If I had one superpower, it would be: Telekinesis! For Cash, having a brother with cancer was pretty scary. Especially when he first learned his big brother Sully was diagnosed with a brain tumor called medulloblastoma. When Sully spent time in the hospital, Cash really missed him and having a playmate. As a middle child, he stepped up to be a role model for his younger brother, Finn. Now Sully is home and getting stronger each day, and Cash still has a brave, positive outlook! His pet bunny, Rosey, makes him happy. Petting Rosey helps when Cash wants to feel relaxed or needs to calm down. One of his favorite memories with his hero Sully was riding a giant wooden see-saw on vacation in Arizona. Favorite Color: Red Age: 9 Dream Job: Architect FALL/WINTER 2018 Meet SuperSib: CASHEL Future you is very proud of who you are right now, SuperSib! Capture all that you are facing, working on, and accomplishing by writing a letter to yourself. Answer the questions below, or come up with your own. When you’re done, seal it in an envelope and put it away for a year or two. Or – you can mail it to SuperSibs and we will mail it back to you in September of 2019! When you open your letter, take time to reflect on how you’ve grown and changed over the last year. What are you good at doing? What is difficult for you? What is one new thing that you want to try? How will you stay positive if something doesn’t work out on the first try? What is one thing that scares you? What are your goals in the next year? How will you feel when you achieve your goals? Dear Future Me: Sincerely, Present Me For more SuperSib stories and to submit your own, visit SuperSibs.org Seal your letter in an envelope with your address on the front. Place it in another envelope and send it to SuperSibs at 111 Presidential Blvd #203-Attn: SuperSibs, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 Across: 1. failed, 2. never, 3. solve, 4. new, 5. scared, 6. weak, 7. hard, 8. quit Down: 1. learn, 2. yet, 3. brave, 4. problem, 5. succeed, 6. new, 7. help, 8. anything Crossword Puzzle Ansers: “Our fate lives within us, you only have to be brave enough to see it.” - Merida from Disney’s Brave Serving Sibl ings of Children with Cancer Powered by: Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation Are You Afraid to Try Something Yes That’s ok. What are you going to do next??? Think About It... I’m afraid to fail Give up I’m afraid others will judge me What Everyone fails at something sometime. It’s a part of life and you will learn from it! Now go try it! Now go and do it! AMAZING! Why No Try it anyway!

S˚˛˝iˆˇ˘S iˆˇ ˘C d h n Are You Afraid to Try Something

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Page 1: S˚˛˝iˆˇ˘S iˆˇ ˘C d h n Are You Afraid to Try Something

If I had one superpower, it would be: Telekinesis!

For Cash, having a brother with cancer was pretty scary. Especially when he fi rst learned his big brother Sully was diagnosed with a brain tumor called medulloblastoma. When Sully spent time in the hospital, Cash really missed him and having a playmate. As a middle child, he stepped up to be a role model for his younger brother, Finn.

Now Sully is home and getting stronger each day, and Cash still has a brave, positive outlook! His pet bunny, Rosey, makes him happy. Petting Rosey helps when Cash wants to feel relaxed or needs to calm down. One of his favorite memories with his hero Sully was riding a giant wooden see-saw on vacation in Arizona.

Favorite Color: Red

Age: 9

Dream Job: Architect


Meet SuperSib: CASHEL

Future you is very proud of who you are right now, SuperSib! Capture all that you are facing, working on, and accomplishing by writing a letter to yourself. Answer the questions below, or come up with your own. When you’re done, seal it in an envelope and put it away for a year or two.

Or – you can mail it to SuperSibs and we will mail it back to you in September of 2019!

When you open your letter, take time to refl ect on how you’ve grown and changed over the last year.

What are you good at doing?

What is diffi cult for you?

What is one new thing that you want to try?

How will you stay positive if something doesn’t work out on the fi rst try?

What is one thing that scares you?

What are your goals in the next year?

How will you feel when you achieve your goals?

Dear Future Me:

Sincerely, Present Me

For more SuperSib stories and to submit your own, visit SuperSibs.orgSeal your letter in an envelope with your address on the front. Place it in another envelope and send it to SuperSibs at

111 Presidential Blvd #203-Attn: SuperSibs, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004


ss: 1. failed, 2. never, 3. solve, 4. new, 5. scared, 6. w

eak, 7. hard, 8. quitD


n: 1. learn, 2. yet, 3. brave, 4. problem

, 5. succeed, 6. new, 7. help, 8. anything



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“Our fate lives within us, you only have to be brave enough to see it.”- Merida from Disney’s Brave

Serving Siblings of Children with Cancer

Powered by: Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation

Are You Afraid to Try Something


That’s ok.What are you going to do


Think About It...

I’m afraid to fail

Give up

I’m afraid others will judge me


Everyone fails at something

sometime. It’s a part of life and

you will learn from it!

Now go try it!

Now go and do it!




Try it anyway!

Page 2: S˚˛˝iˆˇ˘S iˆˇ ˘C d h n Are You Afraid to Try Something

“ I b e l i e v e i n m y # s e l f i e ” . Draw your selfie in the cell phone and finish the three sentences below:




Crossword Puzzle: There are two sides to everything! Below are two sets of phrases: one is encouraging, one is discouraging.

= irst ttempt n earning

1. Mistakes mean that I _ _ _ _ _ _. 2. I will _ _ _ _ _ figure this out. 3. I can’t _ _ _ _ _ this problem. 4. I can’t try _ _ _ things. 5. I am _ _ _ _ _ _ to try something new. 6. Asking for help makes me feel _ _ _ _. 7. I can’t do _ _ _ _ things. 8. If I don’t succeed right away, I will _ _ _ _.


1. Mistakes help me _ _ _ _ _ and grow. 2. I haven’t figured it out _ _ _. 3. I am _ _ _ _ _ enough to try something new. 4. I am a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ solver. 5. If I don’t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ right away, I will try again. 6. I like to try _ _ _ things. 7. I can ask for _ _ _ _ when I need it. 8. I can learn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !


The “across” phrases are thoughts you may have when you’re struggling or trying some-thing that’s difficult and new.

The “down” phrases are ways to think differently about those thoughts!

Fill in the blanks and write the answers in the puzzle. Answer key is on the back cover (don’t peek!).

S u p e r S i b s w a n t s t o h e a r f r o m y o u !

N o w w h a t ’ s s t o p p i n g y o u ? Don’t let the fear of failing hold you back!

Answer the questions below:

What would you do?

What would you try?

If I knew I couldn’t fail, I would...

Email us at [email protected] or add us on SnapChat with your parent’s permission @ALSFSuperSibs


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WORDBANK: brave, new, learn, never, help, weak, problem, failed, anything, solve, quit, scared, yet, new, hard, succeed













