FADE IN: White cloth rustles. The bed SQUEAKS and a LEGGY BLOND MOANS. HANDSOME MAN (OS) Oh God! Oh God! The woman SCREAMS and silence descends upon the room. A match is STRUCK. INT. GENERIC HOTEL ROOM – DAY An open Bible and a vibrator lie next to each other on a night stand. A white sheet partially covers a man and woman as they lie apart from one another in bed. The handsome, early 50’s man with dark hair and distant eyes smokes as they both stare at the ceiling. HANDSOME MAN I need a shower. INSIDE THE SHOWER The man vigorously scrubs himself. LEGGY BLOND (OS) What’s wrong? HANDSOME MAN You know what’s wrong. I can’t do this anymore. LEGGY BLOND (OS) Not that again. Last month, last week, and the week before that!!

Sin City (original screenplay, not the movie)

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This is the first attempt at a screenplay by two budding writers (myself and a friend).This was done long before the movie by the same name was released - the screenplay and the movie have nothing to do with one another.Enjoy!

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Page 1: Sin City (original screenplay, not the movie)


White cloth rustles. The bed SQUEAKS and a LEGGY BLOND MOANS.


The woman SCREAMS and silence descends upon the room. A match is STRUCK.


An open Bible and a vibrator lie next to each other on a night stand.

A white sheet partially covers a man and woman as they lie apart from one another in bed. The handsome, early 50’s man with dark hair and distant eyes smokes as they both stare at the ceiling.

HANDSOME MANI need a shower.


The man vigorously scrubs himself.

LEGGY BLOND (OS)What’s wrong?

HANDSOME MANYou know what’s wrong. I can’t do this anymore.

LEGGY BLOND (OS)Not that again. Last month, last week, and the week before that!!

(angrily)Why do I even bother to try? Tell you what, you just give me a call when you can do this again.

A door SLAMS shut.

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Opening the shower door, the man grabs a towel and quickly begins to dry off.



The Handsome man looks at himself in the mirror.

HANDSOME MANThat’s it! No more! ...and I’m going to make it stick this time.

He begins to shave.

HANDSOME MAN (OS)Have mercy upon me, O Lord according to thy Loving Kindness...


The face of the man behind the pulpit belongs to the Handsome Man. He’s wearing the vestments of a priest. His name is FATHER BARTHOLOMEW RILEY.

FATHER RILEY ...according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions.

The church is filled with penitents. The choir listens humbly. Light streams through colorful stained glass windows.

FATHER RILEY (OS)Wash me thoroughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin.

Father Riley completes the prayer.


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For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me. Let us pray.

Father Riley closes his prayer book, and bows his head. The congregation bows and prays.

FATHER RILEY AND CONGREGATIONOur Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name...


Super: “San Diego, California”Below the “CHURCH OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION” inscription, Father Riley shakes the hands of his parishioners as they depart.

VINNIE, a gold-chain sporting, forty-five year old Italian stud, and his gorgeous wife BABY are in line in front of Father Riley. Vinnie is on the phone and Baby is listening to a Walkman.

A smallish BODYGUARD on crutches follows Vinnie.

FATHER RILEYHello Vinnie. How’s the family?

Vinnie stops the flow of his thick Italian accent for a second, moving the cell phone away from his mouth. He shakes hands with Father Riley.

VINNIEIt’s a big family...

FATHER RILEYWhat about those twin sisters of yours – the Sisters of Mercy?

VINNIESister Catherine is still teaching...and Sister Toni...Momma said she left El Salvador and transferred to Nicaragua. She goes for excitement, that one.

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FATHER RILEYGlad they’re well. See you next Sunday.

Vinnie’s entourage shakes hands with Father Riley and they move on.

JOHN and DARLA, a poorly aging middle-aged couple, drag their two fighting children towards the priest.

FATHER RILEYWelcome! I don’t remember seeing you before. Are you visiting?

JOHN (slowly)

Well, Father... actually we just moved here... to San Diego... from Ioway.

DARLA (quickly)

We really love it here already!

Darla manhandles her two children over and makes them say hello to Father.

FATHER RILEYWonderful! I’ll look forward to seeing you next week.

Two women in their early thirties shake Father Riley’s hand. They are lesbians, but you’d never know it. MARY is tall and could be a model, FRANCES is nearly as tall, and looks like the girl next door.

FRANCESLoved that passage from the book of Ester.

MARY“…to show the people and the princes her beauty: for she was fair to look upon.”

Frances and Mary laugh and look at one another coyly.

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After the last member of the congregation files through the line, Father Riley walks into the darkness of the church and closes the two large double doors behind him.


Behind the stage, Father Riley stands talking with late-fifties ARCHBISHOP DeSALIVINI.

ARCHBISHOP (slight Italian accent)

We’ve come a long way since our Vietnam days haven’t we?

FATHER RILEYThat was certainly hell on earth. I don’t even like to think about it.

ARCHBISHOPIt got you here though, didn’t it.

FATHER RILEYThanks to you ‘Chaplain’.

Several men are preparing the stage for a speech.

ARCHBISHOPAnd in all this time, you never wanted to climb the ladder. Always happy to serve the people.

FATHER RILEYI enjoy it more. Whereas you seem to really enjoy this Bishop business.

ARCHBISHOPI do. Of course, I’d really like become Cardinal...move to Rome one day and be part of the Pope’s inner circle. Wouldn’t that be something?


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I can see you there. Maybe I’d come visit!

The auditorium is filling up with Priests.

ARCHBISHOPI should hope! Hey, it looks like we should find out about our bet in a day or two.

FATHER RILEYThis legal battle has been a long one. I think you’re going to lose.


The men complete the stage setup and step off stage. The Archbishop looks at his watch.

ARCHBISHOPSeems to be time to tell the lads about the Pope’s visit.

FATHER RILEYHave fun. Lunch this week?


Father Riley turns and walks away as the Archbishop takes the stage.


Inside a crowded courtroom, CINDY SCHAEFER, a forty-two year old classic beauty wearing a security uniform, sits in the front row. Next to her is STEPHEN and YOLANDA, the sharply dressed owners of Sen City.

SUPER: “Las Vegas, Nevada”

On the other side of the room sit several Bishops and attorneys.

The judge walks in and everyone rises.

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The judge takes his seat and opens an envelope. He removes a sheet of paper and reads from it.

JUDGEAfter much deliberation with regard to the injunction concerning the opening of the Adult-oriented theme park, Sen City, this court has found no existing precedence of similar cause. Thus it is the finding of thiscourt that case number NV4337-8 is, therefore, dismissed due to lack ofcurrent precedence. Sen City may beopened as planned.

Cheering erupts from the crowd. Cindy jumps for joy as the couple hugs.

On the other side of the room, the Bishops bow their heads in defeat.


Cindy shoves reporters away from the sharply dressed couple as they head down the Courthouse stairs and into the waiting limousine.

Cindy gets into the limo last. The limo drives away.


A blue Honda Accord drives north along the ribbon of highway. The Pacific dances with the rocky shoreline.


Father Riley is driving. The sole occupant of the car, he’s wearing street clothes. Puts a cigarette in his mouth twice then throws it out the window.

He scans radio stations. Distracted by a group of young women, he doesn’t notice the female voice advertising Sen City in Spanish. Mexican music plays and he changes stations again.

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The Honda pulls into a nearly empty parking lot.


Father Riley kneels..

FATHER RILEYBless me Father for I have sinned. My last confession was four weeks ago.

OLD PRIESTMay the Lord be with you.

FATHER RILEYForgive me Father, for I’ve taken the Lord’s name in vain twice.

OLD PRIESTGo on my son.

FATHER RILEYForgive me Father, for I lied once.


FATHER RILEYAnd... well... I’ve fornicated 7 times!

OLD PRIESTOh my. Anything else?

FATHER RILEYNo. Father, that’s all.

OLD PRIESTVery well. May the Lord bless you and keep you holy. That will be 2 Hail Mary’s and 3 Our Fathers.


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Father Riley kneels at a pew near the back of the church with his head bowed, praying.

FATHER RILEY... but deliver us from evil. Amen.

The old priest leaves the confessional and walks down the aisle. He looks at Father Riley.


The old priest watches the Honda drive away.


In a 50’s looking kitchen, Father Riley sits at the end of the dining table reviewing papers. His MERRY OLD IRISH HOUSEKEEPER fusses about the stove, cooking him breakfast.

The phone RINGS and the Housekeeper answers it.

MERRY OLD IRISH HOUSEKEEPERSounds like that lawyer chap.

Father Riley listens a moment. The housekeeper pretends to continue cooking while listening to Father Riley’s conversation..


He straightens his papers.

FATHER RILEYWill there be another appeal?

He takes a drink of coffee.

FATHER RILEYThe Archbishop thinks the place never should have been allowed to be built in the first place.

The housekeeper brings him a plate. He begins to eat.

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FATHER RILEYThanks for all your efforts.

He hangs up the phone and hands it back to the Housekeeper. She puts it back on its cradle.


FATHER RILEYYes. That adult theme park has been approved.

MERRY OLD IRISH HOUSEKEEPERSo you win the bet, eh?

FATHER RILEYI do indeed. I had a feeling it would be approved. People today just don’t see sex the way the Church does. But the Archbishop is not going to be a very happy man. He thinks it’s a Sodom and Gomorrah waiting to happen.

MERRY OLD IRISH HOUSEKEEPERAnd how would he know Laddie?

She flicks him with a towel.

FATHER RILEYGood point! Can’t tell him that though. I’ll bet he sure is ticked off! I better let somebody else tell him or he’ll have my head on a platter!


As the Archbishop drinks a cup of coffee sitting at his desk, his ASSISTANT hands him a sheet of paper.

ASSISTANTJust came off the fax, sir.


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“May 1st, 2004. SEN CITY WINS LEGAL BATTLE. OPENS TOMORROW!! A new adult theme park is slated to open just outside of Las Vegas, Nevada.”


The Archbishop nearly throws his coffee cup back onto its saucer with a CRASH. Coffee spills on the desk and drips onto the floor. The Archbishop pushes himself away from the desk shaking the paper.

The Assistant begins to clean up.

ARCHBISHOPDid you see this... this... abomination?


The Archbishop gets out of his chair and walks over to the window.

ARCHBISHOPThey approved the opening of that Sodom and Gomorrah theme park! Sin! They even call it Sin City! Can you imagine? Who thinks of these things??

ASSISTANTI don’t know sir. It’s actually S-E-N sir.

The Archbishop grabs his golf club from the bag in the corner.

ARCHBISHOPI don’t care how it’s spelled - it’s evil! That’s what it is! Inside my diocese no less! We’ve tried everything to stop it. First they won the legal battle to build it, now they’re going to open it!

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He swings the club back and forth like a sword.

ARCHBISHOPThe Pope is coming in six days! Do you realize what this means? I’ll be the laughing stock of the Vatican if he sees this cesspool... this pit of filth and corruption.

He looks over to see the assistant cleaning up the last of the spilled coffee. He stops swinging the club.

ARCHBISHOP (quietly)

Unless... Sin City is wiped off the face of the earth.

The assistant steps away from the desk.


The Archbishop sits back down in his desk chair.

ARCHBISHOP (reaching for the phone)

Never mind. Go get me some more coffee.


Vinnie sits in the back at a round booth with a cell phone stuck to his ear. Baby sits next to him, applying makeup, listening to a Walkman and singing along.

Several other family members crowd the noisy table. The wall behind the table is covered with pictures of various Popes and the Archbishop. Every male family member at the table is talking on a cell phone. MOMMA heads the table.

VINNIEHow’s my hotel? What do you mean the hit went bad? I told you just how to do it! What the fuck is wrong with you?

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Vinnie’s BODYGUARD limps to the table and pours him a beer. Vinnie ignores the Bodyguard.

VINNIEI’m gonna have to come up there to Vegas and show you myself ain’t I?

Vinnie pulls the phone from his ear, POUNDS his hand on the table and yells at the group.

VINNIEShut up already!

Vinnie plugs his left ear with his left hand. The Bodyguard cuts Vinnie’s meat and puts a piece in his mouth.

VINNIEOK. I’ll be there tomorrow. You got tickets to Sen City? Good, but I still might have to kill ya. You’re an imbecile!

He throws the phone down. He pushes his way out of the booth, kisses Momma on the cheek, and starts to walk out the door. Baby and the Bodyguard follow.


Cindy stands in line at the betting booth. Next to her is PUNK GIRL, early thirties free spirit. The chalkboard behind the cashier shows a variety of odds, including Xavier, at 70-1.

CINDYGive me 10K on Xavier to win.

The cashier raises his eyebrow, questioning.

CINDYYou heard me – he’ll win, I know it!


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A race finishes. Cindy and Punk Girl stand near the railing with a clear view of the track.

Xavier and the other horses line up for the race.

The gun sounds and they’re off!

Cindy stares intently at the action.

Xavier pulls out to an early lead.

He’s overtaken around the track.

Down the stretch Xavier is neck and neck with two other horses.

Xavier loses by a nose.

Cindy sits down in disbelief as the crowd exits around her. Punk girl puts her hand on Cindy’s knee, comforting her.


Father Riley is wearing his clerical costume alone in the car. He drives fast and erratically as he talks on the phone.

FATHER RILEYNo, I’m not coming over. I told you that was the last time!

He barely stops at a red light in time.

FATHER RILEYBecause I’m a priest, dammit! I said no!

He speeds away with the green light.

FATHER RILEYI know I’ve said that before – this time I really mean it!

The phone beeps and Father Riley looks down at it then puts it back to his ear.

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FATHER RILEYI’ve got to take this call. I’ll talk to you later. No – wait! I won’t talk to you later! Goodbye!!

He pushes a button on the phone. Listens for a moment.

FATHER RILEYYes, of course Archbishop. I’m actually in the car now. I can be there in a half hour.

As he throws the phone to the seat, red lights appears behind him and a SIREN sounds. He pulls over and hits the steering wheel in frustration.


The Archbishop and Father Riley walk along a flagstone path. The Archbishop carries gold handled scissors.

ARCHBISHOPSo Sin City opens tomorrow?

FATHER RILEYYeah. Sen City. I guess I win the bet.

The Archbishop reaches over to a rosebush and cuts two roses.

ARCHBISHOPYou did. But I’m not in the mood, Bartholomew. This place can not be allowed to taint my people. Since all else has failed, I have a new plan. But I need someone I can trust, really trust. I can trust you, can’t I?

He hands the roses to Father Riley, who gets pricked by a thorn.

FATHER RILEYOuch! Of course you can.

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ARCHBISHOPGood. The Pope will be here in six days.

(cuts several more roses) Sin City must be destroyed!

Father Riley looks down at the roses in his hand.

FATHER RILEYDestroyed? What on earth are you talking about?

ARCHBISHOPI’m talking about the wrathful vengeance of God Almighty. A conflagration, fire and brimstone raining down upon that modern Sodom and Gomorrah. Dammit Riley, I’m talking about doing God’s work.

FATHER RILEYWhat do you mean ‘wrathful vengeance’? You want to destroy Sen City with a plague of frogs?

ARCHBISHOPNo not with a plague of frogs. I want to destroy Sin City just like we did that bridge at Qui Nhon. Remember that?

FATHER RILEYYou mean explosives? Don’t you think that’s taking this a little too far? What if someone gets hurt?

ARCHBISHOPYou’ll blow it up at night when they close for maintenance. Casualties will be minor.

FATHER RILEYMinor? Are you crazy? What if somebody dies?


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Remember, Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of salt just for looking back...God punishes the wicked.

The Archbishop takes the roses out of Father Riley’s hand, dropping them and his own roses to the ground. He slowly grinds them into a pulp with his heel.

ARCHBISHOPWe need to destroy this evil!

FATHER RILEYMan, you’ve lost it! I can’t do this! You know I swore never to blow up anything again! That’s the whole reason I became a priest – too much death during the war. I wanted to atone, to make up for that! And you – you showed me the Light, and the good in being a priest!

ARCHBISHOPYour past experience as a Structural Engineer and explosives expert is exactly why I need your help. Consider it a gift that God has given you to help the cause.

FATHER RILEYGift? The gift of destruction! That’s no gift!

ARCHBISHOPOur Lord God is sometimes a wrathful God.

FATHER RILEYNo. I just can’t do it.

The Archbishop turns and begins walking along the path. Father Riley follows slowly.

ARCHBISHOPBartholomew...I hate to do this, but I must have your help.

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ARCHBISHOPI know about the women.


ARCHBISHOPDon’t play dumb with me. I’ve known about your problem with women for years now. I was hoping that you would see your way clear of these temptations, but you seem to jump on these women like they were the last choppers out of ‘Nam.

FATHER RILEYNo, it’s not like that at all.

ARCHBISHOPI’m sorry Bartholomew, but I just may have to go public with this information.

FATHER RILEYYou’re blackmailing me!

ARCHBISHOPTry not to look at it that way. We’re...we’re two old friends helping each other out.

FATHER RILEYI can’t believe you’re doing this to me.

ARCHBISHOPDo you want to remain a priest?

FATHER RILEYYes, actually I do.


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Then help me out here. I need your experience. I need your loyalty...and your friendship. Your church needs you. God needs you.

FATHER RILEYYou’re laying it on pretty thick. Is this a Church sanctioned plan or your own brainchild?

ARCHBISHOPYou think I’d act alone on something like this?

FATHER RILEYI’m not so sure. Are you certain you want to go down this path? It could get messy.

ARCHBISHOPDon’t worry about that. I’ve got everything taken care of. You’ll have plenty of help. I’ve got my sisters lined up to give you a hand.

FATHER RILEYSister Toni and Sister Catherine?

ARCHBISHOPYes. Vinnie will also be there to get you what you need.

They walk slowly back along the path. The Archbishop puts his arm on Father Riley’s slumped shoulder.

ARCHBISHOPI knew I could count on you.


SISTER TONI, an athletic looking thirty-six year young woman, wearing a nun’s habit with shorts and a t-shirt, is on top of a ladder nestled in a tree. She is stringing wires.

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Sister Toni strings wires.


Two old wrinkled natives sit atop rusty bicycles. Sister Toni gives them thumbs up and they begin pedaling. Sparks fly. She makes a few adjustments to the generator and the sparks stop.


Several young children sit on the floor looking at a TV showing wavy lines. Sister Toni peeks inside the doorway; she disappears for a second, cartoons come on and the children cheer.


Sister Toni walks with a bag over her shoulder. Wires are sticking out of it. The WHIRR of a helicopter fills the air.

At the end of the street, the helicopter lands. The people from the village run for cover.

A man wearing only black jumps out of the helicopter. He runs over to Sister Toni and hands her an envelope. She opens it, reads it, and puts a finger in the air to tell him to wait.


Sister Toni grabs a suitcase and packs her belongings. She pulls a brick size bar of cocaine out of the closet, wraps it in some clothes, finishes packing and heads out the door.


Old gray stone buildings are scattered under the branches of tall, stately trees.

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One building has stone stairs that lead to an arched doorway. The inscription above the door reads “Order of the Sisters of Mercy.”


SISTER CATHERINE writes p2 = 2 on the front chalk board. She looks the thirty-six year old professor part, with nun habit, glasses and a thin, black pointer. She looks nearly identical to Sister Toni.

SISTER CATHERINEYou will recall from our last discussion of the Rational Number System that there is no rational number “p” which satisfies this equation.

Sister Catherine points to the equation she has just written on the board.


How, then to prove such a conjecture? One way is to assume that there does exist this rational number “p”. That being the case we could then rewrite “p” as what?

No one raises his or her hand. Sister Catherine points at one COWERING STUDENT.

SISTER CATHERINEYou there, gaping like a trout. The rational number “p” can be rewritten as what?



Sister Catherine goes to the board and writes p = m/n.


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“p” can be rewritten as “p” equals “m” divided by “n” where “m” and “n” are what?

All of the students avoid eye contact with Sister Catherine. Again no one raises his or her hand. Sister Catherine taps her foot on the floor. Again she chooses an UNFORTUNATE STUDENT.


You there, let’s see if you can at least put together a rational sentence concerning the Rational Number System.



UNFORTUNATE STUDENTForgot the question.

Sister Catherine kicks aside a chair and speaks to the class.

SISTER CATHERINEMy God! What is wrong with you people?

She taps the pointer on the desk of the Unfortunate Student.

SISTER CATHERINE Give me 2 Hail Mary’s and an Our Father.

He stares openmouthed at Sister Catherine.


The Unfortunate Student clasps his hands and bows his head.


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Hail Mary full of grace…..

Sister Catherine walks back to the front of the class and hits each letter on the chalkboard for emphasis.

SISTER CATHERINENow, once again - “p” can be rewritten as “p” equals “m” divided by “n” where “m” and “n” are both what?

A loud KNOCK interrupts her.

Sister Catherine whirls away from the chalkboard and stalks over to the door. A young, doe eyed nun holds an envelope.

DOE EYED NUNSorry to interrupt, Sister, but this is from the Archbishop.

Sister Catherine rips the envelope from the Nun’s hand.

SISTER CATHERINEThank you Sister. That will be all.

The BUZZER sounds. The class stirs. Sister Catherine points at the class while reading the note.


The class freezes. The UNFORTUNATE STUDENT is still reciting his penance. Sister Catherine puts the note back in the envelope and glides out the door.



A suitcase lies open on the bed. Socks and underwear are stacked neatly alongside the suitcase.

Father Riley is lost inside the closet, fanning rapidly through clothes.

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He finally grabs an armful and dumps them on the bed near the suitcase. They are all black priest frocks. There is a KNOCK on the door.


The door opens and the Housekeeper’s face appears in the crack.

MERRY OLD IRISH HOUSEKEEPEROff on a trip are ya then?

Father Riley looks at her blankly. Looks down at the suitcase. Looks back up at her.

FATHER RILEY...er...yes, actually, tomorrow...or the next day. I’m...um...going on a vacation. Church business. A Church vacation...business.

The housekeeper steps into the room, puts her hands on her hips, tilts her head, and gives him that ‘I know you’re lying look’.

FATHER RILEYOh hell’s bells! Truth is I’ve been asked to go somewhere I really don’t belong and to do something I don’t want to do!!

MERRY OLD IRISH HOUSEKEEPERAnd you’re going anyway, Laddie?

FATHER RILEYI don’t seem to have much of a choice.

MERRY OLD IRISH HOUSEKEEPERWe all have choices, lad. Just listen to your heart. The Good Lord put it there for a reason. That’s what all your preachin’s about anyway, isn’t it?

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FATHER RILEYMaybe you’re right...

She gives him a pat on back and whirls out of the room.

MERRY OLD IRISH HOUSEKEEPER (OS)Aren’t I usually? I’ll make you up a wee batch of rum balls for your trip. That always cheers you up!

Father Riley crosses his arms and strokes his chin thoughtfully.



Vinnie is nestled in a chaise lounge, wearing trunks and eating a bagel. He’s talking on his cell phone. The Pacific can be seen over his shoulder.


The Bodyguard is carefully packing Vinnie’s pressed clothing. He’s wearing a bandage on his nose.

Baby is at the vanity packing her makeup. She’s wearing her Walkman, grooving to the tunes.


Vinnie is swimming while talking on the cell phone.

VINNIEYeah, we’re heading to Vegas here in a minute. It’s been awhile since I’ve visited the infamous Vinnie’s Casino Palace.

He gets to the end of the pool and turns, heading back the other way.

VINNIEYeah, I love my hotel.

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He stops swimming for a second and water gets in the phone. He shakes it out.

VINNIEWhat? Oh, sure, I’ll look into that for you. It’s in both of our best interests. It’ll get back the revenue drop.

He continues to swim.

VINNIEDeliver the explosives too, huh? All right – no problem.

He reaches the end of the pool, hangs onto the edge and gazes at the sea.

VINNIEYou’re sure about this? This is big stuff.

He climbs out of the pool.

VINNIENo way! Toni and Catherine too? You must be serious to slow down the operation by taking them out of commission.

He tries to shake water out of his ear by standing on one leg and jumping up and down while hitting the side of his head.

VINNIEOK then. I’ll make sure it happens.

Vinnie punches a few buttons on the phone. Through the sliding glass door into the bedroom, the bodyguard can be seen as picks up the phone.

VINNIEYeah – we ready then?

Still talking on the phone, Vinnie walks into the bedroom.

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Baby is still packing makeup. Singing along.


Vinnie emerges, snappily dressed, talking on the phone. He gets in the passenger side of the red BMW 720i. The bodyguard gets in the driver’s side.

The car heads down the street out of view. SCREETCH – the car backs up and stops in front of the house.

Baby saunters out of the house and gets in the back seat. The car takes off again.


Father Riley sits in his Honda on a stalled freeway drinking coffee. He picks up his phone. He looks at it and puts it down.

Traffic moves a bit.

He looks at the phone for a long minute. Someone behind him HONKS. He looks up. There is a full car length open in front of him. He fills the gap.

He picks up the phone and quickly dials a number.


A YOUNG PRIEST answers the phone.

YOUNG PRIESTCardinal Giomecci’s office.


Father Riley hangs up and throws the phone into the seat next to him.

Father Riley turns on the radio. Traffic crawls. He turns off the radio. He reaches into his breast pocket for a cigarette, but there aren’t any there. He picks up the phone and dials it.


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A YOUNG PRIEST answers the phone.

YOUNG PRIESTCardinal Giomecci’s office.

FATHER RILEYIs his Eminence available?

YOUNG PRIESTI’m sorry he’s not. May I take a message?

FATHER RILEYDo you know when he’ll be free?

YOUNG PRIESTHe’s actually out of town, but I can get a message to him.

FATHER RILEYCan you have him call Father Bartholomew Riley in San Diego? It’s important.

YOUNG PRIESTOf course. Have a nice day.


Father Riley hangs up the phone and places it on the seat next to him. On the side of the freeway, a tow truck loads up a blue Accord. Traffic clears.


Father Riley drives to the curb near the Baggage Claim. Sister Toni is standing by her luggage, wearing her habit. They hug briefly and put the luggage in the car.


Father Riley and Sister Toni pull into the bus station, get out of the car and walk inside.

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A bus pulls up and parks. Sister Catherine, also in her regalia, is the first one off the bus. There is a brief hug between Father Riley and Sister Catherine and a longer hug between Sister Toni and Sister Catherine.

Back in the car, Sister Toni and Sister Catherine both sit in the back seat and talk excitedly to one another.


Father Riley, Sister Catherine, Sister Toni and the Merry Old Irish Housekeeper sit around a large table laden with bowls of food.

FATHER RILEY...that we are about to receive from thy Bounty. In Christ our Lord, Amen.

He starts to pass the food.

SISTER CATHERINEHow have you been all these years Father?

FATHER RILEYI’ve been well. When was the last time we saw each other?

SISTER TONIWasn’t that just before we entered the Convent?

FATHER RILEYI think you’re right. What was that, about 12 or 13 years ago?


Nobody says anything for a long moment. They all start eating.


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Father Riley takes the last bite of food from his plate and turns to the Merry Old Irish Housekeeper.

FATHER RILEYAnother lovely meal.

MERRY OLD IRISH HOUSEKEEPERI’ll just be bringing pie then.

Father Riley and the Housekeeper both stand up and pick up dishes from the table.

FATHER RILEYI’ll help you clear the table.

He and the housekeeper disappear into the kitchen.

Sister Toni looks at Sister Catherine. Sister Catherine nods her head once. Sister Toni reaches into her purse and pulls out a small vial filled with a brown, murky liquid. She hides it in her lap.

The Housekeeper brings out tea and places it in front of the Nuns. Father Riley trails in behind her with tea for himself and the Housekeeper. He and the Housekeeper grab more dishes off the table.

FATHER RILEYBe back with the pie in a minute.


Sister Toni takes the vial and pours the contents into the Housekeepers tea. The tea and the contents quickly become one.

The Housekeeper and Father Riley return with plates of pie. They sit down and the Housekeeper takes a drink of her tea.

Everyone begins to eat.


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Father Riley goes to bed and turns off the light at 10:00 o’clock sharp.

He tosses. He turns.

He looks at the clock- it’s 12:45. He rolls onto his side.


Father Riley is drowning deep under the sea. He struggles and swims into the light rays toward the light above, but can’t make it to the air. His eyes close and he quits swimming.

A young, female angel with a holstered gun dives from the light and blows air into his mouth with a kiss. His eyes open and she swims with him upward, upward into the light.


Father Riley, asleep, rolls over on to his back with a smile.


Father Riley half-stumbles into the kitchen and rubs his eyes. The Nuns are sitting at the table drinking coffee.

FATHER RILEYWhere’s the housekeeper?

SISTER CATHERINEIs she the lazy sort?


Father Riley walks out the kitchen door.

Sister Catherine and Sister Toni both pick up the paper and begin to read.

Father Riley bursts back into the kitchen.


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The Nuns keep reading the paper.

SISTER TONI (not surprised)Really?

SISTER CATHERINEShe’d have died anyway.

SISTER TONIShe was getting on in years.

Father Riley looks from one to the other. He takes a large step over to the table and swats both of their papers down to the table. They don’t flinch.

FATHER RILEYDid you kill her?

Sister Catherine taps her finger on the table and looks at Father Riley with half-closed eyes.

SISTER CATHERINEDid you place a call to the Cardinal?

Father Riley recoils, taking a step back.

FATHER RILEYHow did you...

SISTER TONINot very smart, Padre.

SISTER CATHERINEIt would not behoove you to make the same mistake again Father.

Father Riley backs up against the counter, stands up straight and crosses his arms across his chest.



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SISTER CATHERINEThen let’s be on our way.

FATHER RILEYWhat about the body and the funeral?

SISTER TONIWe’re on a timeline Father. Let one of the other priests deal with it. Let’s go.

Father Riley slams his hand on the counter and storms out of the room.


SUPER: “Las Vegas”

Father Riley and the Nuns wait in line. The hostess arrives and leads them into the restaurant.

Without seeing the Nuns or Father Riley, Vinnie and his bodyguard walk behind them through the casino, followed by a small entourage of hotel minions.

Father Riley and the Nuns sit in a booth. A SOUTHERN WAITRESS brings menus.

SOUTHERN WAITRESSHi there. What brings ya’ll to our neck of the woods?

SISTER CATHERINEI don’t believe that’s any of your business. Bring us some water.

The Southern Waitress looks at her in shock.


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The Southern Waitress slinks away.

SISTER TONIWe have got to lose these clothes. Pronto!

SISTER CATHERINEI agree. We’ll hit the stores tonight before we head to Sin City. So what’s the plan Father?

FATHER RILEYWell, we just got here. We’ve got 72 hours until the Pope arrives.

SISTER CATHERINERight. Brilliant. OK – here’s what I pulled off the Internet about Sen City.

She reaches in her briefcase and pulls out a ream of paper.

FATHER RILEYHold on a second. Are you both sure we should do this? What if somebody gets killed?

SISTER TONIWe’ll blow it after hours to minimize casualties.

FATHER RILEYMinimize? So you’re both willing to kill people? Or more people I guess I should say...

SISTER TONIIf we have to - it’s the only way. Claro cassi?

SISTER CATHERINEGod kills people all the time.

The Southern Waitress suddenly appears with glasses of water.


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Are ya’ll ready to order?

SISTER CATHERINENo. Give us a minute.

SISTER CATHERINEAnyway Father, this Sen City is clearly run by Satan’s spawn. Have you seen the outfits they wear?

FATHER RILEYWhat happened to your vows?

The sisters exchange a long look.

SISTER CATHERINEYou just don’t get us do you Father?


SISTER TONIShould we tell him?

SISTER CATHERINEWe can always kill him. Besides, he’s a priest. He can’t tell.

SISTER TONIAll right. He’d figure it out sooner or later anyway.

SISTER CATHERINEWe became nuns as cover for the Family and it’s operations. I’m the money, she’s the drugs.

FATHER RILEYOh my God! So you didn’t go bad, you’ve been bad all along!

SISTER TONIBad? It’s all a matter of perception, Padre, all a matter of perception...

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Vinnie and the IMBECILE are standing over an open grave. The bodyguard, complete with his arm in a cast, is standing behind them, resting on a shovel.

VINNIEYou’re an imbecile! How tough was that?

IMBECILEYeah. You’re right. It wasn’t that hard.

He peeks over the grave.

IMBECILEAll that whining and pleading at the end... I didn’t really like that part.

VINNIEThey always do that. Unless you catch them off-guard.

At that moment the bodyguard WHACKS the Imbecile over the head with his cast. The Imbecile falls into the grave as Vinnie pulls out his gun.

Vinnie leans over and SHOOTS into the grave.

The bodyguard begins to shovel the grave with dirt one-handed.

Vinnie heads back to the car, pulling the phone out of his pocket.

VINNIEYeah. It’s Vinnie. I want two steaks delivered to my room, in 30 minutes.

He looks back over his shoulder.

VINNIE ...better make that an hour.

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Father Riley and the Nuns drive through an arched “Welcome to Sen City” sign and up a long, curved driveway. They pull up to an elaborate registration entrance. A porter comes to help them with their luggage.

Father Riley is wearing well fitting jeans, t-shirt and a becoming sport coat. Practical Sister Toni has opted for a casual shorts outfit. Sister Catherine, ever the intellectual, wears slacks and a blouse.

3 porters are buried under the piles of the threesome’s luggage.


Father Riley and the Nuns start the check-in process at the desk.

SISTER CATHERINEIs this the only hotel in this...place...City?

CLERKYes Ma’am.

SISTER CATHERINEFine then. We’ll have one room for three nights. Non Smoking, of course.

Father Riley bites his tongue.

CLERKOne room. Will that be one super king size bed?

Sister Catherine and Sister Toni both jump as if pinched. For once they are both too flustered to speak.

FATHER RILEYTwo double beds please. I like to watch.

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The Nuns stare at Father Riley as if he’s completely lost his mind. He smoothly completes the transaction. The Clerk professionally ignores the whole thing.

They walk over to the elevator and enter. As the door closes, Father Riley spies Mary and Frances walking up to the counter.


FATHER RILEYRats! Did you see –

The Nuns turn toward him scowling, with arms crossed.

SISTER CATHERINEFather Riley! What was the meaning of that comment back there!

SISTER TONIYou made that man think...aack! I can’t even say it!

FATHER RILEYListen the two of you. We’ve gone to great lengths to disguise ourselves. We have to share a room because of the church budget. You think we’re going to explain that to some hotel clerk in Sen City? Our disguises started an hour ago. No more calling me Father Riley either. From here on out it’s just Riley. You got that?

Silenced, the two women simultaneously turn, cross their arms, huff and face the elevator door.

FATHER RILEYBesides that, those two women checking in as we got on the elevator are my parishioners. We’re going to have to be careful I’m not seen and we’ll probably need some cover story too.

The elevator door opens.

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FATHER RILEY (gesturing for the women to go first)


He smiles at their backs.


Cindy is standing next to her boss, Stephen. There is a bank of monitors behind them and a few guards about.


STEPHENCindy, I just wanted to stop by and tell you what a great job you’ve been doing leading this motley crew of Security Guards during our first few days.

He hands her a check. Her face brightens. He bows his head to talk just with her.

STEPHENI know it’s been especially tough on you and the guys with these protesters. What a bunch of crazies!

He looks out the window. There are crowds of people waving placards and pacing back and forth in front of the entrance.

CROWD Sin City Go To Hell! Sin City Go To Hell!!

Cindy looks at her boss.

CINDYThanks for the appreciation. It hasn’t been too bad. The crowd is basically harmless.

(looking back at her crew)And the guys have been great!

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She and the boss start walking to the door.

STEPHENI’ve got to go ready the tape cutting ceremony for the day. We do appreciate your efforts. Keep up the good work!

He exits and she turns back and starts to give orders to the crew.

She hears a DISTURBANCE in the crowd.


Walking out the door and into the crowd Cindy sees Father Riley helping an OLD WOMAN up off the ground.

Cindy rushes over to help.

FATHER RILEYThere, are you OK now?

OLD WOMANYes, thank you. I’m not sure what happened...

Father Riley notices Cindy walking towards them.

FATHER RILEY (gasping under his breath)

Oh God!

CINDYExcuse me? What just happened?

FATHER RILEYUh...nothing...we were just trying to get in line...I think what happened was the crowd saw those little devils over there.

Two women in red bikinis, sprouting horns from their heads, forked tails, red high heels and tridents are patrolling a wide red ribbon, keeping those who already paid from crossing into the park.

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FATHER RILEYThere was a commotion and I heard this lovely young woman’s cry for help.

OLD WOMAN (fanning herself)

You’re too kind. I think I just lost my balance. I’m fine now.

CINDYThanks for helping out. Let me show you the line.

She walks Father Riley and the Nuns over to the line.

CINDYHave a wonderful day.

The nuns have to tug at Father Riley’s sleeve to get him to quit watching Cindy walk away.

Three lines down, toward the back, John and Darla fidget in line.

John peers around the fellow standing in front of him and gets an eyeful of the trident toting women. He elbows Darla in the ribs.

JOHNHoney –- did you see that?

Darla doesn’t seem quite as impressed.

Then two male counterparts appear, walking gracefully down Main Street until they join the ribbon patrol.

Darla stares as openly as John.


Not far from the admittance lines, Frances and Mary get off of the Tram that runs between the hotel and the main gate.


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Wow! What a teeming mass of straight people!

FRANCESLilith Fair it’s not.


Mary and Frances walk over and get in line as John and Mary rush through the turnstiles.

FRANCESLet’s look around and see who might be family.

She scans the crowd.

FRANCESCheck out those boys over there.

A couple of normally dressed men are in line with two leather affectionados.

MARYYep. Definitely.

Mary gets a glimpse of John and Darla being guarded by a pair of devils. John tries to go under the ribbon and one of the women in red pokes at him with her trident.

MARYHey, aren’t those people from church?

FRANCESI think you’re right.

MARYYeah. You know, I thought I saw Father Riley last night in the hotel elevator too.

FRANCESNo. Couldn’t have been. What would he be doing here?

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MARYMaybe everybody from church is here! Maybe it’s a convention!

FRANCESRight. And the Pope will be here on Friday. Sure.

MUSICAL HORNS blare in the distance. Mary and Frances walk through the turnstiles.


The turnstiles spin and Father Riley and the Sisters move into the holding area. Mist falls from the sky. A devil comes up to them and places a wreath of fresh flowers around their necks and hands them a glass of fresh mango juice.

FATHER RILEYThank you, these smell lovely!

Sister Toni sneezes several times.


Sen City’s Mayor, dressed in a black tuxedo, walks down Main Street followed by the City Band.


With much pomp and circumstance, the Mayor struts to the red ribbon at the end of the street. The crowd presses against the ribbon.

Father Riley notices John and Darla on the other side of the crowd and unobtrusively moves behind Sister Toni.

The Mayor cuts the ribbon with a flourish and the crowd rushes past him into Sen City.

Pushed along by the crowd, Father Riley and the Nuns find themselves in front of the “DEBBIE DOES DONUTS” Store. John and Darla are not far behind in the crowd. The sound of DANCE MUSIC pulses through the ground.

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FATHER RILEYQuick. Let’s duck in here.


Father Riley walks over to the pastry case.

SISTER TONIPerhaps a donut while we wait.

She and Sister Catherine look into the contents of the pastry case. Sister Toni gasps and turns back to the window shading her eyes. Sister Catherine does a quick spin on her heel, looks out the window and taps her foot impatiently.

John and Darla look in the window. John tugs at Darla’s sleeve and moves towards the door of the store.

Father Riley bends over the pastry counter, facing the back wall. The nuns move to block the door.

Darla points at her waistline and grabs his hand. She drags him away while he looks back.


The priest and nuns come out of the donut store.

SISTER CATHERINEBrilliant idea Father...er ...Riley...simply brilliant.

FATHER RILEYIt had to be done. That couple from Iowa would have spotted me and blown my cover.

SISTER TONIThe people that were foaming at the mouth to get in here? Are you kidding Padre? Those people were so excited they wouldn’t have noticed you if you were wearing your robes and had a Halo.

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FATHER RILEYIt’s a good thing she’s on a diet.Nevermind - let’s get on the ball. Today we just want to scope the place, right?

Father Riley pulls out a pristine pocket map of Sen City and looks at it. Sister Catherine pulls out her map. It is wrinkled and has many circled areas on it.

SISTER CATHERINEThat’s correct Father. Why don’t we split up to cover more ground? Sister Toni and I will check out the rest of the shops. Alone. Then we’ll head into Fairy Tale Lands, scan the Chocolate Castle, the Sensual Spa, and the Velodrome. You check out the Perfumed Gardens, the rides, and the Theme Rooms.

FATHER RILEYYou get the Sensual Spa?

In unison, the Nuns cross their arms, and glare at him.



They turn away, walk across the street and into the ‘LACE FOR LADIES’ shop.

Father Riley sighs and begins to walk up Main Street.


Father Riley walks through an iron gate hung into tall, ivy covered stone walls. Inside the gate is a park setting – large trees dot the landscape and flagstone paths meander through flowered shrubbery.

He stops just inside the gate and sniffs his nose.


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He strolls down a path in the direction of FLUTE MUSIC, stopping occasionally to smell a flower.

Women in gauze-like robes dance in the distance playing flutes. Couples lounge on blankets, feeding one another. Erotic sculptures grace the landscape.

In the distance, beyond a pond with a fountain, Cindy patrols a section of the garden. Father Riley stops. He takes two steps toward her. He stops again, shakes his head slightly ‘no’, and quickly walks back the way he came.


Plants and flowers adorn a large treatment room. Mary and Frances lie on tables next to one another, partially covered by white sheets. CLASSICAL MUSIC plays.

They make SMALL SOUNDS OF PLEASURE as they are rubbed and kneaded by male massage therapists.

MARYThis is the life.

FRANCESI love it here.

MARYThis is the first time a man has touched me in 16 years. It’s not nearly as bad as I remember it.

Mary and Frances laugh and close their eyes sighing with contentment.

At the far end of the room lie a series of hot tubs, cold pools, saunas, and sunken mud baths.

Sister Catherine is lying in one, her face covered in mud. She is writing notes in a notepad.

Sister Toni is in the tub next to her. She raises her arm and accidentally flicks a spot of mud onto Sister Catherine’s notepad.

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Sister Catherine playfully flicks it back at Sister Toni.


Father Riley stands in the middle of the street looking at his map and up one street and down another.

Behind him the building reads “ROMAN COLISEUM: OVER MMMCCXXVI SERVED”.

John and Darla turn a corner a street down and start walking towards Father Riley.

Father Riley ducks into the Coliseum.


Father Riley begins to move down a long hallway. There is a large, classic fountain at the end of the hall.

The first room he peeks into has several long dining tables with feasting patrons.

He steps into the next doorway as a door SHUTS.

John and Darla peek in the doorway.

Father Riley is supine on a couch wearing a toga. A beautiful woman is feeding him grapes with her mouth. He kisses her.

John and Darla look around. The back of the head of the woman kissing Father Riley prevents them from seeing him. They move on.


Cindy sits at her desk going through some papers. She has pictures of horses on her desk. A TALL SKINNY GUARD calls her over to the bank of monitors.


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Cindy, look at this. Remember that guy this morning who helped up that little old lady?

CINDYSure. He was rather good looking.

TALL SKINNY GUARDNot my type. He and his two women friends have been acting strangely all day. Let me replay a few things we captured.

On the Monitors, the guard shows Cindy snippets of Father Riley ducking into doorways, Sister Catherine taking notes, and Sister Toni surreptitiously measuring walls.

CINDYWhat do you make of it? They don’t look the dangerous type.

TALL SKINNY GUARDNo they don’t. I’m not sure, but this is definitely not normal behavior.

CINDYTrue. I’ll pay them a visit tonight. There’s probably some explanation but I’d like to make sure.

As she walks back to her desk, her phone RINGS and she answers it.


The voice on the other end belongs to Vinnie who is being driven through the desert by his Bodyguard. The windows are down and the sunroof is open.



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VINNIEYou don’t need to know who this is. Let’s just say you owe some of my friends some cash.

Cindy furtively glances around the room and talks quietly into the receiver.

CINDYUh...yeah...I’m working on it.

VINNIESpeak up! You call blowing more cash at the track working on it?

CINDYHe almost won! I’d have been able to pay you off!

VINNIEWoulda, coulda, shoulda. Listen you owe us $250K. That’s no paltry sum.

CINDYI know some people...just give me some time.

VINNIETime is not something you have a lot of. We’ll be in touch.


Cindy slowly replaces the phone on it’s cradle. Her hand is shaking.


Throngs of people are pouring out of Sen City. Father Riley sits nonchalantly on a bench near the entrance reading a paper.

John and Darla pass by slowly arm in arm, oblivious to their surroundings.

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Father Riley watches them get on the Tram.

Frances and Mary walk by, arms full of shopping bags, enjoying an animated conversation with one another. They get on the Tram.

Once the Tram departs, Father Riley stands up and walks to the Tram Depot.


A large, lighted fountain graces a courtyard. Water SPLASHES musically. Various colors take turns spotlighting the fountain.


Efficient waiters fuss over a well dressed crowd.

Father Riley and the Nuns sit eating dinner in a quiet corner. Candlelight bathes the little group in it’s soft glow. Father Riley is eating oysters.

FATHER RILEYWhat did you ladies find out today?

SISTER CATHERINEWhile in the lion’s den, we took detailed sketches of the primary ‘soft’ points where we think it will be best to place the explosives. We want you to validate and verify our findings.

SISTER TONIWhen we get back to the room after dinner we’ll be able to calculate the amount of wire, explosives, cord and other supplies we’ll require.

SISTER CATHERINEI believe we’re scheduled to get a delivery of supplies tomorrow.


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That’s correct. We need to call our order in tonight to Vinnie.

FATHER RILEYI wasn’t aware of that.

SISTER CATHERINEThe Archbishop set it up.

FATHER RILEYAh. What about Sen City security? The place seems to be worse than Fort Knox.

SISTER CATHERINEThat’s what we were thinking you could help us out with Father. Tomorrow we need some excuse to check into that in more detail.

FATHER RILEYHmm. Back to the cover story...how about if we are journalists from some Electronics magazine? Perhaps that would get us some kind of tour. Mainly we need to figure out how to get into the tunnels beneath the City.

SISTER TONIThat’s a good idea Padre.

SISTER CATHERINEI don’t know about good, but it will have to do. What did you glean today Father?

Father Riley hesitates in his reply. He takes a drink and wipes his face with his napkin.

FATHER RILEYI discovered that Sen City is not so sinful after all.

SISTER CATHERINEWhat? How can you say that? Sexual odium was everywhere!

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FATHER RILEYOdium? Just because we’ve taken vows doesn’t mean the rest of the world has. Did you see how happy people were as they were leaving? I saw my parishioners at the end of the day and they looked downright joyful.

SISTER TONIBut Father, this place isn’t just for couples. And it’s lewd, and not about love or love making. It’s just sex.

Cindy, in a black dress, walks in through the front door. She spies the back of Father Riley’s head and begins to walk towards their table.

FATHER RILEYSex propagates the species, Toni.

CINDY (from behind Father Riley)


Father Riley jumps a bit. Cindy smiles, gliding to his side. She looks directly at him.

CINDYI’m not interrupting am I? I just wanted to have a word with all of you.

SISTER CATHERINEToni and I were just heading upstairs...I’m sure Professor Darwin here can speak with you.

CINDYThat will be fine.

Sister Toni and Sister Catherine get up from the table and Cindy sits down.


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Sister Toni and Sister Catherine breeze out of the restaurant and into the courtyard.


They move through the courtyard.


SISTER TONIHe does have a mind of his own doesn’t he?

There are three large pools, connected by waterfalls. A sliver of moon lights the night sky. They pause, checking to ensure they are alone.

SISTER CATHERINEUnfortunately he does.

SISTER TONII’m worried he’s not going to play ball. He may go renegade on us.

SISTER CATHERINEI see that risk too. I think we need to let the Archbishop know what’s going on inside his sick little cerebelum.

SISTER TONIThe Archbishop definitely needs to know. Otherwise he may stand in the way of our objective.

They move on.

SISTER CATHERINE (OS)And we can’t have that.

SISTER TONI (OS)No...we certainly cannot.


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A WAITER collects menus from Cindy and Father Riley.

WAITERI’ll have your Cherry Cheesecake out in a moment.

FATHER RILEYSo...to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit.

Cindy blushes.

CINDYI...I’m here on business.

FATHER RILEYHmm. How can I help?

He smiles at her and she smiles back.

CINDYSomething strange...I’m sure there’s some explanation, but I need to check.

FATHER RILEYThere usually is. What’s on your mind?

CINDYOne of my guards today noticed you and your...

FATHER RILEYBusiness associates.

CINDYBusiness associates, yes...acting a bit oddly today.

FATHER RILEYOdd? How? What were we doing?

CINDYThey seemed to be taking notes and measuring things, and you seemed to be trying to avoid someone.

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FATHER RILEYYou’re right – there is a reasonable explanation.

The waiter brings their cheesecake.

CINDYAnd what would said reasonable explanation be?

FATHER RILEYWe work for an electronics magazine.

He reaches in his pocket for a card. He searches his wallet in vain.


FATHER RILEYOh, that’s right...I ran out and was in such a hurry to pack I forgot to replenish my supply. I’ll get you one later.

CINDYSo why are the lot of you here?

They start to eat.

FATHER RILEYWe’d like to do a story on the security system here. It looks top notch. I was actually going to look you up tomorrow. I’m glad you came by.

CINDYMe too. Anyway...a story huh? I’ll have to check with my boss in the morning. Maybe I could arrange a tour.


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Oh, that would be excellent! I’d love that! And so would Toni and Catherine. They’re actually the technical part of the team. I do more of the story layout, theme, that sort of thing.

CINDYSo perhaps I could show you the office and they could get a field trip through the park.

FATHER RILEYThat would work really well. How about if I call you in the morning with all of our info, so your Boss can check us out and then we can meet late morning?

They complete their desserts. The sound of HUNGARIAN RHAPSODY, fills the room with it’s swelling tumultuous movements.

CINDYThat sounds wonderful.

They look at each other for a minute.

CINDYI should be going now.

FATHER RILEYThanks again for coming by.

He stands up as she does. They awkwardly shake hands.

FATHER RILEYSilly, but I never got your name.

CINDYI’m Cindy. And you are?

FATHER RILEYRiley. You can call me Riley.


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She walks towards the door and he sits down to pay the check.


Father Riley walks in the door of the hotel room. The Sisters are sitting at the small courtesy table working at a laptop.

FATHER RILEYHi honeys, I’m home.

SISTER TONIVery funny Father. How’d it go?

Sister Toni listens while Sister Catherine continues to work.

FATHER RILEYGood. She bought the cover story and is going to arrange tours for us tomorrow. She forgot to ask why I was avoiding people. You two are the technical experts and I’m the story coordinator, so you will get a tour of the grounds. Hopefully, that will include the tunnels below Sen City. That is, if we’re able to pull together some documentation that more or less proves we’re reporters!

Papers print out of the portable printer. Sister Catherine hands him the sheaf without a word.

Father Riley reviews the papers.

FATHER RILEYGood. So we work for Electonic’s America. Target market is Industrial and Commercial Electricians. We’re doing a story on high volume surveillance. I like it.

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He puts the papers down.

FATHER RILEYDo the two of you know enough about electronics to pull this off?

SISTER TONISi. And a little danger is always fun.

FATHER RILEYGood. I’ll double check your figures on supplies and the soft spots here in a bit. What about business cards or some other legitimate paperwork.

A single piece of paper prints out. It shows three appropriate business cards, one for each of them.

FATHER RILEYI’m impressed. You do know how to work that machine don’t you?

SISTER CATHERINEYes. I do. It’s not hard if you have half a brain. Tomorrow morning we’ll just need to go to a print shop on the way to our supply stop and we’ll be all set.

FATHER RILEYWhat if they call the number on the card?

Sister Catherine finally turns to look at him. She gives him a condescending glare.

SISTER CATERHINEAll taken care of Father...all taken care of.


-- Father Riley and the Nuns walk out of the hotel and get in their car.

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-- Vinnie on his cell phone, and the bodyguard with a nose bandage, leave the MGM Grand and get in their car.

-- A bird flies over slowly moving cars. After a few turns, the Accord is eight cars in front of the BMW.

-- The Accord parks at the curb of a print shop. The BMW pulls into the electronics store parking lot across the street.

-- Inside the Print Shop, Sister Catherine gives directions to Cindy’s friend, Punk girl.

-- Vinnie pushes a shopping cart filled with wires while on his phone. He’s checking a list.

-- The Catholics wait in the print shop.

-- The BMW pulls into another store. The bodyguard loads up Vinnie’s cart.

-- Sister Catherine points out a problem with the card, and intimidates the Punk.

-- Vinnie pays for more equipment.

-- Sister Catherine pays for the cards. She hands out some to Father Riley and Sister Toni.

-- The Accord crawls up a windy road towards the Overlook.

-- The BMW climbs towards the Overlook from the other road that leads to it.

-- Both cars pull in to a Vista point parking lot at the same time, raising dust. Large boulders are strung about near the edge. Vegas and Sen City can both be seen far below.


Everyone gets out of their cars. The doors SLAM, SLAM, SLAM, SLAM, SLAM shut as both groups walk to the edge for a better view.

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Sen City shimmers in the distant heat. Breast Mountain and Dick’s Rocket Ride flank the centerpiece: Chocolate Castle. The dark high rise hotels of Las Vegas lie 30 degrees left of Sen City.

Vinnie is not on his cell phone.

The bodyguard begins to load equipment from the BMW trunk to the Honda.

FATHER RILEYHello Vinnie. Your brother drug you into this too, huh?

VINNIEI was here on some other business and so thought I’d help all of you out a bit. Nice view, huh? You can see my hotel over there.

Vinnie points to the left of Sen City.


Did you get everything I told you to get?

VINNIEYeah. He’s loading it up.

SISTER TONILet me see the receipts. When you were a kid you always got something wrong.

Vinnie digs in his pocket and comes up with handfuls of crumpled papers. He hands them over to the Sisters, who begin to pour over them with a calculator.

Vinnie turns to Father Riley.

VINNIEYou got your cover story all worked out? You been practicing?


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He pulls out his wallet and hands Vinnie a card.

The Sisters confer, pointing at the receipts.

Vinnie looks at the card.

VINNIENice card.

He hands it back to Father Riley.

VINNIEBut you got the phone number wrong.

Sister Catherine takes notice and steps over.

SISTER CATHERINEWhat are you talking about?

VINNIERight here, Big Sis. Should be 8969 and it’s 8968. Won’t work and it’s too late to change the number. Your gonna have to get them to print you a new card.

SISTER CATHERINENo – it can’t be!

She rips the card out of Father Riley’s hand and frowns at it.

SISTER CATHERINEThat bloody incompetent punk! I’ll bet she changed it. I’m sure I had a nine there!!

The bodyguard continues loading.

Sister Toni finishes adding something up and walks the few steps over to the group.

SISTER TONIVinnie - look at this. I ordered 200 ounces of C-4 and 100,000 feet

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of wiring. It looks like we got the 200 ounces of C-4 but only 50,000 feet of wiring. And where’s the detonator?

SISTER CATHERINEThat just won’t do. And where’s the radio transmitter and the detonator cord?

VINNIEThe det cord is in the car. What Radio transmitter? Look, what’s here is what you ordered.

SISTER TONIIt is not. Look. And where’s the walkie talkie’s?

She shows him a paper.

Vinnie grabs his paper out of another pocket. He studies it.

VINNIEIs too. You look.

Sister Catherine looks like she’s about to hit Vinnie. Father Riley pulls her aside by the wrist. They walk toward the cliff.

FATHER RILEY (OS)Look over there Catherine, you can see all the way to our hotel.

Sister Toni waves the paper under Vinnie’s nose.

SISTER TONILook Vinnie, this just won’t work. We’ve got to have more wire. This place is huge! And the radio transmitter is not an option.

The bodyguard starts loading into the back seat of the Accord.


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All right. At least it’s not the explosives. You wouldn’t believe what I had to do to get that! And I know the walkie talkies are in there somewhere. Here’s what I’ll do for you. We’ll go get you some more wire, but you’ll have to pick it up later. And give me the coke while you’re at it.

The bodyguard holds up a walkie talkie.

SISTER TONIWhat, one walkie-talkie?

The bodyguard fishes around in the car and produces a second walkie-talkie.

SISTER TONIThat will do. Where’s the detonator?

The bodyguard digs a bit more. He stands up and tosses her a small black box.

Sister Toni looks at it.

SISTER TONIDidn’t see this model on the Internet...it’s got a keypad.

VINNIEYeah – it was the only one they had. Said it was new – password protection, some new feature. Yo Father!

Father Riley turns and Vinnie tosses him the detonator. It hangs in the air for a split second. The light catches it and it flashes brightly in the sun. Father Riley snags it.


The weighted down Accord pulls up to the Print Shop curb.

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Father Riley, Sister Toni and Sister Catherine all get out of the car and start to go into the shop.

SISTER CATHERINENo. You two wait here. I want a word with that incompetent, infelicitous blunderer. She’d lock the stable door after a horse had been stolen! She must be a Protestant.

Sister Toni sits on the curb.

Father Riley looks down at her.

FATHER RILEYInfelicitous?

Sister Toni shrugs.

Father Riley leans against the car facing across the street and taps a cigarette on the hood.

Sister Toni gets up and goes next door for an ice cream cone. The bell on the ice cream store door TINKLES as she walks in.

Still leaning on the car, Father Riley faces the print shop and tries to look in the window.

Down the street, a CLASSY, LONG-HAIRED LADY in a dress and heels walks towards Father Riley. She seems to move in SLOW MOTION for a moment.

She stops in front of Father Riley and looks him up and down.

CLASSY, LONG-HAIRED LADYMay I have a cigarette?

Father Riley smoothly lights his cigarette and hands it to her.


She looks at him and raises her eyebrow. He looks at her.

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The ice cream store door TINKLES. Sister Toni walks out with two ice cream cones and stops, looking at Father Riley and the Classy Lady.

The Classy Lady turns to look at Sister Toni and then looks back at Father Riley. She slowly moves on. After a few steps she looks back over her shoulder and then keeps walking.

Sister Toni hands Father Riley his ice cream cone.

FATHER RILEYHow’d you know I like Vanilla?

SISTER TONIYou’re a cowboy in a white hat kinda guy, Padre. What was that all about?


Sister Toni looks at him with big eyes over the top of her ice cream cone.

FATHER RILEYLady just wanted a cigarette I guess.

SISTER TONISure Padre. Or maybe I should call you Don Juan.

The Classy Lady continues to walk down the street.



Cindy walks toward the bank of security monitors.

Father Riley stands a few feet away, watching Cindy.

CINDYWe went for the top of the line security system here. Given that

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Sen City is a bit controversial, the owners felt it would be a wise investment.

The Tall, skinny security guard walks into the room and hands Cindy a note. She opens it, reads it and turns to Father Riley.

CINDYThe boss says you all check out. I knew you would.

She flashes him a quick smile and turns to the guard.

CINDYCould you give Toni and Catherine the grand tour? I believe they’re waiting outside.

TALL SKINNY GUARDSure thing Cindy.

Cindy points to the monitors. They show miscellaneous scenes of Sen City.

CINDYWith thousands of mounted camera’s, we can see about everywhere inside Sen City, both above and below ground.

FATHER RILEYPretty common, what else?

Father Riley watches the Tall Skinny guard walk out the door.

CINDYThe park is open twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.

Father Riley quickly turns to face her.

FATHER RILEYTwenty-four seven?? I mean - I thought this place shut down at night for a few hours...

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CINDYIt was decided at the last minute to go all night, since we’re next to Vegas and all.

She motions for him to follow here towards a three foot high display screen off to the right. The screen shows a map-like diagram of Sen City.

CINDYThere’s a computer that helps monitor the number of workers below ground at any given time.

FATHER RILEYCheck in, check out sort of thing? Retinal scans?


FATHER RILEYWho set the system up for you?

CINDYA New Yorker named Sammy Wireman Smythe.

FATHER RILEYSure, Wireman. He’s the best.

CINDYIt’s certainly effective. I can’t imagine how the system would be breached.

She walks over and sits at her desk. Father Riley follows and sits down in a chair next to her desk.

CINDY...We also have a little help topside. All the cute devil boys and girls are trained in security procedures and crowd control techniques.

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Father Riley notices the horse racing book on her desk and points to it.


Cindy looks down and laughs.

CINDYActually, I came here for two reasons. The first is horses.


CINDYI grew up on a ranch taking care of horses and my dad and I spent a lot of time at the track.

She gets a faraway look in her eyes.

CINDYI even spent some time as a jockey. I love horses.

FATHER RILEYThey’re beautiful creatures. So where’s the security connection come in?

CINDYThat’s the second piece. It’s more of a favor for the owners. My degree is in business. Plus I believe in this place...Sensual City– I actually think it’s sacred. I love protecting the place.

FATHER RILEYIs that what Sen stands for? What’s Sacred sexuality?

CINDYYes. Sen is short for Sensual. Sacred Sex – Tantra...energy...that sort of thing.

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Father Riley beams at her.

FATHER RILEYHmm, maybe you can tell me more about that some day. The work definitely seems to agree with you.

CINDYYeah, I agree with it. I love getting up in the morning and coming here.

FATHER RILEYI’ve never been to a horse race.

CINDYReally? There’s a race in about an hour I was thinking of checking out. Would you like to go?

FATHER RILEYI’d love to – let’s go.


Sister Toni and Sister Catherine follow the Tall Skinny Guard through a hallway to a retinal scanning device. His eyes are scanned and then each of them follow.

They each get the green light.

As they move forward, the guard looks over his shoulder.

TALL SKINNY GUARDYour eyes are cleared for today only.

They move through layers of hallways and go through a doorway.


They walk into a tunnel that seems more like an underground street than a dark cave. It’s well lit and metal beams support the high roof. Wire conduits run everywhere.

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Golf carts with maintenance workers move slowly and quietly through the tunnel.

They hop into a golf cart and head through the tunnels. He occasionally points things out to them.

SISTER TONIHow do you know where we are?

TALL SKINNY GUARDThe number lettering scheme on the poles.

He points to a support pole labeled G27.

TALL SKINNY GUARDAll the carts have a map, and after you’ve been here awhile, you get used to it.

The tunnels seem endless. The guard points to a swiveling camera.

TALL SKINNY GUARDSome of the cameras are hidden. Even we don’t know where they all are.

Finally, they park the cart, head out the door and down more blank hallways.

TALL SKINNY GUARDLet me show you the computer room.


Inside room, the guard points out to the racks of computers.

TALL SKINNY GUARDThe servers in here capture all the images from the thousands of cameras throughout the park. There are programs that sort the images and report things of interest.


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Since you wouldn’t want to overwhelm the guards on duty.

TALL SKINNY GUARDRight. And if there is something suspicious going on, alarms will sound for him.

SISTER CATHERINEOr her. Probably a database with the retinal imaging information as well.

TALL SKINNY GUARDYeah, I’m sure that’s here too.

SISTER CATHERINEPretty elaborate.

TALL SKINNY GUARDTop of the line. Hey, am I going to be in your article?

Sister Catherine ignores him.


At the ticket counter, Cindy and Father Riley place a $50 bet.

Inside the pits, she shows him the horses. She pats one on the nose.

In the hallway, he buys her a drink and a hot dog from a standalone vendor. She kisses him on the cheek.

In the stands, they cheer during a race.

At the end of the race she jumps up and down madly and puts her arms around him. They kiss briefly.

FATHER RILEYHow much did you win?

CINDYOnly 1500 bucks.

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Cindy shrugs her shoulders.

In the hallway, they walk with the crowd. She points to the line at the ladies restroom. He nods and she walks over and stands in line.

Father Riley waits for her near a pay phone. It RINGS. He looks around and picks it up.


FATHER RILEYHello. Vegas track.

VINNIE Hello Father.

FATHER RILEYIs that you Vinnie?

Vinnie is lying face down on a chaise lounge near the hotel pool. Baby is putting lotion on his shoulders.

VINNIE Yeah, it’s me Father. Listen, I got some bad news.


VINNIE Well Father, word has it that you haven’t exactly been thrilled to be here.

Father Riley looks around to see if he can spot Vinnie.

FATHER RILEYWhat are you talking about Vinnie?


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We need a little assurance that you’re going to go through with this deal.

Down the hallway, two men start to scuffle.

FATHER RILEYAssurance, huh?

VINNIEWe’ve noticed you hanging out with Cindy.

FATHER RILEYA bit. Why, are you threatening her?

VINNIENot exactly - let’s just say we want her to stay healthy. But you’re being a little too wishy washy with helping my brother out.

FATHER RILEYKilling a bunch of people even for the Church or your probably renegade brother, just doesn’t seem like the right thing to do.

VINNIE Like sleeping around when you’re a priest is?

The scuffle down the hallway turns into a fist fight.

FATHER RILEYI know, believe me. It’s not easy, living with myself. But I’ve sworn off women.

VINNIERight. Why are you a priest anyway?

One of the guys fighting down the hall hits the other below the belt. The one who was hit falls to the floor.

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FATHER RILEYAfter that Vietnam stint...I just wanted a little peace...I thought I could deal with the no women part...

VINNIEWhy not be a Minister – one of those other religions?

FATHER RILEYC’mon Vinnie, I’m from the Catholic side of Irish. Not an option.

VINNIEWhatever Father...you can screw all the babes you want after this deal. Including your ‘friend’ Cindy. Meanwhile, we need your expertise, so we’re keeping an eye on her.

The guy on the floor gets up and the other guy knocks him under the chin. He flies backwards and lands in a heap.

FATHER RILEYWhy are you messed up with this deal Vinnie. What’s in it for you?

VINNIEI like helping out my big brother. Also, Sen City’s been cutting into my revenue stream. So you in or do you need more motivation? Cindy will be coming out of the bathroom soon...we could take her for a joy ride if you like.

FATHER RILEYI don’t have a choice...but leave Cindy out of it.

VINNIE Just play ball Father – it’ll all be over soon.


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Father Riley slams down the phone. Guards are gathering down the hall where the fight was. He turns and Cindy walks up to him.

CINDYYou look upset. Is everything OK?

FATHER RILEYJust some bad news from an old friend. Let’s get out of here.


Father Riley walks in the door and SLAMS it behind him.

He walks into the room and sees Sister Catherine reading on the bed. The bathroom door is closed and the SHOWER is running.

FATHER RILEYWhat exactly do you think you’re doing?

SISTER CATHERINEReading. What’s got you in a huff?

FATHER RILEYWhat have you been telling the Archbishop?

SISTER CATHERINEAh, got wind of that did you? Well, Father Darwin, what did you expect?

Father Riley kicks the bed.

FATHER RILEYYou really are frigid aren’t you?

SISTER CATHERINEI guess that means you’ll be helping us set up tonight?

Father Riley turns and walks toward the door.

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FATHER RILEYYou and your brothers sure know how to treat your friends, don’t you?!

He steps into the hallway, SLAMMING the door.


A foot kicks in the front door. It falls to the living room floor with a dull THUD.

Vinnie’s bodyguard moves into the house by stepping on the door. He has a splint on one finger.

Vinnie slowly walks in behind the bodyguard.

The bodyguard notes the candle-lit place setting that adorns the dining room table as he heads to the kitchen. A pitcher of water and steaming plates of food sit on the counter between the dining room and kitchen.

Inside the kitchen, Cindy stops cooking and heads into the dining room.

Cindy sees the bodyguard and SHRIEKS.

Vinnie walks towards her as the bodyguard rips the tablecloth off of the table. The candles and place settings CRASH to the floor.

Cindy reaches to stop the bodyguard as he moves towards the living room. Vinnie reaches out and grabs her arm, stopping her.

CINDYWhat are you doing?

VINNIEWhere’s the money?

CINDYWhat money?


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I hate this part. Why do you all play stupid? You know what money! The pony money!! Pony it up! You owe 250K – have you forgotten already?

CINDYI...don’t have it yet.

VINNIEI told ya not to blow more at the track. What were you doing there today?

CINDY...I won 1500 dollars.

VINNIEOh great – that helps tremendously.

Cindy notices small flames crawling amongst the wreckage of the place settings.

CINDYCan you...I...put that out?

VINNIEWhere’s the money?

CINDYGive me two days. 48 hours. That’s a lot of money - I need to talk to some people.

VINNIEHow much do you have here?

CINDYJust five grand.

VINNIEWhere is it?

CINDYPut that fire out and I’ll tell you.

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Vinnie and Cindy stare at each other. Vinnie breaks the contest and calmly throws some water on the fire. Smoke fills the room.

Cindy walks over to a shelf and pulls a wad of bills out of a container.


VINNIEWe’ll be back in 48 hours.

Vinnie and the bodyguard walk out of the dining room and head for the door. The door SPLINTERS as their feet trod on it.


The splintered door lies on the floor. The doorbell RINGS.

Father Riley steps gingerly on the door. He’s carrying a bottle of wine.

FATHER RILEYCindy? Cindy, where are you?

Cindy rushes around the hallway corner and throws herself into his arms.

FATHER RILEYWhat happened? Are you OK?

Cindy begins to sob. Father Riley puts the wine bottle down and holds her for a minute.

She finally comes up for air.

CINDYIt’s all ruined! Dinner and my favorite tablecloth and the carpet and...

FATHER RILEYIt’s OK, they can all be replaced. What happened?

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CINDYI...can’t tell you. I like you so much and if you find out...

Father Riley leads her over to the sofa in the living room.

FATHER RILEYPeople have been confiding in me for years. I promise I won’t think less of you.

She breaks down in tears again.

CINDYIt was such a nice dinner!

Father Riley puts his hand on her back and starts to rub her gently. She nestles her head in his shoulder. He leans back against the sofa and she cries against him.

She sniffles and looks up at him, giving him a long look. He strokes her hair. Their faces inch closer. Their eyes close and they softly kiss.

Their kissing deepens and Father Riley lies back on the couch, pulling Cindy on top of him. They remove her shirt and toss it over the back of the couch.


Vinnie waltzes into the lobby smiling like a victorious king. The bodyguard follows in his wake. As Vinnie walks to the elevator, hotel employees rush him, giving him a drink, some paperwork, a cigar.

VINNYI love this place!


In Cindy’s bathroom, Father Riley is getting out of the shower. Cindy is brushing her hair.


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Feel good?

FATHER RILEYMuch better. Would you like to head out to dinner?

CINDYYeah - I would love to get out of here!

FATHER RILEYMaybe you should pack a bag so you won’t need to sleep here tonight.

Father Riley gets dressed.

CINDYOK. I’ll go put a few things together.

Father Riley walks into the living room. He looks around, shakes his head and walks over to the fallen door. He sets the door in the frame, and tries to shut the door.

Cindy, in a new outfit, walks over to him carrying an overnight bag. She kisses him gently on the cheek.

CINDYThanks Riley. You’re the best.


Father Riley is driving and Cindy is sitting next to him. The night lights of Vegas pass by.

FATHER RILEYWhat are you in the mood for?

CINDYAnything but Italian. We could check out Sen City’s Darkened Den. Or I know a nice Greek place.

FATHER RILEYI’m not in the mood for Italian either. What’s the Darkened Den?

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CINDYIt’s that restaurant that has no lights – it enhances your other senses.

She leans over and gives him a kiss.

FATHER RILEYOh yeah. I want to look at you, so let’s go Greek. Cindy, what happened back there?

CINDYThey almost burned the place down. I had to give them five thousand dollars.

FATHER RILEYThat’s a lot of money. Who’s they?

CINDYRiley, I still owe them two hundred and forty five thousand dollars. I think they’re the mob.

Father Riley pulls the car into a parking lot and stops the car.

FATHER RILEYThe ponies...

Cindy puts her head in her hand.

CINDYI love the ponies. But they don’t love me lately.




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You need more than a good job to get you out of this one. When do they want it?

CINDYThey gave me 48 hours.

Father Riley starts driving again.

FATHER RILEYThat’s better than tomorrow. Do you have any resources to draw on?

CINDYI have a few ideas. It’s over there.

Father Riley turns the car into the Greek Restaurant parking lot and parks.


A WAITER leads Cindy and Father Riley to a back table. They are seated and provided with menus.

WAITERCan I bring you something to drink?

CINDYI’d like some wine.

FATHER RILEYBring us a bottle of Retsina please.

The waiter leaves.

FATHER RILEYWhat are your ideas for dredging up almost 250K in 48 hours?

CINDYDon’t make it sound so hopeless! I’d like to go see a real estate loan shark about a loan on my

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house. If that doesn’t work, I can try to buy some time with my charm.

Cindy smiles broadly. The waiter brings them the check.


CINDYSo tomorrow...I know it’s asking a big favor, but could you help me?

FATHER RILEYOf course I can.

Cindy drains the last of her wine.

CINDYOne more thing – I’ll need a hotel room tonight. Would you stay with me tonight? I’d feel safer.

Father Riley reaches over and grabs her hand.

FATHER RILEYI’d love to Cindy, but if you’re going to be dragging me off all over town tomorrow, I need to work on the story a bit. The bad guys won’t know where you are. I’ll help you get checked in and then you can come by my hotel tomorrow at ten. How’s that?

CINDYI suppose...I was hoping to get you in bed again. I want to try some Tantra with you.

FATHER RILEYWhat is this Tantra stuff you keep talking about? Something kinky?

CINDYNo, silly – it’s making love... it’s sacred...moving energy around together. Supposed to enlighten you.

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FATHER RILEYYou already do that.

They beam at one another.

CINDYYou’re too sweet. But it’s about spirituality as well. The Hindu’s are into it.

FATHER RILEYInteresting...where I come from sex isn’t considered a good thing. Sometimes even evil.

CINDYI know – that’s how I grew up too. Crazy isn’t it? How can anything that feels so good be a bad thing?

FATHER RILEYYou’ve got a point there. We’ll play energy soon – just not tonight. Anyway – I have a feeling you’ll be safe. Besides, they gave you 48 hours right? And they need you to dig up the money for them.

Cindy pouts for a moment. Father Riley leans over and gives her a long, slow kiss.


They get up from the table and head to the door. Father Riley puts his hand on her waist.

FATHER RILEYBesides, there’s probably still some honor among thieves.


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Sister Catherine and Sister Toni move through the admittance gate and down Main Street. Less crowded than during the day, the streets are still busy.

The Nuns turn down a side alley and reach a door marked “Employee’s Only”.

Sister Toni takes out a lockpick and tries the lock. It doesn’t work at first, but then it frees up.


They walk down stairs and into stark hallways until they reach a retinal scanning station. They walk through, getting the green light.

Down the hallway they move and enter a room marked “LOCKERS”.

Dressed in maintenance gear, they move down more hallways until they reach the computer room.


They walk in and Sister Toni guards the door while Sister Catherine heads for the nearest computer using a pen light to guide the way. She sits down and types away. She whispers to Sister Toni.

SISTER CATHERINEGood man, Mr. Wireman!



Sister Catherine continues to type away.

FOOTSTEPS are heard down the hallway. Both nuns hold their breath.

The walkie talkie SQUALKS and Sister Toni quickly turns it off.

The footsteps continue on down the hall.

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SISTER CATHERINENo sense of timing!

A last bit of typing and Sister Catherine gets up from the keyboard.

SISTER CATHERINEOK, we’re good to go. Let’s find a way in and out of this labyrinthine hell.


Father Riley slowly drives the Honda around town. The streets are deserted.

He stops at a mini-mart for coffee.

He opens his car door and the walkie talkie comes on.



On an empty street, Sister Toni can be seen looking out a sewer inlet.

SISTER TONIOK, we’ve got a location. Looks like we’re at the corner of Douglas and 14th.

FATHER RILEYLet me check the map.

He gets in the car and picks the map up off the seat. Turning the dome light on, he studies it for a second.

FATHER RILEYRoger that – I’ll be there in five.

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He closes the car door and heads off down the street.

The Honda turns the corner onto 14th street and slows down. At the sewer inlet, a small white light flashes.

The Honda pulls up next to the inlet and Father Riley gets out of the car and opens the trunk.

FATHER RILEYLet me jack up the car, then I’ll start passing you the goods.

SISTER CATHERINEThis place is deserted – just throw down the wire.

Father Riley looks down the street. Turns and looks the other way.

He digs an armful of wire out of the trunk. He passes it into the waiting arms of Sister Catherine.

FATHER RILEYAs you command, my liege.

SISTER CATHERINEJust shut up and give us the wire.

They work silently for a few minutes.

FATHER RILEYThat’s the last of it.

SISTER TONIYour eyes are good. Meet us at pole V16 under the Chocolate Castle.


Father Riley closes the trunk and steps around the car to the door. A police cruiser pulls up on the other side of the street and the OFFICER speaks out her window.

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FATHER RILEYJust getting a CD out of the trunk.

OFFICEROK. Here’s my card if you need anything.

She holds a card out the window. Father Riley walks over and gets it. She winks, drives on and Father Riley gets in his car and drives off.


Father Riley traces the steps the Nuns took through the entrance and into the park. Down the same alley and into the hallway.


Father Riley pauses at the retinal scan. He takes a deep breath and walks up to it, placing his eye in the scanner.

It scans his eye. He takes two slow steps backwards.

The green light flashes and he exhales, walking through.


At pole V16, Father Riley, dressed in a maintenance uniform, sees the Nuns in a golf cart. Two ladders are slung precariously in the back of the cart.

He gets in the cart, holds the ladders and they drive off through the empty tunnels.

The cart stops and they get out.

FATHER RILEYLet’s start here.

They unroll some wire. Father Riley points to an electrical conduit along the ceiling.

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FATHER RILEYWe’ll run it along the conduit. Be careful to run it on the top side.

They start to string it along.

FATHER RILEYHere’s where we’ll put one of the explosives.

He unwraps the explosive and motions Sister Catherine over to him.

FATHER RILEYLet’s see if those books showed you how to do this.

She puts the wire and the explosive together.

FATHER RILEYNot quite how we did it in the ole days, but good nonetheless. You’re a smart cookie aren’t you?


SISTER TONIYou’re the man, Padre!

FATHER RILEYYou hush and get back to work - we’ve got a lot to do.


As the sun peeks over the edge of the buildings, the Nuns and Father Riley, back in their street clothes, pass by the main gate and move to the tram waiting area.

A young couple waits on a bench, her head resting gently on his shoulder. He softly kisses her head.


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Father Riley gets out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. The phone on the bathroom wall RINGS and he answers it. Super: “DAY THREE”


The Archbishop is practicing putting.

ARCHBISHOPHow are you Bart?


(sarcastically)Oh fine, just peachy. Your Brother and Sisters are a real hoot.

ARCHBISHOPGood. I just wanted to check in and see how things are going for tonight.

FATHER RILEYI wanted to chat with you too. Are you sure you want to go through with this?

ARCHBISHOPYes – it’s got to fly.

FATHER RILEYPeople are going to die you know...I found out this place is a 24/7 op.

ARCHBISHOPSo be it. God have mercy on their perverted souls.

The Archbishop hits a ball right into the cup.

FATHER RILEYGod have mercy on your soul.

ARCHBISHOPHum? What was that again?

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The Archbishop tries to hang-up by pushing various buttons. He drops the phone. Both he and the assistant reach for it at the same time, hitting their heads.

Father Riley hears BEEPING and looks at the phone, perplexed.

ARCHBISHOP (OS)Simpson you idiot!


The Archbishop snatches the phone off the floor and tries to dial the phone.

ARCHBISHOPI hate this thing. Here - dial my brother for me.

He throws it at his assistant.

ASSISTANTYes, your Eminence. Uh, which Brother would that be?

ARCHBISHOPVincent of course!

ASSISTANTYes, Sir. Right away, Sir.


Vinnie is having breakfast. Women in thong bikinis are everywhere.

VINNIEHey, how you doing?


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Vincent, is everything a go for tonight?

VINNIESleep easy tonight, Big Man. Your baby brother’s got it all under control.


Father Riley sits on the hotel bed in pants and no shirt. He flips pages in a phone book. His finger lands on the number for the FBI. He dials.

RECORDED PHONE VOICE (OS)Welcome to the Nevada State Branch of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. If you would like to report a crime please press one now. If you would like to turn yourself in please press two.

Father Riley presses number one.

RECORDED PHONE VOICE (OS)Please note that this conversation will be recorded. If you would like to report a felony in progress please press one...


JACKSON, a middle-aged guy in a bad rumpled suit sits at a desk. He’s looking at a photo of a beautiful speed boat in a magazine.

JACKSONJackson here.

FATHER RILEYOh, hi. I’d like to...uh...I guess report a crime.

Jackson puts the magazine down and starts to write on a piece of paper.

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JACKSONSure, what’s going on?

FATHER RILEYI’m, hmm, let’s see, there’s a gangster named Vinnie DiSalavini... owns Vinnie’s palace hotel.

JACKSONWhat’s Vinnie up to now?

Jackson writes a big dollar sign on the paper and circles it.

FATHER RILEYOh, good, so you’re already on to him! He’s getting ready to blow up Sen City!

JACKSON (bored)

All right, thanks for calling, we’ll look into it.

FATHER RILEYReally, that’s it?

JACKSONDon’t you worry about a thing. Have a nice day.

Father Riley hangs up shaking his head.

Jackson wads up the paper and throws it in the trash. He picks the magazine up with a big smile.

JACKSONDaddy’s got a new pair of shoes!!


There is a loud KNOCK at the door. Father Riley slumps to the door.

He opens the door, revealing Cindy. She looks well dressed and gives him a kiss.

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CINDYRiley - aren’t you ready yet? We have a big day ahead of us.

FATHER RILEY You have no idea.


FATHER RILEYOh nothing. How does this look?

He holds-up a shirt which clearly doesn’t match his pants.

CINDYI don’t think so.

Cindy goes to the closet and starts digging around. He surreptitiously steers her away from the side of the closet that contains his black priest garb.

CINDYWhere do you shop? The SalvationArmy?

She hands him a shirt. He tries to take the shirt, but she holds onto it, pulling him towards her. She kisses him.

CINDYIn the mood for a little ‘exercise’?

FATHER RILEYYou mean the sort of ‘exercise’ we engaged in last night? I’d like nothing better, but don’t think we have time.

Cindy pretends to pout at him.

CINDYYou’re right. We do have things we need to do today. We certainly can’t just lay around all day - in bed...

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He looks her over slowly, smiles and then jumps on the bed with her. They grab each other and roll around, giggling.

Cindy and Father Riley leave the hotel room holding hands.


The Nuns, wearing maintenance uniforms, walk up to a door marked “Employees Only”. They open the door and walk inside.


A male, PONY-TAILED GUARD hits replay. A tape rewinds and then plays the Nuns walking into the “Employees Only” door. He picks up his walkie-talkie.


PONY-TAILED GUARDRed Rider, Red Rider this isWhite Onion. Do you copy?

A BALDING GUARD standing near the Log Ride line answers. Behind him, a penis shaped boat comes to a halt with an impressive spray of water. Mary and Frances sit in the lead boat. They kiss, get out of the boat and walk away.

BALDING GUARDYes, Vernon. I can hear you. What do you want?

PONY-TAILED GUARDThey’re here. The packages havearrived. The Eagle has landed.Our ship has…..

BALDING GUARDVernon, will you shut up! I understood you the first time. What’s going on?


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We’ve got the two ladies from the other day dressed as maintenance workers who just walked in the door near Mount Venus.

BALDING GUARDFine – I’ll go check it out, you keep those cameras rolling.

The Pony-tailed guard fiddles with the monitor equipment for a few seconds and then leans back in his chair and watches.


In a darkened side tunnel, on a ladder, Sister Toni hangs wires. A few paces behind her, Sister Catherine connects the C4 explosives and hides the small package.

The Nuns watch a security camera and move past it as it swivels.


The Nuns lay more wiring in semi-darkness as the roller coaster thunders by overhead.


A private patio holds a dozen small cafe tables. The tables are crowded with wine bottles and cheese trays.

Cindy and Father Riley sit across from a LOAN SHARK. Cindy holds a folder full of papers in her lap The loan shark closes a folder and looks at Cindy.

LOAN SHARKWell, everything looks pretty clean. No liens, no foreclosures. We could fund a second in about 3 to 4 weeks.

CINDY3 or 4 weeks? No – no - no - I need the money today!

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Father Riley (to Shark)

It’s kind of an emergency.

LOAN SHARKOh really? What sort of emergency?

CINDY & FATHER RILEY (overlapping)

Medical (CINDY) / Dental (FATHER RILEY)

Cindy and Father Riley look at each other.

FATHER RILEYUh, it’s gum surgery.

Father Riley starts pointing into his mouth in a half-hearted attempt to persuade the shark. Father Riley holds his hand to his cheek in mock pain. Cindy watches in amusement.

LOAN SHARKPretty expensive surgery...without an official appraisal I have no way of determining the value of the house. Now, granted your home is no doubt in fine condition, but I’m sure you can appreciate the difficulties in attempting to get an appraisal in such a short period of time.

CINDYYes, yes of course. How much would I get?


Based on comps, probably, somewhere around 70 grand.

CINDY (quietly)

That’s it?

LOAN SHARKYes. I could possibly expedite the loan for the small fee of $2500.

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CINDYI’m in a tough spot. Fine. I’ll have the cash when exactly?

LOAN SHARKSeven days from today.

The loan shark hands several large sheets of paper to Cindy who begins filling them out. The shark looks at Father Riley.

LOAN SHARKYou have to take care of those gums.

FATHER RILEYOh yeah. Yes, indeed. I know that now.

Cindy looks at the loan shark and then at Father Riley, shakes her head and starts filling out forms.

John and Darla walk by the Emporium, behind Father Riley, holding hands.


The Nuns are wiring explosives wearing helmets with tiny pen lights. A key SCRATCHES the lock. They freeze. One holds up a finger to her lips and makes a small SHSSS sound as they duck behind a shelf.

The Balding Guard walks in. He kicks a paint can and it TUMBLES across the floor. He shines his light over the huge room. It illuminates only darkness and shelves. He returns outside.


The Balding Guard’s walkie-talkie squawks.

PONY-TAILED GUARD (OS)Red Rider, Red Rider this is White Dove.

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BALDING GUARDI’m White Swallow you idiot.

PONY-TAILED GUARD (OS)Well, who am I then?

BALDING GUARDYou’re Red Beaver – what the Hell is wrong with you? There was no one in there.

PONY-TAILED GUARD (OS)Shit. I could swear I saw them go in there.

BALDING GUARDI didn’t see anything. I’m heading back. Over and out.


Cindy and Father Riley take items out of three large shopping bags and place them on the counter. An ASIAN MAN, watches from behind the counter without commenting.

Cindy places the last item on the countertop and looks around the shop.

CINDYSo, where’s Nicholas?

ASIAN MAN (with British accent)

Nicholas is not present.

CINDYNo, you don’t understand. I need to speak with the owner.

ASIAN MANYes, I am the owner.

CINDYWell, I always deal directly with Nicholas.

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ASIAN MANSpeaking.

Cindy looks at Father Riley and then back at the Asian Man.

CINDYOK, well so, what do you think you can give me for this?

Cindy holds up a Salt Server. The Asian Man takes it from Cindy. He shakes it at her.

ASIAN MANBloody hell! What is this? Some kind of poor joke then? I don’t sell Opium.

CINDYNo, that’s for Salt – it’s a Salt Server.

The Asian man looks down at the trinkets, clothing, costume jewelry and porcelain.

ASIAN MANRight! I’ll give you 5 dollars.

CINDY (angrily)

5 Dollars for this historical artifact? Are you crazy?

Cindy grabs the Salt Server from the Asian Man. The Asian Man, incensed, waves his hand over the stuff on the counter.

ASIAN MANNo – for the whole lot!

CINDYThis piece alone is worth 1,000 dollars. It’s an 18th Century Porcelain Salt Server.

Father Riley is holding some of the costume jewelry, nervously rolling it in his fingers. Cindy grabs several of

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the necklaces from Father Riley and holds them up to the proprietor’s face.

CINDYSome of these are worth 4 or 5 hundred dollars each. My mother gave them to me when I was just a little girl.

Cindy looking at the jewelry with moistening eyes. Father Riley places his hand on hers. They look into each other’s eyes.

ASIAN MANJolly good – 5,000 for the lot then!

FATHER RILEYOh come on. Surely you can do better…

ASIAN MANWho I look like, Lau Tsu? If you want to sell at Sotherby’s, you sell at Sotherby’s. If you want to sell here, you sell here then!

Cindy and Father Riley look at the Asian man who smiles a large polyhedral grin. Cindy shakes her head.

CINDYNo, no, no, all of this is worth at least 20 or 30 thousand.

ASIAN MANAh so, you have the receipts?

The Asian Man grabs and holds part of necklace in Cindy’s hand.

ASIAN MANLady, excuse me, but this stuff is so hot I need to wear sunglasses and oven mitts just to get it off the counter. I can’t even sell it here – I’ll need to send it to my Brother in Vietnam.

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Cindy looks down at the counter, her eyes lowered dejectedly. She begins to speak.

FATHER RILEY (interrupting)

Vietnam? What’s up with the accent?

ASIAN MANAfter the war I went to school at Oxford.

FATHER RILEYWhy are you here? Don’t you hate Americans?

ASIAN MANNo, old chap – I love America!

The Asian Man touches his chest and spreads his arms wide.

CINDYEnough you two...7,500 – not a penny less!



The Asian Man quickly sweeps all of the stuff on the counter into a large box. He fishes around in his pants pocket and pulls out a huge wad of money. He counts the money onto the counter.

FATHER RILEYWe could have had everything appraised. At least found out the real value of some of the nicer pieces.

CINDYI was thinking that at least I’ll have something to give you know who when they show up later.

Cindy takes the money and they head out the door.

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FATHER RILEYAnd then what - pay 500 dollars a month for the rest of your life? You can’t mess around with these guys. I know these people.

CINDYYou know these people?

FATHER RILEYWell, I know of them.

CINDYUh huh. Great. Now what??


The Balding Guard is walking down a side street. The Nuns exit a door 30 feet ahead of him, wearing street clothes. He starts after them and his walkie talkie beeps.

PONY-TAILED GUARD (OS)White Dove, White Dove this is Red Fox. I see them coming out of the “Employees Only” door on the East side of the Roman Coliseum.

BALDING GUARDYeah, I see ‘em.

The Balding guard runs after the Nuns and catches up to them. The Nuns are carrying paper grocery bags.

BALDING GUARDPardon me ladies. Can I ask whatyou were doing in that room?

The Sisters turn to look back at the door.

SISTER CATHERINEOh, sorry. I guess we were lost. We must have taken a wrong turn.

BALDING GUARDA wrong turn?

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SISTER TONIYes, a wrong turn. We were looking for the ladies room.

BALDING GUARDThe ladies room? Now look - we’ve observed you two on the security cameras acting very suspicious like.

SISTER CATHERINEDon’t you mean ‘suspiciously’?

BALDING GUARDWell, yeah. What’s in your bags?

They show him their empty bags.

SISTER TONISo what’s your point, amigo?

BALDING GUARDYou’ve been, well, acting suspicious. Suspiciously. Just suspicious. That’s what.

SISTER CATHERINEThe point is you have no point. Nor grammatical skills. Your argument is specious, ill conceived and inconsistent. Are we to be arrested for something?


The Sisters turn to leave.

SISTER CATHERINEWell, good day then Constable.

The Sisters walk off toward the exit.


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Father Riley and Cindy get inside her car. She’s on the drivers side. It’s parked on a busy Vegas Street. Traffic WHIZZES by.

FATHER RILEYDid you get that guy – he didn’t hate Americans...

Cindy tries to put her seat belt on, but can’t get it to hook.

CINDYScrew him - oh Riley, what am I going to do?

FATHER RILEYWell, what about Stocks, Bonds? Maybe your Church...?

Cindy gives up on the seat belt, throws it and starts to cry. She shakes her head and pounds on the steering wheel.

CINDYYeah, my Church. That’s what I’ll do – pray!

Father Riley smiles and bows his head.

FATHER RILEYDear Heavenly Father...

Cindy slugs him in the arm.

CINDYWhat the Hell is wrong with you? I’m in real trouble here and all you can do is to act like an Ass.

FATHER RILEYCindy, I was only trying to help.

CINDYI know – I’m sorry. It just seems like there’s no way out.

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FATHER RILEYWell, what about relatives. Do youhave any? Rich ones, I mean.

CINDYNo, nobody.

Cindy looks up at him. She puts her head in her hand.

CINDYRiley – I just realized...they’re going to kill me. I don’t have the money. And they’re not going to accept loan documents. What was I thinking? Shit - what am I going to do?

FATHER RILEYI’ve been thinking...what if you were to run?


FATHER RILEYSure – get out of the country. Find a little place where they’ll never find you.

CINDYLeave the country? I don’t really want to do that. What about my job? The ponies

FATHER RILEYWhat about your life?

CINDYYou have a point there...will you come with me?

Father Riley digs into his jacket pocket and pulls out a bag.


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CINDYNo! I don’t want a rum ball!! I want you to come with me.

She cries – deep, heartfelt sobs.

Father Riley puts his hand on her back and watches her thoughtfully. He puts a rum ball in his mouth.

FATHER RILEYDon’t cry...Cindy...I...I...can’t.

CINDYWhy not?

FATHER RILEYI have obligations.

Father Riley reaches in his pocket for a cigarette, but there isn’t one there.

CINDYI knew it – you’re married!!

FATHER RILEYNot exactly.

CINDYHow can you be not exactly married? Are you or aren’t you?

Father Riley’s hand starts to shake. He’s on the verge of tears.

FATHER RILEYI can’t believe I’m going to tell you this.

Father Riley grabs his opposite elbows with both hands, hugging himself.

FATHER RILEYLook, Cindy. I need to tell you something. I’ve got something I need to say.

Cindy clenches the steering wheel tightly.

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CINDYYou’re scaring me. What is it?

Father Riley takes a deep breath. He eats another rum ball.

FATHER RILEYI had somebody once tell me to follow my heart.

Cindy relaxes just a bit.

CINDYGood advice.

FATHER RILEYOK – I’m going out on a huge limb here.

(looks out the window)I can’t believe what’s happening. I can’t believe what I’ve gotten myself into.

CINDYWhat are you talking about?

Father Riley looks into Cindy’s eyes. He wipes sweat from his forehead.

FATHER RILEYI’m being blackmailed and can’t find a way to stop...I.. I.. Cindy, I’m not a reporter for an Electronics Magazine.

CINDYWhat, you work for RedBook?

FATHER RILEYWhat? No. Uh, Cindy… I’m a Priest.

Cindy stares blankly at him for a few seconds.

CINDYYou’re a Priest.


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Yes, I’m a Priest. And an explosives expert and Structural Engineer from doing some time in Vietnam. And I’m being blackmailed into destroying Sen City.

CINDYWhat??? You’re what???

Cindy starts fumbling for the door handle. Father Riley grabs her arm.

FATHER RILEYBut, no it’s not what you think. Please hear me out. My Chaplain – he’s an Archbishop now...and his family...they’re a mob family...and he hates Sen City. He’s gone wacko.

CINDYUh huh.

Cindy gets one hand on the door handle.

FATHER RILEYAnd he’s got his two pseudo-Sisters watching my every move! You, you just wouldn’t believe these two! They’re...these unstoppable machines…


Cindy manages to push open the car door.

FATHER RILEYAnd his brother is a big time Mobster named Vinnie… This guy kills people for sport. I know – I’m his priest!

CINDYVinnie! You don’t mean the same Vinnie who owns “Vinnie’s Casino Palace” on the strip?

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FATHER RILEYYou know Vinnie?

CINDYHe’s the one who threatened to kill me last night!

FATHER RILEY and CINDY (overlapping)


At that moment a semi truck comes by and smashes into the open car door, RIPPING it off it’s hinges. The truck honks and keeps on going. They both stare at the space where the car door was.


CINDYFuck the door! How could you possibly be part of a plot to destroy the place I love so much!

Cindy starts punching on Father Riley.

FATHER RILEYThat’s why I’m telling you. I’ve been trying to stop all of this, but they won’t let me.

Father Riley stops her flailing and holds her hands.

CINDYWhat do you mean they won’t let you? What have you done to stop this from happening?

FATHER RILEYWhat did I do? I tried talking the Archbishop out of it...I tried calling the Cardinal but they killed my Housekeeper...

CINDYThey killed your Housekeeper!

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FATHER RILEYYes! I tried talking the Nuns out of the deal, I wanted to screw-up the explosives but those two Sisters – they were too smart and watching my every move. And finally, I got blown off by an FBI agent this morning!

CINDYFBI! Explosives! You’ve been laying explosives?

FATHER RILEYCindy, that’s why they sent me here. Listen to me! I’m being blackmailed. The Archbishop has threatened to kick me out of the priesthood.

CINDYWell, if last night is an indication, your continuing career in the Priesthood is dicey at best. So, that shouldn’t cause you any pressure.

FATHER RILEYCindy, you don’t understand. Until I met you, the priesthood was my life, my love. I wanted to make up for the damage I did in Vietnam. But if our proprietor here is any indication, I should get over it. They have. But Vinnie figured out I’m soft on you. Even if I forget the priesthood and they don’t kill me, Vinnie threatened to kill you too if I don’t go through with it.

CINDYWhat? Oh great. Now I have two death threats to deal with – that’s just great.


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Well, look at it this way. At least they’re from the same person.

CINDYYeah. Vinnie and his precious hotel.


CINDYYeah – he loves that place. His passion is a local legend. The place is spotless. All the locals play there.

FATHER RILEYReally? I didn’t think he loved anything...

CINDYSo this is why you were avoiding people when you got here...hmm, what do you think we should do?

FATHER RILEYYeah, avoiding my parishioners ...you’ve given me an idea.

CINDYWhat do you have in mind?

FATHER RILEYLet me take care of that part. What I need you to do is get us some traveling documents – Passports and any other cash you can dig up...The kinds of things that will get us out of the country. Can you do that?

CINDYWell, I might know someone at a Print Shop… You’ll come with me?

Father Riley takes his drivers license out of his wallet.

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FATHER RILEYIf we live through tonight I’ll need to get out of here too. Here’s my driver’s license. You can use that for the picture. And one more thing...have your guards come up to the Overlook at midnight, guns drawn. You stay away!

CINDYRiley, what are you going to do?

FATHER RILEYI’m planning on having a brilliant idea any minute now. Let’s get going - drop me at the hotel. The Masquerade Ball is tonight – let’s meet up there.

They drive off and weave around the drivers side door lying in the road.


Several guards have congregated in the Guard Office.

PONY-TAILED GUARDThere’s something strange going on around here and I want to find out what it is.

TALL SKINNY GUARDWhat do you mean – the Midgets?

PONY-TAILED GUARDNo, not the Midgets. It’s those two women we tried to follow around today. They seemed really suspicious. I want to find out what they were up to.

TALL SKINNY GUARDI saw them go into a Maintenance door...


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OK, I’ll take Merl and you take Sonny. I want to go over this place with a fine-tooth comb. Now, let’s get started.

BALDING GUARDShould we notify Cindy?




Father Riley is sitting at the computer wearing an electrician’s uniform. He types something and hits enter.

The Nuns walk in the room. He closes the laptop.

SISTER TONIWe’ve completed the wiring for thesesections.

Sister Catherine pulls a schematic of the Park out of her pocket.

Sister Toni points on the map with a pencil.

SISTER CATHERINEThere were several reroutes of the main cabling not shown on these maps. The junctions would never have passed inspection.

SISTER TONIIt’s almost like we’re doing them a favor. This place is a real fire hazard.

Father Riley looks at the map along with the Nuns.

FATHER RILEYLooks like the only thing left todo is to install and activate the

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They all look at one another.

SISTER CATHERINEWe thought it best to complete thework during the Masquerade Ball.

SISTER TONIIt shouldn’t take more than an hour or so to complete. We could have it done by 10:30, 11:00 at the latest.

FATHER RILEYThat sounds good. Once you’ve finished let’s drive up to the Overlook around 11:45.

Father Riley leaves the room.


The Ballroom is crowded with several hundred people in costume. Father Riley enters. The party is in full swing.

He walks over to one of the tables laden with food and gets a glass from a devil carrying a tray of wine.

He strolls through the crowd, looking around. An Angel comes up behind him and puts her hands over his eyes.

CINDYGuess who?

Father Riley turns and sees Cindy. He can’t speak for several seconds.

FATHER RILEYI was...I had thought…..you look wonderful.

CINDYMe? Look at you. You overallwearing, bag of tools over your shoulder, name tag that says “Larry” kinda guy.

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FATHER RILEYI’m an electrician.

CINDYThanks for the help there.

FATHER RILEYWould you suppose an Angel would care to dance with an Electrician?

CINDYThis Angel would be delighted to dance with this Electrician.

Father Riley and Cindy retire to the Dance floor. They make small talk while dancing and Cindy occasionally laughs.


Cindy and Father Riley are sitting at a side table.

CINDYLadies room time.

FATHER RILEYI’ll wait at the bar for you, my sweet.

Cindy goes off and Father Riley goes over to the bar area. He orders water.

Vinnie, the bodyguard and Baby, dressed in their usual clothes, come into the bar. Vinnie sits down beside Father Riley. Father Riley nods at Vinnie.

VINNIEHey Father. Just want to let you know that I’ll be watching you tonight just to make sure that nothing bad happens.

Vinny’s phone rings and Vinny answers it.

VINNIE (into phone)

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Look, you handle it or I’ll handle it – and you do NOT want me to handle it. Right.

Vinnie hangs up the phone and turns to Father Riley.

VINNIEOK, Father where were we? Oh yeah, looks like you’ve gotten pretty cozy with your Girlfriend. Not going to let your affections get in the way tonight are you Father?

FATHER RILEYDon’t worry about it.

VINNIEThat’s my job, Father, to worry about it.

Father Riley’s eyes narrow.

Cindy walks through the crowd and stands next to Father Riley.

VINNIECindy, how would you like to take a ride tonight and check out the view?

FATHER RILEYNot part of the deal, Vinnie.

VINNIEIt is now – let’s go. Baby – take a cab back to the Palace.

Vinnie puts his hand on Cindy’s arm. She struggles and he points a gun at her through his suit.

She looks down at the gun and stops struggling.


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Father Riley heads awkwardly for the exit. Vinnie has his hand on Cindy’s arm with a gun in her side. A large line stretches out the door.

The Iowa couple and the Lesbians are standing next to each other in line. Father Riley and his group walk right by them and into the night.

Frances turns Mary in the direction of Father Riley’s departure.

FRANCESWas that..?

MARYFather Riley?

John and Darla turn to Mary and Frances.

DARLAYou know Father Riley too? We thought we saw him the other day in the Donut Shop and at the Coliseum.

JOHNI always did like him.

DARLAYou only met him once!


A Man behind a computer reads email. His eyes get big. He picks up the phone.


An ALARM begins to sound. Doors fly open and people run out of their rooms and into stairwells.


People run down the stairs.


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Crowds of people quickly exit the building and run away.


Vinnie’s car pulls into the overlook. The Nuns are standing by Father Riley’s car.

Father Riley gets out of the front seat. Vinnie gets out of the driver’s side and Cindy and the Bodyguard get out of the back seat. Vinnie grabs Cindy’s tied up arm and puts the gun to her head.

They walk over to the Nuns.

VINNIEWe good to go?

SISTER CATHERINEIndeed. Father Riley has the detonation device.

Father Riley pulls out a device which has a numerical keypad and two switches – one marked “ARM” and the other marked “FIRE”.

VINNIEOK Father, we got a show to put on.

Father Riley looks at the device.

FATHER RILEYI can’t do it. My parishioners are down there. People you’ve gone to church with Vinnie. C’mon, we don’t need to do this thing.

VINNIEFather, Father, Father. I understand you’re position. Really I do, but I’ve got a gun here and you know I’ll use it. It’s time.

FATHER RILEYVinnie, your soul will forever burn in hell.

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VINNIELook Father. Cut the priest crap. Nobody wants no one not to come away from this without nothing. So, how about I make you a deal? I’ll forgive your little girlfriend’s debt here if you just press those buttons there.

Father Riley looks at Cindy - Cindy shakes her head “no”.

A tire SQUEALS some distance away. Vinnie looks toward the sound for a split second and sees headlights approaching from below. Father Riley tackles Vinnie around the waist, knocking him to the ground. The gun is FIRED into the air.

Cindy, kicks the bodyguard in the balls, and he falls to the ground writhing. She continues kicking him.

Vinnie and Father Riley struggle with the gun and the detonator. A SHOT is heard.

The Nuns disappear behind a rock.

Vinnie rolls off of Father Riley with the gun in hand. Blood is seeping out of Father Riley’s chest. Vinnie pulls the detonator out of Father Riley’s hands.

VINNIEWhat’s the password?


VINNIE You bastard – you can’t even say Fuck!

Vinnie puts the gun to Father Riley’s head.

VINNIEDon’t make me!


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Vinnie jumps away from Father Riley. He punches 2451 and then pushes the ‘ARM’ button.

Vinnie’s cell phone rings. He yanks it out of his pocket and answers it.


VINNIEHold on!

Vinnie stuffs the phone back in his pocket.

A few last guests run out the Hotel Lobby door in a state of panic.

CONCIERGEHello? Vinnie? Hello?

The Concierge throws the phone and runs out of the Hotel.


Vinnie pushes the “FIRE” button. Vinnie looks towards Sen City. A large KABOOM comes from the 30 degrees to the left. He turns and sees his beloved Palace in flames. He raises his hands to his head.

VINNIE (screams)


A car pulls up and skids to a stop. Guards fly out of it and run for the group.

Several of the guards run up, easily grab Vinnie and put handcuffs on him. They drag him toward the car and he continues to look at the flames in horror.

Another guard grabs the Bodyguard and cuffs him. The Pony-tailed guard unties Cindy’s arms.

The Nuns jump into Vinnie’s car and race off down the road.

Cindy runs over to Father Riley and holds him. SIRENS are heard in the background.

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FATHER RILEYYou’re safe. That’s all that really matters.

CINDYDon’t talk – save your strength. An ambulance is on the way.

FATHER RILEYBaby, I don’t know if I’m going to make it here, but if the Good Lord decides that I should stay, I want to know...will you be my wife?

CINDYYou’re asking me to marry you? You’re a priest, you’ve just been shot and now you’re asking me to marry you?

FATHER RILEYYes, that’s pretty much the situation.

CINDYYes, Riley. Yes, yes, yes. I would love to Marry you!

She kisses him.


Beneath a colorful sky, hilly countryside is dotted with vineyards and farmhouses. One picturesque farmhouse has a barn nearby.

An open Italian window graces the side of the house.

Darkness falls. Curtains flutter out the window.

A bed SQUEAKS and Cindy MOANS.



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Do you need a shower?

FATHER RILEY (OS)I need...you, Mrs., Mrs....what’s our new name?

CINDY (OS)Xavier. Mr. and Mrs. Xavier.

KABOOM. An explosion rips the farmhouse apart.

Black smoke obscures the remains of the farmhouse. Pieces of wood fall through the sky to the ground.


Arm in a sling, Father Riley looks through night-vision goggles.

FATHER RILEYWonder why Vinnie didn’t turn them in like he did the Archbishop...

CINDY (OS)Maybe he liked his sisters better than his brother...

FATHER RILEYOh there they are...uh oh.


Cindy tries to grab the night goggles from him playfully.

FATHER RILEYGimme those! Looks like we won’t need the Polizia after all.

CINDY How come? I was all excited about a big arrest.

FATHER RILEYOdd...looks like pieces of the farmhouse pinned them to the side of the barn. Yuck.

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CINDYWow – how’d that happen?

FATHER RILEYAct of God I guess – or they used too much C4.

CINDY Hmm. Too bad.

Father Riley puts the goggles down and turns to Cindy.

FAHTER RILEYYeah. Well - they’d have probably died anyway.

CINDY Probably.

Father Riley pulls a tape recorder out of his pocket, puts in a tape and hits play. He nestles it on a nearby wine barrel.

A bed SQUEAKS and Cindy MOANS.


The End

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