www.ayurvedpg.com UPSC 2002 1 (A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G.Entrance) By- Dr. N. S. Lodhi (M.D.) Mob. - 09300961664, 09993961427 Shyam-Vidya Ayurved P.G. Entrance Coaching Center, Bhopal (M.P.) UPSC 2000 By - Dr. N. S. Lodhi (M.D.) Mob. - 09300961664, 09993961427 (1) Which one of the following pramehas is yapya due to viruddha upakrama (A) Vataja (B) Pittaja (C) Kaphaja (D) Ikshu balika rasa (2) Which one of the following sutras is not correct (A) Tamake tu virechanam (B) Udare nityameva virechayet (C) Pakshaghate bastih (D) Pakshghate virechanam (3) Match List-I (Disease) with List-II (Apathya) and select correct answer using the Codes given below the lists - List- I List-II (a) Amlapitta (1) Vamana (b) Madhumeha (2) Virechana (c) Vatika gulma (3) kulutha (d) Adhogata raktapitta (4) Madhura rasa (5) Satavari Codes: (A) A B C D (B) A B C D (C) A B C D (D) A B C D 1 2 3 4 23 5 4 3412 4 1 5 2 (4) Consider the following statements Ghee is (A) Contraindicated in nava jwara (B) Indicated in purvarupa of vatika jwara (C) Indicated in jirna jwara (D) Not indicated in jwara at all (5)According to Susruta, virechana karma is to be done once in a month in (A) Pakshaghata (B) Kushta (C) Vata rakta (D) Amavata

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Page 1: Shyam-Vidya Ayurved P.G. Entrance ... 2000 English Version.pdf · (17) In Rasa ratna samucchaya, Arogyavardhini ras is described in the chikitsa of - (A) Udara roga (B) Vibandha roga

www.ayurvedpg.com UPSC 2002

1(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G.Entrance)By- Dr. N. S. Lodhi (M.D.) Mob. - 09300961664, 09993961427

Shyam-Vidya Ayurved P.G. Entrance Coaching Center, Bhopal (M.P.)UPSC – 2000

By - Dr. N. S. Lodhi (M.D.) Mob. - 09300961664, 09993961427

(1) Which one of the following pramehas is yapya due to viruddha upakrama –(A) Vataja(B) Pittaja(C) Kaphaja(D) Ikshu balika rasa

(2) Which one of the following sutras is not correct –(A) Tamake tu virechanam(B) Udare nityameva virechayet(C) Pakshaghate bastih(D) Pakshghate virechanam

(3) Match List-I (Disease) with List-II (Apathya) and select correct answer using theCodes given below the lists -

List- I List-II(a) Amlapitta (1) Vamana(b) Madhumeha (2) Virechana(c) Vatika gulma (3) kulutha(d) Adhogata raktapitta (4) Madhura rasa

(5) SatavariCodes:

(A) A B C D (B) A B C D (C) A B C D (D) A B C D1 2 3 4 2 3 5 4 3 4 1 2 4 1 5 2

(4) Consider the following statements – Ghee is(A) Contraindicated in nava jwara(B) Indicated in purvarupa of vatika jwara(C) Indicated in jirna jwara(D) Not indicated in jwara at all

(5)According to Susruta, virechana karma is to be done once in a month in –(A) Pakshaghata(B) Kushta(C) Vata rakta(D) Amavata

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2(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G.Entrance)By- Dr. N. S. Lodhi (M.D.) Mob. - 09300961664, 09993961427

(6) Palitya (premature greying of hair) comes under which one of the followingpradoshaja rogas ?

(A) Rasa(B) Rakta(C) Mamsa(D) Meda

(7) Janmabala-pravritta vyadhi is –(A) Prameha(B) Badhirya(C) Arsas(D) Kushta

(8) Which one of the following basthis can be administered daily and in any season forLong time ?

(A) Niruha(B) Piccha(C) Matra(D) Kshira

(9) Which one of the following krimis causes pandu roga ?(A) Tape worm(B) Round worm(C) Hook worm(D) Guinea worm

(10) Bhrama is caused by -(A) Vata, kapha and tamas(B) Vata, pitta and rajas(C) Pitta and tamas(D) Vata, pitta and tamas

(11) Which one of the following diseases and therapeutic measures is not correctlyMatched ?

(a) Sthaulya : Snehana(b) Karsya : Santarpana(c) Santarpana janya : Laghava(d) Apatarpana janya : Gaurava

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3(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G.Entrance)By- Dr. N. S. Lodhi (M.D.) Mob. - 09300961664, 09993961427

(12) While treating Gulma care has to be taken of -(A) All the three doshas(B) Vata and kapha doshas(C) Kapha and pitta doshas(D) Vata doshas

(13) Consider the following statements -Assertion A : The Sakhagata dosa can be brought to kosthaReason R : The dosa goes to sakha from kostha by the measure of vriddhi.Out of these statements -(A) Both A and R are true but R is not correct explanation of A.(B) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A.(C) A is true but R is false(D) A is false but R is true

(14) Sakhotaka is the drug of choice in the treatment of -(A) Hridroga(B) Atisara(C) Parinama shula(D) Slipada

(15) Arsenic containing herbo-mineral preparation used for the treatment of arthritisIs -

(A) Sanjivani(B) Agnitundirasa(C) Vatgajankusa rasa(D) Amavatari

(16) Match List-I (Disease) with List-II (Drugs) and select the correct answer usingThe codes given below the lists-

List-I List-II(a) Prameha 1. Kusmanda(b) Raktapitta 2. Vatsanabha(c) Asmari 3. Aragvadha(d) Jvara 4. Haridra

5. KulatthaCodes:

(A) A B C D (B) A B C D (C) A B C D (D) A B C D4 5 3 1 2 3 5 4 5 1 3 2 4 1 5 2

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4(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G.Entrance)By- Dr. N. S. Lodhi (M.D.) Mob. - 09300961664, 09993961427

(17) In Rasa ratna samucchaya, Arogyavardhini ras is described in the chikitsa of -(A) Udara roga(B) Vibandha roga(C) Kustha roga(D) Vatavyadhi

(18) Given below the findings (in percentage) of clinical study of drugs tried forAmavata –

Drugs Cured Improved Unchanged Side effects1.Bhaallataka 75 25 NIL 602. Guggulu 50 50 NIL NIL3. Rasna 40 60 NIL NIL4. Asvagandha 25 30 45 NIL

On the basis of the findings which drug(s) is/ are NOT to be recommend forgeneral practice-(a) All(b) 1 alone(c) 1 and 3(d) 2 and 3

(19) Consider the following statements–Assertion A: Sveta parpati is indicated in mutra- krichraReason R : Sveta parpati contains both gandhaka and parade.Out of these

Statements :-(A) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A(B) Both A nad R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A(C) A is true but R is false(D) A is tue but R is true

(20) Panchakola consists of –(A) Pippali, pippalimula, cavya, citraka and nagara(B) Haritaki, pippali, cavya, amalaki and bibhitaka(C) Amalaki, nagaramustaka, cavya, saunpha and sunthi(D) Haritaki, patola, pippali, amalaki and citraka

(21) In which condition the amritaprasa ghrita is indicated ?(A) Apasmara(B) Ksataksina(C) Sotha(D) Vatarakta

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5(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G.Entrance)By- Dr. N. S. Lodhi (M.D.) Mob. - 09300961664, 09993961427

(22) Consider the following statements regarding the administration of basthi karma ?(A) Total number of basti is 30(B) 12 anuvasana and 18 asthapana basti(C) 18 anuvasana and 12 asthapana basti(D) 15 anuvasana and 15 asthapana basti

(23) According to Susruta how many Prasrita(s) of sneha is/are to be added in‘Dwadasa Prasritiki Basthi’ ?

(A) One(B) Two(C) Three(D) Four

(24) Which one of the following pairs is matched correctly?(A) Powder of the drug : Adhmapana nasya(B) Vapour of the drug : Avapida nasya(C) Drops of any liquid : Sneha nasya(D) Drops of the medicated oil : Avapidana nasya

(25) Which one of the following sets would be the correct sequence of voiding insamyak Virechana ?

(A) Vata, pitta, kapha anila(B) Ausadha, vata, pitta, kapha(C)Ausadha, vata, pitta, anila(D) Ausadha, pitta, kapha, anila

(26) Consider the following statements -Assertion A: Go-ghrta is considered as the best among sneha dravyasReason R : Go-ghrta is tridosa samaka.

Out of these statements :-(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A(b) Both A and R are true but R is not a correct explanation of A(c) A is true but R is false(d) A is false but R is true

(27) Which part of madana phala constitute the active ingredient for vamana ?(a) Dried whole fruit(b) Seeds(c) Fleshy part of the fruit(d) Flowers

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6(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G.Entrance)By- Dr. N. S. Lodhi (M.D.) Mob. - 09300961664, 09993961427

(28) Match List-I (Mahabhuta) with List-II (location in eyes) and select the coreectanswer using the codes given below the lists:

List-I List-IIA. Akasa 1. Seven mandalaB. Jala 2. AsrumargaC. Bhumi 3. Krsna mandalaD. vayu 4. Rakta mandala

5. MamsaCodes:(A) A B C D (B) A B C D (C) A B C D (D) A B C D

4 2 1 3 2 1 5 3 3 4 5 1 2 1 4 5

(29) Which one of the following doshas is involved in gambhirika ?(A) Pitta(B) Vayu(C) Kapha(D) Tridosa

(30) Vatahatadhimantha roga is –(A) Yapya(B) Kasta- Sadhya(C) Sadhya(D) Asadhya

(31) Accumlation of wax in the ear leads to –(A) Permanent deafness(B) Neurological deafness(C) Congenital deafness(D) Temporary deafness

(32) Match List-I ( Disorder) with List-II (Sign and symptoms) and select the correctanswer using the codes given below the lists:

Lists-I List-IIA. Trachoma 1. Rising of intraocular presuureB. Hypopyon 2. Deviation of visual axisC. Glaucoma 3. Loss of visual field of one eyeD. Heterophoria 4. Collection of pus in the anterior chamber

5. PhotophobiaCodes:

(A) A B C D (B) A B C D (C) A B C D (D) A B C D1 4 2 3 5 3 2 4 5 4 1 2 3 5 1 2

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7(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G.Entrance)By- Dr. N. S. Lodhi (M.D.) Mob. - 09300961664, 09993961427

(33) Langalaka chedana karma is done in -(A) Sambukavarta bhagandara(B) Raktaja arsa(C) Arsa bhagandara(D) Sataponaka bhagandara

(34) Consider the following methods –(A) Jaloka(B) Tumbi(C) Srnga(D) Kshara

Blood letting is done by using -(a) 1 and 2(b) 1 and 3(c) 3 and 2(d) 1, 2 and 3

(35) Utsadana karma is done in which of the following types of vranas ?(A) Parisuskakalpa mamasanam(B) Vatatmakanugrarujanam(C) Utsannamrdu mamsanam(D) Kathinanam mamsanam

(36) Which one of the following fractures occurs in childhood only ?(A) Fracture radius(B) Fracture femur(C) Supracondylar fracture of humerus(D) Fracture of both bones of forearm

(37) Injury to which one of the following marmas result in impotency -(A) Basti(B) Vitapam(C) Lohitaksa(D) Nitamba

(38) The type of bandage which is included in injury to joints is -(A) Mandala(B) Vibandha(C) Svastika(D) Sthagika

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8(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G.Entrance)By- Dr. N. S. Lodhi (M.D.) Mob. - 09300961664, 09993961427

(39) Hard type of Arsa can be effectively treated by -(A) Bhesaja - chikitsa(B) Kshara - karma(C) Agni - karma(D) Raktamokshana

(40) Match List-I (Disorder) with List-II (Prognosis) and select the correct answerusing the codes given below the lists -

List-I List-IIA. Danta sula 1. SadhyaB. Syava dantaka 2. KastasadhyaC. Danta kapalika 3. AsadhyaD. Dusta pinasa 4. Pratyakhyeya

5. YapyaCodes:

(A) A B C D (B) A B C D (C) A B C D (D) A B C D1 3 2 5 1 2 4 3 3 4 5 1 4 3 2 5

(41) B.A.L. is an antidote for the poisoning of -(A) Opium(B) Arsenic(C) Phosphorous(D)Potassium cyanide

(42) According to charaka, the most efficacious vishaghna is -(A) Svarna(B) Vanga(C) Sirisa(D) Nimba

(43) The antidote which is used in common types of poisonous snake bite in India is -(A) Anti venom(B) Anti - colubridiae serum(C) Anti - viperidiae serum(D) Polyvalent anti - snake venom

(44) The characteristic feature of lead poisoning is –(A) Blue line on the gums(B) Fever(C) Diarrhoea(D) Joint pain

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9(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G.Entrance)By- Dr. N. S. Lodhi (M.D.) Mob. - 09300961664, 09993961427

(45) Fracture of hyoid bone is commonly seen in –(A) Drowning(B) Strangulation(C) Hanging(D) Suffocation

(46) Arishtabandhana is a treatment where –(A) Aristas are given as drugs(B) Rista - laksanas are seen in the patient(C) Ligature is applied by thread(D) Ligation is done by mantra or thread

(47)Which one of the following is the attribute of mana ?(A) Cetana- kriyavat(B) Acetana- kriyavat(C) Acetana- akriyavat(D) Cetana- akriyavat

(48) Maha kalyanaka ghtita is beneficial in -(A) Jvara(B) Unmada(C) Pandu(D) Arsa

(49) Unmada roga is characterized by the Vibhramsa of –(A) Mana, buddhi, dhriti, smrti,bhakti, acara and suci(B) Sanjan - jnana, acara, sila,smrti, dharma, kala mana and vijnanana(C) Acara, vicara, svapna, nidra,mana, buddhi, smrti and dhairya(D) Mana, buddhi,sanjna- jnana, smrti, bhakti, sila, cesta and avara

(50) Loss of smrithi is the cardinal sign in -(A) Murcha(B) Apasmara(C) Unmada(D) Sanyasa

(51) Meatsoup, bulbous root and fruits are prescribed woman belonging to –(A) Anupa desa(B) Jangala desa(C) Sadharana desa(D) Videsa

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10(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G.Entrance)By- Dr. N. S. Lodhi (M.D.) Mob. - 09300961664, 09993961427

(52) Which one of the following sets of instruments are to be used for destructivesurgery of foetus in Mudha garbha ?

(A) Angulisastra, mandalagra, vrddhipatra, sanku, karapatra(B) Angulisastra, mandalagra, vrddhipatra, sanku(C) Angulisastra, mandalagra, vrddhipatra(D) Angulisastra, mandalagra, sanku

(53) Acoording to Susruta, regimen for seventh month of pregnancy is -(A) Sasthikaudana(B) Ksirasarpi(C) Goksura siddha ghrta(D) Prthakparyadi ghrta

(54) Which one of the following combinations is described as oral contraceptive ?(A) Pippali, vidanga and nimba(B) Pippali, tankana and japa(C) Powder of talisa and gairika(D) Powder of pippali and gairika

(55) Consider the following gaits (Position/presentation) described by susruta -(A) One sakthi abhugna and udaya by the other(B) Abhugna sira and both the bhujas(C) Hast- pada and sirodaya(D) Obstruction of sira

(56) Krimija yoni-vyapat is also known as –(A) Aticarna(B) Prakcarna(C) Acarna(D) Vipulta

(57) Which one of the following is very useful for the treatment of rakta pradara ?(A) Punarnava mandura(B) Navayasa lauha(C) Pusyanuga curna(D) Sphatika-bhasma

(58) On examination of yoni, nikucha or like akriti is found, which is like rakta orpuya in colour. These symptons show that the patient suffering from :

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11(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G.Entrance)By- Dr. N. S. Lodhi (M.D.) Mob. - 09300961664, 09993961427

(A) Yoni - arsa(B) Yoni - bhramsa(C) Andalini(D) Yoni-kanda

(59) Which one of the following yoni- rogas is said to be Anupakrama –(A) Vamini(B) Kamini(C) Sramsini(D) Sandi

(60) Rasa karpura is used in the treatment of -(A) Yoni roga(B) Phiranga(C) Yoni kanda(D) Artava dosa

(61) In children the single drug of choice for kasa , jwara and chradi is –(A) Ativisa(B) Yastimadhu(C) Asvagandha(D) Ahiphena

(62) Match List-I (Disease) with List-II (Clinical features) and select the correctanswers using the codes given below the lists :

List-I List-IIA. Mukhamandika 1. Painless swelling on head in the newborn babyB. Garbaja phakka 2. Depression of talu pradesaC. Upasirsaka 3. Nodular & prominent veins present over the abdomenD. Suska revati 4. Abdomen appears to be full of blakish or bluish veins

5. Ksiyate mryate vapiCodes:

(A) A B C D (B) A B C D (C) A B C D (D) A B C D4 2 1 5 3 5 2 1 4 5 1 3 2 4 5 3

(63) Consumption of kshariya- dugdha produces which of the following complicationsin the children ?(A) Flatulence, Constipation, oliguria, dyspnoea, cough(B) Emaciation, diarrhea, aphonea, cough(C) Fever, growth- retardation, emaciation, diarrhoea(D) Eye-ailments, itching, ulcers, excessive mucoid discharge from mouth & nose

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12(A synonym of Success for Ayurveda P.G.Entrance)By- Dr. N. S. Lodhi (M.D.) Mob. - 09300961664, 09993961427

(64) Puncture of which one of the following sira in pinna of ear results in fever, painand glandular swelling ?

(A) Lohitika(B) Kalika(C) Marmarika(D) Nyastika

(65) Consider the following groups of mahalashaya -(A) Virana, Sali, darbha and kusa(B) Patha, mahausadhi, suradaru and musta(C) Kasa, gundra and iksuvalika(D) Murva, guduci, katurohini and sariva

(66) Urgent induction of emesis to the mother/wet-nurse and child is indicated for thetreatment of -

(A) Skanda graha(B) Pitta vitiated milk(C) Bala sosa(D) Ksiralasaka

(67) An infant presents with complaints of red blister accompanied by itching and painaround the anal region. The most likely diagnosis is -

(A) Utphullika(B) Parikartrika(C) Ahiputana(D) Sakuni graha

(68) The second stage of labour in primipara generally takes –(A) Three hours(B) One to two hours(C) Half to one hour(D) Fifteen minutes to half an hour

(69) According to Susruta ideal age for performing rasayana is –(A) Yauvane vayasi(B) Purve vayasi madhyeva(C) Hani vayasi(D) Vrddhavastha

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(70) On the basis of recent researches, which one of the following rasayana drugs forsroto -suddhi –

(A) Atmagupta(B) Visatinduka(C) Guggulu(D) Satavari

(71) Vardhamana-bhallataka-rasayana should preferably be performed in which ofthe following rtu –

(A)Vasant(B) Grisma(C) Sarat(D) Varsa

(72) Which one of the following belongs to svasthasyaorjaskara cikitsa ?(A) Rasayana(B) Vrsya(C) Rasayana and vajikarana(D) Svasthavrtta

(73) Which one of the following is NOT classified as a type of rasayana ?(A) Medhya(B) Kamya(C) Ojaskara(D) Ajasrk

(74) Lasuna rasayana is contra-indicated in which of the following condition ?(A) Suddha-vata(B) Pitta-anubandha-vata(C) Kapha-anubandha-vata(D) Gulma

(75) Vrsyagudika and Apatyakara-ghrta are mentioned in which vajikarana-pada ofCaraka –

(A) Masa-parna-bhritiya(B) Pumanjata-baladika(C) Asikta-ksiriya(D) Samyoga-sara-muliya

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(76) Which one of the following pairs of karma and dravya is NOT matched –(a) Sukrala : Haritaki(b) Sukra- stambhana : Jatiphala(c) Sukra-Janana : Bhallataka- phala-majja(d) Praharsana : Stri

(77) Which one of the following term is NOT related with vajikarana -(A) Apatyakara(B) Stambhana(C) Grahi(D) Sukra-recana

(78) According to Charaka Padabhyanga is useful for -(A) Caksusya karma(B) Lekhana-karma(C) Brmhana-karma(D) Grahi- Karma

(79) Nadi pariksa is first described by-(A) Caraka(B) Susruta(C) Sarangadhara(D) Yogaratnakara

(80) ‘The quantity of apara ojas is –(A) Eight drops(B) Three anjali(C) One anjali(D) Half anjali

(81) According to Susruta the number of sandhimarma is –(A) 8(B) 11(C) 20(D) 41

(82) 24 Tattva purusa is called –(A) Rasi purusa(B) Purusa(C) Dhatu purusa(D) Mahapurusa

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(83) Jati and Agati are synonyms of -(A) Roga(B) Nidana(C) Samprapti(D) Laksana

(84) Which one of the following suits both sthula and krsa-(A) Mudga and masa(B) Madhu and ghrta(C) Vasavara and vilesaya(D) Godhuma and yava

(85) Which one of the following drugs is the potent enough to remove sirah-sula –(A) Mucakunda(B) Goraksa(C) Kataka(D) Sundarsana

(86) The virya of lavanga is -(A) Usna(B) Sitosna(C) Sita(D) Laghu

(87) Which one of the following groups of rasas is pitta samaka –(A) Kasaya, tikta,madhura(B) Tikta, madhura, katu(C) Madhura, katu, lavana(D) Katu, amla, kasaya

(88) Moca-rasa is the resin of –(A) Sala(B) Saral(C) Salamli(D) Vijayasara

(89) Mucuna pruriens is the latin name of -(A) Karanja(B) Arjuna(C) Kapikacchu(D) Mundi

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(90) Tagara belongs to which one of the following mahakasaya groups of Caraka -(A) Sita prasamana(B) Krmighna(C) Chardi-nigrahana(D) Daha prasamana

(91) Vipaka is known by -(A) Kamanistha(B) Nipata(C) Adhivasa(D) Nipata and adhivasa

(92) The specific action of marica on srotas is –(A) Abhisyandi(B) Kapha kopaka(C) Visaghna(D) Pramathi

(93) Trna Pancamula consists of –(A) Goksura, nala, darbha, punarnava and kandeksu(B) Kusa, kasa, nala darbha and kandeksu(C) Kasa, bilva, goksura, darbha and kusa(D) Nala, kandeksu, punarnava, bilva and kesa

(94) Dravya is the substratum of –(A) Rasa and rakta(B) Guna and karma(C) Tridosa and mala(D) Dhatu and mala

(95) Gandhamarjara virya is the –(A)Semen of civet cat(B)Semen of musk deer(C) Secretion from the sebaceous gland of male musk deer(D) Secretion from the gland of female civet cat

(96) Which one of the following is used as adulterant in the place of langali -(A)Kustha(B) Vatsanabha(C) Madhuka(D) Nirgundi

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(97) Boerhavia- diffusa linn. Belongs to the family of –(A) Acanthaceae(B) Compositae(C) Nyctaginaceae(D) Cruciferae

(98) In which season the roots of plants are to be collected -(A) Varsa- Vasanta(B) Grisma- sisira(C) Varsa-hemanta(D) Vasanta-hemanta

(99) The drug which first permeates the entire body before getting digested is called –(A) Vyavayi(B) Suksma(C) Vikasi(D) Pramathi

(100) Plants which give fruits without flower is known as –(A) Vanaspatya(B) Ausadhi(C) Vanaspati(D) Viruddha

(101) Sodhana of ahiphena is done by -(A) Bhringaraja svarasa(B) Ksira(C) Nimba-patra(D) Ardraka-svarasa

(102) Match List-I (Name of drugs) with List-II (Properties of drugs) as per AgryaPrakarana of caraka and select the correct answer using the codes given belowthe lists -

List-I List-IIA. Rasna 1. VisagnaB. Sirisa 2. Vayah-sthapanaC. Vidanga 3. Vata-haraD. Amalaki 4. Krmighna

Codes:(A) A B C D (B) A B C D (C) A B C D (D) A B C D

3 1 4 2 2 1 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 3 2 4

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(103) Which one of the following dravyas is the source of ‘Rasanjana’(A) Kumari(B) Salmali(C) Daruharidra(D) Haridra

(104) Which part of dhataki is used for asavarista ?(A) Root(B) Stem(C) Fruit(D) Flower

(105) “Caturbija” would include –(A) Sarsapa, mulaka, methika and yavani(B) Methika, parpatak, mulaka and garjara(C) Methika, chandrasura, kalajaji and yavani(D) Kalajaji, dhanyaka, mulaka and sarsapa

(106) ‘Rasa- karpura’ is prepared with -(A) Sodhita parada only(B) Gandhakamla and sodhita parada(C) Sodhita parada and saindhava lavana(D) Sodhita parada, gandhakamla and saindhava lavana

(107) Sad-guna sindura contains -(a) Sodhita parada and sodhita gandhaka(b) Tamra-bhasma and sodhita gandhaka(c) Sodhita-gandhaka-abhraka-bhasma and mandura-bhasma(d) Sodhita-gandhaka-mandura-bhasma and sankha-bhasma

(108) The quantity of two palas is the dose of -(A) Svarasa(B) Kalka(C) Pramathya(D) Hima

(109) Jatarasam is the sign of –(A) Asavarista siddhi(B) Avaleha siddhi(C) Sneha siddhi(D) Phanita siddhi

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(110) For preparation of ‘Manda-kalpana’ the ratio of water and cereal is -(A) 14:1(B) 8:1(C) 6:1(D) 4:1

(111)The drug of choice in the treatment of chardi with complication is –(A) Madhu-yasti churna(B) Mayuradi ghrta(C) Mayura-piccha bhasma(D) Matulunga rasayana

(112) Parada attains rasayana property after consuming –(A) Gandhaka(B) Abhraka and gandhaka(C) Svarna and gandhaka(D) Vyadhi viparitarthakan upasaya

(113) The application of upanaha in paittika sotha is -(A) Hetu-viparitarthkari upasaya(B) Anupasaya(C) Ubhaya viparitarthkari upasaya(D) Vyadhi viparitarthakari upasaya

(114) Raktaja-krmi produces -(A) Sirahpida(B) Atiloma(C) Lomasata(D) Indralupta

(115) Which one of the following pariksas refelects the status of saptadhatu -(A) Pramanatah(B) Samhananatah(C) Saratah(D) Sattvatah

(116) Anupasargika rogas spread through –(a) Sucisilatva(b) Dirghayatra(c) Samavedanasilatva(d) Gatrasamsparsa

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(117) Which one of the following vegas should be suppressed -(A) Srama- svasa(B) Chardi(C) Sahasa(D) Asru

(118) While performing adothana pariksa on abdomen, Adhmatadrtisabda-vat isfound in which type of udara-roga ?(A) Vatika(B) Plihodara(C) Jalodara(D) Baddha-gudodara

(119) Consider the following conditions –(A) Absennce of purvarupa of prameha(B) Passing of blood in urine(C) Passing of yellow coloured urine(D) No sign of kamala

(120) Manduka gati nadi is indicative of -(A)Vata dosa(B) Kapha dosa(C) Pitta dosa(D) Vata kapha dosa

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Shyam-Vidya Ayurved P.G. Entrance Coaching Center, Bhopal (M.P.)UPSC – 2000

By- Dr. Neelima Singh Lodhi (M.D.) Mob. - 09826438399, 09993961427

(Answer Sheet) – UPSC Ayurveda M.O. Entrance Test - 2000

1- B 21- B 41- B 61- A 81- B 101- D

2- B 22- D 42- C 62- C 82- A 102- A

3- C 23- C 43- D 63- D 83- C 103- C

4- B 24- A 44- A 64- B 84- D 104- D

5- B 25- A 45- B 65- A 85- B 105- C

6- B 26- A 46- D 66- D 86- B 106- D

7- B 27- A 47- A 67- C 87- A 107- A

8- C 28- B 48- B 68- B 88- C 108- D

9- C 29- D 49- D 69- B 89- C 109- D

10- B 30- D 50- B 70- A 90- C 110- A

11- A 31- D 51- A 71- A 91- A 111- C

12- D 32- C 52- D 72- C 92- D 112- B

13- A 33- D 53- D 73- C 93- B 113- A

14- D 34- D 54- B 74- B 94- B 114- D

15- C 35- A 55- B 75- B 95- A 115- C

16- D 36- C 56- C 76- A 96- B 116- D

17- C 37- B 57- C 77- C 97- C 117- C

18- B 38- C 58- D 78- A 98- B 118- A

19- C 39- C 59- D 79- C 99- A 119- C

20- A 40- A 60- B 80- D 100- C 120- C