Assessment report on Sierra Nevada Biosphere Reserve State of natural resources, socio-economic conditions, stresses and projected scenarios for the state of natural resources. 2009 Consejería de Medio Ambiente GLOBAL CHANGE IN MOUNTAIN SITES

Sierra Nevada Biosphere Reserve - UNESCO · Sierra Nevada is one of the most important hotspots of vegetal diversity in the Mediterranean basin Vegetal diversity of Sierra Nevada

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Page 1: Sierra Nevada Biosphere Reserve - UNESCO · Sierra Nevada is one of the most important hotspots of vegetal diversity in the Mediterranean basin Vegetal diversity of Sierra Nevada

Assessment report onSierra Nevada Biosphere Reserve

State of natural resources, socio-economic conditions, stresses and projected scenarios for the state of natural resources.


Consejería de Medio Ambiente


Page 2: Sierra Nevada Biosphere Reserve - UNESCO · Sierra Nevada is one of the most important hotspots of vegetal diversity in the Mediterranean basin Vegetal diversity of Sierra Nevada

Sierra Nevada Global Change ObservatoryContents


High mountain grasslands

High mountain shrubland

Pine plantations

Natural forests

Mid mountain shrubland

Aquatic systems

Biodiversity and overview of ecosystem types of Sierra Nevada

State of natural resources

Introduction and objectives 1

Main players involved in the project 3

Socio-economic conditions of people living in Sierra Nevada 4





Summary of methodologies applied 12

Information management 13

Dissemination of results 14

Page 3: Sierra Nevada Biosphere Reserve - UNESCO · Sierra Nevada is one of the most important hotspots of vegetal diversity in the Mediterranean basin Vegetal diversity of Sierra Nevada

Sierra Nevada Global Change ObservatoryIntroduction and objectives

Under the name of the “Sierra Nevada Global Change Observatory”, ideas and methodologies proposed by the GLOCHAMORE project were implemented in this mountain region since 2008. This first phase of the project lasts two years and is being financed by the Andalusian environmental administration (Department of the Environment. Regional Government of Andalusia) and by the Spanish Ministry of Environment. Sierra Nevada’s active participation in the GLOCHAMORE project has greatly helped the inclusion of this project’s guidelines in the Sierra Nevada Observatory. The selection of environmental variables used for monitoring is based on this project’s proposed research strategy.

The basic objectives of the Sierra Nevada Global Change Observatory are to:

a) Define, quantify and characterise natural processes and resources for identifying and differentiating between natural situations and other situations resulting from global change in any of its multiple factors. Whenever possible, it will be determined to what extent a certain situation can be attributed to specific factors.

b) Characterise acceptable change limits so that it is possible to differentiate between a) recurring fluctuations and b) long-term changes, as well as detect and interpret anomalies in the shortest time possible. This will enable a proportionate reaction to changes detected, if necessary.

c) Supply information for correct planning of management activities aimed at reversing malfunctions detected in processes and people.

d) Assess effectiveness and efficiency of management activities carried out in view of any changes detected in order to propose appropriate adjustments for adaptive management.

e) Provide reliable information for monitoring the work of other institutions that are responsible for ensuring the conservation of the Sierra Nevada Nature Reserve, by virtue of international awards received.


Page 4: Sierra Nevada Biosphere Reserve - UNESCO · Sierra Nevada is one of the most important hotspots of vegetal diversity in the Mediterranean basin Vegetal diversity of Sierra Nevada

Sierra Nevada Global Change ObservatoryIntroduction and objectives

To achieve the above objectives a range of tasks is being carried out, grouped into four basic areas:

1) Long Term Monitoring Program: monitoring of environmental processes to diagnose the state of natural systems in the face of global change. The guidelines of the GLOCHAMORE programme have been followed to implement this monitoring system. The aim is to carry out a prolonged monitoring of several environmental variables using scientifically acceptable methodologies.

2) Specific Tool to Store, Analyse and Consult the Generated Data: asignificant amount of varied information will be generated throughout the project. It is very important to implement mechanisms for storing this information in an organised way. This greatly aids its interrelation for generating useful knowledge in the management process.

3) Adaptive Management: field Laboratory to management using active and adaptative approaches to better anticipate and respond to changes. The goal of the whole project is to implement an adaptive environmental management model. This means management results are continuously assessed, with this assessment determining management objectives. A feedback mechanism is therefore established which improves the state of natural resources.

4) Communication Forum: for knowledge sharing among scientifics, managers, local stakeholders and general public. it is vital to implement dissemination mechanisms for both the results of the work and the methodologies and experience acquired during the project.


f) Determine research requirements, relative to any changes detected, that transcend the scope and objectives of a Natural Processes and Resources Monitoring Programme.

g) Provide useful information to managers and researchers on global change in Sierra Nevada.

h) Help to disseminate information of general interest that enhances knowledge of the values and importance of the Sierra Nevada Nature Reserve.

Page 5: Sierra Nevada Biosphere Reserve - UNESCO · Sierra Nevada is one of the most important hotspots of vegetal diversity in the Mediterranean basin Vegetal diversity of Sierra Nevada

Sierra Nevada Global Change ObservatoryMain players involved

The project has three levels of involvement of three different stakeholders: International level (GLOCHAMORE), national (Global change monitoring in Spanish National Parks) and Regional level (the Sierra Nevada Global Change Observatory). This multi-scale work is done by the same working team, as can be seen in the below organization chart

Sierra Nevada Global Change Observatory. Working Team

National level (MARM-OAPN; FB)

Global Change monitoring programme in National Parks: 8 multiparametric stations


Regional Level (CMA)Monitoring program. 30 thematic areas. Implementing the GLOCHAMORE research strategy. More than 20 people involved

Sierra Nevada protected area

Environmental management


Centro Andaluzde MedioAmbiente.

Research center


Page 6: Sierra Nevada Biosphere Reserve - UNESCO · Sierra Nevada is one of the most important hotspots of vegetal diversity in the Mediterranean basin Vegetal diversity of Sierra Nevada

Sierra Nevada Global Change ObservatorySocio-economic conditions of people living in Sierra Nevada

Socio-economic Variables

Age pyramid

Population with Resident’s Rights:The population size decreased at the period of 60 to 90. After that time it gradually increases without reaching the record high (year 1940)

The map shows the population density with high values in red and low in green. Population density is highest in the proximity of larger towns (northwest). There are 61 municipalities in the protected area, where live 90.000 people. The most important economic activities are: agriculture, tourism, beekeeping, mining and skiing.





Employment per sector (%)

NQ45 %36 %

Activity Rate (%) has increased in the last 20 years

City centresProtected areaPopulation Density

(Inhabitant per Km2)0


20 Km


Population ageing (%)



Population density


Page 7: Sierra Nevada Biosphere Reserve - UNESCO · Sierra Nevada is one of the most important hotspots of vegetal diversity in the Mediterranean basin Vegetal diversity of Sierra Nevada

Sierra Nevada Global Change ObservatoryBiodiversity and overview of ecosystems types of Sierra Nevada

The base map shows the phytocenotic diversity of ecosystems. This index is a combination of the structural diversity (number of vegetal strata per ecosystem) and de diversity of habitats (number of Natura 2000 habitats per ecosystem). Natural forests reach the maximum value in this index. Meanwhile, high mountain pastures and shrublands are not very diverse under this point of view.The isolines show the percentage of flora endemicity. Some areas close to the summits have the highest percentages, around 70-80% of the present species.



Diversity % endemisms


Ecosystem types


Rate Nº Vegetal Species / Area10.5

Europe. 10400 species. 11 mill. Km2

Spain. 8400 species. 0.5 mill. Km2

Sierra Nevada. 2100 species. 2000 Km2

Size of circle is proportional to the Area of the country1 10 100 1000 10000



UK(15) Austria

(25) Israel(55)

Sierra Nevada(66)



Number of endemic plants (log scale)

Vegetal endemicity of Sierra NevadaSierra Nevada is one of the most important hotspots of vegetal diversity in the Mediterranean basin

Vegetal diversity of Sierra NevadaThis mountain hosts 2100 vascular plants, representing 25% of the Spanish flora and 20% of the European flora.

The map shows the spatial distribution of the ecosystem types that we have defined in Sierra Nevada. The vegetal landscape is dominated by pine plantations, moors and heathlands. Natural forests are also abundant, and as we will describe later, are regenerating from decades of misuse (wood extraction, fires, overgrazing, etc.).


a (H


20 Km


Page 8: Sierra Nevada Biosphere Reserve - UNESCO · Sierra Nevada is one of the most important hotspots of vegetal diversity in the Mediterranean basin Vegetal diversity of Sierra Nevada

Sierra Nevada Global Change ObservatoryState of natural resources: High mountain grassland

25 Km

15.200 Has

High mountain grasses (Poaceae, Resedaceae, etc.)

Snow cover, wind and abiotic factors are the main drivers of its ecological dynamic

Main biophysical variables

Main ecosystem services

Adaptive management


5 5


Demographic trend of Capra pyrenaica in Sierra Nevada (ibex number / Km2). The scarcity of predators and the management actions explain this trend.

Annual rain is expected to be reduced in the next decades, from 1312 l/m2y in 1960-1990, to 1282 in 2011-2040.

Average annual temperature is expected to be increased in the next decades, from 7.8 ºc in 1960-1990, to 9.4ºC in 2011-2020

Average snow cover duration (days). The trend is negative if we analyze the last decade. The reduction in the snow cover duration hasn’t been quantified yet

12821312NQ 1


7.8 9.4

12 NQ





Estimated demographic trend of Vipera latasti in Sierra Nevada. This viper was frequently found in the high grasslands. The decreasing trend is explained by the habitat deterioration.


Climate change is expected to provoke a reduction in the occupation area of this ecosystem. We have not quantified this process yet.

One of the most important management task done in order to improve the conservation status of high mountain grasslands is the restoration of the landscape. Those actions try to minimize the impact of past human activities, such are the building of infrastructures, accumulations of waste and destruction of the vegetal cover.

Veleta summit before the restoration activities

Veleta summit after the activities (under way) that removed

infrastructures (antennas, roads, etc.)

Some of the restoration activities are:

Topographic restoration of roads

Removal of solid waste in the high grassland

Removal of buildings out of use

Restoration of vegetal cover

Stockbreeding Rocks for traditional buildingTourism and Recreational uses


Water regulation

Page 9: Sierra Nevada Biosphere Reserve - UNESCO · Sierra Nevada is one of the most important hotspots of vegetal diversity in the Mediterranean basin Vegetal diversity of Sierra Nevada

Sierra Nevada Global Change ObservatoryState of natural resources: High mountain shrublands

25 Km

36.000 Has

Thorny shrubs, juniper and high mountains shrubland

It is the highest woody ecosystem of Sierra Nevada. Its distribution seems to be determined by snow cover

Main biophysical variables

Annual rain is expected to be reduced in the next decades, from 1221 l/m2y in 1960-1990, to 1195 in 2011-2040.

Average annual temperature is expected to be increased in the next decades, from 10.4 ºc in 1960-1990, to 11.7ºC in 2011-2020

Average snow cover duration (days). The trend is negative if we analyze the last decade. The reduction in the snow cover duration hasn’t been quantified yet

Average number of plant species found in this ecosystem. We have not quantified it yet, but we believe that there won’t be important changes in the next decades

Main ecosystem services

Adaptive management

Fruit collection to produce alcoholic drinks

Soil conservation Recreational uses



NQ 1


8.7 10.1

1 2NQ90


3 4


Occupation area (has) of this ecosystem. Decrease of wildfires and over grazing explain the increased surface from 1956 to present day. Climate change scenarios predicts a loss of 30% of its potential habitat in the next decades.




7 8

2 Km

Present distribution

Potential distribution with present climate and with future climate

Potential distribution with future climate (expansion area)

Potential distribution only with present climate (contraction area)


Expansion area: Potential distribution with future climate

Potential distribution area with both present and future climateContraction area: Not suitable area with future climateBroom: Genista sp., Cytisus sp., Erinacea, etc.

Juniper: Juniperus sp.

Selection of places to plant that are suitable both for the present and for the future climatic scenariosUsing thorny shrubs as

nurse plants when planting junipers, taking advantage of the facilitation processes

Protecting the seedlings and saplings removing temporally the herbivory

Creation of dispersion nuclei that resume some of the ecosystem functions

Planting a combination of species with different ecological strategies

Try to avoid the degradation of the areas not suitable with the future climate scenarios improving their availability of water from traditional irrigation ditches.

This ecosystem can be considered as threatened due to the climate change and land use changes in the last decades. In order to avoid the loss of its distribution area and to improve the conservation status of the ecosystem, we are implementing active and adaptive management actions. These actions are taking into account concepts that are new in the environmental management of Sierra Nevada, such are the uncertainty and the dynamic vision of the future. We area also trying to transfer the best scientific available knowledge to the design and implementation of these actions. Some of them are outlined in this representation.



Water regulation

Page 10: Sierra Nevada Biosphere Reserve - UNESCO · Sierra Nevada is one of the most important hotspots of vegetal diversity in the Mediterranean basin Vegetal diversity of Sierra Nevada

Sierra Nevada Global Change ObservatoryState of natural resources: Pine plantations

25 Km

40.000 Has

Planted between 1930-1980 to minimize soil loss in deforested areas

They are being replaced by natural vegetation, thanks to adaptive management actions (parcial clear-cuts)

Main biophysical variables

Annual total rain is expected to be reduced in the next decades, from 1005 l/m2y in 1960-1990, to 992 in 2011-2040.

Average annual temperature is expected to be increased in the next decades, from 10.4 ºc in 1960-1990, to 11.7ºC in 2011-2020

Average snow cover duration (days). The trend is negative if we analyze the last decade. The reduction in the snow cover duration hasn’t been quantified yet, although it seems to be less important than in other ecosystems.

Average number of plant species. The diversity was lower in the past because of the high erosion rate and misuse of the natural resources. Will be higher due to the adaptive management.

Main ecosystem services

Adaptive management

Average density of the tree cover (number of trees per Ha). It is expected to decrease due to the management actions (parcial clear-cuts).

Firewood and wood production

Mushrooms production

Soil conservation

Protection against floods


Recreational uses

As previously described, this ecosystem is being replaced by natural vegetation, that is much more resilient and better adapted to the natural features of the landscape. Clear-cuts are the most important management actions that are driving these “artificial forests” to a more natural state. The following map shows the approximate year in which each plantation was done. We also shows the places where the clear-cuts have taken place. The graph shows the number of hectares treated by clear-cuts per year.


NQ 1


11 12







19 NQ9




Occupation area (has) of this ecosystem. Most of the plantations were done during the 60-70 decades of past century. Thanks to the management actions, the surface will decrease in next decades, becoming mixed pine-oak forests.



383 380 339



1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008

Plantation year19351936-19481949-19571958-19591960-1963


Clear-cut area (has)1.6-2020-4141-87





Page 11: Sierra Nevada Biosphere Reserve - UNESCO · Sierra Nevada is one of the most important hotspots of vegetal diversity in the Mediterranean basin Vegetal diversity of Sierra Nevada

Sierra Nevada Global Change ObservatoryState of natural resources: Natural forests

25 Km

15.000 Has

Mainly holm oak (Quercusilex) and pyrenean oak (Q. pyrenaica) forests.

Land use changes in the past is the most important driver in present days.

Main biophysical variables

Main ecosystem services

Adaptive management

Annual rain is expected to be reduced in the next decades, from 935 l/m2y in 1960-1990, to 925 in 2011-2040.

Average annual temperature is expected to be increased in the next decades, from 11.6 ºc in 1960-1990, to 13ºC in 2011-2020

935NQ 1





925 612000



Occupation area (has) of this ecosystem. The observed increase is explained by the abandonment of the rural areas in the last decades.

Average density of the tree cover (number of trees per Ha). It is expected to increase due to the regeneration processes after the abandonment of the rural areas


524 NQ


Average density of the shrubs below the tree canopy (number of plants per Ha). It is expected to increase due to the regeneration processes after the abandonment of the rural areas


280 NQ


Marginal crops in 1956Regeneration of Q.

pyrenaica forest in 2009

400 m

Land use changes in the last decades are still affecting even the ecological dynamics and structure of natural forests in Sierra Nevada. In the 50s of the last century, overgrazing and charcoal extraction resulted in degradation of soil and vegetation cover. After theabandonment of these rural activities, oaks began a process of resprouting, which led to the present situation where the trees look like bushes and there is not understory vegetation. Forestry actions of pruning will improve the structure of the forest by removing the side shoots and promoting the formation of well-structured trees.

1950: Intense human activity in the forest. Charcoal extraction. Overgrazing

Present: abandonment of rural activities

Future: restoration of the “original” structure of the forest

Trees with little foliage due to the overgrazing. No understoryvegetation. Erosion gullies.

Trees with lots of side shoots. Bush-like trees. No acorn production. Resprouting is the only way of reproduction. Age structure of the forest is homogeneous. The system is not resilient to climate change

Trees have a good structure after the removal of side shoots. They produce acorns. Understory vegetation begins to re-colonize the land. The system is more resilient.

Honey production

Mushrooms production

Firewood production Hunting

Recreational usesSoil conservation


Page 12: Sierra Nevada Biosphere Reserve - UNESCO · Sierra Nevada is one of the most important hotspots of vegetal diversity in the Mediterranean basin Vegetal diversity of Sierra Nevada

Sierra Nevada Global Change ObservatoryState of natural resources: Mid mountain shurbland

25 Km

30.000 Has

Shrubland with aromatic (Rosmarinus, Thymus) and some pyrophytes species (Ulex, Cistus, etc.)Its ecological dynamic is determined by recurrent wildfires and grazing.

Main biophysical variables

Annual rain is expected to be reduced in the next decades, from 790 l/m2y in 1960-1990, to 788 in 2011-2040.

The increase of mean temperature in the next decades could be one of the most important stress factors to this ecosystem.

Main ecosystem services

Adaptive management

Honey production

Aromatic and medicinal plants


Recreational uses

NQ 2 N


13 14.3




Occupation area (has) of this ecosystem. Pine forests were planted over highly degraded shurblands. This explain the decrease in the occupation area. In the future this surface could increase due to the naturalization process of pine plantations.




Beekeeping is a good example of adaptive management. The environmental managers offer to the beekeepers some places to establish their apiaries. This assignment of land is free for the beekeeper, since it is taken into account that beekeeping contributes to plant pollination. The map shows the suitability of the land in order to host apiaries. This map is based in a model that has taken into account some determinant factors such are rain, temperature, accessibility, water availability, and presence of honey flora.

Green areas show places with a higher suitability. Black circles show the distribution of apiaries in Sierra Nevada. The size is proportional to the number of hives per apiaries.The most interesting result of this model is that there are several places in Sierra Nevada that could be occupied by apiaries under an adaptive management scenario.



Density of the shrubland. The abandonment of the land has provoked a increase in the density. We have not quantified this process yet.



Evolution of rabbit populations. This important prey has suffered a continuous decline in the last decades. This situation is expected to continue in the next years.

Pine plantations in 2009

Degradated shrublandin 1956

500 m

Soil conservation



Page 13: Sierra Nevada Biosphere Reserve - UNESCO · Sierra Nevada is one of the most important hotspots of vegetal diversity in the Mediterranean basin Vegetal diversity of Sierra Nevada

Disease transmission


Sierra Nevada Global Change ObservatoryState of natural resources: Aquatic systems

25 Km

1.700 Has

Mountain rivers, glacial lakes, irrigation ditches, riparian forests, etc.

An important part of the water that transport comes from the melting of snow in spring and summer.

Main biophysical variables

Main ecosystem services

Adaptive management

Average ecological quality of riparian environment (index QBR. From 0 to 100) in Sierra Nevada. The abandonment of the rural areas and the management actions have helped to enhance the conservation status of riparian forests.


80 NQ


Biological quality of riparian environment (index IBMWP. From 0 to 200). This index considers the diversity and abundance of macroinvertebrates in the river. It is supposed to increase due to the adaptive management of the system.


142 NQ


Fluvial habitat index. Shows the heterogeneity and the structural diversity of the habitat (from 0 to 100). It is supposed to increase due to the improvements in the water flow of the rivers.


76 NQ


Reduction in the total length of trout (Salmo trutta) populations (in %). Extraction of water from rivers, contaminant discharges, dams and climate change could explain this retraction in the occupied length.



Degraded riparian forest in 1956

Regenerated riparian forest in 2009





The increase of the occupied area is probably due to the abandonment of the rural areas closed to the rivers.

Sierra Nevada rivers have a strong representation of the brown trout (Salmo trutta). These populations represent the southern limit of this species in Europe. This has led to the existence of particular genetic patterns in Sierra Nevada. Several decades ago, fishers introduced adult rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) specimens. This species is native in Northwest America and it behaves as an invasive species in Mediterranean rivers.At present, the alien species is a major threat to native trout conservation. The management actions try to improve the conservation status of brown trout and the gradual eradication of populations of rainbow trout.

Alien species: Rainbow trout


Autoctonous species: Brown trout (Salmo


Predation of juveniles

Competition for food and habitat

Reproductive interference

Management methodology to improve the conservation status of brown trout

Delimiting the extent of rainbow trout populations.

Reducing the presence of refugees for the rainbow trout in the river.

Raking spawning grounds to avoid the reproduction success of rainbow trout

Extraction of rainbow trout by electrofishing.

Reinforcement of brown trout populations.

Sport fishing Water supply Energy production Recreational uses


Page 14: Sierra Nevada Biosphere Reserve - UNESCO · Sierra Nevada is one of the most important hotspots of vegetal diversity in the Mediterranean basin Vegetal diversity of Sierra Nevada

Sierra Nevada Global Change ObservatorySummary of methodologies applied

Quality of the riparian vegetation measured by the QBR index. Time series from 2001 to 2010.


Biological quality of the riparian environment measured by the IBMWP (Iberian Biological Monitoring Working Party) index. Time series from 2005 to 2010.


Fluvial habitat index measured by the IHF (índice del hábitat fluvial). Time series from 2006 to 2010.


Monitoring of brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations by means of electric fishing methodology. Sequential sampling without replacement. Time series from 2000 to 2010.


Values of biodiversity, tree and understory density obtained from a forestal inventory made in Sierra Nevada National Park in 2005.


Ecological niche modeling of high mountain shrublands, using MaxEnt algorithm. 8

Vegetation map of Sierra Nevada (1:10.000). Interpretation of aerial photos from 1956.


Vegetation map of Sierra Nevada (1:10.000). Interpretation of aerial photos from 2005.


Monitoring of ibex (Capra pyrenaica) by means of line transects. Time series from 1960 to 2009.


Time series analysis of MODIS data, using Mann-Kendall test.4

Snow data obtained by remote sensing techniques. Analysis of snow cover products (MODA10A2) from MODIS sensor (NASA). Time series from 2000 to 2010.


Predicted values of climatic variables obtained by regional climate scenarios (downscaling techniques). Time series from 2011 to 2040.


Climatic variable obtained from the analysis of the data coming from weather stations. Time series from 1960 to 1990.


The figures shown in the previous pages were obtained by applying different methodologies. In the next paragraphs we summarize the most relevant ones. We are also describing the datasets used to obtain the figures.


Page 15: Sierra Nevada Biosphere Reserve - UNESCO · Sierra Nevada is one of the most important hotspots of vegetal diversity in the Mediterranean basin Vegetal diversity of Sierra Nevada

Sierra Nevada Global Change ObservatoryInformation management

The global change observatory is generating a huge amount of data and information that should be translated to useful knowledge that helps to improve the way we manage the natural resources of Sierra Nevada. In order to achieve this main objective, we are designing and implementing an Information System. The objectives of this information system are:

Store in an organized and normalized way all the information generated by the Sierra Nevada Global Change Observatory.

Design tools to improve the way users access the stored information. This is one of the most important weakness of the information systems.

Develop methodologies to analyze the raw information in order to obtain useful knowledge.

Design and implement an indicator system able to supplying information about the state of the natural resources (in past, present and future scenarios), main stress factors and main response management actions.

This diagram shows synthetically some key concepts of the information system we are developing. The raw data taken from the field (climate, fauna, flora, vegetation, etc..) are structured in relational databases. In addition, reports, slide shows and other data sources are handled by a bibliography manager, a wiki and a content manager. The information in this platforms is used by a system of indicators that shows the current status, trend, and the expected situation of the different types of Sierra Nevada ecosystems.

Structured information

•Adding and editing data•Simple queries•Geographic information•Time series analysis•Data mining

Thematic AThematic AThematic A

Structured information

Bibliography manager

Bibliography manager Project managerProject manager


Presentations DatabasesData sheets TextsVideosPresentationsPresentations DatabasesDatabasesData sheetsData sheets TextsTextsVideosVideos

Thematic BThematic BThematic B

• Personalized multithematicreports

• Complex analysis (OLAP)• Datamining

Data warehouse

• Personalized multithematicreports

• Complex analysis (OLAP)• Datamining

Data warehouseData warehouse

Indicator system

Simple indexes showing the present status, the historical trend and the predicted status of a given ecosystem.

What if?In a more advanced phase, we should be able to model the behavior of the system taking into account the present knowledge of its dynamic.

Unstructured data data




Page 16: Sierra Nevada Biosphere Reserve - UNESCO · Sierra Nevada is one of the most important hotspots of vegetal diversity in the Mediterranean basin Vegetal diversity of Sierra Nevada

Bibliographic reference manager

Website that allows creation and editing of content easily by multiple users. Our wiki complements the coordination actions within the project and allows shared files and documents, acting as a information repository. Allows disclosure of updated results to natural resource managers and to the general public.

Sierra Nevada Global Change Observatory

Collaborative Framework.We have created a collaborative framework with training activities, activities dissemination and use of new technologies that are allowing:• improve acquisition and generation of useful knowledge for the management• improve collaboration among work teams • Enhance the dissemination of updated results of the Sierra Nevada Global Change ObservatorySome of de tool used are:

Location of visits

Slides and Videos from Conferences, Training Activities and Workshops of Sierra Nevada Global Change Observatory in some web 2.0 platforms, channels or communities:• SlideShare• Slideboom platform • Scivve Science Videos

Views of Slides and Videos of the Meeting “The value of mountain protected areas in a global change scenario” Granada, Spain 13 – 15 May 2009

Dissemination of results


Percentage of New (green) and Returning Visitors (red)

Field Technicians



Relevant Data• 24.000 visits• 37 users • 96 pages • 3.44 editions per page• 9.27 pages view per visit• 417 shared files• Location of visits:

- 28 countries- 157 cities

Temporal variation of visits (counts)

Using an online bibliographic manager helps us to manage all the bibliographic records used in the project and organize the documentary sources.

Relevant Data• 54 records • 41 users • 2 Training Activities on use of tool.




Publication of contents in web 2.0 platformes


Page 17: Sierra Nevada Biosphere Reserve - UNESCO · Sierra Nevada is one of the most important hotspots of vegetal diversity in the Mediterranean basin Vegetal diversity of Sierra Nevada

Sierra Nevada Global Change ObservatoryDissemination of results

Some Research Publications

In order to disseminate the results of the project we combine traditional media (presentations, paper publications, conferences,etc.) with tools belonging to the Web 2.0. They are a complement to accelerate the transfer of updated scientific knowledge to managers and society, and improve collaboration between different teams working on the project

Publications, Workshops, Training Activities

• “The value of mountain protected areas in a global change scenario” Granada, Spain 13 – 15 May 2009

• “I Iberoamerican Workshop CYTED: Ecological Interactions and Global Change. Mechanisms and Patterns” Granada, Spain, 2 Oct 2009



Conferences organized by our work team

2007• Aspizua Cantón, R.; Cano, F.J.; Bonet García, F.J.; Zamora, R. & SánchezGutiérrez, J. (2007). Sierra Nevada: Observatorio internacional de seguimiento del cambio global. Revista Medio Ambiente, 57: 21–25

• Bonet García, F.J.; Aspizua Cantón, R.; Cano, F.J.; Zamora, R. & SánchezGutiérrez, J. (2007). El observatorio de seguimiento del cambio global de Sierra Nevada (España). In I Congreso Nacional sobre Cambio Global Ambiental. Abril 2007. Madrid.

2009• Bonet García, F.J. & Cayuela Delgado, L. (2009). Seguimiento de la cubierta de nieve en Sierra Nevada: tendencias en la última década y posibles implicaciones ecológicas de las mismas. In IX Congreso Nacional de la Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre. Úbeda (Spain), 18-22 Octubre.

• Gómez-Aparicio, L.; Zavala, M.A.; Bonet, F.J. & Zamora, R. (2009). Are pine plantations valid tools for restoring Mediterranean forests? An assessment along abiotic and biotic gradients. Ecological Applications, 19 (8): 2124–2141.

• Navarro González, I. & Bonet García, F.J. (2009). Caracterización de la evolución histórica de la cubierta vegetal y los usos del suelo de Sierra Nevada en un contexto de cambio global. In IX Congreso Nacional de la Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre. Úbeda (Spain), 18-22 Octubre2009.

• Pérez-Luque, A.J.; Bonet García, F.J. & Zamora Rodríguez, R. (2009). Herramientas colaborativas para la creación de conocimiento útil para la gestión en el proyecto de Seguimiento del Cambio Global en Sierra Nevada. In IX Congreso Nacional de la Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre. Úbeda (Spain), 18-22 Octubre 2009.

• Sánchez-Gutiérrez, F.J.; Henares-Civantos, I.; Cano-Manuel León, F.J.; Zamora Rodríguez, R.; Bonet García, F.J. & Aspizua Canton, R. (2009). El observatorio de cambio global de Sierra Nevada. Revista Medio Ambiente,63: 16–19.

Regional Press

Local Media

National Press

Articles published in newspapers

Training Activities



Information'sManagement Tools
