chloroethane, trichlorotrifluoroethane, methylene chloride, isopropyl alcohol, n-hexane, propane, acetone, lead chromate, toluol, xylol, toluene, xylene, VM & P naphtha, methyl ethyl ketone, ammonia hydroxide, phenyl mercuric acetate, other acetates, ethylene glycol, mineral spirits, stoddard solvents, hydroperoxide, formaldehyde, caustic soda, aluminum and other oxides and carbides, ~olymethylene polyphenyl polyisocyanate, potassium hydrox1de, butoxyethanol, methanol, morpholine, ammonia, hydroquinone, monoethanolamine, ortho-dichlorobenzine, cresylic acid, and various refined mineral oils.

These chemicals are found in various lubricants, adhesives, solvents, cleaners, finishes, and maintenance materials within the plant. Most of these materials are stored and used in small quantities, some in 55 gallon drums and a few materials in bulk (oil, edgecoat).

6. OSHA form 200, 801;

7. OSHA inspection reports _________________ _

8. Worker's compensation records ----------------------~------

9. Propane trucks maintenance records ------------------------10. Noise readings ______________________ _

11. General plant safety ____________________________________ ___

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P.O. Box 954, Grants Pass. OR Zip 97526 Phone (503) 4 7 4-9434


Records of UST activity is kept at the Southwest Regional office of the D.E.Q. in Medford. According to those records, there is an existing 7000 gallon used oil tank located in the warehouse section in the southwest portion of the main building which was used for edgecoat operations. The tank is listed as "not-in-use", and has not been teml?orarily or permanently closed. This tank is registered and 1s listed as 21 years old. Therefore this tank must have been tightness tested or equipped with leak detection by 12-91. This action has not been taken to date.

Also, in the dock-loading area just north of the building (see Fire Inspection on 12-10-69 in Appendix G) were three 4000 gallon gasoline UST's. These tanks were removed long before registration requirements were in place, and the local fire marshal was notified and inspected the work.


1. EPA form 8900-1; None on site, not required.

2. Spill control procedures; Both afore-mentioned press pits have concrete floors and sides, and were equipped with sumps. If water collected (from wash down) or oil (hydraulic) were spilled into the pits, the liquid was pumped to the oil\water above-ground storage tank at the north side of the building.

Spills which may have occurred on the north asphalt lot (by idling trucks, overturned or leaking drums, gasoline transfer spills or overfills from previously existing UST's) were directed by grading to a catch basin which served as a water\oil separator. The water drained to the storm sewer and the trapped oil was collected and pumped into the oil\water above-ground storage tank. The tank was typically and periodically removed by a waste oil handling company, called Environmental serv1ces •

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P.O. Box 954, Grants Pass. OR Zip 97526 Phone (503) 474-9434

2. Spill control procedures; The large main building has a relativel¥ impervious, concrete floor. Indoor plumbing from serv1ce pits located below the presses pumped spilled materials to an above-ground steel tank above the main entrance bay door.

3 .

oil house and the storage building

was used as a "bone Uncontrolled spills

The 30'x30' wood framed, metal clad 31'x 81' wood framed, metal clad located at the south end lot which yard" and for the handling of oil. may have occurred in this area.

Notifications of on record that quantity.

spills of reportable quantities; None are known to have been a reportable

4. Property survey print; available on request

5. Environmental files; Air Contaminant, UST registration, Source inspections, on file at D.E.Q. regional offices in Portland, Coos Bay and Medford. Files on-site were kept by Bud Smith, then Plant Manager, now VP Finance, who now possesses such files as deemed important pursuant to the site's environmental issues.

6. General waste disposal; Site not operating. See Item # 19 under the RCRA and Solid Wastes section.

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P.O. Box 954, Grants Pass, OR Zip 97526 Phone (503) 474-9434


Along the border southward, there is a bulk petroleum plant which also provides service. The materials appear to be well contained and the operator, when interviewed, seems knowledgeable of required control measures. The plant reportedly operated, however, without adequate spill protection in the past.

The parcel located about 500 feet north of the ~roperty with a 99 year lease contains a steam plant that prov1des steam to the plant site, and has been operated by and under the control of the Client's employees. Any off-site issues which may be discovered on this parcel, or migrations of contaminated ground and {surface waters from surrounding wood treating or production operations, may be viewed by regulatin~ officials as the Client's partial or full responsib1lity.

Well reports and County maps indicate an abundance groundwater in the area, often very close to the surface.

Internal and external transporting vehicles were used at site. On and off-loading, fixed and moving, sheltered unsheltered, often oil-lubricated and hydraulic, gas electric powered transporting and production equipment.


this and and

According to Appendix G, there have also been fuel spills at the site.

Joe Ney Landfill, the waste, though not a Priority List, is in Cleanup list for some the past.

landfill used by Sun Plywood for solid Superfund site nor listed on the E.P.A. part on the D.E.Q. Environmental

materials which have been released in

Woodwaste and boiler afterburn were permitted to be released to the Weyerhauser Woodwaste Landfill. This landfill has been officially closed.

Paqe 19 Report Completed: 1-27-93

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P.O. Box 954, Grants Pass. OR Zip 97526 Phone (503) 47 4-9434

An oiljwater (reportedly very high in water content) mix was occasionally (3 to 4 times per year) incinerated at the boiler.

PCB equipment exists at the site. transformers are located as described report.

Two labeled PCB on page 11 of this

Regarding the now removed PP&L steam power plant; contaminated standing water, a contaminated trailer, asbestos discharge to state waters, sludges, transit truck covering, improper labeling, and personal protection concerns can be found at North Bend DEQ public file. However, the work performed by HAZCON Inc., properly closing the issue, has not been added to the DEQ public file.

It is not clear whether asbestos remains in the main building at steam piping inside the plant, and areas of insulation in doors and ceilings of the dryers. The areas found to contain asbestos must be labeled according to TSCA requirements, and friable asbestos abated.

The registered, 21 year old 7000 gallon used oil tank located in the southwest portion of the main building which was used for edgecoat operations is listed as "not-in-use", and has not been legally decommissioned, tightness tested or equipped with leak detection.

In the dock-loading area just north of the building were three 4000 gallon gasoline UST's, which are now removed.

The oil house and storage building are located at the south end lot and was used as a "bone yard" and for the handling of oil. Uncontrolled spills may have occurred in this area.

Proof of ownership, Inspection records and Analytical results was not found for the removed PCB filled transformers.

Page 20 Report completed: 1-27-93

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RECOMMENDATIONS P.O. Box 954, Grants Pass, OR

Zip 97526 Phone (503) 4 7 4-9434

Since the boiler used to heat the Client's building was operated and controlled by sun Plywood employees, and because of site specific regulation pertaining to migrating contaminants, it is possible that the Client would be held responsible by regulators and property owners for unresolved environmental issues. The Client should assure that proper actions be taken by its employees, and obtain and/or record past practices of Weyerhauser employees (abatement, control, labeling of asbestos, control of hazardous materials, uses and control of PCB transformer oil, etc).

The used oil tank in the southwest portion of the main building listed as "not-in-use" must be ti•;Jhtness tested or equipped with leak detection ASAP, or else decommissioned. Careful records should be kept.

Just north of the building, the three 4000 gallon gasoline UST's which had been removed in December of 1969, on and off­loading with oil-lubricated and hydraulic, gas and diesel powered transporting equipment, recorded fuel spills and outside stored drums in this area indicate possible contamination of soils and groundwater. Additionally, the oil house and storage building is located at the south end lot and was used as a "bone yard" and for the handling of oil. Uncontrolled spills and, therefore, contamination of soils and groundwater may have also occurred in this area. Further investigation may be warranted.

Proof of ownership, inspection records and analytical results should be retrieved, if at all available, for any removed PCB filled transformers.

Use EPA, DEQ and DOT regulation to guide handling of any materials, residues, fuels, etc. which are to removed from the premises.

Records of work performed by HAZCON Inc. to remove asbestos from the old (and removed) power house should be added to the DEQ public file at 490 North second, Coos Bay. Areas which may contain asbestos in the main building (steam piping, and areas of insulation in doors and ceilings of the dryers) should be tested and, if found to be asbestos, labeled and safe encapsulation or abatement of friable fibers assured.

In order to insure against future liability, add to this report any information or statements which show that the company did not release hazardous materials to the landfill.

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CONCLUSIONS P.O. Box 954, Grants Pass, OR Zip 97526 Phone (503) 474-9434

The above listed and discussed issues are included in this report to assist the Consultant in applying due diligence to the questions concerning possible environmental hazards.

Therefore, this Level I audit report contains all information deemed necessary by the Consultant, including documents and findings resulting from examination of historic directories, maps and aerial photographs of the property and adjacent area to determine historic use of property, a review of Fire Marshall's and local fire department records of inspections and permits for flammable substances and underground storage tanks, a review of records of the Oregon. DEQ and the EPA for reports of spills of hazardous or toxic substances or materials or storage, use or generation of toxic or hazardous substances or waste (including underground tanks) on or near the property or any other environmental permits or problems associated with the property, visual inspection of the property to verify the recorded information and to identify signs of ~otential contamination or activities that may have resulted 1n contamination, interviews with personnel or tenants of operations near the site, and a review of available studies of the geology and groundwater conditions.

The Consultant has determined that, because uses of the Site and indications of its use are known to a time before such records existed in this county, a review of building, plumbing, sewer and water permits for the property to determine previous occupants, and their uses of the property, is not necessary. A review of records pertaining to the owner'sfoperator'sjtenant's hazardous substances that werejare stored, used or generated on site, was performed as shown throughout this report, including the company's material safety data sheets.

The consultant concludes, based on the findings which he obtained and prepared, which are in accordance with generally and currently accepted environmental and occupational health consulting principles and practices (which include disclaimers associated with the investigative ri~or implied by Level 1 study), that, except for those items l1sted in the summary and recommendations, there are no environmental liabilities at this site.

Jack Akin En · nmental Management consultants

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of the


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The climate of the study area is moist and temperate owing to the prevoi ling westerlies and the proximity of the Pacific Ocean. Winters are cool and wet and summers are warm and dry with intermittent rain. Temperature data are summarized on Table la.

Rainfall varies from approximately 60 inches along the Coast to as much as 100 inches on the slopes of the more rugged interior uplands in eastern parts of the study area. Annual rainfall is 60 inches at North Bend and 77 inches at Reedsport. More than 10 inches of rain fall in December and January at North Bend, and more than 10 inches of rain fall in November, December, January, and February at Reedsport. Measurable precipitation falls in North Bend on about 160 days out of the year. Precipita­tion extremes for the Coos Bay-North Bend area are summarized on Table lb. Between December 19 and 23, 1964, 8.1 inches of rain fell in North Bend, and 13.2 inches of rain fell in Powers.

Table la'. Temperature data for western Coos and Douglas Counties

Coos Boy-: Statistic North Bend Reedsport

Mean 45° 44° >-. M eon maximum 52 50 .... 0 :::> M eon Minimum 37 37 c 0 High 74 67 I

Low 16 15

Mean 60 60

.... M eon maximum 69 70 VI

Mean minimum 51 51 :::> 0> :::> High 90* 97 ~

Low 38 41

*June extreme is 100°

Table lb. Weather extremes for Coos Bay-North Bend area

r- ·-·· .... ···---

! wettest month 22.7 inches November, 1973

driest year 43 inches 1936

wettest year 91 inches 1937 j wettest 24 hours 5.25 inches Dec. 9-10, 1968

I --- -

greatest snow fa II 16 inches Jan 1 2~-26, 1969

greatest wind velocity 130 knots* Oct. 12, 1962

* Recorded on the Coast

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Extreme high discharge of the Umpqua River gaged at Elkton was 265,000 cfs during the December '!964 flood. Extreme low discharge was 640 cfs on July 18, 1926. Extremely low summer discharges into the estuary are not as common as in other coastal estuaries owing to the moderating influence of the great size of the drainage basin and the summer runoff from the Cascade Range.

The distribution of the Preliminary Intermediate Regional Flood ( 1 00-year flood) was derived from detailed contour maps (1" equals 400 feet) and preliminary flood-water elevations data supplied by the Portland Office of the U.S. Geological Survey. Level of the 100-year flood is approximately 9.3 feet above mean sea level at The Point and 11 feet above mean sea level at the U. S. Highway 101 bridge north of Reedsport. Although the figures are subject to revision, they are adequate for the map scale used in this study.

Flooding destroys structures through current action, si I tat ion, and water damage. It inflicts losses on agricultural land by scouring topsoil, eroding stream banks, silting cropland, and killing livestock. It threatens citizens by isolating dwellings, damaging property, disrupting transportation, and polluting or disrupting water supplies.

Coos County: The December 1964 flood was the greatest flood on record in Coos County in this century (Figures 13, 14, 15). Total damage in the Coquille basin was $3.1 million and included $1.44 million to agricultural land, $868,000 to industrial property, $178,000 to transportation, and $323,000 to channel improvements. Total damage in the Coos basin was $1.2 million.

At Myrtle Point, the South Fork of the Coquille River crested at 46.8 feet above mean sea level, nearly 10 feet above flood stage and approximately 5 feet above the level of the Intermediate Regional Flood. At Coquille the flood crested at 21.1 feet (msl) and water averaged 15 feet deep on the flood plain. This compares with a crest of 23 feet (msl) for the largest flood on record in that area in 1890 and a crest of 24 feet (msl) for the Intermediate Regional Flood. Calculated recurrence frequencies for 1964 discharges vary considerably in the County and also include frequencies of 4 years on the North Fork at Fairview, 10 years on the West Fork of the Millicoma near Allegany, 12 years on Gettys Creek near Myrtle Point, and 17 years on Tenmile Creek near Lakeside (Waananen and others, 1971).

Specific damage during the flood of 1964 included destruction of logging roads and bridges in the uplands, flooding of the sewage treatment plant at Myrtle Point, and forced evacuation of numerous residences at Myrtle Point. The community of Coquille was isolated from Coos Bay by 3 feet of water over the road at a point 4 miles west of Coquille. Downstream two plywood plants were flooded to depths of 4 feet and numerous houses and pastures were damaged. In the Coos Bay area large sediment deposits restricted shipping and dockside loading in the Bay and several tide boxes and tide gates were damaged.

The January 1974 flood resulted in $28,000 damage along the North Fork of the Coquille, $109,000 along the South Fork of the Coquille, and $173,000 along the lower reaches of the Coquille River. The flood crested at 17. 6 feet (msl) (gage height 24 feet) and inundated large low l'and areas (Figures 16-19). It was the third largest flood since the 1955 flood, which crested at 37 feet near Myrtle Point.

Projections by the Oregon WaterResourc<::s Board (1972) show that annual flood damage in the Coos River basin will rise to 5250,000 in 1980, $384,000 in the year 2000, and $582,000 in the year 2020. Figures for the Coquille basin are $642,000 in 1980, $997,000 in the year 2000 and $1,496,000 in the year 2020. Figures are in 1965 dollars and assume continued development with no flood control.

Douglas County: The flood of December 1964 was the greatest flood on official record for the Umpqua basin. Peak discharge was 265,000 cfs at Elkton compared to a peak discharge .. of 218,000 cfs for the largest previous flood in 1955. The 1964 flood is approximately equivalent to the Intermediate Regional Flood in the study area.

Damage during the 1964 flood in the Reedsport area totaled $4 million to' 55 million. Water levels ( {eraged 4 feet in much of northern Reedsport (Figures 20, 21, 22), and in places waters approached the

eavesofbuildings. Flooding ofthecommunity wastheresultofovertoppeddikes (Harrisand Williams, 1971) and piping of water through muskrat holes in the dikes. Maintenance requirements for the recon­structed dikes call for total removal of vegetation to alleviate the muskrat problem.

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Upstream at Scottsburg the flood crested at 45.8 feet on the south side of the highway bridge and flowed over that side of the bridge. Many homes were flooded; when flood waters receded, approximately 15 homes hod been washed away. Two miles upstream at Wells Creek, waters crested at 54.8 feet and flooded several structures. Downstream, flood waters covered parts of the Loon Lake Road, the Deans Creek Road, and the Smith River Road, and rose to the level of the Scholfield Creek Road in some places.


On the State level, assistance in developing flood-plain management plans is provided by the Oregon Water Resources Board, and broad policies are formulated by the Land Conservation and Development Com­

mission. Numerous Federal agencies also assist in dealing with flood hazards, as discussed below. Structural means of water storage or retention such as dams, levees, and dikes do not appear to be

feasible_ methods of flood control in western Coos County. Effective flood control by water storage would require a total capacity af 530,000 acre feet in the Coquille River drainage. Loss of arable land, damage

to fish runs, and topographic restraints make this alternative unfeasible at the present time (U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1972) .'' Levee construction would greatly reduce bank storage and would require a channel level of 40 feet at Coquille to accommodate a flood equivalent to that of 1964. This is nearly 20 feet above the level of the 1964 flood. Channel improvements required to significantly alleviate flood­ing would be expensive to maintain and would involve destruction of natural levees.

Existing structures for flood control in western Douglas County include levees along the lower reaches of the Umpqua and Smith Rivers to provide protection from 25-year floods, and a dike around north Reeds­port to provide protection from the l 00-yeor flood. There is no flood protection for Gardiner, and ports of the community are frequently flooded by ocean and stream flooding.

The U. S. Soil Conservation Service administers the Watershed Protection and Flood Protection Act of 1954 and provides technical assistance for channel protection and other flood-related projects.

Declaration of a flooded area as a disaster area by the Governor allows the release of funds for the restoration of public facilities, river-bonk repair, and low-interest loans to individuals and small businesses. Assistance of this type is coordinated by the Office of Emergency Preparedness, the State Emergency Services Center, and local officials.

Emergency preparedness includes flood forecasting and flood warning by the National Weather Service River Forecast Center in Portland. Flood fighting by local personnel is commonly supplemented by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and is coordinated by the State Emergency Operations Center. The Flood Insurance Act of 1968 is administered by the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development with the assistance of the State Water Resources Board and provides flood insurance to individuals and businesses in regulated developments.

Zoning codes regulate regional land use and can be written to restrict land use in various parts of the flood plain. Subdivision codes can require disclosure statements, flood warning signs, and consrructior. practices compatible with flood potential. Bui !ding codes often regulate floor elevations and provide for waterproofing, anchoring, and other appropriate construction standards.

Ocean Flooding


Ocean flooding is the inundation of lowland areas by salt water owing to tidal action, srorm surge, or tsunami (see Table 20). Landforms subject to ocean flooding include bectche~, marshes, coastal lowlands, and low-lying interdune areas. The highest predicted tide is approximately 6 feet above mean sea level. The highest probable storm surge is 4 to 7 feet above prevailing tidal elevations. The highest probable tsunami is approximately 14 feet high in the mouths of estuaries and slightly higher on the beaches. Because tidal flooding occurs daily, the effect of high tides is superposed on that of storm surges or tsunamis in determining the impact of those phenomena. The simultaneous occurrence of an extreme storm surge and an extreme tsunami is considered highly improbable and is not investigated.

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Tidal flooding

Causes: Tides are the periodic rises and falls of sea level which occur approximately two times per

day. Tides are primarily caused by the permanent development of two bulges of water in the oceans formed

in response to the gravitational attraction of the Moon. On the side of the Earth facing the Moon, the gravity :)f the Moon attracts the water to form a bulge, and on the side opposite the Moon a similar bulge is formed owing to centrifugal acceleration. The Sun exerts a similar effect on the Earth's oceans, but •o a lesser extent. The net result is a secondary set of tides superposed on those of the Moon. When the tides of the Sun and the Moon coincide (approximately bimonthly), observed tides are additive, giving extreme tides called spring tides. During other alignments the tides tend to cancel to various extents, giving less extreme tidal situations. When the Earth, Sun, and Moon form a right angle, cancellation is the greatest and gentle neap tides result.

Other major factors of tidal generation include 1) the variations in the distance of the Earth to the

Moon, 2) the variations in the distance of the Earth to the Sun, 3) the declination of the Earth's orbit around

the Sun with the equator, and 4) the declination of the Moon's orbit with the Earth's equator. In all, several

dozen major and several hundred mir;1or periodicities affect tides. The physical configurations of the various ocean basins and shorelines also are factors which contribute measurably to tidal levels.

Tidal elevations: Tidal elevations at specific localities vary with the relative influence of the

various tidal periodicities, the characteristics of the basin, and time. In the Pacific Ocean, daily high tides and daily low tides are not equal. Thus, a higher high tide and a lower high tide, and a higher low tide and a lower low tide are recognized. Various tidal elevations relevant to nautical charting, coastal engineering, and navigation are illustrated on Table 23.

Mean lower low water is arbitrarily defined as '0' and is the base level of all other tidal elevations.

Mean low water marks the boundary between submerged land and tidal flats. Mean sea level is based upon

observations taken over a number of years and serves as the datum base for topographic maps produced by the U.S. Geological Survey. Mean sea level varies with location, but along the Oregon Coast is gen­

erally 4 feet above mean lower low water. Knowledge of mean sea level is required to interrelate land elevations and tidal elevations. Thus, an 8 foot tide is only about 4 feet above mean sea level.

Mean high water is the average of all observed high tides and for the Oregon Coast is approximately

3~ feet above mean sea level. Mean higher high water is generally less than a foot above mean high

water. Both are approximately equivalent to the ground elevation of mature marshes with well-defined drainage.

The highest predicted tides flood the highest marshes, and the highest observed tides (prevailing high tide plus storm surge) inundate the marshes and may flood other low-lying areas. According to Table 23, the highest tide in Yaquina Bay during the observation period was 12.6 feet, or nearly 5 feet above mean high water (the level of high marshes). Over considerably longer periods of time, maximum observed

tides at the mouth of the Umpqua River and at Lincoln City were about 13 feet, and adoption of this figure for the study area is reasonable.

Impact and recommendations: Tidal action inundates tidal flats and marshes, enhances estuarine circulation (see Geology of Estuaries), aids navigation, controls sedimentation and deposition, and supports

a complex of biologic activity in the Oregon coastal zone. All construction and fills in the tidal zone should proceed on the basis of careful planning and are subject to pol icy statements formulated by the

Oregon Coastal Conservation and Development Commission. Permits are issued by the State Land Board and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. Hazards associated with tidal flooding are discussed in detail under Storm surge.

Storm surge

General: Storm surge is the rise of sea level above predicted tide levels owing to low barometric

pressure and wind. Local factors influencing the magnitude of storm surge also include bottom gradient, shore slope, position of the coast relative to the storm center, and harbor configuration.

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Table 23. Representative tidal elevations of the Oregon Coast 1

Elevation (feet) Tidal term 2 Description

14.5 Extreme high tide Highest projected tide that can occur and is the sum of the high est predicted tide and the high est observed storm surge. Very long recurrence intervals are assumed. It is the level used by_ engineers for the design of harbor structures.

12.6 Highest measured tide Highest tide measured on the tide staff. 10.3 Highest predicted tide Highest tide predicted by the tide tables. Storm surges and

other climatic factors are not considered. 8.4 Mean higher high water Average height of the highest high tides observed over a

specific time interval. Time intervals are selected on the basis of the moon's many cycles and the degree of refinement required. This plane is used by the National Ocean Service to reference navigationa I clearances.

7.6 Mean high water The average of all observed high tides. It is the boundary between tideland and ."upland," the land generally at or I

above the level of mature high marsh. J 4.6 Mean tide level A level midway between mean high water and mean low water ·1

The difference between mean tide level and local mean sea level reflects asymmetry between local high and low tides.

4.5 Loco I m eon sea level The local average height of the water surface for all stages of the tide.

4. 1 Mean sea level A regional datum based on observations taken over a number of years on the West Coast of the United States and Canada. It is the reference for elevations on U.S. Geological Survey topographic maps.

1.5 Mean low water The average of a II observed low tides. It is the bounda1·y between tideland and submerged land.

0.0 Mean lower low water The average height of the lower low tides. -2.9 Lowest predicted tide The lowest tide predicted on the tide tables.

-=3:1 Lowest measured tide The lowest tide actually measured on the tide staff. -3.5 Extreme low tide The lowest estimated tide that can occur.

1 Specific figures are based on 6 years of tide observations at the Oregon State University Morine Science Center dock on Yaquina Boy. Values vary from estuary to estuary, within on estLJary, and with the interval of observation. The above figures ore good approximations for values in the study area.

2 Adopted from Oregon Division of State Lands (1973).


Page 42: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and






[ 1 .• . I .1.1. r [_ I •- J Figure 24. Wave heights of the

TILLAMOOK R. 1964 tsunami above mean high

[ I. ·• . l water. (from Schatz, Curl and

• Burt, 1964)



UMPQUA R. .. [ .I I I I l

COOS BAY [ 1.1. I I •• J .

COQUILLE R. [ 1.11 I I I l CHETCO R. ( I I I I I I

2300 2400 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500


(Based on observations ol U.S. Coast Guard personnel at the above locat,ons J

~:-¥ ... :~ ~ . ; .. ·. ~; :r. ~- -.- .-


Figure 25. Salvage operations of a sma II craft at Charleston after the 1964 tsunami. (Photo courtesy The World)

Page 43: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

I '






Where inflowing ocean currents are statistically balanced by outgoing tidal and river currents, mean

flow approaches zero and deposition is promoted. This region is termed the nodal point and is the site of shoaling. Owing to relatively efficient outgoing currents, shoaling in the Oregon estuaries is generally located very near the mouths of the estuaries or even a short distance out to sea, as at the mouths of the Coquille and the Umpqua.Rivers.

Deposition within the estuaries produces a natural sequence of landform development which proceeds from submerged land successively through tidal flats, tidal marsh, and meadow. Vegetation of the marshes efficiently entraps sediment so ·"that ground elevations of marshes generally ore a foot or more above the immediately surrounding tidelands (Table 33). In quiet brackish waters, such as sloughs, clay flocculation by positive ions in the salt water is now recognized as a major contributor of sediment.

Activities of man: The filling of estuaries by sediments is a natural and irreversible process. Man can modify the rote of filling in several ways including 1) increasing or decreasing the supply of sediment from the watershed, 2) increasing or decreasing the supply of sediment from the coastal zone, and 3) mod­ifying depositional patterns within the estuary.

Improper land use, including poor logging practices and excessive soil disturbances during construc­tion of various projects, greatly increases mass movement and sediment yields to streams. As the sediments move seaward they account for increased rates of sedimentation in the estuaries. Although no quantitative data ore avai I able, poor logging practices in post years ore blamed for much of the sedimentation of the estuories(U. S. Departmentofthe Interior, 1971; Dicken, 1961). Varia"ustechniquesondpoliciesovail­able to minimize slope erosion in areas of timber harvest ore discussed under Stream Erosion and Deposition.

Jetty construction at the mouths of estuaries greatly reduces the quantities of sediment delivered to the bay by longshore drift and tidal action by promoting beach deposition on the adjacent coastlines (see Coastal Erosion and Deposition). The impact of dredging, however, is variable, depending upon the hydraulics of the particular estuary. Where shallow boy mouths ore enlarged by dredging, as along the Oregon Coast, more efficient ebb tides and estuary flushing ore generally experienced. Dredging inside the estuary may increase circulation and lead to increased dispersion of pollutants and increased shell-fish production. Alternatively, dredged areas may develop into localized sinks characterized by a buildup of organic material and the development of toxic reducing conditions. Additional impacts of dredging include sediment sorting during slurry disposal, increased turbidity and consequent siltation, and the release of a variety of materials previously locked in sediment including sulfides, hydrocarbons, insecticides, and possibly heavy metals. The increased oxygen demand associated with dredging is largely of chemical rather than biologic origin.

Improperly placed fills and dikes can impact on circulation patterns, which in turn con affect patterns of deposition. Bridges rather than fills should be constructed where roads or railroads cross established chon· ne Is in the estuary. Fi lis for new land hove the least impact on estuaries if located on high marsh and mead­ows rather than on tide flats or other low-lying landforms.

Coos Boy Estuary

Coos Boy covers 12,380 acres and is primarily tidal flats (6,200 acres), tidal marsh (2,738 acres), and eel gross tidelands (1,400 acres). The watershed draining into the Boy covers 820 square miles. Annual sediment discharge into the Boy is estimated at 72,000 tons (Percy and others, 1974). Head of tidewater is at Dellwood on the South Fork of the Coos River and at Allegany on the Millicoma River. ~veroge depth of the Bay is 5 feet below mean sea level.

Most ports of the Bay hove portly to we 11-mixed water during most of the year. Salt-water inversion occurs during many winter storms (Burt and Queen, 1957). Salinity is highest in the .summer months. Tidal mixing is the least effective in areas far removed from main tidal channels, such as the middle and upper reaches of sloughs. The capacity to accommodate pollution is the least· around the edges of sloughs draining local watersheds. Stagnation and low oxygen levels hove been reported in Isthmus Slough.

Current velocity data for Coos Bay are limited. Percy and others (1974) report maximum ebb and 'lood currents of 7 knots and 3.5 knots respectively. Side channel readings taken from a dock near the -nouth of the Bay ranged from 0.2 to 2.7 knots for ebb tides and 0.2 to 1.1 knots for flood tides in a study

Page 44: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and


Page 45: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

are to be 111ec v..·nh the


state WeU No.'<::: ........ ~~/.~!..~.-~ .... ········-········· SALEM. OREGON 97310

w1th1n 30 days from the date oC well completion.

(Please type or print) .. te Pennlt No. . ................................................ .

(Do not write above this line)

1lrWNER: ·:ar. Robert Lee

ccress 1115 ~lillanch '.vy ___ :~orth 3end,Ore.=:on 9'7459

. 2) TYPE OF WORK (check):

ew Well 0~ Deepening 0 Reconditioning 0 Abandon 0

abandonment. describe material and procedure in Item 12.

\3) TYPE OF WELL: (4) PROPOSED USE (check): otary G} Driven 0 able Lf Jetted 0

JUg 0 Bored 0

Domestic !51: Industrial 0 Municipal 0

Irrigation 0 Test Well 0 Other 0

3) CASING INSTALLED: Threaded o welded~

~ ... _ .. • Diam. from ........... 0 .......... ft. to .......... 81 ....... ft. Gage ..... A.25CL .. ................. • Dtam. from ........................ ft. to ...................... :. ft. Gage .... _,. .. ,_ ........ .

............... • Diam. from ........................ ft. to ........................ ft. Gage ....................... .

5) PERFORATIONS: Perforated? 0 Yes ~No.

·e of perforator used

• Le of perforations in. by in •

............................. perforations from ................................ ft. to .... - .... - ....... _ ....... ft.

.............................. perforations from ................................ ft. to ...... - ............ - ....... ft.

............................. perforations from ................................ ft. to ................................ ft.

7) SCREENS: Well screen installed? 0 Yes !iJ No

ranufacturer's Name

ype ................................................................................ Model No ......... - ........ ·-·-····· .. ·-·

JJam ................. Slot size ................ Set from ........................ ft. to ........................ ft.

Jiam ................. Slot size ................ Set from ........................ ft. to .... - ................ ft.

8) WELL TESTS: Drawdown is amount water level is lowered below static level

Vas a pump test made? 0 Yes B No If yes, by whom?

ield: gal./min. with ft. drawdown after

'T'ested Hj t]j' pjr: couJd fluctuate


v.JlPr test !. 2 ga!./min. with 230n. drawdown after 4 hrs.

.rtesian :!low g.p.m.

emperature of water Depth artesian flow encountered ............. - .... ft.

CONSTRUCTION: ·ell' seal-Material-used ............................ J:;.~~~~-~-......... - ...................................... .. 'ell sealed from land surface to ........................ ?.9 .................................................. ft.

Jameter of well bore to bottom of seal ............ ~.9. .............. in.

Jameter of well bore below seal ......... 6 .................... ln.

umber of sacks of cement used in well seal ............... ?..Q .......................... sacks

ow was cement grout placed? ...................................................................................... ..

............... .f.1L".TIP.~.9. .. :th:r.9.1:1.gh .... ~~~IP:~~ ................................................................. ..

a( rive shoe used? G(:Yes 0 No Plugs ............ Size: location ............ ft.

.d any strata contain unusable water? 0 Yes !l No

:pe of water? depth of strata

ethod of sealing strata off

as well gravel packed? 0 Yes 0 No Size of gravel: ............................... .

-ave! placed from ................... ft. to ................................ ft.

(10) LOCATION OF WELL: County Coos Driller's well number s/43/T

J,~ Section 14 T. 25S R. \\'.~!.

Bearing and distance from section or subdivision comer

(11) WATER LEVEL: Completed well. Depth at which water was first found ?L;.Q ft.

Static level 20 ft. below land surface. Date 9 10 30 Artesian pressure lbs. per square inch. Date

/ 0 (12) WELL LOG: Diameter o! well below casing ·························-··

Depth drilled 250 ft. Depth of completed well 250 ft.

Formation: Describe color. texture, grain size and structure of materials; and show thickness and nature o! each stratum and aquifer penetrated. with at least one entry !or each change of formation. Report each chang-e in position ot Static Water Lev~! and Indicate principal water- bearinJ: strata.


Topsoil u .L

Brown clay l ,(.'-;-

'?,,,. 0 ,.., "'" ?L1 ?l~

Blue shale 174' <;/ .:::> Gray sanast.one ll)v "-../

::""1. ........ !"1 . . -.. ~ r;. -

~t; ' :;J ... ;!- ~l ... . ~ ~~

!"\,..., . . ~. ~_]non Uv, v .... 1..;uu


Completed 9/10/80 Work started9/1Q/80 '

19 19

Date well drilling machine moved off of well 9/10/80 19

Drilling Machine Operator's Certification: This well was constructed under my direct superv1s1on.

Materials used and information reported above are true to my

;~;;::;w~o~: ~-~-~l ...................... ~ate ?.!~-~!?.?. ... -19 ..... .. ~!lin& Machln~11perator) 1057

Drilling Machine Operator's License No. .. ........................................ ..

\Vater Well Contractor's Certification:

This well was drilled under my j~risdiction and this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

N arne G OJ;:Y.?J...l~!? ... P.;.~J:~1~g ... 9 .. 9 .. ~ ... J~.2-~ ...................................... .. (Peraon, finn or col'lJoration) (TYJ>e or print!

AddressY.l-40-jf--}J;d:-$:I;, .... Co.x.v..a.l~isr .. .Oxe.g.on .. -9'l}JO. ... .

[Signed] /-~--~:;;.ii~ ................................. . . 721 "-J 9/12/80 Contractor's License No ................. Date .................................... , 19 ..... .


Page 46: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

are to be f1lea wtth the

\\'A 7ER RESOt:RCES DEPARTMENT. STATE OF OREGON state Well No. ;5~/]44_~ J~. ~; ."Y. •• 7.. _,. t . ~ ·. \.

SALEM. OREGON 97310 wtthin 30 cays from the date

of well completJon.

{Please type or print) d.te Permit No.

(Do not write above this lin!)

('-\'NER: lm~.. '1,,i ........ ~"l""l T~?r?:""'D

~) TYPE- OF \voRI{ '(check): -

w Well G} Deepening 0 Reconditioning D Abandon D 1bandonment. describe material and procedure in Item 12.

3) TYPE OF WELL: (4) PROPOSED USE (check): Driven 0 Jetted D Bored D

Domestic ::u-.0 Industrial D Municipal D

Irrigation D Test Well D Other D

CASING INSTALLED: Threaded D Welded G .Q., ...... " Diam. from ···········8··-····-· ft.

... L:::z:::.:znti'fant~}b~f ........................ ft. to ······r~g ........ tt. to ....................... : ft.

Gage ···-···:··rt8;: Gage ....................... .

-··--·-····-" Diam. from ··-········--···-·-····· ft. to ........................ fi. Gage --··---··-······-······

PERFORATIONS: Perforated? Ul Yes 0 No.

_-·pe of perforator used n,...; 1 1

e of perforations ftround. lw~s ln.

______ J.QO ........... perforations from .... _.?.Q .................. ft. to ............ JJ.9 .......... ft.

···-·-----··-----·-······· perforations from ................................ ft. to ·····-···-·-·-·······--··-····- ft.

·---··----·············· perforations from ................................ ft. to ·········-·-············-·····-- ft .

. ) SCREENS: Well screen installed? D Yes g) No

'Ufacturer's Name

<! ··--··-·······-···········-----········-···············--··················- Model No ........................................ .

..tm ................. Slot size ................ Set from ........................ ft. to ........................ ft.

am ................. Slot size ................ Set from ........................ ft. to ........................ ft.

) WELL TESTS: Drawdown is amount water level is lowered below static level

as a pump test made? 0 Yes t;) No If yes, by whom?

:ld: gaL/min. with ft. drawdown after

Tested Hi th air: could fluctuate :J,Elr test so~· gal./mln. with 50 ft. drawdown after4

_ :esian !low g.p.m.



nperature of water Depth artesian !low encountered .................... ft.

) CONSTRUCTION: :11 'seal-JIIaterial" -used ....................... .9..~.~.:.~.~ ........................................................... . II sealed from land surface to --·-·····--····--!6----·····-···············--············--·-···-·-······· ft.

1metcr of well bore to bottom of seal .. 0 ........................... in.

ameter of well bore below seal ................................ in.

ember of sacks of cement used in well seal ................... JJ ...................... sacks

w was cement grout placed? ....................................................................................... . ~~~~d through tremie

.......... ····················- .......................................................................................................... ..

...................................................................................................................................................... r \

·nve shoe used? EJ Yes D No Plugs ............ Size: location ............ ft.

any strata contain unusable water? D Yes :g) No

:Je of water'? depth of strata

.thod of sealing strata off

,s well gravel packed? CJ Yes. c:! No Size of gravel: ........ : ...................... .

wei ;>laced from ....... ft. to ..................... ft.

(10) Le2ATION OF WELL: Coun:y Coos Driller's well number S//-~ --- ----------7.;,:-:;:.:=.c:...:.;~,;:.:::=:;__~-----

___ __J~;_ ___ ,-"'~'-S=ec::ct:.oio::cn:.:...... __ 1_:..t_' ____:T:..:· __ 2_3_S_..:R.::· ___ .l_..~_··_• ___ ..:\..:V.:.:.::-.=L

Bearing and distance from section or subdivision corner

(11} WATER LEVEL: Completed well. Depth at which water was first found LJ. Q

.;.; ft.

Static level 20 ft. below land surface. Date 11/:2/go Artesian pressure

(12) WELL LOG: Depth drilled 110

lbs. per square inch. Date

Diameter of well below casing

ft. Depth of completed well 110 6


Formation: Describe color, texture. grain size and structure of materials: and show thickness and nature o! each stratum and aquifer penetrated. with at least one entry for each change of formation. Report each change in position of Static Water Level and indicate principal water-bearin~; strata.


'T'oDsoil 0 2 Yellow sticky clay 2 ~.!.

Blue sc..ndy clay 21 .7< uray SO.L L- sna.Le :..., -- ~

:.• -- ·.

Work started 11/12/80 19 Completed 11/2.3/80 19

Date well drilling machine moved off of well 11/13/oo 19

Drilling Machine Operator's Certification: This well was constructed under my direct supervision.

Materials used and infonn tion rep[:lrted bove are true to my best knowle e ab belief. 11/H.!./:---,., [S1gned] :~d~. ... ~~!~{.':??4: ....... ate ········-··········· -19 ...... .

. '/!&. . - . ou If'' (Drilling Ma~~r,(;!{f;~

1 ,., ~--. Drilling Machine Operator's License No ............... ~.:.-.)_;._ ___ ................ .

Water Well Contractor's Certification:

This well was drilled under my jurisdiction and this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief .

Corvallis Drilling Co. Inc. Name ···-·······················-·········--·········-··-···--····-·················-··············-········ (Person, finn or corporation) (Type or print)

Address ~Y~~~~-_c:~_a.:t.::~.:. __ 0:.:~~.".?C~2~. [S>gn•d~~--;~·h·~:-;~················-· Contractors L1cense No ... :::.. ..... ~=. ....... ! .... ./. .............. , 19 ..... .


Page 47: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and



SEP 71982 /~S/1 ~~·- r·:..!.. StateWellNo. ~= ...... ( ..... :-: ................. -:'

WATER RESOUllC!S OEPT.st.atePermitNo.

SALEM. 0~-gGC~·l \ ( OWNER: \ :-.iame Donald Manion Address 7942 ~.Bay Drive Citv North Bend,Oregon 97459 State

(2) TYPE OF WORK (check):

:--:ew Well!:§ Deepening 0 Reconditioning 0 Abandon 0

If ab:mdonment. describe material and procedure in Item 12.

(3) TYPE OF \\'EI.L: (4) PROPOSED USE (check):'

RDt.ary A.Jr rj< Driven 0 Domestic ~. Industrial 0 Municipal 0 RDt.ary Mud 8 Dug 0 Irrigation 0 Test Well 0 Other 0 ~"able :J Bored 0 Thermal: Withdrawal 0 Reinjection 0

,J) CASING INSTALLED: Steel :2§ Plastic r:x Threaded 0 Welded GC

....... ~ ... - Diam. from ........ :.~ ... ft. to ..... }~ .... ft. Gauge ........ •.?.5..9. ........... .

............ • Diam. from ............... ft. to ............... ft. Gauge

LINER INSTALLED: .. 4.~~PVrQa..J.~r ...... O ..... ft. to ..... .95. .... ft. Gau~e .. 16.0# ................ .

(6) PERFORATIONS: Perforated? !ZYes o No

Type of perforator ~ Uri 1 1 Size of perforations ~round hg,:JI,~s in.

...................... ?.QQ ..................... perforations from .. J5. ....... ft. to ...... 95. .... ft. ................................................... perforations from ............... ft. to ............... ft.

................................................... perforations from ............... ft. to ............... ft.

(7) SCREENS: Well screen installed? 0 Yes !X No

~1anu!acturer"s Name ................................................................................... .

Ty-pe .. ... .. . .. . .. . ... .. . .. . .. . ... .. . ... .. . ... ... ... .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . Model No .................... ..

Diam. ..... ...... ..... . .. ..... Slot Size ............ Set from ............... ft. to ............... ft.

Diam. ........... ...... ... .... Slot Size ............ Set from ............... ft. to ............... ft.

(8) WELL TESTS: Drawdown is amount water level is lowered below static level

hrs. " Teste with;dr: could fl-uctuate

Air test 40 gallmin. with drill stem at 95 ft. f hrs.

Bailer test gal.lmin. with ft. drawdown after hrs.

Artesian flow .. m.

•mperature of water Depth artesian flow encountered ............ ft.

,~) CONSTRUCTION: Special standards: Yes o No~ Well seal-Material used •..••...•••. C.!ilml=lnt ..................................................... . Well sealed from land surface to ·············tS· .. ················································ ft. Diameter of well bore to bottom or seal ......•• ····•···••••. in.

Diameter of well bore below seal ......... f? .......... in.

Number of sacks of cement used in well seal ...•............ 1.)........................ sacks

How was cement grout placed? ....................................................................... .

................... .P.u:m:pe d ... thr.o.ugh .. :t.r.e.mie ........................................... .

Was pump installed? .... .' .................... Type ............ HP ............ Depth •........... ft.

( a drive shoe used? 0 Yes CXNo Plugs ............ Size: location ............ ft. \,_ any strata contain unusable water? 0 Yes 0 No Not tested Type of Water? depth of strata

;';1ethod of sealing strata off

Wu well gravel packed? 0 Yes 4:.] No Size of gravel: .................... .

Gravel placed from ........................ ft. to ........................ ft.

NOTICE TO WATER WEll CONTRACTOR The original and CinJt a>py of thi.o report

are to b.> ril.d .... , c.~ the


Countv Coos Driller's well number S / /K 14 Section 14 T. 25S R W~.

Tax Lot# Lot Blk Subdivision

Address at well location:

(11) WATER LEVEL: Completed well.

=De~pl~h~a~twhl~~-~~w~ate~r~w~u~f~i~~tf~o~un~d~--~--------------~--~f~t. 18 ft. below land surface. Date 8/18; ~.;2.. Static level

Artesian pressure · lbs. per square inch. Date

(12) WELLLOG: Diameter of well below casing ... ?. ........................ . ft. Depth of complet.ed well 9 5 ft. Depth drill~ 9 5

Formation; Desaibe rolor, texture, grain size and structure of matenals; and show thickness and nature of ea~ stratum and aqwferpenetrated, with at least one entry for each change of formation. Report each change in position of St.at1o Wa'-"r Level and indicate principal water-bearing strdta. ·


To:pso~I 0 1 Brown sandy ciay 1 Q


Tan st~cl{y clay 9 23 Brown ~;S$D~stc~e (aot:t~ 23 28 Blue sue y c ay 28 ]2 Dark grey shale 32 95


Work started ~/1~/~2 19 Completed 8;19/82 19

Date well drilling ma~ine moved off of well e;19/o2 19

Drilling Machine Operator's Certification:

This well was constructed under my direct supervision. Materials used and information reported above 8!J- t.nJe to my best knowledge and belief.

rsignedJ ........ ~,.-~ ... ~--:..£.~ ............ Date .8/23/.cw ...... . (Drillina"l'olachine Operalor) /

Drilling Machine Operator's License No. . .............. P8.9 ...................... .

Water Well Contractor's CertificlAtioD:

1bi.s well was drilled under my jurisdidion and this report is true U:> the best of my knowledge and belief.

Name .RP~~J.J?:~ ... :P.r.UJ;i,n.g .. Q9.! .. Jn..9..• ............................... . (Penon. finn or oorporationl (Type or print I

Address 3!¥J:Q ... $.W .. Jx:d .. S.t ... C.o;crallis .•... Or.e.e;Rn. ... 9.7.JJ3 ....

[Signed] ....... G..~ .. it ... £~~~·············:·················· Contractor's License No. ?~9. ........ Dare ...... ~i..?J/?.? ............ ... 19 ..... .


wit: ...i.n 30 tb.vs (rom thtt dnte of .....-ell roll'\Dl~tion

Page 48: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

are to be flied w1th the


withm 30 days from the date of well completion.


STATE OF OREGON (Please type or print)

I , r .· I ,3 . , 1 State Well No. 0-.: ...... ~.;.1.. ..W. ... :::..J.._L .._ ( . I I I ....... - ..

_, t ... P: \) State Pennit No. . ....... ~ ........................... :__:_:::;. ' ~

(Do not write above this line)

OWNER: .e David V .Rice

A.ddress 7914 3ast Bay Drive

(2) TYPE OF WORK (check):

New Wei~~EJ Deepening 0 Reconditioning 0 Abandon 0

I! abandonment. describe material and procedure in Item 12.

(3) TYPE OF WELL: (4) PROPOSED USE (check): Rotary :::able Dug

_0 Driven 0 0 Jetted 0 0 Bored 0

Domestic £:] Industrial 0 Municipal 0

Irrigation 0 Test Well 0 Other 0

(5) ··cASING INSTALLED: Threaded o Welded]'J r 0 .. ,9

... 9. ..... ~ Diam. from ........................ ft. to ······-···g···--- ft. Gage ... !.g_.5.Q ...... .. 160# ......... !±~:.J.'l&aJ.~ ......... .Q ........... ft. to ........ 13..9 .. .: .. ft. Gage ................ !. .... ..

.................. ~ Diam. from ........................ ft. to ........................ ft. Gage ...................... ..

(6) PERFORATIONS: Perforated? ;m Yes 0 No.

~e of perforator used Drill ;cu:ze of perforations 1:-rouni:!l. ooles in.

)00 . 90 130 ................................ perforatiOns from --········---····-·-····· ft. to ................................ ft.

................................ perforations from ······-···-·-··--·-··- ft. to ····-···-····-··--····--· ft.

................................ perforations from ................................ 1t. to ·············-······--········ 1t.

(7} SCREENS: Well screen installed? 0 Yes JtJ No

Manufacturer's Name

Type ............................................................... _ ........ _ Model No. ······-········--·-·····-····-·

Diam ................. Slot size ................ Set from ........................ ft. to ........................ ft.

Diam ................. Slot size ................ Set from ........................ ft. to ........................ ft.

(8) WELL TESTS: Drawdown is amount water level is lowered below static level

Was a pump test made? 0 Yes t::l No If yes, by whom?

Yield: gal./min. with ft. drawdown after

Tested 1·rith air: could fluctuate


:ru.ue:: test 15 gal./min. with 85 ft. drawdown after 4 hrs.

Artesian flow g.p.m.

Temperature of water Depth artesian flow encountered .................... ft.


Well' seal-Material used ............................. g~-~~~~ ...................................................... . Well sealed from land surface to .................. .:?..~ ...................................................... ft.

Diameter o! well bore to bottom of seal ...... .1..0 ................... in.

" Diameter of well bore below seal .............. 0. ............... in.

Number of sacks of cement used in well seal ..................... ~] ..................... sacks

How was cement grout placed? ..... .' ................................................................................. .

.................... .Pu.'1l:ped ... thro.ugh .. tremie. ............................................................... ..

f ~ drive shoe used? 0 Yes ~ No Plugs ............ Size: location ............ ft.

Diu any strata contain unusable water? 0 Yes fl No

Type of water? depth of strata

Method of sealing strata off

Was well gravel packed? [' Yes gNo Size of gravel: .............................. ..

Gravel placed from ... ft. to ............................... ft.

(10) LOCATION OF WELL: S/4?/T County Coos Driller's well number

~~ ~!& Section 11+ T. 25S R. W.M.

Bearing and distance from section or subdivision corner

(11) WATER LEVEL: Completed well. Depth at which water was first found 109 ft.

Static level 20 ft. below land surface. Date 9/9/50 Artesian pressure lbs. per square inch. Date

(12) WELL LOG: Diameter of well below casing .............. ~----·--· Depth drilled 1 JO ft. Depth of completed well 110 ft.

Formation: Describe color. texture, grain size and structure of materials; and show thickness and nature of each stratum and aquifer penetrated, with at least one entry for each change of formation. Report each change in position of Static: Water Level and indica~ principal water-bearing strata.


Tnn~ni_] () 2 .JjrOr<n clay 2 23 .brorm sand 2) 33 .!:l.Lue sandstone 33 61 l:!ro1m sandsr.one o1 D9 Gray sandstone b9 84 .rllue sandstone 34 111 Gray sandstone 111 130

-..... r""\ =-"" , -. - -., '1"11 ~1 ;·;,, ;,; '\ ·.· .. ''J i ;!.,0 ;.ft ;; - }•

Uli I I) .I. l~bU

WATI='R Rl='c:;()!IRrl='c:; ni='PT

c=11.1 ru f'\t:'ll:·ri'IP..l - ·- ' - "-~~··

Work started 9/9/80 19 Completed 9/10/80 19

Date well drilling machine moved off of well 9/!.0/80 19

Drilling 1\-lachine Operator's Certi.ticatlon: This well was constructed under my direct supervision.

Materials used and information reported above are true to my best knowl~ge a]jd be · ef.

[Signed] .{)...JJ.._.... . ......... -····---··-·· Date .. 9.J~?J9.9, -19 ...... . (Drlll Machine Operator)

Drilling Machine Operator's License No. . ........... J.Q5.7. ................... .

Water Well Contractor's Certification:

This well was drilled under my jurisdiction and this report is true to the best of my knowledge and ~elief.

Name g_'?.~.?.-;!;~.~~ .. P.E~.~).;~-~-~ .. .9.~~---·-~~-~---···································· (Person, firm or corporation) (Type or pr!ntl

;.:::l::zg::=~~~~::::=~=~~~ _,. ..-"{Water ~-;..tractor) ' .

Contractor's License No . ..?.~~-······ -bite ....... 9.b.?./?& .......... , 19 ..... .


Page 49: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

ot thiS report are to be filed with the

H' 11. .l J:.U. W bLL 1{.~1U ._ 1 11 - - "" t"'-r.. j I J j sTATE oF oREGoN DEC 30rJ6 state Well No.~_L3W-j_:r

STATE ENGINEER, SALEM, OREGON 97310 within 30 days from the date

(Please type or print) 1Mi1?1B (Do not write above~liER RESOU 1..iS ermJt No. --------of well completion.

(-11) OWNER: arne Julio A. Grillo

Address 1021 Crest Acers Rd. Coq»-i-1-le-, Ore gap 97(, 2]

(2) TYPE OF WORK (check): New Well :!t] Deepening 0 Reconditioning 0 Abandon 0

If abandonment. describe material and procedure in Item 12.

(3) TYPE OF WELL: (4) PROPOSED USE (check): Rotary 0 Driven 0 Cable QC Jetted 0 Dug 0 Bored 0

Domestic [X Industrial 0 Municipal 0

Irrigation 0 Test Well 0 Other 0 ,. CASING INSTALLED: Threaded 0 Welded Clt

~-6···=·· 8 Diam. from ·-·····.0········- ft. to ... _!f.O ...... _ ft. Gage ··--·A.Z.S.J)._ --·---·-

8 Diam. from ····=··-··········-· ft. to ····-····-··-··-· ft. Gage ·---------·-

----·--·-· 8 Diam. from ... ·--··=··----· ft. to .... _ .............. _ ft. Gage .. - .... · .. -·-··-

PERFORATIONS: Perforated? 0 Yes ll!l No.

Type of perforator used

Size of perforations in. by in.

-·--··=·=·-·-.. --.. -perforations from------·--·-· ft. to _ ............... __ ..... -. ft.

-·----·--=--·-- perforations from ··---··---····- ft. to ·-··-····--···-- ft.

····-·······-··········-···· perforations from ···-·····=···-··-- ft. to ····===··-·····=·····-- ft.

(7) SCREENS: Well screen installed? 0 Yes 15t No

Manufacturer's Name ··---···---·----·-··----·-=···--····--·--·· Type -·--·-----·-··------- Model No. -·--·--·-·-··-·

Diam. =··--···· Slot size ----···· Set from ·----·---- ft. to ······=···--···-·- ft.

Diam. ·-····--··· Slot size ··-----······ Set from ····-···-·····-·-·· ft. to ······-······-········ ft.

(8) WELL TESTS: Drawdown is amount water level is lowered below static level

Was a pump test made? 0 Yes I2J No If yes, by whom?

_X"ield: gal./min. with ft. drawdown after

, ,


Bailer test 3 gal./min. with 165 ft. drawdown after 1 hrs.

Artesian flow g.p.m.

nperature of water Depth artesian flow encountered -------·· ft.

(9) CONSTRUCTION: Bentonite, Grout Cement

W~ll seal-Material used -···-·········-·······-·-··---·-···--=··--····---···---18 Well sealed from land surface to----····=·--··-·-------·---··- ft.

Diameter of well bore to bottom of seal ____ l_Q_··-··--- in.

Diameter of well bore below seal ___ .§..._ in. . 4

Number of sacks of cement used in well seal --·--·-·-·--·--·· sacks

Number of sacks of bentonite used in well seal\__ __________ sacks

Brand name of bentonite _ ... Ji.~.~-~-~.rn·--·----····--··--···---· Number of pounds of bentonite per 100 gallons

of water -=-----··-----------·------···--- lbs./100 gals.

{,.- ·u a drive shoe used? 0 Yes []:No Plugs --- Size: location ·-··== ft.

- .d any strata contain unusable water? 0 Yes [1CNo

_Type of water? depth of strata

_Method of sealing strata off

Was well gravel packed? 0 Yes 1!9 No Size of gravel:

Gravel placed from ft. to .. ft ... , .......... ~ .


(10) LOCATION OF WELL: County Coos Driller's well number

~~ Section 14 T. 2Ss R. 13 W.M.

Bearing and distance from section or subdivision corner

(11) WATER LEVEL: Completed well Depth at which water was first found J 02 ft.

Static level 82 ft. below land surface. Date 10/22/76 Artesian pressure lbs. per square inch. Date

(12) WELL LOG: Diameter of well below casing __ _: ___ ~·········-Depth drilled 250 ft. Depth of completed well 2 50 ft.

Fonnation: Describe color, texture, grain size and structure of materials; and show thickness and nature of each stratum and aquifer penetrated, with at least one entry for each change of formation. Report each change in position of Static WateT Level and indicate principal water-bearing strata.


0 22 Rhte ~1 ;:tV!':t:nnP 22 60

60 90 ~,,.,. ,..,;~vF:t.nn~ 90 250

Work started 10/13 19]6 Completed 10/22 19 76 Date well drilling machine moved off of well 10/22 19 76

Drilling !\lachine Operator's Certification: • This well was constructed under my direct superVlsiOn.

Materials used and information reported above are true to my best kno~led and be~·ef. [Signed) .. . ... ............... · ... e /:2.-:-;:l..;l., Is2G

(Drllllne Machine 0 erator

Drilling Machine Operator's License No. . ......... -~ .............. .

\Vater Well Contractor's Certification:

This well was drilled under my jurisdiction and this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Name .. _ ... .D.arrin&.to.n. .. Jie.ll ... P..d.Ui..ng ____ ........................... . (Person, llzm or corporation) (Type or print)

Address -'lorth. . .llend·-a::-~-------------·--·---­[Signed] ... Q~~t.eL ..... -~... . ..... =·-·-----...:...·---·---

, (Water Well ontraetor) · ·:' ~ : · . ·

Contractor's License No ... 201.. .... Date .£]"-.2.....;? ... :· · ·:: ... , 19:J_.( (USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) ·-~~~:. :;:_-:;..,:_ .. :.~.-- ... /fl-~~~:.;-:.·.-. ...: . ..:.·· ....... : .¥,.-·· ...... ,•

Page 50: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

ot this report ~re to be .,,,, ~~-' .~ r-l~,A}:E~ WELL REPORT~ ;__..., ~ ~ 6 fJ f:. jJ 0 ~c· -"'-;· _ filed with the "'·~ ·' •" •r' 11 ·• ·• · "'....r-. f1 ;; ~ -h ?llJ-J f1

'-' '""' ;__. ~· ~T.~.T~ fiJF OREGON fi U G:; {] . , State Well No. cJ-.;;2~/L.J..c . ... _!_,T-_ STATE ENGINEER, S.UE:M, OREGON 97310 s c-: (PleaseAype or print) , , • 76

within 30 days trom the date L.. i .1 1,....., \. ATER RESO state Permlt No. ------· of well completion. E'/ -:-~,.., '~ (~B't write above this line) URCES D£PT.

··-·· "::-.-.,, SAL£M QDJ:: • .. ·-c:.,L- - ......... ~..:.~

D~PT (.' OWNER: .... ~. '"' J 1 ' -·1, ('':'I-~

Boddie .. .:_,.;.J:'·! . .ne RQbe:rt

Address 222 Kelso Drive North Ben4-J}reenn

(2) TYPE OF WORK (check):

New Well~ Deepening 0 Reconditioning 0 Abandon 0 If abandonment. describe material and procedure in Item 12.

(3) TYPE OF WELL: (4) PROPOSED USE (check): Rotary 0 Driven 0 Domestic EX Industrial 0 Municipal 0 Cable ex Jetted 0

r 0 Bored 0 Irrigation 0 Test Well 0 Other 0

CASING INSTALLED: Threaded 0 Welded 5t .. _ .... 6.--.. - Diam. trom ,_,0 ...... _, ___ !t . .... _1.00 ... _, ft. .... 25.Q .... ___ to Gage

_, .. _____ .. - Diam. from ... - ....... -.......... ft. to ................... :_ ft. Gage ---------------··----·······------···,. Diam. from ............ - .......... ft. to ..... _ ..... _.......... ft. Gage ········--·--------·----;;-"'

\._ PERFORATIONS: Perforated? 0 Yes W No.

Type of perforator used

Size of perforations in. by in.

............ __ ........ _____ perforations from .... ----·-·-.... -. ft. to ............. - ....... - ........ ft.

...... _ ..... - ................ perforations trom ..... - .... ·---·---- ft. to .... _ .......... , _____ ..... ft.

................................ perforations from ............ - ........ _ .... _ .. ft. to ................................ ft .

(7) SCREENS: Well screen installed? 0 Yes [g No

Manufacturer's Name ·----------------------------------··-------------···--·-----Type --····-.. ·-··-·-·---··-·--·----.. -----·- Model No. -··------------------Diam. ___ ......... Slot size ........ - ..... Set tram ...... --.. ·---- ft. to ........................ ft.

Diam .......... - ... Slot size ...... ____ Set from ................. ___ ft. to ........................ ft.

(8) WELL TESTS: Drawdown is amount water level is lowered below static level

Was a pump test made? 0 Yes ~No If yes, by whom?

( 'd: gaL/min. with ft. drawdown after hrs.

. , -" . , -

Bailer test 12 gaL/min. with 23 ft. drawdown after 1 hrs.

I '5ian flow g.p.rn.

l 'Tlperature of water Depth artesian flow encountered ft. ------------------··


wen seal-Material used ____ .. .B.entonite., ........ Gr.ou.t .... C.ernent ........... Well sealed from land surface~ ................ -------·-------.. - .... ·----................. ft.

Diameter of well bore to bottom of seal ____ , ..... ..10 ...... _ in.

Diameter of well bore below seal ...... .6.. __ , ___ in.

Number of sacks of cement used in well seal _____ 4. ... ___ ...... _,. ........ sacks

Number of sacks of bentonite used in well seal ----~ ..... - .......... - .... ·- sacks

Brand name of bentonite _______ .Western. _____ ....... - ..... -... ----------·-·· Number of pounds of bentonite per 100 gallons

of water -······----------·--------------·--·-----·-··- lbs./100 gals.

{ a drive shoe used? 0 Yes [;X: No Plugs --- Size: location ............ ft. t t. .... any strata contain unusable water? 0 Yes []:No

Type of water? depth of strata

Method of sealing strata oU

Was well gravel packed? 0 Yes XI No Size of gravel: __________ ...... _ ..

Gravel placed from _. ___ .. ____ ft. to ·-·. ft. .. --------·-

··-GON (10) LOCATION OF WELL: County Coos Driller's well number

~ \( J,. ..:...~>-' 1.~ Section ~ T:~ R. ~ /.3 k.-'W.M.

Bearing and distance from section or subdivision corner

I '::f. fi:,.S.f 11 ~-.,/ t 1

(11) WATER LEVEL: Completed we II. Depth at which water was first found 12Q ft.

Static level 95 ft. below land surface. Date 7/17/76 Artesian pressure lbs. per square inch. Date

WELL LOG: 6 (12) Diameter of well below casing -------------------Depth drilled 200 ft. Depth of completed well 200 ft.

Fonnation: Describe color, texture, grain size and structure of materials; and show thickness and nature of each stratum and aquifer penetrated, with at least one entry for each change of formation. Report each change in position of Static Water Level and indicate principal water-bearing strata.


ITnn c;ni 1 0 I 'Ra~ 1'1 ;lV 1 In_ ll,....,., • ,... 1 ;tV_<;IrmP_ .12 'R11'1o ,.., "vct-nT'Io QO

'R1 '"' .,,...,rt ct-nT'Io , 70

Work started 1[1!1 19 16 Completed

Date well drilling machine moved off of well

Drilling Machine Operator's Certification:

3 112 [QO

11?0 :?00

ZllZ 7/17



z 7

6 6

This well was constructed under my direct super V1s1on. Materials used and information reported above are true to my

[Signed] . . .. ~:<l. .. "S&.L:.~'J:C...... ate .~:::.k ....... , .t97'-best kno~ and belief. ~

(Drilllne Machine Operato b Drilling Machine Operator's License No ........ /~ .........................

\Vater Well Contractor's Certification:

This well was drilled under my jurisdiction and this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Name , __ .... B.an:ingt.on .. .W.elLD.r.ill.i.D& ................................ (Penon, firm or corporation) (Type or print)

Address _ ...... No.t'.th .. B.end, ...... Ot'.egon. ........ _ ................................

[Sign"'] ~d.'C'!:~-~-----ijl{£;·----------------------(Water We Contractor) · .

Contractor's License No.2.01 .......... Date .. ;f.~-oJ-_1.'![ __ ; ..... , 1~ . .? (USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY) SP•45656-119

Page 51: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

WATER WELL REPOk"r""' ~ &:... II ~ ... u G-~Sf /' _. IT -o! this report are to be

filed with the

STATE ENGINEER, SALEM, OREGON 97310 within 30 days from the date

STATE OF OREGON JAN21 f..::715tate Well No.----·---------

(P~toase type or print~'ATER '~• RESOURC£Staf)~t No. --

(Do not write above this llne) SAlE • M, O!"!::GON

of well completion.

f' OWNER: /r2i.k e {c,._ ch. e.tJ


(2) TYPE OF WORK (check): New Well IX Deepening 0 Reconditioning 0 Abandon 0

If abandonment, describe material and procedure in Item 12.

(3) TYPE OF WELL: (4) PROPOSED USE (check): Rotary 0 Cable I'Q Dug 0

Driven D Jetted 0 Bored 0

Domestic 'C) Industrial 0 Municipal 0

Irrigation 0 Test Well 0 Other 0

, -, CASING INSTALLED: Threaded o welded ~ _6_ ________ ~ Diam. from _____ Q_ __________ ft. to ....... 6.4. ..... _. ft. Gage .... ~S.Q __ ........ ___ ,_ ~ Diam. from ................... _ ft. to ..... ______ .ft. Gage .... _, .. __

............. _ .. ~ Diam. from .... _ ................. ft. to ...... _ .. _____ ft. Gage ............ ___ _

,vJ PERFORATIONS: Perforated? 0 Yes ~ No.

Type of perforator used

Size of perforations ln. by ln.

..... _______ perforations from ____ .. ___ , __ ft. to ............... - ............. ft.

_, ___ ,_, ______ perforations from .. -------- ft. to ___ .... _,_, __ ...... ft.

................................ perforations from ............................ _, ft. to ................................ ft.

(7) SCREENS: Well screen installed? 0 Yes XJ No

Manufacturer's Name ____ , _____ .. , __________ , ... , .. __________ _

Type ______ .. __ .. ______ , __ Model No. _, _________ ......... _

Diam ........... - ... Slot size ....... _ .. Set from ....... _ ...... __ ft. to ..... _,_ ._ ........ ft.

Diam. ___ ........... Slot size --·- Set from ........................ ft. to ........................ ft.

(8) WELL TESTS: Drawdown is amount water level is lowered below static level

Was a pump test made? 0 Yes 21{] No It yes, by whom?

Vield: gal./min. with ft. drawdown after

• •

Bailer test 7 gal./mln. with 5' 8 ft. drawdown after1

Artesian !low g.p.m.



mperature of water Depth artesian flow encountered .... - ........ ,_ ft.


..,;ell seal-Material used ~JW.ui:.-(.emen:';:,--Ben..ian.Ll:.e ..... __ Well sealed from land surface to ........ - ......... -1.()._ .. ___ .. _ .. ___ .... _ ..... ft.

Diameter of well bore to bottom of seal ·----1.0. .. - ... -. ln.

~:::;ro;:a:: 0:0::m:~t0:s::: -:~~:-~~-4 ..... __ .. , ____ ,,,_ sacks

Number of sacks of bentonite used In well seal _____ [ ___ , ______ sacks

Brand name of bentonite __ lJl.e.d.:f:.e...ttn.-, _____ .. _,,, ____ , .. , __ Number of pounds of bentonite per 100 gallons

of water ........ --.. --... ------------·--......... _, lbs./100 gals. ~t'

. drive shoe used? 0 Yes (XNo Plugs --- Size: location ·-- ft. \.

Did any strata contain unusable water? 0 Yes IX No

Type of water? .. depth of strata

Method of sealing strata off

Was well gravel packed? 0 Yes £l No Size of gravel: --.. -·----...

Gravel placed from _ ft. to -----·-·-- ft.

(10) LOCATION OF WELL: County C004 Driller's well number

~( ~~ ·:...'~ · ~~ Section 14 T. 25' .6 R.11 W.M.

Bearing and distance from section or subdivision comer

(11) WATER LEVEL: Completed well. Depth at which water was first found 80 ft.

Static level ft. below land surface. Date11/14/75 Artesian pressure lbs. per square inch. Date

(12) WELL LOG: 6 Diameter of well below casing _________ , ____ ,

Depth drilled 150 ft. Depth of completed well 150 ft.

Formation: Describe color, texture, grain size and structure of materials; and show thickness and nature of each stratum and aquifer penetrated, with at least one entry for each change of formation. Report each change in position of Static Water Level and indicate principal water-bearing strata.


/Jnh:f Rnn Annr/1/f"J n '' n 1::> / 'O,.,h :f Ann .r i.n.J J o_, -f £ln ~ 1::> a!? 7l o'/1 f" J n. .11 :f,>n o 0 ax 1n::> PJ11o rl~IJ'.II:fnno 1n::> 1~n

(} ,

11/14 1975 Completed 11/17 l'!JS. Work started

11/17 197i Date well drilling machine moved off of well

Drilling Machine Operator's Certification: This well was constructed under my direct supervision.

Materials used and information reported above are true to my best knowJeJ¥ and belief: /.'7 ~ :z{. [Signed] /~ .. C.~.ji-7c;:::;;;;;__._;:~&. 19 ......

(Drilllnll Machine Operator __,~ 6 Drilling Machine Operator's Lic_ense No. .. ..... ..lf!.. ... J ....... .:. ............. ..

Water Well Contractor's Certification:

This well was drilled under my jurisdiction and this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. -

Name ... -~~n, .. {J).(!).J •. _f)~n_ ................................ . (Person, 1trm or corpon.tion) . ·o;'(Type or print)

Addr""' _"_ ........ Jf<ULi},_~~---.................. . [Signed] ...... o.c .. ~.:.i\v.~-W-ell-· ntra .. ') _______ ................ .

-.. - . . 201 ... , ... ~'fW.I 2. c Contractor's License No ............... - Date . .:.:: ... ::::, 19 .... .


Page 52: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

--~! ~;,;;·~~~oc~:.;~·~~ li'\1 APR 2 Q 1972 \\&iER WELL REPORT Wed with the _ E'f)\TE OF OREGON

STATE ENGINEER, SALEM, SnTG'1J" £;1<£ N C::,- 'l=" fJ>Jease type or •print) within 3o days from the OS~LEM. OFL.:. .;;oN State Permit No. ----······------------

of well completion. (Do not write above this line)

~, ')WNER:

Name Marvin A. Wi ckre Address 201 S. Broadway

Coos Bay, Orogop (2) TYPE OF WORK (check): New Wel!.XJ Deepening 0 Reconditioning 0 Abandon.o

_Ii abandonment. describe material and procedure in Item 12.

(3) TYPE OF WELL: (4) PROPOSED USE (check): Rotary 0 Driven 0 Cable ~ Jetted 0 _Dug 0 Bored 0

Domestic 1iJ Industrial 0 Municipal 0

Irrigation 0 Test Well 0 Other 0

. . CASING INSTALLED: Threaded o Welded Kl ___ 6_ _____ " Diam. from ...... 0. .............. ft. to ..... $.6 __ ······-· ft. Gage ..... _ ... 25.0. -··-·····-·-" Diam. from ........................ ft. to ·····-·······-·····-· ft. Gage ··--····--···--

·-··········-···-" Diam. from ····--·············-·· ft. to ·············-········· ft. Gage ....................... .

/ PERFORATIONS: Perforated? 0 Yes IX No.

Type of perforator used

Size of perforations in. by ln.

---·-··---·····-·-·-····· perforations from ···········-··-···-·····-· ft. to ············-··--·-········· ft.

--············--·--······ perforations from ····--·····-·--··-·····- ft. to ··············-··---····-·- ft .

............................... perforations from ................................ ft. to ····-········-················ ft.

(7) SCREENS: Well screen Installed? 0 Yes W No

\ianufacturer's Name

I'ype ····---········-··-······-···-···-···-·····-······-······--·-Model No. ········-····--···········-·

Diam. ··----········· S.'ot size ................ Set from ··················-···· ft. to ........................ ft.

'Jiam. ··-···-······· Slot size ................ Set from ················--·· ft. to ........................ ft.

·s) WELL TESTS: Drawdown is amount water level is lowered below static level

·-'ias a pump test made? 0 Yes ~No If yes, by whom?

nel=d.:.: _____ __,gc::a:.:cl.c:../'-'m=ln=--. --'-w...:i.::th.:_ __ --=.;ftc.. . ..:d::.r::.aw.:.:..::d::.own.:.:.:::....a::.f:.:t::.er=------=hrs=. ,

3ailer test 10 gal./min. with ft. drawdown after 1 hrs.

.rtesian flow g.p.m.

oerature of water Depth artesian flow encountered ·····-··-······ ft.


'ell seal-Material used .. B.~.n:t.On.i..t.~--J------G.r..O.lJ.t ..... .C.e.me..nt ..... . :ell sealed from land surface to ··········-········-·········-····-·1.$ ........... -·-----·-···· ft.

iameter ot well bore to botton: of seal .................... 10 .... ln.

iameter of well bore below seal ........... 6 ......... ln.

;umber of sacks of cement used in well seal ··-···-·-·--·········1········-·· sacks

·umber of sacks of bentonite used In well seal ·-·····--·-·1:! .... ____ sacks

rand name of bentonite -········--····--····N.at.i.on.al ............... _. __ ....... ·--·· umber of pounds of bentonite per 100 gallons

water -··········--·····--···--·········--············--·······-···-·-····--····-···· lbs./100 gals. I"

;rive shoe used? 0 Yes ~o Plugs·--·--·· Size: location ··-·-···ft. \. :d. any strata contain unusable water? 0 Yes ::[) No

·pe of water? depth of strata

ethod of sealing strata off

as well gravel packed? 0 Yes::{] No Size of gravel: ····-

ave! placed from . ·- ···-· ft. to ft.

(10) LOCATION OF WELL: County Coos DrUler's well number

14 T. 25s R. 13 - l t,~ ;: .'J...· 1,4 Section W.M.

Bearing and distance from section or subdivision corner

(11) WATER LEVEL: Completed well. Depth at which water was first found ft.

Static level ft. below land surface. Date 4/6/72 Artesian pressure lbs. per square inch. Date

(12) WELL LOG: Diameter of well below casing ····-·-·······6······-Depth drilled 110 :tt. Depth of completed well 110 ft.

Formation: Describe color, texture, grain size and structure of materials; and show thickness and nature of each stratum and aquifer penetrated, with at least one entry for each change of formation. Report each change in position of Static Water Level and indicate principal water-bearing strata.


Black tor) soil 0 2 Brn clav 2 10 B1uo c1avstono 10 110

Work started 3/31 19 7 2completed 4/6 1972 Date well drilling machine moved oft of well

Drilling 1\Iachine Operator's Certification: This well was constructed under my direct supervision.

Materials used and information rep~rt ove are true to my best know~e and belief.

(Signed] .... . zc.ma.J~.f2.zrih.::. _~:'"nate f..:.J!L .. 197.).. (Drilling Machine~tor)

Drilling Machine Operator's Lice~se No ..... 7~~---························

Water Well Contractor's Certification:

This well was drilled under my jurisdiction and this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Name .... .B.arr:ing.t.o.n ... :tl.e.ll.. .. D.ril.l.i.ng. .......................... . (Person, linn or corporation) (Type or print)

Address .... N.Q_:r.t.h ... J2.~.ng_,_ ___ .Qr..~_gg_g __ ........... -·-·-····-·················

[Sign•d]0~';<.,!!{_ __ f:'~iJf!t_------------ --Contractor's License No. ~ .. l?..L ... Date .. 4, .... ..1 .. rf.. 192.~

Page 53: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

The Oflglilal and fust COpJ',';.) b::. 0 k ~.-· ~-;\:vi·A· T~EE .. R \ .,.VELL RER~OR~~ .;.";_ ~~ ~ n ~j fC' Jril~.~·';-.:.:.'::::5.-:J ) of thiS report are to be ~ ~ f ::.:7 t ):.]'-- ~ "' ~ 1 I} ~. ~ ~ 5 · ) 3 W / J J

filed with the fi~M\ 2 ~; 1rqz S~ATE OF OREG0~\1 -~PR ll119: 't ,I .·en No.~--------- -----------'---: .. : ..... 'f-STATE E.."'GINEER, SALEM, OR~,~'IJl't;- EN· .. 1 i'-( ~('P1Bii3e type or prit&)T -~ T

within JO days from the <M:tel t' .' ::::- ·-.-.·_.' ~::. • -..J ~- E E j\J ~~ : ,,_!s'iate:" nnrut No. ------------------------------------------0! well completion. SA :_:::..M. 0 ;; :... . . (no nat wrue above this l~P.LE:·If _ Or:. __ ·::_ ;:,;.!'IJ "

( OWNER: Name Dennis Brown Address North Bend, Oregon

(2) TYPE OF WORK (check):

New Well 0 Deepening 0 Reconditioning Ef Abandon 0

II abandonment. describe material and procedure in Item 12.

(3) TYPE OF WELL: (4) PROPOSED USE (check):

Rotary 0 Driven 0 Domestic 0 Industrial 0 Cable 0 Jetted 0

Municipal 0

Other 0 Dug O Bored 0 Irrigation 0 Test Well 0 ----~----------~---------------------------

CASING INSTALLED: Threaded 0 Welded Ci

----0------· Diam. from -----------40---- ft. to ----------1-2.0-- ft. Gage ..... ,.2-)Q. ... -----------------· D!am. from -------------------···· ft. to ··--------------·-----··ft. Gage ------·--------·------

---------------- • Diam. from ........................ ft. to ----------------·----· ft. Gage ...................... ..

\__ PERFORATIONS: Perforated.? O Yes O No.

Type of perforator used

Size of perforations in. by in.

---------------------------- perforations from ----------------·----- :ft. to -------------------------------· ft.

-----·------------------ perforations from ---·------------·- ft. to ----------------------------- ft .

................................ perforations from -------------------------------- ft. to ................................ ft.

(7) SCREENS: Well screen installed? 0 Yes 0 No

Manufacturer's Name

Type --------------------------------------------------·--- Model No. -----------------------------------·

Diam. -------------- Slot size ----------- Set from -------------------·-- ft. to ----------------------- ft.

Diam. -------------- Slot size ---------·---- Set from ........................ ft. to ------------------------ ft.

(8) WELL TESTS: Drawdown is amount water level is lowered below static level

Was a pump test made? 0 Yes 0 No If yes, by whom?

"'- '-:1:.:.: ______ "-g=al::../:..:m=in.::._w.:.:..:.it=h=------=-ft::.._d:::r::a:.:w.:.d=o=--wn=..:a:::f::t;;:er:__ __ __::h::.rs:::.



Bailer test I r gal./min. with .2. ~t. drawdown after I hrs.

Artesian flow g.p.m.

"Jerature of water Depth artesian flow encountered ----------------- !t.

(10) LOCATION OF WELL: County ~ dC .$ Driller's well number

1,4 Section ] lL T. 25sR- 13 W.M.

Bearing and distance from section or subdivision corner

(11) WATER LEVEL: Completed well. Depth at which water was first found ft.

Static level __ £~ ..... ~ ft. below land surface. Date

Artesian pressure lbs. per square inch. Date

(12) WELL LOG: / ,, Diameter of well below casing ......... U. .............. .

Depth drilled ,.. ft. Depth of completed well 5A i"7 n: ft.

Formation: Describe color, texture, grain size and structure of materials: and show thickness and nature of each stratum and aquifer penetrated, with at least one entry for each change of formation. Report each change in position of Static Water Level and indicate principal water-bearing strata.


)Jo /_7/f I {_ (, J ,_ d


Work started 3/23 19 7 2::ompleted 3/2$



'--(9) CONSTRUCTION: 19 72 Date well drilling machine moved off of well

Well seal-Material used -------------·---------------·-------·-------------------------------------------------

Well sealed from land surface to --------------·-----·-----------------------------·--·------------ ft.

Diameter of well bore to bottom of seal ............ - ................. in.

Diameter of well bore below seal -----·------ in.

Number of sacks of cement used in well seal ------------------------------------------- sacks

Nwnber of sacks of bentonite used in well seal ---------------------------·-· sacks

Brand name of bentonite ----------·----------------··-·-----------·----------------------------------------------­Nwnber of pounds of bentonite per 100 gallons

~··· - ~ t::i~~--:~~-=-~~~;-·0 ;:~-;-~:·-;;~~~-:~~==-~:::·;-·;:·~-~t~::-~~::_:a;:: Dld any strata contain unusable water? 0 Yes 0 No

Type of water? depth of strata

Method of sealing strata oU

Was well gravel packed? 0 Yes 0 No Size of gravel: -------------------

Gravel placed from ---------· rt. to ................................ rt.

Drilling Machine Operator's Certification: This well was constructed under my direct superVlsion.

Materials used and information reported above are true to my best knowledge and belief.

(Signed] ·-----~1--ff.~~:.--:::-::--'?'f:. ... Date ... -!.--:: .. '"!: .. .f.., 19?...~ (Drilling Machine ~:t{;;~j--;:: ___

Drilling Machine Operator's Lic~nse. No ..... 2... .. £.=----------------------

\Vater \Veil Contractor's Certification:

This well was drilled under my jurisdiction and this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Name B._gr_r._:ln_gt_Qn ____ ;~.:~lJ .... .P.rJJJt.n_g _______________________________ _

(Person, !inn or corporation) (Type or print)

Address ...... N9..r.t.h . .J?..~_n5'l, ... .9.r§_gg_!.J: _______________________________________ _

[Signed] ~'-c--"·( .?J~""::b-cW;·~~-w~u·rlo'~U-actor >

Contractor's License No. __ -!;, __ ~_(_ Date ............ :?. .. -:-::-.. ::-... f ... 1.:!..-:::----

Page 54: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

""~ u"5""''" ""u I!rst c'1% - () ~(l]'i .. ~ER 'VELL REPORT of this report are to b'l,:l \1. r~ Q \j 1.4 • IV W AT!

filed with the I E f'.} ', 1'1 ~E OF OREGON STATE ENGINEER, SALEM, mn;;cpJ">,9'f3\i . _.7- Q!'!Please type or print)

within 30 days from the date- A LE.M. 0 I •--

of well completion. :;;:) (Do not write above thls line) State Permit No. --·-·-------------


l';ame Bill Needles

(2) TYPE OF WORK (check):

New Well Ci'I Deepening 0 Reconditioning 0 Abandon 0 If abandonment. describe material and procedure In Item 12.

(3) TYPE OF WELL: (4) PROPOSED USE (check): Rotary 0 Driven 0 Cable :li:) Jetted 0 Domestic 12= Industrial 0 Municipal 0

Dug 0 Bored 0 Irrigation 0 Test Well 0 Other 0

c . CASING INSTALLED: Threaded o welded LX __ Q _____ w Diam. from .... 0. ................ ft. to .. 6.5. .............. ft. Gage ..... Z.5.Q __ _ __________ w Diam. from ............. _ ........ ft. to ........................ ft. Gage ................... -

------·-------w Diam. from ........................ ft. to ........................ ft. Gage ....................... .

l . PERFORATIONS: Perforated? 0 Yes XJ No.

Type of perforator used

Size of perforations ln. by in.

..... - ........................ perforations from --------·--------------- ft. to ................................ ft.

--------------------· perforations from ·-·--------- ft. to ... _ ........................ ft .

................................ perforations from ..................... _ ........ ft. to ................................ ft.

(7) SCREENS: Well screen installed? 0 Yes XJ No

Manufacturer's Name

Type --------------------------------------------- Model No. ----------------------------

Diam ................. Slot size -------------· Set from ................ ______ ft. to ........................ ft.

Dlam ................. Slot size ................ Set from ........................ ft. to ........................ ft.

(8) WELL TESTS: Drawdown is amount water level is lowered below static level

\Vas a pump test made? 0 Yes :>tJ No If yes, by whom?

Yiel~d~=~-------~ga=l~./~m==in~·-w~it=h ____ ~ft~-~dr~a=w~d~o=wn~~a=ft=e=r ___ ~h=~~-

Bailer test 5 gal./min. with 61ft. drawdown after 1 h~-

Artesian flow g.p.m.

'Jerature of water Depth artesian flow encountered .................... ft.


wei! seal-Materia! used ..... GT.9.P.t .... f§.!!l:.~.D.t..~ ...... ~.§D.t.QTI-.~.t..§L 18 Well sealed from land surface to --------------------------·---------------------------------· ft.

Diameter of well bore to bottom of seal ________ 1.0 ...... _ ln.

Diameter ot well bore below seal ...... Q .. _______ in.

Number of sacks of cement used In well seal ............ - ...... 1 ....................... sacks

Number of sacks of bentonite ned in well seal ......... ________ l. .................. sacks

Brand name of bentonite _______ gt.J.QJ.Jg.l. ___________________ : ................................. .. Number of pounds of bentonite per 100 gallons

of water ------··---------------·--------------.. ------........ lbs./100 gals. . { \ ' drive shoe used? 0 Yes JtJ No Plugs --------- Size: location ............ ft.

Did any strata contain unusable water? 0 Yes ~No

Type of water? depth of strata

Method of sealing strata off

Was well gravel packed? 0 Yes ~No Size of gravel: ·-------............ ..

Gravel placed from· ..::..::_ _______ ft. to ···-------~---- ft.

(10) LOCATION OF WELL: County C 0 0 S Driller's well number

I' .. 1,~ Section 14 T. 25S R. 13 W.M.

Bearing and distance from section or subdivision corner

(11) WATER LEVEL: Completed well. Depth at which water was first found 6 5 Static level 3 4 ft. below land surface. Date 10

Artesian pressure lbs. per square inch. Date

(12) WELL LOG: Diameter of well below casing ... P .................... . Depth drilled 100 ft. Depth of completed well 100 ft.

Formation: Describe color, texture, grain size and structure of materials; and show thickness and nature of each stratum and aquifer penetrated, with at least one entry for each change of formation. RepoTt each change in position of Static WateT Leve! and indicate principal wateT-bearing stmta.


Brn. too soil 0 1 ~andv Brn. L.:lav 1 60

Blue Clavstone 60 100

Work started 10/23 1971 Completed 10/28 19 7 Date well drilling machine moved off of well 10/28 19 7

Drilling l\lachine Operator's Certification: This well was constructed under my direct superv1s1on.

Materials used and information re o d above are true to my best knowl~4-¥ and belief...?

_ /~-C·K .... NZ""" , j- I (Stgned] ...... /.1-~.t::k%..... . .. R · u.~_., Date / .......... f... .. , 192/

(Drllllng Machine Operator)

Drilling Machine Operator's Lic_ense No. /,.!.~7 .... J-J..J ........... . Water Well Contractor's Certification:

This well was drilled under my jurisdiction and this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief .

Name B..ar.r..ingt.on ___ }:l.elL.Dr.illing .............................. .. (Person, firm or corporation) (Type or print)

Address .... Ji.or.t.h .... B.e.n.dt---·Qr.e_gon_ __________________________________ _

[Signed~/..._?._ ___ ?!._'3!:?_~-~#------------·----------<Water Well Contr tor)

1 1

Contractor's License No. 2...!?..1... .. Date ....... 11/~-----------=-~:. 19 .. .71 (USE ADDITIONAL STIEETS IF NECESSARY)

Page 55: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

"~~~ ~~~'~e~o~aa:~r~~ ~eB\ 7~ O ... V ;; .. -1SJ"f A±fiR WELL REPORT fil d •th th t"i '-'

e Wl e _ ~ . _ ..,S~ OF OREGON


:t:e Well No. ~--5J__l_~ __ W_:-} * -- . • f\,1- "'

STATE ENGINEER, SALEM, oEffiCPJ:!i\.91J:iii: E. .:; · • ; :- iease type or print) within 30 days from the date- A LEM Q P.;: ·::>C.J 1

of well completion. ~ • (Do not write above this line) State Permit No. ·---------··------·----------·--·


Name Hank Ronning Address Allegany Rt. Coos Bay

Co.o.s .. Bay, Or<=> gon (2) TYPE OF WORK (check): New Well Ef Deepening 0 Reconditioning 0 Abandon 0 If abandonment, describe material and procedure in Item 12.

(3) TYPE OF WELL: (4) PROPOSED USE (check)~ Rotary 0 Driven 0 Cable l';l Jetted 0 Domestic [X Industrial 0 Municipal 0

Dug 0 Bored 0 Irrigation 0 Test Well 0 ( .

\~J CASING INSTALLED: . Threaded o

Other 0

....... 6 ........ ~ Diam. from ........ 0 ........ _. ft. to ...... .5.1~---· ft.

Welded £:X Gage ..... 2.5.0 ......

.................. ~ Dlam. from ........................ ft. to ........................ ft. Gage ...................... ..

.................. ~ Diam. from ........................ ft. to ........................ ft. Gage ...................... ..

~J) PERFORATIONS: Perforated? 0 Yes Xl No.

Type of perforator used

Size of perforations ln. by in.

·--·------------------------- perforations from ------------·----···-· ft. to ................................ ft.

···-----------··----------·· perforations from --------------- ft. to --------------------------- ft.

................................ perforations from ................................ ft. to ................................ ft.

(7) SCREENS: Well screen installed? 0 Yes li:l No

Manufacturer's Name

Type ................................ - ............................ _ ............ Model No ....................................... ..

Diam ................. Slot size ................ Set from .............. _______ ft. to ........................ ft.

Diam ................. Slot size ................ Set from ..................... _ ft. to ........................ ft.

(8) WELL TESTS: Drawdown is amount water level is lowered below static level

Was a pump test made? 0 Yes =!9 No If yes, by whom?

v;~l~d~=----------~g=al~./~m==in=--w~it=h ______ ~f=t._d=r~a~w~d=o~wn~~a=ft=e=r ______ ~h=rn~.

Bailer test 15 gaL/min. with 58 ft. drawdown after 1 hrn.

Artesian flow g.p.m.

•perature of water Depth artesian flow encountered ·--------------- ft.


w~u seal-Material used _fl.r..Q.1J.t ...... G.~m.e..nt __ , ____ :S._e..nt.Pn.it..e. ...... Well sealed from land surface to ____________ 1./3 .......... __________________________________ ft.

Diameter of well bore to bottom. of seal ....... lQ ___________ ln.

Diameter of well bore below seal ....... 6 ......... _. ln.

Number of sacks of cement used in well seal _____________ l .......... _ ............ sacks

Number of sacks of bentonite '-i!ifd In well seal _______________ 2 ___________________ sacks

Brand name of bentonite _______ Nati.onal _______________ ..................................... .. Number of pounds of bentonite per 100 gallons

at water--------------------------------··---------------------- lbs./100 gals.

a drive shoe used? 0 Yes 41 No Plugs---- Size: location ............ ft.

Did any strata contain unusable water? 0 Yes 41 No

Type of water? depth of strata

Method of sealing strata off

Was well gravel packed? 0 Yes *J No Size of gravel: .

Gravel placed from ---------· ft. to ---------------------- ft.

(10) LOCATION OF WELL: County Coos Driller's well number

C:. ·;J ',~ ·': -') · ',< Section 14 T. 2 5 S R. 1:3 W.M.

Bearing and distance from section or subdivision corner

(11) WATER LEVEL: Completed well. Depth at which water was first found 80 ft.

Static level 27 ft. below land surface. Date 9/22/71 Artesian pressure lbs. per square inch. Date

(12) WELL LOG: Diameter of well below casing .... 6 ................... . Depth drilled 100 ft. Depth of completed well 100 ft .

Formation: Describe color, texture, grain size and structure of materials; and sbow thickness and nature of each stratum and aquifer penetrated, with at least one entry for each change of formation. Report each. ch.ange in position of Static Water Level and indicam principal water-bearing strata.


Br. Sandy soil 0 2 Br. Sandy clav 2 49_ Blue Claystone 1.9 67 blue Sandstone 67 1100

Work started 9/18/71 19 Completed 9/22 19?1 Date well drilling machine moved off of well 1971 Drilling l\Iachine Operator's Certification:

This well was constructed under my direct supervision. Materials used and information reported above are true to my

;;:~::~~~m:=~~-4)G~--- Date /(:~ . ./. .... , 19.2!.. (Drilling Machine Operator)

Drilling Machine Operator's Lh;ense No. .. .. 2} .. 3 .......................... .

Water \Veil Contractor's Certification:

This well was drilled under my jurisdiction and this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Name ---~-ar.r.in Jrt. on ... Well . .Drillin.£: ........................... .. (Person:ft;;,. or corporation) ('zYpe or print)

Address ...... ~.Q.~~-fl .... ~.EE-~_g_, ____ ~_f'_~_g_QTI..................... --------------------

[Signed) -~-~.#( _______ i:., ____ k[_~------------------ -------~----------·----: ... (Water Well Contractor) .

Co~~ractor's License. No ... ?Q_l __ , __ Date .. .//.= ... /. .......... : ... , 19_)./

Page 56: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

of L'l~ report are~~ k V a.. 1 ,. "'• ~TER '\VELL REPORT !iled with th&i 'i J UN 8 • 1971 STATE OF OREGON

i..) ;. ~~ '--' ;d 1 State Well No. :;; _5 ... L.~ __ 0} __ jj-_

STATE ENG~EER. SALEU, ~~GP~-97;u.o,., I G l r . E R (Please type or print) withm 30 days trori::n>l! ti.~td t:. t:.l'l • - State Permit No. -·---------------------

of v:ell completio'SALEM. QR~·,: :.)!',~Do not write above this line)

(. '"'' OWNER: George Johnson .• ne

Address 346, North Bay Drive

New Well::x::J Deepening 0 Reconditioning 0 Abandon 0 If abandonment. describe material and procedure in Item 12.

(3) TYPE OF WELL: (4) PROPOSED USE (check): Rotary 0 Driven 0 Domestic ~ Industrial 0 Municipal 0 Cable IX Jetted 0 Dug 0 Bored 0 Irrigation 0 Test Well 0 Other 0

\_ CASING INSTALLED: Threaded o Welded £X ........ 6 .. --w Diam. from .......... .Q ......... ft. to --l.Q() .. t4Jift. Gage ------.--250------------ w Dlam. trom ---------·····-··· ft. to ----------~- ft. Gage ···-··-------

-------·-w Diam. trom ··---·······-···-·· ft. to -···-··--·--·-··· ft. Gage ··········--··--

\__ PERFORATIONS: Perforated? 0 Yes ~o.

Type of perforator used

Size of perforations ln. by ln.

--------------···-perforations trom -----··-------··--ft. to -······--------·-···········ft.

-------------····-··· perforations trom ·--·----·-·····-· ft. to ·····-·····-------······- ft.

.................... perforations from --·---····-------·····---- ft. to ................................ ft.

(7) SCREENS: Well screen installed? 0 Yes 52 No

Manufacturer's Name

Type -------·--------------·····-········--·-----·--··Model No. --·---·-···--·······-··--

Diam. ·-------- Slot size ·----------- Set from --·---····--·--- ft. to ........................ ft.

Diam. ---------------- Slot size ................ Set from ··············--·-·· ft. to ---------·------------ ft.


Was a pump test made? 0 Yes

Drawdown is amount water level is lowered below static level

o If yes, by whom?

Yield: gal./min. with ft. drawdown after

, hrs.

Bailer test 15 gal./min. with 7 3 ft. drawdown after 1 hrs.

Artesian flow g.p.m.

tperature of water Depth artesian flow encountered -----------·--- ft.

(9) CONSTRUCTION: · . Bentonite Grout Cement

Well seal-Material used --------------·-···----------····1·--··········-··-····---·-···---------··-·· Well sealed from land surface to -·---·-···-------18. ............... ________________ ft.

Diameter of well bore to bottom of seal _____ _l.Q ________ ln.

Diameter of well bore below seal ______ 6______ in.

Number of sacks of cement used in well seal _______ .. 1 ............... --------·· sacks Number of sacks of bentonite used in well seal _______ l ______________ sacks

Brand name of bentonite _Ngjt_;i,.,_Q.P.,_Q._l _____________________________________ _

Number of pounds of bentonite per 100 gallons

of water -------------·-······-·-----------·------------ lbs./100 gals.

( a drive shoe used? 0 Yes ~No Plugs··-- Size: location ----····ft. \..,u. any strata contain unusable water? 0 Yes fN No

Type of water? depth of strata

Method of sealing strata off

Was well gravel packed? 0 Yes fl No Size of gravel: -----------·-------- -.

Gravel placed trom -------·---- ft. to __ ....:__· ------ ft .

(10) LOCATION OF 'WELL: County Coos Driller's well number

~!. Section 14· R. 13 w.~t-

Bearing and distance from section or subdivision corner

(11) WATER LEVEL: Completed well. Depth at which water was first found

Static level ft. below land surface. Date

Artesian pressure lbs. per square inch. Date

(12) WELL LOG: Diameter of well below casing ...... : .. 6.~~----Depth drilled 140 ft. Depth of completed well 140 ft.

Formation: Describe color, texture, grain size and structure of materials; and show thickness and nature of each stratum and aquifer penetrated, with at least one entry for each change of formation. Report each change in position of Static Water Level and indicate principal water-bearing strata.


&o:w:n SojJ () :z; 'P...,.. (\1om. _{1,, "'v 6

,':) 'P.T'I"\1.rrl (11 "'~ ,,, I.,,..,..., o <"<>,.,;! :;-':) ':)'7

Pon f11 <:>v " ':)'7 lJ..C..

_y_p_1_1 1"\'W' (, 1 !lvc:d-:nn o l.LC.. '7~ _G_-y> _!:!"!I_ _['_ 1 .., ...... ,.. + ,... .,.., .Q. ls..o'f-t. '\ ry'f- Q; r..r::~;. r!l ::1-;,~+:n-no (mo.il _h..q r..rl.iRl ~~,LJ In

Work started April 13 1971 Completed April Date well drilling machine moved off of well April 17

Drilling Machine Operator's Certification: This well was constructed under my direct superv1s1on.

Materials used and information reported above are true to my best knowledge and bell~

[Signed)'"':?.~-~--~------··--······~-"::-.. - ..... Date J..':.!:!!.. ... Z .. , 19.2./.. (Drilling Machine Operator)

Drilling Machine Operator's License No. ·---~-? .. J. .......................... .

Water ·wen Contractor's Certification:

This well was drilled under my jurisdiction and this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Name ... B.9J:*.iP.&:Ii..Qn ... W.e.ll ... .D.r.illimt ..... ______________________ _ (Person, firm or corporation) t'i'Y-Pe or pr1n.t)

Address --~-~-~~~ ... !?..~E:9:.t.l .. .Q~-~~-~~---------·-···--·-·---···---····--[Signed) ~~-,(!.-~-~-~~:~~-------------------- -

(Water ;~~actor) .

Contractor's Li~ense .;;o, i?..~ .. /.. ... Date .. 19 .. 2/ .:: t •• • -···- (USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY)

Page 57: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and


o! this report are to be tiled with the

fii --~. ~-. JV{1'lfellf1~ELL ImPORT Ft B 1 1 19?{AFJbF OREGON

STATE ENGINEER, SALEM, OREGCSl'~~t::-; (Please type o.- print)

b~a~!ell No. 2.2 IL~ .. W..:=.L'J_ r·· _ _.,. State Permit No. ---······--·-······-:_:.: ___ : __ 1 within 30 days from the date I ~ ·.._ 1\] r;- 11\ 1 r-

ot well completion. SALEM O -.:.~!J-0 .wn ,SJl? above this line) . F:· ~ ·...: ~-0f\r

.- '1) OWNER: (10) LOCATION OF WELL: .<me Richa:cd J Hintz County Bees Driller's well number

Address T20Q Nm:tb T~ Tb ~~ 1,~ Section T/1 T. ?5sR. T3 W.M. C<t~o-2._ £5 d:i I () __ ~.~.~

I Bearing and distance from section or subdivision corner (2) TYPE OF WORK (check): New Weill] Deepening 0 Reconditioning 0 Abandon 0 If abandonment, describe material and procedure In Item I2.

(11) WATER LEVEL: Completed well. (3) TYPE OF WELL: (4) PROPOSED USE (check): Depth at which water was first found ft. Rotary Q- Driven 0 Domestic [j(Industrial 0 Municipal 0 Static level ~? Date d,4. ;.{ 30 Cable E)- Jetted 0 ft. below land surface.

Dug 0 Bored 0 Irrigation 0 Test Well 0 Other 0 v

Artesian pressure lbs. per square inch. Date

\_ . .' CASING INSTALLED: Threaded 0 Welded~ (12) WELL LOG: ...... ~6 ................. Diameter of well below casing ........ ·-6-n Diam. from .. - .. ·{}·""·"'-ft. to .... 90-.... .:. .. ft. Gage ~·250 ........ Depth drilled I?O ft. Depth of completed well T?Q ft. .......... _ .. _" Diam. !rom ... _ .............. _ ft . to .................. ~--- ft. Gage --------------·----··

Formation: Describe color, texture, grain size and structure of rna terials; ........... - .... " Diarn. !rom ........................ ft. to ............ _........ ft . Gage oooooo-oo••-oHO .. ono and show thickness and nature of each stratum and aquifer penetrated, - with at least one entry for each change of formation. Report each change in

PERFORATIONS: Perforated? 0 Yes IX No. position of Static Water Leve! and indicate principal water-bearing strata.

~ype at perforator used MATERIAL From To SWL

Size of perforations ln. by in. L..l..I:,Ul.J 0d.ll.UJ 'u~d.J v ,:.._

.......... _ .................. perforations from .... _ .. ., ____ , ___ ft. to ..... _ ........................ ft . Decomposed 3rm·m !(_.{. 0)

.......................... _ ... perforations !rom .... ______ ........ ft. to ..... _ ........... _ ........ tt. .::>anas"Gone

................................ perforations from .................... - ......... ft. to ................................ ft . .d.lue v..Lays"Gone 0) ..L~U

(7) SCREENS: Well screen installed? 0 Yes 5t No

Manufacturer's Name •-·-••u••••••••--·----·-·-••••••••••-••••••••·•••••--··-•-•••••••-•••••••••

Type ....... _ .... ____ ........ --.. - ....... _____ .. _ Model No. -----------------------------Diam ................. Slot size ................ Set from _ .................... ft. to .. ...................... ft.

Diam ................. Slot size ..... --..... Set from ........................ ft. to ........................ ft.

(8) WELL TESTS: Drawdown is amount water level is lowered below static level

Was a pump test made? 0 Yes ~No If yes, by whom?

Yield: gal./min. with ft. drawdown after hrs.

w , w

\..., n " n

Bailer test I3 gal./min. with oo ft. drawdown after I hrs.

Artesian flow g. p.m.

-nperature of water Depth artesian flow encountered ---------------- ft. Work started .:9- A ,_, ,z.z 19 'J I Completed -~A-'-{ Jo 197 I ., (l

,) CONSTRUCTION: Date well drilling machine moved off of well J>A-'-1. J 0 19 71 v

W~ll seal-Material used ·--... - .... frent·o-n~t·e .... % .... eement ............. Drilling Machine Operator's Certification:

This well was constructed under my direct supervision. Well sealed from land surface to .......... -·---I ... _ .. _ .. ___ , .. ___ ....... - .......... ft. Materials used and information reported above are true to my Diameter ot well bore to bottom of seal -·-r-o ... - .... - in.

~;;~:~~~:~~----·------· Dat~J?.J.~ 19 . .!/ Diameter ot well bore below seal ........ 6-·- 1n.

Number ot sacks of cement used in well seal ____ 1 ............. _, _____ ........ sacks ( rilll.ni Machine perator)

Drilling Machine Operator's License No. .. -293-··----.. ·2-5---····--------· Number of sacks of bentonite used In well seal --·'2-.... - ........ -.-- sacks

Brand name of bentonite ........... - ...... Natton·a-1 .. - .......... _ ............................... Water Well Contractor's Certification: Number of pounds of bentonite per 100 gallons

report is of water lbs./100 gals.

This well was drilled under my jurisdiction and this -····------------·---------------------------- true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

s a drive shoe used? DYes (XNo Plugs ---· Size: "location ............ ft. Name ·fra:rr;.i~~-~~~o~at!;--Dr-i.lliri{;~--~~·;rt;;i)"·-------· .Liid any strata contain unusable water? 0 Yes ~No

Type of water? ' depth of strata Address .2.27J ... ?..~~.9.~.~?. .... ~.?.-~.~-.. B.9: ....... ~ .... ? .. __________________ Method of sealing strata off

[S;gned] -~--C.. .. £Z.~-----------Was well gravel packed? 0 Yes !:XNo Size of gravel: ------------··-···· (Water Well Contracto _ .. --

- . - - - . - -- _...

Gravel placed !rOm ------~-- ft. to -ft.

- --· Contractor's License No. --·-·-2-0I Date ----.. -f~l,)---TO·-"··-• 19.:!-I ------------


Page 58: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

of thi~ report a~e to tU IC, \!J tt, I t:J. ~1V ~-~~ W .t.LL 1\:lWUl~T f ed wlth he [j'\ !:" 1 1 1911 ~ATE OF OREGON

STATE ENGINEER, SALEM, OREGOif9'r.ls '{ (Please type or print)

(j .... Jjj '5h3 I AI 1.' II State Well No . .6.7•·· ..... .V .. V .. .:::: '_j_

within 30 days from t~A TE ENC!. ,,n:::·~o of well completio~ I 1 1 • • "'('1)1n1ch write above this line)

State Permit No. --------·-------

SALEM. OF~:.::·::C'N


:... .e 1~:1nis Bro'·m Address 49I Staddon st

(2) TYPE OF WORK (check): New Well Ef Deepening 0 Reconditioning 0 Abandon 0 II abandonment. describe material and procedure in Item 12.

(3) TYPE OF WELL: ( 4) PROPOSED USE (check): Rotary S!: Cable w Dug 0

Driven 0 Jetted 0 Bored 0

Domestic !dC Industrial 0 Municipal 0

Irrigation 0 . Test Well 0 Other 0

~~-----~~S=~ f:s_~~~~~~~ to .. :~k~~--~t. ::~:e~--~25.0. .. -----------·· w Diam. from --------·-----··------ ft. to ..... - .......... : ..... ft. Gage ·---···-····-----

-·--···-·---· w Diam. from ........................ ft. to ---------~-------- ft. Gage --------------

\ PERFORATIONS: 'l'ype of perforator used

Perforated? 0 Yes n No.

Size of perforations ln. by ln.

--------------------------- perforations from -------------------· ft. to -------------------------· ft.

---------------------- perforations from ------·-------- ft. to ----·---·------------ ft.

................................ perforations from ................... :._ ........ ft. to ................................ ft.

(7) SCREENS: Well screen installed? 0 Yes GCNo

:Manufacturer's Name

Type--------·---------------------------------- Model No. ------------------------·

Diam. ------------ Slot size ................ Set from -------------- ft. to ........................ ft.

Diam ................. Slot size ................ Set from --------------------· ft. to ........................ ft.

(8) WELL TESTS: Drawdown is amount water level Is lowered below static level

'Vas a pump test made? 0 Yes ctNo It yes, by whom?

Yield: gal./min. with ft. drawdown after

, ,

Bailer test I5 gal./min. with 25ft. drawdown after I Artesian flow g. p.m.



· · "llperature of water Depth artesian flow encountered --------·--- ft.


Well seal-Material used _ ...... B.ent.O.DJ •. t..~---------~k..__g_~-~-~!:.~------·--· Well sealed from land surface to -------............... .I.Et _________________________________ ft.

Diameter of well bore to bottom of seal ________ J_Q _______ ln.

Diameter of well bore below seal _____ 6_______ in. I Number of sacks of cement used in well seal ·-·----------------------------- sacks

Number of sacks of bentonite used in w~ll seal 1 .. __1.;} _____ ................. sacks

Brand name of bentonite ......... _ .. Nat .. l..Q.!:!.?. ...... _ ................................................ .. Number of pounds of bentonite per 100 gallons

of water------------------------------·---------------·-- lbs./100 gals.

y- 'l drive shoe used? 0 Yes ~No Plugs----- Si:z:e: location-------- ft.

:l . .ny strata contain unusable water? 0 Yes ~ No

Type of water? depth of strata

Method of sealing strata off

Was well gravel packed? 0 Yes ~ No Size of gravel: -------·-----------------

Gravel placed from -----· ft. to -··-·-·------·-· ft.

(10) LOCATION OF "WELL: County Coos

,, ,. Driller's Wf!ll number

\~ Section I4 T. 25s R. IJ Bearing and distance from section or subdivision corner

(11) WATER LEVEL: Completed well. Depth at which water was first found



Static level 53 ft. below land surface. Date p IJ Ll ~ 7 Artesian pressure lbs. per square inch. Date

(12) WELL LOG: Diameter of well below casing ... f?. ............. ___ _ Depth drilled I50 I 50 ft. Depth of completed well ft.

Formation: Describe color, texture, grain size and structure of materials; and show thickness and nature of each stratum and aquifer penetrated, with at least one entry for each change of formation. Report each change in position of Static Water Level and indicate principal water-bearing strata.

MA"tlffiiAL From To SWL

'l'nn ~nil 0 I R ...... m.vn S!:!nn Brmm r.l ::l"'t 'f ?7

l'1lixed Bro'·m 1:1 r:l.V 27 ~?

"R ..... m.m Cl a~rst.on~ i? T; ~

"Rll~P ~1 A~T"~t.D_!l~ IiR Till

Work started; ,4- 1-l A '/ 19? f Completed 9 /} ~ ~ '! Date well drilling machine moved off of well J J.. l.t l. Z 19J I

Drilling Machine Operator's Certification: This well was constructed under my direct superv1s1on.

Materials used and information reported above are true to my

;::::e:~~~/&;;;;;=-~--------· Date &.~ .. ..!.:.., 192{ (Drilling Machln~p;;.;;i;.rl

Drilling Machine Operator's License No. .. .... ~.2.?. ........... ~.2. .......... .. 'Vater Well Contractor's Certification:

This well was drilled under my jurisdiction and this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Name .QBI'J.:.t.D.[t!2.'0.Ji~J..l_ __ !2r.i.l1iDE.~ ................ : ... .. (Person. finn or corporation) (Type or print)

Address--£1-.J..-J .... ~~!:..:!..~ .. t:.'Y._.J-...~~!}:_.!J..r!., ...... !:f.:..Q .... . [Signedf(;'k~_(' __ 4~~ ---......................... · cw;;;;i;~-~~~T .. Conh-actor's License No. ~-~-J.. .. Date .J;:.a.J. ...... L.J~-----·-· 19.7-/


Page 59: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

.wu~<-~~ ;r~;n:; ;~~~s~~~';;'~~R•vn E c E \Jt ~,Et1 ~ ELL REPORT of this report are to be ') p. Mu ~

tiled with the APR '1 - s-:r;.YE;PJ' OREGON

"' r.:. 1"':;1·:0. ~~ .. ,;:; ~ . /3-1'1

te Well No.·-- ...................... - .... ···---STATE ENGmEER. SALEM, OREGON 97310 E'NG\~~e or print)

within JO days from the date STATE ,...(~"'-'~)''tc1fte above this line) of wen completion. sAt-EM. ore.-._.

({ WNER: ~arne pCJ d Address /1-f 1.. !} "'( 4 ° J C••r

(2) TYPE OF WORK (check):

~ew Well [!3-""'"' Deepening 0 Reconditioning 0 Abandon 0

If abandonment. describe material and procedure In Item 12.

(3) TYPE OF WELL: (4) PROPOSED USE (check): Rotary 0 Driven 0 ~ble (B- Jetted 0 Dug 0 Bored 0

Domestic ~ndustrlal 0 Municipal 0 Irrigation 0 Test Well 0 Other 0

_ .. CASING INSTALLED: Threaded o welded s-"..t.a ........ " Dlam. from ......... 9. .......... ft. to ....... ~ .. f! .... : .. tt. Gage• .. A-.£:.'?. ..... ..

.................. • Dlam. from ........................ tt. to ........................ ~t. Gage ...................... ..

................. • Diam. from ........................ ft. to ........................ tt. Gage ....................... .

PERFORATIONS: Perforated? !B""Yes 0 No.

~ ..oe of perforator used H ~ CL /&.f ~ ""i I~ a

Size of perforations -bJ in. by .J in.

--·---'/---..%..:-----.. perforations from ---~--1t------·-· tt. to ...... , ..... ~ ................ tt.

--........... - ............ perforations from ---·---................ tt. to ·----·--------·------ ft.

- ........ - ................ perforations from .... ___ ................ tt. to ......................... __ lt .

........... - ................. perforations from ..... _ ........................ tt. to ................................ tt .

............................... perforations from ..... - ........................ ft. to ................................ ft.

(7) SCREENS: Well screen installed? 0 Yes ~o

11anufacturer's Name .............................................................................................................. .

fype .................................................................................. Model No ........................................ .

.Jiam ................. Slot size ................ Set from ........................ .ft. to ........................ ft.

)iarn ................. Slot size ................ Set from ........................ ft. to ........................ ft.

~8) WATER LEVEL: Completed well.

'· · •lc c.:le=-v-=e.:..l --~/__,1-c-----=fc:.;t.'--=-be.o:lc:;o..:.;w_::.:la::n::d:...:.su::;r:.:f=a=ce::.....=D=a.:.:t.,_:::..:::£1'~~=.!....-t~i ( .1 pressure


lbs. per square inch Date

Drawdown is amount water level is lowered ~elow static level

'las a pump test made? 0 Yes ~o If yes, by whomf

,.. Jd.::.:..= -----·-'g"-'a::.:l.;.;;./..:;m:o:in:::.:.. . ...;w;;.;l:.:th:.:_ __ __:f:.::t·:....:::d.::ra;::w~d=o::w~n::....:a::tt~e::r ___ _:hr=s.

~ailer test gal./min. with ..$"0 ft. drawdown after hrs.

\rtesian flow g.p.m. Date

:emperature of water Was a chemical analysis made? 0 Yes ~No

:10) CONSTRUCTION: 'veil seal-Material used .. ./J~JdJ'::: .. ~!..!.~~ ....... '!:: ..... ~~~-~.1.:::. .. /f(!_~(:!. .. )epth of seal ................................... !. ... r:. .... _, __ ............................................................... ft.

)l.ameter of well bore to bottom of seal ....... q. ......... -.... - in.

'/err. any loose strata cemented off? 0 Yes e-No Depth ............................. .

'I( .rive shoe used? 0 Yes ~o Jid any strata contain unusable water? 0 Yea f13'1io

ype ot water? depth of strata

h'thod of sealing strata off

'las well gravel packed? 0 Yes ~ Size of gravel: ............................... .

;r-avel placed from ................................ ft. to ............... -: ... ~ ....... ft.

State Penn!t No. --·--·------·-....................... -

(11) LOCATION OF WELL: County C .. •/ Driller's well number

~~ Section I "-/ T. ~ .S R. I..J W.M.

Bearing and distance from section or subdivision corner

(12) WELL LOG: c ,,

Diameter of well below casing .......................... _

Depth drilled 1l.. ft. Depth of completed well ft.

Formation: Describe color. texture, grain size and structure of materials: and show thickness and nature of each stratum and aquifer penetrated. with at least one entry for each change of formation. Report each change in position of Static Water Level as drilling proceeds. Note drilling rates .


DL~ J"o,f.. 0 I

/7 ""u ..._ &.( C!. L.4-£_ I Jy-7

/] C,t.. fl... c...L~~ ..7'!/ .s'~

LJC'-'t." r ;#. .. ·<. r 7'-u '-1 ~--- ~? 9~

- _J__ i I ---

i - +-I



Work started for ;J. A. '"1' ~ ~ 19 I c:z Completed ~~~~ ..y ~ ? 19? ()

Date well drilling machine moved off of well

DrUiing 1\-lachine Operator's CertUicatlon: This well was constructed under my direct supervision. Mate­

rials used and information reported above are true to my best knowledge and belief.

[Signed] ~LI:!.':~.~-~-~------------- Date~~./.~ .• 1sl .. ~. . (Drilling Machine poratorl

Drilling Machine Operator's Lice11se No.~ .. ::.: .. ~-----~--r.~ ............ .. Water Well Contractor's Certification:

This well was drilled under my jurisdiction and this report is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

NAMEJ1!!~~!..'':9,f._~~-----':::_~=~-----l? ~-~~!_~ ............................ . ....._ . . !Person. firm or corporation) (Type or prlnll ~ 9 JJ r.!~;.tlll'~lliC... LJI.Jrc ~t!:..

Address ..... M.9 . .tt.;r.::¥ ........ d.a...~4---···eJ-·'#f'y::-·-----------------····----··--

[Si~ed~.~--i£~~~---···:·-------------·. . I ~,, . ?D

Contractor's License No. -~.9.. ...... Date .................................. , 19 ....... ..

Page 60: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and



Page 61: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

--=-~ .... _ ::~:fjE~~~{:~~=~:~· :



Permit No.: 06-0103 Expiration Date: 8/01/96

Page 1 of 1


Department of Environmental Quality 811 s. W. Sixth Avenue Portland, OR 97204

Telephone: (503) 229-5696

Issued in accordance with the provisions of ORS 468. 310 and OAR 340-20-155(5)


SUn Plywood, Inc. P.O. Box 527 North Bend, OR 97459


3201 Tremont North Bend, OR 97 459


Company Request

Received June 22, 1992


Steve Greenwood, Administrator Date


In accordance with OAR 340-14-040, the permittee is prohibited from releasinq air contaminants from permitted activities. All monitoring and reporting is required in accordance with the permit.

Written notification of the intent to restart the facility shall be submitted to the Department at least thirty (30) days in advance. The remainder of the annual compliance determination fee shall be submitted in accordance with OAR 340-20-165(14).


Page 62: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and




Apri 1 8, 1989

OFFICE 503-673·0141 SALES 503·672·5059 P.O. BOX 177

ROSEBURG, OR 97470·0257

Department of Environmental Quality Air Quality Division P.O. Box 1760 Portland, Oregon 97207

Attention: Fred Hansen, Director

PLANT 503·756-3141 3201 TREMONT

P.O. BOX 527

.,. •I ,


In accordance with Section 9 of Air Contaminant Discharge Permit No. 06-0103, the following information is reported for Sun Plywood, Inc. -North Bend, Oregon. All production information is for the calendar year 1988.

A. Plywood operating time (Lay-up shift hours}= 4,100 hrs.

B. Dryer shift hours = 4,700 hrs.

C. Volumes of wood waste processed through each cyclone are estimated as follows:

Plywood . P-1 (dry chips) P-2 (saw fines sanderdust and: hogged veneer} P-3 (saw fines} (sanderdust} P-4 (hogged veneer} P-5 (dry chips} P-6, P-7, P-8, P-9 (Not in use}

Powerhouse F-1 (Not in use) F-2 (dry chips, sanderdust, hogged veneer} F-3 (dry chips, sanderdust~ hogged veneer}

6,500 tons 3,200 tons 1,750 tons 4,400 tons 6,500 tons


14,250 tons . r ,aoo tons

o·. Type and mount of wood waste burned in each boiler is estimated to be:

Plywood waste Hogged Fuel

No. 1 Boiler

3,960 ·tons 30,685 tons

E. Boiler shift operating hours= 7,750 hours.

No. 2 Boiler No. 3 BoiJer

4,755 tons 36 ,825 to.ns

7,135 tons 55,240 tons

Page 63: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and




OFFICE 503-673-0141 SALES 503-672-5059

P.O. BOX 177

ROSEBURG. OR 97470-0257

May 19, 1992

Department of Environmental Quality Air Quality Division 811 s.w. Sixth Avenue Portland, OR 97204

ATTN: Mr. Fred Hansen, Director

~,NT 503-756-3141 3201 TREMONT

P 0. BOX 527

NORTH BEND. 0~ 97459

In accordance with Secti'on 9 of Air Contaminant Discharge Permit No. 06-0103, the following information is reported for Sun Plywood, Inc., North Bend, oregon. All production information is for the calendar year 1991.

A. Plywood operating time (Lay-up shift hours) = 0 hours

B. Dryer shift hours = 0 hours

c. Volumes of wood waste processed through each cyclone are estimated as follows:

Plywood: P-1 (dry chips) P-2 (saw fines sanderdust and hogged veneer) P-3 (saw fines) (sanderdust) P-4 (hogged veneer) P-5 (dry chips) P-6, P-7, P-8, P-9 (not in use)

Powerhouse F-1 (not in use) F-2 (dry chips, sanderdust, hogged veneer) F-3 (dry chips, sanderdust, hogged veneer)

0 tons 0 tons 0 tons 0 tons 0 tons

0 tons 0 tons

o. Type and amount of wood waste burned in each boiler is estimated to be:

Plywood waste Hogged fuel

No. 1 Boiler

o tons o- tons

No. 2 Boiler

0 tons 0 tons

No. 3 Boiler

0 tons r a tons

E. Boiler shift operating hours = 0 hours


~o,~'cixt Bud E. Smith ' Vice President of Production

Page 64: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

Sun Plywood, Inc. P 0 Box 527 North Bend, OR 97459

FEB 1 3 1992




Re: Renewal of Air Contaminant Discharge Permit No. 06-0103

The Department of Environmental Quality has completed processing your application for an Air Contaminant Discharge Permit. Based on the material contained in the application we have issued a proposed.permit (copy enclosed).

This permit will become effective in 20 days from the date of this letter, unless the Department has received comments from you within that time. The permit is issued pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 468.310 and 468.320 and Oregon Administrative Rules 340-14-005 through 340-14-050, and 20-140 through 20-185.

You are urged to carefully read the permit and to take all possible steps to comply with the conditions contained therein to help protect the environment of Oregon.

If you have any questions, please contact our Coos Bay office.

WI.S:a LTR\AH40515 Enclosure cc: Coos Bay Branch Office



Wendy L. Sims, Manager Program Operations Section Air Quality Division

"ll :3\V ~ixrn :~n~!'.ue f'orrland. OR u-;o::0-1- ~::~.

\303l .:.:?-3o'16

Page 65: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

J?ennit No. : 06-Q103 Expiratioo rate: 8/01/96

Page 1 of 7 Pages

Cepart:ment of Enviranmental Q.lality 81.1 S. W. Sixth Avenue

Portlarrl, CR 97204-1390 Telephone: (503) 229-5696

Issued in aa::ordarx:e with the provisict1S of CR5 468A.040


SUn Pl~, In=. P.O. :5Jx 527 North Ben::i, 00. 97459

PlANI' SITE I.CCATICN: 32 01 Tteront North Berrl I OR 97 459

AJ;:plication No. 12484

cate Received: ·06/01/90


SJ....__ !: Y.:-r:<-tz4vr2 ad Dated

SaJrce ( s) Pei:mitted to Discmrge Air ca-rt:aminants:

TYPE OF FACILITY (l'R:M TAN? l, ~ 34Q-2Q-155

Plywoxl M3nu:facturi.rq I greater than 25 I 000 sq. ft/hr, 3/S"basis

FLlel Emnin:r F..qll.ipn?nt, wocd-fired, 30 million l3tu/hr or room

SIC: 2436


'Il1e r:ennittee is herewith all~ to d.i.sdlarge exhaust gases corrt:a:i.r,ri. air contaminants cruy in ac:cord,an:::e with the pemit awlicatian ani the limitaticns a::nt:ain:d in this permit. Until Strll time as this permit expires or is nxxlified ar revoked, the pennittee is herewith allcwed ·t:o discharge exhaust gases fJ::cm t.hcse p:cv=esses ani activities directly related or asscciated thereto in ac:cord,an:::e with the requ.irem:mts, limitations, arxi corditions of this pennit fran the air contaminant sc:urce(s) liste:i arove.

Page 66: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

/ Permit No.: 06-0103 Expiratioo cate: 08/0l/96

Page 2 of 7 Pages

Q::nplian:e with the sp=ci.fic ~, Limitations -arrl con::litians corrtai.ned herein does oot relieve the pe.nnittee frau C'CII{Jlyirq with all other laws, rules arrl starrlards Gdni.nistered by the I:'Epart:Jrent, oor dces it allcw significant levels of an.issicns of air cootam:inants oot limite:i in this penni t or corrtai.ned in the pennit awlicaticn.


1. 'llle p:u:m:ittee shall at all times maintain ard cperate all air o:ntaminant generat:i.n:j processes ard all air a:nt.aminant a:ttt::rol equipne.nt at full efficien::;y ani effectiveness, such that the ranissicns of air CClrltami.nants are kept at the lC7*eSt practicable levels.

-2. Particulate emissioos fran any single air CXJntami.nant source (except for

toilers) shall oot exceed arrt of the foil~:

a. 0.20 grains per stan:iard cubic foot for soorces ex:isti.n; prior to JUne 1, 1970;

b. o .10 grains per stan:iard albic foot far scurc:ss installed, cc::nstructed, or m::x:litie:i after JUne 1, 1970; ani

c. An cpacity equal to or greater than t1.venty percent (20%) for a· p:ricd ~ti.rq mxe than three (3) minltes in any one (1) }x;ur.

3. Total partiallate ani.ssions frcm all sa.rra:s at the pl~ plant, other than ~ions fran the veneer dryers arrl fuel b.lJ::ni.n:r equipn::nt, shall not exceed 44.2 p::mDs per D:m:-, ootwit.hst:ard:irq :roore restrictive l:llnits of the Plant Site Emissicn Limits of Cx:n:litian 9.

4. 'Ille pemittee shall · cperate ani ccutrol the steam genera tin; boiler ( s) in accordan::e with the follMn; list of roller cperatirq parameters ani emi.ssicn l.iJnitati.c::lls:

Beiler FUel Tdentificaticn Used

-· - . !.,2,~ Ii::q;ai rue].

Maximnt Emissioo I,jmits· : .. .'-~ty Particulates M:oci.m:lm

Cll C2l Q:?era,tion (3)

No.2 cr .. z gr/dscf salt-free

0.6- grjdscf- ' total.


(1) Max:bwm R:in;le:rann density that shall oot be eq.Jailed or e:xceeded for a peri di or periods ag;regatirq :nxn:e than three minutes in ari'f · one :tx:m:-,. ena::llxii rq un:albin:rl water vapr.

(2) Partiallate em:i.ssicn limitaticn is· stated in grains per stairlard OJbic foot,. a:::a::recte:i ta 12~ carlxn diaride. .

(3) Maxii!IJm tnlrly average steam prodt:ct.icn (p::u-rls per hcur) •

s. 'll1e r:;ermittee shall oot cperate the ooilers with a:rry ii:lels other than those firOO durinq the Cepa.rt:rrent approved emissions sc:m:ce test.

Page 67: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and



Permit No. : 06-0103 ( Expiration Date: 08/01/96

Page 3 of 7 Pages

6. Tile pennittee shall control an:i cperate all veneer c:hyers so that the emissions (tu::Jitives ID:::l'OOed.), exclusive of un:::x:Jibinerl water, do oot excse::i an average cperat.in;J q::aci ty of ten percent { 10%) an:i a maximum cpacity of twenty percent (20%) fran aey sirqle stack or emissie11 point.

7. The pennittee shall not allow the emissie11 of c:dor'als mtter or other f'u3'itive emissions so as to create nuisan:::e corrl:iticns off the penni ttee 1 s prc.perty. NUisance con:li tians will l:e verified by cepart:ment personnel. '!he creatie11 of nuisan:::e con:litiCI'lS my, in addition to arrt other acticn the cepart:ment may take, result in a permit nx:d:i.ficatian to require a o::Jlt)lian:e schedule to a:::uLLol the nuisan:::e caxlitions.

8. The pennittee shall maintain an aq:;p:essi ve veneer dz:yer maintenance pr03zam designed to runb:ol fu;itive emissions within the Cepartment 1 s cpacity limits. Should the cepart:ment dcx::nrrent violations of the 10% average, 20% maxin1lln opacity rule, the I=ermi:ttee· shall sul:mit a schedule for adrievin:;r o::n:plian:e within 30 days of mtten ootificaticn of rx:n­o:rr:pl.ian:::e.


9. Partia.llate emissions fran the scurces listed shall not excee:i the followin;:

SaJrce {lbs/hr) Ctans/yrl

Boilers (salt-free) 122.0 398 salt 178.0 429

Veneer Dl:yerS 27.8 75 ~cyclones 7.5 3 Plywo:d cyclones 32.7 82 FU;Jitives Not quantified

Totals 368.0 987

{Note: BaghaJses, target b::lxes, ani other -weed dust emission points are inc.luJed with cyclone ani ssi ons unless SJ;XlCifically identified.

10. GaseaJs emissions fran the san:ces listed shall not exceed the follcr.virq:

SOx OOx <D ~ tcns;yr tons;yr tons;yr tonsjyr

Scqrce Clbs/hrl Clbs/hrl (1bs/hrl Clbs/hrl

Boilers 9 160 572 97 (2.6} (49.0) (175.0) (29.8)

Veneer Dcyers s· {2. 0)

:fuji ti ves Not quantified

Totals 9 160 572 102 (2. 6) (49.0) (175.0) (31.3)

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Peonit No.: 06-o103 Expiratiat Date: 08/01/96

Page 4 of 7 Pages

11. At least ax::e each o:ki-nmi::erei calerrlar year, c:1urirq the m::rrt:hs of Au:;Ust, SE!pt:.aOOer, or o:::t:crer, the pem.i.ttee shall dem:nsb:ate that the hcg]e:i fuel ooilers are capable of q:lera:tin:J at their max:i..nun ~tin; capacity in~ ~liazx:e with a::n::litioos 4 and. 9 by a::n:b:::t.in:] a scm:ce test for salt free particulate ani total particulate emissions fran the ooiler stack.

. . .. .

All tests shall be o:n:blc::ted in accordance with the t.estiix.J prcorlru:es en file at the Department ard with the pretest plan subnitted at least 15 days in advance ani ~ by the 5cm'ce Test OXlrd:inator in the Air Q.Jality Divisial of the Department in Ea:tlani (tmless othel:wi.se ooti.fied). Test data ani results shall be subnit:ted for naview to the Sa.Irce Test O::xJrd:i.nator within 30 days after testin:;.

Only regular operatin:J staff may adjust the c::aiblstion system ani emission a:utJ::al :paramaters d1lrin; the sa.n:ce par!Ol:lllal"Ce tests arxl within trwo (2) haJrs prior to the tests. Ji.rrf c:peratin; adjusbnent:s made dl..1rin:] the scurce perfonnan:::e tests, which are a result of cxnsultaticn dl..1rin:] the tests with scurce testin; perscrmel, eqttipreit ven:kJrs or consultants, may :ren::1er the source perfonnan::e test invalid.

D.Jri.rq the scurce test the follOOD; parameters should be m:l'litored arxi


b. c. d.


density re.adin;s on the ooiler stack emissions durin; the particulate emissioo scurce tests. steam flcr..~ rate fuel feed rate type of fuel or physical c:haracteristic of the fuel, incl.l.Xiin;r species of wccd/baZX, size c:ti.st:ribltioo, ani moisture cart:e.nt (wet basis) operatin;J parameters of emj ssicn o::11t:z:tll eqni pre rt du:rirq the emi ss:ials- scurce tests


. ~~·-:

12. Boilers are limited to 120, 000 lbjhr maxi:lillm halrly steam:iil; rate bel sed upon the 1987 scurce test.

,.-: ... -- .. -

13. 'll1e pmnittee shall effectively inspect ard lOOllitor the ~tion ani maintenance of the plant ani asscx:i a:ted air cx:ntaminant cuttJ::ol. facilities ani sbal l illplemeut the. ptOt cMnres necessary to marl.tar ani record the followi:rx; parameters. A recox:d of all such data shall be maintained far a pericd of two years at the plant site for inspectial by the authorize:i representatives of the Cepartnent.

a. All q::eratin:J ani prc:dllctioo parameters to be reported to the ~annually as required in caxiition 14.

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Permit No.: 06-0103 Expiration Date: 08/01/96

Page 5 of 7 Pages

b. Excess ani.ssions re:::::ords as defined in Ot\R 34Q-2Q-350 thrc:o:jh 340-2 o-375 ( rea::u:ded oo oc::curren:e)

c. A descripticn of a:rrt maintenance to the air c:art:aminant en 1trol system (recorded en a annual basis)

14. The permittee shall subrdt to the Pennit O:xmlinatar, Air QJalicy Division, ~Office (Portlan:::l) of the Cepartment, by January 15 of each year this permit is in effect two (2) ccpies of the follcw.i.rq infonraticn for the ~ calerrlar year:

A. cperat:irq parameters:

a. Total plywc:x:d plant operatirq time (other than veneer dryi.rq) (hcu.rs/year) .

b. cpera~ time of each veneer dryer (hcurs/year) c. q;::eratirq time of eadl ooile.r {b::urs/year) d. Pl~ prcducticn (square feet;year, 3/8'' basis) e. Green veneer precessed thrc:o:jh veneer di.yers (species, square

feet;year, 3/8" basis) f. ROOI:y veneer precessed thrc:o:jh veneer dl:yers (square feet;year

arrl as a :percent of green veneer) g. Type an:i am:mrt: of \..o:::xl waste prcx::essa::l thrc:o:jh each cyclone,

target l:ox, cpen blCKNpipe, an:l baghcuse (EO tals/year) h. Type arrl am:unt of fuel l:m:ned (ani m.isture content of T,t.lC)Oj)

in each boiler (BOI', gallons, or therms/year, :percent an wet basis)

i. Annual steam prcduction of each boiler (p:urxis/year) j. ~ hoorly steam prcduction of each boiler (p:urxisjha.Ir)

B. A leg of all planned arrl unpl.ann:d excess emissions in accordance with OAR 34Q-2l-375.

c. In:ticate aey permanent~ made in the plant prxx:ess or p:rc;duct:icn whidl ~affect air a:ntaminant en.issicns. (In:ti.cate '.Vhen ~ ~ made.)

D. List all major maintenance perfonned en air fOllution equipnent.


15. 'Ihe Annual Ccmp1..iance Ceterminatian Fee for this pe:mit is due an July :t of each yea:r this pennit is in effect. An invoice in:licatin; the am:mrt, as deteDn:ined by CepartJnent regulations, will be mailed prior to the a.OOve date. 'llle fee shall be sutmitted to the aJsiness Office of the Cepart::nent in Portlani (unless otbel:wise ootifie::l).


Gl. 'Il1e p:nn.ittee shall aliCM Cepartment of ~ Q..lality representatives ao:::ess to the plant site ani pertinent records at all reasonable ti.n:es far the pJ:rp:SeS of maJc:irq i.ns;:ections, surveys,

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Pennit No.: 06-Q103 Expiraticn Date: 08/01/96

Page 7 of 7 Pages

Mak:inq aey P'lYsical chan:Je whldl increases emi.ssicns, or

01arqin;J the method of cpu-aticn, the px:ocess, or the fuel use, or i.ncreasirx;r the OOJ:JDa1. lxm:s of cperatioo to levels above those cart:ained in the pemit awJ_icatioo arxi reflected .in this peon.it arxi ~dl result .in increased anissioos.

G7. Awlicatioo for a nrxlificatioo of this pennit lll.lSt l:e sutmitted oot less than 60 days prior to the saJrCe lDXli.ficaticn. A Filing. Fee arxi an A~:Plicaticn Processirx;J Fee ll1lSt be subnitta:i with an awlication for the pennit DXlificatioo.

G8. 'lbe pennittee shall ootify the Department .in writirx;J usirx;J a Departmental "Fennit At:;plicatioo Fonn" with.in 60 days after the follc::r.dn]:

a. 1~ d1arqe of the registered name of the Crzrp.3ny with the COz:porations Division of the state of Oregon, or

b. sale or e.xdlarqe of the activity or facility.

Awlicable Pennit Fees IlJ.lSt be sul::mi.tted wit.'l an awlication for the nams dlan]e.

G9. Awlicaticn far renewal of this pennit ll1lSt l:e sul:mitted not less than 60 days prior to the pemit expiration date. A Fil.in; Fee, an AWJ.ication Processirx;J Fee arxi an Annual Q:llpl.i.anc:e Dete.nninatioo Fee lii.lSt l:e subnitted with the awlicaticn for the pemit renewal.

G10. 'lbe i.ssua.n:e of this pemit does oot cc:JCr.1ey any prc:pm:y rights in either real or perscnal prc:pm:y, or aey eoo::lusive privile;es, oor does it authorize aey injm:y to private prcparty or any invasion of personal rights, nor any infri.n;ement of federal, state, or local la-ws or regulations.

Gl.l. 'Ibis permit is subject to revccaticn for cause as provided .in OAR J4o-14-o45.


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( '

PSEL am)

Pennit Nlmi:>er: 06-Ql03 Application No.: 12484

Page 1 of 4 Pages

Department of Env~ <:uality Air ~ity COntrol Divisiat


sun Ply.«xxl, Inc P.O. Box 527

North Berrl., CR 97 459










sun Plywocd, In::. operates a Plywocd Marufa.cturin:; plant locate:i at 3201 Trenout in North Bend. 'Ihe pr;c:x::ess iix:J.ujes veneer chyers an:i woo:i fired boilers. 'l1le sc:urce is located in an area that is in atta.innelt for all p::~llutants.

'Ihe sc:urce is not located within 100 kilcmeters (62 miles) of a Class I air quality protection area.

A r'IIY Larxi Use Calp\tibility state:Dent was not required at the time of this application.

No other penn:its have been i S-SilBi or are required by the Department of Envi.rorimental ~ty for this sa.n:ce.

'!be facility was last inspected at J'ul.y 28, 1989. '!he facility shut dGwn for an imefinite perioi of time a1 J'ul.y 17, 1990 and has oot: reopened at the tilDe of issuance of this pennit.

7. D.n::i.n; the prior pennit period, no ~laints were received.

8. No enforcaDent acticns have been taken against this scurce since ·the last penn:i.t renewal.

9. ~ air a:rrt:am:inant emission sources at. the facility carisiSt of the followin;J:

a. TvJo (2) Cc:r11b.lstion En;:i.neerin; boilers arxi c::ne (1) Erie City Boiler with Spreader stokers, installe::i 1951 arxi two rel:uilt in 1970.

b. 'Ihree (3) Por.vel:ha.lse (F-1, F-2 arxi F-3) cyclones h.arxiJ..in; dey c:hit:s, sanderdust and ~ fuel and exhaust:.:in; directly to the at:Jiost:here. Seven (7) plywocd mill cyclones P-1 (ch:y chip;), P-4 (hc:g;e::i veneer) , P-5 ( dcy chips) , ani P-6, 7, a & 9 (spares) which

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Permit Nurrt:er: 06-0103 ~lication No. : 12484

Page 2 of 4 Pages

~ust directly to a~ an::l P-2 (saw fines, sa.rrlerdust, arrl hcq;Jed veneer) an:i P-3 (saw fines an:i sard.erdust) whidl are o::a rtrolle:i by a Vt1et sctUJ::ber.

c. '1\.lo (2) steam ~ dryers. d. '1\.lo (2) TN& scrutt:ers, mib:ollin;f emissicns fran plywoo:i mill

cyclcnes, P-2 ani P-3.

10. Sairce Test Infonnatioo:

Test rate Prcdlxtiay'Steam.in;" Fate dur:i.rg Test


Boilers ~-3 11-ll-86 lll,400 lbjhr 0.193 grjdscf @ 12% ~ salt free,. 92.3 lbjhr salt free 0.425 grjdscf @ 12% ~ total. 202.~ lbjhr total

C'yclone P-1 2/13/80 Scrt1l:ber ~ (P-2) 6/2-3/83 Scrt1l:ber 2 (P-3) 6/2-3/83 C'yclcne P-4 2/D-14/80

D.2 lbjhr 9.3 lbjbr 6.0 lbjhr D.O-lbjhr

ll. 'nle permit is a renewal for an exist.i.rq Air Corrt:ami.nant Disc::hal:ge Permit "Wh.idl was issued at Dea_:~t~i"er D, 1990 ani was originally sdleduled to expire a1 Decsoi er 1, 1991. No dlan:jes have been made to the facility or the permit since the last permit renewal.

12. Total partiOJ.late emissicns fran the pl~ plant, other than emissions fran the. veneer d:tyers ani ooilers, are lilnited to 44.2 lbs/hr based a1 a

' maxim.Im pro:hlc:tion cap:icity of 44,200 square feet per bc.'m:' of 3/811

t, plyw'Oed en a finished prcx:b::t equivalent.

. - ...... -- -- y·


13 • 'Jlle cpe.ratb'q sd'Jedttl e for the basel jne year 1971 was:

a. b. c.

14 ..

a. b. c. d. e. f.

Veneer dryer(s): 20 hrsjday X 7 daysjwk X 52 wksjyr = 7280 hrsjyr Ply.vccd lay-up: 20 hrsjday X 7 daysjwk ~ 52 wks/yr = 7280 hrsjyr Eoi.ler(s): 24 hrs/day x 7 days;iwk x: 52 wksjyr = 8736 hrs/yr

Plywcxxl (3/8") ••••••••••••••••• ··~· ............ 225,540,000 sq ft/yr Green: veneer dried (D:xlJlas fir} (3/8") ......... 266,948,000 sq ft/yr ~ .:ftlel ••••• ., ...................... .-.••••• · .......... 114-, 75~ 13l:1I'/yr Anx:::urrt of steam generated in l::oilers •••••••• 1, 146, ooo, ooo lbs/yr Max. (1 hr. ave.) steam generated. in l::oilers ....... ~6, ooo lbs/hr Nanna J steam generation rate ...................... 155, ooo F!I:Jrjyr

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f •, \

Permit Number: 06-0103 Afplication No. : 12484

Page 3 of 4 Pages

15. Particulate emissions in the baseline year 1971 Were as follONS:


&:>ilers (salt-free) salt

Vereer Dryers Pc~ cycl.aleS Pl~ cyclCX'leS fugitives


Partiallate (lbs/hrl

122.0 178.0 27.8 7.5

32.7 Not cwntified



398 429 75

3 82


(Note: B:lghcuses, target boxes, an:i otber ~ dust emission p:>ints are in::lu:ied with cyclone enissions unless specifically identified.

Gasecus emissions in the baseline year 1971 YoTere as follcws:

SOx OOx CX) vee tans/yr tonsjyr tcnsjyr tc:ns;yr

Source Clbs/hrl C1bslhrl (J..bs/hr) (J.bs/hrl

Boilers 9 160 572 97 (2. 6) ( 49. 0) (175. 0) (29. 8)

Veneer Dryers 5 (2. 0)

fu3i_tives Not quantified

Totals 9 160 572 102 (2.6) ( 49. 0) (175.0) (31.8)


16. 'Illere have been oo ~ awro'JEd PSEL increases or decreases between the baseline year ani. t.h.is permit.

17. 'I1le oormal cpe.rati.rq sdledule ani plant prcrluction are essentially the same as the .ba..~l ine year.

18. 'll'le cuczent Plant Site Emission Limit for oormal cp:ration is essentially the same as the base.line. year anissicn rate.


19. Tcod.c air pollutant emissions f:rt:m this scurce will be· revier.wed at sudl time as the Cepartlrent fODII.llates its review prccedllres for exjstirq air emission sources.

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•• 'lo'. Penni t Nl.miJer: 06-olOJ Awlicatioo No.: 12484

Page 4 of 4 Pages

SPECIAL o::wmcm 20. Sa.Irce ~ requirements cant:ained in the peonit incltXle soorce test

for salt free particulate ard total partiOll.ate emissioos fran the boiler stack biennially. Test shall be cc:n:n.ct.ed dl.lrin;. Au3tJst, 5epteii:ler, or Q:t:c:i:ler of~ calerrla.r years. 'nle soorce is required to subni.t reports to the Department within 60 days of test CCIJtlleticn.

21. 'nle pe:cnit limits the boiler st:eamirq rate to uo,ooo lbjhr based upcn the 1987 scurce test st.eam.i.n; rate. San:oe was marginally in o:mpli.ance with grain loacti.n; limit when tested at ll1,400 lb steam;hr (0.193/0.425 vs 0.2/0.6 grjdscf l' 12% ~). MaxiD.Im alla.rable steami.n; rate may be raisei when pe:cnittee deocn:;trates o:mplian::e at higher st.eam.i.n; rate ciurirq Department awroved soorce test.

. . 22. 'lbe san:c:e is subject to jmnerljate (within' c::Xle ha.Il:-) reporti.n3" of excess


23. 'Ihis scurce is not subject to federal regul.atioos for New SaJrce PerfODIBil:e starxm:ds (NSPS} •

24. 'Ihis source is not subject to federal regul.aticns for New Scurce Review.

25. 'Ihis sam:::e is not subject to federal regulatioos for Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) •

26. '!his scurce is not subject to federal regu.latioos. for National Emissioos st:ardards · for Hazarda.ls Air Pollutants (NESHAPS} •

RI.K:JJR:a P!:»fi'!S\J:1060103R Janr.Jal':Y 15, 1992

.. -.. ·-.. .. .. ;, __

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Emission Factor

Permit Number: 06-0103 Appl. No.: 12484 Date: 1/10/92 Page A-1

Emissions Emission Point Operatin& Parameters Ra-te- -- -- ----- n ---~--Reference lblhr- -- - toris/vr


Boilers salt-free particulate


Powerhouse Cyclones


Plywood Plant

Cyclone P-1 Cyclone P-4 Cyclone P-5 Burley scrubbers(6)

vl_er Dryers


175,000 lb steam/hr max 155 000 lbfhr norm 114t million lb/yr 17.5 BDT/hr max · 114,571 BDT/yr 24 X 7 X 52 hr/yr

0.18 gr/dscf 0.697 lh/1000 lb steam 0.749 lb/1000 lb 1.02 lb/1000 lb max

15 BDT/hr, 13,096 BDT/yr 0.5 lb/BDT

225 540,000 sq ft/yr, 7286 hr/yr, 44,200 sq ft/hr max dry chips 1.3 1b/hr max hogged plywood trim 13.0 lh/hr max dry chips 3.1 lb/hr max sander and layup lines 15.3 lbjhr max

2666948,000 sq ft/yr, 728 hr/yr 49,660 sq !tjhr max

0.56 lb/1000 sq ft

Final review ~9/25/84) of ACDP 06-00 7 renewal 122 398 application #8004

1981/1983 test average 178 429 1983 source test (2)

BOILER TOTAL 300 827 (3)

AP-42 7.5 3.2

(3) (4)

1980 Source Test(5) 1.3 3 1980 Source Test 13.0 33 1980 Source Test 3.1 8 1983 Source Test HJ 38


AP-42, DEQ 27.8 74.7

NOT~S: (l)



Boiler operating parameters based on 5/24/64 review of ACDP 06-0007 renewal application, using 1971 baseline data.

~~~ (6)

1983 test data was not available during previous boiler per~it review. Seasonal bay salinity fluctuations resulted in increased log salt content and salt emissions.· This variation is incorporated above. Allowable emissions are 0.0 TPY for F-3, P-6, and P-9. Allowable emissions for spare cyclones (P-7, P-6, F-1) are incorporated with regular cyclones. Annu~l emission rate - (max. hourly emission rate) (annual production/max hourly production) 1980 source test showed an emission rate of 13.2 lb/hr with chip production reduced from 14,900 lbjhr to 1500 lb/hr~ the resultant emission rate is (1500/14,900)(13.2) - 1.3 lb/hr, as shown. This is a reduction from the 1971 naseline level. Scrubbers control cyclones P-2 and P-3.


"-- '-" ..._,

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-· ,...-...\

Permit Number: 06-0103 Appl. No.: 12484 Date: 1/10/92


Page A-2

t:mission Poin%

~~ous POl.LUTfitiT~

Boileu S02 ; I'. NOx co voc

eneer Dryers

.,. ,,;_.

Q~Qf"~h41 fi.Ht.UI~fet:~ .•.. ! ... -..,-.. , ' ..• 6'"


·· ' ,; ~· .• ._ ~i · !llbove 411 «ibov~ as abov~ ~H• above

as sbQV~

~ '. . J

' '

I '. I : I : .,.~-. ·,

·.u·l :•• ) '1: ·I,

~ ' &• t' I

. • ~ I

J I•'

J I. w

. . ~ . u i

l1lTS\P060 l 031'

i· ' I

' I. ,;;

·, 1 . ., .. -,;, ...

E;i~~ion factor ~mis~ions ... ' Riti · Reference lb/hr tons/vr

0.15 lb/BDT . 2.8 lb/BDT 10 lb/BDT

. 1. 7 lh/BDT

0.04 lb/1000 sq ft

AP-42, Supp.. 13 AP-42, Supp. 13 AP-42, Supp. 13 A.J?-42, Supp. 13



2.6 49 175 29.8

l.JL 32

8.6 160 572 97.4

.w_ 103

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SUN STUDS, INC. SUN VENEER ~HONE: GENERAL OI"JI'TCES ~n-<l141 • SALES ~n-~; • i=AX 303-67"'~


Ms. Carol Whipple 21755 Hwy 138 West Elkton, OR 974-36

Dear Carol,

October J, 1991

Thank you so much for following through on reducing fees for non­operating boiler permits.

I received a polite phone call from John Rusigno in Air Quality who explained the process to me and said that he hoped a program would be in place so that we could pay a reduced fee next year, in the event we are not operating.

This change will literally save us $3,000 and makes sense, si~ce the plant is not operating and not_generating cash.

It is refreshing to be able to work with a commissioner, such as yourself, who can provide such prompt attention to problems such as these.

Thanks again for your help.



;2..2JHLL_ Richard ~. Sohn

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•• J


· (7) for the purposes of this section~ 468.345 Variances irom air con· ~ .. construction .. includes installation and estab· tamination r-ules and standards; dele~ation lishment of new air contamination sources. Addi· to local ~overnments: notices. 1 t l Th~ com­cion to or enlargement Ol" replacement of an air ....Si.s3ion mav grant specitic •::~riance!' ·.vl!ich :n~· contamination 30urce. or any major alteration or b~' bmited in time !"rom the p~trrtcular ;pquire­modification therein t.hat significantly aifect3 the ments of any rule 0r stand<1rd co such 5!-Jeciilc emission of air contaminant.s shall be considered. per30ns or class of persons or such specific :1ir as construction of a new air contamination contamination source,. upon '-Uch condic:ions J.S it source. [Form.riy "'-'9.712: !98.5 e..liS ill may consider necessary c:O protect the public

468.330 Duty to comply with law-5,. health a.a~ welf~e. The co~n:ission s~all ~nt rules and .standards. Any pe1'30n who complies such. specific ~anance only 1f 1t finds t~c ~trice with the proll"isions of ORS 468.325 and reeeive:s comp~ce IVlt.h.. the rule or standa.rd IS :nap· notification that con.struction may proc~ in propnate because. accordance therewith is not thereby relieved from (a) Conditions exist chat are beyond the complying with any other applicable law, rule or control of the persons granted such variance: or

standard. [Fonnerly -449.1391 (b) Special circumstances render str1cc cnm-468.335 Furnishing copies o( rules and pliance UllteaSOnable. burdensome ur impractical

standards to building permit issuing a.gen- due to special physical conditions or :ause; or cies. Wbenever under the provisions of ORS (c) Strict compliancg wuuk1 result in substan-463.320 to 463.340 rules or :standards are adopted tial curtailment or closing down of a busme.5s, by either the commis.sion or a regional authority, plant or operation; or

the commission or regional authority sb.a1.l fur. (d) No ocher alternative facility or- :nethod oi nish to ail building permit issuing agencies >¥ithin h.and.li.ng is yet available. its jurisdiction copies of such ru.le5 a.:odstandaxd.s. (Fol'!llfl'ly «9. 7:21

468.340 Measurement and testing of contamination .sources. (1) ·Pursuant to rules adopted by the coznmi..ssion. the department sb.a1.l estabLish a program for measurement and test:ing of contamination sources a.ad may perform such sampling or testing or rnay require any pet30n in control of an air contamination source to perform the sampling or testing. subj_ect to the- provisions oi subS«tion.s (2) to (4) of this section. Whenever. · samples for air or air contamin.ants are taken by the depa.rtment of analysis. a duplicate of the analytical report shall be furnished promptly co the person owning or operatinr the air con­tamination so~.

(2) The commission may delegate the powe:­to grant variances co legi.slatlVe bodies of ioc:!J units of government or :-egional ::~ir quality con­trol authorities in any area o[ the state on suci1 general conditions as it may find appropriate. However,. if the commission delegates authority CO grant. variances i:O a regional authority. ::he comm.i:ssion shall not gra.nc similar authoric:y cu a.ay city or county within ~he ce.rrito:y •Jf :he regional authority.

(3) A copy of each variance granted. ~enewed or enendeci by a local govemmentai ~ody or regional authority shall be filed mth che commis­sion within- 15 dilys after it is granted. T(~e commiS$iOrr shall review c~ variance and the reasons therefor within 60 days uf ;eceipt oi ~he copy and may approve. deny or modify che- v:ui­ance rerms. Failure of the commission co act on the varian~ \vlthin r:he- 60-day- period shall oe considered a, determination chat the variance granted by che local governmentaL body rJr­regionai authority is appro<.•ed by ~he commis­sion.

(2) The department may requw any person in- control. of an air contamination source to provide necessary holes in stacks or- ducts and proper sampling md testing facilities. as rnay be n~ and reasonable for cf1e. acxurate deter· mination of the- nature. e~nt. quantity and degree of air concaminants whic.b are emitted as the ~t of operation of the source.

(3) All sampling and testing- shall !» con­ducted in acrordance with methods used by the department or equivalent methods of measure­ment acceptable to t.h.e department.

(4) All sampling and testing performed under thi.s section :!hail be conducted in accoroance with applicable safety rules and procedures estab· lishe<i by law. [f'.,rmef"i:""-'9.:-ozr

(4) [a determ~ whether or not a variance shall be granted. the commission 0r ::.he- local governme:ntal body or regi~nal authority ,;hail consider the equities involved :1nd the advan~e!:i and di:sadvantages co resident::; Jnd :u :he ;rer.;on cond~ the activity t"or- \'.'hic!r the varian::e i5 sought.


!5) A varian~ mav :,e :t"':nked nr mocii!lt.O :,._. che ;;ranter :!"leteQ{ .1tter .1 _:)u:,iic !"lrc-anr:lC ~eid

Page 79: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

( ..




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17 June 1588

Dear- Customer-:

The City of Nor-th Bend, is required by the State Department of Environmental Quality to conduct an Industrial Survey of the users within our- boundaries. The reason for- this survey is to determine if any influent into the treatment plant would be detrimental to the normal treatment pr-ocess.

We are asking that you please fill out the attached questlonnaire as accurately and thoroughly as possible, and return it to our office. We have enclosed a stamped self-addressed envelope for your convenience. Please make sure that the name of the company, address, and owner's name is included on the form. A prompt return of the questionnaire would be greatly appreciated.

In the next few weeks, you may be visited by a representative from the wastewater treatment plant to answer any questions you may have, and to gather any additional information we may need for this survey.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call this office at C503) 756-6078.

Thank you far your cooperation. 3'\!Q -~l "'Z-\

---··------ --

Page 81: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and






1. Name/ Address/Phone of person to contact regarding wastewater:

2. Standard Industrial Classification <SIC>

--~~n_f.!.'L~~~--_: ___ ~a.!'-~~j)_tj_g_Jit ____ _ No. _______________ _

3201 Tremont

==~q[}~=€~~~=~~=2I~J============= Pho.ne: 756-3141

3. Location of business <if different from above>: above

Same as

4. Approximate number of employees: Full-time_2Z~-- Part-time __ _

5. Principle business activities and products produced ( example saw mill, froze~ food, restaurant, auto body> Be specific: ___ _


6. Wastewater discharged circle/fill in correct answers>:



a. Periodic b. Weekday only

-~~-o~~;;ti~----·&. Industrial

---c----------c. None c. Combined d. Other (comment> d. Floordrain/washdown

~ ~~~~~-------- e. Cooling Water f. f. Other <comment>

g~ -----------h. Total

Wastewater characteristics correct answer:

<other than domestic) circle

a. Acid d. Toxic organics g. solvents b. Alkaline e. Color dyes h. detergents c. Metallic f. Oil and grease i.

8. Describe any pretreatment practices or facilities used to remove pollutants or protect the City sewer: _[QP~~------------


9. Describe any chemicals stored on site and how they are stored: Y~s-~Ie~~-~Q~~aUL~1QL~_QQ3J~~LJsnK~Rl~~tj~-~Q9_fl~ei_4L~~---­ar~-~-t~~o~a~hemL~JsL---------------------------------------

Can MSDS sheets be acquired:_y~_s.___ Is there spill containment: ___ Y.e!i_ __________________________________________ --:-------------

Page 82: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and


' 10. Describe any raw materials stored on site: ----------------­


11. Can a flow diagram for the industry be provided: __ )l.e.S...--------

12. Can you give a list of the discharge 'points into the city

sewer system: ----~L~----~~clb~~~{ __ rQ~~£--~---~~~±r---------------------------~_2_: ____ ~2.d.~.l.o2.e.sJ __ S2!.'Q~(. _ _pf __ -¥J9!lL. _________ _

13. Give a brief summary of your operation and production schedueles(examples: run two shifts per day, 7am - 3pm & 3pm- 11pm. and description of what each shift does): _______ _

--------~~£~~~-$~~~~~--~~~J~~JQ~L-:--3--9~~}~~-~~~~~------______________ _E! ___ .2_t•H..: ____ _!P_:QQ_t.(o:!_-__ ~...:3.Q_.p~~-=--------------______________ J~t ___ 5~~l-~---]~~~ill-~-~~9£ __ ~nL~------------


CERTIFICATION: I certify to the best of my knowledge, th~ above information is true and correct.

---~~---~~,~----------------Signature (~;~~ny authorized person> ---~gd-__ lifh~ Title /



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1'/PCF - N Submit Application to:

r ·plrr.:··-··,. oF ..... ,T-o"''E.'"'~'L ,.,U.."I"'Y { 'J.,,J.i•J.:•I.., ...,;,,~ .. "'{ tlo'!.i..l:.."'l "\ 111...1 .1.

· Jusiness Office ?.0. So;;: 1760 PJ~tland, CR 97207

.=::.-_::oE.'iENCE I!IFOli!-!AT!Oll

- . Appl. No.

File No.


\ \


I 1. Sun Plywood. Inc.

Official N~e of Appliaan~ (OWner) J. P!ant location ·if different fl'cm officiac ad:!•f!ss:

2 • P.O. Box 527 Address

North Bend, OR. 97459 City, Stat~, Zip

~. Fred Sohn Responsible. Offi~~l


P.O. Box 1127 Acid:'ess o:r Loc~tion0 Roseourg, R. 97470


673-014 Phone

3201 Tremont North Bend, OR. 97459

s. Day Weybright Alterr~te R~sponaible Offic~a!

Engineering Title

P.O. Box 527 756-3141 A.dd:J"esq oz:.. Loc~ion Nortn tlena, OR. 97459--0045


J. GENERAL DES~C~R-~~~T~!~O~N--------------~------------------------------~---------------------------------, BrieJ~Y su~arize the proposed facility and pl";ma.ny method of waste treatment and disposal. Plywood plant Veneer dryer wash down water capture &. reuse Glue water capture & reuse

- -As EXHIBI'! A1 attach Q.Jo (2) copies of a PreZi:d,....:u•y Engineering Report of Facility PZ.an Report which fuZZy ee-scribes tr~ proposed project, using written discussion, maps, diagrams, and any other necess~J materiaLs. Specifi~ it&~3 contained in the report should ina~ude:

I 1. A CQ~Zete description of the pl'OposaZ. s. DisposaZ of sotid waste and sZudges. 2. The Zoaation of the project and adJacent facilities 6. Gro~ater information. '

and 1.:ater-.xzys. 7. Evaluation of gl'OwuiLxzter and su:rface water I J. Sd:edz,ze for development. impacts.

I 4. Scner..atic diagrams of industriai. pro.:;!Esses, IJ1aste streams, aJ".d treatment and disposal faciz.ities.


A~ACH A LIST OF OTHER PERMITS ISSUED OR APPLIED FOR. :ai .... r. :. FEES (!lhi.ah must accomoan this c:rrn,ZicationJ-'

Filing Fee PJ>ocessing Fee Inspection Fee


$ ~ svO /0 0

t t.so




Sigr,.at-.a-e of Oumer (•?r legaZZy m'thcrized l'epreaer.tative) .



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.. ..---,. (-

Department of Environmental Quality NEIL GOLDSCHMIDT

GOvf:::•.,:::~~ 811 SW SIXTH AVENUE, PORTLAND, OREGON 97204-1390 PHONE (503) 229-5696

Sun Plywood, Inc. Attention: Fred Sohn, President P.O. Box 1127 Roseburg, OR 97470

Dear Mr. Sohn:

February 19, 1988

Re: Water Pollution Control Permit

On July 8, 1985, we received from you an application for a water ~ pollution control facilities permit for your veneer dryer capture and reuse system. In addition to the application, you requested general permits for turbine condenser cooling·water, sawmill condenser cooling water, water softener backwash, and boiler blowdown. On July 11, 1985, we returned your application for lack of signature. We have·not heard from you since.

It appears that the file ·got pushed in a corner while we were waiting to receive your signed application and was forgotten. I have now resurrected it and would like to complete whatever permit action is necessary.

I have enclosed the application which is currently used for these types of discharges. Please complete the application if a permit is still necessary. Your fees have already been paid so there is no need to add fees with the application.

You will need to quantify and characterize each of your waste streams in order for us to determine if a general permit is appropriate of if they will have to be covered by an NPDES or WPCF permit.

If ~ou have any questions,

~~ .. :; JV fJ ,/J -v~~Y~

CKA:c WC3049 Enclosure cc: Southwest Region

Coos Bay Branch

· •.

please call me at 229-5325.

aker, Man~ger . Industrial ste Section Water Quality Division State of Oregon


lo)rn@ rn ~ w ~w lJlJ FEB 2 3 198:3 ~


Page 85: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and


P.O. BOX 527 NORTH BEND, OR. 97459-0045

June 19, 1985

Department ~f Environmental Quality P.O. Box 1760 -Portland, OR. 97207

Attn: Mr. Kent Ashbaker

RE: Item ",C" WPCF permit

Dear Mr. Ashbaker:


This permit is being filed for the former Wey~rhaeuser Plywood Plant in North Bend, Oregon, which was covered by NPDES permit 3437-J.

The plant will dry veneer and lay up plywood, the green end ' (veneer peeling) will no longer be done at this location~

The plant is located in Township 25S, Range 13 WWM, Section 14 in the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4. The plant is bounded on the west by Highway 101 and on the east by the bay (Coos). To the north is the main complex of Weyerhaeuser sawmill and other operations, to the south is commercial property.

( . As outlined in previous correspondences, it will be necessary collect and reuse water used for dryer washdown. It is understood that this will be covered by a stipulated consent order. Our proposal would be the following:

60 days engineering and review - 120 days construction

Glue washdown water is currently collected and reused, no discharge.


The sludge from the veneer dryer scrubbers, and sander dust scrubbers, will be disposed of at Bracelin & Yeager Landfill or Weyerhaeuser's Mettman Ridge Landfill. From information available, it is not possible to determine the volume of sludge that will be generated.

Ground water studies for the disposal sites are on file with your department according to our information.

Air permits and water are the only two being processed, there are no toxic wastes, all of the electrical transformers are curbed.

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Department of Environmental Quality June 19, 1985 Page 2

Under Weyerhaeuser's permit 3437-J was a discharge for the oil/water separator in the green end of the veneer plant, this was covered by outfall #004. Sun Ply will not be operating the green end of the plywood plant and #004 will no longer exist.

We hope this information is sufficient~for processing a new permit.

We request a temporary 60 day permit while the permit is being processed. During the next 60 days we will be mainly in the process of,getting the'plant operational.

If you have any questions, contact myself or Dan Weybright.




Kenneth L. Shrum Engineer

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i+:::. . ......



10/12/87 TO: Sunply SHI?TO

3201 Tremont North Bend, Oregon 97459



164 hrs Project Advisor 7/21 to 9/1/1987 $35.00 $5,740.00

3.5 hrs Overtime Project Advisor 7/21 to 9/1/87 42.00 1,827.00

37 Airborne Asbestos Analysis 20.00 740.00 '.822 Mileage .21 382.62 ( - ' -

7 Nights per diem. I •"""\ ' - "I J ''"'07 50.00 850.00 • I"' I

"" IO:.Q

2 Round Trip Air Fares 413.00 Abatement supplies (bags, tyveks, resp. cartridges) A~:---:_._. ~ ....... -·on ~-~ ~ ,'-1 ~4'3. 65

P.·~. - - -::it. f..: " ~t)f~,OCC 0 -&_);c{.g·

J'-~'Y -· '""·


~"£ ,_.. -- -

1.5% charged on all balances outstanding over 30 days-.~,.;;,:.:.~·;~:. :-

·- --· ,,. .:T.f

TOT At. $10,596.27

Page 89: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and


)S~ov june 25, 1987

RECEIVED J UN 2 9 1987


Dan W eybrigb.t Sun Plywood P.O. Box 527 North Bend, OR 97459

INVOICE #87 -0283 Dear Dan:

This letter serves as our invoice for asbestos abatement project .management from june 14 to june 24, 1987.

51 hours abatement manager ~ $35 23 air samples @ $20 6 nights meals & lodging ~ $50 554 miles \i .21 respirator cartridges


$1,785.00 460.00 300.00 116.34 73.32

~~ Terms: Net 30 days. 1.5% on amounts due past 30 days.

Please remit to: P A I r. • · ll ~ 0 ·:337 - "'"''--

HAZCON. Inc. Suite 107 16325 S.W. Boones Ferry Road Lake Oswego, OR 97035

Sincerely, A~P~CV!!:D ~OR PAYMENT:

P. 0. -;.t -------

Acc-r. ~ Ol5d. · Oq:Q - lVt':f% 1'-fg .. ' "·'

"Y-! • . :~. ,; ..--~' -----

. ·-c . .. _,

t~ .. ·-·~:~J ·~:. ··r.. .. ._



Richard H. Krause, CIH DATe: .. ~PFnc\/zo ·~~

HEALTH HAZARD CONTROL SERVICES Artfi'RO'JE::::> ay ~~~~_2L,~~~~. ~~·


Suite 107- 16325 S.W. Boones Ferry Road - Lake Oswego, OR 97035 - (503) 636-73n .•. r •

..... • .. ,... l j - -· ~ _J • -

Page 90: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

HA~~mLJ ••c. (•.tEALTH HAZARD CONTROL SERVICES ·. (),--l f/1 D May 15. 1987


Dan Weybrig!:.t Sun Plywood, Inc. P.O. Box 527 North Bend. OR 97459

P A I 0 J~:~i 2 D j~87 INVOICE #87-0216 Dear Dan:

. This letter serves as o~r invoice for asbestos abatement management services.

4/13,14 4/27-5/l

62 hours ~ $35 13 air samples ~ $20 airline quick disconnects airline hose asbestos signs lodging & meals S nights~ SSO travel expense 850 miles @I .21

Please remit to:

HAZCON, Inc. Suite 107 16325- s.w. Boones Ferry Road Lake Oswego, OR 970 3 S

Sincerely. ·


$2,170.00 260.00

38.70 262.88

20.72 250.00 178.00


P.o.·~ --------

RHK/sm Suite 107- 16325.S.W. Boones Ferry Road- Lake Oswego, OR 97035- (503) 636-7371

7411i MPririi;m AvPmrP N · - c;P~ttiP WA qfnn':l - (20~) Ei2n-R!:iOR

Page 91: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

/)SqD~ r


bfo- D?



33l·a1 April 10, 1987-· RE.Ce:IV_ED .APR J ~ ·198.7

Dan W eybright Sun Plywood, Inc. 3201 Tremont North Bend, OR 97459

INVOICE #87 -0147

Dear Dan: . I 0 . - - ' :"\ ,..._a7 p A ; .... .:. ~ .~o

This letter serves as our invoice for industrial hygi~ne services through April 2nd, 1987. ·

62.5 hours Industrial Hygienist/Project Manager Meals/lodging

$2,187.50 203.50 128.17 120.00

Qass supplies 12 manuals @ $.1 0

Amount due $2,639.17

Terms: Net 30 days. 1.5% on amounts due past 30 days.

Please remit to:

HAZCON, Inc. Suite 107 16325 S~W. Boones Ferry· Road Lake Oswego, OR 97035:




0 " ! :- . .... ..... .., ';"\-:')7 I ,-...\ I - ru' 1~ t_ 0 ,.;0


~:-=::-::---~­ACCT. # 0 f ~ .l()oqo - cu 1¥-? w. 0. # /'-f. f DA 11!: AP~ROV'<\·_ J.f. -t S -a. APPROVED ay ~ ~u~ ~

Suite 107- 16325 S.W. Boones Ferry Road - Lake Oswego, OR 97035- (503) 636-7371 - ...... ,_ I I • I•

Page 92: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and


~. ~ /) ( C::Q CO-;JJ'v .



Aprill S. 1987

Dan W eybright Sun Plywood 320 1 Tremont North Bend, OR 97 45 9

INVOICE #87-0179

Dear Dan: P A i :J ; :;.,y 2 0 i537

This letter serves as our invoice for asbestos abatement supplies from Rice Safety. Your purchase order number is- 1565.

Amount due $2,160.82

Terms: Net 30 days. 1.5~ on amounts due past 30 days.;,;:.. ·"OViii:J FCR ?A ·a.·!2i\iT:

Please remit to:

HAZCON, Inc. Suite 107 16325 S.W. Boones Ferry Road Lake Oswego, OR 9703 5


~ I I



Suite 107- 16325 S.W. Boones Ferry Road - Lake Oswego, OR 97035 - (503) 636-73n .. , c~...,++lo \1\/A QR10~ - (206) 526-8508


.-. -:;

Page 93: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

---- .. __ .,




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. . ·I ····· . '' . ;._.,,~~~~f'iff<;. i.;;::-;~;:,~1


COOS BAY, OREGON 97420 (503) 269-7313





. ~ :: 2 9 i987 TOTAL

All claims and returned goods MUST be accompanied by this bill.


·~ ...

I :

Page 95: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and




5851 ., . •. .. ... -- ..




COOS BAY, OREGON 97420 (503) 269-7313


All clatrns and returned goods MUST be accompanied by this bill.





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Page 96: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and





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COOS BAY,~REGON 97420 (503) 269-7313

All claims and returned goods MUST be accompanied by thi., bl'l.


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Page 98: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

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Page 99: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and


:ff\0 \ , REQUEST FOR CHEC'-

PAYABLE TO ~ad_Q._, £'72.7vrp4~t...J om ___,S:oc;.__._/'--N'--f_· ~-=--,-~ ~-• . ~

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NORTH BEND, OR. 97459-0045

June 19, 1985

Department of Environmental Quality P.O. Box 1760 Portland, OR. 97207

Attn: Mr. Kent Ashbaker

Dear Mr. Ashbaker:

We are requesting general permits for the power house (boilers) formerly issued to Weyerhaeuser and covered by NPDES permit number 3437-J.

Specifically the following:

'Turbine Condenser Cooling Water Sawmill Condenser Cooling Water Water Softener Backwash


002) 003) 004

General Permit General Permit

It is our understanding that the boiler blow down would qualify under 0500J. The continuous blow down is returned to the boiler make up water at the deaerating tank. The manual blow down is directed into the flow from the 15,000 GPM condenser pump, manual blow down is about one minute every 8 hours.

Back flow water from the water softeners would qualify under 0200J. The back flow is-of about 10 minute duration every 5 or 6 days; from a one and one quarter inch pipe.

If you have any questions, contact myself or Dan Weybright.




Kenneth L. Shrum Engineer

Page 101: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

(---State of Oregon

Department of Environmental Q U a'fftTif!:tiT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITI

NEil GOLDSCHM:Q r GovrnNQf'l 811 S.W. SIXTH AVENUE, PORTLAND. OREGON 97204 PHONE: (503) 229-5696

fD) rn:@ rn ow~ li'il U1J MAR - 6 1987 l!J

0 Sun Plywood, Inc. c/o Robert E. Ragon Registered Agent P.O. Box 1127 Roseburg, OR 97470


CERTIFIED MAIL NO. P 610 700 001

Re: Notice of Violation and Intent to Assess Civil Penalty AQ-SWR-87 -15 Coos County

On February 13 1 1987, the Department inspected your abandoned steam plant powerhouse building located at J_201 TremontJ. in North Bend. Portions of the building containing friable asbestos material were demolished by your contractor, Paul D. Howell, doing business as Howell Enterprises.

The inspector found the potential for a major asbestos contamination crisis. He observed large amounts of asbestos waste stored or accumulated openly throughout the building, much of which was clearly the result of sloppy handling practices. Most of the Haste was wet, but some had dried to the extent that asbestos fibers were likely to escape and become airborne. Some asbestos waste Has located in an area where it could likely contaminate public waters. Some of the asbestos 'rraste \-tas bagged, but the bags were not as thick as required and 'rlere not properly labeled.

Asbestos is a hazardous air contaminant pursuant to OAR 340-25-450. OAR 340-25-465 (10 )(e) prohibits the open storage or accumulation of friable asbestos material, or asbestos-containing waste material. Throughout all removal and handling operations, asbestos waste must be kept thoroughly 'rret to prevent the release of asbestos fibers into the air. The waste must be placed into properly labelled, leak-tight containers such as plastic bags at least 6 mils thick, or fiber or metal drums. Asbestos waste must be taken to a disposal site that has been authorized by this Department to accept asbestos waste.

As o\-mer of the building, you and your contractor are jointly liable for violations of the Emission Standards and Procedural Requirements for Asbestos contained in OAR 340-25-465. The Department' will be contacting your contractor separately.

Page 102: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and


Sun Plywood, Inc. Page 2

In the enclosed notice, the Department has cited you for several asbestos related violations. You are warned that if any violation continues, or any similar violation occurs in the future, the Department will assess a civil penalty against you. Each violation cited carries a civil penalty liability of up to $10,000 per day.

The Department expects you to immediately take action to prevent the spread of asbestos-containing waste material and/or the release of asbestos fibers, by sealing-off all openings in the building, including the pipe in the "tidal pooln; keeping all exposed asbestos-containing material saturated with water; and placing the asbestos waste into labeled containers in accordance with the Department's rules as soon as possible.

Hithin 15 days, the Department expects you to submit a plan and schedule detailing how you will thoroughly decontaminate the site and manage the rema.J.n~ng asbestos Haste in full compliance with the rules of this Department.

I have enclosed a copy of the Department's asbestos rules. The Accident Prevention Division of the Workers' Compensation Department also has asbestos regulations which you must follow. If you have any questions, please call Hr. Kevin McGrann in Portland at 229-5085, or toll-free at 1-800-452-4011 .

LH.S: b GA7015.L Enclosure(s) cc: Southwest Regional Office, DEQ

Coos Bay .Office, DEQ • Air Quality Division, DEQ Oregon Department of Justice Environmen'tal Protection Agency


Fred M. Bolton Administrator Regional Operations

Ylorkers' Compensation Dept., Accident Prevention Div., Sal eo Coos County Board of Commissioners Dr Gerald R. Bassett, Coos County Eeal th Department

Page 103: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and


.( '.

• . . .



Wendy Sims, Kevin McCrann AIR QUALITY DIVISION

Bruce A. Hammon~

DATE: February 23, 1987


SUBJECT: Asbestos Meeting Sun Plywood, Inc./Howell Enterprises Coos County

On February 19, 1987, a meeting was held between state agencies and the above parties with regard to the asbestos demolition project in North Bend. In attendance were Robin Lindenboom, Accident Prevention Division; Bruce Hammon, Department of Environ­mental Quality; Doug Howell, Howell Enterprises; and Don Trax, Sun Plywood, Inc. During this meeting Robin Lindenboom discussed safety .concerns applicable to the project. My function was to pass along Kevin McGrann's comments on environmental requirements. In summary, I discussed the following:

1) I advised both Howell and Trax the Department is considering formal action against them or their companies. I did not speculate on the nature of the action. I also advised them of rule requirements and that they are both responsible for corrective action.

2) In order to proceed with this project they must achieve the following:

Minimize extraneous standing water in the building by placing polyethylene plastic sheeting or other impermeable barrier material over the holes in the roof;

Offload the contaminated trailer, decontaminate and move the unit outside;

Any additional asbestos demolition must be performed in accordance with rules. Also, ·asbestos bag must be removed immediately, rather than allowing it to stand for extended periods;

Immediately halt any discharge of asbestos to state waters;

Vacuum freestanding water, solids, sludges containing asbestos fibers. Properly handle and bag as asbestos contaminated solids;

Clean all contaminated metal with amended water (surfactant) prior to salvaging;

Properly label asbestos bags and comply with ml thickness. Set up a staging area to isolate bags from contaminated zone. The isolation area is to be located between project and disposal trailer;

Cover truck in transit to disposal site;

Arrange for proper disposal of asbestos;

Page 104: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

Air Quality Division February 23, 1987

(" Page 2



Before the building is demolished and/or metals salvaged, Accident Prevention Division, and DEQ must conduct a joint inspection of the area to ensure proper decontamination;

Properly dispose of several thousand gallons of water contaminated with asbestos.

These concerns were discussed at length with Howell Enterprises and Sun Plywood, Inc. representatives Doug Howell and Don Trax. They both appeared to comprehend the requirements and indicated a willingness to comply with the rules. The Department must follow up to ensure these requirements are met, including periodic inspections by Portland DEQ staff. I refuse to enter the premises due to safety equipment concerns.

This office will assist with proper disposal of the asbestos, and disposal of asbestos contaminated water; however, compliance assurance is a program function that we must rely on in this situation. He hope Air Quality staff will maintain communications with all parties and periodically review progress through inspec­tions.

BAH:dmr cc: Gary Grimes, Southwest Region Office

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( 17








( 25








SUN PLYWOOD, INC., an Oregon corporation,



) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )

' ) ) )


This notice is being sent to Respondent, Sun Plywood, Inc., an Oregon

corporation, pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes ("ORS") 468.125(1) and

Oregon Administrative Rules ("OAR") Section 340-12-040 (1) and (2).


At all material times cited herein, Respondent Sun Plywood, Inc.,

ormed an abandoned steam plant IX>Werhouse building (hereinafter referred to

as "Building") located at 3201 Tremont, in North Bend, Oregon. On or about

April 21, 1986, Respondent Sun Plywood, Inc. contracted with Paul D.

Howell, doing business as Howell Enterprises to dismantle all or part of

the Building, including portions of the Building containing friable

asbestos material. Pursuant to OAR 340-25-465(4) and (10), Respondent is

required to comply with the Emissions Standards and Procedural Requirements

for Asbestos, as set forth in OAR 340-25-465.






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( 17








25 {




A. On or about January 30, 1987, Respondent violated OAR

31J0-25-465 ( 10 )(e), in that Respondent allowed open storage or accumulation

of friable asbestos material or asbestos-containing waste material at the


B. On or about January 30, 1987, Respondent violated

OAR'340-25-lJ65(4)(b)(A), in that Respondent failed to insure that friable

asbestos material was kept thoroughly wet so as to prevent the emission of

asbestos fibers into the ambient air, during all stages of demolition and


C. On or about January 30, 19.87, Respondent violated OAR

340-25-465(10)(b)(B), in that Respondent failed to store friable asbestos­

containing waste from the Building, in leak-tight containers such as

plastic bags with a minimum thickness of 6 mil, or fiber or metal drums.

D. On or about January 30, 1987, Respondent violated OAR

340-25-465(10)(d), in that Respondent failed to label containers of

asbestos-containing waste material from the Building, in the manner set

forth in OAR 340-25-465(10)(d).


If five (5) or more days after Respondent receives this notice, any

violation cited in Paragraph III of this notice continues, or any similar

violation occurs, the Department will impose upon Respondent a civil

penalty pursuant to Oregon statutes and OAR Chapter 340, Divisions 11 and

12. In the event that a civil penalty is imposed upon Respondent, it will

be assessed by a subsequent written notice, pursuant to ORS 468.135(1) and

(2), ORS 183.415(1) and (2), and OAR 340-11-100 and 340-12-070. Respondent


GA7015 .N

Page 107: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

1 will be given an opportunity for a contested case hearing to contest the

2 allegations and penalty assessed in that notice, pursuant to ORS Chapter

3 468.135(2) and (3), ORS Chapter· 183, and OAR Chapter 340, Division 11.

4 Respondent is not entitled to a contested case hearing at this time.







KAR 3., 1987 Fred M. Bolton, Administrator Regional Operations, DEQ

Certified Mail No. P 610 700 001 ~ 10 • • ':! . ~ 11



,, .I


l !

j .I



















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Department of Environmental Qu3lity 490 North Second Street

Coos Bay Branch· Southwest Region

Coos Bay, Oregon 97420 Telephone: (503) 269-2721 .. · =========================================~~~====================~=================

This form is to be filed prior to removal of ~sbestos from any structure. Refer to OAR 340-25-405(4). Send the completed form to nEQ at least ten (10) days before scheduled starting date. This does not apply to residential buildings with three or fewer dw~lling units. ====~=============================================================================

Contractor __ ~H~o~w~e~l~l~En~t~e~r~p~r=i~s=e~s ____________________________________ _

Contact Person Doug Hmvell

Address P.O. Box 1825

City Coos Bay State Oregon

Phone · 269-7313

Zip_ 97420

Building Description~s~t~e~am~~P~l~a~n~t~-----------------------------------

Address Sun Plyymod,

city North Bend 3201 Tremont County Coos

State Oregon Zip 97459 --------------


Description of i\sbestos Pipe insulatio~ Bat~t~i~n~s~u~l~a~t~i~oun ______________________ __ ')

Amount of Friable Asbestos (pipe ft or ft-, thickness) 1600 Cu. Ft.

Description of Removal Procedure_~et do'vn wi~0 water, remove, bag and tag

Scheduled Starting Date: 12/1/86__ Scheduled Completion Date. 1/1/87

Description of Asbestos Disposal ~lethoc.l Bury all bags at authorized dump

Disposal Site (prior permission of site operator required)Bracelin & Yeager

Building Owner /Operator Sun Pl}"vood

Address 3201 Tremont Phone 756-3141 ------------~----------------------------------

City North Bend State Oregon Zip 97459 ------=-~------- ---~~~--------------



cc: Air Quality Division, DEQ

Date Notice Received 01(C{~~7 EPA Jurisdiction? ----------------

State Accident Prevention Division_l.1;.J.BQFQeJLJ Offi.ce. · APD phone on _____ _

DEQ Inspector f31t t113 l/L1~---- Phone ________ _

NIDR. S (9/84) flfl:tm..-u\- 'fD ~Cr ~~llJ} ~lki) Ol. Ill /~l

Page 109: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and




Department of Environmental Qu3lity 490 North Second Street Coos Bay, Oregon 97420

_..,...--""'--..,_'- e..-r-. -J - ;rJ'v~e ~ ;+u./c//)~v.

~!O'fLFIC\TlOi( )ll~l /i/.11/{.,ltc..- c?trn'-j' ?r~~ 11- )-.r:.c

Coos Bay Branch Southwest Region

Telephone: (503) 269-2721 ================~===========~=============~=======================================

This form is to be filed prior to rc1nov:-~l o( ;J!;I>el-itos from any structure. Refer to OAR 340-25-405(4), Send the completed fonu to DEQ at least ten (10) days before scheduled starting date. This docs not aJlply to residential buildings with three or fewer dwelling units. ====~=============================================================================

Contractor __ ~H~o_w~e~l~l_E~n~t~e~r~p~r~i~s~e~s-

Contact Person Doug Howell

Address P.O. Box 1825

City Coos Bay

Phone · 269-7313

State Oregon ___ .Zip_ 97420

Building Description~S~t~e~am~~P=l~an~t~-----------------------------------------------Address Sun PlYJvood, _3201 Tremont ____________ County Coos

City North Bend s ta tc _ dr~~on Zip 97459


Description of Asbestos Pipe insulatiOD~tt~l~·n~s~u~l~a~tAi~on~----------------------­

Amount of Friable Asbestos (pipe ft -~r ft 2 , thickness) 1600 CU. Ft.

Description of Removal Procedure Wet dmvn with water, remove, bag and tag

Scheduled Starting Date: J2/JL86__ Scheduled Completion Date· l/1/87

Description of Asbestos Disposal Hethod Bury all bags at authorized dump

Disposal Site (prior permission of site operator required)Bracelin & Yeager

Building Owner/Operator Sun Plywood

Address 3201 Tremont Phone 756-3141

City North Bend State Oregon Zip 97459



cc: Air Quality Division, DEQ

Date Notice Received t//~;15~ EPA Jurisdiction? --------

State Accident Prevention Division f/Uf11£t!f!!/tJ Office. APD phone on ___ _

DEQ lnspec tor 11!/IH /11t1J) Phone 1kf- Z.1'Z-I

t.Jt1t ~ t11tf' &r 111fl!f'( ftfV.!t/fttttv/ tB!irJ tt~tLL. JV~r !Jflr{(!f llfl) t/tttt~ F'.ftlf--cr NIDR.S (9784) · State of Oregon

/ /IJ)~Etfl~} flY' fir!(} 15/f{C[)Jt!Ufc,'Oi/cKJ DEPARTM£NT ~F ENVIRONMENTAL_~UALITY

~ 76. Ro/311! {llJlW&M-1 liM . 10) r~ @ ~ 0 '![/ ~ [ID MJJtJY ::5iP4s A~tt-lbR!Z.Iff(J/J- ·· UU ,-~-.:.Nov 2 !± 1986

........ '. ·.




.. I '

Page 110: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and




Department of Environmental Qunlity 490 r-;orth Second Street Coufi B~y. Oregon 97420

Coos Bay Branch Southwest Region

T~lephonc: (503) 269-2721 ==== =======:.:=::-::..======;;:==.:....:.:===-= =====·-.:-;~==== :- .:. •;; ~=-::. :·...: -: = .- .·.;:-::=== :.:===-=-=================~::~=====

This form is Lo be filed prior tu r~.:mov.1.l lll :::l·t.:slus ft·u:n any structure. Refer to OAR 340-25-40)(/+). Sl!nd the cn~lpll!i:cd foru tu 1:!·:1.~ :1t lc.:1st tt.!O (10) days before scheduled starting date. Tl:i:; dPc!; not ni':,ly r.: r~.·:;.i.,kntial buildings .,.,.ith three or fewer dw~lling unitK. ====~==•===============~========~==~====~~~·==== ·=~==~~===============~===========a

Contractor Ibwell Enterprises ··-·---------·--· -------------Contact Per!"on Doug IIO\~el.=l __ _ _______ , ______ _Phone · 269-7313

Address P.O. Box 1825;...__ ___ _

City Coos Buy s Ll t c __Q_regQD _______ Zir_ 97420

Building De script ion_ Steam Plant ... ------.---.. ·---

Address_~un PlY'vOodL-32Q.L1'remg;.l~-----·--· County _ _,_c.....,a ..... o....,s'--------

Cit}• North Bend Stat'· ... ~:.:~~------Zip __ 9_7_4_5_9 ______ _


Descript:io.n of Asbestos Pipe insulatioD.L .. Bat.UnspLat .. ·.>o<U------------·~

Amount of Frinble .\sbestos (pipe ft or ft:", th ic.kncss) __ l_6_0_0_cu_._F_t_. _____ _

______________________ .. _____ _

Was project site inspected by APD personnel? X Yes --.- No If no, check reason: contractor, · jurisdiction, late notice, SIZe,

other. --No \Vas asbestos present?

Nas project completed in conform~nce with APD rules? Was project completed in conformance with DEQ rules?

....)S_ Yes Yes :X::. No*

.)L No* Yes ~Yes* No

Yes* No Was follow-up action required? Is further action by DEQ indicated?

Name of A PD Inspector ___.L~_,;_..n'-'-"d::...-..e..-_._r.'---"'~-'6:;..;D~""'"'~-------------~Please explain marked items. Use back or additional sheets as necessary. citations issued should be included.

A copy of any ·

R~~vt1-J ;c; ih~6rr~c..~d~~ ~S' >~v-f ([--e...J. +"'a~~J); f(-e.....,; .... Wlc. Cr ... ,_ ...


... J>


fD)rn®rn~wrg!Rl U0 APR - 3 1987 L!-U

Page 111: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

<;"~ fi, ft• ~EClUEST FOR CHECK '

NO. ___ _

\..(./ Q. 'I J2, ... ~ "1. ~ ..... ~ .j' ~ 2.. :> C' F'AYASU:: ro _________________ OAT&: ---f-t----tsa~





- I I , I


.... ,._ Q ..,, ..... CAl.&. C .,.....,,_ U ~-'"1110

:tllfUVWit' TO e"P . ( I MI~REGON PRINnNG FORM J0.572

~ Jc ooa-J




=~: :. :, ;.,::_~::_:):i~~·=::·~<-~:.:~,:::~L~ .:;~;;;#~:,~~;j=~>-,{:.:::i;,::;>. · ~-·::_::.::~.-;::::::,::/ ~: ~::::,~. ~:~~-\:·:::,::.:::~,; .. :::;:.:,:::::.::::i,::,::.:;::; ::::.:_, ::.;;~~-~-; ::.: · .::: .. ·. : ::: .-.~ . ·::·;:.~::::,,. =:::;.::k};(;::;;",~::::;:::: :·:/:"'=~

I ( l-· '

Page 112: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and


Date __ :;_/ I a OJ I

TO __ ~.,..osLl.l~) ,J"""'---1-L--C..:!.b__,_i~h!:---=.....;O o_D__····-.,....-------' . . y! P.~-.-~~4'--

··-· 19

Dear Sir:


tioned in the abovt' ?ropu:;al. fnr ·.vhi<.h ...

said proposal, and according to rhe r.crms thcrvot. (


!J ace-------------- 't:';

AlONE"\ FORM ~l(l. ){)-250 ·"', ., T" r! 1 ... , ,..;. •

Page 113: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and


r·· Parties a

Howell Enterprises 1865 Penny Boulevard Coos Bay, Oregon 97 4 2 0

hereafter called •contractor"

Sun Plywood, Inc.

North Bend, Oregon 97459

hereafter called "Owner"


A. Owner is the owner or certain real property located in North Bend, Coos County, Oregon which comprises land, buildings and a business engaged in the manufacture ot plywood.

B. Contractor and Owner desire to enter into an agreement whereby Contractor shall dismantle certain bulldlngs and materials from Owner's real property.

c. Contractor and Owner wish to set f<X"th their understanding in writing.


1. DE3CRIPTION OP WORK. Contractor agrees to remove the entire Powerhouse

Building along with lts contents and completely remove the wood buildings just

( north of the Powerhouse BuUdlng over to· the Veneer Lathe Building. Contractor

shall completely remove the Peeler Block Log Haul up to the Veneer Lathe Building

and shall remove the veneer trays, as per Owner's instructions, Inside the Veneer

Lathe Building. All concrete fmmdatlons are to remain In place. These buildings

are all located on Owner's real property in North Bend, Oregon.

2. SALVAGE RIGHTS. All materials, motors, machinery, lumber. wood materials and

steel in, on, ~ attached to the above stated buildings or machinery shall be the . .

property of Contractor, with the exception of materials retained by Owner and

miscellaneous steel beams which have been previously described, discussed and

agreed upon between Contractor and Owner.


Page 114: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

3, TERM. Contractor shall commence work within 6 days from the date of this

Agreement and stbstantially complete the dismantling on or befcre the / day

( of dA rJ , 19 Q At all times, Owner shall have access to the work area

for purposes of inspecting the progress. The above time can be extended upon

mutual agreement of the parties.


4. INSURANCE. Contractor will provide proof of liability insurance in an amount of

not less than $500,000 and Contractor shall be responsible fer all state and federal

taxes on Contractor's employees. Contractor shall further, at Contractor's expense

and cost, obtain and maintain Insurance as required under the Workmen's

Compensation Act. Contractor agrees to provide. upon Owner's request, a piece of

equipment with a !air market value of ~~I!M~l""Jre perf<rmanae of this

contract. ~ (_~

5. PERMITS. In perfcrme.nce of the work, Contractor shall obtain at Contractor's

expense, all necessary permits and comply with all applicable laws, ordinances,

state or federal together with building codes and regulations or any public authority

and be responsible for any infraction or violation and any e.xpense or damage

resulting from any infraction or violation. Contractor shall indemnify and hold

Owner harmless from any penal tl es, fines, claims or damages which may result

from acts or omissions of Contractor. Contractor shall obtain any and all permits

necessary fa- the disposition of any asbestos and/or oil spills.

5, DISPOSITION OF PCB'S. It is mutuallly tmderstood and agreed that the disposition

of any equipment containing PCB's shall be Owner•s responsibility. Contractor

agrees that Contractor will cooperate with Owner in such dlsposi tlon. Contractor

shall exercise all precautions to prevent the spilling of the insulating fluids

containing PCB's and, in the event any spill thereof caused by Contractor,

Cootractor shall be responsible fa- the same.

7. PERSONNEL. At no time shall Contractor or any of Contractor's subcontractors

em ploy on the job any unfit person or anyone not skilled in the. work assigned to

him. Any employee adjudged by Owner to be incompetent or unfit, immediately

shall be discharged and shall not be employed again on the job .. Should Contractor,

at any time, be adjudged bankrupt or should a receiver be appointed for


Page 115: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and



11. ASSIGNMENT. Neither party to this contract shall assign lts interest herein In whole or In part without the written consent of the other, except that Contractor

may subcontract such work hereunder that may be necessary upon notification to

and consent of Owner.




AGREEMENT - Ptiie 4.

Page 116: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

,_)l~.ii f i :j WUU\j.

ami S'I'UCS, INC. . WORK ORDER r· --------------------------r- ----------~--------------~-----------------------

**************************** SHORT DESCRIPTION CoadrxtRzk N4K 4«-s-&n ( ~n1~VtV *OFFICE USE ONLY • ( ATE SUBMITTED 9b~

SUBMITTED BY ~~ ' ~~phf PROJECT MANAGER /.),,~;; ct1ftf


ASSIGNED TO --------------------------~--------

COPIES TO --------------------------------------


I --~~~--


*TITLE * --------------------.. *EXPENSE MAJOR ILl 10-1'--Z<l ..



*START ________ FINISH __________ *




APPROVED · ~r IJ{ Jl Lw DATE APPROVED __ ~\~---------------

Page 117: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

: .. ~


a;r· """& INCORPORATED t4 ~l. 01;5 4 ..... ~tRoad STATEMENT ot~ Grove, Oregon 97424


RECEIVED 0 CT 2 0 1988


• Sun Plywood

• 3201 'l"r:eBont North Bend, Oregon 97549

• Attn: Dan lleybt:ight

o..toch and Rft\lm This Stub- With Remittonc& Anot. Reooittood $·-------

l.0/14&15 Proper removal. and disposal. of asbest s

contajnjng material in the insulation

j acltets. of 6. tanks located in the Sun

PLywood plant at 3201 Tremont,

North Bend, Oregon. $6,960.00

A??RCVED rCF{ ?:).. YMENT:

PURCHASE. OBDE& #242 ?.,;:; :; ----:::Jy· ~--­~j.,~ ,&'AccT.~ -~...:;;.,:.;::r::::.:::..._ __

PAID lltV21818. 5T CC: o79-l

PURCHASE t¢g 0242




i I



b I \ASE~

l l







_.._ ..

~ --- ·-~- ;.

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( (


"'·.· . . l

Ap~il 8, 1987

To: Don Trax Doug Howell

Following are notes of our meeting on Monday, April 7, 1987, on additional Sun Plywood, Inc. costs associated with removing asbestos from the abandoned powerhouse:


1. Abatement Contractor "HAZCON"

2. Howell Enterprises Labor and Material to secure outside of building, build Decon center and bag room. Includes cost of 4 physicals for Howell employees

3. Respirators and training materials

4. One-half the cost for safety supplies included on the attached list.

5. Filtering contaminated water







(to be decided at later date)


All other costs, including such items as a hot water heater for the decon shower, material and labor for asbestos removal and disposal, washdown and collection of water etc. are the responsibility of Howell Enterprises.

j)tPJL" tay~-d Dan Heybright

cc: Fred Sohn

Page 119: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

..... ·.


1. Tyvec Coveralls- 20 boxes@ $50.45 2. Tyvec Hoods - 2 cases @ $45.00 3. Respirators - 4 @ $10.00 4. Cartridges - 100 @ $2.25 5. Fiber seal -6. Serfactant 7 gallons @ $7.44 7. Germicidal detergent- 1 gallon $7.52 8. Asbestos warning sighs 4@ $8.75 9. Asbestos warning tape

10. Goggles- 8@ $1.43 11. Type C respirator masks 2@ $136.25


$1,009.00 90.00 40.00

225.00 332.00 52.08 7.52

35.00 20.46 11.44



Page 120: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and




Received By -----------------------------


Owner's Address

Fire Extinguishers - OK 0 Have Serviced 0

Compliance Date

Failure to correct the above conditions wut make you liable to prosecution. Should fire result from such conditions, you may be liable for damages to persons or property under provisions of ORS 479.190 and/or fire and life safety codes adopted by the City of North Bend.

Number&? I Dat<I'CJ-S t,;'·)?" Inspected by /I'~

WP 276133 Re·inspection Date

Page 121: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and







Deu Sir:

{to/ 8EPTEM8ER 23, 1968 #6040

hupection by the North Bend Fl:e Depa.rtment reveal. certain condition• in the pramiou owned or occupied by you


Under the oto.te lite ma.roho.l lo.w it becomu the duty of thll office to order thet all fire huuda be eliminated. The

report ahowa that cemln defect.. exbt &nd the lollowinq lnatructiona ue qiven:





When 7e lnatruction1 have b .. n complied with, kindly notify ll.l. by llqnlng and returning thia.

Slgud:.rj·t···-W::t----C2J2"t!~i;,";······················· Slgned ••••••• ~~-;{;?pi~-j-~----·--······················

To North Bend Fire Deputment North Bend, OriiiJOil 97459

The above instruction• have been complied with.


DAle ..•........••.................•.....•.•.

Siqned: ...............................•.•.................................... Properly Owner, Agent, or Tenant


Page 122: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

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Page 123: SITE ASSESSMENT FOR SUN PLYWOOD - deq.state.or.us layup lines, two presses, ... procedure Plywood manufacturin9, ... Who has responsibility for safe receipt, storage and

rf' liD Plywood Site ~ Jtowing Devices and Materials Analyzed

Press Pits Recycling

Equipment oil pallets and

aggregate waste oil drums

water based patches and

N. Lot oil trap 3 tank aggregate and water softening salt

,----i Various useable oils and greases

::;..r--...; Clays, potting materials, patch, casting powders, silica, balance polymers