Siddur – Prayer book – for all mankind Take the first practical step in Order to Achieve Spiritual and Emotional Effectivity Get yourself a [complete] copy of the special siddur (prayer book) ---- 1 ----

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Siddur – Prayer book – for all mankind

Take the first practical step in Order to Achieve Spiritual and Emotional Effectivity

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"…This prayer book is designed for all

of the people in the world who

identify themselves as Noahide,

meaning that they accept upon

themselves the Seven Commandments

that have been given to the Children

of Noah (Noahide)…"

[From the introduction]

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Siddur – Prayer book – for all mankind

Take the first practical step in Order to Achieve Spiritual and Emotional Effectivity

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It is forbidden to pray to false gods, or to any force, or object of

the world, but rather, only to the Creator of Heaven and Earth,

the God of Israel. Anything else is likely to be idolatry, in

violation of the prohibition of idol worshipping.



Someone who does not feel an inner urge to pray, or someone who is

short in time, can recite the following abridged prayers with an easy

heart and clear conscience, and his prayer will find favor before Him who

hears the prayers of all hearts. These foundations of prayer for all

peoples are based on an arrangement recommended by Rabbi Yoel

Schwartz of Jerusalem, a member of the New Sanhedrin.


In the Morning, upon Arising:

I give thanks to You, everlasting King, who has

compassionately restored my soul within me; great is

Your faithfulness. And I also thank You for providing man

with his needs, and for granting him wisdom, so that he

can know Your greatness, and know how to carry out his

mission in life.

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Siddur – Prayer book – for all mankind

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The Amidah prayer is known as the “Standing Prayer,” or the “Shemona Esrei” in

Hebrew. Three times of the day have been established for its recital: in the early

hours of the morning; afternoon, and evening. Noahide may recite it all the three

times, twice, once, or not at all. It is possible to replace it with any other prayer

which includes, in concise form, the following three themes, in this order: praise to

Creator, requests, thanks.

To begin the prayer, one should make three steps forward and keep one’s legs

together in order to resemble an angel standing in prayer. Remove from the heart all

worries and annoying thoughts in order to concentrate on the prayer. Keep the eyes

closed, or else focused on the prayer book. Until the end of the Amidah, one should

not to leave his place, or interrupt the prayer by speaking, even about holy matters,

or stop the prayer in the middle. The prayer is said in a low whisper which shouldn’t

those praying at one’s side.

My Master, open my lips and my mouth will declare Your



I will praise and extol You, God of the Universe, Creator

heaven and earth, God of Avraham, God of Yitzhak, God of Yaakov, the

great, mighty, and awesome God, supreme God, who bestows loving-

kindness, Master of Everything, who remembers the saintly deeds of the

Patriarchs and brings a redeemer to their children’s children, for His

Name’s sake, with love.

O King, Supporter, Savior, and Shield, praised be Your Name, the Shield

of Avraham.

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Siddur – Prayer book – for all mankind

Take the first practical step in Order to Achieve Spiritual and Emotional Effectivity

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You graciously grant man knowledge, and teach

mankind understanding. Grant us knowledge, understanding,

and insight. Praised be Your Name, gracious giver of




We thank You, for You are Hashem, our God, and God of

our fathers, forever and ever; our Rock, the Rock of our lives.

You are the Shield of our salvation from generation to

generation. We thank you and praise You for our lives which are

in Your charge, and for our souls which are entrusted to You;

and for Your miracles which are with us daily; and for Your

constant wonders and favors, in the evening, morning, and

afternoon. Beneficent One, whose compassion never ceases;

Merciful One, whose kindness never ends, we always put our

hope in You.

For all of these things, may Your Name be eternally blessed and

exalted, our King. And all life will acknowledge You, Sela.

And Your great Name will be extolled and blessed in truth

forever, for it is good, O God of our salvation and aid, the God

of goodness, Selah.

May Your Name be praised, for Your Name is the Beneficent

One, and it is pleasant to give You thanks.

Page 6: Siddur Prayer book

Siddur – Prayer book – for all mankind

Take the first practical step in Order to Achieve Spiritual and Emotional Effectivity

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PRAYER FOR THE SICK [the above prayer you will find in the full Prayer book ver.] …

BEFORE A DOCTOR’S APPOINTMENT Please, Hashem, in Your hand are the souls of all the living creatures and the spirit of every man, and in Your hand is the power and the force to grant growth and strength and healing to all flesh, in the most precise fashion, and nothing is beyond Your ability. Therefore, may it be Your will, the faithful God, Father of mercy, who heals all of man’s ailments with the proper medicines and treatments, to those who seek His closeness, redeeming His saintly ones from destruction, and rescuing from death humbled in spirit – You are a faithful healer. Please, in Your abundant kindness and graciousness, pity me, and send healing, longevity, and recovery to Your servant (I am (name) the son/daughter of (name of mother)), and bestow abundant compassion upon me, and heal and strengthen me. Heal us, Hashem, and we will be healed; save us and we will be saved, for You are our praise. Grant wisdom to the physicians, and make successful and bless the work of their hands, so that they make no errors in their judgments and treatments. Strengthen their spirits, and their hands, and may their medical care return me to health, for You are a faithful and compassionate healer.

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Siddur – Prayer book – for all mankind

Take the first practical step in Order to Achieve Spiritual and Emotional Effectivity

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Psalm 121 - The Psalmist testifies that there is no guardian or savior other than Hashem, who safeguards His Nation Israel, forever.

A Song of Ascents: I will lift my eyes to the hills.

From where comes my help? My help comes from Hashem, who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to stumble; He who guards over You will not slumber. Behold, He who guards over Israel will neither slumber or sleep. Hashem is your guardian; Hashem is the protecting umbrage over your right hand. The sun shall not smite you by day, nor the moon by night. Hashem shall protect you from all evil; he shall protect your soul. Hashem shall protect your going out and your coming in, from now and until forever.


A person traveling out of the city, says:

May it be Your will, Hashem, God of the Universe, Creator of heaven and earth, that You lead us to peace, and secure our steps to peace, and guide us toward peace, and bring us to our desired goal in peace, to life, happiness, and peace (if he will return in the same day, add:

and return us to our homes to peace), and rescue us from the hand of every enemy and ambush along the way, and send a blessing upon the work of our hands, and grant us grace, kindness, and mercy in Your eyes, and in the eyes of everyone we meet. Hear the voice of our supplication. For You are God who hears prayer and supplication. May Your Name be praised, He who listens to prayer.

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Siddur – Prayer book – for all mankind

Take the first practical step in Order to Achieve Spiritual and Emotional Effectivity

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Over bread, make the blessing:

Blessed are You, Hashem, our God, who brings forth bread from the earth.

Over wine and grape juice, Over the fruit of tree, Over the fruit of the earth, such as vegetables etc. [those prayers you will find in the full Prayer

book ver.]



After a satiating meal where a quantity of bread was eaten, recite the following blessing:

Blessed are You, Hashem, our God, King of the

Universe, the God who feeds us and all the world through His goodness; with grace, with kindness, and with great compassion, He grants bread to all mankind. For His kindness is forever, and through His great and constant goodness, we are not in want, and we will never lack food as long as we live. For He feeds and grants a livelihood to everyone, and His table is arranged with plenty for everyone, and He prepares nourishment and sustenance to all of His creatures whom He created in His mercy and abundant kindness. Praised be You, Hashem, who nourishes everything…

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Siddur – Prayer book – for all mankind

Take the first practical step in Order to Achieve Spiritual and Emotional Effectivity

Get yourself a [complete] copy of the special siddur (prayer book)


All these prayers and much more prayer, which was passed traditionally from the time of the Prophets - And have been preserved for thousands of years among the people of Israel You can find here the full version of the Siddur in this link