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SIB Infotech is website design web development company based in Mumbai New Delhi, India providing innovative professional webpage design services customized,Ecommerce Solutions,html5 website design,flash website designing at affordable prices.

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Content Search engines SE Indexing SEO SEO Definition, Impostance Natural listing. SEO Techniques 10 Essentials SEO Practice

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is a tool that enables users to locate information on the World Wide Web. Search engines use keywords entered by users to find Web sites which contain the information sought.

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SE Indexing

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• SEO is a process of trying to get higher ranking from the Search Engine.

• Focused exclusively on attracting the natural or organic listing.

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The process of structuring a web page so that it is found, read, and indexed by search engines in the most effective manner possible.

The process of modifying a website to increase its ranking in organic / crawler-based listings of search engines.

This process improved webpage so their rank higher in search engines for our target keyword.

Successful search helps this site gain top positioning in the search engines results pages of search engines such as Google,Yahoo and MSN for relevant words and phrases.

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> 90% online user uses search engine to find products and info (iprospect.com).

Your website will constantly feature on page one of the search results for terms that best describe your business.

Natural search receives 250% more traffic than paid search.

1st page of SE result get atleast 80% clicks.

If your website is not found within top 30 result (page 1, 2 and 3) no one will find it.

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A spider or crawler which is a component of a SE gathers listings by automatically "crawling" the web The spider follows links to web pages, makes copies of the pages and stores them in the SE’s indexBased on this data, the SE then indexes the pages and ranks the websitesMajor SEs that index pages using spiders: Google, Yahoo, AltaVista, MSN, AOL, Lycos

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Organic searcher A search performed by a search engine that displays the links

on the results page in order of relevancy. Also called a "natural search," the ranking order is based on

some algorithm such as Google's notable method that uses "backlinks."

Contrast with "paid ads," which appear up front on the first page because they were paid for by their advertisers.

See search engine and vertical search engine.

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SEO TEchniques

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URL Submission Google - http://www.google.com/addurl/ Yahoo! - 


Bing - http://www.bing.com/docs/submit.aspx 


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• domain names are traffic magnets> 63 million domain names registered

• choose a domain name that will increase your search engine ranking.• Register for >5 years – registered longer is more serious business. • use keywords, location, advertising terms, product names.• choose a keyword that is important for your business.

Domain name strategies

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Put Keyword tag<html><head><title>Pengenalan Kepada PECAMP</title><meta name="keywords" content="PECAMP, Persatuan Capaian Maklumat dan Pengurusan Pengetahuan, capaian maklumat, information retrieval, pengurusan pengetahuan, knowledge management" /> <meta name="description" content="PECAMP - Persatuan Capaian Maklumat dan Pengurusan Pengetahuan" />…

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No meta tag, not good for ur rank

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Use your keywords wisely

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- the most important in optimizing rankings

- research what keywords are people searching for using tools e.g. Wordtracker (www.wordtracker.com)

- keywords are words that appear the most in a page

- the spider chooses the appropriate keywords for each page, then sends them back to its SE

- your web site will then be indexed based on your keywords

- can be key phrases or a single keyword

- do not use common words eg ‘the’ ‘and’ ‘of’: spiders ignore them

- write keyword-rich text

- balance keyword-rich and readability

- always have text in your page: at least 100 words

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Generate Content Content is the king  This is to generate more traffic from the

search engine, because if there’re more content than there will be more keywords. More keywords indexed in the search engine, surely more traffic to the website.

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Linking strategies (Backlink)

- the text in the links should include keywords

- the more inbound links the higher the SE ranking

- if the site linking to you is already indexed, spiders will also receive your site

- quality of inbound links is critical

- how to increase links: a) creative content / copywriting b) good outbound links c) target a list of sites from which you can request inbound links

- links for the sake of links can damage your search rankings

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Use Search Engine Friendly URLGood URLhttp://www.pecamp.org/web/senarai-ahli.html

Bad URLhttp://www.kuis.edu.my/v2/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogsection&id=12&Itemid=72

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Use Search Engine Friendly URL Joomla In Global Configuration, set this SEO


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Avoid Text in Image/Flash

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Track user reference/keyword Use Google Analytics


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10 essentials SEO strategies Excerpt from


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1. Write good content This is maybe the most important strategy of all. If

your pages contain good, relevant, useful content, search engines will be more likely to rank your page higher for relevant searches. As an added benefit, good content will encourage more sites to link to your pages, thereby further increasing your search engine ranking.

It's also good to update your content regularly. Visitors like fresh content, so they will visit your site more often. More visits lead to more links to your content, which ultimately results in more traffic.

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2. Do your keyword research Don't target a keyphrase just because it sounds right to you,

or because it gets a lot of searches. Think about what you ultimately want visitors to do on your

site (your conversion goals), then find out what keywords people search for when they want to achieve those goals. Use tools such as Google Analytics to see which keyphrases result in the most goal conversions.

Stay away from 1-word (or possibly even 2-word) keyphrases that have thousands of competitive sites in the search results. Instead, use tools such as Wordtracker and the AdWords Keyword Suggestion tool to find relevant niche keyphrases with high search volume and low competition.

  For example, if your online store sells Mega Widgets in the

Boston area, target the keyphrase "mega widgets boston", rather than just "widgets".

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3. Use your keywords wisely Once you have a good list of keyphrases, deploy them sensibly

throughout your site pages. Make sure you've used your keywords in the following text blocks (these are in rough order of importance, most important first):

The title tag The h1 and h2 headings in the page Link text (in links within the page, and in links from other pages) The page URL Image alt text Bold and italicised text Also make sure your keywords have a reasonable density (i.e. they

appear fairly often in the above text blocks — but not too often) and prominence (place them near the start of each text block).

Make sure you use text rather than images in the page where possible. This is particularly true of navigation menus. If you must use an image, make sure it has keyword-rich alt text.


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4. Get other sites linking to yours Most search engines rank sites more highly if they're

linked to by other, well-respected sites. The key here is "well-respected". Just getting linked to

from hundreds of reciprocal link pages is not going to do much for your ranking. Target a few relevant, good-quality sites and directories that are full of useful info and rank well on the search engines, and try to get a link back from them.

Free or Pay. Getting links from other high-quality sites can be a

challenge. Here are some tips: A "link to this page" function on each page of your site

makes it easy for other webmasters and bloggers to link. Get in touch with the site owner and strike up a friendship.

You're much more likely to get a link back from someone who knows you.

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5. Structure your site for SEO Your site structure can play an important part in

optimizing your pages. Make sure your pages contain plenty of links to other important pages in your site, and that it's easy to get to all sections of your site via your homepage or navigation menu.

  Not only does this make it easier for visitors and

search engines to find your content, but it also helps to spread your site's authority score (such as Google PageRank) more evenly throughout your site pages.

  A sitemap can really help here, as it lists all your site

content on one, easy-to-use page — great for visitors and search engine spiders alike.

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6. Analyse your site

It's important to track your site's SEO performance so that you can see if your efforts are paying off.

Use many free analysis tools out there, including: Yahoo! Site Explorer — Lets you find out detailed search-

engine-related info on each page of your site, including the most popular pages and the inbound links to each page.

Google Webmaster Tools — Gives you all sorts of details about how Google sees your site, such as problems crawling your pages and suggestions for how to improve your HTML.

Google Analytics — Reports on vital traffic data such as visitors, pageviews, traffic sources, keywords, and lots more. Also lets you set up goals so you can see how well your SEO campaigns are performing.

SEO Book and SEO Chat — these 2 sites offer a large range of free, Web-based SEO tools, many of which give you useful information about how your site is faring in the search results.

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7. Keep abreast of the latest SEO news  Search engine algorithms change constantly, and it pays to

keep up to date with the latest changes and SEO strategies. The following SEO sites are well worth bookmarking or subscribing to:

Search Engine Watch is a huge SEO resource, including articles and white papers on SEO and SEM (search engine marketing), as well as some busy SEO forums.

Matt Cutts' blog — Matt is a Google engineer, and in his blog he frequently discusses the latest changes at Google that can affect SEO.

Sphinn is a social bookmarking site for SEO topics. Great for finding out what's new and hot in the world of SEO.

SEO Book features a comprehensive, paid SEO training program, a regularly-updated blog, and some handy free SEO tools such as keyword suggesters and rank checkers.

SEO Chat contains a large number of SEO articles, a huge range of free online SEO tools, and a big forum community.

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8. Avoid black hat techniques SEO techniques come in 2 forms:   White hat techniques play by the rules of the search

engines, and aim to create high-quality, relevant content. Black hat techniques attempt to "game" the search

engines by using techniques such as keyword stuffing (overusing keywords in a page), hidden text, and cloaking (presenting different versions of a page to real visitors and search engines).

Black hat SEO techniques can sometimes produce a short-term hike in traffic; however such sites invariably get weeded out — or, worse, banned altogether — by the search engines. Black hat SEO simply isn't worth the risk if you want to build a long-term stream of traffic from search engines.

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9. Watch out for duplicate content Search engines dislike pages that basically contain the same content,

and will give such pages a lower ranking. Therefore, avoid duplicate content URLs on your site.

Many factors can result in a search engine seeing 2 URLs as duplicates of each other — for example:

Articles republished from other websites Print-friendly versions of pages (make sure you exclude such pages

from search engines with a robots.txt file) Similar product info pages that contain very little changing content

apart from the product name and image Session IDs in URLs, or other URL parameters that result in different

URLs for the same page Displaying your site at multiple domains — for example,

www.example.com and example.com. Choose one domain or the other, then use 301 redirects to ensure that everyone (including search engines) is looking at just the one domain.

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10. description and keywords Many webmasters overlook the description and keywords

meta tags, but they can give your site the edge over your competitors. Pay attention to these 2 tags in each page.

The description tag should be a useful, compelling summary of your page content. This tag is often used to display a summary of your page in the search results, so it's worth making it keyword-rich and including a call to action.

Most search engines ignore the keywords tag these days; however it doesn't hurt to create one (if nothing else it's another chance to insert your keywords in the page). Some directories also use the keywords tag to classify sites.

Ensure that each page has unique description and keywords tags. If a search engine finds many pages with the same description and keywords, it can see those pages as less important.

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