Advanced Research Compu2ng Before We Start Sign in If you would like to play with the examples (not required), see the SNOW Exercises sheet. Follow the instruc2ons from Page 1 See also the Basic Linux Commands handout

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Page 1: Signin If(you(would(like(to(play(with(the(examples( (notrequired… › › wp-content › ... · 2017-01-28 · Advanced(Research(Compu2ng(Before(We(Start • Signin • If(you(would(like(to(play(with(the(examples((notrequired),(see(the(SNOW(Exercises(sheet.(–

Advanced  Research  Compu2ng  

Before  We  Start  •  Sign  in  •  If  you  would  like  to  play  with  the  examples  (not  required),  see  the  SNOW  Exercises  sheet.  – Follow  the  instruc2ons  from  Page  1  – See  also  the  Basic  Linux  Commands  handout  

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Parallelizing  R  with  the  Snow  Library  Advanced Research Computing April 15, 2014

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Advanced  Research  Compu2ng  


•  Introduc2on  •  Snow  Basics  •  Examples  •  Conclusions  

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Advanced  Research  Compu2ng  


•  Programming  language  and  environment  for  sta2s2cal  compu2ng  

•  Free  •  Intrinsic  support  for  wide  array  of  sta2s2cal  func2onality  

•  Huge  number  of  user-­‐created  packages  to  add  or  improve  func2onality  

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Advanced  Research  Compu2ng  

An  Aside:  Op2mizing  R  

•  Pre-­‐allocate  Variables  •  Vectorize  (or  perhaps  apply  func2ons)  

–  Yes:  z = x * y –  No:    

for (i in 1:length(x)) { z[i] = x[i] * y[i] }

•  Reference:  The  R  Inferno  hTp://www.burns-­‐stat.com/documents/books/the-­‐r-­‐inferno/  

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Advanced  Research  Compu2ng  

An  Aside:  Op2mizing  R  (con2nued)  •  Many  R  opera2ons  use  Basic  Linear  Algebra  Subrou2nes  (BLAS)  

•  Build  R  with  op2mized  BLAS  è  op2mized  R  








gcc" Intel"





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The  Need  for  Parallelism  

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Advanced  Research  Compu2ng  

Snow  Basics  

•  Simple  Network  of  Worksta2ons  (SNOW)  •  For  embarrassingly  parallel  tasks  •  Master/Slave  model:  $ ps -u jkrometi -o cmd | grep R

R -f time_mh.r --restore –no-save

R –slave <etc>

R –slave <etc>

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Advanced  Research  Compu2ng  

Snow:  Start/Stop  Cluster  

•  Load  libraries:  library(snow) library(Rmpi)

•  Start  a  cluster  with  ncores  cores:  cl <- makeCluster(ncores, type = 'MPI')

•  Ini2alize  random  number  generator:  clusterSetupRNG(cl, type = 'RNGstream')

•  Stop  the  cluster  (important):  stopCluster(cl)

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Advanced  Research  Compu2ng  

Snow:  Compu2ng  

•  Call  same  func2on  across  cluster  (ncores  2mes):    clusterCall(cl, fun, ...)

•  Parallel  versions  of  apply:  clusterApply(cl, x, fun, ...)

parApply(cl, X, MARGIN, FUN, ...) parLapply(cl, x, fun, ...)

parRapply(cl, x, fun, ...) parCapply(cl, x, fun, ...)

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Advanced  Research  Compu2ng  

Monte  Carlo:  Calcula2ng  π  

•  The  ra2o  of  the  area  of  the  unit  circle  to  the  area  of  the  unit  square  is  

•  So:  – Randomly  pick  S  points  in  the  unit  square  – Count  the  number  in  the  unit  circle  (C)  – Then  


π ≈ 4CS

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Advanced  Research  Compu2ng  

MC  π:  Code  mcpi <- function(n.pts) { #generate n.pts (x,y) points in the unit square

m = matrix(runif(2*n.pts),n.pts,2)

#determine if they are in the unit circle

in.ucir = function(x) {as.integer((x[1]^2 + x[2]^2)<=1)} cir = apply(m, 1, in.ucir )

#return the proportion of points in the unit circle * 4 return (4*mean(cir))


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Advanced  Research  Compu2ng  

MC  π:  Parallelize  #start up and initialize the cluster cl <- makeCluster(ncores, type = 'MPI') clusterSetupRNG(cl, type = 'RNGstream') #determine if points are in the unit circle cir = parRapply(cl, m, in.ucir ) #calculate pi pi.approx = 4*mean(cir) #stop the cluster stopCluster(cl)

Page 17: Signin If(you(would(like(to(play(with(the(examples( (notrequired… › › wp-content › ... · 2017-01-28 · Advanced(Research(Compu2ng(Before(We(Start • Signin • If(you(would(like(to(play(with(the(examples((notrequired),(see(the(SNOW(Exercises(sheet.(–

Advanced  Research  Compu2ng  

Page 18: Signin If(you(would(like(to(play(with(the(examples( (notrequired… › › wp-content › ... · 2017-01-28 · Advanced(Research(Compu2ng(Before(We(Start • Signin • If(you(would(like(to(play(with(the(examples((notrequired),(see(the(SNOW(Exercises(sheet.(–

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Advanced  Research  Compu2ng  

MC  π:  An  Op2miza2on  Example    > n.pts <- 500000

> m = matrix(runif(2*n.pts),n.pts,2) > in.ucir <- function(x) { as.integer((x[1]^2 + x[2]^2) <= 1) }

> system.time( apply(m, 1, in.ucir ) )

user system elapsed

5.037 0.025 5.069

> system.time( as.integer(m[,1]^2 + m[,2]^2 <= 1) )

user system elapsed

0.02 0.00 0.02

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Advanced  Research  Compu2ng  

MCMC:  Metropolis-­‐Has2ngs  

•  Goal:  Draw  random  samples  with  probability  density  approxima2ng  given  distribu2on  

•  Used  to  model  stochas2c  inputs  •  Do  not  need  to  know  normalizing  factor  

– Func2ons  in  high  dimensions  

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Advanced  Research  Compu2ng  

MCMC:  Metropolis-­‐Has2ngs  •  Given  a:  

–  Target  distribu2on  –  Jumping  distribu2on  –  Ini2al  sample  

•  Choose  candidate  sample  from  jumping  distribu2on  centered  at  ini2al  sample  

•  Accept  candidate  as  new  sample:  – Always  if  candidate  is  beTer  fit  (per  target  dist)  – With  probability  <1  if  candidate  is  worse  fit  

•  Repeat  with  new  sample  as  ini2al  sample  

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Advanced  Research  Compu2ng  

M-­‐H:  Code  (Markov  Chain  Part)  #function to calculate next sample theta.update <- function(theta.cur) { #candidate sample theta.can <- jump(theta.cur) #acceptance probability accept.prob <- samp(theta.can)/samp(theta.cur) #compare with sample from uniform dist (0 to 1) if (runif(1) <= accept.prob) theta.can else theta.cur }

Reference:  Lam,  Patrick.  "MCMC  Methods:  Gibbs  Sampling  and  the  Metropolis-­‐HasDngs  Algorithm."  

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Advanced  Research  Compu2ng  

Metropolis-­‐Has2ngs:  Code  #function to generate (n.sims-burnin) samples mh <- function(n.sims, start, burnin, samp, jump) { theta.cur <- start draws <- c() #call theta.update() n.sims times for (i in 1:n.sims) { draws[i] <- theta.cur <- theta.update(theta.cur) } #return the samples after the burn in return( draws[(burnin + 1):n.sims] ) }

Reference:  Lam,  Patrick.  "MCMC  Methods:  Gibbs  Sampling  and  the  Metropolis-­‐HasDngs  Algorithm."  

Page 24: Signin If(you(would(like(to(play(with(the(examples( (notrequired… › › wp-content › ... · 2017-01-28 · Advanced(Research(Compu2ng(Before(We(Start • Signin • If(you(would(like(to(play(with(the(examples((notrequired),(see(the(SNOW(Exercises(sheet.(–

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Advanced  Research  Compu2ng  

Metropolis-­‐Has2ngs:  Parallelize  #start up and initialize the cluster cl <- makeCluster(ncores, type = 'MPI') clusterSetupRNG(cl, type = 'RNGstream') #samples per core core mh.n.sims.cl <- ceiling(mh.n.sims / ncores) #call mh on each core mh.draws.cl <- clusterCall(cl, mh, mh.n.sims.cl, start = 1, burnin = mh.burnin, samp = samp.fcn, jump = jump.fcn) #reduce list to 1-D mh.draws <- unlist(mh.draws.cl) #stop the cluster stopCluster(cl)

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Advanced  Research  Compu2ng  

R  on  ARC’s  Systems  

•  R  3.0.x,  2.14.1  •  Ploeng  via  cairo  •  Each  R  build  comes  with  Rmpi  and  Snow  

– For  OpenMPI  only  

•  To  use:  module load intel <or>  module load gcc module load openmpi module load R

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Geeng  Started  on  ARC’s  Systems  

•  Request  an  account  (anyone  with  a  VT  PID):    hTp://www.arc.vt.edu/forms/account_request.php  – Can  also  request  for  external  collaborators  

•  Request  a  system  unit  alloca2on:  hTp://www.arc.vt.edu/userinfo/alloca2ons.php  –  MIC  nodes  are  “charged”  the  same  as  normal  


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Advanced  Research  Compu2ng   32


•  Snow  Manual:  hTp://cran.r-­‐project.org/web/packages/snow/snow.pdf  

•  Snow  Func2ons:    hTp://www.sfu.ca/~sblay/R/snow.html  

•  ARC’s  R  page:  hTp://www.arc.vt.edu/resources/sokware/r  

•  Course  Slides:    hTp://www.arc.vt.edu/userinfo/training/2014Spring_NLI.php#parallelr  

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