T206 Project “Shot List”: Scene Shot Description Elements 1 1) Wide/High Angle Artist is sitting at his desk Char 1: BG: Props: VFX: Painter, desk 1 2) Low angle/POV From the spider’s perspective, we crawl along the ground toward the painter’s desk and begin to crawl up the leg. 1 3) Low Angle/ Medium close From the spider’s perspective, we look up at the plainer doodling something. The painter is clearly frustrated and 1 4) Low Angle/Medium close Painter throws brush at the wall Painter, fine tip paint brush 1 5) Medium shot Painter starts to draw Painter and desk 2 1) Wide shot Painter walks to wall Painter Posters, wall, painting, painting supplies 2 2) Medium close, Low Painter tears down posters Painter and posters

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T206 Project “Shot List”:

Scene Shot Description Elements

1 1) Wide/High Angle

Artist is sitting at his desk

Char 1:



VFX: Painter, desk

1 2) Low angle/POV

From the spider’s perspective, we crawl along the ground toward the painter’s desk and begin to crawl up the leg.

1 3) Low Angle/ Medium close

From the spider’s perspective, we look up at the plainer doodling something.

The painter is clearly frustrated and

1 4) Low Angle/Medium close

Painter throws brush at the wall

Painter, fine tip paint brush

1 5) Medium shot Painter starts to draw

Painter and desk

2 1) Wide shot Painter walks to wall

Painter Posters, wall, painting, painting supplies

2 2) Medium close, Low

Painter tears down posters

Painter and posters

angle from wall

2 3) Wide shot Begins to paint on the wall

Painter, supplies, wall, crumpled posters at feet

2 4) Close up of face/ low angle

Determination of painters face


2 5) Close up Paint being brushed on the wall

Paint, wall, paint brush

2 6) Wide Angle Painting near complete, light radiates

Painter, wall, paint supplies, painting

3 1) High Angle/ Medium far

Light begins to reveal the musician

Stool, guitar, musician, blank sheet music

3 2) Close up Strange expression

Musician’s face

3 3) Close up Feet (stand up)

Musician’s shoes

3 4) In motion wide angle

Musician walks to mural

Musician, guitar, painting

3 5) Medium angle/ medium high

Musician coughs


3 6) Close medium

Painter continues to paint

Painter in foreground and musician out of focus in the back, paint brush

3 7) Medium angle/ medium high

Musician speaks


3 8) Motion medium wide

Musician walks to painter

Musician, painter

3 9) Close up Musician taps painter

Musician, painter, hand

3 10) Medium close/ low angle

Painter is startled


3 11) Medium close

Painter realizes what he’s done and looks at brush

Painter, brush, painting

3 12) Medium-wide

Painter pedals backward


3 13) Medium close

4 1) Medium wide Musician walking

Musician, painter in background painting again

4 2) Close up Musician takes a step

Musician’s shoe and bug

4 3) Medium close motion

Through three steps of pacing

Up the musician’s leg

4 4) Medium Recoil She’s been bitten

4 5) Close up Musician Dazed face

4 6) Close up Paint brush Rhythmic strokes

4 7) Close up Strap Guitar in motion as it swings around her body

5 1) Close up Hands playing Guitar body/strings

5 2) Close up Left hand Chords guitar

5 3) Medium Musician Playing

5 4) Wide shot Musician playing/ painter painting

5 5Medium/wide shot

Painter at mural

Musician walks into frame

5 6) Medium shot Painter’s face Smile and nod

5 7) Medium shot Musician Smile back

6 1) Medium close

Floor, light radiating from mural

Dancer’s feet come into shot as camera moves across the floor

6 2) Pan upward to medium close

Dancer Still, interested. Distracted from filmmaker

6 3) Medium close

Camera He director’s head rises up from behind the camera.

6 4) Close up Dancer Looking at filmmaker

6 5) Close up Filmmaker Looking at dancer

7 1) Medium motion

Dancer and filmmaker

Walk toward mural

7 2) Wide shot All four Congregating closer to mural

7 3) Medium Dancer and filmmaker

Dancer looking interested, filmmaker looking disinterested/scoffs

7 4) Harsh low angle

Dancer swaying We see the bug coming down to

Bug, dancer

his shoulder from the ceiling

7 5) Medium Dancer flinches

Char 1: dancer

VFX: bug

7 6) Close Right leg and foot start to dance

Char 1: dancer

7 7) Full body Whole body dancing

Char 1:dancer

7 8) Wide angle All three (painting, playing and dancing)

Char 1: painter

Char 2: musician

Char 3: Dancer

BG: mural

Props: guitar, painting supplies

VFX: dancing, painting, playing

8 1) Close/high Filmmaker sulks in a hard wooden chair


Prop: chair

8 2) Close Reaching in cabinet

Prop: cabinet, scotch, glass

3) Close Hand and ooze Prop: Green Ooze

8 3) Medium/high Filmmaker thinking and drinking


Prop: cabinet, scotch, glass

BG: Mural

9 1) Close Shot The filmmaker’s hand stops guitar strings

Char 1: musician

Props: guitar

9 2) Close Shot The dancer’s feet stop moving

Char 1: dancer

9 3) Close Shot The painter’s hand stops stoking the Mural and drops the brush

Char 1: painter

Props: brush, mural

9 4) Medium close

Filmmaker staring down musician

Char 1: filmmaker

Char 2: musician

9 5) High angle circular motion.

Panoramic view of characters’ faces configured in a circle

Char 1: painter

Char 2: musician

Char 3: dancer

Char 4: filmmaker

BG: mural

Props: guitar, painting stuff

VFX: motion

9 6) Low angle motion shot

Camera behind the three actors looking up at the filmmaker, we see him as we pan between their bodies

Char 1: filmmakers

Char 2: painter

Char 3: dancer

Char 4: musician

Props: guitar

9 7) Medium close

Painter’s response to filmmaker

Char 1: painter

BG: Mural

9 8) Wide medium high angle shot

Musician, painter, dancer. Pans between characters as they speak.

Char 1: musician

Char 2: painter

Char 3: dancer

BG: mural

Props: guitar

9 9) Wide high angle shot

Painter, dancer, musician, Dancer does a jig

Char 1: dancer

Char 2: painter

Char 3L musician

BG: mural

Props: guitar

9 10) High angle medium close shot

Musician, painter, dancer. Pans between characters as they speak.

Char 1: painter

Char 2: dancer

Char 3: musician

BG: mural

Props: guitar

9 11) Close shot Dancer’s arm, shows the bite

Char 1: dancer

9 12) High angle medium close shot

Musician, painter, dancer. Pans between characters as they speak.

Char 1: painter

Char 2: dancer

Char 3: musician

BG: mural

Props: guitar

9 13) Close shot Painter’s arm, Char 1: painter

shows bite

9 14) High angle medium close shot

Musician, painter, dancer. Pans between characters as they speak.

Char 1: painter

Char 2: dancer

Char 3: musician

BG: mural

Props: guitar

9 15) Close shot Musician’s arm, shows bite

Char 1: musician

9 16) High angle medium close shot

Musician, painter, dancer. Pans between characters as they speak.

Char 1: painter

Char 2: dancer

Char 3: musician

BG: mural

Props: guitar

10 1) Low angle medium close

Filmmaker, getting upset

Char 1: filmmaker

2) Wide angle All four discussing sketch pads

Char 1: painter

Char 2: dancer

Char 3: musician

Char 4: filmmaker

BG: painter’s desk

Props: sketch pads, painting stuff

10 3) Medium zoomed to Close shot

Stool Props: papers, stool, sheet music

10 4) Medium Chair Props: book, sketch

zoomed to Close shot

pad, chair

10 5) Medium zoomed to Close shot

Desk Props: book, loose paper, pens, loose sketches, desk

10 6) Medium shot Empty desk chair, filmmaker sits at desk and collapses, clearly tired

Char 1: filmmaker

BG: painter’s corner

Props: desk, chair

10 7) Low angle medium wide

Musician painter and dancer walk to desk and discussion begins

Char 1: musician

Char 2: painter

Char 3: dancer

BG: mural

Props: guitar paint stuff

10 8)High angle medium wide

Back of the heads of musician painter dancer, looking down at filmmaker speaking

Char 1: musician

Char 2: painter

Char 3: dancer

10 9) High angle medium wide

We see the front of painter filmmaker dancer musician as they continue to speak

Char 1: musician

Char 2: painter

Char 3: dancer

Char 4: filmmaker

10 10) High angle Filmmaker Char 1: filmmaker

medium shot stands BG:



11 1) Wide angle Symmetric view of mural, filmmaker walks into frame and stops in the middle of the frame

Char 1: filmmaker

BG: mural

Props: papers on the ground

11 2) Close shot Filmmaker’s face

Char 1: filmmaker

11 3) Wide angle Symmetric view of mural, filmmaker bends to pick up papers and begins writing

Char 1: filmmaker

BG: mural

Props: papers on the ground

11 4) Zoom in slightly and to the right

Filmmaker paces as he writes, we see the painter musician dancer

Char 1: filmmaker

Char 2: painter

Char 3: musician

Char 4: dancer

11 5) Medium close

Pan from top of mural to the window, light begins to radiate further in to the room

BG: Mural, light, window

11 6) Medium Painter, musician, dancer,

Char 1: filmmaker

filmmaker. Discuss the story board

Char 2: painter

Char 3: musician

Char 4: dancer

Prop: papers

11 7) Medium close

Filmmaker – hands papers

Char 1: filmmaker

Prop: papers

11 8) Medium close

Dancer, [painter and musician look at papers – complimenting papers

Char 1: dancer

Char 2: painter

Char 3: musician

Prop: papers

12 1 Dolly/over the shoulder

Outside Theater, people, Lights

13 1 Dolly/over the shoulder

Inside Theater, people, Lights

14 1) 360 degree high/wide/pan

We see the silhouetted heads of a crowd in a theater. Clapping

Char: Audience

BG: Theater

14 2) High/wide shot

We see the front of the audience clapping in a standing ovation

Char: audience

BG: Theater

14 3) Wide to medium zoom

The four main characters dressed in fancy clothes

Char 1: filmmaker

Char 2: painter

clapping and patting the filmmaker on the back

Char 3: musician

Char 4: dancer

BG: Theater

14 4) Medium close (panning from speaker to speaker)

The four characters talk about the film. The musician, dancer and painter leave the theater.

Char 1: filmmaker

Char 2: painter

Char 3: musician

Char 4: dancer

BG: Theater

14 5) Wide The filmmaker is alone at the front of the theater and the other three file out the back

Char 1: filmmaker

Char 2: painter

Char 3: musician

Char 4: dancer

BG: Theater

14 6) Medium close

The filmmaker smiles

Char 1: filmmaker

BG: Theater

14 7) Close The filmmaker is smiling at the camera straight on and then turns his head revealing the bite on his neck

Char 1: filmmaker

BG: Theater

14 8) Close pan out to wide

The filmmaker exits the theater

Char 1: filmmaker

BG: Theater

14 9) Wide to black

The screen goes black as

BG: Theater

the theater door shuts