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1. Social Influence Marketing

2. How We Got Here

3. Trends to Watch

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1. Social Influence Marketing

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“If you build a great experience, customers tell

each other about that. Word of mouth is very


– Jeff Bezos, February 2003

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Marketing is evolving

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Building blocks

• High-end creative

• Publishing / Syndication / Promotion

• Distributed storytelling

• Channel management

• Community Activation

• Influencer relationships

• Word of mouth• Customer


• SIM score insights reporting

• Listening Programs

• CI Panels• Business


Analytics and Measurement

Strategy and Governance

Content Conversation Influence Insight

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“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”

– Charles Darwin, Biologist

Remember Darwin?

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Singular Consistent MessageTO:

Multiple Coherent Ideas

A new game plan

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Mutation creates variation

Unfavorable mutations selected against

Reproduction and mutation occur

Favorable mutations more likely to survive

…and reproduce

It’s not chaos, its digital Darwinism

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What it means for marketers

1. Social Influence Marketing is more than Word Of Mouth

2. Your social strategy begins with your marketing strategy

3. Your owned platform can be just as social as Facebook

4. Every traditional marketing objective can be made social

5. Measurement must be actionable

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We’re Great at Measuring Owned Media

• The new site outperformed the older version across each key metric

• After relaunch, the new site had both a significantly higher volume of visitors as well as a more qualified audience

• This traffic increase was in the absence of paid banner media driving to the site

Visits to TAE

Comparative AveragesMonth Before

RelaunchFirst 17 Days After


Daily Visits 2,527 5,015

Visits/Person 1.08 1.19

Time Spent 2:21 4:00

Bounce Rate 40.1% 11.7%

5/3 Site Relaunch

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Not So Great At Earned Media

• Competing vendor sponsored studies (Vitrue & Syncapse) have tried to put forward fan valuations

• In both cases data was not sourced from brands

• True Fan/Follower value can only be understood when a brand merges their customer data with a sound measurement approach

• The wild card in all of these efforts is identifying the value of an earned impression

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Our Approach

• Apply paid & owned measurement strategies to earned media• Create measurable engagements• Tag everything• Integrate paid, owned and earned KPIs

• WOM results are the outcome of owned programs

• Influence begins with the brand

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Integrated KPIs





• Engagement• Awareness• Performance• Fan Growth• Conversation

Develop socially focused KPIs, integrating Paid, Earned and Owned platforms as data sources.

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Integrated Data Sources

Engagement Awareness Performance Fan Growth Conversation

PAID Interaction Impressions Click Through Rate Likes

Self-Reported Cost Per

Display View Through Post Click

FB EA Post View

Search Interaction Rate



OWNED Added App Page Views Likes

Outbound referrals Video Views SMS opt-ins

Site.com Site Interactions Time Spent eMail opt-ins

FB FP Favorites Self-reported

YouTube Ratings Unique visitor

Mobile Like


EARNED Like Impressions Fan Page Likes Volume

Comment Subscribers Sentiment

Twitter Share Followers Source

FB Wall Retweet Influencers

YouTube Reblog

WOM Click Through

Social Voice UGC

Blogger Outreach

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How social are you?

• Platforms and Publishing – How do you manage your content?

• Engagement – Does your content create social value?

• Integration – Is social a call to action across your marketing programs?

• Utility – How useful are your social programs?

• Social Voice – Do you speak in a brand voice or a social voice?

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2. How We Got here


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User generated contentwas the enemy

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Video made it worse

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So we tracked our buzz

Generated by BlogPulse Copyright 2009 The Nielsen Company

Percent of All Blog posts








Dec 19 Jan 07 Jan 14 Fev 14 Mar 05 Mar 24 Apr 12 May 01 May 19

nike adidas

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Where we are today

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Starbucks has embracedthe Crowd

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Comcast uses Twitter

for Customer Service

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Old Spice uses

conversation as ad copy

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Engage the consumer in conversation

Leverage the real-time nature of the internet

Mine the consumer voice for insights

Social InfluenceMarketing

How did we get here?

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3. Trends to Watch


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Consuming media is a social activity

• Watching TV, movies, attending concerts are all things we do as part of our social graph

• New technologies now make it easier for us to do this via social platforms

• Starling TV, GetGlue, Miso, Philo and other start-ups are offering check-in and conversation tools for collaborative browsing or co-browsing

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Starling TV: Co-browsing

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Conversation targeting


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Conversation targeting

• Social media offers new ways to gain insights about consumers

• Conversation is the newest way to identify consumer affinity for your brand or product

• Trending topics are the real-time collective conversations that create directional opportunities for ad targeting

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Making the physical, digital


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Stickybits: Making the physical digital

Stickybits uses RedLaser barcode scanner to allow users to view content, get rewards and coupons from brands

• Location based scans

• Age verification

• Social plug-ins

• Content management and analytics

• Users can upload content

• Anything can be made digital

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Influencer marketing


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Not all customers are equal

• While there’s still an ongoing debate about the value of a fan, we know that friends and family recommendations carry more weight than a brand promotion alone.

• So how do we create campaigns for these influential consumers?

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Klout: Influence marketing

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Identifying the influencers

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Sample Klout profile

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The invitation

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Sharing the message

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Generating positive brand sentiment

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Andrea Harrison – VP, Global Social Media [email protected]


+1 (212) 798-6673

Thank You