SHRM Aloha E-Magazine, V3-May

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© 2014 The SHRM Aloha Chapter Aloha E-Magazine Volume 1, Issue 3 (May)

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    MAY 2014 Volume 1 Issue 3 SHRM 1


    Super Clubs Day Inter-Business Council Competition

    09 Professional Interaction Night 40th Anniversary Celebration, Organized by Corporate Relations Director, Angel Diep

    22 Meet Our SHRMies Featured Members of the Month

    APRIL OVERVIEW 16 ProService Hawaii Company Tour, Organized by Corporate Relations Director, Angel Diep

    17 Life After College Workshop. Guest Speaker Beulah Olanolan, Organized by Professional Development Director, Joseph Campbell

    17 Taking Care of Business Workshop. Guest Speaker Lianne Maeda, Organized by Professional Development Director, Joseph Campbell

    18 Relay for Life Community Service. Fight Against Cancer, Organized by Vice President, Leon Sheen


    19 Alumni Mixer Meet & Greet at D&Bs, Organized by Vice President, Leon Sheen

    20 Karaoke Night Social Event organized by Student Affairs Director, Kainoa Fong

    MAY OVERIVEW 21 Aloha Banquet Celebrating our Milestones, Organized by Director of Marketing, Charise Yamatsuka


    14 Alumni Reaching out

    23 Graduates Class of 2014

    25 SHRM Aloha Chapter Donation


    Healthy Sleep Tips National Sleep Foundation


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    IBCIBCEST. 1987EST. 1987




    Fearlessly through the morning mist, the board members rolled up onto the field of battle to set up the SHRM headquarters. The chapter kicked off Super Clubs Day with the volleyball tournament, and in the first round was SHRM against PSE (Pi Sigma Epsilon)! Led by our Volleyball General, Charise Yamatsuka, and Sports Commander, Kainoa Fong, the SHRMies made their way to the field. Thanks to great teamwork and communication, SHRM were able to defeat PSE in a 15-4 and 15-5 sweep, boosting our morale with the first victory of the day! Terrible clouds loomed over the horizon, however, as SHRM had their second round almost immediately. With no quarter, they made their way to the

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    volleyball courts yet again, this time against BEST (Business Executive Society of Tomorrow). The first set had many good rallies, with many lasted longer than 3-5 minutes. Unfortunately, we lost the first set with 8-15, but its not over yet! Alternating sides they started their second setwithout very good results. With a number of over and under-shots, BEST was able to take a dramatic lead with 2-10. But they did not give up, that is not what SHRMies do! Reigniting their passion, the SHRMies started pushing them back, closing the gap until it became 13-14! Lets go SHRMies; victory is within their reach! But alas, they could not keep it up forever as BEST was able to secure the winning point in the very next round and SHRM was knocked out of the competition. Good job to the volleyball team! Better luck next time! Although they werent able to get that far in Volleyball, they still had Football, Relay, and Cheer to win them the trophy. On the Football team, coached by Alumni Captains Jared Lazo and Landon Wong, and spearheaded by Commander, Kainoa Fong, we aimed for 1st! Vehemently taking to the field, they were ready to


    make a comeback! Facing up against DSP (Delta Sigma Pi), they knew that this was going to be a good match. Getting the first shot at the ball, they were able to win the first point, but not without heavy resistance from DSP. With more than half of the first half already over, it was DSPs turn to show their offense. Exploding out of the gate and through the SHRMies defense, they were able to score a touchdown in the very first play! Knowing what they were up against now, it was their mission to score the next point and solidify their defenses. By halftime, the score was 2-1 in our favor. After a briefing with our captains, the football stars took to the field again and the second half was underway. By this time, Vice President, Leon Sheen, had came over after the discussion and hyped up the SHRMie onlookers into a cheering frenzy, cheering


    the team into first as the battle ended with 3-2! In our second round, SHRM went up against AMA (American Marketing Association). Knowing that its going to be a hard battle, the captains rallied their troops and the game was on! The SHRMies stormed the field and enter into an intense clashing of bodies, ending the first half in 0-1 with the ball on AMAs side. Luckily, SHRM had a solid defense and prevented them from scoring again before the buzzer. Not wanting to lose, Captain Lazo rallied the team while Vice President, Sheen, rallied the spectators for the second half! Just like the first half, the second half was an intense match with neither side willing to yield to the other. However, AMA managed to slip through a crack in the SHRMs defense and scored a

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    touchdown, marking the score as 0-2. Determined to at least even the score within what was left of the second half, the SHRMies hiked up their britches, tucked in their heads, and easily scored a touchdown, making it 1-2! Unfortunately, with only a couple minutes left on the clock and the ball in AMAs hands, the SHRMies werent able to even up the score, but were able to prevent AMA from scoring again, ending the bout in a 1-2 loss. Losing football and volleyball for the SHRMies in their second round was a heavy hit on them, with the fate of SHRM being laid


    upon Relay and Cheers shoulders. But it was not yet over, the SHRM team was notified that they were still in the game! Even though they are out for first or second in football, they could still fight for third! As with the first football match, the team was given a chance to rest their aching bones before having to take to the field again. In the arrival of both teams, SHRM was able to scout out their competition; it was EC (Entrepreneurs Club), a club that holds a very good relationship with SHRM. Seeing the competition, while still determined to win, the SHRMies knew that the intensity of this


    match wouldnt get in the way of the two clubs. Once again SHRM was given the ball first. SHRM slowly pushed EC back, making very good progress with their beginning plays. However, with only a few plays away from scoring our first touchdown, EC intercepted their pass and took the ball into their own hands! Unable to hold them back, EC scored the first touchdown with about 2 minutes left in the first half. Even though SHRM lost the first touchdown, they could still reverse the situation! With the ball in their hands, they pushed them back yet again! But alas, as if to completely mirror the first attempt at a touchdown, a pass

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    was intercepted, giving EC the ball again. This time, however, the SHRMies would not let them through! EC edged SHRM ever closer to their end zone, but they would not yield! Before EC could score again, the timer ran out and the first half was over, ending in 0-1. Entering the second half, EC still had the ball, which meant that SHRM was starting on the defense. SHRMies couldnt hold the competition back forever, pushing the score to 0-2. With the ball once again in SHRMs hands, they stopped the risky plays and went for the sure, but safer routes, it resulted in a touchdown! On defense once again, SHRM decided to give EC a taste of their own medicine: by intercepting what would have been a touchdown pass! Our football


    MVP Scott Nguyen tore through the field, gaining a good 20 yards before tackled. Things were looking up as SHRM actually had a chance to even things out! They pushed EC almost all the way back to their end zone, but with the seconds ticking down to the end; we had to shoot for a touchdown pass. The whistle blew and the play started. Our football all-stars rushed for the back to catch the ball, but ECs defenses were solid on their tail. Ten seconds left. No openings. There wasnt a single hole in their defense. Five seconds. Quarterback Jared Kushi had to throw the ball, there was no time left. As the ball flew through the air to the furthest corner, one of ECs players jumped in the air and intercepted the pass, resulting in a 1-2 loss with three interceptions. SHRM had lost for third and settled comfortably into fourth.


    Retiring to their tent, the football team was finally able to eat their lunch. It was up to Relay and Cheer to bring victory back to SHRM now. After lunch, the Relay event was kicked off with Brain Bowl, led by Supreme Commander, Ha Vong, easily won. In the second half of the Relay, we blasted out of the gate with a comfortable lead until we got to the human wheelbarrow. Unable to balance the orange on our back, we lost our lead and ended up near last place for the race. The pressure all came down upon cheer, led by Master Sheen. Two weeks prior to Super Clubs Day, IBC declared its optional rule to have an advisor from their department be a part of the cheer. However, SHRMs advisor had

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    recently undergone surgery and was recovering, leaving us without an advisor. Hoping that it would not cause us to lose a lot of points, we focused all of our attention into ensuring that our entire cheer was in sync. Practicing in the hot sun, we shouted and rehearsed until we were called to the field. SHRM was called up first on to the field. Hoping to set the bar for the other clubs we entered into our routine. With a large smile on their faces


    and a dangerous amount of sass in their bodies, they continued dancing through the cacophony of cheers from the crowd and ended with style! After the last performance, the SHRMies went back to their tent and waited for the results. All the clubs crowded around the speaker, as she announced the results. Unfortunately SHRM did not place for cheer nor overall.


    Even though SHRM did not win nor place in any of the events, they still held our heads up high as theyve tried their best and had a lot of fun, representing SHRM in the best way possible. However, this just means that SHRM will do even better next semester, so lets shoot for the stars and the champion cup!

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    MAY 01


    May 1st, the SHRM Aloha Chapter celebrates its 40th Anniversary during their Professional Interaction Night (PIN); held at The Plaza Club in downtown, Honolulu. The PIN event is the chapters biggest professional event; filled with opportunity for members to meet, interact and have dinner conversations with professionals in the Hawaiis business community. This event exposes members to network and ask questions and for professionals to meet new, incoming talent which may lead to internships and full-time hires.




    The evening included a meet & greet mixer for all attendees, a buffet dinner, and a one-on-one round to pair members up with various HR professionals, local SHRM leaders in Hawaii, and representatives from the SHRM Board of Directors. This years PIN had hosted its celebration of the SHRM Aloha Chapters 40th Anniversary. To celebrate this, we had Timeline Guest Speakers featuring Chapter Presidents from the past and present. The Timeline guest speakers included, Ryan Okunaga (Ito Healthcare Group), Jacie Gyotoku (ALTRES), and current President Ha Vong. The


    timeline speakers gave few words about their experiences in the chapter during their time, their most memorable moments, and what theyve gotten out of being in the chapter. The SHRM Aloha Chapter recognizes Star Honolulu Advertiser, SAPFB, SHRM Hawaii, for sponsoring the event. Also recognizes Xerox Hawaii for sponsoring the 50 resume booklets. Lastly, recognizes Alan Wongs, SHRM Hawaii Board of Directors, Womens Fund of Hawaii, and KumabeHR, for their generous donations for prizes giveaway for the evening.

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    Also welcoming recent alumni of the chapter as guest of the evening includes, Adrian Catalan (2012-2013 President), Vanessa Batinga (2012-2013 Secretary), Princess Karen Galano (Sp 2013 Corporate Relations Director), Landon Wong (Fl 2013 Fundraising Director), & Jared Lazo (Fl 2013 Student Affairs Director). The SHRM Aloha Chapter recognizes these individuals for their support and continuous love for the organization. They had given their much support to the chapter as SHRM Alumni and Professionals, on their way of becoming the movers and shakers in Hawaii Business Community!

    The evening program included two award recognitions, in honor of the chapters two award recipients. The first award that was given out was the Human Resources Excellence Award; it recognizes a member who displayed dedication and most activity in the chapter. This award was honored to Geng Jun Fang, for his excellence display! The second award that was given that night was the Diamond Sales Award; this award recognizes a member who contributed to the most funds into the club. This award was honored to Alec Catalan, for his excellent contribution! Honoring the two awards was Janelle Yee, president of SHRM Hawaii College Committee, Oahu District.

    Human Resources Excellence GENG JUN FANG Awarded by Janelle Yee

    Diamond Sales Award ALEC CATALAN Awarded by Janelle Yee

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    Raquel Gibson, Nio Kim, Grant Shindo, Ryan Goo, Henry Ma Greg Chilson, Songhwa Yim , Tammy Nakamatsu

    Jennifer To, YeeYeng Lim , Kristin Inouye, Scott Nguyen Wilson Yip, Riley Ching, Cindy Paguyo

    Jacqueline Ornellas, Jaci Gyotoku, Michael Hoe, Alec Catalan, Jon Paul Akeo Megan Williams, Ryan Okunaga, Michelle Kauinui

    Devy Jane Agustin, Melissa Pavlicek, Janel Honda, Dayle Akamine, Issac Fang Tyler Navarro, Sayaka Ogura, Nathalie Pettit

    Perlina Cheng, Thelma Kehaulani Kam, Glenda Supnet, Jasmine Wong, Maya Asai, Sheina Baybayan, Kari Tsugawa

    Michael Kuzma, Linell Sylvester, Christina Fasi, Kristine Uclaray, Arik Ma, Nicole Ng, Jill Briney, Hiina Goi

    Lilian Li, Joyce Yip, Michelle Quach, Joshua Shon, Elgine Onaka, Lani Pelayan, Travis Watanabe

    Leon Sheen, Jordan Saba, Nina Nguyen, Jennifer Sakumoto, Beulah Olanolan

    Isaac Lui, Constancio Paranal III, Trisha Toguchi, Mary Ann Swendsen, Zane Wu, Patrick Stuart, Gannon Chibana

    Janelle Yee, Larsen Miho, Kennysen Cheong, Aurel Japheth Tinaza, Keevan Matsumoto

    Jessica Higashi, Grant Higa, Alyson Emde, Kainoa Fong, Marcus Griego, Diana Nguyen, Katie Ward, Joseph Campbell

    Vanessa Batinga, Princess Karen Galano, Landon Wong, Jared Lazo, Adrian Catalan

    Dinner Guests Business Professionals & Students

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    Mahalo! An appreciation message from the SHRM Aloha Chapter, Mahalo to all the professionals who took time off their busy schedules to attend this event. Our enthusiastic students had an excellent experience getting to know you and your career journeys, words of guidance, and the opportunities you have given them; from that, we can only continue to thrive in our learning. We appreciate your continuous support and taking the time to share this experience with the SHRM Aloha Chapter. We hope for you support and involvement for the next semester! We couldnt have done this without you!

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    The SHRM Aloha Chapter is looking to reconnect with their chapters alumni and they need your HELP!

    If you were a SHRM Aloha Chapter member or know someone who is,

    please contact us through the chapters email:

    [email protected]

    Or visit their webpage at:

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    [!!!!Company Tours!!!!!]!Company tours are opportunities to gain insight about exceptional businesses in Hawaii. Members will see behind the scenes and learn about the corporate culture and how facilities are run in the company, as well as, the role they plays in the Hawaiis community. Members will learn the different areas and positions in the company and find out what the company looks for in job candidates.

    [ Workshops !!!!]!The Society for Human Resources Management, Aloha Chapter intends to equip its members with the skills necessary to transform their professionalism into a career. Through a series of three, tiered workshops that build upon each other, students will learn what skills are necessary to become a professional, and then how to practice those skills in order to obtain a career.

    [!Community Services!]!Community Services are a way for members to help and give back to their community. Members will have the opportunity to donate or volunteer in various services through the chapter. This will also help create bonds and friendship between their fellow SHRM Aloha Chapter members.






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    Student Developme

    nt Program

    Company Tour The SHRM Aloha Chapters last and final company tour at Pro Service Hawaii was held on Monday, April 14! Led by Director of Corporate Relations, Angel Diep; members were taken for a ride on this tour as they learned about ProService Hawaiis services, work environments, and moral code before being given a mock interview! Although they had gained many skills in professionalism throughout the semester so far, members were able to gain much more valuable experiences as every company interviews differently, and by being exposed to the many different types of interviewers out there, the SHRM Aloha Chapter students are edging ever closer to being experienced professionals! The chapter would like to give many thank you to everyone who came out and to Pro Service Hawaii for their great hospitality!

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    April 9 was the final rung in our three-tier process: Life After College. This workshop was developed in Josephs vision in mind as a means to help our graduating SHRMies prepare for the post-graduate life and how to proceed with their fresh degree(s). With Guest speaker Beulah Olanolan from Olsten Staffing, the SHRMies were able to learn what the career market is like and common mistakes that many graduates make when searching, applying, and even interviewing for a job. The students also learned what things we can do that will dazzle potential employers and make ourselves shine! Beulah gave her many insights about some things shes done and recommendations in finding a job and gaining that business experience employer typically





    will expect of them, the dos and donts regarding promotions and career advancement, and also how to go about moving o r changing


    jobs. Lianne gave her insights and shared her own expertise. The members had gained a lot, especially the graduates!


    Introducing an exclusive workshop on April 23; open to only members whos been actively attending our previous workshops; our Taking Care of Business workshop featured Lianne Maeda, Recruitment Manager at the Disney Aulani Resort. This workshop allows members to gain a realistic understanding of what employers


    look for, as well as, the benefit of finding a mentor that can guide you as you move forward into your career. Again, the chapter would like to give a big Mahalo to Beulah for being an excellent speaker!


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    The SHRM Aloha Chapter continues to show their support in the fight against breast cancer by participating in a board game-themed Relay for Life underneath the Inter-Business Council (IBC) banner with 10 other Shidler organization on April 12-13! Resting their bodies for the long night of fun, games, and activities! The SHRMies slowly trickled their way into the T.C. Ching Field, grabbed their Relay for Life T-shirt, designed by SHRM Aloha Chapter President, Ha Vong, and made their way around the track in support of the cause and some remained under the tent; preparing for the long night to come.


    The night of activities started with the Relay for Life dance-off held at the front-center of the field! Not one to miss such an opportunity; Vice President, Leon Sheen sprung at the call and represented both IBC and SHRM in the dance-off. Flourishing his unique style of class and wild dancing, our Vice President was able to take home the win and was prized with a board game: Connect Four! Later that night, the chapter celebrated the SHRM Aloha Chapters IBC Senator, Sheina Baybayan, and Director of Professional Development, Joseph Campbells Birthday! Pulled away by Leon Sheen and a handful of other SHRMies; Director of Marketing Charise


    Yamatsuka was able to bring out two surprised Birthday cakes! The chapter celebrated Sheinas and Josephs belated birthday with a bang and reinvigorated our tired minds with cake! The rest of the night was filled with festivity and music, and by the end of the event; the sun started to break through the shadows of the night, a handful of SHRMies remained on the field and our tent had been taken down. We saver the rest of dawn with the little energy we had left, with the company of each other. The event was a great success, and the members really enjoyed each others company! The event brought the organization even closer than ever, in the fight against cancer!

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    Alumni Mixer

    On April 24th the SHRM had its annual Alumni Mixer Night! The event entails of pupu style dinner and billiards for the invited new, old alumni, and current chapter members, at Dave & Buster. Our students were given the opportunity to network and socialize with the chapters alumni. The alumni enjoyed event and enjoyed connecting back with the chapter. This event allows the chapter to build a tight network and connections with our alumni in hope to gain great support from each other! The SHRM Aloha Chapter is greatly thankful for the attendance and the reach out of the alumni. At the end of the night, everybody had fun and enjoyed each other company. A big Mahalo to our SHRMies Alumni! Another big Mahalo to Vice President, Leon Sheen, for organizing this incredible event!

    Meet & Greet

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    Singing their heart out at Krazy Karaoke on April 25! What better way is there to wrap up a semester and pump up the members for Super Clubs Day, than by having carefree time at karaoke? From the shocking raps to the adorable duets and soothing singles, karaoke was a night to remember! Both members and alumni came out tonight to enjoy this fabulous night of harmony! SHRMies best duet singer goes to Nikki Oka and Reyn Yamamoto. Best in rap goes to our dear SHRMie, Geng Jun Fang and Jordan Saba. Our boy band crew goes to Jared Lazo, Ryan Goo, and Kainoa Fong. Recognizing our Vice President for best in Classical music! Look out, because these SHRMies could be the next Rising Star! Overall, the SHRMies blew the roof off with their stunning voices, and had a fun time with the company of each other.


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    On May 9th, we had our SHRM Aloha Chapter Banquet at UH Manoas Campus Center Executive Dining Room. This semesters theme was Celebrating our Milestones, where the Chapter came together for one last get-together to celebrate our 40th Anniversary.

    Aloha Banquet Celebrating our Milestones


    Everyone enjoyed and participated in the various entertainment hosted with dinner catered by Sodexo. Our graduating members bid us farewell with their final speeches: Ryan Goo, Jared Kushi, Jon Rivera, Leon Sheen, Glenda Supnet, and Ha Vong, wishing the newly elected board members the


    best in carrying on SHRM Aloha Chapters legacy. Continuing with the Chapters 40th Anniversary, SHRM will continue to thrive and accomplish wonderful things within the Shidler College of Business, the University and in the business community.

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    talk to everyone professionally and as friends. SHRM made me part of the club, not just to be part of a group but as a family. Closeness and friendliness are a big part of Devys passion for SHRM, and is glad to know that she will be passing that sort of friendliness to future SHRMies! When asked, If you had only one last meal

    before being frozen for a long journey through space, what would it be

    and why, she said, I would like to have some pasta because I might change my mind and will finally like it. With such bright dreams for the future, its nice to know that she isnt afraid of revisiting past

    experiences to overcome them! When asked, Where is your

    happy place, she quickly responded by saying, Somewhere

    closer to nature, where I can drive 10 minutes away from the beach, 30 minutes away from a great hike, and where I can call home. It sounds like Devy really loves Hawaii! Thank you for all of your hard work thus far, Devy, the chapter is looking forward to what youre going to do in the future!


    DEVY JANE AGUSTIN This month we honor our veteran SHRMie, Devy Jane Agustin, our Returning SHRMie of the Month! Although a little bit on the quieter side as well, Devy has shown great growth and dedication to SHRM over the past two semesters and we couldnt be more proud of her! She is currently a senior majoring in accounting, and joined SHRM because of how friendly everyone was. Currently focusing on graduating with a Bachelors in Accounting, Devy hopes to eventually take the CPA exam and continue onto law school while working at a local firm to cement her knowledge. Such big yet realistic dreams! Upon joining SHRM, she stated that she gained professional skills such as being able to speak to professionals because of the workshops, the mock interview, and all the other feedback she received. She also learned how to be a team player and how to be a good candidate when interviewing. When asked, What is your favorite part about SHRM, she responded, I was able to


    KENNYSEN CHEONG This month we honor Kennysen Cheng as our New SHRMie of the Month! Despite being on the quieter side, Kenny is one of the most dedicated and beloved members! He is currently a senior majoring in Management and looking for a double major in Marketing. His immediate goal is to get his degree and network with as many people as he can. While he doesnt have a single, favorite movie, he loves comedy and feel-good movies! Recruited by Vice President, Leon Sheen, Kenny wouldnt have joined any club at all if it werent for him! Kenny enjoys his time in SHRM as he said that he loves all the social aspects of the club and how it provides him an opportunity to meet new people or just to hang out and talk story with the other members. He also gained many friendships and networking opportunities thanks to SHRM, and is very grateful! His long-term goal is to get a good job with good job security with a key factor, which is to love going to work every day. As a management major and someone who has seen things from an HR side of things now. Kenny has the skills to morph your future


    office environment into the perfect blend of warmth and productivity. The chapter is looking forward to what youre going to accomplish in the future! When asked If you could live in only one place for the rest of your life, where would it be and why, Kenny responded, Hawaii is the only place for me. Iguess it is kind of a clich, but luckily we live in Hawaii where it is always sunny and the people always show

    aloha no matter what time of the day it is.

    Following up with the question, Where is your happy place? Kenny said, I guess I have a couple of happy places. The first one that I thought of was anywhere near food because

    food always makes me happy. The other one would be nature

    like the beach or a scenic spot. Although since I am a big boy I would take the food spots. Hawaii is a great place where we are surrounded by beautiful scenery and yet are also surrounded by a large diversity of cuisine. Luckily, Hawaii is a combination of both of Kenys happy places! Keep up the good work Kenny; looking forward to what more youre going to accomplish!


    Q4: Your last meal before being cryogenically frozen to make a trip through space.

    Q5: If you had to live somewhere for the rest of your life, where would you life and why?

    MEET OUR SHRMIES Featuring

    I would live somewhere in Europe because it is a beautiful place with a lot of history and amazing architecture. Plus you can, if you get board of one place, travel to other countires within an hour. The possibilities are endless!. Michelle Quach California. Originally, Im from Saipan and moved to Hwaii about 4 years ago. I love the island life and I love being active. At the same time, howere, I like my surraoundings a little bit more fast paced. California has great surf.

    JP Ermitanio I always dream to be in New York City. I enjoy being in the big city with a lot of people. I enjoy observing people.

    Joyce Yip

    Dirty licking chicken wings in Aiea. Kimberly Cayco Broccolis, because this is my favorite food which I eat almost every day. I think Ill be very satisfied if I could eat that before becoming frozen.

    Hiina Goi I would have a 3 course meal starting with soup and salad, then a huge Korean BBQ plate with all my faves, then for dessert, all my favorite gummies.

    Christina Fasi For me, I think I would eat a nice bowl of ramen with an over easy egg on top. Unlike other people who might choose more expensive foods like sushi or lobster, I choose ramen because it represents how I dont need something luxurious to make me happy.

    Lillian Li

  • Glenda Supnet BBA in Human Resources

    Ha Vong BBA in Marketing

    Jared Kushi BBA in Entrepreneurship, MGT, FIN, IB

    Jon Andrew Rivera BBA in Mgt. Information Systems

    Josh Shon BBA in Marketing, Management, IB

    Leon Sheen BA in Travel Industry Management

    Ryan Goo BBA in Finance

    Christopher Lau Human Resources Management Dayle M. Akamine Education in Japanese

    Jhenelyn R. Galo Human Resources Management John Patrick Ermitanio Management Michael Kuzma Management

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    2014 SPRING

    The Society for Human Resource Management, Aloha Chapter is a student organization that focuses on the different aspect of HRM. The organization was founded in 1974, with its vision to provide members with information about top HR trends, resources, and the best networking events with quality HR professionals that will help develop, shape, and expose our members to business professionals while preparing them for the Hawaii business community We accept donations or sponsorships for this event from all who want to support the SHRM Aloha Chapter. Any monetary amount is valid and greatly appreciated. Please email us at [email protected] for any questions or concerns. Thank you in advance for you support.

    READY TO DONATE? Please visit:

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    How Does the Average Business Men and Women Stay Focus? Resourced from

    The average business professional has 30 to 100 projects on their plate. Modern workers are interrupted seven times an hour and distracted up to 2.1 hours a day. And four out of 10 people working at large companies are experiencing a major corporate restructuring, and therefore facing uncertainly about their futures. This may be why more than 40% of adults say they lie awake at night plagued by the stressful events of the day. People are asking me for answers, says Sharon Melnick, Ph.D., a business psychologist and author of just released Success Under Stress. Everyone feels overwhelmed and overly busy. Is there a way to maintain steady focus throughout the day? Is it possible to do everything that needs to get done and still have energy left over after work? How do you keep cool under so many demands? Informed by 10 years of Harvard research and field-tested by more than 6,000 clients and trainees, Melnick offers the following strategies to take your work stress down a peg, before it takes over your life. Act Rather Than React We experience stress when we feel that situations are out of our control, says Melnick. It activates the stress hormone and, if chronic, wears down confidence, concentration and well-being. She advises that you identify the aspects of the situation you can control and aspects you cant. Typically, youre in control of your actions and responses, but not in control of macro forces or someone elses tone, for example. Be impeccable for your 50%, she advises. And try to let go of the rest. Take A Deep Breath If youre feeling overwhelmed or are coming out of a tense meeting and need to clear your head, a few minutes of deep breathing will restore balance, says Melnick. Simply inhale for five seconds, hold and exhale in equal counts through the nose. Its like getting the calm and focus of a 90-minute yoga class in three minutes or less at your desk, she says. Eliminate Interruptions Most of us are bombarded during the day, says Melnick. Emails, phone calls, pop ins, instant messages and sudden, urgent deadlines conspire to make todays workers more distracted than ever. While you may not have control over the interrupters, you can control your response. Melnick advises responding in one of three ways: Accept the interruption, cut it off, or diagnosis its importance and make a plan. Many interruptions are recurring and can be anticipated. You want to have preset criteria for which response you want to make, she says. You can also train those around you by answering email during certain windows, setting up office hours to talk in person or closing the door when you need to focus. Schedule Your Day For Energy And Focus Most of us go through the day using a push, push, push approach,

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    thinking if we work the full eight to 10 hours, well get more done. Instead, productivity goes down, stress levels go up and you have very little energy left over for your family, Melnick says. She advises scheduling breaks throughout the day to walk, stretch at your desk or do a breathing exercise. Tony Schwartz of the Energy Project has shown that if we have intense concentration for about 90 minutes, followed by a brief period of recovery, we can clear the buildup of stress and rejuvenate ourselves, she says. Eat Right And Sleep Well Eating badly will stress your system, says Melnick, who advises eating a low-sugar, high-protein diet. And when youre not sleeping well, youre not getting the rejuvenating effects. According to the CDC, an estimated 60 million Americans do not get sufficient sleep, which is a critical recovery period for the body. If racing thoughts keep you from falling asleep or you wake up in the night and cant get back to sleep, Melnick suggests a simple breathing trick that will knock you out fast: Cover your right nostril and breathe through your left for three to five minutes. Change Your Story Your perspective of stressful office events is typically a subjective interpretation of the facts, often seen through the filter of your own self-doubt, says Melnick. However, if you can step back and take a more objective view, youll be more effective and less likely to take things personally. She recalls one client who sent a request to human resources for more people on an important project. When she was denied, she immediately got angry and defensive, thinking they didnt trust her to know what she needed. Yet she never stopped to even consider there might be budgetary issues on their end. Once she was able to remove herself from the situation, she called the HR director and said: Tell me where youre coming from, Ill tell you where Im coming from and then lets see if we can find a solution. Ultimately, it worked Cool Down Quickly When you feel frustrated or angry, its a heated feeling in your body that can cause you to react, says Melnick. Instead of immediately reactingand likely overreactingshe suggests trying a cooling breath technique: Breathe in through your mouth as if you are sipping through a straw, and then breathe out normally through your nose. Done right, youll feel a cooling, drying sensation over the top of your tongue. Its like hitting the pause button, giving you time to think about your response. She says, Its so powerful it will even calm the other person down. Identify Self-Imposed Stress Learn to stop self imposing stress by building your own self-confidence rather than seeking others approval, says Melnick. If youre too caught up in others perceptions of you, which you cant control, you become stressed out by the minutia or participate in avoidance behaviors like procrastination. Ironically, once you shift your focus from others perception of your work to the work itself, youre more likely to impress them.

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    Prioritize Your Priorities With competing deadlines and fast-changing priorities, its critical to define whats truly important and why. That requires clarity, says Melnick. Its important to understand your role in the organization, the companys strategic priorities, and your personal goals and strengths. Cull your to-do list by focusing on those projects that will have the most impact and are best aligned with your goals. Reset The Panic Button For those who become panic-y and short of breath before a presentation, Melnick says you can quickly reduce your anxiety with the right acupressure point. Positioning your thumb on the side of your middle finger and applying pressure instantly helps regulate your blood pressure. Influence Others Even if youre responsible for your behavior and outlook, youre still left dealing with other peoples stressful behavior, Melnick notes. She advises confronting a problem coworker or employee by stating the bad behavior in a respectful tone, describing the impact on the team and the individual, and requesting a change. For example, constant negativity might be addressed in this way: When you speak in a critical tone, it makes others uncomfortable and less likely to see you as a leader. I understand your frustration but request that you bring concerns directly to me, so we can talk them through. By transferring the ownership of the problem, youre more likely to resolve it. Be Your Own Best Critic Some 60,000 thoughts stream through your mind each day, Melnick says, and internal negativity is just as likely to stress you out as an external event. The fix? Instead of being harsh and critical of yourself, try pumping yourself up. Encouraging thoughts will help motivate you to achieve and ultimately train you to inspire others.

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